Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 1
Standards & “I Can…” Statements - GRADE 3
“I Can…”
Academic Vocab
Reading: Literature
3.RL.1. Ask and answer quesons to demonstrate
understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text
as the basis for the answers.
I can create quesons about a story that can
be answered only by informaon in the text.
I can answer quesons about a story using
informaon from the text.
3.RL.2. Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and
myths from diverse cultures; determine the central
message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is
conveyed through key details in the text.
I can retell in detail different myths, fables,
and folktales from different cultures.
I can determine the lesson or moral of a fable.
I can determine the moral of a myth.
I can determine the point (purpose) of a
I can provide details from the text to prove a
lesson, moral, or point.
3.RL.3. Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits,
movaons, or feelings) and explain how their acons
contribute to the sequence of events.
I can describe the traits of a character(s).
I can describe what movates a character(s).
I can describe the feelings of a character(s).
I can explain how the acons of a character(s)
effect the sequence of a story.
3.RL.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, disnguishing literal from
nonliteral language.
I can describe the rhyming paern.
I can tell the meaning of the poem, story, or
3.RL.5. Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems
when wring or speaking about a text, using terms such
as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each
successive part builds on earlier secons.
I can include details of a story in my wring.
I can include details of a play in my wring.
I can include details of a poem in my wring.
I can include details of a story when talking
about the story.
I can include details about a play when talking
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about the play.
I can use the vocabulary “chapter” when
speaking or wring about a story.
I can use the vocabulary word “scene” when
speaking or wring about a play.
I can use the vocabulary word “stanza” when
speaking or wring about a poem.
I can explain how the acons of one chapter
contribute to the events of the next or
following chapter(s) of a story.
I can explain how the acons of one scene of a
play contribute to the events of the next or
following scenes of a play.
I can explain how the acons of one stanza of
a poem contribute to the events to the next or
following stanza of a poem.
3.RL.6. Disnguish their own point of view from that of
the author of a text.
I can create my own opinion about a text that
is separate from the authors opinion.
3.RL.7. Explain how specific aspects of a texts
illustraons contribute to what is conveyed by the
words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects
of a character or seng).
I can explain how illustraons add meaning to
the words of the story.
I can idenfy illustraons that support the
3.RL.8. (Not applicable to literature)
3.RL.9. Compare and contrast the themes, sengs, and
plots of stories wrien by the same author about the
same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series).
I can explain what is the same and what is
different about different themes in a book
series that contains the same/similar
characters wrien by the same author.
I can explain what is the same and what is
different about different sengs in a book
series that contains the same/similar
characters wrien by the same author.
I can explain what is the same and what is
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different about different plots in a book series
that contains the same/similar characters
wrien by the same author.
3.RL.10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend
literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the
high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band
independently and proficiently.
I can read different types of texts at grade
level accurately and independently.
I can accurately and independently
comprehend different kinds of text at grade
level (grades 2-3 text complexity band).
Reading: Informaonal Text
3.RI.1. Ask and answer quesons to demonstrate
understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text
as the basis for the answers.
I can create quesons about the selecon,
showing that I understand what I have read.
I can answer quesons about the selecon,
showing that I understand what I have read.
I can find (locate) the answers in the
3.RI.2. Determine the main idea of a text; recount the
key details and explain how they support the main idea.
I can tell what the selecon is about.
I can choose important facts.
I can tell the main idea of the selecon.
I can choose important details that help prove
or support the main idea.
I can tell how the details support the main
3.RI.3. Describe the relaonship between a series of
historical events, scienfic ideas or concepts, or steps in
technical procedures in a text, using language that
pertains to me, sequence, and cause/effect.
I can demonstrate how historical events are
connected using me, sequence, and
I can demonstrate how technical procedures
are connected using me, sequence, and
I can demonstrate how scienfic ideas or
concepts are connected using me, sequence,
and cause/effect.
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3.RI.4. Determine the meaning of general academic and
domain specific words and phrases in a text relevant to
a grade 3 topic or subject area.
I can define words or phrases from the text.
3.RI.5. Use text features and search tools (e.g., key
words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate informaon
relevant to a given topic efficiently.
I can use text features and search tools to find
informaon about a given topic or subject.
3.RI.6. Disnguish their own point of view from that of
the author of a text.
I can create my point of view about a text.
I can idenfy how my point of view is similar
or different from the authors.
3.RI.7. Use informaon gained from illustraons (e.g.,
maps, photographs) and the words in a text to
demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where,
when, why, and how key events occur).
I can idenfy facts from illustraons (non-text
features/graphic aids) and words.
I can explain and add meaning to what I am
reading by using illustraons and text.
3.RI.8. Describe the logical connecon between
parcular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g.,
comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a
I can explain connecons that are made
between sentences and paragraphs in a text.
I can idenfy connecon words to help me
understand the text.
3.RI.9. Compare and contrast the most important points
and key details presented in two texts on the same
I can compare how two texts on the same
topic are similar using important points and
key details.
I can contrast how two texts on the same topic
are different using important points and key
I can idenfy the important points and key
details of two texts on the same topic.
3.RI.10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend
informaonal texts, including history/social studies,
science, and technical texts, at the high end of the
grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and
I can read different types of informaonal
texts at grade level accurately and
I can accurately and independently
comprehend different kinds of informaonal
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text at grade level (grades 2-3 text complexity
Reading: Foundaonal Skills
3.RF.1. N/A for Grade 3
3.RF.2. N/A for Grade 3
3.RF.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words. a. Idenfy and know
the meaning of the most common prefixes and
derivaonal suffixes b. Decode words with common
Lan suffixes. c. Decode mulsyllable words. d. Read
grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
I can decode words using phonics and word
I can idenfy and comprehend the meaning of
prefixes (un, re, pre) and suffixes (-er, -est,
I can decode words with common Lan
suffixes (-able, -ment, -on).
I can decode mulsyllable words.
I can read grade-appropriate sight words.
3.RF.4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension. a. Read on-level text with
purpose and understanding. b. Read on-level prose and
poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and
expression on successive readings. c. Use context to
confirm or self-correct word recognion and
understanding, rereading as necessary.
I can read accurately and fluently.
I can set a purpose for reading to help me
understand on-level text.
I can read on-level prose and poetry orally,
accurately, fluently, and with appropriate
expression, aer many pracce readings.
I can use what I am reading (context) to
confirm or self correct words for
I can reread with correcons, when necessary.
3.W.1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts,
supporng a point of view with reasons. a. Introduce
the topic or text they are wring about, state an
opinion, and create an organizaonal structure that lists
I can write an opinion on a given topic or text.
I can create a topic sentence that states and
I can fill in a graphic organizer that lists all the
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reasons. b. Provide reasons that support the opinion. c.
Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore,
since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons. d.
Provide a concluding statement or secon.
reasons for my opinion.
I can provide supporng statements for my
I can use linking words and phrases (e.g.,
because, therefore, since, for example) to
connect my opinions and reasons.
I can write a conclusion.
3.W.2. Write informave/explanatory texts to examine a
topic and convey ideas and informaon clearly. a.
Introduce a topic and group related informaon
together; include illustraons when useful to aiding
comprehension. b. Develop the topic with facts,
definions, and details. c. Use linking words and
phrases (e.g., also,
another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within
categories of informaon.
d. Provide a concluding statement or secon,
I can examine a topic and gain informaon to
share and present.
I can write a topic sentence.
I can organize my topic by grouping related
I can provide illustraons to support my topic.
I can write about a topic by including facts,
definions and details.
I can use linking words and phrases to connect
I can write a conclusion.
3.W.3. Write narraves to develop real or imagined
experiences or events using eecve technique,
descripve details, and clear event sequences. a.
Establish a situaon and introduce a narrator and/or
characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds
naturally. b. Use dialogue and descripons of acons,
thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and
events or show the response of characters to situaons.
c. Use temporal words and phrases to signal event
order. d. Provide a sense of closure.
I can write a story based on real or imaginary
experiences with descripve details and
sequenced events.
I can create a seng that introduces
characters or narrator.
I can write events in sequenal order.
I can use dialogue in my story.
I can describe the acons, thoughts, and
feelings of the characters and show their
responses to events.
I can use me-related transion words to
place events in order (ex.: before, during,
I can write a conclusion.
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3.W.4. With guidance and support from adults, produce
wring in which the development and organizaon are
appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade-specific
expectaons for wring types are defined in standards
1–3 above.)
With help, I can produce grade-level wrings.
3.W.5. With guidance and support from peers and
adults, develop and strengthen wring as needed by
planning, revising, and eding . (Eding for convenons
should demonstrate command of Language standards
1–3 up to and including grade 3.)
With help, I can follow the wring process
(pre-write, wring, revising, eding,
3.W.6. With guidance and support from adults, use
technology to produce and publish wring (using
keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate
with others.
With help, I can use technology to publish and
produce wring.
With help, I can use technology to interact and
collaborate with others.
3.W.7. Conduct short research projects that build
knowledge about a topic.
I can produce short research projects that
answer quesons and gain informaon about
a topic.
3.W.8. Recall informaon from experiences or gather
informaon from print and digital sources; take brief
notes on sources and sort evidence into provided
I can list informaon from experiences and
other resources, print and digital.
I can take notes and sort the informaon into
provided categories.
3.W.9. (Begins in grade 4)
3.W.10. Write rounely over extended me frames
(me for research, reflecon, and revision) and shorter
me frames (a single sing or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
I can write about various topics for given
amounts of me.
Speaking & Listening
3.SL.1. Engage effecvely in a range of collaborave
I can discuss (speak and listen) a variety of
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discussions (one on one, in groups, and teacher led)
with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts,
building on others’ ideas and expressing their own
clearly. a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or
studied required material; explicitly draw on that
preparaon and other informaon known about the
topic to explore ideas under discussion. b. Follow
agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor
in respecul ways, listening to others with care,
speaking one at a me about the topics and texts under
discussion). c. Ask quesons to check understanding of
informaon presented, stay on topic, and link their
comments to the remarks of others. d. Explain their
own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.
grade 3 topics and stories.
I can add my own thoughts and ideas to the
discussion by listening to peers’ ideas and
I can be prepared by reading or studying the
topic material.
I can use what I have read or studied to help
me explore ideas being discussed.
I can follow agreed-upon rules for discussions.
I can ask quesons to check understanding of
informaon presented.
I can stay on topic.
I can connect my comments to comments
made by my peers.
I can explain my own ideas and what I have
learned from a discussion.
3.SL.2. Determine the main ideas and supporng details
of a text read aloud or informaon presented in diverse
media and formats, including visually, quantavely,
and orally.
I can idenfy the main ideas and supporng
details of any given informaon in a variety of
formats (media, graphs, charts, websites,
3.SL.3. Ask and answer quesons about informaon
from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboraon and
I can ask and answer appropriate quesons
aer listening to a speaker.
I can give appropriate informaon on a topic
aer listening to a speaker.
3.SL.4. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount
an experience with appropriate facts and relevant,
descripve details, speaking clearly at an
understandable pace.
I can orally report on a topic or text with facts
and/or details relang to the topic.
I can orally tell a story with facts and/or details
relang to the topic.
I can retell an experience with facts and/or
details relang to the topic.
I can speak clearly to be understood by my
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3.SL.5. Create engaging audio recordings of stories or
poems that demonstrate fluid reading at an
understandable pace; add visual displays when
appropriate to emphasize or enhance certain facts or
I can record myself reading stories or poems.
I can speak clearly and at an understandable
pace to my audience.
I can add a visual display to help explain my
spoken topic.
3.SL.6. Speak in complete sentences when appropriate
to task and situaon in order to provide requested
detail or clarificaon. (See grade 3 Language standards
1 and 3).
I can speak in complete sentences to give
more informaon when needed.
3.L.1. Demonstrate command of the convenons of
standard English grammar and usage when wring or
speaking. a. Explain the funcon of nouns, pronouns,
verbs, adjecves, and adverbs in general and their
funcons in parcular sentences. b. Form and use
regular and irregular plural nouns. c. Use abstract nouns
(e.g., childhood). d. Form and use regular and irregular
verbs. e. Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk;
I will walk) verb tenses. f. Ensure subject-verb and
pronoun-antecedent agreement.* g. Form and use
comparave and superlave adjecves and adverbs,
and choose between them depending on what is to be
modified. h. Use coordinang and subordinang
conjuncons. i.Produce simple, compound, and
complex sentences
I can use proper English grammar when
wring or speaking.
I can idenfy nouns (person, place, thing, idea)
and pronouns (a word that takes the place of a
noun) and explain what they do in a sentence.
I can idenfy verbs (an acon) and explain
what they do in a sentence.
I can idenfy adjecves (words that add
meaning to a noun or pronoun) and explain
what they do in a sentence.
I can idenfy adverbs (a word that adds
meaning to a verb) and explain what they do
in a sentence.
I can create and use regular plural nouns (boy,
boys) correctly.
I can create and use irregular plural nouns
(mouse, mice) correctly.
I can use abstract nouns (nouns that idenfy
an idea, feeling, emoon; ex.: childhood)
I can create and use regular verbs (walk, walks,
I can create and use irregular verbs (run, ran).
I can create and use simple verb tenses (past,
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present, future).
I can define the subject and the verb in a
I can use a singular subject with a singular
I can use a plural subject with a plural verb.
I can create and use comparave and
superlave adjecves (more, most; -er, -est).
I can create and use comparave and
superlave adverbs.
I can use coordinang conjuncons (for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, so).
I can use subordinang conjuncons (aer,
because, if, since, while).
I can create simple sentences (ex.: Sue walks
to school.)
I can create compound sentences (ex.: Sue
walks to school and her dog follows her.).
I can create complex sentences (ex.: When Sue
took the dog home, she was late for school.).
3.L.2. Demonstrate command of the convenons of
standard English capitalizaon, punctuaon, and
spelling when wring. a. Capitalize appropriate words in
tles. b. Use commas in addresses. c. Use commas and
quotaon marks in dialogue. d. Form and use
possessives. e. Use convenonal spelling for
high-frequency and other studied words and for adding
suffixes to base words (e.g.,sing, smiled, cries,
happiness). f. Use spelling paerns and generalizaons
(e.g., word families, posion-based spellings, syllable
paerns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in
wring words. g. Consult reference materials, including
beginning diconaries, as needed to check and correct
I can idenfy and demonstrate how to use
capitalizaon in tles.
I can use commas in addresses.
I can use commas and quotaon marks in
I can form and use possessives.
I can define possessives and form singular and
plural possessive nouns and pronouns.
I can use convenonal spelling for
high-frequency words when adding suffixes to
base words.
I can spell high-frequency words correctly.
I can idenfy base words.
I can use spelling paerns and generalizaons
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to write words correctly.
I can use diconaries to idenfy the correct
spelling/incorrect spelling of words.
3.L.3. Use knowledge of language and its convenons
when wring, speaking, reading, or listening. a. Choose
words and phrases for effect. b. Recognize and observe
differences between the convenons of spoken and
wrien standard English.
I can choose words and phrases for effect (to
create interest).
I can recognize and find the differences
between spoken and wrien English.
3.L.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and
mulple meaning word and phrases based on grade 3
reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of
strategies. a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the
meaning of a word or phrase. b. Determine the
meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is
added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable,
comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless,
heat/preheat). c. Use a known root word as a clue to
the meaning of an unknown word with the same root
(e.g., company, companion). d. Use glossaries or
beginning diconaries, both print and digital, to
determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words
and phrases.
I can use context clues to determine the
meaning of unknown words or phrases in a
I can determine the meaning of a word formed
when an affix (ex.: un-, dis-, -able, -less) is
I can use a known root word as a clue to the
meaning of an unknown word with the same
root (ex.: beauty, beauful).
I can use glossaries and diconaries, both
print and digital (spell-check, online
diconaries, etc.), to determine the meaning
of key words.
3.L.5. Demonstrate understanding of word relaonships
and nuances in word meanings. a. Disnguish the literal
and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in
context (e.g., take steps). b. Idenfy real-life
connecons between words and their use (e.g.,
describe people who are friendly or helpful). c.
Disnguish shades of meaning among related words
that describe states of mind or degrees of certainty
(e.g., knew, believed, suspected, heard, wondered)
I can idenfy literal and nonliteral (ex.: take
steps, piece of cake) meanings in context.
I can explain the difference between literal
and nonliteral phrases.
I can idenfy connecons between real-life
examples to words/phrases.
I can recognize words that have similar
meanings and choose the word that best
describes the mood/state of mind (ex.: cry,
wailing, bawling, sobbing).
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3.L.6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate
conversaonal, general academic, and domain specific
words and phrases, including those that signal spaal
and temporal relaonships (e.g., Aer dinner, that
night, we went looking for them).
I can acquire and use grade-level appropriate
words in my reading, wring, and speaking.
“I Can…”
Academic Vocab
Strand: History
3.H.1. Events in local history can be shown (applicaon)
on melines organized (synthesis) by years, decades,
and centuries.
I can create a meline with specific events
using descripons and illustraons.
3.H.2. Primary sources such as arfacts, maps and
photographs can be used (applicaon) to show
(analysis) change over me.
I can use primary sources (maps, arfacts,
photos) to show change over me.
3.H.3. Local communies change (comprehension) over
I can tell how communies change over me.
Strand: Geography
3.G.4 Physical and polical maps have disncve
characteriscs and purposes. Places can be located
(applicaon) on a map using (applicaon) the tle, key,
alphanumeric grid and cardinal direcons.
I can find the cardinal direcons on a map.
I can use an alphanumeric grid to locate places
on a map.
I can use a map to find local landmarks.
I can describe a physical map.
I can describe a polical map.
3.G.5. Daily life is influenced (analysis) by the
agriculture, industry, and natural resources in different
I can explain how agriculture, industry, and
natural resources affect daily life.
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3.G.6. Evidence of human modificaon of the
environment can be observed (knowledge) in the local
I can describe examples of changes made by
people to the environment in the local
3.G.7. Systems of transportaon and communicaon
move (comprehension) people, products and ideas from
place to place.
I can describe kinds of local transportaon.
I can describe kinds of local communicaon
(newspapers, publicaons, television).
3.G.8. Communies may include (analysis) diverse
cultural groups.
I can compare foods, arts, and language used
by different cultures in the community.
Strand: Government
3.Gov.9. Members of local communies have
knowledge) social and polical responsibilies.
I can model the vong process by creang a
classroom community.
3.Gov.10. Individuals make (comprehension) the
community a beer place by solving (applicaon)
problems in a way that promotes (evaluaon) the
common good.
I can model promong the common good in
my school (tutoring, reading buddies,etc.)
3.Gov.11. Laws are rules which apply (applicaon) to all
people in a community and describe (comprehension)
ways people are expected (evaluaon) to behave. Laws
promote (evaluaon) order and security, provide
(comprehension) public services and protect
(evaluaon) the rights of individuals in the local
I can help set up and follow the rules and
responsibilies in my classroom and school.
I can compare rules in my school with laws in
the community.
3.Gov.12. Governments have authority to make
(synthesis) and enforce (evaluaon) laws.
I can explain why governments have authority
to make and enforce laws.
3.Gov.13. The structure of local governments may differ
(analysis) from one community to another.
I can explain the structure of local
governments (municipal, county, township,
Strand: Economics
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Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 14
3.E.14. Line graphs are used (applicaon) to show
(analysis) changes in data over me.
I can gather data to create a line graph that
shows change over me.
3.E.15. . Both posive and negave incenves affect
(knowledge) people’s choices and behaviors.
I can explain the difference between posive
and negave incenves.
3.E.16 Individuals must make (evaluaon) decisions
because of the scarcity of resources. Making a decision
involves an opportunity cost, the value of the next best
alternave given up when an economic choice is made.
I can predict if there is a lack of goods and
services that will affect my choice.
I can decide between two items to make an
economic choice (opportunity cost).
3.E.17. A consumer is a person whose wants are
sasfied by using (applicaon) goods and services. A
producer makes (knowledge) goods and/or provides
(comprehension) services.
I can idenfy consumers and producers in our
local community.
3.E.18. A market is where buyers and sellers exchange
(applicaon) goods and services.
I can demonstrate how buyers and sellers
exchange goods and services in a market.
3.E.19. Making (applicaon) decisions involves weighing
(analysis) costs and benefits.
I can make decisions sharing costs and
3.E.20. A budget is a plan to help (comprehension)
people make (applicaon) personal economic decisions
for the present and future and to become (analysis)
more financially responsible.
I can explain how using a budget helps people
make responsible economic decisions.
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Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 15
“I Can…”
Academic Vocab
3 .OA.A.1 . Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g.,
interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5
groups of 7 objects each.
I can solve a mulplicaon problem using an
I can make an array to solve a mulplicaon
3 .OA.A.2 . Interpret whole-number quoents of whole
I can explain division as a set of objects
paroned into separate groups.
I can idenfy dividends, divisors, and
quoents in division equaons.
I can understand and explain (interpret)
quoents in division.
3 .OA. A.3. Use mulplicaon and division within 100 to
solve word problems in situaons involving equal
groups, arrays, and measurement quanes, e.g., by
using drawings and equaons with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem.
I can make an array to show a mulplicaon
I can solve mulplicaon word problems to
100 with drawings.
I can explain number paerns using
properes of operaons.
I can solve division word problems to 100 with
I can solve division problems with a symbol
for an unknown number.
3 .OA.A.4 . Determine the unknown whole number in a
mulplicaon or division equaon relang three
whole numbers.
I can figure out (determine) an unknown
number to make a mulplicaon or division
equaon true.
3.OA.B.5. Apply properes of operaons as strategies
to mulply and divide.
I can explain the associave property of
I can explain the distribuve property of
I can regroup factors to make them easier to
Hudson School District - Grade 3 “I Can…” Statements - 2022-2023
Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 16
3.OA.B.6. Understand division as an unknown-factor
I can find the unknown factor in a division fact
3.OA.C.7. Fluently mulply and divide within 100,
using strategies such as the relaonship between
mulplicaon and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 =
40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properes of operaons.
By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all
products of two one-digit numbers.
I can quickly (fluently) mulply numbers up to
I can quickly (fluently) divide numbers up to
I can determine the relaonship between
mulplicaon and division facts.
3.OA.D.8. Solve two-step word problems using the
four operaons. Represent these problems using
equaons with a leer standing for the unknown
quanty. Assess the reasonableness of answers using
mental computaon and esmaon strategies
including rounding.
I can solve two step word problems using
addion, subtracon, mulplicaon, and
I can solve two step word problems with an
I can tell if an answer is reasonable using
mental math and esmaon.
3.OA.D.9. Idenfy arithmec paerns (including
paerns in the addion table or mulplicaon table),
and explain them using properes of operaons.
I can find paerns in addion and explain
I can find paerns in mulplicaon and
explain them.
3.NBT.A.1. Use place value understanding to round
whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
I can use place value to round whole
I can use the number line to show data.
I can round whole numbers to the nearest 10.
I can round whole numbers to the nearest
2.NBT.A.2. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using
strategies and algorithms based on place value,
properes of operaons, and/or the relaonship
I can use the properes (rules) of addion and
subtracon problems within 1000.
I can use fact families with addion and
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Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 17
between addion and subtracon.
I can add within 1000.
I can idenfy and describe paerns in number
I can idenfy and describe paerns in
addion tables.
3.NBT.A.3. Mulply one-digit whole numbers by
mulples of 10 in the range 10-90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60)
using strategies based on place value and properes
of operaons.
I can correctly align digits according to place
value in order to mulply.
Explain and demonstrate the process of
mulplying a two digit number by a one digit
number using any strategy.
I can mulply one digit numbers by mulples
of (in the range of 10-90) using different
3.NFA.1. Understand a fracon 1/ b as the quanty
formed by 1 part when a whole is paroned into b
equal parts; understand a fracon a / b as the quanty
formed by a parts of size 1/ b .
I can divide a shape into equal parts.
I can idenfy (show) the numerator as being
the number idenfied parts of a whole.
I can idenfy the denominator as being the
total number of parts.
3.NFA.2. Understand a fracon as a number on the
number line; represent fracons on a number line
I can understand that a number line displays
things in equal parts.
I can write fracons on a number line in equal
3.NFA.3. Explain equivalence of fracons in special
cases, and compare fracons by reasoning about their
I can explain equal (equivalent) fracons by
comparing their size on a number line.
I can recognize and make simple equal
I can explain why the fracons are equal by
using a drawing.
I can recognize that whole numbers can be
drawn as fracons.
I can recognize that fracons can be drawn as
whole numbers.
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Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 18
I can compare two fracons with the same
I can compare two fracons with the same
I can prove that fracons are <, >, or =
(greater than, less than, or equal to) using
3.MD.A.1. Tell and write me to the nearest minute
and measure me intervals in minutes. Solve word
problems involving addion and subtracon of me
intervals in minutes, e.g., by represenng the
problem on a number line diagram.
I can use a number line to show data.
I can tell (read) me.
I can write me to the nearest minute.
I can show me (differences) intervals using
two clocks.
I can show me difference (elapsed me)
within a word problem.
3 .MD.A. 2. Measure and esmate liquid volumes and
masses of objects using standard units of grams (g),
kilograms (kg), and liters (l). 1 Add, subtract, mulply,
or divide to solve one-step word problems involving
masses or volumes that are given in the same units,
e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a
measurement scale) to represent the problem.
I can esmate liquid volumes using liters.
I can esmate the mass of objects using grams
and kilograms.
I can measure liquid volumes using liters.
I can measure the mass of objects using grams
and kilograms.
I can solve word problems for mass or
3 .MD.B. 3. Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled
bar graph to represent a data set with several
categories. Solve one- and two-step "how many
more" and "how many less" problems using
informaon presented in scaled bar graphs.
I can make a scaled picture graph to show
(represent) data.
I can make a scaled bar graph to show
(represent) data.
I can read and understand (interpret) scaled
bar graphs.
I can read and understand (interpret) scaled
picture graphs.
I can use a scaled picture graph to answer
Hudson School District - Grade 3 “I Can…” Statements - 2022-2023
Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 19
3 .MD.B. 4. Generate measurement data by measuring
lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths
of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot,
where the horizontal scale is marked off in
appropriate units— whole numbers, halves, or
I can use a ruler to measure lengths to the
I can use a ruler to measure lengths to the
half inch (halves).
I can use a ruler to measure lengths to the
quarter inch (fourths).
I can make a line plot (horizontal scale) using
the correct units.
3.MD.C.5. Recognize area as an aribute of plane
figures and understand concepts of area
I can define area.
I can measure the area of a shape (plane
figure) using unit squares.
3.MD.C.6. Measure areas by counng unit squares
(square cm, square m, square in, square , and
improvised units).
I can measure the area of a plane figure using
correct square units (square cm, square m,
square in, square ).
3.MD.C.7. Relate area to the operaons of
mulplicaon and addion.
I can find the area of a rectangle by counng
les and mulplying by length of sides.
I can solve real word problems by mulplying
side lengths to find area.
I can use area models to explain distribuve
2.MD.D.8. S olve real world and mathemacal
problems involving perimeters of polygons, including
finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding
an unknown side length, and exhibing rectangles
with the same perimeter and different areas or with
the same area and different perimeters.
I can idenfy polygons.
I can define perimeter.
I can find the perimeter of polygons.
I can find an unknown side length of a
polygon when given a perimeter.
I can show how rectangles with the same
perimeter can have different areas.
I can show how rectangles with the same
areas can have different perimeters.
I can solve perimeter word problems.
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Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 20
2 .G.A.1 . Recognize and draw shapes having specified
aributes, such as a given number of angles or a
given number of equal faces. 1 Idenfy triangles,
quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
I can show what an angle and a face is on a
I can tell how many angles and faces a shape
I can draw a triangle, a quadrilateral,
pentagon, hexagon, and cube.
2 .G.A.2 . Paron a rectangle into rows and columns
of same-size squares and count to find the total
number of them.
I can divide rectangles into rows and columns
that have the same size squares (area).
I can count the total number of squares in a
rectangle (area).
2 .G.A.3 . Paron circles and rectangles into two,
three, or four equal shares, describe the shares using
the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and
describe the whole as two halves, three thirds, four
fourths. Recognize that equal shares of idencal
wholes need not have the same shape.
I can divide a rectangle into two, three, or
four equal parts.
I can divide a circle into two, three, or four
equal parts.
I can use the words: halves, thirds, or fourths
to name those parts.
I can recognize that a shape may be divided
differently but sll have equal parts.
“I Can…”
Academic Vocab
3-PS2-1. Plan and conduct an invesgaon to provide
evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced
forces on the moon of an object.
I can invesgate the eects of balanced and
unbalanced focus on different objects.
3-PS2-2. Make observaons and/or measurements of
an objects moon to provide evidence that a paern
can be used to predict future moon.
I can find paerns in the moons of everyday
3-PS2-3. Ask quesons to determine cause and eect
relaonships of electric or magnec interacons
between two objects not in contact with each other.
I can ask quesons to figure out cause and
effect of electricity and magnets.
Hudson School District - Grade 3 “I Can…” Statements - 2022-2023
Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 21
3-PS2-4. Define a simple design problem that can be
solved by applying scienfic ideas about magnets.
I can use magnets to design a soluon to a
simple problem.
3-LS1-1. Develop models to describe that organisms
have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in
common birth, growth, reproducon, and death.
I can make models of life cycles for different
plants and animals; my models show birth,
growth, reproducon, and death.
3-LS2-1. Construct an argument that some animals form
groups that help members survive.
I can explain, in detail, why some animals
form groups to survive.
3-LS3-1. Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence
that plants and animals have traits inherited from
parents and that variaon of these traits exists in a
group of similar organisms.
I can use data to show that in some ways
plants and animals are like family members,
and in other ways are not.
3-LS3-2. Use evidence to support the explanaon that
traits can be influenced by the environment.
I can prove that changing a plant or animal’s
environment will change how it grows and
3-LS4-1. Analyze and interpret data from fossils to
provide evidence of the organisms and the
environments in which they lived long ago.
I can look at fossils and tell you the type of
plant or animal it is and the environment it
lived in.
3-LS4-2. Use evidence to construct an explanaon for
how the variaons in characteriscs among individuals
of the same species may provide advantages in
surviving, finding mates, and reproducing.
I can list traits that help organisms survive.
I can explain why these are helpful.
3-LS4-3. Construct an argument with evidence that in a
parcular habitat some organisms can survive well,
some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
I can prove with words that in a parcular
habitat some plants and animals grow strong,
some struggle, and others die.
3-LS4-4. Make a claim about the merit of a soluon to a
problem caused when the environment changes and
the types of plants and animals that live there may
I can speak up for why changing something
about the environment can be harmful and
why this change needs a soluon.
Hudson School District - Grade 3 “I Can…” Statements - 2022-2023
Grade 3 - “I Can…” p. 22
3-ESS2-1. Represent data in tables and graphical
displays to describe typical weather condions
expected during a parcular season.
I can make a table and graph of weather for a
parcular season and place.
3-ESS2-2. Obtain and combine informaon to describe
climates in different regions of the world.
I can research and present informaon on
climates in different parts of the world.
3-ESS3-1. Make a claim about the merit of a design
soluon that reduces the impacts of a weather-related
I can explain how to prevent and minimize
damage from weather disasters.
3-5-ETS1-1. Define a simple design problem reflecng a
need or a want that includes specified criteria for
success and constraints on materials, me, or cost.
I can think up an engineering “problem” that
needs to be fixed.
I can list rules for possible soluons.
3-5-ETS1-2. Generate and compare mulple possible
soluons to a problem based on how well each is likely
to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
I can brainstorm soluons for an engineering
I can compare ideas to find which ones best fit
the situaon.
3-5-ETS1-3. Plan and carry out fair tests in which
variables are controlled and failure points are
considered to idenfy aspects of a model or prototype
that can be improved.
I can test different soluons for an
engineering problem.
I can tell you if an idea will work, fail, or just
needs improvement.
Hudson School District - Grade 3 “I Can…” Statements - 2022-2023