Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury: Findings and Public Health
Kristen Dams-O’Connor, PhD, Joshua B. Cantor, PhD, Margaret Brown, PhD, Marcel P.
Dijkers, PhD, Lisa A. Spielman, PhD, and Wayne A. Gordon, PhD
Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine (Drs Dams-O’Connor, Cantor, Dijkers, Spielman, and
Gordon) and Preventive Medicine (Dr Brown), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, New York
Objective—To provide an overview of a series of projects that used a structured self-report
screening tool in diverse settings and samples to screen for lifetime history of traumatic brain
injury (TBI).
Setting—Diverse community settings.
Participants—Homeless persons (
= 111), individuals with HIV seeking vocational
rehabilitation (
= 173), youth in the juvenile justice system (
= 271), public schoolchildren (
174), substance users (
= 845), intercollegiate athletes (
= 90), and other community-based
samples (
= 396).
Main Measure—Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire.
Results—Screening using the Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire finds that 27% to 54% of
those in high-risk populations report a history of TBI with chronic symptoms. Associations
between TBI and social, academic, or other problems are evident in several studies. In non–high-
risk community samples, 9% to 12% of individuals report TBI with chronic symptoms.
Conclusion—Systematic TBI screening can be implemented efficiently and inexpensively in a
variety of settings. Lifetime TBI history data gathered using a structured self-report instrument can
augment existing estimates of the prevalence of TBI, both as an acute event and as a chronic
condition. Identification of individuals with TBI can facilitate primary prevention efforts, such as
reducing risk for reinjury in high-risk groups, and provide access to appropriate interventions that
can reduce the personal and societal costs of TBI (tertiary prevention).
public health
traumatic brain injury
Corresponding Author:
Kristen Dams-O’Connor, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai, 5 East 98th St, Box 1163, New York, NY 10029 (kristen.dams-o’[email protected]).
The authors acknowledge the contributions of Mary Hibbard, PhD, to the development of the Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire.
The authors declare no other conflicts of interest.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
J Head Trauma Rehabil
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 August 15.
Published in final edited form as:
J Head Trauma Rehabil
. 2014 ; 29(6): 479–489. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000099.
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TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI) has been defined by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) as “a bump, blow or jolt to the head that disrupts the normal function
of the brain” that can result from external force to the head, including whiplash, blast
exposure, or penetrating injury.
There are 2 critical elements of this definition: (1) a blow to
the head, resulting in (2) altered mental status, that is, loss of consciousness or a feeling of
being dazed and confused. Throughout this article, we use the term TBI or “TBI event”
when these criteria are met. The consequences of TBI can range from mild symptoms (eg,
headache, confusion) that quickly resolve to significant lifelong impairments in cognitive
behavior and mood,
and physical functioning (eg, fatigue, balance
Because not all TBI events have lasting consequences,
we refer herein to TBI
with lasting symptoms as “chronic TBI.”
Obtaining an accurate estimate of the incidence and prevalence of TBI in the United States is
a major challenge. The CDC uses population-based data on TBI-related healthcare
encounters and deaths to estimate the number of individuals who sustain a TBI each year.
This method excludes individuals who do not seek medical care, whether in an emergency
department (ED) or physicians’ office, those whose TBI is not indicated in the medical
record, and those who are treated at a federal, military, or Veterans Affairs hospital. The
CDC estimates in 2009 were based on ED visits, hospitalizations, and physician visits, and
indicated that at least 3.5 million people sustained a TBI that year,
and that 5.3 million
people in the US are living with cognitive, physical, and/or emotional sequelae of chronic
However, the 2009 incidence estimate was recently revised downward to 2.4 million when
the CDC removed physician visits from the estimation formula because of the potential for
duplication in the count.
Both of these methods, although reasonable and data-driven,
grossly underestimate the true incidence of TBI in the United States. One Internet-based
survey found that among respondents who indicated that they had incurred a TBI (as defined
by the CDC case definition), 42% never sought medical attention.
Other studies suggest
that the true count of individuals who sustain a TBI each year may be 3 to 5 times higher
than CDC’s estimate, although many of these are limited by selection bias.
based epidemiological studies in the United States and other developed countries further
augment these estimates and demonstrate that including TBI for which medical attention is
not sought and/or gathering TBI incidence data from multiple sources (healthcare providers,
hospitals, ambulance services, national healthcare databases, prisons, death registry, schools,
and other community services) yields considerably higher estimates of the incidence and
prevalence of TBI
than do studies that rely solely on ED or hospital admission data.
Identification of TBI is particularly important when the injury results in continuing
symptoms (chronic TBI) that can lead to reduced productivity, poor community integration,
and other social problems. History of TBI is rarely queried in primary care or other health
service and educational settings, and its symptoms (if reported) may be inappropriately
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attributed to other causes such as aging,
depression, or, in schools, to learning or emotional
Failure to recognize the etiology of these symptoms precludes appropriate
treatment or symptom management.
Even in the absence of lasting symptoms, prospective identification and recording of the TBI
events themselves can be important. Recent literature
on delayed or late effects of
single and multiple TBI events makes a compelling case for systematic screening for and
documentation of TBI, even if an individual is asymptomatic at the time of screening. For
example, a child could have few acute symptoms after TBI but may begin to experience
difficulties when academic and social demands become more complex. If the TBI event had
been documented when it occurred or was identified later through screening, appropriate
accommodations could be made. In both athletes and community samples, a history of TBI
increases the risk for reinjury.
When risk for reinjury is modifiable (eg, removal from
contact sports or other high-risk environments), awareness of prior TBI provides important
information to allow individuals and parents, coaches, clinicians, and other parties to make
informed decisions about risk tolerance. Moreover, prior TBI may negatively affect recovery
from a subsequent TBI.
Individuals who are reinjured may suffer more severe
consequences because of the cumulative effects of multiple injuries.
Information about
lifetime TBI history can assist in accounting for current symptoms and altered trajectories of
recovery in athletic contexts and primary care settings. Moreover, although the evidence
remains mixed, a history of TBI may increase the risk for accelerated cognitive decline,
dementia, depression, and other health problems later in life.
A known history
of recent or remote TBI events may signal a need for more intensive medical management,
particularly in later adulthood. Together, these findings suggest that identification of TBI as
an injury event (whether or not it results in chronic symptoms) may have important personal
and public health implications.
The disproportionate rates of TBI seen in settings such as homeless shelters, prison systems,
and vocational rehabilitation facilities (relative to the rates in the general population)
further underscore the need for systematic TBI screening. It is logical to assume that
untreated TBI-related sequelae (such as impaired cognitive and social functioning, mood or
behavior changes, and job loss
) may increase one’s risk for chronic unemployment,
homelessness, committing acts of violence, or incarceration, and the prevalence of TBI in
these settings is alarming.
Conclusions as to causality are limited in cross-
sectional studies, but studies conducted in Canada and the United Kingdom indicated that
70% to 90% of homeless people with a history of TBI report that their first TBI preceded the
onset of homelessness.
At the individual level, systematic screening for TBI events and chronic TBI using validated
tools can provide a useful starting point for a comprehensive evaluation to establish a TBI
diagnosis, if necessary and appropriate, and for linking a person to rehabilitation
school or work accommodations,
and educational programming. At the
population level, systematic TBI screening can provide data to correct current
underestimates of the incidence and prevalence of TBI. Better estimates can support the
expansion of educational efforts both for the general population and for professionals in
health care, social service, education, and criminal justice settings to increase their
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understanding of TBI and to support delivery of services that take TBI into account. Better
estimates may also support the creation of accessible treatment opportunities for people with
chronic TBI-related challenges and be used to advocate for needed research funding.
Self-report elicited through structured screening tools is increasingly recognized as the best,
or perhaps only, way to estimate TBI incidence and chronic TBI prevalence.
many (but not all) cases of unidentified TBI are mild injuries,
there may be no medical
record of the original injury. Even when medical evaluation and treatment is sought,
standard neuroimaging results, such as a computed tomographic scan or
electroencephalogram, are often normal after mild TBI.
Advanced neuroimaging, such as
magnetic resonance imaging, can result in normal findings even in cases of known TBI,
and costly imaging techniques are simply unrealistic to be used as screening tools. The
Veterans Health Administration and Department of Defense recognize that many TBIs
sustained by service members during deployment were neither witnessed nor documented
shortly after the event and implemented TBI screening systems in 2008-2009 to identify
individuals in need of medical services. Several structured TBI screening tools have been
developed for military and civilian use in response to the clear need to accurately document
lifetime history of TBI events and enduring TBI-related symptoms.
Structured TBI screening tools are preferred over single-item methods (“Have you ever had
a TBI?”), which may have lower reliability and validity, and tend to underestimate TBI
history. The way in which TBI history is queried has a nontrivial impact on prevalence
estimates. For example, some studies suggest that single-item questions about TBI history
miss more than 35% of the individuals found to have sustained a TBI via a subsequent
structured interview.
Carefully worded single-item queries can of course provide
valuable data in large-scale health outcomes studies designed to evaluate the association of
TBI with other health issues or behaviors but do not suffice for estimating TBI prevalence.
The Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire (BISQ) was developed with the goal of creating a
TBI screening tool that could be used to document lifetime history of self-reported TBI and
the presence of current symptoms, if any, as well as to rule out alternative explanations for
reported symptoms (eg, other neurological or developmental conditions). The BISQ is
divided into 3 parts: TBI History, Symptoms, and Other Health Conditions (see Table 1 for
sample items from each part, or request a copy of the BISQ at Part I is
loosely based on the HELPS card,
which queries lifetime TBI by asking, “Did you ever hit
your head?” and “Were you ever seen in an ED, by a doctor, or hospitalized?” to broadly
elicit recall of prior injuries. The BISQ provides more structured and detailed cueing by
asking respondents whether they have ever experienced a blow to the head in 19 specific
situations in which a blow may have occurred (see the Table). The provision of structured
recall cues is intended to serve as a memory jog and has been shown to enhance recall of
situations in which a TBI event may have occurred.
For every event endorsed, the
informant is asked whether he or she experienced either a loss of consciousness or a period
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of being dazed and confused and, if so, for how long. Next, respondents are asked whether
they have ever been hospitalized or treated in an ED for any of 13 specific medical events
(eg, electrical injury, near drowning) to document alternative explanations for clinically
significant symptoms. People who report no TBI events on part I are considered a negative
screen and are not asked to complete parts II or III.
Part II is an inventory of 100 cognitive, physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that
can be used to characterize transient or chronic symptoms after brain injury (see the Table
for sample items). The list of symptoms is based on symptom checklists disseminated by
researchers at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research,
as well as at the Medical
College of Virginia.
These lists were modified to cover a comprehensive range of
symptoms based on an extensive literature review and clinical expertise. Respondents are
asked to rate on a 4-point Likert scale the extent to which each symptom has been a problem
for them in the past month. Research indicates that while a healthy adult control group
reported an average of 3 symptoms, and those with a disability (spinal cord injury, people
who are HIV positive, or have undergone a liver transplant) endorsed an average of 10,
individuals with mild TBI reported an average of 15.
This research identified 25 symptoms
that are commonly reported by individuals with TBI and uncommonly by those without
Of the symptoms that reliably distinguished the TBI and control (non-TBI disability
or healthy control) samples after controlling for age, sex, ethnicity, education, income, and
self-reported depression, those that were endorsed by at least 33% of the TBI participants
endorsed by less than 10% of the healthy control group
less than 25% of the non-
TBI disability group were included in this cluster of symptoms.
Because these 25
symptoms are relatively unique to TBI, researchers who have used the BISQ have
considered endorsement of these symptoms in defining a “positive screen” for TBI, as
described later.
Part III of the BISQ is designed to help clarify the relationship of reported symptoms to
prior brain injury. It asks for age at the first and most recent blow to the head resulting in
alteration in mental status, as well as the presence of other health conditions that may
contribute to or explain the symptoms a person reports, including use of certain medications,
developmental delays, or neurological conditions.
The BISQ is a widely used and clinically relevant tool that can be used to document a TBI
event and/or to detect possible chronic TBI. When parts I, II, and III are used as a part of a
clinical evaluation, inferences about the extent to which a person’s current symptoms are
attributable to TBI history can be made.
The BISQ can be used as a self-report measure or
can be completed by a proxy and is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Greek. The
full BISQ takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and less time is needed by someone who
reports no blows to the head. The BISQ shares many of the limitations found in other
structured TBI screening tools that rely on self-report information,
such as biased
recall of injury events and under-/overreporting of symptoms. The absence of an appropriate
reference standard against which self-report can be compared precludes traditional
approaches to validating a screening tool. Thorough reviews of TBI screening methods in
the military have concluded that screening will result in both false-positive and false-
negative results but acknowledge that false positives are in fact an intended consequence of
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thorough screening and may be eliminated by a more extensive clinical evaluation.
possible iatrogenic effects of screening (eg, worry, unnecessary resources lavished on false
should not be dismissed. In keeping with the distinction between TBI events and
chronic TBI outlined previously, the BISQ can be used to address both potential goals of
systematic TBI screening: documenting TBI events that are currently asymptomatic as well
as those that result in lasting symptoms.
Here, we describe the full portfolio of projects conducted to date by researchers at the Brain
Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai and colleagues that have used the BISQ in TBI
screening efforts across North America. By describing the use of the same screening
instrument across samples and settings, we hope to illustrate the feasibility of systematic
TBI screening and also the prevalence of unidentified TBI as elicited using a structured self-
report tool.
Study 1: New York City public schools
Cantor et al
conducted a study in which schoolchildren and their parents were invited by
mail or in person to complete the BISQ after providing informed consent. Approximately
29% of the 600 children who were invited to participate in the study provided complete data
on the BISQ. Participants were 174 adolescents (aged 12-17 years) from 3 New York City
schools; all participants were given comprehensive neuropsychological testing to determine
whether positive TBI screens were associated with objectively measured cognitive
In 74% of the cases, the BISQ was completed by a parent and a child together,
in 21%, the child completed the BISQ independently, and in the remaining cases, the parent
completed the BISQ independently. While none of the students had been previously
identified by the school system as having had a TBI, 44% of the children reported a TBI
event. A “positive screen” for chronic symptomatic TBI in this study was made when a
parent or a child reported a TBI event and also reported at least 5 of the 25 symptoms that
have been associated with TBI.
Approximately 10% of the total sample screened positive
for chronic TBI, and 79% of these students had scores on the Conners Parent Rating Scale-
Revised indicative of a “significant problem” (compared with 31% of negative screens), and
80% of these students demonstrated impaired performance in more than 2 domains of
cognitive functioning on objective neuropsychological testing.
Study 2: Community-based sample of adult research volunteers
Individuals who volunteer for participation in a TBI study as “non-TBI controls” are
theoretically people who do not believe that they have ever sustained a TBI. Volunteers from
the New York metropolitan area were recruited using flyers, mailings, and Internet
advertisements; those who self-identified as either healthy controls or individuals with
depression or chronic pain (but no history of TBI) were invited to complete the BISQ.
Prior to scheduling a study visit, candidates for the non-TBI control group were reminded of
the eligibility criterion of never having sustained a TBI. Yet, of the total sample of “non-TBI
controls” (
= 396), 12% reported having sustained 1 or more TBI events when they
completed the BISQ. To explore whether these individuals with previously unidentified TBI
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reported symptoms that were similar to those of people with (self-)identified, or known TBI,
we compared their symptom report with that of a subsample (demographically matched 2:1)
of individuals from the known TBI group (
= 141 included in these analyses). The 2 groups
reported similar levels of cognitive and behavioral symptoms (
values ranged from 0.11 to
Those with previously unidentified TBI reported slightly more (rather than less)
mood and physical symptoms, but the difference was not significant. Individuals in both
groups performed similarly on the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics
(ANAM 4)
computerized assessments of processing speed, attention, encoding, spatial
processing, and accuracy (
values ranged from 0.20 to 0.95), but individuals with
unidentified TBI demonstrated poorer working memory (
= 0.049). These findings indicate
that, while individuals in the community with previously unidentified TBI have similar
symptom profiles as individuals with known TBI and in some areas may demonstrate poorer
functioning, they do not causally associate their symptoms with a prior brain injury.
Study 3: New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Facilities
Substance abuse is a risk factor for TBI and is also a common sequela of TBI, even among
individuals who did not evidence preinjury substance abuse.
In collaboration with the
New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services, the BISQ was
administered during intake evaluations to 845 individuals seeking substance abuse treatment
at 27 participating New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services
facilities (including inpatient detoxification short-term treatment programs, methadone
maintenance programs, transitional living facilities, and outpatient treatment programs).
Overall, 76% reported having sustained at least 1 blow to the head, 69% reported 2 or more,
27% reported 4 or more, and 16% reported more than 10. (Not all of these injuries resulted
in loss of consciousness or even a period of being dazed or confused; blows to the head not
resulting in altered mental status are not considered “TBI events.”) In all, 54% of the sample
screened positive for chronic TBI on the BISQ, meaning that they had sustained a blow to
the head that resulted in a period of altered mental status
that they reported at least 5 of
25 symptoms that have been associated with TBI.
The average age of the first TBI was
14.5 years, and those who screened positive for TBI were more likely to have had substance
abuse treatment episodes (eg, inpatient detoxification, outpatient treatment) prior to the
index intake session; they also had more Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (Fourth Edition)
Study 4: El Paso Juvenile Justice Department
Considerable evidence indicates that TBI is highly prevalent in individuals convicted of
criminal offenses.
Estimates from recent meta-analyses suggest that 50% to
60% of adult offenders have sustained a TBI.
Traumatic brain injury is associated with
an increased risk of violence, recidivism, and psychiatric disorders in adults and youths
involved with the criminal justice system.
Because of the lack of systematic
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screening for TBI in juvenile justice departments, TBI is usually not identified and goes
untreated in this population.
The CDC-funded Mount Sinai Injury Control Research Center (a component of the Brain
Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai) has begun to evaluate an adapted, empirically
validated cognitive rehabilitation intervention that was originally developed for adults with
TBI in a recidivist juvenile offender population served by the El Paso Juvenile Justice
Department. As of this writing, 271 adolescents have been screened with the BISQ. Of
these, 76% reported at least 1 TBI (blow to the head resulting in loss of or alteration of
consciousness). Based on their self-report of cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms,
approximately 29% of the sample reported clinically significant enduring TBI-related
Study 5: Community-based vocational services organization for individuals with HIV
Jaffe and colleagues
used the BISQ to investigate the frequency of TBI in individuals with
HIV recruited from a community-based vocational services agency in New York City. The
majority (74%) of the 173 participants (mean age [SD] = 38.0 [10.9]) reported having
experienced at least 1 blow to the head in their lifetime, and 60% reported more than 1 blow.
Twenty-seven percent of those who reported a history of 1 or more blows to the head
sustained what would be considered moderate to severe TBI (loss of consciousness
When the symptom profiles of those with and without a TBI history were
compared, individuals with HIV who screened positive for TBI reported more than twice as
many symptoms.
Study 6: Urban homeless shelter in Canada
A growing body of literature documents rates of TBI among homeless individuals that far
exceed rates in the general population.
Although findings differ across studies, the
largest (
= 904) found that 53% of the sample reported a history of TBI.
Vranic and colleagues
used the BISQ to screen for TBI in a sample of men who received
services at an urban adult homeless shelter in Toronto, Canada. Of the 111 screened, 77%
reported having sustained a blow to the head, resulting in alteration of consciousness, and
45% screened positive for TBI with enduring symptoms. Importantly, 87% of the individuals
who screened positive for TBI (defined in this study as having sustained a blow to the head,
resulting in altered mental status and endorsing at least 8 chronic symptoms) reported that
the TBI occurred before the onset of homelessness.
Individuals with a positive TBI screen
were more likely than those with no history of TBI to report past arrests and mental
Study 7: Intercollegiate athletes at an urban university
The number of visits to US EDs for sports and recreation-related TBIs by children and
adolescents is approximately 173 000 per year.
These data suggest that many college-level
athletes may have sustained 1 or more concussions prior to the start of their college career.
Most research on sports concussions fails to assess or account for the potentially
confounding role of a lifetime TBI history in evaluating outcomes of sports concussions.
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In an ongoing study, the Mount Sinai Injury Control Research Center used the BISQ to
screen college athletes at an urban Division II university for lifetime TBI history prior to the
start of the 2010-2011 athletic season. Of 90 athletes, 45% reported having sustained 1 or
more blows to the head (range: 1-14).
Few of these injuries were reported on the single-
item concussion history included in the Immediate Postconcussion Assessment and
Cognitive Testing (ImPACT),
which queries whether the respondent had been “diagnosed
with a concussion” and was administered before the BISQ. Of the athletes who reported
blows to the head on the BISQ but no concussions on the ImPACT, about half reported
experiencing 5 or more of the 25 symptoms specific to TBI.
A small but meaningful
proportion of these athletes reported injuries on the BISQ that were clinically significant (eg,
12 athletes reported a blow to the head, with loss of consciousness lasting several minutes to
an hour), despite having reported on the ImPACT that they had never been diagnosed with a
concussion. This finding highlights the risk of underreporting when case definitions of TBI
events include only injuries for which medical attention is sought. Given that having
sustained a prior TBI is associated with a slower recovery from a subsequent concussion
(and is, therefore, an important consideration in most return-to-play guidelines
incomplete information about lifetime history of TBI can result in premature return to play
and poorer recovery from injury-related deficits.
The findings presented here come from a series of TBI screening studies that used the BISQ
in diverse populations and collectively demonstrate that systematic screening for TBI, using
a structured self-report measure reveals a higher prevalence of TBI events and of chronic
TBI than would be expected on the basis of existing estimates.
These findings are consistent with studies that have used other structured TBI screening
tools in homeless shelters, vocational rehabilitation services, mental health clinics, and
among victims of domestic violence.
Individuals with chronic TBI have unique
treatment needs and comorbid clinical diagnoses that may create barriers to self-sufficiency.
Once a TBI is identified, individuals with lasting symptoms who have received no treatment
or who have been unable to benefit from other interventions (eg, substance abuse treatment,
vocational rehabilitation) can access more appropriate interventions that target the TBI-
related symptoms and/or modify treatments to take into account the cognitive and other
deficits that commonly result from TBI.
A growing body of research supports a
range of effective interventions, even for individuals who are many years postinjury.
Some may argue that TBI screening is unnecessary or even harmful in military contexts due
to the possibility of expectancy bias or “catastrophic reactions” to a positive screen, resulting
in iatrogenic illness and costs associated with further diagnostic workup that may prove
Research in the broader health screening literature (eg, dementia, cancer)
suggests that people generally want to know the results of health screens.
Results of
a screen should be provided along with psychoeducation about positive expectations for
recovery from mild TBI
and a clear statement that a screening tool is not capable of
attributing causality or making a diagnosis. Clinically significant symptoms should be
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further evaluated and all contributing factors considered—including TBI, Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder, and depression.
The research discussed here suggests that failing to identify TBI may have serious
consequences. An accurate estimate of the true incidence and prevalence of TBI will provide
an important catalyst for the dissemination of interventions found to be effective,
well as further research and development of new interventions. Limitations of the studies
presented here warrant consideration. They were conducted in convenience samples, and
their findings cannot be generalized to other groups or the general population. These studies
are cross-sectional, and it cannot be determined whether symptoms, neurocognitive
impairment, or other negative outcomes (eg, incarceration, homelessness) were causally
related to TBI. The BISQ instrument itself also has limitations. The version used in all the
studies reported here did not specifically ask about combat-related or blast injuries in part I
and, therefore, may not be appropriate for documenting TBI history in military service
members. Part II includes 100 symptoms, which may be onerous for some responders;
further research is needed to inform the development of an abbreviated version. Finally, the
list of medical conditions (in parts I and III) that could impact symptom report is not
exhaustive, and a revised version of the BISQ will solicit more comprehensive reporting of
potential contributors to current symptoms. As is the case with all structured TBI screening
the BISQ is not capable of diagnosing TBI or causally associating symptoms
with an injury. The BISQ is a tool for characterizing lifetime TBI history and current
symptoms. Clinically significant symptoms require further evaluation that considers
contributing factors other than TBI so that treatment (if indicated) is appropriate to symptom
Systematic TBI screening is essential for accurate injury surveillance, prevention of
secondary and tertiary consequences of TBI, and facilitating access to appropriate
interventions for individuals with lasting symptoms. Systematic screening tools are also
needed to measure the impact of injury prevention efforts. Given the public health
implications of unidentified TBI, the best available tools should be used for comprehensive
screening. In the absence of a “gold standard” tool for TBI ascertainment, traditional
validation approaches such as sensitivity and specificity analyses are not available for self-
report screening tools. A thorough screening tool will elicit more false positives than false
negatives to ensure that as few individuals as possible with TBI are missed; a high
specificity is sacrificed to obtain high sensitivity. Further evaluation can minimize false
positives. The challenge is to identify or develop structured TBI screening tools that
comprehensively query lifetime history of injury events (of any severity) using plain and
understandable language and that also query about current symptomatology that may be
used to distinguish TBI-related consequences from nonspecific symptoms and make
appropriate clinical referrals. Research to identify constellations of symptoms that may be
useful in distinguishing chronic TBI from other psychological and medical health conditions
is currently underway at the Brain Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai.
The definition of TBI delineated by the CDC,
together with the CDC’s comprehensive list
of symptoms and signs that can help in diagnosing and managing a TBI,
provides a
framework for what might be considered the minimal requirements for a structured TBI
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screening tool. As demonstrated here, the BISQ not only meets these minimal requirements
but is also relatively brief, easy to administer in a wide range of settings and populations, has
good construct validity and criterion validity,
and appears to be more sensitive to
comprehensive TBI history than many existing measures.
The BISQ is not without
limitations, and other tools may be more appropriate in some settings. A report on a subset
of results of large-scale expansion of the initial BISQ validation study
is currently under
Underestimation of the rates of TBI and TBI-related disability has important personal and
public health consequences. For individuals, screening for TBI events and chronic TBI can
open the door for treatment and/or accommodations; and accurate documentation of TBI
history in the medical or academic record can inform health-related decision making at the
time of screening or years down the road. Systematic TBI screening allows for more
accurate estimates of the prevalence of TBI events and chronic TBI. Such data are needed to
support the development of educational efforts for clinicians and other medical and social
service professionals, support the expansion of accessible primary and secondary prevention
opportunities for people with TBI, and ultimately decrease the personal and social costs of
The preparation of this article was supported in part by grant No. 1R49CE001171 from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention to Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City. The Brain Injury Screening
Questionnaire discussed in this article as a tool for screening for traumatic brain injury is sometimes sold to
agencies/organizations that want to screen people for brain injury. The proceeds of such sales benefit the Brain
Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai, with which all authors are associated.
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Dams-O’Connor et al. Page 17
Sample items from parts I, II, and III of the Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire
Part I
For each event listed, record the number of times you
experienced a blow to the head in that type of
For each blow to the head recorded in Column
Column A Column B
Did you ever lose consciousness? Were you ever dazed and
Did you ever experience a blow to
the head…
How many
In a car crash?
While on the playground?
Being assaulted or mugged?
Part II
Please check the boxes below to indicate how often, in
the past month, you have been bothered by each of the
difficulties listed.
Always Often Some-
Never N/A
Having double vision or blurred vision
Difficulty concentrating, having a poor span of
Doing things without thinking them through, being
Part III
Yes No Don't
Were you labelled as having a learning disability or an attention deficit
Were you ever medicated for a psychiatric condition?
Were you ever hospitalized or seen in the emergency room for a brain
Abbreviation: N/A, not applicable.
J Head Trauma Rehabil
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 August 15.