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Customize Buttons and Pages Using the Properties Panel:
Quick Guide
The properties panel is a tool that allows you to customize the look, feel, and actions of your Boardmaker 7 activities.
Each button type and page allow for specific properties. This quick guide provides descriptions for many of the properties
in the Properties Panel.
Standard Button Properties in the Properties Panel
NOTE: The properties panel is accessible when an activity is in Edit mode in the Boardmaker 7 Editor.
Button and Type Properties
Content Properties
A. Alignment- Choose how the button aligns to the page.
Options from left to right include top, horizontal center,
bottom, left, vertical center, right, center, align to grid.
NOTE: If multiple buttons are selected, the alignment is
determined by the button that was selected first.
B. Type: Determine a button type.
NOTE: Each button type has unique properties.
Standard: Holds a symbol and a label
Symbolate: Automatically populates a symbol for
each word typed in the button.
Word Predictor: Predicts a word based on the
previous 2 words typed. Used mainly for writing
Group: Holds multiple symbols and allows you to
adjust the size of the symbol(s) relative to the button.
C. Add Symbol: Opens a symbol search.
D. Edit Symbol: Opens the Symbol Editor.
E. Symbol Layout: Choose the layout for the symbol and
label. Label on top, Label on bottom, Symbol only,
Label left, Label right, Label only.
F. Margin: Type in a number to customize the amount of
space between the symbol and button border
G. Edit Text: Opens a text editor with the label text.
NOTE: Text can be edited using other properties in the
Properties Panel.
H. Maintain Aspect: When selected maintains the width
to height ratio for the symbol.
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Font Properties
Background Properties
I. Font- Choose a font from the dropdown menu.
J. Font Size- Type a font size in the box or choose from
the dropdown menu.
K. Font Style: Choose bold, italicized, and/or underlined if
L. Horizontal align: Choose an alignment button to align
text to the left, center, or right of the label button.
M. Vertical align: Choose an alignment button to align text
to the top, center, or bottom of the label button.
N. Font Color: Choose a color for the text.
O. Font Highlight Color: Choose a color to highlight the
text. Follow instructions for Font Color above to select a
1. Select the black box.
2. Select a color.
3. Select Ok.
P. Add Symbol: Add a symbol to the selected button
background. Select to open the symbol window.
Q. Remove Image- Delete a background image from
the button.
R. Fill: Select a color to fill the background of the
button. Follow instructions for Font Color above to
select a color.
S. Gradient Color: Select a secondary color for
gradient. Follow instructions for Font Color above to
select a color.
T. Gradient: Select from the dropdown to add a
gradient pattern to the background color.
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Style Properties
State Properties
Advanced Properties
U. Border: Select a Border color.
V. Size: Type a number into the text box to make the
border thicker or thinner.
W. Border Style: Select the Solid drop down to choose
dots or dashes for your button border.
X. Button Shape: Select the circle dropdown to change
your button shape.
Y. State: Change how the student will interact with the
NOTE: Most users do not change this property. The
software will auto select a state.
Disabled: visible with a gray overlay but not
selectable in Play mode
Hidden: not visible or selectable in Play mode
Selectable: visible and selectable in Play mode
Locked: button is not selectable in the Editor
Z. Object Name: Used for programming. Leave as the
default unless you are a super advanced user.
AA. Drag Type: Leave as the default. Movable buttons
will be released in a future version of Boardmaker.
AB. Audio Cue: Type a short word or message that will
play when the student scans the button (scanning must be
enabled in User Settings) or when Audio Cue is selected in
User Settings.
AC. Actions: Select the Actions Button to program actions
for the button. See Add Actions to an Activity in
Boardmaker 7 Quick Guide for detailed instructions.
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Additional Page Properties
Additional Symbolate Button Properties
A. Layout: Use the dropdown to choose a layout for buttons on
the page.
Freeform: auto-formatting not applied
Auto-center: arranges buttons in the center of the
Auto-grid: arranges buttons in rows or columns
starting from the top left
Circular: arranges buttons in a circle around the
center of the page or group
Grid: creates a custom grid with a specified number
of columns and rows
B. Margin: Type a number to change the amount of space
between the buttons and the edge of the page
C. Margin: Type a number to change the amount of space
between the symbolated words and the edge of the
Symbolate button.
D. Symbolate: Choose which words are symbolated
All: Symbolate all words with symbols
Nouns: Symbolate only nouns
Verbs: Symbolate only verbs
Adjectives: Symbolate only adjectives
Content Words: Symbolate only nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and some common adverbs
Words on List: Symbolate only words indicated on
the Word list (see H below)
Words Not on List: Symbolate all words not on the
Word List (see H below)
Non-Common Words: Symbolate only words not
on the list of common words (see user manual for a
common word list)
E. Symbol Location: Choose if the symbols will be located on
top of the word or on bottom.
F. Symbol Height: Type a number to make the symbols
smaller or larger.
G. All Same Width: Select the box to space all words evenly
from each other
H. Word List: Select to type in words that should or should not
be symbolated (see D above)