A Visualization Tool for
Minecraft Actor Properties
and Permutations
Cal Poly Computer Science Senior Project
Prepared by: Jillian Polsin
Advised by: Dr. Michael Van De Vanter
Industry Sponsors: Mojang Studios (John Seghers, Adrian Orszulak,
Halishia Chugani, John Thornton, Michael Weilbacher)
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
Minecraft Background 3
Problem 3
Opportunity 5
Actor Properties and Permutation Visualizer 5
Debug Mob Selector 6
Impact 8
Challenges and Solutions 8
Deliverables 10
Final Thoughts 10
Next Steps 11
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
Minecraft Background
Minecraft is an open world video game with over 120 million players worldwide on over ten
different platforms that recently just rose to the top of the best selling games list of all times, just
beating Tetris. Minecraft has multiple different gameplay modes ranging from survival mode,
where players have to gather items and craft tools to stay alive, to creative mode, where players
have all the materials needed to build anything the players want. Minecraft aims to inspire
creativity to both players who want to explore the worlds and content creators who want to add
their own personal spin on the game.
One of Minecraft’s biggest draws has been that ability to add new components to the game, also
known as modding. Mojang Studios has always done a great job ensuring that content creators
have the correct access to the game to ensure that they can add the entities or items into the game
that they wanted, but debugging the entities that a creator creates can be difficult, especially
when it comes to custom entities (also known as “mobs” or “actors”). When a creator decides
that they want to make their own custom mob, a basic layout for the entity is provided to the
creator. However, there is very limited in-game debugging for the new entities. Currently, a mob
can be selected as a “debug entity” when testing their content in game, meaning the developer
now has access to all of the information about that entity and can perform specific debugging
actions on the entity that they were not able to before. A picture of a mob being selected as a
debug entity is shown below.
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
Before a mob is selected as the debug
After the mob is selected as the debug entity. Note the
red box drawn around the entity
However, the current debugging system is mostly textual debugging, except for a few select
systems that have a few more debugging features. If an entity performs unexpected behavior
while in game, the content creators are expected to debug their entity by hand using only the
JSON file they created and the small snippets of textual debugging that are currently in the
engine. Additionally, Minecraft is currently transitioning into a new way of writing new actors
using something called Actor Properties and Permutations. Because of this, the current
debugging tools do not have support for the new Actor Properties and Permutations system. A
debugging tool for Actor Properties and Permutations would make the transition to the new
system much easier.
In addition to this, the creator currently cannot debug a mob if they cannot see it on screen and
interact with it. This can be problematic for mobs like Creepers, who may explode and cause
massive damage to the world when interacting with the player in the game.
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
Actor Properties and Permutation Visualizer
An in-game debugger can be made to help assist content creators with their entities. The
debugger can be used to display properties, permutations and the components that connect to
those permutations of a specific mob. This can be done with a 3rd party library called ImGui that
allows us to display the entity’s information to the developer with tables and node graphs. A
node graph is used to visualize which components belong to which permutation and what the
value of the components are. This allows for the developer to see exactly which components are
active alongside the values that each component has. For example, if a mob were to have two
different loot tables depending on what their age is (for example, baby or adult), then the creator
will be able to see the values of each loot table in the node graph. The node graph also updates
whenever the conditions change. For example, if a wolf grows up and is no longer a baby, the
node graph will automatically update to show that transition.
For example, the picture below is an example of what the node graph looks like for mobs that are
written using the actor properties and permutations architecture, this picture specifically is
representing the wolf written with properties and permutations. The permutation is labeled as
active or inactive (in this case looking at the tamed permutation and seeing that the wolf is not
tamed), and that there are 3 components that are active when this specific permutations is active:
the tameable component, the avoid mob type component and the rideable component. Also note
that the connection between the permutation node and the component nodes are color coded to
show that that permutation is active. When that permutation becomes inactive, the connections
will turn red to show that the permutation is currently inactive.
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
Debug Mob Selector
The other tool that can be developed to help creators debug actors is a tool that allows the user to
select any debug entity without having to physically interact with it. For example of what this
might look like, see the first picture of the squid below. The squid is contained in a small closed
“aquarium” with water so it doesn’t die. However, there are blocks in between the squid and the
player, so the player cannot use normal methods to select it as the debug entity. The second
picture is what the tool looks like after the squid is selected. Note that the squid is correctly
selected as the debug entity.
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
The debug mob tool will show a menu with all the mobs in a current user defined radius. This
will allow the user to easily select debug entities that are enclosed like the squid above. Also, the
user can select mobs that could be physically far away from them. For example, if the user needs
to debug a zombie in a cave 200 blocks below them, they can pull up the debug window and
select that zombie as the debug mob without having to see the zombie or move towards it. In
addition to this, the player will be able to switch debug entities faster and with a lot more ease
since they don't have to go find the mob and approach it to select it.
The new tools can impact the time it takes to develop new tools for both the content creators that
are creating new content packs and the developers who are making new mobs for the game. The
content creators and the developers will no longer have to aimlessly search through their JSON
code to find what’s wrong with the new mob that they developed if it has unexpected behaviour,
they can instead pull up the node editor to see if all the permutations line up the components they
thought it would and ensure that the components have the correct values attached to them. This
in turn decreases the time it takes to debug mobs when they have undefined behavior. In addition
to this, the visual debugging tool can allow for a smoother transition from the existing
component system to actor properties and permutations. The creator can build their mob
permutation by permutation and see how the mob is being built in the node editor.
The debug mob selector can greatly increase the quality of life for the creators. They no longer
have to physically interact with the mobs to debug select them. This decreases debugging time
because the creator no longer has to walk over to the mob, find a way to contain it and debug
select it to be able to debug the mob. The creator can also switch between multiple debug mobs
with ease with this new tool. In addition to this, if a creator has to debug a dangerous mob, like a
creeper that would explode on contact with the creator, they don’t have to worry about the mob
creating unintended consequences to the world by trying to debug select it. Also, since a creator
can now choose a mob to debug without physically interacting with it, they can debug a mob no
matter where it is in the world. For example, the creator can now debug select a mob that is in a
cave 200 blocks below them, again leading to ease when switching between mobs to debug.
Challenges and Solutions
Throughout the development of the project, a few major challenges were encountered:
1. Getting Minecraft itself to build under the current circumstances is difficult as the current
build environment is missing a critical submodule -- this proved to be one of the most
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
difficult challenges in the early stages of the project, but was eventually overcome by
carefully cherrypicking the submodule out of build.
2. All of the entity’s data is stored on the server, while ImGui requires all of the information
to be on the client. This was solved by intercepting the data as soon as it was parsed to be
sent to the client. Luckily, the framework needed to send the data down to the client
already exists.
3. Ensuring that ImGui has the capability to render the information we want to show the
way we want it to show and no other library is available. This did not end up being as big
an issue as it could have been, as ImGui was able to represent the data we wanted
perfectly without any major additions to the ImGui code.
4. How do we determine a unique name for each component?
The node editor requires that all the names of the inputs and outputs are unique.
However, Minecraft allows for a component to exist at multiple different stages in
an entity’s life span.
While the same component can exist at multiple places in the entity's life span, the
data in the component can be different. For example, both a baby sheep and an
adult sheep have the loot table component, but the loot for a baby sheep is
extremely different from an adult sheep. How do we represent that the component
itself is the same, but the data is different?
The issue of identity also needs to be considered at this time. Minecraft views the
component’s identity as the whole component and its data while ImGui views the
components identity as just the name of the component. If the name needs to be
unique, how do we make it unique in a way that the information can correctly be
transferred from the server to the client and vice versa without mass confusion
between the two systems?
This sort of identity issue was fixed by manipulating the data on the client side to
contain a unique ID that matches the specific component with the permutation so
ImGui knows which permutation belongs to which component. Even though this
was fixed, this is something we’d like to see ImGui handle to replace the string
manipulation that happens on the client.
5. How will future tool developers be able to get the data from the components in string
format? The data’s string version is discarded very early in the entity parsing process, and
it’s unclear if we can send that data to the client before it is discarded. Luckily, a class
already exists to keep the data from the JSON throughout the lifespan of the game and
contains a method to display the JSON in the desired format.
6. Determining a unique name for each actor. There may be thousands of squids in the user
selected radius. How do we represent them as unique mobs? They all have the same
identifier, minecraft:squid, and they need to be told apart so the debug entity can be
selected appropriately. This was fixed by mapping all Minecraft identifiers to a specific
ID and suffix combo so the mob can be kept and rendered uniquely.
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
The main goal of this project is to not only to help users debug actor properties and permutations,
but to create a foundation of the Minecraft tool set that could enhance the usability of all tools.
The main goal of the permutation tool is to transfer the information about the actor permutations
into the node editor. The node editor shows which components are related to each permutation,
as well as the information about components themselves (for example, which loot table the
minecraft:loot component has). Note that the node editor is not currently a live editor for actor
properties and permutations, but just a visualizer for them.
After all of the data is transferred to the server correctly and is displayed correctly, a feature for
selecting mobs will be added to the entire tool architecture. This feature will allow users to filter
mobs by type and range so they can be more easily selected for debugging. For example, some
entities, like a creeper or the example of the squid from up above, may need to be kept in
enclosures so they don’t wander off and destroy some aspects of the world. However, currently,
you can’t select a mob that is kept in an enclosure because the blocks in front of the entity keep
you from physically selecting the entity. This new feature will fix that issue by allowing you to
not be directly next the entity to select it for debugging.
Final Thoughts
ImGui is a great tool to display the actor properties and permutations in a way that would benefit
the creator when they’re making new content. It allows for easy visual debugging of the new
architecture with lists and node editors and gives the creators the ability to switch debug entities
quickly and with ease.
However, there is a problem with the idea of identity in ImGui and the Minecraft engine that
makes working with the two problematic. ImGui doesn’t have a great way to make a tool like the
actor properties and permutations node editor that allows for components that have the same
name. Every node input and output needs a completely separate and unique name that requires
string manipulation in the ImGui code. If the tool wanted to be used as a live editor, all of the
actors original information would have to be mapped to the unique name and we would have to
ensure that the right version of the name was sent to the client and the server. However, a lot of
the pipelines were already built to transfer the information about which mob is the debug entity,
so we didn’t have to deal with the identity issue too much in this regard. But with that being said,
the identity issue should be addressed before ImGui can be seamlessly used as a live editing tool.
Jillian Polsin
Minecraft Actor Permutation Tool Final Report
Next Steps
Since the Minecraft code was forked to develop the debugging tool, a lot has changed in regard
to the actual architecture of the actor properties and permutations. The code will need to be
updated to ensure that the tool can correctly render all of the new information and intercept it at
the correct point in time on the server side. In addition to this, some of the code that could be
applied to more than one tool could be abstracted to ensure that all tools can access it correctly
with the correct parameters and information.