Every Waking Moment
Citizen Cope
I watched the country move slow
I watched a city for a dollar get sold
I watched a bella take off her clothes
I watched the miles from the car window
Every waking moment i'm alive
I'm searching for you
Whether i know it or not
Or whather i realize
Every waking moment i'm alive
I'm searching for you
Whether i know it
Or whether i realize
Every waking moment i'm alive
I've been to Paris
I've been to Rome
Never been to Laos
But i'll lie and say i've gone
I've been touched by a woman that i lust
I've been real high
I've been real low
Every waking moment i'm alive
I'm searching for you
Or whether i realize
Every waking moment i'm alive
I'm searching for you
Whether i know it
Or whether i realize
Every waking moment i'm alive
Every waking moment i'm alive..
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