How do children cope with global climate change? Coping strategies,
engagement, and well-being
Maria Ojala
Department of Education, Box 2136, Uppsala University, 750 02 Uppsala, Sweden
Youth & Society, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
article info
Article history:
Available online 8 March 2012
Climate change skepticism
Problem-focused coping
Meaning-focused coping
Negative affect
Pro-environmental behavior
The aim of this questionnaire study was to explore how Swedish 12-year-olds (n ¼ 293) cope with
climate change, and how different coping strategies relate to environmental engagement and well-being.
Three coping strategies were identied: problem-focused coping, de-emphasizing the seriousness of
climate change, and meaning-focused coping. Problem-focused and meaning-focused coping had posi-
tive associations with measures of environmental engagement, while de-emphasizing the threat had
negative associations with engagement. Problem-focused coping was positively related to general
negative affect, which was explained by the tendency for highly problem-focused children to worry more
about climate change. In contrast, t he more meaning-focused coping the children used the less they
experienced negative affect, and the more they experienced life satisfaction, general positive affect,
purpose, and optimism. Finally, moderation analyses revealed that for children high on problem-focused
coping; meaning-focused coping, purpose, and optimism worked as buffers against negative affect. The
importance of positive emotions for constructive coping is discussed.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Climate change is one of the most serious threats that humanity
is facing today. Since this problem is intertwined with the global
pattern of production and consumption there is a need to include
the public in efforts toward a sustainable society, and it is perhaps
especially important to reach the young generation since they are
the future leaders of society. Researchers argue that late childhood
and early adolescence are vital when it comes to developing an
interest in global environmental problems (Blanchet-Cohen, 2008;
Chawla & Flanders Cushing, 2007). Children in this age-group have
acquired the capacity for abstract thinking, which allows them to
make use of hypotheses and think beyond the concrete and direct
situation (Evenshaug & Hallen, 2001), and many have also started
to show an interest in the larger world and in global issues (Holden,
20 07).
Unfortunately, studies indicate that learning about global
problems can trigger profound feelings of anxiety, helplessness,
and hopelessness (Eckersley, 1999; Hicks & Bord, 2001; Holden,
20 07; Searle & Gow, 2010; Taber & Taylor, 2009; Tucci, Mitchell,
& Goddard, 2007). Psychologists have started to recognize climate
change as a stressor, and to argue that how people cope with this
threat could be important for both engagement and psychological
well-being (Homburg & Stolberg, 2006; Homburg, Stolberg, &
Wagner, 2007; Reser & Swim, 2011; Stokols, Misra, Runnerstrom,
& Hipp, 2009; Swim et al., 2009, 2011). This could be particularly
true for children, since they may nd it more difcult than adults to
deal with the negative emotions that this threat arouses (Fritze,
Blashki, Burke, & Wiseman, 2008). There are, however, few
studies focusing on how children cope with climate change. The
main aims of this study were, therefore, to explore how a group of
Swedish 12-year-olds cope with global climate change and to
examine how different coping strategies relate to well-being (life
satisfaction, negative affect, positive affect) and environmental
engagement (environmental efcacy, pro-environmental
behavior), as well as optimism concerning climate change and
a sense of purpose in life.
In the remainder of the introduction section, rst, the concept of
coping is dened. Second, studies focusing on how young people
cope with societal risks in general are presented, before touching
upon the few studies focusing on climate change and coping.
Thereafter, the importance of meaning-focused coping will be
elaborated upon. Finally, the more specic aims and hypotheses of
the study are presented.
Department of Education, Box 2136, Uppsala University, 750 02 Uppsala, Sweden.
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Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2012) 225e233
1.1. Coping
According to Lazarus and Folkman (1984), coping concerns
humans trying to handle different kinds of psychological stress and
threats. Coping is cognitive and/or behavioral efforts to manage
specic external and/or internal demands (Lazarus & Folkman,
1984, p. 141). This denition implies conscious efforts as opposed
to automatic or unconscious behavior, and focuses on efforts rather
than the actual outcome of the coping process. The word manage
indicates that, for instance, avoiding or accepting the stressful
condition, not only mastering the situation, are examples of coping.
The focus in the coping literature is usually on demands or
threats at a micro-level, for example, interpersonal problems.
However, coping could also be concerned with how one deals with
societal threats in order to avoid adverse states such as social
alienation and powerlessness (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). An indi-
viduals way of coping with societal threats could have an impact
not only on his/her psychological well-being, but also on his/her
social engagement (see Van Zomeren, Spears, & Leach, 2010).
The most well-known coping theory was developed by Lazarus
and Folkman (1984) and it distinguishes between two main ways of
coping; (1) emotion-focused strategies, where the goal is to get rid
of negative emotions evoked by a stressor, through for instance
avoidance, distancing, and denial-like strategies; and (2) problem-
focused strategies, where one concentrates on ways to solve the
problem, such as searching for information about what one can do.
When it comes to problems at a micro-level, a common nding is
that problem-focused coping has a positive inuence on mental
well-being (Clarke, 2006; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), while
emotion-focused strategies are detrimental to well-being, at least
in the long run (for a review see Frydenberg, 2008, pp. 24e25).
However, research has shown that whether a coping strategy is
constructive or not is context dependent, and that even denial can
be benecial if used for a short time period, for instance, after the
sudden death of a loved one (for a review see Lazarus, 1999).
Although many of the main aspects of coping are similar in
different age-groups, there are some differences between how
adults and early adolescents cope with stress and threats. For
example, what is perceived as a stressor could differ between
different age-groups. In a review of studies about adolescents and
coping, Frydenberg (2008, pp. 2e3) identied three main concerns
for this age-group; achievements and future plans such as how one
performs in school, interpersonal relations with peers and parents,
and societal problems such as environmental risks. Furthermore,
children and adolescents do not have as much control over their
own behavior as adults; for instance, they are constrained by their
parents, and therefore there is a tendency to use problem-focused
coping less often than adults do (Ryan-Wenger, 1992). Thus, as
pointed out above, coping is dependant to a certain extent on
factors such as age and context, but also on the characteristics of the
stressor, which will be elaborated on below.
1.2. Coping with societal problems
Even if problem-focused strategies are often adaptive ways of
coping with stress at a micro-level, when stressors are uncontrol-
lable or very severe problem-focused coping could actually create
more distress (Clarke, 2006). Since societal problems are relatively
uncontrollable, some researchers have speculated that this could
problem-focused coping in this area to be associated with
low well-being (Hallis & Slone, 1999). Empirical studies have,
however, shown mixed results. When it comes to how young
people cope with societal risks such as nuclear war and terrorism,
problem-focused coping is sometimes related to feelings of efcacy,
engagement, and high well-being (Boehnke, Macpherson, Meador,
& Petri, 1989; Silver, Holman, McIntosh, Poulin, & Gil-Rivas, 20 02),
and sometimes to low well-being and stress (Hallis & Slone, 1999;
Heyman, Brennan, & Colarossi, 2010). These mixed results indicate
that there are factors that moderate the association between
problem-focused coping in relation to societal problems, on the one
hand, and well-being, on the other.
Concerning climate change and coping, there is some research
performed on adults. In a study by Homburg et al. (2007), problem-
solving strategies were positively related to both stress and
measures of pro-environmental behavior, while an emotion-
focused strategy in the form of denial of guilt was negatively
associated with stress and pro-environmental behavior. Further-
more, an experimental study by Van Zomeren et al. (2010) showed
that problem-focused coping in relation to the climate threat, in
this case equated with group efcacy, led to environmental action
Other studies, although they do not base their argu-
ments on the coping literature, have shown that often various
emotion-focused strategies, such as denial or externalization of
responsibility, are used to handle climate change psychologically
(Lorenzoni, Nicholson-Cole, & Whitmarsh, 2007; Stoll-Kleeman,
ORiordan, & Jaeger, 2001). Although not investigated directly,
these strategies are perceived as being detrimental for environ-
mental engagement.
If problem-focused coping is in some instances related to stress
and low psychological well-being e which could be especially true
for children, since they have less control over their behavior than
adults e and if emotion-focused strategies such as distancing and
denial may be negatively related to environmental engagement, are
there any other ways in which children can cope with the climate
threat? In the next section theories about the importance of
meaning-focused coping and positive emotions are presented.
1.3. Meaning-focused coping and positive emotions
There are some important asp ects missing in the studies
mentioned above. Research has shown that emotion-related
coping is not only about getting rid of negative feelings, through
for instance distancing or by de-emphasizing the seriousness of
the problem, but also concerns strategies to evoke positive feelings
that can work as buffers hindering negative emotions from turning
into low well-being (Folkma n, 2008). This way of regulating
emotions i s called meaning-focus ed coping. When using meaning-
focused st rategies, people draw on their beliefs, values, and exis-
tential goals to sustain well-being. This form of copi ng includes
strategies such as positive reappraisal, which is about acknowl-
edging the stre ssor but still being able to reverse ones perspective.
Other meaning-focused strategies are nding benets in a difcult
situation, revisions of goals , and spiritual beliefs (Folkman, 2008).
These strategies seem to activate positive emotions that can help
people face the difcult situation and deal with the stressor
constructively. Meaning-focused coping is especially important
when the stressor cannot be removed and solved at once (or at all)
but still demands active involvement, suc h as when one has to care
for a terminally ill partner (Folkman, 2008; Folkman & Moskowitz,
Ojala (2007a,b) has argued that there are actually some simi-
larities here with global environmental problems. Even if a person
is very active, climate change cannot be solved at once, only in
a distant future. Furthermore, the person cannot solve the problem
alone; this can only happen at a collective and global level.
It is important to note that this study had a somewhat different conceptualization
of problem-focused coping from most studies, in that the focus was on group efcacy
ratherthanindividual strategies to nd out what one can do about the problemoneself.
M. Ojala / Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2012) 225e233226
However, at an aggregated level all people are contributing to
climate change through their lifestyles, and it is therefore impor-
tant to be active concerning this issue even though no result can be
seen directly. Thus, some form of meaning-focused coping, where
people do not deny the climate problem but are able to activate
positive emotions that can help them to bear the worry associated
with the awareness of this threat, could be benecial for both
engagement and well-being.
Meaning-focused coping could perhaps be one important factor
that moderates the relation between problem-focused coping and
different facets of psychological well-being. That is, it is possible
that, for instance, the ability to reverse ones perspective, and see
not only threats but also opportunities, could buffer the excessive
worry that problem-focused coping may otherwise evoke. In
addition, optimism concerning climate change and a general sense
of purpose could perhaps also shield highly problem-focused
children from low well-being. Optimism, dened as positive
outcome expectancies, has been found to be closely related to
positive emotions in stressful situations (see Carver & Scheier,
1999). Having identied a purpose/meaning in life has been
found to be important for well-being among young people,
including early adolescents (Bronk, Hill, Lapsley, Talib, & Finch,
20 09), and seems to buffer a high degree of environmental worry
from turning into low well-being (Ojala, 2005).
In order to explore more in detail how young people in
different age-groups cope with global environmental problems,
three qualitative studies were performed (Ojala, 2007a, 2007b,
20 08, submitted for publication). One of the strategies identied
was named positive reappraisal/cognitive restructuring since the
young people, after describing their worries about the environ-
mental problems, thought about them in a different way so as to
also activate hope. An example was to put the problems into
a historical context, where they thought that the awareness of the
problem had increased during recent years. Another source of
hope was trust in different societal actors, covering, for instance,
trust in scientists and technological solutions and trust in envi-
ronmental organizations. These strategies could be seen as
meaning-focused coping. Trust in ones own ability to inuence the
environmental problems in a positive direction, a strategy similar
to problem-focused coping, was also present. In addition, in one of
these studies (Ojala, submitted for publication) different kinds of
emotion-focused strategies to de-emphasize the climate threat
were identied, both more active strategies, for example thinking
that the problem is exaggerated, and more passive strategies, for
example claiming that one couldnt be bothered to care about
climate change. Thus, the three main coping strategies identied
in the coping literature e problem-focused coping, emotion-
focused coping, and meaning-focused coping e also seem to be
important when it comes to coping with global environmental
1.4. Aims and hypotheses
In the present study, the coping strategies identied in the
qualitative studies mentioned above were measured quantitatively
in a group of 12-year-olds. The rst aim was to investigate whether
these could be seen as separate and valid dimensions in a scale
measuring coping with climate change among children in late
childhood/early adolescence. The focus was on problem-focused
coping, meaning-focused coping (positive reappraisal and trust in
different societal actors), and emotion-focused coping (de-
the seriousness of climate change, to not care about
climate change). The second aim was to explore the relations
between these sub-scales and different measures of psychological
well-being (life satisfaction, negative affect, and positive affect), on
the one hand, and environmental engagement, on the other
(environmental efcacy and pro-environmental behavior). The
relations to optimism concerning climate change and a sense of
purpose were also investigated. Thereafter, a set of hypotheses
were formulated:
(1) A rst hypothesis was that problem-focused coping could be
negatively related to well-being, since searching for informa-
tion about what one can do concerning climate change
probably increases worry about this threat, at least among
(2) A second hypothesis was that for children using a high degree
of problem-focused coping, meaning-focused coping ought to
function as a buffer against low well-being. That is, for children
using a high degree of meaning-focused coping the negative
relation between problem-focused coping and well-being
ought to be weaker than among children using meaning-
focused coping to a lower degree.
(3) A third hypothesis was that for children using a high degree of
problem-focused coping, optimism concerning climate
change, ought to function as a buffer against low well-being.
That is, for children feeling a high degree of optimism the
negative relation between problem-focused coping and well-
being ought to be weaker than among children feeling less
(4) A fourth hypothesis was that for children using a high degree
of problem-focused coping, a sense of purpose in life, ought to
function as a buffer against low well-being. That is, for chil-
dren having found a purpose in life the negative relation
between problem-focused coping and well-being ought to be
weaker than among children not having found a sense of
purpose in life.
2. Method
2.1. Procedure and participants
The study took place during autumn/winter 2009 among chil-
dren living in ve municipalities in central Sweden. Active consent
was collected from both parents and children. Before the study
started, several measures, for instance pilot studies, were taken to
ensure that the children would understand the questions in the
The study was performed during regular school
hours in the classroom and children were ensured anonymity.
Teachers were not present, and the questionnaire was administered
by trained neutral test leaders.
A total of 402 parents were contacted and asked if they would
allow their child to take part in the study. Of these, 85% gave thei r
active consent. In addition, 40 children were not present in the
classroom due to vacation or because they were sick, and four
children elected not to participate in the study. Thus, 299 children
answered the questionnaire, which gives a response rate of 74%.
Six of these children were excluded from the analysis because
they had not answered the questionnaire in a serious manner, or
had not understood the questions, and the subsequent data
A secondary-school teacher read through and gave comments on a rst draft of
the questionnaire. A smaller pilot group of children talked through the question-
naire with an assistant and made comments. A pilot class answered the ques-
tionnaire and made comments on, for instance, items that were hard to understand.
At least two trained assistants distributed the questionnaire in the classrooms, and
encouraged the pupils to ask questions if they had a hard time understanding
a question. In addition, those young people who had reading difculties (as indi-
cated by the teacher) answered the questionnaire in a separate room where the
questions and answer alternatives were read out loud by one of the assistants.
M. Ojala / Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2012) 225e233 227
analyses were based on 293 respondents. The sample consisted of
48% girls and 51% boys,
and the mean age was 12 years
(s.d. ¼ .28).
2.2. Measures
Environmental efcacy was measured with four items. Two
captured individual self-efcacy: I think that I myself can
contribute to the improvement of the climate change situation, and
I know there are a number of things that I myself can do in order to
improve the climate change problem. Two captured collective
efcacy: I believe that together we can do something about the
climate threat, and I am condent in that wetogether can solve the
climate change problem. The children were asked to indicate how
well the items applied to them. Each item was followed by a 5-point
scale ranging from does not apply at all to applies very well.
Studies with adults have shown that self-efcacy and collective
efcacy (group efcacy) in relation to environmental issues seem to
be two separate concepts (Homburg & Stolberg, 2006; Van Zomeren
et al., 2010). Therefore, a principal component analysis was per-
formed on the four items. However, they did not separate into two
factors. Instead, they fell out in one factor, and one scale with good
internal reliability (Cronbachs alpha ¼ .86), was created.
Pro-environmental behavior was measured with twelve items
capturing both behavior in everyday life (e.g. how often one is:
helping ones parents to recycle, cycling to school instead of
being driven by car) and communicating the need to do something
about the environment to other people (e.g. how often one is:
asking ones parents to buy organic food, trying to inuence
ones friends or/and peers to care more for the environment). Each
item was assessed on a 5-point scale (almost never, seldom,
sometimes, often, almost always). Cronbachs alpha was .88.
Life satisfaction was measured by a Swedish translation of a scale
aimed at assessing childrens thoughts about their own life
, 1991). The scale contained seven items (e.g. Ihave
a good life, I wish I had a different kind of life), each answered on
a 6-point scale from does not apply at all to applies very well.
The Cronbachs alpha was .89.
General negative affect was measured with seven items about
anxious and depressive feelings felt during the last week, taken
from the Child Depression Scale (Radloff, 1977). Two typical items
are: I have worried about things I dont usually worry about and
I have felt down and unhappy. General positive affect was
measured with three items from Radloffs scale. A typical item is:
During the last week I have felt happy. Each item was assessed
on a 4-point scale from not at all to often. A principal
component analysis with Varimax as the rotation method was
conducted on the items to investigate if they can be perceived as
two separate scales measuring general negative affect, on the one
hand, and general positive affect, on the other. A two-factor
structure was suggested by Kaisers Eigenvalue criterion. This
factor solution accounted for 58% of the total variance and the
factor loadings were also satisfactory (.50 or greater) (see
Table 1). The alpha reliability for negative affect was .83 and .76 for
the scale measuring positive affect.
Optimism concerning climate change was captured by three
items: I feel hopeful that we will x the climate change problem in
the future, I think we will solve the climate problem in the
future, and I believe the future looks bright when it comes to
climate change. The children were asked to indicate how well the
items applied to them on a 5-point scale ranging from does not
apply at all to
applies very well.
Cronbachs alpha was .80.
Purpose in life was measured by four items taken from the
Revised Youth Purpose Survey (Bundick et al., 2006).
These items
measure whether one has found a purpose in life (1 item), how
important this purpose is for ones self (2 items), and the depth of
ones engagement; that is, if one is engaged in any organization that
supports ones purpose (1 item). The children were asked to indi-
cate how well the items applied to them on a 6-point scale ranging
from does not apply at all to applies very well. Cronbachs alpha
was .72.
Worry about climate change was measured by ve items asking
how much the children worried about negative consequences
caused by climate change for themselves, their close ones, future
generations, people living in economically deprived countries, and
animals/nature. Each item was answered on a 6-point scale ranging
from not at all to very much. Cronbachs alpha was .89.
3. Results
3.1. The coping scale
The children were given the following instruction: When one
hears about societal problems such as climate change, one can feel
worried or upset. Below is a list and for every item we would like
you to indicate how well it applies to what you do or think when
you are reminded of climate change. Choose the alternative that
you feel best applies to you, and choose only one alternative per
item. The response alternatives were: not true at all, not very
true, fairly true, very true, and completely true. The list
contained statements taken from qualitative studies with different
age-groups of young people (see Section 1.2) capturing different
facets of trust in other actors, positive reappraisal, problem-
focused coping, and strategies to de-emphasize the seriousness
of climate change.
After initial principal component analyses and reliability anal-
yses the items that are presented in Table 2 remained in the scale.
This is the result of a Principal component analysis with Varimax
rotation. Using Kaisers eigenvalue criterion, the items fell out in
three separate sub-scales with acceptable Cronbachs alphas; (1)
Meaning-focused coping (positive reappraisal including trust)
¼ .76), (2) De-emphasizing the seriousness of climate change
Table 1
The two-factor solution of the affect scale with rotated factor loadings.
Principal component analysis (PCA)
Factor labels and sub-scales General negative
General positive
Felt worried .67
Not felt happy .63
Down and unhappy .71
Felt like I wanted to cry .79
Felt sad .79
Felt like others dont like me .60
Felt scared .63
I have laughed .82
Felt happy .86
I have had a good time .73
Percent of variance explained 43 15
Note. Principal component analysis was used as the extraction method, with vari-
max rotation.
Four children did not indicate sex.
At all times, the arithmetic mean of the items in the scales for every person was
used to create aggregated measures.
The original scale was developed as part of The Stanford Center on Adoles-
cence Youth Purpose Project, partly nanced by The John Templeton Foundation
and the Thrive Foundation for Youth.
M. Ojala / Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2012) 225e233228
¼ .75), and (3) problem-focused strategies (
¼ .76). This factor
solution accounted for 52.5% of the total variance and the factor
loadings were satisfactory (.50 or greater) (see Table 2). It is
notable that positive reappraisal and trust fell into one factor, as did
the active and passive emotion-focused strategies.
3.2. How do the different coping strategies relate to engagement
and well-being?
Table 3 shows the results of Pearsons correlation analyses
between the three coping strategies and measures of engagement
and well-being. Problem-focused coping and meaning-focused
coping were positively related to environmental efcacy, pro-
environmental behavior, optimism concerning climate change,
and a sense of purpose. In addition, problem-focused coping had
a positive relation to general negative affect; that is, the more
problem-focused coping the children used, the more likely it was
that they also experienced more negative affect. However, there
were no signicant relations between problem-focused coping and
the other two measures of well-being, life satisfaction and positive
affect. Children who tended to use a high degree of meaning-
focused coping were, on the other hand, less likely to experience
negative affect and more likely to experience life satisfaction and
general positive affect. In addition, de-emphasizing the seriousness
of climate change was negatively related to environmental efcacy
and pro-environmental behavior. However, the more the children
used this coping strategy, the less likely they were to feel a high
degree of depressive and anxious feelings (general negative affect).
3.3. Is problem-focused coping associated with general negative
affect because these strategies make children more worried about
climate change?
Since problem-focused coping was only signicantly related to
one of the well-being measures, negative affect, only the hypothesis
that problem-focused coping is positively related to general nega-
tive affect because these strategies make children more worried
about climate change, was investigated. The rst step was to
correlate problem-focused coping with worry about climate
change. A signicant positive relation was identi ed, with r ¼ .48***
(n ¼ 292; ***p .001). Next, a partial correlation analysis was
performed between problem-focused coping and general negative
affect, with worry as a control variable. When controlling for worry,
the relation between problem-focused coping and negative affect
was no longer signicant, with r ¼ .03 (n ¼ 287). Thus, the
hypothesis was conrmed.
The next three sections cover the hypotheses that meaning-
focused coping, optimism concerning climate change, and a sense
of purpose can buffer highly problem-focused children from low
psychological well-being. Since problem-focused coping was only
signicantly related to one of the well-being measures, negative
affect, the focus is solely on this facet of well-being.
3.4. Does meaning-focused coping buffer against a high degree of
general negative affect for children high on problem-focused coping?
First, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed to
assess the possible moderating effect of meaning-focused coping on
he relationship between problem-focused coping and negative
In a rst step, problem-focused coping was found to be
a unique signicant positive predictor,
¼ .25, p .001, of negative
affect while meaning-focused coping was a signicant negative
predictor ,
¼.20, p .001. A signicant interaction term between
these two variables was also present,
¼19, p .001; that is, in the
second step in the model, the added variance explained by the
interaction term was signicant,
¼ .04, p .001.
The main effects
also remained signicantin the second step;problem-focused coping,
¼ .27, p .001, and meaning-focused coping,
¼.23, p .00 1.
Second, the interaction effect was plotted in order to clarify its
nature. As shown in Fig. 1, the positive relation between problem-
Table 2
The three factor solution of the coping scale with rotated factor loadings.
Principal component analysis (PCA)
Meaning-focused coping De-emphasizing/dont care Problem-focused coping
More and more people have started
to take climate change seriously
.59 I think that the problem is exaggerated .69 I think about what I myself can do .68
I have faith in humanity; we can
x all problems
.77 I dont care since I dont know much
about climate change
.62 I search for information about what
I as a child can do
I trust scientists to come up with
a solution in the future
.69 Climate change is something positive
because the summers will get warmer
.70 I talk with my family and friends
about what one can do to help
I have faith in people engaged in
environmental organizations
.70 I cant be bothered to care about
climate change
I trust the politicians .58 Nothing serious will happen during
my lifetime
Even though it is a big problem,
one has to have hope
.61 Climate change does not concern
those of us living in Sweden
Percent of variance
25 19 9
Note. Principal component analysis was used as the extraction method, with varimax rotation.
Table 3
Pearson correlations between the three coping strategies and measures of envi-
ronmental engagement and well-being.
dont care
focused coping
Optimism concerning
climate change
.61*** (n ¼ 287) .04 (n ¼ 282) .18** (n ¼ 290)
.43*** (n ¼ 287) .39*** (n ¼ 282) .51*** (n ¼ 290)
.29*** (n ¼ 288) .38*** (n ¼ 283) .70*** (n ¼ 289)
General negative
.12*(n ¼ 288) .16** (n ¼ 283) .19*** (n ¼ 291)
General positive
.13* (n ¼ 288) .06 (n ¼ 283) .03 (n ¼ 291)
Life satisfaction .22*** (n ¼ 288) .10 (n ¼ 283) .01(n ¼ 291)
Purpose in life .13* (n ¼ 286) .05 (n ¼ 281) .31*** (n ¼ 289)
Note. *p .05;
**p .01; ***p .001.
In all the regression analyses, the independent variables were transformed into
z-scores to minimize problems of multicollinearity (Aiken & West, 1991).
The nal model was signicant, F (3, 284) ¼ 11.27; p .001; R
¼ .11.
M. Ojala / Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2012) 225e233 229
focused coping and negative affect was stronger for low meaning-
focused coping than for high levels.
In addition, simple slope
analysis (Aiken & West, 1991) showed that problem-focused coping
signicantly predicted negative affect for children low on meaning-
focused coping,
¼ .44, p .001, but not for children high on
meaning-focused coping,
¼ .10, p ¼ .175. Thus, using meaning-
focused coping to deal with the climate threat seems to shield
children who use a lot of problem-focused coping from a high
degree of general negative affect.
3.5. Does optimism concerning climate change buffer against a high
degree of general negative affect for children high on problem-
focused coping?
The results of a hierarchical regression analysis showed that
problem-focused coping was a unique signicant positive predictor
of negative affect,
¼ .24, p .001, while optimism was a signi-
cant negative predictor,
¼.25, p .001. Thereafter, the inter-
action term between these two variables were entered in a second
step and was also found to be a signicant predictor,
p .001, that is, it contributed signicantly to the explained vari-
¼ .05, p .001.
In addition, the main effects remained
signicant; problem-focused coping,
¼ .24, p .001, and opti-
¼.30, p .001.
A plot of the interaction term is shown in Fig. 2. The positive
relation between problem-focused coping and negative affect was
much stronger for low optimism than for high optimism, where the
relation was virtually null. A simple slope analysis (Aiken & West,
1991) showed that problem-focused coping signicantly pre-
dicted negative affect for children low on optimism concerning
climate change,
¼ .46, p .001, but not for children high on
¼ .02, p ¼ .835. Hence, optimism seems to buffer
highly problem-focused children from a high degree of negative
3.6. Does a sense of purpose buffer against a high degree of general
negative affect for children high on problem-focused coping?
Again a hierarchical regression analysis was performed. In the
rst step, problem-focused coping was a unique signicant positive
predictor of negative affect,
¼ .20, p .001, while purpose had no
signicant impact on negative affect,
¼.02, p ¼ .80. However, in
a second step there was a signicant interaction effect between
purpose and problem-focused coping,
¼.12, p .05;
¼ .01,
p .05.
Furthermore, the main effect for problem-focused coping
remained signicant in the second step,
¼ .22, p .001.
In order to interpret this result, the interaction was plotted (see
Fig. 3), showing a slightly more complicated picture. Among chil-
dren who used a lot of problem-focused coping, those who expe-
rienced a high degree of purpose felt less negative affect than those
who experienced a low degree of purpose, indicating that purpose
works as a buffer against negative affect for these children.
However, among children who scored low on problem-focused
coping, a high degree of purpose was actually associated with
a higher degree of negative affect than was a low degree of purpose.
In addition, a simple slope analysis (Aiken & West, 1991) showed
that problem-focused coping signicantly predicted negative affect
for children low on purpose,
¼ .33, p .001, but for children high
on purpose the relation was weaker and not signicant,
¼ .11 ,
p ¼ .139. Hence, purpose seems to buffer highly problem-focused
children from a high degree of negative affect.
4. Discussion
Researchers have started to argue that the way people cope
psychologically with climate change is important both for mental
well-being and for environmental engagement, and that this could
be particularly true in younger age-groups. However, few empirical
Fig. 2. The moderating role of optimism concerning climate change on the relation
between problem-focused coping and negative affect. Low values ¼1 SD and high
values ¼þ1 SD.
Fig. 1. The moderating role of meaning-focused coping on the relation between
problem-focused coping and negative affect. Low values ¼1 SD and high values ¼þ1
Fig. 3. The moderating role of a sense of purpose on the relation between problem-
focused coping and negative affect. Low values ¼1 SD and high values ¼þ1 SD.
Throughout the article the value for high levels ¼þ1 SD and the value for low
levels ¼1 SD.
The nal model was signicant, F (3, 284) ¼ 16.58; p .001; R
¼ .15.
The nal model was signicant, F (3, 283) ¼ 5.02; p .01; R
¼ .05.
M. Ojala / Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2012) 225e233230
studies have been performed on how young people cope with this
threat. The present study was aimed at lling this gap in the liter-
ature. Three reliable coping strategies were identied; meaning-
focused coping (positive reappraisal/trust), de-emphasizing the
seriousness of climate change, and problem-focused coping. How
these coping strategies relate to measures of psychological well-
being and environmental engagement was explored.
4.1. Problem-focused coping and emotions-focused coping
In the study it was shown that to use a high degree of problem-
focused coping (e.g. searching for information about what one as
a child can do about climate change) seems to have both positive
and negative consequences. If the goal is to encourage pro-
environmental behavior and environmental efcacy, then it
seems that a useful strategy would be to help children cope with
climate change through problem-focused coping. This result is
supported by a study conducted on adults (Homburg et al., 2007).
However, in the present study, children who used problem-focused
coping to a large extent also had a tendency to feel a high degree of
general negative affect; that is, to experience anxious and depres-
sive feelings in their everyday life. This is in accordance with
researchers who argue that problem-focused coping concerning
stressors that are relatively uncontrollable, such as societal prob-
lems, could be associated with lower mental well-being (Clarke,
20 06; Heyman et al., 2010).
Even though the present studys design precludes any causal
analyses, the result of the partial correlation analysis could be
interpreted to mean that the use of problem-focused coping may
trigger worry about climate change, which in turn makes children
inclined to feel more negative affect in general. Children have even
less control than adults over their own behavior concerning climate
change; this could be why problem-focused strategies make them
more worried, rather than helping them to experience a higher
degree of control over the situation.
An alternative explanation is that children who experience
a high degree of negative affect in general also experience more
negative feelings when it comes to climate change, and that this
worry motivates them to search for information about what they
can do about the problem; that is, to use more problem-focused
coping. This explanation is supported by studies showing that
worry about nuclear war to a certain extent is a subtype of a general
tendency to experience a high degree of negative affect (Hamilton,
Keilin, Knox, & Naginey, 1989; Hollin, 1991). Further support comes
from research showing that worry often focuses peoples attention
on the stressor followed by an intense search for possible solutions
(for a review see Marcus, 2002).
That children who de-emphasize the seriousness of climate
change as a way to cope, experience a lower degree of environ-
mental efcacy and also do not behave as pro-environmentally as
children who use these strategies to a lower degree is perhaps not
a surprising result. However, this is still a novel empirical nding. A
somewhat similar relation was identied in a study of how
adolescents cope with the nuclear threat ( Thearle & Weinreich-
Haste, 1986). One can speculate whether it is these strategies to
psychologically handle climate change that lead to a lower degree
of felt efcacy, or if it is that children who believe that they and
other laypeople cannot do anything concerning this issue e who
perhaps even feel helpless in general concerning societal issues e
develop these coping strategies as a response to these feelings of
powerlessness. It is also interesting to note that this coping strategy
has a negative relation to general negative affect, which indicates
that it indeed is a way to regulate emotions, and not simply a cold
cognitive view of climate change.
4.2. Meaning-focused coping, optimism, and purpose
Perhaps the most interesting results of this study are those
concerning the use of meaning-focused coping, including strategies
as positive reappraisal and trust. In previous studies about
coping with societal threats, the focus has mostly been on problem-
focused coping, on the one hand, and emotion-focused strategies,
on the other. However, studies about coping at a micro-level show
that meaning-focused coping is aimed more at activating positive
emotions than at getting rid of negative emotions (Folkman, 2008).
In accordance with this, meaning-focused coping was the only
strategy that had a signicant relation, positive in this case, to
general positive affect. Children using this coping strategy also
experienced more optimism concerning climate change, and in this
case the correlation was strong. Furthermore, the more meaning-
focused coping the children used, the more they experienced life
satisfaction, and the more they were inclined to behave pro-
environmentally and to feel a high degree of environmental ef-
cacy. Again, the data cannot show the direction of causality;
however, an experimental study has shown that having trust in
societal actors concerning climate change (group efcacy) leads to
environmental action intentions (Van Zomeren et al., 2010). In
addition, it could be an underlying optimistic personality or
benecial social circumstances that explain the use of this coping
strategy (as well as well-being and environmental engagement).
More importantly, the meaning-focused strategies, trust and
positive reappraisal, as well as optimism concerning climate
change worked as buffers against a high degree of general negative
affect among highly problem-focused children. These results are in
accordance with studies about stressors at a micro-level that are
hard to control but still demand that one is actively involved,
showing the importance of meaning-focused coping and positive
emotions for mental well-being (Folkman, 2008; Folkman &
Moskowitz, 2000; Ojala, 2005).
Finally, a sense of purpose, which is a more identity-related
concept, also seems to buffer highly problem-focused children
from negative affect. This result is in accordance with a study
showing that adolescents who worried a lot about global environ-
mental problems were shielded from low subjective well-being by
having found a sense of meaning (Ojala, 2005). However, a more
surprising result is that for children who used problem-focused
coping to a low degree, scoring high on the measure of purpose
was actually related to stronger negative affect. This contradicts the
notion that purpose in general has a positive relation to well-being
(see for instance Bronk et al., 2009).
This result is perhaps
spurious; however, embedded in the purpose measure are an
interest in the larger world and also an engagement in organizations
supporting ones purposes in life. For these children, it is perhaps
normal to be problem-focused, that is, to search for information
about what one can do when it comes to societal problems, and
those who are not are youths that are more depressed or anxious.
4.3. Strengths and limitations
Despite the theoretically meaningful ndings, some limitations
of the current study should be mentioned. Due to the lack of scales
measuring environmental engagement among children, many of
the scales in this study were created by the author. Even though in
many cases they were developed from qualitative pilot studies with
young people, and the face validity therefore ought to be high, and
although the internal consistencies of the scales were satisfactory,
Purpose in life had no signicant direct relation to general negative affect r ¼ .
05 (n ¼ 287).
M. Ojala / Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2012) 225e233 231
future studies are needed to further test the validity of the scales.
For instance, how they relate to other similar measures ought to be
investigated. This is particularly important when it comes to the
coping scale. When it comes to, for example, the measures of
optimism and self-efcacy, the scales used in the analyses reported
in this article, only included questions worded for answers in one
direction. Reversed questions were included in the questionnaire,
but when factor analyses were performed on all items they did not
fall into one consistent scale. This indicates that, for example,
optimism and pessimism concerning climate change are not two
endpoints on a scale, but rather two separate constructs, which is in
accordance with theories about the independence of positive and
negative affect (Cacioppo, Gardner, & Berntson, 1999). Nevertheless,
in order to avoid response bias, future studies should use scales
which include other, and better, reversed items.
Still, the obvious strength of this study is that it is the rst that
focuses on the importance of meaning-focused coping and positive
emotions for coping with climate change among children; and as
such, the study is a valuable theoretical contribution to both
environmental psychology and the coping literature. The study also
has practical implications, both for parents searching for advice on
how to talk with their children about climate change, and not least,
for teachers involved in education for sustainable development.
4.4. Practical implications
This study reveals a dilemma: in this age-group, problem-
focused coping may not be enough to avoid excessive negative
affect from environmental worry, but it is still important to
encourage problem-focused strategies because of their positive
relations to environmental engagement. However, the study also
identies a solution to this dilemma. Teachers, for example, while
focusing on problem-focused strategies, could also emphasize
positive thinking, trust in different societal actors, and optimism
concerning climate change, since these factors seem to shield
children who use problem-focused coping from a high degree of
negative affect but also have positive relations to pro-
environmental behavior and environmental efcacy.
This does not mean that teachers should encourage naïve and
uncritical trust and unrealistic optimism. However, research has
shown that it is vital to avoid extreme cynicism and black-and-
white thinking among pupils concerning, for example, politicians
and scientists, since this often leads to feelings of helplessness (see
Colby, Beaumont, Ehrlich, & Corngold, 2007, 153). It is important to
help young people develop a nuanced appreciation of the
complexity and dilemmas that different societal actors face. One
possible strategy could be to organize meetings between young
people and societal actors who have worked with the climate issue
for a long time and who have faced and overcome challenges (see
Colby et al., 2007, 154).
Concerning optimism, studies have shown that young people
are to a large extent trapped in a discourse of threat and gloom
when it comes to global problems (Eckersley, 1999; Reid, Payne, &
Cutter-Mackenzie, 2010). Being caught up in the popular medias
apocalyptic images is hardly benecial for critical thinking about
these issues. Here, teachers could encourage young people to
search for alternative stories about the future, not only in scientic
textbooks, but also in art and literature; these stories could be used
as a basis for critical and creative discussions (see Reid et al., 2010).
Trust and optimism need not be antithetical to critical thinking, but
rather can help children to take in facts about climate change and
discuss ethical issues in a constructive way (for related arguments
see Folkman, 2008). In addition, when a person takes global envi-
ronmental problems seriously and when hope is based on positive
reappraisal and trust, this emotional cognitive concept has been
found to relate positively to environmental engagement (Ojala,
2008, 2011). Thus, optimism/hope is not only a solace, but also
seems to be a motivational force.
Teachers should also be aware of denial-like patterns of
thinking, where the young de-emphasize the seriousness of climate
change. It is important to encourage young people to put these
thoughts into words, so that they can be discussed critically in the
classroom (see Ojala, 2011). Otherwise, it will most probably be
to reach out to the young people who hold them with facts
and ethical arguments.
4.5. Future studies
The study is to a large extent explorative in nature, and as such it
evokes more questions than it answers. Future studies should for
instance investigate whether the results identied are also present
in other age-groups, or if they are age-specic to 12-year-olds.
Furthermore, in order to know more about which comes rst,
coping strategies or well-being and engagement, experimental and
longitudinal studies are needed.
In addition, research about coping has started to acknowledge
that coping is not something that takes place in isolation, but also
concerns how people interact and talk with others about threats
and stress (Folkman, 2009). Thus, coping with climate change in
a social context, for instance, how young people communicate with
teachers, parents, and friends about emotions in relation to climate
change, should be investigated in future studies.
This research was supported by research grants from the
Swedish Research Council Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.
During the collection of the data and the writing of the article Maria
Ojala was a post-doctoral researcher in psychology at Örebro
University, afliated with two research centers Youth & Society and
Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Many thanks to Professor
Maria Tillfors for constructive comments on an earlier version of
this paper.
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