Domestic Route - Baggage (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only from carrier code
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Sports equipment includes Golf, Surfboard, Bicycle, Skis/Snowboard, Cricket and Diving gear. Any other sporting equipment not stated here is accepted as part
of your checked baggage allowance. Please note that travelers are now entitled to take 1 x 15kg surfboard free of charge under the Free Surftboard Policy.
4. Per Sector : certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
61.60 78.40 96.60 123.20 190.40 247.80 334.60
MYR 86.80 109.20 135.80 172.20 266.00 327.55 442.45
During Initial Booking 53.00 67.00 83.00 106.00 163.00
After Initial Booking 74.00 94.00 116.00 148.00 228.00
MYR 140.00 110.00 50.00 48.00 180.00 12.00 35.00 46.00 50.00
Checked Baggage (During Initial Booking)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee 15 KG 20 KG 25 KG 30 KG 40 KG 50 KG 60 KG
Checked Baggage (After Initial Booking)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee 15 KG 20 KG 25 KG 30 KG 40 KG 50 KG 60 KG
Sport Equipment
MYR (Per Pax/Per Sector)
Platform 15 KG 20 KG 25 KG 30 KG 40 KG
Other Baggage
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
First 20 KG
Counter First
15 KG
Baggage (Per
applicable for
& purchase
Xtra Carry On
(During Initial
Xtra Carry On
(After Initial
Xtra Carry On
Lost Baggage
(Per KG)
Domestic Route - Seat (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only with aircraft model Airbus 320/321 from carrier code
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Per Sector : Certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
MYR 64.00 32.00
MYR 80.00 48.00
MYR 96.00 48.00
Pick-A-Seat (During Initial Booking)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee Hot Seat
Pick-A-Seat (After Initial Booking)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee Hot Seat
Pick-A-Seat (Airport Counter)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee Hot Seat
Domestic Route - Others Fees and Charges (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only from carrier code.
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Per Sector : Certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
4. Per Journey : Certain fees are chargeable once throughout your whole journey.
5. Fees are including local taxes (if applicable).
Counter Check In Fee per pax per sector MYR 20.00
Flight Change Fee* per pax per sector MYR 143.00
Fuel Surcharge per pax per segment MYR
per pax per segment MYR
per pax per segment MYR
Infant Fee per pax per sector MYR 54.00
Cancellation Fee per pax per journey MYR 108.00
Early Flex per pax per sector MYR 150.00
Rescue Fee per pax per sector MYR 150.00
Credit/Debit Card
Processing Fees
per pax per sector MYR -  
Direct Debit Processing
per booking MYR -  
Digital Payment*
Processing Fees
per pax per way MYR -  
Booking Service Fees per pax per booking MYR 21.60
Refund Fee per pax per journey MYR
5% of
Item Charging Method Currency Fee
Handling Fee
Item Charging Method Currency Fee
Fuel Surcharge (Peninsular
Malaysia to Sabah v.v)
Fuel Surcharge (Peninsular
Malaysia to Sarawak v.v)
* Will not be charged for involuntary scenario such as flight reschedule or flight cancel
*Payment made via UnionPay, Alipay, WeChat, CCAvenue, Rupay, India Wallet, LINE Pay, NAPAS, and PayPal.
International Route - Baggage (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only from carrier code
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Sports equipment includes Golf, Surfboard, Bicycle, Skis/Snowboard, Cricket and Diving gear. Any other sporting equipment not stated here is accepted as part
of your checked baggage allowance. Please note that travelers are now entitled to take 1 x 15kg surfboard free of charge under the Free Surftboard Policy.
4. Per Sector : certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
BDT - - - - 14,366.80 18,678.80 25,225.20
BND - 74.48 96.04 143.08 225.40 260.68 352.80
CNY - 488.60 615.00 782.00 1,212.00 1,575.00 2,127.00
HKD - 481.60 525.00 656.60 1,094.80 NA NA
IDR - 597,800.00 778,120.00 987,840.00 1,530,760.00 1,989,400.00 2,685,200.00
INR - 3,768.80 4,111.80 5,245.80 8,566.60 11,200.00 15,120.00
LKR - 16,072.00 19,796.00 25,088.00 38,808.00 50,372.00 68,012.00
KRW - 80,960.00 99,935.00 126,500.00 196,075.00 255,530.00 345,345.00
MOP - 442.96 568.40 844.76 1,344.56 1,744.40 2,175.60
MYR - 222.60 274.40 348.60 560.00 728.00 982.80
PHP - 1,900.00 2,220.00 2,650.00 3,330.00 3,970.00 4,760.00
SGD - 72.52 94.08 139.16 221.48 288.12 388.08
THB - 1,822.80 2,234.40 2,920.40 4,645.20 6,036.80 7,761.60
TWD - 1,400.00 1,638.00 1,988.00 2,800.00 3,640.00 4,914.00
USD - 60.20 65.80 84.00 138.60 225.40 303.80
VND - 1,058,400.00 1,293,600.00 1,646,400.00 2,548,000.00 3,312,400.00 4,468,800.00
BDT - - - - 18,972.80 26,146.40 35,319.20
BND - 99.96 125.44 188.16 297.92 364.56 493.92
CNY - 684.60 861.00 1,094.00 1,696.00 2,205.00 2,978.00
HKD - 638.40 695.80 866.60 1,444.80 NA NA
IDR - 836,920.00 1,089,760.00 1,383,760.00 2,142,280.00 2,785,160.00 3,759,280.00
INR - 5,320.00 5,740.00 7,280.00 12,040.00 15,680.00 21,140.00
LKR - 22,540.00 27,636.00 35,084.00 54,292.00 70,560.00 95,256.00
KRW - 113,850.00 140,415.00 177,100.00 274,505.00 357,995.00 483,230.00
MOP - 589.96 742.84 1,117.20 1,775.76 2,450.00 3,038.00
MYR - 312.20 383.60 488.60 784.00 1,019.20 1,376.20
PHP - 2,380.00 2,820.00 3,320.00 4,170.00 4,970.00 5,950.00
SGD - 101.92 131.32 194.04 309.68 403.76 542.92
THB - 2,548.00 3,136.00 3,978.80 6,174.00 8,447.60 10,858.40
TWD - 1,960.00 2,296.00 2,786.00 3,920.00 5,096.00 6,874.00
USD - 81.20 92.40 117.60 183.40 315.00 425.60
VND - 1,489,600.00 1,803,200.00 2,312,800.00 3,567,200.00 4,645,200.00 6,252,400.00
Checked Baggage (During Initial Booking)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee 15 KG 20 KG 25 KG 30 KG 40 KG 50 KG 60 KG
Checked Baggage (After Initial Booking)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee 15 KG 20 KG 25 KG 30 KG 40 KG 50 KG 60 KG
International Route - Baggage (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only from carrier code.
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Sports equipment includes Golf, Surfboard, Bicycle, Skis/Snowboard, Cricket and Diving gear. Any other sporting equipment not stated here is accepted as part
of your checked baggage allowance. Please note that travelers are now entitled to take 1 x 15kg surfboard free of charge under the Free Surftboard Policy.
4. Per Sector : certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
BDT -   1,466.00 1,710.00 2,198.00 3,420.00 1,466.00 1,710.00 2,198.00 3,420.00
BND -   42.00 50.00 73.00 103.00 42.00 50.00 73.00 103.00
CNY -   419.00 515.00 654.00 1,014.00 587.00 721.00 916.00 1,420.00
HKD -   280.00 310.00 410.00 640.00 280.00 310.00 410.00 640.00
IDR -   366,000.00 476,000.00 605,000.00 937,000.00 512,000.00 667,000.00 847,000.00 1,312,000.00
INR -   3,200.00 3,500.00 4,500.00 7,300.00 4,600.00 4,900.00 6,200.00 10,300.00
LKR -   9,800.00 12,100.00 15,400.00 23,800.00 13,800.00 16,900.00 21,500.00 33,200.00
KRW -   77,000.00 95,000.00 120,000.00 186,000.00 108,000.00 133,000.00 168,000.00 260,000.00
MOP -   270.00 350.00 520.00 820.00 380.00 490.00 720.00 1,150.00
MYR -   191.00 235.00 299.00 480.00 268.00 329.00 419.00 672.00
PHP -   1,200.00 1,400.00 1,550.00 2,400.00 1,200.00 1,400.00 1,550.00 2,400.00
SGD -   44.00 58.00 85.00 136.00 62.00 80.00 119.00 190.00
THB -   1,120.00 1,370.00 1,900.00 3,100.00 1,560.00 1,920.00 2,440.00 3,780.00
TWD -   1,000.00 1,200.00 1,700.00 2,300.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,700.00 2,300.00
USD -   46.00 56.00 72.00 112.00 64.00 79.00 101.00 156.00
VND -   650,000.00 790,000.00 1,010,000.00 1,560,000.00 910,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,420,000.00 2,180,000.00
BDT 3,900.00 4,500.00 3,900.00 2,000.00 7,300.00 500.00 1,380.00 1,660.00 1,700.00
BND 88.00 55.00 14.00 138.00 7.50 18.00 21.00 21.00
CNY 990.00 550.00 90.00 70.00 104.00 127.00 130.00
HKD 450.00 450.00 40.00 516.00 516.00 516.00
IDR 67,000.00 196,000.00 235,000.00 240,000.00
INR 7,700.00 5,500.00 1,400.00 11,200.00 400.00 1,270.00 1,520.00 1,500.00
LKR 18,700.00 24,200.00 18,700.00 4,800.00 33,900.00 1,600.00 4,830.00 5,800.00 5,900.00
KRW 100,000.00 130,000.00 100,000.00 20,000.00 180,000.00 13,000.00 19,600.00 23,500.00 24,000.00
MOP 500.00 660.00 500.00 110.00 940.00 25.00 115.00 138.00 140.00
MYR 370.00 22.00 58.00 69.00 70.00
PHP 1,875.00 3,000.00 2,125.00 800.00 2,750.00 160.00 1,300.00 1,350.00 1,500.00
SGD 7.00 20.00 23.00 23.00
THB 1,600.00 2,750.00 2,100.00 600.00 2,900.00 190.00 440.00 490.00 540.00
TWD 1,650.00 2,970.00 1,650.00 410.00 4,140.00 160.00 400.00 480.00 480.00
USD 55.00 110.00 55.00 14.00 20.00 157.00 10.00 14.00 17.00 16.00
VND 880,000.00 1,540,000.00 880,000.00 270,000.00 2,240,000.00 110,000.00 320,000.00 370,000.00 370,000.00
Sport Equipment (per pax per sector)
During Initial Booking After Initial Booking
Fee 15 KG 20 KG 25 KG 30 KG 40 KG 20 KG 25 KG 30 KG 40 KG
Other Baggage
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
First 15 KG
Counter First
20 KG
Counter First
15 KG
Baggage (Per
Gate Baggage
applicable for
promotional &
Xtra Carry On
(During Initial
Xtra Carry On
(After Initial
Xtra Carry On
Lost Baggage
(Per KG)
550.00 1,440.00
550.00 160.00 810.00
994,400.00 770,000.00 339,900.00
370.00 490.00 100.00 780.00
55.00 110.00 55.00 16.00 153.00
International Route - Seat (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only with aircraft model Airbus 320/321 from carrier code
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Per Sector : Certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
BDT 1,728.00 1,040.00 BDT 2,240.00 1,360.00
BND 61.00 24.00 BND 80.00 32.00
CNY 341.00 205.00 CNY 444.00 266.00
HKD 223.00 134.00 HKD 290.00 174.00
IDR 113,000.00 376,460.00 IDR 235,200.00 140,800.00
INR 3,200.00 1,920.00 INR 4,160.00 2,496.00
LKR 10,928.00 6,560.00 LKR 14,208.00 8,528.00
MOP 304.00 183.00 MOP 396.00 237.00
MYR 208.00 128.00 MYR 272.00 160.00
PHP 1,050.00 645.00 PHP 1,215.00 750.00
SGD 44.00 23.00 SGD 56.00 29.00
THB 872.00 524.00 THB 1,135.00 680.00
TWD 1,328.00 800.00 TWD 1,728.00 1,040.00
USD 66.00 26.00 USD 88.00 34.00
VND 356,800.00 214,400.00 VND 464,000.00 278,400.00
BDT 2,464.00 1,504.00
BND 80.00 32.00
CNY 480.00 288.00
HKD 319.00 191.00
IDR 259,200.00 155,200.00
INR 4,576.00 2,752.00
LKR 15,632.00 9,376.00
MOP 436.00 261.00
MYR 304.00 176.00
PHP 1,215.00 750.00
SGD 63.00 32.00
THB 1,248.00 752.00
TWD 1,904.00 1,152.00
USD 92.00 37.00
VND 510,400.00 305,600.00
Pick-A-Seat (During Initial Booking) Pick-A-Seat (After Initial Booking)
(Per Pax/Per Sector) (Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee Hot Seat
Fee Hot Seat
Pick-A-Seat (Airport Counter)
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Fee Hot Seat
International Route - Others Fees and Charges (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only from carrier code.
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Per Sector : Certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
4. Per Journey : Certain fees are chargeable once throughout your whole journey.
5. Fees are including local taxes (if applicable).
BDT 2,500.00 BDT 2,420.00
BND 25.00 BND 60.50
CNY 110.00 CNY 319.00
HKD 120.00 HKD 340.00
IDR 247,000.00 IDR 440,000.00
INR 1,050.00 INR 2,195.60
LKR 5,800.00 LKR 5,115.00
MOP 125.00 MOP 385.00
MYR 75.00 MYR 225.00
PHP 1,100.00 PHP 2,000.00
SGD 25.00 SGD 66.00
THB 610.00 THB 1,452.00
TWD 520.00 TWD 1,485.00
USD* 20.00 USD 46.20
VND 390,000.00 VND 935,000.00
BDT 2,200.00 All 5% from the refundable taxes
BND 45.00
CNY 240.00
HKD 280.00
IDR 315,000.00
INR 1,567.00
LKR 4,000.00
MOP 290.00
MYR 100.00
PHP 1,600.00
SGD 50.00
THB 1,100.00
TWD 1,100.00
USD 35.00
VND 750,000.00
Infant Fee Flight Change fee*
(Per Pax/Per Sector) (Per Pax/Per Journey)
Currency Fee Currency Fee
Flight Cancellation fee Refund Fee*
(Per Pax/Per Journey) (Per Pax/Per Journey)
Currency Fee Currency Fee
*Except flight outbound from Maldives
* Will not be charged for involuntary scenario such as flight reschedule or flight cancel
*Exempted for flights outbound from Thailand and HongKong
International Route - Others Fees and Charges (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only from carrier code.
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Per Sector : Certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
4. Per Journey : Certain fees are chargeable once throughout your whole journey.
5. Fees are including local taxes (if applicable).
Bangladesh BDT 150.00 Bangladesh BDT 120.00
Brunei BND 8.00 Brunei BND 4.00
China CNY 25.00 China CNY 12.00
Hong Kong HKD 25.00 Hong Kong HKD -  
Indonesia IDR 27,000.00 Indonesia IDR 10,000.00
India INR 210.00 India INR 300.00
Sri Lanka LKR 370.00 Sri Lanka LKR 200.00
Macau MOP 25.00 Macau MOP -  
Malaysia* MYR -   Malaysia** MYR -  
Phillippines PHP 350.00 Phillippines PHP 350.00
Singapore SGD 10.00 Singapore SGD 5.00
Thailand THB 120.00 Thailand THB 100.00
Taiwan TWD 150.00 Taiwan TWD 70.00
Laos USD 6.00 Laos USD 3.00
Myanmar USD 6.00 Myanmar USD 3.00
Maldives USD 6.00 Maldives USD 3.00
USA USD 6.00 USA USD 3.00
Vietnam VND 50,000.00 Vietnam VND 25,000.00
Bangladesh BDT 120.00 BDT 400.00
Brunei BND 4.00 BND 11.00
China CNY 12.00 CNY 50.00
Hong Kong HKD -   HKD 60.00
Indonesia IDR 10,000.00 IDR 60,000.00
India INR 210.00 INR 316.00
Sri Lanka LKR 200.00 LKR 800.00
Macau MOP -   MOP 60.00
Malaysia* MYR -   MYR 20.00
Phillippines PHP 350.00 PHP 310.00
Singapore SGD 5.00 SGD 11.00
Thailand THB 100.00 THB 250.00
Taiwan TWD 70.00 TWD 220.00
Laos USD 3.00 USD 7.00
Myanmar USD 3.00 VND 150,000.00
Maldives USD 3.00
USA USD 3.00
Vietnam VND 25,000.00
Credit/Debit Card Processing Fees Digital Payment* Processing Fees
(Per Pax/Per Sector) (Per Pax/Per Way)
Currency Fee
Currency Fee
Direct Debit Processing Fees Booking Service Fee
(Per Booking) (Per Pax/Per Booking)
Currency Fee Currency Fee
*Departing and arriving
** Departing and arriving
*Departing and arriving
*Payment made via UnionPay, Alipay, WeChat, CCAvenue, Rupay, India Wallet, LINE Pay,
NAPAS, and PayPal.
International Route - Others Fees and Charges (AK)
1. All Fees displayed are one-way direct flights only from carrier code.
2. Prices may vary every transaction. All prices and/or savings quoted for your inflight pre-booked products or services are correct at the time of booking.
3. Per Sector : Certain fees are chargeable for each stop of your journey.
4. Per Journey : Certain fees are chargeable once throughout your whole journey.
5. Fees are including local taxes (if applicable).
IDR 10,000.00 MYR 200.00 450.00
LKR 240.00 AUD 80.00 175.00
PHP 450.00 BDT 4,600.00 6,000.00
THB 100.00 BND 55.00 70.00
USD 3.00 CNY 360.00 820.00
VND 25,000.00 HKD 400.00 480.00
IDR 653,000.00 1,550,000.00
INR 4,200.00 9,500.00
KHR 170,000.00 95,000.00
KRW 67,000.00 156,000.00
LAK 871,000.00 1,100,000.00
LKR 15,700.00 18,500.00
MYR 30.00 MOP 400.00 500.00
BND 13.00
PHP 2,800.00 2,950.00
SAR 155.00 360.00
SGD 70.00 85.00
THB 1,800.00 3,500.00
TWD 1,300.00 3,100.00
USD 50.00 115.00
1,020,000.00 1,300,000.00
THB 120.00
IDR 80,000.00
* Outbound Malaysia only
Convenient Store Payment Fee Fee Rescue Fee Early Flex
(Per Pax/Per Way) (Per Pax/ Per Sector)
Currency Fee Currency Rates Rates
Counter Check In Fee
(Per Pax/Per Sector)
Currency Fee
Thailand Installment Processing Fee
(Per Pax/Per Way)
Currency Fee
Indonesia Installment Processing Fee
(Per Pax/Per Booking)
Currency Fee
International Route - Others Fees and Charges (AK)
Fuel Surcharge
(between 1 to 2 Hours)
Fuel Surcharge
(between 2 to 3 Hours)
Fuel Surcharge
(between 3 to 4 Hours)
Fuel Surcharge
(between 4 to 5 Hours)
Currency Rates Currency Rates Currency Rates Currency Rates
Fuel Surcharge
(more than 5 hours)
Fuel Surcharge
(more than 4 Hours)
AK International
(more than 4 Hours) -
FD International Shared
(between 2 to 3 Hours)
Currency Rates Currency Rates Currency Rates Currency Rates
MYR 90.00 MYR 100.00 MYR 130.00 MYR 150.00
AED 71.00 AED 78.00 AED 102.00 AED 117.00
AUD 29.00 AUD 32.00 AUD 42.00 AUD 48.00
BDT 2,235.00 BDT 2,483.00 BDT 3,228.00 BDT 3,724.00
BND 26.00 BND 29.00 BND 38.00 BND 43.00
CNY 139.00 CNY 155.00 CNY 201.00 CNY 232.00
EUR 18.00 EUR 20.00 EUR 26.00 EUR 30.00
GBP 16.00 GBP 17.00 GBP 22.00 GBP 26.00
HKD 150.00 HKD 167.00 HKD 217.00 HKD 250.00
IDR 312,000.00 IDR 347,000.00 IDR 451,000.00 IDR 520,000.00
INR 1,600.00 INR 1,770.00 INR 2,300.00 INR 2,660.00
JPY 3,100.00 JPY 3,500.00 JPY 4,500.00 JPY 5,200.00
KHR 78,164.00 KHR 86,849.00 KHR 112,903.00 KHR 130,273.00
KRW 27,000.00 KRW 30,000.00 KRW 38,000.00 KRW 44,000.00
LKR 5,900.00 LKR 6,500.00 LKR 8,500.00 LKR 9,700.00
MMK 61,971.00 MMK 68,857.00 MMK 89,514.00 MMK 103,285.00
MOP 153.00 MOP 170.00 MOP 221.00 MOP 255.00
MUR 901.00 MUR 1,001.00 MUR 1,301.00 MUR 1,501.00
NPR 2,536.00 NPR 2,817.00 NPR 3,662.00 NPR 4,226.00
NZD 32.00 NZD 35.00 NZD 46.00 NZD 53.00
PHP 1,120.00 PHP 1,240.00 PHP 1,620.00 PHP 1,860.00
SAR 72.00 SAR 80.00 SAR 104.00 SAR 120.00
SGD 26.00 SGD 29.00 SGD 38.00 SGD 44.00
THB 710.00 THB 780.00 THB 1,020.00 THB 1,170.00
TWD 620.00 TWD 690.00 TWD 900.00 TWD 1,040.00
USD 20.00 USD 22.00 USD 28.00 USD 32.00
540,000.00 702,000.00 810,000.00
MYR 160.00 MYR 110.00 PHP 688.79 THB 780.00
AED 124.00 AED 96.00 SAR 47.00 AED 78.00
AUD 52.00 AUD 39.00 HKD 98.00 AUD 32.00
BDT 3,681.00 BDT 2,761.00 AED 46.00 BDT 2,483.00
BND 46.00 BND 35.00 INR 1,040.00 BND 29.00
CNY 239.00 CNY 179.00 TWD 390.00 CNY 155.00
EUR 32.00 EUR 24.00 CNY 88.00 EUR 20.00
GBP 27.00 GBP 21.00 NPR 1,661.00 GBP 17.00
HKD 263.00 HKD 204.00 USD 13.00 HKD 167.00
IDR 545,000.00 IDR 381,000.00 IDR 193,000.00 IDR 347,000.00
INR 2,800.00 INR 2,120.00 SGD 17.00 INR 1,770.00
JPY 5,270.00 JPY 3,600.00 THB 430.00 JPY 3,500.00
KHR 136,217.00 KHR 106,119.00 MUR 548.00 KHR 86,849.00
KRW 47,000.00 KRW 35,000.00 LKR 4,100.00 KRW 30,000.00
LKR 10,100.00 LKR 8,300.00 GBP 10.00 LKR 6,500.00
MMK 70,422.00 MMK 54,316.00 MOP 101.00 MMK 68,857.00
MOP 271.00 MOP 210.00 VND 302,000.00 MOP 170.00
MUR 1,560.00 MUR 1,168.00 NZD 20.00 MUR 1,001.00
NPR 4,480.00 NPR 3,391.00 JPY 1,800.00 MYR 100.00
NZD 57.00 NZD 42.00 MMK 26,203.00 NPR 2,817.00
PHP 2,000.00 PHP 1,440.00 KRW 17,000.00 NZD 35.00
SAR 126.00 SAR 98.00 MYR 58.00 PHP 1,240.00
SGD 46.00 SGD 35.00 AUD 19.00 SAR 80.00
THB 1,250.00 THB 890.00 EUR 12.00 SGD 29.00
TWD 1,100.00 TWD 800.00 BND 17.00 TWD 690.00
USD 34.00 USD 26.00 BDT 1,370.00 USD 22.00
VND 850,000.00 VND 608,000.00 KHR 51,054.00 VND 540,000.00
VND 486,000.00 VND VND VND