Predicting Wins and Spread in the Premier League Using a
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter
Robert P. Schumaker
, A. Tomasz Jarmoszko
and Chester S. Labedz Jr.
Computer Science Dept., University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Texas 75799, USA
Management Information Systems Dept., Central Connecticut State University, New Britain,
Connecticut 06050, USA
Management & Organization Dept., Central Connecticut State University, New Britain,
Connecticut 06050, USA
Word Count: 8,311
Can the sentiment contained in tweets serve as a meaningful proxy to predict match
outcomes and if so, can the magnitude of outcomes be predicted based on a degree of sentiment?
To answer these questions we constructed the CentralSport system to gather tweets
related to the twenty clubs of the English Premier League and analyze their sentiment content,
not only to predict match outcomes, but also to use as a wagering decision system. From our
analysis, tweet sentiment outperformed wagering on odds-favorites, with higher payout returns
(best $2,704.63 versus odds-only $1,887.88) but lower accuracy, a trade-off from non-favorite
wagering. This result may suggest a performance degradation that arises from conservatism in
the odds-setting process, especially when three match results are possible outcomes. We found
that leveraging a positive tweet sentiment surge over club average could net a payout of
$3,011.20. Lastly, we found that as the magnitude of positive sentiment between two clubs
increased, so too did the point spread; 0.42 goal difference for clubs with a slight positive edge
versus 0.90 goal difference for an overwhelming difference in positive sentiment. In both these
cases, the cultural expectancy of positive tweet dominance within the twitter-base may be
realistic. These outcomes may suggest that professional odds-making excessively predicts non-
positive match outcomes and tighter goal spreads. These results demonstrate the power of
hidden information contained within tweet sentiment and has predictive implications on the
design of automated wagering systems.
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter, Sports Analytics, English
Premier League, Crowdsourcing
1. Introduction
Predicting the outcomes of sporting events has a long and rich tradition. Since ancient
times people have designed methods to divine natural and physical events. Today the urge to
successfully predict still grips gamblers and academics alike. Prediction is no longer an art and
probability is now considered a complex science. The most difficult aspect of prediction rests
with identifying the relevant parameters and separating them from the noise of the event.
Critical parameters are sometimes difficult to identify or measure, are constantly changing, or are
not yet fully explored. The inability to correctly identify the most relevant parameters can
sometimes lead to crippled systems relying on unimportant data or, worse, may create forecasts
not based on sound science (e.g., basing predictions on the color of a uniform).
One way to simplify this problem of choosing and weighting parameters is to implement
crowdsourcing as a forecasting tool. In James Surowiecki’s seminal book, The Wisdom of
Crowds [1], he made claim that large groups of individuals are better at making forecasts in
conditions of uncertainty than are domain experts. This stems from collective intelligences, on
the whole, being better able to properly sift through and analyze data than an individual. About
the same time, another milestone book, Moneyball [2], popularized the use of statistics and
sabermetric techniques (a quasi-scientific methodology of identifying relevant sports metrics,
applying and refining them) in sports. Academic focus was not too far behind as the field of
sports analytics gained popularity [3].
Twitter has been a boon to academic research with rich crowd-based datasets that can be
easily collected and analyzed. Its data have been used to make predictions on phenomena as
diverse as crime [4], the stock market [5], political elections [6], public opinion polls [7], public
health [8] and movie sales [9]. The lure of Twitter for academic research is two-fold. It provides
a rich topical memory in the form of author-annotated hashtags, and provides a record of trends
in public perception. Coupled together, academics can mine the twitterverse (i.e., universe of
Twitter data) and identify valuable insights.
Our research aims to demonstrate a crowdsourced system that can extract sentiment
information from Twitter to make match and point spread predictions in the English Premier
League. Further, we analyze specific sentiment components such as tone and polarity, use them
to calculate the degree changes in club-level sentiment and predict the magnitude of match goal
The rest of this paper is framed as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of literature
concerning crowdsourcing, sentiment analysis and relevant studies. Section 3 presents our
research questions. Section 4 introduces the CentralSport system and explains its various
components. Section 5 sets up the Experimental Design. Section 6 details the Experimental
Results and discussion. Finally Section 7 presents study conclusions and suggests further
extensions of this stream of research.
2. Literature Review
Crowdsourcing is a tool through which the average of crowd forecasts is used to predict
future events [1]. In sports, this forecasting behavior generally equates to wagering on favorites
and has been found to be a fairly accurate and reliable indicator of expectations. In a study of
UFC fights, crowds were better able to predict wins (85.7%) than were bookies (67.6%) [10]. In
a study of the wagering on matches in the Bundesliga (Germany’s premier football league),
crowds were found to be more accurate in their forecasts than bookies [11]. In a study of the
FIFA World Cup 2006 tournament, crowds were also better able to predict winners than were
pre-tournament rankings or random chance [12]. All three studies suggest that crowds were able
to collectively make more accurate forecasts by weighting the data, not scientifically, but
naïvely. Their decision-making contrasts with the weighting schemes designed by experts,
which are driven by experience and previously seen patterns of data and profits generation.
While crowdsourcing has demonstrated itself as an effective prediction tool, critics observe that
some bettors may simply select the crowd favorite rather than evaluate the data independently
[13]. This reinforcing behavior could lead to over-valuing the crowd favorite and can have an
impact on accuracy. However, empirical evidence has shown that this typically encompasses a
minority of wagering activity [13].
2.1 Odds-Makers and Wagering
Before two clubs take to the soccer playing field, or pitch, odds-makers will set a betting
line in an attempt to draw an equal currency amount of wagers on each club. By balancing the
wagers, in effect the losing side of the wager pays the winning side minus the sportsbook’s
commission. Should the line become unbalanced, the sportsbooks are responsible for the
difference and this imbalance may cause them a monetary loss. If one club is heavily favored,
the sportsbook will increase odds on the less favored club to give bettors an incentive to wager
longshots and rebalance the line.
We use the terms odds-makers and sportsbooks interchangeably.
One type of popular wagering system is the Moneyline. In this system, clubs with
negative values are favored and clubs with high positive values are longshots. Odds and payouts
are based on a unit of £100. For example, Arsenal and Swansea may have a Moneyline of -220
and +550 respectively. For the bettor on Arsenal (the favorite) they would need to wager £220 to
win £100. For the Swansea bettor, they would wager £100 in a bid to win £550. The odds-
makers attempt to gauge betting interest on the match and adjust the Moneyline to balance the
monetary amounts wagered on both clubs.
Once odds are initially set, odds will move in response to the currency amount of wagers
to continually balance the odds-makers match balance sheet. Because there are a variety of
odds-makers with which to place wagers, the amount of currency wagering between clubs may
differ between sportsbooks. This will lead to differences in odds between books. Typically the
sportsbook with the more favorable odds will attract more wagering and will thus force their
odds to return to market equilibrium.
2.2 Social Media and Prediction
There has been much academic interest in using social media to make predictions. These
predictions have crossed a diverse number of domains because of social media’s rich crowd-
based datasets that can be easily collected and analyzed. These areas have included crime,
movie sales, politics, the stock market and sports. In a study of social media prediction and
crime, Twitter content was topically clustered into distinct discussion areas, correlated with the
geo-location of the tweet and fed into a crime prediction model to demonstrate better predictive
performance in 19 of 25 crime types [4]. Even though the tweeters were not making predictions
themselves of crimes, their topics of discussion were a decent predictor.
In a study that correlated social media attention to movie sales, Twitter content was found
to be a good predictor [9]. In particular, positive twitter content was associated with higher
movie sales whereas negative content was associated with lower movie sales. The authors also
noted that tweets expressing an intention to watch a particular movie had the strongest predictive
effect. In this case, tweeters were expressing their intention to watch or not watch a particular
movie. This differs from the crime prediction study where the topics of the tweets themselves
were used for prediction.
In US politics, Twitter tweet counts and sentiment have been used to predict voter
outcomes. In a study of the German Federal elections, Tumasjan et. al. used a simple and easy to
implement method of counting tweets that mention a candidate or political party [14]. Their
reasoning was that tweets mentioning a candidate or party indicated their voting intention. This
method was fairly accurate when applied against German federal elections with an error rate of
1.65%. When more complex methods were investigated such as using a sentiment analyzer to
further determine voter intention, the results were not as precise [15]. Although the results are
dependent upon the methods of how sentiment was captured and analyzed. It was further noted
that sentiment polarity methods, at the time, were not sophisticated enough to recognize political
language nuances, had poor performance and produced unacceptable errors [16].
Another political study investigated using a moving average of candidate, or elected
official, tweet sentiment as a replacement to traditional polling services [7]. This work noted
that natural language processing techniques achieved an 80% correlation.
In a study of the sentiment of financial news articles and the stock market, Schumaker et.
al. used the article sentiment as a method for predicting the magnitude of stock price movements
immediately following article release [17]. Their work found that articles with a negative
sentiment were easiest to predict, netting a 3.04% trading return using a simple trading engine.
Fans post tweets in order to express their personal feelings, most fundamentally (as we
collected them) about the strengths, weaknesses and prospects of the team they follow and its
next opponent. Admittedly, the tone and polarity of fans’ tweets likely do not affect match
results, except in cases in which extraordinary fan base sentiment might exceptionally motivate
or demotivate a team. Fans’ tweets by themselves are not likely to influence betting lines offered
to bettors, which of course potentially includes those fans. Nonetheless, the tones and polarities
of opponent fans’ tweets may modestly affect initial betting line odds or later adjustments
thereto, as we note elsewhere.
As tweets suggest the expected outcome on the field (i.e., the full-time score line), the
wisdom of crowds premise becomes more credible. Many thousands of fans, well versed
through years as footballers themselves before advancing age and injuries transformed them into
amateur pundits, bring considerable collective intelligence to sentiment crowdsourcing. This fan
base is sufficiently diverse, decentralized through the reach of the Internet, able to be
summarized and rabidly independent. In expressing their sentiments about real events on the turf
pitch from odds-distorted results on the shadow field of wagering, fans’ tweeted views contain
useful raw information about future score lines.
In many of these studies, the act of tweeting was treated as an intention to act even
though specific predictions were not solicited. The tweets themselves were used as predictive
proxies. Putting this in terms of sports prediction from tweets, fans can choose to express their
emotions towards their team as positive, negative or neutral (an intention to act), or choose not to
tweet at all. This sentiment content can then be treated as an extra dimension of information.
2.3 Sentiment Analysis
Investigating the role of sentiment as a predictor further, identifying fan or club-based
sentiment could help in odds-setting or refinement. In sentiment analysis the focus is on
analyzing direction-based text to determine tone (whether the author is positioning the text as
objective/factual or subjective/opinion-based) and polarity (whether the author’s word choice is
positive or negative) [18].
Sentiment analysis techniques have been well-studied in stock prediction [19, 20] , online
product sales [21] and corporate reputation [22]. One of the major findings was that negative
sentiment was a better predictor of downward moves in firm value than were other sentiment-
based techniques [23]. Further work identified positive and negative polarity in financial news
to be consistent with human judgment [24] on firm performance [25-27].
To measure sentiment, one well-known and tested tool is OpinionFinder. This tool can
identify sentence-level tone and polarity based on user-selected terms [28]. OpinionFinder was
developed by Wiebe et. al. based on a series of publications, such as the subjective sentence
classifier [29, 30], and the polarity classifier [31]. It performs well compared to the baseline
MPQA Opinion Corpus, with an accuracy of 74%, subjective precision of 78.4%, subjective
recall of 73.2% and a subjective F-measure of 75.7%, as compared to baseline MPQA’s accuracy
of 55.3%.
2.4 Sentiment Analysis in Sports
The use of Twitter for prediction has become more popular among researchers. Schoen
et. al. posits that social media projects an impression “as a widely accepted and reliable source of
data for predicting future outcomes [16].” Following up on this social media impression for
prediction in sports, two studies have tackled using social media the prediction of outcomes of
North American football games. Hong and Skiena [32] use Lydia a text analytics system to
analyze four sources of online text streams: LiveJournal blogs, RSS blogs captured by Spinn3r,
Twitter and traditional news media. Using indicators of positive and negative sentiment within
each message, the authors develop a measure of relative favorableness for teams which is then
translated into a match prediction. They report the accuracy of their predictive method when
applied to 30 games between 2006 and 2009 -- as 60%. Sinha et. al. [33] undertake a study of
the relationships between North American football games and tweets which mention the teams
involved. The authors predict game outcomes for: 1) straight wins, 2) wins with/against the
spread and 3) over-under point totals based on 10% of tweets exchanged during the 2010-2012
National Football League (NFL) seasons. Tweets were classified into weekly, pre-game and
post-game categories and linked to specific teams via hashtags. Using logistic regression the
authors determined prediction accuracy of 56%.
In European football (i.e., soccer), the most relevant studies are Godin et. al. [34] and
Radosavljevic et. al. [35]. Although both studies aim to predict outcomes of English Premier
League (EPL) games played during the 2013-2014 season, their methods differ. First, Godin et.
al. establish baseline predictive indicators of naïve predictions (home team always wins), expert
predictions (BBC pundit views) and bookmaker predictions (the averaged odds of some 50
bookmakers). The three baseline methods lead to predictive accuracy of 51%, 60% and 67%
respectively. Godin et. al. then employ a variety of individual and combined methods including:
two versions of statistical analysis, twitter volume, sentiment analysis, two versions of user
prediction analysis, and combined methods of majority voting, early fusion and late fusion.
Although they did not provide details of the number derivations, they claim predictive accuracy
of 52% to 68%. It was also reported that a theoretical profit of 30% could have been realized in
betting on EPL games during the second half of the 2013-2014 season.
Twitter is not the only possible source for input data for sentiment analysis.
Radosavljevic et. al. developed a method based on Poisson regression which used 83.1 billion
posts in Tumblr to predict outcomes of the 2014 World Cup [35]. This method estimates the
likelihood of win/draw/loss outcomes from vector elements that are based on the number of
mentions of teams and players. The researchers trained their method on two years of
international game data leading up to World Cup games. Application of their method to the
World Cup resulted in a success rate of nearly 50% which is quite good for a three class problem
like football.
2.5 Odds Crowdsourcing versus Sentiment Crowdsourcing
The act of wagering on a match has the potential to influence odds movement. If enough
actors in the domain engage in this activity, it can be considered a type of crowdsourcing where
actors are collectively predicting match outcomes. Surowiecki describes how this collective
intelligence works:
There are four key qualities that make a crowd smart. It needs to be diverse, so that
people are bringing different pieces of information to the table. It needs to be
decentralized, so that no one at the top is dictating the crowds answer. It needs a
way of summarizing peoples opinions into one collective verdict. And the people
in the crowd need to be independent, so that they pay attention mostly to their own
information, and not worrying about what everyone around them thinks [1].
For odds movement, crowdsourcing easily fulfills two of the requirements: diversity of
individuals and summarization of verdict. The second and fourth requirements, decentralization
and paying attention to their own information, could be argued. While sportsbooks are not
consolidated entities, their combined odds are generally on par with market equilibrium. We
argue that it is not so much a matter of decentralization as it is market feedback that can lead to
an arbitrage opportunity.
Taking this idea of market feedback further, the fourth part of Surowiecki’s definition of
crowd intelligence is being independent in decision-making and paying attention to their own
information. While some bettors may behave in this manner, the public display of odds is meant
to balance currency wagering and is not a true representation of crowd expectation. The reasons
for wagering from a bettor’s standpoint include luck and entertainment, desperation (e.g.,
wagering longshots) or wagering favorites in cases of laziness. Thus we cannot expect an odds-
market to behave in a completely independent crowd-sourced manner.
For sentiment of tweets, crowdsourcing fulfills all four of the requirements. Tweeters are
a generally diversified group, linked by their interest in the EPL. It is decentralized from the
standpoint that there is no centralized authority establishing sentiment or providing instant
feedback. It can be used to summarize sentiment (i.e., the focus of this study) and it is mostly
independent (although it could be argued that threaded discussion in Twitter can ensue).
Given these arguments, we believe that crowdsourced sentiment may be a better predictor
of match outcome than wager crowdsourcing.
2.6 Research Gaps
Our review of the literature identified several opportunities not previously pursued,
notably a lack of sentiment studies in football. Although Godin et. al. performed some research
within this domain, we seek to extend the body of work to investigate both tone and polarity
measures, and conduct a deeper investigation of wagering activity as an evaluative factor.
Another gap was that prior studies focused on a binary prediction of winners. We seek to
leverage twitter sentiment and look for signals in the data such as the magnitude of polarity that
may lead to predicting in-match goal differential. Our intent is to uncover sentiment information
and apply it to match prediction in a novel and interesting way.
3. Research Questions
These gaps in the literature led to the following research questions:
1. What signals exist in Twitter data that may provide match predictions?
Following Surowiecki’s crowdsourcing approach, we believe that tweeters (i.e., tweet
authors) are better able to make match predictions than bettors and are able to convey those
predictions through the sentiment of their word choice. Tweets that are positive may be
indicative of a favorable match outcome whereas negative tweets may reflect pessimism and
predict a potential loss. We feel that the normalized aggregate view of this sentiment
information for each club and match may have predictive value.
2. What role does sentiment magnitude have on successful match prediction?
Similarly we believe that a normalized imbalance of positive vs negative sentiments may
help predict goal differential. We plan to investigate the magnitude of match sentiment versus
the respective club averages. We reason that a significant surge or drop in match-level sentiment
versus their club average may be a predictive signal of potential goal difference. It is further
believed that a club with a normalized surge in positive tweets may win by a larger margin than
one in which the difference is less. Conversely, a club with a surge in negative tweets may be
expected to lose by a larger margin than one where the difference is less than average.
3. What is the impact of sentiment-based prediction on wagering returns?
From prior studies, accuracy and wagering profit have been observed to have an inverse
relationship (i.e., high accuracy/low payout or low accuracy/high payout). Does the same hold
true in the EPL, and if so, how are crowds able to identify longshot wins over odds-makers?
4. System Design
To address our research questions, we built the CentralSport system as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The CentralSport System
The CentralSport System is a twitter collector and sentiment analysis tool that interfaces
directly with Twitter’s streaming API and captures desired tweets in real-time based on the
hashtag filter. Each tweet is composed of specific information, such as the Twitter handle (i.e.,
chosen name of the tweet author a.k.a. tweeter), the date/time it was tweeted and the tweet
content. This feed is stored in a database along with match results and betting lines at match
start, for each match, as shown in Table 1.
HomeClub AwayClub MatchStart HomeScore AwayScore HomeOdds DrawOdds AwayOdds
#lfc #nufc
2014-05-11 10:00:00.000
2 1 -556 706 1345
#mcfc #whufc
2014-05-11 10:00:00.000
2 0 -588 760 1303
#ncfc #afc
2014-05-11 10:00:00.000
0 2 396 300 -145
#saintsfc #mufc
2014-05-11 10:00:00.000
1 1 175 273 141
#sufc #swans
2014-05-11 10:00:00.000
1 3 13 244 225
Table 1. Sample Match Results and Betting Lines
Match results are obtained from and are manually entered into the system.
Betting lines are acquired from which is an aggregation of 15 different sports
books and follows the Moneyline wagering approach. Moneyline odds are unitless, meaning the
monetary unit (e.g., dollar, pound, euro, etc.) is irrelevant. We chose to use dollars for this
research. Specific wagering details are further described in the Experimental Design section.
Once collected, each tweet is analyzed using OpinionFinder to identify sentiment
information. It categorizes tweets in two axes, tone and polarity. Tone evaluates whether a
tweet is subjective or objective. OpinionFinder classifies each sentence within the tweet, and the
designation of tone for the tweet follows the majority of the individual sentences. In cases of a
tie or ambiguity, the tweet is marked tone neutral. Here are examples of tweet tone:
Objective: Andre Schurrle celebrates his first Premier League goal for Chelsea #cfc
Subjective: Has someone just took the batteries out of our players ???? Our players have
just stopped functioning ???? #mufc
Polarity evaluates the positive or negative bias of a tweet. Like tone, polarity classifies
each sentence and uses majority rules. Tweets can be marked polarity neutral in cases of
ambiguity or a tie. Examples of tweet polarity include:
Negative: Supporting Newcastle is actually making me hate football. #nufc
Positive: Were delighted to confirm the signing of @R9Soldado from Valencia after
successfully completing his medical. #thfc
For tweets with more than one hashtag, we elected to label it with the first club hashtag.
We reason that if a tweet mentions two or more clubs, the tweeter may have intended more
emphasis towards the first club mentioned. While not perfect, we felt this to be an adequate
automation compromise for the large volume of tweets collected.
5. Experimental Design
5.1 The Experiment
For this study we used data from the final three months of the 2013-2014 English Premier
League season, February 16 through May 11, 2014. Tweets were gathered from the Twitter
streaming API using one team-specific hashtag per club, identified by a domain expert. While
we recognize that using only one hashtag per club may be a study limitation compared to
gathering an entire universe of club-related tweets, the volume of tweets gathered offsets the
During this period, 122 matches were played. For each match we used tweets for the
ninety-six hours up to match start, consistent with Hong and Skiena’s work. From these data we
constructed a baseline model that used aggregated odds-only data from to
predict outcomes, and eight sentiment models that describe the data based on the axes of tone
and polarity. Figure 2 depicts the sentiment models with an explanation to follow.
Figure 2. Sentiment Models
From this figure we develop eight models across the axes of tone and polarity; Model 1
Subjective Negative tweets, Model 2 Objective Negative, Model 3 Subjective Positive,
Model 4 Objective Positive, Model 5 All Subjective, Model 6 All Objective, Model 7 All
Negative, and Model 8 All Positive.
To address those tweets identified as either neutral tone or neutral polarity, we chose not
to use them in the models. While it could be argued that neutral tone tweets should not have an
impact on Models 7 and 8, All Negative and All Positive polarity respectively, we felt that using
identical data across all models would provide a more robust and equal comparison between
For our first research question, we test sentiment between clubs of unequal tweets by
normalizing the sentiment model data versus tweets for the particular club and match, and used it
for comparison purposes as shown in Equation 1.
 
(Equation 1)
For models using negative polarity sentiment (Models 1, 2 and 7), we expect that the club
with the higher match normalized value would lose, following the logic that negative sentiment
indicates anxiety and a potential for loss. Whereas for all other sentiment models we expected
the club with the highest value to win. Table 2 demonstrates how match normalization works
using Model 8 All Positive tweets.
HomeClub AwayClub Date #Htweets #Atweets #HMod8 #AMod8 HNrmlz ANrmlz
Man United Liverpool 3/16/2014 10,138 5,034 8,503 3,501 0.8387 0.6955
Table 2 Example of match normalization for Model 8 (All Positive)
From this table, the home club variable HNrmlz is the number of positive tweets for
Manchester United (8,503) in the ninety-six hours before match start, divided by the overall
number of tweets for Man United (10,138) during the same period, excluding neutral categories.
A similar calculation was performed for ANrmlz. Comparing the two values (0.8387 versus
0.6955 for Home and Away respectively), the Home team has greater subjective positive
sentiment and is predicted to win the match.
For our second and third research questions, we use averaged club-based sentiment,
where the number of sentiment-based tweets for the match is compared against an average value
for the club. This measure indicates if a surge or drop in sentiment is occurring for a particular
match, which may indicate predictive value. We then analyze each match, comparing values
using the formula in Equation 2.
 
(Equation 2)
We expect models with higher values for Models 1, 2 and 7, to lose. For all other
sentiment models we expected the club with the highest value to win. As an example using
Manchester United from earlier, we use the number of positive tweets in the ninety-six hours
before match start (8,503) and divide it by the average number of tweets for Model 8 All
Positive (8,317.2) for a normalized value of 1.0223 versus Liverpool at 8.0314. These values
indicate that both clubs were more positive in their tweets than average, however, Liverpool was
8x their typical positive sentiment and the model would predict them to win the match
(Liverpool did win and it was an odds upset).
5.2 The Collection
For the study period, 18,027,966 tweets were gathered. The average tweet length was
105.0 characters with a standard deviation of 34.9. Removing the neutral tone and polarity
tweets and using tweets only within the ninety-six hours before match start left a dataset of
1,026,569 tweets as broken down by club and sentiment values in Table 3.
Club Name Hashtag # Tweets # Objective # Subjective # Positive # Negative
Arsenal #afc 45,807 44,194 1,613 29,176 16,631
Aston Villa #avfc 9,794 9,442 352 6,435 3,359
Cardiff City #cardiffcity 727 705 22 397 330
Chelsea #cfc 70,912 69,008 1,904 50,781 20,131
Crystal Palace #cpfc 6,603 6,360 243 4,615 1,988
Everton #efc 10,059 9,791 268 6,000 4,059
Fulham #ffc 3,205 2,748 457 2,279 926
Hull City #hcafc 2,214 2,126 88 1,385 829
Liverpool #lfc 86,636 83,419 3,217 62,228 24,408
Manchester City #mcfc 35,504 34,402 1,102 22,185 13,319
Manchester United #mufc 171,499 166,459 5,040 121,310 50,189
Newcastle #nufc 11,763 11,256 507 6,421 5,342
Norwich #ncfc 4,513 4,319 194 2,830 1,683
Southampton #saintsfc 4,682 4,596 86 3,407 1,275
Stoke City #scfc 2,491 2,432 59 1,589 902
Sunderland #sufc 4,620 4,294 326 3,668 952
Swansea #swans 1,601 1,554 47 1,052 549
Tottenham #thfc 12,450 12,013 437 7,219 5,231
West Bromwich #wbafc 366 338 28 228 138
West Ham #whufc 3,583 3,448 135 2,184 1,399
Table 3. Breakdown of club level sentiment
From this table, Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester City
had the most tweets, consistent with expectations based on club size and popularity. Clubs
promoted to the 2013-2014 Premier League (i.e., Cardiff City, Crystal Palace and Hull City) had
some of the fewest, but not the least, number of tweets.
This table indicates that the tone of tweets was mostly objective, 96.7% of tone. For
polarity (e.g., whether the tweet is positive or negative), every club’s tweeters were more
positive (average 68.6%) than negative, expressing a mostly optimistic attitude. The most
optimistic club tweeters followed Sunderland (79.4%), Southampton (72.8%) and Liverpool
(71.8%). Looking at the optimistic club records (win-draw-loss), Sunderland was 4-2-7,
Southampton 5-2-5 and Liverpool 10-1-1. It was interesting to note that it was not necessarily
the clubs with the best records that had the highest fan optimism (as demonstrated by
Sunderland). We speculate that the optimism/pessimism differences may be due to regional
cultural differences. Although interesting, this was not the focus of our research.
5.3 The Metrics
We evaluated the models on accuracy (i.e., how correct the models were versus actual
results), payout (i.e., constructing a simple wagering algorithm to measure hypothetical payouts)
and betting efficiency (i.e., the averaged payout per wager). Depending on the sentiment model
to be tested, the relevant axes of tone (objective/subjective) and polarity (positive/negative) were
5.3.1 Accuracy
Accuracy is a measure of predicted match outcome versus actual outcome. Aggregating
the average of the 122 matches for each model led to this measure. Based on the values of the
normalized match data and the model, the system would select either the home or away club to
win. If either the number of Home or Away tweets for the model was 0, then the match was not
considered for that model. A Draw wager was considered, however, it was found that sentiment
was unable to fully recognize a draw outcome and we chose to ignore this category. Even so, the
performance returns from predicting just Home and Away match outcomes offset the need for
Draw. Within our dataset, there were 6 draw occurrences.
5.3.2 Payout
Payout is a summed value of returns on hypothetical $100 wagers made on predicted
match outcomes for the 122 matches. For models using negative polarity sentiment (Models 1, 2
and 7), the wagering engine would bet on the club with the highest normalized value to lose. All
other models bet on the club with the highest normalized value to win. Further, a third decision
of No Bet was used if either the number of Home or Away tweets for the model was 0.
5.3.3 Wagering Efficiency
Wagering efficiency is the aggregated wagering payout for all wagered matches divided
by the number of matches wagered upon for each model. This value allows us to identify which
models produce the best return with the least bankroll.
6. Experimental Findings and Discussion
6.1 What Signals Exist in Twitter data
To answer our first research question, what signals exist in Twitter data that may provide
match predictions, we looked at the accuracy and payout of predictions. Table 4 presents the
Correct Incorrect No Bet Accuracy Payout Excess Return
Baseline 80 42 0 65.57% $1,887.88
Model 1 52 51 19 50.49% $1,934.70 $46.82
Model 2 55 67 0 45.08% $1,946.53 $58.65
Model 3 41 61 20 40.20% $823.38 ($1,064.50)
Model 4 58 64 0 47.54% $2,270.55 $382.67
Model 5 44 72 6 37.93% ($195.54) ($2,083.42)
Model 6 61 61 0 50.00% $2,704.63 $816.75
Model 7 57 65 0 46.72% $2,614.53 $726.65
Model 8 55 67 0 45.08% $1,708.52 ($179.36)
Table 4. Accuracy and Payout results of models
The Baseline odds-only approach was correct on 80 of the 122 matches in our study for
an accuracy of 65.57% holding consistent with Godin et. al.’s observation of 67%. None of the
sentiment models outperformed Baseline on accuracy and only two models (Model 1
Subjective Negative and Model 6 All Objective) were at or exceeded 50.0%. A careful reader
will observe that Model 5 All Subjective does not appear to reflect a weighted average of
Model 1 Subjective Negative and Model 3 Subjective Positive, because the tweet limit
threshold per match is exceeded for some matches in Model 5. The same applies to Model 6
All Objective.
While the accuracy results are not attractive, accuracy only presents one facet of the
results whereas the more interesting metrics to the gambler or betting house is payout and betting
efficiency. Payout measures the hypothetical return on a $100 wager for either the home or
away club, with the exception of the No Bet category. Payout is the amount of return derived
from wagering, minus the initial wager amount. The column Excess Return is the payout of the
model minus Baseline. Positive Excess Return values indicate a return greater than Baseline.
From the table, Baseline had a $1,887.88 payout. Seven of the eight sentiment models also
exhibited a positive payout. Only Model 5 (All Subjective) with a $195.54 payout loss did not.
This is the result of fan sentiment skewing slightly towards longshot wagers, decreasing accuracy
with the trade-off of better payouts.
Further, models that incorporate some level of positive and subjective tweets (Model 3
Subjective Positive, Model 5 All Subjective and Model 8 All Positive) had negative excess
returns. The sentiment models with the best excess returns were Model 6 (All Objective) with an
excess return of $816.75 above baseline, Model 7 (All Negative) with $726.65 and Model 4
(Objective Positive) with an excess return of $382.67 over Baseline.
While the models that incorporated sentiment did not exhibit better prediction accuracy
than the odds-only approach, two of the models that used subjective-only data reported negative
excess returns versus the models that incorporated some form of objective data. This
observation was unexpected and counter-intuitive at the surface. In prior sentiment work on
financial news articles and their impact on stock price, researchers had found that subjective
articles were better predictors of price movement than objective articles [17]. It was believed
that the tone of the articles was influencing traders and consequently price. However, for this
study, tweets of a subjective nature have a negative effect, and objective tweets are more
meaningful predictors. We believe this to be the case for two reasons. First, tweets are more
descriptive, a reflection of individual expression, and not prescriptive. In other words, tweets are
generally not reporting previously unknown events that may impact play which may be the case
for financial news sentiment. The second reason is noise in the medium. With financial news
articles, there are fewer articles to apply to a longer event horizon (i.e., trading day). With
sports-related tweets, there are many (sometimes thousands) more tweets to correspond to an
event of a much more limited duration. As a consequence of the deluge of information (one
could argue the quality of the information too) and shorter event duration, the noise from tweets
would be greater and hence less influential (if at all) than would financial news articles.
6.2 What Role Does Polarity Magnitude Have on Match Prediction?
To answer our second research question, what role does sentiment magnitude have on
successful match prediction, we looked at the polarity models, Models 7 and 8, All Negative and
All Positive tweets respectively. For the analysis we normalized data by dividing the number of
tweets for each match by the average number of tweets for the model over the period of study.
The normalized values tell us if there is a surge or drop in positive/negative sentiment, and by
how much. Next, we compared the values between clubs for each match (e.g., Manchester
United (1.0223) versus Liverpool (8.0314) is a difference of 7.0090 on Liverpool’s behalf) and
used these differences as sentiment magnitudes. A sliding threshold from 0 to 10 in 0.1
increments was introduced, where only sentiment magnitude differences greater than or equal to
the threshold value was used for accuracy and payout calculations. Figure 3 shows the accuracy
and payout results of the models versus the sliding sentiment magnitude thresholds.
Figure 3. Accuracy and Payout of Models 7 and 8 versus Sentiment Thresholds
For a sliding threshold (sentiment magnitude) of zero, we wager on all matches
(excluding No Bet). Whereas for sentiment magnitude of 1.0, we wager only on those matches
where the difference in sentiment magnitude is at least 100% greater. Positive tweets at
sentiment magnitude zero had an accuracy of 53.28% and payout of $3,011.20, versus negative
polarity with 27.87% accuracy and $315.17 payout. Model 8 (All Positive) had good accuracy
results that improved to 75.00% on thresholds between 4.3 and 5.3 inclusively, on 12 matches,
before declining. This same model also had sizeable payouts, peaking at $3,295.24 at 0.9
threshold on 52 matches, before declining. Model 7 (All Negative) had comparatively worse
accuracy, peaking at 36.1% at 1.7 threshold on 36 matches, before descending to 0% accuracy at
thresholds 4.3 and greater. Model 7 also exhibited worse payouts by comparison, maxing out at
$1,215.03 at 1.7 threshold on 36 matches. From these data it would appear that positive
sentiment was a better predictor of match outcomes. We believe that coupled with the fan
optimism finding from earlier, positive sentiment may be the cultural expectancy for the English
Premier League twitter-base, with the majority of tweeters from the UK. Looking into this
further, we also note an excessive number of All Positive tweets (276,628) versus All Negative
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thresholds of Accuracy
Model 7 Model 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thresholds of Payouts
Model 7 Model 8
Next we examined if the sentiment magnitude was a predictor of match goal differential.
It was expected that as sentiment magnitude increased between clubs it would have a similar
increase on expected goals. Table 5 depicts the average of goals broken down by sentiment
Sentiment Magnitude Model 7 Model 8
0.0 >= x < 1.0 +0.60 +0.42
1.0 >= x < 2.0 +0.69 +1.07
x >= 2.0 +1.15 +0.90
Table 5. Model 7 and 8 Average of Goals versus Sentiment Magnitude
For both models, as the magnitude of sentiment difference between clubs increased, so
too did the goal differential. However, Model 7 (All Negative) showed a contrarian relationship.
As tweeters became more negative towards the club, the number of goals scored for that club
increased leading to that club winning. We speculate that this is attributable to opposing club
tweeters disparaging a stronger opponent. Looking deeper into the data, 76.9% of the negative
sentiment magnitude greater than or equal to 2.0 was directed towards the odds-favorite club.
Seven times this phenomenon was observed against Liverpool, eight times against Manchester
United, four times against Chelsea and one time by Chelsea against Liverpool, four times by
Aston Villa, and two times by Cardiff City, Manchester City and Sunderland against stronger
opponents. It would appear that it wasn’t the clubs’ fans disparaging their own team, but rather
spirited conversation from the weaker opponent.
Model 8 (All Positive) similarly showed an increase in goals, however, for sentiment
magnitudes over 2.0x different, the average goals decreased (0.90). While still positive and
consistent with expectations, this deviation could indicate an overconfidence in the club.
6.3 What is the Impact of Prediction on Wagering Returns?
To answer our third research question, what is the impact of sentiment-based prediction
on wagering returns, we looked at balancing accuracy and payout with betting efficiency, which
provides the average return per wager minus the initial bet.
In looking at the models, both Models 7 and 8 were profitably engaged in betting against
favorites and longshot wagering. We define betting against the favorites as seeking a return
between 1 to 2 times the wager, based on the odds (e.g., Moneyline odds between +100 and +199
inclusive). We further define longshot wagers as seeking a return of 2 or more times the wager
(e.g., Moneyline odds of +200 or greater). While we recognize that some matches will have
positive Moneyline odds for both clubs (e.g., meaning a wager either way would be against the
favorites using our definition), we feel that breaking apart the wagering activity into these
distinct buckets will provide additional insight as shown in Table 6.
Model 7 Baseline M7 Against Baseline M7 Longshots
Accuracy 50.00% 50.00% 65.45% 23.64%
Payout $405.00 $412.00 $907.36 $1,627.00
Bet Efficiency $14.46 $14.71 $16.50 $29.58
Model 8 Baseline M8 Against Baseline M8 Longshots
Accuracy 50.00% 50.00% 68.52% 22.22%
Payout $422.00 $429.00 $1,189.37 $1,003.00
Bet Efficiency $15.07 $15.32 $22.03 $18.57
Table 6. Results of Wagering Activity Against Favorites and Longshots
From this table several interesting trends emerge. First, for wagering Mx Against, against
the favorites across models (left-side of the table), the accuracy, payouts and betting efficiency
values are fairly similar to Baseline on the same matches, with a slight edge to both Models 7
and 8. This would indicate a weak relationship between both all positive and all negative tweet
sentiment and a better return on match prediction than following an odds-only approach ($14.71
versus $14.46 for Model 7 and $15.32 versus $15.07 for Model 8).
Second, in looking at Mx Against and Mx Longshots (left to right), we notice that
accuracy decreases, and payouts increase, consistent with prior results. What is interesting is
that Baseline did not follow the same pattern. For Baseline, both Accuracy and Payout
increased. We theorize that this is a result of the three classes of outcomes: win, draw and loss.
Because of the three outcomes, sometimes Moneyline wagering will show strong positive values
for all classes (especially if clubs are evenly matched). Looking through the data this did appear
to be the case and helps to explain the discrepancy.
Third, in wagering on just Mx Longshots (seeking returns 2 or more times the wager),
Model 7 outperformed Baseline on payout and betting efficiency, but for Model 8, Baseline
garnered the higher values. Returning to our earlier comment in the second research question,
we speculate that this may indicate a sentiment overconfidence in the wagered clubs, especially
given the strong positive sentiment that M8 Longshots portrays.
From our observations it would appear that twitter sentiment can be effectively used to
uncover arbitrage wagering opportunities.
7. Conclusions and Future Directions
From our study we found that crowdsourced sentiment can be a better predictor of match
outcomes than crowdsourced odds. In looking at accuracy and payout, the crowdsourced odds-
only (Baseline) approach had the highest accuracy versus the eight sentiment models tested.
However, in terms of payout, five of the eight sentiment models had higher returns (Subjective
Negative $46.82, Objective Negative $58.65, Objective Positive $382.67, All Objective $816.75
and All Negative $726.65). The three models with returns less than Baseline were all clustered
around Subjective Positive (Subjective Positive -$1,064.50, All Subjective -$2,083.42 and All
Positive -$179.36). Of the three, only All Subjective lost money, -$195.54. We believe that
crowdsourced sentiment was better at identifying longshot wagers as evidenced by five of the
sentiment models. For the other three we found the subjective positiveness harmed the results
and believe this to be a reaction to events and overconfidence in club performance, rather than
rational prescriptive observation transcribed to tweet sentiment.
In looking specifically at the models of All Positive and All Negative sentiment and
evaluating the surge/drop of match sentiment versus their club average, we found that this
technique led to higher accuracy and payouts for the All Positive model (53.28% accuracy and
$3,011.20 payout). Conversely, All Negative showed a marked decline in performance (27.87%
accuracy and $315.17 payout). This result indicates that positive surges (above average club
levels) in tweet sentiment generally leads to better match predictability. Tweet authors recognize
some factor in their clubs’ performance and express it through tweet sentiment. While we
expected a similar result with negative sentiment (e.g., recognize something wrong with the club
and expect a loss), this was not the case. However, upon a deeper analysis it appears that
tweeters from weaker clubs were purposefully injecting negative sentiment into the feeds of their
stronger opponents.
Lastly, in examining All Positive and All Negative’s wagering behavior against favorites
and on longshots, both models exhibited a decrease in accuracy and increase in payouts when
wagering on longshots. While the system sacrificed accuracy, it made up for it in payouts. All
Negative increased payouts from $412.00 to $1,627.00 and All Positive increased from $429.00
to $1,003.00. When compared to the odds-only Baseline, All Negative outperformed Baseline in
both payout and betting efficiency (betting efficiency of $14.71 versus $14.46 Baseline against
the favorites and $29.58 versus $16.50 on longshots). All Positive showed a similar gain
towards Baseline against the favorites ($15.32 versus $15.07) but not on longshots ($18.57
versus $22.03). This again was found to be the result of weaker opponents negatively tweeting
against their stronger rivals.
There are many potential extensions to this research as the system we created could be
ported to other sports domains. One such extension would be the inclusion of Draw categories.
While we ignored this category in our study and still managed good results, future work should
look into ways of algorithmically identifying Draws with good accuracy. Another extension
would be to analyze tweets during a match or briefly thereafter. It might provide some
additional insight into tweet author behavior based on goal differences such as more/less interest
in matches with more/less goal differentials. A third extension would be to analyze tweets and
performance in the first half of the season versus the second half. Sinha et. al. discovered
season-half differences in the NFL and perhaps similar differences exist in the Premiership.
Fourth, an analysis of tweets and retweets may prove interesting in answering the question of
what conditions lead to the most retweets? Lastly, it would be interesting to merge sentiment
and social network theory to identify the tweeters with the greatest say on setting the sentiment
mood for a particular hashtag. It is quite clear that within this domain there are plenty of
opportunities for further research.
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