(Insert Name of Party)
Plaintiff : TERM, 20
v. : NO.
Defendant :
I, _________________________________, hereby certify that I served a true and
correct copy of the Complaint / Notice of Appeal / Rule on _______________________,
1) By handing a copy to the Defendant / Appellee, __________________________,
on the ___ day of _______________, 20 , at ____________AM/PM, at
___________________________________________, Philadelphia, PA.
2) By handing a copy to __________________________________, an adult
member of the family/adult person in charge of Defendants / Appellees residence,
on the ___ day of _______________, 20 , at ____________AM/PM, at
__________________________________________, Philadelphia, PA.
I verify that the statements in this Return of Service are true and correct. I further verify
that I am an adult over the age of 18 and not related to any party in this action.
I understand that this unsworn document contains statements that are made subject to
the penalties of 18 P.C.S. §4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.
Sworn to and Affirmed
This day 20
__________________ _____________________________ (Sign)
Notary Public
(SEAL) _____________________________ (Print Name)
Return of Service rev. 4-27-15
Pa.R.C.P. No. 400.1
Rule 400.1. Provisions for all Courts of the First Judicial District
(a) In an action commenced in the First Judicial District, original
process may be served
(1) within the county by the sheriff or a competent adult, or
(2) in any other county by deputized service as provided by Rule
400(d) or by a competent adult forwarding the process to the
sheriff of the county where service may be made.
Note: See Rule 76 for the definition of “competent adult”.
The First Judicial District is comprised of Philadelphia County
(b) In an action commenced in any other county, original process
may be served in Philadelphia County by deputized service as
provided by Rule 400(d) or by a competent adult.
Pa.R.C.P. No. 76
The following words and phrases when used in the Rules of Civil
Procedure shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise or the particular word or
phrase is expressly defined in the chapter in which the particular
rule is included:
“competent adult” means an individual eighteen years of age or
older who is neither a party to the action nor an employee or a
relative of a party
Return of Service rev. 4-27-15
Pa.R.C.P. No. 402
Rule 402. Manner of Service. Acceptance of Service
(a) Original process may be served
(1) by handing a copy to the defendant; or
(2) by handing a copy
(i) at the residence of the defendant to an adult member of the
family with whom he resides; but if no adult member of the family
is found, then to an adult person in charge of such residence; or
(ii) at the residence of the defendant to the clerk or manager of
the hotel, inn, apartment house, boarding house or other place of
lodging at which he resides;
Pa.R.C.P. No. 405
Rule 405. Return of Service
(a) When service of original process has been made the sheriff or
other person making service shall make a return of service
(b) A return of service shall set forth the date, time, place and
manner of service, the identity of the person served and any other
facts necessary for the court to determine whether proper service
has been made.
(d) A return of service by a person other than the sheriff shall be
by affidavit.
(e) The return of service or of no service shall be filed with the
Return of Service rev. 4-27-15