City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee – Agenda - Tuesday, 7 November 2023
Tuesday, 7 November 2023
City Planning, Development
and Business Affairs
Draft City of Adelaide Economic
Development Strategy, Competitive,
Sustainable, Connected
Strategic Alignment - Strong Economies
Program Contact:
Sarah Gilmour, Associate
Director Park Lands, Policy &
Approving Officer:
Ilia Houridis, Director City
The purpose of this report is to present a draft City of Adelaide (CoA) Economic Development Strategy:
Competitive, Sustainable, Connected (the draft Strategy), for the purpose public consultation.
The draft Strategy is informed by a workshop held on 3 October 2023 at the City Planning, Development and
Business Affairs Committee (Link 1) and Council’s Draft Strategic Plan 2024-2028.
The draft Strategy forms a key deliverable of the independent reviews of the Adelaide Economic Development
Agency (AEDA) as presented to the City Finance and Governance Committee on 17 October 2023 (Link 2) and
endorsed by Council for public consultation on 24 October 2023. As per that decision, the draft Strategy has been
developed in close collaboration with AEDA for implementation by May 2024.
The timing of the draft Economic Development Strategy will enable it to inform Council’s 2024/25 annual business
plan and budget process and preparation of a strategic plan and business plan by AEDA.
The following recommendation will be presented to Council on 14 November 2023 for consideration
1. Endorses the draft City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy: Competitive, Sustainable,
Connected contained in Attachment A to Item 7.4 on the Agenda for the meeting of the City Planning,
Development and Business Affairs Committee held on 7 November 2023, for the purpose of public
2. Endorses the draft City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy, Engagement Plan contained in
Attachment B to Item 7.4 on the Agenda for the meeting of the City Planning, Development and Business
Affairs Committee held on 7 November 2023, for the purpose of public consultation.
3. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to make minor grammatical and technical amendments to the
documents contained in Attachment A and Attachment B to Item 7.4 on the Agenda for the meeting of the
City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee held on 7 November 2023.
City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee – Agenda - Tuesday, 7 November 2023
City of Adelaide
Strategic Plan
Strategic Alignment – Strong Economies
This report directly supports Strong Economies as it provides a draft of the City of
Adelaide’s new Economic Development Strategy for discussion. The draft Strategy aligns
with the economic pillar in Council’s draft Strategic Plan 2024-2028.
This report is related to the development of a new City of Adelaide Economic Development
Strategy which includes policy statements for economic development.
If the draft Economic Development Strategy is endorsed for the purpose of consultation,
targeted stakeholder and broad community consultation will be undertaken in accordance
with Council’s Community Consultation Policy. Internal consultation to develop this Strategy
occurred across the City of Adelaide, Adelaide Central Market Authority (ACMA) and
Resourcing for implementation of the City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy will
be considered through Council’s annual business plan and budget processes.
Risk / Legal /
Not as a result of this report
The development of an Economic Development Strategy will clarify Council’s role in
economic development and set strategic directions for Council, City of Adelaide and its
subsidiaries for implementation.
23/24 Budget
Not as a result of this report
Proposed 24/25
Budget Allocation
The Economic Development Strategy will inform Council’s 2024/25 annual business plan
and budget process and the preparation of a strategic plan and business plan by AEDA.
The cost for implementation of initiatives proposed for 2024/25 is estimated at $150,000.
Life of Project,
Service, Initiative
or (Expectancy of)
The proposed City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy has a ten-year planning
horizon and four-year delivery focus from 2024-2028.
23/24 Budget
(if applicable)
Not as a result of this report
Ongoing Costs
(eg maintenance
Not as a result of this report
Other Funding
Not as a result of this report
City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee – Agenda - Tuesday, 7 November 2023
1. The City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee (CPDBA) ToR (Link 3) was established in
January 2023 and its purpose includes: To review and, if necessary, guide the development of a city
economic development strategy and a local heritage strategy and policy.
2. The CEO gave an undertaking to review the strategic policy framework on 10 May 2022.
2.1. On 11 August 2022, Corporate Services updated Council Members via E-News that the opportunity for
an ‘Economic Development Policy’ had been identified and advising Council Members that work had
commenced on the Policy. Council’s caretaker period commenced on 6 September 2022.
2.2. The last City of Adelaide economic policy/strategy was the Economically Prosperous City Strategy
3. City of Adelaide plays a distinct role as the social, commercial, cultural and civic capital and heart of South
Australia. The impacts of climate change and global events in recent years have and will continue to
challenge cities. It is essential therefore as a capital city to be guided by a strong economic development
strategy which allows the city to be responsive to change and is in alignment with community ambitions.
4. City of Adelaide is focussed on economic development which stimulates business and investment activity in
the city, to enable a more diversified and resilient economy and improve community well-being. As South
Australia’s capital city, we are a significant contributor to the State’s Gross Regional Product at over 17%,
and any economic development occurring in the city will impact Greater Adelaide and South Australia.
5. As a capital city council, City of Adelaide is heavily influenced by movements in the global economy and the
Council alone, has little influence over the macro-economy. The City of Adelaide can act to shape its local
economy and the State’s economy more broadly through its role as South Australia’s capital city.
Consultation to Inform the Draft Strategy
6. The draft Strategy contained in Attachment A, is informed by a workshop held on 3 October 2023 at the City
Planning Development and Business Affairs Committee and Council’s draft Strategic Plan 2024-2028, which
states under its economy pillar:
6.1. Growing, innovative and responsive. In ten years, Adelaide will have strengthened its role as the
economic focal point of the state, attracting investment and talent from around the world. New and
diverse industries will complement our existing economic strengths and city businesses will be
7. The draft Strategy is informed by targeted engagement and research priorities for the City of Adelaide:
7.1. Targeted engagement sessions across Cit of Adelaide Administration and with AEDA.
7.2. Targeted external consultation and research, including:
7.2.1. Economic Profile – preparation of an Economic Profile for the City of Adelaide to inform
Council’s Strategic Plan 2024-28 (completed in June 2023).
7.2.2. Housing Research – CoA Housing Audit and Need Analysis which considers economic and
economic development factors relating to housing in the CoA (June to September 2023).
7.2.3. City Plan – City Plan Studio Sessions including Magnet City and New Urban Form (September
7.2.4. Night Time Economy – University of Melbourne’s Melbourne Centre for Cities Night Shift Project
Team (commenced May 2023).
7.2.5. Capital City Committee of Lord Mayors Economic Development and Research Working Group –
Night Time Economy Research and Quarterly Pulse Reports (ongoing).
7.2.6. South Australian Economic Statement – State Government through discussions on the South
Australian Economic Statement (Link 1) (July 2023).
Draft Economic Development Strategy
8. The draft Strategy is focused on how the City of Adelaide can enable economic activity rather than delivering
economic outcomes directly and is supported by a suite of Council’s policies, strategies and plans, as
City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee – Agenda - Tuesday, 7 November 2023
9. The draft Strategy contains three goals to position the City of Adelaide as Competitive, Sustainable and
9.1. Goal 1: A Competitive City – amplifying our world-wide appeal to attract talent, residents,
tourists and investment
City of Adelaide is globally competitive and known to be good place to do business, work and live.
9.2. Goal 2: A Sustainable City – an accelerated transition to a sustainable and decarbonised
City of Adelaide leads the transition to sustainable business ventures, decarbonising the economy and
building growth of green industries.
9.3. Goal 3: A Connected City - where local businesses are connected to their neighbourhood
City of Adelaide connects local businesses with visitors and residential neighbourhoods as a curator
and activator. We are a city where people are connected, where business networks thrive, and our
visitors enjoy unique and authentic experiences of Adelaide life.
10. Each goal has key outcomes, and its progress and success will be assessed by its impact on economic
growth, employment, community wellbeing and climate resilience.
11. The draft Strategy extends across the operations of Council and its economic subsidiaries of AEDA and the
ACMA. It also serves as strategic direction for the city to partner and collaborate on economic development
across the city and North Adelaide.
Next Steps
12. Pending decision by Council, consultation on the draft City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy:
Competitive, Sustainable, Connected, will be undertaken as outlined in Attachment B.
13. Consultation is planned to commence from late November 2023, with a summary of consultation to be
presented to a Committee of Council by March 2024.
14. The draft City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy: Competitive, Sustainable, Connected, is
targeting finalisation by May 2024.
Link 1 – City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 (LINK)
Link 2 – City Finance and Governance Committee, Tuesday, 17 October 2023 (LINK)
Link 3 City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee (CPDBA) ToR (LINK)
City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee – Agenda - Tuesday, 7 November 2023
Attachment A – Draft City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy: Competitive, Sustainable, Connected
Attachment B - Draft City of Adelaide Economic Development Strategy, Engagement Plan.