Council Members Training and
Development Policy
26 September 2023
Council Member Training and Development Policy
The City of Adelaide acknowledges that we are located on the traditional Country of the
Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains and pays respect to Elders past, present and
We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We
also extend that respect to visitors of other Aboriginal Language Groups and other First
Contact for enquiries and proposed changes
If you have any questions regarding this document or if you have a suggestion for
improvements, please contact:
Contact Officer: Alana Martin
Title: Manager, Governance
Program: Governance
Phone: (08) 8203 7092
Record Details
HPRM Reference:
HPRM Container:
Version History
A Council must, within 12 months after each general election, review this Code.
Before Council adopts, alters or substitute this Code, it must follow the relevant steps in our
Community Consultation Policy.
The Council will review this Code on an annual basis to ensure that the principles of open
government is being applied in a proper manner.
The next scheduled review is due to occur in September 2024.
Revised By
Revision Description
Council Member Training and Development Policy
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY ....................................................................................................................1
DOCUMENT PROPERTIES ...........................................................................................................................................1
Contact for enquiries and proposed changes ........................................................................................1
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................3
2. Policy Objective ..................................................................................................................................................3
3. Scope .....................................................................................................................................................................3
4. Training and Development Plan ..................................................................................................................3
5. Annual Budget Allocation ..............................................................................................................................5
6. Attendance at Training and Development Activities ..........................................................................5
7. Payment/Reimbursements ............................................................................................................................5
8. Annual Reporting ..............................................................................................................................................6
9. Statement of Adoption and Review ...........................................................................................................6
10. Other Relevant Policies/Procedures ..........................................................................................................6
Council Member Training and Development Plan ...............................................................................7
Council Member Training and Development Policy
1. Introduction
The City of Adelaide is committed to providing training and development activities for its
Council Members, including the mandatory training requirements under the LGA Training
Standards, and recognises its responsibility to develop and adopt a policy for this purpose
under section 80A of the Local Government Act.
Following the amendment to the Local Government Act and the Local Government (General)
Regulations November 2014, this policy incorporates the new requirements for Council
Members to undertake mandatory training within the first year of election to office, which
complies with the LGA Training Standards as defined in regulation 8AA of the Local
Government (General) Regulations 2013.
2. Policy Objective
To ensure Council Members are offered opportunities to undertake the required training in
accordance with the LGA Training Standards and any other appropriate training and
development activities relevant to their roles and functions.
3. Scope
This Policy applies to all Council Members, who each have an obligation to abide by this Policy.
4. Training and Development Plan
Council will develop and adopt a Training & Development Plan so as to ensure that activities
available to all Council Members comply with the Regulations and contribute to the personal
development of the individual and the achievement of the strategic and good governance
objectives of Council.
Particular emphasis will be given in the Training & Development Plan to the participation of all
Council Members in the development of a new team following a general election as well as the
orientation of first time Council Members.
In preparing its Training & Development Plan the Council will utilise a range of strategies to
identify the needs of Council and match these needs against its strategic and good governance
objectives. In particular, the Council, in consultation with Council Members who have been re-
elected for another term on Council, will undertake a 'gap analysis' to identify the appropriate
modules within the LGA Training Standards that should form the basis of the required training for
returning Council Members.
Part One: All Council Members are required to undertake mandatory training as detailed in the
LGA Training Standards for Council Members.
The training provides a community leadership competency framework, with the aim of building
and developing the capabilities and performance of Council Members. There are multiple
modules within the four leadership competencies that are required to be completed and are set
out below:
To identify attributes and develop skills that uphold the Behavioural Standards and principles of
Council Member Training and Development Policy
good governance.
In addition, the Lord Mayor must undertake further training in relation to Effective Leadership as
defined in the mandatory training requirements.
To develop knowledge of the Australian system of government and how Councils fulfil the
objectives of the Local Government Act to deliver reputable community outcomes.
In addition, the Lord mayor must undertake further training in relation to Public Speaking and
media skills. Presiding Members of Council and Committees must also undertake training on
Meeting Procedures for technical knowledge and Effective Meeting (Chairing Skills).
To develop the knowledge and skills required to meet the legal responsibilities of a council
Strategy and Finance
To develop the knowledge of integrated strategic and annual business planning and the skills to
manage public funds appropriately.
In addition to the above, the Standards put further focus on the following:
The development and inclusion of a formal orientation and induction program. The CEO will
arrange a program that complements the completion of the mandatory training and will aim to
provide support and resources to effectively perform in the role.
A Council Leadership Workshop
The CEO will arrange for the inclusion of a workshop/s focusing on ensuring leadership
effectiveness in working to deliver Councils strategic purpose.
A mid-term refresher workshop
This will include but will not be limited to effective working relationships, legal and financial
responsibilities and effective council meetings and procedures.
Lord Mayor Leadership
This training is specific to all Mayors and includes key responsibilities as leader of the Council,
and skills to guide the promotion of positive and constructive working relationships of the Council
as a whole.
Training outlined within the Standards must be completed by all Members within the first 12
months of their four-year term.
Council Members will have access to Council Member specific training that is offered by the Local
Government Association (LGA). This training is a suite of professional and personal development
training opportunities for Council Members which is contextualised to the local government sector
of South Australia. All courses aim to provide Council Members with the skills and knowledge to
better understand their role and the responsibilities to effectively perform their duties confidently
and to the best of their ability.
The Council Governance Team will circulate the LGA's Council Member course offerings on an
annual basis or as new training if offered. This training does not require Council approval.
Part Two: This training aims to provide Council Members with the skills and knowledge of
technology and general Council information they will require to navigate their interaction with
the Council, the administration and the general community. Examples of such activities include
but are not limited to:
Council Member Training and Development Policy
Training in the Microsoft suites of applications and training in how to use this
technology, at either a basic, intermediate or advanced level;
Seminars and informal (briefing) sessions conducted by Council with appropriate guest
speakers and trainers;
Purchase of training booklets and discussion papers that could be distributed to Council
Members for information;
On-line training delivery; and
Circulation of information.
This training may be provided by Council staff or a Council training provider and the Chief
Executive Officer may approve this training if it is under $5,000. Any requests over $5,000 will
require Council approval.
The Standards promote ongoing personal and professional development to ensure that Council
Members remain effective and reputable in the discharge of their duties.
Part Three: Provides Council Members with the opportunity to undertake professional
development to enhance the skills and knowledge required to perform their official functions and
duties and interactions with the Community. Any request under this category, which is over
$5,000 will require specific approval by Council and the Council Member will be required to
How the request aligns to the performance and discharge of their official functions and
How the request contributes to the good governance and the strategic objectives of
Requests will be not considered if the requests fall within the last year of the Council Members
term on Council.
Professional development opportunities will be discussed between the Lord Mayor and Council
Members. The Lord Mayor will take an active role in the continued professional development of
Council Members to assist Council Members with the skills and knowledge required to serve the
If support under this section is approved the Council Member is required to provide a report to
Council at the completion of the course and how they have applied the skills gained. If a member
does not provide a report or fails to complete the course cost are to be refunded to Council.
Part Four: Requests for Attendance at Interstate Conferences
Council approval is required prior to any travel being undertaken by a Council Member.
Relevant and comparable training and development opportunities within metropolitan Adelaide
should be explored prior to considering intra or interstate options.
If there are no comparable opportunities within metropolitan Adelaide and a Council Member
requests the attendance at an interstate conference or seminar the Council Member will be
required to provide the benefits to Council and the alignment to the discharge of their duties.
The Manager Governance will ensure that this information will be provided to Council for
Travel for the Lord Mayor
As per the Council Members Allowances and Benefits Policy and in recognition of the strategic
importance of the Lord Mayor role as the primary representative of the City of Adelaide, the
Council Member Training and Development Policy
Lord Mayor may attend interstate conferences, seminars, meetings or other engagements
without the need for separate Council approval, with Council meeting the reasonable costs of
travel, accommodation and subsistence.
Any international travel proposed by the Lord Mayor must be approved by Council prior to any
such travel with an appropriate budget for travel, accommodation, and subsistence.
Travel for Council Members (other than the Lord Mayor)
Where travel is required, accommodation, flights and rental cars (where applicable) are to be
arranged through the Council Liaison Officer and will be made to ensure the best value to Council.
Where accommodation is required as part of the attendance of the activity, accommodation will
only be booked for the nights of the training and development activity. For example, if a
conference commences on a Thursday evening and concludes on a Sunday afternoon,
accommodation will include the nights of Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. The only
exception where Sunday night accommodation is considered will be in the case of no return
flights being available. It would also be deemed appropriate to extend an accommodation
booking to include the night before the commencement of a conference in the circumstance
where the earliest flight would not guarantee the Council Member arriving at the conference on
Any additional nights outside of this timeframe are to be arranged by the Council Member and
will be at their own expense.
If the Council Member requests a return flight on a date after the conclusion of the activity and
that flight is more expensive, the additional costs will be at the expense of the Council Member.
Council Members are not entitled to link their travel to any personal reward programs such as
airline reward programs.
The reimbursement of reasonable expenses for training and development purposes will be
made in accordance with the requirements of the Council Members’ Allowances & Support
Policy. Itemised tax receipts for all expenses incurred by the Council Member must be provided
and no reimbursement will be made without the appropriate tax receipts.
Costs for mini bar use or in-house movies will not be paid for by Council.
Council Members may take a travelling companion and they will be able to share the
accommodation with the Council Member if there is no additional cost to Council. If there is an
additional cost this will be at the expense of the Council Member and will be invoiced by
Council to the Council Member. All other travel arrangements and expenses for the travelling
companion will not be made or funded by Council.
If a Council Member wishes to attend an interstate conference and their attendance is restricted
due to their child/dependent care commitments e.g. breastfeeding an infant, a report will be
provided to Council outlining the specific circumstances, the support required, and any
additional costs attributed to the extra support.
Following attendance at any conference, individual Council Members are to prepare a report to
be presented to Council detailing the nature of the conference, the benefits to Council and the
learnings gained by the individual member through such attendance.
When making a decision on a training program, a professional development opportunity or the
attendance at an interstate conference, Council will take into consideration the number of
attendances an individual member has had in that year.
Council Member Training and Development Policy
Part Five: Training Plan
This Training Plan will operate during the entire term of Council and will be reviewed annually to
ensure that the training and development opportunities for Council Members remain relevant
and optimal for Council Members to perform their duties.
As part of the annual review of the Training Plan, Council Members and Administration will work
together to establish the training and development needs of Council Members and how the plan
for the delivery will be undertaken. Options of this annual review may include but not be limited
Annual assessment of council and/or committee performance
It is recommended that Council Members should as a minimum, undertake a refresher of LGA
Training Modules 2 and 4 of the mandatory training modules halfway through the Council term.
Council Members are however permitted to undertake a refresher of any of the mandatory
training modules at any time which they feel will benefit their role as a Council Member. The
need to attend a refresher course could be identified by self-assessment, gap analysis or
through another mechanism.
Other training issues will emerge that are directly related to specific service areas and other
community issues and address environmental, social and economic challenges facing the
It is recognised that a range of delivery methods will be required to support the training needs
of Council Members, including:
In-house workshops, seminars and briefing sessions conducted by the Council with
appropriate staff, trainers and guest speakers;
Attendance at workshops, seminars and conferences offered by training providers and
industry bodies including the Local Government Association of SA, Local Government
Managers Australia, other industry bodies and/or private providers offering courses for
Members to gain new skills and knowledge and to network with other Council Members;
Printed material, including training booklets and discussion papers, that may be
distributed for information;
On-line self-paced learning; and
CD Rom/DVD information.
Council’s Training and Development Plan will include the agreed delivery method to respond to
the needs of Council Members identified during the development of the training plan.
The Training and Development Plan does not specifically address invitations that Council
Members may receive, accept and attend such as Business SA Lunches, and State
Government events. Any invitations received of this nature will be managed in accordance with
the Council Members Allowances and Benefits Policy.
5. Annual Budget Allocation
A budget allocation will be provided to support the training and development activities
undertaken by Council, and progress against expenditure of the budget allocation will be
reported on a quarterly and annual basis.
Council Member Training and Development Policy
All training undertaken by Members will be recorded in the Council Allowances and Benefits
Register which will be updated as required to reflect attendances.
6. Attendance at Training and Development Activities
The Training & Development Plan will determine the nature of training to be made available,
however access to training programs not directly conducted by the Council, or where no budget
allocation has been identified and approved under the plan for other specified local government
related activities, will require Council approval upon application and must link to the training
plan unless otherwise agreed by the Council.
Application forms are available from the CEO (or nominee).
Following attendance at a training program or activity, individual Council Members are required
to prepare a report outlining the nature of the training program/activity and the benefits gained
through attendance along with feedback on ideas to enhance the program/activity.
The CEO will keep a record of all training attended, but particularly the mandatory training
requirements. Failure to complete the mandatory training requirements in the relevant time
frame amounts to a breach of the Council Members Code of Conduct.
The mandatory training requirements have been defined into four community leadership
competencies which are:
Behaviour To identify attributes and develop skills that uphold the Behavioural Standards and
principles of good governance.
Civic To develop knowledge of the Australian system of government and how Councils fulfil the
objectives of the Local Government Act to deliver reputable community outcomes.
Legal To develop the knowledge and skills required to meet the legal responsibilities of a
council member.
Strategy & Finance To develop the knowledge of integrated strategic and annual business
planning and the skill to manage public funds appropriately
7. Payment/Reimbursements
The reimbursement of expenses for training purposes must be approved by the Council
consistent with its Training & Development Plan or through a separate resolution endorsing
attendance at the training program/activity.
Where approval has been granted by Council for attendance at a training program/activity a
Member may seek reimbursement of expenses in accordance with the relevant provisions of
the Act and Regulations.
8. Annual Reporting
A Council’s annual report will include a segment regarding the operation of this Policy, the
nature of matters raised in the Training & Development Plan, attendances by Members and
expenditure allocated and used for training of Council Members.
9. Statement of Adoption and Review
This policy was adopted on [insert date following adoption] and will be reviewed every year in
Council Member Training and Development Policy
conjunction with the development of the Annual Budget Allocation and Review and Training &
Development Plan.
10. Other Relevant Policies/Procedures
Council Members Allowances and Benefits Policy
Council Member Training and Development Policy
Council Member Training and Development Plan
City of Adelaide
Available to:
LGA Training Standards (Mandatory Modules)
Module 1 - Introduction
to Local Government -
Role and function of
Council Members
All Council
and Training
Nov 22
Module 2 - Legal
All Council
and Training
Nov 22
Module 3 - Council and
committee meetings
All new Council
and Training
Nov 22
Module 4 - Financial
Management and
All Council
and Training
Nov/Dec 22
Overview of City of
Council Development
Plan and associated
Planning and
Development issues
All Council
In house
Dec 22
Committee Specific
Council Assessment
Panel Member Training
CAP Members
Consultant /
Dec 22
Financial Sustainability
and Asset Management
Finance and
Audit Committee
Other Committee specific
training sessions
As appropriate
LGA Education and
Training Services
Public Speaking Skills for
Council members
Feb 23
Media Skills for Council
Feb 23
Deputy Mayor Forum
Deputy Mayor
Apr 23
CEO Performance
All Council
Conflict of Interest,
Governance Roles and
All Council
Apr 23
Council Member Training and Development Policy
Available to:
Council & Committee
Meeting Procedures and
Chairing Skills
All Council
CAP Fundamentals
CAP Members
Strategic Financial
Sustainability for Good
Governance Decision
All Council
Other relevant training
programs provided by
As appropriate
Local Conferences and
Council Members
Governance Residential
All Council
Mayors & Chairpersons
Residential Seminar
LGA Annual Conference
and/or OGM Showcase
All Council
Other relevant local
conferences that may be
identified throughout the
Other relevant short
seminars and special
interest sessions
throughout the year
All Council
Interstate Conferences
and Seminars
Local Government
Professionals Annual
Conference [location]
All Council
Local Government
Managers Australia
(LGMA) National
Congress [location]
All Council
ALGA National General
Assembly of Local
Government [location]
All Council
Other interstate
conferences that may be
identified throughout the
As appropriate
Council Member Training and Development Policy
Other Training
Ordinary Returns
All Council
August 23