Conversion Guide | PUBLIC
Document Version: 5.0–2024-07-31
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA............................................. 5
2 Getting Started............................................................. 6
2.1 Documentation, Tools, and SAP Notes for the Conversion.................................7
2.2 Overview of the Conversion Process...............................................10
2.3 Conversion in a Distributed System Landscape....................................... 14
2.4 SAP Readiness Check Versus SI-Check.............................................15
2.5 Runtime Optimization.........................................................16
3 Preparing the Conversion.....................................................18
3.1 System Requirements.........................................................19
3.2 What’s the Impact on Your System Landscape?.......................................20
3.3 Supported Start Releases...................................................... 21
3.4 Data Volume Reduction........................................................22
3.5 Maintenance Planner......................................................... 22
3.6 Simplication Item-Check......................................................24
3.7 Custom Code Analysis........................................................ 27
3.8 Data Transition Validation...................................................... 28
3.9 Cross-Application Preparations..................................................28
Prepare the Use of the Maintenance Planner...................................... 28
Remove Client 066........................................................ 29
Uninstall SAP Fiori Apps.....................................................29
Prepare the Conversion of Authorizations........................................ 30
Prepare the Conversion for SAP Fiori UX Enablement................................30
3.10 List of Application-Specic Preparations............................................30
4 Realizing the Conversion..................................................... 33
4.1 Conversion Using SUM........................................................33
4.2 Silent Data Migration......................................................... 34
4.3 Custom Code Adaptation...................................................... 35
4.4 Cross-Application Follow-On Activities............................................. 35
Adapting Database Extensions to SAP S/4HANA................................... 35
Output Management.......................................................36
Follow-On Activities for the Conversion of Authorizations..............................39
Follow-On Activities for SAP Fiori UX Enablement (incl. Authorizations)................... 39
Adapting the User Interface...................................................41
4.5 List of Application-Specic Follow-On Activities.......................................42
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
4.6 Cleaning Up Obsolete Data After the Conversion......................................43
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Document History
Version Date Description
1.0 October 12, 2022 Version for SAP S/4HANA 2022.
2.0 February 22, 2023 Version for SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS01.
3.0 May 26, 2023 Version for SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS02.
4.0 November 15, 2023 Version for SAP S/4HANA 2022 SPS03.
5.0 July 31, 2024 Version for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Document History
1 Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA
SAP S/4HANA is the next-generation business suite. It is fully built on the most advanced in-memory platform
existing today: SAP HANA. The product uses modern design principles with the SAP Fiori user experience (UX)
as well as a new role-based user experience concept. With the move to SAP S/4HANA, you are benetting from
continuous application innovations such as:
Application optimizations specic for SAP HANA in-memory platform
With SAP S/4HANA, SAP optimizes the application to make best use of the capabilities of the SAP HANA
database. For example, we removed aggregates, and reduced the data footprint.
Responsive user experience design
With SAP S/4HANA, SAP designs the application with the latest role-based user experience (UX).
Unifying functionality in the core
With SAP S/4HANA, SAP removes redundancy by providing one functionality for one objective.
With SAP S/4HANA, SAP helps businesses to run simple in the digital economy, including such topics and
principles as the Internet of Things, Big Data, business networks, and mobile-rst.
This guide explain the conversion process with which you can move from your existing SAP Business Suite to
the next-generation business suite: SAP S/4HANA.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA
2 Getting Started
Read this guide carefully to get an overview of how to convert an existing SAP Business Suite system to SAP
S/4HANA 2022.
This guide has to be used together with the following documents and tools:
Simplication Item Catalog
This tool allows you to search and browse simplication items online.
System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA using SUM 2.0 SP <latest version>
Maintenance Planner User Guide
SAP Readiness Check
This tool analyzes your SAP ERP 6.0 system and highlights important aspects of the conversion to SAP
S/4HANA, such as identication of relevant simplication items, high-level custom code analysis, add-on
compatibility, sizing, and more.
Although not mandatory, this tool is highly recommended.
ASU Toolbox Application Conversion Assistant
The ASU Toolbox focuses on the application view, and is therefore a complement to the more technically-
oriented conversion tools mentioned in this guide. It's content is regularly updated and is intended to
help you achieve the conversion as eciently as possible. For information about the tool, see SAP Note
3008338 .
Although not mandatory, this tool is highly recommended.
Custom Code Migration Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
You nd more information about these tools and guides (including where to nd them), as well as additional
important documents and SAP Notes relevant for the conversion in the section Documentation and SAP Notes
for the Conversion [page 7].
The section Overview of the Conversion Process [page 10] provides information about the dierent phases of
the conversion and the tools involved.
The sections Preparing the Conversion [page 18] and Realizing the Conversion [page 33] provide details for
those conversion phases.
For an overview of all function available with SAP S/4HANA 2022, see the Feature Scope Description at https://
Discover .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
2.1 Documentation, Tools, and SAP Notes for the
Required Documents, Tools, and SAP Notes
You require the following conversion assets to prepare and run a conversion project.
Document Available at Comment
Simplication Item Catalog
This tool enhances and replaces the
Simplication List for SAP S/4HANA
(PDF). The PDF is still available, but we
recommend using the catalog.
s4hana_op_2022 Implement
Conversion & Upgrade Assets
Describes the simplications in compar-
ison to the SAP Business Suite prod-
uct family such as, simplied functions,
merged database tables, and new data
System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA
using SUM 2.0 SP <latest version>
Software Logistics Toolset
(SL Toolset) System Maintenance
System Maintenance Scenarios
System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA
using SUM 2.0 <latest SP>
Describes how to prepare the system for
running the Software Update Manager,
how to use it, and what general follow-up
steps are required.
Best Practice guides for the conversion
These guides, while not manda-
tory, are highly recommended.
s4hana_op_2022 Implement
Conversion & Upgrade Assets
Custom Code Management (CCM)
During an SAP S/4HANA Conversion
Best practices for CCM during the
conversion of a single SAP ERP sys-
tem to an SAP S/4HANA system.
Data Volume Management (DVM)
During an SAP S/4HANA Conversion
Best practices for DVM during the
conversion of a single SAP ERP sys-
tem with a medium sized database
to an SAP S/4HANA system.
Introduction of SAP Fiori during an
SAP S/4HANA Conversion
Best practices for SAP Fiori intro-
duction during the conversion of a
single SAP ERP system to an SAP S/
4HANA system.
Maintenance Planner User Guide
Describes how to use the Maintenance
Planner for calculating and downloading
the required stack.xml le and software
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
Document Available at Comment
SAP Readiness Check
This tool analyzes your SAP ERP 6.0 sys-
tem and highlights important aspects of
the conversion to SAP S/4HANA, such
as identication of relevant simplication
items, high-level custom code analysis,
add-on compatibility, sizing, and more.
The tool is not mandatory, but highly
ASU Toolbox Application Conversion
SAP Note 3008338
The ASU Toolbox focuses on the ap-
plication view, and complements the
more technically-oriented conversion
tools mentioned in this guide. Its content
is regularly updated and is intended to
help you achieve the conversion as e-
ciently as possible.
The tool is not mandatory, but highly
Custom Code Migration Guide for SAP
S/4HANA 2022
s4hana_op_2022 Implement
Conversion & Upgrade Assets
Provides instructions on how to adapt
custom code in the context of a system
conversion to SAP S/4HANA.
SAP S/4HANA 2022: Release Informa-
tion Note
SAP Note 3145277
SAP S/4HANA: Restriction Note
SAP Note 3230844
SAP FIORI for SAP S/4HANA 2022: Re-
lease Information Note
SAP S/4HANA Foundation 2022: Re-
lease Information Note
SAP S/4HANA Add-on Note
SAP Note 2214409
Delivery of the SAP S/4HANA Simpli-
cation Item-Check
SAP Notes 2399707 and
With this note, the SAP S/4HANA Pre-
Transition Check Report is delivered.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
Document Available at Comment
SAP S/4HANA 2022 - application spe-
cic notes in system conversion / up-
grade preparation phase
SAP Note 3226469
Information about errors that may occur
during the preparation phase of the con-
Additional information on converting to
SAP S/4HANA using SUM 2.0 <latest
SAP Note for the latest version of SUM
2.0 at
set Software Logistics Toolset
(SL Toolset) System Maintenance
System Maintenance Scenarios
System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA
using SUM 2.0 <latest SP>
Information about errors that may occur
during the SUM phase of the conversion.
SAP S/4HANA 2022 - application spe-
cic notes in system conversion / up-
grade follow-on phase
SAP Note 3226548
Information about errors that may occur
during the follow-on phase of the conver-
SAP S/4HANA System Conver-
sion/Upgrade: Measures to reduce
technical downtime
SAP Note 2351294
ABAP Platform 2022 – General Infor-
SAP Note 3225464
ABAP Platform 2022 – Restrictions
SAP Note 3225504
Java components for S/4HANA 2022 –
SAP Note 3225521
Additional Information and SAP Notes
The following table lists important additional documents and SAP Notes.
Document Available at Comment
SAP S/4HANA: Always-O Business
SAP Note 2240359
SAP S/4HANA: Always-On Business
SAP Note 2240360
Uninstalling ABAP Add-ons
SAP Note 2011192
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
Document Available at Comment
Automated guided steps for enabling
Note Assistant for TCI and Digitally
Signed SAP Notes
SAP Note 2836302
Data Migration of Financials in SAP S/
4HANA: Do not migrate twice!
SAP Note 2294486
Relevant if you are planning to con-
vert a SAP Simple Finance, respectively
SAP S/4HANA Finance, on-premise
edition installation to SAP S/4HANA.
Conversion of Financial Accounting to
SAP Note 2332030
S4TWL: Business partner data ex-
change between SAP CRM and SAP S/
4HANA – required pre-conversion and
post-conversion actions
SAP Note 2285062
Superuous eld "BUFFERED" causes
exception in Consolidation and Mass
Processing and potential S/4 upgrade
SAP Note 2781530
2.2 Overview of the Conversion Process
SAP provides a process for the conversion to SAP S/4HANA. The following gure gives an overview of the tools,
the phases, and the activities involved in the process.
We recommend that you do the activities in the sequence shown in the gure and explained in the sections
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
SAP S/4HANA System Conversion: Sequence
Prepare Phase
Simplication Item Catalog
To enable you to do an optimal planning of your path to SAP S/4HANA, we provide the Simplication Item
Catalog. This tool allows you to search or browse the complete collection of simplication items grouped by
product version and presented by application or functional area. Each simplication item details the steps
that need to be taken for the conversion from a business and a technical point of view, both preparatory and
follow-on steps and each item is available as a SAP Note.
We recommend that you consume the simplication items also via the SAP Readiness Check for SAP
S/4HANA. Based on an analyis of the conguration, data, and usage of your productive SAP Enterprise
Resource Planning system, the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA identies the simplication items
relevant for your conversion.
For more information about how to use the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA, see https://
You nd the Simplication Item Catalog at .
When using the Simplication Item Catalog directly instead of the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA,
please note that the catalog contains all the simplication items, not only those that are relevant for your
conversion project. This means you need to identify those which are actually relevant for your system
conversion (which the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA does automatically). And when you have
done this, you also need to look at the relevant simplication SAP Notes themselves to get all the available
information. The SAP Notes contain all the required information for each simplication item. The SAP
Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA links directly to the most recent version of the SAP Notes.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
Please carefully read the description of all simplication items relevant for you (as determined either by the
SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA or via the Simplication Item Catalog), so that you understand the
impact they might have on your system, business processes, or custom code, and nd out which activities you
might have to do in your conversion project.
We recommend that you do a test conversion in a dedicated system in a distributed system landscape
[page 14] to get the results of the checks early on in your conversion project.
Before starting the realization phase of the conversion process, you also have to do the following preparatory
1. Planning
You need to gain an idea of the project steps and necessary preparations. Use the following tools to do your
project planning:
Use the Roadmap Viewer to familiarize yourself with the project steps required for the transition to
For more information, see
SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA
We highly recommend to run the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA in advance of your
conversion project to identify any issues you need to consider and activities you need to do in
preparation for your project.
For more information about how to use the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA, see https://
See also, SAP Readiness Check Versus SI-Check [page 15].
2. System Requirements
You need to be aware of system requirements, start releases, conversion paths, and data volume. See the
following sections for more information:
System Requirements [page 19]
What’s the Impact on Your System Landscape? [page 20]
Supported Start Releases [page 21]
Data Volume Reduction [page 22]
3. Maintenance Planner
You need to run the maintenance planner tool as a rst step in the conversion process. It checks your
components, add-ons, and business functions to ensure compatibility with SAP S/4HANA and also creates
the stack le used for the actual conversion process (done by the Software Update Manager tool). For
more information, see Maintenance Planner [page 22].
This step is mandatory, because the Software Update Manager requires the stack le for the
conversion process.
The Maintenance Planner has replaced the Maintenance Optimizer, which is not supported by SAP
4. Simplication Item-Check
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
These checks identify important steps you need to take to make sure that your system can technically be
converted and that your business processes can start running directly after the conversion process has
been completed. For more information, see Simplication Item-Check [page 24].
This step is mandatory and will be triggered again by the Software Update Manager. Ideally, you run
the Simplication Item-Check (SI-Check) early in the process, so that you can take note of the planning
information provided by the checks. Note that you no longer need the stack le for the checks.
See also, SAP Readiness Check Versus SI-Check [page 15].
5. Custom Code Migration
The custom code migration tool checks your custom code against a list of simplications developed for
SAP S/4HANA. For more information, see Custom Code Analysis [page 27] and Custom Code Adaptation
[page 35].
While not mandatory, this step is highly recommended. Ideally, you combine the SAP S/4HANA
conversion project with housekeeping activities for your existing custom code base. In particular, you
need a consolidated view of productively used custom developments and you should remove custom
code that is no longer used.
For more information, see the Custom Code Migration Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022 at https:// Implement Conversion & Upgrade Assets .
We recommend that you do the steps 2 to 4 in the prepare phase in the sequence listed above. It is,
however, technically possible to do them independently or in parallel.
6. Cross-application preparation activities
In addition to the general preparation steps described above, you also need to do some cross-application
preparations. For more information, see Cross-Application Preparations [page 28].
7. Application-specic preparation activities
In addition to the cross-application preparations, you may also need to do some application-specic
preparatory steps. These steps and their documentation are partly provided by the pre-checks and the
custom code checks.
For a complete overview of all necessary steps, see the Simplication Item Catalog (mentioned above).
For an overview of some important preparations steps, see List of Application-Specic Preparations [page
For more information about preparations for the conversion of Financial Accounting, see SAP Note
2332030 .
Realize Phase
After you have done the steps of the prepare phase, you continue with the activities of the realize phase:
1. Software Update Manager (SUM)
When you have completed the steps above, and have implemented all the adaptations required to ensure
your system and your custom code is suited to SAP S/4HANA, you then run the SUM. The SUM does the
database migration (if required), the actual software update, and the data conversion.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
For more information, see Realizing the Conversion [page 33].
Migration of application data usually happens during release upgrades or updates while the system is
down. SAP provides the Silent Data Migration Infrastructure (SDMI) to allow the migration of application
data after the upgrade during business operations. For more information, see Silent Data Migration [page
After the completion of the SUM run, we highly recommend that you adapt your custom code, see Custom
Code Adaptation [page 35].
2. Cross-application follow-on activities
Other manual cross-application activities may also be required. For more information, see Cross-
Application Follow-On Activities [page 35].
3. Application-specic follow-on activities
In addition to the cross-application follow-on activities, you may also need to do application-specic
manual steps. These steps and their documentation are provided by the pre-checks and the custom code
checks, which provide the list of simplication items relevant for your specic systems.
For a complete overview of all necessary steps, see the Simplication Item Catalog (mentioned above). For
an overview of some important follow-on steps, see List of Application-Specic Follow-On Activities [page
For more information about the migration of Finance Data, see SAP Note 2332030
2.3 Conversion in a Distributed System Landscape
When planning your conversion project, you should use a distributed system landscape as shown in the gure
below. The gure is an example of a very simple version of a distributed system landscape comprising only
development and productive systems to illustrate the principle .
Conversion in a Distributed System Landscape
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
The gure shows that there is a development system (DEV) used to apply updates and patches to the
productive system (PROD), which, at the beginning of the conversion project (t1), is a SAP Business Suite
system. You then set up a second development system (DEV 2) as a system copy of the original DEV system.
You use the second development system to perform and test all phases of the conversion. You can collect all
the necessary software changes during the test conversion in transport requests, including those that can only
be done after a conversion (for example, the Finance customizing). Note that DEV t1 and DEV t2 as shown in
the gure describe the same system, at points in time before (t1) and after (t2) the conversion. The collected
transports with the required software changes are then handed over to the Software Update Manager (SUM)
tool and applied during the real conversion of the productive system. Note that PROD t1 and PROD t2 as shown
in the gure also describe the same productive system before (t1) and after (t2) the conversion.
The use of a distributed system landscape for your conversion allows you to take as long as needed to identify
and process the software changes required by the conversion and then apply these changes eciently during
the conversion of your productive system to minimize downtime.
2.4 SAP Readiness Check Versus SI-Check
The tools SAP Readiness Check and Simplication Item-Check (SI-Check) are used to support the conversion
process, see also Overview of the Conversion Process [page 10]. The following table explains the dierences
between the two tools.
Tool Comparison
SAP Readiness Check
Simplication Item-Check
Type Customer self-service provided by SAP
Digital Business Services (included as
standard support)
Standalone report
SAP Solution Manager Not required Not required
User Interface Cloud-based web interface SAP GUI
Included Checks
Simplication item relevance
Custom code
Recommended SAP Fiori apps
Add-on compatibility
SAP Custom Development
SAP S/4HANA sizing
Business functions
Check of system consistency be-
fore conversion or upgrade
Integration analysis
Simplication item relevance
Check of system consistency be-
fore conversion or upgrade
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
SAP Readiness Check
Simplication Item-Check
Called by Software Update Manager
No Yes
Mandatory No Yes
Use Cases
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA
Upgrade to a higher SAP S/4HANA
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA
Upgrade to a higher SAP S/4HANA
While both the SAP Readiness Check and the Simplication Item-Check can display information on
simplication item relevance and consistency, they serve dierent purposes and are both required:
SAP Readiness Check is mainly a planning tool which you run early in a system conversion project to
get an overview about the required activities – including tasks related to simplication items. It is also
useful for tracking these activities during the project, for example, using the burndown chart that shows
simplication item consistency errors.
The Simplication Item-Check is used on operational level during the cleanup of the simplication item
consistency errors, up to the downtime, before which the SUM tool does the nal executions of the
SI-Check. So, the SI-Check oers a more detailed control over running the checks. This includes the option
to re-run checks for individual simplication items instead of running all checks like SAP Readiness Check
does. This option can signicantly reduce the check runtime when you just want to re-check if a specic
error which you have just xed is really gone.
In addition, the SI-Check oers the option to exempt certain types of errors (for details, see the blog post
linked below).
For more information, see:
SAP Note 2913617 (about the SAP Readiness Check).
In this guide Simplication Item-Check [page 24]
Blog postcation-item-check-how-to-do-it-
2.5 Runtime Optimization
The system conversion process and tools already include many optimizations to reduce the overall runtime of
the conversion as well as the technical downtime.
In addition to these inherent optimizations, you can optionally apply additional runtime optimizations which
may, however, not be applicable to all scenarios. Please ensure that you understand the boundary conditions
and implications explained in the individual notes mentioned below, before applying any of these optimization
Runtime of the Simplication Item Check
For the runtime of the CLS4SIC_CO_PC_ACT_MIG check class, see SAP Note 2432689 .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
This note explains how to skip the pre-checks for the material ledger migration. It is a pilot note. To get
access to the note, please open an incident on the support component FIN-MIG-ML.
For the runtime of the CLS4SIC_MM_IM_SI1 check class, see SAP Note 2753888
This note explains how to skip the KALNR check.
SUM downtime optimization
For more information about the Software Updated Manager downtime optimization, see https:// .
For information about how to optimize the standard system conversion approach with the SUM, see:
SAP Note 2351294 SAP S/4HANA System Conversion / Upgrade: Measures to reduce technical
SAP Note 1616401 Parallelism in the Upgrades, EhPs and Support Packages implementations
For optimizing DMO performance, see
For downtime optimized conversion, see SAP Note 3301507 Executing and Monitoring Downtime-
Optimized Conversion to SAP S/4HANA with SUM 2.0 SP 17
For nZDT (near Zero Downtime Service), see SAP Note 693168 Minimized Downtime Service (MDS)
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Getting Started
3 Preparing the Conversion
SAP S/4HANA System Conversion: Prepare Phase
For the conversion to SAP S/4HANA you have to prepare an overall project plan and schedule the tasks. The
preparation activities described in this section give you an idea of what is involved. For a short overview of the
process and tools, see Overview of the Conversion Process [page 10].
In addition, review the planning section of the Software Update Manager guide System Conversion to SAP
S/4HANA using SUM 2.0 <latest version> at Software Logistics
Toolset (SL Toolset) System Maintenance .
You nd the cross-application preparation steps in this guide; you get the application-specic preparation
steps with the Simplication Item-Check and custom-code checks and with the Simplication Item Catalog
or the SAP Readiness Check. Some of the most important application-specic preparation steps are also
listed in this section: List of Application-Specic Preparations [page 30].
Please see also SAP Note 3226469 .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
3.1 System Requirements
As a prerequisite for the conversion, your system needs to be a Unicode system. If your system is still
non-Unicode, you can follow a two-step conversion approach: First, perform a combined upgrade and Unicode
conversion with one of the supported start releases as target, then perform the conversion to SAP S/4HANA.
Application Server ABAP Only
Your system has to be an AS ABAP-only system. Dual-stack systems (AS ABAP and AS Java combined in one
system) are not supported for the conversion. If your system is as dual-stack system, you have to split it before
doing the conversion.
For additional information on how to perform a dual-stack split, see:
SAP Note 1686144
SAP Note 1655335
Guide at System Provisioning System Provisioning Scenarios
Split a System using Software Provisioning Manager 1.0 Dual Stack Split Guides
Dual Stack Split
CDS Views (Core Data Services)
If you need to adapt your custom code during the conversion of your development system, you may need
to create or edit CDS view. For example, to reect your specic table appends in related CDS compatibility
views. To nd out whether these activities are required in your case, check the results of the corresponding
Simplication Item-Checks and the S/4HANA-specic code inspector checks.
For additional information, see:
Simplication Item-Check [page 24]
Custom Code Migration [page 27] Use Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology
ABAP Platform Developing on the ABAP Platform Development Information Application Development
ABAP Development Tools - Eclipse
Conguring the ABAP Back-end for ABAP Development Tools
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
3.2 What’s the Impact on Your System Landscape?
When you convert your system to SAP S/4HANA, you may have to adapt further systems or components in
your system landscape.
SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP) Java Components
SAP ERP Java components are obsolete with SAP S/4HANA. You have to remove the technical Java system
from the respective productive system in the Landscape Management Database (LMDB).
Java Instances
The following Java instances are relevant for and included in SAP S/4HANA 2022:
Adobe Document Services
Enterprise Services Repository
Advanced Adapter Engine Extended
If you plan an upgrade of Java instances to SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or latest feature package or support
package stack), check rst that your operating system is still supported. For more information, see the Product
Availability Matrix at
If your operating system is no longer supported, you have to migrate to a supported operating system
using the system copy procedure. For information see the system copy guide at
sltoolset System Provisioning System Provisioning Scenarios Copy a System using Software
Provisioning Manager
SAP Fiori
There are two possible deployment options for SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA, the embedded or the hub
deployment option.
Embedded Deployment
Components for embedded deployment for SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or latest feature package or support package
Optional UI components (HR, Travel, MDG)
SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or latest feature package or support package stack)
SAP Fiori front-end server 2022 for SAP S/4HANA
UIBAS001 757
SAPUI5 1.102
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
SAP_UI 7.57
SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or latest feature package or support package stack)
SAP Gateway 7.57
ABAP Platform 2022 (or latest feature package or support package stack) (part of SAP S/4HANA 2022)
Hub Deployment
You can use an existing front-end server (hub) for the SAP Fiori forSAP S/4HANA installation. Existing apps
continue to run against the old back-end systems while the newly installed applications of SAP Fiori for SAP
S/4HANA need to be congured to run against the SAP S/4HANA system. As a prerequisite, you have to
migrate the database of the central hub system (supported databases are SAP HANA, SAP MaxDB, or SAP
ASE) and upgrade the system.
Components for hub deployment for SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or latest feature package or support package
Optional UI components (HR, MDG)
SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or latest feature package or support package stack)
SAP Fiori front-end server 2022 for SAP S/4HANA
SAPUI5 1.102
SAP Gateway 7.52 (minimum version)
SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SPS10 (minimum version)
SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or latest feature package or support package stack)
SAP Gateway 7.57
ABAP Platform 2022 (or latest feature package or support package stack) (part of SAP S/4HANA
For more information, see
Use Product Assistance English
Enterprise Technology SAP Fiori SAP Fiori Overview .
See also, SAP Notes 2590653 and 3237135 .
3.3 Supported Start Releases
For a one-step conversion, your system needs to have a minimum release level. Check the SAP S/4HANA 2022:
Restriction Note 3230844 for more information.
Check the SAP S/4HANA 2022: Release Information Note 3145277 for the required feature package stack
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
3.4 Data Volume Reduction
SAP Data Volume Management is designed to reduce the data footprint so that you can achieve a shorter
conversion duration due to reduced load size. Data Volume Management (DVM) oers various capabilities
supporting the pre- and post-conversion phases. One central tool is the SAP DVM Work Center (DVM WoC) in
SAP Solution Manager, including tools with a special focus on SAP HANA.
Guided Self Service: You can generate a best practice document to determine data that can be reduced
most eciently in an SAP system before the conversion. You can use the same tool after the conversion to
develop a blueprint for a DVM strategy.
Reorganization and Compression: You can use this tool without a SAP HANA context in order to simulate
the savings gained by reorganizing tables or databases or compressing the database.
In addition, you can simulate the future system size of your system. This is useful for a forecast of the
impact any planned measures may cause.
Beside the DVM Work Center, Data Volume Management oers services to give you an overview of your data
distribution and quality as well as services to help you to develop a DVM road map for your system landscape.
All services allow you to make exible decision about your content and data volume management.
Additional Information
For more information, see the SAP Help Portal at
SAP Solution
Manager <release> Use Application Help Application Help (English) Data Volume Management .
For general information about Data Volume Management, see the SAP Community Network at http:// .
3.5 Maintenance Planner
You have to use the Maintenance Planner to do the conversion to SAP S/4HANA. The Maintenance Planner
generates the download les (add-ons, packages, DBDs, and the stack conguration le) that the Software
Update Manager (SUM) uses to do the conversion. In particular, the Maintenance Planner checks if the
following items are supported for the conversion:
Add-ons to your system
Active business functions in your system
Industry solutions
If there is no valid conversion path for any of the items listed above (for example, an add-on is not released
for the conversion yet), the Maintenance Planner prevents the conversion. After the check, the Maintenance
Planner creates the stack conguration le (stack.xml).
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
In order to generate the stack.xml, you need to have an SAP S/4HANA license. You can do the above
checks without a license, but you cannot create a stack.xml with the Maintenance Planner without a
For more information, see the Maintenance Planner User Guide at
maintenanceplanner .
For preparatory steps specic to the conversion to SAP S/4HANA, see also Prepare the Use of the
Maintenance Planner [page 28].
Business Functions
Business functions can have the following status: always_on, customer_switchable, and always_off.
This results in the following behavior during the conversion:
If a business function was switched on in the start release system, but dened as always_off in the SAP
S/4HANA target release, then a system conversion is not possible with this release.
If a business function was switched o in the start release system, but dened as always_on in the SAP
S/4HANA target release, then the business function will be activated during the conversion.
If a business function is dened as customer_switchable in the SAP S/4HANA target release, it will
keep the state dened in the target release during the conversion.
For more information about always-o and always-on business functions in SAP S/4HANA, see SAP Notes
and 2240360 .
During the conversion, add-ons are either merged into SAP S/4HANA or deleted if no successor is available.
Some add-ons may be included without being fully functional.
For a list of supported add-ons, see SAP Note 2214409 .
For information about uninstalling add-ons, see SAP Note 2011192 .
Industry Solutions
For information about supported industry solutions, see SAP Note 3230844 .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
3.6 Simplication Item-Check
The Simplication Item-Check (SI-Check) identies all simplication items relevant for the current system.
They will be called by the Software Update Manager (SUM) tool to ensure that the system is in a consistent
The SI-Check is delivered with SAP Notes 2399707 and 2502552 . SAP Note 2399707 delivers the
new check report; SAP Note 2502552 delivers the check classes via transport-based correction instructions
(TCI) and prerequisite notes.
If you follow the process described in SAP Note 2502552 exactly, you do not need to read any of the SAP
Notes required by SAP Note 2502552 . They do not contain any manual tasks and are independent of
business functionality. After you run the SI-Check, the result list will contain the SAP Notes you have to look
at in detail.
For information about the SI-Check, see:
About how to improve the runtime of the SI-Check: Runtime Optimization [page 16]
Blog post:cation-item-check-how-to-do-it-
Implementing TCI and the SI-Check
1. To enable TCI implementation, follow the instructions provided in SAP Note 2187425 (see especially the
PDF le attached to the SAP Note).
If you do not enable your system to install TCI notes, SAP Note 2502552 will be implemented
without the TCI part, which will cause missing check class errors. However, if your system is on the
following SAP NetWeaver / ABAP Platform releases, TCI is already enabled:
TCI Enabled Releases
Release Minimum Support Package
700 SP36
701 SP20
702 SP20
731 SP19
740 SP16
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
Release Minimum Support Package
750 SP05
2. Follow the process description in SAP Note 2502552 to implement the SI-Checks.
Running the SI-Check
You run the SI-Check to identify the simplication items relevant for your conversion project. We recommend to
do this early in the project, to get an overview of the conversion scope.
1. Start the report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK in transaction SA38.
2. In the section Simplication Item Check Options, choose the target SAP S/4HANA version.
3. Choose the mode in which you want to run the checks:
In online mode: The results are displayed immediately after the check is nished.
As a background job: We recommend this option if the check will need a long running time.
4. Run the checks to get an overview over all simplication items and then check the system consistency with
Check Consistency for All.
5. Check the results
The report returns a list of relevant and irrelevant simplication items. We recommend that you check every
relevant simplication item for the impact it will have on your conversion project.
Some simplication items have a consistency check. The consistency check identies inconsistencies in the
system that would be a problem during the SUM process. It also provides additional information on how to
solve the problem. Some simplication items do not have a consistency check, but nevertheless are relevant.
This means that from a technical perspective a conversion of your system is possible without any action from
you, but there will be an impact and you should investigate it.
Some of the error messages from the consistency check aim for you to read and understand the information
provided by the consistency check error – for example, the information might be about data loss incurred
during the conversion process. These errors can only be processed by creating an exception for them which is
logged in the system. The errors are highlighted in the report in the column Exemption Possible, so that you can
see which errors need an exemption.
For more information about how to use the SI-Checks, see the user guide in SAP Note 2399707 .
SI-Check Messages and Their Meanings
The SI-Checks checks your system for data consistency (necessary for the conversion of existing data) and
eects on the data after the conversion. The severity of the resulting messages indicates whether there are no
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
inconsistencies, warnings you should look at, or inconsistencies you need to resolve. The results are provided
as green, yellow, or red messages:
Message Overview
Message Return
Code Descriptions
Green 0 These messages indicate that there are no technical or other inconsistencies. They also
function as status messages and indicate that the conversion can go ahead.
Yellow 4 These messages provide important information (or warnings) about various topics, such
as changes to business functions, or adaptations that can be done either before or after
the conversion (but must be done to ensure business continuity). They indicate that
there are no technical problems for the conversion itself. However, some of these yellow
messages provide information about possible data changes, changes in functionality, or
required tasks after conversion. For instance, per default, no custom table appends are
retained during the conversion – the data from those elds is just lost.
Please do not underestimate yellow messages. Read them carefully and do what
is required to ensure system consistency after the conversion, so that business
continuity is not compromised.
Red 7 These messages show skippable errors that indicate important changes for the aected
simplication items. The errors are no inconsistencies, but you need to conrm that you
have read and understood them. Usually they point out imminent data loss, deprecation,
or required activities after conversion. Once you have conrmed (that is, exempted)
them, they will no longer act as blockers for the conversion.
8 or 12 These messages always indicate inconsistencies in the system. These inconsistencies
need to be solved before the conversion, as they would act as blockers in later SUM
phases. Please read the messages for information about how you can solve the inconsis-
The Software Update Manager (SUM) runs the SI-Check at the beginning of the SUM
process and again just before the downtime. At the beginning, the SUM process is
stopped if a message with return code 12 is detected. Just before the downtime,
the SUM process is stopped if a message with return code 8 or higher is found.
So, for the SUM process to run successfully, you need to make sure that all the
inconstistencies found by the SI-Check with message return codes at 8 or higher are
Information about Financial Accounting
Controlling, General Ledger, and Asset Accounting pre-checks are included in the Simplication Item-Check.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
After you have technically converted your system to SAP S/4HANA, you have to migrate your migration-
relevant Customizing settings as well as your General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Controlling and Material
Ledger data to the new data structure.
For more information about the conversion of Financial Accounting, see SAP Note 2332030 .
We recommend that you do the conversion to SAP S/4HANA in a development or test system rst, so
that you get access to the Accounting-relevant Customizing steps. You collect any changes in transport
requests which you hand over to the SUM tool when you do your nal conversion of your productive
For more information, see Conversion in a Distributed System Landscape [page 14].
3.7 Custom Code Analysis
The custom code migration checks are based on the simplication item concept. With SAP S/4HANA,
business processes have been changed and simplied. Before converting to SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or any of its
feature package or support package stacks), you need to check your custom code against the SAP S/4HANA
simplications in a SAP S/4HANA 2022 (or the relevant 2022 feature package or support package stack)
The simplications are loaded into the Custom Code Migration tool. After you run the tool, you get a list of
instances where your custom code does not comply with the scope and data structure of SAP S/4HANA.
The custom code checks do not yet identify all the instances where your custom code does not comply
with SAP S/4HANA. For a full overview of changes that may aect your custom code, see the Simplication
Item Catalog, as explained in Overview of the Conversion Process [page 10].
We highly recommend that you perform these checks before starting the conversion process, because
this step is the most important preparation for your ABAP custom code on the way to SAP S/4HANA.
Even if you do not plan to take development actions before the conversion, these checks will give you a
sound foundation for your project planning and organization. They also enable you to decide on helpful
preparatory activities, such as the decommissioning of unused custom code.
The application content of the simplication database is being increased and improved over time. In
addition to the custom code analysis and adaptations based on the Custom Code Migration tool, you also
need to test the custom code within SAP S/4HANA.
For additional information about the Custom Code Migration tool, see:
SAP Note 2241080 for information about how to download the simplication database.
Custom Code Migration Guide for SAP S/4HANA at
Conversion & Upgrade Assets .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
3.8 Data Transition Validation
The data transition validation is a tool that allows you to compare business data before and after a system
conversion from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA, or before and after an SAP S/4HANA upgrade. The tool supports
validation of upgrade or conversion scenarios with predelivered content for business validation. The tool uses
business reports or transactions as instruments of comparison. It is available as part of the standard license.
For more information about the DTV tool, see:
Product documenation at
Use Product Assistance English
Enterprise Technology ABAP Platform Administrating the ABAP Platform Administration Concepts
and Tools Solution Life Cycle Management Software Logistics Data Transition Validation
SAP Note 3117879
3.9 Cross-Application Preparations
Before starting conversion activities, you need to do the preparatory activities described in the next sections.
3.9.1Prepare the Use of the Maintenance Planner
Besides the general preparation described in the Maintenance Planner User Guide, you have to make the
following preparatory steps specic to the conversion to SAP S/4HANA:
1. Setup the Maintenance Planner as described in the Maintenance Planner User Guide available at http://
2. Check the SPAM/SAINT version in your source release system.
SPAM/SAINT patch 71 (or higher) is required.
3. Apply SAP Note 2186164 to your SAP Solution Manager system.
4. Create an RFC-connection between your source release system and SAP Solution Manager:
a. In SAP Solution Manager, choose
SOLMAN_WORKCENTER Solution Manager Administration
Landscape (Technical Systems) .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
b. Click RFC connections Start New Window .
c. Select client 000 and choose Advanced Mode.
d. Under Export Options, ll in the eld SAP Solution Manager Host Name.
e. Under Communication RFCs, select Create SM_<SID>CLNT<CLNT>_READ.
f. Select Create New User.
g. Enter a password.
h. Enter a user and password under Managed System Setup Administrator, and choose Test Login in the
group Administration Users to check that it works.
Related Information
Maintenance Planner [page 22]
3.9.2Remove Client 066
Client 066 is the Early Watch client which was set up during the installation of your system. This client is
not used in SAP S/4HANA. To prevent issues, for example, with job scheduling, you have to remove it before
starting the conversion.
To remove client 066, proceed as described in SAP Note 1749142
3.9.3Uninstall SAP Fiori Apps
If you have SAP Fiori apps installed locally on your source system, you need to uninstall them if they are
not released for USER INTERFACE TECHNOLOGY 7.50 (SAP_UI 7.50). If you do not uninstall these apps, the
Maintenance Planer will not allow a conversion for your system.
Use the SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library to check which applications are available for SAP S/4HANA
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
1. Check SAP Note 2034588
for a list of apps that you need to uninstall and the steps required to do so.
SAP Note 2200415 provides a list of all apps that are supported by SAP_UI 7.50.
2. Uninstall the apps using SAINT. For more information, see SAP Note 2011192 .
3.9.4Prepare the Conversion of Authorizations
Check the simplication items relevant for your conversion project for required transactions used by your
existing business roles. After the technical conversion with the Software Update Manager tool, you need to
adjust your business roles.
For more information, see Follow-On Activities for the Conversion of Authorizations [page 39].
3.9.5Prepare the Conversion for SAP Fiori UX Enablement
The recommended access to functions in SAP S/4HANA is through SAP Fiori UX with SAP Fiori Launchpad
that you run in a browser or in SAP Business Client. If you plan to follow this recommendation, you need to
prepare the conversion of your existing authorization concept to support the role-based menu structure and
authorization concept of SAP Fiori Lauchpad.
For more information on the role-based concept for SAP Fiori Launchpad, see
Use Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology SAP Fiori SAP Fiori
Overview Implement SAP Fiori Apps . One of the conversion goals is to keep your existing authorization
concept as a basis for the converted authorization concept.
You need to review your authorization concept and map existing back-end role menu structures to SAP Fiori
catalogs. SAP Fiori catalogs are assigned to front-end roles that dene the SAP Fiori Launchpad content
available to users. Use the SAP Fiori App Reference Library to check the SAP Fiori catalogs or roles available
for SAP S/4HANA 2022 applications.
For information about the deployment options for SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA, see SAP Fiori Deployment
Options and System Landscape Recommendations .
3.10 List of Application-Specic Preparations
The list below contains important application-specic preparatory steps and where to nd their
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
This list contains an overview of important steps, but it is not complete. You nd the complete list of
conversion-relevant items in the Simplication Item Catalog, as explained in the overview [page 10].
App-Specic Preparations
Preparatory Tasks per Application Area Reference
Enterprise Technology Information Governance: Business
Partner Approach
SAP Note 2265093
Application Life-Cycle Management:
Check Program for Material Number
SAP Note 2216958
Finance Documentation of Finance-related con-
version tasks, see the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2332030
SAP Credit Management Documentation of all SAP Credit-Man-
agement-related conversion tasks, see
the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2270544
SAP Cash Management Cash management
SAP Note 2270400
Sales: Order and Contract Management Foreign Trade Replaced by Global Trade
SAP Notes 2223144 and
Revenue Recognition Replaced by SAP
Revenue Accounting and Reporting
SAP Notes 2225170 and
Simplied Data Models in Sales and
Distribution (SD)
SAP Notes 2198647 and
SD Pricing: Data Model Changes
SAP Note 2267308
Retail Changes in Retail functionality
SAP Notes 2385984 and
Supply Chain: Inventory Simplied Data Model in Inventory
Management (MM-IM)
SAP Notes 2206980 , 2238690 ,
and 2236753
Environment Health and Safety Documentation of all EHS-related con-
version tasks, see the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2336396
Product Safety and Stewardship Documentation of all PSS-related con-
version tasks, see the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2267461
Discrete Industries & Mill Products Long material number
SAP Note 2270396
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
Preparatory Tasks per Application Area Reference
Business Network Integration Conversion from Ariba Network Inte-
gration for SAP Business Suite
SAP Note 2341836
Media: Media Product Master Documentation of all conversion tasks
related to Media Product Master.
SAP Note 2499057
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Preparing the Conversion
4 Realizing the Conversion
SAP S/4HANA System Conversion: Realize Phase
After the preparation phase, you start with the realization of the conversion to SAP S/4HANA using the
Software Update Manager (SUM) tool. For a short overview of the entire process, see Overview of the
Conversion Process [page 10].
After the SUM run, we highly recommend that you adapt your custom code, see Custom Code Adaptation
[page 35].
You nd the cross-application follow-on steps in this guide; you get the application-specic follow-on steps
with the Simplication Item-Check and custom-code checks and with the Simplication Item Catalog or
the SAP Readiness Check. Some of the most important application-specic preparation steps are also
listed in this section: List of Application-Specic Follow-On Activities [page 42].
Please see also SAP Note 3226548 .
4.1 Conversion Using SUM
Software Update Manager (SUM) is the technical tool used for the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA.
You have to run the Maintenance Planner before the SUM, because the SUM requires the stack.xml
generated by the Maintenance Planner as an input. For more information, see Maintenance Planner [page
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
Within the SUM-process the following steps are done in a one-step procedure (for dedicated start releases):
1. Database migration (optional).
If your source system is not yet running on the SAP HANA database, use the database migration option
(DMO) of the Software Update Manager to migrate your database to SAP HANA during the conversion.
2. Installation of the SAP S/4HANA software.
3. Conversion of your data into the new data structure used by SAP S/4HANA (this is the automated part of
the data migration).
For information on SUM downtime optimization, see the section Runtime Optimization [page 16].
For all information about using the SUM, see the guide System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA using SUM
available at Software Logistics Toolset System Maintenance System
Maintenance Scenarios System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA using SUM 2.0 <latest SP> .
4.2 Silent Data Migration
Migration of application data usually happens during release upgrades or updates during downtime. In
contrast, the Silent Data Migration Infrastructure (SDMI) allows zero-downtime upgrades and runs after the
upgrade (or conversion) during business operations.
As of SAP S/4HANA 2021 upgrade target release the Software Update Manager (SUM) oers the option to
force the SDMIs in downtime in case this is wanted. In that case, the SDMIs are nished by the time the system
resumes business operations.
If the SDMIs are run during uptime, the SDMI job from the job repository starts and calls the SDMIs in
each client individually once the system comes out of the maintenance mode. To see all relevant SDMIs, call
transaction SDM_MON.
A user is therefore required in every client. The user can be maintained in transaction SDM_USER and can also
be created during the SUM process, when a dialog box appears asking you whether technical users for SDMIs
should be created. In this dialog, choose Yes, to allow SUM to create the technical users. If you choose No,
SUM will not create the technical users in clients where they are missing. During the post-processing phase the
SUM checks if the technical user exists. If not, a message will be created in the update log. If the users are not
created, the SDMIs cannot be started and the data will not be migrated. The SDMIs need to be done before the
next upgrade can happen.
It is also possible to create the technical users after the SUM run. For more information, see https:// Use Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology ABAP
Adminstrating the ABAP Platform Administration Concepts and Tools Solution Life Cycle
Management Silent Data Migration Infrastructure .
For more information, see:
SAP Note 2850918 Authorizations required for Silent Data Migration (SDMI) in SAP S/4HANA Release
SAP Note 2664638 Create and assign SDMI User in a client
SAP Note 2907976 Silent Data Migration (SDMI) - FAQ
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
SAP Note 2916801 Silent Data Migration (SDMI) Conguration Options
4.3 Custom Code Adaptation
After the Software Update Manager (SUM) has done the technical conversion, you can start adapting your
custom code.
1. You need to adapt any modications and enhancements using the standard transactions SPDD, SPAU and
This is the same process as in previous upgrades in the SAP Business Suite product portfolio except that
the tools SPDD and SPAU have been renewed.
2. You need to x any issues due to SAP S/4HANA simplications.
To nd the issues, you use the ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) and do a check run with the check variant
S4HANA_READINESS locally in your converted system.
We recommend to use the ABAP development tools for Eclipse to do the custom code adaptation as
SE80 no longer supports all development object (such as CDS Views) needed in SAP S/4HANA. For more
information about these tools, see the SAP Help Portal at
Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology ABAP Platform Developing on the ABAP Platform
Development Information Application Development on AS ABAP ABAP Development Tools - Eclipse .
For more information about doing local ATC runs and for the custom code migration in general, see the Custom
Code Migration Guide for SAP S/4HANA at
Implement Conversion
& Upgrade Assets .
4.4 Cross-Application Follow-On Activities
After the Software Update Manager (SUM) has run, you need to do the follow-on activities described in the next
4.4.1Adapting Database Extensions to SAP S/4HANA
When you convert your system from SAP Suite on HANA to SAP S/4HANA, modications to the SAP HANA
database remain unchanged. However, to make your modications visible on the UI, manual steps can be
required in dierent content layers.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
1. If required for your modications, adapt the relevant Core Data Service (CDS) views in the SAP Business
Suite layer. You can extend CDS views by using ABAP development tools. For more information, see
Use Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology
ABAP Platform Developing on the ABAP Platform Development Information Application
Development on AS ABAP ABAP Development Tools - Eclipse SAP - ABAP CDS Development User
Tasks Extending Data Models .
2. If required for your modications, adapt the OData services for your CDS views in the SAP Gateway layer:
For OData services that are included in a CDS view denition as an annotation, the relevant
artifacts are generated automatically. No modications are required in the SAP Gateway layer. For
more information, see under
Use Product Assistance
English Enterprise Technology ABAP Platform Developing on the ABAP Platform Development
Information Application Development on AS ABAP SAP (On-Premise) - ABAP Programming Model
for SAP Fiori
Get Started Developing a Simple List Reporting App Generating OData Service With
Auto-Exposure .
OData services that are not included in a CDS view denition must be redened in Service
Builder. For more information, see under Use Product
English Enterprise Technology ABAP Platform Developing on the ABAP Platform
Development Information SAP Gateway Foundation (SAP_GWFND) SAP Gateway Foundation
Developer Guide
SAP Gateway Service Builder Data Modeling Basics Data Modeling Options
Redening Services .
3. If available for your app, you can use runtime adaptation to add, move, or remove view elds in the UI layer.
For more information, see Adapting the User Interface [page 41]. As an alternative, you can extend views
by using SAP UI5 extension points. For more information, see
Use Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology ABAP Platform UI Technologies
SAPUI5: UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 Extending Apps Using SAPUI5 Flexibility .
4.4.2Output Management
SAP S/4HANA introduces a new style of output management. Note that other existing frameworks can be
used as well, depending on the application.
You make settings for output control in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Output
Control .
This is an overview of the required technical setup.
Prerequisites for Output Control
bgRFC conguration has been set up
Storage system and category have been maintained
BRFplus is active and usable
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
Adobe Document Services is available (when using Adobe Forms)
bgRFC (Background Remote Function Call)
Output control uses a bgRFC to process output. Therefore, you need to maintain the bgRFC conguration.
Otherwise, no output can be performed.
You can perform all the relevant steps in transaction SBGRFCCONF. One of the most important steps is dening
a supervisor destination, as bgRFC doesn’t work without it.
For more information, enter the keyword bgRFC Conguration at , and refer to SAP Note
and SAP Note 1616303 .
Storage System and Category
Output control needs a dened storage system (content repository) to save the rendered form output as PDF.
To set up the storage system, choose the following navigation option:
SAP Menu
SPRO Cross-Application Components Document
Management General Data Settings for Storage
Maintain Storage System
Transaction Code
You can set up the storage type which ts your needs, for example a SAP System Database, or a HTTP content
server (such as leserver, database, or external archive).
Once the storage system is available, you need to assign it to the predelivered storage category SOMU. To do
so, choose the following navigation option:
SAP Menu
SPRO Cross-Application Components Document
Management General Data Settings for Storage
Maintain Storage Category
Transaction Code
Select category SOMU. For column Document Area, choose SOMU. For column Content Repository, choose the
content repository you created in the previous step.
Business Rule Framework plus (BRFplus)
Output control uses BRFplus for the output parameter determination. Technically, BRFplus is based on
WebDynpro applications. Therefore, you need to set up the according ICF services:
/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/fdt_wd_workbench FDT Workbench
/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/fdt_wd_object_manager FDT Object Manager
/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/fdt_wd_catalog_browser FDT Catalog Browser
For more information, enter the keyword Active Services in SICF at .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
Once you’ve set up the services, download and install the required BRFplus applications from SAP Note
2248229 .
1. Access transaction BRF+.
If required, personalize your screen, and change the user mode from Simple to Expert.
2. On the Business Rule Framework plus screen, choose
Tools XML Import .
3. On the Business Rule Framework plus – XML Import screen, under File and Transport Request, browse for
the local *.xml les you want to import. You can import the les one after the other.
4. In the Customizing Request eld, enter an applicable Customizing Request ID.
5. Choose Upload XML File.
6. Choose Back to Workbench.
Adobe Document Services (ADS)
Applications in SAP S/4HANA ship default form templates implemented as PDF-based print forms with
They require ADS for rendering. ADS is available as cloud solution or on-premise solution.
The cloud solution is a service provided on SAP Cloud Platform. See SAP Note 2219598
for more
information and links to the documentation for the new solution Form Service by Adobe.
For the on-premise solution, you need an AS Java installation (with ADOBE usage type) to run ADS.
ADS itself must have version 10.4 ( or higher. This version is delivered with SAP NetWeaver 7.3 EHP1
SP7 (and higher), NW 7.40 SP2 (and higher), and NW 7.50 (all SPs).
You do not necessarily need to use ADS, as output management also supports SAPscript and Smart Forms.
However, special customizing is necessary for these two form technologies, and restrictions apply. For more
information, see SAP Notes 2292539 and 2294198 .
Printer Setup
Printing is done using the spool. For more information, see the SAP Printing Guide at
s4hana_op_2022 Use Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology ABAP Platform
Administrating the ABAP Platform Administration Concepts and Tools Solution Life Cycle Management .
Output control uses the short name of the printer (for example LP01), as dened in transaction SPAD.
Printing using the spool is not available in release S4CORE 1.00 SP00. If this is the case, please upgrade to
S4CORE 1.00 SP01.
Currently, a PDF is always created for any kind of form.
This has the following impact:
Previewing the document from the spool request is only possible when the device type is PDF1 or
Using another device type can lead to alignment issues for SAPscript and Smart Forms.
Frontend output is not supported, since the output is processed via bgRFC.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
Related Information
SAP Note 2228611
4.4.3Follow-On Activities for the Conversion of
You need to review your existing back-end PFCG role menus for obsolete transactions as well as for transaction
code replacements. You can do this with the transaction SU25 report Exchange of obsolete transactions in role
menu. For more information, see SAP Note 2465353
If you plan to enable SAP Fiori UX, see Follow-On Activities for SAP Fiori UX Enablement (incl. Authorizations)
[page 39].
4.4.4Follow-On Activities for SAP Fiori UX Enablement (incl.
The following activities are relevant if you plan to enable SAP Fiori UX:
Activities for Enabling SAP Fiori UX
Activity Description
Analyze SAP Fiori content with the help of the SAP Fiori
Apps Library or with the SAP Readiness Check
SAP Fiori UX supports role-based content that includes new
SAP Fiori Apps as well as classic UI technologies that are
bundled in catalogs for authorization handling and in groups
for structuring a user’s homepage in the SAP Fiori launch-
pad. SAP S/4HANA delivers business roles as examples for
structuring your SAP Fiori content.
Analyze the available SAP Fiori content in the SAP Fiori
Apps Library
. The SAP Fiori Apps Library also provides
a self-service to get specic SAP Fiori app recommendations
based on your system usage, see SAP Fiori Apps Library
Get SAP Fiori App Recommendations .
Alternatively, SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA rec-
ommends SAP Fiori apps based on your transaction us-
age history, see the section Recommended SAP Fiori Apps
in the Feature Scope Description at
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
Activity Description
Dene your front-end catalogs for SAP Fiori SAP provides templates for business catalogs that you can
nd in the SAP Fiori Apps Library. Check if the template
catalogs t your needs and then either adapt these front-end
catalogs or create new catalogs for your requirements. En-
rich them with relevant back-end transactions according to
existing back-end roles.
See also UI Content and Authorization Concept at Use Product
Assistance English Enterprise Technology SAP Fiori
SAP Fiori Overview Implement SAP Fiori Apps User
Management and Authorization
As prerequisite, you need to have done a replication of your
back-end applications, see the section Replicate App De-
scriptors at Use
Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology
SAP Fiori SAP Fiori Overview Implement SAP Fiori Apps
UI-Specic Implementation Tasks Basic Information .
Dene your front-end business role SAP provides templates for business roles, which contain
references to catalogs and groups. You may copy these busi-
ness roles and adapt them to your needs. You need to assign
relevant catalogs to front-end business roles to make the
apps contained in a catalog available for user access from
the SAP Fiori launchpad. It addition you need to add the
start authorizations for the activated OData services used by
the apps contained in a catalog.
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
Activity Description
Integrate SAP Fiori business catalogs into the back-end
PFCG roles
To enable an integration of SAP Fiori front-end with the
SAP S/4HANA back-end systems, you need to integrate the
front-end catalogs (that are assigned to your front-end roles)
into your existing the back-end PFCG roles. This replicates
the start authorization of the OData services for the apps in
the catalogs to the role menu of the back-end PFCG roles.
For more information, see:
See also UI Content and Authorization Concept
at Use
Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology
SAP Fiori SAP Fiori Overview Implement SAP
Fiori Apps User Management and Authorization .
Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology
ABAP Platform UI Technologies SAP Fiori
Launchpad Administration Guide Setting Up
Authorization Roles
Conguring Roles for Catalogs,
Spaces and Groups Congure Roles for Catalogs .
Congure access to SAP Easy Access Menu and User Menu
from SAP Fiori Launchpad
A starting point for the usage of SAP Fiori launchpad can
be the access to SAP Easy Access Menu and User Menu
from the connected back-end system. From these menus a
user can populate the SAP Fiori launchpad homepage. This
conguration enables access to existing back-end SAP Easy
Access Menu and User menus.
This is also an additional access option for users with dedi-
cated SAP Fiori Launchpad content that was created on the
front-end system.
For more information, see
s4hana_op_2022 Use Product Assistance English
Enterprise Technology ABAP Platform UI Technologies
SAP Fiori Lauchpad Administration Guide Setting Up
Lauchpad Content
Integrating Remote Content .
4.4.5Adapting the User Interface
Key users can adapt the user interface (UI) of their apps at runtime in a modication-free way, for example, by
adding, removing, or moving elds and groups. Runtime adaptation is supported for apps that use SmartForm
controls with stable IDs. Note that you can only add elds which have been made available for this app. If you
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
need additional elds, you have to create them as described at Use
Product Assistance English Enterprise Technology SAP Fiori SAP Fiori Overview Extend and Develop
SAP Fiori Apps
Extend SAP Fiori Apps .
4.5 List of Application-Specic Follow-On Activities
The list below contains important application-specic follow-on steps and where to nd their documentation.
This list contains an overview of important steps you may need to do after the conversion process, but it is
not complete. You nd the complete list of conversion-relevant items in the Simplication Item Catalog, as
explained in the overview [page 10].
App-Specic Follow-On Tasks
Follow-On Tasks per Application Area Reference
Finance Documentation of Finance-related con-
version tasks, see the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2332030
SAP Credit Management Documentation of all SAP Credit Man-
agement-related conversion tasks, see
the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2270544
Human Resources Integration of HR Master Data
SAP Note 2340095
Sales: Order and Contract Management SD Pricing: data model changes
SAP Note 2267308
SD Rebate Processing replacement by
Settlement Management
SAP Note 2226380
Optimization of SD Rebate Processing
for Trade Promotion Management
SAP Note 2200691
Retail Cleanup of Retail generic articles and
variant data
SAP Note 2350650
Documentation of site master conver-
sion, see the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2310884
Environment, Health, and Safety Documentation of all EHS-related con-
version tasks, see the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2336396
Enterprise Portfolio and Project Man-
Conversion tasks related to Commer-
cial Project Management
SAP Note 2766260
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
Follow-On Tasks per Application Area Reference
Product Safety and Stewardship Documentation of all PSS-related con-
version tasks, see the SAP Note.
SAP Note 2267461
Integration Business network integration:
Activities after converting Ariba Net-
work Integration
SAP Note 2341836
Integration with SAP SuccessFactors
Employee Central
SAP Note 2340095
Media: Media Product Master Documentation of all conversion tasks
related to Media Product Master.
SAP Note 2499057
Other Follow-On Tasks
Follow-Up Activities for Advanced Var-
iant Conguration
For information about how enable Advanced Variant Conguration, see the sec-
tion Follow-Up Activities for Advanced Variant Conguration in the Installation
Guide for SAP S/4HANA at Implement
Guides Installation Guide . You need to do all the steps described in this
4.6 Cleaning Up Obsolete Data After the Conversion
The Obsolete Data Handling tool allows you to delete obsolete data that may remain after the conversion of
your SAP ERP system to SAP S/4HANA.
Obsolete data originates from SAP S/4HANA data model simplications in many application areas where
the related application data is migrated to new data structures. These areas include Material Management,
Financials, Sales and Distribution, Environment and Health Science and others. The source data is not deleted
automatically during the conversion because this would increase the business downtime and the obsolete data
store may sometimes be required during or after the conversion. Therefore, after you have successfully tested
and validated the conversion results, you can clean up the obsolete data with the Obsolete Data Handling tool.
For information on how to enable and use this tool in a productive SAP S/4HANA system, see SAP Note
2661837 .
Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
Realizing the Conversion
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Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
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Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2022
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