Improving Public Safety by Building Successful Transitions into our Community.
Education Services
October 2023
Washington is a national leader in delivering quality educational programming to a
significant proportion of the Department of Corrections incarcerated population. DOC
aims to provide basic academic skills, pre-apprenticeship, and postsecondary
education programs designed to meet the individual’s needs and enhance pathways
for post-release employment and/or education.
Through a long and vibrant partnership between DOC, Washington State Board for
Community & Technical Colleges, Washington’s community and technical colleges,
and private partnerships, Washington’s correctional educational system provides
opportunities for incarcerated students to earn a high school equivalency, learn high-
wage and high-demand workforce skills, and earn postsecondary certificates and
Incarcerated individuals are provided education and employment reentry
support through a state-wide network of prison- and community-based
education reentry navigators.
Referrals are prioritized based on risk level, individual needs, expected release
date, and availability of program resources.
Education Pathways
Every prison offers adult basic education programs to provide pathways for individuals
to obtain a high school equivalency. Corrections Education pathways include two
bachelor’s degrees, eighteen associate degrees, thirty certificate programs, and
thirteen state-recognized pre-apprenticeship programs. All credit-bearing programs
are accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
Accounting | Automotive Mechanics Technology | Autobody Collision and Repair
Baking and Pastry Arts | Bookkeeping | Business Administration and Management
Carpentry | Construction Trades | Computer-Aided Design (CAD) | Computer
Numerical Controlled Manufacturing (CNC) | Computer Programming | Cosmetology
Diesel Mechanics | Digital Media | Direct-Transfer Associates Degrees
Entrepreneurship | Horticulture | Human Services | HVAC Technology | Liberal
Studies | Machinist Technology | Plumbing Trades | Technical Design and Drafting
Web Developer Applications | Welding
5,269 individuals participated
in education programs
219 GED®
certificates awarded
295 high school
diplomas awarded
468 postsecondary degrees
and certificates awarded
732 students enrolled in
college post-release
Incarcerated people
who participate in
education programs are
48 percent less likely to
recidivate than those
who do not.
Institute of Justice, 2019)
For every dollar invested
in education in WA, up
to $19.80 is saved from
reduced recidivism.
(Washington State Institute
for Public Policy, 2018)
College and Prison Partnerships Expanding Education Programs
400-GU009 (R 10/2023)
Airway Heights Corrections Center
Spokane Community College
Cedar Creek Corrections Center
Centralia College
Clallam Bay Corrections Center
Peninsula College
Coyote Ridge Corrections Center
Walla Walla Community College
Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women
Tacoma Community College
Monroe Correctional Complex
Edmonds College
Olympic Corrections Center
Peninsula College
Stafford Creek Corrections Center
Grays Harbor College
Washington Corrections Center
Centralia College
Washington Corrections Center for Women
Clover Park Technical College
Tacoma Community College
Washington State Penitentiary
Walla Walla Community College
Private Education Program Partnerships:
Black Prisoners Caucus-TEACH
Freedom Education Project Puget Sound
University of Puget Sound
Community Education Partnerships:
Clark College
Columbia Basin College
Olympic College
Renton Technical College
Seattle Central College
Skagit Valley College
The Evergreen State College
University of Washington Tacoma
Yakima Valley College
Student Access to Federal and State Financial Aid
As federal and state financial aid becomes accessible for
incarcerated students, DOC is working with stakeholders
and postsecondary education institutions to expand
educational opportunities up to a bachelor’s degree.
DOC initiated a Request for Information from all WA State
colleges interested in providing education programs to
individuals utilizing Title IV Pell Grant funds and the
Washington College Grant.
All financial-aid-eligible education programs will be
approved by DOC, a national accrediting agency, and the
U.S. Department of Education. Student access to financial
aid is anticipated to begin in July 2024.
Enhancing Student Success
Secured Internet Access
To support our college partners in ensuring high-quality
educational program delivery, the Department is
implementing an Off State Network Project, to include a
Secured-internet system for educational use in prison
facilities statewide to provide students safe access to the
same digital information and tools that students on college
campuses use.
Secured-internet has been installed and is operational at the
following sites: Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, Monroe
Correctional Complex, Washington Corrections Center for
Women, Washington Corrections Center, and Washington
State Penitentiary. Statewide implementation is anticipated
to be completed by June 2024.
Student Support Services
DOC is collaborating with our education partners to develop
a process to ensure students who identify as having a
disability are assessed and provided access to disability
support services and accommodations to support equal
access to education.
Contact information:
Kristen N. Morgan
Education Services Administrator
Washington State
Department of Corrections
(360) 485-2749