Odlum, Floyd B.: Papers, 1892-1976
Accession: A77-12, A77-12/1
Processed by: VJA
Date Completed: 9/24/13
The papers of Floyd B. Odlum were deposited in the Eisenhower Library by Odlum’s widow, Jacqueline
Cochran, in April and May, 1977.
Linear feet: 81 linear feet
Approximate number of pages: 142,240
The executors of the Floyd Odlum-Jacqueline Cochran estate signed an instrument of gift for the Floyd B.
Odlum papers in August 1981. Literary rights in the unpublished writings of Floyd B. Odlum in this
collection and in all other collections of papers received by the United States government have been
donated to the public. Under terms of the instrument of gift, the following classes of items are withheld
from research use:
1. Papers the disclosure of which would constitute an invasion of privacy or a libel of a living
2. Papers that are authorized by statute or Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of
national defense or foreign policy, and are in fact properly classified pursuant to such statute or
Executive Order.
Scope and Content Note
Floyd Bostwick Odlum was born on March 30, 1892 in Union City, Michigan. His father, a Methodist
minister later moved the family to Colorado. Odlum attended the University of Colorado where he
received a law degree in 1914. He first took a job as an attorney for Utah Power and Light in Salt Lake
City and moved to New York City in 1917 to work for Simpson, Thatcher and Bartlett. In 1918 he joined
Electric Bond and Share Company, eventually becoming vice president of Foreign Power Company, their
foreign subsidiary.
In 1923, with starting capital of $40,000, Odlum, George Howard and their wives co-founded the United
States Company to speculate in purchases of utilities and general securities. The company was absorbed
by another Odlum firm, Atlas Utilities and Investors Co., Ltd, in 1928. The company was reorganized in
1929 as Atlas Corporation. The primary focus of the company was to invest in special situations.
According to the Atlas Corporation Silver Anniversary Report in 1954, a “special situation, as Atlas uses
the term, means an investment in an involving not only primary financial sponsorship, but usually also
responsibility for management of the enterprise”. This typically involved reorganization, mergers or
other measures to strengthen the company and a commitment “to stay with the investment until the
essentials of the job have been done, and then to move on the to another special situation.
Atlas had interests in mining, oil and gas, motion picture production and distribution, aircraft and
airlines, power and utility companies, department stores, manufacturing, Broadway stage productions,
and hotels and buildings. The files also reflect Odlum’s interest in the peaceful used of nuclear energy.
Among those firms represented in the files are The Babb Company, Northeast Airlines, Consolidated
Vultee Corporation (later Convair), Airfleets, Walt Disney Productions, General Dynamics, RKO Pictures,
Hutson Nutt-Shel, Federal Resources Corporation and Guidance Technology, Inc.
Odlum’s files also reflect his strong interest in philanthropy. In addition to his work with the Arthritis
Foundation the files document his relationship with the Air Force Aid Society, Lovelace Foundation,
Menninger Foundation, Odlum-Cochran Foundation, Baird Foundation, National Aeronautic Association
and the Hertz Foundation.
During World War II, he served as the director of the Division of Contract Distribution in the Office of
Production Management from 1941-1942. He also served as a special advisor to the War Production
Board and the Office of Price Administration.
Odlum married to Hortense McQuarrie in 1915. Following their divorce he married aviator Jacqueline
Cochran in 1936. Odlum and Cochran purchased a ranch near Indio, California. After retiring from Atlas
Corporation they lived year-round on the Cochran-Odlum Ranch. They provided office space on the
ranch to Dwight D. Eisenhower during the 1960s when Eisenhower spent his winters in California.
Odlum died at the age of 84 June 17, 1976, in Indio, California.
Documents within the collection provide insight into Odlum’s personal, business and philanthropic
activities. Although there are separate series for his business activities and the political and aviation
career of his wife, Jacqueline Cochran, both of these are also represented in the general correspondence
series. The collection is strongest for both personal and business activities from 1951 until Odlum’s
death in 1976. For the best insight into his early years with Atlas Corporation, researchers will need to
rely on the extensive newspaper clippings files in the Scrapbook Series.
The series in this collection are General Correspondence, Jacqueline Cochran, Business, Speech, and
Scrapbook. See the series descriptions for more detailed information. All series in the collection are
arranged chronologically.
Biographical timeline
March 30, 1892 Born in Union City, Michigan
1914 Law Degree, University of Colorado
1917 Simpson, Thatcher, and Bartlett, general counsel to Electric Bond & Share Co.
1918-1930 Joined Electric Bond and Share Company, eventually Vice President of American
and Foreign Power Company, their foreign subsidiary
1923-1960 Chief Executive Office of United States Company, later known as Atlas
1936 Married Jacqueline Cochran
1937-1948 Chairman of the Board, RKO Pictures
1940-1944 Special Advisor to the Chairman, Office of Price Administration
1941-1942 Director, Division of Contract Distribution, Office of Production Management
1943-1944 Special Advisor to the Chairman, War Production Board
1947-1953 Chairman of the Board, Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation, later Convair
1948 Helped to found the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, first Chairman of
that organization
1961-1969 Chairman of the Board, Federal Resources Corporation
June 17, 1976 Died
Boxes 1-114
This series contains personal correspondence, invitations, memoranda, financial reports, proposed
business ideas and other related items. Select subjects and individuals are sometimes noted in brackets
after the file folder title, but these annotations to not represent a complete list of all subjects or
correspondents within that folder. The following are generally not included in the annotations: routine
holiday greetings, social invitations and unsolicited requests for advice, investments or money. Notable
correspondents in this series include, but are not limited to Sidney Weinberg, Bernard Baruch, Harry
Bruno, Frederick Brisson, Rosalind Russell, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Howard Hughes’ office, Pierre Sicard,
Stuart Symington, Thomas Lanphier, and Chuck Yeager.
Because he knew firsthand how difficult it was to live with arthritis, Odlum often offered support or
advice to other arthritis patients and this correspondence is included within the series. He was
chairman of the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation (later The Arthritis Foundation) and records from
his involvement in that organization are also included.
The series is divided into eleven chronological subseries. Each subseries includes a 2-4 year date span,
although individual folders sometimes contain subject-relevant documents outside their chronological
time frame. Folders are arranged alphabetically within each subseries. Inside the folders documents
are arranged in reverse chronological order. Some are also arranged alphabetically by name.
Subjects in this series include routine personal and family matters, invitations, foreign and domestic
business activities, politics, the management of trusts and investments, agriculture at the ranch, motion
picture and theatrical productions, philanthropic activities, and other related matters.
Subseries within this series are:
Box 1 1934-1950 Files
Boxes 1-13 1951-52 Files
Boxes 13-26 1953-54 Files
Boxes 26-49 1955-58 Files
Boxes 49-69 1959-62 Files
Boxes 70-83 1963-64 Files
Boxes 83-92 1965-66 Files
Boxes 92-95 1967 Files
Boxes 95-100 1968 Files
Boxes 100-105 1969 Files
Boxes 105-110 1970 Files
Boxes 110-113 1971-73 Files (primarily 1971)
Box 114 1976 and additional biographical and family history material
Boxes 115-117
This series relates to Jacqueline Cochran’s unsuccessful 1956 race to the US House of Representatives
from the 29
Congressional District in California, personal correspondence between Cochran and
Odlum, a trip to the Far East taken by Cochran in 1966, her writings and Odlum’s death in 1976.
Types of documents found in this series include correspondence, campaign-related reports and
ephemera, newspaper clippings, valentines, death notices, condolence letters and other related
materials. Folders are arranged alphabetically. Inside the folders documents are arranged in reverse
chronological order.
Boxes 118-166
The Business Series is arranged alphabetically into nine subseries and relates primarily to the
organizational and financial aspects of Odlum’s business interests. Additional correspondence relating
to all of these business activities is located in the General Correspondence Series. Folders are arranged
alphabetically within each subseries. Inside the folders documents are arranged in reverse chronological
Boxes 118-122 Business Series, Atlas Corporation Subseries, 1928-1961
The Atlas Corporation Subseries contains annual reports from 1928-1961. There are also financial
reports and reports for the Baird Foundation. Also included in this series is The Atlas Ticker, a bound
copy of the Atlas Corporation newsletter for Atlas employees serving in the military with informal
coverage of company news and the home front activities of Atlas employees from 1943-1945.
Boxes 123-126 Business Series, Electro Investors, Inc. Subseries, 1957-1966
Electro Investors, Incorporated was a telecommunications company with interest in KIVA, a television
station located in Yuma, Arizona and Valley Telecasting. The financial strength of the station suffered
when the Federal Communications Commission issued licenses for additional stations in the market.
Founding officers of the company included Floyd Odlum, Bruce Odlum, Harry Butcher, James, Allen, and
Lyle Newcomer.
Boxes 127-128 Business Series, Hutson Nutt-Shel Subseries, 1952-1960
Odlum and a group of investors acquired the patents for the Nutt-Shel, an anchoring device for securing
nuts invented by Lester E. Hutson. This invention was especially useful in aircraft construction and many
of the investors were associated with Convair. The investment group sold the Hutson Nutt-Shel patents
in 1959. This subseries consists of correspondence, reports on royalties earned and paid, copies of the
patents, documentation of the sale of the patents, and other related documents.
Boxes 129-135 Business Series, Mining Subseries, 1953-1964
This subseries contains documents relating to Odlum and Atlas Corporation’s business interests in
mining operations. These operations were located in the states of Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Florida,
North Carolina, California, and Arizona. Minerals involved included, but were not limited to, uranium,
silver, oil, zinc, mica, salt, lead, gold and copper. The companies mentioned in this subseries include, but
are not limited, to the following. Please see the folder descriptions for more information.
Chesapeake and Colorado Corporation
Hidden Splendor Mining Company
Jacob’s Chair Mining Corporation
Lone Star Mining
Mule Mountain Minerals
Nuclear Magnetic Mining
Radorock Resources
Silver Sage Oil and Mineral Company
United States Smelting and Refining
Western Oil and Gas Company
Yellow Jeep Mining Company
This subseries contains correspondence, reports, purchase agreements, mineral claims, company by-
laws, maps and other related documents. NOTE: See the Business Series, Uranium Subseries for
additional mining records.
Boxes 136-141 Business Series, Nomad Productions Subseries, 1951-1967
This subseries contains primarily financial documents relating to Nomad Productions, a film production
company headed by Odlum’s son, Bruce Odlum. Their most successful project was the 1957 motion
picture, A Spanish Affair.
Types of documents found in this subseries include correspondence, board minutes, by-laws, bank
records, financial records, tax records, agreements and other related documents.
NOTE: See the Nomad folders in the correspondence series for additional documents relating the
production and distribution of A Spanish Affair.
Boxes 142-143 Business Series, Odlum-Cochran Foundation Subseries, 1942-1975
This subseries contains documents relating to the Odlum-Cochran Foundation. Documents within the
subseries primarily relate to the finances of the foundation, income tax, and donations to charitable
organizations. Minutes of board meetings are also included.
Boxes 144-150 Business Series, Summers Gyroscope Company Guidance Technology, Inc. Subseries,
Atlas Corporation acquired interest in Summers Gyroscope Company, a manufacturer of military
aviation and aeronautical components, in 1958. The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) disputed the
acquisition of Summers by Atlas, stating that CAB approval was required due to other aeronautic and
aviation business interests held by Atlas. In 1960, following his retirement from Atlas, Odlum purchased
Summers from Atlas. The name of the company was changed to Guidance Technology, Inc. (GTI) in
The series includes correspondence, memoranda, legal documents, financial records, annual reports,
press releases, technical data sheets and other related documents.
Boxes 151-161 Business Series, Uranium Subseries, 1954-1967
This subseries contains documents relating to Odlum and Atlas Corporation’s business interests in
Uranium mining operations. Documents relate to mining in the western United States, as well potential
uranium mining in Mexico, Portugal, and Yemen and the potential for petroleum and natural gas in Italy.
The companies and investment groups mentioned in this subseries include, but are not limited, to the
following. Please see the folder descriptions for more information.
Big Jim Mining Company
Bronson and Cooper Mining Company
Bullion Mining Company
Catorce Corporation
Consolidated Uranium Mines, Inc.
Davidson Syndicate
Fat Cat Associates
Federal Uranium Corporation (also had interests in silver mining)
Hidden Splendor Mining Company
Great Northern Uranium Company
Kentucky-Utah Mining Company
La Salle Mining Company
Lisbon Uranium Company
Lone Star Mining
Radorock Resources (primarily in folders relating to Federal]
White Canyon Mining Company
This subseries contains correspondence, reports, memoranda, legal documents, purchase agreements,
mineral claims, company by-laws, maps and other related documents.
NOTE: See the Business Series, Mining Subseries for additional uranium mining records.
Boxes 162-166 Business Series, Miscellaneous Financial Papers Subseries, 1924-1975
This series primarily consists of Odlum’s personal ledgers from 1936-1963. The ledgers for 1956, 1960
and 1961 were not included when the collection was donated. Additional documents include
correspondence, memoranda, reports and legal documents relating to his financial interests, including
Atlas Corporation annual reports for 1935 and 1936.
SPEECH SERIES, 1930-1966
Boxes 167-170
This series consists of Floyd Odlum’s speeches, statements and writings. It also includes
correspondence, press releases and newspaper clippings relating to his speeches and speaking
engagements. Speech folders are arranged chronologically by year. Inside the folders documents are
arranged in reverse chronological order. Folders of correspondence are arranged alphabetically by
Boxes 171-188
This series is consists with print materials, newspaper clippings and ephemera not included in
scrapbooks and intact oversized scrapbooks. Photograph albums were transferred to the Audiovisual
Department and a list of the albums and other audiovisual material transferred is included in the
scrapbook materials section of the series. Some of the loose items appear to have been formerly glued
into scrapbooks, but were detached at some point. The print materials are arranged alphabetically by
The newspaper clippings and ephemera are housed together and arranged chronologically. Clippings
cover almost every aspect of Odlum’s and Jacqueline Cochran’s business and personal live, including
aviation, Atlas Corporation, the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, travel and many other topics.
Researchers should review the General Correspondence Series for information on the specific focus of
Odlum’s activities in any specific year. The ephemera includes programs from dinners and meetings,
steamship passenger lists, tourist brochures, picture postcards, Presidential inauguration memorabilia,
and other items. Only select events are mentioned in the folder description; additional dinners, meeting
programs and travel items are in each folder.
Scrapbooks are arranged chronologically.
Container List
Box No. Folder title
1 General Correspondence Series, 1934-50 Files
Correspondence, 1934-1935 [Neurological Institute of New York; Clive Pearson]
Correspondence, 1936-1939 [Bruce Odlum; Alexandru Papana; resignation as from
Paramount Pictures’ Board of Directors; Neurological Institute of New York; Vermont
Correspondence, 1940-1941 [Harry Bruno; appointment as Director of the Office of
Production Management]
Correspondence, 1942-43 [Harry W. Chase; Alonzo Hammond; C. W. Koerner re: RKO
Pictures film for the Navy, Stand By to Die; Robert Patterson; War Production Board;
award from University of Colorado]
Correspondence, 1945-46 [Robert Patterson; Sidney Weinberg]
Correspondence, 1947-48 [Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce; Herbert D. Miles;
President’s Award of Merit; “Rough Air at Convair” article in Investor’s Reader;
Correspondence, 1949 [Bernard Baruch; Harry Bruno; Hotel del Prado, Mexico City;
Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce; luncheon at White House]
Correspondence, 1950 [Mary Barbour; Le Roy Campbell; Harry M. Durning and the
Sons of Eire; F. P. Freer;
General Correspondence Series, 1951-52 Files
A (1)-(3) [includes Joseph Adams re Convair and guided missiles; Air Force Association
rebuttal of criticism of the Air Force; American Committee on United Europe; arthritis
A (2) [Air Force Association; American Committee on United Europe; American Institute
for Foreign Trade]
A (3) [arthritis research]
Airfleets, Inc.
Air Force Aid Society (1)-(4)
AFA Dinner Los Angeles 1951 Detroit 1952 (1)-(4)
Atlas Corporation
2 Atlas Corporation Employees Retirement Plan (1)-(2)
“The Atlas Story” (1)-(5) [also contains biographical information on Odlum]
B (1)-(2) [Frederick Brisson re television and motion picture productions]
Babb 1952 [Charles H. Babb]
Baird, David G.
Bruno, Harry A. (1)-(2)
C (1)-(3) [Agnes Calnan; Nicholas Caranfil]
C (2) [Pierre Cartier; Gian Carlo Cicogna; Lucius Clay re: Eisenhower’s appearance on
televised campaign appearances]
3 C (3) [support for University of Colorado’s High Altitude Observatory; Committee for
Economic Development; Gen Ralph Cousins re: tungsten mining]
California Date Mutual (1)-(2)
Carey Trust (1)-(3)
Chinese Vases
Clubs, 1951-52 (1)-(2)
Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation (1)-(2) [arrangements for test flight of Canadair F-86 jet
at Muroc Lake; world speed record for piston-engine aircraft in her F-51 Mustang]
Cochran, Jacqueline Banks
Committee on the Present Danger (1)-(3)
Convair, 1951
Convair, 1952
4 Convair- Personal & Confidential Correspondence 1949-52 (1)-(3)
Crowell, V.L.
D, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [Democratic party; depreciation policy; Jimmy Doolittle;
William Donovan; Harry Durning]
De Sonchen, Georges, 1951-52
Disney, Walt (Productions), 1951-52 (1)-(4) [Roy Disney, the distribution of Disney
films in Spain]
E, 1951-52 [financial backing for musical, ‘My Sister Eileen’]
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1)-(3) [1952 Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon]
5 Eisenhower Finance Committee (1)-(2) [Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon]
Eisenhower (extra copies FBO letter 2/20/52)
Electric Bond & Share Company [merger with Atlas]
Expenses, 1951-52
F, 1951-52(1)-(2)
Fitzgerald [James F.] Letter January 1, 1951 [Federal taxes for corporations]
G, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [Pierre Gallois re fighter planes; Roger Gilbert re manganese & oil;
Hakki Gokseven re civil aviation in Turkey; Grand Central Art Galleries; Stanton Griffis]
General Dynamic
Glaisher, Eric (see also Spain and Disney), 1951-52 [Odlum’s business interests in Spain]
H, 1951-52 (1)-(3) [Hercules Trucking Company]
Hall Estate, 1951-52
Mary Constant Hanson Trust, 1951-52
6 Hawaiian Trip
Hughes, Howard, 1950-52
Hutson Patents (1)-(2) [chromite deposit]
Hutson-Nutt Shel Participants & Royalties
Hutson-Nutt Shel Patent Application & Fees
I, 1951-52 [Radu Irimescu]
J, 1951-52 [Louis A. Johnson]
K, 1951-52 [Odlum’s hand-written notes on K-F negotiations]
L, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [Thomas G. Lanphier; Lodewuk Lek re US & Switzerland;
K. C. Li re tungsten; Rene Lucien of Messier; George Lusk]
Lodestar [Convair and Cochran flights using this plane]
Lovelace Foundation and Clinic (1)-(3) [aviation medicine research lab, arthritis
7 M, 1951-52 (1)-(3) [John Mascio re Texas oil wells; K. Martini and jet helicopter;
Donald Menzel re: high-speed clutch]
Glenn L. Martin Company [1951]
Menninger Foundation, 1951-52
Moore & Schley General Correspondence, 1951-52
Moore & Schley Hazel B. Brown, 1951-52
Moore & Schley Bender, Mrs. Peg O., 1952
Moore & Schley Carey Trust, 1951-52 (1)-(2)
Moore & Schley Edwards, 1951-52
Moore & Schley Fromberg, 1952
Moore & Schley Markey, 1951-52
Moore & Schley Arnold Odlum, 1951-52
Moore & Schley Victor Odlum, 1951-52
8 N, 1951-52 [John K. Northrup]
O, 1951-52
Odlum, Arnold, 1951
Odlum, Bruce, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [motion picture industry in Spain and Mexico]
Odlum, Dorothy, 1951-1952
Odlum, Floyd B. Biography
Odlum, Floyd B. Birthday 1952
Odlum, Floyd B. European Trip, 1952 (1)-(2)
Odlum, Floyd B. French Legion of Honor
Odlum, Floyd B. Insurance, 1951-52
Odlum, Floyd B. Investments & Securities, 1951-52
Odlum, Floyd B. Photographs [1939-ca. 1952]
Odlum, Floyd B. Taxes, 1952-1952 (1)-(2)
Odlum, Floyd B. Will, 1951
9 Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1951-52 (1)-(2)
Odlums Miscellaneous, 1951-52 [family correspondence, Victor Odlum & archeology
in Turkey]
P, 1951-52 (1)-(3) [Palm Desert Corp.; aeronautical engineer Michael Patrichi; Richard
Patterson; Robert Patterson estate and memorial; Ben and Lida Piazza; pamphlets on
scientific psychic studies]
Q, 1951-52 [Clayton Quaw; William Quon]
R, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [James Rand; Peter Ravthon & RKO; liquidation of Motion Picture
Capital Corporation; film production in Europe; Charles Reuter]
Ranch, 1951-52 (1)-(4) [ranch, farm and golf course operations]
10 Riley Family, 1951-52 (1)-(3) [siblings Terence, Eileen and Hortense Riley]
S, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [Stafford Sands re development of tourist facilities in the Bahamas;
Pierre Sicard; Dale Snow re oil and gas]
Spain, 1951-52 (1)-(4) [costs of developing and producing fighter planes; Spanish film
industry; Spanish natural resources and energy; Atlas business interests in Spain;
television; medication for arthritis; Spanish hydro-electric power; permission to show
Walt Disney films]
Spain Lead, 1952
Spain Rain-Making, 1951-52 (1)-(4) [for hydroelectric power and agriculture]
Statler Hotel Washington, 1951-52
Steele, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie, 1951-52
11 Symington, Stuart, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [1952 Missouri Senate race; 1951 Report to the
President from the National Security Resources Board]
T, 1951-52 [Lowell Thomas re Cinerama movie format; George Train re U.S. policy
toward Spain]
Taxes Studies and General, 1951-52 (1)-(2) [Contains background information on taxes
dating back to 1939; personal tax matters filed under Odlum]
Television Broadcast Sept. 10, 1951
Transamerica Atlas Asset Value Figures, 1951-52
Transamerica Merger Proposals, Analyses, etc., 1951-52 (1)-(4)
Transamerica Misc. Correspondence & Memoranda, 1951-52
Transamerica Studies, Analyses, etc. (1)-(2)
12 Transamerica Studies, Analyses, etc. (3)-(5)
Transamerica Published Report and Analyses (1)-(3)
U, 1951-52 [United Air Lines]
United Fruit Company, 1951-52 [Guatemala]
V, 1951-52 [Hoyt Vandenberg]
Vermont Academy, 1951-52 (1)-(2)
W, 1951-52 [Earl Warren; Sidney Weinberg; Arthur Wiesenberger; Mabel Willebrandt]
Watkins, Dr. & University of California at Riverside, correspondence re steel, 1951-52
[construction materials for the university]
13 White, William, 1951-52
Worswick, A.E., 1951-52 (1)-(2)
X-Y-Z, 1951-52 [Cabot Yerxa’s pueblo project; Samuel Zemurray]
General Correspondence Series, 1953-54 Files
A, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [Joseph Adams’ ‘An Outlook on Aviation Industry’; Air Academy
Site Selection Board; Air Force Association; George E. Allen; “Influences in the 1954
Mid-Term Elections” by Louis H. Bean; Neil Mallon on the ‘Atomic Pool Proposal’]
A-C-GD Merger, 1953-54 (1)-(4) [study of possible merger of Atlas, Convair and General
Dynamics; studies also include Dresser and/or Consolidated Engineering; business
activities included: aviation, submarines, motors & generators, computers, pre-
fabricated steel buildings, drilling equipment & others]
Airfleets, Inc., 1953-54 [possible acquisition of digital computer firm]
Air Force Aid Society, 1953-54 (1)-(4)
14 Argentine Project, 1953-54 (1)-(8) [proposed uranium mining and oil and gas
development in Argentina; aircraft production in Argentina; United Fruit and
Communism in Latin America]
Atlas Corporation, 1953-54 (1)-(4)
Atlas Corporation Employees Retirement Plan, 1953-54 (1)-(4)
15 Atlas Corporation Lehman, Comparative Performance, 1953-54 (1)-(3)
Atomic Power, 1953-54 (1)-(3) [benefits and peaceful applications of nuclear energy;
nuclear medicine equipment]
B, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [estimated production costs for play, Black Candle; Braniff Airways;
Frederick Brisson and Rosalind Russell; sale of RKO; Albert R. “Cubby” Broccoli;
Harold H. Burton]
Babb Company, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [reorganization of company; proposed merger American
Airmotive, Frank Ambrose Aviation, Henry L. Seale Aviation Supply]
Babb, Estate of, 1953-54 (1)-(2)
16 Baird, David G., 1953-54 (1)-(3)
Baird Negotiations with Taylor, 1953-54
Barbour, Mary, 1953-54
Bruno, Harry, 1953-54
C, 1953-54 (1)-(3) [Amon Carter; Pierre Cartier; Cinerama; Leon Cole re: Argentina;
Stuart Craig]
Camp Fire Girls, 1953-54
Carey Trust, 1953-54 (1)-(3)
Carlton Co. Ltd, 1954 (1)-(2)
17 Clubs, 1953-54
Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation, 1953-54 (1)-(3) [Harmon Trophy; breaking the sound
barrier; Roy Disney re: filming her flights; sale of airplane and airplane engine]
Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation, Expense of Jet Record Flights (Receipts &
Accountings), 1953-54
Cochran, Jacqueline Banks, 1953-54
Cochran, Jacqueline Miscellaneous, 1953-54 [general correspondence, articles in
Readers’ Digest and Guideposts]
Colorado, University of, 1953-54 (1)-(4) [establishment of a Development Fund;
coronagraph and solar laboratory at the High Altitude Observatory]
Committee on the Present Danger, 1953-54
Convair, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [sale of Atlas Corp. interest to General Dynamics]
18 D, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [W. L. Davidson; Donald de Lackner re helicopters; Alexander
Seversky; Georges de Sonchen re: crop dusting in Spain; L. W. Douglas]
Diamond Hosiery, 1953-54
Disney, 1953-54 (1)-(3) [distribution of Disney films in Spain; proposed plan for
Disneyland; Board of Directors]
E, 1953-54 [Dwight D. Eisenhower; Ctizens for Eisenhower; Eisenhower Library;
Milton Eisenhower; Mamie Eisenhower; Electric Bond and Share Company (Ebasco); C.
Allen Elgren re: unranium lease]
Eileen Company, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [production costs for the musical Wonderful Town]
Equity Corporation, 1953-54
Expenses, 1953-54 (1)-(4)
19 F, 1953-54 [Fletcher Aviation; foreign economic policy; article in Fortune; Richard
G, 1953-54 (1) [Peter Gallois re: Indochina; General Dynamics; Samuel Goldwyn on
screen writers and trends in movie industry]
G, 1953-54 (2) [Gotham Hosiery; Grand Central Art Galleries; Ercole Graziadei;
Lawrence Green]
General Aniline and Film Corp., 1953-54 (1)-(2) [Interhandel law suit]
Glaisher, Eric, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [distribution of Disney films in Spain; Airfleets; Union
Azufrere S.A, a sulphur company; Monsanto, Hidro Nitro Española, a hydro-electric and
chemical company; modernization of Spanish aviation ground facilities; sale of aircraft
to Spanish airlines; airborne uranium prospecting; G. W. Brownridge]
Grace, W.R., 1953-54
H, 1953-54 (1)-(4) [estate of E. K. Hall, Sr.; Wil and Mary Hanson]
H, 1953-54 (2) [L. Boyd Hatch]
H, 1953-54 (3) [John Heinz; Lehman Bro. “Long Term Outlook for American Business”]
H, 1953-54 (4) [Paul Hoffman; William H. Holmes; John E. Hughes]
Hall, Ellis, Estate of, 1953-54
20 Hughes, Howard 1951-54
Hutson Patents-Nutt-Shel, General, 1953-54
Hutson Patents Law Suit (Greene v. Allen et al)
Hutson Nutt-Shel Participants and Royalties, 1953-54
Hutson Nutt-Shel Patent Applications and Fees, 1953-54
I, 1953-54 [International Hydro-Electric System; Radu Irimescu]
Inauguration, January 20, 1953
J, 1953-54 [Robert Jackson; Benjamin Javits re: Adhemar de Barros; H. L. Jestley
re: Great Northern Uranium; Louis A. Johnson]
K, 1953-54 (1) [Herman Kahn and Lehman business outlook for 1954; James F. Kapnek
re: mining; Julius Kayser & Co.; Father James Keller and the Christopher Movement]
K, 1953-54 (2) [Alan Kirk; Ulf Krabbe; Irving Krick re: weather modification, mining]
Kaiser-Frazier Willys Overland, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [mostly 1952 documents]
L, 1953-54 (1) [Tom Lanphier; William Lear; Leslie LeCron]
L, 1953-54 (2) [G. M. Loeb; Rene Lucien; George Lusk re: arthritis benefit starring
Bob Hope; LeRoy Lutes]
21 Lodestar, 1953-54 [flights and expenses for this plane]
Lovelace Foundation, 1953-54 (1)-(5) [medical education and research]
Mc, 1953-54 [Tex McCrary; Barbara Edington McQuarrie]
McCarey Pictures, 1953-54 [Leo McCarey proposed Marco Polo project]
M, 1953-54 (1) [Valentin Mandelstamm; Enid Markey; Freda Marshall]
M, 1953-54 (2) [John Marshall; Casimir Martini; Donald Menzel re:
radio astronomy]
M, 1953-54 (3) [Mexican mining property; Leland W. Miller; James P. Mitchell re:
Spanish air transportation policy]
Mayor’s Advisory Council N.Y.C., 1954
Menninger Foundation, 1953-54 (1)
22 Menninger Foundation, 1953-54 (2)-(3)
Moore & Schley Carey Trust, 1953-54 (1)-(2)
Moore & Schley Fromberg, 1953-54
Moore & Schley General Correspondence, 1953-54
Moore & Schley Lovelace Doctors, 1953-54
Moore & Schley Markey, 1953-54
Moore & Schley Odlum, Victor, 1953-54
N, 1953-54 [National Aeronautical Association; National Conference of Christians and
Jews; National Crusade for Decency in Literature; Normac, Inc.; Norman C. Norman;
John K. Northrop]
Northeast Airlines, 1953-54
O, 1953-54 [Odlum family correspondence; oil company data]
23 FBO Biography & Pictures 1953-54
FBO Birthday, 1953-54
FBO Passport, 1949-54 (1)-(2) [includes expired passport issued in 1939]
FBO Securities, 1953-54
FBO Tax Data, 1953-54 (1)-(2)
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1953-54 (1)-(2)
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Miscellaneous, 1953-54
Odlum, Dorothea, 1953-54
Odlum, Hortense, 1953-54
P, 1953-54 (1) [Pacific Airmotive; Palm Desert Corporation; Vivian Pantages;
Richard C. Patterson, Jr.; Russel Patterson re: education for doctors]
P, 1953-54 (2) [Ben and Lida Piazza; 3-D convertor for conventional cameras and
projectors; Vernon Pick; parapsychology]
Pajama Game, 1954 [Broadway play]
Pink Tights, 1953-1954 [Broadway play The Girl in Pink Tights]
Q, 1953-54 [Clayton Quaw; Consolidated Vultee; William S. Quon]
R, 1953-54 (1) [Charles Ragan of American Rheumatism Society; Tex Rankin;
Leslie Rapp on tax policy; Peter Rathvon; Wayte Raymond]
R, 1953-54 (2) [Republicans]
24 R, 1953-54 (3) [Charles Reuter; Eddie Rickenbacker & 50th anniversary of flight]
R, 1953-54 (4) [W. C. Rockefeller re: Airfleets & Atlas projects; Robert Roemer;
Joe H. Rosenberg re: proposed filming of Carmen; Count Ruisenada]
Radio-Keith-Orpheum, 1951-54 (1)-(4) [consideration of what to do with Atlas interest in
RKO; reorganization of RKO; legal issues; television as a market for studio back catalog;
historical data on RKO production and distribution; antitrust suit; RKO Pictures law suit
re: The Robe]
Ranch, 1953-54 (1)-(5) [ranch, farm and golf course operations]
25 Reece, William A., 1953-54 (1)-(2)
S, 1953-54 (1) [Pierre Sicard; Frank Sinclair re: Convair sales department;
Bernard B. Smith; Wesley L. Smith]
S, 1953-54 (2) [Dale Snow re: oil and uranium; E. C. Spalding; Statler Hotel suite;
Robert L. Stearns; Arnold Steele; George Steele re: digital computers & control systems]
S, 1953-54 (3) [Marguerite Steele; Stuart Symington]
Sawin, M.E., 1946-54 [stock market]
Spain, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [Atlas business activities in Argentina; hotels owned by Hoteles
Unidos, S. A.; construction of American military facilities; uranium prospecting; Spanish
Spain Rain, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [rain making]
Spanish Aviation Company, 1953-54 (1)-(2) [Aviacion y Aerotransporte, S.A. and
Northeast Airlines]
T, 1953-54 (1) [Lowell Thomas; Todd-AO film process]
T, 1953-54 (2) [George Train re: rain making in Spain; Transamerica; Trans World
Airlines (TWA); Milton Traubner; Nathan Twining re: family housing at Upper Air
Observatory; Carroll Tyler]
Taxes General, 1953-54
26 U, 1953-54 [Ulen; Union City, Michigan Diamond Jubilee; United Nations]
V, 1953-54 [Vermont Academy; Eugene Vidal re: plastics business in Spain;
Henry Von Elm]
Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S., 1953-54
W, 1953-54 (1) [Earl Warren; Sidney Weinberg; Edwin Weisl; Eve Wellbourne and the
Music Center for the Hand Incapacitated; Wellco Shoe Corporation]
W, 1953-54 (2) [Arthur Wiesenberger re: uranium mining, foreign investments, stocks
and investing]
W, 1953-54 (3) [Mabel Willebrandt; Wings Club; Hortense C. Wordeman; Wright
Memorial Dinner]
Wasatch Corporation, 1953-54
Worswick, A.E., 1953-54
Worthless Securities, 1953-54
Y, 1953-54 [Chuck Yeager; Mildred Yount]
Z, 1953-54 [Samuel Zemurray]
General Correspondence Series, 1955-58 Files
A, 1955-56 (1) [America air fatalities; George E. Allen re: oil production]
A, 1955-56 (2) [American Institute for Foreign Trade]
A, 1955-56 (3) [American Legion promoting aviation among youth; Giovanni Andreini;
Frank and Tony Armstrong]
27 A, 1957-58 (1) [Frances Adams; Air Force Association]
A, 1957-58 (2) [George E. Allen re: Angus cattle; American Airlines; American Angus
A, 1957-58 (3) [American Institute for Foreign Trade; Arthritis and Rheumatism
African Project, 1957-1958 [African Research foundation; proposed hospital in Nairobi]
Airfleets, 1955-1958
Air Force Aid Society, 1955-56 (1)-(5)
Air Force Aid Society, 1957-1958 (1)-(4)
Argentina, 1955 [Juan Peron; status of uranium, oil and nuclear energy projects]
28 Atlas Corporation, 1955-56 (1)-(3) [Northeast Airlines; oil and gas; uranium mining]
Atlas Corporation, 1957-58 (1)-(2) [potential for nuclear energy; uranium mining]
Atlas Corporation Retirement Fund, 1955-56 (1)-(2)
Atlas Corporation Retirement Fund, 1957-58 (1)-(3)
Atlas Utilities & Investors Company, Ltd., 1957
Atomic Energy, 1955
B, 1955-56 (1) [Blanche Babb; John J, Ballentine; oil and uranium in South America;
Beverly Hilton Hotel site plan]
B, 1955-56 (2) [Boy Scouts; Robert Brinsmade re: oil production, iron ore in Venezuela]
B, 1955-56 (3) [Reed Brinton re: uranium industry; proposed set up of nuclear energy
research at University of Utah; Frederick and Rosalind (Russell) Brisson]
B, 1955-56 (4) [Harry Bruno]
29 B, 1957-58 (1) [Blanche Babb; E. H. Babbitt; Barney Balaban; Pedro Baridon]
B, 1957-58 (2) [Earl C. Behrens on California Republicans; publicity for Northeast
Airlines; American Airlines Annual Report, 1956]
B, 1957-58 (3) [Tom Bolack; Boy Scouts]
B, 1957-58 (4) [John Bridgeman re: getting song recorded; Frederick & Rosalind
(Russell) Brisson; Albert Broccoli]
B, 1957-58 (5) [Harry Bruno]
Baird Agreement & Memo re Closing June 26, 1957 [Winfield Baird Foundation]
Baird, David G., 1955-56
Baird, David G., 1957-58 [includes Baird Foundation documents back to 1953]
Barbour, Mary, 1955-56
Barbour, Mary, 1957-1958 (1)-(2)
Barbour, Mary Advances, 1955-1958
Barbour, Mary Estate, 1955-1958 (1)
30 Barbour, Mary Estate, 1955-1958 (2)-(8) [supporting documents dating to 1926]
Book Arthritis
C, 1955-56 (1) [Ward Canaday’s observations of Geneva Conference and peaceful uses
for nuclear energy; Carey estate; Pierre Cartier]
C, 1955-56 (2) [W. B. & Aya Christian; Christmas lists; Gian Luca Cicogna; Cinemiracle;
Pierre Claudel speech about Odlum (text of speech is in French)]
C, 1955-56 (3) [Edmund Cockell; Leon Cole; Ralph Cousins]
C, 1957-58 (1) [Thomas Campbell; Nicholas Caranfil; Carey estate]
31 C, 1957-58 (2) [Pierre Cartier]
C, 1957-58 (3) [Dr. Alvin Colburn research re: rheumatic fever]
C, 1957-58 (4) [Committee on the Present Danger; Lawrence Cooper; Stuart Craig;
Bing Crosby]
Camp Fire Girls, 1955-1958
Carey Trust, 1955-56 (1)-(3)
Carey Trust, 1957-58 (1)-(2)
Carlton Company Ltd., 1955-56
Carlton Company Ltd., 1957-58
Cavestany, 1955 [visit by Rafael Cavestany, Spanish minister of agriculture]
Clubs - FBO, 1955-56
Clubs - FBO, 1957-58
Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation, 1955-56
32 Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation, 1957-58 (1)-(2)
Cochran, Jacqueline Book, 1955-56 (1)-(3) [printer’s proof of Spanish edition]
Cochran, Jacqueline Book, 1957-58
Cochran, Jacqueline Miscellaneous, 1955-56 (1)-(2)
Cochran, Jacqueline Miscellaneous, 1957-58
D, 1955-56 (1) [Donald de Lackner & helivector; Denver trip; Georges de Sonchen]
D, 1955-56 (2) [Edward A. Dunlap; Harry Durning]
D, 1957-58 [Georges de Sonchen; Marie Doerr; Edward A. Dunlap; Harry Durning]
Disney, 1955-56 (1)-(2) [distribution of Disney films in Spain; Walt Disney Productions
Board of Directors; opening of Disneyland]
Disney, 1957-58 [distribution of Disney films in Spain; Walt Disney Productions Board
of Directors; Disneyland]
33 E, 1955-56 (1) [Dwight D. Eisenhower]
E, 1955-56 (2) [Edgar Eisenhower; Encyclopedia Britannica Research Service re: Indian
population in the US by state from 1880-1950, speed records for one mile track in
various sports, inventory of big game animals in US]
E, 1957-58 (1) [Edward P. F. Eagan; Barbara Edington]
E, 1957-58 (2) [Dwight D. Eisenhower; Edgar Eisenhower]
E, 1957-58 (3) [William Eubank; European trip; Frank K. Everest, Jr.]
Edington, Barbara, 1956
European Trip, 1955
European Trip, 1957
Expenses, 1955-56 (1)-(2)
Expenses, 1957-58
F, 1955-56 (1) [James F. Fitzgerald; nuclear energy; Fletcher Aviation Co., Grace Flor;
Lillian Forrest]
F, 1955-56 (2) [Rita Franks; Richard Freyberg; Harry Fromberg]
F, 1957-58 (1) [Forbes article on Atlas & Odlum; questionnaire on wealth from Fortune]
F, 1957-58 (2) [Rita Franks; French Legion of Honor; Richard Freyberg]
Frontenac, Paulette, 1953-58
34 G, 1955-56 (1) [Paul Garrett; General Dynamics; Bernard and Alva Gimbel; W. L.
Gleeson re: radio station]
G, 1955-56 (2) [Sam Goldwyn; Grand Central Art Galleries; Axel Gravem re: potential
for nuclear energy; Lawrence Green; Al Gruenther]
G, 1957-58 (1) [Francis Gabreski; Alfred Gaunt; General Dynamics; Sir Gerald Gibbs]
G, 1957-58 (2) [Grand Central Art Galleries; Al Gruenther]
Glaisher Bull Fight Film, 1953-57 [Torreo a Caballo or Bullfighting on Horseback]
Glaisher, Eric, 1955-56 [Odlum’s business interests in Spain; rain-making; Disney film
distribution in Spain; uranium deposits in Spain and Portugal]
Glaisher, Eric, 1957-58 [Odlum’s business interests in Spain; rain-making; Disney film
distribution in Spain; uranium deposits in Spain]
H, 1955-56 (1) [Mary Hanson; M. M. Hardin]
H, 1955-56 (2) [Harvard Observatory; Eastman Hatch; Tintic Standard Mining Company;
uranium mines in Utah]
H, 1955-56 (3) [John Hertz, Jr.; Soviet v. US potential economic growth]
H, 1955-56 (4) [Ben Howard; Airesearch kit to maximize DC-3 performance;
George H. Howard]
H, 1957-58 (1) [Wil & Mary Hanson; Lester Harrison; Eastman Hatch]
H, 1957-58 (2) [John Hertz, Jr.; John Hilton]
H, 1957-58 (3) [William Holmes; Ben Howard]
H, 1957-58 (4) [Hudson Celebration Committee; Edwina Hurley; John M. Hutchinson on
Air Force manpower utilization]
35 Hatch, L.Boyd, 1955-56
Hatch, L. Boyd, 1957
Hermann, E.T., (Hydroponic Farming), 1956
Hertz Foundation Fannie & John Hertz Engineering Scholarship, 1958 (1)-(2)
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1955-56 (1)-(3)
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1957-58 (1)-(2)
I, 1955-56 [1957 inauguration; Radu Irimescu]
I, 1957-58 [1957 inauguration; Sydney Inch; Institute of Medical Physics; Radu Irimescu]
Indian Commission, 1955-56 (1)-(6) [Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians]
36 Indian Commission Printed Matter, Maps, Data, 1955-56 (1)-(8) [Agua Caliente Band of
Mission Indians]
Indian Committee, 1957-58 [Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians]
Industrial Development Southern California, 1956
Industrial Development Southern California, 1957-58
J, 1955-56 [Robert H. Jackson; Louis A. Johnson; Lyndon Johnson]
37 J, 1957-58 [C. Bland Jamison; Louis A. Johnson; Lyndon Johnson]
Jacobs Chair (1)-(4) [mining company]
K, 1955-56 [J. F. Kapnek re: uranium prospecting in Southern Rhodesia; Rev. James
Keller; Alan Kirk; Irving Krick re: weather control]
K, 1957-58 (1) Herman H. Kahn; J. F. Kapnek; Homer King, Alan Kirk]
K, 1957-58 (2) [KIVA television station in El Centro, California]
K, 1957-58 (3) [Geoffrey Knight; Irving Krick re: weather control & space age
L, 1955-56 (1) [Thomas G. Lanphier, Jr.; General Dynamics; Mary Lasker; Jesse Lasky
and The Big Brass Band]
L, 1955-56 (2) [Leslie M. LeCron; Robert Lehman; Lehman Brothers business outlook
for 1955; George Leisure; Little Ajo mining company; G. M. Loeb]
L, 1955-56 (3) [Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Randy Lovelace; Rene Lucien;
George Lusk]
L, 1957-58 (1) [Thomas G. Lanphier, Jr.; promotion of Convair in Spain and Italy]
L, 1957-58 (2) [Kay Lawrence; William Lear; Leslie M. LeCron; Curtis LeMay]
L, 1957-58 (3) [Randy Lovelace & family; Rene Lucien; uranium ore]
38 Lodestar, 1955-56 [flights and expenses for this plane]
Lodestar, 1957-58 [flights and expenses for this plane]
Lovelace Foundation, 1955-56 (1)-(5) [medical education and research; nuclear
medicine research]
Lovelace Foundation, 1957-58 (1)-(3) [medical education and research; nuclear
medicine research; health effects of atomic tests; Air Force research; New Mexico
Research Institute]
Mc, 1955-56 [Barbara McQuarrie]
Mc, 1957-58 [Hilton H. McCabe; Rev. C. A. McClain; Tex McCrary]
McQuarrie, Rulon, 1957-58
McQuarrie, Rulon Notes to HMO Securities
39 M, 1955-56 (1) [Valentin Mandelstamm; Enid Markey; Freda Marshall]
M, 1955-56 (2) [Donald Menzel; Methodist church; Leland W. Miller]
M, 1957-58 (1) [Harry Maizlish; Freda Marshall]
M, 1957-58 (2) [Joseph Mathews’ sketch of Odlum; Mitchell Melich on uranium
industry and non-military uses; Methodist church]
M, 1957-58 (3) [Beryl Meyers; uranium milling; Eugene D. Millikin; Asian Assembly for
Moral Rearmament]
M, 1957-58 (4) [Opperman Motocart; limestone deposits near Indio]
Menninger Foundation, 1955-56
Moore & Schley Carey Trust, 1955-56
Moore & Schley Carey Trust, 1957-58
Moore & Schley De Sonchen, Rosa 1955-56
Moore & Schley De Sonchen, Rosa 1957-58
Moore & Schley Fromberg, Harry G., 1955-56
Moore & Schley Fromberg, Harry G., 1957-58
Moore & Schley Lovelace Doctors, 1955-56 (1)
40 Moore & Schley Lovelace Doctors, 1955-56 (2)-(3)
Moore & Schley Lovelace Doctors, 1957-58 (1)-(4)
Moore & Schley Markey, Enid, 1955-1956
Moore & Schley Miscellaneous, 1955-56
Moore & Schley Miscellaneous, 1957-58
Moore & Schley Nash, Slade, 1958
Moral Rearmament, 1955
N, 1955-56 [Peter R. Nehemkis re: subscription television; New Mexico & Arizona Land
Company; Gyra vibrating mattress like President Eisenhower’s; Norman C. Norman]
N, 1957-58 [National Aviation Club; William Neblett on defense spending; Ginger
Neveau; Lyle Newcomer; Norman C. Norman; Northland College]
National Aero Club, 1955-56 (1)-(2) [National Aeronautic Association]
41 National Aero Club, 1957-58 [National Aeronautic Association]
Nomad Productions, Inc., 1955-56 (1)-(5) [Production budget for Flamenca (released as
Spanish Affair); advice on film production; co-production agreement; American film
production in Spain; pre-production financing; proposed projects; reference material
from 1953-55 on co-production]
Nomad Productions, Inc.,1957-58 [monthly expenses; distribution of Flamenca now
called Spanish Affair; proposed project The Informer]
Nomad Productions, Inc.- Bruce Odlum, 1955 [Hotel Manana, unproduced screenplay
by Ken Englund]
Nomad Productions, Inc. Bruce Odlum, 1956 (1)-(4) [Flamenca (released as Spanish
Affair); distribution of Disney movies in Spain; financing the film]
42 Nomad Productions, Inc. Bruce Odlum, 1956 (5)-(6) [planning for Flamenca;
distribution of Disney movies in Spain; proposed The Charley Steen Story]
Northeast Airlines, 1955-56
Northeast Airlines, 1957-58
O, 1955-56 [Merle Oberon; various Odlum family members]
O, 1957-58 (1)-(2) [various Odlum family members; Harold Orlob]
FBO Birthday, 1955
FBO Birthday, 1956
FBO Birthday, 1957
FBO Birthday, 1958
FBO Donations, 1957-58
FBO Family, 1957-58 [family history]
FBO Hospital, 1957-58 (1)-(2)
43 FBO Hospital, 1957-58 (3)
FBO Insurance, 1955-56
FBO Insurance, 1957-58
FBO Medical Insurance, 1957-1958
FBO Pictures, 1955
FBO Photographs, 1957
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Bank Accounts & Statements, 1955-56
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Bank Accounts & Statements, 1957-58
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1955-56 (1)-(4)
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1957-58 (1)-(3)
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Miscellaneous, 1955-56
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Miscellaneous, 1957-58
44 Odlum, Arnold (& Helen), 1957-1958 (1)-(3)
Odlum Family Tree
Odlum, Laura, 1955-56
Odlum, Laura, 1957-58 [includes 1914 letter from FBO to Laura Odlum re: the
beginning of his career in Salt Lake City]
Odlum, Lynn
Odlum, Stanley A., Estate of, 1957-58 (1)-(3)
Odlum, Victor, 1955-56
Odlum, Victor, 1957-58
P, 1955-56 (1) [Vivian Pantages; Margaret Patterson; Richard C. Patterson, Jr.; William
P, 1955-56 (2) [Lida Piazza; Vernon Pick]
P, 1957-58 (1) [Vivian Pantages; Richard C. Patterson, Jr.]
P, 1957-58 (2) [Lida Piazza; Portsmouth Steel Corporation]
45 Pakistan [potential for oil and gas production; background on Dalip Singh Saud]
Pesetas, 1952-57 (1)-(4) [financing business ventures in Spain]
Pesetas, 1958 (1)-(3) [financing business ventures in Spain]
Pesetas, 1950-1956 FBO and JC Withdrawals (1)-(3)
Psychic Phenomena, 1957-1958 (1)-(2) [George L. Weber; Julius Weinberger; J. B.
Rhine of the Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University]
Q, 1955-56 [Donald Quarles; Clayton Quaw]
Q, 1957-58 [Donald Quarles]
46 R, 1955-56 (1) [Richard Rankin; Peter Rathvon; Dora Reece; Helen Reed; Winifred and
Stanley Reed]
R, 1955-56 (2) [Republicans]
R, 1955-56 (3) [Hortense and Eileen Riley; River House; Rodeo Ben, the tailor;
Heinz Rollman; Merritt Ruddock; Carlo Ruggieri; Rosalind Russell]
R, 1957-58 (1) [shut down of RKO; Richard Rankin; Peter Rathvon; George Redston re:
Constitution Party and anti-Communism]
R, 1957-58 (2) [Stanley Reed; Thomas Rees; Myron Reynolds re: Arkansas diamond
mining; Peter Rhodes]
R, 1957-58 (3) [Hortense and Eileen Riley; Raymond Rinderhagen]
R, 1957-58 (4) [Nicholas Rivero; Duncan E. Roark; W. C. Rockefeller; Rodeo Ben;
Otto D. Rohlfe, Jr.]
R, 1957-58 (5) [Marvin M. Rosen; Carlo Ruggieri re: distribution of Italian films in US
and American films in Italy]
Ranch, 1955-56 (1)-(5) [ranch, farm and golf course operations]
47 Ranch, 1957-58 (1)-(5) [ranch, farm and golf course operations]
Republicans, 1957-58 [various California races; Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon;
Benjamin Javits]
River House
S, 1955-56 (1) [St. Louis Rocky Mountain Coal Corporation; Antonio Sartorius;
Melvin Sawin; Sol Schwartz]
S, 1955-56 (2) [Broadway play Shangri La; George H. Shaw; Pierre Sicard;
Upton Sinclair]
S, 1955-56 (3) [Spyros Skouras; Dale Snow; Ellen Southbrook; Carl Spaatz; Chauncey
Starr; Robert L. Stearns; Arnold Steele; Stuart Symington]
S, 1957-58 (1) [project to evaluate the mineral content of the Salton Sea; Claudine
Sartorius; Sol Schwartz; Servel, Inc.; Pierre Sicard]
S, 1957-58 (2) [Zelma Smith; Robert L. Stearns; Arnold Steele]
S, 1957-58 (3) [Thomas E. Stephens; H. Guyford Stever and the Ad Hoc Committee on
Research and Development (Stever Committee)]
S, 1957-58 (4) [David Stretch on special situation investment; Stuart Symington]
Spain Miscellaneous, 1955-56 [potential for uranium mining; Barcelona Traction,
Power and Light Company]
Spain Miscellaneous, 1957 [termination of weather modification operations]
48 Spain Rain, 1955-56 (1)-(3) [termination of weather modification]
Spain Rain, 1957-58 [termination of weather modification operations]
Steele, Marguerite & Leslie, 1955-56
Steele, Marguerite & Leslie, 1957-58
Summerson, E.P., 1951-1958 [Eugene P. Summerson, Jr.]
T, 1955-56 [Harold Talbot; N. Taradash on uranium mine; Edward Teller as consultant to
Atlas; George Train; Gene Tunney]
T, 1957-58 (1) [taxes; telescope donated to Coachella Valley High School; Edward F.
Terrar, Jr.]
T, 1957-58 (2) [Thunderbird Ranch and Trading Post, Chinle, AZ; George F. Train; Gus
Turbeville of Northland College; Walter Turnbull]
Teller, Dr. Edward, 1957-58 [consultant to Atlas; uses for atomic energy]
Theatricals, 1956 [Financial statements re: Broadway plays Wonderful Town,
Damn Yankees, and Pajama Game]
Triple B Productions, 1957-58 [KIVA television, Yuma, AZ; Calexico Chronicle,
Calexico, CA]
U, 1955-56
U, 1957-58
V, 1955-56 [Gladys Vandenburg; Vermont Academy; Walter Verner & uranium mine;
Eugene Vidal; Theodore von Karman]
V, 1957-58 [Gladys Vandenburg; visit of Ngo Dinh Diem to St. Patrick’s Cathedral;
Theodore von Karman]
49 W, 1955-56 (1) [Wasatch Corporation; Helen Watts re: George Sementovsky;
Sidney Weinberg; Julius Weinberger re: psychic research; Edwin Weisl]
W, 1955-56 (2) [Arthur Wiesenberger; Mabel Willebrandt; Ray E. Wimber]
W, 1955-56 (3) [Robert E. Wood; Billy Woods; Hortense Wordeman]
W, 1957-58 (1) [Leon Watters; Helen Watts re: George Sementovsky;
G. L. Weber re: his book on psychic phenomena]
W, 1957-58 (2) [Sidney Weinberg; Julius Weinberger re: psychic research;
Edwin Weisl re: missile contracts; pitch to invest in production of West Side Story]
W, 1957-58 (3) [Mabel Willebrandt; Wilshire Terrace]
W, 1957-58 (4) [Ray E. Wimber; Bernice Woodard; Maurine and Billy Woods;
Hortense Wordeman]
Y, 1955-56 [Mildred Yount]
Y, 1957-58 [Chuck Yeager; John D. Young re: Convocation on Science and Religion in
Space; Yong inquiries about buying a CA newspaper; Mildred Yount]
Z, 1955-56 [Father Zemonic]
Z, 1957-58 [Samuel Zemurray]
General Correspondence , 1959-62 Files
A, 1959-1962 (1) [Sherman Adams; Aga Khan; Air Force Academy; “Educating Cadets for
the Aerospace Age]
A, 1959-1962 (2) [Air Force Association; 1959 AFA National Convention and Aerospace
Panorama; George E. Allen]
A, 1959-1962 (3) [Ellsworth Alvord; American-Hawaii Steamship Co.; Armando Ascenzi;
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies; Astronautical Foundation]
Aerospace Education Foundation (and predecessor Space Education Foundation),
1958-1962 (1)-(2)
African Project, 1959-1961 [medical treatment & Africa Research Foundation]
50 Air Force Aid Society, 1959-60 (1)-(5)
Air Force Aid Society, 1961-62 (1)-(5)
Applications for Employment, 1960-61
Atlas Corporation, 1959-62 (1)-(5)
51 Atlas Corporation Retirement Plan, 1959-60 (1)-(2)
Atlas Utilities & Investors Company, 1955-60 (1)-(4)
Automobile Chauffeur, 1960-62
Atomic Energy, Peaceful Uses and Costs, 1961-62
B, 1959-62 (1) [George C. “Bob” Bales; fundraising-Multiple Sclerosis Society;
official Air Force report on the death of Captain Colin Kelly on 12/10/41]
B, 1959-62 (2) [Pedro Baridon; Margaret Bateman re: family memorabilia;
Merritt Baum; Louis Bayo & language instruction films]
B, 1959-62 (3) [Reta Beery; Earl Behrens; Bill Bender; Bob Bixler]
B, 1959-62 (4) [Boy Scouts; Edwin Bransome; Glen Brewer; speech by Ernest Wilkinson
on history of free enterprise; Frederick Brisson and Rosalind Russell; Harry Butcher;
Dennis “Pete” Byrd]
Barbour, Mary (Estate of), 1959
Bruno, Harry, 1959-62
C, 1959-62 (1) [Tom Camancho; Camp Fire Girls; Carey Ranch]
52 C, 1959-62 (2) [Pierre Cartier; visit from Prince Victor Emmanuel of Italy (traveling as
Victor de Sarre); Chrysler Corporation; Bernard Coggan]
C, 1959-62 (3) [Raphael Comparone seeking investment advice 1955-1962; article from
The Mines Magazine on Atlas and uranium mining]
C, 1959-62 (4) [James C. Cook; brochure for the World Life Research Institute;
Albert M. Cooke; Dudley Cornell; Council on Islamic Affairs]
C, 1959-62 (5) [Stuart Craig; patent application for “Method for Production of and
Devices Employing Gravitationally Anomalous Materials”; G. Bowdoin Craighill, Jr.;
Victor L. Crowell; suggested use of caves for storing nuclear waste]
Calasbestos, 1961-62 [Odlum mistakenly included among defendants in law suit
over mining claim]
Carlton Company, Ltd., 1958-59
Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation, 1959-62 (1)-(2) [article on London-Australia air race in
1934; women in the space program; Jerrie Cobb; plans for record flight in F-106; flights
in T-38]
Cochran, Jacqueline Book, 1958-59 [Spanish edition of Stars at Noon]
Cochran, Jacqueline Miscellaneous, 1959-62 (1)-(2) [general correspondence;
biographical sketch; 1959 trip to F.A.I. conference in Russia with Chuck Yeager;
observations on Russia, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria]
Cochran, Jacqueline Political, 1959-62 [state and national politics; analysis of
H.R. 4222 (Health Benefits Act of 1961)]
53 D, 1959-62 (1) [Ned Depinet re: Howard Hughes; Prince Victor Emmanuel of Italy
(traveling as Victor de Sarre)]
D, 1959-62 (2) [Georges de Sonchen; Defense Orientation Conference Association;
Thomas Dodd’s 5/12/60 speech on nuclear test ban]
D, 1959-62 (3) [Marie Doerr; James Doolittle speech on national priorities; Edward
Disney, Walter, 1958-61 [Odlum stepping from Disney Board of Directors; distribution
of Disney films in Spain. Correspondence is with Walt Disney Productions and not with
Walt Disney himself.]
E, 1959-62 (1) [Mariner Eccles; Dawn Edwards; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Edgar and Lucy
E, 1959-62 (2) [Victor Emmanuel re: sale of Avco’s company plane, a Learstar;
Marie Eubank and family; Frank Everest]
Electro Investors Butcher Settlement, 1960-61
European Trip, 1960
Expenses, 1959-62 (1)-(3)
F, 1959-62 (1) [Fall River Mining Company in Colorado; Kay Lawrence Farris;
Edward R. Farley, Jr.; Fat Cats Uranium Association; Lillian Flaxman re: proposed
public land purchase]
54 F, 1959-62 (2) [Jack G. and Lillian Forrest; Gene Fowler; Rita Franks; Free Enterprise
Award; French Legion of Honor Society]
F, 1959-62 (3) [Richard Freyberg]
Federal Uranium, 1959-61 (1)-(5) [Federal Resources Corporation; uranium, beryllium
and silver mining; documents dating back to 1955]
Federal Resources Corporation, 1962 (1)-(4) [uranium, beryllium, silver, gold mining]
Federal Letters of Congratulation, 1961
55 Federal Merger Proposals, 1962 (1)-(2) [Federal Resources Corporation]
Federal Mid Year Report, February 1962 [Federal Resources Corporation]
Federal Sales & Investment Letters, December 1961 [Federal Resources
G, 1959-61 (1) [Francis Gabreski re: Fall River Mining Co.; gallium in the Salton Sea;
Bertin Gamble]
G, 1959-61 (2) [George Gardner; Garrett Corporation; General Dynamics; Gerald Gibbs,
“The Development of Defence in NATO’s Second Decade”; Barney Giles; Bernard
Gimbel; Blanca Glaisher; Barry Goldwater]
G, 1959-61 (3) [Samuel Goldwyn; Grand Central Art Galleries]
G, 1959-61 (4) [Axel Gravem on taxation; H. Franklin Gregory, Midwestern Instruments;
Al Gruenther; Alfredo Guarini re: producing English-language films in Italy]
Glaisher, Eric, 1959-61 [sale of airplanes to International Air in Spain; investments with
Federal Resources Corporation; Guidance Technology, Inc.]
H, 1959-61 (1) [Sally Drew Hall estate; P. W. Hall; Mary Hanson]
H, 1959-61 (2) [Dorothy Hardy re: silver ore from Sunshine Mine; William Harris re:
Laidlaw & Co.; Lester Harrison; Anne Hatch; Eastman Hatch; Waldo Hatch]
H, 1959-61 (3) [John D. Hertz & family; Lister Hill; Hillsdale College; John Hilton re:
desert painters; Erwin Hoenes]
H, 1959-61 (4) [Paul Hoffman; William Holmes Estate]
H, 1959-61 (5) [Stanley Holtoner; R. A. Hoover; Frederick W. Hornbruch, Jr.;
Ben Howard & Northeast Airlines; George H. Howard]
56 Hertz Foundation, 1959 (1)-(6) [Fannie and John Hertz Engineering Scholarship
Hertz Foundation, 1960 (1)-(7) [Fannie and John Hertz Engineering Scholarship
57 Hertz Foundation, 1960 (8) [Fannie and John Hertz Engineering Scholarship
Hertz Foundation, 1961 (1)-(2) [Fannie and John Hertz Engineering Scholarship
Hertz Foundation, 1962 (1)-(5) [Fannie and John Hertz Engineering Scholarship
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1958-1962 (1)-(3)
Hertz Foundation, Scholarship Sponsor Agreement, 1959
Hertz Foundation 1959-60 Selections (1)-(3)
58 Hertz Foundation 1961-62 Selections (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation 1962 Selections, Renewals Bay Area (1)-(5)
Hidden Splendor, 1959-1962 (1)-(3) [mining company]
Hughes Papers, 1956-1962 (1) [CAB decision on Northwest Airlines Florida route; Noah
Dietrich attempt to contact Hughes; TWA suit against Hughes & Hughes Tool Co.]
Hughes Papers, 1956-1962 (2) [preference of Convair over Boeing; TWA threat suit
against Hughes Tool Co.; General Dynamics; Civil Aeronautics Board; TWA financing;
Convair aircraft]
Hughes Papers, 1956-1962 (3) [TWA financial matters; Civil Aeronautics Board;
Convair jet aircraft commitment to Hughes Tool Company and TWA]
Hughes Papers, 1956-1962 (4) [TWA stock; series of events that led Odlum to leave
Atlas and join Hughes; letter to Hughes about employment arrangements; retirement
announcement for Atlas shareholders]
Hughes Papers, 1956-1962 (5) [draft retirement announcement for Atlas shareholders;
confirmation of new business relationship]
Hughes Papers, 1956-1962 (6) [employment agreement; Northeast Airlines; description
of his friendship with Howard Hughes]
59 Hutson Patents, 1959-1960 (1)-(3) [sale of Hutson patents]
I, 1959-1962 [George Ibarra; the film Immortal City; Hilton H. McCabe; inflation; Radu
Irimescu re: visit to Hughes Tool Co. Aircraft Division; Jacques Istel]
Investment Services Stock Report, 1960-61
J, 1959-1962 [C. Bland Jamison; Eliot Janeway re: uranium; Madeline Jenkins;
Leon Johnson; Lyndon Johnson]
K, 1959-1962 (1) [Herman Kahn of Lehman Brothers; James F. Kapnek;
Eleanor Kaspar; Diana Kiel]
K, 1959-1962 (2) [Ann Wood Kelly re: Northeast Airlines; James S. Kemper;
Olga Kersteiner; A. Payne Kibbe; Homer King]
K, 1959-1962 (3) [Louis Kipnis; Henry Kissinger; Vivian Koerner; Soviet Deputy Premier
Frol Kozlov]
K, 1959-1962 (4) [Irving Krick re: automated long-range weather forecasting and
weather modification; Gen. Laurence Kuter]
L, 1959-1962 (1) [Paula Landgren; A. A. Lane re: resignation from Northeast Airlines;
Thomas G. Lanphier, Jr. speeches on national defense, comments on Convair and the
missile gap, Congressional testimony on employment of retired military in defense
L, 1959-1962 (2) [Mary Lasker re: medical research; Kay Lawrence, Mervyn LeRoy;
Sol Lesser]
L, 1959-1962 (3) [Blanche Loeb; Randy Lovelace and family; George Lusk]
Lanphier, Thomas G. Jr. Check in Default, 1962
Lodestar, 1959-1962 [expenses for this plane]
60 Lodestar Agreement, 1960
Lodestar Invoices, 1960-61
Lodestar Logs, 1959-60
Lovelace Foundation, 1959-60 (1)-(2) [construction of new building; research for AEC
on the risks of inhaling radioactive materials; medical education and research; Eurotom]
Lovelace Foundation, 1961-62 (1)-(2) [medical education and research; fingerprint study
of a set of twins]
Mc, 1959-62 (1) [Hilton McCabe; Mary Jane McCaffree re: DDE settling in at Cochran-
Odlum ranch; Marian McCarter; Rev. Charles A. McClain, Jr.]
Mc, 1959-62 (2) [Tex McCrary; William F. McKee; Margaret “Peggy” McMahon]
M, 1959-60 (1) [H. E. “Tony” Mahlman re: proposed book about international aircraft
records; George Malone testimonial dinner; Tony Marimon; Enid Markey; Freda
Marshall; George H. Marshall III; Richard Martin re: Babb Co.]
M, 1959-62 (2) [“Hypnosis in Juvenile Delinquency” by Norman Mellor; Donald Menzel
& Harvard Observatory; Methodists; “Pensions in the Methodist Church”, January 1959;
Beryl Meyers]
M, 1959-62 (3) [A. A. Michaud of Isotopes Specialties Co.; Edward Michelson re: book
on Atlas missile program; Harold R. Miller; Leland W. Miller; Gene Millikin]
M, 1959-62 (4) [James Mitchell; Olive Mix (3rd wife of Tom Mix); Barbara Monroe
(formerly Barbara Kent Edington); Ray Foote Purdy re: Moral Rearmament; Thomas
Mullan re: calcium carbonate & Hidden Splendor; Buell Mullen]
Manningford Furniture - Correspondence, 1959-62 [Manningford Estates & the property
of George Odlum at Fairfield House, Pewsey, Wiltshire, UK, copies of correspondence
dating back to 1927]
61 Manningford Furniture, 1959-66 (1)-(5) [estate and the property of George Odlum]
Manningford Furniture Porcelain,1961 [George Odlum’s porcelain and Asian antiques]
Moore & Schley De Sonchen, 1958-61
Moore & Schley Miscellaneous, 1959-62
Moore & Schley Slade Nash, 1958-60
N, 1959-62 [Slade Nash; Ginger Neveau; Newspaperboys Hall of Fame; Richard Nixon;
Norman C. Norman on the economy & international banking; Northland College; John
Northrup; J. Geoffrey Notman]
National Aeronautic Association, 1959-62 (1)-(5)
Nomad Productions, Inc., 1959-62 [ownership & distribution of Spanish Affair]
62 Northeast Airlines, 1959-62 (1)-(7) [includes Howard Hughes law suit; financing;
proposed acquisition and affiliation arrangements with other airlines]
O, 1959-62 [Oil Shale Corporation; Harold Orlob]
Odlum, Bruce W., 1957-62
FBO Banks, 1959-62
FBO Birthday, 1959-61 (1)-(2)
FBO Birthday, 1962
63 FBO Donations, 1958-62
FBO Hobbies, 1961-62
FBO Insurance, 1959-62 (1)-(2) [correspondence re: insurance dating to 1938]
FBO Letters to Stockholders, Employees, 1960
FBO Manufacturers Hanover, Notes to, 1962
FBO Manufacturers Hanover Statements, 1962
FBO Medical, 1959
FBO Office Move, 1961 (Furniture, Files, Pictures, etc.)
FBO Retirement (1)-(4)
FBO Retirement Fund Account, 1951-1960
FBO Securities, 1959-62 (1)-(2)
FBO Taxes (1)-(3)
FBO Will
64 Odlum-Cochran Foundation Bank Account & Statement, 1959-62 (1)-(2)
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1959-62 (1)-(4)
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Miscellaneous, 1959-62
Odlum, Helen, 1959-62
Odlum, Hortense, 1959-62
Odlum, Laura, 1959-60
Odlum, Lynn, 1959-62
Odlum, Stanley, Jr., 1959-62 (1)-(4)
65 Odlum, Stanley, Jr., 1959-62 (5)-(6)
Odlum, Stanley A. Estate, 1959-62
Odlum, Stanley A. Estate of, Bank Statements, 1962
Odlum, Victor, 1959-62
Odlum Family, 1959-62 (1)-(2)
Odlum Guardian Accounts, Lynn & Stanley Jr., 1959-62 (1)-(4)
Olmazu, Elena, 1959-60
Operation Coachella, 1960-62 (1)-(2) [housing development in Coachella Valley]
P, 1959-62 (1) [Rodney and Vivian Pantages; Margaret Patterson]
P, 1959-62 (2) [Richard C. Patterson]
P, 1959-62 (3) [John Phillips; Jacques Piccard; Virgil Pinkley; Roger & Josette
Painters of the Southwest, 1962
66 Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, 1958-1959 (1) [“Civilian Nuclear Power: Report by the
Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Reactor Policies and Programs”]
Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, 1958-1959 (2) [financial and uranium ore production
reports; October, 1958 Forum Memo to Members of the Atomic Industrial Forum]
Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, 1958-1959 (3) [reports from the 2nd UN International
Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy; “The Future of Uranium by FBO;
report to Atlas Corp. shareholders on the 1955 Geneva Conference on atomic energy]
Drew Pearson Column, March 9, 1962 [re: Atlas missile program]
Pesetas, 1959-1961 (1)-(3) [financing business ventures in Spain]
Piazza, Lida, 1959-1962 (1)-(2)
Porter, Sylvia Guest Column New York Post, 1960
Proposals Plays, Musicals, etc., 1959-1960
Proposals Real Estate and Business, 1959-1962 (1)-(4) [includes residential, resort and
recreational development; mining; publishing; medical innovations; aviation; investment
firms; dams for hydroelectric power; hotel development & other business propositions]
Proposals Sale of Books, Paintings, Art Objects, etc., 1959-1961
Psychic Phenomena, 1959-1962
Q, 1959-1962 [Mrs. Donald Quarles]
67 R, 1959-1962 (1) [Peter Rathvon; George Redston re: fighting Communism, Cuba and
Latin America]
R, 1959-1962 (2) [Dora Reece; Helen Reed; John A. Reed & family; Nina Ricci, Inc.]
R, 1959-1962 (3)-(4) [Eileen & Hortense Riley]
R, 1959-1962 (5) [Sharon Risk; Rodeo Ben; Otto D. Rohlfs, Jr.; Heinz Rollman;
Ned Root & Exhibit Circuits, Inc.; Count de Ruisenada; Ray Ryan]
Radorock Resources, 1959 [uranium mining company]
Ranch 1959-60 (1)-(5) [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus)]
Ranch, 1961-62 (1)-(2) [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus)]
68 Ranch, 1961-62 (3)-(4) [ranch operations: mainly dates & citrus]
Ranch Development, 1959
Receipts Insurance, 1959-1962
Receipts Miscellaneous, 1959-60 (1)-(2)
Receipts Miscellaneous, 1961-62
Republicans, 1959-1962 [Barry Goldwater; James P. Mitchell; Volunteers for Nixon-
Lodge; 1960 Presidential campaign; fundraising drives]
River House, 1959-1962
S, 1959-1962 (1) [Salton Sea mining claim; Henry R. Schisler; Father Sebastian of
Catholic University]
S, 1959-1962 (2) [Flo Shaw; Gust Siamis; flight science course for elementary schools;
Science of Flight Symposium; Pierre Sicard; Frank Sinclair; William Sipprell;
Hamilton K. Smith]
S, 1959-1962 (3) [Yvonne Smith; Zelma Smith; Standard Metals annual report; Amy
Stearns; Robert L. Stearns; Arnold Steele]
S, 1959-1962 (4) [George Steele re: computers in industrial & military automation;
Thomas Stephens; Evelyn Stickler]
S, 1959-1962 (5) [John R. Stirrett; article from The Reporter: “The Growing Missile Gap”;
Vila Strauss; David Stretch; Swiss Jewel Company; E. P. Summerson; Stuart Symington]
Salt Lake City Trip, May 1-5, 1961
Spanish Lessons, 1959
69 Steele, Marguerite, 1959-1962
Subscriptions, Books, Magazines, etc., 1961-1962
T, 1959-1962 (1) [Mary Talty; Edward Teller; C. J. Tevlin re: movie about Simon Bolivar;
Lowell Thomas]
T, 1959-1962 (2) [George Train; Gus Turberville re: Peter Hurkos & psychometry and
psychic research; Walter Turnbull]
Telescope, 1951-59
Titeflex, 1960
Together Magazine Article, 1960-61 [“I Return to Religion”]
U, 1959-1962 [United Nations Committee of the City of New York]
University of Colorado, 1961
V, 1959-1962 (1) [Gladys Vandenburg; William van den Heuvel]
V, 1959-1962 (2) [Vermont Academy; Eugene Vidal; Soma Vira]
W, 1959-1962 (1) [Robert F. Wagner; J. Miller Walker; Ted Walkowicz; James Walsh;
Frank Wangeman; Virginia Waring (wife of Fred Waring); Sidney Weinberg; prospectus
for Wellco Ro-Search Industries (a shoe manufacturer); Cyrus C. Wells re: Eugene
W, 1959-1962 (2) [Evelyn Wheeler; Byron White; Thomas White re: job at Hughes Tool
Co.; National Wilderness Preservation System Act]
W, 1959-1962 (3) [E. C. Willis & solar energy; Charles E. Wilson; Ray Wimber;
Iris Woolcock; H. Dudley Wright & Endevco Corp.; Loyd Wright]
Willebrandt, Mabel, 1959-1962
Y, 1959-1962 [Chuck Yeager; John D. Young; Mildred Yount]
Z, 1959-1962 [Samuel Zemurray]
General Correspondence Series, 1963-64 Files
70 A, 1963-64 [Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society; Aerospace Education Foundation;
Ed Ainsworth re: article for McCalls; Air Force Association; Air Force Ball;
George E. Allen; James Allen; Armando Ascenzi]
Air Force Aid Society, 1963-64 (1)-(2)
Applications for Employment, 1963-64
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, 1963 (1)-(7)
71 Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, 1964 (1)-(7) [name changed to The Arthritis
Foundation in 1964]
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Board of Directors and Executive Committee
Meeting, March 14, 1964
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Board of Directors and Executive Committee
Meeting, October 4, 1964
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Booz, Allen, & Hamilton Report
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: By-Laws, Standards, 1963-64 (1)-(2)
72 Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Financial, 1963-64 (1)-(3)
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Lists, 1963-64
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Minutes, 1963 (1)-(3)
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Minutes, 1964
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: National Foundation American Rheumatism
Association, 1963-64 (1)-(2) [merging into one national foundation]
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Personnel, 1963-64 (1)
73 Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Personnel, 1963-64 (2)-(5)
Atlas Corporation, 1963-64
B, 1963-64 (1) [George C. (Bob) Bales; Nutrition of the World; Mary Barbour estate;
McKenzie Red Lake Gold Mines in Ontario; Odlum genealogy]
B, 1963-64 (2) [Alfred Bergman; Blue Ridge Corporation; Albert Boyd; Boy Scouts;
Virgil Pinkley and DDE; Frederick Brisson; stage production of Alfie; Rosalind Russell;
(Lillian) Rusty Brown; Herbert Brownell]
Baird Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1963-64 [Baird Foundations]
Baird & Company, 1963-64
Baird Foundation Debenture Donations, 1962-65
Bell Intercontinental-Atlas Agreements, 1964 [
Blythe, P.R., re: GTI, 1960-1963 (1)-(3) [Percy R. Blythe; Guidance Technology, Inc.]
Bruno, Harry, 1963-64
C, 1963-64 [Lavon Cannon; William F. Carey, Jr.; Pierre Cartier; Raphael Comparone;
Mary T. Cooke]
74 Christmas, 1963 (1)-(2)
Christmas, 1964
Clubs, 1963-64
Cochran, Jacqueline Air Force Village, 1964 [proposed facility for Air Force retirees
and widows]
Cochran, Jacqueline Article, 1962-63 (1)-(2) [women in space]
Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation, 1963-64 [FAI; jet speed records; congressional
testimony re: Jackie’s speed records]
Cochran, Jacqueline Miscellaneous, 1963-64
Cochran, Jacqueline Political, 1963-64
D, 1963-64 [Desert Southwest Art Gallery; Georges de Sonchen; W. Rodney DeVilliers
law suit; R. C. Douglas, Jr.]
E, 1963-64 [Jo Edwards King; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Lute Eldridge; Edward Elson;
Frank Everest]
Electro Investors, Inc. Loan from United California Bank, 1962-65
75 Electro Investors, Inc. Notes & Guarantee, 1959-64 (1)-(3)
Expenses, 1963-64
Apartment Expenses, 1962-63
Ranch Household Expenses, 1962-63
F, 1963-64 [Grace Flor; John G. Forrest; Thomas Freeman; Richard Freyberg]
Federal Resources Corporation Camp Bird, 1963-64 [gold, silver, copper, lead, and
zinc mining company]
Federal Resources Corporation Employment Agreement Option & Related
Matters, 1961-63
Federal Resources Corporation Financial Statements, Forecasts, 1963-64
Federal Resources Corporation General, 1963-64 (1)-(4)
76 Federal Resources Corporation General, 1963-64 (5)
Federal Resources Corporation Listing Application, Registration, 1963-64 (1)-
Federal Resources Corporation Little Squaw, 1963-64
Federal Resources Corporation Merger Proposals, 1962-64 (1)-(4)
Federal Resources Corporation Minutes, 1963-64
Federal Resources Corporation Stockholders Meeting, November 17, 1964
Furniture, Fixtures, etc., Disposition of, 1963-64 [also art, carpets, porcelain, etc.]
G, 1963-64 [George Gardner; Genisco; Barney Giles; Grand Central Art Galleries;
Alfred Gruenther]
Glaisher, Eric Commissions, 1962-63 [sale of aircraft in Spain]
77 Glaisher, Eric General, 1963-64 [Disney animated shorts in Spain]
Guidance Technology, Inc. General, 1963-64 (1)-(2)
Guidance Technology, Inc. Reorganization, 1963
H, 1963-64 [Wil Hanson; Lester Harrison; Eastman Hatch; Waldo Hatch; Hertz estate; J.
Stanley Holtoner; Mike Howard; Howard Hughes]
Hertz Award, 1964
Hertz Foundation Applications, 1963
Hertz Foundation Bay Area Program, 1963-64 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Forms, 1963-64 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation General, 1963-64 (1)-(3)
78 Hertz Foundation Meeting June 1, 1964
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1962-63
Hertz Foundation Policy Committee, 1962-63 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Releases, 1964
Hertz Foundation Reports, 1963-64 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Selections, 1963-64 (1)-(3)
Holmes Estate, Purchase JC, Inc., 1961-63
Housing New York, 1963-64 [move from River House to Waldorf Astoria]
I, 1963-64 [Radu Irimescu]
Invitations, 1963
79 Invitations, 1964 (1)-(3)
Inyo Mining Syndicate (Closing Papers), 1963
J, 1963-64 [Eliot Janeway; Benjamin Javits; Madeline Jenkins]
Johnston Ranch, 1962-64 [citrus and date orchards at Oswald Johnston ranch]
K, 1963-64 [James Kapnek; Diana Keil; Ann Wood Kelly]
L, 1963-64 [Paula Landgren; Blanche Loeb; Randy Lovelace & family]
Lanphier, Thomas G., 1962-63
Lester Ryons & Co. Brokerage Account, 1963
Lodestar, 1963-64 [flights and expenses for this plane]
Lovelace Foundation, 1963-64 [medical education and research]
Mc, 1963-64 [C. A. McClain, Jr.; William McKee; Floyd Steele re: automated
bomber control systems]
M, 1963-64 [Walker Mahurin; Tony Marimon re: golf course at the ranch; Enid Markey;
Mitchell Melich; William Menninger; Harold Miller re: stock certificate signed by
John Doud, Mamie Eisenhower’s father]
Moore & Schley re: Closing Accounts, 1962-63 [closing accounts managed for friends]
Moore & Schley Fromberg Statement, 1959-64
Moore & Schley General, 1963-64
Moore & Schley FBO Agent Account, 1963
80 Moore & Schley FBO Cash Account, 1963-64
Moore & Schley FBO Statements, 1963-64
Moore & Schley Lynn Odlum Regular, 1962-63
Moore & Schley Lynn Odlum Trust, 1963-64
Moore & Schley Stanley Odlum Trust, 1963-64
N, 1963-64 [Nina Ricci, Inc.; Norman C. Norman; Northland College; Northeast Airlines]
National Aeronautics Association National Aviation Center, 1963-64
National Society of Clinical Rheumatologists, 1963
New York World’s Fair, 1963-64
Nomad Productions, Inc. Correspondence, etc., 1963-64
Nomad Productions, Inc. Pesetas, 1961-63
O, 1963-64 [Oil Shale Corporation]
Odlum, Bruce, 1963-64
Odlum, Dorothy, 1963-64
FBO Accounts, 1962-63
FBO Birthday, 1963-64
FBO Insurance, 1963-64
FBO Investments, 1963-64
FBO Investments in Theatrical Productions, 1953-64 (1)-(4) [shows included: The Time
of the Barracudas, Under the Yum Yum Tree, The Gazebo, Five Finger Exercise, The
Pleasure of His Company, Damn Yankees, New Girl in Town, Pajama Game, Wonderful
Town, The Girl in Pink Tights]
FBO Theatrical Productions Statements, 1962-64
FBO Medical, 1963-64
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Bank, 1963-64
81 Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1963-64
Odlum-Cochran Foundation General, 1963-64
Odlum-Cochran Foundation 1964 Tax Returns and Data
Odlum, Helen, 1963-64
Odlum, Hortense, 1963-64
Odlum, Lynn, 1963-64
Odlum, Stanley A. Jr., 1963-64
Odlum Family, 1963-64
Olmazu, Elena, 1960-62
Operation Coachella. 1960-64 (1)-(3) [residential real estate development]
P, 1963-64
Piazza, Lida, 1963-64
Proposals Business, 1963-64 (1)-(2) [includes theater, mining, water resources
development, real estate, motion pictures, hydroelectric power, fertilizer, foreign
language education, newspaper, perpetual motion machine, horse breeding]
R, 1963-64 [Peter Rathvon; Dora Reece; Helen Reed, Stanley Reed, Tom Rees;
Marianne Richardson; Eileen Riley; Rodeo Ben]
82 Ranch, 1963-64 (1)-(4) [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus)]
Ranch Development and/or Sale, 1963-64
Redston, George, 1963 [Fight Communism]
Republicans, 1964 [Riverside County Republican Central Committee; request for
statement of support from Dwight D. Eisenhower; 1964 elections]
Requests for Contributions, 1963 (1)-(3)
Requests for Contributions, 1964
River House, 1963-64
S, 1963-64 (1) [Salk Institute; Gust Siamis re: science of flight education; Pierre Sicard;
Hamilton K. Smith; Wesley Smith; Zelma Smith]
S, 1963-64 (2) [Cardinal Spellman; Steele family; George Steele re: presenting
information about automated bombers to Gen. Lemay; David Stretch]
Seven Arts, 1964 [re: film Sammy Goes South]
Struthers Wells, 1963-64 [desalinization of sea water and nuclear power; annual
report for W. R. Grace, 1963]
83 Subscriptions, Books, etc., 1963-64
T, 1963-64 [Mary Talty; Edward Teller; Walter Turnbull]
Triple B Productions, 1963-64
University of Colorado, 1963-64
V, 1963-64
W, 1963-64 [Frank Wangeman; Edwin Weisl]
Waterdome, 1964 [desalinization of sea water]
X-Y-Z, 1963-64 [Chuck Yeager; Mildred Yount]
General Correspondence Series, 1965-66 Files
A, 1965-66 (1) [IBX project at Advanced Industry Technology; Air Force Association;
James Allen; Ben Alsop]
A, 1965-66 (2) [arthritis; Armando Ascenzi; Atomic Energy Commission report on raw
Air Force Aid Society, 1965-66 (1)-(2)
Air Transportation Association Aviation Committee, 1966
Arthritis Foundation, 1965 (1)-(7)
84 Arthritis Foundation, 1966 (1)-(6)
Arthritis Foundation Award Dinner, Beverly Hills Hotel, January 27, 1965
Arthritis Foundation Meeting, January, 1965 (1)-(3)
Atlas Corporation, 1965-66
B, 1965-66 (1) [George C. “Bob” Bales; Roy Batchler re: project to generate electricity
using ocean current; Greg Bautzer; John Beebe]
B, 1965-66 (2) [Don Belding]
85 B, 1965-66 (3) [Peg Benson; the Daughters of Mary and Joseph or the Blue Sisters;
Frederick Brisson; Harry Bruno; recap of Odlum’s work for the Office of Production
Management during WWII]
Baird, General, 1962-67 [David G. Baird; Baird Foundation]
Blalack & Wells, 1965-66
C, 1965-66 [Raphael Comparone; Lawrence Cooper re: Claremont College; Harold Cox
re: closing out the New York apartment; Stuart Craig; Crotched Mountain Foundation;
V. L. Crowell re: XIT Ranch; Genevieve Crowley]
Camp Fire Girls, 1965-66
Christmas, 1965-66
Clubs, 1965-66
Coachella Valley Economic Development Committee, 1965
Cochran, Jacqueline Air Force Village, 1965-66
Cochran, Jacqueline Aviation, 1965 [Lockheed F-104 speed record]
Cochran, Jacqueline Misc., 1965-66 [Northeast Airlines; health issues; SST
(super-sonic transport); travel; notes for book]
Cochran, Jacqueline Political, 1965
D, 1965-66 [Georges de Sonchen; Spot, FBO’s dog; R. C. Douglas, Jr.; Edward Dunlap]
E, 1965-66 (1) [Cecelia Edwards; Eisenhower College; Dwight D. Eisenhower]
E, 1965-66 (2) [Lute Eldridge; Edward Elson; William E. Eubank, Jr.; Frank K. Everest]
F, 1965-66 [Grace Flor; Lillian Forrest; Abe Fortas; Fortune; Bruce Fox; American Society
of the French Legion of Honor; Richard Freyberg]
Federal Resources Drafts of Report to Shareholders, 1966 [re: uranium & silver mining]
Federal Resources General, 1964-66 (1)-(4) [oil and gas; gold, uranium, silver, zinc,
copper, and lead mining; doing business in Canada; nuclear power plants]
86 Federal Resources Listing Application, 1965 (1)-(2)
Federal Resources Minutes, 1964-65
Furniture, Fine Arts, etc., 1965-66
G, 1965-66 [Sir Gerald Gibbs; Barney Giles]
Glaisher, Eric, 1965-66
H, 1965-66 [Paul Hammond; Hunter Harris; Lester Harrison re: mining; J. Eastman
Hatch; Waldo Hatch; Hillsdale College; John Hilton; Erwin Hoenes; Bob Hope]
Hertz A & B Trusts, Stoner Creek Corp., 1964-66 (1)-(3) [includes copy of 1932
trust agreement]
Hertz Award for Achievement, 1965 (1)-(4)
87 Hertz Award for Achievement, 1966 (1)-(3)
Hertz Fellowship Awards, 1965 (1)-(2)
Hertz Fellowship Awards, 1966
Hertz Foundation Bay Area Project, 1965-66 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation First Award Presented by the President, April 27, 1966
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1964-66 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Miscellaneous, 1965 (1)-(2)
88 Hertz Foundation Miscellaneous, 1966 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation 1965 Releases, Report on Operations (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation News Releases, 1966
Hertz Foundation Report of President, 1966
Hughes, Howard, 1965-66 [additional documents to 1954]
Hughes Settlement, 1964-66 (1)-(2) [FBO’s work for Howard Hughes; Hughes, TWA
and Northeast Airlines]
I, 1965-66 [Idarado Mining Company; Radu Irimescu]
Indio Water and Road Company, 1963
International AerOlympics, 1964-1966
Invitations, 1965-66 (1)-(3)
J, 1965-66 [Irene Jackson; Madeline Jenkins; Oswald and Cecelia Johnston]
K, 1965-66 [G. E. Karlen re: Agua Caliente band of Indians; Eleonora Kaspar;
George Kenney; Vivian Koerner]
89 L, 1965-66 (1) [Paula Landgren; Curtis LeMay and Lear Jet]
L, 1965-66 (2) [Lockheed Aircraft and Supersonic Transport; Blanche Loeb; D. K. Ludwig]
Lanphier, Thomas G., 1965 (1) [Pan Agua Corp. water purification process]
Lanphier, Thomas G., 1965 (2) [pitch for Cold War movie, V-et-V: A Fantasy in Real Time;
proposal for IBX (International Business Center)]
Lovelace Foundation Clinic, 1965-66 (1)-(2) [medical education and research]
Lovelace Foundation Randy Lovelace, 1965-66
Lovelace Foundation February 1965 Meeting (1)-(2)
M, 1965-66 (1) [Edgar Eisenhower, Manion Forum; Marco Polo Club; Enid Markey]
M, 1965-66 (2) [Mary Martin; Chuck Mau; Donald Menzel; Irving Miller]
Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., 1965
Moore & Schley Misc., 1965-66
Mc, 1965-66 (1) [Hilton H. McCabe; to William F. McKee re: Supersonic Transport]
Mc, 1965-66 (2) [entire folder relates to Rev. C. A. McClain]
N, 1965-66 [Northland College]
National Aviation Center, 1965-66
New York Worlds’ Fair, 1965-66 [financial statement; permanent site marker for Vatican
90 Northeast Airlines, 1965
O, 1965-66 [Hubert O’Neil, Jr.; Sir Berkely Ormerod]
Odlum, Bruce, 1965-66
FBO Birthday, Get Well Messages, 1965-66
FBO Financial Data as of May, 1965
FBO Insurance, 1965-66
FBO Investments in Theatrical Production Statements, 1965-66 [includes The Pajama
Game, Damn Yankees, The Gazebo, Five Finger Exercise, Under the Yum Yum Tree]
FBO Report to SEC re: Ownership Federal Resources, 1965-66
FBO Securities and Investments, 1965-66
Odlum, Hortense, 1966
Odlum Hortense 1963-64 Tax Returns, Moore & Schley Statements
Odlum, Lynn (Bischoff), 1965-66
Odlum, Stanley A. Jr., 1965-66
Odlums, Various, 1965-66 [correspondence with family members]
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1965-66
Odlum-Cochran Foundation General, 1965-66
Oil Shale, 1966
Operation Coachella, 1963-66 (1)-(2)
Operation Coachella Indio Water & Road Co., 1965
P, 1965-66 (1) [Dina Papana, daughter of Rumanian aviator Alexander Papana; Nancy
Patterson; Richard C. Patterson, Jr.]
P, 1965-66 (2) [Margaret Patterson; Daniel Pearson]
Proposals Business, 1965-66 (1)-(2) [types of businesses proposed include mining;
mineral processing; oil; real estate; entertainment industry; plastics; lighting; motion
pictures; soap; diamond dredging in British Guiana; local politicians; power from
ocean currents]
91 Proposals Fine Arts, Literature, etc., 1965
Piazza, Lida, 1965-66
Q, 1965-66 [Nona Quarles, women’s activities and the Federal Aviation Agency]
R, 1965-66 [George Redston re: organized crime; Hortense and Eileen Riley;
Jack A. Rogers]
Ranch, 1965-66 (1)-(3) [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus)]
Ranch Development or Sale, 1965-66
Reports Corporate, Misc., 1964-66 (1)-(2) [Communications Satellite Corp.; Tokheim
Corporation; Bowser, Inc.; Sterling Precision Corporation; American Export Isbrandtsen
Lines, Inc.; Electric Bond and Share Company]
Republicans, 1965-66 [local fund-raising dinners]
Requests for Contributions, 1965-66
S, 1965-66 (1) [Tom Sakai; Pierre Sicard; Mendel Silberberg; Peppy Sloane; Zelma Smith]
S, 1965-66 (2) [Steele family; Vila Strauss; David Stretch; E. P. Summerson]
Speech University of Redlands, February 16, 1965
Struthers Wells Corporation, 1965
Subscriptions, Books, etc., 1965-66
92 T, 1965-66 [Mary Talty; Television Industries, Inc.; Edward Teller; Lowell Thomas re:
World Exploration Center; Walter Turnbull; Joseph Tymczyszyn]
Tax Data, 1965-66
U, 1965-66 [University of Redlands]
University of Colorado, 1965-66
V, 1965-66
W, 1965-66 [Fred Waring; Ted Walkowicz; Sidney Weinberg; Edwin Weisl]
XIT Ranch, 1965-66 [V. L. Crowell and the motion picture and television rights]
Y, 1965-66 [Chuck Yeager; Glennis Yeager; Barton Yount]
Z, 1965-66 [folder empty]
General Correspondence Series, 1967 Files
A, 1967 [Ed Ainsworth re: Townsend Brown; Spot, the Dalmatian dog; beginnings of
Atlas Corporation]
Air Force Aid Society, 1967 (1)-(3)
Arthritis Foundation Financial, 1967
Arthritis Foundation Minutes, 1967
B, 1967 [Michael Baram re: Hertz scholarships; Roy Batchler re: using Gulf Stream to
generate electricity; Peg Benson; (Lillian) Rusty Brown; Harry Bruno]
Blalack & Wells, 1967
C, 1967 [Swim-Ezy invisible swim aid; Albert Cooke; Harold Cox; Stuart Craig;
Una Crawford; V. L. Crowell]
Canadian Faraday Corporation, 1967 [mining company]
93 Christmas, 1967
Coachella Valley E.D.C., 1967
D, 1967
E, 1967 [Dwight D. Eisenhower; Eisenhower Library and Museum]
Eisenhower College, 1967 [exhibit of Eisenhower paintings]
Expenses, 1967
F, 1967 [James Fairclough; Rafford Faulkner speech at Canadian Nuclear Association
Conference; Richard Freyberg]
Federal Resources Corp. Employment Agreement Option, 1967 [includes earlier
agreements dating to 1961]
Federal Resources Corp. General, 1967 (1)-(3) [uranium mining; oil and gas; proposed
use of deep underground nuclear explosions in oil and gas fracturing; silver, gold, and
coal mining; The 1967 Supplement to the 1962 Report to the President on Civilian
Nuclear Power; Gas Hills Uranium Company]
Federal Resources Corp. Minutes, 1967
Federal Resources Corp. Reports to Stockholders, 1961-67 (1)-(3)
G, 1967 [George Gardner; Sir Gerald Gibbs]
Glaisher, Eric, 1967
H, 1967 [Fred Hamlin; Eastman Hatch; Waldo Hatch; D. J. Haughton re: Lockheed
losing the bid to build the Super Sonic Transport; Erwin Hoenes; Mike Howard]
Hertz Award for Achievement, 1967
Hertz Fellowship Awards, 1967
94 Hertz Foundation Bay Area Project, 1967
Hertz Foundation Financial, 1967
Hertz Foundation Lynn Farnol Group, News Releases, 1967
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1967
Hertz Foundation Report of President, 1967
Hertz Miscellaneous, 1967 (1)-(3) [“The Evolution and Prospects for Applied Physical
Science in the United States” by Edward Teller]
I, 1967 [Radu Irimescu]
Invitations, 1967
J, 1967 [Cecelia Edwards Johnston]
K, 1967
L, 1967 [Curtis LeMay]
M, 1967 [William K. Martin; John W. Miller re: arthritis treatment]
Mc, 1967 [William P. MacCracken, Jr. re: National Aviation Center; Mary Jane McCaffree
re: Felix Belair; C. A. McClain; Sally McConnell]
N, 1967 [Norman C. Norman; J. Geoffrey Notman]
O, 1967
FBO Birthday, 1967
FBO Insurance, 1967
FBO Investments in Theatrical Productions Statements, 1967 [Pajama Game;
Damn Yankees]
FBO Medical, 1967
FBO Reports to SEC re: Federal Resources, 1967 [includes copies of rules and
regulations for the Securities and Exchange Commission as of 1960]
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Checks Drawn, Deposits, 1967
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1967
Odlum-Cochran Foundation General, 1967
Odlum-Cochran Foundation M & S, 1967
95 Oil Shale, 1967 (1)-(4) [includes background documents dating to 1958]
Oil Shale Land, November1967 by Floyd B. Odlum
P, 1967
Palm Springs Air Port re: Proposed Long Haul Route, 1967
Phillips Petroleum Company Statements, 1966-1967 [Rangley Weber Sand Unit]
Piazza, Lida, 1967
Proposal Business, 1967 [Food for Freedom mutual fund; Christmas tree stands;
instant coffee; mental health facility]
R, 1967 [George Redston; Riley family; Heinz Rollman]
Ranch- Development or Sale, 1967
Requests for Contributions, 1967
S, 1967 [Paul Serote; Douglas Simay; Zelma Smith; Spot; Nels Stalheim; David Stretch;
E. P. Summerson]
Subscriptions, 1967
T, 1967 [Mary Talty; Edward Teller; evaluation of a portable room-size fan;
Walter Turnbull]
Telegrams, 1967
Trusts, 1967 (1)-(2) [George H. Howard Trust]
U, 1967 [University of Redlands]
University of Colorado, 1967
W, 1967 [Eleanor Wagner re: Jet Engine Blast Fence and Sound Suppression; Fred
Waring and the Pennsylvanians; Sidney Weinberg; Arthur Wiesenberger; Ruth Wyatt]
Y, 1967 [Chuck Yeager; Robert York re: Judge Robert Patterson]
General Correspondence Series, 1968 Files
A, 1968 [George E. Allen; Mary Allen]
Air Force Aid, 1968
96 Arthritis Foundation, 1968 (1)-(4)
Arthritis Foundation Addresses at FBO Award Reception, October 22,1968
Arthritis Foundation Dinner Honoring FBO, May 20, 1968 (1)-(2)
Arthritis Foundation Dinner Honoring FBO, May 20, 1968, Tributes Vol. I (1)(2)
Arthritis Foundation Dinner Honoring FBO May 20, 1968, Tributes Vol. II
Arthritis Foundation Dinner Honoring FBO May 20, 1968, Tributes Vol. III
Arthritis Foundation Dinner Honoring FBO May 20, 1968, Tributes Vol. VI
Arthritis Foundation Dinner Honoring FBO May 20, 1968, Tributes Vol. V
Arthritis Foundation Dinner Honoring FBO May 20, 1968, Photographs
97 Arthritis Foundation May 20th Dinner Thank You Letters (1)-(3)
Arthritis Foundation Dr. Clark Employment Agreement, 1964-1968
Arthritis Foundation Donations, 1968
Arthritis Foundation News Release & Bulletins, 1968
Aviation Committee, American Bar Association, Public Utility Law Section, 1968
B, 1968 [Roy Batchler; Merritt Baum; Elizabeth Berry; (Lillian) Rusty Brown;
Harry Bruno; D. E. Byrd]
Baird, David, 1968
Belding, Don, 1968
Blalack & Wells, 1968
T.T. Brown Papers and Theories on Inventions [Thomas Townsend Brown;
electrohydrodynamics; electrogravitational communication system]
Townsend Brown Foundation Business Proposals, 1967-68 [proposals relating
to the application of electrohydrodynamics]
Townsend Brown & Foundation General, 1967-68 [proposals relating to the
application of electrohydrodynamics]
Brown & GTI General, 1967-68 (1)-(3) [Townsend Brown, Guidance Technology, Inc.
and research into applied electrohydrodynamics, proposed research laboratory in Palm
Springs, CA; research at Stanford Research Institute]
98 Bruno, Harry, 1968
C, 1968
Christmas, 1968
Clubs, 1968
D, 1968 [Harry Davis re: Camp Bird Mine; Ned Depinet; Doris Dolan]
E, 1968
Eisenhower College, Eisenhower Library, 1968
Expenses, 1968
F, 1968 [Edward Farley, Jr.; questionnaire from Fortune;
Federal Resources Financial, 1968 [statements re: 1967 only]
Federal Resources General, 1968 [uranium and silver mining; nuclear energy]
Federal Resources Miscellaneous (found in old file basket), 1961-68 [Camp Bird mine
production and development; AEC report on nuclear energy; 1964 stockholders’
meetings; 1961 letter Bruce Odlum to Eastman Hatch re: FBO as chairman]
G, 1968 [Pierre Gallois; Sir Gerald Gibbs re: Rhodesia; Eric Glaisher; Alfred Gruenther]
H, 1968 [Edna Anderson Hart; members of Hatch family; Hughes Tool Co. re:
Georges de Sonchen; Robert Hunter]
Hertz Fellowship Awards, 1968 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Approved Schools, Applications & Related, 1968
Hertz Foundation Award for Achievement, 1968
Hertz Foundation Bay Area Pilot Plan, 1968
Hertz Foundation Financial, 1968
Hertz Foundation Meetings, Dates & Related, 1968
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1968
99 Hertz Foundation Misc., 1968
Hertz Foundation News Release The Lynn Farnol Group, 1968 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Report of President, 1968
Hughes Settlement, 1967-68
I, 1968 [Radu Irimescu]
Invitations, 1968
J, 1968 [Leon Johnson; Lyndon Johnson; Oswald & Cecelia Johnston]
K, 1968 [Vivian Koerner]
L, 1968 [Curtis LeMay; Blanche Loeb]
Lovelace Foundation, 1968 [medical education and research]
Lovelace Various, 1966, 1968
Lybrand Service Charge, 1968 [financial report for ranch and golf course]
M, 1968 [Chuck Mau; Edgar Doleman; Dorie Melich; Donald Menzel re: telescope]
Mc, 1968 [C. A. McClain, Jr.; William F. McKee]
N, 1968 [National Aeronautic Association; Richard Nixon; Norman C. Norman re: price
of gold]
Northland College, 1968
O, 1968
FBO Birthday, 1968
FBO Insurance, 1968
FBO Medical, 1968
Odlum, Stanley, Jr., 1968
P, 1968
100 Phillips Petroleum Company Statements, 1968 [Rangley Weber Sand Unit]
Proposals, Business, 1968 [includes proposals for mining, anti-hijacking measures,
entertainment industry projects, natural resources development, liquid crystals]
Q, 1968
R, 1968
Ranch, 1968 [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus); expenditure
reports for May & October not in file; personal expenses]
Requests for Contributions, 1968
S, 1968 (1) [C. C. Sawyer re: commercial airlines leasing jets]
S, 1968 (2) [C. R. Smith; Zelma Smith; June Squier re: Carl Squier; E. P. Summerson]
T, 1968 [Mary Talty; Augusta & Edward Teller; Plowshare gold project (proposed gold
mining using underground nuclear explosions); David Tinnin re: book about Howard
Hughes and TWA]
Telegrams, 1968
Trusts, 1968 (1)-(2)
University of Colorado, 1968
V, 1968
W, 1968 [Sidney Weinberg; Edwin Weisl re: Presidential candidates
X-Y-Z, 1968 [Glennis Yeager]
General Correspondence Series, 1969 Files
A, 1969 [John Alison; Armando Ascenzi]
Appointment Sheets, 1969
Arthritis Foundation Bristol Myers, 1968-69
Arthritis Foundation Chapters Other Than National (General), 1969
Arthritis Foundation Dr. Clark Employment Agreement & Related, 1968-69
Arthritis Foundation Committee Reports, 1969
Arthritis Foundation Donations & Bequests, 1969
101 Arthritis Foundation General, 1969 (1)-(4)
Arthritis Foundation Gregory Land Bequest, 1968-69
Arthritis Foundation Mary Lasker, Luke Quinn, 1969
Arthritis Foundation Long Range Planning Committee, 1969
Arthritis Foundation Minutes, 1969
Arthritis Foundation Nominating Committee (FBO Successor), 1969
Arthritis Foundation Notices of Meetings and Agendas, 1968-69
Arthritis Foundation Public Relations Committee, 1969
Arthritis Foundation Resolution on Advertising by Pharmaceutical Houses,
Aviation Committee of the American Bar Association, 1969
B, 1969 (1) [Roy Batchler re: Vietnam war; Don Belding; Peg Benson]
B, 1969 (2) [Elizabeth Berry; Harry Bruno]
Baird, Dave, 1969
Brown & GTI General, 1969 [Townsend Brown, Guidance Technology, Inc. and
applied electrohydrodynamics: air purifier, automotive valve, air cooling device]
102 Brown & GTI Contracts, Patent & Invention Rights, 1967-69 (1)-(3) [Townsend
Brown, Guidance Technology, Inc.; foreign rights: fluid flow control system, fan
precipitator, air purifier, plasma dynamic loudspeaker, electrokinetic apparatus,
ambient ion power plant]
Brown Foundation Patent, Patent Applications & Assignments, 1967-69 (1)-(2)
[fluid flow control system, electrokinetic refrigeration system, electrokinetic apparatus,
plasma dynamic loudspeaker, microphone, electronic precipitator, lighting fixture]
T. Townsend Brown Financial & Personal, 1967-69
C, 1969 [California State Chamber of Commerce; Coachella Valley Economic
Development Association; V. L. Crowell re: private mail delivery service]
Christmas, 1969
D, 1969 [Edith Dean magazine article on Jackie Cochran;
E, 1969 [Dorothy Egerer; Richard Elliot; Frank Everest]
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1968-69
Electrohydrodynamics [report on various EHD development possibilities]
ESP Related, 1967-69 [extrasensory perception and psychic phenomena;
Professor J. Gaither Pratt]
Expenses FBO Personal, 1969
F, 1969
Federal Resources Corp. General, 1969 [lead, silver, zinc, copper, uranium mines]
Freyberg, Dr. Richard, 1969
G, 1969
Glaisher, Eric, 1969 [letter detailing operations & prospects of Federal Resources]
H, 1969 [Howard Hall; Hunter Harris, Jr.; Anne Hatch; Eastman Hatch; Lucia Hatch;
Erwin Hoenes]
103 Hertz Fellows Fellowship Extension, Approval of Expenses & Miscellaneous Requests,
Hertz Fellows General, 1969 (1)-(2)
Hertz Fellowship Awards Applications & Related, 1969
Hertz Foundation Applications for Grants, etc., 1969 (1)-(3)
Hertz Foundation Bay Area Pilot Plan, 1969
Hertz Foundation Employees Salaries & Related, 1969
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1969
Hertz Foundation Misc., 1969 (1)-(4)
Hertz Foundation News Release, The Lynn Farnol Group, 1969
Hertz Foundation Report of President, 1969
Hughes Settlement, 1969
I, 1969 [Radu Irimescu]
104 Invitations, 1969
J, 1969
K, 1969 [A. Payne Kibbe re: nuclear power plants; Vivian Koerner Perron]
Kibbe & Associates (Re Uranium), 1969 [“Projection of Domestic Uranium Supply,
1970-1990, for EEI Reactor Assembly Panel]
L, 1969 [Blanche Loeb]
Lovelace Foundation, 1969 [medical education and research]
Lovelace Various, 1969
Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, 1968-70
M, 1969
Memos, 1969
Mesick, Russ, 1968-69 [test mine near aqueduct]
Mc, 1969 [C. L. McClain; Gen. & Mrs. John P. McConnell; Ed McCoubrey re:
proposed bust of Eisenhower for Palm Springs]
N, 1969 [New York World’s Fair Corporation; Norman C. Norman re: economy;
Northland College; John K. Northrop]
O, 1969 [Lenutza Olmazu]
FBO Birthday, 1969
FBO Insurance, 1969
FBO Investments Theatrical and Others, 1968-69 [Under the Yum Yum Tree; The
Pajama Game; Palm Desert Corporation; Sunshine Mining Company; Atlas Corp.; The
Flip Side]
FBO Medical, 1969
FBO Personal, 1969 [correspondence with Rodeo Ben and other tailors; ulcer diet plan;
painting by John Hilton]
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Checks drawn, deposits, 1969
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1969
Odlum-Cochran Foundation General, 1969
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Moore & Schley, 1969
Odlum-Cochran Foundation 1968 Tax Returns, 1969
105 P, 1969 [Gordon Paulus re: air service to Palm Springs; Gigi & Lida Piazza]
Phillips Petroleum Company Statement, 1969 [Rangley Weber Sand Unit]
Proposals, Business, 1969 [mining; electric vehicles; credit card security]
R, 1969
Ranch, 1969 [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus); personal
Ranch Development or Sale, 1969
Requests for Donations, 1969
Reservations, 1969
S, 1969 [Georges de Sonchen; Robert Stanley; Arnold Steele family; Jules Stein;
Frederick Strathdee; E. P. Summerson]
Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation, 1969
Subscriptions, 1968-69
T, 1969 [Mary Talty; Aldine Tarter; Edward Teller; Walter Turnbull]
Tax Audit, 1969
Tax Data Loss Carry Forwards Keep in Current File, 1967-69
Telegrams, 1969
Trusts, 1969 (1)-(2)
University of Colorado, 1969
V, 1969
W, 1969 [Sidney Weinberg; Edwin Weisl]
Wilkins, Roy NAACP, 1968-69 [NAACP Award of Merit; dinner for Wilkins;
biographical information on Wilkins and Walter McClane]
X-Y-Z, 1969 [Chuck Yeager; Joseph Zivelli]
General Correspondence Series, 1970 Files
A, 1970 [Eleanor Arnold; Atlas Corporation]
Arthritis Cures & Remedies, 1970
Arthritis Dinner Material for FBO Speech, April 4, 1970
Arthritis Foundation Chapters General (Other Than National), 1970
Arthritis Foundation Committee Reports, 1970
106 Arthritis Foundation Donations & Bequests, 1970
Arthritis Foundation Financial, 1970
Arthritis Foundation General, 1970 (1)-(4)
Arthritis Foundation Long Range Planning Committee, 1970
Arthritis Foundation MAC (Rules & Procedures & Related), 1970 [Medical
Administrative Committee]
Arthritis Foundation Minutes, 1970
Arthritis Foundation Nominating Committee (FBO Successor), 1970
Arthritis Foundation Notices of Meetings & Agendas, 1970
Arthritis Foundation Original Organization, 1948-70 (1)-(3) [history and proposal for
organizational study]
Arthritis Foundation Public Relations Committee, 1970
Arthritis Foundation Resolution on Advertising by Pharmaceutical Houses, 1970
Arthritis Foundation Tax Ruling, 1948-70
B, 1970 (1) [George C. (Bob) Bales re: Pepperdine College; Roy Batchler; Bob Bixler
re: assisting in selling the ranch; Rosalind Russell Brisson;
B, 1970 (2) [Margaret Brock re: Pepperdine College; Harry Bruno re: Howard Hughes,
real estate; Hugh Bullock
Baird, David G., 1970 [investments in Federal Resources Corp.; mining]
Bank Chase Manhattan, 1970
Bank Manufacturers Hanover Trust, 1970
Bank of America Letter of Credit, 1969-70
107 Brown & GTI, General, 1970 (1)-(2) [Guidance Technology, Inc.; ownership of patents;
financial difficulties; law suit; air purifier]
C, 1970
Christmas List, 1970
Citizens Anti-Pollution Society Palm Springs, 1969-70
Clubs, 1970
Cochran, Jacqueline (Misc.), 1970
D, 1970
E, 1970 [Eisenhower (Edgar, John, Mamie); Richard G. Elliot;
Employees, 1970
ESP Related, 1970 [reprints of articles on extrasensory perception & parapsychology]
Expenses, FBO Personal, 1970
F, 1970
Federal Resources Corporation, 1970 [oil and gas; uranium, copper, lead, zinc and coal
mining; Sunshine Mining Company; Day Mines, Inc.]
Files, 1970
Freyberg, Dr. Richard H., 1970
G, 1970 [Sir Gerald Gibbs]
Glaisher, Eric, 1970
Guidance Technology, Inc., 1964-70 (1)-(5) [fan precipitator; air purifier; SEC
prospectus; bankruptcy]
108 H, 1970
Hertz Fellows Fellowship Extension, Approval of Expenses & Misc. Requests, 1970
Hertz Fellows General, 1970
Hertz Fellowship Awards Application & Related, 1970 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Application for Grants, etc., 1970
Hertz Foundation Approved Schools, Applications & Related, 1970 [trade schools]
Hertz Foundation Bay Area Pilot Plan, 1970
Hertz Foundation Financial, 1970
Hertz Foundation General, 1970 (1)-(3)
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1970
Hughes Settlement, 1970
I, 1970 [Radu Irimescu]
Invitations, 1970
J, 1970
K, 1970
L, 1970
Lovelace Foundation, 1970 [medical education and research]
Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, 1970
M, 1970
Memos, 1970
109 Moore & Schley JC Account, 1970-71
Moore & Schley FBO Account, 1970
Moore & Schley Misc., 1970
Mc, 1970
N, 1970 [Norman C. Norman]
O, 1970
FBO Insurance, 1970
FBO Investments (Theatrical & Others), 1970 [shows included: The Gazebo,
Under the Yum Yum Tree, Pleasure of His Company, Damn Yankees, Pajama Game]
FBO Medical, 1970
FBO Personal, 1970
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Checks Drawn & Deposit, 1970
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Contributions, 1970
Odlum-Cochran Foundation General, 1970
P, 1970 [Lida Piazza; proposed movie budget from Richard K. Polimer]
Phillips Petroleum Company Statements, 1970 [Rangley Weber Sand Unit]
R, 1970 [Reiss-Davis Child Study Center]
Ranch Business, 1970 (1)-(2) [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus);
personal expenses; expenditure reports for January-March not in file]
Reservations, Hotel, Airlines, etc., 1970
Requests for Donations, 1970
S, 1970 [biographical sketch of George Hamlin Shaw; Spyros Skouras; Paul Strand re:
Guidance Technology, Inc.; E. P. Summerson, Jr.]
Subscriptions, 1970
Sunshine Mining Company, 1970 (1)-(2) [silver, copper, lead, antimony mining; oil;
manufacturing, annual reports for 1966-1969 also included in the file]
T, 1970
Taxes, 1970 (1)-(2)
Telegrams, 1970
Trusts, 1970 (1)-(2)
110 University of Colorado, 1970
V, 1970
W, 1970
XYZ, 1970
General Correspondence Series, 1971-73 Files
A, 1971
Appraisal Fine Arts, 1971
Arthritis Foundation Chapters, General (other than National), 1971
Arthritis Foundation Committee Reports, 1971
Arthritis Foundation Financial, 1971
Arthritis Foundation General, 1971-72 (1)-(3)
Arthritis Foundation Notices of Meeting & Agenda, 1971
Arthritis Foundation Revised By-Laws June 16, 1971
B, 1971-72 (1) [Bob Bales; Jack Barbour; Roy Batchler; FBO’s appearance on the
Edger Bergen radio show in 1955]
B, 1971-72 (2) [Frederick Brisson; Rosalind Russell]
Baird, David G., 1971
Bank Manufacturers Hanover Trust, 1971-72
Brown & GTI General, 1971
Bruno, Harry A., 1971-72
C, 1971-72 [William Clark
Christmas Lists, 1971
City of Indio, 1970-72
Clubs, 1971-72
Clippings, 1971
Coachella Projects Inc. 1960-71 (1)-(3)
Contributions, 1971-72
111 D, 1971-72 [Georges de Sonchen; Roy Disney]
E, 1971-72 [Mamie Eisenhower; Eisenhower Medical Center of Palm Springs]
Earhart, Amelia, 1970-71 [refuting various writers speculating on Earhart’s fate]
F, 1971
Federal Resources Corporation, 1971-72 [coal, uranium, and copper mining]
Freyberg, Dr. Richard H., 1971-72
G, 1971-72 [correspondence with Eric Glaisher re: race relations; Jay Gould; Sam
H, 1971-72 [John Hancock re: Arthritis Foundation; Eastman Hatch; Erwin Hoenes re:
Federal Resources and the future of uranium & mineral stocks; Paul Hoffman’s
“No Time Like the Future” (UN Development Programme)
Hertz Fellows General, 1971 (1)-(2)
Hertz Fellowship Awards (Applications & Related), 1971 (1)-(2)
Hertz Foundation Application for Grants, 1971
Hertz Foundation Approved schools, application, etc., 1971
Hertz Foundation Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, 1957-1971
Hertz Foundation Financial, 1971
Hertz Foundation General, 1971 (1)-(3)
Hertz Foundation Minutes, 1971
Hertz Foundation President’s Report, 1971
112 Hertz Foundation Selection Committee and Executive Committee Meetings at C-O
Ranch, March 8-10, 1971 (1)-(3)
Hertz Foundation Re: Dr. Teller’s Report, 1971 (1)-(2)
I, 1971 [Radu Irimescu]
Insurance, 1971
Invitations, 1971-1973
J, 1971-72
K, 1971-72 [Jerome Katzin re: final shipment of Moab uranium]
L, 1971-72 [Paula Landgren; Kay Lawrence; Amy Lo; Blanche Loeb]
Lovelace Foundation, 1971-72 [medical education and research]
Lybrand, Ross Brothers & Montgomery, 1971-72
M, 1971-72
Memos, 1971 [expenses, personal contacts, sale of airplane, real estate, etc.]
Mitchell, Silberberg & Knupp, 1971
N, 1971 [National Association for Practical Nurse Education; Norman C. Norman]
Nomad Productions, Inc., 1971
O, 1970-72 [Elena Lenutza Olmazu]
FBO Insurance, 1971
FBO Investments (Theatrical, etc.), 1971 [Ford Motor Company; theatrical
investments: Pajama Game, Damn Yankees]
FBO Medical, 1970-1972
FBO Personal, 1971
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Checks & Deposits, 1970-71
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Moore & Schley, 1971
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Stock Offer by Trans-Beacon Corporation, 1966-71
Odlum Various, 1971-1972 [correspondence with family members]
113 P, 1971-1972
Phillips Petroleum Co. Statement, 1971 [Rangley Weber Sand Unit]
R, 1971-72 [Rosalind Russell]
Ranch Business, 1971 [ranch, golf course, and farm operations (dates & citrus);
personal expenses; expenditure reports for June, November-December not in file]
Ranch, Sale or Development, 1969-71 (1)-(3)
Reservations (Hotel, etc.), 1971
S, 1971-72
Simpson, Thatcher & Bartlett (Leslie Rapp), 1971 [sale of ranch]
Social Security
T, 1971-72 [Mary Talty; Edward Teller]
Taxes, 1971
Telegrams, 1971
Trusts (G.H. Howard), 1971-72
V, 1971 [Riccardo and Sydney Villarosa]
W, 1971-72 [Fred Waring; Dugalda Wolfson; Charles Wray re: Camp Bird Mine]
Weisl, Edward, 1971-72
XYZ, 1971-72 [Chuck Yeager]
General Correspondence Series, 1974-76 Files and Additional Files
114 Correspondence, 1974-1976 [financial]
Globe Reception Apr. 5, 1976 [crystal globe presented to Air Force Academy in
recognition of Odlum’s role in aviation and the development of the Atlas rocket]
Globe Reception Apr. 5, 1976, Acceptances & Regrets (1)-(3)
Globe Reception Apr. 5, 1976, Guest List
Globe Reception Apr. 5, 1976, Photographs
Globe Reception Apr. 5, 1976, Thank You Notes
Odlum Family (1)-(2) [genealogical and family history information]
Floyd B. Odlum Biography
Floyd B. Odlum Membership Cards
George M. Odlum [passports; articles on agriculture in Rhodesia]
Correspondence, Undated
Jacqueline Cochran Series
115 Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (1) [political public relations proposal by John Rousselot
and Richard Blades; Suhindra Nath Nundy, Lyle Newcomer, George Redston, Earl
Behrens, Melba Bennett and others re: importance of the minority vote, John Babbage,
Dalip Singh Saund, Fact Finding Committee]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (2) [Riverside and Imperial County Central Committees;
George Redston; John Rousselot; George Christopher; Homer King; Clayton McCoy;
William F. Knowland; State Central Committee; pending libel suit against Banning
Record; Melba Bennett; campaign expenses and contributions]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (3) [correspondence re: Fred Eldridge; Evelyn Cameron;
Republican State Central Committee; Partick Hillings; campaign expenses & advertising;
El Centro Bombing Range; Harry C. Harper re: public relations]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (4) [analysis of the 29
California Congressional district;
Sen. Albert Gore’s questionnaire re: campaign contributions]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (5) [vote analysis for Imperial Valley and Riverside County
Central Committees]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (6) [campaign expenses and use of Lodestar plane;
canvass of absentee ballots; post election correspondence from supporters; Fred
Eldridge; endorsements from FBO and friends; comments on Dalip Singh Saund;
public opinion poll; derogatory article in the Banning Record and demand for retraction]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (7) [letter to campaign workers regarding the article in
the Banning Record; letters to and from supporters; support from Democrats; criticism
of Saund; campaign contributions and expenses; radio and television advertising]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (8) [forest fire control in Riverside County; campaign
platform; letters to and from supporters; campaign contributions]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (9) [letters to and from supporters; campaign
contributions; memo from FBO re: Communism; newspaper advertising; speech draft]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (10) [campaign contributions; letters to and from
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (11) [campaign contributions; letters to and from
supporters; campaign expenses]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (12) [possible military base for her district; campaign
contributions and expenses for the primary; letters to and from supporters; primary
election; endorsements for Fred Eldridge; campaign planning]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (13) [letters to and from supporters, including DDE;
campaign contributions and expenses for the primary; Jackie’s platform and beliefs;
radio announcements; Colorado River project; assessments of her likely opponents]
Jacqueline Cochran, Campaign (14) [Upper Colorado River project; letters to and from
supporters; plans for the campaign]
Jacqueline Cochran Campaign, Clippings (1)
116 Jacqueline Cochran Campaign, Clippings (2)
Jacqueline Cochran Campaign, Fred Eldridge Letters
Jacqueline Cochran Campaign, Literature (1)-(3) [biographical material, platform,
campaign ephemera, magazine articles, copies of The Stars at Noon; also information on
her opponents]
Jacqueline Cochran Campaign, Press Releases
Jacqueline Cochran Campaign, Reference Material (1)-(4)
Jacqueline Cochran Campaign, Vote Analysis (1)-(3)
Jacqueline Cochran, Far East Trip 1966
Jacqueline Cochran, Greeting Cards (1)-(2) [anniversary, Christmas, Valentine’s Day]
117 Jacqueline Cochran, Writings [articles on her impressions of the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe, the role of women in aviation, breaking the sound barrier, and the
surrender of General Yamashita in World War II]
Floyd B. Odlum, Death [clippings, lists of condolences received]
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: A
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: B
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: C (1)-(2)
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: D
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: E
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: F
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: G
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: H
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: I-J
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: K
Floyd B. Odlum, Death, Condolences: L
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: M
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: N
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: O
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: P-Q
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: R
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: S
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: T
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: U-V
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: W
Floyd B. Odlum Death, Condolences: X-Y-Z
Business Series: Atlas Corporation Subseries, 1928-1961
118 Atlas Cash Flow, 1960
Atlas Miscellaneous Reports, 1942-1955 (1)-(2)
Atlas FBO Retirement from, 1960
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1928-37 (1)-(2)
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1941-42
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1949
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1950-52
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1953-1954
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1955-56 (1)-(2)
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1957
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., 1958-60
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd. 1961 (1)-(2)
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., History [narrative history tracing Atlas back to the
United States Company formed in 1923 to 1935]
Atlas Utilities & Investors Co., Ltd., Statements-Miscellaneous [1928-37]
119 Baird Foundation, 1950
Baird Foundation, 1951 (1)-(4)
Baird Foundation, 1952-53
Baird Foundation, 1954-56
Baird Foundation, 1957-58
Baird Foundation, 1959 (1)-(2)
Baird Foundation, 1960
Baird Foundation, 1961-65
Carlton Company, Limited, 1953-1959
120 Petty Cash, 1947-60 (1)-(3) [includes personal expenses]
Petty Cash, 1961-62 [includes personal expenses]
Safekeeping Account (1)-(5) [held in the Atlas Corporation safe deposit box, 1955-1960]
Securities Miscellaneous Data
Securities & Exchange Commission Reports (1)-(4) [1951-1961]
121 Securities & Exchange Commission Reports (5)-(11) [1935-1951]
122 The Atlas Ticker, 1943-45 [bound copy of the Atlas Corp. newsletter for Atlas employees
serving in the military with informal coverage of company news and the home front
activities of Atlas employees]
Business Series, Electro Investors, Inc. Subseries, 1957-1966
123 Electro Investors, Inc. [bound copies of articles of incorporation, by-laws, minutes and
other related documents]
124 Electro Investors, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes and Data, 1960-62
Electro Investors, Inc. Corporate Matters, etc., 1957-1961
Electro Investors, Inc. General Correspondence, 1957-59 (1)-(2)
Electro Investors, Inc. General Correspondence, 1960-64 (1)-(5)
Electro Investors, Inc. Income Tax, 1964-1966
Electro Investors, Inc. Income Tax & Financial Records, 1957-1965 (1)-(3)
125 Electro Investors, Inc. Income Tax & Financial Records, 1957-1965 (4)-(6)
Electro Investors, Inc. Investment, Stocks
Electro Investors, Inc. Miscellaneous, 1957-1961 [invoices, bank records, application to
issue securities in California, agreements]
Electro Investors, Inc. Notes Payable
Electro Investors, Inc. Seal
Electro Investors, Inc. Stock Certificates
Electro Investors, Inc. Stock Certificates, Data
KIVA (1)-(2)
KIVA Transfer, Franchise Matters (1)-(3)
KIVA Harry C. Butcher, General (1)-(2)
126 Valley Telecasting, 1957-1959 (1)-(4)
Valley Telecasting, 1960-64 (1)-(3)
Valley Telecasting Financial Statements (1)-(4)
Valley Telecasting Sale (1)-(3)
Business Series, Hutson Nutt-Shel Subseries, 1952-1960
127 Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1952
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1953
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1954
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1955 (1)-(2)
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1956 (1)-(2)
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1957
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1958
Hutson Nutt-Shel, 1959 (1)-(3)
Hutson Nutt-Shel, Assignment (1)-(4)
128 Hutson Nutt-Shel, Royalties (1)-(7) [see also the annual correspondence files]
Hutson Nutt-Shel, Sale (1)-(2)
Hutson Nutt-Shel, Closing Sale of Patents September 1, 1959
Hutson Nutt-Shel, Taxes (1)-(2)
Business Series, Mining Subseries, 1953-1964
129 Byrd vs. Cord, Photocopies of Original Instruments [Bowlegs Claim, Big Indian Mining
District, Utah; uranium claim]
Chesapeake & Colorado Corporation (1)-(8) [formerly Jacob’s Chair Mining Corporation,
large shareholder in Federal Uranium Corp.; oil, gas and mining operations in Colorado,
Utah, Florida, North Carolina and Wyoming; Radorock Resources; Silver Sage Oil &
Mineral Co.; proposed Colorado salt plant]
Corporation Reports Merger (1) [American Bosch Arma; “Buried Mines of the Wood
River District, Idaho”; Byllesby (H. M.); Callahan Mining; Federal-Radorock-Gas Hills;
Fresnillo Co.; Grace (W. R.); Hecla Mining Company; Lucky Friday Silver-Lead Mines, Co.;
New York and Honduras Rosario Mining Company]
Corporation Reports Merger (2) [North Canadian Oils, Ltd.; Pacific Cement;
Shattuck Denn Mining; “Silver and the Silver Stocks”; Standard Metals Corporation;
Sunshine Mining; Susquehanna Corp.; United Industrial; United Keno Hills Mines;
Utah Construction and Mining Co.]
130 Cottonwood Springs Gold, Correspondence (1)-(4) [California]
Cottonwood Springs, Gold Maps
W. L. Davidson Agreements, Correspondence (1)-(2) [Lone Star Mining Company]
W.L. Davidson, Workmen’s Compensation
Hidden Splendor Merger (1)-(7) [uranium]
131 Inyo County Mining Project [proposed gold and silver mining in California]
Jacob’s Chair Mining Corporation, 1955-56 (1)-(2) [Federal Uranium Corporation;
oil, gas and mining operations in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, California, & Wyoming;
Davidson Syndicate]
Jacob’s Chair Mining Corporation, 1957 (1)-(3)
Jacob Chair, Dr. James Claims (Westmont-Pioneer), (1)-(2) [Dr. H. T. James of Vancouver,
British Columbia and the Happy Jack Mines in Utah; uranium]
Jacob’s Chair, Little Star [uranium; Colorado]
Jacob’s Chair, McCoy Mountains [California; uranium]
Jacob’s Chair, Merger with Rudolph Group (1)-(2) [merger with Chesapeake & Colorado,
Nuclear Magnetic Mining, Sage Oil and Mineral, Western Oil and Gas]
132 Jacob’s Chair, Merger with Rudolph Group (3)-(7)
Jacob’s Chair, Mule Mountains, Chuckawallas (1)-(2) [California, uranium]
Jacob’s Chair, Report to Stockholders, 1956 [report from 1957 re: 1956 activities]
Jacob’s Chair, Rudolph Group, Caledonia Mine [geological report; Colorado]
Jacob’s Chair, Rudolph Group, Florida Black Sands [appraisal report on beach sands;
Nuclear Magnetic Mining]
Jacob’s Chair, Rudolph Group, Red Desert Properties [Wyoming; uranium]
Jacob’s Chair, Westmont Explorations (Pioneer)
133 Jacob’s Chair, Yellow Jeep Mining Co. [New Mexico, Arizona, Navajo tribal land;
Kearsarge, Abstract of Title to Rex Montis, Arctic Lode, Boomerang (1)-(2) [California;
gold, silver; copies of deeds dating to 1866]
Kearsarge, General Correspondence, 1960-61 (1)-(3) [California; gold and silver]
Kearsarge, Inyo Co Mining Project (1)-(2) [California; gold and silver]
Kearsarge Mining District, Walker Engineering Corporation Report [Rex Montis mine]
Kearsarge Mountain, Maps [California; gold and silver]
Kearsarge Project, Bruce W. Odlum Special Account, Security First National Bank (1)-(2)
Kearsarge Syndicate (1)-(2)
Lead and Zinc
Limestone, 1958
134 Radorock Resources, Inc. (1)-(2) [uranium; Wyoming, Utah; merged with
Chesapeake and Colorado Corp.]
Radorock Hidden Splendor Merger
Radorock Stock Distribution (1)-(2)
U.S. Smelting & Refining (1)-(3) [proposed for merger with Federal Uranium]
Upgrader, Atlas (1)-(4) [development and testing of uranium ore processing method and
petroleum separator]
Upgrader, Decker: Field Tests [uranium ore processing]
Upgrader, Hidden Splendor, Decker Phase, 1959 (1)-(2) [uranium ore processing]
135 Upgrader, Hidden Splendor, Decker Phase, 1960 (1)-(3) [uranium ore processing]
Water Desalinization (1)
Water Desalinization (2) [Struthers Scientific & International Corp Annual Report, 1963;
“An Assessment of Large Nuclear Powered Sea Water Distillation Plants”;
“Preliminary Economic Study: UCLA Reverse Osmosis Process for Brackish Water
Water Desalinization (3) [“Desalination – A Report on A Study Tour of the USA”;
Research on and Analysis of Single-Effect Low Temperature Flash Evaporation Process”]
Water Desalinization (4) [“1963 Saline Water Conversion Report”, US Department of the
Interior, Office of Saline Water]
Business Series, Nomad Productions Subseries, 1951-1967
136 Accounts Receivable, Year Ending 4/30/58 (1)-(2)
Accounts Receivable, Year Ending 4/30/59 (1)-(2)
Accounts Receivable, Year Ending 4/30/60 (1)-(2)
Accounts Receivable, Year Ending 4/30/61 (1)-(2)
Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous
Banco de Vizcaya, Madrid
Bank Statements, United California Bank, 1963-66
Board of Directors Records, (1)-(2) [includes articles of incorporation and by-laws]
Check Book (1)-(2)
137 Corporate Data [corporate franchise tax; meeting minutes]
Employees Records (1)-(3)
Financial Statements
Furniture and Fixtures Office
Income Taxes (1)-(2)
Loan Agreement
Miscellaneous Memos [insurance, investments, finances]
Note Payable, California Bank, Beverly Hills
Bruce Odlum Production Account
Bruce Odlum Production Account, Bank Statements
Bruce Odlum Productions, Contracts & Organization
Bruce Odlum Production Account, Financial Statements
Bruce Odlum Production Account, Paid Bills
Office Rental, Information & Memos
Paramount Productions, Ledger Statements, 1956
138 Paramount Productions, Ledger Statements, 1957 [includes 1958-59]
Paramount Settlement (1)-(3)
Paramount Weekly Cash Statements (1)-(6)
139 Paramount Weekly Tab Runs (1)-(3)
Spanish Accounting
Spanish Affair, Box Office Reports
Spanish Production, Bank Statements
Spanish Production, Ledger (1)-(3)
Stock Certificates
Vouchers, 1956-58 (1)-(2) [includes receipts dating back to 1955]
140 Vouchers, 1958-59 (1)-(3)
Vouchers, 1959-60 (1)-(3)
Vouchers, 1960-61 (1)-(3)
141 Summary of Combined Weekly Production Cost, 1956 [Paramount Pictures Corp.]
Summary of Combined Weekly Production Cost, 1957 [Paramount Pictures Corp.]
General Ledger
Business Series, Odlum-Cochran Foundation Subseries, 1942-1975
142 Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1943-44
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1945-46
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1947-49
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1950-53
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1954-56
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1957-59
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1960-61
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1971-72
Odlum-Cochran Foundation, 1973-75
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1943-46
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1947-48
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1949-50
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1951-52
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1953-54
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1955
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1956
143 Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1957
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1958
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1959
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1960
Odlum-Cochran Foundation Donations, 1961
Business Series, Summers Gyroscope Company Guidance Technology, Inc. Subseries, 1958-62
144 Summers: Amdur v. Allen Complaint, Answer
Summers: Amdur v. Allen Deposition Work Papers (1)-(4)
Summers: Analysis
Summers: Atlas Investment in
Summers: Civil Aeronautics Board
Summers: Companies Interested in Acquiring Summers Gyroscope (1)-(3)
Summers: Contracts to Purchase, Correspondence
Summers: Copies of Contracts, Escrow Agreements, Notes
Summers: Expenses
Summers: Form Letters, Exhibits A & B
Summers: Form Letters, Exhibit C
Summers: Form Letters, Extra Copies
145 Summers: Investment Letters (1)-(3)
Summers: Miscellaneous
Summers: Moore & Schley, 1960 (1)-(2) [additional documents last box of subseries]
Summers: Moore & Schley, 1961 [additional documents last box of subseries]
Summers: FBO Deposition Exhibits & Material (1)-(4) [includes background information;
1960 annual reports for Atlas, Hidden Splendor Mining Co., Titeflex, & Northeast
Airlines; deposition exhibits 1-10]
146 Summers: FBO Deposition Exhibits & Material (5)-(7) [exhibits 11-25]
Summers: Offering to Stockholders, Registration
Summers: Offering to Stockholders, Press Releases
Summers: Options
Summers: Participants, Correspondence (1)-(4)
Summers: Participant Lists
Summers: Patents [primarily flight control instruments]
Summers: Pledge and Escrow Agreements (1)-(2)
Summers: FBO Proposals for Purchase, Underwriting Proposals (drafts)
Summers: Releases, Reports [annual reports, sales of flight control instruments]
147 Summers: Rights, Reports [stock subscriptions]
GTI: Dec. 1961 Closing, FBO Bank Loan, Sales of GTI, Sales of Federal, etc. (1)-(4)
GTI: Deliveries of GTI-Federal to Adjust Price
GTI: Financial Correspondence, Memos (1)-(2)
GTI: Financial Statements & Reports (1)-(5)
148 GTI: General, 1962 (1)-(3) [correspondence, memos, reports]
GTI: 1/10/62 Memo & Statement of Facts (1)-(2)
GTI: Merger Negotiations (1)-(3) [Laboratory for Electronics, Inc.; Kollsman Instrument;
Textron Electronics; Lear Company; Royal Jet; Telecomputing Corp.; Standard Coil;
United Aircraft; Avco]
GTI: Miscellaneous (1)-(3) [financial data; personnel; GTI historical summary; prospectus
for Nuclear Corporation of America; Summers by-laws]
GTI: Option Stock, Approvals and Redemption
GTI: Personnel, Insurance
149 GTI: Projections, Forecasts, Schedules (1)-(5)
GTI: Public Relations (1)-(2) [technical data sheets for GTI products; press releases]
150 Summers: Moore & Schley, 1960-61 (oversized documents)
Business Series, Uranium Subseries, 1954-67
151 Atlas Corporation, Bernard R. Allen vs Durning, et al, 1954-56 (1)-(3) [Atlas;
Federal Uranium Corporation; Happy Jack Mine; Wasatch; Kentucky-Utah Mining Co.;
Davidson Syndicate; Utida Uranium Co.; Sante Fe Uranium Co.; Howell Mining Co.;
Interstate Uranium; Western States Uranium]
Atlas Directors, Uranium Memoranda, 1954-56
Atomic Development Mutual Fund, 1955
Atomic Energy Commission General, 1954-56
Boy Claims, Big Jim, 1954
Bullion Mining Company, 1954-55
Catorce, Rueckhaus, 14 Group, 1955-56 (1)-(2) [The Catorce Corporation]
Consolidated Uranium Mines, Inc., 1955
Cooper, Joe (Happy Jack), 1954-1956 [Bronson and Cooper Mining Company]
Cord Group (Byrd, Johnson), 1955-56 (1)-(4) [E. L. Cord; Jacob’s Chair Mining Company;
Margaret Johnson; Dennis Byrd; Lisbon Uranium; Bowlegs and Dirty Dish Claims;
Davidson Syndicate]
152 Davidson Syndicate, 1956-61
Davidson Syndicate, Accounts, 1954-56 (1)-(4)
Davidson Syndicate, Brockway Bible, 1956-61 [tax information for participants]
Davidson Syndicate, Donations Account, 1957 (1)-(3)
Davidson Syndicate, Donation Letters, 1955 (1)-(5) [Lovelace Foundation]
153 Davidson Syndicate, Form Letters (not sent), 1955-56
Davidson Syndicate, General, 1954-1955 (1)-(3) [includes report on properties]
Davidson Syndicate, Investment Letters, 1954-55 (1)-(5)
Davidson Syndicate, Liability Letters (1)-(2)
154 Davidson Syndicate, Liability Letters (3)-(8)
Davidson Syndicate, Participants (Correspondence), 1954-56 (1)-(5)
155 Davidson Syndicate, Participants (Lists), 1954-55
Fagan, J.D., 1954-56
Fagan, Federal Stock, 1955-56
Fat Cat Associates, 1954-55
Federal-Davidson Agreement, 1954-55
Federal-Davidson Agreement (Old), 1954 (1)-(3)
Federal Uranium Corporation, 1954
Federal Uranium Corporation, 1955 (1)-(4)
Federal Uranium Corporation, 1956 (1)-(2)
156 Federal Uranium Corporation, 1957 (1)-(2)
Federal Uranium Corporation, 1958 (1)-(4)
Federal Uranium Corporation, Black Hills Project [1967]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Distribution of Shares, 1954
Federal Uranium Corporation, Distribution of Shares, 1955 (1)-(3)
Federal Uranium Corporation, Distribution of Shares, 1956
Federal Uranium Corporation, Donations, 1954 (1)-(3) [stock shares donated to charity]
157 Federal Uranium Corporation, Donations, 1955 (1)-(2) [stock shares donated to charity]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Donations 1956 (1)-(6) [stock shares donated to charity]
Federal Uranium Corporation Donations 1957-58 [stock shares donated to charity]
Federal Uranium Corporation Donations Instruction Letters from Donees
Federal Uranium Corporation, Meeting 11-17-64 Research Material (1)
Semi-Annual Electric Power Survey, Edison Electric Institute, 1964;
Statistical Year Book of the Electric Utility Industry for 1963, Edison Electric Institute;
“Future Energy Needs and the Role of Nuclear Power” by Tape, Pittman and Searl;
“Outlook for the Uranium Mining Industry” by Rafford L. Faulkner]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Meeting 11-17-64 Research Material (2) [Glenn Seaborg:
“Summary of the 3
UN International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy;
“Civilian Nuclear Power Analysis and Comments”, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy;
“United Nuclear Corporation and the Nuclear Energy Industry”]
158 Federal Uranium Corporation, Meeting 11-17-64 Research Material (3) [annual report
& Warren, PA office for Struthers Scientific and International Corporation;
correspondence re: power plants and uranium supplies; “Prospects for Nuclear Energy”
By Gumperz and Spigelman; Jersey Central Power & Light Company, “Report on
Economic Analysis for Oyster Creek Nuclear Electric Generating Station; AEC report,
Nuclear Reactors Built, Being Built, or Planned in the United States as of June 30, 1963;
Federal Power Commission Advisory Committee Reports No. 13 and No. 15]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Meeting 11-17-64 Research Material (4) [Forum Memo,
January 1964; ABA Public Utility Law Section report on Atomic Energy;
Annual Electrical Industry Forecast, 1964-1980; AEC 1963 financial report; March
1963 statement by Richard Newlin before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Meeting 11-17-64 Research Material (5)
[“The Uranium Industry and its Potential Market” by Jesse C. Johnson; “Uranium 1963”
by John T. Sherman; Civilian Nuclear Power: Appendices to a Report to the President,
1962, AEC; Economic Considerations Bearing on Civilian Nuclear Power Development by
Keith L. Harms]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Meeting 11-17-64 Research Material (6) [clippings;
“The Thorium Fuel Cycle – Analysis”; 1959 analysis of uranium market by Odlum;
“Estimated Free World Uranium Requirements” by Nuclear Development Corporation of
America, 1959]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Merger (Nevada Co.), 1954-55 [Utida Uranium Company;
U & I Uranium Company]
Federal Uranium Corporation, Pryor Litigation, 1955-56
Geiger Counters, 1954-56 [instructions for prospecting with Geiger counters]
General, 1957 [correspondence and clippings re: uranium mining and resources]
Great Northern Uranium Co. (Canada), 1954-55
Kentucky-Utah Mining Company, 1954
La Salle Mining Company, 1955
Legal and Tax Memoranda, 1954-55
Lisbon Uranium Company, 1954-56
Little Star Claims, 1954-56
Lone Star Mining and Development Company, 1955-56 (1)-(2)
159 Marshall, Freda, 1954-61 (1)-(3) [copies of legal documents dating back to 1935]
Miscellaneous Clippings, Photos, Circulars, Maps, Reports (1)-(3) [information on
uranium industry, includes 1959 report: “Free World Uranium Ore Reserves and
Production”; prospectus for Panel Consolidated Uranium Mines; “Report on the Little
Indian Canyon Area, Utah”; report on using airborne surveys of potential uranium lands]
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1954-56 [Frederick Curtiss; Victor Odlum; Charles
Steen; A. P. Kibbe; Harold Burton]
Miscellaneous Proposals, 1955-58 (1)-(3)
Northrop, John K., 1954-56
Nuclear Nomads, 1955
Odlum, Floyd B. Ownership and Gifts of Federal and Radorock Stock, 1957-58
Odlum, Floyd B. Personal, 1954-56
Pick, Vernon J., 1954-56 [Hidden Splendor Mining Co..; Delta mine; uranium in Mexico;
proposed movie on Pick; draft article for Life]
Portugal, 1954-55
Purchase of Securities, 1955 [LaSal Mining Claims; Elk Ridge Uranium Company]
Research Nuclear Power, 1963-64
160 St. Michaels College, 1954-55
Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1954-55
Teller, Dr. Edward, 1955-56
U & I Radon Group, 1954-56 [Hecla Mining Company]
Ripley Watson Interview of Floyd Odlum, February 1957
White Canyon Mining Company, 1955
Y Group, 1954-56 (1)-(4) [Theodore Montague; oil, natural gas & uranium in Yemen;
potential for oil and natural gas in the Po Valley, Italy; Henry Wilson Cain]
Y Group, Financial, 1954
Yemen, 1954-56 (1)-(2) [potential for mineral and oil development]
161 Tube containing oversized maps withdrawn from boxes in this series
Business Series, Miscellaneous Financial Papers, 1924-75
162 California Property All-American Canal, 1939-42 [Riverside County canal for irrigation
and agriculture]
Jacqueline Cochran, Financial, 1954-1964
Convair, 1948-51 [annual reports]
Gift Tax Returns Floyd B. Odlum (1)-(2) [1942-56]
Hertz Foundation, 1975 (1)-(2) [as of December 31, 1974]
Miscellaneous Documents, 1924-49 [correspondence re: title to ranch; list of Odlum’s
Atlas stock certificates, 1942; Atlas Corporation Annual Reports, 1935 & 1936; 1932
mortgage, Aelaide V. Walsh, Queens NY; list of stock certificates]
163 Personal Ledger Cover Page
Personal Ledger, 1936 (1)-(3)
Personal Ledger, 1937 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1938 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1939
Personal Ledger, 1940
Personal Ledger, 1941
Personal Ledger, 1942 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1943 (1)-(2)
164 Personal Ledger, 1944 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1945 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1946 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1947
Personal Ledger, 1948 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1949 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1950 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1951 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1952 (1)-(2)
165 Personal Ledger, 1953 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1954 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1955 (1)-(2) [1956 ledger not included when collection was donated]
Personal Ledger, 1957 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1958 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1959 (1)-(2) [1960 and 1961 ledgers not included when collection was
Personal Ledger, 1962 (1)-(2)
Personal Ledger, 1963 (1)-(2)
166 U.P.L. Investigation, 1937 [bound copies of US Circuit Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
No. 6228 involving United Power and Light Corporation]
Speech Series, 1930-1966
167 Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, Index
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, no date [draft speech re: lawyers]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1930 [tribute to Admiral Richard E. Byrd]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1931, 1934 [arbitration and foreign trade;
investment trusts]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1935 [Public Utility Security Values in The
Wharton Review of Finance and Commerce]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1937 [investment trust litigation]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1939 [government regulation of business]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1940 [investment trusts; excess profits tax;
Town Hall discussion, “Will Freedom Prevail?”]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1941 [Contract Distribution Division of the
Office of Production Management press conference and press releases; analysis of
inflation for Atlas Corporation annual report]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1942 (1)-(2) [Contract Distribution Division
of the Office of Production Management press releases, radio program and speeches;
War Production Board; commencement address at Hillsdale College]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1944 [China; investment trusts]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1947, 1949 [“Financial Organization of the
Motion Picture Industry; economic outlook; statement on B-36 before House Armed
Services Committee]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1950 [threats of Communism, intolerance]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1951 [national economy]
Speech, June 8, 1951, American Rheumatism Association [speech, meeting program]
Speech, October 3, 1951, National Security Traders Association (1)-(2) [“The Fight
for Free Enterprise”, includes correspondence, clippings, background material]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1952 [Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation;
election eve speech for Eisenhower]
Speech, November 17, 1952, Wings Club, New York (1)-(3) [first-had account of Orville
Wright demonstrating his plane at Fort Myer for U.S. Patent Office officials from Charles
Larzellere; aviation and the aircraft industry]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1953 [Atlas shareholders meeting;
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation]
168 Speech, March 11, 1953, Beverly Hills Men’s Club [corporate taxation]
Speech, March 12, 1953, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Los Angeles
[international relations]
Speech, May 28, 1953, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Albuquerque
Speech, February 4, 1955, National Mining Conference, Denver (1)-(2) [“Uranium and Its
Commercial Future”]
Speech, April 20, 1955, Conference of Intermountain Industry, Salt Lake City (1)-(2)
[uranium and nuclear power potential]
Speech, June 2, 1955, Women’s Bond Club of New York
A Letter to the Shareholders of Atlas Corporation, September 7, 1955 [observations on
peaceful uses of atomic energy from Geneva Conference]
Speech, November 17, 1955, Lotos Club, New York [honoring John Jay Hopkins]
Speech, August 3, 1956, Air Force Association, New Orleans (1)-(3) [speeches by Odlum
and others on Manpower for the Jet Age; National Science Foundation report:
“Science and Engineering in American Industry: Preliminary Report on a Survey of
Research and Development Costs and Personnel in 1953-54”; report on Soviet efforts
for technological supremacy]
Speech, September 18, 1956, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce [industrial
development in Southern California]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1957 [2 speeches re: Atlas Corporation]
169 Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1958 [uranium mining and atomic energy]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1959 [arthritis]
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1960 [democracy; Hertz Foundation
engineering scholarships; baccalaureate sermon at Northland College on science and
Statements and Speeches of Floyd B. Odlum, 1961 [economics; Boy Scouts; aircraft
industry; religion]
Speech, February 16, 1965, University of Redlands
Sermon, May 22, 1966, San Diego First Methodist Church
Speech Book Acknowledgements, Individuals (1)-(3) [in response to the publication of
Odlum’s selected speeches]
Speech Book Acknowledgements, Libraries (1)-(6) [in response to the publication of
Odlum’s selected speeches, arranged alphabetically by state]
170 Speech Book Acknowledgements, Libraries (7)-(9)
Speech Book Correspondence (1)-(2)
Floyd B. Odlum Book Drafts (1)-(2) [unpublished, chapters on George Odlum; Romania;
his business relationship with Howard Hughes; notes and background information]
Speech Book Galleys (1)-(3) [selected speeches]
Speech Book Mailing List (1)-(2)
Scrapbook Series, 1908-1973
171 22
Combat Crew Training School, Army Air Field, Ardmore, Oklahoma, 1944 [book with
history of the Army Air Forces and the training school; pictures of staff and men trained]
Air Force: The Official Journal of the Air Force Association, August 1949
Air Force: The Magazine of American Air Power, September 1956
Americana Books, Manuscripts & Paintings, Catalogue 138
Club Rosters (1)-(2) [Lotos Club 1964-65, Adventurer’s Club of New York 1965, Bel Air
Country Club 1964, The Pilgrims 1965, National Aviation Club 1964, The Wings Club
The Creek By-Laws
Did Someone Say Pictures? [photos from the New York Times, April 29-May 4, 1940]
Engineering: Cornell Quarterly, Volume 1, Fall 1966 [future needs for engineering
European Banking Gazetteer and List of Bank Holidays with Principal European Hotels,
Flying: Royal Air Force Issue, September 1942
172 Flying: U.S. Naval Aviation Issue, February 1943
Flying: U.S. Army Air Forces Issue, October 1943
Forbes, Magazine of Business, February 1, 1949
“The Foreign Power System”, address by W. S. Robertson
“The Forgotten American”, by Barry Goldwater
Investor’s Reader, July 14, 1954
Livestock and Poultry on Farms and Ranches as of January 1, 1954 [USDA]
Lovelace Foundation for Medical Research and Education
“The Misery Merchants” [motion picture press book]
National Aeronautics (1)-(2) [select issues 1959-1962]
National Air-Race Sketchbook
Pereira & Luckman: Planning Architecture - Engineering (1)-(2)
Box 173 Proceedings Before the Supreme Court of the United States, April 4, 1955, In Memory of
Robert Houghwout Jackson
Proceedings of the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space, Seattle,
Washington, May 8-10, 1962
Radio News, U. S. Army Signal Corps Issue, November 1942
Radio News, U. S. Aviation Communications Issue, June 1943
Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival, 1952
The Skirmisher, May 1909 [Hillsdale High School, Hillsdale, Michigan]
“Skyline” by Gene Fowler [final chapter released to promote the book]
Stop Arthritis [1954-55 Annual Report of The Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation]
Twin Topics: The Journal of Society, October 15, 1936
Under the Bridge at Fourth and Flower: A Musical” by Mary F. Martin
United Mine Workers Journal, July 15, 1943
United States Army War Show, Provisional Task Force, 1942
The Uranium Industry Today and the Hidden Splendor Mining Company, 1959
Box 174 Scrapbook, 1908-1913 [Hillsdale High School, freshman year at University of Colorado;
facsimile of program for Aviation Meet in Los Angeles, January 1910]
Clippings, 1910-1912
Clippings, 1927-1932
Clippings, 1933-1934
Clippings, 1935
Clippings, 1936
Clippings, 1937
Ephemera, 1932-1940 [cornerstone ceremony for Roosevelt Library, New York World’s
Clippings, 1938
Clippings, 1939
Clippings, 1940
Clippings, 1941
Clippings, 1942
Office of Production Management Report, February 20, 1942
Ephemera, 1940-1942
Clippings, 1943
Box 175 Clippings, 1944-1945
Ephemera, 1944-1945 [trade with China, Presidential inauguration]
Clippings, 1946-1947
Ephemera, 1946 [souvenir program for premiere of Sister Kinney]
Ephemera, 1947 [Lovelace Foundation; White House dinner honoring John Hertz]
Clippings, 1948 (1)-(2)
Ephemera, 1948 [Jackie Cochran honored by Adventurer’s Club]
Clippings, 1949 (1)-(5) [controversy over B-36 bomber]
Box 176 Ephemera, 1949 [social events, speech by Louis Johnson, Democratic National
Committee dinner, “In the Daze of the Comet” by Donald Menzel]
Floyd Odlum Testimony on the B-36 Before the House Armed Services Committee
1949 Inauguration
Clippings, 1950 (1)-(2)
Ephemera, 1950 (1)-(4) [trip to Europe, including Spain and Germany; postcards Dachau
concentration camp]
Clippings, 1951 (1)-(2)
Ephemera, 1951 [program for the Kentucky Derby; Lotos Club dinner for Jackie Cochran]
Clippings, 1952 (1)-(2) [Rally for Eisenhower in Madison Square Garden]
Box 177 Ephemera, 1952
Clippings, 1953 (1)-(3)
Ephemera, 1953 (1)-(2)
Inauguration, 1953
Retirement as Chairman of the Board of Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp.
Clippings, 1954 (1)-(4)
Box 178 Ephemera, 1954 (1)-(2) [trip to South America]
Clippings, 1955 (1)-(3)
Ephemera, 1955 (1)-(3) [Jackie Cochran’s African safari; opening of Disneyland; trip to
Europe for the Geneva Conference]
Air Force Academy Dedication, July 11, 1955
Clippings, 1956 (1)-(3)
Ephemera, 1956
Box 179 Clippings, 1957 (1)-(2)
Ephemera, 1957 (1)-(3) [Dedication of the Uranium Reduction Company Mill; ringside
seating chart for Robinson-Basilio championship fight;
Inauguration, 1957 (1)-(2)
Queen Elizabeth’s Visit, 1957 (1)-(2)
Clippings, 1958
Ephemera, 1958
Clippings, 1959 (1)-(2)
Box 180 Ephemera, 1959 (1)-(2) [luncheon for Nikita Khrushchev]
Clippings, 1960 (1)-(2)
Ephemera, 1960 [commencement speech at Northland College; list of Presidential trips
in VC-137A jet aircraft]
Dinner with Ike, January 20, 1960
Retirement from Atlas Corporation
Clippings, 1961 (1)-(2)
Ephemera, 1961
Clippings, 1962
Ephemera, 1962
Clippings, 1963
Ephemera, 1963 (1)-(2)
Box 181 Clippings, 1964
Ephemera, 1964 (1)-(2)
Clippings, 1965
Ephemera, 1965 (1)-(2) [“Seven Great Americans and Right to Work”]
Clippings, 1966
Ephemera, 1966
Clippings, 1967
Clippings, 1968
Ephemera, 1968 (1)-(2)
Clippings, 1969-70
Ephemera, 1969-70
Clippings, 1971-73
Ephemera, 1971-73 [reproduction of historical menus from Delmonicos; brochure for
the Los Angeles World Trade Center, then under construction]
American Bar Association Fifty Year Award
Box 182 Clippings, no date (1)-(2)
Ephemera, undated (1)-(2) [family memorabilia; Japanese psychological warfare flyers
aimed at Australian forces]
Pages From Autograph Book
Loose Items from Scrapbook in Box 185
Loose Items from Scrapbook in Box 186
Loose Items from Scrapbook in Box 187 [1908 article on George Odlum]
Photographs, ca. 1890s-1920s [original photos transferred to AV]
Photographs, ca. 1930s [original photos transferred to AV]
Photographs, ca. 1940s [original photos transferred to AV]
Photographs, ca. 1950s [original photos transferred to AV]
Photographs, ca. 1960s [original photos transferred to AV]
Photographs, ca. 1970s [original photos transferred to AV]
Undated Jacqueline Cochran Aviation Photographs [original photos transferred to AV]
Photographs of a Wedding [original photos transferred to AV]
Photographs of Manningford Estates, England [home of George Odlum, Pewsey,
Wiltshire, UK; original photos transferred to AV]
Black and White Photographs, Cochran-Odlum Ranch [original photos transferred to AV]
Color Photographs, Cochran-Odlum Ranch [original photos transferred to AV]
Undated Portrait Photographs [original photos transferred to AV]
Undated Photographs, Various Locations and Events [original photos transferred to AV]
Photograph Albums [original albums transferred to AV]
Large Framed and Unframed Photographs [original photos transferred to AV]
Audio Items transferred to Audiovisual
Items Transferred to the Book Collection
Items Transferred to the Museum
Box 183 California Wing, Air Force Association, Citation of Merit to Floyd B. Odlum, n.d.
“Odlum of Atlas”, Fortune, September 1935
Photostat of Presidential Certificate of Merit, July 16, 1947
Drawing for “Through the Storm”, cartoon on B-36 Bomber, September 14, 1949
Commission as Honorary Colonel from Governor of Oklahoma, January 13, 1950
Tribute to Fannie and John Hertz on Their Golden Anniversary, July 15, 1953
Program for the Fourteenth Dinner of the Lucullus Circle, March 15, 1954
National Aviation Club Membership, July 1, 1963
Election as Member of Board of Directors, New York World’s Fair 1964-65 Corporation
Honorary Membership, The American Rheumatism Association, June 17, 1965
Sigma Phi Epsilon Citation, September 1, 1965
Salute to Lowell Thomas, November 22, 1965
Box 184 Elder Statesman of Aviation Award from National Aeronautic Association
Scrapbook, 1931-34
RKO Studios Preview of Pictures, 1944-1945
Box 185 Scrapbook, 1939-40
Box 186 Scrapbook, Atlas Corporation, March-May 1940
Box 187 Scrapbook, January-October 1941
Box 188 Washington Scrapbook, 1941-1942: Editorial Comment (1)-(2)
Washington Scrapbook, 1941-1942: Columnists (Syndicated)
Washington Scrapbook, 1941-1942: Press Services (1)-(2)
Washington Scrapbook, 1941-1942: Magazines (1)-(4)
Washington Scrapbook, 1941-1942: Small Business
Washington Scrapbook, 1941-1942: New York City (1)-(4)