New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection
Site Remediation and
Waste Management Program
Technical Guidance for Preparation and Submission
of a Conceptual Site Model
August 2019
Version 1.1
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1.0 Intended Use of Guidance Document .......................................................................................... 4
2.0 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Document Overview .................................................................................................................... 5
4.0 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 6
5.0 Procedures .................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 What is a Conceptual Site Model? .......................................................................................... 6
5.1.1 Description of Source, Pathways, and Receptors ............................................................ 7
5.1.2 Summary of Impacted Media........................................................................................... 7
5.1.3 A Tool for Remedial Decision Making............................................................................ 7
5.1.4 Form of the Model (diagram, text, and mapping) ............................................................ 8
5.2 Developing A Conceptual Site Model ................................................................................... 11
5.2.1 Description of Conceptual Site Model Scope – Site-wide or Area of Concern ............. 11
5.2.2 Summarizing Available Information ............................................................................. 11
5.2.3 Identification of Potential Sources ................................................................................. 12
5.2.4 Characterization of the Source(s) of Contamination ..................................................... 12
5.2.5 Migration Pathways ....................................................................................................... 13
5.2.6 Identification of Human and Ecological Receptors ....................................................... 18
5.2.7 Determination of the Extent of Investigative Area ........................................................ 19
5.2.8 Narrative Description ..................................................................................................... 19
5.3 Applying the Conceptual Site Model .................................................................................... 19
5.4 Data Gaps and Revising the Conceptual Site Model – Iterative Process .............................. 22
5.5 Examples of Development and Application of the Conceptual Site Model .......................... 22
6.0 References .................................................................................................................................. 24
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Table 5-1: Applying the conceptual site model in the Remedial Process ............................21
Figure 1: Conceptual Site Model – Exposure Pathway Schematic..............................................8
Figure 2: USEPA Generic Eco conceptual site model Illustration ..............................................9
Figure 3: Schematic illustration of conceptual site model for soil
exposure pathway evaluation .....................................................................................10
Figure 4: Importance of Proper Site Characterization ...............................................................16
Appendix A: Conceptual Site Model Checklist .........................................................................25
Appendix B: Examples of Development and Application of a Conceptual Site Model. ...........31
Appendix C: Illustrations of Simple -Conceptual Site Model ...................................................39
Appendix D: Acronyms .............................................................................................................45
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1.0 Intended Use of Guidance Document
This technical guidance is designed to help the person responsible for conducting remediation to comply
with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP or Department) requirements
established by the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (Technical Rules), N.J.A.C. 7:26E.
This guidance will be used by many different people involved in the remediation of a contaminated site;
such as Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs), Non-LSRP environmental consultants and
other environmental professionals. Therefore, the generic term “investigator” will be used to refer to any
person that uses this technical guidance to remediate a contaminated site on behalf of a remediating
party, including the remediating party itself.
The procedures for a person to vary from the Technical Rules are at N.J.A.C. 7:26E-1.7. Variances from
a technical requirement or departure from guidance must be documented and adequately supported with
data or other information. In applying technical guidance, the Department recognizes that professional
judgment may result in a range of interpretations on the application of the technical guidance to site
This guidance supersedes previous Department guidance issued on this topic. Technical guidance may be
used immediately upon issuance. However, the Department recognizes the challenge of using newly issued
technical guidance when a remediation affected by the guidance may have already been conducted or is
currently in progress. To provide for the reasonable implementation of new technical guidance, the
Department will allow a six-month “phase-in” period between the date the technical guidance is issued final
(or the revision date) and the time it should be used.
This guidance supersedes previous Department guidance issued on this topic and was prepared with
stakeholder input. The following people were on the committee who prepared this document:
Joseph Eaker, Chair, Bureau of Information Systems (BIS), NJDEP
Rob Lux, Bureau of Enforcement and Investigation (BEI), NJDEP
Kimberly McEvoy, Engineering and Construction Program, NJDEP
Nick DeRose, LSRPA, Langan Engineering and Environmental Services
Richard Britton, Matrix New World Engineering
Brendan Lazar, TRC Environmental Corp.
Jaime Wuelfing, Groundwater & Environmental Services
William Gottobrio, Golder Associates
Carrie McGowan, AECOM
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2.0 Purpose
This Conceptual Site Model Technical Guidance has been developed to provide a framework that can be
used to aid and document site characterization and remedial action decisions throughout the life of the
remedial process. A conceptual site model is a written and/or illustrative representation of the conditions
and the physical, chemical and biological processes that control the transport, migration and potential
impacts of contamination (in soil, air, ground water, surface water and/or sediments) to human and/or
ecological receptors.
This Conceptual Site Model Technical Guidance should be used in concert with the Administrative
Requirements for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (N.J.A.C. 7:26C), Remediation Standards
(N.J.A.C. 7:26D), the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (N.J.A.C. 7:26E), and the Heating
Oil Tank System Remediation Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:26F). While the CSM can greatly assist in explaining
results of an investigation, it is not a required deliverable for documents submitted to the Department.
The use of the conceptual site model does not replace the need for documenting procedures, or
methodologies for proper site investigation or remediation in accordance with the Department’s
regulatory requirements.
The conceptual site model is a critical tool that should be used to identify sources, receptors and
pathways associated with the area of concern and/or site. The conceptual site model should support
scientific and technical decisions for the site. The conceptual site model can also assist the investigator
to communicate effectively with interested parties about the critical issues, and/or processes identified at
the site, and support the remedial decision- making process. Development and refinement of the
conceptual site model will help identify data gaps in the characterization process and can ultimately
support remedial decision making. The Department accepts the conceptual site model as a valid
scientific approach to support professional judgment when applied in accordance with applicable
regulatory requirements, remediation standards and technical guidance documents.
3.0 Document Overview
This technical guidance, in conjunction with other Department technical guidance, reviews the
definition, procedures and application of a conceptual site model. A conceptual site model allows the
user to present a comprehensive and concise understanding of the site environmental system and the
potential risks to human health and the environment associated with identified contaminants of concern
(COCs). The conceptual site model can range from a simple illustration (see Figure C1-1) to a more
sophisticated comprehensive document (See Figure B1-1) depending on the complexity of the site and
the amount of data collected. The conceptual site model can be applied to all phases of the remedial
process to understand the relationship between sources, migration pathways and receptors associated
with the site or area of concern and identified COCs. The conceptual site model serves to identify
currently complete or potentially complete pathways to receptors and the potential for future risks.
The use of the conceptual site model does not replace the need for documenting procedures, or
methodologies for proper site investigation or remediation in accordance with the Department’s
regulatory requirements. The conceptual site model should be used to enable investigators to
communicate effectively with all interested parties, identify critical issues and/or processes and facilitate
the remedial decision-making process. The format and presentation of the conceptual site model may
also vary from a stand-alone document to being incorporated into the body of a submittal.
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Procedures for development of a conceptual site model are presented in this document
in three main sections:
Section 5.1 Describes the conceptual site model in detail and identifies the key components of a
conceptual site model. This section also provides a framework for the site characterization and
presents options for relaying the information to the end user.
Section 5.2 utilizes the site-specific information to describe the scope of the conceptual site model,
determine the extent of the investigative area and summarize all of the available information. This
section discusses the identification of all potential sources, pathways and receptors.
Section 5.3 describes how the conceptual site model should be continually revised to reflect the
current understanding of the site and how it can be used during all phases of the investigation,
remediation and support the remedial decision.
Specific examples are included in the document.
4.0 Definitions
Conceptual Site Model: The conceptual site model is a written and/or illustrative representation of the
physical, chemical and biological processes that control the transport, migration and actual/potential
impacts of contamination (in soil, air, ground water, surface water and/or sediments) to human and/or
ecological receptors. Development and refinement of the CSM will help identify investigative data gaps
in the characterization process and can ultimately support remedial decision making.
Complete Pathway: An exposure route with an impacted receptor that is associated with a confirmed
source and migration pathway. An incomplete pathway is missing one of these three components
Contaminant of Concern (COC): Site-specific compounds associated with a discharge(s) at or from a
site that are detected in environmental media (soil, ground water, surface water, sediment, air) above
regulatory criteria. It also includes the degradation byproducts from the COCs.
Migration pathway: The course through which contaminants in the environment may move away from
the source(s) to potential environmental receptors.
Smear Zone: Thickness of contaminant distribution that results from fluctuations of the water table that
is equal to or greater than the historical range of water table fluctuations.
Source – (ASTM 2008): The location from which a contaminant(s) has entered or may enter a physical
system. A primary source, such as a location at which drums have leaked onto surface soils, may
produce a secondary source, such as contaminated soils; sources, may hence be primary or secondary.
5.0 Procedures
5.1 What is a Conceptual Site Model?
The goal of a conceptual site model is to provide a description of relevant site features
and the surface and subsurface conditions to understand the extent of identified
contaminants of concern and the risk they pose to receptors. The conceptual site model is
an iterative tool that should be developed and refined as information is obtained during
review of the site history and continues throughout the site and/or remedial investigation.
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The level of detail of the conceptual site model should match the complexity of the site
and available data. Development and refinement of the conceptual site model will help
identify investigative data gaps in the characterization process and can ultimately support
remedial decision making.
5.1.1 Description of Source, Pathways, and Receptors
Potential sources of contaminants are identified and investigated as described in the Tech Regs
regulations and other Technical Guidance Documents. These sources may include tanks, material
transport areas, drainage conveyance areas, production areas, waste disposal areas, and other
areas of concern. Contaminants of Concern, as well as their concentrations in the various media
on site should be fully characterized to understand the extent and potential for migration.
Potential migration pathways for these contaminants to receptors are then identified and
evaluated to assess exposure risks. Identify incomplete pathways.
Preparation and use of the conceptual site model is an iterative process throughout the lifecycle
of the project. The conceptual site model should be modified to continually evaluate the
relationship between sources of contaminants, migration pathways, and receptors as new data
become available. Evaluation of these three components through the use of the conceptual site
model, in conjunction with initial preparation and subsequent revisions to the Receptor
Evaluation Form (N.J.A.C. 7:26E-1.12) will ensure receptors are identified and addressed.
5.1.2 Summary of Impacted Media
Investigate all environmental media (ground water, surface water, soils, sediment, and air) and
incorporate into the conceptual site model. The conceptual site model should be used to
document the presence or absence of contamination in a particular media. When data is
available, the CSM could include basic information for all potentially impacted media, such
as classification and applicable remediation standards, and summary tables and/or
other data summary methods for concisely describing data available for all media,
collected throughout the history of the site.
5.1.3 A Tool for Remedial Decision Making
The conceptual site model will evolve as information is gathered throughout the life of a project.
As the understanding of the source, nature and extent of contamination is realized, the
information should be used to evaluate fate and transport of the contaminants to the receptors. By
periodically evaluating the completeness of the conceptual site model, data gaps can be more
readily identified and addressed to ensure there is a complete understanding of contaminant
impacts. By developing the conceptual site model through this iterative process, remedial
decisions can be made to effectively address and protect the impacted and/or potentially
impacted receptors. Clearly identify uncertainties associated with the conceptual site model so
that efforts can be taken to reduce these uncertainties to acceptable levels. Early versions of the
conceptual site model, which are usually based on limited or incomplete information, will
identify the uncertainties that should be addressed. Perform an assessment of data usability/data
representativeness to ensure identification of data limitations affecting the use of the conceptual
site model.
Discussion of applying data usability/representativeness concepts to the conceptual site model is
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presented in Sections 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 of “Technical and Regulatory Guidance for the Triad
Approach: A New Paradigm for Environmental Project Management” (ITRC, December 2003).
5.1.4 Form of the Model (diagram, text, and mapping)
The conceptual site model can be presented in a number of forms. Often the forms will be
dictated by the complexity of the site or area of concern and the amount and type of available
data. The conceptual site model may be narrative, text, pictorial, presented as a computer model,
or some combination. It should represent the site or area of concern, contaminant sources, the
environmental media that have been impacted, and the processes that determine transport of
contaminants to potential receptors. Refine the CSM as information is collected throughout each
phase of a project until implementation of a remedy. A CSM is also useful after the remedy has
been implemented. For example, use post remediation monitoring data to validate the CSM and
confirm selection of a proper remedy for the site and/or AOC.
Figures 1 and 2 present illustrations of generic conceptual site models and potential human
health and ecological receptors, respectively. In addition, Figure 3 presents a generic U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency schematic diagram of a conceptual site model exposure
pathway evaluation. Examples of development and application of the conceptual site model are
also presented in Section 5.5 of this document.
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Figure 2: USEPA Generic ECO CSM Illustration
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (2004)
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5.2 Developing A Conceptual Site Model
The following sections describe the components that should be included in development and
presentation of the conceptual site model in written submittals. The level of detail of the components
should be consistent with the complexity of the site and available data. The format and presentation
of the conceptual site model may also vary from a stand-alone document to being incorporated into
the body of a submittal.
To assist the investigator in developing the conceptual site model, an optional checklist is provided
in Appendix A to this guidance that identifies the types of information which could be collected
during the remedial process. All items on this checklist may not apply to each site and depending
upon the complexity of the site, there may be additional information required to complete the
development of the conceptual site model. The investigator is also encouraged to conduct a site visit
to assist in the development of a complete conceptual site model.
Components of the conceptual site model should clearly distinguish between background
contamination and contamination associated with an area of concern or site to understand the
receptor groups that may be associated with the exposure to contaminants of concern within a
5.2.1 Description of Conceptual Site Model Scope Site-wide or Area of Concern
The scope of the conceptual site model should include establishing the extent of the investigative
area to be characterized. Make clear if the conceptual site model will be limited to an area of
concern or the entire site, and if it will extend off site to include regional features. It is also
important to clarify if the conceptual site model is being developed to assess potential/actual
impacts to human or ecological receptors or both. The description of the conceptual site model
should include a complete site plan depicting the extent of the area addressed by the conceptual
site model, a depiction of identified area of concerns/source areas, potential COCs, pertinent
features affecting contaminant migration, identified potential receptors, and the applicable
remediation criteria.
5.2.2 Summarizing Available Information
The investigator should evaluate information collected throughout the remedial process
(Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation (PA/SI), Remedial Investigation (RI), Remedial
Action) in developing and refining the conceptual site model. This should include providing a
summary of available site information and publications relevant to developing the conceptual site
The following information should be included in the summary:
general description of current uses of the property and surrounding properties
current zoning status for the property and surrounding properties available historical
information on property use or activities that may be pertinent to its environmental status
identification of the locations and depths of known subsurface utilities
relevant off-site and regional information from aerial photographs, geographic information
system data, and historical and current tax maps, etc.
photographs, topographic maps, and geologic quadrangle maps
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historical discharges;
historical contaminant concentrations in soil and ground water;
aquifer classification and surface water body classification;
applicable remediation standards for all potentially impacted media; and
any applicable antidegradation policies.
5.2.3 Identification of Potential Sources
The investigator should conduct a diligent inquiry into the operational and ownership history of
the area of concern or site to determine source(s) which may have contributed to the
contamination. This may include information or data generated by a Preliminary Assessment
conducted in accordance with N.C.A.C 7:26E-3 and the current versions of the Department’s
Technical Guidance for Site Investigation of Soil, Remedial Investigation of Soil, and Remedial
Action Verification Sampling for Soil and the Ground Water Technical Guidance: Site
Investigation Remedial Investigation Remedial Action Performance Monitoring. The source is
then defined by specific area of concerns or may be a group of area of concerns. It is important to
consider individual contributions when grouping area of concerns into a single source area.
Source areas and plumes that overlap are encouraged to be investigated together and included in
the same CSM.
5.2.4 Characterization of the Source(s) of Contamination
The characterization of the source(s) provides the basis for completion of the site/remedial
investigation. The investigator should identify the discharge date, discharge point, discharged
material, and estimated volume of the discharge. Include a discussion of the affected media and
initial mitigation and/or remediation efforts.
Initially, the source should be characterized and the extent of contaminants of concern estimated.
As source characterization progresses, the conceptual site model should be refined using the site-
specific sampling data and additional historical information that is discovered during the
The source characterization should discuss:
dates of use;
maps; discharge maps;
discharge information;
prior remedial actions; and
immediate environmental concerns conditions/mitigation.
Once significant contaminant data is available, summary tables, maps, graphs or other figures
should be used to describe the nature and extent of contamination in all media and/or to
concisely illustrate any temporal trends in the data. Historical monitoring/investigation data and
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past remedial actions taken should be included. Information that does, or may, explain any trends
in the data could also be discussed. In addition, any important implications for receptor exposure
that may be associated with changes in various contaminant levels over time in any media could
be noted.
During the review of available site and surrounding property information, it is important to
identify contamination in media on-site that may not be related to spills or site processes.
Specifically, it is important to determine if fill was placed on-site at any point in time and the
extent of the fill material. This material could meet the definition of historic fill and, if
contaminants are detected in the fill, may influence the choice of remedial action for part of the
site or area of concern. The presence of impacted fill does not preclude site investigation and
remediation of impacts that are associated with site operations.
It may also become apparent that contaminants detected on-site may be due to diffuse
anthropogenic contaminants, naturally occurring background concentrations, or impacts from
discharges at near-by sites. The existence of contaminants not related to the site operations is
important when determining site pathways and impacts to receptors. Source control or
remediation of these constituents may not be possible or necessary, but it is important to evaluate
the impact to receptors and consider this when ultimately making remedial decisions.
5.2.5 Migration Pathways
The conceptual site model can identify all potential and confirmed migration pathways of the
contaminants of concern for the area addressed by the conceptual site model. The purpose of this
section of the conceptual site model is to document all current and future migration pathways for
all contaminants of concern at the site. This section should also identify when the migration
pathway(s) are not complete and therefore will not be evaluated.
The media that should be evaluated in the development of a conceptual site model are soil,
ground water, surface water, sediment and air. The following sections provide information to
consider when evaluating migration pathways for each media. The investigator should then
evaluate which components are applicable based on the conditions and complexity of the site.
Soil sampling and characterization must be conducted in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26E- 3.4
and 4.2. The investigator should also follow the Department’s Technical Guidance for Site
Investigation of Soil, Remedial Investigation of Soil, and Remedial Action Verification
Sampling for Soil, and Department’s Field Sampling Procedures Manual. If the investigator
identifies constituents that exceed the appropriate Department remediation standards, the
investigator can develop a conceptual site model to characterize the nature and extent of
contamination. Include the evaluation of each potential exposure pathway and supporting fate
and transport analysis as appropriate. In this analysis, the investigator must identify the
boundaries that were used to define the site and/or area of concern, which should be supported
by the sampling locations. Based upon the complexity of the site and site conditions, the
conceptual site model should be able to provide the following information derived from field
contaminants of concern that are present, their concentrations, spatial variation in
concentration, and remediation standards;
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physical characteristics of the soil in which contaminants of concern are present and
through which they may be moving
o examples include soil type, dry bulk density, permeability, organic carbon content,
porosity, field description from boring logs, and moisture content;
heterogeneities within the soil column;
existence of “smear zone”; and
depth to ground water and/or bedrock.
Within the conceptual site model, identify site conditions that may represent potential exposure
risks and/or migration pathways. Examples of information to consider include:
proximity to surface water and wetlands;
surface and subsurface drainage features;
subsurface storm water infiltration galleries;
amount of soil cover;
proximity to buildings;
proximity to residential areas, schools, parks, etc.; and
location of utilities/preferential migration pathways.
Documentation of above-mentioned properties and any significant variability over the site may
be very important later in developing a fate and transport analysis and in identifying any
potential secondary sources. Appendix C provides examples of conceptual site models for a
single discharge, where soil is one of the media of concern
Ground Water
If a release to ground water is suspected, ground water sampling must be conducted in
accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26E- 3.5 and 4.3 and the current versions of the Department’s
Ground Water Technical Guidance: Site Investigation Remedial Investigation Remedial Action
Performance Monitoring and Department’s Field Sampling Procedures Manual. A ground
water conceptual site model can be used to aid in determining the extent of the migration of
contamination in each aquifer unit. The ground water conceptual site model is based on
knowledge of the site, ground water monitoring information, and the fate and transport
analysis. The investigator should evaluate and include the following in the conceptual site
types of contaminants of concern present, their concentrations and their
spatial variation in concentration;
aquifer characteristics (e.g., porosity and permeability) of the material(s)
through which ground water moves;
Geologic formations and Ground Water Classifications (Class I, II, or III) that has(have)
been impacted;
direction of ground water flow;
hydraulic gradient;
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location of recharge and discharge areas including infiltration galleries;
location of any present or historic pumping influence;
water use area (potable, irrigation, industrial, etc.);
heterogeneities within the saturated geologic matrix
bedrock structure information that may control contaminant migration; and
preferential pathways (e.g. location of subsurface utilities).
Organic contaminants can migrate into low permeability formations of clay or rock where they
remain at high concentrations. These may diffuse slowly into adjacent, aquifer formations.
Therefore, the nature and extent of organic COCs sorbed within low permeability soil and rock
matrices, both above and below the saturated zone, should also be characterized.
This information is not only necessary to describe and evaluate conditions at the site, but is
often vital to fate and transport analysis, especially when it requires a quantitative approach.
The conceptual site model should also identify if background contamination is migrating onto
the site and/or area of concern. If an off-site source of contamination is identified, then collect
the same information as if the ground water contamination was from the site and/or area of
concern. The presence of an off-site source does not preclude site investigation and remediation
of impacts that are associated with site operations.
The fate and transport evaluation of ground water in this section should identify the current and
historical extent of ground water contamination and the related receptors. The investigator
should also identify future receptors that may be impacted by the contamination stemming
from the site and/or area of concern.
The investigator will also need to determine when there may be a need for specialized
engineering and/or scientific expertise to support the characterization of the migration
pathway. Many situations may result in complex interactions between contaminants and the
environment. One common error that can invalidate the conceptual site model is the
installation of monitoring wells at a consistent pre-determined depth without evaluating
whether preferential pathways exist at the site. As illustrated by Figure 4, not accounting for a
dipping transmissive zone that acts as a preferential pathway could lead the investigator to
conclude that ground water contamination is delineated, when in fact contamination was
simply missed due to inadequate site characterization, resulting in the development of an
inaccurate conceptual site model.
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Surface Water
If a discharge is suspected to have occurred into surface water or there is a migration pathway
to surface water, then this pathway should be assessed as specified by N.J.A.C. 7:26E- 3.6 and
4.4 and the Department’s Ecological Evaluation Technical Guidance. A surface water and
sediment investigation is usually conducted if there is evidence of a direct discharge to surface
water, contaminated surface water runoff or ground water discharges into the surface water
body. This section will specifically address components that should be included when
assessing the surface water migration pathway.
Provide the following information in the conceptual site model when addressing the surface
water migration pathway:
physical components associated with the surface water body such as identification of
stressed vegetation, sheens, seeps, discolored soil or sediment along the shoreline or on
the surface water body;
documented historical discharges that may or may not be associated with the site and/or
area of concern including historical ecological studies documenting differences in
organism population density and diversity in areas potentially impacted by the site relative
to areas not impacted by the site;
identification of ground water contaminants of concern that exceed the Surface Water
Quality Standards and migrate along the ground water path toward a surface water body;
plume area, concentration and flow (Q) to estimate a mass loading to surface water;
whether antidegradation policies apply,
seasonal surface water flow.
In accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26E-3.6 and 4.8 and the Department’s Ecological Evaluation
Technical Guidance, the collection of sediment samples is required when it is evident that a
discharge to a surface water body has occurred and there is reason to believe that sediments
may have been impacted by contamination emanating from the site or area of concern. When
evaluating the sediment migration pathway, the investigator should determine if there is
potential exposure to human health and/or to the environment. Successful evaluation of
contaminated sediments requires knowledge of the nature, concentration and areal extent of
contamination, as well as site-specific variables that affect the expression of environmental
impacts. When trying to understand the relationship between contaminant concentrations and
exposure within the sediment migration pathway, the conceptual site model should identify:
how site-related contaminants enter a system;
how contaminants move in that system (including fate and partitioning); and
mechanisms for exposure and uptake in human and/or ecological receptors.
Vapor and Air
If a vapor intrusion investigation is warranted in accordance with the VIG, the conceptual site
model should identify all potential vapor migration pathways and processes through which a
receptor can be exposed at a particular site. Vapor and liquid transport processes and their
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interactions with various geologic and physical site settings (i.e., variations in building
design/construction, soil texture/profile, temporal variation in atmospheric pressure,
precipitation/infiltration, soil moisture, and water table elevation) create a complex and
dynamic system. Consider as follows the main vapor transport mechanisms that should be
considered when evaluating vapor migration:
diffusion of vapors from sources in the unsaturated zone;
diffusion of vapors from sources in shallow ground water;
advective/convective transport of vapors; and
vapor migration through preferential pathways.
A vapor intrusion investigation must be initiated when any of the conditions outlined in
N.J.A.C. 7:26 E-1.15 are met. N.J.A.C. 7:26 E-3.7, 4.5 and the Department’s Vapor Intrusion
Guidance Document provides direction for such an investigation. The conceptual site model
can be used for the following:
determining presence/absence of current conditions that would trigger a vapor
evaluating historical levels of ground water COCs which are not currently above screening
levels to assess potential VI concerns;
assessing identified risks;
identifying actions necessary to mitigate the risks;
documenting effectiveness of mitigation activities; and
identifying and evaluating airborne release mechanisms (emissions from stacks, roof
vents, dust collectors, fire and excavation/construction, etc.)
The conceptual site model should be used to document all sources, pathways, receptors and
associated investigative/corrective actions conducted in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26E-1.15,
3.7, 4.5 and the Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance. A discussion of migration pathways for
the vapor pathway is included in Appendix B of this document.
5.2.6 Identification of Human and Ecological Receptors
The identification of potential receptors is the key function of the conceptual site model and
should take place upon the initial discovery of the discharge and continue to be refined as the
investigation proceeds. Human and ecological receptors include those that are impacted or
threatened by the contaminants of concern, located within the investigative area or present along
an identified migration pathway. Future use of the site may affect the exposure scenario;
therefore, the conceptual site model should identify, when possible, the future use of the site and
take into consideration future exposures to all receptors.
Include the following in the human receptor evaluation:
contaminants or suite of contaminants that are evaluated;
pathway of exposure to each contaminant of concern (via direct contact (i.e.,
ingestion, inhalation or dermal contact) or bioaccumulation along food chain);
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populations that are currently or potentially exposed.
The ecological risk evaluation is often separate from the human risk evaluation since humans are
potentially exposed to contamination differently (e.g.., migration pathway or food source) than
ecological receptors. The information that is required to be evaluated in the Receptor Evaluation
Form, as required by N.J.A.C. 7:26E-1.12, will help with the identification of ecological
receptors. See the Departments Ecological Evaluation Technical Guidance. Generally, the
ecological receptor evaluation should address the following components:
contaminants of potential ecological concern (including co-occurrence of contaminants) for
soil, ground water, surface water and sediment;
current and future exposed species: representative of major groups present at site, not
necessarily all species on or adjacent to site;
contaminant migration pathways to environmentally sensitive areas;
environmentally sensitive areas as described in N.J.A.C. 7:26E-3.6 and 4.8 and
map of exposed population along each migration pathway.
Submit the presentation of the ecological and the human receptor evaluations as two separate
sections within the conceptual site model. As previously illustrated, Figures 1 and 2 present
generic conceptual site models to highlight potential human health and ecological receptors,
5.2.7 Determination of the Extent of Investigative Area
The conceptual site model should not only characterize the source area and the extent of
contamination associated with the source area as described above, but the conceptual site model
should include a description of the extent of the investigative area. This would include
identification of human populations that may be impacted by the contamination (i.e., private or
public supply wells); any critical species that may live on or adjacent to the site, such as federally
or state threatened or endangered species; or any environmentally sensitive natural resources.
This should include identifying critical habitats within the area associated with identified
migration pathways. The investigator should present this information in map form and update as
the data is collected for all migration pathways related to the site.
5.2.8 Narrative Description
The narrative description puts all the pieces of the conceptual site model together in a summary
fashion for the site as it is understood at that time. For a simple scenario, the narrative
description may be notes or text boxes on a drawing. For a more complex site, it may be the
section of a report. It should clearly describe the site, contaminants, pathways, and receptors. It
also may include a discussion of data gaps or uncertainties.
5.3 Applying the Conceptual Site Model
The conceptual site model can be applied to all phases of the Remedial Process to understand the
relationship between sources (COCs), migration pathways and receptors associated with the Site or
area of concern. The use of the conceptual site model does not replace the need for documenting
procedures or methodologies for proper SI in accordance with the Technical Requirements for Site
Page 20 of 46
Remediation, N.J.AC. 7:26E. The conceptual site model allows the investigator to present a
comprehensive and concise understanding of all impacted media including soil, ground water, air,
surface water and sediment associated with the site or area of concern and the potential risks to
human health and the environment associated with the contaminants of concern. Use the conceptual
site model to enable the user to communicate effectively with all interested parties, identify critical
issues and/or processes and facilitate the remedial decision-making process.
Appendix C presents a series of graphical illustrations and schematic diagrams to illustrate the
application of basic conceptual site models for Preliminary Assessment and Remedial Investigation
A CSM is also useful after the remedy has been implemented. For example, post remediation
monitoring data can be used to validate the CSM and confirm that a proper remedy has been selected
for the site and/or AOC.
The conceptual site model can be applied in each phase of the remedial process as highlighted in the
table below.
Page 21 of 46
Table 5-1: Applying the conceptual site model in the Remedial Process
Allows the user to summarize collected information regarding area of
concerns as to its relationship to source, pathway and potential receptor.
To eliminate need for further investigation (e.g., baseline ecological
evaluation; building interiors).
Serves as basis for determining approach to the site investigation.
Investigation /
Characterize the physical, biological, and chemical systems existing at a site
or area of concern.
Describe processes that affect discharges, contaminant migration, and
exposure to contaminants.
Document non-site related contaminants (e.g., historic fill, naturally
occurring background, diffuse anthropogenic contamination).
Determine potential exposure routes (e.g., ingestion and inhalation) and
identify potential risks to human health and the environment.
Identify potential remedial alternatives.
Facilitate the selection of remedial alternatives to eliminate the
unacceptable exposure of environmental receptors to contaminants of
concern and thereby ensure protection of human health and the
Identify data gaps that may preclude a definitive determination of the
remedial action selection and discussion of plans to address them.
Summarize the data collection/evaluation and feasibility testing completed
to support the selected remedial approach (passive or active remediation).
Identify interim or active remedial approaches that have been applied or are
planned for implementation at the site.
Discuss selected remedial action as it relates to protection of human health
and the environment.
Post Remedial
Document the effectiveness of remedial actions selected to mitigate or
eliminate the exposure of all human and ecological receptors affected by
the chemicals of concern;
Illustrate that sufficient investigative data were collected to support the
selected remedial action;
Support that the appropriate engineering or institutional controls have been
Support a response action outcome
Document the completion of all phases of remediation in accordance with
all applicable statutes, regulations, and guidance;
Support the appropriateness of a variance or deviation from an applicable
regulation or guidance due to site-specific conditions; and
Summarize the post remedial monitoring plan, as appropriate.
Page 22 of 46
5.4 Data Gaps and Revising the Conceptual Site Model Iterative Process
It is recommended to develop a conceptual site model early in the investigative process (e.g., at the
preliminary assessment phase). The integration of available site history into an initial conceptual site
model assists in the identification of necessary information and/or data that may be required to be
collected during the investigation to ensure understanding of impacts associated with an area of
concern or site. The complexity of the conceptual site model should be consistent with the
complexity of the site. The conceptual site model will increase in detail as the characterization of the
site progresses. For example, a conceptual site model would be more complex when factoring in the
evaluation of both ecological and human health receptors. For larger, more complex sites, the Site
Investigation and Remedial Investigation phases will typically proceed in an iterative process, which
will act to incrementally refine the CSM expands and builds as the information is gathered.
It should be noted that the conceptual site model can change significantly as the investigation
proceeds and all data (soil, ground water, surface water, air, sediment) must be continually and
collectively evaluated over time. For example, changes in groundwater use, changes due to partial or
evolving remedial actions over time can affect the understanding of site conditions and in turn the
conceptual site model. New information should be utilized to modify or improve the conceptual site
model even if it changes a previously "established" conceptual site model.
During the early development of the conceptual site model, assumptions may be useful. The
conceptual site model should clearly identify the assumptions made about physical, chemical and
biological processes associated with the site and/or area of concern throughout all phases. The
assumptions employed in the conceptual site model are typically verified or adjusted based on
further information from subsequent phases of investigation. This iterative process is essential to the
development of a comprehensive conceptual site model.
When using the conceptual site model, the user should identify those components (e.g., source,
migration pathway, receptor) that may represent data gaps that may need to be expanded. As
previously identified in Section 5.1.3, development of the conceptual site model should also include
an evaluation to identify potential data gaps based on sources of data uncertainty as described in
“Technical and Regulatory Guidance for the Triad Approach: A New Paradigm for Environmental
Project Management” (ITRC, December 2003).
5.5 Examples of Development and Application of the Conceptual Site Model
Examples in Appendix B of this document will assist the investigator in understanding how to
develop, apply and describe the conceptual site model. These examples include:
Example B1: conceptual site model for complex site underlain by fill with potential multi-media
pathways and receptors
Example B2: Applying a Conceptual Site Model to Potential Indoor Air Migration
Examples in Appendix C of this document are illustrations of how to present case scenarios during
different phases of an investigation.
Figure C1-1: Schematic of a site showing a single AOC and its proximity to a building during a
Preliminary Assessment.
Figure C1-2: Flow chart showing the information known during the Preliminary Assessment.
Page 23 of 46
Figure C2-1: Schematic of a site showing sampling conducted and the site-specific information
collected for a single AOC during the Site Investigation.
Figure C2-2: Flow chart showing sampling data and evaluation of potential pathways for the
Site Investigation.
Page 24 of 46
6.0 References
ASTM CSM Guidance (ASTM E1689-95 (2008))
ATSDR, 2005. Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual (2005 Update). United States
Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR). Atlanta, GA. January 2005.
Carr, D. B., L. C. Levy, and A. H. Horneman. 2011 "Stylistic Modeling of Vadose Zone Transport
Insight into Vapor Intrusion Processes" Presentation no. 08 at US EPA/AEHS Foundation West
Coast Conference on Soils Sediment, Water and Energy, San Diego, California, March 15, 2011.
DeVaull, G.E., R.A. Ettinger, J.P. Salanitro, and J.B. Gustafson. 1997. “Benzene, Toluene,
Ethylbenzene and Xylenes [BTEX] Degradation in Vadose Zone Soils during Vapor Transport:
First-Order Rate Constants.” In Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals
in Groundwater Conference: Prevention, Detection and Remediation, November 12-14, 1997,
Houston, TX. Ground Water Publishing Company, Westerville, Ohio, 365-379.
Rivett, M.O. 1995. “Soil-Gas Signatures from Volatile Chlorinated Solvents: Borden Field
Experiments,” GROUND WATER, 33(1).
“Technical and Regulatory Guidance for the Triad Approach: A New Paradigm for Environmental
Project Management” (ITRC, December 2003).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2004. “Air Toxics Risk Assessment Reference
Library Volume 1, Technical Resource Manual,” ICF Consulting
Fairfax, Virginia, April 2004.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2004a. “User’s Guide for Evaluating Subsurface
Vapor Intrusion into Buildings,” Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington, DC johnson_ettinger.htm.
Page 25 of 46
Appendix A
Conceptual Site Model
Page 26 of 46
This is an optional checklist that identifies the types of information which could be collected during
the remedial process. All items on this checklist may not apply to each site and depending upon the
complexity of the site, there may be additional information required to complete the development of
the conceptual site model.
Prepared By: _____________________________________
Site Name:
Site Address:
NJDEP Case #:
City, State:
Item Evaluation Criteria Comments/Discussion:
Release Point/Material/Estimated
Volume/Date of Discovery
Description of Sources, Pathways,
and Receptors
Initial Corrective Actions
Summary of Impacted Media
Ground water:
Surface Water:
IEC Conditions / Corrective Actions
Ground water:
Surface Water:
At a minimum, a Site Map, depicting site features and areas of concern (AOCs), should be
included as part of Section 5.1.
Description of conceptual site model
Site Wide / area of concern only / Offsite Impact:
Page 27 of 46
Contaminants of Concern (COC)
COC in Soil
COC in Ground water
COC Vapor Phase
Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
Potential Migration Pathways and Regulatory Cleanup Goals (Human Health and
Ground water
Surface Water
Vapor (Soil Gas / Indoor Air)
Other (if applicable)
Sensitive Receptors
Local Ground Water Designation or Use
# Residential Wells
(distance/direction from site)
# Municipal Wells
(distance/direction from site)
Surface Water Bodies
(distance/direction from site)
Public Community Water Supply -
surface water intakes.
Residential Buildings
Identify all Public Use Areas w/in 200
Summarizing Available Information
Historical and Current Site Use/Status
Site & Adjacent Properties Usage / Zoning
North Adjacent
East Adjacent
South Adjacent
West Adjacent
Subsurface Utilities / Depth to Invert
Page 28 of 46
Depth to ground water
Smear zone
Depth to bedrock
Proximity to surface water wetlands
Soil cover
Proximity to buildings
Utilities / preferential pathways
Ground Water
Ground water flow
Depth to water trends
Hydraulic gradient
Porosity / Permeability
Hydraulic conductivity
Hydraulic radius of influence
Location of recharge and discharge
Utilities / preferential pathways
Location of any pumping influence
Surface Water
Stressed vegetation/seeps/sheen
Discolored soil / sediment
Historic ecological study conclusions
Ground water flow
Ground water COCs in excess of surface
water Standards
Presence of background contamination
Note: Sediment sampling and assessment should be conducted when there is evidence
of a discharge to surface water pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26E-3.8 (b).
Air (Soil Gas/Indoor Air)
Ground water in excess of Screening
Levels within 30 feet from a building
Free product present within 100 feet from
a building (currently or historically)
Non-petroleum compounds present
within 100 feet from a building
Page 29 of 46
Could historical levels of ground water
COCs which are not currently above
screening levels result in a VI concern?
Presence of a basement / sump
Current usage of the building
Condition of basement floor/walls or slab
Presence of ground water or free
product in the basement or sump
Landfill located on or adjacent to the site
Soil gas or indoor air impact in excess of
applicable screening levels
Methanogenic conditions are present
Other identified risks (ex: odor)
Identification of Human and Ecological Receptors
within the complete extent of the investigation area
COCs in soil, surface water and sediment
Current and future exposed species
Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)
Exposed population along each migration pathway
Migration pathways leading to ESAs
Exposure Pathways (Human)
Human population currently or potentially exposed
All relevant photographs, topographic maps, geologic quadrangle maps, etc. should be included
as part of Section 5.2.
Remedial Selection
Remedial actions taken
Area(s) remediated
Remediation effectiveness
Remediation Action Outcome (RAO)
RAO justification
Post RAO monitoring plan
Classification exception area length / duration (if applicable)
Page 30 of 46
Site Location Map, Local Area Map, Site Map, Soil Data Maps, Potentiometric Surface Map,
Ground Water Chemical Data Maps, Soil Boring Logs, Well Construction schematics, Geologic
Cross-Sections, Potable Well Radius Map, Soil Data Tables, Historic Ground Water Conditions
Table, Hydrographs, and Ground Water Plume Model, and/or Remedial System Layout, and
Process and Instrumentation Diagram
Page 31 of 46
Appendix B
Examples of Development and Application
of a Conceptual Site Model
Page 32 of 46
Example B1: Conceptual Site Model for Complex Site
An initial conceptual site model was developed and presented to understand the potential sources of
contamination, contaminants of potential concern, potentially affected media (soil gas, soil, and ground
water), and transport and exposure pathways that could potentially impact human or ecological
receptors. The conceptual site model synthesizes what is known to date into a snapshot that
communicates the site physical setting and contaminants of potential concern discharge or exposure
mechanisms. Based on the findings of the SI, the initial conceptual site model was updated and the
current conceptual site model is presented as described below.
Description of Sources, Pathways and Receptors
Results obtained from previous investigations indicated that there are contaminants of potential concern
in soil in all parcels, and in ground water. Figure B1-1 illustrates their occurrence and associated
potential exposure pathways. As illustrated, metals, Extractable Petroleum, Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls have been detected in subsurface soil. Metals, Extractable
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOCs) have also been detected in ground water. Soil gas samples had not been collected previously.
The likely sources of these contaminants of potential concern are the historic fill material, former fuel
use and storage, and shipbuilding and other industrial operations located at the site. Chemicals may have
been placed during bay infilling, spilled on the ground surface or released in the subsurface soil and
leached into shallow ground water.
Some contaminants of potential concern including arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel,
thallium, vanadium, and zinc are also naturally occurring in the native rock and soil. Ground water
contaminants may have spread following the direction of the shallow ground water gradient.
VOCs in soil and ground water also may have volatilized into the soil pore space above the ground
water table.
Based upon the types of chemicals present at the site and the media in which the chemicals are present,
the following mechanisms for chemical transport have been identified for the site (Figure B1-1):
volatilization of VOCs from soil and ground water into soil pore space (soil gas);
leaching of contaminants of potential concern from soil into ground water; and
transport of contaminants of potential concern in ground water via ground water flow.
The following potential human exposure routes for chemicals have been identified for the
site (Figure B1-1):
inhalation of VOCs volatized from soil gas;
dermal contact inhalation and incidental ingestion of soil particulates; and
dermal contact with ground water.
The site ground water is not currently used for or planned to be used for domestic purposes in the future.
The following ecological exposure routes for chemicals have been identified for the site (Figure B1-1):
Page 33 of 46
inhalation of VOCs volatized from soil gas in burrow air;
incidental ingestion and dermal contact of soil particulates;
plants’ direct uptake of contaminated ground water and contaminated sediments; and
ingestion and contact with contaminated surface water.
Exposure Assessment
In evaluating the potential human health risks posed by a site, it is necessary to identify the populations
that may potentially be exposed to the chemicals present, and to determine the pathways by which these
exposures may occur. Identification of the potentially exposed populations requires evaluating the
human activity and anticipated land use at the site.
Once the potentially exposed populations are identified, the complete exposure pathways by which
individuals in each of these potentially exposed populations may contact chemicals present in the soil
gas, ground water, and soil at the site are determined. A complete exposure pathway requires the
following three key elements:
chemical contaminant source;
migration route; and
point for human exposure (e.g., soil, air, or water);
An exposure pathway is not complete unless all three elements are present.
Figure B1-2 is an example of a schematic diagram showing the relationship between a chemical source,
exposure pathway, and potential receptor at this site.
Page 34 of 46
Figure B1-1
Page 35 of 46
Figure B1-2
Page 36 of 46
Example B2: Applying a Conceptual Site Model
to Potential Indoor Air Migration
In order to construct a complete Conceptual Site Model (CSM) to assess potential impacts from volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) in” the subsurface, “the investigator must evaluate” the four main vapor
transport mechanisms; they are listed in section and used as heading in the below discussion.
Diffusion of vapors from sources in the unsaturated zone
Diffusion occurs as a result of a concentration gradient between the source and the surrounding area; it
can result in the upward, lateral or downward migration of vapors through the vadose zone. The location
of the source is an important factor influencing the direction of vapor migration. Identifying soil gas
concentration gradients may help determine the location of unidentified vapor sources. For recalcitrant
VOCs that degrade slowly in the subsurface, limited case data and research studies suggest there may be
a significant time lag (e.g., months to years) between source removal and significant dispersion of
vapors that remain in the subsurface (Rivett 1995, Carr, et. al. 2011); variable mass storage capacity of
vapors in the vadose zone should be expected.
Diffusion of vapors from sources in shallow groundwater
Shallow ground water contamination and/or Non Aqueous Phase Liquid near the water table can act as a
source for diffusion resulting in the upward or lateral migration of vapors through the vadose zone.
Depending on the hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic gradient, aquifer heterogeneity, time since release of
chemicals and natural attenuation processes, the distribution of volatile chemicals in ground water may
extend considerable distances.
As discussed above, for recalcitrant VOCs investigators should consider whether ground water
concentrations and their distribution have, or could have, recently decrease/changed. Such changes
should impact the decision of whether a VI investigation is warranted for a potential receptor and
influence the overall scope of the area to be investigated. Those decisions should be based on an
accurate CSM and not solely on current ground water VOC concentrations because the vadose zone
could have considerable storage capacity; it may continue to be a source for VOCs for some period after
ground water concentrations have decreased significantly (Carr, et. al. 2011).
Diffusion of vapors in the vadose zone from shallow ground water contamination is illustrated below.
Advective/convective transport of vapors
The horizontal and vertical movement of vapors located near a building foundation is often affected
within an area referred to as the “zone of influence” (see Figure B2-1 below). Chemicals entering this
zone are drawn into the building via soil gas advection and convection resulting from building interiors
that exhibit a negative pressure relative to the outdoors and the surrounding soil. The reasons for this
pressure differential include: factors relating to operation of heating, ventilating and air conditioning
system including inadequate combustion or makeup air and unbalanced air supply and exhaust systems
the use of fireplaces and other combustion sources, which results in venting of
exhaust gases to the exterior
Page 37 of 46
the use of exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens
higher temperatures indoors relative to outdoors during the heating season or as a
result of solar radiation on rooftops
pressure exerted on the wall of a building caused by wind movement over the
building (Bernoulli’s principle).
The combination of these actions/conditions results in a net convective flow of soil gas from
the subsurface through the building foundation to the building interior. As would be expected
from the above list, indoor air volatile concentrations are generally higher during the heating
season in homes affected by vapor intrusion.
The CSM shown below suggests a permeable ground cover. If impermeable ground cover
exists on either or both sides of a structure that condition could result in higher soil vapor
concentrations near the building, a higher soil gas flow rate (Qsoil) and thus higher levels in
indoor air than in the scenario with permeable ground cover.
Figure B2-1
Advective and Convective Transport Near Buildings
Source: USEPA 2004b
Page 38 of 46
Vapor Migration Through Preferential Pathways
In preparation of each conceptual site model, investigators should look for the presence and locations of
natural and anthropogenic pathways in the subsurface with high gas permeability through which vapors
can rapidly migrate. Naturally occurring fractures and macropores may facilitate vertical or horizontal
vapor migration while anthropogenic features such as utility conduits would likely facilitate horizontal
vapor migration due to their shallow depth (USEPA 2002). Evaluate buildings that are, or may become,
inhabited if they are associated with a preferential pathway that is within some reasonable distance of a
source area (based on professional judgment).
Investigators should also evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion in situations where a preferential
pathway leading to a structure runs near or through a source area. For sources containing aerobically
degradable contaminants, however, it is unlikely that sufficient vapors will reach the structure to result
in a vapor intrusion problem unless the pathway and structure are both very close to the vapor source.
Biodegradation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene vapors in the vadose zone has been shown
to be a very efficient process as long as sufficient oxygen is available (DeVaull, et al. 1997). Thus, if a
preferential pathway is not close to a source area, biodegradable vapors would likely degrade before
reaching the pathway and/or within the pathway before reaching the structure.
Page 39 of 46
Appendix C
Illustrations of Simple Conceptual Site Model
Page 40 of 46
Examples in Appendix C of this document are illustrations of how to present case scenarios during
different phases of an investigation.
Figure C1-1: Schematic of a site showing a single AOC and its proximity to a building during a
Preliminary Assessment.
Figure C1-2: Flow chart showing the information known during the Preliminary Assessment.
Figure C2-1: Schematic of a site showing sampling conducted and the site-specific information
collected for a single AOC during the Site Investigation.
Figure C2-2: Flow chart showing sampling data and evaluation of potential pathways for the Site
Page 41 of 46
Page 42 of 46
Figure C1-2: Flow chart showing the information known during the Preliminary Assessment
Site Name: Vaste Warehousing Inc.
Address: 555 Vaste Lane
City/County: Forest City, Bergen County
NJDEP Case #: 000000
NJDEP PI #: G000000
Facility History: Facility was constructed in 1985 as
warehouse for paper products.
AOC 1 is an area of stained soil/gravel less than 25 sq ft. AOC
1 is the only AOC on-site. Review of Aerial photographs,
Sanborn maps, and Staff interviews indicate no other potential
Discharges. Surrounding properties are zoned
No IEC condition noted.
Actions Taken: Soil samples collected for Target Compound
List plus TICs/Target Analyte List (TCL + TICs/TAL). VOC
sample collected at 5 feet based on highest PID reading. All
other parameters collected at 0-6 inches
Impacted media: Based on staining, soil is expected to be
impacted. Ground water has a potential impact, while air (>
200 feet to structure) and surface water (> 200 feet to
closest feature) are unlikely to be impacted.
Ground Water
Air Pathway
Surface Water
Area of
Stained Soil
Soil Pathway
Soil sample
SB-1 collected
for TCL and
TAL @ 0-6”
VOC collected
at highest PID
500 PPB @ 5 ‘
Page 43 of 46
Page 44 of 46
Figure C2-2 Flow chart showing sampling data and evaluation of potential pathways for the Site Investigation.
Site Name: Vaste Warehousing Inc.
Address: 555 Vaste Lane
City/County: Forest City, Bergen Co.
NJDEP Case #: 000000
NJDEP PI #: G000000
Facility History: Facility was constructed in 1985 as warehouse
for paper products.
AOC 1 is an area of stained soil/gravel less than 25 sq ft. AOC 1 is
the only AOC on site. Review of Aerial photographs, Sanborn
maps, and Staff interviews indicate no other potential Discharges.
Surrounding properties are zoned commercial/industrial
No IEC condition noted.
Actions Taken: Soil sample SB-1 collected at 5’ for VOCs showed
8,000 ug/kg of xylene. All other parameters non-detect. Ground
water sample collected at 15’ for VOCs. Sample contained 200 ug/l
of xylene.
Impacted media/pathway:
Soil Direct Contact: All parameters below direct contact criteria.
Soil Impact to Ground Water: Xylene above Default Soil IGWC
therefore ground water investigated
Ground Water: Xylene detected below GWQC. Air: Pathway
Surface Water: Pathway incomplete.
* As determined in accordance with applicable Technical Guidance
Soil sample SB-
1 shows Xylene
@ 8000 ug/kg
Soil Impact to Ground
Water Pathway?
(xylene > IGWC) All
other parameters
non-detect. Further
evaluation needed
Soil Direct Contact
(< residential direct
contact SRS) All other
parameters non-
detect. No further
Ground Water
(< GWQC). All
other parameters
non-detect No
further evaluation
Air Pathway?
Incomplete *
Surface Water
Incomplete *
Area of Stained
Soil AOC 1
Ground Water
sample collected
from TWP-1 @ 15’.
Xylene @ 200 ug/l
Page 45 of 46
Appendix D
Page 46 of 46
AOC area of concern
COC contaminants of concern
CSM conceptual site model
ESA environmentally sensitive areas
IEC Immediate Environmental Concern
ITRC Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council
LSRP Licensed Site Remediation Professional
NAPL nonaqueous phase liquid
N.J.A.C. New Jersey Administrative Code
NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
PA/SI Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation
RI Remedial Investigation
RAO Response Action Outcome
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
VOC volatile organic compound