Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Sunscreen Product Performance and Other Determinants
of Consumer Preferences
Shuai Xu, MD, MSc; Michael Kwa, BA; Ashwin Agarwal, MD; Alfred Rademaker, PhD; Roopal V. Kundu, MD
Sunscreen use is a modifiable behavior that can help reduce the risk for skin
cancer, prevent sunburns, mitigate photoaging, and treat photosensitive dermatoses. A
better understanding of consumer sunscreen preferences would inform dermatologists in
their own recommendations.
OBJECTIVE To determine the characteristics and the most commonly cited positive and
negative features of highly rated sunscreens described by consumers.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS The top 1 percentile of sunscreen products on as of December 2015 was selected according to average consumer review (4
stars) and the highest number of consumer reviews. Descriptive data for each product were
collected from the product page and manufacturer claims. The top 5 “most helpful” reviews
(positive and critical) were analyzed and coded by a consensus qualitative coding scheme,
which included positive and negative descriptors in 6 major categories according to
consumer comments: affordability, cosmetic elegance, separate ratings, product ingredients,
product performance, and skin compatibility.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed to determine
whether characteristics of each product (eg, American Academy of Dermatology [AAD]
criteria, sun protection factor [SPF], or vehicle) could be used to predict price per ounce. The
number (percentage) of comments categorized by major themes and subthemes was
determined. Illustrative consumer comments were also collected.
RESULTS There were 6500 products categorized as sunscreens in the, online
catalog. Of the 65 products evaluated, the median price per ounce was $3.32 (range,
$0.68-$23.47). Of products, 40% (26 of 65) did not adhere to AAD guidelines (broad
spectrum, SPF 30, and water resistant) for sunscreens. Vehicles, AAD, and sunscreen type
predicted a higher price per ounce. Cosmetic elegance was the most cited positive feature
(198 of 325 [61%] comments) followed by product performance (146 of 325 [45%]
comments) and skin type compatibility (78 of 325 [24%] comments).
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this cohort of highly rated sunscreen products, a significant
proportion did not adhere to AAD guidelines, mostly attributable to a lack of water re sistance.
The most striking variation in this cohort was price, which varied by more than 3000%.
Dermatologists should balance the importance of cosmetic elegance, cost, and AAD
guidelines for sun protection in making their recommendations to consumers.
JAMA Dermatol. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2016.2344
Published online July 6, 2016.
Supplemental content at
Author Affiliations: Department of
Dermatology, Northwestern
University, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Chicago, Illinois (Xu, Kwa,
Kundu); Duke University School of
Medicine, Durham, North Carolina
(Agarwal); Department of Preventive
Medicine, Northwestern University,
Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois (Rademaker).
Corresponding Author: Shuai Xu,
MD, MSc, Department of
Dermatology, Northwestern
University, Feinberg School of
Medicine, 676 N St Clair St, Ste 1600,
Chicago, IL 60611 (stevexu
Original Investigation
(Reprinted) E1
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Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
unscreen use is a modifiable behavior proven to reduce
the risk for skin cancers, prevent photoaging,reduce sun-
burns, and control photosensitive dermatoses. Despite
these results, sunscreen use remains persistently low for ado-
lescents and adults.
Insufficient sunscreen use is likely a mul-
tifactorial problem. Consumer preferences and recommenda-
tions likely drive sunscreen use but have not been well
investigated previously. Understanding these factors will help
health care professionals learn about meaningful patient con-
siderations regarding sunscreens to increase their sustained
use for preventive health.
In 2012, the market for sunscreens was expected to be-
come a $1 billion industry by 2016 with an expansive range of
marketed sunscreen products.
Of consumers, 73% buy beauty
and personal care products through, which to-
tals an estimated 9% of all sunscreen sales occurring with this
online retailer.
Previous work showed that online customer-
reported reviews of consumer products have a powerful ef-
fect on purchasing decisions.
Understanding the character-
istics of consumer reviews for highly consumer-rated
sunscreens would provide useful information for dermatolo-
gists to help inform their recommendations to patients.
The keyword s unsc reens was searched in the broader cat-
egory of “Beauty and Skin Care” products on the US internet
retailer From the results, we determined the top
1 percentile of sunscreen products according to the average con-
sumer review (≥4 stars) and the number of consumer reviews
(>150 reviews) (eTable in the Supplement). Descriptive data
for each product, including SPF strength, price, and active in-
gredients, were also collected. Sunscreen products marketed
for the face, body, and children were included. Tanning lo-
tions and oral sun protection capsules were excluded.For prod-
ucts with multiple-size options, the product with the highest
number of reviews was included in the analysis and coded as
1 entry. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to associate a prod-
uct’s descriptive characteristics with price per ounce.
For each sunscreen product, the content of the top 5 most
helpful positive and critical comments as voted by consum-
ers (325 total comments) was analyzed. Reviewer character-
istics, such as skin type, age, and prior dermatological condi-
tions, were not consistently available on the
platform. Three of us (S.X., M.K., and A.A.) developed, com-
pared, and reconciled a single, standard qualitative coding
scheme. Two of us (M.K. and A.A.) coded consumer-reported
comments for positive and negative descriptors with major cat-
egories, including affordability, cosmetic elegance, separate
ratings, product ingredients, product performance, and skin
compatibility. For each major category, subthemes were also
coded. Cosmetic elegance was defined as any feature associ-
ated with skin sensation on application, color, or scent. Prod-
uct performance included SPF and real-world effectiveness in
preventing sunburn, and product ingredients focused on the
sunscreen’s active and inactive ingredients. Skin compatibil-
ity reflected how the product performed in association with
skin conditions cited by reviewers. Comments may have mul-
tiple subcodes for a given major category (eg, a product was
noted to be nongreasy and have a pleasant scent). Of entries,
20% (65 comments) were coded by one of us (S.X.) to ensure
internal validity as previously reported.
This study was
deemed exempt by the institutional review board at North-
western University.
There were 6500 products categorized as sunscreens in the, online catalog. The top 65 products were se-
lected first by ratings (≥4 stars). This group was then ranked
by the number of consumer reviews (a surrogate for popular-
ity) to finalize the cohort. Our calculations revealed that the
top 1 percentile of sunscreen products acquired
more than 24 400 customer reviews as of December 2015. The
median review rating was 4.5 of 5 stars with a median of 288
customer reviews (range, 178-1792 reviews) per product. Price
per ounce was highly variable. The median price per ounce was
$3.32 (range, $0.68-$23.47). The median SPF was 35 (range,
4-110), with 89% (58 of 65) of products being 30 or higher.
Sunscreens with an active chemical ingredient were most
common (40%; 26 of 65) followed by physical sunscreens
(32%; 21 of 65) and a combination of chemical and physical sun-
screens (25%; 16 of 65). Of products, 92% (60 of 65) had a broad-
spectrum claim and 62% (40 of 65) were labeled as water or
sweat resistant. For vehicles, creams were the most common
(49%; 32 of 65) followed by lotions (29%; 19 of 65) and sprays
(11%; 7 of 65). Nearly all products (88%; 57 of 65) had addi-
tional claims associated with being sensitive skin compat-
ible, preservative-free, natural and/or organic, noncomedo-
genic, or animal safe. Of the highest rated sunscreen products
on, 40% (26 of 65) did not adhere to AAD crite-
ria (SPF ≥30, broad-spectrum claim, and water and/or sweat
resistance). Sunscreens that adhered to AAD criteria or had wa-
ter resistance were associated with higher cost (P < .001, Krus-
kal-Wallis test). Physical sunscreens were more expensive than
chemical sunscreens (P = .001). From highest to lowest cost,
creams were more expensive than lotions (P < .001), whereas
Key Points
Question What are the characteristics and features of sunscreens
that consumers rate favorably?
Findings In this analysis of the top 1 percentile of sunscreen
products on an online retailer, consumers preferred sunscreen
products predominately for their cosmetic elegance followed by
product performance. The cohort had a wide range of prices
($0.68-$23.47 per ounce), with 40% (26 of 65) of highly rated
products not adhering to the American Academy of Dermatology’s
recommended criteria for sunscreens, mostly owing to a lack of
water and/or sweat resistance.
Meaning Dermatologists should balance the importance of
cosmetic elegance, cost, and adequate sun protection in making
their recommendations to consumers.
Research Original Investigation Consumer Evaluations of Commercial Sunscreen
E2 JAMA Dermatology Published online July 6, 2016 (Reprinted)
Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
lotions, as a category, were more expensive than sprays
(P = .005). We provide a list of highly rated consumer sun-
screens by the top 10 lowest-cost products and the top 10 most-
reviewed products (Table 1 and Table 2); the full cohort is de-
scribed in the eTable in the Supplement.
In analyzing the top-voted comments for each product, sev-
eral consonant themes emerged. First, cosmetic elegance was
the most cited positive feature associated with sunscreen prod-
ucts (61%; 198 of 325) followed by product performance (45%;
146 of 325). Skin compatibility (24%; 78 of 325) and product
ingredients (17%; 55 of 325) were cited less commonly as posi-
tive features. A few consumer reviews cite separate ratings
(12%; 39 of 325) and price (9%; 29 of 325) as positive features.
Second, when negative features were cited, patients mostly
Table 2. Top 10 Lowest-Cost, Highly Rated Sunscreens According to
No. Product Price per
Ounce, $
SPF Broad
Vehicle Additional
1 NO-AD Sunscreen Lotion SPF 45 0.68 193 4.3 Chemical 45 Yes 80min Lotion No Yes
2 NO-AD Sport Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50 0.72 179 4.6 Chemical 50 Yes 80min Lotion Yes Yes
3 Banana Boat Sunscreen Sport Family Size
Broad Spectrum Sun Care Sunscreen Lotion, SPF
0.83 259 4.5 Chemical 50+ Yes 80min Lotion Yes Yes
4 Australian Gold SPF 30 Spray Gel with Bronzer 0.90 254 4.6 Chemical 30 Yes 80min Spray Yes Yes
5 Banana Boat Sunscreen Sport Performance Quik
Dri Broad Spectrum Sun Care Sunscreen Spray
1.02 178 4.2 Chemical 30 Yes 80min Spray Yes Yes
6 Banana Boat Sunscreen Sport Performance
Coolzone Broad Spectrum Sun Care Sunscreen
1.23 474 4.3 Chemical 50+ Yes Yes Spray No Yes
7 Hawaiian Tropic Sunscreen Silk Hydration SPF
1.33 1078 4.6 Chemical 30 Yes 80min Lotion Yes Yes
8 Babyganics Mineral-Based Baby Sunscreen
Lotion, SPF 50
1.33 407 4.3 Combination50+ Yes 80min Lotion Yes Yes
9 Zinc oxide powder 1.35 182 4.9 Physical NL NL No Powder No No
10 L'Oreal Paris Sublime Sun Advanced Sunscreen
SPF 30 Crystal Clear Mist
1.41 279 4.4 Chemical 45 Yes Yes Spray Yes Yes
Abbreviations: AAD, American Academy of Dermatology; NL, not listed;
SPF, Sun Protection Factor.
Data adapted from number of reviews ranked by number of ratings and lowest
price per ounce.
Statistically significant at P =.05.
Nearly all products (88%; 57 of 65) had additional claims associated with
being sensitive skin compatible, preservative-free, noncomedogenic, or
animal safe.
Table 1. Top 10 Most-Reviewed, Highly Rated Sunscreens According to
No. Product
$ Type
1 EltaMD UV Clear SPF 46 1792 4.4 13.38 Combination 46 Yes No Cream Yes No
2 Hawaiian Tropic Sunscreen
Silk Hydration SPF 30
1078 4.6 1.33 Chemical 30 Yes 80min Lotion Yes Yes
3 Blue Lizard Australian
Sunscreen, Sensitive SPF 30+
812 4.5 3.41 Physical 30 Yes No Cream Yes No
4 SPF 30 daily oil-free face
786 4.7 5.98 Chemical 30 Yes No Cream Yes No
5 Neutrogena Age Shield Face
Lotion Sunscreen SPF 110
740 4.4 3.73 Chemical 110 Yes 80min Lotion Yes Yes
6 EltaMD UV Physical SPF 41 715 4.7 6.57 Physical 41 Yes 40min Lotion Yes Yes
7 Neutrogena Ultra Sheer
Dry-Touch Sunscreen, SPF 55
693 4.6 2.26 Chemical 55 Yes 80min Cream Yes Yes
8 Neutrogena Sunscreen Ultra
Sheer Stick SPF 70
647 4.6 5.91 Chemical 70 Yes 80min Roll-on Yes Yes
9 Neutrogena Oil Free Moisture
SPF 35
635 4.5 2.76 Chemical 35 Yes No Roll-on Yes No
10 Eucerin Daily Protection
Moisturizing Face Lotion
631 4.3 1.76 Physical 30 Yes No Lotion Yes No
Abbreviations: AAD, American Academy of Dermatology; SPF, sun protection
Data adapted from number of reviews ranked by number of ratings and lowest
price per ounce.
Statistically significant at P =.05.
Nearly all products (88%; 57 of 65) had additional claims associated with
being sensitive skin compatible, preservative-free, noncomedogenic, or
animal safe. In total, the top 1 percentile of sunscreens categorized by have received more than 24 400 customer reviews. The AAD
criteria for preferred sunscreens were adhered to if the product had an SPF
rating of 30 or greater, a broad-spectrum protection claim, and water
resistance. Of the highest-rated sunscreen products on, 40%
(26 of 65) did not adhere to AAD recommendations, the primary reason being
a lack of water or sweat resistance (73%; 19 of 26). The median customer
rating was 4.5, with a median of 288 customer reviews. The median price per
ounce was $3.32 with a wide range ($0.68-$23.47).
Consumer Evaluations of Commercial Sunscreen Original Investigation Research (Reprinted) JAMA Dermatology Published online July 6, 2016 E3
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Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
noted cosmetic elegance concerns (22%; 72 of 325). Product
performance (11%; 36 of 325), product ingredients (10%; 33 of
325), and expense (9%; 29 of 325) were comparable as nega-
tively cited features. Only a few reviewers cited skin compat-
ibility concerns, formulation changes, and separate ratings as
negative features.
An analysis of the subthemes confirmed more specific de-
terminants of consumer preferences with sunscreens. Catego-
rized in cosmetic elegance, the subthemes of “rubs in well” and
“positive tactile skin feel” were most commonly cited. Third,
product residue and thickness were the most common nega-
tive cosmetic features. Regarding product performance, con-
sumers frequently cited effectiveness” and did not
sunburn as positive features. For skin compatibility, sun-
screens that did not cause acne were most commonly cited as
a positive feature (13%; 42 of 325), and for ingredients, zinc ox-
ide and natural and/or organic ingredients were cited specifi-
cally as positive features (10%; 33 of 325). Separate rankings
were cited by 12% (39 of 325) of top comments. Of those rank-
ings, the Environmental Working Group’s ranking was the most
cited followed by “dermatologist recommended” and Con-
sumer Reports. Finally, affordability and high cost were not
commonly cited as positive or negativeconcerns (9%; 29 of 325)
(Table 3).
For our cohort, cosmetic elegance was the most commonly
cited positive feature. Qualitative research with consumers pro-
vides insight into the consumer attitude when it comes to sun-
screens. Prior research has shown that people apply more prod-
uct when it spreads easily. Increased use means producing
photoprotection that more closely reflects the expected pho-
toprotection or SPF.
Our qualitative analysis provides em-
pirical evidence of this as well. In cosmetic elegance, consum-
ers frequently cited the subtheme of rubs in well. Our results
clarify features identified by previously published studies in-
dicating consumer preference for sunscreens that specifi-
cally did not leave residues and were not greasy.
For product effectiveness, the sunscreen SPF was not fre-
quently cited as a positive feature, which may be associated
with a lack of consumer understanding of SPF
or preselec-
tion of high SPF products. Real-world product performance,
such as “effective” and “did not sunburn, were how consum-
ers described product effectiveness, which makes the results
difficult to interpret because variables such as UV index, ex-
posure time, amount of sunscreen applied, and consumer skin
type are not clearly specified. However, most of our cohort in-
clude sunscreens with an SPF of 30 or greater (89%; 58 of 65),
which should have provided adequate protection with proper
use. The emphasis on effectiveness, even among this high SPF
cohort, could reflect patient misunderstanding of the differ-
ence between expected and produced photoprotection.
For skin compatibility, most products claimed additional
product features in addition to sun protection, including safe
for sensitive skin, preservative-free, or noncomedogenic. Pa-
tients should be counseled that these labels are marketing
mechanisms instead of performance standards such as SPF
regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration, although
these factors may have equal importance to patients and should
be discussed to promote products that satisfy both areas. Prod-
uct ingredients and separate ratings were less commonly cited
features. Physical sunscreen ingredients (zinc and titanium ox-
ide) were more likely to be cited as positive features, whereas
nanoparticles (6 comments) were the most commonly cited
negative feature regarding product ingredients. Active
ingredients zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, particularly mi-
cronized versions, offer superior UV-A protection and
A small, noticeable amount of detailed comments cited the
Environmental Working Group ratings (22 comments) for pur-
chasing decisions surrounding product safety. Environmen-
tal Working Group was cited more often than dermatologist
recommended (18 comments) regarding positive product fea-
tures. This group describes itself as a nonpartisan, nonprofit
organization and determines its sunscreen rankings accord-
ing to manufacturer and toxicology databases without sec-
ondary verification of product performance.
Negative cos-
metic elegance was the most frequently cited feature followed
by product performance and skin compatibility. This study is
limited to highly rated products, making interpretation of the
negative comments more difficult to generalize.
Analogous to Consumer Reports review of sunscreens,
our cohort also had a wide range of prices with a difference be-
tween the least and most expensive products ($0.68-$23.47
per ounce). Cost is an important consideration, especially for
those with an increased risk of developing skin cancer, such
as patients who underwent an organ transplant for whom regu-
lar photoprotection is recommended. For these patients, the
cost of daily sunscreen use can range from $249 to $292 per
year. If used daily for 1 week, sunscreen cost for a family of 4
can range from $178 to $238.
Although expense was not fre-
quently cited as a negative feature, previous studies showed
that expensive sunscreens may compel patients to use less.
Dermatologists are often asked by patients to recommend
sunscreen products.
Health care professionals should incor-
porate cost-conscious recommendations of sunscreens for
patients, particularly in skin cancer prevention.
The AAD has published guidelines recommending sun-
screen products that have an SPF of 30 or higher, broad-
spectrum coverage, and water and sweat resistance.
A sig-
nificant proportion (29%; 19 of 65) in our cohort of highly rated
sunscreens did not adhere to AAD guidelines solely owing to
a lack of water or sweat resistance claims. Because many prod-
ucts in our cohort were comarketed as moisturizers or daily
beauty products, water-resistant products would not be a criti-
cal feature. Consumers may choose a non–water-resistant sun-
screen product with more favorable cosmetic elegance. Be-
cause water exposure reduces the efficacy of sunscreens when
a person is sweating or immersed in water, water-resistant
products are often reserved for use in water-related activities
or sports with profuse sweating. Previous studies showed that
two-thirds of sunscreen products are advertised as cosmetics
(38%; 25 of 65) or moisturizers (26%; 17 of 65), whereas a mi-
nority were advertised as a stand-alone sunscreen (19%; 12 of
Research Original Investigation Consumer Evaluations of Commercial Sunscreen
E4 JAMA Dermatology Published online July 6, 2016 (Reprinted)
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Table 3. Positive and Negative Themes Identified by Consumer Comments for Highly Rated Sunscreens
Positive Coding Themes Negative Coding Themes
Major Theme Subtheme Exemplary Quote
No. (%) of
Comments Major Theme Subtheme Exemplary Quote
No. (%) of
198 (61) Cosmetic
72 (22)
Absorbs well “You feel it there for
about 5 min and then it
absorbs very well”
124 (38) Skin residue “It left a white
residue all over
my face”
26 (8)
Tactile skin feel “Doesn't leave my skin
feeling oily, just smooth”
107 (33) Too thick “This cream was
way too thick
and impossible
to rub in”
23 (7)
Not greasy “Goes on easily with no
75 (23) Greasy “The biggest
drawback with
the American
formula is
20 (6)
Moisturizing “It leaves my skin feeling
moisturized and
46 (14) Bad smell “It absolutely
20 (6)
Nice smell “Love the barely-there
42 (13) Bad skin feel 13 (4)
Tint or matte
“This went on very
smoothly and easily and
left my skin with a gently
matte finish”
23 (7) Too white 7 (2)
“It is moisturizing, so I
can use it as a base for
my makeup”
23 (7) Staining 3 (1)
No smell 13 (4) Bad color 3 (1)
Exfoliative 7 (2) Drying 3 (1)
Antiaging 3 (1) Too dark 1 (0.3)
Performance 146 (45) Makeup
1 (0.3)
Effective “Thin yet highly potent
even with such a small
117 (36) Performance 36 (11)
Did not sunburn “I was able to stay out at
my children's soccer
games for the entire
afternoon with no
49 (15) Not effective 13 (4)
Water and/or
sweat proof
“I was pleased to find it
remained on for around
90 min worth of direct
sunlight and sweating”
29 (9) Sunburned 13 (4)
High SPF “I’m absolutely obsessed
with this SPF”
23 (7) Packaging
10 (3)
Broad spectrum “It has the
broad-spectrum rating
from the FDA that means
it protects from the UVA
and UVB”
16 (5) Not water and/or
sweat proof
10 (3)
Obtainability of
13 (4) Low SPF 3 (1)
78 (24) Product
33 (10)
Acne prone “Works great with my
acne prone skin”
42 (13) Unsafe
10 (3)
Sensitive skin 13 (4) Nanoparticles 7 (2)
Safe for kids 10 (3) Retinyl palmitate 3 (1)
No eye stinging 7 (2) Avobenzone 3 (1)
Oily skin 7 (2) Parabens 3 (1)
Darker skin 7 (2) Oxybenzone 3 (1)
Rosacea 3 (1) Homosalate 3 (1)
No skin reaction 3 (1) Octinoxate 1 (0.3)
Melasma 3 (1) Expensive At nearly $20 a
tube, it isn't
29 (9)
Consumer Evaluations of Commercial Sunscreen Original Investigation Research (Reprinted) JAMA Dermatology Published online July 6, 2016 E5
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Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
These findings may cause consumer confusion regard-
ing what makes up an adequate sunscreen product. A small but
significant proportion (11%; 7 of 65) of the cohort had an SPF of
less than 30. Physicians should educate consumers on these key
considerations. Nine of 10 of the least costly sunscreen prod-
ucts in the cohort did adhere to AAD guidelines.
There are several important limitations in this study. Al-
though these data sources represent 9% of all sunscreen sales,
the generalizability may be limited because of the lack of re-
viewer demographic information. Another limitation of this
study was the use of higher-rated product reviews as a surro-
gate for product popularity. Researchin product marketing sug-
gests that online review measurements, specifically volume
and valence, directly influence product sales.
Of our co-
hort, 46% (30 of 65) was also in Amazon.coms top 100 best
sellers list in the sun protection category. We believe that our
cohort mitigates the volatility that exists with best seller lists,
which are updated hourly. This frequent updating may change
the exact product name and review number of sunscreens. Fur-
ther work comparing our cohort’s representation with the cata-
log of other major online retailers would provide further in-
sight. Finally, a limitation of using the AAD guidelines is that
consumers who use sunscreen daily and do not engage in
sweat-producing activities or water sports may appropriately
choose not to use water-resistant sunscreens.
Although our data showed that dermatologist recommen-
dations were not a significantly cited positive feature, derma-
tologists are the most likely physicians (86%) to recommend
sunscreen use in all outpatient visits where sunscreen use is
Frequently, patients with skin concerns ask for
nonprescription product recommendations from dermatolo-
gists. Dermatologists should be aware of the implications of
their recommendations, particularly regarding cost and con-
sumer preferences. With recent legislation allowing the US Food
Table 3. Positive and Negative Themes Identified by Consumer Comments for Highly Rated Sunscreens
Positive Coding Themes Negative Coding Themes
Major Theme Subtheme Exemplary Quote
No. (%) of
Comments Major Theme Subtheme Exemplary Quote
No. (%) of
Eczema 3 (1) Skin tolerance 26 (8)
55 (17) Skin reaction “Like another
reviewer, I, too,
had an allergic
reaction with
20 (6)
Natural and/or
“Made [. . .] with
[. . .] certified ‘organic’
33 (10) Burning on
10 (3)
Zinc oxide “The active ingredients
are Zinc Oxide and
Titanium Dioxide, which
are high quality minerals
for broad spectrum UVA
and UVB skin protection”
33 (10) Burns eyes 7 (2)
Safe for children 10 (3) Formulation
“I was
when I tried their
new facial
7 (2)
Avobenzone 3 (1) Separate ratings 3 (1)
Titanium dioxide 3 (1) EWG 3 (1)
Physical sunscreen 3 (1)
Separate ratings 39 (12)
EWG “I ordered this product
after doing some
research on the EWG’s
online database of the
least harmful sunblocks”
23 (7)
“Was recommended to
me by my dermatologist
who is a specialist in skin
20 (6)
Consumer Reports 3(1)
Affordable “It's the best sunblock
product on the market at
a reasonable price”
29 (9)
Abbreviations: EWG, Environmental Working Group; FDA, US Food and Drug
There were 65 sunscreen products in the cohor t.
The qualitative coding of the top 5 most helpful comments (positive and
critical) voted by consumers for each product in the entire cohort is
summarized. As expected, positive features were much more likely to be cited
than negative features. The features were similar in themes but opposite in
valence. Cosmetic elegance was the most cited positive and negative feature
followed by product performance, skin compatibility, and product ingredients.
When investigating specific subthemes, consumers most commonly cited how
the product absorbed as a positive and negative feature. Exemplary quotes
were only included for all features cited with more than 5% (<3) of the total
comments assessed.
Research Original Investigation Consumer Evaluations of Commercial Sunscreen
E6 JAMA Dermatology Published online July 6, 2016 (Reprinted)
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Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
and Drug Administration to rapidly advance the approval of
additional sunscreens, consumers and dermatologists will have
more product options to consider soon.
Although sun-
screen products available in Europe have better UV absorp-
tion performance, there is limited empirical evidence that
this leads to lower skin carcinogenesis in clinical practice.
Ultimately, dermatologists must remain informed of the
continued evolution of sunscreen products and consumer pref-
erences to improve use.
There is wide variability in price, SPF protection, and prod-
uct claims among commercially available sunscreens. Con-
sumer comments show that cosmetic elegance is the most
important positive feature, followed by product perfor-
mance. Dermatologists should counsel patients that sun-
screen products come with numerous marketing claims and
varying cosmetic applicability, all of which must be balanced
with adequate photoprotection. In addition, consumers should
be advised to select a product with broad-spectrum cover-
age, an SPF of 30 or higher, and water and/or sweat resistance
in the setting of water activities or high ambient tempera-
tures. Our list provides dermatologists, other health care pro-
fessionals, and patients with a cohort of sunscreen products
organized by consumer preference, ranked by price or rating,
and detailed information regarding how those products ad-
hered to sunscreen performance standards together with their
consumer reviews.
Accepted for Publication: May 27, 2016.
Published Online: July 6, 2016.
Author Contributions: Drs Xu and Kundu had full
access to all of the data in the study and take
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
accuracy of the data analysis.
Study concept and design: Xu, Agarwal, Kundu.
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All
Drafting of the manuscript: Xu, Kwa.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important
intellectual content: Xu, Agarwal, Rademaker,
Statistical analysis: Rademaker.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Xu,
Kwa, Agarwal, Kundu.
Study supervision: Xu, Kundu.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure s: None reported.
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Consumer Evaluations of Commercial Sunscreen Original Investigation Research (Reprinted) JAMA Dermatology Published online July 6, 2016 E7
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