County Connection LINK Paratransit
Riders’ Guide
An American with Disabilities Act Paratransit Service
Revised: May 2023
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: WELCOME TO YOUR RIDERS’ GUIDE! ................................................ 4
Introduction- ..................................................................................................... 4
How do I apply? ................................................................................................ 6
Conditional and Unconditional eligiblity ......................................................... 7
What if I disagree with my eligibility decision? What do I do? ...................... 8
How long am I eligible for County Connection LINK? .................................... 8
Visitors .............................................................................................................. 9
Presumptive Eligibility ..................................................................................... 9
SECTION 3: PLANNING YOUR TRAVEL ...................................................................... 10
Service Area and Hours.................................................................................. 10
Driver Assistance & Expectations ................................................................. 11
What is expected of me as a County Connection LINK rider? ..................... 12
Caregiver Responsibility ................................................................................ 14
Who can I bring with me? PCAs & Companions ........................................... 14
Can Children travel on County Connection LINK Service? .......................... 15
Mobility Devices .............................................................................................. 16
How Do I Pay For My Ride? ............................................................................ 17
SECTION 4: BOOKING TRIPS .......................................................................................... 18
How Do I Make a Reservation? ...................................................................... 18
Pick-up Window .............................................................................................. 19
How do I cancel my trip? ................................................................................ 20
What is a No-show? ........................................................................................ 20
Estimated time of arrival (ETA) ...................................................................... 22
Subscription Service/ Standing Order ........................................................... 23
Regional Rides ................................................................................................ 24
TRIPS ......................................................................................................................................... 25
I cancelled a trip late, or I missed a trip and did not cancel. What will
happen? .......................................................................................................... 25
County Connection LINK’s Rider Behavior Rules ........................................ 28
What if I do not agree with a decision to suspend my services? ................. 29
Emergencies ................................................................................................... 30
I lost something on the LINK vehicle. What do I do? .................................... 30
SECTION 7: FEEDBACK? WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! ............................. 31
Submitting a Complaint or Commendation ................................................... 31
Reasonable Modification ................................................................................ 31
ADA Compliance Complaint........................................................................... 32
Advisory Committee ....................................................................................... 33
IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS ............................................................................... 34
SECTION 1: Welcome to your Riders’ Guide!
The Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (County Connection for short) is your
transit agency provider within central Contra Costa County. County Connection
serves Clayton, Concord, Danville, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Orinda,
Pleasant Hill, San Ramon, Walnut Creek, and unincorporated areas of central
Contra Costa County.
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) requires all public transit
agencies like County Connection and BART to make their bus and rail services
user-friendly for people with disabilities. The ADA also requires us to provide a
paratransit service. In Central Contra Costa County, ADA paratransit services are
provided by County Connection LINK (hereafter referred to as "LINK").
Who is this Riders’ Guide for?
This guide is for County Connection LINK riders and their families, friends, and
caregivers. We hope you find it helpful and easy to use. This guide is specifically
written as if the rider were reading it.
For caregivers and Social Service agencies, although you may take the
responsibility of booking and cancelling rides, all the guidelines will be the
responsibility of the riders to adhere to. Please read this guide carefully on their
What information can I find in this Riders’ Guide?
In this guide, we will tell you:
• How LINK service works and what you can expect when you ride LINK.
• How to find out whether you are eligible to ride LINK.
• How to reserve and cancel rides on LINK.
• How to ride LINK on the day of your trip.
• What to do when you have a problem with LINK.
This guide covers the basics of LINK, but it does not describe every detail of the
program. If you would like more information including COVID-19 related updates
and other service announcements, visit our website
countyconnection.com/paratransit or call LINK at 925-938-7433.
Can I read this guide in other languages or an accessible format?
Yes. This guide is available in Spanish and can be accessed via the County
Connection LINK Website. You can also call LINK Eligibility Department and
request a Spanish Riders’ Guide to be mailed to you. Alternative accessible
formats are available upon request. Please contact LINK to speak to a
representative or email ADALink@cccta.org. County Connection LINK
Paratransit will do its best to provide the requested alternative format within a
reasonable time.
SECTION 2: Applying for County Connection LINK Service
This section tells you more about how to apply for County Connection LINK and
how you may qualify based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
eligibility standards.
Am I eligible to ride LINK?
To be eligible for County Connection LINK, it must be determined that you are
eligible for paratransit services under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
You are eligible for LINK only if you have a disabling health condition that
prevents you from independently using the regular fixed route County Connection
buses or BART trains for some or all your trips. Determinations are made by
trained professionals who are familiar with the fixed route system as well as the
ADA guidelines. Eligibility is not a medical decision.
How do I apply?
Please follow these steps to apply to be a LINK rider:
1. Request an application form by:
Calling LINK eligibility department at 925-938-7433
Visiting our website countyconnection.com/paratransit and downloading
an application
Visiting in person to request a paper application when office is open:
LINK Office
2477 Arnold Industrial Way, Concord, CA 94520
Open Mon- Fri, 08:00am-3:00pm
2. When you complete the application form, please fill out the application
completely including:
whether or not you travel with an attendant or a service animal (i.e.,
guide dog)
provide signatures on Applicant Certification Form and Authorization
to Release Medical Information
3. Have your licensed health care professional who is familiar with your
disability or disabling health condition complete the pages at the end of the
packet related to the Medical/Mental Health Verification Form.
4. Once both sections have been completed send the application via mail,
email or fax to:
County Connection-ADA Certification
2477 Arnold Industrial Way
Concord, CA 94520
Fax: 925-852-6719
5. After we receive and review your application, you may receive a phone call
for additional information. You may also be called to come down to our
office for an in-person interview and/or your application may be sent to your
doctor for additional information on your disability and how it prevents you
from taking public transportation. In the event that LINK requests your
participation in an in-person interview, please note that a ride to and from
the interview location will be provided free of charge.
You will be notified by mail of your eligibility status within 21 days of receipt of
your completed application.
When can I use County Connection LINK services?
This depends on your ADA paratransit certification. Your eligibility determination
letter from County Connection LINK’s office should indicate if you were
unconditionally or conditionally eligible.
If you are unable to use County Connection buses or BART trains without having
another person there to help you, you will have unconditional (full) eligibility
for LINK. Any time you need to take public transit, you can book your trip on
If the eligibility process determines that you can use County Connection fixed
route buses or BART independently for some trips, but not others, you will be
given conditional eligibility. You will be allowed to take some of your trips using
the LINK service. As an example, you may feel fine going to dialysis and can
take a fixed route County Connection bus or BART train, but experience
weakness upon completing dialysis and will need to use the LINK service on your
return trip home.
It may also be determined that you are able to take the regular public County
Connection bus or BART train service for all your trips. In that case, you would
not be eligible for County Connection LINK services. The basis for the denial will
be noted in the determination letter sent to you.
What if I disagree with my eligibility decision? What do I do?
You have the right to appeal a denial of eligibility or a condition of your eligibility
to ride LINK. Instructions on how to do so will be included in your determination
letter. If your disability or health related conditions change in the future, you may
reapply for the service based on the current information.
How long am I eligible for County Connection LINK?
Once we have determined you are eligible and you receive your determination
letter, this decision is valid for up to three years. An eligibility expiration date will
be included in your determination letter. Please note County Connection LINK’s
office will mail a recertification notice at least 60 days in advance before your
eligibility will retire. If your disability is temporary or your health is expected to
improve, you may be given eligibility for a more limited time, after which you are
expected to return to using regular County Connection fixed route buses or
Can I travel outside of Central Costa County?
Once you are determined to be eligible for LINK, you may also access the
following counties’ ADA Paratransit Programs for the duration of your LINK
eligibility: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara,
Solano, San Mateo and Sonoma County. Please see section on Regional
Transfer Trips for more details or call 925-938-7433 for more information.
What if I need to travel outside the San Francisco Bay Area and need
paratransit service?
Once approved to use County Connection LINK, you are also eligible to receive
the equivalent paratransit services in other cities and states for up to 21 days in a
365-day period. Conversely, accessing LINK for passengers visiting our service
area is extremely easy. Visitors who are ADA eligible for paratransit in their home
jurisdictions may use LINK service for up to 21 days in a 365-day period after
presenting either a valid ADA Paratransit card or other paperwork showing their
certification for ADA Paratransit services. If that is not available, documentation
of their place of residence outside of the LINK service area and of their disability
(if it is not clear). They can also provide us with a contact name and number of
their Paratransit services so we may contact them directly to verify their ADA
status. If the visitor’s disability is not apparent, documentation of disability may
also be required. If the visitor’s eligibility is apparent, such as a person using a
wheelchair or a visually impaired person travelling with a service animal, then no
documentation of disability may be required. All visitor eligibility requests are
handled by County Connection LINK’s Eligibility Department.
Presumptive Eligibility
We may also grant presumptive eligibility for 30 days if a person needs to use
Paratransit service immediately because of an emergency, or if we are unable to
make a determination within a 21-day period. This type of eligibility is not for
hospital discharges or transportation home after minor surgery.
Fixed Route Buses
You will be happy to know that you may obtain a reduced fare on fixed route
buses by presenting any one of the following documents: your ADA paratransit
eligibility letter, your Documentation of ADA paratransit eligibility form (both of
these items will be mailed to you when you are certified), your ADA paratransit
eligibility ID card, a Medicare card, or any proof of being age 65 or older.
To see the current fare types and prices on fixed route buses, please follow the
link countyconnection.com/fares/fare-types-prices.
SECTION 3: Planning your travel
Where and when can I go on County Connection LINK?
LINK can pick you up and drop you off almost anywhere a County Connection
bus or BART station operates at that time and on that day of the week.
LINK riders go grocery shopping, to work and school, to get their hair cut or
check in with their doctor, meet up with friends, or to enjoy a local park. You can
go anyplace as long as the bus goes there or there is BART station nearby.
LINK service is specifically available within 1.5 miles of a County Connection
fixed route bus or within ¾ of a mile of a BART station when County Connection
fixed route buses are not in operation. Both the origin and destination addresses
must meet these standards. (When County Connection fixed route buses are not
in operation, then the LINK service is strictly limited to trips with pick-up and
drop-off locations that are both within ¾ miles of an operating BART station.)
County Connection LINK provides ADA service generally during the following
Monday Friday, 5:00am12:00am
Saturday, 6:00am12:00am
Sunday, 7:00am12:00 am
Please note that the hours of operation varies throughout the year as County
Connection bus service schedules slightly change.
When you call to book your ride, the reservationist can tell you if your ride
request falls within the current operating hours of the fixed route bus or BART
County Connection LINK observes the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
LINK service is limited to pick-ups and drop-offs within ¾ of a mile of an
operating BART station on such holidays. Please note that all subscription rides
are cancelled on these days.
What Can I Expect a County Connection LINK Driver To Do?
LINK drivers are required to:
Get out of the vehicle and let you know they have arrived.
Offer assistance such as pushing your wheelchair, offering a steadying arm
to help you walk safely and assisting you to get in and out of the vehicle
Carry a small load of packages to and from the vehicle (see package
limitations on page 16).
Operate the vehicle and lift in a safe manner and safely secure your
wheelchair or other mobility device.
Remind you to wear your seatbelt.
Keep within sight of their vehicles when passengers are on board.
Collect the fare listed on their manifest.
Carry only the riders assigned to them along with their attendants and
approved companions.
Go only to the destinations listed on the manifest or as notified by the
Wear a uniform and a name tag.
Be courteous at all times.
Drivers are not allowed to:
Enter a rider’s residence or go past the main lobby of a public building.
Leave riders in the vehicle unattended.
Perform any personal care assistance such as assisting riders to dress or
go to the bathroom.
Smoke, eat or drink in the vehicle.
Use a cell phone while driving, play loud music or wear headphones.
Take information from the rider such as cancellations, changes in
reservations, or taking a different route other than the one provided on the
driver’s tablet.
Accept tips.
Lift or carry riders or carry wheelchairs up and down stairs.
Administer medication
All drivers are familiar with basic first aid but are not medical professionals. If
there is a medical or health emergency on-board such as a rider having a seizure
or experiencing excessive bleeding after a dialysis treatment, the driver will pull
over, call 911 and wait for trained help.
What is expected of me as a County Connection LINK rider?
Riders, their companions, and their personal care attendants must be
responsible in their use of County Connection LINK service and follow all of its
rules and expectations (detailed in Section 6).
Riders, companions, and personal care attendants should expect to:
Be ready at the start of their pick-up window. (This is a curb-to-curb
service, with doorto-door service provided upon request only. Drivers
must remain within eyesight of their vehicles.)
Always pay a fare when applicable.
Avoid no-shows and late or excessive cancellation of reservations.
Refrain from carrying fireworks, flammable liquids, or weapons that
threaten the safety of the driver and other passengers.
Refrain from using abusive, threatening, obscene and/or racially offensive
Not litter on or soil the vehicles during their ride.
Refrain from using the service fraudulently (e.g., intentionally allowing
someone else to use LINK under your name).
To ensure the safety of the riders and the driver, we ask that riders adhere to
a set of minimum required Rider Behavior Rules which include the following:
Enter and exit the vehicle voluntarily. This means the rider should not
require an inordinate amount of coaxing from the driver. This could cause
The rider must be able to follow the driver’s instructions.
Stay buckled in the seat or wheelchair while the vehicle is moving. The
rider must not attempt to get up out of their seat while the vehicle is in
motion. This is unsafe.
Not attempt to exit the vehicle while it is in motion, at stop signs, stop lights,
while in traffic or while picking up other passengers.
Refrain from hitting or touching other riders or the driver.
Not invite/engage sexual attention from other riders or the driver.
Refrain from abusing, physically and/or verbally, the driver and/or other
More information on the County Connection LINK Rider Behavior Rules,
including penalties for violating them, is provided in Section 6.
Caregiver Responsibility
LINK drivers cannot act as attendants for Paratransit riders. Cognitively impaired
riders may ride without attendants as long as they exhibit safe behaviors in the
vehicle. It may be necessary for the caregiver to accompany an individual with a
cognitive impairment or to provide a personal care attendant.
Riders with mental or cognitive impairments, or with severe memory loss, which
prohibits them from being safely left on their own at the pick-up or drop-off point
must have an attendant or caregiver present at both locations. If a responsible
attendant or caregiver is not present when the driver attempts to drop-off these
riders, dispatch will call the emergency contact person from the individual’s
application. If a responsible attendant or caregiver is not located, the individual
will be brought to the closest police station and the situation will be reported to
adult protective services.
Who can I bring with me?
ADA eligible riders, their personal care attendants and companions are allowed
to use County Connection LINK service. Both personal care attendants and
companions must travel to and from the same destination as the eligible rider.
You must inform the reservationist at the time you book your ride if you will have
someone travelling with you.
Your personal care attendant (PCA) who will be assisting you during
your trip will not have to pay a fare. (If you need assistance during your
trips, please provide that information during your application process so
a personal care attendant will be added to your file. LINK reserves the
right to contact your health care professional to verify your need for an
A companion, friend or relative (who is not your PCA) may travel with
you but must pay the same fare. Only one companion can be scheduled
to ride with you. Additional companions can be added on the day of
service based on availability ONLY.
If you use a PCA and are not currently certified to bring a PCA on LINK, call the
Eligibility Department at 925-680-2138 and we will mail you the necessary
paperwork, which may include a recertification. It is your responsibility to find a
PCA for your trip. County Connection LINK does not provide a PCA.
Fraudulently claiming to travel with an attendant to avoid paying a fare for a
companion may result in suspension of service.
Can Children travel on County Connection LINK Service?
Yes. All children until the age of 8, or until they reach a height of 4 feet 9 inches,
must travel in a car seat. Parents/guardians must provide and install their own
car seats. Drivers can help you carry the car seat but are not permitted to carry
the children. LINK does not provide car seats and will not transport children
without the appropriate car seat.
Children as eligible riders
Children whose disability (as opposed to their age) would prevent them from
using the fixed route bus and trains by themselves may be eligible for LINK. Very
few children under the age of 5 meet this requirement. Children who are under
the age of 6 must travel with a Personal care attendant (like a parent or
guardian). If an older child exhibits seriously disruptive behavior and/or poses
safety concerns for themselves or others as a result of such behavior, the child
must travel with a personal care attendant.
Children as companions
Each eligible rider may bring one child as a companion and may request on the
day of service to bring additional children. If space is available, the request will
be granted. The eligible rider must be able to manage the child on their own or
with the help of a personal care attendant. The drivers cannot assist with
managing children.
Children as attendants
Children above the age of 6 may travel as personal care attendants as long as
they act in that capacity. The driver cannot perform personal duties for a rider or
his/her child.
What Mobility Devices can I use on County Connection LINK?
All County Connection fixed route buses and paratransit vehicles are equipped
with rider lifts or ramps that meet ADA accessible vehicle specifications. All
ramps will accommodate mobility devices such as wheelchairs and three-
wheeled scooters up to 48” long by 30” wide with a combined weight up to 800
pounds (including the passenger). Mobility devices that exceed these
specifications may not be able to be accommodated. We do not transport
For safety reasons it is suggested that all mobility devices be free of bags,
baskets and any other attachments that may interfere with the securement
system. Additionally, all passengers are required to wear a seatbelt. Lap belts will
be provided to passengers in mobility devices that don’t have their own lap belt.
Finally, please be aware that passengers in scooter type mobility devices may be
asked to move to a seat. Shopping carts and strollers must fit under the seat or
be secured so as to not pose a safety hazard.
Life Support Equipment
You can bring your respirator, portable oxygen or other life support equipment as
long as it does not violate laws or rules related to transportation of hazardous
materials. Your equipment must be small enough to fit into the paratransit vehicle
and be managed by you or your personal care attendant.
Can I bring a service animal or a pet?
You may bring your guide dog or other service animal that has been trained to
help you with your disability. The service animal must be under your direct
supervision at all times. It must not soil or damage the vehicle, bark, growl or act
in an aggressive manner. You may travel with a small pet as long as the animal
is fully enclosed in a secure pet carrier that you can manage and hold on your lap
or place securely at your feet.
Please tell the Reservationist if you intend to travel with a pet or service animal
during your trip and please note no fare is charged for either the service animal
or the small pet enclosed in pet carrier.
How Do I Pay For My Ride?
LINK accepts cash and ticket vouchers.
One-way fare for any LINK trip is $5.00
Eligible personal care attendants ride free
A companion is required to pay the $5.00 one-way fare
Please note that drivers do not carry change and cannot make unscheduled
stops to make change. You are encouraged to carry exact fare.
Advance Fare Payment System
You may wish to take advantage of County Connection LINKs Advance Fare
Payment System designed to simplify your travel by allowing you to prepay for
your trips.
How does it work?
Mail a check to:
County Connection LINK
2477 Arnold Industrial Way
Concord, CA 94520.
A $50.00 minimum is required to establish an account. Make the check payable
to County Connection LINK and state the name of the LINK client on the check.
Your LINK trips will be automatically deducted from your account for the amount
of your trip. If the balance in your account decreases to $25.00 or less, you will
be notified by phone or mail. If your account reaches a “0” balance, you will be
required to pay the cash/ticket fare for each scheduled pick-up until such time as
your LINK account has sufficient funds.
If you have any questions regarding this information and/or the balance of your
existing account, please contact LINK, Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to
5:00pm at (925) 938-7433.
The Advance Fare Payment System is offered as a convenience by County
Connection. Individuals who fail to provide sufficient funds to cover their trips and
fall into arrears will be required to pay for their trips as they board and reimburse
any funds in arrears. Individuals whose checks bounce will be required to pay by
money order or cash for future trips.
SECTION 4: Booking Trips
Things To Know Before You Schedule a Ride…
You must call between one and seven days in advance to book your trips. Please
bear in mind that ADA paratransit is a “shared-ride” service, and that
trips on LINK take about the same amount of time as similar trips taken using
County Connection bus service, including transfers and the time to walk to and
from the bus stop. Same-day reservations are extremely limited and based on
driver availability only.
Types of Reservations
You have the option of requesting a reservation based on either a specific pick-
up time or an appointment time to arrive at your destination.
Pickup times are subject to negotiation the reservationist will offer you one or
more options within one hour (before or after) of your requested pickup time.
You can also schedule trips by appointment time. If you are traveling to an
appointment (for example, a doctor’s appointment), please tell the reservationist
what time you need to arrive at your destination. They will tell you what time you
need to be picked up to ensure that you arrive on time at your destination.
The reservationist will attempt to give you the best time possible but cannot make
more than two attempts to schedule a specific time.
How Do I Make a Reservation?
Reservations may be made over the phone. Reservation calls are accepted from
8:00 am to 5:00 pm every day including weekends and holidays. You may call
our reservations department at (925) 938-7433 one (1) to seven (7) days in
When booking your trip, please provide the following information:
Your Client Number- provided in your determination letter.
Your name, home address and phone number.
The address where we will pick you up from.
The address where we will take you to.
Any special instructions that the driver may need, such as gate codes,
directions to hard-to-find places, specific areas in a mall or shopping
center, etc.
The date you want to travel.
The time you want to be picked up or the time you want to be dropped off at
your destination.
Whether you will be travelling with an attendant, companion, or service
The type of mobility aids you and your companion will be using, like a
wheelchair, walker, cane, or scooter.
Pick-up Window
When you make your reservation, you will be given a 30-minute range of time in
which to expect the driver. This range of time is called a pick-up window. Your
driver may arrive anytime within this pick-up window. You are asked to be ready
at the beginning of this 30-minute window of time. If you are not visible when the
driver arrives, the driver will attempt to contact you as a courtesy. If you fail to
board the vehicle after 5 minutes of its arrival, the driver will have to leave to
pick-up other passengers. **This is called the 5-minute rule!**
Shared rides
County Connection LINK is a shared ride service. This means, just like public
transportation, LINK picks up other riders going to similar destinations as you.
The direction of your trip may not be linear. Your ride may take a similar amount
of time as the same trip would take on regular fixed route including transfers and
wait times. To see how long a paratransit trip may take, you can compare travel
times using fixed-route buses by visiting our website at
www.countyconnection.com. Enter the required information, including if you want
to be picked up at a specific time or have an appointment time.
Can I change my reservation?
The Dispatch Department is open 7 days a week and during all hours of
operation, roughly from 4:30am to 12-midnight. You may call during those times
with questions about your ride. You may not book rides outside of normal
reservation hours, but you may cancel and or add instructions to your existing
Requests for changes on the day of your trip most likely cannot be
accommodated. Please do not ask the drivers to make changes to your pick-up
or drop-off destinations. Call the Dispatch department at (925) 938-7433 if it is an
emergency and they will try their best to assist you.
How do I cancel my trip?
Call LINK to cancel as soon as you know you can’t take a trip. You must cancel
your trip at least one hour before your pick-up window begins or we will record
that you cancelled late or were a ‘no-show’. If you don’t need your trip, we can
offer the space to another rider. We schedule your ride with other riders, so
canceling your ride the day before gives us more time to change the schedule to
make sure the vehicle is not too early or too late for other customers.
Penalties for late cancellations are addressed in Section 6.
What is a No-show?
A no-show is a failure to meet your scheduled ride within 5 minutes of its arrival,
failure to cancel a ride with at least 1 hours’ notice, or failure to cancel the ride
altogether. A pattern of no-show violations may lead to penalties. (Please refer to
section 6 for more information on penalties).
It is your responsibility to wait where the driver can see you. The driver is not
allowed to leave sight of his or her vehicle and can only go in the main lobby of a
building. At most they can announce their arrival at the door. Service is curb-to-
curb with door-to-door services available only for special circumstances. The
driver will attempt to find you but will leave after 5 minutes. To help expedite
matters, please provide a good cell phone number where dispatch can reach
you. If the driver leaves, and another ride has to be scheduled, there may be
significant delays, up to 1 hour.
Early Pick-up
Sometimes the driver will arrive before your pick-up window because of light
traffic or a cancellation before your trip. You are not obligated to board before
your window, but the driver may inform you of that choice.
Late Pick-ups
If your driver does not arrive by the end of your 30-minute pick-up window, you
may call LINK’s Dispatch Department at (925) 938-7433 to find out where your
driver is, or you may locate your driver using the MyTransit app (see page 23). If
your driver arrives later than your 30-minute pick-up window, you may decline the
ride without penalty.
What should I do before the 30-minute window begins?
Before your 30-minute pick-up window begins, take time to prepare for your trip.
Check the weather forecast and dress for it. Carry water on hot days and a
coat on cold or rainy days. Bring medications and any snacks you need.
Take a restroom break before boarding the vehicle. There is no restroom
on LINK vehicles and drivers cannot stop.
Take important phone numbers with you, including the County Connection
LINK number for Dispatch.
Make sure your mobility device is in good working order and your battery is
If you use oxygen, take a full tank in case your ride is longer than expected.
Make sure you have your LINK fare with you if you have not already paid in
The 30-minute window is starting. What should I do?
Be ready with your coat at the beginning of your 30-minute pick-up window. LINK
can come at any time within that window. If possible, wait at a place where you
can see the vehicle arrive.
How can I find out if the LINK vehicle is running on time?
LINK currently offers three ways to get information on your rides estimated time
of arrival (ETA). LINK’s Dispatch Department is available throughout the day to
answer calls including your “where’s my ride” questions. Using all available
information, LINK’s Dispatch Department will be able to estimate your driver’s
arrival at the pre-specified location.
My Transit App is a mobile application designed to specifically help you and
your caregiver stay in touch with County Connection LINK service, by using any
mobile device. The application provides you and your caregiver with:
Immediate access to real-time information
Trip notification such as estimated arrival times
Information on future scheduled trips
Quick links for direct access to the call center and County Connection
Ability to transmit your current location for assisting the drivers in
locating you more quickly
The ability to provide feedback or rate your trip experience once your trip
is completed
Ability to cancel scheduled trips
Ability to schedule trips to frequently travelled locations
Facility Transit Manager System
Your dialysis center, adult day center, group workshop and other similar facilities
can be issued a web-based login to see all pick-up and drop-offs scheduled to a
specific facility and the current estimated time of the vehicle's arrival. With the
Facility Transit Manager system, once the estimated time is within an hour of the
current time, the facility can LINK directly to the vehicle location and track where
the vehicle is located.
What if I reserve a lot of trips to the same places?
Standing reservations (also known as Subscription Service) are available on a
limited basis for trips going to the same places at the same times.
Consider requesting a standing ride if you have a trip that fits all the following
Trip is taken at least once each week on the same day.
Trip is between the same locations and at the same time.
Trip has been taken consistently over the previous 30-day period.
Trip is expected to continue for at least 60 days or more.
You only need to call once to request a Standing Reservation ride. It takes
approximately seven days to go into effect if we have space available.
It is important to remember that standing reservations are NOT guaranteed and
may be capped at no more than 50% of all rides in any given period. If space is
not available for your requested standing trip, you may ask to be placed on a
waiting list, which is reviewed regularly. If you are unable to secure a standing
ride trip, you may still call the day before, or up to seven days before, for each
individual trip.
To avoid no-show associated penalties, it is important to cancel your Standing
Order, such as if you are in the hospital or will be away for a certain period of
time. We can pause your Standing Order for up to two weeks. After two weeks,
we must allow others the opportunity to book Standing Order rides. You may
continue to make reservations up to 7 days in advance for each trip. County
Connection LINK will review your request again after 30 days.
What if I need to travel outside of Central Contra Costa County?
LINK provides service primarily to Central Costa County. However, we do offer
an option to ADA Paratransit riders who need to travel within the Bay Area but
outside of Central Contra Costa County.
Regional Transfer Trips
If you need a ride to Alameda, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa
Clara, Sonoma, Solano, and West and East Contra Costa counties, we will
provide a Regional Transfer Trip. This means that you will ride LINK for the
Central Contra Costa County part of your trip, and then another paratransit
provider(s) will meet you at a transfer location to take you the rest of the way.
Although it is possible to schedule a regional trip the day before service, it is
much more likely you will get the reservation you want if you call as early as you
can. To assure that we can accommodate the coordination of your transfer trip
with another agency, please call 5-7 days in advance of the transfer trip. The
reservationist will make the arrangements with the other paratransit provider and
confirm your trip one or two days before the scheduled trip.
One Seat Regional Ride
County Connection along with partnering agencies (WestCAT, TriDelta, and
LAVTA/Wheels) offer a user friendly service for all its ADA eligible riders
travelling within East, Central, and part of West Contra Costa County or to the
Livermore-Amador Valley Transportation Authority Service Area (including cities
such as Livermore, Dublin, and Pleasanton). The One Seat Regional Ride
program allows you to be picked up from one service area and taken to another
service area without being transferred to another transit agency. You will
experience only one ride for your entire trip. Your One Seat Regional trip can be
booked directly through LINK Paratransit Scheduling department. We encourage
riders to plan ahead and call with several days notice when possible. You may
still experience a shared ride during your One Seat Regional Trip. To schedule a
One Seat Regional Ride please call 925-938-7433 and press option 5. For
“where is my ride” calls, please call our dispatch department at 925-938-7433
and press option 2 on the day of service or use the MyTransit app to track your
vehicle’s location.
Section 6: When Something Goes Wrong, including
Penalties for Violations of the Rules, Late Cancellations
and Missed Trips
This section will tell you more about some of the things that can go wrong on
LINK and some of the violations that can cause you to lose your ability to book a
standing order or to ride LINK.
I cancelled a trip late, or I missed a trip and did not cancel. What will
County Connection LINK is an advance booking system. Trips are booked and
space is reserved for each trip booked. Booking rides that you do not take
prevents others from booking and getting the rides that they desire.
If you will miss a trip for any reason, call LINK at 925-938-7433 as soon as you
know you can’t take the trip. If no one is available to take your call please leave a
message including your name, client ID, date and time(s) of trip(s) you wish to
You must cancel at least one hour before your pick-up window begins. If you
cancel too late or miss the trip and do not call to cancel, we will record a ‘no-
A no-show will be recorded:
If the ride is cancelled less than one hour before it is scheduled to begin.
If the customer is not at the agreed-upon pick-up spot during the 30-
minute pick-up window.
If the customer doesn’t board within five minutes from when the LINK
vehicle arrives during the 30-minute pickup window.
If the customer has hand-to-hand service (for passengers who cannot
be left unattended), but a responsible person was not present for the
Please note that if you "no show" any trip throughout the day, all subsequent trips
will remain scheduled until LINK can confirm that these other trips will need to be
Excused No-Shows: Passengers will not be penalized for no-shows or late
cancelations that are beyond their control. Passengers are encouraged to
communicate to LINK staff as soon as possible if their no-show is a result of
something completely beyond their control (e.g., a LINK error, delayed medical
appointment, medical emergency, death or family emergency).
Suspension for Excessive No-shows: All riders will receive a warning letter if
and when they no-show 4 of their total scheduled rides in a calendar quarter (as
defined below). All riders will receive a suspension letter if and when they meet
both of the following thresholds:
6 No-shows in a calendar quarter; and
No-shows for 30% of their total scheduled rides in a calendar quarter.
No rider will be suspended without (a) receiving a warning letter and then (b)
accumulating 2 or more additional No-shows.
Calendar quarters are three-month periods defined as:
January March
April June
July September
October December
Passengers who habitually violate the No-show Policy are subject to progressive
penalties within a two-year period.
First violation: 7-day (1-week) suspension
Second violation: 14-day (2-week) suspension
Third violation: 21-day (3-week) suspension
Fourth and subsequent violations: 28-day (4-week) suspension
Impact on Standing Orders Rides:
LINK is not obligated to provide Standing Order rides but does so as a courtesy
and convenience to its passengers.
You must use your standing ride at least 50% of the time. If you cancel more
than half of your standing ride trips in any 30-day period, we will stop providing
the standing ride.
If your Standing Order is cancelled, you may follow the normal reservation
process to book your rides.
What are County Connection LINK’s Rider Behavior Rules and what
happens if I do not follow them?
LINK’s Rider Behavior Rules are a set of rules that we ask all customers to follow
in order to ensure a safe and pleasant ride for all passengers. They include the
Enter and exit the vehicle voluntarily. This means the rider should not
require an inordinate amount of coaxing from the driver. This could
cause delays.
The rider must be able to follow the driver’s instructions.
Stay buckled in the seat or wheelchair while the vehicle is moving. The
rider must not attempt to get up out of their seat while the vehicle is in
motion. This is unsafe.
Not attempt to exit the vehicle while it is in motion, at stop signs, stop
lights, while in traffic or while picking up other passengers.
Refrain from hitting or touching other riders or the driver.
Not invite/engage sexual attention from other riders or the driver.
Refrain from abusing, physically and/or verbally, the driver and/or other
If you do not follow the Rider Behavior Rules, LINK will work with you, or your
caregiver, to change the behavior. If the violations continue or if they are
threatening to others, you may be suspended from LINK service.
A first suspension will be for no more than 30 days. If a rider has had a prior
suspension within the last year or is being suspended for severe misconduct, the
suspension may be longer than 30 days. In case of extremely unsafe behavior, a
rider may be suspended indefinitely.
What if I do not agree with a decision to suspend my services?
It is your right to appeal penalty decisions made by County Connection LINK.
Decisions that you may appeal are:
Suspensions for no-shows.
Suspensions for violation of Rider Behavior Rules.
Determinations of eligibility-please see section 2/Eligibility for details.
Instructions to appeal a County Connection LINK decision are included in
eligibility and denial letters as well as all suspension notices.
Appeals are heard by a panel consisting of a LINK staff person, a rider advocate
and/or a medical professional.
Riders who appeal a suspension for violation of the No-show Policy may
continue riding LINK service pending the outcome of the appeals hearing.
You may bring anyone you wish to an appeal hearing to speak on your behalf.
LINK will provide free transportation for you to and from the appeal hearing. LINK
will also provide necessary aids/accommodations (including sign language
and/or foreign language interpretation) that you request for the appeal hearing, if
you request them at least one week in advance.
After the hearing, the panel will decide on whether to uphold the decision or
overturn it. The decision of the panel is final. County Connection will notify you of
the panel's decision in writing within five (5) business days of the hearing.
What will County Connection LINK do if there is an earthquake or another
Most if not all paratransit providers will look to the county or governing agencies
for guidelines regarding the emergency, before picking up passengers.
Sometimes, LINK may have to limit trips to essential functions or life sustaining
trips only. This will include, but may not be limited to, trips to and from:
Grocery stores
Chemotherapy appointments
Medical facilities
Essential job locations
You can bring your respirator, portable oxygen or other life support equipment as
long as it does not violate laws or rules related to transportation of hazardous
materials. Your equipment must be small enough to fit into the paratransit vehicle
and be managed by you or your personal care attendant.
What will County Connection LINK do if there is a medical emergency on
All drivers are familiar with basic first aid and CPR but are not medical
professionals. If there is a medical or health emergency on board such as a rider
having a seizure or experiencing excessive bleeding after a dialysis treatment,
the driver will pull over, call 911 and wait for trained help.
I lost something on the County Connection LINK vehicle. What do I do?
Riders, personal care attendants and companions are responsible for keeping
track of their personal possessions while on LINK. If you discover that you have
left something on a vehicle, call (925) 938-7433 to report it. If the item is found,
you will be contacted and told where the item is being stored. You will have up to
30 days to retrieve it before it is donated to charity. If you take LINK to pick up
the item, you will be charged the regular fare.
If you find a lost item on the vehicle, please give it to the driver.
Section 7: Feedback? We want to hear from you!
Submitting a Complaint or Commendation
County Connection LINK uses communication from our riders to keep track of
how the paratransit system is working. To provide feedback, please tell us with
the name of the rider, the day and time of the trip, and the reservation or dispatch
agent that took the call or the driver that provided the ride. You can make a
complaint in any of the following ways:
Rate your trip on the MyTransit mobile App.
Call the customer service department at 925-676-7500 between 6:30am
and 6:30pm Monday through Friday and give us the information.
Email us at customerservice@cccta.org and give us the information.
Write to us at County Connection LINK Service, 2477 Arnold Industrial
Way, Concord, CA 94520.
All complaints are acted on. You will receive a letter, email or phone call
regarding your complaint and any updates associated with it. Should you find that
the final response or resolution at the end of an investigation is not satisfactory,
further instructions will be included on available next steps.
It is important to also let staff know when things are going well. Use any of the
above methods to communicate your positive experiences. Your praise will be
forwarded to drivers or other staff persons.
Reasonable Modification
County Connection LINK services is fully compliant with the Paratransit
requirements of the ADA. We are committed to making reasonable modifications
to policies, practices, and procedures to ensure LINK services are accessible to
everyone who is eligible. To make a request for a reasonable modification, you
may contact County Connection’s Director of ADA and Specialized Services at
(925) 680-2098 or dial 711 for the California Relay Services. You can also visit
our website at countyconnection.com/paratransit/ada-and-reasonable-
modification to submit a request using an online form. Please note, a request for
a reasonable modification will not be considered if it would:
Fundamentally alter County Connection’s services or programs.
Create a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
Not be necessary to use County Connection services.
Cause an undue financial or administrative burden for County Connection.
Persons who wish to file a complaint regarding a request for Reasonable
Modification that was denied, or alleging any action prohibited by the ADA may
obtain an Appeals form from Customer Service by phone, fax, email or in writing
Customer Service, County Connection
2477 Arnold Industrial Drive
Concord CA 94520
Phone: (925) 676-7500
Fax: (925) 687-7306
email: customerservice@cccta.org
Forms can also be downloaded from our website at
ADA Compliance Complaint
To file an ADA complaint, please contact the Director of ADA and Specialized
Services at (925) 680-2098 or online at our website
countyconnection.com/paratransit under ADA complaint.
Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI)
County Connection’s LINK Services are committed to ensuring no person is
excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its services, on the basis
of race, color or national origin as protected by Title VI. If you believe you have
been subjected to discrimination by County Connection LINK services under Title
VI, you may file a written complaint or call County Connection services at (925)
Title VI complaints should be filed as close as possible to when the alleged
discrimination occurred and no later than 180 days after the alleged incident.
Complaint forms are also available online at www.countyconnection.com.
Advisory Committee
The County Connection Advisory Committee meets every other month and
advises the Board of Directors on matters pertaining to fixed route and
paratransit services. The Advisory Committee is made up of both fixed route and
paratransit users who represent each of the jurisdictions served by the County
Connection system. For information on meeting times, membership or to
contact a representative, call (925) 680-2084.
Important Contact Information for LINK
Main Telephone Number:
Main Fax: 925-687-3247
Or Dial 711 for CA Relay Service
Address: Attention County Connection LINK
2477 Arnold Industrial Way
Concord, Ca 94520
Website: countyconnection.com/paratransit
Eligibility Department………………….
Eligibility Dept. Fax……………………
Eligibility Email………………………..
One Seat Regional Ride……………...
Lost and Found...………………...……
Customer Service-Complaints &
County Connection Fixed-Route Bus
Service Information……………………
Option to Press
From Main Line Direct Line
4……………………… 925-680-2138
………………………. 925-852-6719
…………………..ADA[email protected]
7……………………… 925-676-7500
7……………………… 925-676-7500
For Information on City Based
Transportation Options and Other
ADA Paratransit Programs in Contra
Costa County visit: