Terms and Conditions
EasyPay Cash Out
1. BDO shall have the absolute and exclusive right to approve or reject applications for EasyPay Cash
Out. If the Cardholder has no sufficient credit limit, BDO has the sole discretion to approve only a
portion of the amount applied for. In case of rejection of the application, BDO is under no obligation to
notify the Cardholder of the said rejection and of the reason therefore.
2. The Cardholder acknowledges liability to BDO for any EasyPay Cash Out request that has been
implemented and the amount of EasyPay Cash Out together with interest and penalty charges, if any,
will form part of the Cardholder’s payment obligation to his/her BDO Credit Card.
3. The EasyPay Cash Out principal amount with interest will be deducted and should be within the
Cardholder's available credit limit.
4. Monthly installments due on the EPCash Out applications together with monthly interest and penalty
charge, if any, shall be billed to the Cardholder and shall commence on the Cardholder’s next
statement date and every month thereafter until the total amount payable is paid in full. Monthly
installment due on the EPCash Out transaction applied via BDO Online Banking with 1-month payment
holiday together with monthly interest and penalty charge (if any) will be billed to the cardholder
starting on the second statement cycle after the original transaction date and every month
thereafter until the total amount payable is paid in full.
5. The Cardholder acknowledges that there may be a slight difference between the actual monthly
installment amortization billed and the computed monthly installment amortization presented in a
sample computation. Amounts may differ due to the rounded values.
6. Approved applications for EasyPay Cash Out can no longer be reversed/cancelled. BDO may, at its
sole and absolute option, accommodate Cardholder's request to accelerate the charging of the
remaining unbilled monthly amortization/s, but the total remaining balance after the acceleration, must
be paid in full. The Cardholder will be charged an installment processing fee of 5% of the total
remaining balance or P300, whichever is higher. After BDO has approved the Cardholder's
acceleration, the total accelerated amount and the installment processing fee shall form part of the total
outstanding amount due for the pertinent monthly billing cycle and must be paid in full.
7. The monthly interest rates are determined by BDO and may be subject to change in accordance with
the prevailing market rates for similar transactions and terms.
8. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Cardholder acknowledges that the agreed periodic amortization
computed using the corresponding factor rate may differ from the amortization computed and
generated by BDO System due to rounding off of the corresponding factor rate, which is automated in
BDO’s system. Cardholder hereby consents and authorizes BDO to round off the corresponding factor
rate in the computation of the agreed periodic amortization and hereby accepts any change in the factor
rate, including the amortization amount as a result thereof.
9. The Terms and Conditions governing the issuance and use of the BDO Credit Cards shall continue to
apply to the EasyPay Cash Out Program and to the cardholder’s availment of such Program and shall
be deemed incorporated with and made integral parts of these Terms and Conditions. In case of
conflict between the above stated provisions and the BDO Credit Cards Terms and Conditions, the
latter shall prevail.
10. The Cardholder’s use/availment of the EasyPay Cash Out Program constitutes the Cardholder’s
agreement to the above Terms and Conditions.
11. The above Terms and Conditions may be amended and supplemented by BDO with DTI's consent from
time to time upon notice to the Cardholder.