Balance Transfer Terms and Conditions
1. The Balance Transfer program/facility of BDO allows a Cardmember in good credit standing to transfer
to his/her American Express Card issued by BDO his outstanding credit card balances with other banks
or credit card companies (the “Other Credit Card Company/ies”).
2. BDO has the absolute and exclusive right to approve or reject applications for Balance Transfer and is of
no obligation to disclose reasons in case of rejection or disapproval. The Balance Transfer principal
amount with interest will be deducted from and should be within the available credit limit of his
American Express Card. If the Cardmember has no sufficient credit limit, BDO may, at its sole and
absolute discretion, approve a portion of the amount applied for within the Cardmembers American
Express Card available limit.
3. Prior to the approval of the Cardmembers application for Balance Transfer, the Cardmember shall
continue to pay at least the minimum amount due on his/her other credit card/s. The Cardmember agrees
and understands that payment by BDO to the Other Credit Card Company/ies may be remitted days after
the posting of the Balance Transfer amount to his/her American Express Card, to allow BDO reasonable
time for processing. The Cardmember further agrees to hold BDO free and harmless against any
liabilities, penalties, charges and/or damages which may be imposed or charged to the Cardmember by
the Other Credit Card Company/ies resulting from any delay in payment by BDO to the Other Credit
Card Company/ies for whatever reason/s, or rejection/non-acceptance of the BDO payment by the Other
Credit Card Company/ies.
4. Upon approval of the Balance Transfer application, BDO will send the check payment directly to the
Other Credit Card Company/ies. Receipt of payment by the other Credit Card Company/ies shall be
deemed as receipt of the proceeds of Balance Transfer by the Cardmember himself/herself, and an
availment under the Cardmembers American Express Card in the amount of the Balance Transfer. A
Balance Transfer application can no longer be cancelled once approved. It is understood that the
Cardmember shall have the obligation to contact BDO for confirmation of the status of his Balance
Transfer application (whether approved or disapproved), and that payment made by the Cardmember to
the Other Credit Card Company/ies of the amount applied for the Balance Transfer prior to or without
such confirmation, shall be at Cardmembers own risk and account. Thus, in case of double payment of
the Balance Transfer amount to the Other Credit Card Company/ies (i.e., payment by BDO and payment
by the Cardmember), the Cardmember shall continue to be liable to BDO for reimbursement/payment of
such Balance Transfer amount under the Balance Transfer program/facility.
5. The Cardmember acknowledges liability to BDO for any Balance Transfer request that has been
implemented and the amount of Balance Transfer together with interest and penalty charges, if any, will
form part of the Cardmembers outstanding obligation on his/her American Express Card.
6. Monthly installments due on the Balance Transfer together with monthly interest and penalty charge, if
any, shall be billed to the Cardmember and shall commence on the Cardmembers next statement date
from the approval of his/her Balance Transfer request and every month thereafter until the total amount
payable is paid in full.
7. In case of partial payment of the amount due on the Balance Transfer, the unpaid balance shall be
charged the applicable penalty, interest and/or late payment charges imposed by BDO.
8. In cases of suspension, cancellation and/or non-renewal of the American Express Card due to non-
payment or breach of any of the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of American
Express Cards issued by BDO, the same shall automatically render all the outstanding obligations of the
Cardmember under the Balance Transfer Program of BDO due and demandable without need of a prior
9. The monthly interest rates, late payment penalty and other charges on the Balance Transfer are
determined by BDO.
10. It is understood that payment made by BDO on behalf of the Cardmember to the Other Credit Card
Company/ies pursuant to the Balance Transfer facility shall not constitute a novation (substitution of
debtors) within the meaning of the Civil Code of the Philippines. Hence, the Cardmember shall remain
to be liable to the Other Credit Card Company/ies for any outstanding obligation to the latter, and the
Other Credit Card Company/ies shall have no right whatsoever to collect and enforce the same against
11. All transactions are subject to the Bank's approval and once approved shall be subject to the Terms and
Conditions (“T&C”) of the Balance Transfer Program and the T&C governing the issuance and use of
the American Express Card issued by BDO.
12. The above Terms and Conditions may be amended and supplemented by BDO from time to time upon
notice to the Cardmember.
Cardmember has no beginning balance on his first statement and makes EasyPay installment transaction
of PHP50,000 during the month.
Add-on rate will vary depending on the payment term selected.
Payment assumption is that the Cardmember will pay the monthly amortization (principal and interest)
in 12 months.