COM M E N T ARY Open Access
The James Lind Initiative: books, websites
and databases to promote critical thinking
about treatment claims, 2003 to 2018
Iain Chalmers
, Patricia Atkinson
, Douglas Badenoch
, Paul Glasziou
, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren
Andy Oxman
and Mike Clarke
Background: The James Lind Initiative (JLI) was a work programme inaugurated by Iain Chalmers and Patricia
Atkinson to press for better research for better health care. It ran between 2003 and 2018, when Iain Chalmers
retired. During the 15 years of its existence, the JLI developed three strands of work in collaboration with the
authors of this paper, and with others.
Work themes: The first work strand involved developing a process for use by patients, carers and clinicians to
identify shared priorities for research the James Lind Alliance. The second strand was a series of articles, meetings,
prizes and other developments to raise awareness of the massive amounts of avoidable waste in research, and of
ways of reducing it. The third strand involved using a variety of approache s to promote better public and
professional understanding of the importance of research in clinical practice and public health. JLI work on the first
two themes has been addressed in previously published reports. This paper summarises JLI involvement during the
15 years of its existence in giving talks, convening workshops, writing books, and creating websites and databases
to promote critical thinking about treatment claims.
Conclusion: During its 15-year life, the James Lind Initiative worked collaboratively with others to create free
teaching and learning resources to help children and adults learn how to recognise untrustworthy claims about the
effects of treatments. These resources have been translated in more than twenty languages, but much more could
be done to support their uptake and wider use.
Keywords: James Lind library, James Lind Alliance, Testing treatments, Testing treatments interactive, Testing
treatments international, Key concepts, Informed health choices projects, Claim evaluation tools, Critical thinking
and appraisal resource library (CARL), GET-IT glossary, Teachers of EBHC, GenerationR, Evaluation of teaching/
Plain English summary
We are bombarded with claims about the effects of
treatments. These reach us through advertising, broad-
casts, newspapers, health professionals, family, and
friends. People often trust these sources of information
more than they trust the results of research. Because
claims about the effe cts of treatments can be wrong, in-
cluding those based on poor research, accepting them
uncritically can result in harm. This is why people need
to be equipped to spot untrustworthy treatment claims.
The skills needed to identify dodgy treatment claims
are not often elements of peoples gener al knowledge.
Between 2003 and 2018, in collaboration with others,
the James Lind Initiative worked to promote an increase
in the general knowledge needed to identify untrust-
worthy treatment claims, and so promote better research
for better health care. This entailed giving talks, conven-
ing workshops, writing books, and creating websites and
databases to promote critical thinking about treatment
claims among children as well as adults. This article
* Correspondence: [email protected]
James Lind Initiative, Oxford OX2 7LG, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6
describes the origins and evolution of these initiatives,
and the free teaching and learning resources that have
The James Lind Initiative
In 2003, following acceptance of the report of a UK
Medical Research Council (MRC) working party entitled
Clinical Trials for Tomorrow, the Council declared its
commitment to involve patients in all aspects of the
clinical trials it funds. Iain Chalmers and Patricia Atkin-
son were appointed by the MRC and the Department of
Health to establish:
a communications and discussion forum on
randomised controlled trials , involving patients,
practitioners , researchers and others.
Outline plans for an initiative responding to this brief
were introduced by Iain Chalmers in an article published
in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine at the end
of 2003. The article noted that the initiative was being
established to lobby for better randomized controlled
trials because these studies can provide some of the
most imp ortant information needed to improve health-
care. It went on to note that:
Various strategies are likely to be needed if controlled
trials are to improve. One involves promoting greater
public demand for better, more relevant controlled
trials. Because of the various perverse incentives that
distort the research agenda, patients and their
representatives should be encouraged to discriminate
between those controlled trials that deserve their
support and those that do not. Involvement of people
using the health services in all phases of controlled trials
should help to ensure that these studies address issues
that are of real importance, and that the results are
made publicly available. In particular, patients and the
public need to press for funding of trials addressing
questions that are of importance to patients but of no
interest to industry (Chalmers 2003) [1].
The initiative was named for James Lind, the eight-
eenth century Scottish naval surgeon, who organised a
controlled trial to resolve uncertainty about how to treat
scurvy (Lind 1753) [2].
Most of the subsequen t work of the James Lind Initia-
tive (JLI), fell within one of three main strands, all of
which were concerned with engaging with patients, pro-
fessionals and the public. The first strand involved the
piloting and development of the James Lind Alliance
(JLA), an interactive process to help patient s, carers and
clinicians to identify shared research priorities (Chalmers
et al. 2013) [3]. This work exposed a substantial
mismatch between the interventions that patients and
clinicians wished to see evaluated and those (mainly
drugs) that were being assessed by researchers (Crowe
et al. 2015). [4] After the JLIs development of the JLA
Priority Setting Partnerships, responsibility for additi onal
applications and development pa ssed to the National In-
stitute for Health Research in 2013 for maintenance and
further development (
A second strand of the JLIs work - to expose and con-
front avoidable waste in research was prompted by ex-
perience with JLA research Priority Setting Partnerships.
In a paper published in The Lancet in 2009, Iain Chal-
mers and Paul Glasziou (2009) [5] estimated that over
85% of the investmen t in biome dical research was being
avoidably wasted. The paper led The Lancet to invite
Chalmers and G lasziou to coordinate the preparation of
a series of papers with over 40 co-authors (Macleod
et al. 2014) [6] dealing with five important sources of re-
search waste: waste in deciding what research to fund
(Chalmers et al. 2014) [7]; inappropriate research design,
methods, and analysis (Ioannidis et al. 2014) [8]; ineffi-
cient research regulation and management (Salman et al.
2014) [9]; inaccessible research information (Chan et al.
2014) [
10]; and biased and unusable research reports
(Glasziou et al. 2014) [11]. These papers set out some of
the most pressing issues, recommended how to increase
value and reduce waste in biomedical research, an d pro-
posed metrics for stakeholders to monitor the imple-
mentation of these recommendations. Since the Lancet
series was published in early 2014 there has been en-
couraging evidence of steps being taken to reduce waste,
particularly by research funders (Glasziou and Chalmers
2018) [12].
The present article describes a third strand of work
which has existed throughout the life of the JLI between
2003 and 2018, namely, to provide book s, websites, data-
bases and talks for the public and professionals about
why fair tests of treatments are essential, what the fea-
tures of fair tests are, and how everyone can play their
part in promoting critical thinking and better research
for better healthcare.
Testing Treatments, 1st editi on
At the end of 2002, Imogen Evans, a physician then work-
ing at the MRC, was considering writing a book for the
public about clinical trials. She invited Iain Chalmers to
co-author the book and the JLI to coordinate its prepar-
ation. At the suggestion of Mike Clarke, then director of
the UK Cochrane Centre, Hazel Thornton, a breast cancer
patient who had co-founded a Consumers Advisory Group
for Clinical Trials, was invited to become a third co-author.
Testing Treatments: better research for better health
care, authored by Imogen Evans, Hazel Thornton and
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 2 of 14
Iain Chalmers, was published by the British Library in
2006 [13]. The 100-page book was written for anyone who
wanted to understand better why treatments need to be
tested rigorously; how treatments can be tested fairly; and
how everyone interested in health care has a role to play
in promoting better research for better health care.
The books eight chapters reflected these consider-
ations. Chapter 3 Key Concepts in fair tests of treat -
ments addressed methodological issues relevant to the
fair testing of treatments:
Why comparisons are essential;
Why comparisons must address genuine
Avoiding biased comparisons (from differences in
patients being compared and the ways treatment
outcomes have been assessed); and
How to interpret unbiased comparisons, taking
account of the play of chance and all the relevant
Translations of the first edition of Testing Treatments
were published in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Pol-
ish an d Spanish. Texts of all these versions were made
freely available through the James Lind Library (www.ja-, a website illustrating the evolution
of fair tests of treatments (Chalmers et al. 2008 [14];
Chalmers 2015 [15]; and see below). The website had
been launched at the Royal College of Physicians of Ed-
inburgh in 2003 (250 years after Linds treatise on
scurvy), and incorporated as an element of the JLIs
programme of work the same year.
Testing Treatments, 2nd edition
The reception of the first edition of Testing Treat-
ments prompted plans for an enlarged (200-page)
second edition. The 16 pages devoted to Key Con-
cepts in fair tests of treatments in the first edition
was expanded to 41 pages across three chapters in
the se cond edition. The second edition o f the book
also dealt with some of the themes that had been
missing from the first edition. These included, for
example, overtreatment, screening , research regula-
tion, and the use of research evidence to inform de-
cisions in health care.
The co-authors of the first ed ition of the book were
pleased that Paul Glasziou, an Australian general
practitioner, joined as a f ourth co-author to prepare
the 2nd edition of the book, and to add explanatory
diagrams. Comments were s olicited on drafts of this
2nd edition from a hundred people, including many
lay p eople as well as health professionals , journalists,
and researchers.
The book was pu blished by Pinter and Martin in
2011 [16]. By the end of 2018 , translations were avail-
able in Arabic, Ba sque, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian,
Danish, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portugue se, Rus-
sian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Turkish. Texts of
the 2nd edition of Testing Treatments and transla-
tions are available free both through the Testing
Treatments sibling websites
and through the Cochrane Collaborations learning
testing-treatments. The b ook is bein g downloaded for
free around 100 times a month, and 5965 pu blished
copies have been sold. Audio versions of the book in
Chinese, English and Spanish are also freely available
on the relevant websites. The audiobook in English
has accrued over 4000 listens on Sound Cloud.
Testing Treatments has been well received. In his
Foreword to the 1st edition, Nick Ross, a broadcaster,
wrote that the book is good for our health [and]
important for anyone concerned about their own or
their familys health, or the politics of health. In his
Foreword to the 2nd edition Ben Goldacre, a researcher
and science writer, wrote I genuinely, truly, cannot rec-
ommend this awesome book highly enough for its clar-
ity, depth, and humanity.
Testing Treatments has also been well received by
others who have p ublished reviews of the book. It s
strengths were summed up succinctly by a Norwe-
gian physician who judged the book to be Import-
ant, scary, and encouraging. Others have written
that Testing Tre atment s is aterrificlittlebook
(BMJ ); a tim ely, inspiring read (Br J Gen Pract);
“… t he best available introduction to the m ethods ,
uses and value of fair testing (He alth Affairs); and
that it “… will inform patients , clinicians and
researchers alike (Lancet), and
should be required
reading for e veryone interested in healthcare (J Clin
Res Best Practices). The European Writers Associ-
ation noted that the book “… encourages users and
providers of healthcare to question a ssumptions , de-
tect bia ses, and raise questions about the quality of
the evidence if they find it unconvincing ,andthe
Patient Information Forum concluded that patient
groups would do well to read, inwardly digest and
then spread the word (https ://en.testingtreatment-
Perhaps the best endorsement of the enduring value
of Te sti ng Treatment s is that people continue to go
to the trouble of translating it into other languages.
These reactions to the book probably reflect extensive
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 3 of 14
pre-publication piloting of the text with lay and pro-
fessional readers.
A TTi Editorial Alliance wa s convened by Iain Chal-
mers in 2013 to share experiences of using translations
of the book in different languages (Chen et al. 2015)
[17]. Yaolon g Chen, of Langzhou University, took over
the convenorship of the TTi Editorial Alliance at the
end of 2018 (Fig. 1). Because of the internationalisation
of the TTi, we have chosen to refer to TTi as Testing
Treatment s international.
At the time of writing, in December 2018, there are no
firm plans for a 3rd edition of Testing Treatment s. How-
ever, Paul Glasziou has had exploratory discussions
about extending coverage beyond tests of treatments to
encompass tests of (diagnostic and screening) tests.
James Lind's Introduction to Fair Tests of Treatments,
The 2nd edition of Testing Treatments is nearly 200
pages long, and there have been occasional suggestions
that a shorter book covering similar ground would be
welcomed. As appropriate texts and images in six lan-
guages are already available as explanatory essays in the
James Lind Library (, and see
below), these will be compiled and published in a short
book in 2019. Although the book should be valuable in
its own right, we hope it will also help to draw attention
to The James Lind Library.
The James Lind Library (
The web-ba sed James Lind Library (JLL) was created
in 2003, in collaboration with the Sibbald Library at
the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, to
explain and illustrate the development of fair tests of
treatments in health care. The website contains three
main types of material, categorized by methodo-
logical topic ( pics/). A s
of the end of December 2018, 22 e xplanatory e ssays
(mentioned above) provide an over v iew in six lan-
guages of the topics addressed in the JLL. There are
well over 1000 record s represented in the JLL ,
including scans of key passages at a minimum (with
the majority of these sourced from the Sibbald
Library), a nd often including links to full text , por-
traits , and other material.
The third element of the JLL comprises over 250 ori-
ginal articles. These JLL articles provide brief histories,
commentaries, biog raphies, personal reflections, and
summaries and full texts of relevant doctoral theses. In
the year of the JLLs launch, Kamran Abbasi, editor of
the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM) sug-
gested that JLL Articles could be republished in each
monthly issue of the JRSM. This republication arrange-
ment was initiated with an article by Richard Doll on
the introduction of clinical trials using factorial designs
in the late 1940s and early 1950s to compare more than
two treatments concurrently in the same study. More
Fig. 1 The Testing Treatments international Editorial Alliance, 18 September 2018, Cochrane Colloquium, Edinburgh. Back Row: Siti Nurkamilla
(Malay), Mona Nasser (Farsi), Karla Soares-Weiser (Portuguese), Iain Chalmers (representing Turkish), Marimar Ubeda (Basque), Andy Oxman
(English), Giordano Perez Gaxiola (Spanish), Rintaro Mori (Japanese), Myeong Soo Lee (Korean), Liliya Ziganshina (Russian), Mona Nabulsi (Arabic).
Front Row: Gerard Urrutia (Catalan), Benjarin Santatiwongchai (Thai), Minna Johansson (Swedish), Karsten Jorgensen (Danish), Astrid Austvoll-
Dahlgren (Norwegian), Gerd Antes (German), Douglas Badenoch (English), Roberto DAmico (Italian), Yaolong Chen (Chinese), Tina Poklepovic
Pericic (Croatian). Missing: Philippe Ravaud (French), Metin Gulmezoglu (Turkish)
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 4 of 14
than 200 articles have since been republished in the
JRSM, allowing them to be indexed in PubMed and
other bibliographic databases. The readership of these
JLL articles is further extended through weekly posts on
Twitter and Facebook.
In recent years, under the Associate Editorial responsi-
bility of Douglas B adenoch assisted by Paul Glasziou,
the focus of the JLL has broadened beyond its previous
emphasis on the history of the control of systematic
errors (biases) and random errors (the play of chance)to
include material illustrating innovations in how research
evidence can serve the interests of patients more effect-
ively. For example, records and articles are being added
to illustrate key milestones and developments in
evidence summaries , levels of evidence, and evidence
In 2015, the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
(CEBM) at Oxford University hosted the launch of a beau-
tiful redesign of the JLL website created by Douglas Bade-
noch, Robin Layfield and their colleagues. More recently,
JLL materials have also been used in the development of
the CEBMs Catalogue of Bias (www.catalogof
The JLL is an internationally useful resource, for a
wide range of users. It receives around 200 visits per
day, with an aggregate total of more than 120,000 page
views per year. In a survey in January to April 2018,
more than 400 users of the JLL completed a short,
single-question survey. This revealed that just over half
the users are students; 14% identified themselves as
health professionals, 14% as researchers, 4% as members
of the public, 4% as teachers, and 2% as librarians or
information specialists.
The principal editorial responsibility for The James
Lind Library was with Iain Chalmers until the end
of 2018, when Mike Clarke t ook over from him,
with support from Patricia Atkinson and Dougla s
Testing Treatments international (TTi) English
Release of the 2nd edition of Testin g Tre atmen ts
(Evans et al. 2011) [16] wa s accompanied by the
launch of a website entitled Testing Treatments
interactive (TTi) Fig.2. The website wa s created prin-
cipally to make the text of the book freely and
widely available. Translators of the book into twenty
other languages have followed our example by estab-
lishing sibling TTi websites to host translations of
the book in their different languages. In addition to
hosting texts of the book , TTi English and some
other T Ti websites added other resources to their
websites. TTi English, for example, de veloped and
hosted the Critical thinking and Appraisal Resource
Library (C ARL) (Castle et al. 2017) [18], and it
hosted the Key Concepts database, the plain language
gloss ary (GET-IT), the Claim Evaluation Tools
(see belo w), and a gui de to reliable information a bout
the effe ct s of tre atment s (https://en.testingtreatment- /create-test-claim-evaluation-tools-database/).
Fig. 2 Screenshot of TTi English homepage, 2012
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 5 of 14
Throughout the development of the TTi English web-
site we have consulted lay and professional end-users to
find out what they think of our work . The first formal
assessment of the site was conducted internally in 2012
13. In late 2012, we surveyed users of the website to find
out more about them and their reasons for using the
site. We found that most users were intermediaries,
that is, people who were involved professionally in com-
municating or teaching about health research. Following
on from this, we recruited 20 such intermediaries for
hands-on user testing and semi-structured interviews.
They helped us to identify some important barriers to
user understanding.
In particular, many users, particularly patients,
expected a website called Testing Treatments to tell
them about specific treatments , rather than the process
of evaluating the effects of treatments in general. They
also told us that we needed to make our credentials
clearer (to reassure users we were not a crank site),
and to provide a glossary of jargon terms.
In response, we redesigned the site to guide users
to sources of information about specific treatments
t-effe cts/), and the JLI made clear how our work was
funded, and introduced the personnel behind the pro-
ject. We also collaborated with colleagues in S cotland
and Norway in work funded by the European Com-
mission to de velop a plain language glossary
GET-IT (Moberg e t al. 2018) [19]. This data base was
designed by Robin Layfield and Douglas B adenoch,
who remain responsible for maintaining and de velop-
ing it.
In 2014, we commissioned the Critical Appraisal Skills
Programme (CASP) to do an external assessment of TTi
English based on interviewing and testing lay people and
some professionals. The further development of the
website reflected the findings. We made clear that the
users we were targeting were intermediaries - teachers
of children and adults, journalist s, and science writers
although not explicitly excluding lay users who wished
to teach themselves. We simplified the home page, to
emphasise that the website is concerned with healthy
scepticism; to give more emphasis to the resources con-
tained in the site; and to reduce clutter on the home
page Fig. 3.
This simplified front-end was developed in parallel
with the Informed Health Choices Projects creation of a
Key Concepts framework for evaluating treatment claims
(Austvoll-Dahlgren et al. 2015 [20]; Chalmers et al. 2018
[21]; Oxman et al. 2018 [22]; and see below).
TTi English content was re-indexed using this tax-
onomy, and new resources were added regularly to en-
courage return visits. By this time, we had built up a
substantial collection of learning resources (TT Extra s),
which provided a clearer offering to users.
This content was expanded into the Critical think-
ing and Appraisal Resource Library (CARL). Open
access learning resources were identified to supple-
ment the learning from t he book. These were were
collated and indexed using the Key Concepts tax-
onomy. The resulting database was embedded in the
TTi English website (Fig. 4). The methods used to
create CARL have been documented by Castle and
his colleagues (2017) [18
A further external assessment was commissioned in
2016 to assess these changes. The findings th is time
made clear that we had over-reached ourselves! Feed-
back made clear that the website wa s attempting to
ser ve the needs of too many diverse groups , with the
result that people coming to it were unclear for whom
it had been developed. We concluded that we had
been too ambitious in imagining that the website
could ser ve the needs of teachers of too wide a range
of learners - primary school children, teenagers, un-
dergraduates , graduates , and individual members of
the public. It wa s clear that a radical rethink was
After consultation and discussion by the editorial team,
we decided that two distinct websites should be created
from the TTi English site. One of these would return to
an earlier, simpler design with the public in mind; the
other would be developed explicitly to meet the needs of
Teachers of Evidence-Based Health Care Fig. 5.
Website of resources for teachers of evidence-
based health care
In 2018, the ideas and methods of the CARL database
were extended to include materials for teaching EBHC
to undergraduate or postgraduate health professionals,
and students with a special interest in EBHC, such as
Students for Best Evidence [https://www.students4beste-].
The concept of such a database and a prototype
website were discussed over two meetings at the
Evidence-Based Health Care Conference in Sicily, set-
ting out the scope and processes. As the design and
conception de veloped, the group provided feedback ,
and helped to refine f unctionality and design, and
source further c ontent. The shared aim is for a global
sharing platform of materials for teaching EBHC, with
an emphasis on those that have reliable evidence of
For inclusion, learning resources must be freely available
and be relevant to one or more of: the EBM Stages
(0 Why EBM? 1 Asking focused questions, 2 Finding
evidence, 3 Appraising evidence, 4 Decision making, 5
Evaluating performance), or one of the Key Concepts.
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 6 of 14
The development of the new website was supported
by the JLI until its launch on 1 November 2018. Support
to maintain the new website is now provided by the Na-
tional Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and
Cochrane UK, and the International Society for
Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC).
Given the diversity of courses, stages, and curriculum
contexts, the database provides modular materials for a
variety of uses such as: (i) preparing a lecture at short
notice, (ii) needing to find an amusing or engaging illus-
tration of EBHC concept s, (iii) planning a course on
EBHC, (iv) finding preparatory reading for students, or
(v) first-time course development.
The database was seeded with over 550 resources
identified through systematic searching of the internet
(Castle et al. 2017) [18]. The network started with about
40 members from around the world recruited at the Si-
cily meeting.
To be included in CARL, a learning resource must be
freely available and relevant to one or more of the: EBM
Stages, EBHC Competences, or Key Concepts, as set out
by Loai AlBarqouni and his colleagues (2018) [23]. Con-
tent is edited by Patricia Atkinson, Douglas Badenoch and
Paul Glasziou, with support from an Editorial Board of
six. End users suggest content for the Database, which is
checked, indexed and approved by editors before publica-
tion in the Database. Users can sign up for a regular email
digest of new resources that have been added to the Data-
base. Members can comment on or rate resources and
create Bundles of resources for their own use Fig. 6.
The Teachin g EBHC website http://www.teachingebh- was launched at the annual conference of the
Fig. 3 Screenshot of TTi English homepage, 2014
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 7 of 14
International Society for Evidence-Based Health Care in
the United Arab Emirates on 1 November 2018. Since
then, over 150 additional members have registered
on the w ebsite, and are contributing new learning
Paul Glasziou will be the caretaking editor of TTi Eng-
lish from April 2019, and he coordinates the development
of the website for Teachers of Evidence-Based Healthcare.
Douglas Badenoch remains intimately involved in both
GenerationR website (
The Young Persons Advisory Groups (YPAGs) for
clinical trials launched GenerationR at the Science
Museum in London in September 2013 to tell others
about how the y we re helping researchers design clin-
ical trials involving children. They invited Iain Chal-
mers to contribute to the launch and asked him to
speak a bout waste in research and how they might
help to reduce it. This led to discussions with repre-
sentatives and facilitators of a ll five YPAGs at many
meetings during 2014 and 2015.
The GenerationR report published in the spring of
2014 called for the creation of a dedicated GenerationR
website. This was achieved with funds provided through
the JLI and five planning meetings with YPAG members
coordinated by Jennifer Preston (Liverpool YPAG), and
facilitated by Douglas Badenoch, with support from
Patricia Atkinson and Iain Chalmers. The website was
launched in 2014, initially within TTi English, then sep-
arately at Fig. 7.
With the website established, the JLI focused on one
of the other recommendations in the GenerationR re-
port, which asked for Work with the education sector
to promote clinical research education in schools, shar-
ing resources such as Testing Treatment s interactive …”.
Iain Cha lmers tried to promote collaboration among
YPAGs to de velop and evaluate training materials ,
with a view to creating a cadre of young people
equipped to promote l earning in schools (GenR Am-
bassadors). This effort was unsuccessful, howe ver, not
least because YPAG facilitators were victims of yet
another internal reorganisation of the NHS , with
inevitable uncertainties about jobs and lines of
Fig. 4 Screenshot of TTi English homepage, 2016
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 8 of 14
accountability. These developments were a disappoint-
ing blow to JLIs hopes to de velop a meaningful Gen-
erationR/JLI collaboration. Iain Chalmers de cided that
his time and other JLI resources should be redeployed
instead through involvement with primary schools in
the work o f the Informed Health Choices Project
(see below).
Since its inception in 2011, TTi English has hosted and
made accessible several proto-databases. As the JLI came
to an end, these have been established as stand-alone data-
bases which can be plugged into a variety of websites.
Critical thinking and assessment resource library
In April 2011, the JLI hosted an international meeting on
Enhancing Public Understanding of Health Research,held
at Kellogg College, Oxford. The meeting was supported by
the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the
Wellcome Trust. In preparation for the meeting, an inven-
tory of interactive applications and learning materials to
teach people how to be critical users of information about
the effects of health care was prepared.
The meeting led to the creation of an international
Network to Support Understanding of Health Research
(NSUHR) and a proposal to develop BS Detective aso-
cial media project to help people distinguish trustworthy
from untrustworthy health research and reporting. Exten-
sion and maintenance of the inventory of learning re-
sources was envisaged as a component of this initiative.
We were disappointed that, despite encouragement from
and detailed consultation with advisers at the Wellcome
Trust, the proposal for BS Detective was rejected by the
Fortunately, NIHRs support for the JLI enabled exten-
sion of the initial inventory of learning resources pre-
pared for the 2011 conference. To supplement the text
of the Testing Treatments book, learning resources in
the forms of text, video, audio and other media were
added as TT Extras to the T Ti English website.
In 2012, funds were obtained from the European Com-
mission to identify and develop materials to enhance
public understanding of clinical trials. The JLI was one of
the partners in ECRAN - the European Communication
Fig. 5 Screenshot of TTi English homepage, 2018
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 9 of 14
on Research Awareness Needs (Mosconi et al. 2016) [24].
The JLI was a partner in the ECRAN project and learning
resources identified and developed by ECRAN were incor-
porated as TT Extras in the TTi English website.
The TT Extras provided the foundation for developing the
Critical thinking and Appraisal Resource Library (CARL) to
help people understand and apply key concepts in assessing
treatment claims (Castle et al. 2017) [18]. Additional learn-
ing resources were identified through relevant systematic
reviews (Nordheim et al. 2016 [25]; Austvoll-Dahlgren et al.
2016 [26]; Cusack et al. 2018 [27]; Albarqouni et al. 2018
[23]) and online and database searches.
CARL currently contains over 550 open-access learn-
ing resources in a variety of formats: text (including ex-
tracts from Testing Treatments and explanatory essays
from the James Lind Library), audio, video, web pages,
cartoons and lesson materials (Castle et al. 2017) [18].
At the end of 2018, responsibility for the maintenance
Fig. 7 Screenshot of GenerationR homepage
Fig. 6 Teachers of EBHC Learning Resources Database, 2018
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 10 of 14
and development of CARL was transferred from the JLI
to the Society of Evidence-Based Health Care.
Informed health choices databases
Soon after publication of the 2nd edition of Testing
Treatments in 2011, Andy Oxman, then a researcher at
the Global Health Unit in the Norwegian Knowledge
Centre for the Health Services, observed that the Testing
Treatments book alluded to many of the Key Concepts
that people need to consider when assessing the trust-
worthiness of claim s about the effects of treatments. He
proposed assessing whether these Key Concepts could
be taught to and successfully applied by primary school
children in low income countries when they were asses-
sing the trustworthiness of claims about health.
A project proposal –‘Supporting informed healthcare
choices in low-income countries - was developed and
submitted to the GLOBVAC programme of the Research
Council of Norway. The project came to be known as
the Informed Health Choices (IHC) Project (www.infor- Iain Chalmers was grateful to
have been invited to become a member of the substan-
tial project team, along with other members in Norway
and East Africa, and to involve the JLI in the project.
Iain Chalmers principal involvement has been by
working with Andy Oxman and Astrid Austvoll-
Dahlgren to (i) identify the Key Concepts to be taught to
learners, and (ii) develop multiple-choice questions - the
Claim Evaluation Tools - to assess peoples ability to
apply the Key Concepts in practice (Austvoll-Dahlgren
et al. 2016 [25]; 2017 [28 ]). Since its creation, informa-
tion about the Key Concepts and Claim Evaluation Tools
has been made available through TTi English but separ-
ate databases have been or are being created for these
Key concepts database
A first list of 32 Key Concepts relevant to assessing the
trustworthiness of treatment claims was published by As-
trid Austvoll-Dahlgren and colleagues in 2015 (Austvoll--
Dahlgren et al. 2015) [20]. Since its first iteration, the list
has been reassessed every year, and currently consists of
44 concepts (Chalmers et al. 2018 [21]; Oxman et al. 2018
[22]). The list has provided an invaluable basis for organis-
ing and coding materials in TTi English, the JLL, and
dents 4 Best Evidence (coordinated by Cochrane U K),
which has published blogs and short videos on all of
them (https://www.student s4beste
The list of Key Concepts serves as a syllabus for devel-
oping learning resources. As such, it is a starting point
for teachers or researchers to develop tailored
interventions to help people in specific target groups to
make informed health choices. Although the list of IHC
Key Concepts was developed to promo te informed
choice of interventions to protect health, it has been
shown to be applicable in education more generally
(Chalmers et al. 2018 [21]; Sharples et al. 2017 [29]).
The draft 2018 edition of the Key Concepts for
promoting informed c hoices in health wa s presented
and discussed at international meetings in June in
Oxford and in Edinburgh in September. A meeting
in December 2018, convened by Andy Oxman and
Iain Chalmers , explored the extent to which the Key
Concepts can be applied to inter ventions in other
areas in which claims are made about the effects of
inter ventions spe cifically, about agricultural, eco-
nomic, educational, environmental, informal learning,
international d evelopment, management, nutritional,
planetary health, policing , social welfare, speech and
language, and veterinary interventions.
Claim evaluation tools database
All the questions with the IHCs Claim Evaluation Tools
database have been developed for use in children (from
the age of 10) as well as for adult s (including health pro-
fessionals). These multiple-choice questions can be used:
to test critical abilities in school and other teaching
to evaluate out comes of educational interventions
assessed in randomised trials
to gauge critical abilities in a population, and thus
provide background information to help tailor
interventions to address peo ples educ ational needs.
The multiple-choice questions are currently available
in English, Norwegian, Chinese, Spanish, German and
Luganda, and a network of people working with or wish-
ing to work with the tools is emerging.
Evaluating the effects of educational
Although feedback on the resources discussed so far
in this article has been encouraging , there is no hard
evidence that they have promoted critical thinking
about treatment claims , let alone whether they have
been useful in applying any learning in practice
when making health choices. As made clear in a sys-
tematic review by Cusack and her colleagues (2018)
[27], robust evaluation of well-intentioned resources
designed to equip people to b e health literate are
vanishingly rare (see, for example, Woloshin et al.
2008; [30]
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 11 of 14
As mentioned above, the JLI failed to engage those
responsible for the Young Persons Advisory Groups
(YPAGs) and GenerationR in developing a progra mme
to foster and assess relevant learning amo ng the children
and young people associated with the groups (Chalmers
2016) [31]. In the light of this disappointment, the in-
volvement of Iain Chalmers, Patricia Atkinson, and the
JLI in the IHC Project ( )
was very welcome, particularly as Testing Treatments
had been the starting place for the IHC Key Concepts.
The IHC Project developed teaching materials - a car-
toon story book and a podcast and used randomised
trials involving over 10,000 Year 5 Ugandan primary
school children (Nsangi et al. 2017) [32] and over 500 of
their parents (Semakula et al. 2017) [33] to measure the
effects of the teaching materials on their assessment of
treatment claims. The teaching materials were successful
in promoting application of the Key Concepts in judging
the trustworthiness of treatment claims. A year later, the
childrens abilities had continued to improve, but those
of the parents had decayed (Nsangi et al.; Semakula
et al. unpublish ed data).
These experiments have provoked interest around the
world (
a 53-min BBC World documentary about the research
was presented by David Spiegelhalter (The Documentary:
You can handle the truth), who described the IHC Project
as a wholly new type of evaluative research.
The JLIs involvement in the IHC Project is the high
point of the Initiatives efforts to meet its objectives over
the past 15 years.
This paper is the last of three papers summarizing the
three principal strands of work of the James Lind Initia-
tive during its 15-year life between 2003 and 2018. The
Fig. 8 The evolution of Testing Treatments English and the James Lind Library, 20032018
Chalmers et al. Research Involvement and Engagement (2019) 5:6 Page 12 of 14
first of these papers described the development of the
James Lind Alliance (JLA), a process to help patients,
carers and clinicians to agree on research priorities. The
second paper reviewed efforts made by the JLI and
others to expose and address avoidable waste in re-
search. This third and final paper refers to the use of
talks, seminars, books, websites, databases and con-
trolled experiments to promote critical thinking about
treatment claims. Figure 8 illustrates how beginning in
2003 the James Lind Library and the 1st edition of
Testing Treatments evolved and led to the creation of
several other teaching an d learning resources, and to
some important controlled trials to assess their
At the beginning of 2019, the JLIs involvement with
these resources ended with Iain Chalmers retirement.
The contact authors for four of the principal resources
are now as follows:
James Lind Library: Mike Clarke [email protected]
TTi English for the Public: Paul Glasziou pglaszio@-
Informed Health Choices: Andy Oxman oxman@
CARL for Teachers of EBHC: Douglas Badenoch
CARL: Critical thinking and Appraisal Resource Library; CASP: Critical Appraisal
Skills Programme; CEBM: Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine; EBHC: Evidence-
Based Health Care; ECRAN: European Communication on Research Awareness
Needs; GET-IT: Plain language glossary; IHC: Informed Health Choices Project;
JLA: James Lind Alliance; JLI: James Lind Initiative; JLL: James Lind Library;
JRSM: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine; MRC: (UK) Medical Research
Council; NIHR: National Institute for Health Research; NSUHR: Network to
Support Understanding of Health Research; TTi: Testing Treatments interactive/
international; YPAGs: Young Persons Advisory Groups
We are grateful to the National Institute for Health Research for its support
of the James Lind Initiative; to the Naji Foundation for its support of user
testing of TTi English; and to the Research Council of Norway for its support
of the Informed Health Choices Project.
National Institute for Health Research, Research Council of Norway, and Naji
Availability of data and material s
The material discussed is openly accessible.
Authors contributions
IC (guarantor) coordinator, James Lind Initiative, 200318; main author. PA
administrator, James Lind Initiative, 200318; co-author. DB co-editor,
CARL for Teachers of EHBC; co-author. PG editor, TTi English; co-author.
AA-D co-editor, TTi English; co-author. AO director, Centre for Informed
Health Choices; co-author. MC editor, James Lind Library; co-author. All au-
thors contributed to drafting, read three drafts, and approved the draft sub-
mitted for publication.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare they have no competing interests.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
James Lind Initiative, Oxford OX2 7LG, UK.
Minervation Ltd, The
Wheelhouse, First Floor, Angel Court, 81 St Clements Street Oxford, England
OX4 1AW, UK.
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University,
Gold Coast QLD 4229, Australia.
Regional Centre for Child and Adolescent
Mental Health, Eastern and Southern Norway, Gullhaugveien 1-3, 0484 Oslo,
Centre for Informed Health Choices, Norwegian Institute of Public
Health, Box 4404, Nydalen, N-0403 Oslo, PO, Norway.
Centre for Public
Health, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Block B, Queens University Belfast, Royal
Hospitals, Grosvenor Road, Belfast BT12 6BJ, UK.
Received: 29 December 2018 Accepted: 15 January 2019
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