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How-To Guide
Crystal Report Demo
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Crystal Report Demo How-To Guide
Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................... 3
The Code .................................................................................................................................. 5
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Crystal Report Demo How-To Guide
Welcome to the TopazRecordDemo using Access and Crystal Reports. Before running the
TopazRecordDemo VB Project, please make sure that:
1. The following files and folders are present:
a. SignMeUpNE.mdb (This is zipped up in the attachment. Please copy to your C:
b. SignatureFolder (You must create a folder named “SignatureFolder” and place it
in your C: directory).
c. Scrrun.dll (You must have the scrrun.dll loaded and registered on your machine.
A copy is included in this zip in case you don't have it).
2. The following references are checked in the VB project:
a. Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 library
b. Microsoft Databinding Collection
c. Crystal Reports 8.5 ActiveX Designer design & runtime library
d. Crystal Reports 8.5 ActiveX Designer Runtime library
3. The following components are checked in the VB Project:
a. Microsoft ADO Data Control 2.0
b. Crystal Reports Viewer Control
c. SigPlus ActiveX module
After checking for the above components, run the Topaz Record Demo. You will see the
window below. The records you see are from the access .mdb file you downloaded in the
Topaz Record Demo kit (SignMeUpNE.mdb). To add an entry, push “Add”, and make sure you
fill in all of the required fields. When you have completely filled out the form, add your signature
and push “Update” to add your file to the database. When you are ready to create a Crystal
Report, choose a signed record and push “Create Crystal Report”.
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Crystal Report Demo How-To Guide
Below is the Crystal Report created using the information on page 3.
This application is quite simple. When the Crystal report is created, a BMP image of the
signature is created then stored in the C:\SignatureFolder directory. This BMP is named by
another field of the database: the PID field (this is an autonumber). This way, the image file
name will match the PID field, and the record's signature image file can be matched to the
particular record. The signature BMP is then brought into the Crystal Report for viewing the
record. When the Crystal Report is closed, the BMP in the SignatureFolder is destroyed to
clean up. The signature image is meant only for viewing in the Crystal Report, while the actual
biometric signature remains saved in your Access database.
On the following pages, we will explore the code that controls the process.
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Crystal Report Demo How-To Guide
The Code
1. The code below is run when you push the “Create Crystal Report” button and is used to
write the selected image to a Crystal Report. First it turns the tablet off and does not clear
the image. It then sets the appropriate dimensions using SigPlus and also allows for a time
and date stamp to be affixed to the signature. Next it creates a filename for the Bitmap,
writes the desired signature to that location, hides the Record menu, and brings up the
Crystal Report.
Private Sub cmdCrystalReport_Click()
Dim TextSize As String
Dim strPath As String
SigPlus1.TabletState = 0 'Make sure the tablet is off
cmdClear.Enabled = False
With SigPlus1
.ImageFileFormat = 1 'Sets the image type to be saved-JPG,BMP,TIF etc. (1 is a BMP)
.ImageXSize = 1500 'Sets the X resolution (in pixels)
.ImageYSize = 500 'Sets the Y resolution (in pixels)
.ImagePenWidth = 14 'Sets the width of ink for image
.ImageTimeStamp = False 'Set this to TRUE if you want automatic time/date stamping
If .ImageTimeStamp = True Then 'If you want the time/date stamp, then do this routine
TextSize = Int(.TabletLogicalYSize * 14) / 100 * 0.9 'Gets a good size for the text, if
displaying time/Date stamp
.ImageTimeStampSize = TextSize 'Sets the size of the Text
.AutoTimeStamp 'Performs time/Date stamping
End If
End With
SigPlus1.JustifyMode = 5 'This will zoom the signature to fit the control...otherwise, you may leave it to be
the size it was when signed
strPath = "C:\SignatureFolder\Signature" & datPrimaryRS.Recordset.Fields(10).Value & ".bmp"
'Builds the the full path, as well as file extension, naming the file by the PID field (primary key) of the db
SigPlus1.WriteImageFile (strPath) 'Writes the image; be sure to pass it the full path, as well as file
strPath = ""
End Sub
2. The code below loads the Crystal Report application and changes the cursor temporarily to
an hourglass while it is loading.
Dim Report As New CrystalReport1
Private Sub Form_Load()
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
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Crystal Report Demo How-To Guide
3. The code above displays the desired entry in the Crystal Report. This is done by checking
every PID number against the BMP filename saved in the SignatureFolder (see number 1).
If the record matches the filename designated in step 1 above, the bitmap is displayed in
the Crystal Report.
Private Sub Section10_Format(ByVal pFormattingInfo As Object)
If Field1.Value = TopazRecords.datPrimaryRS.Recordset.Fields(10).Value Then
Dim bmpHold As StdPicture
Dim strPicturePath As String
strPicturePath = "C:\SignatureFolder\Signature" &
TopazRecords.datPrimaryRS.Recordset.Fields(10).Value & ".bmp"
Set bmpHold = LoadPicture(strPicturePath)
Set Picture1.FormattedPicture = bmpHold 'Load the signature image into the image on the Crystal
Set bmpHold = Nothing
Section10.Suppress = True ' Otherwise, suppress the record and don't print it on the report
End If
End Sub
This demo is only designed to give VB developers an example of how Topaz signature capture
technology can be used to capture signatures in Access and return them in a Crystal Report. It
is not intended as an application, but rather as help to those desiring to create their own
application for Access and Crystal Reports using VB.