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How should I archive my historical data?
Questions addressed:
Page 1:
What is historical
What impact does
historical data
have on
Page 2:
How should I
archive historical
Who can set up
archive rules and
can the rules be
What happens if I
need to access
archived data?
What is historical data?
The longer an instance runs, the more likely it is to accumulate data thats no longer relevant. For example, task records from
two years ago are typically less relevant than currently active tasks. You may not be able to delete this data because you
need it for auditing or for historical purposes.
What impact does historical data have on performance?
Old data may eventually cause performance issues by consuming system resources and slowing down queries and reports.
Archiving historical data will ensure you get the optimal performance and keep core operations also running smoothly.
Insider’s Tips:
Archiving is mostly beneficial when the table is large and actively used. The best candidates include task (incident,
sc_task, problem, change_request, etc.).
Emails that are attached to incidents will not be automatically archived with those incidents. There is a separate tool
called Email Retention that will allow you to archive and eventually destroy email messages that you no longer need or
when your email table is excessively large.
Active data
2,000,000 rows
400,000 rows (20%)
1600,000 rows (80%)
Before Archive
Active data
After Archive
400,000 rows (100%)
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Who can set up archive rules and can the rules be customized?
Administrator roles can set up archiving rules. Archive Rules can be set-up from Archive Rules
section. Only one archive rule can be set-up per table. Rules can be set-up for both OOB tables
and custom tables.
You can set archive rules to control how many records an archive rule processes per batch job,
how much sleep time is between each archive rule batch job run (in seconds), and the maximum
number of batch jobs to run w ithin the hour.
By default, archive rules are set for 100 records for each batch job, sleeps 1 second between batch
jobs, and runs 10 batch jobs in an archive run (every hour. You can customize these settings by
updating system properties, including changing the process not to run in peak hours.
With the Paris release, archiving is now a producer/consumer model that can run parallel on
multiple nodes. Records to be archiv ed are now recorded in a queue table in batches. Pre-Paris
archiver properties don’t work with the Paris release.
What happens if I need to view data that has been archived?
You can view archived data, change an archive schedule,
and restore archived data.
When you restore a record, the instance inserts it back into the
primary table and flags the record as having been restored in
the log. It’s important to note that archive rules will not archive
restored records. In order to archive a restored record you must
manually archive the record.
With the Paris release, there is an option to re-archive restored
records again after a period of time.
How should I archive historical data?
Archive historical data with Data Archiving, which is enabled by default in ServiceNow. Archiving is a scheduled process that runs every hour and executes all archive r ules
one by one to remove them from immediate access and free system resources. (Note: Archiving is not a solution to reduce your database size.)
Activate data archiving. The
Data Archiving plugin installs the
System Archiving application.
Create a destroy rule to
delete archived records after
a specified amount of time.
Set the rules that will control
your archive process.
Configure the archive destroyer
batch process w hich runs the
archive destroy rules.
Contact your account team who can reach out to SWAT to
assist you with any archiving database issues.
Contact us if you have any questions on this topic or you would
like to be a contributor to future ServiceNow best practice
Insider’s tip:
It’s better to use more batches than increase the size of the batch. This helps avoid replication lag.
How should I archive my historical data? (Continued)