The S3 storage engine in
MariaDB 10.5
Michael Widenius
CTO @ MariaDB
What is Amazon S3
Storage of files in the cloud
Works through http requests (think get/put)
Supports basic functions like list files, copy to/from and delete.
Move is implemented as copy + delete of the whole file (not fast)
Quite slow for small files. Optimal file size for retrial is said to be around
Many vendors support storage of files according to the ‘S3 interface’
Not really usable for databases who needs to update blocks withing a file.
S3 storage
All files are stored in one of several ‘buckets’
Files are stored as objects in a bucket accessed with a key.
The key may contain ‘/’ and commands like ‘aws ls’ make S3 storage to feel
like a file structure, even it it really isn’t.
S3 storage engine in MariaDB 10.5
Read only tables (perfect for inexpensive archiving of old data).
For some organizations S3 storage is cheaper than local storage
Data and index can optionally be compressed on S3, which can make storage
even cheaper.
S3 works with partitioning for flexible handling of multiple tables
Very fast, thanks to reading of blocks in big chunks (4M by default)
Supports all key formats and optimizations that Aria supports
Data can be accessed by multiple MariaDB servers. Tables are automatically
discovered when needed.
S3 has it’s own page cache
S3 is also backported to 10.3 and 10.4 MariaDB enterprise server
Converting a table to S3
Converting a table to S3:
And converting back to local:
Internally the data is first copied to a local Aria table with
Converting a table to S3
One can also use ‘aria_s3_copy’ to:
Copy Aria tables to S3
Copy S3 tables to local storage
Delete tables on S3
((/my/maria-10.5/storage/maria)) aria_s3_copy --help
aria_s3_copy Ver 1.0 for Linux on x86_64
Copy an Aria table to and from s3
Usage: aria_s3_copy --aws-access-key=# --aws-secret-access-key=# --aws-
region=# --op=(from_s3 | to_s3 | delete_from_s3) [OPTIONS] tables[.MAI]
ALTER TABLE options for S3
S3_BLOCK_SIZE=# // Default 4M
COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM=none|zlib // Default none
Both index and data are compressed. Typical savings up to 70%
Setting up S3 storage engine
Add to your my.cnf file something like:
Different S3 storage
Replication with different S3 storage
on master and slave
In this case the normal replication works.
The slaves should be able to duplicate any command related to S3 on the master.
Shared S3 storage
Replication with same S3 storage
on master and slave
In this case the slave cannot repeat any commands related to S3 as the master has
already executed these. Instead the slave has to do:
All CREATE TABLE of S3 tables should be ignored
All updates to S3 tables should be ignored (only ALTER is possible)
ALTER TABLE org_name to s3_name should do DROP TABLE org_name
DROP TABLE of a S3 table should only remove any local .frm definition, not touch
the S3 data
RENAME of S3 tables are replicated as RENAME IF EXISTS so that the slave can
ignore the rename (as the table is already renamed in S3). If the slave .frm file is
for an S3 table it’s also deleted.
Because of this, RENAME IF EXISTS was implemented in 10.5
Replication with same S3 storage
on master and slave
On the master:
ALTER TABLE s3_table ENGINE=InnoDB should be replicated in the binary
log as follows:
CREATE TABLE “local_table”
Copy data to binary log with row-logged insert statements.
Setting up replication with same S3 storage
on master and slave
The master can’t know if any of the slaves may will use same S3 storage as the
master. Because of this, the following option was introduced:
--s3_replicate_alter_as_create_select (defaults to on)
If the slave is using same storage as master, then the slave should set the
--s3_slave_ignore_updates (defaults to off)
Interface used to connect to S3
I first tried to use the AWS recommended interface (aws-dk-cpp.git):
Lots of templates and templates on top of templates
Lots of code!
Hard to work with binary files (optimized for reading line by line or block
by block)
VERY hard to use for what was needed:
Reading or writing a complete file
Checking if files existed
Getting list of files
We decided instead to create our own layer for accessing S3
Uses libcurl and libxml2 internally
Developed by Andrew Hutchings as an independent project
Released under LGPL
Simple and efficient API:
ms3_list(ms3, bucket, prefix, &list)
ms3_put(ms3, bucket, key, data, length)
ms3_get(ms3, bucket, key, data, &length)
ms3_delete(ms3, bucket, key)
ms3_status(ms3, bucket, key, &status)
libmarias3 internals
libmarias3 provides the libmarias3 API, builds the headers and HTTPS
Curl handles the HTTPS request / response, including TLS (transport layer
libxml2 parses the XML response from the list commands (think ls)
Storage layout on S3
frm file (used by discovery):
First index block (contains description of the Aria files):
Rest of the index file:
Data file:
Example of data stored on S3
shell> aws s3 ls --recursive s3://mariadb-bucket/
2019-05-10 17:46:48 8192 foo/test1/aria
2019-05-10 17:46:49 3227648 foo/test1/data/000001
2019-05-10 17:46:48 942 foo/test1/frm
2019-05-10 17:46:48 1015808 foo/test1/index/000001
Implementation of S3
The S3 storage class (ha_s3) inherits from the Aria storage engine.
It uses one external library, libmarias3.
The changes need in the Aria storage engine where quite small:
First commit (almost all code, except replication and the libmarias3 library):
git show --stat ab38b7511bad8cc03a67f0d43e7169e6dfcac9fa
66 files changed, 4390 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)
Implementation of S3
(/my/maria-10.5/storage/maria) wc *s3*.*
330 1109 10336
810 2383 24753
71 269 2048 ha_s3.h
1458 3967 41178 s3_func.c
118 507 4965 s3_func.h
56 139 1060
2843 8374 84340 total
The two main aria files that where changed where:
storage/maria/ma_open.c | 257 (147 non space changes)
storage/maria/ma_pagecache.c | 414 (390 non page changes)
Implementation of S3
class ha_s3 :public ha_maria
bool in_alter_table;
S3_INFO *open_args;
ha_s3(handlerton *hton, TABLE_SHARE * table_arg);
int create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg, ...);
int open(const char *name, int mode, uint open_flags);
int write_row(const uchar *buf); // Only usable by ALTER TABLE
void drop_table(const char name) {} // Only used for internal temporary tables
int delete_table(const char *name);
int rename_table(const char *from, const char *to);
int discover_check_version();
S3_INFO *s3_open_args() { return open_args; }
void register_handler(MARIA_HA *file);
Implementation of S3
Aria changes
If called by S3 engine, read header from S3 instead of from file
Read specific S3 options from the index file header (block size, compression etc)
Internally both Aria and S3 tables are stored in blocks of aria_block-size
Added support of reading big blocks. When reading an index or page block in
the middle of a S3 block, read the corresponding S3 block and update all pages
read in the dedicated S3 page cache.
Limitations with S3 tables
They are read only ;)
If a S3 table is dropped in one MariaDB server, other MariaDB servers may get
read errors if accessing table while it was dropped.
ALTER TABLE of existing S3 table, may cause problems on other MariaDB
servers as they may read data from old and new server.
Can be avoid by always renaming the S3 tables when doing ALTER
Future work
Store aws keys and region in the mysql.servers table (as Spider and FederatedX).
This will allow one to have different tables on different S3 servers.
Allow batch updates (single user) to S3 tables.
For adding new archive data to S3 table instead of having to alter the table back
to local, update the table and copy back to s3.
Add shared cache for S3 connections instead of having one per open table
Will use less memory and speed up opening new S3 tables.
That’s all folks
The S3 engine is documented in detail at:
Thank you