DC Department of Buildings
Digital Document Standards
Preferred Method(s):
A PDF document of the plat drawing.
Note for design professionals only: A high-quality PDF can be exported
directly from the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) drawing software.
The document Never gets scanned and remains as a PDF
document throughout the ratification and recording process.
Note: If this can be achieved, the result is a flawless image that is recorded
in the same form that it was originated. This is the aim of the Office of the
Surveyor for all records within the capital city.
Allowed Method(s):
1. A direct 1:1 (at scale as drawn) scan into a PDF of the original CAD or
hand drawing. The document experiences very little degradation and
Must remain in that state throughout the ratification and recording
Note: If this can be achieved, the result is a high-quality image that is
recorded at an acceptable resolution.
Disallowed Method(s):
A reduction of the original drawing by any means whatsoever. The
document is produced at a given length width, and scale and Must
remain that way throughout the entire ratification process.
A smartphone application that produces a PDF from a photo is not
A print at a reduced scale of the PDF that is then scanned is not
A photograph is not acceptable.
Submission of a physical mylar(s) is no longer accepted.
Processing of Digital/Virtual Documents (things to know and do):
Things to know:
Owners: The owner(s) in fee simple of the property must sign the plat
before a notary public and have two
(2) witnesses for each signature. The owner(s) in fee simple executing
the plat must remain the owner(s) in fee simple until the subdivision is
recorded. If the owner is a corporation, the plat must be signed by two
(2) officers who are designated by the corporation charter or by the
Board of Directors to act for the corporation. A Corporation seal is
required. The corporation seals must be firmly impressed to the plat and
be legible. Stick-on seals are not acceptable. If the owner is a
partnership, the plat must be signed by a general partner.
Trusts: If there is a mortgage(s) on any of the property involved in the
subdivision, the trustee(s) must sign the plat in the space provided.
Indicate the number of trusts in the space provided. The trustee(s)
signature(s) do not have to be witnessed or notarized.
Things to Do:
This is the most critical step: Only submit the document to one agency at a
time in the order listed below and wait until the document is received back
from each agency signed until submitting to the next one. This ensures that
there is only one document at the end of the process. This is very important!
Steps (one at a time): OTR, then DOEE, then OP/HP, and Zoning. Once the
plat is fully signed, you can upload the Plat to make a Request for Recording
at this link (Recording Request).
1. OTR (The Office of Tax and Revenue) and Real Property Taxes: Agencies
will not review documents unless taxes are verified as being up to date.
The applicant must contact the Office of Tax and Revenue,
How to submit an Unrecorded Subdivision Certification request on
From the homepage of MyTax.DC.gov, click Search Real Property.
Enter at least one search item in the fields listed (SSL number or
property address).
Click on the property’s SSL in the Search Results.
Click on Applications and Actions.
Under Property Maintenance, select Submit the Unrecorded
Subdivision/Condominium Plat Certification.
Follow the Unrecorded Subdivision Plat Certification (this is where you
would add any additional lots).
Complete the Application and Upload all Supporting Documentation
A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided in the
For questions, contact;
Oscar Berrios - Assessment Program Specialist
Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Office of Tax and Revenue - Real
Property Tax Administration
Phone: 202-442-6378
2. NOTE: Remember to sign the tax Certificate Acknowledgement located
right under where the Tax Office signs off.
3. DOEE (Department of Energy & Environment): DOEE reviews all
subdivisions to determine whether the land, included in the subdivision
application is within a Special Flood Hazard Areas (Zone A or AE). All
DOEE reviews should be initiated through them at ([email protected])
Effective August 1, 2021, DOEE will charge a $100 fee for Flood Zone or
Flood Hazard Area Determination
on any subdivision application, pursuant to the revised Flood Hazard Rule
s (20 DCMR 3113), which became effective September 24, 2010. This fee
can be paid electronically with a credit card or in person at DCRA.
If the land is within Zone X, DOEE will note the Zone X status (without
elevation) and sign off on a
subdivision plat.
If the land is within Zone A or AE, DOEE at DCRA will direct the
applicant to DOEE HQ to obtain a flood zone and flood elevation
Note: Base Flood Elevation is the elevation of the 100-
year flood (the flood having a one percent) (1%)
chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given
4. OP/HP (Office of Planning Historic Preservation): HP will review
and sign off on the plat. All subdivision plats are to be sent to
the Historic Preservation Division for a determination concerning
the historic nature of the subdivision's location. They may be
contacted at ([email protected]).
5. ZONING (Office of the Zoning Administrator): The plat is then sent to
the Office of Zoning for certification as to compliance with Zoning
Regulations. They may be contacted at ([email protected]).
Note: Once the plat has been fully signed and approved by all of the
agencies listed above, a request for recording can be made by uploading the
PDF of the plat to (Recording Request).
6. Recording: Upon receipt of the Request for Recording, the subdivision
will be reviewed. If the document meets all requirements noted above,
the plat will be signed, given a new lot number and recorded at the
Office of the Surveyor within 3 business days.
7. Wall checks and C of O’s will not be approved by Zoning without a
recorded subdivision.
Example of an “At Scale” Subdivision Plat:
The overall sheet size is 24” x 36”. The plat is 18” x 26.5”.