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Definitions of Terms and Criteria for their Use
Copyright # 1999 by the Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)
ISBN 92 9036 071 2
Printed in Switzerland
Reprinted 2000
Z. Bankowski
R. Bruppacher
I. Crusius
J. Gallagher
G. Kremer
J. Venulet
The Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences
(CIOMS) is a nongovernmental
organization established jointly by the
World Health Organization and UNESCO
in 1949, with a mandate to collaborate with
the United Nations and its specialized
agencies. Its international membership,
consisting of international unions and
federations of national associations and
societies, represents a substantial
proportion of the world’s biomedical
scientific community. Its secretariat is
located in Geneva in offices made available
by the World Health Organization.
A dominant theme of CIOMS for some
time has been the ethical aspects of
biomedical technology and the bioethical
considerations to be taken into account in
determining and implementing health
A particular aspect of biomedical
technology, the development and use of
drugs, has been a second major theme. The
independent status of CIOMS has
permitted it to coordinate the contributions
of research-based pharmaceutical
companies, national drug regulatory
authorities, and representative bodies of
medical specialties to harmonizing and
strengthening drug-safety surveillance
Acknowledgements .......................................................xi
Foreword ............................................................... xiii
Perspectives ............................................................. xv
The World Health Organization................................. xv
J.E. Ida
Drug Regulatory Authorities ................................... xvi
G. Kreutz and M.M. Lumpkin
The View of a Clinician........................................ xviii
Ronald D. Mann
The Pharmaceutical Industry .................................... xx
W. Aellig, R. Bruppacher, G. Kremer, M. Pfeiffer,
W. Spiegl and D. Tancrede
Introduction .............................................................. 1
J. Venulet and Z. Bankowski
Definitions and Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for
Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions ................................... 9
Skin and Appendages Disorders (SOC 0100) ............................ 9
Introduction........................................................... 9
Terms ................................................................ 10
Dermatitis (Eczema) ............................................. 10
Dermatitis exfoliative ............................................ 10
Fixed drug eruption. ............................................. 11
Lichenoid drug eruption ......................................... 11
Pustular eruption ................................................ 12
Urticaria / Angioedema.......................................... 12
Erythema multiforme ............................................ 13
Stevens-Johnson syndrome ...................................... 14
Toxic epidermal necrolysis....................................... 14
Photosensitivity reaction......................................... 15
Phototoxic reaction .............................................. 15
Photoallergic reaction............................................ 15
Musculo-Skeletal System Disorders (SOC 0200) ....................... 16
Fracture pathological ............................................ 16
Myopathy ........................................................ 16
Myositis .......................................................... 17
Osteoporosis ..................................................... 17
Collagen Disorders (SOC 0300) ........................................ 19
LE syndrome (Lupus erythematosus syndrome) ................ 19
Retroperitoneal fibrosis.......................................... 20
Vasculitis ......................................................... 21
Central and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders (SOC 0410) ........ 23
General Introduction to Terms Designating Central
and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders
and Psychiatric Disorders ....................................... 23
Introduction to Terms Designating Disorders of the Central
and Peripheral Nervous System ................................. 24
Terms ................................................................ 24
Anticholinergic syndrome ....................................... 24
Choreoathetosis.................................................. 25
Convulsions ...................................................... 26
Dyskinesia ....................................................... 27
Dysphonia ....................................................... 28
Dystonia ......................................................... 28
Encephalopathy.................................................. 29
Extrapyramidal disorder......................................... 29
Gait abnormal ................................................... 30
Hypertonia ....................................................... 30
Hypotonia........................................................ 31
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome................................ 31
Neuropathy ...................................................... 32
Oculogyric crisis ................................................. 33
Paralysis.......................................................... 33
Serotonin syndrome ............................................. 34
Speech disorder .................................................. 34
Vision Disorders (SOC 0431) ........................................... 36
Introduction.......................................................... 36
Terms ................................................................ 36
Cataract .......................................................... 36
Keratitis .......................................................... 36
Retinal disorder.................................................. 37
Vision abnormal ................................................. 37
Hearing and Vestibular Disorders (SOC 0432) ......................... 39
Ototoxicity....................................................... 39
Psychiatric Disorders (SOC 0500)...................................... 40
Introduction.......................................................... 40
Terms ................................................................ 40
Anorexia ......................................................... 40
Apathy ........................................................... 41
Delirium.......................................................... 41
Depersonalization................................................ 42
Depression ....................................................... 43
Personality disorder.............................................. 43
Psychosis ......................................................... 44
Psychotic reaction................................................ 44
Thinking abnormal .............................................. 44
Thought disturbances............................................ 44
Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders (SOC 0600) ....................... 46
Abdominal pain.................................................. 46
Colitis ............................................................ 46
Colitis collagenous ............................................... 47
Constipation ..................................................... 47
Diarrhoea ........................................................ 48
Dyspepsia ........................................................ 48
Gastritis .......................................................... 48
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage ................................... 49
Gastrointestinal infarction, Gastrointestinal necrosis,
Gastrointestinal gangrene ..................................... 49
Haematemesis.................................................... 50
Haematochezia................................................... 50
Ileus .............................................................. 50
Intestinal ischaemia .............................................. 51
Intestinal obstruction ............................................ 51
Intestinal perforation ............................................ 52
Intestinal stenosis ................................................ 52
Melaena .......................................................... 53
Pancreatitis....................................................... 53
Peptic ulcer. ...................................................... 54
Peritonitis ........................................................ 55
Stomatitis ........................................................ 56
Stomatitis ulcerative ............................................. 56
Ulcer oesophago-gastro-intestinal or Ulcer
of the alimentary tract ........................................ 57
Liver and Biliary System Disorders (SOC 0700) ....................... 58
Liver injury ...................................................... 58
Cholestatic liver injury........................................... 59
Hepatocellular liver injury ....................................... 59
Mixed liver injury................................................ 60
Liver function tests abnormal ................................... 60
Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders (SOC 0800) ...................... 61
Acidosis .......................................................... 61
Dehydration. ..................................................... 62
Gout.............................................................. 62
Cardiovascular Disorders, General (SOC 1010) ........................ 64
Cardiac failure ................................................... 64
Circulatory failure ............................................... 65
Hypertension..................................................... 65
Hypertension pulmonary ........................................ 66
Hypotension ..................................................... 66
Hypotension postural............................................ 67
Shock............................................................. 67
Syncope .......................................................... 67
Myocardial, Endocardial, Pericardial and Valve Disorders
(SOC 1020).......................................................... 68
Angina pectoris .................................................. 68
Cardiac aneurysm................................................ 69
Cardiomyopathy ................................................. 70
Coronary artery disorder ........................................ 70
Endocarditis. ..................................................... 71
Fibrosis endomyocardial ........................................ 71
Haemopericardium .............................................. 72
Mitral insufficiency .............................................. 73
Myocardial infarction. ........................................... 73
Myocardial ischaemia............................................ 74
Myocardial rupture (post infarct) ............................... 74
Myocarditis ...................................................... 75
Pericardial effusion .............................................. 75
Pericarditis ....................................................... 76
Thrombosis coronary ............................................ 76
Heart Rate and Rhythm Disorders (SOC 1030) ........................ 78
Arrhythmia ...................................................... 78
Arrhythmia ventricular .......................................... 79
AV block......................................................... 79
Cardiac arrest .................................................... 80
Fibrillation atrial. ................................................ 80
Fibrillation ventricular........................................... 81
Palpitation ....................................................... 81
Torsade de pointes............................................... 81
Vascular (Extracardiac) Disorders (SOC 1040) ........................ 83
Arteriosclerosis................................................... 83
Atherosclerosis................................................... 83
Cerebral haemorrhage ........................................... 84
Cerebral infarction............................................... 84
Cerebrovascular disorder ........................................ 85
Haemorrhage intracranial ....................................... 85
Respiratory System Disorders (SOC 1100)............................. 86
Introduction.......................................................... 86
Terms ................................................................ 86
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)................... 86
Apnoea........................................................... 87
Asphyxia ......................................................... 88
Asthma........................................................... 88
Bradypnoea ...................................................... 89
Bronchoconstriction ............................................. 89
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ......................... 90
Dyspnoea ........................................................ 90
Hypercapnia ..................................................... 91
Hypoventilation.................................................. 91
Hypoxia .......................................................... 92
Interstitial lung disease .......................................... 92
Pneumonitis ...................................................... 93
Pulmonary fibrosis............................................... 93
Pulmonary oedema .............................................. 94
Respiratory arrest................................................ 94
Respiratory depression .......................................... 95
Respiratory paralysis ............................................ 95
Red Blood Cell Disorders (SOC 1210) ................................. 96
Anaemia. ......................................................... 96
Anaemia haemolytic ............................................. 96
Anaemia microcytic hypochromic............................... 97
Anaemia aplastic................................................. 98
White Blood Cell and RES (Reticulo-endothelial system)
Disorders (SOC 1220) ..............................................100
Agranulocytosis................................................. 100
Bone marrow suppression / Bone marrow depression .........100
Granulocytopenia............................................... 101
Leukopenia .....................................................101
Platelet, Bleeding and Clotting Disorders (SOC 1230) ................103
Coagulation disorders ..........................................103
Thrombophlebitis ...............................................104
Thrombosis, Embolism, Thromboembolism ......................105
Arterial occlusion disease....................................... 106
Thrombosis venous deep ....................................... 106
Embolism pulmonary...........................................107
Urinary System Disorders (SOC 1300)................................108
Introduction......................................................... 108
Terms ...............................................................109
Glomerular vasomotor disorder ................................ 109
Glomerulonephritis (acute or chronic) ......................... 110
Nephritis interstitial, acute; Nephritis interstitial, chronic .....111
Nephropathy analgesic .........................................112
Nephropathy toxic.............................................. 112
Nephrotic syndrome ............................................113
Renal failure .................................................... 113
Renal failure (intrinsic) acute................................... 114
Renal tubular disorder.......................................... 115
Renal vasculitis ................................................. 115
Urinary retention ............................................... 116
Recommendation to include a new term ............................117
Fetal Disorders (SOC 1500) ...........................................119
Aortic coarctation ..............................................119
Aortic stenosis ..................................................119
Artery malformation............................................120
Atrial septal defect.............................................. 120
Heart malformation ............................................121
Pulmonic stenosis congenital ................................... 122
Body as a Whole General Disorders (SOC 1810) ..................123
Aggravation / Exacerbation .................................... 123
Anaphylactic reaction. .......................................... 123
Anaphylactic shock .............................................125
Anaphylactoid reaction ......................................... 125
Hypovolaemia ..................................................126
Rigors / Shivering...............................................127
Withdrawal syndrome / Rebound effect .......................127
Appendices .............................................................129
1. Meetings and Publications ...................................... 129
2. Participants of the meetings 1–14 ...............................131
Index ..................................................................142
The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
(CIOMS) gratefully acknowledges the contribution of over 160 individuals
to the work that has resulted in this publication, by their participation in
working groups, providing consultant advice or preparing background
papers, as representatives of pharmaceutical companies, drug regulatory
authorities or international medical societies, or as medical experts from
universities, clinics, and hospitals in 15 countries (Appendix II).
CIOMS acknowledges especially the contribution of the core group of
pharmaceutical companies at whose request the project was undertaken
and which largely funded it. These were, from Germany, seven members of
Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V., Bonn (Bayer AG,
Leverkusen; Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Ingelheim; Boehringer
Mannheim GmbH, Mannheim; Hoechst AG, Frankfurt; Knoll AG,
Ludwigshafen; F. Merck AG, Darmstadt; Schering AG, Berlin);
from Switzerland, three companies associated in INTERPHARMA,
Basel [Ciba-Geigy AG and Sandoz AG (now Novartis AG), Basel;
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel]; and from France, Sanofi Synthelabo
SA, Gentilly. Particularly appreciated was the enthusiastic support
of Dr Eberhard Baumbauer, Head of the Secretariat of Verband
Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V., and of Dr Ju
rg Schrank, Head,
Research and Development, INTERPHARMA.
Apart from this core group, the following pharmaceutical companies were
represented in one or more groups: ICI Pharmaceuticals ZENECA,
United Kingdom; Organon International BV, Netherlands; Rhone-
Poulenc Rorer, Inc., France; Roussel Uclaf, France; Byk Gulden
GmbH, Konstanz, Germany; Dr. K. Thomae GmbH, Biberach,
Germany; Schwarz Pharma AG, Monheim, Germany.
The project depended crucially on the input of national drug regulatory
authorities, from eight countries: Denmark (Danish Medicines Agency),
France (Commission Nationale de Pharmacovigilance), Germany
(Bundesinstitut fu
r Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, Berlin); Italy
(Pharmaceutical Department, Ministry of Health, Rome); Netherlands
(Netherlands Centre for Monitoring of Adverse Reactions to Drugs);
Sweden (the Medical Products Agency); Switzerland (Intercantonal Office
for the Control of Medicines, Bern); the United Kingdom (Medicines
Control Agency); and the United States of America (Food and Drug
The Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, funded a
working group on cardiovascular disease terms. The European Agency for
the Evaluation of Medical Products, London, hosted and assisted with the
meeting of the working group on gastro-intestinal disorder ADR terms.
The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufactures
Associations, Geneva, contributed enthusiastically and was represented
in several working groups.
Several individuals merit special mention. Dr Ronald D. Mann, chaired
most of the working-group meetings; participants appreciated his skill in
distilling the essence of definitions and requirements. As editor of
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, he guided the publication of the
working-group reports. Professor Gottfried Kreutz chaired several
meetings and provided valuable support. Professor Ralph Edwards of
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre provided data on the frequency of
reporting of different adverse drug reactions. The late Dr Susan Wood and
Dr Louise Wood of the United Kingdom Medicines Control Agency made
available preliminary versions of the Medical Dictionary for Drug
Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). Dr Gerhard Kremer and Ms Isolde
Crusius, of Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Germany, prepared the
computerized text of this publication.
CIOMS has highly appreciated the consistent support of the World Health
Organization, Geneva, represented particularly by its Division of Drug
Management and Policy, and its Directors, first Dr John Dunne and then
his successor until the end of the project, Dr Juhana Ida
Dr Martijn ten Ham of the Drug Safety section gave valuable technical and
administrative support throughout. Other divisions also made essential
contributions, notably in respect of psychiatric and cardiovascular-disease
At CIOMS, Jan Venulet managed the project; James Gallagher edited and
prepared for publication the working-group reports and the text of the
present publication; and Kathryn Chalaby-Amsler and Christine
bendorfer provided the essential administrative and secretarial support
throughout the project.
The thalidomide disaster, which struck in 1961, stimulated national and
international action towards assuring the safety of medicinal drugs and
reducing the risk of adverse reactions to them. The response of the World
Health Assembly culminated in a few years in an international system of
drug safety monitoring. One effect of this system was that the
pharmaceutical industry overcame its mistrust of drug regulatory
authorities, becoming with them, and with experts in university medical
faculties and international medical societies, an essential and valued
partner in the pursuit of drug safety. A way had to be found of associating
the industry with the World Health Organization (WHO), and it was here
that the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
(CIOMS), as a nongovernmental organization with a mandate to
cooperate with WHO, was in a position to play a particular role. Under
its auspices, the industry could cooperate with regulatory authorities,
medical experts and WHO in projects for promoting drug safety.
This publication, in the form of a book and CD-ROM, is a product of that
cooperation. It is the outcome of a series of international working groups
convened by CIOMS over the past decade, in which representatives of
regulatory bodies and pharmaceutical companies, together with clinical
experts and staff members of WHO and CIOMS, agreed on standard
definitions of selected terms for adverse drug reactions and on minimum
requirements for the use of the terms in international reporting, in the
framework of post-marketing surveillance. Those definitions and require-
ments have been collated from the published reports of the working
A system of international pharmacovigilance requires efficient commu-
nication between people of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds
and from different medical care and education systems. Such commu-
nication depends on the common use of a terminology that is simple,
precise and unambiguous. This publication is designed primarily to meet
the needs in this respect of drug regulatory authorities and the drug safety
departments of pharmaceutical companies, as their participant represen-
tatives have perceived those needs in their day-to-day work. It is intended
also for medical or other reporters of adverse drug reactions, to help them
document their case reports and communicate them to regulatory
authorities or drug manufacturers. It has wider educational potential
This novel initiative is one facet of a movement geared to the international
harmonization of drug safety procedures. Its applicability to other
languages and cultures is worth consideration. It presupposes an adequate
infrastructure for post-marketing surveillance of drug safety, which is
characteristic of developed countries but, in general, lacking in developing
countries. Any contribution that this publication and the process of which
it is the product can make to the efforts of WHO to reduce the public health
consequences of poor drug safety in developing countries will be in some
part a repayment for the support and encouragement which the project has
consistently received from WHO.
The World Health Organization
J.E. Ida¨npa¨a¨n-Heikkila¨
After the discovery and synthesis of a new drug, and parallel to product
development, it undergoes toxicological and pharmacological tests in
animals, followed by clinical trials in humans. Although the pre-marketing
investigation, preclinical and clinical, of a new medicinal product is
carefully performed and critically assessed, it does not always reveal all
possible effects, side-effects or adverse reactions. A product which the drug
regulatory agency authorizes for marketing still requires intensive post-
marketing monitoring. Many adverse reactions can be detected only after
the medicinal product has been prescribed to, and used by, a large number
of patients. This environment, with multiple potential new co-factors of
real life, cannot be replicated in clinical trials. The introduction of a new
medicinal product, therefore, always carries unknown risks, as numerous
instances during the past decades have demonstrated. In this situation the
alertness of the prescribing physician and the quality of the operational
system for reporting adverse reactions are crucial.
Verification of a new potential and harmful reaction often requires the
collection and review of reports from different countries, and these reports
must be properly assessed and validated. One major problem has been that
concepts of diagnosis and the terms used to designate adverse reactions
vary from country to country. For some years the Council for
International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), with the
collaboration of the World Health Organization (WHO), medical experts,
drug regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry, has worked
on harmonization of reporting of adverse drug reactions. The terms
concerned have been mainly those liable to be misinterpreted and those
that designated serious adverse reactions.
The outcome of the project is now being published as a cumulative volume
and a CD-ROM, designed to facilitate common understanding and the
uniform use of terms for the monitoring of drug safety. The established
definitions and basic requirements for the proper use of adverse-drug-
reaction terms will undoubtedly assist practising physicians in their
reporting of adverse reactions. Single case reports by physicians still
represent the most important source of information for raising suspicions,
Former Director, Division of Drug Management and Use, World Health Organization, Geneva,
generating early signals and confirming the occurrence of new adverse
drug reactions. The more these reports conform to the established
definitions and requirements, the easier it will be to monitor drug safety,
and for drug regulators to carry out comparative assessment and
verification of adverse reactions to new drugs. Pharmaceutical companies
also will be assisted in assessing and reporting adverse reactions notified to
them from different countries with varying medical cultures. Even
scientists concerned with drug-safety issues and engaged in research will
benefit from this work.
Further consideration must be given to means of ensuring that the end-
users in all countries will have access to this publication. Evidently,
translation into internationally used languages, and even into national
languages, is essential; otherwise the reporting of adverse reactions on a
national level will not benefit. Vigorous efforts must be made to distribute
and promote it to physicians and other users, including drug regulators
and the pharmaceutical industry. Ideally, all reporting physicians and drug
safety officers should have this material available in their offices.
As science and our knowledge of drug safety develops, the definitions and
requirements will need periodic updating and adaptation. Harmonization
should not be forced too far, however. New, unknown adverse drug
reactions, often a type of syndrome with multiple symptoms, should be
easily recognized and verified. Symptoms of a potential syndrome should
not be split into separate adverse - reaction terms. Physicians, therefore,
should still report adverse events in words that describe the findings as they
observe and detect them in patients. This should not inhibit them from
using harmonized terms whenever such terms properly describe an
observed event.
CIOMS is to be congratulated on developing and finalizing this project on
definitions and requirements for the use of adverse-drug-reaction terms.
This will contribute in a valuable way to the WHO Drug Monitoring
Programme at both national and international levels. It represents an
important step in promoting the safe use by patients of medicinal products.
Drug Regulatory Authorities
G. Kreutz
and M.M. Lumpkin
Quality assurance and quality control are integral components of most
aspects of the study, production, regulatory oversight, and marketing of
pharmaceutical products. Specific standards of quality have been agreed in
many of these areas of a product‘s ‘‘life’’. There is still, however, great
diversity and inconsistency in the use of various specific medical terms used
Professor and Director, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Berlin, Germany
Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD,
to record suspected adverse reactions to drugs. Agreed quality assurance
and quality control standards in this domain have been particularly
lacking. Both lack of acknowledged definitions and translational errors by
those whose usual language of practice is not medical English accentuate
this continuing problem.
Now, with the availability of the series of ‘‘Definitions and Basic
Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting Adverse Drug
Reactions’’, CIOMS continues its special effort to address this concern.
Reporters of adverse reactions can be assured that, when they choose to
use a specific term contained in this publication, it indeed conveys the
medical concept they wish to convey. They can examine their selection of a
specific term against specific minimum definitional criteria and thus
decrease observational and linguistic biases in the assignment of certain
terms. This can be a first and very important step in improving the quality
of the data accumulated and reported on suspected adverse drug reactions.
It is important to realize, however, that the confirmation of an event
observed as being consistent with a given definition and minimum criteria
applied to the use of a term does not constitute proof or add to the
probability of a causal relationship between the event and the pharma-
ceutical product or any of its effective substances or its excipients.The
process of causality assessment has to be based on a complex judgement
that takes into account a full evaluation founded on thorough knowledge
of the pharmacological properties of a product, added to a validated
description of the observed event, and including all observations that may
support causes of the event other than a suspected pharmaceutical
What is the main advantage of this publication?
The main advantage is the opportunity to reduce observational and
linguistic biases in the assignment of terms. Also, from the
experience gained from the guidance given here, it will be possible
to determine what alterations will be needed in future editions.
What are its limitations?
Only a limited number of adverse-drug-reaction terms are covered
and the criteria may not be applicable in each single case. Also, not
uncommonly, not all the minimum criteria will be met, yet one will
be convinced that the suspected reaction nonetheless qualifies as an
instance of a particular term. It must be possible to use the term in
certain cases, even when all criteria are not met, in order to group
adequately single cases that one believes should be grouped together
for various analytical purposes.
Who should use these definitions and apply the criteria?
Though these definitions and criteria offer the possibility of
improving the quality of recording and reporting suspected adverse
drug reactions, they are not yet fully validated or tested in ‘‘real
world’’ experience. They will at first be primarily of use to
pharmaceutical companies but all who report, record and assess
adverse drug reactions should become aware of, and use, them,
irrespective of their professional or organizational backgrounds.
What is needed in the future?
All experience from using this set of definitions and criteria should
be reported to CIOMS or to a designated person to allow a
comprehensive assessment of experience with the definitions and
criteria. This will make it possible to determine what changes will
need to be made in the future to ensure that the original goals of the
project can be met.
Much effort has gone into this project; the challenge now is to determine
whether use of such an instrument indeed improves the public health by
improving the quality of recording and reporting individual reports of
suspected adverse drug reactions.
The View of a Clinician
Ronald D. Mann
Words are in many ways different from numbers. Words are more affected
by problems concerned with differences between languages and changes
over periods of time than are numbers. The definitions given in this book
aim to resolve at least in part those problems concerned with words and our
need to communicate medical information by written and verbal
Clinicians and academicians communicate verbally with one another and
with their patients and peers. In relation to reporting of adverse drug
reactions, the language problem is very real and persistent.
Clinicians and academicians, in connection with the reporting of adverse
drug reactions or events, can be involved in a number of ways. They can be
reporters of suspected adverse drug reactions, assessors of adverse drug
reactions (when they are working within regulatory bodies or drug
companies), responders to enquiries when adverse drug reaction reports
are being validated, and finally, critical reviewers or readers of papers and
other communications.
Former Director, Drug Safety Research Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton, United
When reporting adverse drug reactions, or their suspicions regarding such
reactions, clinicians are often confronted by difficulties. Sometimes,
although relatively seldom, they will be reporting a clearly defined and
well-known disease or syndrome. The difficulty is that many of the terms
used in reporting have different meanings in different medical cultures; the
definitions given in this book aim to cross those cultural differences.
Clinicians are very well advised to frame their initial reports of a suspected
adverse drug reaction or event in the words in which the patients describe
them unless a very clear and precise and well-established definition can be
given. It is important not to corrupt the data at source by using terms
different from those the patient used, unless there is good reason to do so.
In the Prescription-Event Monitoring Program, for example, there was a
very clear difference between the terms that the patients used and those
that clinicians tended to impose upon the patients’ complaint of ‘persistent
dry cough’.
The character of the clinical complaint and its nature can be lost, and the
data corrupted at source, by the careless use of words other than those that
the patients use in talking to their physicians. When, as reporters, we are
using terms other than those that the patients used, we need to be careful
that we are using a term that is somewhere sensibly defined. This book
provides definitions of many such terms. Textbooks of medicine and
dictionaries define many other well-established terms and it is very helpful
when clinicians in the field use a term and say what they mean by it, and
name their source or definition of the term.
The practising clinician can also be involved when a report is being
validated by the authority to which the suspicion of an adverse drug
reaction has been reported. Validators may be either medically or
scientifically qualified or both, and have received other appropriate
training. Validation is the very essence of dealing with suspected adverse
drug reactions. Seven reports of serious hepatic dysfunction may look very
alarming when a new drug has just been marketed and such reports are
unexpected from previous experience. They will look very different if,
upon validation or follow-up, it is found that two of the patients to whom
these reports relate are now known to have had carcinoma of the head of
the pancreas, two are known to have suffered bile-stone problems, one has
received a blood transfusion, and another was subsequently shown to have
glandular fever. It then appears that only one case of the condition is
possibly attributable to the drug given to all seven patients. Clinicians,
therefore, need to be aware that, if they report a happening which leads to a
serious suspicion of iatrogenic disease, their collaboration in the process of
validation is important. When collaborating in such an exercise it is crucial
to know what the terms the different participants are using mean and to
avoid semantic confusion.
Clinicians and academicians can also be assessors of reports of adverse
drug reactions. They may be working within one of the drug regulatory
bodies or one of the pharmaceutical companies concerned, or they may be
experts whose opinion is sought by those with public responsibilities.
Assessors always need to make sure that they understand what the words
being used by the different participants mean. When this meaning crosses
language barriers, or barriers resulting from different schools of medicine,
and when the term being used crosses cultural divides, then it becomes even
more necessary to ensure that everyone knows what all the others
concerned mean by the terms they are using. Textbooks of medicine and
surgery and medical science help enormously, but not always. A good
example is to look at the different meanings given in different medical
cultures to the terms ‘phlebothrombosis’ and ‘thrombophlebitis’. If one
just indiscriminately joins together reports of these conditions from
different countries, then the outcome can be totally confusing. By joining
together superficial thrombophlebitis (an inflammatory process which
virtually never gives rise to pulmonary embolism) and phlebothrombosis
(which does give rise to pulmonary embolism) one can show by semantic
imprecision that all forms of venous thrombosis cause embolism.
Finally, the clinician and academician becomes concerned with this issue as
a critical reader of published papers and reports of suspected adverse drug
reactions or events. Are the different reports homogeneous in the meaning
of the terms used? Have reports which really mean different things been
lumped together as though they have a consistent and uniform meaning?
Have the statisticians done something very sophisticated with the numbers
without noticing or realizing that they have grouped together terms with
heterogeneous meanings? The thinking critical reader will be keenly aware
of the problems raised by such issues and will, it is hoped, find this present
volume informative and useful.
The Pharmaceutical Industry
W. Aellig
, R. Bruppacher
, G. Kremer
, W. Pfeiffer
, W. Spiegl
and D. Tancrede
Drug-safety physicians are often confronted, especially in relation to
spontaneous reporting, with incomplete information on observed adverse
events. To make the best use of the information received, they need
medical commonsense, experience and when collecting additional
information communication skills.
Having collected all the needed information available, the drug-safety
physician is supposed to write a medical evaluation including a
Novartis Pharma AG, Clinical Safety and Epidemiology, Basel, Switzerland
Institute for Social and Preven tive Medicine, University of Basel; Department of Clinical
Pharmacology, University Clinics Basel, Switzerland;
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Ingelheim-am-Rhein, Germany
Bayer AG, Pharma Research Centre, Wuppertal, Germany
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG , Basel, Switzerland
Direction internationale de la Pharmacovigilance, Sanofi-Synthelabo SA, Gentilly, France
diagnosis, a comment on the causal role of the drug in question, and
alternative explanations and a discussion of any action that needs to be
This evaluation, to be of use in the international pharmacovigilance
process, must be based on definitions that are internationally consistent. In
general, terms used to designate adverse events have not been defined
specifically for purposes of drug safety, but, rather, for much broader use
within the academic environment. Normally, therefore, in connection with
drug safety, already existing definitions are used.
Not uncommonly, however, different countries use different definitions of
the same term. For this reason, especially in an international drug-safety
network, where an issue raised in one country has an impact on regulatory
decision-making in all others, it is necessary to agree upon definitions that
are equally understood in all countries.
An even more important issue than unique definitions of terms, which are
mostly provided by medical science, is the proper use of these terms in real-
life situations.
A medical textbook describes diseases in detail, including all the signs and
symptoms of a given condition. The drug-safety physician in the
pharmaceutical industry is in a completely different position. There is
normally no direct access to the patient. The information available is often
scanty, and often all efforts to collect additional information fail.
Whenever a report of an adverse event is received, it must be documented
and forwarded to regulatory authorities, as required by national law. In
addition, however, the case must be evaluated appropriately, which
includes a logical diagnosis together with possible differential diagnoses,
on the basis of the information available.
Spontaneous reports cannot be expected to contain a complete set of
findings to support our diagnoses. A diagnosis cannot be made without
facts to support it, however. Consequently, it is necessary to determine the
minimum set of signs and symptoms that will allow a specific diagnosis to
be made. The drug-safety physician is always in the position of having to
make an accurate diagnosis from scanty data, without resort to mere
For this reason, industry physicians mainly in Germany and Switzerland
discussed in the late 1980s how to establish a set of ‘‘Basic Requirements
for the Use of Terms’’. These would be requirements which, though
insufficient to the needs of a practitioner making a bed-side diagnosis,
would reflect a common understanding of what facts must be available in
order to validate a diagnosis based upon a spontaneous report. It was felt
that, to be widely accepted, the process of preparing such definitions and
requirements should be undertaken only by an international, widely
respected, neutral forum.
We are grateful, therefore, to the Council for International Organizations
of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and its Secretary General, Dr Zbigniew
Bankowski, and to Dr Jan Venulet, Senior Adviser to CIOMS, who
recognized this need and instituted a project accordingly. It brought
together a series of dedicated international working groups of academics,
regulators and industry experts, who over the past decade have cooperated
effectively to accomplish the objective.
We are sure that all drug-safety colleagues who participated in the project
for the pharmaceutical industry are satisfied that its results will contribute
to better common understanding of terminology and diagnosis of adverse
events, and the ultimate goal of our efforts to continuous
improvement in the safety of our drugs.
Jan Venulet and Zbigniew Bank owski
The advent of international drug monitoring in the late 1960s
and the
directions that drug monitoring took in the following years led to the
creation of large data-bases of heterogeneous origins. The data had been
collected not only by international organizations such as the World Health
Organization (WHO), but also by major pharmaceutical companies with
world-wide activities.
Although suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are reported mostly by
physicians trained in what is called Western medicine, countries differ
considerably in their use and interpretation of certain medical terms. Even
within a country, physicians differ in knowledge and type of experience,
sometimes because they have been trained in one country and practise in
another. This may result in the use of different terms for the same event.
Though practising physicians are the main beneficiaries of ADR data, they
also generate most of the original observations and are thus largely
responsible for the quality of the ADR data they transmit. Reported ADR
data are, in general, incomplete and of poor quality
2, 3, 4, 5
In 1986, the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
(CIOMS), which since 1977 had functioned as a forum for discussion
between international drug regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical
, set up a working group on International Reporting of Adverse
Drug Reactions to explore means of coordinating and standardizing the
reporting of ADRs. The group devised and pilot-tested a method and a
reporting form the so-called CIOMS Form for the reporting by
manufacturers to regulatory authorities of suspected adverse drug
Venulet J. The WHO drug monitoring programme: The formative years (1968 -1975). In: Bankowski
Z, Dunne JF, eds. Drug Surveillance: International Cooperation Past, Present and Future. Geneva:
CIOMS, 1994:13-21.
Venulet J. The practising physician as generator and user of adverse reaction data. International
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Therapy and Toxicology 1986; 24:385-9.
Venulet J et al. How good are articles on adverse drug reactions. BMJ 1982; 284:252-4.
Venulet J. Informativity of adverse drug reaction data in medic al publications. Drug Information
Journal 1985; 19: 357-65.
Venulet J. Incomplete information as a limiting factor in causality assessment of adverse drug
reactions and its practical consequences. Drug Information Journal 1986: 20:423-31.
Venulet J., Bankowski Z. Harmonizing adverse drug reaction terminology: The role of the Cou ncil for
International Organizations of Medical Sciences. Drug Safety 1998 Sep;19(3): 16572.
. Subsequent working groups, known as CIOMS II
and V
, have dealt with other matters relating to drug safety, while a
separate project was instituted, in 1989, to standardize definitions and basic
requirements for the use of ADR terms.
A CIOMS meeting in 1994 decided that the Medical Dictionary for Drug
Regulatory Affairs (MedDRA)
would be the basis for the further
development of an international medical terminology for drug regulatory
purposes. Entries from both the WHO Adverse Reaction Terminology
(WHO-ART) and Coding Symbols for Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction
Terms (COSTART) would be included to facilitate transfer of recorded
data. The meeting also recommended that the CIOMS project on
definitions of preferred terms, already under way, be continued, to
establish an unambiguous international medical terminology for regula-
tory purposes.
Standardization of defini tions
and basic requirements for the use of terms
Health professionals from different countries differ considerably in their
use of medical terminology, including that used for ADRs, and in the exact
meanings attributed to terms. In some European countries, for example, in
contrast to the United Kingdom, the term ‘thrombophlebitis’ is used for a
group of conditions, including deep venous thrombosis.
Pharmaceutical companies receive numerous reports of suspected ADRs
from medical practitioners and other prescribers of drugs. Each company
is required to transmit these reports to the drug regulatory agency of the
country in which the report originated. When the reports are of
particularly important or severe ADRs, companies are often also required
to transmit them to the regulatory authorities of other countries in which
the suspected product is marketed.
Variability in reporting ADRs is sometimes due to different codes or
abbreviations used for drug forms, for example, or for dosage regimens or
names of drugs. These can be streamlined with simple translating
procedures built into computer programs. More difficult to handle
internationally is information that requires more detailed medical knowl-
International Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions. Final Report of a CIOMS Working Group.
Geneva: CIOMS, 1990.
International reporting of periodic drug-safety update summaries. Final report of CIOMS Working
Group II. Geneva: CIOMS, 1992.
Guidelines for preparing core clinical-safety information on drugs. Final report of CIOMS Working
Group III. Geneva: CIOMS, 1995.
Benefit-risk balance for marketed drugs: evaluating safety signals. Report of CIOMS Working Group
IV. Geneva: CIOMS, 1998.
Current challenges in pharmacovigilance: Pragmatic approaches. Report of CIOMS Working
Group V. Geneva: CIOMS (in preparation).
Wood KL. The Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Affairs (MedDRA). Pharmacoepidemiology
and Drug Safety 1994; 3: 7-13.
edge, such as reasons for taking a drug or the attribution of adverse events
to drug treatment. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
helps with reporting the reasons for taking a drug. For purposes of drug
safety a correct diagnosis and assessment of causality of a suspected ADR
are of particular importance.
The need to establish requirements for the diagnosis of a suspected ADR
and to describe it with the correct term is particularly evident in the case of
spontaneous monitoring of single case reports, for the following reasons:
Single case reports still represent the most important type of
information for raising suspicions, generating signals and, frequently,
for taking action. Single case reports frequently lack details usually
contained in clinical studies.
Single case reports are by definition a collection of suspicions
concerning both the occurrence of an ADR and the causal relationship
between the reaction and the treatment.
Single case reports, as a rule, are transmitted by the reporting doctor to
a collecting centre at either the drug regulatory agency or a
pharmaceutical company, and quite often between these organizations
as well. They are thus assessed by people at some distance from the
Clearly, therefore, collecting and evaluating centres, whether they are part
of a regulatory agency or of a pharmaceutical company, need to be
provided with both the name of the ADR and sufficient supporting data to
be convinced that what is reported was what was actually observed, and
that the ADR term used designates correctly the observed event.
Assessment of causality is a different matter and requires various kinds
of additional information.
In setting requirements for the use of ADR terms for spontaneous
reporting, the level of detail that a case report should include to convince
an evaluator that the reported reaction occurred must not be set either too
high or too low. If it is too high, too few reports will meet the requirements,
thus seriously limiting the practical value of the whole effort. If it is too low,
too many will qualify, though no report is discarded for lack of sufficient
detail. In practice, the level of detail will depend to a certain extent on the
structure and requirements of the ADR terminology for which the reports
are prepared.
The aim should be a level of detail normally at the disposal of an average
reporting physician. As a rule, it should be sufficient to transcribe into the
ADR report certain details usually contained in patients’ records. In
reporting hypertension, for example, the physician will have taken the
patient’s blood pressure, but only rarely are readings included in
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). Geneva:
World Health Organization, 1992.
spontaneous case-reports. It is the inclusion of such additional details that
allows the evaluator, either with a regulatory agency or in the industry, to
accept this essential part of a report, not at its face value, but in an informed
Unlike spontaneous reporting, clinical studies are by design subject to
strict protocols, validation procedures and other safeguards so that,
generally, the needed details are already included.
The lack of standardized definitions of ADRs has hampered the work of
those concerned with drug safety. To designate an adverse event, medical
reporters use terms derived from their medical education or from their
conceptions of the mechanisms of reactions to drugs. The regulatory
authority or the pharmaceutical firm records this information in the
reporters’ terms or in other terms that the evaluator considers equivalent,
chosen from an internationally agreed terminology. There are, however,
several international terminologies (mainly WHO-ART, COSTART, and
the forthcoming MedDRA) and they are difficult to compare since the
terms they contain have not been formally defined. Medical-dictionary or
textbook definitions of ADRs are often contradictory and difficult to use
in practice. Nevertheless, an accurate term must be used for each ADR in
order to record, report or list it, and to comply with regulatory
requirements concerning its labelled or unlabelled nature or severity.
In practice, a standardization of definitions and of basic requirements for
their use in reporting would result in data-bases of two types of case-report:
those that met the basic requirements and those that did not. Case reports
could then be tagged correspondingly to facilitate their retrieval.
The CIOMS project
Because of the obvious interest of pharmaceutical companies in the proper
assessment of their products and of drug regulatory authorities in that of
case reports in general, the need arose to avoid misunderstandings and to
streamline communication between all users of ADR data. In 1987 the first
attempts to meet this need were initiated by the Roussel-Uclaf group
which organized in France a series of consensus meetings of pharmaco-
vigilance and clinical experts. The activities that CIOMS had already
initiated on drug safety prompted the French group, aware of an interest in
continuing the project on an international basis, to propose that it be
continued under the auspices of CIOMS.
At about the same time, in 1990, at the request of a group of seven German
pharmaceutical companies, members of Verband Forschender
Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. in Bonn, Germany (Bayer AG, Leverkusen;
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Ingelheim; Boehringer Mannheim GmbH,
nichou C, Danan G. Re
union de consensus sur les de
finitions en pharmacovigilance. The
1987; 42: 347 350.
Mannheim; Hoechst AG, Frankfurt; Knoll AG, Ludwigshafen; F. Merck
AG, Darmstadt; Schering AG, Berlin) and three Swiss companies
associated with INTERPHARMA, Basel [Ciba-Geigy AG, Basel;
Sandoz AG, Basel (now Novartis AG); F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG,
Basel], CIOMS, with the continuing financial support of this group,
initiated a project for defining selected ADR terms employed in
spontaneous reporting of single cases of suspected ADRs, and for
proposing basic requirements for their use. This made it possible for
pharmaceutical manufacturers, under the aegis of CIOMS, to collaborate
in the project with national drug regulatory authorities and bodies
representative of medical specialties. In 1996 Sanofi-Synthelabo SA,
Gentilly, France, joined the group.
Reporters of ADRs use thousands of terms, which in turn are incorporated
in ADR terminologies. Not all need to be defined or made subject to
particular requirements for their use in reporting. One of the first tasks,
therefore, was to establish criteria for deciding which terms should be
The following criteria were established:
Terms liable to be misinterpreted, or that designate conditions that tend
to be misdiagnosed, or that may be understood differently in different
medical-care or medical-education systems. This is the principal
Terms that designate serious adverse reactions. Serious reactions are
those that are fatal, life-threatening, cause hospitalization, result in
persistent or significant disability or incapacity, require intervention to
prevent permanent damage, or cause congenital anomalies. If a term
designates a serious and diagnostically complex ADR it is especially
important that the basic requirements for its use in a report be clear. For
these types of reaction there must be a high degree of certainty that what
was reported was what actually occurred.
Terms that are used frequently in reporting adverse reactions.
Information on the frequency of reporting of a particular ADR is
obtained from the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug
Monitoring, at Uppsala, Sweden (now the Uppsala Monitoring Centre).
The steering committee of the project grouped ADRs into system-organ
classes, according to the WHO-ART terminology. A group of experts
selected terms that met the agreed criteria, consulting both the latest
version of WHO-ART and the preliminary version of MedDRA. To
overcome, at least in part, difficulties raised by differences between these
terminologies, care was taken to ensure that each defined term would
remain valid irrespective of the terminology used.
Meetings of working groups were organized to process lists of selected
terms. The groups consisted of representatives of drug regulators (from
drug safety units); independent experts, mainly from university medical
faculties and international medical societies; drug safety experts from
pharmaceutical companies; members of the steering committee of the
project; and representatives of the WHO Division of Drug Management
and Policies, Geneva and the WHO Collaborating Centre for
International Drug Monitoring, Uppsala.
For each meeting, ADR experts from the pharmaceutical industry were
designated to prepare background papers on the selected terms, according
to the following layout:
Preamble (comments that may be of help to validators of reports of
Proposed definition of the term (including a list of published
Basic requirements for use of the term (for validating the reported ADR
Additional comments, if any
The working group reviewed the background papers and reached
agreement on definitions of the terms and basic requirements for their
use in reporting. In determining those requirements, account was taken of
the conditions of spontaneous reporting, with its shortcomings and
frequent lack of detail, and the need to be practical rather than exhaustive.
After each meeting, a draft text was circulated for comments and approval
to the authors of the background papers, independent experts and the
chairperson of the working group. On receipt of their comments, CIOMS
prepared the final version for publication in Pharmacoepidemiology and
Drug Safety.
A consolidated publication
This book and the accompanying CD-ROM are compilations of the
definitions and basic requirements for the use of over 180 terms for
reporting adverse drug reactions, as agreed by the 16 working groups and
published in a series of papers.
The wording of the operative sections of the papers (Preamble, Definition,
and Basic requirements for use of the term) has not been changed. The
chapters show a certain variability, to be expected from the variety of the
working groups with independent experts from different fields, and due in
part also to minor modifications introduced as the project progressed.
Some chapters begin with an introduction, for instance. Two chapters
represent the outcome of two meetings held at the initiative of Roussel-
Uclaf, Paris, and resulting in two papers published in International Journal
of Clinical Pharmacology Therapy and Toxicology.
For each term defined and explained, the reference meeting is indicated.
The meetings held and the corresponding publications are listed in
Appendix I.
The terms are grouped by chapters given the title of the WHO-ART
system/organ class from which they were selected. Definitions of terms of
more than one system/organ class are contained in only one chapter but are
No ADR reporting scheme formally requires the use of the definitions and
basic requirements presented here; health professionals are not obliged to
use them. Much dedicated effort has gone into their preparation, however,
by medical experts from different countries, representatives of interna-
tional medical societies, and members of national drug surveillance
authorities and drug safety units of pharmaceutical companies. They are
offered for everyday use by practising physicians when they fill in ADR
reporting forms, and also for use in the validation of reported ADR
diagnoses by regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry. They
may also serve educational purposes and thus improve the quality of
reporting of adverse drug reactions.
Comments are invited and should be addressed to the Council for
International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), c/o
World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
Skin and Appendages Disorders
(SOC 0100)
In diagnosing a cutaneous eruption that may be an adverse drug reaction it
is important to decide whether the eruption is due to the disease, primarily
due to the drug, or due possibly to an interaction between the disease and
the drug. Cutaneous reactions frequently occur when patients are receiving
a number of drugs, and thus etiological relationship may be difficult to
assess. When patients take drugs for a febrile disorder that ultimately
proves to be an infection, an eruption may be due to the underlying
disorder or the prescribed drug. Some cutaneous drug reactions may be
dose-dependent or due to exacerbation of underlying disease.
The terms considered here refer to adverse drug reactions that affect the
skin prominently and are at times severe. Systemic disorders such as serum
sickness may have skin manifestations but do not involve the skin primarily
and are therefore discussed under different organ-systems. Other terms not
considered are those that refer to such disorders as psoriasis, scleroderma,
and systemic lupus erythematosus, disorders occasionally reported as
drug-related but already clearly defined in the medical literature. However,
when patients present with atypical signs and symptoms of such conditions
as scleroderma and systemic lupus erythematosus, drugs as etiological
factors should be considered; an example is the eosinophilia-myalgia
syndrome, associated with l-tryptophan. Also not considered are terms for
disorders of the hair and sweat glands and acneiform eruptions; these
disorders are usually easy to describe and the terms used are not liable to
Bullous reactions, i.e., reactions characterized by blisters, frequently
reported in association with drugs include erythema multiforme, Stevens-
Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Bullae may also be a
feature of photosensitivity reactions and fixed drug reactions. In assessing
patients with blisters it is important to distinguish the condition from
primary bullous diseases such as pemphigus and pemphigoid. The latter is
seen mainly in the elderly, who may be taking multiple medications. It is
important to be aware that many common skin disorders, e.g. insect-bite
reactions and pompholyx eczema, may present with localized blisters.
Drug-induced alterations in the pigmentation of the skin usually take the
form of hyperpigmentation; it may be due to excess melanin, as in melasma
due to estrogen-containing drugs, or to other pigments e.g. associated
with the use of minocycline or amiodarone. Drug-induced pigmentation is
usually most marked in parts of the skin exposed to sun.
Rash is an undesirable term for reporting a cutaneous drug reaction. Rash
is essentially a lay term, usually implying sudden onset of skin lesions and
therefore encompassing virtually all cutaneous adverse reactions.
As a general rule, in reporting cutaneous drug reactions specific terms
should be used, but only when the criteria for their use are fulfilled. If
minimum criteria for a specific diagnosis cannot be met it is better to
provide a description of the features of the case, including distribution,
physical appearance, associated signs and symptoms, and laboratory
findings. It is also important to give the evolutionary history of the reaction
in relation to administration of the drug and final outcome.
Validation of reports of cutaneous adverse reactions will usually require
expert opinion.
Dermatitis (Eczema)
The terms dermatitis and eczema are synonyms. The term contact
dermatitis is used to describe dermatitis produced by direct contact with
a causative agent, which may be an irritant or an allergen.
Dermatitis or eczema is a superficial skin inflammation. In the acute phase
it is characterized by vesicles, redness, oedema, oozing and crusting. In the
chronic phase there is marked scaling and thickening of the epidermis.
There is usually itching.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Skin eruptions as defined.
Reference 7b
Dermatitis exfoliative
The terms erythroderma and exfoliative dermatitis are used synonymously.
Preference should be given to exfoliative dermatitis.
Exfoliative dermatitis is a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the
entire skin, characterized by redness of the skin and scaling, with acute onset.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Presence of skin eruption as defined. Cutaneous lymphoma, eczema and
psoriasis have to be excluded.
Reference 7b
Fixed drug eruption
The term fixed drug eruption is preferred to fixed drug reaction.
The term drug eruption (drug rash) should not be used as a synonym of
fixed drug eruption or fixed drug reaction. The diagnosis should be
differentiated from erythema multiforme.
Fixed drug reaction is a skin or mucosal eruption characterized by solitary
or multiple oval erythematous patches, initially with dark-coloured
centres, which may progress to bullous formation, and tending to involve
the face, hands, feet and genitalia. With each drug challenge the eruption
rapidly occurs in the areas initially affected but new areas can also be
Eruptions may be followed by residual pigmentation.
Basic requirements for use of the term
An eruption satisfying the above definition.
Reference 7b
Lichenoid drug eruption
Lichenoid drug eruption is a skin reaction with some features of lichen
planus. For reporting purposes the term lichenoid drug eruption should
replace the term dermatitis lichenoid used in several terminologies.
Lichenoid drug eruption is a subacute violaceous papular/plaque
eruption. Wiekham’s striae and polygonal configuration, characteristic
of lichen planus, are not present, and the eruption does not always involve
the sites most likely to be affected by lichen planus (i.e., the flexures of the
wrists and ankles, and the oral mucosa).
Basic requirements for use of the term
Skin reaction as defined. Eosinophils in the infiltrate support a drug-
induced reaction but do not prove it. Characteristic biopsy findings help to
confirm the diagnosis.
Reference 7b
Pustular eruption
Acute pustular eruptions are uncommon but often serious enough to merit
hospitalization. The characteristic lesions are sterile pustules in the
superficial part of the epidermis. The eruption resembles pustular
psoriasis. The condition is a specific syndrome. Synonyms of pustular
eruption are pustuloderma, pustular rashes, and acute generalized exanthe-
mic pustulosis.
Pustular eruption is a sudden, symmetrical and widespread eruption
consisting of numerous small sterile pustules arising on oedematous
painful erythema. Lesions usually predominate in intertriginous areas.
Fever, leukocytosis and eosinophilia are usual.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Presence of pustules as defined. Spontaneous regression of the eruption in
less than two weeks is an important feature helping to differentiate
pustular eruption from pustular psoriasis.
Reference 7b
Urticaria / Angioedema
Urticaria is a very common skin reaction with many possible causes,
including insect stings, food and drugs. The basic lesions of urticaria are
wheals, which are swellings of the skin originating in the dermis and having
a white centre with a red edge. Characteristically, the lesions of urticaria
may come and go. Individual lesions are of short duration.
The term angioedema is used to describe a condition similar to urticaria but
involving the deeper dermal and subcutaneous tissues. In everyday clinical
use angioedema is a synonym of Quincke’s oedema and angioneurotic
Urticaria and angioedema may be part of a life-threatening anaphylaxis.
Urticaria is a skin eruption consisting of multiple transient wheals, usually
with itching.
Angioedema is an eruption similar to urticaria but with larger, oedematous
wheals involving dermal, subcutaneous or submucosal tissues. It is
sometimes associated with severe respiratory distress due to oedema of
the upper airways.
Basic requirements for use of the terms
Presence of skin eruptions as defined. If individual wheals remain fixed for
more than 48 hours or there is unexplained fever, alternative diagnoses,
including vasculitis, should be considered.
Reference 7b
Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
(See Introduction to Skin and Appendages Disorders)
Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
necrolysis are conditions characterized by blisters (bullous reactions); they
have traditionally been regarded as related disorders, with occasionally
overlapping signs and symptoms. Similar disorders include necrosis of
keratinocytes, leading to blisters and epidermal detachment.
Recent evidence suggests that erythema multiforme should be separated
from Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: erythema
multiforme is usually not caused by drugs, while Stevens-Johnson
syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in general are adverse drug
In some countries, the term erythema exudativum or erythema exudativum
multiforme is used as a synonym of erythema multiforme.
The term Lyell’s syndrome is considered a synonym of toxic epidermal
necrolysis but its use is not recommended.
Erythema multiforme is an acute disease characterized by symmetrically
distributed papular lesions affecting mainly the extremities, often with
mucosal erosions. The typical lesion is target-shaped: it is concentrically
organized with three different-coloured zones, often with a blister in the
centre, and it is clearly demarcated from the surrounding skin. There may
be general symptoms such as fever and malaise.
Reference 7b
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (formerly also called erythema multiforme of
major type) shows widespread skin lesions, which may either be target-
shaped or consist of erythematous macules with epidermal detachment,
together with severe mucosal erosions. Erosions of the skin do not exceed
10 per cent of body surface area. The general symptoms are more marked
than in erythema multiforme.
Reference 7b
Toxic epidermal necrolysis is characterized by widespread erythematous
areas with epithelial necrosis and epidermal detachment (> 10 per cent
body surface area), leaving bare dermis. Initially there are often also small
erythematous or purpuric lesions with or without blisters. Extensive
mucosal erosion is frequent. General symptoms, usually severe, include
high fever, malaise and painful skin.
Basic requirements for use of the terms
Presence of typical skin lesions. Physical causes and autoimmune blistering
diseases may have to be excluded; skin biopsy and clinical photographs are
Reference 7b
Photosensitivity reaction, Phototoxic reaction, Photoallergic reaction
All forms of photosensitivity refer to exaggerated or abnormal responses
to ultra-violet radiation or to light, and most commonly occur on exposed
parts of the skin. Photosensitivity reactions may be pleomorphic and
include dermatitis-like reactions.
Phototoxic reactions, which are non-immunological events caused by
drugs or chemicals, are far more common than photoallergic reactions,
which do signify an immunological response.
The terms phototoxic reaction and photoallergic reaction are considered
more suitable than photosensitivity toxic reaction and photosensitivity
allergic reaction, respectively.
The terms phototoxic and photoallergic are specific and should be used with
caution in the absence of expert investigation.
Photosensitivity reaction is an exaggerated ‘sunburn’ reaction.
Reference 7b
Phototoxic reactions are exaggerated sunburn-like reactions resulting
directly from the photosensitizing substance.
Reference 7b
Photoallergic reactions are pleomorphic, immunologically mediated, skin
Basic requirements for use of all three terms
Cutaneous drug reactions satisfying the defined criteria, with special
reference to the effects of exposure to light or ultra-violet radiation.
Phototoxic reactions occur up to two days after exposure and are clearly
limited to exposed areas of the skin. Photoallergic reactions occur only
after a period of sensitization, and the skin reaction may extend beyond the
exposed areas and may recur with re-exposure to sunlight even without
further use of the drug (rechallenge).
Reference 7b
Musculo-Skeletal System Disorders
(SOC 0200)
(see SOC 0410: Central and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders)
Fracture pathological
A pathological fracture can occur in association with inflammatory,
metabolic or neoplastic bone lesions or otherwise altered bone structure.
Pathological fracture is fracture of damaged or diseased bone by a cause
that would not fracture a normal bone.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical and X-ray findings consistent with the definition.
Reference 12
Myopathy can be due to a number of causes and the underlying
pathological mechanism should be elucidated. Myopathy may occur as a
result of drug-induced disease.
The level of serum creatine kinase (CK) activity is of special value in the
diagnosis of myopathy.
Patients often present with renal failure, as a secondary effect of myositis.
Myopathy should be considered in cases of acute renal failure, which may
be due to rhabdomyolysis.
Myopathy is a disorder of striated muscle, with or without changes in
muscle mass. It may be accompanied by muscle pain (myalgia) or
Basic requirements for use of the term
A clinical diagnosis supported by appropriate investigations and a search
for the cause is necessary. The condition should not be called a myopathy if
the relevant electromyographic, clinical-chemistry, histological, and
histochemical findings are normal.
Reference 4
Myositis is a frequently misused term and should not be used as a synonym
of myalgia. Myositis generally involves striated muscle and only rarely
cardiac muscle.
Polymyositis is characterized by inflammatory changes with a predomi-
nant lymphocytic infiltration. Dermatomyositis is a polymyositis asso-
ciated with a characteristic heliotropic rash. Both polymyositis and
dermatomyositis are associated with myositic-specific auto-antibodies.
Infectious myositis (interstitial focal myositis) is caused by such infectious
agents as mycoses, parasites, bacteria or viruses.
Myositis is inflammation of striated muscle, producing muscle weakness,
elevated muscle enzymes in the serum, and electromyographic abnorm-
Basic requirements for use of the term
The clinical picture plus elevated serum creatine kinase (CK). If the CK
level is not elevated the diagnosis will normally be confirmed by
electromyography and biopsy.
Reference 12
Osteoporosis results from an accelerated rate of bone loss or a reduced rate
of bone formation. Apart from age-related osteoporosis, risk factors
include genetic, lifestyle (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low
physical activity), and nutritional (calcium, vitamin D and protein intake)
factors. Women are predominantly affected, owing to post-menopausal
deficiency of estrogen.
Secondary osteoporosis can be due to immobilization (e.g., from spinal-
cord injury), disease (e.g., hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, rheu-
matoid arthritis) or drugs, especially glucocorticoid therapy.
The cause of osteoporosis can usually be determined by a careful
diagnostic work-up that includes clinical history, physical examination,
laboratory measurements, bone densitometry and radiographic imaging.
Osteoporosis is a bone disorder characterized by low bone-mass and
micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue, with consequent increase
in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The diagnosis is established by proof of systemic osteopenia (T-score value
at lumbar spine more than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean for a
young adult population) with osteodensitometry, such as dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry, with or without vertebral fracture. Bone turnover
can be determined by biochemical markers of bone formation and
bone resorption (e.g., osteocalcin, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase,
collagen-telopeptide, deoxypyridinoline).
Other osteopenic conditions should be excluded.
Reference 12
Collagen Disorders
(SOC 0300)
LE syndrome (Lupus erythematosus syndrome)
Synonym: Systemic lupus erythematosus
LE syndrome (lupus erythematosus syndrome) is a classical auto-immune
disease. Over a period it may produce variable combinations of fever, skin
lesions (in typical cases a butterfly malar rash), hair loss, arthritis, pleuritis,
pericarditis, nephritis, anaemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and
disorders of the central nervous system. Hormonal factors, environmental
toxins, infectious agents, genetic predisposition and certain medications
have all been considered risk factors. The clinical course is characterized by
periods of remission and relapse.
Drugs may trigger symptoms of the disease in predisposed individuals or
exacerbate existing symptoms. Such symptoms may continue for some
months after the drug is withdrawn.
A drug-induced LE syndrome may differ from the idiopathic condition;
only rarely does the drug-induced syndrome involve the kidney. The
antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in the drug-induced syndrome are directed
mostly against histones and rarely against double-stranded (ds) DNA.
Lupus erythematosus syndrome is a collagen-vascular disease with a wide
range of rheumatic manifestations and affecting multiple organ systems. It
is characteristically associated with auto-immune abnormalities, especially
auto-antibodies to a number of antigens, most specifically antinuclear
antibodies and their sub-specificities (e.g., anti-double-stranded DNA).
Basic requirements for use of the term
The American Rheumatism Association has specified 11 criteria for the
classification of lupus erythematosus syndrome (listed below). To establish
the diagnosis, at least four of these criteria, including the presence of
antinuclear antibodies (ANA), must be met.
American Rheumatism Association Criteria for Classification of Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus
1. Malar rash Fixed erythema, flat, or raised, over the malar
eminences, tending to spare the basolabial
2. Discoid rash Erythematous raised patches with adherent
keratotic scaling and follicular plugging
3. Photosensitivity Skin rash as a result of unusual reaction to
4. Oral ulcers Oral or nasopharyngeal ulceration, usually
5. Arthritis Nonerosive arthritis involving two or more
peripheral joints, characterized by tender-
ness, swelling, or effusion
6. Serositis a) Pleuritis
or b) Pericarditis
7. Renal disorder a) Persistent proteinuria
or b) Cellular casts
8. Neurologic disorder a) Seizures
or b) Psychosis
9. Haematologic disorder a) Haemolytic anaemia
or b) Leukopenia
or c) Lymphopenia
or d) Thrombocytopenia
10. Immunologic disorder a) Positive LE cell preparation
or b) Anti-DNA: antibody to native DNA in
abnormal titre
or c) Anti-Sm: presence of antibody to Sm
nuclear antigen
or d) False-positive serologic test for syphilis
11. Antinuclear antibody An abnormal titre of antinuclear antibody by
immunofluorescence or an equivalent assay.
Reference 12
Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Retroperitoneal fibrosis (also called Ormond’s disease) is a rare
disorder, with an incidence in males about three times that in females,
and peaking in the sixth and seventh decades. Fibrous tissue is deposited
extensively throughout the retroperitoneal space, compressing the
ureters, the great vessels, the bile duct and other structures. In most
cases the disorder is idiopathic. It may be malignant. The condition has
been reported in association with several drugs: methysergide (for
migraine), ergotamine, various beta-adrenergic blocking agents, hydra-
lazine and methyldopa.
Associated diseases have included systemic lupus erythematosus, vascu-
litis, scleroderma, eosinophilic fasciitis, biliary cirrhosis, rubella-asso-
ciated arthritis, and renal or uterine or other cancers.
There is accumulating evidence that the condition is an autoimmune peri-
aortitis. Peri-aortitis or chronic peri-aortitis could thus be regarded as a
synonym of retroperitoneal fibrosis.
As the symptomatology is vague and the clinical presentation non-specific,
the diagnosis of retroperitoneal fibrosis is commonly delayed. It relies on
radiological or other imaging findings.
In the differential diagnosis a tumour of a different origin should be
Retroperitoneal fibrosis is fibrosis of organs or tissues in the retro-
peritoneal space, compressing the ureters, the great vessels, the bile duct or
other structures.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The demonstration of fibrotic tissue by imaging techniques, such as
ultrasonography, computed tomographic (CT) scan, or magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI).
Reference 12
Vasculitis comprises a heterogeneous group of inflammatory vascular
lesions that can involve any kind of blood vessel, irrespective of its lumen
or location. Vasculitis gives rise to such conditions as ischaemia or
thrombosis, which may cause serious organ-damage and be life-threaten-
Vasculitis is a necrotizing inflammatory lesion of blood vessels, leading to
their occlusion or disruption, with clinical sequelae.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical or biopsy findings satisfying the definition.
The clinico-pathological diagnosis of vasculitis is supported by the
demonstration of elevated levels of acute-phase reactants (demonstrated
by, e.g., erythrocyte sedimentation rate, differential blood count showing
thrombocytosis and leukocytosis, and C-reactive protein), high levels of
rheumatoid factors and cryoglobulins, hypocomplementaemia, anti-
nuclear antibodies (ANA), and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
(ANCA) especially those ANCAs directed against proteinase 3 or
Reference 12
Central and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders
(SOC 0410)
General Introduction to Terms Designating Central
and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders
and Psychiatric Disorders
There have been notable advances in knowledge about the function and
role of neurotransmitters in the processing of information in the brain.
Numerous neurotransmitter systems have been identified. Among the most
significant are those that contain gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
glutamate, noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine.
Many drugs may cause disturbances in the neurotransmission or other
processes in the brain. They are manifested in disturbances of affect,
behaviour, psychomotor activity or centrally controlled somatic functions.
Some drugs may exert non-specific effects e.g., a general toxic effect on
neurones, or impairment of membrane conduction; others, by contrast,
may affect specifically one or other neurotransmitter system, such as the
dopaminergic or GABA-ergic system. Specific effects of drugs on a
particular neurotransmission system may be intended therapeutic effects in
certain patients but adverse effects in others. An example is the sedative and
muscle-relaxant effects of benzodiazepines, which are therapeutic in
various conditions but considered as adverse in patients treated for anxiety
Drug-induced adverse reactions reflecting brain dysfunctions are in many
cases similar to spontaneous, physiological fluctuations in brain function-
ing or to symptoms and signs of mental or neurological disorders, which the
drugs may trigger or exacerbate. Moreover, without specific diagnostic
criteria or techniques, a variety of centrally induced drug-related symptoms
cannot be differentiated from those of peripheral origin. Also, in some
cases, a central origin of an adverse reaction can be only inferred from the
known pharmacological action of the drug on the central nervous system.
A factor that has to be considered in the use of terms and classifications of,
particularly, psychiatric adverse events is that the symptoms can rarely be
assessed by objective methods. They are prone to individual interpretation,
therefore, and the diagnosis often depends upon special clinical experience.
In reporting such adverse reactions, the observed event should be precisely
described and it is often necessary to take into account the current state and
clinical course of the condition.
In reporting psychiatric or neurological adverse events, terms precisely
describing the observed signs, symptoms or states should always be
preferred to the general term disorder. A precise description often indicates
the site of action of the drug. In the classification of diseases, disorder
usually denominates a common, higher nosological category (for example:
mood disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorder) to
which a particular disease or disturbance belongs. It gives no information
about the specific type of event or the phenomenon observed. Therefore,
the use of the term in reporting carries many risks of misinterpretation or
misrepresentation of drug-induced adverse-event profiles.
Introduction to Terms Designating Disorders of the Central
and Peripheral Nervous System
Motor, sensory and autonomic (vegetative) functions are controlled by the
central nervous system. Many drugs may affect nerve conduction. The type
of drug action and localization of its effect will determine whether or how
one or several motor, sensory or autonomic functions may be affected.
The status of the central and peripheral nervous system, since it is
expressed in motor, sensory and vegetative functions, can be more or less
objectively assessed by clinical examination as well as by neuroradiological
and electrophysiological techniques. These techniques are important aids
to differential diagnosis but they have no place in determining whether a
condition is caused by, or related to, a drug.
Symptoms and signs of drug-induced neuronal dysfunctions may require
differentiation from those of other neurological disorders. Drugs may
exacerbate signs of pre-existing disorders (e.g., convulsions in epilepsy).
Sometimes drugs induce specific and typical patterns of dysfunction
related to particular pharmacological properties (e.g., neuroleptic
malignant syndrome or anticholinergic syndrome), often with symptoms
that occur also with conditions not caused by drugs, such as influenza or
acute infectious disease, or with intoxication of other origin (e.g., poison,
alcohol delirium). The diagnosis of such events calls for particular
attention to, and consideration of, current status and time course. Some
symptoms of body dysfunctions (motor, sensory or other) suspected of
being drug-related may not be due to drug-induced peripheral or central
nervous system conditions, but may be indirect effects of other, even
physiological, reactions (e.g., tremor, muscular tension or increased
muscular tone in acute fear) or symptoms of pre-existing motor,
autonomic, mental or sensory malfunctions.
For these reasons it is essential in reporting suspected drug-induced events
of neurological origin to describe precisely the signs observed and the
symptoms reported. General terms such as disorder and abnormal should
be avoided.
Anticholinergic syndrome
The anticholinergic syndrome is a rare complication of treatment with
drugs having anticholinergic properties. The typical clinical picture is one
of symptoms of a blockade of central and peripheral cholinergic
(parasympathetic) neurones. The form that the syndrome takes should
correspond with known anticholinergic properties of the drug in question.
Other possible causes of anticholinergic syndrome must be considered
before it is diagnosed as an adverse drug reaction. For reporting a single
symptom of anticholinergic nature, a term precisely describing it (e.g.,
blurred vision, dry mouth) should be used.
Anticholinergic syndrome is a confusional state with characteristic
features related to dysfunction of the autonomic parasympathetic
(cholinergic) system.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of fixed and dilated pupils is essential. Additionally, there
must be a cluster of symptoms of the autonomic-dysfunction type (e.g.,
tachycardia, fever, vasodilation, constipation, urinary retention, dry
mouth), or of the mental type (e.g., anxiety, delirium, disorientation,
hallucinations, confusion), or of the motor type (e.g., seizures,
Reference 9
Apathy (See SOC 0500: Psychiatric Disorders)
Choreoathetosis usually indicates dysfunction of the extrapyramidal
system. Chorea or athetosis may occur separately in a variety of
neurological diseases and syndromes. When choreoathetosis is drug-
induced (as in hyoscine chorea after acute scopolamine intoxication) it
should be called chorea-like or choreiform movements. For movements that
are so sustained that they appear as abnormal posture the term dystonia is
commonly used, and the terms athetosis and dystonia are often used
interchangeably. In reporting such abnormal movements as suspected
adverse drug reactions, causes other than drug-related should be excluded
(e.g., cerebral palsy, focal intracranial diseases, hepatic encephalopathy,
hepatic cirrhosis). Whenever possible, the cause of the movement
abnormality should be specified (e.g., levodopa-induced or lithium-
induced chorea). In reporting an adverse event that appears similar to
only one of these types of abnormal movement, the terms choreiform
movements and athetosis/dystonia-like should be used instead of chorea
and athetosis.
Choreoathetosis is a common term used to describe abnormal movements
having characteristics of chorea and athetosis, and usually accompanied
by abnormal gait and speech difficulties.
Chorea denotes the ceaseless occurrence of a variety of apparently well-
coordinated involuntary, arrhythmic, rapid, highly complex and unpre-
dictable jerky movements of different, mostly distal, parts of the body
(limbs, face muscles, tongue).
Athetosis denotes abnormal, slow, sinuous, writhing-type movements that
may be generalized or restricted in distribution, and tend to occur more in
the distal than in the proximal parts of the body.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 9
‘A convulsion is but a symptom ...’ (Writings of Dr. Hughlings Jackson).
Temporary or persistent structural or functional disorders of the cerebral
tissue are involved in the pathogenesis of convulsions.
Drugs may directly or indirectly cause convulsions in epileptic patients or
in persons with a low convulsion-threshold, or even in healthy subjects.
Convulsions may also be precipitated by discontinuation of drug use. The
nature and sequence of related symptoms may give important diagnostic
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most important diagnostic
adjunct available in the clinical assessment of convulsions. However, a
normal EEG does not preclude a diagnosis of convulsions.
For present purposes, convulsions have been defined in a way that excludes
absence seizures (petit mal); hysterical seizures also need to be
differentiated from convulsions.
A convulsion can be an isolated event or part of a convulsive syndrome for
example, of an epileptiform state. The underlying cause needs to be
discovered whenever possible.
Convulsions are the motor component of cerebral seizures. Convulsions
are of cerebral origin and are characterized by contractions of skeletal
muscles, appearing abruptly and involuntarily. These contractions may be
tonic or clonic and they may be focal or generalized.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Verification of convulsions involves a clinical description satisfying the
definition. The type and cause of the convulsion should be explored to the
degree possible.
Reference 4
Delirium (see SOC 0500: Psychiatric Disorders)
The term dyskinesia has been used to describe abnormal patterns of
movement in which voluntary control is impaired and which are due to
extrapyramidal dysfunction, as in Parkinson’s disease. In clinical practice
the term is commonly but imprecisely used as a synonym of hyperkinesia.
Reports of dyskinesia should be qualified by using a more exact term, by
describing its exact clinical characteristics, and by assigning it to a clinical
syndrome or a disease entity. Careful consideration should be given to the
possible place of drugs in the cause or modification of dyskinesia.
Muscle fibrillations, fasciculations and myokymia have to be excluded,
since they are caused by lesions of the anterior horn cells or the peripheral
The term dyskinesia is used to describe abnormal movement related to
extrapyramidal function and in which voluntary control is impaired.
Hyperkinesia refers to excessive involuntary, uncontrolled, recurring,
nonrhythmic but occasionally stereotyped movements, of extrapyramidal
origin, of striated muscles, resulting in altered patterns of movement of the
affected body parts.
The terms hypokinesia and akinesia refer to diminished and ultimately
absent movement; bradykinesia is used to designate slow movement, and
(as above) hyperkinesia to designate excessive movements.
Tremor, though not always due to extrapyramidal disorders, is similar to
hyperkinesia but is rhythmic.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The term dyskinesia has a general clinical meaning that lacks precision
regarding the specific type of movement and the parts of the body involved.
Well-defined and commonly used clinical expressions that describe the
condition and type of movement are preferred for reporting purposes
for instance, choreiform movements of the head, limbs and trunk; or
grimacing contractions of facial muscles, etc.
Care should be taken to differentiate drug-induced effects from
neurological manifestations of disease of other etiology.
Reference 4
Drugs may impair the voice and thereby produce difficulties in speech.
Impaired voice may occur for many other reasons, however (e.g., a cold,
tumours of the vocal cords). In reporting dysphonia as an adverse event,
other causes of voice impairment need to be excluded and the type of
impairment should be specified e.g., hoarseness. Usually voice
impairment can be clearly differentiated from speech difficulties due to
impaired articulation or other neurological conditions.
Dysphonia denotes any impairment of voice.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of any impairment of voice.
Reference 9
Dystonia occurs as an occasional complication of treatment with
neuroleptic and dopaminergic drugs and many others. Drug-induced
dystonia may be early (onset within one week of commencement of
treatment) or late (onset after several weeks, months or years of treatment).
Late persistent dystonia is usually termed tardive dyskinesia. In reporting
dystonia as an adverse drug reaction, pre-existing conditions and other
underlying causes such as ischaemia or anoxia should be excluded. Drugs
may aggravate pre-existing disorders.
Dystonia denotes abnormal movements that are slow or so sustained that
they may appear as abnormal postures.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of abnormal movements of groups of muscles or body
segments (grimacing, torticollis, blepharospasm, limb torsions), which are
sustained or slow, or appear as change in posture. Generally, they are
absent during sleep and exacerbated by emotional stress or voluntary
Reference 9
Encephalopathy is a generic term that encompasses all diseases
especially all chronic degenerative diseases of the brain. For reporting an
adverse drug reaction the term is uninformative as to the actual condition
or event and therefore should not be used. Instead, the observed signs/
symptoms should be described.
Encephalopathy is any disease of the brain in particular, any chronic
degenerative disease of the brain.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The unqualified term encephalopathy should not be used in reporting
adverse drug reactions.
Reference 9
Extrapyramidal disorder
Extrapyramidal and movement disorders encompass a variety of
disturbances of motor functions caused by lesions or dysfunctions of the
extrapyramidal motor system. In the nosology of disorders, therefore, the
term extrapyramidal disorder only globally denominates a common
anatomical basis for a variety of motor or movement disorders that may
present in a number of different ways e.g., a hyperkinetic-hypotonic or
an akinetic-rigid type of disorder. Some drugs, particularly those that
affect dopaminergic systems, may induce extrapyramidal motor dysfunc-
tions. Extrapyramidal disorder, however, is an imprecise and uninforma-
tive term with regard to type of dysfunction; it can also be misleading since
the event or condition to which it refers (e.g., tremor) may not be of
extrapyramidal origin. The term should not be used, therefore, in reporting
adverse drug reactions. Instead, the reporter should use the term for the
actual sign observed e.g., tremor, rigidity, akinesia, hypokinesia,
dystonia, and as far as possible describe precisely the type of disorder
e.g., postural tremor, intention tremor.
Extrapyramidal disorder is a disturbance of motor function caused by
lesions or dysfunctions of the extrapyramidal motor system.
Basic requirements for use of the term
As extrapyramidal disorder is a global term that does not indicate the actual
dysfunction or motor disorder that is present, the term should not be used
for reporting adverse drug reactions.
Reference 9
Gait abnormal
Gait is a complex function dependent on the normal functioning of
different parts of the nervous system. Abnormal gait is a dysfunction
within this complex system. The term abnormal is imprecise and should be
replaced whenever possible by a term that describes precisely the type of
impaired gait (e.g., festinating gait, ataxia, anteropulsia).
Abnormal gait is impaired posture and movement when walking.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 9
Synonym: Increased muscular tone (Included terms: spasticity, rigidity)
Some drugs can increase muscular tone and the increase may be of variable
severity and short-lasting or comparatively long-lasting. There are two
types of hypertonia: spasticity and rigidity.
Spasticity is a velocity-dependent increase in muscular tone, which affects
different muscle groups to a different extent. Rigidity is increased resistance
to passive movement, independent of the direction of movement.
Hypertonia is pathological increase in muscular tone.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of increased muscular tone, severe enough to impair motor
functioning, and, whenever possible, of the type of hypertonia (spasticity
or rigidity).
Reference 9
Synonyms: Flaccidity; Diminished tone; Floppiness
Many drugs may decrease muscular tone and this can be a desired or
undesired effect. Decrease of muscular tone is usually the consequence of a
specific action of a drug either on muscle or motor-nerve function or, not
rarely, on general arousal (e.g., sedative-hypnotic action). Hypotonia of
various degrees may be physiological (e.g., reduced wakefulness, sleep) or
associated with various neurological diseases. In reporting an adverse
reaction the possible origin of the decrease in muscle tone should be
considered, and the term hypotonia preferably replaced by muscular
relaxation if the condition is secondary to sedative, tranquillizing or
hypnotic action and a relationship to pharmacological action of a non-
toxic nature is obvious.
Hypotonia is decrease or loss of muscular tone, manifested by a decrease or
loss of resistance to passive movement.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of decrease or lost muscular tone is verified by physical
Reference 9
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare complication of treatment with
neuroleptic drugs or drugs having neuroleptic properties. Other diseases
with similar clusters of signs must be excluded e.g., septic shock (toxic
sepsis), septic encephalopathy, spontaneous pernicious catatonia with
malignant hyperthermia, and infectious diseases.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a life-threatening condition associated
with treatment with neuroleptic drugs.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of a cluster of signs, which should include at least the triad of
hyperthermia, rigidity, and increased creatinine phosphokinase activity,
associated with neuroleptic treatment. The presence of other signs outside
this triad supports the diagnosis; they include impaired consciousness and
signs of disturbed autonomic function (labile blood pressure or increase in
blood pressure, tachycardia and sweating) and leukocytosis, polynucleosis
and increase in liver enzymes.
Reference 9
Polyneuropathy is usually a manifestation of an underlying disease. The
underlying cause, including the possibility of a drug reaction, should
always be sought. Mononeuropathy is, in most cases, a manifestation of a
mechanical lesion. Investigation should include a complete neurological
and general medical examination, and the obtaining of a family,
environmental, occupational, and drug-exposure history.
Neuropathy is an impairment of the peripheral motor, sensory and
autonomic nervous system.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The diagnosis is usually made on clinical grounds, supplemented by
electrophysiological investigation. At least one of the following features
should be present:
1. Muscular weakness with diminished tone, or flaccid paralysis
(diminished tendon reflexes and wasting)
2. Sensory disturbances, including pain.
3. Impairment of autonomic function.
Reference 4
Oculogyric crisis
Synonyms: Oculogyric spasms; Eye spasms
Oculogyric crisis may occur as a complication of treatment with drugs that
affect the extrapyramidal system (dopaminergic antagonists/agonists and
a number of other drug-groups). Similar symptoms may be related to
Parkinson’s disease.
Oculogyric crisis denotes abrupt involuntary upward or sideward torsion
of the eyeballs and elevation of the upper eyelids associated with torsion of
the head in the same direction as that of the eyeballs.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 9
Paralysis can be caused by a variety of diseases, injuries, or pharmaco-
logical or noxious agents. A distinction should be made between
peripheral, central and psychogenic paralysis. Investigation should include
a complete neurological and general medical examination, and the
obtaining of a family, environmental, occupational, and drug-exposure
The term paresis indicates incomplete paralysis.
Paralysis is transient or permanent complete loss of muscle function. This
may be due to a neural, muscular, or psychological mechanism.
Basic requirements for use of the term
A clinical diagnosis of loss of muscle function, established by appropriate
investigations, and a determination of the cause.
Reference 4
Respiratory arrest (see SOC 1100: Respiratory System Disorders)
Respiratory depression (see SOC 1100: Respiratory System Disorders)
Serotonin syndrome
The serotonin syndrome is a rare complication of treatment with drugs
with serotonergic properties. lt is characterized by clusters (at least four
signs) of associated, comparatively severe, signs of motor (tremor,
myoclonus, convulsions), autonomic (hyperthermia, headache, profuse
sweating, tachycardia, hypertension/hypotension, diarrhoea, gastroin-
testinal cramps), and mental (agitation, confusion, disorientation,
hypomania, logorrhoea) dysfunctions. They may be present in any
combination or develop successively over a period of 24 to 48 h. Single
symptoms are non-specific and may have different causes (gastrointestinal
infections, influenza). For reporting a single symptom of suspected
serotonergic nature, a term that describes it precisely should be used.
The serotonin syndrome is a cluster of signs of motor, autonomic and
mental disturbances indicative primarily of excessive serotonergic func-
Basic requirements for use of the term
Essential signs are agitation, hyperthermia and myoclonus. Impaired
consciousness and other signs of disturbed autonomic functions confirm
the diagnosis.
Reference 9
Speech disorder
Synonym: Impaired speech
Drugs may affect speech in various ways: through their effects on the
central nervous system or on the muscular control of speech performance.
The term speech disorder covers dysphonia and disorders of articulation,
and should be distinguished from language disorder. The term should be
avoided as far as possible and used only when a more precise description of
speech abnormality (such as dysarthria or stuttering) cannot be used.
Speech disorder is any impairment in fluidity, rhythm, tone, or articulation
of words.
Basic requirements for use of the term
In accordance with the definition.
Reference 9
Thinking abnormal (see SOC 0500: Psychiatric Disorders)
Urinary retention (see SOC 1300: Urinary System Disorders)
Vision Disorders
(SOC 0431)
The eye is a highly developed sense organ in which minimal impairment
can produce a substantial effect upon function. The field is difficult with
regard to ADR reporting, for many non-specific terms have to be used if
special methods of investigation are not available.
The following descriptors are unsatisfactory as clinical or ADR reporting
terms, and further development of this terminology is necessary.
Cataracts may result from a number of processes and are mainly age-
related. Cataract is responsible for about 35 per cent of cases of visual
impairment and is one of the largest single causes of blindness world-wide.
Cataracts usually progress slowly, but are frequently only detected when
they reach a certain extent. Thus, even a ‘‘sudden appearance’’ could result
from a pre-existing condition. Care should be taken in evaluating apparent
association between these lesions and drug therapy. Symptoms may
include glare, blurred vision, altered colour perception, change of
refraction, and monocular diplopia.
A cataract is a congenital or acquired lack of clarity of the lens.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of lack of lens clarity, normally by ophthalmoscopy with
dilation of the pupil. For confirmation, characterization and localization
of a cataract, slit-lamp examination of the lens is usually required.
Reference 5
The term keratitis without qualification is undesirable in ADR reporting.
Keratitis may be caused by many factors, including physical exposure of
the cornea; bacterial, viral or fungal infection; toxic agents or foreign
bodies; and local exposure of the eye to drugs or the concentration of drugs
in the lachrymal fluid. lt may be associated with decreased corneal
The non-specific term keratitis is used to describe a wide variety of lesions
of the cornea.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The demonstration of corneal appearances satisfying the definition.
Specific terms describing the pathological nature of the lesion are to be
Reference 5
Retinal disorder
Many retinal disorders, especially those of the macula, lead to visual
impairment, which may ultimately be irreversible. Drugs have been
implicated in a wide variety of retinal lesions. Macular lesions may include
degeneration, oedema, and pigmentary changes. Other retinal lesions may
include detachment, vascular disorders (e.g., hypertensive, diabetic, and
other forms of retinopathy) inflammation, haemorrhage, deposits,
degeneration, and pigmentary changes. An exact diagnosis should be
established whenever possible.
All abnormalities of the retina are included in the term retinal disorder.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Fundoscopy, usually with dilation of the pupil, is necessary.
Reference 5
Vision abnormal
The term vision abnormal is non-specific and therefore undesirable in ADR
reporting. If the use of the term is unavoidable, then careful follow-up or
referral should be considered in order to establish a definitive diagnosis.
Vision abnormal is a change, usually a deterioration, in visual function or
Basic requirements for use of the term
A report of vision abnormal should lead to the establishment and reporting
of a specific diagnosis.
Reference 5
Hearing and Vestibular Disorders
(SOC 0432)
Ototoxic drugs can act selectively on the cochlea or the vestibular
apparatus, or on both. Hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo are three major
clinical manifestations of drug-induced damage to the inner ear. They can
occur separately or in combination, develop suddenly or gradually, and
may be temporary or permanent. Cochlear dysfunction may range from
minor elevations of hearing threshold, detectable only by audiometry, to
deafness. Hearing loss may be accompanied by transient or permanent
tinnitus. Clinically, cochlear-function deficits give rise to symptoms much
earlier than vestibular toxicity, which must be asymmetrical or bilaterally
severe before vertigo occurs. A reliable quantitative measure of vestibular
function is difficult to establish.
Ototoxicity is an adverse drug reaction affecting the inner ear,
characterized by cochlear or vestibular dysfunction.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Development of hearing loss, tinnitus or vertigo in connection with drug
While an ototoxic lesion may be suspected from the case history, an
ototoxic hearing loss can be verified only by audiograms taken before and
after the drug treatment. Audiometry should be performed under
standardized conditions in a sound-proof test box. The criterion for
establishing a diagnosis of drug-induced hearing loss is an increase in pure-
tone threshold from a baseline audiogram >15 dB (decibels) at one or
more frequencies. Without audiograms taken before and after the
treatment, however, the imputation of the condition to a drug is difficult
to sustain.
Reference 13
Psychiatric Disorders
(SOC 0500)
See General Introduction to Terms Designating Central
and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders
(SOC 0410)
Introduction to Terms Designating Psychiatric Disorders
With few exceptions there are no fully objective qualitative or quantitative
measures of mental functions; their assessment is usually based on criteria
established and agreed upon by experts. Also, the definition of abnormal
states depends largely on the definition of normality, which obviously can
be neither fully precise nor absolute for every individual. Usually the
assessment and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders are based on various
rating scales, which often include semi-quantification of the severity of
symptoms. Operational criteria for symptom definitions, diagnosis and
classification are found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV, 1994) of the American Psychiatric Association and
the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
(Chapter V: Mental and behavioural disorders) (ICD-10, 1992) of the
World Health Organization. In practice, however, the assessment and
diagnosis of psychiatric abnormalities rely heavily upon clinical experience
and are prone to subjectivity. In general, drugs may stimulate or inhibit
central nervous functions, with corresponding signs and symptoms of
increased or decreased mental processes and body reactions, or stimula-
tion and inhibition may occur together. In any case, in assessing drug-
induced changes it is essential to take into consideration the baseline
condition and often also the evolution of the changes over time.
Synonym: Lack or loss of appetite for food
Drugs may have inhibitory effects on appetite and food intake. Anorexia,
or loss of appetite, should be differentiated from hyporexia, which is
decrease of appetite. Also, it should be differentiated from lack of appetite
associated with adverse effects on gastrointestinal functions (e.g., nausea,
vomiting or diarrhoea). A lasting loss of appetite is accompanied by loss of
weight, which may go on to emaciation, which the physician should
measure and document. In anorexia, limitation of food-intake and loss of
weight are not deliberate. Anorexia may be a symptom of many acute and
chronic organic as well as mental disorders. The term anorexia nervosa for
a drug-induced adverse effect on appetite should be discouraged. Anorexia
nervosa is a well-defined mental disorder characterized by refusal to
maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and
height. For the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, operational criteria should
be applied.
Anorexia is loss of appetite for food.
Basic requirements for use of the term
In accordance with the definition.
Reference 9
Synonyms: Indifference; Lack of feelings; Emotional unresponsiveness;
Apathy is a term frequently used to describe impaired emotional reactivity.
Signs of psychomotor inhibition or retardation, or reduced wakefulness,
or hypomimia may be mistaken for apathy. Mostly, drug-induced signs of
apathy are secondary to the effects of drugs on alertness. The term should
therefore be used with caution and not used for signs of drug-induced
central-depressant effects.
Apathy is absence of emotional responsiveness or of feelings, or
indifference to one’s surroundings, or reduced reactivity to stimuli
normally eliciting a positive or negative reaction.
Basic requirements for the use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 9
Synonym: Acute confusional state.
Delirium is usually a consequence of acute or chronic intoxication caused
by drugs or by withdrawal of drugs or of alcohol, or due to causes other
than drugs (infection, fever, metabolic disorders, cerebrovascular dis-
orders). The cause can usually be clearly determined.
Delirium is a confusional state of acute onset, characterized by distorted or
reduced attention, delusions or hallucinations, disorientation, and clouded
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of clusters of signs and symptoms, of fluctuating intensity,
such as brief illusions and brief unsystematized delusions, hallucinations,
incoherence, psychomotor agitation or inhibition, and many physical
symptoms, including those of impaired autonomic functions. These
clusters may develop progressively and in a variety of combinations, and
may last from several days to weeks.
Reference 9
Depersonalization occurs in a variety of neurological and psychiatric
disorders. Transient episodes of depersonalization may occur in states of
excessive fatigue or acute distress, or after sleep deprivation. Drugs with
hallucinogenic properties may induce depersonalization, often associated
with psychotic reactions. Usually the individual retains insight and
recognizes the abnormal nature of the experience. The term depersonaliza-
tion should be used only if the individual clearly recognizes the most basic
level and the key components of self-awareness e.g., the reality and
integrity of the self (‘I am one person’), the continuity of the self (‘I am I
now, I was I in the past and I will be I in the future’, ‘I see myself from
outside my body as in a movie’) and the activity of the self (‘I move
mechanically’, ‘My movements are automatic and mechanical’, ‘I feel like
a robot’).
Depersonalization is alteration in the experience and awareness of self,
leading to a feeling of being unreal and detached from one’s own mind and
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 9
Depression is a term used in everyday language to denote a state of gloom,
despondency or sadness. Depression is not necessarily pathological if the
decline in mood is appropriate to the circumstances.
Mild transient changes in mood should not be confused with medically
significant depressive syndromes, which can be severe and life-threatening.
Depression is a morbid mental state dominated by a lowering of mood and
it often includes a variety of associated symptoms, particularly anxiety,
agitation, feelings of unworthiness, suicidal ideas, alteration of appetite
and sexual function, psychomotor retardation (slowness), sleep distur-
bance and various somatic symptoms and complaints.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical diagnosis. Organic brain conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease,
need to be considered and eliminated.
Reference 4
Personality disorder
Personality is a term used to describe the ingrained patterns of thought,
feeling and behaviour characterizing an individual’s unique lifestyle and
mode of adaptation, and resulting from constitutional factors, develop-
ment and social experience. The term personality disorder is used to
describe heterogeneous conditions in which a disturbance of some aspects
of behaviour is present. The term should not be used to report an adverse
drug reaction; rather, the report should indicate the specific change that
has occurred. In reporting the adverse effects of a drug, the baseline
personality type, trait, or disorder should be taken into consideration, and
only those changes deviating from the baseline reported.
See Preamble.
Basic requirements for use of the term
See Preamble.
Reference 9
The term psychosis is still sometimes used in reporting adverse drug
reactions. It is an imprecise term, however, which does not denote a specific
mental disorder and has little nosological value; it is used less and less,
therefore, in the medical/psychiatric literature. The recommended term for
reporting an adverse drug reaction is psychotic reaction.
Reference 9
Psychotic reaction
Certain drugs may provoke a psychotic reaction, aggravate an existing
reaction, or exacerbate a psychotic episode in patients with pre-existing
disorders characterized by recurrent psychotic phases. Psychotic reactions
may be brief or lasting; the symptoms of drug-induced psychotic reactions
are usually the same as those that characterize psychotic episodes of other
origins. If the psychotic reaction lasts more than four weeks the term
psychotic state is preferred. Usually, psychotic reactions do not occur with
normal doses of drugs. In reporting adverse reactions the type of reaction
should be specified e.g., delusional, hallucinatory, confusional, or other.
Psychotic reaction is a general term for any major mental disturbance
characterized by loss of contact with reality, impaired insight and
awareness, impairment of judgement and abstract thinking, or grossly
disorganized or bizarre behaviour.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 9
Thinking abnormal
The use of the term thinking abnormal is to be discouraged; it should be
replaced by thought disturbances.
Reference 9
Thought disturbances
Synonym: Thought disorder
Drugs may affect thought processes, but this occurs usually in addition to
other effects on mental and brain functions. Also, drugs may exacerbate
thought disturbances associated with mental disorders such as schizo-
phrenia and mood disorder, and thought disturbances may occur with
organic diseases of the brain (e.g., tumours or degenerative disorders).
Underlying mental or organic disease should be excluded, therefore, in
reporting adverse events. Slowness of the cognitive processes, secondary to
central-nervous-system depressant effects, should be differentiated from
primary thought disturbances.
In reporting suspected adverse drug reactions, it is preferable to specify
signs or symptoms rather than use the term thought disturbances.
Abnormal thought processes are changes in the speed of ideation and
association processes, which are reflected in changes of formal organiza-
tion and content of thoughts and their verbal expression.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 9
Withdrawal syndrome / Rebound effect
(see SOC 1810: Body as a Whole General Disorders)
Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders
(SOC 0600)
Abdominal pain
The term abdominal pain is a very undesirable term for reporting adverse
drug reactions but its use is also unavoidable. Abdominal pain may be of
pelvic origin or it may be referred pain of extra-abdominal origin. Back
pain (i.e., non-abdominal) may arise from abdominal viscera. If the term is
used for reporting an adverse reaction it should be qualified in relation to
anatomical site, severity, duration and nature of the pain.
Abdominal pain is pain in the topographical area of the abdomen.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The patient complains of abdominal pain. Every effort should be made to
establish an anatomical and pathological diagnosis.
Reference 10
Anorexia (see SOC 0500: Psychiatric Disorders)
The term colitis should be used only when the diagnosis has been confirmed
by endoscopy. When this is not feasible it is advisable to use descriptive
terms such as diarrhoea.
Endoscopy with biopsy establishes the type of colitis.
Colitis, which is inflammation of the colon, is a condition manifested by
such symptoms as diarrhoea and faecal blood or leukocytes, and may be
associated with abdominal pain. The inflammation may be diffuse or
limited to certain segments of the colon. When it is confined to the rectum,
the term proctitis is usually employed.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Endoscopy is the basic requirement for establishing the diagnosis.
However, the diagnosis of clostridium-associated colitis can be made with
high probability by demonstrating the presence of the specific toxin in
addition to the clinical signs and symptoms.
Reference 2
Colitis collagenous
Collagenous colitis is a condition that affects females predominantly; it
is associated with chronic watery diarrhoea and sometimes also with
cramping abdominal pains. It was first recognized in 1976. It can be
diagnosed only by colonoscopic biopsy, as colonoscopic and radio-
logical appearances are normal. It has been associated with the use of
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and also with other medica-
Collagenous colitis is a widening of the sub-epithelial collagen layer of the
Basic requirements for use of the term
Chronic watery diarrhoea accompanied by colonoscopic-biopsy demon-
stration of a subepithelial collagen layer wider than 10 m.
Reference 10
As an adverse drug reaction, constipation often presents as reduced
frequency in an individual’s defecation pattern associated with exposure to
a drug. For reporting purposes, the reporter should specify the change and
how it was related to exposure to the drug.
Constipation is either the passage of stools hard in consistency and
difficult to expel, or less frequent defecation than is habitual for the
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 10
Diarrhoea may be of infectious or non-infectious origin, and acute or
chronic. It is usually considered chronic if it continues for more than two
Diarrhoea is the passage of loose, unformed stools.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical appearances satisfying the definition.
Special remark
A particular instance of diarrhoea as an adverse drug reaction is diarrhoea
associated with infection of the colon by Clostridium difficile related to the
use of antibiotics. The most severe form of this condition is pseudomem-
branous colitis and its diagnosis requires endoscopic verification.
Reference 10
The term dyspepsia is used indiscriminately and imprecisely and should be
avoided in reporting adverse drug reactions. It is often used to designate
such complaints as abdominal pain, epigastric burning, heartburn, pyrosis,
sour/bitter taste, nausea, retching, vomiting, bloating or belching. The
actual terms for these conditions should be used instead. Reporters of
adverse drug reactions sometimes employ the term dyspepsia to designate
an isolated symptom or a group of symptoms of various disorders of the
alimentary tract, and sometimes as a ‘diagnosis’ of a functional disturbance
after they have excluded or failed to diagnose an organic condition.
Reference 10
The term gastritis is used indiscriminately and imprecisely and should be
avoided in reporting adverse drug reactions unless a histological diagnosis
has been obtained. The term is commonly misapplied. It should not be used
as a single term without qualification or further description. It is
impossible to make a clinical diagnosis of gastritis. Erosions seen at
gastroscopy should be termed gastric erosion and not gastritis.
Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The use of the term requires establishment of the diagnosis by biopsy. It
should be qualified if possible by site (antrum or fundus) and by presence
or absence of Helicobacter pylori and of atrophy.
Reference 10
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage is a term representing a sign or symptom, not
a diagnosis. Every effort should be made to establish a precise diagnosis
reflecting the causative lesion. Bleeding from the nasopharynx should be
excluded. Care should be taken to verify that blood (overt, microscopic or
occult) is present and that dietetic changes are not erroneously reported as
gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
The term gastrointestinal haemorrhage should not be used alone when the
specific site of the bleeding is known.
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage is defined as bleeding of any degree
occurring in the gastrointestinal tract (including the oesophagus and
haemorrhoidal varices).
Basic requirements for use of the term
1. It is essential that true blood in or from the gastrointestinal tract be
demonstrated before the term gastrointestinal haemorrhage is used.
2. In addition, every effort should be made to establish the origin of the
bleeding and report the specific lesion as such.
3. Bleeding from haemorrhoids should be reported as such.
Reference 2
Gastrointestinal infarction, Gastrointestinal necrosis,
Gastrointestinal gangrene
The terms gastrointestinal infarction, gastrointestinal necrosis and gastro-
intestinal gangrene are equivalent for clinical purposes. The term gangrene,
however, connotes infected necrosis. The condition may be a result of
ischaemia or of the action of a toxic substance or enzyme.
Intestinal necrosis is death of intestinal tissue.
Basic requirements for use of the terms
Definitive diagnosis by angiography, laparoscopy, laparotomy, endo-
scopy or post-mortem examination.
Reference 10
Haematemesis generally follows bleeding from the oesophagus, stomach
or duodenum, but occasionally nasopharyngeal, pulmonary or even
pancreaticobiliary-tract bleeding is manifested initially by haematemesis.
Severity can be assessed by evidence of low blood pressure, rise in pulse
rate, low haemoglobin and low haematocrit.
Haematemesis is the vomiting of fresh or altered blood.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Evidence of vomiting blood. ‘Coffee-ground’ vomiting should be sub-
stantiated specifically by endoscopic evidence of a bleeding site-otherwise it
should not be called haematemesis.
Reference 10
Haematochezia is usually a symptom of distal small-bowel or colonic
haemorrhage. Brisk haemorrhage from the proximal gastrointestinal tract
with accelerated transit may also result in haematochezia.
Haematochezia is the anal passage of bright red blood.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Evidence of the passage of blood by the anus.
Reference 10
Ileus is a consequence of inflammation, ischaemia, metabolic distur-
bance, neuromuscular damage or mechanical obstruction affecting the
bowel. It is not a primary diagnosis and the underlying cause should
always be sought.
Ileus is lack of intestinal peristalsis.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The clinical findings of silent abdomen (or nearly silent abdomen) should
be confirmed by X-ray of the abdomen showing dilated intestine.
Reference 10
Intestinal ischaemia
Intestinal ischaemia occurs when, in the absence of irreversible damage,
the oxygenation of the intestine is inadequate to allow normal function. It
may result from partial occlusion of small or large vessels, reduced cardiac
output or generalized hypoxia. Symptoms include weight loss and post-
prandial pain (small-intestine ischaemia) and diarrhoea associated with
pain (ischaemic colitis).
Intestinal ischaemia is inadequate oxygenation of the small intestine or
colon, resulting in a reversible impairment of intestinal function.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of characteristic local-tissue signs, including the absence of
peristalsis, on visual inspection by laparoscopy, laparotomy or endoscopy;
or a combination of characteristic symptoms with confirmatory evidence
on angiography.
Reference 10
Intestinal obstruction
Intestinal obstruction may be due to acute or chronic blockage of the
intestine at one or more sites and may be partial or complete. Complete
obstruction may eventually lead to ileus. Intestinal obstruction is
distinguished from paralytic ileus by the presence of bowel sounds. The
cause of the obstruction may be within the lumen or the wall of the intestine
or external to the wall.
Intestinal obstruction is the occurrence of a mechanical impediment to the
progression of the content of the intestinal lumen.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The clinical diagnosis of obstruction must be confirmed by X-ray.
Reference 10
Intestinal perforation
Intestinal perforation may be uncovered (in direct contact with the whole
peritoneal cavity) or covered (localized by the omentum or other organs).
Intestinal perforation is perforation of all the layers of the wall of the
stomach or intestine.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of typical clinical signs of perforation, including in uncovered
perforation signs indicating a diffuse peritonitis, and in covered perfora-
tion signs of only a localized peritonitis. Uncovered perforation is
confirmed by the demonstration of free gas in the abdominal cavity by
X-ray of the diaphragmatic region. Covered perforation is confirmed at
surgery. The anatomical site is established by surgery
Reference 10
Intestinal stenosis
Synonym: Intestinal stricture
Stenosis in the gastrointestinal tract is a consequence of various inborn or
acquired disease processes, such as anatomical abnormalities, inflamma-
tion, toxic injuries, ischaemia and malignancy, as well as drug use. It may
result in partial or total obstruction of the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.
Intestinal stenosis is pathological narrowing of the lumen of the intestine.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Endoscopic or radiological evidence of narrowing of the intestine
Reference 10
Melaena usually indicates bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract but
may also be due to bleeding in the middle or distal small bowel or even the
proximal colon.
Melaena is the passage of black stools.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition. Other causes of black stools, such as oral
medication with iron or bismuth or dietary causes (e.g., dark beers or
liquorice), should be excluded.
Reference 10
Drug-induced pancreatitis is usually an acute condition. The clinically
suspected diagnosis of acute pancreatitis should always be confirmed by
biochemical investigations.
Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, character-
ized by abdominal pain, frequently severe and of sudden onset, and almost
always accompanied by increased pancreatic enzymes in the blood and
urine. Although in about 80% of cases the disease is mild, severe attacks
may lead to shock with renal and pulmonary insufficiency, which may
prove fatal. In non-fatal cases, clinical, morphological and functional
recovery usually occurs.
Chronic pancreatitis is in most cases characterized by recurrent or
persisting abdominal pain. The diagnosis cannot be satisfactorily
established unless there is evidence of persistent morphological change
or pancreatic insufficiency, manifested by, for example, steatorrhoea or
diabetes mellitus. Pancreatic enzymes in blood or urine are usually
increased during attacks of acute pain, but usually to a less extent than in
acute pancreatitis.
Basic requirements for use of the term ‘‘acute pancreatitis’’
1. Upper abdominal pain, which is severe and sudden, usually accom-
panied by vomiting, and in more severe cases by abdominal guarding,
rigidity, rebound tenderness and diminution or loss of bowel sounds;
2. Increased pancreatic enzymes in the blood (amylase and lipase). Lipase
is more specific than amylase, but an increase in either enzyme to at least
twice the level of normal is significant.
3. Confirmatory investigations.
Whenever possible, the diagnosis should be confirmed by ultrasonography
or computerized tomography (CT), or other imaging techniques.
Basic requirements for use of the term ‘‘chronic pancreatitis’’
The presence of two of the following three manifestations:
1. Persistent impairment of pancreatic exocrine function (clinically
suspected by weight loss and signs of malabsorption) as demonstrated
by appropriate tests.
2. Confirmation of morphological change in the pancreas as demon-
strated by imaging techniques.
3. Abdominal or referred pain with or without pancreatic-enzyme
Reference 2
Peptic ulcer
See page 57: Ulcer oesophago-gastro-intestinal or Ulcer of the alimentary
The generic term peptic ulcer, as used in English, has no exact equivalent in
a number of other languages. Thus, more precise terms referring to the site
of the lesion (oesophageal, gastric, duodenal or jejunal) are preferred.
Ulceration should be distinguished from erosion of the mucosa. Erosion
involves the mucosa only; ulceration signifies penetration deeper than the
mucosal layer.
Unless endoscopy or radiological examination has established the
diagnosis, the clinical findings for example, abdominal pain should
be reported as such.
Peptic ulcer is a non-neoplastic, focal destructive lesion penetrating
beyond the mucosal layer and occurring in regions of the gastrointestinal
tract where there is acid and peptic activity. Such ulceration can be
asymptomatic but is frequently associated with abdominal pain occurring
in the fasting state, in relation to meals, or at night.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The findings of endoscopic or radiological examination are essential in
order to establish the diagnosis. The indicators for these examinations
include recurrent upper abdominal pain related to meals.
Reference 2
Peritonitis is most frequently an acute condition, either primary (of
unknown etiology) or secondary (perforation of intra-abdominal and
intra-pelvic organs, vascular events, pelvic infections, spontaneous
infection of hepatic ascites, haemorrhage, foreign bodies or drainage
e.g., continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis). As an adverse drug
reaction peritonitis may occur:
after perforation of drug-induced ulcers
after leakage through an intestinal perforation of X-ray contrast
material e.g., barium sulphate
as sterile inflammation after certain drugs, and as pseudoperitonitis in
drug-induced diabetes mellitus
as a granulomatous reaction to foreign material e.g., talc from surgical
as a sterile or septic complication following the use of contaminated
(e.g., during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis)
Peritonitis, unless localized, is characterized by generalized rigidity of the
abdominal wall, severe pain and ileus.
Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of peritoneal inflammation by imaging procedures
(ultrasound examination, CT scan, MRI) or by examination of peritoneal
fluid obtained by guided aspiration, or by visualization of macroscopic
peritonitis during laparoscopy or laparotomy.
Reference 10
Stomatitis may occur in the following forms: angular (e.g., in vitamin-B2
deficiency); erythematous, in Kawasaki syndrome in children; membra-
nous or pseudomembranous, due to bacteria or fungi (e.g., candidiasis);
uraemic; buccal haemorrhage due to thrombocytopenia or other
thrombocytic disorders; petechiae in the gum in infectious mononucleosis;
or in lichen planus, lupus erythematosus, Behcet’s disease or pemphigus.
As an adverse drug reaction stomatitis may occur in the following forms:
membranous or pseudomembranous, due to chemical irritants (gold,
iodine); due to heavy metals; as erythema and swelling due to allergens
(allergic stomatitis); and erythematous or ulcerative (‘mucositis’) during
chemotherapy. Stomatitis may occur also after radiotherapy or as a
reaction to dental problems and dentures, and as a reaction to ethanol,
tobacco or food (e.g., spices).
Stomatitis is a localized or generalized inflammation of the buccal mucosa.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical findings according to the definition.
Reference 10
Stomatitis ulcerative
Ulcerative stomatitis occurs as a symptom of erythema multiforme, which
may be drug-induced; as ulceration of the oral mucosa induced by
chemotherapy; as ulcerative or necrotizing gingivitis (Plaut-Vincent
angina); as oral ulceration from mercury poisoning; as a complication of
agranulocytosis, which may be drug-induced; as recurrent aphthous
stomatitis; or as herpetic ulcers (usually of the gum).
Ulcerative stomatitis is the occurrence of single or multiple ulcers in the
oral mucosa.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical appearances according to the definition.
Reference 10
Ulcer oesophago-gastro-intestinal or Ulcer of the alimentary tract
Ulceration may occur at any site in the oesophagus, stomach, duodenum,
small intestine or colon. There are many possible etiological factors,
including acid, drugs, infection (Heliobacter pylori in the stomach, viruses
at any site, protozoa in the colon), inflammatory bowel disease,
malignancy and ischaemia. The term peptic ulcer should be abandoned.
Ulcers should be defined according to their site.
An ulcer of the alimentary tract is a break of >3 mm diameter in the
mucosal lining. Smaller breaks are termed erosions.
Oesophageal ulcer. Oesophageal ulcer is an ulcer in the oesophagus,
distinct from the linear ulceration seen in reflux oesophagitis.
Gastric ulcer. Gastric ulcer is an ulcer in the stomach. It may be superficial
(not extending through the muscular mucosa) or deep. A superficial gastric
ulcer is synonymous with gastric erosion. Malignancy can he excluded only
by endoscopic biopsy.
Duodenal ulcer. Duodenal ulcer is an ulcer usually in the first part of the
Intestinal ulcer. Intestinal ulcer is an ulcer of the small intestine distal to the
first part of the duodenum.
Colon ulcer. Colon ulcer is an ulcer in the colon or rectum.
Basic requirements for use of the terms
Endoscopic or radiological demonstration of ulcer as defined.
Reference 10
Liver and Biliary System Disorders
(SOC 0700)
Gastro-intestinal haemorrhage
(see SOC 0600: Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders)
Haematemesis (see SOC 0600: Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders)
Liver injury
In the absence of a histologically established diagnosis, the term liver injury
is to be preferred to hepatocellular damage; the latter should be used only
when there is pertinent histological evidence.
Specific terms, e.g., hepatitis, cholangitis, should be used only when the
conditions they designate have been confirmed by histological or other
means. In the absence of confirmation of a specific liver lesion, such as
hepatitis, descriptive clinical terms such as jaundice should be used. The
term liver injury is appropriate in the presence of, e.g., jaundice, confirmed
by blood enzyme changes.
Liver injury is an increase of over twice the upper limit of the normal range
in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or conjugated bilirubin (CB), or a
combined increase in aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phos-
phatase (AP) and total bilirubin (TB), provided that one of these is present
in excess of twice the normal level.
ALT = Alanine aminotransferase;
AST = Aspartate aminotransferase;
N = Upper limit of the normal range;
AP = Alkaline phosphatase;
CB = Conjugated bilirubin;
TB = Total bilirubin
R (ratio) =
Serum activity of ALT
Serum activity of AP
Each activity is expressed as a multiple of N. Both should be measured
together at the time of recognition of liver injury.
The ratio (R) is used most in the case of patients with jaundice. R may vary
during the course of the liver injury.
The term acute liver injury is used when the increases specified for liver
injury have lasted less than three months.
The term chronic liver injury is used when the increases have lasted more
than three months. It should be distinguished from chronic liver disease,
which may be used only on the basis of histological findings.
The term severe liver injury is used in the presence of (in order of increasing
prothrombin* < 50% (or equivalent)**
hepatic encephalopathy
* valid only after parenteral administration of Vitamin K
** may be expressed as decrease in prothrombin concentration or
prolongation of prothrombin time
Fulminant liver injury is the term used to designate rapid (days to weeks)
development of hepatic encephalopathy and severe coagulation disorders.
Basic requirements for use of the terms
1. Demonstration of the enzyme changes as defined above.
2. Isolated but unconfirmed results of biochemical tests should be
reported as such and confirmed by repetition of the tests.
Further investigation is essential to establish a specific diagnosis.
Reference pre 1
Cholestatic liver injury
Liver injury is designated cholestatic when there is an increase of over 2 N
in AP alone or R 2.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition
Reference pre 1
Melaena (see SOC 0600: Gastrointestinal System Disorders)
Hepatocellular liver injury
Liver injury is designated hepatocellular when there is an increase of over
2 N in ALT alone or R 55.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition
Reference pre 1
Mixed liver injury
Liver injury is designated mixed when both ALT (above 2 N) and AP are
increased and 2< R < 5.
Reference pre 1
Liver function tests abnormal
Isolated increase even over 2 N in AST, AP or TB should be considered
only a biochemical abnormality and not necessarily a sign of liver injury.
When the increase in ALT, AST, AP or TB is between N and 2 N, the term
abnormality of liver tests should be used, not liver injury. (See the following
overview summarizing the above material.)
Reference pre 1
Overview: Designations of drug-induced liver disorders on basis of
abnormalities shown by liver function tests
Terms requiring histological data:
Hepatic necrosis
Chronic liver disease
In absence of histological data:
Abnormality of liver tests:
any increase between N and 2 N in
or AST
Liver injury:
increase over 2 N in ALT or CB
or combined increase in AST,
AP and TB, providing one of
them is above 2 N
Type of liver injury:
Hepatocellular: increase of over
2 N in ALT alone, or R>5
Cholestatic: increase of over 2 N in
AP alone, or R< 2
Mixed: increase of both ALT over
2 N and AP, and 2<R<5
Acute: elevation of liver tests
lasting less than 3 months
Chronic: elevation of liver tests
lasting more than 3 months
Fulminant: rapid (days to weeks)
development of hepatic encephal-
opathy and severe coagulation
Severe: liver injury complicated
by, in order of increasing
severity, jaundice, prothrombin
<50%, hepatic encephalopathy
Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders
(SOC 0800)
The pH of blood is one of the most constant physiological parameters. It is
maintained around pH 7.4, mainly by the bicarbonate—carbonic acid
buffer system. Measurement of the blood PCO
and bicarbonate together
with the pH will indicate the degree of metabolic or respiratory acidosis or
alkalosis and the extent of compensation by the buffer system. Drugs may
contribute to, but seldom cause, major disturbances of acid-base balance.
The causes of respiratory acidosis include:
1. Airways obstruction
2. Failure of bellows function, as in:
ankylosing spondylitis
chest injuries
relaxant drugs
4. Depression of respiratory centre, as in:
use of drugs (morphine, barbiturates)
cerebrovascular accident
The causes of metabolic acidosis include:
1. Ketosis due to diabetes or starvation
2. Shock
3. Cyclical vomiting in children
4. Severe dehydration
5. Ammonium chloride intake
6. Ingestion of large quantities of salicylates or other acidic compounds
7. Renal failure
8. Uretero-colonic anastomosis
9. Severe anoxia with accumulation of lactic acid (strenuous and
prolonged exercise, biguanides)
Acidosis can only be suspected from clinical signs and symptoms, such as
Kussmaul breathing. It must be substantiated by appropriate investiga-
tions and its cause determined.
Acidosis is an excess of hydrogen ion in the body. A respiratory acidosis is
primarily an increase in the blood CO
. A metabolic acidosis is primarily a
fall in the blood bicarbonate.
Basic requirements for use of the term
In ADR reporting, the term acidosis should always be qualified: the results
of biochemical studies, including the blood pH, bicarbonate, and CO
essential to establish the diagnosis and determine the cause.
Reference 5
Dehydration occurs with deficient intake of water or more commonly
when excessive amounts of water and sodium are lost by the kidneys, the
gastrointestinal tract or the skin. Water depletion may affect extracellular
or intracellular volume or both.
Dehydration may be the consequence of abnormality of water intake
(hypothalamic malfunction) or renal water wasting (diabetes insipidus).
Hypernatraemia (Na > 145 mmol/l) is common. When both water and
sodium are depleted, tachycardia, hypotension, and weight loss are
Dehydration is deficiency of body water.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical appearances consistent with the definition.
Reference 13
Gout is a manifestation of hyperuricaemia, typically in the form of acute
mono-articular inflammatory arthritis induced by crystals of monosodium
urate monohydrate. In some patients aggregated deposits of these crystals
(tophi) occur, in and around the joints of the extremities, which can induce
severe crippling. Many patients develop a chronic interstitial nephropathy.
Uric-acid urolithiasis is also common.
These manifestations of gout can occur in different combinations.
However, essential hyperuricaemia alone, even when complicated by
uric-acid lithiasis, should not be called gout; gout signifies inflammatory
arthritis or tophaceous disease.
Gout is a hyperuricaemic disease characterized by an acute or chronic
inflammatory process, generally in the form of an arthritis induced by
crystals of monosodium urate monohydrate.
Basic requirements for use of the term
1. Increase in serum urate values above 70 mg/L (0.42 mmol/L).
2. Signs and symptoms of a hyperuricaemic inflammation, typically
affecting the basal joint of the big toe (podagra), but also other joints or
bursae or tendon sheaths.
Reference 13
Osteoporosis (see SOC 0200: Musculo-Skeletal System Disorders)
Renal failure (see SOC 1300: Urinary System Disorders)
Cardiovascular Disorders, General
(SOC 1010)
Arterial occlusive (occlusion) disease
(see SOC 1230: Platelet, Bleeding and Clotting Disorders)
Cardiac aneurysm
(see SOC 1020: Myocardial, Endocardial, Pericardial and Valve Disorders)
Cardiac failure
Synonyms: Heart failure; Cardiac insufficiency; Myocardial failure;
Myocardial insufficiency; Pump failure
In establishing this diagnosis, special attention should be paid to the
1. Pre-existing cardiac failure.
2. Known cardiac disease.
3. Conditions predisposing to cardiac failure.
4. Detailed history of previous and concomitant drug therapy.
Cardiac failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump an
adequate amount of blood to meet the metabolic and physiological needs
of the body. Cases should be classified as follows, according to the
classification used by the New York Heart Association:
Class I: no limitation of physical activity
Class II: slight limitation of physical activity
Class III: marked limitation of physical activity.
Class IV: inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Any three of the following:
Dependent oedema.
Raised jugular venous pressure or hepatomegaly in the absence of liver
International Nomenclature of Diseases, Volume V, Cardiac and Vascular Diseases, CIOMS/ WHO,
Geneva, 1989, p. 84.
Signs of pulmonary congestion or effusion
Rapid heart-rate (>100 beats/min) or gallop rhythm
Enlarged heart
Dyspnoea in the absence of pulmonary disease
Ejection fraction less than 35 per cent.
Reference 1
Circulatory failure
In reporting circulatory failure as an adverse drug reaction the
accompanying symptoms and, when known, the causes should be clearly
described. A term more specific than circulatory failure should be used
when possible. Acute severe circulatory failure, regardless of etiology,
should be reported as shock and its origin should be indicated.
Circulatory failure is the inability of the cardiovascular system to provide
sufficient oxygen and nutrients to vital organs and to remove metabolites
at rates commensurate with metabolic requirements.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of hypotension and one or more signs of organ dysfunction,
such as diminished renal output.
Reference 11
Dyspnoea (see SOC 1100: Respiratory System Disorders)
Heart malformation (see SOC 1500: Fetal Disorders)
In validating a report on hypertension as an adverse drug reaction, the
following points should be kept in mind:
1. The number of measurements of blood pressure.
2. Whether the measurements were made with the patient at rest.
3. The presence or absence of pre-existing hypertension.
4. Any increase in blood pressure, within or above the normal range.
5. The presence of any underlying causes of hypertension.
6. The presence or absence of any known complication of hypertension in
the eyes, heart, kidney or brain.
Hypertension is elevation of the systemic arterial blood pressure above an
arbitrary dividing line, the one most commonly used for adults being 160
mmHg for the systolic pressure and 95 mmHg for the diastolic pressure.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Systolic pressure 160 mmHg or more, or diastolic pressure 95 mmHg or
more, as indicated by the fifth sound (Korotkoff), except in pregnant
women and in children
Reference 1
Hypertension pulmonary
Pulmonary hypertension is persistently elevated pulmonary arter ial pressure.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical findings according to the definition either a pulmonary systolic
pressure of 30 mmHg or more, or a pulmonary mean pressure of 20 mmHg
or more.
Reference 11
As an adverse drug reaction, hypotension should be reported as systolic
rather than mean pressure.
Hypotension is a level of blood pressure below the usual for the individual
and associated with attributable symptoms and signs
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical features according to the definition.
Reference 11
Hypotension postural
Synonym: Hypotension orthostatic
Postural hypotension is an excessive fall in blood pressure occurring upon
sitting up or standing up.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Evidence of a fall of more than 20 mmHg in systolic and more than 10
mmHg in diastolic pressure on sitting up or standing up.
Reference 11
Pulmonary oedema (see SOC 1100: Respiratory System Disorders)
Shock (see Circulatory failure)
Acute severe circulatory failure, manifest as multi-organ failure and
hypotension, is sometimes called shock. The word ‘shock’ sometimes
appears in unrelated expressions (e.g., ‘psychogenic shock’, referring to
strong emotional reaction), but these are misleading and should be avoided.
In reporting shock, the appropriate specific term (such as anaphylactic
shock, cardiogenic shock, hypovolaemic shock, septic shock, or spinal shock)
should be used instead of the more general term shock.
Reference 11
Syncope has many causes but it is most often due to cerebral
hypoperfusion. The term syncope should not be used to describe the loss
of consciousness associated with seizures or trauma.
Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness a fainting not
associated with seizures or trauma.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Confirmation that consciousness was temporarily lost.
Reference 11
Myocardial, Endocardial, Pericardial
and Valve Disorders
(SOC 1020)
Angina pectoris
Angina pectoris is a frequent symptom of myocardial ischaemia, occurring
when myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supply. It can be precipitated by
increased oxygen demand (exercise) as well as by reduced supply (coronary
vasoconstriction). It is associated with disturbed myocardial function.
Anginal symptoms can be caused or aggravated by drugs, including
vasodilating agents, which in the presence of coronary artery obstruction
may lead to more marked dilatation of healthy vessels and thereby reduce
blood flow in the diseased areas, thus leading to a so-called ‘steal
phenomenon’. Sometimes for the differential diagnosis, chest pain of non-
cardiac origin due to, e.g., pleuritis, pulmonary emboli, spasm of the
oesophagus, gallbladder disease, gastro-oesophageal reflux must be
Synonyms of angina pectoris include anginal syndrome, angor pectoris,
cardiac angina, effort angina, stenocardia, coronary spasm, coronary
insufficiency, anginal pain, anginal attack.
Variants of the term include the following:
Unstable angina. A subacute condition in which typical anginal attacks
occur without precipitating factors such as exertion, last longer and cause
more severe pain than in stable angina pectoris, and may occur more
frequently. Synonyms: acute coronary insufficiency; angina decubitus;
crescendo angina; preinfarction angina.
Coronary artery spasm. Temporary narrowing of the lumen of an
epicardial coronary artery as a result of contraction of the mural
smooth-muscle fibres, with reduction of blood flow giving rise to
myocardial ischaemia. The contraction is ascribed to spasm occurring in
angiographically normal or, more often, atherosclerotically stenosed
coronary arteries at the site of atherosclerotic stenosis. It results in attacks
of anginal pain occurring in most cases at rest (usually at night) and
characterized, when the lumen is completely occluded, by elevation of the
ST segments of the electrocardiogram; ST depression and/or T-wave
inversion occur frequently, sometimes in the same individual in different
attacks, and associated with incomplete occlusion of the artery. Attacks
may occur also during exercise. The disorder is more frequently associated
with atrioventricular block and ventricular arrhythmias than the classical
form of angina.
Synonyms: Prinzmetal angina; angina pectoris aggravated
Angina pectoris is a symptom of myocardial ischaemia. It is characterized
by attacks of precordial retrosternal pain or tightness, sometimes radiating
into the back and often into the neck and the left shoulder and arm, and
often precipitated by effort or excitement.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Presence of the typical symptoms, particularly pain, which is relieved by
sublingual nitroglycerine, together with confirmation of myocardial
ischaemia by appropriate tests such as ECG (with or without exercise
testing), radionuclide tests, or coronary angiography.
Reference 6
Aortic coarctation (see SOC 1500: Fetal Disorders)
Aortic stenosis (see SOC 1500: Fetal Disorders)
Arteriosclerosis [see SOC 1040: Vascular (Extracardiac) Disorders]
Artery malformation (see SOC 1500: Fetal Disorders)
Atherosclerosis [see SOC 1040: Vascular (Extracardiac) Disorders]
Atrial septal defect (see SOC 1500: Fetal Disorders)
Cardiac aneurysm
Synonyms: Aneurysm of the heart; Ventricular aneurysm
Aneurysm is a general term for a localized widening of the arterial lumen or
a distension of an artery or of the wall of the heart. Only aneurysm of the
heart wall is considered here.
Cardiac aneurysm is a localized distension of part of the ventricular wall,
more often the left ventricular wall, which has become thin as a result, most
commonly, of transmural infarction.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Confirmation by appropriate imaging techniques, such as ultrasound,
contrast or radionuclide cardiography, CT scan or magnetic resonance
imaging. Calcified aneurysms may also be diagnosed by X-ray examination.
Reference 6
Cardiomyopathy is the term used for heart-muscle disease of unknown
etiology. Heart-muscle disease due to toxic agents, nutritional deficiencies,
granulomata, connective tissue disorders, etc. are termed specific heart
muscle diseases. Cardiomyopathy may be of the dilated (so-called
‘congestive’), hypertrophic, or restrictive type. Hypertrophic cardiomyo-
pathy is in most cases a hereditary condition. Previous myocarditis may
lead to dilated cardiomyopathy, and alcohol may worsen it. As an adverse
drug reaction, heart muscle disease is almost exclusively of the dilated type
and is a well-known complication of anthracycline in the treatment of
Cardiomyopathy is a pathological condition of the heart muscle, of
unknown etiology, with either degenerative changes or inappropriate
hypertrophy of cardiac muscle cells.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The condition can be suspected on clinical grounds, in cases of unexplained
heart failure with cardiomegaly and gallop rhythm. Echocardiography, or
ventriculography with contrast media, or nuclear magnetic resonance is
required to make a diagnosis, by demonstrating either a dilated, poorly
contracting ventricle in the dilated type (after exclusion of atherosclerotic
or rheumatic heart disease) or inappropriate cardiac hypertrophy
involving the septum more often than the free wall (hypertrophic type).
In the restriction type, echo-Doppler techniques demonstrate impeded
ventricular filling.
Reference 6
Coronary artery disorder
Coronary artery disorder (also called coronary artery disease) is a group
term for a number of conditions, which may include any form of ischaemic
heart disease.
Coronary artery disorder (coronary artery disease) signifies any disease of
the coronary arteries, but is frequently used to indicate arteriosclerosis or
coronary artery spasm leading to ischaemic heart disease.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The term coronary artery disorder is undesirable in adverse-drug-reaction
reporting; a specific diagnosis should be established.
Reference 6
Endocarditis is, with rare exceptions, a bacterial infection, in more than
80% of cases due to gram-positive streptococci or staphylococci. It may
also, rarely, be a fungal infection, usually in intravenous drug abusers or in
patients with prosthetic valves. It is therefore generally termed infective
endocarditis. Immunological and drug-related causes have also been
It is characterized by the presence of vegetations on the surface of the
valves or in the endocardium itself. Apart from direct infection, rheumatic
fever is the commonest cause of endocarditis.
Endocarditis is an inflammatory process affecting the endocardium, and
particularly the heart valves. Infective endocarditis indicates a direct
infection of the heart by a pathogen.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Infective endocarditis may be suspected on clinical grounds in the presence
of fever of unknown origin and the appearance of a new heart murmur or
unexplained heart failure. To establish the diagnosis, echocardiographic
demonstration of vegetations or a positive blood culture is necessary.
Reference 6
Fibrosis endomyocardial
Synonyms: Fibrosis endocardial; Fibrosis myocardial
Although fibrosis endocardial and fibrosis myocardial are listed as
preferred terms, the conditions they represent cannot be clinically
differentiated; the term endomyocardial fibrosis is preferable, therefore,
and should be used instead of either term.
The specific entity called endomyocardial fibrosis is a cardiomyopathy (i.e.,
of unknown etiology) which occurs commonly in tropical Africa and
sporadically elsewhere, and shows extensive endocardial, subendocardial,
and myocardial fibrosis with overlying thrombosis. Apart from this
specific entity, fibrosis of the cardiac tissues will usually represent the
histological result of ischaemic heart disease or of an inflammatory
process. Abnormality of the blood eosinophils with hypereosinophilia is
present in cases in temperate climates. Myocardial fibrosis without
extensive fibrosis can occur in coronary heart disease.
Endomyocardial fibrosis is a state of proliferative fibrotic change affecting
the endocardium and myocardium, predominantly at the apex of one or
both of the ventricles.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration by an imaging technique (particularly echocardiography
or angiography) of proliferative fibrotic changes, predominantly at the
apex of a ventricle, often involving papillary muscles and chordae, thus
resulting in atrioventricular valve regurgitation.
Reference 6
Synonyms: Haematopericardium; Haemorrhagic pericarditis
Haemopericardium may present in either acute or chronic form. It may be
the first sign of acute pericarditis. It may be associated with bleeding
disorders, anti-coagulant therapy, full-thickness anterior myocardial
infarction, tuberculosis, neoplastic disease or trauma. As an adverse drug
reaction it occurs relatively commonly in drug-induced systemic lupus
erythematosus; it may also occur as an immunological reaction to a drug.
The fluid consists mainly of blood.
Haemopericardium is the accumulation of blood or of fluid containing
blood in the pericardial cavity.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of blood in the pericardial cavity by echocardiography or
Reference 6
Mitral insufficiency
Synonyms: Mitral regurgitation, Mitral incompetence
Mitral insufficiency results from improper closing of the mitral valve
leaflets. The main causes are rheumatic heart disease, mitral valve
prolapse, coronary artery disease or congenital mitral abnormality.
Mitral insufficiency is failure of the mitral valve to close properly during
systole, resulting in regurgitation of blood into the left atrium.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of regurgitation of blood from the left ventricle into the left
atrium, by Doppler techniques or left ventricular angiography.
Reference 6
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction represents in most cases the most severe stage of
ischaemic heart disease resulting from coronary atherosclerosis. It may,
however, also occur as a consequence of embolization or severe spasm of a
coronary artery.
Variants of the term are:
Acute myocardial infarction. Necrosis of a portion of the heart muscle as a
result of inadequate coronary blood supply. Synonyms: acute cardiac
infarction; coronary heart attack; coronary occlusion; coronary thrombosis.
Transmural myocardial infarction. Infarction in which myocardial necrosis
involves the full thickness of the ventricular wall.
Subendocardial myocardial infarction. Infarction in which the necrosis
involves the subendocardial layer of the myocardium, without extending
to the epicardium. Synonym: nontransmural myocardial infarction,
corresponding often to non-Q-wave infarction.
Silent myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction that has occurred with
little or no pain and with no other symptoms but is detected by ECG or at
autopsy. Synonym: asymptomatic myocardial infarction.
Myocardial infarction is myocardial necrosis resulting from inadequate
blood supply.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Typical time-course of any two of the following:
1. Characteristic course of cardiac pain.
2. CK-MB (Creatine-Kinase Muscle-Brain type) elevations.
3. Specific ECG changes.
Reference 6
Myocardial ischaemia
Myocardial ischaemia can be induced by a variety of abnormalities such as
coronary artery sclerosis, coronary artery spasm, coronary artery
thrombosis, myocardial hypertrophy and hypertension. It may be
precipitated by tachycardia. Myocardial ischaemia may be present
without anginal symptoms (‘silent ischaemia’).
The term designates a pathophysiological entity. In adverse-drug-reaction
reporting, clinical terms, such as angina pectoris or proven myocardial
infarction, are to be preferred.
Myocardial ischaemia is an inadequate coronary blood supply resulting in
oxygen deprivation of the myocardium.
Basic requirements for use of the term
An accurate diagnosis should be established. For adverse-drug-reaction
reporting the cause of the ischaemia should be established by appropriate
investigations, such as radionuclide imaging with thallium or coronary
Reference 6
Myocardial rupture (post infarct)
Rupture of the myocardial free wall is usually fatal and therefore diagnosis
will usually be post mortem. Rupture of the ventricular septum is not
uniformly fatal but causes severe heart failure.
Myocardial rupture is rupture of the cardiac wall after myocardial
infarction. The term myocardial rupture is sometimes used to denote post
infarct necrosis of the interventricular septum or papillary muscles.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration at autopsy or heart surgery of a ruptured myocardial wall
or demonstration by an imaging technique or haemodynamic examination
of a new ventricular septal defect. For example, in the case of post-
myocardial-infarct interventricular septal rupture, Doppler echocardio-
graphy or angiocardiography can demonstrate a left-to-right shunt.
Reference 6
The term myocarditis denotes an inflammatory disease of the heart muscle.
The myocardium shows an inflammatory infiltrate, with adjacent
myocytes showing necrosis or degeneration. Fibrosis may or may not be
present. The condition occurs mainly as an incidental part of a generalized
infection, but immunological, chemical, and drug-related causes have been
well documented.
Myocarditis is involvement of the heart in an inflammatory process
affecting the myocardium.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The diagnosis of myocarditis is highly likely when acute global myocardial
dysfunction occurs in association with an infectious disease. It may or may
not be accompanied by overt heart failure. The diagnosis is made by
The diagnosis of myocarditis can be made with absolute certainty only by
histological examination (myocardial biopsy or autopsy).
Reference 6
Pericardial effusion
Synonyms: Hydropericardium; Hydrops pericardii; Dropsy of the pericar-
Pericardial effusion may present in either acute or chronic form. It may be
the first sign of acute pericarditis. It may also occur in heart failure and
cardiomyopathy of various types, and in myxoedema.
As an adverse drug reaction it occurs relatively commonly in drug-induced
systemic lupus erythematosus; it may also occur as an immunological
reaction to a drug. The fluid may be serous, serofibrinous, serosangui-
neous or chylous.
Pericardial effusion is the accumulation of fluid in excess of normal in the
pericardial cavity.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of fluid in the pericardial cavity by echocardiography.
Reference 6
Pericarditis may have many causes. It is frequently idiopathic. The most
common known causes are viral or bacterial infection, immunological
disease and uraemia. As an adverse drug reaction, pericarditis is relatively
common in drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus; it appears to be
induced by certain other drugs as the result of an immunological reaction.
The most common type of acute pericarditis, occurring typically in late
adolescence or early adulthood, is idiopathic. Pericarditis is common in
rheumatic fever.
Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardial sac, with or without
Basic requirements for use of the term
The condition can be diagnosed at auscultation from a typical friction rub.
The diagnosis should be confirmed by either echocardiographic signs or
typical electrocardiographic changes (generalized S -T segment elevation).
Reference 6
Pulmonic stenosis congenital (see SOC 1500: Fetal Disorders)
Thrombosis coronary
Coronary artery thrombosis is one form of coronary artery disease. Most
transmural infarcts occur distal to a totally occluded coronary artery. In
adverse-drug-reaction reporting the term coronary thrombosis should not
be used unless thrombosis has been demonstrated.
Coronary artery occlusion is frequently caused by thrombosis on top of a
coronary atheroma. The terms coronary occlusion and coronary thrombosis
are also used, inaccurately, as synonyms of myocardial infarction.
Coronary thrombosis is the development of an obstructive thrombus in a
coronary artery, often causing sudden death or myocardial infarction.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Angiographic demonstration of coronary artery occlusion. Coronary
thrombosis cannot be diagnosed with certainty in vivo except by
angioscopy. Autopsy findings should be reported.
Reference 6
Heart Rate and Rhythm Disorders
(SOC 1030)
Several varieties of arrhythmia are considered, both as it is understood by
clinicians and in the narrower sense implied by its use as a high-level term of
the WHO Adverse Reaction Terminology.
1. Arrhythmia is a clinical sign, not a disease. It is frequently associated
with debilitating conditions such as palpitations, dyspnoea, angina
pectoris, syncope, cardiac failure and cardiac shock.
2. Identification of the specific rhythm disorders requires analysis of the
clinical conditions in which they occur, and examination of the
electrocardiogram (ECG) (ECG findings should be included or the
record attached).
3. The significance of an arrhythmia depends on the underlying heart
disease or predisposing condition (e.g., electrolyte, metabolic or
respiratory disorders, digitalis intoxication).
The occurrence of cardiac arrhythmia worsens the prognosis in cases of
cardiac failure (ejection fraction of the left ventricle < 35 per cent),
ischaemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, or another type of arrhythmia.
5. All arrhythmias can be caused by antiarrhythmic and other drugs.
Arrhythmia is any disorder of the formation or conduction of the cardiac
impulse. Arrhythmia may be primary, due to electrophysiological
disorder, or secondary, caused by haemodynamic or other abnormalities.
The spectrum of arrhythmia ranges from bradyarrhythmia to tachy-
arrhythmia. Tachycardias may be divided into narrow- and wide-QRS-
complex tachycardias.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Single or combined occurrence of the following ECG disturbances (a
24-hour ECG is not a basic requirement):
1. (a) Bradycardia (< 60 beats/min.)
Tachycardia (>100 beats/min.)
(b) Regular bradycardiac or tachycardiac rhythm.
Irregular rhythm.
(c) Narrow QRS-complex (< 0.12 sec) tachyarrhythmias:
supraventricular extrasystoles or tachycardia.
Wide QRS-complex (>0.12 sec) ventricular or supraventricular
extrasystoles or tachycardia.
2. (a) Atrial fibrillation or flutter: characteristic findings by electrocar-
diogram or totally irregular heart-rate with pulse deficit.
(b) Paroxysmal tachycardia (supraventricular, ventricular or unspeci-
fied): a history of recurrent episodes of rapid heart-rate, with both
abrupt onset and abrupt termination.
(c) Ectopic beats (all types): the finding of one or more heartbeats that
occur at intervals different from the regular intervals of beats of the
underlying rhythm.
Additional comments
Arrhythmias as adverse drug reactions (pro-arrhythmic effects of anti-
arrhythmic drugs) are characterized by:
1. Exacerbation of an underlying or presenting arrhythmic disorder (e.g.,
ventricular premature beats, or increase in rate and duration of
ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VT)).
2. The occurrence of arrhythmia for the first time in a patient (e.g.,
polymorphic or monomorphic VT, ventricular fibrillation).
3. The occurrence of a bradyarrhythmia (e.g., symptomatic bradycardia,
conduction abnormalities).
Reference 1
Arrhythmia ventricular
The non-specific term arrhythmia ventricular should not be used for
reporting an adverse drug reaction. Instead, terms that describe the specific
arrhythmias should be used.
Reference 11
AV block
Atrioventricular (AV) block is one form of heart block, either permanent
or transient, due to anatomical or functional impairment. When AV block
is reported as an adverse drug reaction the specific term should be used
when possible.
Atrioventricular block is a disturbance of impulse conduction between the
atria and the ventricles. The conduction disturbance is classified as: first-
degree block, in which conduction time is prolonged but all impulses are
conducted; second-degree block, type I, characterized by a progressive
lengthening of the conduction time until an impulse is not conducted;
second-degree block, type II, in which there is occasional or repetitive
sudden block of conduction of an impulse without prior measurable
lengthening of conduction time; and third-degree (complete) block,in
which no impulses are conducted.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Electrocardiogram showing delayed conduction (first-degree block) or
non-conduction (second- or third-degree block) or P waves.
Reference 11
Cardiac arrest
The term cardiac arrest is frequently misused in reporting adverse drug
reactions in cases of sudden death. It should not be used for events not
known to be primarily of cardiac origin.
Cardiac arrest is cessation of cardiac function.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Evidence of cessation of cardiac function.
Reference 11
Cardiac failure (see SOC 1010: Cardiovascular Disorders, General)
Fibrillation atrial
A report of atrial fibrillation as an adverse drug reaction should indicate
whether the arrhythmia is of recent onset and whether the patient had had
it before.
Atrial fibrillation is an arrhythmia characterized by totally disorganized
atrial depolarizations without effective atrial contraction.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Electrocardiographic findings compatible with the definition. Electrical
activity of the atrium may be detected electrocardiographically as small,
irregular baseline undulations (F-waves) of variable amplitude. In general,
the ventricular rate is ‘irregularly irregular’ (absolute arrhythmia).
Reference 11
Fibrillation ventricular
Ventricular fibrillation occurs most frequently in patients with ischaemic
heart disease but it may also be induced by antiarrhythmic drugs. It is a
severe derangement of cardiac rhythm and usually ends fatally within 3-5
min if untreated.
Ventricular fibrillation is an arrhythmia characterized by totally
disorganized ventricular depolarizations without effective ventricular
Basic requirements for use of the term
Electrocardiographic findings compatible with the definition. Electrical
activity of the ventricle may be detected electrocardiographically as
irregular baseline undulations of variable amplitude.
Reference 11
Palpitation is unpleasant awareness of forceful, rapid or irregular beating
of the heart.
Basic requirements for use of the term
As defined.
Reference 11
Torsade de pointes
Torsade de pointes, which literally means ‘twisting of the points’, refers to
an unusual form of ventricular tachycardia characterized by undulations
of the QRS complexes in relation to the electrocardiographic baseline,
producing a polymorphic arrhythmia. This arrhythmia begins with a
ventricular premature beat in the setting of abnormal ventricular
repolarization characterized by prolongation of the QT interval. It may
be self-limiting or progress to ventricular fibrillation. Prominent among
the causes of acquired long-QT-interval syndromes are drugs that prolong
repolarization. They include antiarrhythmic drugs with classes I and III
activities and some psychotropic drugs. Other important causes include
electrolyte imbalances especially hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia
—, central nervous system lesions, myocarditis and myocardial ischaemia,
and marked bradycardia.
Torsade de pointes is an atypical rapid ventricular tachycardia associated
with periodic rise and fall of configuration and amplitude of the QRS on
the electrocardiograph.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of the characteristic electrocardiographic findings.
Reference 11
Vascular (Extr acardiac) Disorders
(SOC 1040)
Arteriosclerosis is a general term used for thickening and loss of elasticity of
the arterial wall. Atherosclerosis is the most important form of
arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis are frequently, but
incorrectly, used as synonyms. Although pathological distinctions may be
made between arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, none of the clinically
available methods used to demonstrate arterial narrowing, such as
ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging or arteriography, can demon-
strate that they are separate conditions.
Arteriosclerosis is a group of diseases characterized by thickening and loss
of elasticity of the arterial wall. It comprises three distinct forms:
atherosclerosis, Mo
nckeberg’s medial sclerosis and arteriolosclerosis.
Basic requirements for use of the term
A specific diagnosis should be established whenever possible. This usually
requires demonstration of arterial narrowing by means of ultrasound,
magnetic resonance imaging, arteriography or other techniques.
Reference 6
Atherosclerosis and atheroma are the most important forms of arterio-
sclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial process of proliferative
changes in the intima of arteries, including the focal accumulation of
lipids, blood platelets, fibrous tissue and calcium deposits, and prolifera-
tion of smooth-muscle cells; this process is usually associated with changes
in the media. The main risk factors for atherosclerosis are hypertension,
hyperlipidaemia and smoking.
Sometimes, only the sequelae of atheroma are apparent, such as angina
pectoris, myocardial infarction, aneurysm or intermittent claudication.
Atherosclerosis is the common form of arteriosclerosis. Yellow plaques
(atheromas) containing fibrin, cholesterol, lipid material, lipophages and
other substances are formed in the intima and inner media of large and
medium-sized arteries.
Basic requirements for use of the term
A specific diagnosis should be established whenever possible. This usually
requires demonstration of arterial narrowing by means of ultrasound,
magnetic resonance imaging, arteriography or other techniques.
Reference 6
Cerebral haemorrhage
About 20% of strokes are due to cerebral haemorrhage; the rest are due to
ischaemic cerebral infarction. Cerebral haemorrhage is frequently difficult
to distinguish from cerebral infarction. The clinical symptoms depend on
the site of the infarction. When infarction and haemorrhage cannot be
distinguished, the term stroke should be used.
Cerebral haemorrhage is haemorrhage into the cerebrum.
Basic requirement for use of the term
Demonstration of haemorrhage by an appropriate method such as
computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or
Reference 11
Cerebral infarction
About 80% of strokes are due to ischaemic cerebral infarction. Cerebral
infraction (or ischaemic stroke) may result from either embolic or
thrombotic occlusion of an artery. Stroke symptoms may be absent.
When present they generally evolve over a variable time course. When
infarction and haemorrhage cannot be distinguished, the term stroke
should be used.
Cerebral infarction is the death of brain tissue from vascular obstruction or
Basic requirement for use of the term
Demonstration of infarction by an appropriate method such as computer
tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or histopathology.
Reference 11
Cerebrovascular disorder
The use of the term cerebrovascular disorder should be avoided in reporting
adverse drug reactions. As far as possible a precise description of the
condition should be given.
Reference 11
Deep vein thrombosis
(see SOC 1230: Platelet, Bleeding and Clotting Disorders)
Haemorrhage intracranial
The use of the term haemorrhage intracranial should be avoided in
reporting adverse drug reactions. Specific terms such as extradural,
subdural,orsubarachnoid haemorrhage should be used instead.
Intracranial haemorrhage involving the cerebrum should be reported as
cerebral haemorrhage.
Reference 11
Intestinal ischaemia
(see SOC 0600: Gastro- Intestinal System Disorders)
Pulmonary embolism
(see SOC 1230: Platelet, Bleeding and Clotting Disorders)
Renal vasculitis
(see SOC 1300: Urinary System Disorders)
(see SOC 1230: Platelet, Bleeding and Clotting Disorders)
Thrombosis and Embolism
(see SOC 1230: Platelet, Bleeding and Clotting Disorders)
(see SOC 0300: Collagen Disorders)
Respiratory System Disorders
(SOC 1100)
Many respiratory-medicine terms have overlapping meanings and, although
their use is sometimes unavoidable, they need to be used with great care. For
example, chronic obstructive lung disease , chronic obstructive airways disease
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, although they provide variations
of emphasis, are often used interchangeably to describe almost any form of
long-standing pulmonary or airways obstruction. There is no need to use
these non-specific terms when individual patients can be better described as
having asthma, bronchitis or emphysema, but difficulty arises in patients
with a mixed picture, perhaps of end-stage disease, when asthma, bronchitis
and emphysema co-exist. To establish that a patient has one or more of these
conditions there must for asthma be evidence of spontaneous or drug-
induced reversibility and of recurrent episodes in the pattern of the illness, for
emphysema a clear fall in total and specific lung transfer factors (LTCO and
KCO respectively), and for bronchitis evidence of sputum production and an
illness that is basically inflammatory in nature and characterized by
exacerbations and remissions.
Similarly, such terms as bronchospasm and acute bronchial obstruction need
to be used with as much precision as possible. Bronchospasm is a poor term
for episodes in which the bronchial tree is obstructed by oedema, secretions
and exudates; it should be restricted to conditions in which nothing other
than constriction of the bronchial muscles is present. Drugs sometimes
cause single episodes of bronchospasm but these should not be labelled
Some terms (such as respiratory disorder, pulmonary infiltration and chest
x-ray abnormal) are so unsatisfactory and non-specific that their use in
reporting adverse drug reactions is highly undesirable. No attempt has
been made to define such terms; when reporters use them a follow-up
should invariably take place to obtain further precision, so that the
individual report can be better characterized and computerized.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the preferred term to
designate the syndrome previously referred to as the adult respiratory
distress syndrome. It may occur in patients of any age. ARDS occurs in
association with a wide variety of causes, including sepsis, aspiration of
gastric contents, primary pneumonia and multiple trauma. It is character-
ized by primary alveolo-capillary membrane injury and secondary
pulmonary surfactant dysfunction. ARDS should be distinguished from
the infantile respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS), which occurs only in
premature neonates and is the result of pulmonary surfactant deficiency.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a syndrome of acute diffuse
pulmonary inflammation and oedema, of diverse etiology, accompanied
by respiratory insufficiency and severe arterial hypoxaemia.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The diagnosis is established when the following criteria are met:
1. Acute onset
2. Partial pressure (in mmHg) of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO
) over
fractional content of oxygen in expired air (F
) (which can vary from
0 to 1) must not exceed 200 mmHg (regardless of level of positive end-
expiratory pressure)
3. Bilateral infiltrates seen on chest radiograph
4. Absence of left atrial hypertension (if pulmonary-artery wedge pressure
is measured it should not exceed 18 mmHg)
Reference 7a
Special remarks
Administration of some drugs may rarely result in ARDS. IRDS may
occur as an adverse drug reaction if a drug administered during pregnancy
results in premature labour. Sometimes ARDS and cardiogenic pulmon-
ary oedema can co-exist.
Reference 7a
Apnoea is the absence of breath and should be distinguished from
dyspnoea and hypopnoea. There are at least two forms: central, due to
neurological disease, and peripheral, due to obstruction of the airways. See
also respiratory arrest.
Apnoea is cessation of airflow at the nose and mouth, for at least
10 seconds.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration according to the definition.
Reference 7a
In clinical practice the term asphyxia is usually employed to denote acute
obstruction of airflow. Physiologically, however, asphyxia is defined in
relation to the effect of acute hypoxia on cells.
Asphyxia is impairment of tissue oxygenation, due to reduced oxygen
intake to the lung with normal blood perfusion, leading to immediate or
imminent cell death.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The only rigorous definition is that referring to cell death. The clinical
circumstances that will lead to such a state, such as acute obstruction of the
airways, must be present.
Reference 7a
The word asthma was formerly used in the terms bronchial asthma and
cardiac asthma. Nowadays it should be reserved for bronchial asthma, and
the term cardiac asthma should be replaced by the appropriate specific
term, e.g., left ventricular failure.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways in which many
cells play a role, in particular mast cells, eosinophils and T lymphocytes. In
susceptible individuals this inflammation causes recurrent episodes of
wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough, particularly at night
or in the early morning. These symptoms are usually associated with
widespread but variable airflow limitation that is at least partly reversible
either spontaneously or with treatment. The inflammation also causes an
associated increase in airway responsiveness to a variety of stimuli
NHLB1 / WHO Workshop report: Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Bethesda, USA), Publication Number 95-3659, January
Basic requirements for use of the term
Recurrent episodes of breathlessness, wheezing, chest tightness and cough,
not of cardiac origin. The diagnosis is supported if lung-function tests
demonstrate variable airways-obstruction, especially if the obstruction is
partly or completely reversed by appropriate therapy.
Reference 7a
Bradypnoea is relative; some healthy athletes have slow respiratory rates.
In other people, respiratory depression may be associated with an
abnormally slow breathing pattern.
Bradypnoea is a slow respiratory rate.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 7a
The term bronchoconstriction should be reserved for spasm or contraction
of the bronchial smooth muscle. Bronchoconstriction is one form of
bronchial obstruction, which is obstruction of the distal airways from any
cause. The less precise term bronchospasm should be abandoned.
Bronchoconstriction is airflow limitation due to contraction of bronchial
smooth muscle.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The diagnosis of bronchoconstriction must be demonstrated by an
improvement in airflow in response to bronchodilators. To take account
of natural variability in airflow, the usual standard is an improvement of
not less than 12%, and of not less than 200 ml, in the forced expiratory
volume in one second (FEV
Additional comments
The terms aggravated bronchoconstriction, aggravated bronchospasm and
paradoxical bronchoconstriction are frequently used when treatment of
lung diseases with inhalation aerosols is associated with unexpected
bronchoconstriction in certain individuals. This can occur after any
inhalation therapy as an adverse drug reaction, possibly unrelated to a
specific active ingredient but caused by the inhalation procedure itself or by
irritation due to the aerosol (including the inactive vehicle). In clinical
studies it can be defined as a decrease of FEV
, of not less than 12% and
200 ml, which occurs within 10 minutes after inhalation and may last for
about half an hour
Reference 7a
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term of convenience
used to describe any longstanding obstruction of the airways until a more
specific diagnosis becomes available. Mixed pictures of bronchitis,
emphysema, and asthma are frequently described as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, but these conditions should be differentiated and
reported separately whenever possible. It is rarely caused by drugs.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease incorporates at least three
disorders: emphysema, peripheral (inflammatory) airway disease, and
chronic bronchitis. A patient may have one or all three conditions, but the
dominant clinical feature is always impairment, or limitation, of
expiratory airflow.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration by lung function test of significant airflow-limitation that
is of long-standing and largely irreversible despite appropriate therapy.
Reference 7a
Dyspnoea, uncomfortable breathing, should be distinguished from
apnoea and respiratory distress.
Cocchetto, D.M. et al.: Paradoxical bronchospasm after use of inhalation aerosols: A review of the
literature, Journal of Asthma , 28(1), 49-53 (1991).
Dyspnoea is awareness of unnatural breathing.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Dyspnoea is a symptom. Patients complain of ‘shortness of breath’,
‘breathlessness’, ‘tightness’, inability to take a deep breath, ‘suffocating’,
‘cannot get enough air’, or pain on breathing.
Reference 7a
When ventilatory failure occurs because of either reduced respiratory drive
or a too high ventilatory workload, in respiratory-muscle failure, there is
retention, and a consequent increased arterial-blood level, of carbon
dioxide (PaCO
). This may occur also, transiently, in states of metabolic
acidosis, when there is excess production of CO
Hypercapnia is excess of CO
in the arterial blood significantly above
40 mmHg.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 7a
Hypertension pulmonary
(see SOC 1010: Cardiovascular Disorders, General)
Isolated hypoventilation is an uncommon event and usually occurs as a
result of central-nervous-system depression or respiratory-muscle failure.
It is almost invariably accompanied by hypoxaemia. Hypoventilation
most purely is a reduction of alveolar ventilation, leading to hypercapnia
and often hypoxaemia. Alveolar ventilation may be reduced owing to
central mechanisms, respiratory muscle fatigue, increases in dead space, or
ventilation/perfusion mismatching.
Hypoventilation is the development of hypercapnia due to inadequate
alveolar ventilation.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Arterial PCO
should be more than 6 kPa (45 mmHg).
Reference 7a
Arterial hypoxaemia may lead to tissue hypoxia. Hypoxaemia is most
commonly caused by ventilation/perfusion mismatch, shunt or hypoven-
tilation. Less common precipitating causes include reduction of inspired
partial pressure of oxygen and limitation of diffusion.
Hypoxia is a reduction below physiological levels of oxygen supply to
tissue despite adequate perfusion of the tissue by blood.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of significant arterial hypoxaemia.
Reference 7a
Interstitial lung disease
Interstitial lung disease (excess inflammatory cells or abnormal material in
the interstitium of the lung) should be distinguished from alveolitis and
interstitial pulmonary oedema. Interstitial lung diseases can arise from
many causes, are often reversible, but may proceed to diffuse pulmonary
Interstitial lung disease is a diagnostic term used to denote those disorders
characterized by excess inflammatory cells or abnormal material in the
interstitium of the lung.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The diagnosis is made by the presence of reticular or nodular shadows on a
chest radiograph or sometimes by the combined presence of reduced lung
volumes and diminished transfer of carbon monoxide.
Additional comments
Various drugs sometimes cause interstitial lung disease/pulmonary
fibrosis. Among them are anticancer drugs (e.g., bleomycin, cyclopho-
sphamide), cardiovascular drugs (e.g., amiodarone, hydralazine), anti-
inflammatory drugs (e.g., gold, phenylbutazone), and antibiotics (e.g.,
nitrofurantoin, sulphonamides).
Reference 7a
Pneumonitis is a term used for pulmonary inflammation of non-infectious
origin resulting in diffuse alveolar damage (alveolitis), which may or may
not be followed by fibrosis. It may present acutely or as slowly progressive
fibrosis. When the predominant feature is an eosinophilic reaction the
preferred term allergic eosinophilic pneumonitis is used.
Pneumonitis is a pulmonary inflammation of non-infectious origin.
Basic requirements for use of the term
An infectious etiology should be excluded and a careful history of recent
drug treatment obtained. The diagnosis is confirmed by radiographic or
histological evidence of alveolar damage or progressive fibrosis. In
eosinophilic pneumonitis the diagnosis is confirmed by histological
findings of tissue or peripheral-blood eosinophilia or eosinophilic
infiltrates in the lungs.
Additional comments
Drugs that cause pneumonitis include cytotoxic and immunosuppressive
drugs and amiodarone, nitrofurantoin and oxygen. Eosinophilic pneu-
monitis is associated with a range of drugs including sulphonamides,
penicillins, tetracycline, sulphasalazine, nitrofurantoin and gold salts.
Reference 7a
Pulmonary fibrosis
Several interstitial and inflammatory lung diseases can proceed to
pulmonary fibrosis.
Pulmonary fibrosis is a pathological condition characterized by the diffuse
presence of excess scar tissue/fibrotic change in the lung.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The term should be used only when fibrotic change can be demonstrated by
biopsy or high resolution imaging.
Reference 7a
Pulmonary oedema
Pulmonary oedema is part of the pathology of many diseases; it is
important, whenever possible, to define and report its cause.
Pulmonary oedema is the extravasation of fluid from the pulmonary
capillaries into the interstitial or alveolar spaces of the lung.
Basic requirements for use of the term
In some circumstances the diagnosis can be established on clinical grounds
alone, such as by the presence of rales of recent origin or the appearance of
frank oedema fluid at the mouth. In other circumstances radiographic
proof is necessary. In the chest X-ray, interstitial pulmonary oedema is
characterized by the appearance of septal and perilobular lines (Kerley
lines), peribronchial cuffing, subpleural fluid, perihilar haze and diffuse
clouding. Alveolar oedema appears as patchy loss of translucency either
around the hili or in the lower zones.
Reference 7a
Respiratory arrest
Respiratory arrest can result from failure of central ventilatory drive, acute
obstruction to airflow, a massive increase in airways resistance, or a
profound reduction of lung compliance. It is an acute medical emergency.
Respiratory arrest is cessation of ventilation and therefore of gas-flow at
the mouth.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinically, respiratory arrest is manifested by apnoea; in experimental
circumstances this may be confirmed by measurements of gas-flow at the
Reference 7a
Respiratory depression
Respiratory depression occurs when the activity of the respiratory centres
is suppressed, usually either by intracranial pathology or by drugs.
Respiratory depression is present when there is an inappropriate rise in
arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO
) secondary to depression
of the respiratory centres.
Basic requirements for use of the term
In the case of severe respiratory depression, a manifest increase in PaCO
more subtle depression can be demonstrated by an impaired ventilatory
response to increases in PaCO
Reference 7a
Respiratory paralysis
The respiratory muscles consist of the diaphragm, the intercostal-
accessory and the abdominal muscles. Paralysis can occur with neuro-
muscular disorders and with the administration of drugs causing
neuromuscular blockade. It is a life-threatening condition.
Respiratory paralysis is the failure of all respiratory muscles to contract,
with consequent complete absence of ventilatory function.
Basic requirements for use of the term
There should be demonstrable failure of movement of air into and out of
the lungs; measurements of oesophageal and transdiaphragmatic pres-
sures confirm that this failure is caused by paralysis of the respiratory
Reference 7a
Red Blood Cell Disorders
(SOC 1210)
In anaemia the concentration of haemoglobin and volume of packed red
blood cells (haematocrit) are less than normal. The normal range of
haemoglobin concentration varies with age, sex and altitude; the lower
limits are 120g/l in females and 130g/l in males.
In validating case reports, established local values should be used.
Anaemia can have many causes. It may be genetic or acquired, and the
result of diminished production or increased destruction of red cells. Its
most common form is hypochromic microcytic anaemia due to iron
deficiency from diminished intake of iron, increased demand or chronic
blood loss. Vitamin B
and folate deficiency anaemias are characterized
by macrocytosis and megaloblastosis. Anaemia due to increased destruc-
tion of red cells is termed haemolytic anaemia (see Anaemia haemolytic).
Anaemia is a decrease of the haemoglobin concentration below the normal
limits for sex, age and altitude.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Blood-test findings satisfying the definition.
Reference 13
Bone marrow suppression / depression
(see SOC 1220: White Cell and RES Disorders)
Anaemia haemolytic
Haemolytic anaemia is anaemia characterized by increased reticulocyte
values (>100 x 10
/l). Additional features can be increased unconjugated
serum bilirubin, and decreased (or absent) serum haptoglobin.
The causes of accelerated destruction of red cells in haemolytic anaemia
can be grouped as:
abnormalities of the red-blood-cell interior (e.g., enzyme defects,
abnormalities of the red-blood-cell membrane (e.g., hereditary
spherocytosis, paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria, spur cell
extrinsic factors [e.g., splenomegaly, antibodies (allo-antibodies and
auto-antibodies), microangiopathic haemolysis, infections, toxins].
Drug-induced immune haemolysis can be due to drug binding to the cell
membrane, immune complex formation, or the induction of auto-
Haemolytic anaemia is anaemia with signs of premature destruction of red
blood cells and compensatory erythroid hyperplasia.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Blood-test findings satisfying the definition.
Reference 13
Anaemia microcytic hypochromic
Microcytic hypochromic anaemia results from deficiency of one or more of
the three components of haemoglobin: iron, heme and globin. The
deficiency is generally associated with reduced size of red cells. Iron
deficiency anaemia is in principle microcytic and hypochromic. Iron
deficiency is by far the most frequent origin of microcytic hypochromic
anaemia, as a result of poor supply e.g., malabsorption or impaired
transportation; blood loss e.g., in the gastrointestinal tract; or increased
requirements e.g., from menstruation, childbirth or lactation. Chronic
disease (infection, inflammation, neoplasms and trauma) frequently leads
to a milder form of the condition. Other causes include thalassaemia minor
and lead poisoning. Non-iron deficiency anaemias are often normochro-
mic (mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration >30g/dl). The
condition is sometimes reported as either anaemia microcytic or anaemia
Microcytic hypochromic anaemia is defined by low haemoglobin levels
(see Anaemia), a mean corpuscular volume of <80m
in adults, or <75m
children of under one year, and a mean corpuscular haemoglobin
concentration of < 30g/dl; or by a typical blood smear, characterized by
microcytes, poikilocytes and hypochromic cells.
Basic requirements for use of the term
A blood smear showing hypochromia and microcytosis.
A serum ferritin level of < 15 mcg/l is diagnostic of iron deficiency
anaemia and differentiates iron deficiency from the less common etiologies
of disturbed haemoglobin formation. Ferritin levels can be within normal
range in patients with iron deficiency and chronic disorders. Transferrin
saturation is then the preferred test (saturation <10% on an empty
Reference 13
Anaemia aplastic
Aplastic anaemia is a very rare, critical condition manifested by a decrease
of all the cellular elements of the blood (pancytopenia) and bone-marrow
hypocellularity in the absence of infiltration. In validating reports it is
useful to check for signs and symptoms of anaemia: pallor, fatigue and
weakness, loss of appetite, headache, dyspnoea, and palpitation at rest or
on exertion; of leukocytopenia: intercurrent infections, especially of the
mucous membrane (stomatitis, gingivitis, necrotizing angina) and the skin;
and of thrombocytopenia: petechiae, ecchymoses, bleeding and melaena.
A proportion of cases of aplastic anaemia are secondary to drug use; a
complete drug history is essential, therefore. As viral hepatitis may also be
a cause of aplastic anaemia, it is important to document a history of
Aplastic anaemia is considered severe if two of the following three criteria
are fulfilled:
polymorphonuclear (PMN) count <0.5 x 10
reticulocytes <1 % (corrected for haematocrit) (or 20 x 10
platelets <20 x 10
and if bone-marrow biopsy shows severe hypocellularity, or moderate
hypocellularity with <30% of residual cells haematopoietic.
See also Pancytopenia.
Aplastic anaemia is a decrease of all the cellular elements of the blood
(pancytopenia), with, in addition, bone-marrow trephine biopsy showing
histological evidence of decreased cellularity, absence of infiltration and
absence of significant fibrosis.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The presence of pancytopenia and the bone-marrow changes as defined
Additional comments
If trephine biopsy has not been performed or a bone marrow aspiration
only has been undertaken, any diagnosis of aplastic anaemia should be
regarded as presumed and unconfirmed only. In these circumstances, it is
better to report the bicytopenia or pancytopenia, as observed
Reference 13
Pancytopenia (see SOC 1220: White Cell and RES Disorders)
White Blood Cell and RES (Reticulo-Endothelial
System) Disorders (SOC 1220)
Agranulocytosis can occur as a reaction to a great variety of toxic agents,
including drugs. lt results from impaired production of cells.
Agranulocytosis is life-threatening owing to increased susceptibility to
infection. lt is a rare condition with an overall annual incidence of the order
of less than 1:100,000 of the general population.
Severe neutropenia can arise as an expected result of the use of cytostatic
drugs or radiation. All unexpected and drug-related cases must be very
carefully evaluated.
If there are no relevant clinical symptoms or signs of infection, then severe
neutropenia is the preferred term when the white blood cell count reaches
the levels defined below.
Agranulocytosis is a disorder in which severe neutropenia (<0.5 x 10
/l of
circulating granulocytes) is associated with the sudden onset of signs and
symptoms of bacterial infection, such as fever, malaise and prostration,
and typical presentation with oropharyngeal or anorectal lesions.
The term agranulocytosis is also used as a synonym for severe neutropenia.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Severe neutropenia must be demonstrated, i.e., <0.5 x 10
The traditional definition of agranulocytosis includes the demonstration
of infection in accordance with the definition given above.
If possible, full blood counts and repeated white blood cell counts should
be reported.
Reference 3
Bone marrow suppression / Bone marrow depression
Bone marrow suppression or bone marrow depression is a descriptive term
used for reversible cytopenia. The term should not be used for reporting
purposes, as it is an all-embracing term with a range of meanings in
different countries. The term is at present generally used to describe the
dose-dependent, predictable effects of cytostatic agents or energy-rich
irradiation. lt is also used to describe the unexpected and rare effects of a
wide range of drugs. When it is used in the latter sense it is important that
additional information be obtained to establish a more precise diagnosis.
Bone marrow suppression or bone marrow depression is reversible
cytopenia due to haemopoietic failure.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of deficiency of the formed blood elements due to
inadequate activity of the bone marrow.
Reference 3
Granulocytopenia is a decrease in the granulocyte count to less than 1.5 x
/l as indicated by an automated counter, not distinguishing eosinophilic
and basophilic cells from neutrophilic granulocytes.
Basic requirements for use of the term
See definition.
Reference pre 2
Leukopenia is a decrease to <3.0 x 10
/l in the white blood cells.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference pre 2
Neutropenia is a decrease to less than 1.5 x 10
/l of segmented
polymorphonuclear and band cells. Neutropenia is considered as ‘‘severe’’
below 0.5 x 10
The terms leukopenia and granulocytopenia should be used only if there is
no further information about the distribution of the white blood cells.
Basic requirements for use of the term
See definition
Reference pre 2
Pancytopenia refers to reduction to less than normal in the numbers of
blood cells of all three lineages (in bicytopenia, of two lineages) white blood
cells, red blood cells and platelets.
It occurs in association with many conditions, such as aplastic anaemia,
myelodysplastic syndromes, myelofibrosis, hairy cell leukaemia, bone
marrow infection or infiltration by tumour cells, or splenomegaly. Once
one of these diagnoses is made, the specific term for the condition should be
The term pancytopenia (or bicytopenia) should be used only if there is no
reliable information on bone-marrow cellularity. When there is such
information, and bone-marrow trephine biopsy shows histological
evidence of hypocellularity, absence of infiltration and absence of
significant fibrosis, the diagnosis of aplastic anaemia is definite and the
term aplastic anaemia should be used. When bone-marrow aspiration
shows only hypocellularity and absence of infiltration, aplastic anaemia is
probable, and the condition should be reported as such, together with
supporting haematological data.
When, in the presence of pancytopenia (or bicytopenia), bone-marrow
trephine biopsy shows normocellularity, absence of infiltration, and
absence of significant fibrosis, additional clinical and laboratory
investigations or follow-up examinations are required.
Pancytopenia is a decrease of all the cellular elements of the blood red
and white cells and platelets. The diagnostic criteria for pancytopenia are:
severe anaemia (haemoglobin level < 100 g/l), neutropenia (PMN count
<1.5 x 10
/l), and thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 100 x 10
Bicytopenia is defined by the presence of two of those criteria.
See also Anaemia aplastic.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 13
Platelet, Bleeding and Clotting Disorders
(SOC 1230)
Bone marrow suppression / depression
(see SOC 1220: White Cell and RES Disorders)
Cerebral haemorrhage
[see SOC 1040: Vascular (Extracardiac) Disorders]
Coagulation disorders
Coagulation disorders is a very broad term, unsuitable for reporting
purposes, as it includes a variety of conditions and is used differently in
different European languages. When the term is used for reporting
suspected adverse drug reactions, every attempt must be made to obtain
additional information and establish an exact diagnosis.
When validating reports special attention should be paid to the following:
1. Any evidence of an underlying systemic disorder that may be
accompanied by defective haemostasis, such as liver disease, systemic
lupus erythematosus, uraemia or malignancy.
2. Family history of bleeding or thromboembolic syndrome.
3. Drug ingestion and history of drug therapy, including concomitant and
non-prescription medication.
Unless a precise diagnosis can be established in accordance with the
following definition, laboratory values out of the normal range should be
reported as such; the normal values for the laboratory concerned should be
Coagulation disorders are a group of conditions with abnormal
haemostasis and bleeding or with a thromboembolic syndrome.
Basic requirements for use of the term
A. Clinical evidence: One of the following signs:
mucosal bleeding
or a history of abnormal bleeding or bruising occurring either
spontaneously or after injury, dental extraction, etc.
B. Laboratory evidence: Any result out of the normal range of one of the
following laboratory tests:
bleeding time
platelet count
prothrombin time
partial thromboplastin time
thrombin clotting time
fibrinogen concentration
inhibitors of coagulation
any other specific test
Reference 3
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
(see SOC 0600: Gastro- Intestinal System Disorders)
Haematemesis (see SOC 0600: Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders)
Haemorrhage intracranial
[see SOC 1040: Vascular (Extracardiac) Disorders]
Melaena (see SOC 0600: Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders)
Pancytopenia (see SOC 1220: White Cell and RES Disorders)
The terms thrombosis and deep venous thrombosis have been defined
The clinical significance of thrombophlebitis is different from that of deep
venous thrombosis. The term thrombophlebitis is used in some European
countries to describe a group of conditions, which include deep venous
thrombosis. Thrombophlebitis and superficial thrombophlebitis should
be distinguished from deep venous thrombosis when validating reports.
The terms thrombophlebitis and phlebitis should not be used to describe
superficial thrombophlebitis, which is not in itself a critical clinical
Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of a vein, associated with a thrombus.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of:
1. Inflammation of a vein.
2. An associated thrombus.
Reference 3
Thrombocytopenia is defined as a platelet count of less than 100 x 10
/l. In
the absence of bleeding, thrombocytopenia should be confirmed and
pseudo-thrombocytopenia should be excluded by using another anti-
coagulant for sampling or by demonstrating decreased platelet numbers on
a blood smear made directly from the patient.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference Pre 2
Thrombosis, Embolism, Thromboembolism
Thrombosis and embolism are conditions that may occur in different parts
and organs of the body and thus present very different signs and
symptoms. It is difficult, therefore, to propose a single set of basic
requirements that would suffice to validate case-reports of thrombosis and
embolism as suspected adverse drug reactions. For this reason, the terms
thrombosis and embolism are defined in only a general sense, and three
more specific terms deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and
arterial occlusion disease are treated in more detail.
As a rule, and independently of the part of the body or organ affected,
special attention should be paid to:
1. Pre-existing and predisposing conditions, such as smoking, hyperlipo-
proteinaemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pre-existing valvular
heart disease, hypercoagulability (e.g., antithrombin III deficiency,
lack of fibrinolysis activators).
2. History of thromboembolic accidents.
3. History of drug therapy in particular, oral contraceptives and other
hormonal drugs.
Thrombosis: the formation of a thrombus in a blood vessel or the
Embolism: sudden partial or complete occlusion of a blood vessel by an
embolus carried in the bloodstream.
Thromboembolism: sudden partial or complete occlusion of a blood
vessel by an embolus, with subsequent thrombosis.
Arterial occlusion disease
Clinical signs of arterial occlusion disease include intermittent claudica-
tion and trophic disturbances of the skin, such as ulceration. The
peripheral pulse is weak or absent.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical signs and Doppler ultrasound measurement.
Arterial occlusive (occlusion) disease is a non-specific term that should not
be used to describe an adverse drug reaction. Instead, the specific condition
should be described.
References 1, 11
Thrombosis venous deep
Clinical signs of deep venous thrombosis include oedema, swelling of the
affected extremity, and painful tension. Diagnosis is confirmed by
phlebography, fibrinogen uptake test, Duplex-scan, Doppler-ultrasound
measurement, and impedance plethysmography.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical signs and one of the following:
Doppler ultrasound measurement.
Fibrinogen uptake test
Clinical signs and phlebography
Reference 1
Embolism pulmonary
Clinical signs of pulmonary embolism include tachycardia and dyspnoea,
shock and, if pulmonary infarction occurs, cough and haemoptysis. The
typical clinical picture includes sudden dyspnoea in the presence of
established deep venous thrombosis.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Clinical signs and one of the following:
Pulmonary angiography
Proved deep venous thrombosis
Inhalation scintigraphy
Perfusion scintigraphy
Clinical signs and two of the following:
X-ray of the chest
Blood-gas analysis
Reference 1
Thrombosis coronary
(see SOC 1020: Myocardial, Endocardial, Pericardial and Valve Disorders)
Urinary System Disorders
(SOC 1300)
The kidneys provide the final common pathway for excretion of most
drugs and their metabolites, and are therefore subjected to high
concentrations of potentially toxic substances. Consequently, many
groups of drugs can cause renal damage and their effects are increased in
the presence of pre-existing renal disease. The main effects of drugs on the
kidney are:
pre-renal effects (e.g., water or electrolyte loss, increased catabolism,
vascular occlusion or altered renal haemodynamics)
obstructive uropathy (due to tubular blockage, ureteric fibrosis or
allergic or immunological damage (resulting in vasculitis, interstitial
nephritis or glomerulonephritis)
direct nephrotoxicity (giving rise to acute tubular or interstitial damage,
or renal papillary necrosis)
Drugs can also have adverse effects on the bladder or urothelium, such as
retention of urine, haemorrhagic cystitis or carcinoma of the urinary tract.
In many cases the clinical features of drug-induced renal damage are
similar to those of spontaneous renal diseases, and drugs can also
exacerbate pre-existing renal failure or insufficiency (often called ‘‘acute or
chronic renal failure’’).
The terms considered here refer to adverse drug reactions that
predominantly affect the kidney and are potentially severe (e.g., acute
tubular necrosis or glomerulonephritis), or that affect the kidney in a
major way as part of a systemic disorder (e.g., vasculitis). The terms used
may be based on an anatomical description (e.g., carcinoma of the bladder),
a histological process (e.g., acute interstitial nephritis), a functional
problem (e.g., urinary retention), or a collection of symptoms and signs
(e.g., nephrotic syndrome).
A recommended new term, glomerular vasomotor disorder, is included; the
rationale for its introduction is given in the preamble to this term and in the
recommendation at the end of the part ‘‘Urinary Tract Disorders’’.
It is important to be as precise as possible when describing drug effects on
the kidney and urinary tract. Terms such as tubulo-interstitial disorder
should be avoided and replaced by tubular disorder when the major effect is
on the renal tubules and by interstitial disorder when the major effect is on
the renal interstitium. Similarly, the term toxic nephropathy should be
discouraged; whenever possible the cause of the renal damage should be
indicated (e.g., analgesic nephropathy,orpenicillamine-induced membra-
nous glomerulonephritis).
Laboratory findings
The most commonly used tests and their results to indicate abnormal renal
function are:
Serum urea increased
Serum creatinine increased
Creatinine clearance decreased
Glomerular filtration rate decreased
A given serum creatinine or creatinine clearance value does not indicate the
same level of renal function in every patient; values vary with age, sex and
body weight. Creatinine clearance provides an approximate measure of the
glomerular filtration rate and is best determined by the Cockcroft and
Gault formula
Creatinine clearance (ml/min) = Weight (kg) x (140 age) / K x serum
creatinine (mmol/l)
Factor K is equal to 0.814 if the serum creatinine level is expressed in
mmol/l; for women, the result has to be multiplied by 0.85.
Certain conditions increase creatinine production (e.g., severe febrile
illness or rhabdomyolysis) and some drugs can reduce renal tubular
creatinine secretion (e.g., probenecid, cimetidine). In these cases abnormal
values do not indicate a fall in glomerular filtration rate. If serum
creatinine is increased but less than 150 mmol/l, the term renal function test
abnormal is used. If serum creatinine is greater than 150 mmol/l, or if
creatinine clearance is less than 50 ml/min, the term renal failure should be
used. More precise methods of measuring glomerular filtration rate
Cr-EDTA clearance or iothalamate clearance.
Glomerular vasomotor disorder
Synonym: Renal vascular disorder
Glomerular vasomotor disorder is a recommended new term for a group of
conditions in which acute renal failure results from acute haemodynamic
renal changes which impair the normal mechanism of preserving
glomerular filtration. This results in a fall in glomerular filtration rate,
which may be particularly severe in patients who are dehydrated,
arteriosclerotic or elderly, or who already have impaired renal function.
Cockcroft, D. W. and Gault, M. H. Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine. Nephron
1976; 16: 31-41.
Drugs that produce this effect include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) and cyclosporin, which induce glomerular afferent
arteriole vasoconstriction, and ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-Il block-
ers, which, by their action on angiotensin-II, cause vasodilatation of the
efferent glomerular arteriole. Combinations of drugs with these two
mechanisms (e.g., NSAIDs and ACE-inhibitors) are particularly danger-
ous and renal function may not recover, even after withdrawing the drug.
Renal vascular disorder is a form of acute renal failure caused by changes
in haemodynamics of the renal vasculature. This may be vasoconstriction
of the glomerular afferent arteriole or vasodilation of the glomerular
efferent arteriole.
Basic requirements for use of the term
1. Abnormal renal function or renal failure
2. Recent administration of the drug concerned, or an episode of
hypovolaemia or hypotension in a patient already taking one or both
of the drugs
Reference 8
Glomerulonephritis (acute and chronic)
Many drugs are associated with the occurrence of glomerulonephritis.
Most forms of glomerulonephritis are mediated by immunological
mechanisms. Two syndromes can he differentiated: acute nephritic
syndrome, with haematuria, red cell casts, decreased renal function and
proteinuria; and nephrotic syndrome (oedema, heavy proteinuria), often
with minimum loss of renal function. The term glomerulonephritis is also
applied to a number of glomerular lesions that are not, strictly speaking,
inflammatory processes. In such cases the term glomerulonephropathy is
considered preferable
The term glomerulonephritis, rapidly progressive, describes a condition
characterized by specific histological changes (crescentic glomerulo-
Glomerulonephritis is a condition characterized by inflammatory,
sclerosing or other pathological changes in the glomeruli; it may be acute,
chronic or rapidly progressive.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The definitive diagnosis is made by renal biopsy. For a diagnosis based on
clinical assessment the following signs are important indicators: haema-
turia, proteinuria, reduced glomerular filtration rate (increased serum
creatinine or decreased creatinine clearance) and hypertension. It is a
matter of medical judgement whether one or more of these findings justify
the diagnosis.
Reference 8
Nephritis interstitial (acute and chronic)
Interstitial nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys due to different
pathogenic factors, involving mainly the renal interstitium. There may also
be tubular damage, and the terms tubulo-interstitial nephritis acute and
tubulo-interstitial nephritis chronic are commonly used. Analgesic nephro-
pathy is a specific entity and is defined separately.
Nephritis interstitial, acute. Acute interstitial nephritis is an acute
inflammatory disease involving the renal interstitium, characterized by
inflammatory cell infiltrates (mainly lymphocytes and mononuclear cells),
interstitial oedema and, in some cases, pathological changes in the tubules.
Nephritis interstitial, chronic. Chronic interstitial nephritis is a chronic
inflammatory renal disease, usually insidious in onset, characterized by
inflammatory cell infiltrates and tubulo-interstitial scarring (fibrosis),
leading to progressive chronic renal failure.
Basic requirements for use of the terms
Nephritis interstitial, acute. The definitive diagnosis can only be made by
renal biopsy. It is essential to demonstrate abnormal renal function, or
abnormal urinalysis (proteinuria, haematuria and leukocyturia). The
presence of eosinophiluria supports the diagnosis.
Also, one or more of the following associated features should be present:
abnormal tubular function, fever, arthralgia, skin rash, or eosinophilia.
Nephritis interstitial, chronic. The definitive diagnosis can only be made by
renal biopsy. The clinical diagnosis is based mainly on abnormal renal
function, ultrasound examination (in advanced stages, small kidneys with
irregular outlines), and urinalysis (proteinuria, haematuria and leuko-
Reference 8
Nephropathy analgesic
Analgesic nephropathy is the commonest form of chronic drug-induced
renal damage, and in some countries accounts for more than 20% of
patients on renal replacement therapy. It is caused by long-term use of
analgesics, particularly by combinations of paracetamol (a tubular toxin)
and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including acet-
ylsalicylic acid, which reduces renal medullary blood flow by inhibition of
prostaglandin synthetase. Renal failure usually develops slowly and
symptoms may be absent for many years, but many patients have recurrent
urinary tract infections and haematuria, while a few pass renal papillae or
fragments of papillae in the urine. Renal papillary necrosis is always
present but can be demonstrated, by intravenous urography, in only about
20% of cases. Renal imaging typically shows small kidneys with irregular
outlines. Renal biopsy shows chronic interstitial fibrosis. There is an
increased incidence of transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium.
Analgesic nephropathy is a form of drug-induced chronic renal damage,
characterized by renal papillary necrosis and chronic interstitial fibrosis.
Basic requirements for use of the term
1. History of long-term and heavy consumption of non-narcotic
analgesics (in most cases, combinations)
2. Abnormal renal function
3. Demonstration of renal papillary necrosis, whenever possible
Other features include recurrent urinary tract infections, small irregular
kidneys, tubular impairment and haematuria.
Reference 8
Nephropathy toxic
The term nephropathy refers strictly to any kidney disease, but it is usually
applied to non-inflammatory diseases, which may be divided into
glomerular, tubular, interstitial, and vascular disease. As the term
nephropathy toxic is highly non-specific with regard to both toxic agent
and kidney reaction, its use is to be discouraged.
The term used should specify if possible both the toxic agent and the
reaction of the kidney e.g., glomerulonephritis membranous due to
penicillinamine, or at least the toxic agent e.g., nephropathy analgesic.
Reference 8
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is a consequence of a variety of disease processes,
such as immunological disorders, toxic injuries, metabolic abnormalities
and vascular disorders, leading to changes in the glomerular capillary wall
and thus to excessive glomerular leakage of plasma proteins into the urine.
Common causes of nephrotic syndrome include minimal change disease,
idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis, and diabetic glomerulo-
sclerosis, but it may be caused also by drugs.
Nephrotic syndrome is a condition characterized by severe proteinuria,
hypoalbuminaemia, oedema, and frequently hypercholesterolaemia.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Protein excretion rate >3 g/day, hypoalbuminaemia (<30 g/l) and oedema.
Reference 8
Renal failure
Synonym: Renal insufficiency
Renal failure, acute, subacute and chronic
Renal failure, aggravated
Drugs can cause renal failure, which may be acute (developing within
hours or days), subacute (within weeks), or chronic (within months or
years); they may also exacerbate pre-existing renal failure. Renal failure is
usually recognized by the finding of a rising serum creatinine and serum
urea concentration, associated with reduced creatinine clearance.
The presenting symptoms of drug-induced renal failure are the same as
those of renal failure due to other causes. Whenever possible in reporting a
suspected adverse drug reaction, the pre-existing level of renal function
should be included in addition to the actual change in function.
Renal biopsy or ultrasound examination is recommended to determine the
precise nature of renal damage and the likely outcome.
Renal failure is a reduction or suppression of the excretory function of the
kidney, characterized by a decrease in creatinine clearance.
The term renal failure, aggravated should be limited to cases with pre-
existing renal failure in which the already high level of serum creatinine has
increased further by more than 50%, or creatinine clearance has decreased
further by at least 50%.
The term oliguria means the passing of less than 400 ml of urine a day, and
anuria the finding of no urine in the bladder by ultrasound examination or
by catheterization.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of increase in serum creatinine above 150 mmol/l, or
reduction in creatinine clearance below 50 ml/min per 1.73 m
of body
surface. Age, sex, weight and whether the patient is pregnant should be
considered in determining abnormality of levels of serum creatinine or
creatinine clearance.
Reference 8
Renal failure (intrinsic) acute
Synonyms: Renal tubular necrosis acute; Renal tubular necrosis; Nephrosis
lower nephron
Acute (intrinsic) renal failure is induced by renal ischaemia or nephrotox-
ins and frequently by a combination of both. The extent of tubular injury is
strongly related not only to the concentration of the toxin and duration of
exposure but also to the multiple predisposing host-factors that govern
susceptibility and resistance (e.g., age, dehydration, pre-existing renal
failure). The most frequently implicated nephrotoxic drugs are antibiotics,
contrast media, and chemotherapeutic and immunosuppressive agents.
Acute (intrinsic) renal failure is a decrease in glomerular filtration rate
resulting from renal hypoperfusion or a nephrotoxin, not immediately
reversed upon discontinuation of the insult (dechallenge) and associated
with some tubular cell damage.
Basic requirements for use of the term
1. Presence of a clinical syndrome compatible with an abrupt loss of renal
blood flow (e.g., shock, hypovolaemia, severe heart failure), or history
of actual exposure to a nephrotoxin
2. Acute decrease in renal excretory function
Reference 8
Renal tubular disorder
Renal tubular disorders alone as a major manifestation of renal disease are
rare. Renal tubular function is impaired in most cases of renal disease. In
children renal tubular disorders occur mainly as genetic disorders. In
adults they may represent a late appearance of genetic disease or acquired
defects, inducing damage due to drugs. Some cases are symptom-free;
others present with complications such as renal tubular acidosis. In some
patients a single specific transport system may be affected; in others the
disorders may be more complex.
The term renal tubular disorder should not be used to designate acute
tubular necrosis.
Renal tubular disorder is an anomaly of tubular transport of various
substances for example, water, amino acids, sugars, and phosphate,
bicarbonate, or hydrogen ions, or other electrolytes.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Documented abnormal renal excretion of the relevant substance or a
related indicator. For a definitive diagnosis, renal function tests should be
within the normal range.
Reference 8
Renal vasculitis
Synonym: Renal allergic (hypersensitivity) vasculitis
The term renal vasculitis refers to a group of conditions that include acute
allergic vasculitis, microangiopathy, thrombotic thrombocytopenic pur-
pura, haemolytic-uraemic syndrome, Henoch-Scho
nlein disease, and
Wegener’s granulomatosis; they are characterized by inflammation or
necrosis of small blood vessels, including arterioles and glomerular
capillaries. Vasculitis is mediated by immunological or direct toxic
mechanisms, and drugs are implicated in some cases. The disorder may
occur as a primary glomerular disease, but it is usually associated with
systemic vasculitis, in which case such features as purpura, thrombocyto-
penia, skin vasculitis or fever may be present. It is often asymptomatic
initially, but sometimes presents as rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
The preferred term is renal vasculitis: the term angiitis is to be discouraged.
Renal vasculitis is a condition characterized by focal and segmental
necrosis of glomerular capillaries, inducing proliferation of glomerular
epithelium, fibrin deposition and crescent formation.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Renal biopsy is necessary for the definitive diagnosis; it should, however,
be performed only if it is medically acceptable to do so, as some patients
have a severe bleeding tendency.
Clinical requirements are: abnormal renal function and urinalysis showing
numerous red cells, white cells and red cell casts. Proteinuria is usually also
present. Other features include purpura, epistaxis or gastrointestinal
bleeding. The blood film may show thrombocytopenia or a microangio-
pathic picture. It is a matter of medical judgement whether one or more of
these findings justify the diagnosis.
Reference 8
Vasculitis (see SOC 0300: Collagen Disorders)
Urinary retention
Urinary retention may be due to partial or total impairment of bladder
emptying. It may be acute or chronic.
Drugs may cause urinary retention or exacerbate a pre-existing retention
caused by organic or mechanical obstruction or malfunction of the
innervation of the bladder.
Urinary retention is the presence of urine in the bladder as a consequence
of inability to empty the bladder.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration by ultrasound examination or catheterization of residual
urine in the bladder after micturition.
Reference 8
Recommendation to include a new term
It is recommended that a new term, glomerular vasomotor disorder,be
included in the MedDRA classification to cover drug effects on the renal
In considering the effects on the kidney of drugs, toxins and other insults, it
is recognized that not all ‘drug effects’ fit comfortably into the existing
MedDRA classification. Most adverse drug reactions can be attributed to
direct tubular damage (usually called acute tubular necrosis), or to damage
mediated through immunological mechanisms (e.g., glomerulonephritis),
or to inflammatory changes (e.g., acute interstitial nephritis). It has
recently been realized, however, that there is a group of drugs whose chief
action and side-effects are on the intrarenal vasculature i.e., a
haemodynamic effect. The main drugs that produce such effects are:
1. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
2. Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists
3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
4. Cyclosporin and tacrolimus
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor antagonists are used in the
management of hypertension, and ACE inhibitors also have a major role in
the management of cardiac failure. Both groups of drugs, as part of their
recognized action, block the vasoconstrictive effect of angiotensin-II on
the efferent arteriole of the renal glomerulus. This effect may protect the
kidney in some conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, but in others (e.g.,
pre-existing renal failure, bilateral renal artery stenosis, hypovolaemia or
relative renal ischaemia) the kidney becomes critically dependent on the
vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole to maintain glomerular filtration.
The administration of an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin-II receptor
antagonist will cause a fall in glomerular capillary pressure and thus a fall
in glomerular filtration, leading potentially to renal failure. This form of
renal impairment or renal failure is thus haemodynamically mediated.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also have major effects on renal
blood flow. By inhibiting prostaglandin synthetase they counteract the
vasodilating effect of prostaglandins on renal blood vessels, particularly
the renal medullary arterioles and the glomerular afferent arteriole. This
results in both renal medullary ischaemia and reduction in glomerular
blood flow. While prostaglandins probably play a major role in healthy
individuals who are well hydrated, in patients with dehydration,
arteriosclerosis or pre-existing renal insufficiency the kidney may become
dependent on prostaglandin activity to maintain glomerular perfusion. In
such circumstances NSAIDs may cause acute renal failure.
Cyclosporin and tacrolimus have a number of effects on the kidney,
including vasoconstriction of the afferent glomerular arteriole. This action
contributes to the nephrotoxicity of the drug. In some cases structural
changes occur in the arteriolar wall, with occlusion of the arteriole by
thrombus formation, leading to severe renal impairment.
Thus, the drugs listed above can cause significant renal impairment or
acute renal failure as a result of effects on the glomerular arterioles.
Combinations of drugs (e.g., NSAIDs plus ACE inhibitors) are even more
likely to produce renal failure than the individual drugs alone, and
nephrologists have increasingly recognized this danger. In some cases,
renal function does not recover even if the drug or drugs are withdrawn.
The drugs described produce renal impairment or renal failure owing to
haemodynamic changes in the renal vasculature. The ‘vasomotor’ effects
of drugs cannot easily be fitted into the current MedDRA classification.
For this reason there appears to be a strong case for including these ‘drug
effects’ in the general category ‘Renal vascular disorder’, with a new
subcategory ‘Glomerular vasomotor (or vascular) disorder’. The term
vasomotor probably expresses more accurately the haemodynamic effects
of these drugs.
It is recommended that the following term be added to the MedDRA
Preferred term: Glomerular vasomotor disorder
(Alternative Glomerular vascular disorder)
High-level term: Renal vascular disorder
Fetal Disorders
(SOC 1500)
Aortic coarctation
Aortic coarctation is one of the most common cardiovascular malforma-
tions; it may be associated with patent ductus arteriosus and intracardiac
defects in particular, ventricular septal defects. Such combinations may
lead to infantile cardiac failure. Aortic valve anomalies, especially bicuspid
aortic valve, are common.
Coarctation of the abdominal aorta is a rare lesion; in most cases it is
Aortic coarctation is a localized narrowing of the descending aorta distal
to the isthmus and close to the ductus arteriosus or ligament, with or
without a narrowing of the isthmus or horizontal aortic arch.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The diagnosis of coarctation of the aorta is highly likely when the arterial
pulse in the lower extremity is absent, delayed or weak in a child or young
adult, and when the systolic blood pressure is higher in the upper than in
the lower extremities. To establish the diagnosis, however, it is necessary to
demonstrate narrowing of the descending aorta by an imaging technique:
angiography, magnetic resonance or echocardiography.
Reference 6
Aortic stenosis
Congenital types of aortic stenosis include valvular, subvalvular (discrete
or tunnel type), and supravalvular stenosis. Acquired aortic stenosis can
occur as a result of rheumatic endocarditis or fibrotic or calcific
degeneration. Bicuspid aortic valve is an important risk factor for
development of aortic valve stenosis in middle age. Aortic stenosis alone
is always congenital. Rheumatic fever causes mainly aortic regurgitation
with some stenosis.
Aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the ventricular outflow tract leading to the
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration of the narrowed site, by an imaging technique, or of a
significant pressure gradient (> 20 mm Hg) between the left ventricle and
the aorta, by either catheterization or Doppler techniques.
Reference 6
Artery malformation
In reporting adverse drug reactions, artery malformation should be a group
term rather than a preferred term, because it covers a number of entities.
Malformation can occur in the large central arteries: e.g., vascular rings,
aortic arch abnormalities, interruption of the aortic arch. Artery
malformation may also be observed in small arteries: e.g., anomalies of
coronary arteries (abnormally connected to the pulmonary artery or
abnormally distributed). Congenital stenosis of peripheral arteries is
uncommon, but it is seen most often in the pulmonary arteries (see
Pulmonic stenosis).
Arterial aneurysms are most often acquired lesions. Occasionally they may
be the result of congenital lesions of the arterial wall.
Arteriovenous fistulas, strictly speaking, are malformations of both
arteries and veins. They can be congenital (e.g., pulmonary arteriovenous
fistula, coronary fistulas).
Artery malformation is an anatomical abnormality of an artery, present at
birth and resulting from faulty embryological development.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Demonstration by an imaging procedure of an arterial abnormality that
appears to be congenital. Arteriography is the method of choice, although
magnetic resonance and echocardiography with Doppler techniques may
be diagnostic when the great arteries are involved.
Reference 6
Atrial septal defect
Atrial septal defect is one of the three most common congenital heart
defects. It is most often located within the fossa ovalis, and is due to partial
or complete absence of the ‘flap valve’ of the foramen ovale; this is called
‘secundum’ atrial septal defect. The defect may also be in the inlet of the
atria near the superior vena cava (‘sinus venosus type’). The so-called
‘primum type’ is part of a more complex anomaly, namely atrioventricular
canal defect. An atrial septal defect is often associated with other heart
Patent foramen ovale is not a congenital malformation but represents
rather a normal condition of the fetus, newborn and infant, which may
persist into adult life.
Atrial septal defect is an abnormality in which the atrial septum is
incomplete, allowing communication between the left and right atria.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The condition may be suspected from clinical appearances, electrocardio-
graphic findings, or chest X-ray, but imaging techniques or haemodynamic
measurements are required to confirm the diagnosis.
Reference 6
Heart malformation
Synonyms: Congenital heart defect; Congenital heart disease
Heart malformation is a group term. Heart malformations occur in about
7/1000 live births. Etiological factors include heredity, chromosomal
abnormalities, metabolic disorders, and the effects of teratogens.
Teratogens are either physical, biological (e.g., viral infection) or chemical.
Chemical teratogens include such substances as alcohol and drugs. Thus a
congenital heart defect may occur as an adverse drug reaction if the drug or
its metabolite affects organogenesis. Heart malformations as a result of a
single etiological factor are uncommon. In most cases the etiology is
multifactorial, attributable to a combination of hereditary predisposition
and environmental factors.
Substances taken before or early in pregnancy can affect organogenesis;
therefore, a careful drug history should be taken, covering the period
preceding pregnancy as well as the first trimester of pregnancy. Only very
few drugs have been found indisputably to increase the risk of heart
malfunction in the fetus.
A heart malformation is an anatomical abnormality of the heart, present at
birth and resulting from faulty embryological development.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Cardiac malformation may be suspected from clinical features (e.g.,
cardiac history, cardiac murmur), X-ray appearances, etc. but the
diagnosis can be established only by cardiac imaging (echocardiogram,
angiocardiography and cardiac catheterization, magnetic resonance) or a
demonstration of altered haemodynamics (cardiac catheterization, dye-
dilution, or Doppler techniques).
Reference 6
Pulmonic stenosis congenital
Synonym: Congenital pulmonary stenosis
Congenital pulmonic stenosis is one of the most common cardiovascular
abnormalities. It may occur as an isolated defect or accompany other
intracardiac malformations, notably the tetralogy of Fallot. The most
common site is the pulmonary valve (commissural fusion). Pulmonic
stenosis may also be subvalvular (infundibular), as in the tetralogy of
Fallot, or, rarely, supravalvular; or there may be a narrowing of one or
several branches of the pulmonary artery.
Pulmonic stenosis is a narrowing of the right ventricular outflow tract of
the great vessels supplying the lungs.
Basic requirements for use of the term
The condition may be suspected from clinical appearances, ECG and chest
X-ray, but to establish the diagnosis the narrowed site must be
demonstrated by an imaging technique, or a significant pressure gradient
(e.g., 20-30 mm Hg) must be demonstrated between the right ventricle and
the pulmonary artery by either catheterization or Doppler techniques.
Reference 6
Body as a Whole General Disorders
(SOC 1810)
Abdominal pain
(see SOC 0600: Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders)
Aggravation / Exacerbation
The adjective aggravated,orexacerbated, not in itself an adverse-reaction
term, is used to qualify a term signifying a condition considered to be an
adverse reaction, as in arthralgia aggravated, bilirubinaemia aggravated, or
psoriasis aggravated. It signifies the worsening of a disease for which a drug
was used or of a concomitant disease.
The use of aggravated (or exacerbated) is especially difficult in relation to
diseases that run a fluctuating course. In such cases the baseline is the
pattern or expected pattern of the disease over time. The relevant time
period depends on the course of the disease, which may fluctuate by hours
or daily (circadian), or by seasons or years.
Aggravated refers to deterioration of a disease or condition, in terms of
severity or frequency or in any other respect.
Basic requirements for use of the term
Findings in accordance with the definition.
Reference 13
Anaphylactic reaction
The administration of a drug or other substance is sometimes followed
rapidly by an acute systemic adverse reaction, simultaneously involving
several organ systems. Characteristic symptoms of such a reaction are:
Skin: itching, erythema, urticaria, angioedema
Respiratory system: laryngeal oedema or spasm, bronchospasm
Cardiovascular system: hypotension, shock
Gastrointestinal system: abdominal cramps, diarrhoea
Neuropsychological symptoms: anxiety, agitation, loss of conscious-
This type of reaction may result from either immunological (anaphylactic)
or non-immunological (anaphylactoid) mechanisms, resulting in the
liberation of histamine and other mediators. Well-known causes of
anaphylactic reactions are ß-lactam antibiotics, anti-venoms and solutions
of hyposensitization (desensitization); those of anaphylactoid reactions
are minor analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
and radio-contrast media. Clinically the two types of reaction are
indistinguishable; for the reporting of adverse reactions, therefore,
anaphylactic reaction is the preferable term to use.
When it is the cardiovascular system that is predominantly involved in an
anaphylactic reaction, shock may occur, manifested typically by
tachycardia or bradycardia, pulselessness, hypotension, psychological
signs of adrenergic stimulation (such as anxiety), and signs of cerebral
ischaemia (loss of consciousness). Anaphylactic shock is associated with
systemic vasodilation. Although often more than one organ/system is
involved, shock may occasionally occur as the sole manifestation of an
anaphylactic reaction. When a reaction affects predominantly the
respiratory system, life-threatening laryngeal oedema or refractory
bronchospasm may occur (with or without shock).
Anaphylactic reaction may occur after parenteral as well as enteral
administration; with the latter the reaction may be delayed or less severe.
The shorter the reaction time, the more severe the reaction is.
For adequate assessment of a case, exact information is needed about all
exposures to drugs and other agents during the 24 hours preceding the
reaction. Also, information about previous reactions may be pertinent.
Anaphylactic reaction is an acute hypersensitivity/allergic reaction of the
immediate type, characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:
Skin: itching, erythema, urticaria, angioedema
Respiratory system: laryngeal oedema or spasm, bronchospasm
Cardiovascular system: hypotension.
In addition, the following symptoms may occur:
Gastrointestinal system: abdominal cramps, diarrhoea
Neuropsychological: anxiety, agitation, loss of consciousness
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 13
Anaphylactic shock
See Preamble to Anaphylactic reaction.
Anaphylactic shock is the most acute and severe form of hypersensitivity
reaction, dominated by cardiological and respiratory symptoms (arterial
hypotension, laryngeal oedema or bronchospasm).
Basic requirements for use of the term
The occurrence soon after exposure to a drug or other substance of clinical
signs of shock, such as hypotension, tachycardia or bradycardia,
pulselessness or loss of consciousness, together with one or both of the
following groups of symptoms:
Skin: itching, erythema, urticaria, angioedema
Respiratory system: laryngeal oedema or spasm, bronchospasm.
Reference 13
Anaphylactoid reaction
See Preamble to Anaphylactic reaction.
Anaphylactoid reaction is an acute hypersensitivity reaction, which shows
the symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction as specified above. It is not,
however, an immunological reaction: no specific IgE antibodies can be
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 13
Asthenia is an unsatisfactory term for reporting adverse drug reactions. If
the symptom mentioned by the patient is one of those contained in the
definition (below) it should be reported as such. Symptoms may be due to
the disease or to the drug.
Asthenia is a collective term embodying complaints of fatigue, tiredness,
lassitude, lack of energy, or generalized weakness.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 13
(see SOC 1020: Myocardial, Endocardial, Pericardial and Valve Disorders)
Hypovolaemia is an unsatisfactory term for reporting adverse drug
reactions. A more specific term should be used, according to the signs
and symptoms, e.g., hypotension, diarrhoea, vasodilation.
Reference 13
Lupus erythematosus (see SOC 0300: Collagen Disorders)
Malaise is a common prodromal symptom of infections, but may be due to
drugs or to the diseases for which they have been given.
Malaise is a general feeling of being unwell.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 13
(see SOC 1020: Myocardial, Endocardial, Pericardial and Valve Disorders)
Rigors / Shivering
Rigors are common in bacterial, rickettsial, and protozoal diseases and
influenza (but not other viral diseases). Rigors are also common with drug-
induced fevers.
Chills are a sensation of cold occurring in most fevers. Shivering is a readily
observable generalized tremor. Chills, shivering and rigors are part of the
response of the nervous system to the thermoregulatory ‘set point’ calling
for more heat.
In some countries rigor is used for stiffness, as in rigor mortis. This usage
should be differentiated from that of rigors as defined here.
The term rigor signifies a profound chill, with piloerection (goose flesh),
teeth-chattering and severe shivering.
Basic requirements for use of the term
According to the definition.
Reference 13
(see SOC 1010: Cardiovascular Disorders, General)
Withdrawal syndrome / Rebound effect
Withdrawal syndrome occurs in substance-dependent persons with
cessation or withdrawal of such psychoactive substances as alcohol,
tobacco, amphetamines, cocaine, opioids, hypnotics, or anxiolytics.
Withdrawal, as in withdrawal syndrome, should be differentiated from
withdrawal in the sense of discontinuing a treatment drug. Withdrawal
syndrome can be observed in non-dependent subjects taking long-term
The included term rebound effect refers to the recrudescence of a disease
after the withdrawal of a treatment drug e.g., propranolol in coronary
artery disease.
Withdrawal syndrome is a substance-specific effect of cessation of, or
rapid reduction in, substance use that has been heavy and prolonged. The
substance-specific syndrome is one of clinically significant physiological or
psychological distress or impairment in social, occupational or other
important areas of functioning.
Rebound effect is recrudescence or overshooting of the symptoms of a
disease after a treatment drug has been withdrawn.
Basic requirements for use of the terms
In accordance with the definitions of the terms.
Reference 13
1. Meetings and Publications
This Appendix lists all the meetings held under the project Definitions and
basic requirements for the use of terms for reporting adverse drug reactions,
including two international ‘‘consensus meetings’’ organized by Roussel-
Uclaf, Paris, under CIOMS auspices, and referenced below as pre 1 and
pre 2.
First Consensus Meeting (June 1989) Reference pre 1
Publication: Standardization of definitions and criteria of causality
assessment of adverse drug reactions. Drug-induced liver disorders: report
of an international consensus meeting. International Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology, 1990; 28(8): 317-322.
Second Consensus Meeting (April 1990) Reference pre 2
Publication: Standardization of definitions and criteria of causality
assessment of adverse drug reactions. Drug-induced cytopenia.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology,
1991; 29(2): 75-81.
Meeting 1 (January 1991) Reference 1
Publication: Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting
Adverse Drug Reactions. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 1992; 1:
Meeting 2 (November 1991) Reference 2
Publication: Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting
Adverse Drug Reactions (II). Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety,
1992; 1: 133-137.
Meeting 3 (April 1992) Reference 3
Publication: Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting
Adverse Drug Reactions (III). Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety,
1992; 1:191-196.
Meeting 4 (November 1992) Reference 4
Publication: Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting
Adverse Drug Reactions (IV). Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety,
1993; 2:149-153.
Meeting 5 (April 1993) Reference 5
Publication: Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting
Adverse Drug Reactions (V). Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety,
1993; 2:189-193.
Meeting 6 (May 1993) Reference 6
Publication: Definitions of Adverse Drug Reactions and Minimum
Requirements for Their Use Cardiovascular Disease Terms. Pharmaco-
epidemiology and Drug Safety, 1993; 2: 591-602.
Meeting 7a (June 1995) Reference 7a
Meeting 7b (October 1995) Reference 7b
Publication (7a and 7b): Harmonizing the Use of Adverse Drug Reaction
Terms. Definitions of terms and minimum requirements for their use:
Respiratory Disorders and Skin Disorders. Pharmacoepidemiology and
Drug Safety, 1997; 6:115-127.
Meeting 8 (June 1996) Reference 8
Publication: Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting
Adverse Drug Reactions (VIII): Renal and Urinary System Disorders.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 1997; 6: 203-211.
Meeting 9 (November 1996) Reference 9
Publication: Definitions of Terms for Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions
(IX): Nervous System and Psychiatric Disorders. Pharmacoepidemiology
and Drug Safety, 1998; 7: 39-49.
Meeting 10 (April 1997) Reference 10
Publication: Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for Reporting
Adverse Drug Reactions (X): Gastrointestinal System Disorders.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 1998; 7: 281-287.
Meeting 11 (November 1997) Reference 11
Publication: Definitions and Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for
Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (XI): Cardiovascular System
Disorders. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 1998; 7: 351-357.
Meeting 12 (September 1998) Reference 12
Publication: Definitions and Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for
Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (XII): Collagen Disorders and
Musculo-Skeletal Disorders. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety,
1999; 8: 141-145.
Meeting 13 (October 1998) Reference 13
Publication: Definitions and Basic Requirements for the Use of Terms for
Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (XIII): Clinical Pathology and
General Disorders. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 1999; 8:
2. Participants of meetings 1 14
In parentheses, reference numbers of the meetings attended
Studiengesellschaft e.V.,
Postfach 24 01 43,
Dreizehnmorgenweg 44,
D 5300 Bonn 2,
AELLIG, W. (3 14)
Clinical Safety and Epidemiology,
Novartis Pharma AG,
CH 4002 Basel,
ANTY, R. (6)
Medical Research Department,
ICI Pharmaceuticals ZENECA,
Mereside, Alderly Park,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 4TG,
United Kingdom
ATSMA, W. J. (6)
Product Surveillance Department,
Organon Internation al BV,
P.O.Box 20,
NL 5340 BY Oss,
The Netherlands
BADER, J.-P. (10)
33 ave Wagram,
F 75000 Paris,
BANKOWSKI, Z. (1 9,11-14),
Council for International
Organizations of Medical
c/o World Health Organization,
CH 1211 Geneva 27,
BASS, R. (10)
Human Unit,
European Agency for the Evaluation
of Medical Products,
7 Westferry Circus,
Canary Wharf,
London E14 4HB,
United Kingdom
BAUMBAUER, E. (7a, 8,10)
Research and Development,
Verband Forschender
Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.
Johanna-Kinkel-Str. 2-4,
D 53143 Bonn,
Hoˆ pital Foch,
Section of Information and
The Medical Products Agency,
S 75103 Uppsala,
BEGAUD, B. (1)
Commission nationale de
DPHM, Ministe
re de la Sante
1 Place Fontenoy,
F 75007 Paris,
Division of Gastroenterology,
University Hospital,
CH 4031 Basel,
partement central de
Roussel Uclaf,
35 blvd des Invalides,
F 75007 Paris,
F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co Ltd,
Grenzacherstrasse 124,
CH 4002 Basel,
European Agency for the Evaluation
of Medical Products,
7 Westferry Circus,
Canary Wharf,
London E14 4HB,
United Kingdom
Division of Mental Health and
Prevention of Substance Abuse,
World Health Organization,
CH 1211 Geneva 27,
WHO Collaborati ng Centre for
International Drug Monitoring,
P.O. Box 26,
S 75 103 Uppsala,
du BOIS, R. M. (1)
National Heart and Lung Institute,
Department of Thoracic Medicine,
Emanuel Kaye Building,
Manresa Road,
London SW3 6LR,
United Kingdom
Service des Maladies Respiratoires.
Hoˆ pital Arnaud de Villeneuve,
371 Avenue de Doyen Gaston Giraud,
F 34295 Montpellier, Cedex 5
BRUNNER, H. (1,6)
partement de Me
decine interne,
Rue Bugnon,
CH 1011 Lausanne,
BRUPPACHER, R. (25,7-11,14)
Alleeweg 8,
CH 4310 Rheinfelden,
Alleeweg 8,
CH 4310 Rheinfelden,
CAMUS, P. (7a)
Service de Pneumologie et de
animation respiratoire,
B.P. 1543
F 21034 Dijon,
CAPPUS, H. (2)
c/o Sandoz Pharma AG,
CH 4002 Basel
Service de Pharmacologie
fondamentale et clinique,
Centre de Pharmacovigilance et
d’Information sur le Me
C.H.U. Morvan 5, avenue Foch,
F 29609 Brest Cedex,
CASSANO, G. B. (9)
Instituto di Psichiatria,
di Pisa,
Ospedale S. Chiara,
Via Roma 67,
I 56126 Pisa,
CASTOT, A. (7b)
Pharmacovigilance Unit,
Agence du Me
Direction de l’Evaluation,
143-147 blvd Anatole France
F 93285 Saint-Denis,
Department of Cardiology,
Royal Sussex County Hospital,
Eastern Road,
Brighton, East Sussex BN2 5BE,
United Kingdom
Division of Anti-infective Drug
Office of Drug Evaluation,
Centre for Drug Evaluation and
Food and Drug Administration,
5600 Fishers Lane,
Maryland 20857,
Hoˆ pital cantonal universitaire,
CH 1211 Geneva 14,
CONE, M. (7)
International Federation of
Manufacturers Associations
30 rue de St Jean,
CH 1211 Geneva 18,
South Cleveland Hospital,
Marton Road,
Cleveland TS4 3BW,
United Kingdom
CRUSIUS, I. (9 13)
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH,
Corporate Drug Safety
D 53216 Ingelheim am Rhein,
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Hohlgasse 31,
CH 4102 Binningen,
Royal Brompton Hospital,
Sydney Street
London SW3 6NP,
DIEKMANN, U. (4, 7a)
Corporate Drug Safety,
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH,
D 55216 Ingelheim-am-Rhein,
Hoˆ pital Saint-Louis,
Avenue Claude VelleJaux
F 75475 Paris Cedex 10,
DUNNE, J. F. (2 6)
Division of Drug Management and
World Health Organization,
CH 1211 Geneva 27,
ECKERT, S. (3)
Bayer AG,
Pharma Research,
P.O. Box 101709,
D 5600 Wuppertal 1
EDWARDS, I. R. (3 7)
WHO Collaborati ng Centre for
International Drug Monitoring,
Box 26,
S 75103 Uppsala,
FALCI, M. (4)
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH,
B. Medizin,
Corporate Drug Safety,
Postfach 200,
D 6507 Ingelheim am Rhein,
Division of Cardiorenal Drug
Center for Drug Evaluation &
Food and Drug Administration,
Rockville, MD 20857,
partement de Psychiatrie,
Clinique des Psychiatrie II,
Bd St-Georges 16 -18,
CH 1205 Geneva,
FRACCHIA, G. N. (5,6)
Directorate General for Science,
Research and Development,
Joint Research Centre,
Commission of the European
Rue de la Loi 200,
B 1049 Brussels,
National Registry of Drug-induced
Ocular Side Effects,
Casey Eye Institute,
Oregon Health Sciences University,
3375 S.W. Terwilliger Blvd,
Portland, Oregon 97201-4197,
Paediatric Cardiology,
Hoˆ pital cantonal universitaire de
Clinique de Pe
CH 1211 Geneva 14,
FRY, L. (7b)
Department of Dermatology,
St. Mary’s Hospital,
United Kingdom
GALLAGHER, J. (1 14)
Council for International
Organizations of Medical
c/o World Health Organization,
CH 1211 Geneva 27,
Division of Gastrointestinal Drug
Food and Drug Administration,
Center for Drug Evaluation and
Rockville,MD 20857,
GELLERT, J. (10)
Bayer AG,
Pharma Research Centre,
Drug Safety International,
D 42096 Wuppertal,
Royal Postgraduate Medical School,
Hammersmith Hospital,
Du Cane Road,
London W12 ONN,
United Kingdom
Unable to attend but provided
Department of Internal Medicine 1
Division of Hematology,
Kantonsspital Basel,
CH 4031 Basel,
GROSS, W. (12)
Zentrum Innere Medizin der
Medizinischen Universita
Ratzeburger Allee
D 23538 Lu
GYR, K. (2)
Medizinische Klinik,
Kantonsspital Liestal
Rheinstrasse 26,
CH 4410 Liestal,
HACHEN, H. J. (3)
International College of Angiology,
Case postale 249,
CH 1211 Geneva 24,
Centre Re
gional de
Hoˆ pital Pellegrin-Carreire,
Zone Nord-Baˆ timent 1A,
F 33076 Bordeaux Cedex,
HARMS, C. (7b)
Clinique et Policlinique de
Dermatologie et de Ve
Hoˆ pital cantonal universitaire,
CH 1211 Geneva 4,
Medizinische Klinik
und Poliklinik,
Postfach 3880,
D 7900 Ulm,
HEUER, H. (7a)
Corporate Drug Safety,
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
D 55216 Ingelheim-am-Rhein,
HIEMSTRA, S. (4,5)
Pharmaceutical Research Associates
Besselstrasse 2-4,
D 6800 Mannheim 81,
HOIGNE, R. (1)
CHDM, Zieglerspital,
CH 3007 Bern,
HULLA, F. (10)
Bayer AG,
Pharma Research Centre,
Drug Safety International,
D 42096 Wuppertal,
HUTT, H. J. (2)
Dr. K. Thomae GmbH,
Abteilung Medizin,
D 7950 Biberach 1,
Division of Drug Management and
World Health Organization,
CH 1211 Geneva 27,
IMBS, J.-L. (6)
Commission nationale de la
DPHM Ministe
re de la Sante
1 place Fontenoy,
F 75007 Paris,
IPPEN, H. ( 7b)
Springstrasse 67,
D 37077 Go
JENKINS, J. (7a)
Pulmonary Drugs Division,
Food and Drug
5400 Fishers Lane,
Rockville, MD 20857,
Center for Drug Evaluation and
Food and Drug Administration,
Parklawn Bldg, Room 15B-31,
5600 Fishers Lane,
Rockville, Maryland 20857,
JUNG, D. (12)
Knoll AG,
Rathausplatz 10-12
D 67059 Ludwigshafen,
Division de Cardiologie,
CH 1011 Lausanne,
KASSEL, G. (12)
Byk Gulden GmbH
Byk-Gulden-Strasse 2
D 78467 Konstanz,
KEISU, M. (3)
Division of Drug Epidemiology
Medical Products Agency,
P.O.Box 26,
75103 Uppsala,
KERR, L. (4)
International Drug Regulatory
Affairs and Safety,
Hoffmann-La Roche
CH 4002 Basel,
GLICH, M. (12)
Drug Surveillance Frankfurt,
Hoechst Marion Roussel
D 65926 Frankfurt-am-Main,
NIG, H.-J. (4)
Neurochirurgische Klinik der
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 33,
D 4400 Mu
Pharmacovigilance Unit,
Agence du Me
Direction de l’Evaluation,
143 147 blvd Anatole France
F 93285 Saint-Denis,
KREMER, G. (3,4, 7 14)
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
Corporate Drug Safety
D 53216 Ingelheim am Rhein,
KREUTZ, G. (1 13)
Bundesinstitut fu
r Arzneimittel und
Seestrasse 10-11
D 13353 Berlin,
KRUPP, P. (2)
Pharmacovigilance Group,
Clinical Research Building 386/810,
Sandoz Pharma Ltd.,
4002 Basel,
KUBE, R. (2)
Dr. K. Thomae GmbH,
Abteilung Medizin,
D 7950 Biberach 1,
KUNZE, K. (9)
Neurologische Universita
Martini-Strasse 52,
D 2000 Hamburg 20,
LAGIER, G. (5)
Hoˆ pital Fernand Widal,
200, rue du FG Saint Denis,
F 75475 Paris Cedex 10,
LAMACHE, E. (10)
European Agency for the Evaluation
of Medical Products,
7 Westferry Circus,
Canary Wharf,
London E14 4HB,
United Kingdom
LAURELL, G. (14)
Department of Otolaryngology,
Karolinska Hospital,
S 17176 Stockholm ,
Office of the Director-General,
World Health Organization,
1211 Geneva 27,
LESKI, M. (8)
partement de Me
Division de Nephrologie,
Hoˆ pital cantonal universitaire,
1211 Geneva 14,
LEVIN, R. (4)
Centre for Drug Evaluation and
Food and Drug Administration,
Room 10-B-45,
5600 Fishers Lane,
Maryland 20857,
LUDIN, H.P. (4)
Department of Neurology,
Cantonal Hospital,
CH 9000 St. Gallen,
DERITZ, B. (1,6)
Department of Medicine and
University of Bonn,
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25,
D 1000 Berlin 33,
LUFT, S. (4)
Hoechst AG,
Postfach 80 03 20,
D 6230 Frankfurt am Main 80,
LUMPKIN, M. M. (2)
Center for Drug Evaluation and
Office of Drug Evaluation
II HFD-500,
Food and Drug Administration,
MD 20857,
MANN, R. D. (1 7, 10-14)
Drug Safety Research Unit,
Bursledon Hall,
Southampton S03 8BA,
MARSH, J. (13)
Unable to attend but provided
Department of Haematology,
St. George‘s Hospital,
Blackshaw Road,
London SW17 0QT
MEYBOOM, R. H. B. (1)
Netherlands Centre for Monitoring of
Adverse Reactions to Drugs,
P.O. Box 5406,
NL 2280 HK Rijswijk,
MEYER, Ph. (1)
Commission of the European
Internal Market and Industrial
Rue de la Loi 200,
B 1049 Brussels,
MEYER, U. (1)
Gruppe AMG-Belange/GCP,
Boehringer Ingelheim,
Bingerstrasse 173,
D 6507 Ingelheim/Rhein,
Dokumentationszentrum schwerer
Hauptstrasse 7
D 791044 Freiburg,
MOORE, N. (2, 7a)
Hoˆ pital de Bois-Guil laume,
Centre de Pharmacovigilance,
147 Avenue du Mare
chal Juin,
B.P. 100,
F 76233 Bois-Guillaume Cedex,
Centre for Biologics Evaluation and
Food and Drug Administration,
Bethesda, MD 20892,
NORDET, P. (6,11)
Cardiovascular Diseases,
World Health Organization,
CH 1211 Geneva 27,
OLSSON, R. (2)
Department of Internal Medicine,
Sahlgrenska Hospital,
S 41345 Go
OPIE, L. H. (6)
Committee on Cardiovascular
Heart Research Unit,
University of Cape Town Medical
7925 Observatory,
Cape Town,
South Africa
OSTER, M. (8)
Hoechst AG,
D 62926 Frankfurt,
Institute of Pharmacology,
University of Milan,
via Balzaretti 9,
I 20133 Milan,
Ministry of Health,
Pharmaceutical Department,
Via della Civilta
I 00144 Rome,
PAPP, J. G. (6)
Department of
University of Szeged,
P.O. Box 115,
6701 Szeged,
Chemin Beau-Soleil 20,
CH 1206 Geneva,
Abteilung Pneumologie,
tsklinik Basel,
Petersgraben 4,
CH 4031 Basel,
PFEIFFER, M. (2,5,7 11)
Bayer AG,
Pharma Research Centre,
P.O. Box 101709,
D 42096 Wuppertal,
Rhoˆ ne-Poulenc Rorer, Inc.,
20 ave Raymond Aron,
F 92165 Antony,
PIETREK, M. (5,6)
Drug Safety,
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.,
CH 4002 Basel,
PRICHARD, B. N. C. (11)
Department of Clinical
University College Hospital,
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6JJ,
United Kingdom
RAKOSKI, J. (7b)
Dermatologische Klinik u. Poliklinik
der Technischen Universita
Biederstein Strasse 29
D 80802 Mu
RANKET, L. (2)
Medical Department A-2152,
DK 2100 Copenhagen,
RASTOGI, S. C. (3)
Division of Biostatistics and
Centre for Biologics Evaluation and
Food and Drug Administration,
Bethesda, MD 20892,
REITER, Ch. (2, 7a, 10)
Bayer AG,
Pharma Research Centre,
Drug Safety International,
D 42096 Wuppertal,
RHODES, J. M. (10)
The University of Liverpool,
Gastroenterology Research
University Clinical Department of
The Duncan Building,
Daulby Street,
Liverpool L69 3GA,
United Kingdom
ROCCO, F. (8)
Department of Medicine,
University of Milan,
Division of Urology,
Ospedale San Gerardo,
Via Donizetti, 106,
I 20052 Monza,
ROCHAT, T. (7a)
Hoˆ pital cantonal et universitaire de
Centre Anti-TBC,
CH 1205 Geneva,
ROUJEAU, J.-C. (7b)
Hoˆ pital Henri Mondor,
Service de Dermatologie,
51 ave du Mare
chal de Lattre de
F 94010 Creteil Cedex,
ROYER, R.-J. (3)
Commission Nationale de
DPHM, Ministe
re de la Sante
1 place Fontenoy,
F 75007 Paris,
Hoechst AG,
D 65926 Frankfurt am Main,
Centre de Cardiologie,
Hoˆ pital cantonal universitaire,
Rue Micheli-du-Crest,
CH 1205 Geneva,
SANDER, J. W. A. S. (9)
World Federation
of Neurology,
Epilepsy Research Group,
National Hospital for Neurology and
Institute of Neurology,
33 Queen Square,
London WC1N 3 BG,
United Kingdom
Rheuma-Einheit der Medizinischen
Poliklinik der Universita
Pettenkoferstrasse 8a,
D 8000 Mu
SCHOU, J. S. (4 9)
Department of Pharmacology,
University of Copenhagen,
Panum Instituttet,
Blegdamsvej 3,
DK 2200 Copenhagen N,
SCHRANK, J. (7b,8,10)
Petersgraben 35,
P.O. Box,
CH 4003 Basel,
SCHUMANN, W. (1,4,8,12)
Drug Safety,
Schering AG,
D 13342 Berlin,
SPIEGL, W. (8,9,14)
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.,
CH 4070 Basel,
Pharma Division,
PH 3.521, K-490.2.38,
Ciba-Geigy AG.
CH 4002 Basel,
SPRENGER, K. (1,8)
Bayer AG,
Pharma Research Centre,
P.O. Box 101709
D 42096 Wuppertal,
STEINBACH, T. (10,12)
Schwarz Pharma AG,
Alfred-Nobel Strasse 10,
D 40789 Monheim,
STERN, R. S. (7b)
Department of Dermatology,
Harvard Medical School,
330 Brookline Avenue,
Boston, MA 02215
STERRY, W. (7b)
tsklinikum Charite
Medizinsche Fakulta
Dermatologische Universita
und Poliklinik,
Schumannstrasse 20/21
D 01007 Berlin,
STOLLER, R. (7a,12-14)
Pharmacovigilance Centre,
Office Intercantonal de Controˆ le de
CH 3000 Bern 9,
STREBEL, L. (2 4,11)
Office Intercantonal de Controˆ le de
CH 3000 Bern 9,
c/o Heinrich-Heine-Universita
Ltr. d. Abt. fu
Moorenstrasse 5,
D 4000 Du
sseldorf 1,
Direction internationale de la
Sanofi Pharma S.A.,
82 ave Raspail,
F 94255 Gentilly Cedex,
TEN HAM, M. (1,2, 4,5,7,8,11,12)
Drug Safety,
World Health Organization,
1211 Geneva 27,
TRENQUE, T. (8,9)
Agence du Me
Direction de l
143 -147 Bd Anatole France,
F 93285 Saint-Denis Cedex,
Division of Gastrointestinal
and Coagulation Drug Products,
Food and Drug Administration,
Rockville, MD 20857,
TROLIN, I. (7b)
Post Licensing, Safety and Efficacy,
Medical Products Agency,
PO Box 26
S 751 03 Uppsala,
BESTEIN, G. (1,6,11)
Spessart-Klinik Bad Orb,
rzburger Strasse 7/11,
D 63619 Bad Orb,
VENULET, J. (1 14)
Council for International
Organizations of Medical
c/o World Health Organization,
CH 1211 Geneva 27,
VILARDELL, F. (2,10)
Former President, World
Organization of
Juan Sebastian Bach 11,
E 08021 Barcelona,
WEIDMANN, E. (2,8)
Drug Safety Department,
Hoechst AG,
D 65926 Frankfurt am Main,
WEISS, J.-M. (7b,8)
F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. Ltd.,
Grenzacherstrasse 124,
CH 4002 Basel,
WILKIN, J. (7b)
Division of Dermatologic and
Ophthalmologic Drug Products,
Food and Drug Administration,
Rockville, MD 20857,
WOOD, K. L. (8,9)
MedDRA Project,
Medicines Control Agency,
Room 1027,
Market Towers,
1 Nine Elms Lane,
London SW8 5NQ,
United Kingdom
WOOD, S. ( 2,6)
Pharmacovigilance Unit,
Medicines Control Agency,
Market Towers,
1 Nine Elms Lane,
London SW8 5NQ,
United Kingdom
Bayer AG,
Pharma Forschungs zentrum,
D 5600 Wuppertal 1,
Included Terms and Synonyms in Italics
Abdominal pain..............46
Acidosis ...................61
acute cardiac infarction .........73
acute confusional state .........41
acute coronary insufficiency......68
acute generalized exanthemic
pustulosis ................12
acute myocardial infarction ......73
Acute respiratory distress
syndrome ................86
Aggravation ............... 123
Agranulocytosis ............. 100
akinesia ....................27
allergic eosinophilic pneumonitis...93
Anaphylactic reaction. ........ 123
Anaphylactic shock .......... 125
Anaphylactoid reaction ....... 125
Anaemia ...................96
Anaemia aplastic .............98
Anaemia microcytic
hypochromic .............97
Anaemia, haemolytic ..........96
aneurysm of the heart ..........69
angiitis ................... 115
angina decubitus ..............68
Angina pectoris ..............68
angina pectoris aggravated.......68
anginal attack ...............68
anginal pain .................68
anginal syndrome .............68
Angioedema ................12
angioneurotic oedema ..........12
angor pectoris ...............68
Anorexia ...................40
anorexia nervosa .............41
anteropulsia .................30
Anticholinergic syndrome .......24
anuria .................... 114
Aortic coarctation ........... 119
Aortic stenosis ............. 119
Apathy .................... 41
Apnoea.................... 87
ARDS .................... 86
Arrhythmia................. 78
Arrhythmia ventricular ........ 79
arterial aneurysm ............ 120
Arterial occlusion disease ...... 106
Arteriosclerosis .............. 83
arteriovenous fistula .......... 120
Artery malformation ......... 120
Asphyxia .................. 88
Asthenia .................. 125
Asthma.................... 88
asymptomatic myocardial
infarction ................ 73
ataxia ..................... 30
Atherosclerosis .............. 83
athetosis ................... 25
atrial fibrillation ............. 79
atrial flutter................. 79
Atrial septal defect .......... 120
AV block .................. 79
Bone marrow depression ...... 100
Bone marrow suppression ..... 100
bradycardia ................. 78
bradykinesia ................ 27
Bradypnoea ................ 89
Bronchoconstriction .......... 89
bronchospasm ............... 89
Cardiac aneurysm ............ 69
cardiac angina ............... 68
Cardiac arrest ............... 80
Cardiac failure...............64
cardiac insufficiency ...........64
Cardiomyopathy .............70
Cataract ...................36
Cerebral haemorrhage .........84
Cerebral infarction ............84
Cerebrovascular disorder .......85
Cholestatic liver injury .........59
chorea .....................25
chorea-like ..................25
choreiform movements..........25
Choreoathetosis ..............25
chronic obstructive airways
disease ..................92
Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease..........90
Circulatory failure ............65
Coagulation disorders ........ 103
Colitis .....................46
Colitis collagenous ............47
colon ulcer ..................57
congenital heart defect ........ 121
congenital heart disease........ 121
congenital pulmonary stenosis ... 122
Constipation ................47
contact dermatitis .............10
coronary artery disease .........70
Coronary artery disorder .......70
coronary artery spasm..........68
coronary heart attack ..........73
coronary insufficiency ..........68
coronary occlusion ............73
coronary spasm ..............68
coronary thrombosis ...........73
crescendo angina .............68
Dehydration ................62
Delirium ...................41
Depersonalization ............42
Depression .................43
Dermatitis ..................10
dermatitis lichenoid ............11
Dermatitis exfoliative.......... 10
Diarrhoea .................. 48
diminished tone .............. 31
dropsy of the pericardium ....... 75
drug eruption ................ 11
drug rash................... 11
duodenal ulcer ............... 57
Dyskinesia ................. 27
Dyspepsia .................. 48
Dysphonia ................. 28
Dyspnoea .................. 90
Dystonia................... 28
dystonia-like ................ 25
ectopic beats ................ 79
Eczema.................... 10
effort angina ................ 68
Embolism ................. 105
Embolism pulmonary ........ 107
emotional unresponsiveness ...... 41
emotionlessness .............. 41
Encephalopathy ............. 29
Endocarditis ................ 71
endomyocardial fibrosis ........ 71
epidermal detachment .......... 13
erythema exudativum .......... 13
erythema exudativum
multiforme ............... 13
Erythema multiforme.......... 13
erythroderma ................ 10
Exacerbation............... 123
exfoliative dermatitis .......... 10
Extrapyramidal disorder ....... 29
eye spasms ................. 33
festinating gait............... 30
Fibrillation atrial............. 80
Fibrillation ventricular......... 81
Fibrosis endocardial ........... 71
Fibrosis endomyocardial ....... 71
fibrosis myocardial ............ 71
Fixed drug eruption ...........11
fixed drug reaction ............11
flaccidity ...................31
Fracture pathological ..........16
Gait abnormal ...............30
gastric erosion ...............57
gastric ulcer .................57
Gastritis ...................48
Gastrointestinal gangrene .......49
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage ....49
Gastrointestinal infarction ......49
Gastrointestinal necrosis........49
glomerular vascular disorder .... 118
Glomerular vasomotor
disorder ................109
(acute and chronic) ........110
glomerulonephropathy ......... 110
Granulocytopenia ........... 101
Haematemesis ...............50
haematochezia ...............50
haematopericardium ...........72
Haemopericardium ...........72
haemorrhage intracranial........85
haemorrhagic pericarditis .......72
heart failure .................64
Heart malformation .......... 121
hepatocellular damage ..........58
Hepatocellular liver injury ......59
hydropericardium .............75
hydrops pericardii .............75
Hypercapnia ................91
Hypertension ................65
Hypertension pulmonary .......66
Hypertonia .................30
hypokinesia .................27
Hypotension ................ 66
hypotension orthostatic ......... 67
Hypotension postural ......... 67
Hypotonia ................. 31
Hypoventilation ............. 91
Hypovolaemia.............. 126
Hypoxia ................... 92
Ileus ...................... 50
impaired speech .............. 34
increased muscular tone ........ 30
indifference ................. 41
infective endocarditis .......... 71
interstitial disorder ........... 108
Interstitial lung disease ........ 92
Intestinal ischaemia ........... 51
Intestinal obstruction.......... 51
Intestinal perforation .......... 52
Intestinal stenosis ............ 52
intestinal stricture ............ 52
intestinal ulcer ............... 57
Keratitis ................... 36
lack of feelings............... 41
LE syndrome ............... 19
Leukopenia................ 101
Lichenoid drug eruption ....... 11
Liver function tests abnormal.... 60
Liver injury................. 58
liver injury, acute ............. 58
liver injury, chronic ........... 59
liver injury, fulminant .......... 59
liver injury, mixed ............ 60
liver injury, severe ............ 59
loss of appetite for food ........ 40
Lupus erythematosus
(systemic)................ 19
Lupus erythematosus syndrome . . 19
Lyell’s syndrome ............. 13
Malaise ................... 126
Melaena ...................53
mitral incompetence ...........73
Mitral insufficiency ...........73
mitral regurgitation............73
muscular relaxation ...........31
myocardial failure.............64
Myocardial infarction..........73
myocardial insufficiency ........64
Myocardial ischaemia..........74
Myocardial rupture
(post infarct)..............74
Myocarditis .................75
Myopathy ..................16
Myositis ...................17
narrow QRS-complex ..........78
Nephritis interstitial
(acute and chronic) ........111
Nephropathy analgesic ........ 112
Nephropathy toxic ........... 112
nephrosis lower nephron ....... 114
Nephrotic syndrome.......... 113
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome. . 31
Neuropathy .................32
Neutropenia ............... 101
non-Q-wave infarction ..........73
nontransmural myocardial
infarction ................73
Oculogyric crisis .............33
oculogyric spasms .............33
oliguria ................... 114
oesophageal ulcer .............57
Osteoporosis ................17
Ototoxicity .................39
Palpitation .................81
Pancreatitis .................53
pancreatitis, chronic ........... 53
pancreatitis, acute ............ 53
Pancytopenia .............. 102
Paralysis ................... 33
paresis .................... 33
paroxysmal tachycardia ........ 79
Peptic ulcer ................. 54
Pericardial effusion ........... 75
Pericarditis ................. 76
Peritonitis .................. 55
Personality disorder ........... 43
Photoallergic reaction ......... 14
photosensitivity allergic reaction .. 14
Photosensitivity reaction ....... 14
photosensitivity toxic reaction .... 14
Phototoxic reaction ........... 14
Pneumonitis ................ 93
preinfarction angina ........... 68
Prinzmetal angina ............ 68
proven myocardial infarction ..... 74
psychosis ................... 44
psychotic reaction............. 44
Pulmonary fibrosis ........... 93
Pulmonary oedema ........... 94
Pulmonic stenosis congenital . . . 122
pump failure ................ 64
Pustular eruption............. 12
pustular rashes............... 12
pustuloderma ................ 12
Quincke’s oedema ............ 12
renal allergic (hypersensitivity)
vasculitis ............... 115
Renal failure ............... 113
Renal failure (intrinsic) acute . . . 114
renal failure, acute ........... 114
renal failure, aggravated ....... 114
renal failure, chronic.......... 113
renal failure, subacute......... 113
renal function test abnormal .... 109
renal insufficiency ............ 113
Renal tubular disorder ........115
renal tubular necrosis ......... 114
renal tubular necrosis acute ..... 114
renal vascular disorder ........ 109
Renal vasculitis ............. 115
Respiratory arrest ............94
Respiratory depression .........95
Respiratory paralysis ..........95
Retinal disorder ..............37
Retroperitoneal fibrosis ........20
rigidity ....................30
Rigors.................... 127
Serotonin syndrome ...........34
Shivering .................. 127
Shock .....................67
silent myocardial infarction ......73
spasticity ...................30
Speech disorder ..............34
stenocardia .................68
Stevens-Johnson syndrome ......13
Stomatitis ..................56
Stomatitis ulcerative...........56
subendocardial myocardial
infarction ................73
supraventricular extrasystoles ....78
Syncope ...................67
tachycardia .................78
Thinking abnormal ...........44
thought disorder ..............44
Thought disturbances ......... 44
Thrombocytopenia .......... 105
Thrombophlebitis ........... 104
Thrombosis................ 105
Thrombosis coronary.......... 76
Thrombosis venous deep ...... 106
Torsade de pointes ........... 81
Toxic epidermal necrolysis ...... 13
toxic nephropathy ........... 108
transmural myocardial infarction .. 73
tubulo-interstitial disorder ...... 108
tubulo-interstitial nephritis
acute .................. 111
tubulo-interstitial nephritis
chronic................. 111
Ulcer oesophago-
gastro-intestinal ........... 57
Ulcer of the alimentary tract .... 57
unstable angina .............. 68
Urinary retention ........... 116
Urticaria................... 12
Vasculitis .................. 21
ventricular aneurysm .......... 69
Vision abnormal ............. 37
wide QRS-complex............ 79
Withdrawal syndrome / rebound
effect .................. 127