Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
Future Technology Devices
International Ltd.
Mac OS X Installation Guide
Table of Contents
Part I
Welcome to the Mac OS X Installation Guide
Part II
VCP Drivers
................................................................................................................................... 31 Installing VCP Drivers
................................................................................................................................... 82 Uninstalling VCP Drivers
Part III
D2XX Drivers
................................................................................................................................... 101 Installing D2XX Drivers
................................................................................................................................... 112 Uninstalling D2XX Drivers
................................................................................................................................... 123 Multiple VIDs/PIDs
................................................................................................................................... 134 Configuration Settings
Part IV
VCP Troubleshooting
................................................................................................................................... 141 How do I know what my deviceID is?
................................................................................................................................... 15
2 The device does not appear in the /dev directory or the text "New Port Detected"
is not displayed in SystemPreferences-Network
................................................................................................................................... 16
3 The device cannot be accessed even though the deviceID is supported in
................................................................................................................................... 174 How do I open a Terminal window?
Part V
D2XX Troubleshooting
................................................................................................................................... 181 I can't open a port even though the installation has been successful
................................................................................................................................... 192 After running an application two or three times, communication stops
................................................................................................................................... 203 Problems upgrading to the latest D2XX driver
Part VI
Revision History
Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
Welcome to the Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
1 Welcome to the Mac OS X Installation Guide
This document describes the procedure for installing the Mac OS X FTDIUSBSerial driver for
FTDI's FT2232C, FT232BM, FT245BM, FT8U232AM and FT8U245AM devices. The driver is
available for free download from the
section of the
FTDI web site
3 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
2 VCP Drivers
2.1 Installing VCP Drivers
Download the driver from the
VCP Drivers
section of the
FTDI web site
and save it to the hard
disk. The driver is now available in disk image (.dmg) format. Run the installer by double clicking
on the FTDIUSBSerialDriver.dmg icon.
Click Continue to proceed with the installation and follow the instructions on screen.
When the installation is complete, reboot the computer.
VCP Drivers
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
When the computer has rebooted, plug in the device. If the device is installed properly, you will
see entries in the /dev directory:
where xxxxxxxx is either the device's serial number or, for unserialized devices, a location string
that depends on which USB port your device is connected to.
Note that for FT2232C devices port
A is denoted by the serial number appended with "A" and port B is designated by the serial number
appended with "B".
/dev can be accessed through the Terminal application. The Terminal application can be launched
by selecting Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal. Type the following lines in the Terminal
window to produce the file list:
cd /dev
If you run the application System
Preferences and select Network
(Go > Applications > System
Preferences > Network)
, you should see the text "New Port Detected"
5 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
Click OK and select Network Port Configurations from the Show list. The new port can be enabled
from this screen by checking the On box and clicking Apply Now.
VCP Drivers
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
At this point, it is possible to exit Network and use the device as a COM port.
If you wish to set the
device up a a modem for an Internet connection, select the new port from the Show list to display
the window below. Please note that the FT2232C device has two ports available and these must
be configured separately.
7 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
Entries for this screen are specific to the Internet account for each user. If you do not know the
required details, contact your Internet service provider.
VCP Drivers
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
2.2 Uninstalling VCP Drivers
To remove the drivers from Mac OS
X, the user must be logged on as root.
Root is a reserved
username that has the privileges required to access all files.
Start a Terminal session (Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and
enter the following
commands at the command prompt
cd /System/Library/Extensions
rm -r FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext
cd /Library/Receipts
rm -r FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext
The driver will then be removed from the system.
To remove the port from the system,
run the application SystemPreferences and select Network
Selecting Network Port Configurations from the Show menu will display the port as greyed out.
Select the uninstalled port and click Delete. Confirm the deletion to remove the port.
9 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
D2XX Drivers
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
3 D2XX Drivers
3.1 Installing D2XX Drivers
Download the driver from the
D2XX Drivers
section of the
FTDI web site
and save it to the hard
disk. The driver is provided in disk image (.dmg) format. Mount the disk image by double clicking
on the PPC D2XX0.1.0.dmg icon for Power PC users or the
Universal D2XX0.1.0
.dmg icon for
Intel Mac users.
Start a Terminal session (Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal)
Copy libftd2xx.0.1.0.dylib to the /usr/local/lib directory (cp Desktop/D2XX/bin/libftd2xx.0.1.0
Change directory to the /usr/local/lib (cd /usr/local/lib)
Create a symbolic link to the library (ln -sf libftd2xx.0.1.0.dylib libftd2xx.dylib)
Samples written in C are provided to show how to use the library and verify the installation. These
are command line based applications that must be executed from the Terminal window. To
compile and run the samples perform the following steps (these assume you have copied all of the
distribution files to the desktop and installed the library as per the Installation section above):
Open a Terminal window (
Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
Change directory to the root samples directory (cd Desktop/D2XX/Samples).
Build the samples by typing "make" then return. If you have issues at this stage revisit the
installation section above to ensure the library is correctly installed. Read the error messages
and try to determine the source of the problem. If you still have issues then contact support
detailing your issue with as much information as possible.
To run an application, have a suitable FTDI device with default VID (0x0403) and PID (0x6001)
and change to the Simple directory (cd Simple) then type "./simple" followed by return (make
sure the dot and the forward slash precede the simple command).
If you have issues at this stage then consult the troubleshooting section later in this document. If
the troubleshooting section doesn't help then contact support with your problem details.
11 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
3.2 Uninstalling D2XX Drivers
To uninstall the D2XX driver, simply delete the library and the symbolic link:
Start a Terminal session (Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal)
Change directory to the /usr/local/lib (cd /usr/local/lib)
Delete the library (rm libftd2xx.0.1.0.dylib)
Delete the symbolic link (rm libftd2xx.dylib)
D2XX Drivers
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
3.3 Multiple VIDs/PIDs
The current library has a default VID/PID table embedded within to determine if a particular device
will be opened/accessed by the library. This table contains FTDI's own VID and PIDs, therefore if
you use FTDI default VID and PIDs this will not concern your application.
There may be a situation when this is not suitable for a particular application such as custom VIDs
and/or PIDs. The FT_SetVIDPID API call can cater for single instances of VID/PID variations,
however there is a method to include your own range of VID/PIDs with a custom table.
Using xcode, open the LibTable.xcodeproj in the LibTable folder
Edit the ftdi_table.c file to include your own VIDs/PIDs
Recompile the library
Copy the resultant binary to the /usr/local/lib directory
If you have trouble with the above procedure (don't know what xcode is or can't compile the library)
then contact support with your VID/PID requests and we will provide you with a binary to use.
Current workload will ultimately impact on the time we can provide you with a library therefore it is
advised to provided us with the details at your earliest possible convenience.
13 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
3.4 Configuration Settings
Configuration settings are considered advanced features and are only needed in certain rare
situations. Only alter these settings if it has been suggested by FTDI support or you know exactly
what you are doing.
The D2XX configuration file
be called ftd2xx.cfg. This is a simple text file containing various
settings and allows for expansion in the future. The file is read on an FT_Open/FT_OpenEx only.
3 sections are available for settings:
An example of the ftd2xx.cfg file is included in the package and each section should be self
explanatory. The [Globals] section applies to all devices, the [VID_0403&PID_6001] applies to
devices of only VID and PID 0x0403 and 0x6001. The unique settings apply to only those devices
of a particular serial number - in the case of the supplied example, [FT000001].
The configuration file must reside in /usr/local/lib or the /usr/lib folder.
Multithreaded Write
It has been noted during beta testing that some multithreaded applications can lock up during write
communication with the devices. This is due to a conflict in the application run loop and the write
run loop. To prevent lockup with a multithreaded application use the 31
(ConfigFlags=0x40000000) in the configuration file. This will enable an alternative FT_Write that
has its own thread and will not conflict with the current thread run loop operation.
USB Reset After Open
It is always recommended that you close a file handle obtained by FT_Open/FT_OpenEx before
exiting an application. Side effects of not closing the handle with the multithreaded setting (as
illustrated above) can be future communication with the device fails (always test this prior to
enabling this setting). The Sample applications demonstrate a method of trapping an abnormal
exit (control C operation) and closing each handle in turn. If this is not possible then you may
require the reset after open bit set in the configuration file. This is bit 32
- USB reset after open forces USB reset which in turn re-enumerates devices on the USB
bus which can result in loss of data and a break in communication. In most cases it is
recommended this is
used and is only included to cater for the very rare instances that
require it. Even though this can be set as a device specific option it is essentially a global
operation. Thorough testing is strongly recommended before using this setting as it may affect
other USB non-FTDI devices on the USB bus.
VCP Troubleshooting
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
4 VCP Troubleshooting
4.1 How do I know what my deviceID is?
Launch the System Profiler utility, or Apple System Profiler for earlier versions of OS X. This can
be accessed by going to the Finder and selecting Applications from the Go menu, then open the
Utilities folder.
Select USB under Hardware in the pane to the left and then select the appropriate device from the
USB Device Tree. In the screen shot below (from OS 10.3), the device has a deviceID given by:
Vendor Name:
Prioduct ID:
24577 ($6001)
A Vendor Name of FTDI is equivalent to a Vendor ID of 1027 ($0403).
If the device does not work after installing the driver, it is likely to be because the PID is not
supported by the driver. If this is the case, contact FTDI Support with the PID that needs to be
added to the driver. If the VID is not 0x0403, it is likely that the device is not an FTDI device and
we cannot support it.
15 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
4.2 The device does not appear in the /dev directory or the text "New
Port Detected" is not displayed in SystemPreferences-Network
FTDIUSBSerialDriver does not support your deviceID (VID and PID). Disable the EEPROM so that
the device reverts to its default deviceID, then replug.
To get support for your deviceID built into FTDIUSBSerialDriver, contact FTDI quoting your
deviceID and a description of your device.
VCP Troubleshooting
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
4.3 The device cannot be accessed even though the deviceID is
supported in FTDIUSBSerialDriver
An ownership or permissions problem is preventing the system from making the device accessible.
Check that the driver is owned by root and wheel. The most common symptom is the group for
is not wheel. To change the group, login as root and perform the following
in a Terminal window (Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal):
cd /system/library/extensions
chgrp -R wheel FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext
Reboot for the change to take effect.
17 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
4.4 How do I open a Terminal window?
A Terminal window can be started by selecting
Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
The terminal window is equivalent to a DOS prompt in Windows.
D2XX Troubleshooting
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
5 D2XX Troubleshooting
5.1 I can't open a port even though the installation has been
This is possibly due to the FTDI serial driver holding the port with your VID and PID. Solution is to
uninstall the serial driver
. To completely eradicate the possibility of this occurring in future, it is
recommended a new VID and PID is used to distinguish between devices.
Another possibility is an incorrect VID/PID. Try changing your application to use the FT_SetVIDPID
API call to quickly determine if this is the case.
19 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
5.2 After running an application two or three times, communication
It is always recommended that you close a file handle obtained by FT_Open/FT_OpenEx before
exiting an application. Side effects of not closing the handle with the multithreaded setting (as
illustrated above) can be future communication with the device fails (always test this prior to
enabling this setting). The Sample applications demonstrate a method of trapping an abnormal
exit (control C operation) and closing each handle in turn.
If you cannot find a work around then try setting the
USB Reset After Open
bit in the ftd2xx.cfg
file but only as a last resort.
D2XX Troubleshooting
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
5.3 Problems upgrading to the latest D2XX driver
Upgrading the D2XX library can cause problems, such as a reported bug fix does not appear to be
fixed. This is most likely related to the application executable pointing to a previous version of the
To determine which D2XX library your application is using perform the following steps (examples in
brackets assume you have copied all of the files to the desktop and successfully compiled the
samples as described in the Samples section):
Open a Terminal window (
Go > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
Change directory to the application executable folder (cd Desktop/D2XX/Samples/Simple)
Use otool to determine the library path (otool -L simple). The following text is an example of what
is displayed
/usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.0.1.0.dylib (compatibility version 0.1.0, current version 0.1.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 88.1.6)
As illustrated the, simple application is pointing to libftd2xx.0.1.0.dylib.
To alter the library so that the simple sample points to use the install_name_tool (e.g
install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.0.1.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.dylib simple).
Please note you may need to change user mode to perform this function depending on the file
permissions set on the executable.
Run the otool (illustrated in step 3 above) to confirm that the library pointed to by the application
has changed and is correct.
21 Mac OS X Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
6 Revision History
Release Date
December 2004
Initial release
January 2005
Screen shots added
Root username explained
Expander information added
Uninstallation section added
FT2232C device driver added
DeviceID topic added under Troubleshooting
March 2005
Additional explanations included for Terminal application and
port configuration
Terminal topic added in Troubleshooting
October 2005
Updated to describe installation of version 2 driver
References to FT2232CUSBSerialDriver removed as
FTDIUSBSerialDriver now supports all devices
Re-enumeration script references removed as no longer
October 2006
Included instructions for the new D2XX driver
February 2007
Included reference to /Library/Receipts in VCP uninstall
- D -
DeviceID 14, 15
- I -
Installation 2
Introduction 2
- M -
Mac OS X 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20
- P -
PID 15
- V -
VID 15
- W -
Welcome 2
Index 22
Copyright © 2007 Future Technology Devices International Ltd.