College of the Holy Cross| Center for Career Development | Hogan 203 | 508-793-3880| [email protected]
Holy Cross On-Campus Recruiting Guidelines
Thank you for holding on-campus interviews at Holy Cross! Here is what to expect prior to and on interview day:
Center for Career Development Office:
We are located in the Hogan Campus Center, Room 203. Maps and directions have been provided for your use. Please
come directly to our office and we will provide you with a final interview schedule and situate you in your interview space.
Applications and Deadlines:
We will work closely with you to coordinate the details of your application deadlines and recruiting timeline. At the same
time, we want to ensure that our students have ample time to compose thoughtful applications and prepare for interviews
using all the resources of our office. Our preference is to allow at least one week between candidate selections and
interview day. We will provide you with student applications on the morning after your deadline and will request your
selections according to an agreed-upon timeline. Our office will coordinate the scheduling of interviews with students and
will provide you with a final schedule the day prior to interviews. Please provide interviewer(s) names and email
addresses so that our students can follow-up with them.
Sample recruiting timeline: Resume Deadline Day 1
Employer Candidate Selection Day 7 (1 week after deadline)
Interview Day Day 14 (2 weeks after deadline)
Interview Hours: 9:30 am 5:00 pm
Since our office opens at 9:00, we offer interviews starting at 9:30 so that recruiters and students can get situated.
Interviews are generally 30 minutes in length. Interview length and schedule can be modified according to your
Interview Rooms:
Interview rooms can be reserved on a space-available basis in our Hogan Campus Center. Rooms are equipped with
table and chairs, as well as a computer with webcam to accommodate virtual interviews for students who are studying
abroad/away. A waiting area is available for greeters to interact with students prior to interviews. Students are instructed
to sign-in for their interview at our office prior to their interview time, and wait at an assigned spot for the recruiter to
retrieve them.
Virtual Interviews:
Our preferred platform for virtual interviews is Google Hangouts and we can facilitate a direct connection with students
using Google Hangouts through our campus computers. Other platforms such as Skype, Webex, Yellow, etc. are not
supported and connection cannot be guaranteed. It is recommended to test such platforms ahead of time on interview
day, prior to interview schedule start. We also request that students and interviewers have a back-up means of contact.
We ask abroad students for all available means of contact in case of technical difficulties.
Lunch is provided for interviewers at our Crossroads Café. A member of our staff will be available to join you if your
schedule allows. We generally build in a one-hour lunch break into the interview schedule.