Texas Immunization Registry
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Transcript for Texas School Nurse Webinar
April 25, 2024
Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for joining today's webinar. We are
going to go ahead and get started now.
Welcome to the Spring 2024 School Nurse Webinar. Today's presentation will
be followed by a question-and-answer session. Next slide.
Let's review a few webinar reminders.
All participants are automatically muted by webinar administrators.
Please type your questions using the question-and-answer feature.
And this webinar is being recorded for learning purposes.
Next slide.
Today's agenda will cover the following topics for ImmTrac2:
Renew ImmTrac2 access,
Nurses as Full Access Providers,
Official Immunization Record and Schedules,
Using the Reports button,
Creating School Lists,
Print Reports from a School List, and
Question and Answers.
I'll be using the words client and student interchangeably in this webinar.
They are students in the schools and clients to the provider. All screenshots
are from the viewpoint of a "View Only" user in ImmTrac2. Next slide.
Renew ImmTrac2 access. Next slide.
ImmTrac2 access needs to be renewed annually.
Remember to:
Login to ImmTrac2 the day before leaving for summer or winter
Renew your access for the organizational site that you are currently
working at and not a previous site.
You will receive several reminders, 90, 60, 30, 15, and 10 days prior to your
access expiring. Next slide.
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This slide pertains to IAMOnline.
Okta error message: If users are getting an error when clicking on the
"Activate Account" button in the email they received, please ask your IT
folks to whitelist [email protected] on your organization infrastructure.
Email server security setups that review links from NoReply@Okta.com could
be triggering the "Activate Account" token within the email message, which
make it invalid when the user clicks on it. Next slide.
Nurses as full access providers. Next slide.
Let's review different types of ImmTrac2 user roles:
View Only Non-Provider:
View and print Immunization records.
Create and print school report lists.
Manage account or reset password,
Submit registrations and renewals.
Full Access Provider:
You have all of the view-only non-provider roles that I just mentioned,
and you also can:
o Add and edit client information,
o Add, edit, and delete immunizations. Next slide.
To update to a Full Access Provider:
Email your nurse's license number to ImmTrac2@dshs.texas.gov.
Include 'Attention: Review for Full Access' in the subject line.
The ImmTrac2 customer service support team will confirm your license
number is active and change user to full access provider in ImmTrac2.
Next slide.
Let's review some differences between standard and disaster consents. Next
Disaster Consent:
Disaster immunizations are sent to ImmTrac2 regardless of whether
there is a consent on file for that client. Without a disaster consent, we
can only retain those immunizations for five years after the disaster
has ended.
Once a disaster is declared over, clients and their disaster
immunizations will not be visible to providers nor other ImmTrac2
users without a disaster consent on file.
Disaster consents can be signed at any time. You don't have to be in a
disaster. Next slide.
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What happens when a minor becomes an adult?
Once the client turns 18, they become a Pending Adult. As a Pending
Adult (PA), they must sign an adult standard consent by the age of 26
to retain their childhood immunizations for life.
If the adult standard consent is not signed by the age of 26, their
childhood records are purged from ImmTrac2.
In addition, when a client turns 18, their standard immunization
records will be inaccessible to providers until the client signs an adult
standard consent, and it is added to their record.
The best practice is to have clients sign both standard and disaster
consents. Next slide.
Let’s review best practices to follow for consents:
Minor standard consent - When a parent or legal custodian signs to
keep their child's childhood immunizations in ImmTrac2.
Adult standard consent - When a client or legal custodian signs an
adult consent; ImmTrac2 stores their standard immunizations for life.
Disaster consent - When the client signs a disaster consent, ImmTrac2
stores disaster immunizations longer than five years beyond the end of
the disaster. They will be stored for life.
Consents can be signed at any time. Next slide.
Next, we will review the steps for printing the Official Immunization Record.
Next slide.
First, search for a student or client. In the Client Information section, click
the Print Official Immunization Record button. Next slide.
A pop-up displays confirming that you have consent of the individual, parent,
or guardian to print the official record. Click OK to proceed. Next slide.
The record will display in a new browser tab. You can right-click the screen
or click the printer icon to see more print options. Next slide.
The tracking schedule selected can make a difference in immunizations listed
and printed. Here, the ACIP schedule is selected. Next slide.
And here, the Texas 7th through 9th grade, 2018 to 2019 schedule is
selected. Next slide.
This slide shows the immunization history under the seventh to ninth grade
student schedule on the Official Immunization Record.
The ACIP schedule is more strict than the Texas school schedules. Next slide.
Using the reports button is another way of printing the Official Immunization
record. Next slide.
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Let's walk through those steps. First, search for a student or client in the
Client Information section, then click the “Reports” button. Next slide.
From here, you can print the Official Immunization Record, Immunizations
Needed, or a Recall Letter for one client. Multiple schedules are available,
including the ACIP and school schedules for the Official Immunization record
and the Immunizations Needed reports. Let's look at these three reports,
starting with the Official Immunization Record. Next slide.
When you click on the "Official Immunization Report" link, a message pops
up reminding you that you need to have consent of the individual to print his
or her record. Click OK. Next slide.
After clicking OK, the Official Immunization Record is displayed. Next slide.
If you clicked on the “Immunizations Needed” link, that report is displayed,
showing the immunizations already received, AND at the bottom of the
report, the immunizations that are due. Next slide.
If you clicked on the "Recall Letter", you can send a customizable reminder
letter to clients due or past due for immunizations.
The benefits are:
You can save up to three personalized letters for reminders and recalls,
Choose to include client’s immunization history or recommended
Choose how to word the letters to clients, and
Choose to display in English or Spanish. Next slide.
Next, we will create school lists. Next slide.
The schools option on the menu panel allows users, (for example, schools
and childcare facilities), to organize their students into groups for reporting
immunization information on all students on the list.
Users can:
Create, edit, or delete school lists,
Find students to add or remove them from the list,
Access pre-configured school list reports,
Check students' compliance with Texas vaccine requirements for K-12
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There are four steps to create and run reports from school lists.
1. First, click on "Manage List" to create a new student list or access an
existing one. At this point, the list is empty and has no students.
2. Next, click "Find Student" to search for and add students to the list.
3. Then click "Manage List" again to run reports for all the students on
the list.
4. Finally, you can click "Check School Report" to view reports you have
already run.
Let's take a closer look at each step. Next slide.
Let's create a list of students. Click "manage list" from the menu bar on the
left side of the screen. Next slide.
Next, enter a new list name and click "save". Your list is not functional until
students have been added to it. The list starts out with a student count of
zero. Lists are shared and viewable by all members in your organization.
Next slide.
List names cannot be duplicated. If they are, a message dialog box will
display stating that the Report List Name is already in use, and to choose a
different list name. Next slide.
If you want to change the name of a School List, click the "Edit" button on
the row of the list name you want to change. You may want to use this when
students advance in grades. Next slide.
Enter the new name for the school list name and click "Save".
Now that we have a student list, we need to add students to it. Click "Find
Student" in the menu on the left to look up a student or client, Then, search
for the student's name using one of the search options. The three search
options you can choose to search for a student or client are Basic, Quick,
and Smart. Next slide.
When the client record is displayed, use the drop-down box to pick a Report
List. Then click on "Add the Student to a Report List". You can add the
student to one or more lists by selecting and adding one student at a time.
Next slide.
To print the reports from a list, click "manage list" again to access reports
and student details. Next slide.
Now select the list you want to print from. Next slide.
Choose the report option from the list. Next slide.
Select ACIP or the appropriate Texas school vaccine schedule. (Next slide)
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You can also delete a student by clicking the box next to the student you
want to delete. Then click the "Delete" button. Next Slide.
Click on one of the three report links to run a report. Let's look at each
report option. Next Slide.
The Student List displays the ImmTrac2 ID, Last Name, First Name, and
Birthdate for each student. Next Slide.
When you click the link for the Official Immunization History List, you will
see a list of the times you've run the history list. If the status at the top of
the list is less than 100%, click the "Refresh" button to check progress of
creating the report. When the status is 100 percent complete, click the
"Report Name" and the immunization report for each of the students on the
list will be displayed. Next slide.
(Immunizations Due, Part 1)
If you click the "Immunizations Due" report, you are given options to
select which vaccines to check on and the target date range for when
those vaccines might have been due.
The vaccine group, you can choose to "Use All Vaccine Groups" or to
"Use Vaccine Group Selected", and then select vaccines by clicking on
a vaccine and then clicking the "Add" button or double clicking the
vaccine you wish to add to the list.
If you do not select a target date range, the current date will be used.
After selecting a group of vaccines and a target date range, click the
"Generate" button. Next slide.
(Immunizations Due, Part 2)
Next, the Immunization Due report job status appears, displaying a list of
the school reports you have run. You can click the "Refresh" button in the
upper right corner to see the status of the report you are running. When the
status is ready, click "name of the report" to see it. Next slide.
(Immunizations Due, Part 3)
This is an example of the Immunizations Due list, which will be
generated for each student on your report list. It gives the name of the
student, the date of birth, a list of vaccines due, and the dates
vaccines were given.
This report is slightly different from the Immunizations Needed Report
that we did for one student earlier, but both have the dates that
immunizations given were due and dates that immunizations were
given. Next slide.
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You can click "check school report" on the left side menu panel to access
completed reports. Click the "status" hyperlink to see the status of reports
that are running or to see reports you've previously run. Next slide.
In summary, the View Client Immunization Report link lets you print
reports for one student at a time, giving you a choice of:
The Official Immunization Record, or
Immunizations Needed, which covers immunizations given and
immunizations due, or
A Recall letter, which lists past due immunizations in English and
The Manage List link lets you print reports for:
One or more students where you can select a student list displaying
the ImmTrac2 ID, Name, Birthday, or
Official Immunization Records, or
Immunizations due which displays name, birthday, and immunizations
due. Next slide.
Here are some resources. You can:
Email us at ImmT[email protected].gov if you need assistance with
access, site registrations or renewals, ImmTrac2 user changes, registry
trainings or publications, or
Email ImmTracMU@dshs.texas.gov if you need assistance with data
exchange questions, interoperability promotion, and data quality
reports. Next slide.
This concludes the presentation portion for today. Please enter your
questions in the question box.
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Question & Answers
Thank you, Mary, and as Mary has indicated, if you have any questions
related to this webinar, please feel free to type your questions into the
questions box, and we will be happy to answer those for you.
And we'll give it a few minutes to see if any questions do come up.
You're welcome, Veronica.
Ok, I do see questions that have been coming through.
I'm just going to scroll up a little bit.
Yes, we will be posting a copy of the presentation.
The link to the presentation can be found in the chat box where you can find
a copy of the presentation, as well as the recording, and the script, as well.
Question - Another question, is the email verification always going to be in
place to log into the IamOnline to access ImmTrac?
Answer: Yes, actually, IamOnline is not going away, and you do have to go
through IamOnline to get into ImmTrac2. So that's the way that's going to
be, and it was done to increase security. And whether the verification is by
phone or by email, you are going to have to do the verification through
Thank you, Paul.
Question: Another question that has come through, do we need to have a
signed consent for each student to access their ImmTrac records?
Answer: It's actually required by law that it's an individual consent for each
person, minor or adult. And I have put in a link where you can find the
consent forms on our DSHS website.
And you, the student or a minor, because we're already talking about a
minor, the minor would have to have had a consent signed by their parent or
guardian to even be in the ImmTrac2 database. The only exception to that is
if it's a disaster immunization, because all disaster immunizations are sent
into the registry. But for just the standard immunizations, the minor would
have to have a consent signed by the parent or guardian. They don't have to
send the consent, the physical consent, into us, but they do have to
acknowledge it in ImmTrac2 or through data exchange. We do have to get
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an acknowledgement that the parent or guardian has signed a consent for
that minor.
Okay, thank you, Paul.
And this kind of piggybacks off that question.
Question: When a person turns 18 years old and has not signed the
ImmTrac2 adult consent and they receive immunizations during that time,
will the immunizations show in ImmTrac2?
Answer: And that's not until they sign the adult consent, and they will also
need to sign a regular and a standard consent.
Also, can we get clarification on whether health care providers can look in
ImmTrac as a tool when providing care to their patients? Because school
nurses, this would potentially fall in the same category as they are the two
words of the immunization records in their role as healthcare providers for
the school. And I will look for that.
Can a school- It's not on there.
I was, I'm sorry.
I was just following up on the response that was given regarding signed
consents for each student to access their ImmTrac.
Thank you, Cheryl.
Question: Can a school nurse enter missing vaccination information that is
not listed in ImmTrac?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Can we transfer immunization data to Power School, or we have
to do it manually?
Answer: Is Power School their EMR because it sounds like, yeah, it looks
like Jerry responded that one. Thank you. And that would be manually at
this time. So, thank you for responding to that.
And I'm just going to scroll through for a minute. Thank you for your
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Question: If you delete a student, is that the only, if you delete a student,
is that only from your list, not the entire record of the student?
Answer: If you delete a student from the student list that only deletes the
student from that list.
It doesn't delete the entire client record or immunization record for that
We're talking about the ImmTrac2 application and just what we've been
talking about on a school it only deletes them from the list.
Thank you and again another one on consents, just to get a little more
Question: In order to print an immunization record, must we get a written
consent, or may it be verbal?
Answer: If they're in the system, the consent has already been given.
Question: Is ImmTrac offered to all doctors?
Answer: Any, this kind of gets into the legalities a little bit, any MD, any
doctor licensed in Texas can, it depends on their organization, they would
have, the organization would have register with us, and that doctor would
have to be listed as a user, and then they would have access to ImmTrac2.
It's not necessarily required that all doctors be in ImmTrac2. If you're in the
Texas Vaccines for Children program, you have to be in ImmTrac2 also.
But otherwise, there are plenty of doctors who are not in ImmTrac2,
especially for adult immunizations. Doctors are required to send in
immunizations for minors to us, but not adult immunizations. They can and
we hope they do, but those are not required.
Hope that answers the question.
Thank you, Paul.
Question: Another question, are doctor's offices required to upload
vaccinations that have been administered?
Answer: If they are administered to a minor, the answer to that would be
If they're administered to an adult, the answer would be no. They would
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have to upload the immunizations of a minor to us, but whether we can keep
those immunizations in our database depends on whether or not the parents
or guardians have signed a consent for that student, for that client.
Thank you.
Question: Can we pull lists out of compliance, students that pertain only to
our campus?
Answer: Yeah, I'm trying to touch on what this question is. You can, in that
list, you can include in your school list, you can include or exclude anybody
in any of your students that you want to.
That's up to you. Not sure I quite understand by what the meaning of
compliance students means.
And I'm just looking a little bit.
Question: The consent is for viewing only also, not just printing a physical
And it looks like that was answered.
Answer: Consent is for them to be listed in ImmTrac2 system. It covers
view, update, and print.
Question: For the Recall letter, what does ImmTrac2 consider past due?
Answer: I think that's asking about our scheduler like the ACIP scheduler or
whatever schedule is chosen. It could be ACIP or it could be a school
schedule. That's going to depend on the age of the client and which vaccines
you're talking about.
If you in the ImmTrac2 application, when you bring a client up and you're
looking at their immunization record, you'll see some that are, they'll say,
some will be checked off as being given in time, some will be, some will be
passed in, but it's, that's, it's a complex schedule and it depends on the age
of the client and which, which vaccine you're talking about.
You know, some of them are in a series, like I think DTAP, I think it's four or
It's a whole series, but some aren't. So, it all depends on the ACIP rules in
general of when clients need to get immunizations.
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Thank you, Paul.
Question: Another question, does the parent signed consent to have
immunizations in ImmTrac count as the consent?
Answer: The answer is yes, but they will need both a disaster and a regular
consent to see both.
And I'm just scrolling a little bit.
Question: This one says, I think I missed the answer, so the school nurse
needs to have consents for each student to view their ImmTrac record?
Answer: They need to have consent to be listed in ImmTrac2 system. It
covers view, update, and print.
Yes, let me quantify that just as hair.
Thank you.
For somebody to be listed in the ImmTrac2 system we have to have physical
consent from them in the form of a product. So, once you get a signed
consent in your hands you can put that in the students records but that
signed consent allows you to update edit or print that record for the student
or the parents. Now that consent is good until they turn 18. On their
birthday on their 18th birthday, they need to sign an adult and a consent for
their immunizations to continue forward.
Why do we say disaster consent for both child and adult? Because after five
years, disaster immunizations will be gone. They will not show in the system
if they have not signed that disaster consent. A recent example would be
COVID. In five years, those immunizations will be gone if the patients don't
sign a disaster consent form.
But just to have their main general immunizations that are everyday
immunizations in the system, that's the regular consent.
Disaster coverage, things like COVID, the one before that was Hurricane
Henry, or the hurricane that came through Texas, I think it was Henry, but
anyway, that covers why.
But yeah, once we get physical consent, it's lifetime consent.
For adults, it's until they turn 18 for children, and they'll stay in the registry
till they turn 26. After 26, they're wiped from the registry. So, we want to
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get their consents before that.
I hope that helps.
Yeah, try to kind of add onto that a little bit to address a little bit of the
confusion that might be happening. The consent is for the client, it's not for
the school. So that consent, once that client gives consent, that your
student, regardless of who they gave consent to. Once it's in ImmTrac, that
consent follows them everywhere they go. So, it's not for the school.
You don't need to get consent for each one of your schools, so you're
allowed to access the records. It's for the client themselves to have the
records in ImmTrac in the first place.
Yeah, I hope that helps. Thank you.
And we're talking a lot about consents and I'm hoping this, I was hoping
Heather with your question, but I'm still going to read it.
Question: So, as a school nurse, I have to have written consent on each
student before I can look at the vaccine record on ImmTrac.
Jonathan, you want to answer that, or you want me to cover it.
Answer: Yeah, you don't need the consent for each school just to look at it.
As long as they're in ImmTrac, the consent's already there. You only really
need the consent if they're not in ImmTrac yet. Thank you. Okay.
And one thing I would add, it's just a small caveat, I don't know if any
schools do this, but if your school has a policy that you need to get some
sort of written consent to be allowed to look at ImmTrac, I would say follow
your school's policies, but as a state law that is not required.
Thank you, Jonathan.
Question: Jennifer, so we need to get consent to search the database in
order to update school immunization records. That's the question.
Answer: No, you just, if the customer is in the database, you can find the
student in the database.
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Like Jonathan said, we have legal consent for them to be in there.
Somebody has gotten a signed consent form saying they can be listed in the
At that point, that gives consent for all their immunizations to be kept in the
You don't need to reconsider them per school, per year or anything like that.
But if you have a student that's not in the database that you can't find, you
will have to get that physical consent from them. And then you will have to
affirm inside ImmTrac2 that you have that consent form and you just put it
in the student's records. You don't have to send it to anybody. And it's all
taken care of. I hope that makes sense.
Thank you, Jerry.
A little clarification again on consents.
Question: If a parent is trying to register their student and they have not
submitted vaccinations to me, Do I need to have a signed consent form from
the parent before I can even look up the student record?
Answer: No, you can look up the student record, and if they're not there,
then that's the point at which you would need to get the written consent
from the parent in order to add them to ImmTrac.
Thank you, Jonathan.
Just checking more questions.
It's just going to take me a minute.
Thank you.
Question: Do we need consent to enter the immunization record, or we
need consent to use the record?
Answer: Only to enter the record, and that's assuming they don't have an
ImmTrac account.
So, if they already have an ImmTrac account, don't need any more consent
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from the student or from the parents. If they give you records and you're
able to enter them, go ahead and enter them.
You only need the consent if they don't have a record of any kind in
Thank you, Jonathan.
Still looking at some of the questions.
Just some clarification on consent.
Question: We need to have the consent form for the student in the records
to view or print records.
When I called and spoke with somebody in ImmTrac they said the consent
was already signed to be able to log data into ImmTrac.
Answer: Yep, that's correct.
It is usually good policy to get permission if you're going to print the
invitation history to hand it out to anybody, but just for your own use at the
school, now you don't need any additional consent. Thank you.
Okay, thank you, Jonathan.
Okay, I'm seeing a lot of repeated questions, so let's see if there's any new
ones that are coming through.
Question: So the only reason I would need a signed consent as a school
nurse is if I am going to add a minor student to the ImmTrac2 database.
Answer: Yep, correct. If that person doesn't have an account already, that's
when you need the consent. Great.
Thank you.
Question: Can we enter out-of-state vaccinations if the student is new to
Texas and are in the ImmTrac2 system?
Answer: Yep. Yeah, we would definitely encourage you if their record is
incomplete and you have copies of their immunizations, go ahead and
complete the record.
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That could include if they came from overseas, by the way, if we happen to
carry that immunization in the database.
All right.
And I am just looking at some questions that may not have been answered.
Question: If the parent has already given consent by being in the ImmTrac
system, why does a pop-up up asking if we have to have consent to print.
Answer: That's for the release of the records when you're going to print up
the records.
If you're going to give them a copy of their own records, you'd want to get a
It's not the same as the consent to add the records into ImmTrac.
That's a release form.
We do have a release form we use on the website. It should be on the same
forms page as where the consent forms are at.
but you can use your own release forms.
Thank you.
And I'm just looking at some questions that may not have been answered
So, thank you for bearing with me.
Question: What is the exact form needed for school nurses to access
ImmTrac2 records?
If the student is already in the ImmTrac2 system and a parent already
signed the consent, the school needs a separate consent just to only view
their records?
Answer: Nope. If they already have consent, if their record exists and
ImmTrac, that means they already have consent.
That means you have permission by law as a school nurse to go in there and
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view the records.
Thank you, Jonathan.
Question: How long do the pediatrician offices have to upload vaccines?
Answer: We ask that they do it within 30 days but not every site does and
not every site will so that's why we also give you all edit access to update a
student's records as needed but by law they are all pediatricians are
supposed to update their information to ImmTrac it's just not all of them do.
So, we're trying to get to all those but again not all of them do so again we
give you all full provider so y'all have the ability to update those records.
We want you to have that ability because we know that y'all touch on
average 85 million student records a year. Great, thank you.
So just a bit of a clarifying question that was answered but just for
Question: So, what we're saying is if they are already in the ImmTrac2
system, we do not need consent to view or print.
Answer: Correct.
Heather, that's correct.
The only time we would ask you to get any kind of written permission is if
you're planning on handing out the printout.
I'm just looking at some more questions that may have not been answered.
Question: Can you show the email address again to gain access?
Question: Why is it that I'm suspended every year? Is it due to inactivity?
If so, how long does one have to be inactive to be suspended? It's actually
90 days.
So, every 90 days if you haven't used the system for security reasons, we
don't want somebody to get in using your user ID. So, if you haven't used it
in 90 days we suspend you, put you as inactive. After a year your account
could get deleted.
But what we want you to do is basically use Outlook or whatever scheduler
you have to put in there to sign in every 30 days. So, on the 30th day you
sign in, you're taking care of, you don't have to worry about the 90.
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And it may take you 10 minutes to that and that's it but at least you don't
have that worry that when you need to get in there you can. So just set a
reminder every 30 days to log you in but it is 90 days after that you become
inactive and then you end up having to call the IT help desk and get help to
get in.
Thank you, Jerry.
Question: Where do the adult consents form once they're signed where do
they go and how do we get them back to ImmTrac2?
Answer: You actually don't return the forms to ImmTrac2 because when
you're putting it into your system you're affirming that you have a physical
copy in your hand that you've actually looked at and they've signed that
they can have consent, disaster and regular consent hopefully, so it covers
everything, but you put that away in a folder and it's kept at whatever
organization or record system you use.
So, in most cases, we tell you to put it with the student's records.
Okay, thank you, Jerry.
We've answered this, but there's still some clarification that's needed on
parental consents.
Question: I just want a clarification on parental consent to view or print
ImmTrac2 records.
school nurses are considered providers. And if the student is registered in
ImmTrac2, then consent has already been given, correct?
Answer: Correct.
Thank you.
And we're still gonna look in. I'm looking at the time.
We have about seven minutes to go.
Question: I see some questions on how you can get your access moved up
to full access provider.
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So, you can edit and enter vaccinations.
Answer: All you got to do is just send an email to
ImmTrac2@dshs.texas.gov and literally we will up your, we just have to have
your Texas medical license number, your nurse's license number, and we will
up you to full access provider as long as it's an active license.
That's all.
Thank you, Jerry.
And the pause is because I'm looking for some more questions that may
have not been answered.
Question: One is, can you repeat the answer for the question regarding if
all pediatrician offices put immunizations into ImmTrac? Basically, by law,
they're all supposed to.
Answer: Do they? Not necessarily, but that's why we give you all access,
full access provider to go ahead and enter those immunizations if the doctor
hasn't done it, the pediatrician hasn't done it, because not all pediatricians
have the day to get access into ImmTrac2.
So right now, to cover everything and to get the students, just get full
access provider. Let us have your Texas Medical License number, send it to
ImmTrac2@dshs.texas.gov, and which is in the chat, by the way, and we'll
go ahead and get you full access provider so you can enter them.
Even though, yes, the pediatrician should have by law, but there's some
political things going on there. So, for right now, we kind of use y'all since
y'all hit 85 million records a year on average as a backup to the pediatrician.
Thank you, Jerry.
I'm just taking a look.
Question: We talked about how do we as school nurses get new logins since
our old ones have been suspended?
Answer: Your old login may be suspended, but all you have to do is call to
the main help, to the ImmTrac2 help desk, which is in the chat. It's the
second one there for issues with Syntropy, ImmTrac2 or anything like that.
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You're gonna call them and they're gonna unlock your account. Your user ID
belongs to you for a lifetime. That's always gonna be your user ID. You don't
get a new one. So, we have to unlock that. You can use that ID to move
from school to school to school too.
So, you don't get a new one for every different school because I know some
nurses move around you know from elementary to high school to middle
school different school districts that user ID is yours for a lifetime or until
you retired your pick. Thank you, Jerry. That phone number for the two help
desk, which is in the chat, is 512-438-4720 or 855-435-7181 for toll free.
Question: There is a little clarification needed about when a person turns
18 years of age or when they become an adult, and they sign an adult
consent, but not until they are the age of 21.
Then any vaccines received prior to age 21 will not transfer in ImmTrac or
will they transfer once the consent is signed?
Answer: Believe it or not, they're already going into ImmTrac2. It doesn't
stop just because they turn 18. What happens is once they turn age 26, if
they have not signed the regular consent form or the disaster consent form,
depending upon which immunizations, those will disappear at 26. In the case
of disaster, if the five years have passed, those will disappear at the five
But they're still in the system until age 26. We have to get their adult
consent by then.
What you want to do is put that adult consent form either in their record,
give it to them however you want to do it, but you have to have had a
signed copy in your hands when you affirm that you saw that record and you
that they are affirmed to be an adult consent or an adult or disaster consent.
So, some schools give their records back to the student when they turn 18
and graduate, some don't, but you can give that form to them or keep it in
their records either way.
Thank you.
Question: And can you remind the group if a student has no record and we
get a consent signed, again, who do we send that to?
Answer: The record actually doesn't get sent to us.
It's all on you to affirm that consent in ImmTrac2 and put that away in their
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student record.
You can scan it into the student record. You can also give it back to the
parent, but you're affirming you've had that piece of paper signed and
officially in your hands that they can be in ImmTrac2. That covers everything
required under the law.
So, like I said, you can put it in their student records, or you can give it to
the parents if that's what you want to do, but you at least have to have a
physical copy of in your hands at one point to affirm that they are to be in
ImmTrac2. Once it's affirmed, it'll last until they're 18.
Once they're an adult, it's lifetime.
Thank you, Jerry.
And we are at the 2 o'clock hour.
Any questions that have not been answered, we do have a copy of your
We'll be happy to follow up with your questions and provide the answers that
you're looking for.
On behalf of the immunization section, the DSHS immunization section, we
would like to thank you for joining our webinar today.
Thank you.