Visa Consulting & Analytics
Assessing the Role of Biometrics
in Advancing Financial Inclusion
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Executive Summary
Biometrics technology has received widespread attention as a means of enhancing convenience and security of
digital payments. Many observers have highlighted potential benefits of using biometrics technology to advance
financial inclusion.
This paper analyses how, and under what conditions, biometrics can facilitate access to and usage of financial
services for lower income and unbanked populations. It examines the technologys potential and its present limits
to advancing financial inclusion. The paper also highlights the policies and regulations that are necessary to enable
biometrics to play a beneficial role in financial inclusion.
Measuring biometrics against five key features of
financial inclusion (convenience, trustworthiness,
accessibility, affordability, and usefulness) indicates that
the technology holds considerable potential for helping
to reach unbanked populations. Biometrics may enhance
convenience of financial services, for instance by reducing
reliance on cards, PINs or passwords. They may improve
trustworthiness, by re-assuring account holders that
they have sole access to their accounts – an especially
important issue for women. In some cases, biometrics
may help make financial services more accessible for
marginalized populations by providing solutions to
those with limited access to identity documents. Where
biometrics are tied to a centralized identity or biometric
database, they may help make it more affordable and thus
scalable for financial service providers to reach the under-
At the same time, deployment of biometrics can present
challenges or trade-offs. For instance, biometrics can be
expensive to deploy, with a high cost for providers to
enroll customers, and to record and store their biometric
data. Intermittent connectivity in regions with limited
infrastructure and hardware failures due to dust and
humidity can challenge reliability, and thus confidence
in the system. And, users around the world are
increasingly concerned about privacy, security,
and control over their data.
As governments, industry players, international
organizations, community groups and others come
together to advance financial inclusion, stakeholders
may come to different conclusions about the optimal
role for biometrics in supporting financial inclusion
objectives in specific contexts. Yet, biometric solutions
play a beneficial role in leveraging technology to help
address persistent and emerging challenges in financial
inclusion. Cross-sector dialogue on these challenges
and opportunities can help smooth implementation
of potential solutions and provide avenues to explore
public-private partnerships to meet the needs of
unbanked populations.
The term biometrics refers to the unique,
intrinsic characteristics that can be used to
identify or verify the identity of an individual.
Biometrics are categorized as either physical
or behavioral. Physical biometrics are individual
biological or physiological traits such as
fingerprints, facial characteristics, and iris
patterns. Behavioral biometrics are traits that
describe how individuals operate or function,
such as a persons keystroke patterns or gait.
Visas definition of financial inclusion is that everyone, everywhere
is able to use secure, convenient and affordable payment and
financial services to meet everyday needs and long-term goals.
This denition rests on ve key features:
- Once an underserved
consumer accesses an affordable and
useful financial service, it must be
convenient to activate and continue using.
This typically means that financial services
must be available to consumers during their
normal routine and require only minimal
time to maintain.
Trustworthiness - Financial services must
provide a basic level of security and an
assurance of privacy to support ongoing
trust and financial value.
Accessibility - Financial services must
be readily available. Individual consumers
and business owners must be able to
reach a financial service and use it with
the knowledge and tools they already
possess or can easily obtain.
Aordability - Financial services for
unbanked populations must be relatively
affordable when compared to existing
options such as cash, bartering, and
traditional forms of credit and insurance,
while offering providers a rate of return
that facilitates sustainability and investment.
Usefulness - While local context and
cultural norms are important considerations,
generally the financial needs of the unbanked
are no different than those of the banked.
These needs include the following: ability to
make payments, means to save, capacity to
acquire credit, and mechanism for insurance.
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Biometrics for Financial Inclusion
Based on current applications, biometrics technology is serving as a useful tool to support the five
criteria for financial inclusion.
Biometrics can enhance the
convenience of financial services.
For those who are new to the use of
formal financial products, using familiar
and intuitive biometrics like fingerprints can help foster
comfort with financial transactions. Applying the finger to
a scanner can make formal due diligence processes feel
less foreign or alienating, compared to having to present
a formal identity card for inspection or a signature for
review. Biometrics can help populations with low levels
of literacy better navigate typical financial processes, for
example reducing the instances of written forms to be
Inconveniences such as resetting forgotten passwords
or exposed PINs can quickly become major barriers, and
are eliminated with biometrics. Biometrics may also be
appealing to young people, who are often more
tech-savvy than other segments of the unbanked
population, and may help draw them into the formal
financial sector.
Biometrics, however, may themselves impose barriers
to some of the very population financial inclusion seeks
to serve. For low income people who are day laborers
and farmers, degraded fingerprints may make the most
common biometric identifier unavailable to them.
Older people may experience similar degradation
of fingerprints. Biometrics may also impose barriers
for populations with physical limitations, e.g., impaired
eyes and fingers with limited mobility. Providing
consumers with multiple authentication choices,
such as secondary biometric modalities and/or
more traditional authentication mechanisms
can help accommodate users with special needs.
Convenience and use can be further enhanced
by tailoring biometric systems to the desired user
population and geography, e.g., including local
dialects in voice recognition systems, and ensuring facial
recognition algorithms include female features and skin
tones of minority groups. Tailored approaches like these
can help improve financial inclusion by broadening the
user base, including under-represented groups
and communities.
“Biometric Authentication in Payments: Considerations for Policymakers. Promontory Financial Group. November 2017.
Biometrics can increase trust in the
formal financial ecosystem among
under-banked populations. A
biometric identity is attached to an
individual in a way that no other form of identification
can be: it cannot be lost or forgotten. Moreover, people
of all economic and educational levels share an intrinsic
understanding that biometrics are inherent to who
an individual is – for example, my fingerprint is me.
This basic fact can create trust in a process, even if the
process is new or not well understood.
Use of biometrics may also help make moments of
authentication or access less susceptible to cultural
or legal discrimination against certain populations, as
may occur when a bank teller, financial service provider,
or official reviews a piece of identification that reveals
name, gender, address or, in some cases, ethnicity.
Another aspect of trust stems from security and privacy.
In some situations, biometrically-based access can offer
consumers increased privacy, ownership security, and
protection of their financial assets – which may incent
account opening and confer other socio-economic
benefits. This can be especially beneficial for women in
certain socio – cultural contexts. For example, biometrics
can empower and protect women in situations
when customs dictate that a man has a right to his
wifes property, or that of a relatives widow. Because
biometrics are tied to a particular individual, they can
aid providers in protecting account privacy, even in the
presence of adverse societal or communal pressures.
As part of a layered, risk-based approach to payments
security, biometrics can help ecosystem players enhance
security while reducing friction at the point of sale.
With risk-based authentication, ecosystem players may
choose to take a selective or segmented approach;
instead of requiring all transactions to be actively
authenticated, irrespective of their characteristics,
advanced authentication (such as biometrics) may be
reserved for the small proportion of transactions that
look suspicious. Low-risk transactions may require more
limited authentication, removing friction and creating
a more seamless customer experience. This approach
allows financial system entities, including those that
target unbanked populations, to focus limited resources
on transactions with the greatest risk.
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At the same time, trust-related considerations around
the use of biometrics are complex. For example,
while individuals may be open to providing biometric
information for enhanced convenience, they may
be uncomfortable with a requirement to share this
same data. This has implications when enrollment of
biometrics in a state-run digital identity program is a
requirement for receipt of social services and other
benefits. It may also be a concern if the request comes
from a private provider that does not provide consumer
choice or alternative identification means.
Additional considerations around trustworthiness
include: where biometric data is stored (in a centralized
repository such as at a bank or government agency, or
in a decentralized location such as on a consumer card);
who is responsible for the security of that data; what
information is transmitted to whom and when; and, how
consumer consent is obtained.
For some users, local biometric storage on a card or
device is an attractive alternative to centralized storage
as it provides users with more direct control over their
biometric data. Yet, this approach has trade-offs for costs,
and can raise other data storage and security issues.
Other individuals may have questions about security
while using biometrics, e.g., questions around spoofing,
or trying to fool a biometric authentication system using
a fingerprint replica, facial photo, or other mimicked
biometric. The biometrics industry is investing in a variety
of techniques to make it harder for fraudsters to spoof a
fingerprint, photo, or voice and use it to commit fraud.
For example, cameras are now capable of registering
micro-movements to distinguish between a real user
and a photo of the user. “Liveness” checks are available
or coming to many biometrics systems. Continued
investments in this area can help to mitigate fraudulent
usage and also increase trust in biometric systems.
Case Study: Opportunity International in Malawi
Opportunity International, one of the first organizations
to roll out biometrics-supported banking for low-income
customers, has facilitated fingerprint-based customer
registration and verification in Malawi since 2003.
Following the product launch, Opportunity International
noted an uptick in women opening accounts.
At one point, Opportunity International reported a client
base that was approximately 84 percent female, far greater
than the female participation rate for the overall financial
And, while the cost of the product was relatively
high for the consumer, Opportunity International came
to understand that the privacy and trust engendered
by biometrics played an important role in the products
success, and reach to unbanked people.
The account cards issued to customers incorporated
biometric fingerprint verification. This enabled local bank
tellers and managers to resist peer and communal pressure
to provide male relatives with access to womens accounts,
and assured women that they had full ownership of
their savings. This also removed some of the barriers for
clients with low levels of literacy and numeracy since the
fingerprint verification replaced other common forms of
verification such as a written signature or a pin number.
For the bank, incorporating biometrics was complicated
by connectivity issues, hardware degradation, and the lack
of a national digital identity program. All of these increased
costs for Opportunity International, highlighting factors that
affect scale and sustainability, and could discourage other
entities from offering similar products in other markets.
Based on discussions between Visa staff and Opportunity International representatives in May 2018.
Meeting financial industry identity due
diligence requirements can be time-
consuming and complex for consumers,
who may be asked to provide multiple
forms of identity or to document identifying elements such
as physical address or birth records. These requirements can
be particularly challenging for marginalized populations and/
or itinerant communities.
Biometrics can make financial services more accessible to
individuals when financial service providers are able to tap
into a centralized database of biometrics information to verify
a customers identity. Biometrics can also help to temporarily
provide a solution for incomplete or missing identity
documentation. For example, biometrics can help create a
single, continuous identity by acting as a benchmark against
which existing records, once recovered, can be compared.
In this way, biometrics may provide unique identification
for refugees who have lost access to some or all of their
documentation in the process of being displaced.
Typically, during enrollment, biometrics ar
e registered and
linked to a formal identity. Biometrics are not used to register
an identity – you are you – in the first place, which is defined
by national law. Especially where serious concerns about
security or fraud exist, biometrics are generally not accepted
as sole proof of identification.
Enrollment is when biometric data is
initially collected and registered and
linked to a formal identity.
Identication is when biometric data is
compared to enrolled data (previously
associated with an identifier) to establish
the identity of an individual.
Authentication refers to the process of
using a previously established identity
to validate that an individual is who
he or she claims to be. These terms
are increasingly important to financial
services, given the advent of Know Your
Customer (KYC) requirements as a tool for
countering money laundering and the
financing of terrorism.
Case Study: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
The UNHCR has developed a biometric identity
management system to re-establish and preserve
identities among refugees. It reports that linking
biometrics to UNHCR’s existing registration data not only
improves efficiency, but also mitigates against refugees’
personal identities being lost, registered multiple times,
or stolen.
UNHCR is also using biometrics as a method to
re-establish identity – a prerequisite for accessing financial
services as well as receiving aid benefits – in cases where
displaced individuals have otherwise lacked a formally
registered identity or documentation, and were previously
registered by UNHCR.
Gelb, Alan and Anna Diofasi Metz. Identication Revolution: Can Digital ID Be Harnessed for Development? Center for Global Development. 2018.
“Biometric Management Identity System: Enhancing Registration and Data Management. UNHCR. 2015.
“Biometric Management Identity System: Enhancing Registration and Data Management. UNHCR. 2015.
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Customer identity verification is
fundamental to maintaining security
and trust in the financial services
ecosystem, but it is also a significant cost
to financial service providers. These costs can be important
considerations for providers evaluating products for low-
income customers as these products typically have tight
profit margins and target audiences who are not able to
absorb sizeable pass-through costs.
Where there is a centralized repository of identity
information that includes biometrics, biometric
authentication can shift or reduce the cost of identity
verification, leading to lower-cost financial services for
consumers. Typically, a national government operates
this type of centralized database, and permits trusted
third parties such as financial service providers to verify
a customers identity using his or her biometric data.
Whether publicly or privately run, a centralized identity
database can reduce total costs by eliminating expensive
duplicate enrollment processes. It may also redistribute
costs from financial service providers to a government,
or enable the sharing of costs among public and private
entities. This redistribution or sharing of costs may improve
the economics of designing and delivering products that
reach underserved populations. Not all countries have
national identity programs, however, and not all include
biometric information, with governments deterred by
the cost of enrolling biometrics information, security
challenges, privacy considerations, and other factors.
Governments use biometric authentication in diverse
programs, such as to deliver social benefits or pensions,
because it can reduce fraud and delinquency, lower
costs, and enhance efficiency. For example, according to
the CEO of the South African Social Security Agency, the
requirement for biometric authentication for delivery of
benefits resulted in the elimination of ghost accounts,
duplications, and other irregularities…creating annual
savings of approximately US$157 million.
Program design can also affect affordability. Creating
a closed loop system to enroll and stor
e biometric
information may provide a government agency or financial
service provider with a quick way to implement a new
program. However, the sponsoring entity bears the total
cost, without the benefit of economies of scale offered by
a shared database. This design may affect the affordability
of program-issued products and services. If the program
requires that biometric information be stored on a card,
a set-up that can be advantageous in locations with
unreliable connectivity, the expensive enrollment process
must be repeated each time a card is lost.
Finally, use of biometrics introduces different operational
costs to ecosystem players. For instance, in the experience
of Opportunity International (OI), an organization that
provides financial solutions and training to low-income
populations, physical infrastructure related to the use of
biometrics is relatively affordable (OI has used small devices
that can be plugged in to existing terminals), but highly
durable devices that can withstand heavy use or extreme
conditions are more expensive.
Outreach to consumers,
connectivity, training, and additional staff all add to costs.
Riley, Thyra A., and Anoma Kulathunga. 2017. Bringing E-money to the Poor: Successes and Failures. Directions in Development.
Washington, DC: World Bank. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0462-5. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO
Based on discussions between Visa staff and Opportunity International representatives in May 2018.
Biometrics may contribute to the overall
usefulness of financial services to an
underserved consumer or small business
owner. Usefulness refers to how well a product meets the needs
and underlying goals of the user: for example, the ability to make
payments without leaving ones self-run store or standing in
line for hours; safely saving for school fees; securing long-term
financing to invest in a business; or, obtaining insurance to
protect against frequent flooding of crops.
Usefulness is typically achieved in the design of the product or
service itself. However, over time, a common, secure biometric
authentication process might be leveraged as an efficient
way to migrate consumers or small businesses from low value
products to higher value services that meet their long-term
goals (such as long-term financing) with minimal transaction
costs or requirements.
Case Study: Pakistan’s National Database and Registration Authority
Mobile wallet accounts 2015
2008m 2015m
In Pakistan, the National Database and Registration
Authoritys (NADRAs) risk-based, tiered approach to
regulations around bank account opening and its collection
of biometric information helped pave the way to a more
convenient account opening process.
Starting in 2008, Pakistans NADRA began to collect
fingerprints of individuals registered with the national
identity program. NADRAs use of biometrics made
account opening more convenient for consumers thanks
to branchless banking regulations that required only a
biometric fingerprint scan at agent locations, instead of a
branch visit, to open the lowest level mobile wallet. These
regulations were revised in 2016 to allow users the ability to
establish a mobile wallet account through a biometrically
verified SIM authenticated by the NADRA database.
In 2015, the total number of mobile wallet accounts tripled
from 5 to 15 million, with approximately 50 percent of new
registered mobile wallet accounts opened using biometric
Rashid, Naeha and Stefan Staschen. “Unlocking Financial Inclusion Using Biometrically Verified SIMs, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) Blog. July 26, 2016.
This translation was not created by CGAP and should not be considered an official translation. CGAP shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation.
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Policy Enablers
The following policies and regulations can enable biometrics to play a beneficial role in advancing digital
payments and financial inclusion in sustainable, scalable and responsible ways, alongside other national goals.
1 National and Digital Identity Frameworks
Biometrics hold potential to advance financial inclusion, but depend on a national legal identification framework to answer
the primary question of ‘who are you’ to which biometrics are then tied. Policymakers can enable biometrics to help
advance financial inclusion and social welfare goals by strengthening the national identification framework so that it covers
all citizens, if it does not already do so. Including possibilities for self-identification or peer-identification in specific, limited
circumstances can boost financial inclusion possibilities among populations who lack formal birth records or permanent
addresses, for example. Establishing multiple on ramps’ for citizen enrollment in a biometric registry is also helpful.
Shared registries of identity information, including biometrics, may reduce the costs faced by financial institutions in
meeting their identity due diligence requirements, thus enabling the offering of low-cost products tailored to underserved
people and businesses. There are various models, such as government run and federations including private sector. In these
and other models, allowing trusted financial service providers access to the database eliminates the need for each provider
to establish their own proprietary database. This can improve speed and efficiency of account opening, and thus the overall
experience for consumers. Combined, these factors can foster on-going innovation and interoperability, and help financial
service providers reach scale more quickly.
2 Data Security and Privacy Policies
Policymakers can further support the benefits of
biometrics by strengthening their data security and
privacy laws to increase confidence in the formal
financial sector in general and in biometric usage
specifically. Strong, harmonized standards and
requirements on the ways in which public and private
entities register, store, secure, transmit, manage and
share biometric data can help avoid unintended
negative consequences in the provision of financial
services to low-income populations. For example,
what data needs to be shared and transmitted to
achieve identity verification goals? Would sharing
an assertion of a data match be sufficient to meet
authentication goals instead of sharing actual biometric
data? Industry-led standards for secure data storage and
transmission, developed with cross-sector input, can
improve security practices for handling consumer data
while enabling interoperability (i.e., the ability of systems
or devices to exchange information and operation in
conjunction with each other).
Harmonized, global standards can also encourage interoperability and reduce costs. Such standards do not necessitate
a certain form of biometric identification but instead require overall standards that ensure interoperability, privacy, and
security. Common standards can facilitate economies of scale, helping individual providers feel confident in receiving
financial returns on their investments and therefore encourage the creation of new and innovative biometric-enabled
Implementing already-established global standards can increase efficiencies, ease the burden on domestic
entities to create and maintain their own standards, and ensure interoperability across national borders. By leveraging
global standards, domestic investment can support more local product development and financial inclusion efforts.
“Biometric Authentication in Payments: Considerations for Policymakers. Promontory Financial Group. November 2017.
Case Study: Indias Aadhaar
Onboarding costs
$0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
2009 2008
By some estimates, services of Aadhaar, India’s identity
database launched in 2009, have reduced the cost of
onboarding a customer from around US$5 for commercial
banks to US$0.07 for the new “payments banks set up
to increase financial inclusion.
These figures indicate
that, through Aadhaars biometrics, some financial
institution operational expenses have been transferred
to the government, offsetting costs for banks and
changing the economics of expanding their reach to
the financially excluded.
However, the savings from Aadhaar remain contested.
Banks and other entities must pay a fee to use Aadhaars
authentication services, and some banks - particularly small
ones serving low-income, rural populations - have issued
complaints arguing that these fees are not affordable.
elecommunications and
Financial Infrastructure
Extensive, reliable infrastructure is key to advancing
financial inclusion and social impact through digital means.
Using biometrics generally requires robust infrastructure
including electricity and internet or phone connectivity
with wide coverage. For example, biometric scanners may
require electricity connection or battery power. Connecting
to a centralized identity database to authenticate biometric
information typically requires communications connectivity.
Erratic, slow, or expensive connectivity can discourage
usage. A number of innovative products have been
designed to overcome the lack of reliable electricity and
connectivity. These include products that store biometric
information on a beneficiary or consumer card. During a
transaction, scanned biometric information is compared
to the verified data stored on the card. While effective, this
approach has trade-offs in terms of costs and ease of use.
Beyond the cost of establishing a common registry there
are many infrastructure costs associated with biometric
identification and authentication. Examples include:
upgrades to point-of-transaction terminals to enable
biometric data capture, dissemination of secure cards
that store biometric data, and maintenance of reliable
connectivity between a central identity registry and
individual financial service providers.
As the cost of these requirements is compounded in
rural settings, investments that improve the overall
infrastructure of a country may support greater adoption
of biometric-based identification systems and greater
financial inclusion.
4 Government Use and
Policymakers can increase the scale of biometric
authentication by tying certain government services
to centralized identity databases. For example, many of
the most impoverished individuals rely on government
or international agency aid to meet their daily needs.
A number of governments have already introduced
biometric verification as a requirement to receive
such benefits. This can help introduce consumers to
biometrics and financial services, and can jump start the
use of biometrics in markets.
The design of such a program has implications for
scale and cost, and the number of additional financial
services that can be layered on to biometric-enabled
accounts. Tying social and civic services such as
voting, land and property registration, and mass
transit ticketing to biometric authentication can
further increase demand and scale. At the same time,
linking core public services and benefits programs to
biometrics could lead to exclusion if non-biometric
options are not also available as an alternative
authentication mechanism. Without multiple on-ramps
available to establish ones biometric identity, those
without access to such a system may find themselves
further dis-enfranchised and marginalized.
Gelb, Alan and Anna Diofasi Metz. Identication Revolution: Can Digital ID Be Harnessed for Development? Center for Global Development. 2018.
Saha, Manojit. “Banks baulk at high cost of Aadhaar verication.” The Hindu. June 16, 2018.
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Consumer Protection
Strong laws and regulations that protect an individual’s
right to his or her account and biometric data are
essential. At the user level, individuals, particularly women
in countries with a history of patrimonial control, need to
be confident that their relatives or others will not be able
to access their savings or conduct transactions without
their consent. The very personal and individual nature of
biometrics can enhance certainty in this area. Even this
powerful technology must be backed up with a sound
legal framework and trustworthy jurisprudence.
Regulations to ensure consumer protection, such
as requirements for clear disclosures, can help avoid
unintended negative consequences in the provision
of financial services to low-income populations. By
anticipating implementation challenges, policymakers
may be able to avoid creating an inequitable situation
in which traditionally underserved populations are
forced to surrender a level of privacy enjoyed by more
advantaged populations.
P roportional, Risk-Based
Financial Regulations
Creating proportional regulatory frameworks around
Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements can help to
protect the financial ecosystem, while also supporting
financial inclusion goals. Traditional KYC verification
requirements such as multiple forms of identification
and proof of a physical address are often difficult for low
income, unbanked and marginalized individuals to provide.
Implementation of a tiered KYC regulatory framework
can enable individuals to open a simple – yet formal –
transactional account with basic identity information.
The simplest tier of basic accounts may permit a tailored
threshold of initial identification to obtain a prepaid card
or open an account. In exchange, they may incorporate
a low maximum account balance and limited monthly
transactions, parameters which are typically sufficient
to meet the relatively basic needs of the previously
unbanked. In fact, allowing for a zero initial balance can
help achieve maximum accessibility.
In some cases, governments may allow an unbanked
individual to open a limited transaction account throughan
agent, presenting just a fingerprint or iris to establish
identity. In other cases, financial service providers may
leverage a centralized identity registry to verify the
identity of a new customer. Within tiered KYC frameworks,
biometrics are a tool that banks or governments can
incorporate toease and expedite onboarding processes
– especially for lower-tier accounts geared toward low-
income and unbanked individuals.
Branchless Banking, Mobile Money
and Other Innovations
Biometrics are often most effective in supporting
financial inclusion when combined with other
innovations such as branchless banking and mobile-
based banking, as well as banking through post offices.
With supportive regulations, financial service providers
may enable agents to use biometrics as a secure,
convenient method for authenticating consumers,
further driving reach and scale.
Allowing different models of branchless banking
provides flexibility for local providers to develop market-
appropriate solutions. Encouraging new entrants in
the financial services area, such as financial technology
(fintech) firms or other service providers, can help
expand the types of solutions available to underserved
populations. This may merit some initial regulatory
flexibility, commensurate with associated risk. More
generally, ensuring that non- financial institutions and
new entrants offering branchless banking are subject to
the same prudential regulations as financial institutions
can provide consumers with a baseline of security and
protections across the ecosystem. Looking ahead, systems
that use biometrics in conjunction with other emerging
technologies may offer further potential to build scale.
8 Training and Financial Literacy
Some low-income, under-banked populations have low
levels of financial literacy, which can act as a barrier to
participation in the formal financial system. Educational
efforts among consumers, merchants, financial institutions,
technology providers, and independent agents are critical –
especially for micro and small merchants who often provide
points of access for low-income consumers. Training in
using biometric readers – via smart phones, dedicated
readers, ATM adaptors, or other devices – can support
adoption from a practical sense. Educating consumers on
methods to use and protect their biometric data can help
grow trust in new forms of authentication.
9 Political Leadership and Coordination
Political leadership is critical to successfully leveraging
biometrics to increase financial inclusion. Because
scale is so important for the ultimate success of
biometrics to achieve greater financial inclusion,
coordination across government agencies can help
maximize investment, leverage existing human and
physical infrastructure, build interoperability, and
avoid competing standards. Addressing biometric
usage and program design as part of national financial
inclusion strategies or policies can also help drive
expanded use.
Case Study: South Africas Social Grant Distribution Program
In 2012, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) consolidated multiple systems for distributing social grants into a
centralized program. As part of the consolidation, the SASSA reregistered recipients with their biometrics. Outside observers
noted that the use of biometrics helped to reduce fraud and delinquency,
but in some cases, the financial products offered
through the grant delivery system reportedly did not align with the financial goals of the targeted population. Thus, while
effective at eliminating fraud, incorporating biometrics did not automatically address the usefulness of the underlying
products (e.g., product design and delivery).
Biometrics technology holds sizeable potential as a tool to advance financial inclusion, contributing to the convenience,
trustworthiness, accessibility, affordability, and usefulness of financial services for underserved populations. However, biometrics are
not a stand-alone solution to all financial inclusion challenges. Considerations around consumer protection, infrastructure, and other
issues factor into individual government decisions about how and when to leverage biometrics to drive financial inclusion forward.
The practical application of biometrics to the financial ecosystem is built on a complex foundation of policy enablers. Biometrics can
be most impactful when incorporated as part of broader financial inclusion strategies, and in contexts where governments take a
principles-based, innovation -friendly approach to regulation and policy making.
Gelb, Alan and Anna Diofasi Metz. Identication Revolution: Can Digital ID Be Harnessed for Development?
Center for Global Development. 2018.
14 Visa Consulting & Analytics
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