Who Wears the Face Mask? Preventive Measures Against COVID-19 in Latin
America Before Vaccination
Rentería, Elisenda
Gómez-Casillas, Amalia
Zueras, Pilar
Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics; ORCID 0000-0002-7072-8465; [email protected]
Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics; ORCID 0000-0002-3528-7844; [email protected]
University of Essex and Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics, ORCID 0000-0002-3345-
* Corresponding author
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NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
Who Wears the Face Mask?
Preventive Measures Against COVID-19 in Latin America Before Vaccination
The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak imposed the use of the sanitary mask as a protective
measure to reduce the spread of the pandemic, recommended by the World Health
Organization. However, the use of the face mask has been uneven and determined by
individual, regional, cultural, and political factors. Based on data from the
Latinobarometer, we aim to understand the profile of people who used a mask in the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 18 countries of Latin America, between October
and November 2020, right before the mass vaccination campaigns. Results show that
women, older people, those with higher education, being employed and not working in
temporarily jobs, retirees, students, people with a centrist political ideology, and
Catholics, had a higher chance of using a face mask on a regular basis. People living in
Venezuela, Chile, Costa Rica and Brazil were the most likely to use face masks. These
results call attention to the need to understand social forces behind the willingness to
adopt non-pharmacological preventive measures in order to make them more effective in
health crisis emergencies.
Keywords: Sanitary face mask, COVID-19, Latin America, preventive measures,
socioeconomic status, political ideology
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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the use of face-masks as one of
the main measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission (1). However, the medical
discourse about preventive measures is mediated by a range of factors that affect their
implementation, such as gender constructions in health care (2), risk perception related to
age (3) and care attitudes linked to educational level (4). Political orientation and religious
affiliation are also important explanatory aspects of how the medical/epidemiological
discourses are decoded (5). In the specific context of COVID-19, the role of national
governments in recognizing the magnitude of the pandemic and their willingness to
implement the WHO health recommendations has also been decisive. The latter has been
especially relevant in Latin America, as political instability, low levels of investment in
public health systems and the idiosyncrasy of each government have defined different
public interventions and prevention messages sent to the population (6).
One of the studies that have addressed the individual determinants of prevention and
protection behaviors against the COVID-19 pandemic, concluded that the use of the face-
mask was related to the individual perception of risk, the feeling of responsibility and
solidarity, cultural and religious traditions, and the need to express their own identity (7).
In relation with the adoption of protective attitudes against respiratory epidemics, a study
prior to COVID-19, found that women were more inclined to apply non-pharmacological
preventive measures (like the use of mask, washing hands and avoid public transport),
while men were more prone to pharmacological measures (get vaccinated, use of
antivirals) (8). Regarding political ideology, being of right wing ideology in the United
States (US) was correlated with believing that the use of mask would not prevent the
expansion of the COVID-19 virus (9), and accordingly, the US was the only country were
government supporters were less likely to follow prevention health guidelines against
COVID-19 in a cross-country study (5), showing the importance of the government
position in individual prevention attitudes.
We did not find any work analyzing mask wearing determinants in Latin America.
However, an article warned about the limitations of the region to supply enough suitable
masks to the entire population and that these countries did not have previous experience
in the use of masks, contrary to Asian countries (10).
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The use of a face-mask during the COVID-19 pandemic has not been a trivial act and it
is important to understand the individual, regional, cultural and political determinants that
influence this decision to obtain lessons and design more effective preventive campaigns
to manage future health crises. A transnational analysis in Latin America can allow us to
understand the different levels of influence that are interconnected in the individual
decision to wear a mask as a protective measure against the COVID-19 virus. This study
aims to discover the profile of people who wear masks, and understand the importance of
the cultural and sociopolitical context of individuals in Latin America. We carried out
logistic regression models controlling for all the demographic, socioeconomic and
country variables, relevant to understand the determinants of preventive behaviors.
Data and Methods
The Latinobarometer is a representative population survey conducted in 18 Latin
American countries, whose field work was between October 26 and November 17, 2020.
The sample includes 20,204 people, ranging from 1,000 to 1,200 adults interviewed by
country. We eliminated 127 minors, 89 people who did not answer the question about the
use of masks, and 3 people who did not report their educational level.
We performed a logistic regression of the binary dependent variable created from the
question about the use of mask on a regular basis to not get infected with the COVID-19
virus. The model included as independent variables the gender (male/female), age (18-
25; 26-40; 41-60, 61+), educational level (basic education not completed, basic education
completed, completed high school, completed higher education), current occupational
status (self-employed, salaried, retired or pensioned, unemployed and student), political
ideology (left, center-left, center-right, right), religion (Catholic, Evangelical, others,
none) and the country of residence (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela).
Table 1 shows the results of the multivariate regression model, indicating women use
more the mask than men (OR=1.483; p-value<0.001). Younger people are less likely to
use a mask, although a greater effect is not observed among the population older than 60
years (OR= 1.562; p-value <0.001) compared to those between 41 and 60 years old
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(OR=1.570; p-value <0.001). Those with higher educational level, have a higher chance
of wearing a mask, and differences are significant for people with higher education
(OR=2.161; p-value<0.001) and secondary education (OR=1.428; p-value<0.001).
Employees, temporarily unemployed people, retirees and students use the mask to a
greater extent than people who are self-employed. Self-perceived social class in the
bivariate analysis (results not shown here) indicates that the middle class is more likely
to use masks than the upper class, but in the multivariate analysis is not significant.
Regarding religion, Catholics have a higher chance of wearing the mask than Evangelicals
(OR=1.300; p-value<0.001) while people who declare no religion use it to a lesser extent
(OR=0.796; p-value <0.05). Results on political ideology indicate that people from the
center-right (OR=1.264; p-value<0.05) and center-left (OR=1.273; p-value<0.01) use the
mask to a greater extent than right-wing people. However, there are no significant
differences between people who is on the right with respect to those on the left or without
political ideology. Compared to Brazil, the reference category, the only country where
the use of masks is significantly higher is Venezuela (OR=2.070; p-value<0.01), although
Chile and Costa Rica also showed non-significant higher rates. In contrast, the use of the
mask is lower in Bolivia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru.
Here we draw a profile of people who commonly used a mask between October and
November 2020, before the vaccination campaign started in Latin America. The results
of this analysis are consistent with previous studies that indicate that men are more prone
to risky behaviors than women (11). Although youngsters are less likely to use masks,
both the middle-age and oldest-age groups showed similar predisposition, indicating that
the age perception of the risk started earlier that the actual risk (12). Findings that having
a higher educational level implies a greater use of masks are consistent with previous
studies where higher educational levels are associated to healthier behaviors engagements
Regarding occupational categories, the fact that retirees or pensioners have a greater use
of the face mask than those who are self-employed is related to the fact that older people
are the most vulnerable group to the virus (3). Additionally, students might be more likely
to use them due to the mandatory use of face masks in educational centers. We also find
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that employees, as well as the unemployed, are more likely to wear a mask than those
who are self-employed. In this sense, it should be noted that, although we control for the
current occupational situation, the survey does not have variables that allow us to control
which people can perform their daily lives without having to leave their home, where the
use of a face mask would not be so necessary. Social class does not show significant
results, but this might be a limitation of the self-perceive question to capture this
dimension. Unlike countries like the US, where political orientation shapes prevention
behaviors (5), the results of our study indicate that there is no left-right polarization of
mask use in Latin America. Interestingly, centrist people are the most likely to wear a
mask. In this sense, religion, which has also been present in discussions about the
pandemic (13), also shapes prevention behaviors. Those belonging to the Evangelical
religion wear a mask to a lesser extent than Catholics. These results open many questions
about the role of religions in promoting health behaviors and the arguments that certain
religions establish against medical discourse. Finally, Venezuela, Chile, Costa Rica and
Brazil are the countries in Latin America where the use of a mask is highest. In the case
of Brazil, a lack of rapid and equitable responses from the government might have led the
population to increase their prevention attitudes against the virus (14). Regarding
Venezuela, the country has deepened its political and economic crisis since COVID-19,
and there has been a lack of credibility from the citizenship in the reported cases because
of the shortage of virus tests (15).
The use of the face mask to prevent COVID-19 infection has been uneven across
individual, regional, cultural and ideological factors in Latin America. The analysis
showed the importance of understanding the demographic and socioeconomic profile of
those individuals more prone to use preventive measures to stop the spread of the
pandemic in the region, and the critical role of social forcesthrough religion and political
ideasin shaping health-related attitudes in a health emergency crisis.
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Table 1. Logistic regression over the regular use of face mask in Latin American
Variables Odds Ratio Std. err. Variables Odds Ratio Std. err.
Sex (Men) Political ideology (Right)
Women 1.483 (0.086) *** Center-Right 1.264 (0.07) *
Center-Left 1.273 (0.108) **
Age (18-25) Left 0.850 (0.144) *
26-40 1.185 (0.086) * None 1.227 (0.133)
41-60 1.570 (0.126) *** Missing 1.094 (0.127)
61+ 1.562 (0.165) ***
Country (Brazil)
Education (Incomplete Basic) Argentina 0.601 (0.117) *
Basic 1.119 (0.112) Bolivia 0.179 (0.03) ***
Secondary 1.428 (0.15) *** Chile 1.382 (0.326)
Tertiary 2.161 (0.262) *** Colombia 0.501 (0.092) ***
Costa Rica 1.251 (0.281)
Labor activity (self-employed) Dominican Rep. 0.503 (0.092) ***
Employee 1.429 (0.116) *** Ecuador 0.892 (0.182)
Unemployed 1.310 (0.134) * El Salvador 0.933 (0.191)
Retired 1.706 (0.283) ** Guatemala 0.976 (0.197)
Inactive 1.041 (0.075) Honduras 0.662 (0.124) *
Student 1.381 (0.209) * México 0.190 (0.032) ***
Nicaragua 0.341 (0.06) ***
Social Class (High) Panamá 0.649 (0.125) *
Medium 1.227 (0.13) Paraguay 0.401 (0.072) ***
Low 1.054 (0.106) Pe 0.659 (0.125) *
Missing 0.898 (0.13) Uruguay 0.788 (0.156)
Venezuela 2.070 (0.534) **
Religion (Evangelical)
Catholic 1.300 (0.094) *** Constante 6.433 (1.415) ***
Other 1.067 (0.149)
None 0.796 (0.068) ** N 19988
*** P<0.001; ** P<0.01, * P<0.05
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Declaration of Competing Interest
This article adheres to ethical standards and complies with relevant guidelines for using
secondary survey data. Data upon the research is done is freely available and ensures the
confidentiality and privacy of the participants in accordance with relevant laws and
regulations. The analysis presented here are available upon request.
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through
the Ramon y Cajal grant number [RYC-2017-22586]”, and the project of the National
R&D&I Plan COMORHEALTHSES [PID2020-113934RB-I00]; the Economic and
Social Research Council (ESRC) through the Research Centre on Micro-Social Change
(MiSoC) at the University of Essex, grant number ES/S012486/1; and support from
CERCA Programme Generalitat de Catalunya.
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