San José, M.J.
; Alvarez, S.; Ortiz de Salazar, A.; Morales, A.; Bilbao, J.
The influence of the length of the draft tube in bed stability of conical spouted beds with a
non-porous draft tube located at the bottom of the contactor has been studied and these
results have been compared with those obtained with this internal device locating the draft
tube at the same level that the upper bed surface in the same experimental conditions.
In order to design the appropriate length of the non-porous draft tube without any instability
or operating drawbacks in conical spouted beds, the length of the draft tube located centrally
at a height from the bottom of the contactor has been varied up to a maximum values in
which the top of the draft tube is at the same level the upper bed surface.
Keywords: spouted bed, conical spouted bed, draft tube, hydrodynamics, length of the draft
tube, wastes, using of wastes energy
Se ha estudiado el efecto de la longitud del tubo central en la estabilidad del lecho con un
tubo central no poroso y los resultados se han comparado con los obtenidos con este
dispositivo colocado hasta el mismo nivel que la superficie del lecho y con los obtenidos sin
este dispositivo en las mismas condiciones de operación.
Para el diseño de la longitud adecuada del tubo central no poroso que permita operar sin
inestabilidades ni inconvenientes de operación en spouted beds cónicos, se ha variado la
longitud del tubo, colocado centralmente a una distancia desde el fondo del contactor, hasta
un valor máximo en el cual la parte superior del tubo central está al mismo nivel que la
superficie superior del lecho.
Palabras clave: spouted bed, spouted bed cónico, tubo central, fluidodinámica, longitud del
tubo central, residuos, aprovechamiento de la energía de los residuos
1. Introduction
In spite of the versatility of the conical spouted beds, there are situations in which the gas-
solid contact is not fully satisfactory due of the bed instability. In previous papers [1-3] the
ranges of the geometric factors of the conical contactor and of the contactor-particle system
for stable operating condition have been established [1-3] in order to become the stability.
The insertion of a draft tube in a conventional spouted bed overcomes the limitations of the
spouted for improving gas-solid contact. Several advantages of using a draft tube in a
conventional spouted bed are the following [4-7]: greater flexibility in the operation; lower gas
flow and pressure drop; solids of any size or nature may be treated; narrower residence time
distribution; better control of solid circulation; avoids maximum spoutable bed height.
Consequently, solid circulation may be controlled by changing independently column
diameter, stagnant bed height or particle diameter. Among the disadvantages the following
12th International Conference on Project Engineering
are worth mentioning: lower mixing degree; complexity of design; risk of tube blockage; lower
contact between gas and solids; lower heat and mass transfer; longer recirculation time.
Applications of conventional spouted beds with a draft tube cover a wide range of operations
and chemical processes including: drying [8-11], combustion [6, 12-14], pyrolysis of
hydrocarbon [15], pneumatic conveying [16], pharmaceuticals [17] and mixing [18].
In some papers the results of the effect of non-porous draft tube in conventional spouted
beds mainly focussed on: flow characteristics [19], particle circulation [5, 20-22],
hydrodynamics [23-24], have been published.
In order to widen the range of the bed stability in conical spouted beds, in this paper the
effect of the length of a non-porous draft tube on the bed stability is analyzed in these
contactors with a central draft tube.
2. Methodology
The experimental unit, Figure 1, design on a pilot scale is provided with a blower that
supplies a maximum air flow rate of 300 Nm
at a pressure of 15 kPa. The flow rate is
measured by means of two mass flow meters in the ranges of 50-300 and 0-100 m
, with
both being controlled by a computer. The accuracy of this control is 0.5% of the measured
flow rate [25-26].
Figure 1. Diagram of the experimental equipment.
The measurement of the bed pressure drop is sent to a differential pressure transducer
(Siemens Teleperm), which quantifies these measurements within the 0-100% range [25].
This transducer sends the 4-20 mA signal to a data logger (Alhborn Almeno 2290-8), which
is connected to a computer where the data are registered and processed by means of the
software AMR-Control. The software AMR-Control also registers and processes the air
velocity data, which allows for the acquisition of continuous curves of pressure drop against
air velocity.
Five conical contactors made of poly(methyl methacrylate) have been used. Figure 2 shows
the geometric factors of these contactors, whose dimensions are as follows: column
diameter, D
, 0.36 m; contactor angle, γ, between 28 and 45°; height of the conical section,
12th International Conference on Project Engineering
, from 0.60 to 0.36 m; gas inlet diameter, D
, in the range of 0.03-0.06 m. The values of the
stagnant bed height, Ho, used are in the range between 0.05 and 0.35 m. Operation has
been carried out at the minimum spouting velocity and at velocities 20 and 30% above this
The influence of the length of the device in each solid particle bed (in the same experimental
conditions) has been studied by inserting centrally a draft tube in the contactor and varying
the length of the draft tube from a minimum value of 0.02 m to a maximum value in which the
top of the draft tube is at the same level that the upper bed surface [27].
Figure 2. Geometric factors of the contactor and of the draft tube.
The draft tube, Figure 2, is a cylindrical tube made of poly(methyl methacrylate) located
centrally at the bottom of the contactor. Figure 2 shows the draft tube geometries. The draft
tube diameter, d
, and height of the entrainment zone, h
, have been determined
experimentally in a previous paper [28] from a viewpoint of stability of spouting and of the
clogging of solid particles. The diameter of the draft tube, d
, was varied from 0.03 m to 0.05
m. The diameter of the draft tube, d
, was determined experimentally in a previous paper [28]
for a viewpoint of stability of spouting and was varied from 0.03 m to 0.05 m. The choice of
the upper limit of the draft tube diameter, d
, was made based on to the average spout
diameter, [25], which is between the gas inlet diameter, D
, and the base diameter, D
, and in
conical spouted beds is nearer to the base diameter, D
[25]. The entrainment zone, distance
between the base of the contactor and the lower base of the device, h
, has been determined
experimentally in a previous paper [28] is in the range 0.01-0.09 m. The length of the draft
tube, l
, has been varied from 0.02 m to a value calculated as l
= H
. and it is in the range
0.02-0.34 m.
The solids studied are glass spheres, which corresponds basically to the D group of the
Geldart classification [29-30] and their properties are set out in Table 1.
Table 1 summarizes the geometric factors of the conical contactors, the dimensions of the
central draft tubes and particle properties of solids studied.
12th International Conference on Project Engineering
Contactor poly(methyl methacrylate)
Column diameter D
(m) 0.36
Contactor angle γ (deg) 28, 33, 36, 39, 45
Height of the conical section H
(m) 0.60, 0.50, 0.45, 0.42, 0.36
Gas inlet diameter D
(m) 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06
Stagnant bed height H
(m) between 0.03 and 0.35 m
Draft tube poly(methyl methacrylate)
Inside diameter d
(m) 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06
Tube length l
(m) from 0.02 to 0.34
Distance of entrainment zone h
(m) 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07,
0.08, 0.09
Particle (Glass beads)
Diameter d
(mm) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Density ρ
) 2420
Table 1. Geometric factors of the contactors and of the draft tube and particle properties.
3. Results
In order to provide the effect of the length of the central draft tubes in conical spouted bed
contactors on bed stability, a novel diagram has been proposed in this paper. In this diagram
the length of the draft tube, l
, has been plotted against the gas velocity, u.
In this diagram, Figure 3, the length of the draft tube, l
, has been plotted against the gas
velocity, u, corresponding to a system taken as an example, of contactor angle, γ= 33º, gas
inlet diameter, D
= 0.04 m, with a bed of glass spheres of Sauter average diameter,
d =
2.5 mm and stagnant bed height, H
= 0.20 m. The draft tube dimensions are: diameter, d
0.04 m, height of the entrainment zone, h
= 0.05 m and length varied from a minimum length
of l
= 0.02 m to the maximum length of l
= 0.15 m (corresponding to the level of the stagnant
bed, l
= H
Figure 3. Operating map. System: γ= 33º, D
= 0.04 m, beds of glass spheres of Sauter average
d = 2.5 mm. Draft tube of d
= 0.04 m and h
= 0.05 m.
12th International Conference on Project Engineering
As is observed, as the length of the central draft tube is increased, the stable spouted bed
regime is reached and the minimum spouting velocity decreases. For small lengths of the
draft tube there is a slight instability zone. Therefore, the increasing in the draft tube length
enhances the stable operating conditions. Thus, with the longest draft tube the maximum
range of stable operating conditions is reached.
4. Conclusions
In all the experimental systems studied, the introduction of a central draft tube in the bed
improves bed stability in conical spouted beds and this improvement enlarges the range of
operating conditions.
The stability of conical spouted beds with draft tube depends on the length of the draft tube.
The increasing in the length of the draft tube gives way to a decreasing in the minimum
spouting velocity, therefore an increasing in the range of operating conditions in spouting
regime. It has been proven that by means of an appropriate design of the draft tube, the
range of stable operating conditions in conical spouted beds with a draft tube is wider than
without draft tube without any instability or operation drawbacks.
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This work was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Industry of the Basque
Government (Project EPIMATP2 and Project DIPE 07/09).
Correspondencia (Para más información contacte con):
Profesor María José San José
Departamento de Ingeniería Química.
Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología.
Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU
Aptdo 644. 48080. Bilbao
Phone: +34 6015362
Fax: + 34 6013500
E-mail: mariajose.sanj[email protected]
12th International Conference on Project Engineering