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Department of Technology, Management & Budget
R0058C (Rev. 4/2024) Authority: 1980 PA 300, as amended
Insurance Information
Public School Retirees
Your Insurance Benefits
When you retire, you, your spouse, and your eligible
family members can enroll in the retirement system’s
health, prescription drug, dental, and vision insurances.
You can enroll in Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan with
or without prescription drug coverage or one of several
HMOs, which include prescription drug coverage.
For provider information and details about coverage, refer
to the Insurance Options Summary (R0379C) form.
You can view insurance carrier options and their contact
information on our website,,
by clicking on Your Insurance Benefits then Insurance
Carrier Options.
To see if you have the Personal Healthcare Fund or the
premium subsidy benefit, log in to miAccount at For increased security,
you’ll use MiLogin to access miAccount.
Premium Subsidy Eligibility
Hired before July 1, 2008. In most cases, if you have
the premium subsidy benefit and you retire while you’re
an active employee, you’ll become eligible for your
insurance premium subsidy on your retirement effective
date. However, your subsidy will be delayed if you
purchased service credit on or after July 1, 2008, that
allows you to qualify for your pension earlier than if you
did not make the purchase.
If a delayed subsidy applies, you can still enroll in health,
prescription drug, dental, and vision insurance but you
will pay the entire premium until the subsidy begins. The
subsidy will begin at age 60 or the age you would have
been eligible to retire if you had not made the service
credit purchase, whichever happens first.
Hired on or after July 1, 2008. If you began working for
a Michigan public school on or after July 1, 2008, you
must have at least 10 years of service (YOS) to qualify
for a subsidy, and your subsidy will be graded. With 10
YOS, a 30% subsidy is available. The subsidy increases
by an additional 4% for each additional YOS up to the
maximum subsidy allowed by law. For more information
on insurance subsidies, refer to the Your Insurance
Benefits section of the Michigan Office of Retirement
Services (ORS) website at
Personal Healthcare Fund
If you have the Personal Healthcare Fund, you are not
eligible for subsidized health, prescription drug, dental, or
vision insurance through the retirement system.
You, your spouse, and your eligible family members may
enroll in insurances if you enroll immediately when you
retire but you will be responsible for the entire premium. If
you disenroll from the plan at any time, you, your spouse,
and your family members cannot reenroll. If your spouse
or family members are disenrolled at any time, they
cannot reenroll.
For information about insurance eligibility and enrollment,
contact ORS. For other information about your Personal
Healthcare Fund, contact Voya Financial at 800-
Enrolling at the Time of Retirement
Insurance coverage always begins on the first day of a
calendar month. For retirees who do not have Medicare,
coverage can begin the first of the month after we receive
your enrollment request and required proofs. For retirees
with Medicare, coverage can begin the first day of the
second month after we receive your enrollment request
and required proofs.
For example, if you submit your enrollment request and
proofs July 25 for a retirement effective date of August 1,
your coverage will begin September 1. If ORS gets the
enrollment request and proofs later, but within 30 days of
the qualifying event, your coverage would begin a month
Regardless of when you want your coverage to start,
ORS must receive your enrollment request and proofs for
everyone you want to enroll no later than 30 calendar
days after your retirement effective date, or those with
missing information will be subject to a six month wait to
enroll, starting from the date ORS receives the new
enrollment request and proofs.
Insurance coverage for you, your spouse, and your
eligible family members can begin on your retirement
effective date or up to 90 days past your retirement
effective date if you will have insurance coverage
through your school employer after you retire. If you are a
new retiree requesting a retroactive retirement effective
date, your coverage can begin no earlier than the first
day of the month after ORS receives your enrollment
request and required proofs, even if your retirement
effective date is earlier than that. Check with your school
employer to determine when your current insurance(s)
will end so there won’t be a break in your coverage and
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you won’t be duplicating coverage. Determining the
correct effective date is important because we can’t
refund premiums once they have been withheld from
your pension.
Insurance Carrier Identification Cards
Each insurance carrier will mail insurance ID cards and
materials directly to you. If you apply at least three
months before your insurance effective date, your cards
will usually arrive by your retirement effective date.
If you need health services before your cards arrive,
contact the insurance carrier directly to get your policy
number or to verify coverage.
Enrolling in or Changing Insurance After Retirement
Premium subsidy benefit. If you have the premium
subsidy benefit and you’re enrolling yourself, your
spouse, or eligible family member in insurance after
retirement, your coverage will begin on the first day of the
sixth month after ORS receives your enrollment request
and required proofs.
For example, if we receive your enrollment request with
proofs February 10, your coverage will begin August 1.
If you, your spouse, or eligible family member has a
qualifying event (such as change in family status or
involuntary loss of other group coverage), your coverage
can begin as early as first of the month after you apply
and we receive required proofs. For retirees who do not
have Medicare, coverage can begin the first of the month
after the month we receive your enrollment request and
proofs. For retirees with Medicare, your coverage can
begin the first day of the second month after we receive
your enrollment request and required proofs, including
proof of the qualifying event.
For example, if ORS receives your enrollment request
and proofs July 10, your coverage will begin September
1. If ORS gets the enrollment request and proofs later,
but within 30 days of the qualifying event, you may not be
enrolled until a month later.
Personal Healthcare Fund. If you have the Personal
Healthcare Fund, you cannot enroll in insurances after
you retire. You can only change plans.
Changing plans. If you are currently enrolled in any
health insurance plan with the retirement system, you can
change your enrollment to another plan regardless of
your Medicare status. Your change in coverage will be
effective the first day of the second month after ORS
receives your enrollment request and required proofs. For
example, if ORS receives your change request and
required proofs January 10, your coverage with the new
plan will begin March 1.
Survivor Coverage
Premium subsidy benefit. Your beneficiary may
continue medical, prescription drug, dental, and vision
coverage after your death only if you choose a survivor
pension option (100% survivor, 100% equated, 75%
survivor, 75% equated, 50% survivor, or 50% equated).
Please refer to the Your pension payment options section
of Planning Your Retirement (R0613C).
Straight life. If you elect the straight life or straight life
equated options, which do not provide a monthly pension
to a beneficiary, enrolled family members will have no
subsidized group coverage after your death. Your
enrolled family members may be eligible for continuation
of unsubsidized insurance coverage for a maximum
period of 36 months. Refer to the Straight life calculation
and Equated plan sections of Planning Your Retirement
Eligible Family Members
Health, prescription drug, dental, and vision coverage for
your spouse and eligible dependents is the same as
yours. Those eligible for coverage are:
Your spouse. If your spouse is an eligible public school
retiree, you will be covered together on one contract.
Your child by birth, adoption, or legal guardianship until
the end of the month in which they turn 26.
Your unmarried child by birth, adoption, or legal
guardianship who is totally and permanently disabled,
dependent on you for support, and incapable of self-
sustaining employment.
o In the case of legal adoption, a child is eligible
for coverage as of the date of placement.
Placement occurs when you become legally
obligated for the total or partial support of the
child in anticipation of adoption.
o In the case of legal guardianship, official
guardianship paperwork must be in place for a
dependent to be eligible for coverage. Once a
guardianship terminates, dependent eligibility
for coverage ends.
Either your parent(s) or your parent(s)-in-law residing in
your household one set of parents or the other, but
not both.
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Proof of Eligibility
You must provide proof of eligibility for family members
you want to enroll in your insurance plan.
Spouse: Copies of your spouse’s government-issued
birth certificate and your government-issued marriage
Child: Copy of your child’s government-issued birth
o To prove adoption or legal guardianship, provide
legal papers issued by a court.
o If your child is disabled, provide a current letter
from the attending physician detailing the
disability and stating the child is totally and
permanently disabled and incapable of self-
sustaining employment. The signed certification
must be on the physician’s letterhead and dated
within the last six months. Also, provide the first
page of your most recent 1040 tax form listing
the dependent.
Parent(s) or parent (s)-in-law residing in your
household: Previous tax year’s 1099 or 1098, a
current voter’s registration card, driver’s license, or
state-issued ID showing the parent lives with you.
You are responsible for immediately notifying ORS of any
change in your status or that of anyone enrolled in your
insurance plan. If ORS pays claims for an ineligible
person, you may be responsible for repaying any claims
made on their behalf.
As soon as you or anyone else covered by your health
insurance becomes eligible for Medicare, that person
must enroll in both Part A (hospital) and Part B (medical).
You must have Medicare parts A and B to enroll in retiree
insurance and prescription drug coverage. If you or
anyone else covered by your insurance, don’t enroll in
Medicare Part B when first eligible, the insurance for that
person will be canceled and there is a six month wait to
For most people, Medicare begins at age 65 or after 24
months of Social Security Disability Insurance. If that
happens before age 65, send ORS the Insurance
Enrollment/Change Request (R0452C) form, and make
sure ORS has your Medicare number.
When you enroll in Medicare, you will receive your
Medicare card from the Social Security Administration. As
soon as you receive your card, tell ORS your Medicare
number and effective dates for parts A and B. You can
submit your Medicare enrollment information one of the
following ways:
Use the miAccount Message Board to send ORS a
secure message with your Medicare enrollment
Update your insurance enrollment information in
miAccount to include your new Medicare information
and send ORS the confirmation page.
Make a copy of your Medicare card. Write your
name, address, and date of birth on the copy and
mail or fax the copy of your card to ORS.
Mail or fax a completed Insurance
Enrollment/Change Request (R0452C) form to ORS
with your Medicare information.
Call ORS at 800-381-5111 and give a representative
your Medicare information.
When we receive your Medicare number, ORS will enroll
you in a Medicare Advantage Plan. A Medicare
Advantage Plan is a private health plan that contracts
with Medicare to provide you with all your Part A and Part
B benefits.
Medicare Part D (prescription drug) is a federal program
that is administered by your group insurance plan. When
you enroll in a retiree prescription drug plan, we will
automatically enroll you in Medicare Part D if appropriate.
Don’t sign up for a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan
or any other supplemental prescription drug plan. If you
do, you’ll lose medical and prescription drug coverage
through the retirement system
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Deferred Applicants ONLY
You are deferred if you are vested but you left public
school employment before you met the age requirement
for retirement and you did not take a refund of your
contributions. If you are a deferred member with the
premium subsidy benefit, you may be eligible for an
insurance premium subsidy. The amount of the subsidy
depends on when you ended your public school
employment and how many years of credited service you
If your last day of public school employment was on or
before October 31, 1980, and you are eligible to receive
a deferred pension, you are eligible for the maximum
subsidy allowed by law.
If your last day of public school employment was after
October 31, 1980, and you have at least 21 YOS, your
subsidy will be 10% for each year of credited service you
have over 20 years. With 21 YOS, you get 10% of the
subsidy. With 25 years, the subsidy increases to 50%. A
retiree with 30 YOS is entitled to the maximum subsidy
allowed by law.
If your last day of work was after October 31, 1980, and
you have less than 21 YOS, you can enroll in the health,
prescription drug, dental, and vision insurance but you
must pay the entire premium.
Disability Applicants ONLY
If the retirement board approves your disability retirement
application and you have the premium subsidy benefit,
your health, prescription drug, dental, and vision
coverage can begin the first day of the following month
your application is approved or you end employment,
whichever is later. Continue your current insurance to
ensure continued coverage during the approval process.
Indicate in the Insurance Options section of your
enrollment request that you want coverage through the
retirement system to begin the first day of the month
following the retirement board’s approval of your
retirement application.