25 NOVEMBER 2019
Incorporating Change 1, 13 April 2023
Certified Current 13April 2023
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
OPR: AF/AIM Certified by: SAF/MR
Supersedes: AFI36-2619, 18 July 2014 Pages: 43
This publication implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-26, Total Force Development
and Management, AFPD 36-29, Military Standards, AFPD 36-30, Military Entitlements and
AFPD 36-81, Total Force (TF) Human Resource Management (HRM) Domain Governance.
The ADOS-AC man-day program is compliance oriented, governed by law, and supports
operational and strategic needs of the Regular AF (RegAF). The term ADOS-AC man-day is used
interchangeably with Military Personnel Appropriation (MPA) in this document. This publication
applies to RegAF, AF Reserve (AFR), and the Air National Guard (ANG). It has been developed
in collaboration with the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1),
the Chief of the Air Force Reserve (AF/RE), and the Director of the Air National Guard (NGB/CF).
This publication may be supplemented at any level; Major Command (MAJCOM)-level
supplements must be approved by the Human Resource Management Strategic Board prior to
certification and approval. This instruction requires the collection and or maintenance of
information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by 10 USC § 9013, Secretary of the
Air Force, 5 USC § 522a, Records Maintained on Individuals. The applicable System of Records
Notices F0 33 AFRC A, Reserve Participation Management System Records, F036 AF PC Q,
Personnel Data System, and F065 AFRC C, Reserve Order Writing System-Reserves Records, is
available at: Ensure all records created as a
2 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with Air Force
Manual 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force
Records Disposition Schedule located in the Air Force Records Information Management System.
Refer recommended changes and questions regarding this publication to the Office of Primary
Responsibility (OPR) using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route
AF Form 847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of command. The authorities
to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier (“T-0, T-1, T-
2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See AF Instruction (AFI) 33-360,
Publications and Forms Management, for a description of the authorities associated with the Tier
numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier waiver
approval authority or alternately, to the requestor’s commander for non-tiered compliance items.
This interim change revised DAFI 36-2619 by (1) incorporating the DAFGM dated 20 Apr 2022,
(2) adjusts guidance to reflect the change per the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act,
Section 415, Accounting of Reserve Component Members Performing Active Duty or Full-time
National Guard Duty Towards Authorized End Strengths, which was amended to reflect the
following.: Title 10 USC Section 115(b)(2)(B) is amended by striking ‘‘1095 days in the previous
1460 days’’ and inserting ‘‘1825 days in the previous 2190 days’’. A margin bar (|) indicates newly
revised material.
Chapter 1OVERVIEW 4
1.1. Overview:................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 4
1.3. ADOS-AC Man-day Management Guidance. ......................................................... 12
1.4. ADOS-AC Man-day Tour Eligibility; ARC Airmen: .............................................. 13
1.5. Invalid uses of ADOS-AC man-days include: ......................................................... 15
1.6. Valid uses of ADOS-AC Man-Days (this list is not all-inclusive and does not
guarantee funding): .................................................................................................. 16
2.1. Planning and Programming for Steady State ADOS-AC Man-day. ........................ 17
2.2. Activation Periods. .................................................................................................. 17
2.3. Tour Curtailment Notifications. ............................................................................... 18
Table 2.1. Hardship Requests Considerations. ......................................................................... 19
2.4. Leave Entitlements. ................................................................................................. 20
2.5. Travel and Per Diem. ............................................................................................... 20
2.6. Post Deployment/Mobilization and Respite Absence (PDMRA). ........................... 22
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 3
3.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 23
3.2. Extension of MPA Orders for Initial MEDCON Consideration. ............................. 23
3.3. Requesting MEDCON Orders. ................................................................................ 24
3.4. Allocation and Issuance of MEDCON Orders. ........................................................ 24
3.5. Termination of MEDCON Orders. .......................................................................... 24
4.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 25
4.2. 1,825 Related Issues. ............................................................................................... 25
4.3. Key Dates for 1,825 ADOS Accounting Process. ................................................... 26
5.1. Air Expeditionary Force (AEF) Military Personnel Appropriation Process. ........... 27
5.2. Pregnancy................................................................................................................. 28
5.3. Telework. ................................................................................................................. 29
4 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview: This instruction provides guidance as it applies under 10 USC § 12301(d) and
(h) and all Title 10 mobilization authorities for ADOS-AC for the RegAF, with the exception of
ADOS-AC resulting in reassignment from the Ready Reserve to a RegAF position in accordance
with AFI 36-2008, Voluntary Extended Active Duty (EAD) For Air Reserve Commissioned
Officers. The RegAF MPA (3500 Appropriation) funds the ADOS-AC man-day program. The
overarching purpose for ADOS-AC man-day program is to provide the AF with skilled manpower
to support AF missions when regular component resources are not available or sufficient. All AF
personnel will use the ADOS-AC man-day program to access capabilities within the ARC to
support RegAF missions, and Total Force Integration (TFI) tasked operational missions. For
mobilization under Title 10 and the management of ARC utilization requirements, also refer to
processes outlined in AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution, AFI 10-402,
Mobilization Planning and AFI 10-301.
1.1.1. Guidance in this AFI applies to all ADOS-AC authorities unless specifically identified.
An ADOS-AC man-day tour will specify a continuous period of activation under the
authorities specified in paragraph 1.1.
1.1.2. The institutionalized, requirements-based management plan uses the Program Objective
Memorandum (POM) process, where the commands, staffs, and agencies work closely with
their respective Combatant Commanders, Directorate of Current Operations, and Strategic
Plans and Programs staffs to identify annual ADOS-AC man-day requirements.
1.1.3. Before volunteering for activation for an ADOS-AC man-day tour: ANG Airmen must have concurrence of their state and wing leadership. (T-1). Unit Reservist must have concurrence of the supporting commander. (T-1). Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA) must have approval of owning
RegAF commander/director and detachment commander. (T-1). Supporting units will verify all ARC Airmen meet AF readiness requirements as
well as uniform, dress and appearance standards. (T-1).
1.1.4. ARC Airmen cannot perform ADOS-AC tours for the same chain of command that
evaluates them as a civilian or contractor employee. (T-1).
1.1.5. ARC Airmen, regardless of activation authority, are subject to the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ) while performing MPA man-day tours.
1.2. Roles and Responsibilities.
1.2.1. Functional Area Roles and Responsibilities. Secretary of the Air Force. The Secretary of the Air Force serves as the approval
authority for all General Officer 1,825 requests affecting RegAF and USSF end strength
reporting. Secretary of the AF for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR).
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 5 Establishes policy for the overall management of the ADOS-AC man-day
program. Unless otherwise delegated, SAF/MR serves as the approval authority for
1,825 requests affecting RegAF and USSF end strength reporting (30 September). They
also are the approval authority for previously disapproved/denied 1,825 questionnaires
for Airmen and Guardians affecting RegAF and USSF end strength with more than
2,130 total ADOS days. Serves as a voting member of the ADOS panel. Secretary of the Director of Budget Operations (SAF/FMBO). Establishes management controls for operating the AF MPA as a Centrally
Managed Allotment. Serves as a voting member of the ADOS panel. Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1), in
coordination with AF/A3, manages and executes the overall ADOS-AC man-day program. Director of Manpower, Organization, and Resources (AF/A1M). Implements the MPA program in accordance with SAF/MR policies and
ensures compliance with Office of Secretary of Defense and Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) directives, the AF Annual Planning and Programming Instructions
and referenced laws, directives and instructions. In collaboration with War Planning and Policy Division (AF/A3OD),
collects, adjudicates and advocates MPA requirements to the AF Corporate Structure
for funding consideration. Chairs and establishes ADOS panel business rules. Provides ADOS business
rules to panel members prior to convening the ADOS panel. Determines the eligible amount of man-days that may be applied to each
valid ADOS-AC requirement using manpower programming guidance issued at the
beginning of the POM cycle. Provides eligible amounts of man-days for each command
to AF/A3OD. Allocates MPA man-days, informed by AF/A3 force-wide mission
prioritization, to commands, staffs, and agencies before, during and throughout the
Fiscal Year (FY). Conducts mid-year and as needed reviews of MPA man-day requirements in
coordination with AF/A3OD. Addresses funding issues through the corporate structure
and the Personnel Budget Review Committee. In coordination with SAF/FMBOP and AF/A3OD, authorizes transfers,
withdrawals, category conversions and reallocations of MPA man-days between using
commands, staffs and agencies. For supplemental requirements (e.g., contingency), coordinates with
AF/A3OD to develop timeline and collection tools used to identify supplemental
requirements for funding consideration in accordance with the latest guidance provided
6 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
by Assistant Secretary of the AF, Financial Management and Comptroller (SAF/FM)
and OMB. Develops and maintains the MPA man-day accounting, allocation, and
execution database. Periodically, informed by the ARC, reconciles disconnects between MPA
and ARC databases. Reviews 1,825 and 2,130 end strength accounting packages, in
coordination with SF/COO/O, and provides recommendations to SAF/MR. Obtains a monthly ADOS-RC listing from the ARC to incorporate
into the MPA database to ensure all eligible ADOS in the past 2,190 days is
captured. Updates status of all 1,825 threshold requests in MPA database. Reviews and allocates MEDCON ADOS-AC MPA using the AF MPA
database. Provides MPA management guidance on MEDCON tours where necessary
and within the purview of proper man-day guidance and operations. Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (AF/A3) in coordination with AF/A1,
manages ARC operational utilization requirements in accordance with AFPD 10-3,
Operational Utilization of the Air Reserve Component Forces and AFI 10-301. War Planning and Policy Division (AF/A3OD). Specifies systems, methods, and responsibilities for ARC utilizing
organizations to document their ARC operational utilization requirements for the
planning, programming, budgeting, and execution system. Develops, communicates, and applies a standardized weighting
methodology for ARC operational requirements and derives an AF-prioritized mission
requirements list for ARC operational utilization and provides it to AF/A1M. Manages the AF involuntary mobilization program in coordination with
SAF/MR. Serves as a focal point, along with AF/A1M, for out of cycle ARC
operational utilization requirements in any funding discussions, decisions, panels
needed to source those requirements. Compiles and maintains comprehensive ARC utilization projections in
coordination with relevant resource managers (those in MAJCOMs, on the
Headquarters AF staff, or elsewhere). Serves as a voting member of the ADOS panel. AF Director of Staff for Integration (AF/DSI) serves as a voting member of the
ADOS panel. AF/REP serves as a voting member of the ADOS panel. NGB/A1X serves as a voting member of the ADOS panel.
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 7
1.2.2. Commands, Staffs and Agencies: Supported commander or deputy ommander (or civilian equivalent). Manages and executes the command’s ADOS-AC man-day program. Ensures coordination with the ARC to identify TFI requirements based on
workload shifted between RegAF and ARC. (T-1). Command A1, staff or agency equivalent. Oversees their ADOS-AC man-day program. Appoints in writing a uniformed or appropriated funded RegAF civilian as
the command’s ADOS-AC Man-Day Manager. Provides AF/A1M the name, grade,
office symbol, and telephone number of the ADOS-AC Man-Day Manager and reports
changes as they occur. (T-1). Annually reviews MPA database generated ADOS Trend Report to
determine if consideration has been given to documenting a full time RegAF
requirement. (T-2). Monthly or as needed reviews all 1,825 threshold requests for
recommendation, approval, or denial. Evaluates each 1,825 package and applies
approved measures of merit provided by SAF/MR and other command related criteria
as appropriate. (T-1) Approves tours for members who will exceed 1,825 days to enter tours not
extending beyond 29 September. Documents panel decisions and forwards results to
AF/A1MT and SF/COO/O monthly. (T-1) Exception: Member exceeding 2,130
ADOS days within the last six years and members who have been disapproved by
SAF/MR must go thru SAF/MR for approval prior to starting a MPA tour. Requests for Airmen denied or disapproved in prior FYs, regardless of
tour length, must be submitted to AF/A1MT under a signed memo or email by the
supported command deputy commander, staff director or agency deputy director
for SAF/MR consideration. (T-1). Members exceeding 2,130 ADOS days within the last six years must
be submitted to AF/A1M or SF/COO/O under a signed memo or email by the
supported command deputy Commander, Staff director, or Agency deputy director.
(T-1) The ADOS-AC Man-Day Management Office (MMO): Works closely with command RegAF Functional Area Managers (FAMs)
(Ref AFI 10-401, para 6.1, 10.21.7, 12.9), as well as the ANG and Reserve Advisors to
gain a better understanding of ARC Personnel policies and participation requirements
(training, medical, fitness, sanctuary, etc). Ensures the ANG and Reserve Advisors
understand command ADOS-AC man-day procedures and policies. Formulates and executes ADOS-AC man-day program which enables total
force solutions. (T-1).
8 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 Annually submits ADOS-AC man-day requirements as tasked by AF/A1MT
by appropriate funding category (Steady State and Supplemental funded), following
the guidance in the applicable data calls. When identifying requirements, works with
associate unit to include a total force solution for both Global Force Management and
Non-Global Force Management requirements. (T-1). Submits Steady State ADOS-AC man-day requests via the Manpower MPA
data system for validation. Each request must include a justification for using man-
days; i.e., why is the assigned capability unable to support the requirement, and why is
ARC augmentation the solution? AF/A1MT, AF/A3OD, along with command, staff,
or agency representatives within the AF Corporate Structure, will provide advocacy for
funding during the POM. (T-1). Executes authorization approval of the ADOS-AC man-day program and
establishes such control as necessary to ensure the program is in compliance with this
instruction, referenced laws and directives (Attachment 1). MMOs may not sub-
allocate below the command level (e.g., to numbered AF or wing level). (T-1). Approves and allocates ADOS-AC man-days for valid requirements.
Ensures the ADOS-AC man-days are not over allocated. (T-1). Ensures days allocated for tasked requirements are only used for that specific
requirement and individual performing the ADOS-AC man-day duty. (T-1). Monitors questionnaires, registrations, and certifications (e.g., Sanctuary
waivers (see paragraph 4.5.3) and 1,825 End Strength Accounting (see Chap 4)). (T-
1) Ensures compliance with the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR): . (T-0). Ensures ADOS-AC man-day requests are not allocated after the Airman
has performed duty, unless a valid Verbal Order of the Commander (VOCO) was
authorized in accordance with para (T-1). Administers the ADOS-AC man-day program between the command’s
organizations, associated subordinate RegAF and supporting ANG and AFR Units. (T-
1). The ADOS-AC Man-Day Account Functional Manager/Validating Authority: Ensures all MPA requirements are validated and include how the requested
days were calculated (i.e., more specifically justification substantiates the use of MPA
man-days). (T-1). Ensures ARC operational utilization requirements are documented in
accordance with AFI 10-301 and unique mission identification numbers are assigned
to each mission by AF/A3. Mission identification numbers are attached to requirements
submitted annually to command, staff or agency ADOS-AC man-day program
managers for review and consolidation. Ensures that Operations and Maintenance funds needed to support the
estimated travel and per diem costs are included as part of the program and budget
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 9
submission; also ensures that these funds align with the appropriate MPA requirements
submitted to the MMO. (T-1). Ensures documentation is maintained for tours that include a permanent
change of station (PCS) greater than or equal to 180 days at one location.
Documentation should justify why the requirements are critical to the success of the
mission and how the PCS cost is advantageous to the government. Further, Airman
must be counselled that voluntary curtailments will not be supported unless a minimum
of 180 days are served at the PCS location. (T-1). A1 or Deputy must endorse the
request and submit to AF/A1MT to release the PCS. Traffic Management Office has guidance that determines shipment
allowances based on length of PCS tour. If a PCS tour is extended the PCS fund cite can be continued for a
period not to exceed 5 FYs, providing there is no change to the requirement or a
break in tour. Advise that dependent travel/Command Sponsorship to an overseas area is
not authorized unless requested and approved through SAF/MR. At the minimum,
justification must include a valid funded AF Position number and personnel accounting
symbol Code. (T-1). Advise the Airman that PCS entitlements upon completion of the tour may
be effected in accordance with JTR based on changes to IDT location and/or subsequent
ADOS tour(s). (T-1). Obtains ARC Functional Manager approval before selecting volunteers
outside their primary AF Specialty Code (AFSC) prior to starting the tour. The ARC
AFSC functional managers must coordinate on any request that involves Airmen
working outside of their career field. (T-1.) Ensures allocated ADOS-AC man-days are only used for the specified
requirement or individual and expeditiously curtailed when the requirement no longer
exists. Tour curtailment may result in JTR implications. (T-1). Ensures ARC Airmen volunteering for an ADOS-AC man-day tour who are
approaching or who are in the active duty retirement sanctuary zone comply with the
requirements of AFI 36-2131, Administration of Sanctuary in the Air Reserve
Components. Limit tours to no more than the period specified in AFI 36-2131. (T-1). Ensures verbal orders by the Commander (VOCO) are issued only by
exception and are not used to circumvent core administrative processes. (T-1) Members
requiring 1,825 end strength or accounting per diem waivers are not authorized VOCO.
(T-1) Verifies and notifies the requestor whether or not sufficient days are
available in the ADOS-AC man-day account. Updates the MPA database within 3 duty days after issuance of the VOCO.
10 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 Reports requests to AF/A1MT through the MMO for man-days submitted
after the ARC Airman has performed the duty and the duty does not fall within VOCO
guidance. (T-1). Functional Managers may require or request the ARC Airman to provide
Air Force Reserve Orders Writing System (AROWS) orders for accounting and or
auditing purposes. (T-1). Performs 1,825 accounting responsibilities. Reviews ADOS-AC data system generated ADOS Trend Report at
the beginning of each FY. This list identifies Airmen having tours at one location
and within the same career field for 730 or more days cumulative ADOS (MPA or
Reserve Personnel Appropriation) in the past four years. This review assists in
determining if this requirement is an “enduring requirement”. If enduring, rationale
must be provided as to why it is not considered or documented as a full time RegAF
requirement as part of the mitigation plan on the questionnaire. When selecting a member for an ADOS tour, reviews the ADOS
status in MPA database, which will be updated monthly to show total MPA and
ADOS days. This is used to determine a member’s 1,825 status. If member has over
1,825 man-days or the tour will trigger the member to go over 1,825 man-days, a
questionnaire is required. If one is not automatically generated by the MPA data
system one can be manually generated. Ensures sufficient justification is provided on the questionnaire prior
to confirming the questionnaire. Address why this individual is being selected to
continue or fill this requirement. Includes a mitigation plan with the current status of any long term
requirements (greater than 180 days). Every effort must be made to allocate tours for personnel required
beyond 29 September and exceed the 1,825 threshold, no later than June.
1.2.3. Air Force Reserve Command Force Generation Center (AFRC/FGC) and Air National
Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC): Acts as the single focal point for the RegAF to request ARC manpower assistance. Assigns the RegAF tasking to the appropriate wing, group, unit and/or local IMA
Readiness and Integration Organization Detachment who provide volunteers or non-
volunteers to meet the assigned man-day requirement. Ensures ARC required oversight and reporting requirements are met through
coordination with system and program OPRs.
1.2.4. ARC Case Management Division (ARCCMD): Maintains supporting documentation required to determine eligibility prior to
submitting requests for MEDCON. Practices due diligence in requesting MPA man-days.
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 11 Conducts audit actions pertaining to MEDCON ADOS-AC MPA funding
1.2.5. Supporting ARC Units and Units/Organizations to which ARC Airmen are assigned: Acknowledges and confirms receipt of MPA allocation in the MPA database
within 2 duty days of the allocation. Identifies volunteer filling the ADOS-AC tasking and ensure Airmen meet basic
AF readiness requirements (e.g., training, fitness, immunizations, dental, medical, security
clearance). (T-1). Ensures Airmen are counseled on active duty retirement sanctuary when Total
Active Federal Military Service is exceeded in accordance with AFR/NGB established
guidance. (T-0). Ensures days allocated for tasked requirement are only used for that specific
requirement/individual. (T-0). Ensures tours are curtailed within both allocation and orders data systems and in
accordance with the SAF/MR policy. (T-1). Ensures orders are not published without a valid ADOS-AC man-day allocation
authorization and maintains a copy of the allocation message with each order. Ensures orders do not authorize more days than the number authorized in the
ADOS-AC man-day allocation. All ADOS-AC man-day orders must match the
specification and reporting instructions provided in the ADOS-AC man-day Authorization.
This requirement can only be waived by AF/A1M. (T-1). Ensures a copy of the order is provided to the ADOS-AC Man-Day Account
Functional Manager/validating authority who validated the requirement, if requested. (T-
1). Ensures no Airman performs duty without orders unless there is a documented
request per paragraph (T-1). Publishes MEDCON (10 USC § 12301(h)) AROWS order, within 5 duty days
after receipt of allocation or prior to expiration of MEDCON tour whichever occurs earlier
and forward a copy to AF/A1MT. (T-0). If initial MEDCON (10 USC § 12301(h)) is authorized and no further MEDCON
is requested, ensures AF/A1MT is notified the reason for not continuing Airman beyond
the initial MEDCON, via email and endorsed by the commander. (T-0). Determines the 1,825 count prior to assigning the member to an ADOS-AC tour.
If member will exceed 1,825 days while on ADOS-AC tour, justification must be provided
on the ADOS-AC data system generated 1,825 questionnaire. If questionnaire is not
automatically generated in the ADOS-AC data system, the submitter will manually
generate the questionnaire. (T-1) Ensures 1,825 end strength reporting and per diem registration waiver and
approval is completed no later than 60 days prior to tour start date. In the case of emergent
12 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
requirements with less than 60 days’ notice, submits questionnaires as soon as possible,
but before the activation begins.
1.2.6. ARC Airmen. Maintains AF readiness requirements. (T-1). Does not perform duty without orders. (T-1).
1.3. ADOS-AC Man-day Management Guidance.
1.3.1. ARC Airmen are subject to the UCMJ while on ADOS-AC man-day tours. If
disciplinary action is necessary, the Airmen’s RegAF supervisors and commanders should
consult with a servicing Staff Judge Advocate office. For ANG Airmen, coordinate actions
with the 201st Mission Support Squadron, Joint Base Andrews, MD 20762; the 201 Mission
Support Squadron retains Administrative Control over ANG Airmen on MPA tours. For IMA
Airmen, coordinate actions with the Airmen’s detachment Program Managers; for all other
AFR Airmen, coordinate actions with the AF Reserve Command Staff Judge Advocate
(AFRC/JA). For information on tour curtailment for cause see paragraph 2.3. Tour
Curtailment Notifications. (T-1).
1.3.2. Travel and per diem is not included in the ADOS-AC man-day fund citation. Supported
units are responsible for providing the fund citation such as their Operations and Maintenance
or Transportation Working Capital Funds to cover travel and per diem costs in accordance with
AFI 65-601 Vol 1.
1.3.3. Commands, staffs and agencies should make every reasonable effort to find volunteers
that are aligned to their commands as this maximizes the operational readiness of the ARC
1.3.4. ARC Airmen must not be in dual status (civilian/military) on the same day for the same
period of performance. Military Technicians/Civil Service employees must be in military
status when performing an ADOS-AC man-day tour. (T-0).
1.3.5. Annual leave programs give Airmen the opportunity to take leave within the constraints
of operational requirements. All ADOS-AC man-day tours include authorized travel time and tours longer than
30 days include leave. Barring unforeseen circumstances, Airmen must be afforded the
opportunity to take unused leave, prior to the end of their tour. Additional tours or
extensions may not be created for the sole purpose of taking leave. (T-1). ARC members may use, carry forward and/or sell unused leave in accordance with
AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program. (T-1). Airmen wishing to take leave carried over
from a previous tour must coordinate and gain approval from the supported unit
commander prior to starting the tour so all projected leave can be accounted in the tour
length. Leave will be taken within the parameters of the order in which it was requested,
as orders will not be extended for the sole purpose of taking leave or leave carryover. For
additional information, refer to Chapter 3.
1.3.6. Supplemental ADOS-AC man-day tours may include Combatant Commander-directed
training and/or Joint Expeditionary Team training, as required for deployment and identified
by specific line item remarks.
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 13
1.3.7. ADOS-AC man-days are based on calendar days and not by hours.
1.3.8. Members may attend UTA/IDT while on an MPA tour only if requested by the ARC
commander and approved by the RegAF commander, and if attendance is required to maintain
mission certification as applicable to their AFSC. Members may not collect dual compensation
for UTA/IDT while on an MPA tour. Approved documentation must be maintained by the
RegAF unit supported and the MPA functional manager prior to the start of the ADOS-AC
tour. These members will not receive additional pay, points or other compensation for
supporting unit mission training requirements, participating in mission certification training
while on long term ADOS. (T-0).
1.3.9. Once an ARC Airman begins an ADOS-AC man-day tour, they are obligated to fulfill
the entire tour length unless: a) they are found not capable or unfit to perform the RegAF
mission for which they were selected; b) the ARC commander (supporting commander)
requests early termination based on ARC mission requirements; or, c) the RegAF commander
(supported commander) approves early release based on the ARC member’s request. For
RegAF missions completed earlier than expected, refer to Chapter 3 for tour curtailment
policy. (T-1).
1.3.10. ADOS-AC man-days are not transferred from one FY to the next; however, tours may
be approved to cross FYs (multi-year tours) provided a Continuing Resolution Authority
statement is included in the allocation and on the Airman’s order. The Continuing Resolution
Authority statement indicates the AF is operating on a limited MPA budget until regular
appropriations acts are enacted by Congress. Commands must consider that all tours crossing
the FY, results in an automatic obligation of future MPA allocation. Adjustments to tours based
on Continuing Resolution Authority approval may be required as part of effective ADOS-AC
man-day program management. (T-0).
1.3.11. The MMOs at the commands, staffs, and agencies will coordinate on any
Memorandums of Agreements or Memorandums of Understanding that involves ADOS-AC
man-day usage. (T-1.)
1.3.12. Off duty employment concurrent with an ADOS-AC man-day tour requires
coordination and approval from the supported RegAF supervisor. ARC Airmen must
accomplish an AF Form 3902, Application and Approval for Off-Duty Employment, and
receive approval prior to beginning of tour or off duty employment. (T-1).
1.3.13. When allocating ADOS-AC man-days, MMOs should consider command manning
levels in required AFSCs and allocate man-days in stressed AFSCs or those most vital to the
command. Command A1’s can obtain manning statistics from the AF Personnel Center
(AFPC) Secure Site - Retrieval Application Website.
1.3.14. ADOS-AC tours can be allocated for telecommuting only if the respective RegAF
organizations has established telework procedures/guidelines. Telework agreements must be
provided to the MMO prior to tour allocation. Agreement must be in compliance with DoDI
1035.01, Telework Policy. (T-0). For additional guidance, refer to paragraph 5.3.
1.4. ADOS-AC Man-day Tour Eligibility; ARC Airmen:
1.4.1. Approaching sanctuary will be treated in accordance with AFI 36-2131. If an ARC
Airman exceeds Total Active Federal Military Service established limitations, the supporting
14 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
ARC Unit/IMA detachment is responsible for identifying ARC Airman and completing a
sanctuary waiver, and notifying the supported command, staff, or agency of applicable tour
limitations. (T-1).
1.4.2. Must not have a mandatory discharge, retirement, or enlistment that will expire prior to
the end of the ADOS-AC man-day Tour. (T-1).
1.4.3. Must meet requirements in AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force
Personnel, AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program, AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards,
and AFI 36-2651, Air Force Training Program. (T-1).
1.4.4. Must possess the appropriate security clearance required in the proposed duty
assignment. (T-1). Interim clearances will be accepted only with concurrence of the
commander of the RegAF unit for which the ARC Airman will work.
1.4.5. For female ARC Airmen determined to be pregnant while serving on ADOS-AC duty
orders refer to paragraph 5.2 for guidance. (T-1).
1.4.6. Must gain approval from their Administrative Control (ADCON) commander before
performing a man-day tour. Further, ADCON commander may withdraw his/her consent to
release for cause, due to mission requirement, etc., as needed. If performing duty for another
command, staff, or agency, the Airman remains obligated to fulfill necessary training
requirements as directed by the supported unit or parent organization. ARC commanders must
adhere to paragraph 1.3.7. (T-1).
1.4.7. Must possess the necessary AFSC and skill level required to perform the RegAF
mission. (T-1).
1.4.8. Retired reserve or active duty Airmen are not eligible to perform ADOS-AC man-day
tours. (T-1).
1.4.9. While serving on an ADOS-AC man-day tour, ANG Airmen are not authorized to
conduct work or training in a Title 32 status. (T-1).
1.4.10. Full Time Support (FTS) and MPA eligibility (Note: The PCS process is a different
process). The primary duties of Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Airmen serving under 10
USC § 12310 or 32 USC § 328 are organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing or training
the RC. The primary duties of AFR Air Reserve Technicians (10 USC § 10216 and ANG
Technicians (32 USC § 709) and Title 10 dual-status technicians include organizing,
administering, instructing or training the Selected Reserve and maintaining or repairing
supplies and equipment (including aircraft) of the armed forces. Title 32 technicians' primary
duties include organizing, administering, instructing or training the National Guard and
maintaining or repairing supplies and equipment (including aircraft) of the armed forces. In
addition to these primary duties, FTS Airmen (AGRs and technicians) can support various
operations or missions specified in statutes, as long as those additional duties "do not interfere"
with Airmen’s primary duties. Requests for voluntary ADOS-AC orders for more than 180
days (cumulative in a 12 month period), for an FTS Airmen, require units to initiate the M4S
FTS request, which certifies Unit supports release of FTS Airmen. The MMO cannot release
the allocation for FTS Airmen ADOS-AC tours that exceed 180 days until this
acknowledgement is received from the unit via M4S. AFRC has further limited AF Reserve
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 15
Unit Commanders who allow FTS Airmen to exceed 180 days on a voluntary MPA tour, from
backfilling the position vacated by FTS Airmen with ADOS-RC days. (T-0).
1.4.11. While ADOS-AC man-days cannot be programmed to backfill RegAF Personnel on
terminal or ordinary leave, routine temporary duty (TDY), or in school, the commands, staffs,
or agencies have the authority to realign days within their allocation during the year of
execution, to fill those requirements that are deemed critical to their mission. When this option
is exercised, MAJCOMs must assign mean code 131 in M4S.
1.5. Invalid uses of ADOS-AC man-days include:
1.5.1. To backfill Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) or statutory tour status personnel. (T-0).
1.5.2. To accomplish ARC missions, support, or special projects. (T-0).
1.5.3. In lieu of establishing a valid, funded RegAF authorization on the Unit Manning
Document. (T-1).
1.5.4. For the sole purpose of performing additional duties or volunteer activities (e.g.,
Combined Federal Campaign Project Officer, air shows). (T-1).
1.5.5. To fill/backfill civilian employee positions. (T-1).
1.5.6. To fill a position/function where RC volunteer is the same person who normally
performs this duty as a full time Federal Civil Service employee or government contractor. (T-
1.5.7. To meet mission requirements of another command, staff or agency (e.g., Air Combat
Command (ACC) ADOS-AC man-days cannot be used to support an Air Education and
Training Command (AETC) mission requirement). Exception: centrally managed activities
such as the Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Intelligence community. (T-1).
1.5.8. To attend upgrade training (e.g., AFSC training (officer or enlisted), formal school,
professional military education (PME), seminars, technical training, contractor course (e.g.,
Franklin Quest), or courses offered at universities and high schools). (T-0).
1.5.9. Exclusively to attend conferences, workshops and seminars, except RC personnel filling
General Officer positions. IMAs will be considered for possible attendance to conferences
when it can be clearly substantiated that it will be in the best interest of the AF and beneficial
to the organization to allow an IMA to attend, in lieu of the RegAF personnel. Requests must
be approved by command MMOs. (T-1).
1.5.10. To participate in guard and reserve internal exercises unless the Airman on MPA
orders is augmenting a RegAF unit or serving as an evaluator. (T-0).
1.5.11. To support non-DoD requirements, unless reimbursement is provided. Possible
missions include missions supporting Defense Support to Civil Authorities; DoD’s response
to natural disasters, chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incidents; wildland
firefighting on US territories; support to other federal agencies; support to Foreign Military
Sales, National Science Foundation, US Forest Service, National Security Agency, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, State Partnership Program, and Personnel Force Innovation
requirements. (T-1).
1.5.12. To support unfunded authorizations. (T-1).
16 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
1.6. Valid uses of ADOS-AC Man-Days (this list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee
1.6.1. To support Combatant Commander requirements registered in a Global Force
Management system of record and ordered to the ARC by the Secretary of Defense.
1.6.2. To support a substantiated surge (operational or workload), which is not expected to
exceed 180 days. (T-1).
1.6.3. To support a RegAF requirement where the capability only exists in the ARC. (T-1).
1.6.4. To support a short-term (i.e., no more than 2 years) RegAF requirement. (T-1).
1.6.5. To provide a bridge for approved RegAF programmatic actions, documented by an
approved Change Control Number.
1.6.6. For Joint Organizations, requests for staff augmentation, in functions where manning
levels are below AF average. Requests for manning at or above AF average, new missions, or
special projects must be submitted to the Joint Staff in accordance with the Global Force
Management Implementation Guidance for validation and appropriate sourcing.
1.6.7. To integrate ARC Airmen in the Headquarters AF to provide cross component
integrated working groups to develop policy and provide decision support.
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 17
Chapter 2
2.1. Planning and Programming for Steady State ADOS-AC Man-day.
2.1.1. The AF has a requirements-based process to identify and validate all Man-Day
requirements. This process is embedded into the AF planning and programming process.
ADOS-AC man-day requirements are vetted through AF senior leadership for approval and
linked to resource allocation decisions. This process ensures that approved requirements are
appropriately funded. It also ensures the use of MPA man-days is appropriate and valid, and
allows for Headquarters Air Force (HAF) tracking of reimbursable funds.
2.1.2. In accordance with AFI 10-301, AF/A3 will manage ARC operational utilization
requirements by collecting, categorizing and prioritizing operational mission requirements
with cross-functional coordination at all levels. AF/A3 collects ARC operational utilization
requirements through a system specified by AF/A3, then prioritizes them using a published
weighting methodology.
2.1.3. Units will submit requests for ADOS-AC man-days to AF/A1M, who will consolidate
and verify the requirements before presenting them to the ADOS Panel Members. The
verification process includes ensuring the Program Element Code, AF Position Number and
AFS are earned through manpower standards assigned to the MAJCOM. Attachment 2 defines
the assignment categories for those ADOS-AC requests. The assignment categories enables
A1M to better identify requirements to the Corporate Structure after the ADOS Panel decision.
AF/A1MT, AF/A3OD and SAF/FMBOP collaborative recommendations are prepared and
presented to the AF planning and programming process for funding. AF and MAJCOM level
manning are constant, objective criteria used in this review, with other objective criteria
identified in the Planning and Programming Instructions (PPI).
2.1.4. Joint Organizations with functions manned below AF-average levels may submit
requests for staff augmentation, which will be reviewed but the ADOS panel and if validated
will compete for ADOS-AC funding. If the request is for manning above AF average, new
missions, or special projects, submit requests through Global Force Management
Implementation Guidance process for validation and appropriate sourcing.
2.1.5. Additional guidance will be distributed via the Planning and Programming Instructions.
2.2. Activation Periods. The MPA man-day request will typically include the following man-
days in the activation period: pre-deployment admin time (2 days); pre-deployment training listed
within the Time Phased Force Deployment Data line item remarks/Combatant Commander
directed training; travel to/from the Area of Responsibility as defined by the Joint Travel
Regulation/United States Transportation Command planning factors; the estimated tour
length/time-in-theater; redeployment in-processing (2 days if not authorized reconstitution
downtime or if authorized reconstitution downtime, redeployment in-processing will be
accomplished during the downtime); commands, staffs, and agencies downtime (dependent on the
length of the tour, and no more than 14 days), accrued leave, and post-activation out-processing.
18 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
2.3. Tour Curtailment Notifications.
2.3.1. This applies to all ADOS-AC activations except mobilization. In situations where it is
necessary to curtail an authorized delayed-effective-date active duty order after the period of
activation commences and where the AF is unable to re-mission the individual Airman the
AF will not curtail the Airman’s orders immediately. Unless waived by the ARC Airman,
individuals on MPA man-day tours of 90 days or more will remain on orders for 60 days from
the date of notification or until their original tour end date, whichever is sooner. Individuals on
MPA man-day tours of 31 to 89 days will remain on orders for 30 days from the date of
notification or until their original tour end date, whichever is sooner. (T-1).
2.3.2. Airmen may request curtailment of orders; however, approval is based on the needs of
the RegAF commander and supported mission. (T-1).
2.3.3. The notification requirement does not apply if the commander determines an Airman is
no longer fit to perform duties (e.g., revoked security clearance required for the job hired,
fitness standards, etc.).
2.3.4. If, after obtaining legal advice, the commander determines UCMJ actions is appropriate,
the member’s orders 10 USC § 12301(d)(h), 10 USC § 12302, and 10 USC § 12304b will be
terminated and transferred into 10 USC § 802 status. Contact AF/A1MT for further guidance.
2.3.5. Medical Continuation (MEDCON) 10 USC § 12301(h) tours are terminated when the
member’s medical issues are resolved or Airman elects not to participate in accordance with
Department of Defense Instruction 1241.01, Reserve Component (RC) Line of Duty
Determination for Medical and Dental Treatments and Incapacitation Pay Entitlements.
Therefore, the tour curtailment notification requirements do not apply to MEDCON tours.
2.3.6. All ADOS-AC orders contain a start and an end date. ARC Airmen must remain
cognizant of these dates. If/when the official tour end date is modified (curtailed or extended),
ARC Airmen will be provided advance notice, as outlined in paragraph 2.3.1, of the new tour
end date to allow for adequate transition time for the Airman. (T-1). Recommend Airmen sign
a Statement of Understanding, an example is at Attachment 3.
2.3.7. Mobilization Curtailment Hardship Application Request. An ARC Airman may submit a hardship application for evaluation if unable to be
re-missioned to meet another AF requirement and Airman has incurred a “hardship”
because of early mobilization curtailment. Hardship should be the result of mobilization
and early deactivation/demobilization; however, other circumstances that may prevent an
individual from returning to civilian status may be considered. Airmen with approved hardship cases may be retained for a period up to 60 days
but not to exceed the original activation period. Hardship requests (see Table 2.1) will not be based on a problem(s) that existed
prior to activation (e.g., individuals who were unemployed when activated, cannot base
their hardship application on the fact that they “do not have a job to go back to").
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 19
Table 2.1. Hardship Requests Considerations.
Examples considered for approval (not all
- Individual voided an employment contract
to complete an ADOS-AC tour for 12
months. Airman was scheduled for
deactivation after 60/90 days with no
prospect for a new employment contract
until 6 months after release from ADOS-AC
- Individual sold his/her medical practice
believing he/she would be on an ADOS-AC
tour for at least 24 months.
- Individual was between jobs, accepted a
job with a new employer, but had not yet
started with a new employer when activated.
- Individual signed privately owned business
over to another individual for the 12 months
he/she was activated.
Examples not considered for approval (not
all inclusive)
- Individual was unemployed when activated.
- Individual makes more money on ADOS-
AC tour than in his/her civilian job.
- Individual requests retention for the
purpose of skill level upgrade to be qualified
for enlistment in the RegAF.
- Individuals will not be retained to attend
schools, backfill, or for the purpose of
upgrading Status of Resources Training
System levels.
- Individuals will not be retained on ADOS-
AC tours for the purpose of gaining
eligibility for entitlements.
2.3.8. Hardship Process: An Airman must request retention on ADOS-AC tours for hardship
reasons (personal, financial or medical caused by mobilization and early
deactivation/demobilization) and submit all required documents at least 15 days prior to
established deactivation/demobilization date. Example at Attachment 4. (T-3). The hardship application request shall be submitted to the ANGRC or AFR FGC
for review, determination of other tour opportunities, and recommendation.
Recommendations from the ARC will include a statement from the ANGRC or FGC
detailing other opportunities, if available; explain whether they were offered to the Airman;
and if not, why not. The statement must also include, information on any tours offered and
declined by the Airman. (T-3). The ANGRC or FGC forwards hardship application requests with their
recommendation to AF/A1MT, who will convene an ADOS Panel. If approved, AF/A1MT
20 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
will provide instructions to the ARC for placing the Airman on 10 USC §12301(d)
“voluntary” duty status. If the ADOS Panel does not recommend approval of the hardship application
package, the package will be forwarded to SAF/MR for further review and consideration.
2.4. Leave Entitlements.
2.4.1. Annual leave programs give Airmen the opportunity to take leave within the constraints
of operational requirements. The unit or squadron commander (or equivalent) will provide an
opportunity to use leave to AFR and ANG Airmen serving man-day tours longer than 30
consecutive days. Airmen are encouraged to use leave for the maximum benefit of the Airman,
prior to the end of their tour if military requirements permit. Additional tours or extensions
may not be created for the purpose of taking leave.
2.4.2. MPA man-day Activations and Mobilizations. Leave is calculated based on the mission
start date and end date and any leave days earned are included within the start and end date.
2.4.3. While serving on a man-day tour, ARC Airmen request leave using the AF Form 988,
Leave Request/Authorization, from their RegAF supervisor. RegAF supervisor approves leave
requests and validates upon the member’s return. Airmen will provide their RegAF supervisors
with the appropriate supporting unit and/or the ARC member’s associated leave processing
office (T-1). Supervisors will forward approved leave requests to the ARC member’s
supporting leave processing office (T-1). As a condition of employment, ARC Airmen will
submit a "Leave Plan" showing when leave will be taken during the number of days the Airmen
have been requested to perform (T-1). As leave management for ARC Airmen is a manual
process, RegAF supervisors and Airmen have a shared responsibility to ensure proper
accounting for leave usage. (T-1).
2.4.4. Reserve Carry Over Leave. Refer to AFI 36-3003, paragraph 7.13.
2.4.5. Parental Leave is authorized; however, it has to be taken within the confines of the
order. Any leave authorized under the Parental Leave Program for a covered Reserve
component Airman that is not taken by the time the member is separated from active service
shall be forfeited. (Refer to AFI 36-3003, para
2.5. Travel and Per Diem.
2.5.1. The JTR, Chapters 2 and 3, addresses travel and transportation allowances for ARC
Airmen. The maximum allowable time to receive per diem at one location is 180 days.
Requests for per diem beyond that timeframe must have SAF/MR approval prior to the start of
the tour or prior to the effective date of any amendment extending the tour. (T-1). Restriction on Consecutive Number of Days TDY to Any One Location (Other
than for Training or Operational/Contingency Deployments). In accordance with
Comptroller General Decision, 36 Comptroller General 757 (1957), and JTR paragraph
030303, a TDY assignment at one location may not exceed 180 consecutive days, except
when authorized through the secretarial process. Airmen authorized to perform a TDY
under this provision are authorized per diem entitlements. Tours exceeding 180 consecutive days The office of the Deputy Assistant
Secretary, Force Management Integration, AF Principal to Per Diem, Travel and
Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC), is the Secretariat level approval
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 21
authority in matters under the JTR and is the authority for TDYs. Requests for waivers to
the restrictions in paragraph (more than 180 consecutive days) are submitted using
the M4S to process the per diem waiver. TDYs requiring an AF Principal to PDTATAC
waiver must be submitted for approval prior to the start if the tour initially exceeds 180
days. Tour extensions exceeding 180 consecutive days. If an extension will cause a
MPA tour to exceed 180 days, waiver request must be submitted to the AF Principal to
PDTATAC no later than 30 days in advance of the 181st day of duty to be considered.
Waivers will only be considered when mission objectives or unusual circumstances
develop requiring an Airman to be TDY for longer than 180 consecutive days. Tours exceeding 365 consecutive days. All TDYs that are projected to exceed 365
consecutive days require MAJCOM Deputy Commander or staff equivalent endorsement
prior to submitting request in M4S. Justification letter will include: a) date TDY began
and date current TDY period ends (including any prior waivers); b) Justification for the
TDY or additional TDY term; c) Number of additional days required and new TDY
completion date; d) Volunteer status of Airman and commander's recommendation; and e)
statement regarding any hardship the Airman may incur. (T-1). Individual TDY waivers do not need to be processed for SecDef approved
Operational/Contingency Deployments in Excess of 180 days, but less than 365 days; the
AF Principal to PDTATAC has determined that mission objectives requiring TDYs for
more than 180 consecutive days are appropriate and a TDY waiver is authorized. Individual TDY waivers need to be processed for SecDef approved
Operational/Contingency Deployments in excess of 365 Days. Supporting units will
process a per diem waiver for periods in excess of 365 consecutive days through the deputy
MAJCOM commander, or staff equivalent, to the PDTATAC via the MPA database. Annual reporting of all TDY assignments exceeding 180 consecutive days at any
one location is required. The report will be used to identify tour duration and type trends.
Each calendar year, AF/A1, will submit a report broken out by component for ADOS-AC
tours. The report will reflect the type of tour, i.e., operational / contingency and all other
TDYs (except training); length of Tour broken out as follows: 180 days or less; 181 to 190
days; 191 to 200 days; 201 to 210 days; greater than 210. Reports will be submitted
annually per request for the calendar year period (1 Jan 31 Dec) to SAF/MRM via Task
Management Tool no later than 28 February.
2.5.2. When authorized, travel and per diem payments associated with ADOS-AC tours are
normally funded by the RegAF requesting agency or organization.
2.5.3. Per Diem entitlement cannot be waived by the Airman or denied by the orders issuing
2.5.4. The installation commander determines corporate limits and commuting distance of the
duty location where ADOS-AC tour is performed.
2.5.5. ARC member’s travel time is always included when computing MPA tour length in
accordance with JTR, Chapter 2, Travel Time.
2.5.6. Orders may not be accomplished after the fact to provide an entitlement for per diem.
22 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
2.5.7. DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher or Defense Travel System travel
voucher must be signed by the ARC Airman for payment of per diem and travel expenses. (T-
2.5.8. The Airman should submit travel documentation to the appropriate servicing finance
office within 5 working days after tour completion.
2.5.9. ARC Airmen performing a long tour (over 180 days) who do not live within commuting
distance must report to the base housing referral office serving the duty location before entering
into a rental, lease, or purchase agreement for off-base housing. (T-3).
2.6. Post Deployment/Mobilization and Respite Absence (PDMRA).
2.6.1. PDMRA is a benefit, not an entitlement. MPA tours should include allowance for
PDMRA for ARC Airmen who mobilize or deploy with a frequency beyond established
Department of Defense rotation policy thresholds. Deployments/mobilizations to Continental
United States (CONUS) and non-foreign Outside Continental United States (OCONUS)
locations (Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.) are not eligible for PDMRA regardless of
the type of deployment/mobilization orders. Refer to AFI 36-3003 for eligibility and calculation of PDMRA days. Commanders will ensure Airmen are advised to use accrued PDMRA as soon as
possible after returning from deployment. Accrued PDMRA earned during one MPA tour
cannot be carried over to a subsequent MPA tour, a new permanent duty station, a new unit
of assignment, or into sanctuary status. It is a use or lose benefit during the mobilization
order period under which it is earned. (T-1). Member’s unit commander must report to SAF/MR through their chain of
command to explain why ARC Airmen are unable to utilize accrued PDMRA days during
their current mobilization order. (T-1).
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 23
Chapter 3
3.1. Overview. Per AFI 36-2910, Line of Duty (LOD) Determination, Medical Continuation
(MEDCON), and Incapacitation (INCAP) Pay, the purpose of MEDCON is to authorize medical
and dental care for Airmen who incur or aggravate an injury, illness or disease in the line of duty
and to provide pay and allowances while they are being evaluated, treated for or recovering from
a service-connected injury, illness or disease.
3.1.1. ARC Airmen may be entitled to MEDCON when they are unable to perform military
duties due to an injury, illness or disease incurred or aggravated while serving in a duty status.
3.1.2. See AFI 36-2910, Chapter 5 for MEDCON eligibility, roles and responsibilities, case
management process, as well as validation, approval, termination and appeals processes.
3.2. Extension of MPA Orders for Initial MEDCON Consideration. Initial MEDCON is to
allow medical provider time to assess an Airman's medical condition. An ARC member on ADOS-
AC orders may be continued under 10 USC § 12301(h) orders up to 30 days to ensure necessary
documentation is submitted to the ARC Case Management Division (ARCCMD) at the AF
Personnel Center for further eligibility review. This action should be initiated upon notification of
injury/illness or disease and will take precedence over downtime/leave, etc. AF/A1M will consider
extensions to the initial 30 days with a documented timeline of events, and commander’s letter
addressing what the unit is doing to avoid similar issues/delays.
3.2.1. The following documentation is required for all initial MEDCON requests: Member's acknowledgement for initial MEDCON orders extension DD Form 2870, Authorization for disclosure of Medical or Dental Information Commander's memorandum approving initial MEDCON orders. Memorandum
should include date of injury, date returned from deployment and dates of medical attention
3.2.2. Members medical condition must be promptly reported (ideally within 72 hours or less
from when injury occurred) to the member’s commander and servicing medical facility/unit.
Members returning from deployments must report medical condition within 72 hours of in-
processing home station. Failure to report the injury, illness or disease in a timely manner will
require a written explanation to the commander and servicing medical facility/unit and
submitted with required documentation identified in paragraph 3.2.1.
3.2.3. If there is a break in tour and a finalized line of duty determination has not been
completed the Airman is ineligible for MEDCON. If a break in tour occurs, Airmen have up
to 180 days to request consideration for a finalized in-LOD determination. Follow the
procedures outlined in AFI 36-2910. (T-1).
3.2.4. Early redeployment for in-patient treatment (T-1): Must be reported within 24 hours of admission.
24 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 Unit must request MEDCON orders via ARCCMD immediately upon
notification. Once MEDCON approved, current tour must be curtailed without a break in
service. (Note: Do not curtail tour until ARCCMD approves MEDCON eligibility).
3.2.5. Early redeployment for out-patient treatment: Must be reported within 24 hours of return to home station. Unit must request initial MEDCON immediately upon notification. Current tour
must be curtailed to allow activation of initial MEDCON orders. (Note: Do not curtail tour
until ARCCMD approves MEDCON eligibility).
3.2.6. MEDCON tours under 10 USC § 12301(h), must be entered into M4S. The RegAF Unit
being supported or ARC unit or Military Treatment Facility will submit an initial MEDCON
request (10 USC § 12301(h)), while keeping the original Emergency and Special Program
code, and Per Diem fund cite used when Airman was injured. The RegAF unit will be
responsible for funding Per Diem, if applicable, until Airman is returned to duty and released
from MEDCON. (T-1).
3.3. Requesting MEDCON Orders. Requests for MEDCON orders are submitted to the
ARCCMD for validation, approval, and certification. All ADOS-AC days required to support
MEDCON orders will be requested, validated, approved, allocated, certified, tracked, managed,
and reported through MPA database (T-1). All information entered into electronic databases shall
comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements and AFI
41-210, TRICARE Operations and Patient Administration Functions. (T-1).
3.4. Allocation and Issuance of MEDCON Orders. MEDCON may be funded by ADOS-AC
or ADOS-RC. The following guidance is for ADOS-AC. MEDCON under ADOS-AC is for
Airmen whose injury was incurred or aggravated on an ADOS-AC tour. If MEDCON is result of
an ADOS-AC tour, the ARCCMD will ensure certification form to support a request for
MEDCON, in accordance with AFI 36-2910, is generated.
3.4.1. When a request for MEDCON orders has been validated, approved, and certified by the
Chief, ARCCMD, the MEDCON request will be submitted to AF/A1MT, at a minimum of
two days prior to expiration date of the previous tour, for review and allocation.
3.5. Termination of MEDCON Orders. When MEDCON orders are terminated, supporting
units will update AROWS or AROWS-R in accordance with AFI 36-2910 and the MPA database
and return unused days to AF/A1MT. (T-1).
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 25
Chapter 4
4.1. Overview. Title 10 USC § 115, Personnel Strengths, requires the Air Force to count ARC
members on ADOS-AC funded tours against RegAF and USSF end strength, regardless of grade
or rank, when the call or order to active duty or fulltime National Guard duty specifies a period of
greater than three years or when the cumulative activation time exceeds 1,825 days (five years)
out of the previous 2,190 days (six years).
4.1.1. These tours include ADOS-AC under Title 10 USC § 12301(d), or on full-time National
Guard duty under Title 32 USC § 502(f)(2) (or any combination thereof) performing ADOS.
1,825 ADOS requirements includes Reserve Personnel Appropriation and MPA tours;
however, guidance in this instruction applies to MPA tours only. See AFMAN 36-2136,
Reserve Personnel Participation, for guidance on ADOS-RC tours.
4.1.2. Members electing to serve more than 1,825 of the previous 2,190 requires approval prior
to the start of the ADOS tour. Each 1,825 request has an expiration date and is linked to a
specific tour. If the member does not have a previously disapproved 1,825, and tour does not
exceed 29 September, the command, staff, or agency level may approve requests up to 2,130
days. USSF approval remains at SF/COO/O and is not further delegated. A member’s ADOS-
AC tour should not be stopped on 29 September only to restart on 1 October to fill the same
requirement. This practice will be viewed as avoiding end strength reporting.
4.1.3. MPA database automatically generates an 1,825 questionnaire when members exceed
the 1,825 threshold. Members will be identified by name and mission duty on a memo or email
endorsed by the supported Command senior leader (Deputy Commander or designated
representative), staff directors, or agency equivalents. (T-2)
4.1.4. Airmen returning after SAF level disapproval, regardless of tour length, must be
submitted to AF/A1M under a signed memorandum or email by the supported commander,
deputy commander, staff directors or agency equivalents. (T-1).
4.1.5. If a member has a previously approved 1,825 for the same FY, duties, and location, but
requires a separate set of orders, requestor may submit a new questionnaire documenting the
member’s previous 1,825 approval and the appropriate MPA authorization number. The
supported command MMO verifies the mission is the same, updates the MPA database and
sends an email to AF/A1MT or SF/COO/O requesting an update to the approval status to
allocate the tour. (T-1)
4.2. 1,825 Related Issues.
4.2.1. Ongoing, long-term (180 days or greater) ADOS-AC requirements must be reviewed
for the proper resource actions. Potential alternate sourcing options should be addressed in
mitigation plan (i.e., programmed or requesting AC end-strength increase, AGR or civilian
requirement increase).
4.2.2. If ARC augmentation is the best resource to fill this requirement, commanders should
expand MPA man-day opportunities to other ARC volunteers.
26 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
4.2.3. All members who will reach 18 years of Total Active Federal Military Service during a
tour must have a signed sanctuary waiver before a tour is allocated (waiver can be signed for
179 days). Annotate sanctuary requirements in the 1,825 questionnaires. (T-1)
4.3. Key Dates for 1,825 ADOS Accounting Process.
4.3.1. Monthly: Supported commands, staffs, and agency panels convene to evaluate 1,825
threshold requests; submit any DAF requests (members previously denied by SAF/MR or
members with more than 2,130 total ADOS days) by the 5th of the month. HAF forwards
decisions back to commands by the 15th of the month. Note: Submit packages 60 days prior
to tour start to allow time for review, coordination, and notification to member. (T-1)
4.3.2. 1 June: Supported commands, staffs, and agencies will forward their approved,
prioritized non-Air Expeditionary Force (AEF) 1,825 Threshold Requests for members with
1,825 days ADOS and on tour beyond 29 September to AF/A1M or SF/COO/O. (T-1)
4.3.3. 1 July: Supported commands, staffs, and agencies review total ADOS time for members
who will be on tour after 1 October to determine which members will attain 1,825 and/or 2,130
status during the next FY. (T-1)
4.3.4. 16 July: Supported commands, staffs, and agencies notified of all request dispositions
for their prioritized submissions. Members denied 1,825 request for 30 September or beyond,
must be off tour no later than 29 September. (T-1)
4.3.5. Requests for SAF/MR reconsideration will be an exception, not the norm. All requests
for reconsideration must be approved by the supported command deputy commander or
staff/agency directors or deputies and forwarded to AF/A1MT for review and recommendation
and approval by SAF/MR.
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 27
Chapter 5
5.1. Air Expeditionary Force (AEF) Military Personnel Appropriation Process.
5.1.1. The AF presents its forces via an Air & Space Expeditionary Force. Since a substantial
capability resides in the ARC, the AF relies on its Total Force to meet its taskings. Air & Space
Expeditionary Force requirements are validated Combatant Commander-requests that have
been ordered by the SecDef on active Joint Manning Documents or through Requests for
Forces that appear in the Global Force Management Allocation Plan. There are two types of
activation: “volunteerism” and “involuntary recall to Active Duty”.
5.1.2. AFPC, Directorate for Personnel Operations (AFPC/DP2) will provide ACC, Air
Operations Division (ACC/A3O) with the ANG and AFR planned agile combat support
participation as identified in the Agile Combat Support Planning Schedule. Planned
participation will be submitted via unclassified email channels using the AEF man-day Tour
Requirement Template (Attachment 5) as soon as possible after receipt of the AFR and ANG
proposed planned agile combat support requirements.
5.1.3. ACC/A3O will provide the accepted agile combat support participation plan by
component in the approved template format via unclassified email channels to ACC, Readiness
and Integration Division (ACC/A1RR), no later than 20 days after accepting the ARC planned
requirement. Prior to tasking of AEF mission requirements to the ARC the ACC/A3O must
ensure a Military Interagency Purchase Request is prepared to confirm funding exists to
support tasked member’s travel and transportation per diem costs associated with the AEF
agile combat support participation plan.
5.1.4. ACC/A1RR is the MMO and is responsible for building the AEF agile combat support
participation requirements in their POM submission to AF/A1MT. ACC/A1RR will task the
AEF agile combat support requirement to the ARC Force Provider Center [ANGRC or
AFR/FGC] accordingly once AEF agile combat support requirements are validated and man-
days provided by AF/A1MT.
5.1.5. Combat AF/Mobility AF Scheduling Integrated Product Teams will inform their
MAJCOM MMOs of ARC AEF sourcing solutions for inclusion in their POM submission to
5.1.6. The AFR FGC and ANGRC will ensure only Combatant Commander-directed training
identified by the line remarks and AETC, Operations and Readiness Division is approved.
5.1.7. Tasked unit will ensure volunteer’s SSN is in the Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning
and Execution Segments system in accordance with timelines established in DAFI 36-3802,
Force Support Readiness Programs. Units are also responsible for completing the Unit AEF
Tasking page or IMA page in Air Force-directed MPA man-day data system and submitting to
the respective ARC section for validation. (T-1) Indicate in the notes whether 1,825
registration/per diem waiver is appropriate and accomplished. (T-1) Members deployed on
AEF tours are eligible to take their leave at the end of the tour or carry their leave forward. If
leave is being carried forward, then tour must be curtailed by the amount of leave carried
28 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
5.2. Pregnancy.
5.2.1. An ARC Airman determined to be pregnant shall ordinarily be permitted to continue
serving as long as there is a valid requirement and the Airman’s AF Form 469, Duty Limiting
Condition Report, does not prohibit the Airman from performing the full-time duty required
under the ADOS-AC orders. If the Airman does not meet the 12-month maternity leave
threshold, the Airman can continue serving, if determined medically qualified to meet mission
requirements, until end of the requirement or the date of birth, whichever is earlier (see
paragraph 5.2.5). (T-1).
5.2.2. Once pregnancy is confirmed, by a certified medical provider, Airman must present a
current AF Form 469 within 3 duty days to the supported commander. The AF Form 469 will
be used to determine whether any specified duty limitations will prevent the Airman from
performing the normal duties required under the ADOS-AC order. If the supported commander
determines the duty limitations do not prevent performance of the expected ADOS-AC tour,
the Airman may be activated or continued on the ADOS-AC orders. (T-1).
5.2.3. If the supported commander determines that duty limitation interferes or is not
consistent with the duties to be performed during the MPA tour, at the member’s request, the
supported commander may seek other opportunities for which an Airman may be qualified to
perform or may curtail the member’s ADOS-AC orders. The effective date of the curtailment
is 45 days after receipt of the limitation notification. (T-1). Airmen who reside within the CONUS are restricted to ADOS-AC tours in the 48
contiguous states. (T-1). Airmen who reside OCONUS are restricted to ADOS-AC tours in that OCONUS
location. (T-1).
5.2.4. For pregnant ARC Airmen, activation of duty and/or continued duty is contingent upon
the member’s ability to maintain access to obstetric care. Provisions for obstetric care must be
arranged within a reasonable travel distance of the duty location, as determined by a military
medical provider. Supported commanders may curtail orders, notwithstanding whether the
Airman is able to perform the duties of the orders, if obstetric care is not available and if
medical personnel/facilities are not capable of managing the pregnancy. (T-1).
5.2.5. Department of Defense Maternity Leave Policy The 12-week maternity leave policy
applies to AC and RC Airmen serving on call or order(s) to active service for a continuous
period of at least 12 months. (T-1). Airmen on ADOS tours of less than 12 months do not qualify for maternity leave
and their orders will terminate at the date of birth or end of tour, whichever date is earlier.
At the member’s request, however, ADOS-AC tours may be extended to reach the 12-
month pregnancy threshold, if there is a valid requirement, if funding is available, and with
both permanent unit commander and supported unit commander approval. An interruption of ADOS orders to participate or attend IDT/UTA periods will
constitute a break and negate the 12 month continuous period. (T-1). ADOS-AC tours will not be extended for the sole purpose of allowing or
completing maternity leave. (T-1). Unused maternity leave at the end of the requirement shall be forfeited. (T-1).
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 29
5.2.6. MEDCON for RC pregnant Airmen: Transition Assistance Medical Program (TAMP): Airmen on contingency orders
or 10 USC § 12304b orders for greater than 30 days qualify for TAMP (180 day TRICARE
benefits after end of tour). TRICARE Reserve Select: established to provide continuity of service between
orders. Secretarial Designee Status: An ARC Airman coming off duty orders for more
than 30 days and is pregnant, may apply for Secretarial Designee status at their nearest
military hospital or clinic for care. If awarded, they would be able to get care at a military
hospital or clinic as a secretarial designee, but not in the purchased care sector. All three
services have the program and could use other Service Military Treatment Facilities
through reciprocity.
5.3. Telework.
5.3.1. Telework may be authorized if the RegAF determines the ADOS-AC mission
requirement can be met via telework agreement. Telework may not be approved out of
convenience to the Airman or as a mechanism for the organization to avoid funding travel and
transportation allowances.
5.3.2. Tours involving Telework should specify deliverables required during the ADOS-AC
tour and may not be open-ended. Telework agreements must conform to the RegAF unit’s
telework policies.
5.3.3. Organizations employing ARC resources under this method must accomplish a
Telework agreement using DD Form 2946, Department of Defense Telework Agreement and
online training at Organizations must maintain a Telework
agreement and provide to the supported command ADOS-AC Man-Day Account Manager if
requested. (T-0).
5.3.4. ARC resources assigned to or performing ADOS-AC tours with organizations
belonging to the HAF (Secretariat and Air Staff) should reference and comply with guidance
outlined in HOI 36-16, Telework-Readiness Program. (T-0).
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
30 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
Attachment 1
5 USC § 522a, Records Maintained on Individuals
10 USC § 115, Personnel Strengths: Requirement for Annual Authorization
10 USC § 802, Art. 2. Persons Subject to this Chapter
10 USC § 526, Authorized Strength: General and Flag Officers on Active Duty
10 USC § 9013, Secretary of the Air Force
10 USC § 12004, Strength in Grade: Reserve General and Flag Officers in an Active Status
10 USC § 12301, Reserve Components Generally
10 USC § 12302, Ready Reserve
10 USC § 12304, Selected Reserve and Certain Individual Ready Reserve Members; Order To
Active Duty Other Than During War Or National Emergency
10 USC § 12310, Reserves: for Organizing, Administering, etc., Reserve Components
10 USC § 10216, Military Technicians (Dual Status)
32 USC § 328, Active Guard and Reserve Duty: Governor's Authority
32 USC § 709, Technicians: Employment, Use, Status
DoDI 1035.01, Telework Policy, 4 April 2012
DoDI 1215.06, Uniform Reserve, Training and Retirement Categories for the Reserve
Components, 11 March 2014
DoDI 1241.01, Reserve Component (RC) Line of Duty Determination for Medical and Dental
Treatments and Incapacitation Pay Entitlements, 19 April 2016
AFPD 10-3, Operational Utilization of the Air Reserve Component Forces, 29 November 2017
AFPD 36-26, Total Force Development and Management, 18 March 2019
AFPD 36-30, Military Entitlements, 11 April 2019
AFPD 36-81, Total Force (TF) Human Resource Management (HRM) Domain Governance, 15
November 2013
AFI 10-301, Managing Operational Utilization Requirements of the Air Reserve Component
Forces, 20 December 2017
AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution, 7 December 2006 AFI 10-402,
Mobilization Planning, 8 March 2018
AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 December 2015
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 31
AFI 36-2008, Voluntary Extended Active Duty (EAD) For Air Reserve Commissioned Officers, 5
Nov 2002
AFI 36-2131, Administration of Sanctuary in the Air Reserve Components, 27 June 2011
AFI 36-2651, Air Force Training Program, 3 Jan 2019
AFI 36-2254, Vol 1, Reserve Personnel Participation, 26 May 2010
AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, 18 July 2011
AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program, 21 October 2013
AFI 36-2910, Line of Duty (Misconduct) Determination, 8 October 2015
AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, 11 May 2016
AFI 36-3802, Personnel Readiness Operations, 23 February 2009
AFI 41-210, TRICARE Operations and Patient Administration Functions, 6 June 2012
AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards, 5 November 2013
AFMAN 65-601 Vol 1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, 24 October 2018
AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 March 2008
F036 AF PC Q, Personnel Data System
F065 AFRC C, Reserve Order Writing System-Reserves Records
Comptroller General Decision, 36 Comptroller General 757 (1957)
HOI 36-16, Telework-Readiness Program, 20 June 2011
System of Records Notice(s) F0 33 AFRC A, Reserve Participation Management System
Adopted Forms
DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher
DD Form 2870, Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information
DD Form 2946, Department of Defense Telework Agreement
AF Form 469, Duty Limiting Condition Report
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 938, Request and Authorization for Active Duty Training/Active Tour
AF Form 988, Leave Request/Authorization
AF Form 3902, Application and Approval for Off-Duty Employment
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACActive Component
ACCAir Combat Command
32 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
ACC/A3OAir Combat Command Air Operations Division
ACC/A1RRAir Combat Command Readiness and Integration Division
ADCONAdministrative Control
ADOSActive Duty Operational Support
AEFAir and Space Expeditionary Force
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AF/A1Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services
AF/A1MDirector of Manpower, Organization, and Resources
AF/A3Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
AF/A3ODWar Planning and Policy Division
AF/DPGGeneral Officer Management Office
AF/DSIAir Force Director of Staff for Integration
AF/JAAir Force Judge Advocate
AF/REChief of the Air Force Reserve
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFPC/DP2AFPC, Directorate for Personnel Operations
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFRC/FGCAir Force Reserve Command Force Generation Center
AFSCAir Force Specialty Code
AGRActive Guard Reserve
ANGAir National Guard
ANGRCAir National Guard Readiness Center
AORArea of Responsibility
ARCAir Reserve Component
ARCCMDARC Case Management Division
AROWSAir Force Reserve Orders Writing System
AROWS-GAir Force Reserve Orders Writing System Air National Guard
CONUSContinental United States
CCDRCombatant Commander Requirement
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 33
DoDDepartment of Defense
FAMFunctional Area Managers
FGCForce Generation Center
FTSFull Time Support
FYFiscal Year
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
IMAIndividual Mobilization Augmentee
JTRJoint Travel Regulation
M4SManpower MPA Man-day Management System
MAJCOMMajor Command
MEDCONMedical Continuation
MMO ADOS-AC ManDay Management Office
MPAMilitary Personnel Appropriation
MTFMilitary Treatment Facility
NGB/A1XDirector of the Air National Guard, Chief, Plans and Integration Division
NGB/CFDirector of the Air National Guard
OCONUSOutside of the Continental United States
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
PCSPermanent Change of Station
PDMRAPost Deployment Mobilization and Respite Absence
PDTATACPer Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee
POMProgram Objective Memorandum
RCReserve Component
RegAFRegular Air Force
RIOReadiness and Integration Organization
SAF/FMBODeputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Budget Operations
SAF/FMBOPDeputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Budget Operations and Personnel
SAF/GCGeneral Counsel
SAF/FMAssistant Secretary of the Air Force, Financial Management and Comptroller
SAF/MRSecretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
SecDefSecretary of Defense
34 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
TAMPTransition Assistance Management Program
TDYTemporary Duty
TFITotal Force Integration
USC-United States Code
UCMJUniform Code of Military Justice
ULNUnit Line Number
UTAUnit Training Assembly
Active Duty Operational Support Active Component (ADOS-AC)ADOS-AC provides the
necessary skilled manpower assets to support existing or emerging requirements. (Reference DoDI
1215.06). ADOS-AC support is defined as all active duty under Title 10 USC § 12301(d) (except
Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) duty and periods of involuntary mobilization and MEDCON; and
Active Duty for Training performed at the direction of an organizational or operational commander
(active or reserve); or as a result of reimbursable funding. ADOS-AC is funded by the AC’s
appropriation in support of the AC’s roles and missions.
Active Duty Sanctuary ProtectionSanctuary protection begins with 18 years of Total Active
Federal Military Service and ends with 20 years of Total Active Federal Military Service. The
absence of an approved waiver provides the entitlement to remain on active duty for the purpose
of qualifying for an active duty military retirement while serving in an ARC full-time position.
Active Duty Sanctuary CandidateAirmen whose upcoming tour or extension would entitle
them to invoke sanctuary protection are considered sanctuary candidates.
Active Guard Reserve (AGR) National Guard and Reserve Airmen of the Selected Reserve
who are ordered to active duty or full-time National Guard duty for the purpose of organizing,
administering, recruiting, or training the RC units.
Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC)A combination of numbers and alpha characters used to
identify an AF occupation. Officer AFSCs consist of four characters; Airman AFSC’s consist of
five characters. When more specific position requirements or individual qualifications are needed,
alpha prefixes or suffixes are authorized for use with the numerical codes.
Air Force Reserve (AFR)The AFR is a Reserve Component of the AF consisting of Air Force
units, organizations and Airmen; the AFR does not include ANG resources.
Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)The MAJCOM responsible and accountable for the
peacetime and wartime readiness of the AFR.
Air National Guard (ANG)That part of the organized militia of the several states and
Territories, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, active and inactive, that (a) is an AF; (b) is
trained, and has its officers appointed, under the sixteenth clause of section 8, article I of the
Constitution; (c) is organized, armed, and equipped wholly or partly at Federal expense; and (d) is
federally recognized.
Air National Guard AEF CellCentrally manages all deployment processes for the ANG at the
component level. Processes all Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 35
system requirements for Wing sourcing and verification. Also serves as the Deployed
Requirements Manning Document POC for AEF aviation and agile combat support. Synchronizes
planned activities (e.g., training, exercises, inspections, PME, etc.,) with the AEF battle rhythm to
ensure forces are ready during their scheduled AEF deployment period. Also manages AF directed
MPA man-day data system processing for AEF man-days within the ANG.
Air National Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC)The department within the National Guard
Bureau responsible and accountable for the peacetime training and wartime readiness of the Air
National Guard.
Air Reserve Component (ARC)All units, organizations, and Airmen of the ANG and the AFR.
AEF Rotation TourThe dates an Airman performs an Air and Space Expeditionary Tour of
duty (AEF); for the purpose of MPA accountability the rotation does not include travel, downtime
or leave. These elements are programmatically calculated by the AF directed MPA man-day data
system at time of AEF tour input and establish the overall MPA tour.
AllocationMan-days given to a command staff functional manager for expenditure (also
referred to as sub-allocation).
AuthorizationIn terms of ADOS-AC man-day program, this is a MPA man-day allocation
issued by the supported AC command, staff or agency which authorizes the publication of a MPA
man-day tour order on a particular ARC member or Airmen to support/augment an Active Force
ARC Unit AirmanAn ANG or AFR Airman assigned to an ARC wing/group for training and
support of military requirements.
Combatant Commander RequirementA mission requirement that is recorded in the Joint
Capabilities Requirements Manager or Electronic Joint Manpower and Personnel System and
contained in the Global Force Management Allocation Plan or Service directed and Global Force
Management Data Initiative compliant tool.
Command Man-day General ManagerThe person charged with accountability and
responsibility of the command’s total MPA man-day program within the AC Command A1/J1
DowntimeFor the purpose of this instruction, downtime when used in conjunction with
deployments is personnel reconstitution time.
Fiscal YearA designated 12 month period that starts 1 October of one calendar year and
continues through 30 September of the next calendar year.
Force Generation Center (FGC)The single agency responsible for generating AFR forces by
leveraging AFR strategic capabilities to meet operational needs in support of Global Force
Management internal and external requirements. The FGC performs all aspects of force generation
to include oversight, visibility, and accountability of all AFR forces. Its span of control extends
from the Individual Reservist to entire Combat Capable Units, supporting a broad array of
organizations from AF units to Combatant Commands, through all stages of activation from
Volunteerism up to and including Full Mobilization.
36 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA)An ARC Airman from the AFR (not ANG),
assigned and/or attached to an AC organization for training and support of all military
Long MPA Tour/ActivationA MPA tour or activation to a period of over 180 days in length
(JTR Chapter 5).
Man-dayA MPA man-day is defined as a 24 hour calendar day of active duty for which base
pay, Basic Allowance for Housing, Basic Allowance for Subsistence and similar compensation
elements are drawn from the MPA to pay ARC Airmen for performance of duty. (This does not
include travel and per diem related compensation).
Man-day TourUsually a string of continuous calendar days with a start and stop date during
which an ARC Airman performs a tour of active duty.
Man-day Tour Length or man-day Activation TimeThe number of man-days authorized for
performance of duty which includes mission time as well as travel, leave, downtime (if earned),
and PDMRA (if earned).
Military Personnel Appropriation (MPA) The centrally managed 3500 RegAF military
personnel account that provides pay and allowances for both AC and Reserve Component activated
for current contingencies. This account funds the ADOS-AC man-dayman-day program.
Military Personnel Appropriation (MPA) Man-daySupports operational and strategic
requirements of the active force by authorizing man-days annually to non-Extended Active Duty
(EAD) officers, NCOs, and enlisted personnel. Pay and allowances for personnel performing man-
days is from the MPA account (a RegAF account) managed by AF/A1MT.
MPA Man-day Tour Start DateThe first day of the tour when Airman reports for duty or starts
travel, normally the first calendar day of the member’s tour as designated in block 13 of the AF
Form 938 (reserve order).
MPA Man-day Tour Stop DateThe last day of the tour when the Airman usually returns home.
Also referred to as the release date, normally the last calendar day of the Airmen’s tour as
designated in block 14 of AF Form 938 (reserve order).
PAS NumberA four digit alphanumeric code identifying the ARC member’s unit of
Pay and Allowance Fund CiteThe funding authority which entitles payment of base pay, Basic
Allowance for Subsistence and Basic Allowance for Housing.
Per Diem and Travel Fund CiteThe funding authority provided to the command man-day
manager by the using agency for TDY entitlements of the ARC Airman performing a man-day
tour (paid by Operations & Maintenance account).
Personnel Budget Review CommitteeOversees the RegAF MPA budget and advises the AF
Board and the AF Council on all issues related to the personnel program, budgeting and execution.
Reviews RegAF MPA budgets and personnel management plans, evaluates risk mitigation, and
assesses the impact of execution strategies on out-year programs and budgets. Operates as a forum
to provide leadership with an update on the AF personnel budget and to provide recommendations
to the AF Board and AF Council for final approval. Reference AFI 65-601 Vol 3.
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 37
Program Objective MemorandumAn annual memorandum submitted to the Secretary of
Defense from each military department and defense agency. It proposes total program
requirements for the next five years. It includes rationale for planned changes from the approved
Future Years Defense Program baseline within the fiscal guidance issued by the Secretary of
Defense. Reference AFI 65-601 Vol 3.
Reserve Integration Office (RIO)the AFR organization to manage the Individual Mobilization
Augmentee (IMA) program.
Regular Air Force (RegAF)The component of the AF that consists of persons whose
continuous service on active duty in both peace and war is contemplated by law, and of retired
members of the RegAF.
Reimbursable ProgramProgram funded via Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests
based on departmental memoranda of agreement e.g., Defense Support to Civil Authorities; DoD’s
response to natural disasters, chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incidents; wildland
firefighting on US territories; support to other federal agencies; support to Foreign Military Sales
Standard Command FAM ConstructThe standard operation of an AC command, staff and
agencies. The command staff (A1, A3, A4, etc.) validates the mission requirement as needing ARC
augmentation, thereby enabling the command, staff or agency’s MPA Management Office to
authorize/approve the MPA allocation to the appropriate ARC Wing.
Statutory TourA controlled tour of active duty service. Usually, a precise number of years at a
specific location.
Steady Stateplanned force structure and resources to meet continuous or recurring operational
mission commitments.
Supplemental FundingA Congressional appropriation to support surge requirements such as
Overseas Contingency Operations based on mobilization authority linked to a declaration of a
national emergency or some future declaration-based authority in response to a contingency.
Total Force EnterpriseThe strategic, corporate level process consisting of the three
components (RegAF, ANG, AFR) and Civil Service who make up the USAF that provides an
enterprise level force mix analysis and macro-level options for force balancing through Total Force
Integration initiatives which include Classic and Active Associate constructs for balancing of
Active Duty, ANG, AFR and AF civilian personnel and equipment.
Unit ReconstitutionUnit-focused activity following a deployment or operation that is dedicated
to accounting for unit assigned members, equipment and supplies, and for stabilizing/replenishing
equipment and supply levels commensurate with pre deployment/pre-operation levels.
Volunteeran Airman activated under 10 USC § 12301(d).
38 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
Attachment 2
A. Support for non-supplemental funded Air Expeditionary Force(s) (AEF) rotations.
A1 Aviation AEF Rotations
A2 TFI Unit filling AEF Rotations
A3 Agile Combat Support (ACS)
A4 Title 10 USC Section 12304b: Pre-planned CCDR requirements, involuntary activation
A5 Title 10 USC Section 12302: Non-OCO 12302 authority
B. Support for continuing/enduring missions operational requirements. These missions
performed at a wing/operational level.
B1 Total Force Integration/Enterprise Missions and AF directed training: non-AEF established
TFI or other documented associations (AC & ARC integrated) missions
B2 Unit Equipped Missions
B3 ARC Capability not in the AC
B4 Emergent requirements to support Total Force Enterprise AC/RC Mix Guidance (not
identified in other B categories)
C. Support for operational requirements in new and emerging missions not funded with
supplemental funding (e.g., cyberspace, remotely piloted aircraft support). This category
would be used at the unit/wing/operational level.
C1 Direct support of Nuclear Deterrence Mission
C2 Direct support of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
C3 Direct support of Cyber and Space Operations
D. Support for Named Contingencies (non-supplemental funded). Support for non-
supplemental funded domestic contingencies missions which are not sourced via AEF (i.e.,
Operation NOBLE EAGLE (ONE); Coronet Oak, etc). This category would be used at the
operational level.
E. Support to Unified Combatant Commands. Includes building partnerships/building partner
capacity events, Combatant Commander exercises, and Theater Security Cooperation/Theater
Security Package missions. Building partnerships includes missions such as the Light Attack and
Armed Reconnaissance and Light Mobility Aircraft support and Contingency Response Group .
This category is used in support of the Combatant Commander and not sourced via AEF.
E1 Combatant Command Exercises
E2 Theater Security Cooperation/Theater Security Package (not reimbursable)
E3 Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance and Light Mobility operations support
E4- Other Building Partnerships/Building Partnership Capacity events.
F. Reimbursable. This is used for man-days funded via Military Interdepartmental Purchase
Requests (MIPRs) or other reimbursable funds based on departmental memoranda of agreement
(MOA). Also supports missions supporting Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA);
DoD’s response to natural disasters, chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incidents;
wildland firefighting on US territories; support to other Federal Agencies; support to Foreign
Military Sales requirements; etc.
G. Short term operational support not specifically identified in the other priorities
G1 Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Military Honors/Funerals
G2 Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Medical/Legal Continuation
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 39
G3a Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Operational-level Critical Skill support
(must be on Critical Skills Lists)
G3b Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: MAJCOM/NAF-level Critical Skill support
(must be on Critical Skills Lists)
G3c Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: AF-level Critical Skill support (must be on
Critical Skills Lists)
G3d Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Other CCMD-level support (must be on
Critical Skills Lists)
G4 Short term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Exercise and Training support
G5 Short term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Education support
G6a Short term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Other Operational-level support
G6b Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Other MAJCOM/NAF-level support
G6c Short term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Other AF -level support
G6d Short-term augmentation of RegAF Missions: Other CCMD-level support
40 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
Attachment 3
A3.1. Waiver Notification. I,, understand my right to be notified of any modification to my
orders within 60 days if my orders are for 90 days or more, or 30 days for orders 30-89 days in
(Please Initial)
I understand that for each type of military personnel appropriation tour, a new waiver will be required and
I understand that my military personnel appropriation tour will not begin until I acknowledgement of my rights.
I elect to receive/not receive (circle one) advance notification of tour extension or curtailment.
Member’s Signature (Date)
Ind, (Commander) (Date)
I support the action of (Requestor) to waive his/her notification of military personnel appropriation tour
modification to perform the
above voluntary military personnel appropriation tour.
Typed Signature Block and Signature
The authority to collect and maintain this information exists in Title 5 USC § 552(a) (2000), the release of
your SSN
is for identification purposes and voluntary. Ensure that all records created as a result of processes
prescribed in this
publication are maintained in accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363,
Management of Records, and
disposed of in accordance with the AF Records Disposition Schedule
(RDS) located in the Air Force Records
Information Management System (AFRIMS).
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 41
Attachment 4
Figure A4.1. Hardship Request Checklist.
* Hardship should be the result of mobilization and early deactivation/demobilization
Unit: PM:
Mob window: Current deactivation/demobilization date:
ULN: Reason for Hardship: Personal Financial Medical
Is Airman an ART? Yes No Date FGC contacted for other tour possibilities:
If not reason:
All packages must include the following supporting documentation:
Statement of hardship from Airman (must be endorsed by Unit and Wing CC) will need to
Include: social security number, Air Force Specialty Code, Duty Title, Expiration of Term of
Service (ETS) (if applicable), how the Airman will be utilized if hardship status is granted, and
a detailed explanation of how the early demobilization will cause a hardship.
Timeline of hardship to include specific dates; notices of curtailment, travel back, earned
leave, downtime, and new demobilization date *New date CANNOT exceed current mob
Original and/or copy of Contingency Exercise Deployment and AF Form 938 orders and
amendments, as applicable
Copy of Personnel Report Individual Person (A#D001, BAD001 Enlisted/Officer
Personal Data)
Other documents that may be required based on hardship type:
Statement from doctor: Must include date medical issue arose (based on hardship). Must
identify a “get well date” or estimate the length of recovery. Must state physical limitations that
will affect the member ability to activate/deactivate?
Statement from employer: Must include dates of employment. Must state when Airman
can return to work. If unable to return to work must provide reason is ineligible for employment.
Statement from creditor: Must identify total outstanding debt and 12 months of payment
42 DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019
Statement from school: Must show admission to program, actual start date and identify if
enrollment can be deferred post mobilization without subsequent impacts.
Copy of Emergency Leave paperwork
Red Cross Number
Other Documents as required
If the Airman is submitting a financial hardship the following documentation must be
Notarized statement of expenses directly incurred as a result of mobilization
Leave and Earning Statement
Pay Stub from other income sources
Copy of Mortgage or Residential Lease
Other attachments as directed
***************************FOR ARC USE ONLY*******************************
Date package received
Date package returned to unit for corrections:
When forwarding package make sure to include a statement on any tours that were offered
yet declined by the Airman (must state if a tour was offered and why it was not taken)
Date package forwarded to AF/A1MT with recommendation
Date decision reached: _ Date Unit notified:
Follow-up Person Contacted
Follow-up Person Contacted
Follow-up Person Contacted
DAFI36-2619 25 NOVEMBER 2019 43
Attachment 5
Table A5.1. AEF man-day Tour Requirement Template.