21 Day
Rapid Fat Loss
Nutrition Program
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A Personal Welcome From Brad Linder
Your Best Body Begins Here!
Dear 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Participant,
The journey ahead of you will not be “quick and easy” nothing truly worthwhile ever is,
but if you stick with it and complete this 21 Day Program exactly as described…
I guarantee you will lose up to 10 pounds or more of body fat if you do the work
necessary to accomplish that goal. The program works, now work the program!
If you don’t need to lose 10 pounds of Fat in 21 days, you won’t. You also need to
understand that I am not talking about body weight but Fat. You may not lose too many
pounds in 21 days but you will lost inches and gain some lean muscle. This just means
that you are converting your fat into lean muscle mass which helps with long term
maintenance if you continue on with the nutrition and exercise program. You will find all
of the nutritional information you need to get you started looking the way you want in
just 21 days.
As you go through the program remind yourself, “It’s just 21 days!” You can do
anything in just 21 days. So stick with it and see what is possible!
And remember, this is just the beginning. I want these next 21 days be the stepping
stone to you achieving life long lasting results!
Stay Strong,
Brad Linder, M.S., CPT
Fitness and Nutrition Expert
Co-Author, 3 Steps To Your Best Body
(214) 603-8287
P.S. Use this program as a way of self-discovery as well. Is guided support the way
you workout best? Or do you need more individual attention? Whatever it is you need
to continue after the 21 days are complete we are here to help you. We offer a 24 Day
Challenge if you know that nutritional supplements and filling in your nutritional gaps
may be an issue for you. Check out the 24 Day Challenge link from our home page of
GetYouInShape.com to read more about it and hear some great stories. We believe our
24 Day Challenge is our best nutritional program but this is a great tool to help you
follow a food plan.
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Table of Contents
A Personal Welcome From Brad Linder ............ 2
Table of Contents ............................................... 3
Nutrition Tips ...................................................... 4
A Big Fat List Of Fat Fighting Foods! ................. 6
How to Create Your Menu .................................. 7
Restaurant Guide ............................................... 8
Nutrition FAQ’s ................................................. 10
Exercise Tips .................................................... 12
Week 1 Meal Plan .............................................. 1
Week 1 Grocery List ......................................... 10
Week 1 Meal Planner Template ....................... 12
Week 1 Meal Tracking...................................... 13
Week 1 Progress Tracking ............................... 14
Week 2 Meal Plan ............................................ 21
Week 2 Grocery List ......................................... 30
Week 2 Meal Planner Template ....................... 33
Week 2 Meal Tracking...................................... 34
Week 2 Progress Tracking ............................... 35
Week 3 Meal Plan ............................................ 42
Week 3 Grocery List ......................................... 51
Week 3 Meal Planner Template ....................... 53
Week 3 Meal Tracking...................................... 54
Week 3 Progress Tracking ............................... 55
Bonus: Healthy Recipes ................................... 62
What’s Next ...................................................... 77
As Featured in:
Real People, Real Results
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Nutrition Tips
#1 Rule For Weight Loss - Eat Right!
I hate to say it, but it’s so true; you are what you eat.
And if you want to lose weight (or gain weight) stay off that treadmill and don’t touch
those weights until you’ve first taken a long, hard look at what you eat.
The trick to good nutrition (and therefore faster results) is to feed your body a
combination of protein and carbohydrates every few hours, this ensures proper recovery
from workouts AND optimal energy levels throughout your day. Balanced nutrition is the
key. And believe it or not, for best results, you should eat 5-6 (small) meals each day
instead of the “3 square meals” you’re probably used to, or worse… just one big meal a
Here’s a quick “ingredients checklist” you want to stick to when creating your own meals
from now on. The better you stick to this, the better your body will be when the 21 Days
are up…
Protein - Choose a portion of lean protein, such as chicken breast, ground
turkey, fish or steak. Protein is essential for building toning and building muscle.
3-5 ounces should be about the right size.
Carbohydrates - Choose a portion of complex carbohydrates, such as a small
baked potato, sweet potato, a 1/2 cup of brown rice or a slice of whole-wheat
Vegetables - Add a portion of vegetables with at least two meals each day.
Essential Fats - Consume one tablespoon of unsaturated oil daily (olive oil is
best) or 3 portions of salmon per week. Not all fats make you fat!
Water - Drink at least half your body weight in ounces each day. If you weigh
150 pounds then drink at least 75 ounces… more when you’re exercising
Again, balanced nutrition is the key. You can do all the workouts in the world, but you
just won’t be maximizing your results until you fix the way you eat. That’s why you need
to start with nutrition first, otherwise most of the time you spend exercising is wasted.
And that’s a lot of work to go to waste!
Here’s Some More Helpful
Nutrition Tips For Speedier Results
Your Rumbling Belly Is Lying To You, You’re NOT Hungry
A lot of times when people feel hungry, they’re not. They’re just dehydrated. If you drink
enough water, your body will be balanced and function the way that it’s meant to. This is
very important to aid the release of stored fat.
A good rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. But If you
live in a warmer, more humid climate or are overweight (not for too much longer!), then
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you’ll need to drink even more especially when exercising. This rule of thumb is just a
starting point.
What “Catabolic” Really Means: When the body is breaking down its own tissue, this is
referred to as a catabolic state. This happens when you don’t eat enough protein, your
body is essentially eating itself! Not a pretty picture.
You MUST eat enough protein everyday so your body doesn’t have to eat itself!
The Importance of Snacks Each Day: Most people have time to eat a good lunch and
dinner, but it’s the snacks in between and getting a complete breakfast that are the most
difficult - and the most important!
That’s when having a good meal replacement product is required. In choosing a quality
meal replacement product, you’ll want to look for one that has a good balance in
protein, high fiber, and a low glycemic index. Typically healthy shakes and bars are
excellent for this, they’re convenient and give you all the good stuff, stock-up!
Supplement Yourself: When I talk about supplementation, I’m NOT talking about
stimulants and artificial-type-products. Those are dangerous and should be avoided at
all times.
What I’m talking about are whole-food, natural, and organic nutrition-supplement-type-
Things like multi-vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, meal replacement, and exercise
recovery products. These types of supplement products are essential to provide your
body with the nutrients lacking in our food today.
Plan Your Meals: Planning is the key to your success. If you don’t have a plan how
can you measure how you’re doing. And if you’re busy like everyone else planning
becomes even more important. Don’t skip this step, plan a week in advance and you
will be successful.
Track Your Intake: When you track and journal what you are eating you become more
accountable for what you’re eating. You’ll be less likely to eat that donut if you have to
right it in your journal and see the calories in black and white. We’ve included a journal
mechanism for you in the following pages. Use it for the best results.
A USDA study showed that 97% of all Americans don’t get the nutrients they need from
food alone, and this includes you! You must supplement to get complete nutrition today.
Again, I can point you in the right direction with supplementation. There’s a lot to know
and it’s a bit of a minefield if you don’t know what you’re doing. Please feel free to e-
mail [email protected] or call 214.603.82872 if you have questions.
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A Big Fat List Of Fat Fighting Foods!
If you can use one of each of these ingredients for your 3 “main meals”
each day you’ll be off to a flying start with the Your Best Body Challenge.
Just add water to drink.
Fruit or vegetables will work for snacking in-between meals.
Chicken breast
Baked potato
Turkey breast
Sweet potato
Sunflower seeds
Lean ground
Romaine Lettuce
Pumpkin seeds
Cold-water fish
Orange roughy
Natural peanut
Steamed brown
Green beans
Low-sodium nuts
Steamed wild
Green peppers
Olives and olive
Safflower oil
Canola oil
Sunflower oil
Flax seed oil
Top round steak
Kidney beans
Brussels sprouts
Top sirloin steak
Lean ground
Lean ham
Egg whites
Fat-free yogurt
Low-fat cheese
Low-fat cottage
High-fiber cereal
Wild-game meat
Whole grains
Fats to Avoid
Fried Foods
Whole-Fat Dairy
Soy foods
Veggie burgers
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How to Create Your Menu
Now that you know exactly which foods to choose, you're ready to hand-pick the foods
you enjoy and put them all together into your own personalized meals and menu plans.
Creating effective, result-producing menus is incredibly easy once you know the simple
Step 1: Choose a lean protein from the list for every meal.
Step 2: Choose a starchy carbohydrate from the list for every meal
Step 3: Choose your simple carbohydrates for your breakfasts
Step 4: Choose your fibrous carbs for your lunches and dinners
Step 5: Assign a time for each meal
Breakfasts (meals one and two)
Because you'll be eating five or six meals a day and the first two meals will probably be
in the morning, we'll call meals one and two "breakfasts" for simplicity. The first step in
creating a breakfast is to select a lean protein such as egg whites. The second step is to
choose a starchy carbohydrate such as oatmeal. The third step, which is optional, is to
pick a natural simple carbohydrate such as an orange. Now all you have to do is adjust
your portion sizes to fit your personal calorie needs. There you have it - as easy as one-
two-three - instant meal! Here are several examples.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Egg white omelet
Protein powder
Egg white scramble
Whole wheat toast
All Fruit Jelly
Shredded Wheat
Skim Milk
Protein shake
Of course, there's no reason whatsoever why you can't have green vegetables and
chicken breast for breakfast if that's what you want. However, this isn't what most
people would consider an appetizing or "traditional" breakfast. Traditional breakfasts
usually consist of either hot or cold cereal for complex carbohydrates, a piece of fruit for
simple carbohydrates and egg whites, protein powder or a dairy product for protein.
Lunches and dinners (meals three through six)
Meals three through six will usually fall in the afternoon and evening, so group these
meals together and call them "lunches and dinners" collectively. As with all meals, you
begin by selecting a lean protein such as fish or chicken breast. Second, you choose a
starchy carbohydrate such as a baked potato. Third, you choose a fibrous carbohydrate
such as broccoli. Here are four examples:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Chicken breast
Baked potato
Top Round steak
Green beans
Brown rice
Tuna, low fat mayo
Whole wheat bread
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Restaurant Guide
Eating out can be very challenging when trying to stay within your nutrition plan. It is
not impossible. With some specific instructions to your server you can have a healthier
choice even in a restaurant. Below we've compiled some ideas for different types of
Breakfast: Order an egg white or Egg Beater® omelet. Just say "no oil or butter" and
ask for the chef to use cooking spray. You may add any vegetables that you want into it.
Request 1 or ¬2 slices of dry whole-wheat toast. Place jam on toast instead of butter.
Occasionally the chef automatically puts butter on the toast, if this happens, send it
back and restate that you asked for dry toast.
Chinese: Order steamed chicken, shrimp or scallops. Remember that you can ask for a
mix of shrimp and chicken. Request steamed rice and steamed vegetables. To add
flavor if you like spicy food, use the dry chili pepper flakes. You can also use their plum
sauce, ginger or lite soy sauce.
Continental: Order any grilled fish or chicken breast without butter, oil or sauce. Just
ask that it be cooked with seasonings but no fat. Top with diced onions, tomatoes, or
steamed spinach. Ask for the vegetable of the day to be steamed without butter.
Italian: Order grilled fish like snapper or chicken breast; without butter, oil or sauce,
smothered in steamed spinach with garlic and tomato sauce on the side and steamed
asparagus or other vegetable. If you do not like garlic, be sure to always tell the
Mexican: Instead of chips, ask for corn tortillas, dip in the hot sauce and enjoy just like
the fried chips. Order fish or chicken breast rolled in Mexican Spices and char-grilled
with no fat. Smother the fish or chicken in Pico de Gallo and get some steamed
vegetables-on the side. You can also order grilled chicken fajitas without the skin, butter
or oil. Place the chicken breast in corn tortillas with onion, Pico de Gallo, or salsa.
Actually, grilled shrimp fajitas without butter or oil, wrapped in corn tortillas is a great
meal and will contain less fat and calories than the chicken fajitas! Add all the Pico you
Seafood: Order a low fat fish, rolled in the seasonings the same seasonings they
blacken their fish with. Ask for it to be char grilled without butter, oil or fat. Most seafood
establishments offer Pico de Gallo which goes great over grilled fish. Ask for a plain
baked potato topped with salsa or mustard and steamed veggies. A great choice if you
like seafood is ceviche or shrimp cocktail with a baked potato.
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Steak House: Filet Mignon not only tastes great but has the least amount of fat of all
the steaks, but order the petite size. You may also order a grilled lobster tail without the
butter, a plain baked potato topped with salsa, catsup or mustard and steamed
vegetables like asparagus or broccoli.
Sushi: Order the shrimp or cucumber rolls, crab or California rolls made without mayo
or fish eggs. Other items that would be a great choice include scallops, snapper,
flounder and tuna. Be sure to use the light soy sauce for less sodium.
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Nutrition FAQ’s
Your Burning Questions Answered!
How can eating six meals per
day actually help me lose fat?
It doesn’t make sense, right?
Everyone thinks if you want to
lose fat you go on a diet, you eat
less. Frankly that’s baloney. And it’s
There are three reasons why eating
frequently, in the range of five to six
small meals per day, helps you lose
weight. First, smaller meals are less
likely to be stored as fat. Second,
frequent meals help stabilize blood
sugar levels and control insulin.
This insulin control helps you stay in
a fat burning state. Lastly, every
time you eat, your metabolism is
raised (meaning you use up more
food as energy) due to a process
called thermogenesis.
Thermogenesis is simply the name
for the process of your body burning
calories during the digestion
process. That’s right, it takes energy
(calories) to digest food. So eating
itself is like getting a “mini-workout”
on the inside without all the
sweating and groaning.
So what about carbohydrates, I
thought carbs make you fat?
There are “good carbs” and “bad
carbs”. There are also carbs that
fit somewhere in the middle. Bad
carbs are highly processed and
refined. This would include things
like the refined flour found in cake,
traditional pancakes, regular
tortillas, white bagels, etc. These
carbs elicicit a large insulin spike in
the body and are easily converted
to fat. These are called high
glycemic index” type carbohydrates.
The carbs I recommend you eat are
predominantly whole grains, fruits,
and vegetables. In addition, you’ll
always be combining your carbs
with protein sources when you eat.
The protein diminishes the negative
“insulin-spiking” effect of carbs. The
lean proteins, combined with the
fibrous carbs you’re eating will
minimize or eliminate any negative
effects of the whole grains and fruit.
Phew! What a mouthful!
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Pay attention to what is on the
label and make wise choices
What about alcohol, can I still
drink during my 21 Day Fat
Loss Program?
In a word, NO. Alcohol is like
liquid fat. It will not help your
fitness goals. It’s essentially a toxin
and as soon as you intake it, your
body is working hard and fast to get
it out. It interferes with your
metabolism, will take you out of a
“fat burning state, and lower your
body’s ability to produce those
crucial muscle-building, fat-burning
hormones that you’re working hard
to build up.
I recommend eliminating alcohol
from your diet. But if you must, limit
yourself to 1-2 drinks on the
weekend only. But go with light beer
or wine.
What about eating out at
For those times when you must
eat out, don’t be afraid to ask for
“special” preparation instructions for
your food. A lean piece of fish or
chicken, some
(no added
butter or oil)
and a baked
sweet potato or brown rice. Skip the
desert and drink lots of water with
lemon. No cocktails.
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A good warm-up and
stretch is essential
Exercise Tips
The “Other Part” Of Weight Loss
With nutrition down, the next sure-fire way to a skinnier waistline is good
old fashioned exercise.
Always, Always, Always
Start With A Warm-Up
Before going “at it”
whether it’s strength or
aerobic training you’re
doing, you must always for
up first. Tearing a muscle
or stretching something
further than it’s meant to
go can have you
sidelined for at
least a few
weeks, and that
only slows down
your progress.
It’s just crazy to
miss this crucial
step out.
The goal of a
warm-up is to get
your body ready
for a workout, I’ll typically
start mine by getting the
heart beating and the
blood pumping with a
quick, light jog (no more
than 5 minutes).
Afterwards I stretch, starting from the upper body and
working my way down. Paying more attention to the
muscles I am going to be using the most as I train.
The Two Categories Of Exercise You’ll Want
To Focus On
After warming up, you’ll start either one of two types of
exercise - aerobic or strength training - you’ll need to
prioritize depending on what your goals are. Assuming it’s
weight loss, a mixture of the two works best. I’ll
give you an example workout plan and the end
of this session so you can see what I mean, let
me give you a few exercise for each first…
Aerobic exercise is excellent for your heart and
circulatory system, it’s also a big calorie
burner Walking, running, jump-rope, cycling
and swimming are all good examples of
accessible aerobic exercises you can get
started with.
As for strength training, the goal here is to build
muscle for a toned, lean look on the outside. But also
because on the inside, muscle burns up calories fast.
Which means while you’re watching T.V. or even sleeping,
you’re burning calories faster than you normally would.
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Your Weekly
Week 1
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Week 1 Meal Plan
Done For You
Make Your Own, or
Have Your Food Delivered
Now that you have some great information on how to make good choices,
it’s time to develop your meal plan.
You have a choice of following the meal plan I give you over the next pages
or developing your own, or you could do a combination of both. Either way
you will need to do something. Even if you eat out at restaurants, plan for it
and be prepared. Review the Restaurant Guide and make better choices.
If you choose to use the Meal Planning Template, make sure you fill it out
completely before the week begins. Then create your shopping list and
stock up on the items you need.
If you choose to follow the meal plan I give you, then use the grocery list at
the back of the meal plan to shop for the items you need.
If you opt to have the food prepared for you, then please make sure you
pick up your food when scheduled.
Plan your meals
Create your grocery list
Prepare and pack your food
Track your progress
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Day 1
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/2 cup Egg Beaters/egg whites 10 2 0 50
1 pack Oatmeal 4.4 17.6 2 95
1 cup Milk (skim) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals 22.8 31.5 2.4 231
AM Snack
1/2 Tbsp. Peanut butterall natural smooth style 2 1.5 4 52.5
1 Banana, medium 1.2 26.7 0.6 105
Totals 3.2 28.2 4.6 157.5
3 oz. Chicken breast/white meat 19.5 0 1.2 93
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
1/4 cup Seasoned croutons 1.08 6.35 1.83 46.5
2 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar light vinaigrette 0.2 3.8 1.8 32
Totals 23.38 29.15 5.63 269.5
PM Snack
3 oz. Solid white tuna in water 22.5 1.5 1.5 105
1 Tbsp. Pickle relish 0.1 5.3 0.1 20
2 Tbsp. Fat free mayonnaise - 0 6 0 16
5 Saltine crackers, low sodium 1 10 2 60
Totals 23.6 22.8 3.6 201
4 oz. Broiled halibut 30 0 4 160
1/2 cup Cooked brown rice 2.45 24.85 0.6 116
1/2 cup Cooked broccoli, no salt 2.85 4.92 .11 25.76
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar light vinaigrette 0.1 1.9 0.9 16
Totals 36.7 41.17 6.01 366.76
Evening Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
Totals 7.5 13.5 0 90
Actual Totals for Day # 1: 117.18 166.32 22.24 1315.76
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Actual % of Total Calories: 35.13% 49.86% 15%
Day 2
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
2/3 cup Kellogg’s low-fat ready-to-eat granola/raisins 4.4 44 2.75 50
1/2 Banana, medium .6 13.35 .30 52.5
1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 2% plain 10 4.5 2.25 75
Totals 15 61.85 5.3 328.8
AM Snack
1 Medium apple with peel 0.3 21 0.5 81
1 Tbsp. Almond butter 2 3 9 101
Totals: 2.3 24 9.5 182
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
1/4 cup Seasoned croutons 1.08 6.35 1.83 46.5
1 Large hard-boiled egg 6.29 0.56 5.31 77.5
3 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 0.3 5.7 2.7 48
Totals: 10.27 31.61 10.63 270
PM Snack
1 cup Cottage cheese, 1% fat 28 6.2 2.3 164
Totals: 28 6.2 2.3 164
3 oz. Roasted pork tenderloin (lean only) 35.88 0 6.13 209.1
1 cup Fresh asparagus, boiled 4.6 7.6 .6 44
3 oz. White potato 2.1 20.55 .09 90
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 0.1 1.9 0.9 16
Totals: 43.98 39.55 8.12 408.1
Actual Totals for Day 2: 99.55 163.21 35.86 1352.9
Actual % of Total Calories: 28.99% 47.52% 23.49%
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Day 3
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/2 cup Egg Beaters or liquid egg whites 10 2 0 50
1 pack Instant oatmeal, plain 6.6 26.4 3 142.5
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals: 25 40.3 3.4 278.5
AM Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
Totals: 7.5 13.5 0 90
2 slice Whole-grain bread 5.43 25.82 2.35 137.76
3 oz. Turkey breast/white meat 25.5 0 0.6 114
1 slice 2% light mild cheddar cheese 4 1 3 50
2 leaves Raw spinach 0.57 0.73 0.08 4.6
3 slices Tomato 0.38 2.09 0.15 9.5
2 Tbsp. Fat free mayonnaise 0 6 0 16
1/2 cup Unsweetened canned applesauce 0.21 13.77 0.06 52.46
Totals: 36.09 49.4 6.24 384.32
PM Snack
1/2 cup Cottage cheese, 1% fat 14 3.1 1.15 82
1/2 cup Canned peaches, halves or slices, in water 0.54 7.45 0.07 29.28
Totals: 14.54 10.55 1.22 111.28
4 oz. Broiled halibut 30 .0 4 160
1/2 cup Cooked brown rice - 2.45 24.85 .6 116
1/2 cup Cooked broccoli, no salt 2.85 4.92 .11 25.76
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 .4 49
1 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar light vinaigrette .1 1.9 .9 16
Totals 36.7 41.17 6.01 366.76
Evening Snack
3 cup Light microwave popcorn 2.01 8.01 3 69
Totals: 2.01 8.01 3 69
Actual Totals for Day 3: 117.94 152.54 20.77 1251.86
Actual % of Total Calories: 37.18% 48.09% 14.73%
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Day 4
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 cup Cheerios 3.55 22.2 1.77 110.7
1/2 Banana, medium (add to cereal) 0.6 13.35 0.3 52.5
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
Totals: 20.05 60.95 2.47 339.2
AM Snack
10 Grapes (American) 0.2 4.1 0 20
Totals: 0.2 4.1 0 20
1 cup Low sodium vegetable soup 2 9 2 60
6 Low sodium crackers 1.2 12 2. 4 72
3 oz. Solid white tuna in water, drained 22.5 1.5 1.5 105
1 Tbsp. Pickle relish 0.1 5.3 0.1 20
2 Tbsp. Fat free mayonnaise 0 6 0 16
6 Medium baby carrots, raw 0.38 4.94 0.08 21
Totals: 33.68 39.24 6.58 329
PM Snack
1/2 cup Cottage cheese, 1% fat 14 3.1 1.15 82
1/2 cup Canned peaches, halves or slices, in water 0.54 7.45 0.07 29.28
Totals: 14.54 10.55 1.22 111.28
3 oz. Broiled pork tenderloin (lean only) 25.86 0 5.38 158.95
1 Small sweet potato, baked in skin, no salt 1.21 12.43 0.09 54
1/2 cup Fresh asparagus, boiled 2.3 3.8 0.3 22
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 0.1 1.9 0.9 16
Totals: 30.76 27.63 7.07 299.95
Evening Snack
1/2 Tbsp. Peanut butterall natural smooth style 4 3 8 105
4 Graham crackers 1.93 21.5 2.83 118
Totals: 5.93 24.5 10.83 223
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Day 5
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/2 Honey wheat bagel 4.5 22.5 0 120
1/2 Tbsp. Peanut butterall natural smooth style 4 3 8 105
1 Orange, medium 1.1 17.4 0.3 69
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0. 4 86
Totals: 18 54.8 8.7 380
AM Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
Totals: 7.5 13.5 0 90
2 slices Whole-grain bread 5.43 25.82 2.35 137.76
4 oz. Turkey breast/white meat 34 0 0.8 152
2 Tbsp. Fat free mayonnaise 0 3 0 8
1 slice 2% light mild cheddar cheese 4 1 3 50
3 slices Tomato 0.38 2.09 0.15 9.5
1 leaf Fresh spinach 0.29 0.36 0.04 2.3
1 cup Low sodium vegetable soup 2 9 2 60
Totals: 46.1 41.27 8.34 419.56
PM Snack
10 Grapes (American) 0.2 4.1 0 20
Totals: 0.2 4.1 0 20
4 oz. Chicken breast/white meat 26 0 1.6 124
2 Tbsp. BBQ sauce 0 12 1 50
1/2 cup Boiled frozen green beans, no salt 1.01 4.35 0.11 18.9
3 oz. White potato, baked 2.1 20.55 .09 90
2 Tbsp. Sour cream, reduced fat 0.88 1.28 3.6 40.5
1 tsp Fresh chives, chopped 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.3
Totals: 30.02 38.23 6.41 323.7
Evening Snack
4 cups Light microwave popcorn 2.68 10.68 4 92
Totals: 2.68 10.68 4 92
Actual Totals for Day 5: 104.5 162.57 27.45 1325.26
Actual % of Total Calories: 31.78% 49.44% 18.78%
experience results.
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Day 6
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/2 cup Egg Beaters or liquid egg whites 20 4 0 100
1 pack Instant oatmeal, plain 6.6 26.4 3 142.5
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals: 35 42.3 3.4 328.5
AM Snack
1/2 Medium apple with peel 0.15 10.5 0.25 40.5
1/2 Tbsp. Peanut butterall natural smooth style 4 3 8 105
Totals: 4.15 13.5 8.25 145.5
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
1/4 cup Seasoned croutons 1.08 6.35 1.83 46.5
1 Large hard-boiled egg 6.29 0.56 5.31 77.5
2 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 0.2 3.8 1.8 32
Totals: 10.17 29.71 9.73 254
PM Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
Totals: 7.5 13.5 0 90
4 1/2 oz. Wild Atlantic salmon, cooked with dry heat 32.44 0 10.37 232.05
1/2 cup Fresh asparagus, boiled 2.3 3.8 0.3 22
3 oz. White potato, baked 2.1 20.55 .09 90
3 Tbsp. Chunky medium salsa 0 0 0 6
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 0.1 1.9 0.9 16
Totals: 38.24 35.75 12.06 415.05
Evening Snack
4 Graham crackers 1.93 21.5 2.83 118
Totals: 1.93 21.5 2.83 118
Actual Totals for Day 6: 96.99 156.26 36.27 1351.05
Actual % of Total Calories: 28.96% 46.67% 24.37%
experience results.
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Day 7
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/2 Honey wheat bagel 4.5 22.5 0 120
1/2 Tbsp. Peanut butterall natural smooth style 4 3 8 105
1 Medium orange 1.1 17.4 0.3 69
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals: 18 54.8 8.7 380
AM Snack
1 Orange, medium 1.1 17.4 0.3 69
Totals: 1.1 17.4 0.3 69
1 cup Low sodium vegetable soup 2 9 2 60
1/2 cup Cooked broccoli, no salt 2.85 4.92 0.11 25.76
3 oz. White potato, baked 2.1 20.55 .09 90
3 Tbsp. Chunky medium salsa 0 0 0 6
Totals: 6.95 34.47 2.2 181.76
PM Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
Totals: 7.5 13.5 0 90
3/4 cup Whole wheat angel hair pasta, cooked 5.25 31.5 0.75 157.5
5 oz. Chicken breast/white meat 32.5 0 2 155
1/2 cup Marinara sauce 4 10 6 110
1/2 Tbsp. Grated Parmesan cheese 0.96 0.1 0.72 10.78
1 Medium garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.95 14.25 0.6 74
2 Tbsp. Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 0.2 3.8 1.8 32
Totals: 44.86 59.65 11.87 539.27
Evening Snack
2 1/2 cup Light microwave popcorn 1.68 6.68 2.5 57.5
Totals: 1.67 6.68 2.5 57.5
Actual Totals for Day 7: 80.09 186.5 25.57 1317.53
Actual % of Total Calories: 24.71% 57.54% 17.75%
experience results.
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Grocery List for Week One
Food Qty Measure
Pork tenderloin (lean only) 7.5 oz.
Turkey breast/white meat 7 oz.
Chicken breast/white meat 15 oz.
Wild Atlantic salmon 4.5 oz.
Halibut 4 oz.
Pasta/Grains and Accompaniments
Whole wheat angel hair pasta 3/4 cup
Marinara sauce 5 cup
Grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 Tbsp.
Brown rice 1 cup
Frozen Foods
Frozen green beans 1/2 cup
Frozen broccoli 1 1/2 cup
Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 6 cup
Greek yogurt, 2% plain 1/2 cup
Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 36 oz.
2% mild cheddar cheese 2 slices
Cottage cheese, 1% fat 2 cup
Reduced fat sour cream 2 Tbsp.
Egg Beaters or liquid egg white 2 cup
Eggs 2 large
Fresh Vegetables
Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 3 large
Medium garden salad w/tomato, onion 1 medium
Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 4 small
Asparagus 2 cup
Tomato 1 1/2 cup
Chives 1 tsp.
Spinach 3 leaves
Sweet potato 1
Medium baby carrots 6
White potatoes, medium 12 oz.
Fresh Fruits
Apple, medium 1 1/2
Orange, medium 3
Banana, medium 2
Grapes (American) 20
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Low fat granola with raisins ready-to-eat cereal 2/3 cup
Instant oatmeal, plain 4 pack
Cheerios 1 cup
Breads and Baked Goods
Honey wheat bagels 1
Whole-grain bread 4 slices
Seasoned croutons 3/4 cup
Canned Goods
Solid white tuna in water 7 oz.
Low sodium vegetable soup 3 cup
Canned applesauce, unsweetened 1/2 cup
Canned peaches, water packed halves or slices 1 cup
Fat free mayonnaise 7 Tbsp.
Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 13 Tbsp.
Chunky medium salsa 8 Tbsp.
Pickle relish 2 Tbsp.
BBQ sauce 2 Tbsp.
Snacks & Treats
Almond Butter 1 Tbsp.
Peanut Butterall natural smooth style 4 1/2 Tbsp.
Light microwave popcorn 9 1/2 cup
Graham crackers 8
Low sodium crackers 11
experience results.
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Week 1 Meal Planner Template
When you develop your own meal plan make sure you follow the serving
size suggestions I give you. This will keep you in the correct calorie range.
You don’t need to count calories, just stay within your portion size and
you’ll be successful.
Be sure to plan your meals out at restaurants. A good strategy to keep
from over eating is to ask for a to go box and pack away the extra meal for
You may need to modify some of the recipes in the recipe section to fit the
serving sizes.
experience results.
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Week 1 Meal Tracking
The absolute best way to stay on track with your nutrition plan is to track
what you actually eat.
You’ve made your plan, you’ve prepared your meals, now track your
Those who track their meals are much more successful in their weight
management goals than those who don’t.
As part of this 21 Day program you are required to keep track on a daily
basis what you eat and drink. So start tracking now.
Each week you must bring your tracking log book in to be reviewed by our
staff and to get weighed on our scientific body composition scale.
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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page [15]
Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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page [16]
Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Your Weekly
Week 2
experience results.
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Week 2 Meal Plan
Done For You
This second week meal plan is a little different from last week. I want to
make sure you don’t get bored. However, if you have meals from last week
which you enjoyed feel free to repeat them… just make sure it’s in your
By the end of this week, any feeling of being “stuffed” should be gone. You
should start to feel ready to eat by the time your next eating time rolls
Keep following the meal plan exactly as laid out and you will be successful.
You still have the option to create your own plan in the next section.
experience results.
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Day 8
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 Honey peanut Balance Bar 14 22 6 200
8 oz. Tropicana 100% pure orange juice 0 24.9 0 112
Totals: 14 46.9 6 312
AM Snack
1/2 cup Dry roasted peanuts, no salt 8.64 7.85 18.13 213.53
Totals: 8.64 7.85 18.13 213.52
1 Wheat pita (sandwich) 2.8 15.6 0.7 75
3 oz. Solid white tuna in water, drained 21.68 0 0.7 98.6
1/4 Tbsp. Pickle relish 0.03 1.33 0.03 5
1 Tbsp. Light salad dressing 0.09 1.28 4.94 50.1
8 Medium baby carrots, raw 0.8 6.4 0.8 32
8 oz. V8 vegetable juice, no salt 1.33 10.67 0 48
Totals: 26.73 35.27 7.16 308.7
PM Snack
1 cup Low sodium chicken vegetable soup 3 8 3 70
Totals: 3 8 3 70
4 oz. Chicken breast/white meat 26 0 1.6 124
1 oz. 2% reduced-fat cheddar cheese 7 0.5 6 90
1/2 cup Ready-to-serve salsa (for chicken) 1 4.07 0.1 17.55
4 oz. Fresh green beans, boiled 2.1 8.9 0.3 40
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
1 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 1 0 6
Totals: 38.7 33.47 8.8 375.55
Actual Totals for Day 8: 91.08 131.49 43.09 1279.77
Actual % of Total Calories: 28.51% 41.15% 30.34%
experience results.
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Day 9
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 pack Instant oatmeal, plain 4.4 17.6 2 95
1 Banana, medium (add to oatmeal) 1.2 26.7 0.6 105
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals: 14 56.2 3 286
AM Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
1 1/4 cup Grapes (American) 0.72 19.72 0.4 77.05
Totals: 8.22 33.22 0.4 167.05
3 cup Raw spinach (salad) 2.57 3.27 0.35 20.7
2 oz. 2% reduced-fat cheddar cheese 14 1 12 180
1/2 oz. Toasted sunflower seed kernels, no salt 2.44 2.92 8.05 87.74
1/2 cup Grated raw carrots 0.51 5.27 0.13 22.55
1 Large hard-boiled egg 6.29 0.56 5.31 77.5
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
Totals: 25.82 15.01 25.84 400.49
PM Snack
2 oz. Mozzarella string cheese (low fat) 16 2 3 100
Totals: 16 2 3 100
1/4 Tbsp. Oil (olive, sesame, soy bean, or sunflower) 0 0 3.5 30
4 oz. Flank steak, trimmed (stir fry) 31.72 0 14.68 268
1/2 cup Fresh red bell peppers, chopped 0.74 4.49 0.22 19.37
1/2 cup Fresh broccoli, chopped 1.24 2.92 0.16 14.96
1/2 cup Fresh mushrooms, pieces or slices 1.08 1.15 0.12 7.7
1/4 cup Onions, chopped 0.37 4.04 0.03 16.8
2 Tbsp. Light soy sauce 0 2.6 0 22
Totals: 35.15 15.21 18.72 378.83
Actual Totals for Day 9: 99.19 121.64 50.96 1332.37
Actual % of Total Calories: 29.57% 36.26% 34.18%
experience results.
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Day 10
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/2 cup Egg Beaters or liquid egg whites 15.06 0.8 4.15 105.42
3/4 cup Fresh cantaloupe balls 1.12 10.83 0.25 45.14
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals: 24.58 23.54 4.81 236.55
AM Snack
1 Medium apple with peel 0.3 21.1 0 81
14 oz. V8 vegetable juice, no salt 2.33 18.67 0 84
Totals: 2.63 39.77 0 165
1 Soft flour tortilla, 7” (sandwich wrap) 2 14 2 80
4 oz. Deli turkey breast 22 0 2 100
4 slices Fresh tomato (1/4” slices) 0.7 3.14 0.16 14.4
1/4 cup Fresh iceberg lettuce, chopped 0.12 0.41 0.02 1.93
1.25 oz. 2% reduced-fat cheddar cheese 8.75 0.63 7.5 112.5
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
Totals: 33.58 20.17 11.68 320.82
PM Snack
1/2 cup Cottage cheese, 1% fat 14 3.1 1.15 82
1/2 cup Fresh peach slices (add to cottage cheese) 0.77 8.11 0.21 33.15
Totals: 14.77 11.21 1.36 115.15
4 oz. Chicken breast/white meat 26 0 1.6 124
1/2 cup Cooked spaghetti, no added salt 4.06 21.6 0.65 110.6
1/4 cup Mushroom spaghetti sauce 1 7.5 1 55
1 oz. Part skim mozzarella cheese 6.88 0.79 4.51 72.01
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 1 0 6
Totals: 39.24 40.39 8.16 416.61
Actual Totals for Day 10: 114.8 135.07 26.01 1254.14
Actual % of Total Calories: 37.22% 43.8% 18.98%
experience results.
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Day 11
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 Honey peanut Balance Bar 14 22 6 200
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals: 22.4 33.9 6.4 286
AM Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
1 cup Fresh strawberry halves (add to yogurt) 1.02 11.67 0.46 48.64
Totals: 8.52 25.17 0.46 138.64
1 Hot dog bun, mixed-grain 4.13 19.18 2.58 113.09
1 Low fat beef frank 5 4 1 50
2 tsp. Prepared yellow mustard 0.4 0.78 0.31 6.6
1/2 Tbsp. Catsup 0.1 2.05 0.05 8
4 stalks Celery, trimmed 2 8 0 40
1.25 oz. Light cream cheese (stuff celery) 3 2 5 60
1 cup Fresh watermelon balls 0.94 11.63 0.23 46.2
Totals: 15.56 47.63 9.17 323.89
PM Snack
1/4 cup Dry roasted peanuts, no salt 8.64 7.85 18.13 213.53
Totals: 8.64 7.85 18.13 213.52
3 oz. Atlantic salmon, broiled or baked 18.79 0 10.5 175.1
1/2 cup Boiled cauliflower (1" pieces), no salt 2.28 5.1 0.56 28.52
1 1/2 cup Fresh asparagus, boiled 6.9 11.4 0.9 66
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
Totals: 29.27 28 12.36 330.62
Actual Totals for Day 11: 84.39 142.55 46.51 1292.67
Actual % of Total Calories: 25.45% 42.99% 31.56%
experience results.
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Day 12
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/2 cup Egg substitute, liquid (top with cheese) 15.06 0.8 4.15 105.42
1 oz. Kraft 2% reduced-fat cheddar cheese 7 0.5 6 90
3/4 cup Fresh cantaloupe balls 1.12 10.83 0.25 45.14
Totals: 23.18 12.14 10.41 240.55
AM Snack
1/2 cup Cottage cheese, 1% fat 14 3.1 1.15 82
1 cup Fresh peach slices (add to cottage cheese) 1.55 16.22 0.43 66.3
Totals: 15.55 19.32 1.57 148.3
1 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine glazed 22 24 6 240
chicken with vegetables
12 Medium baby carrots 1.2 9.6 1.2 48
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 1 0 6
12 oz. V8 vegetable juice, no salt 2 16 0 72
Totals: 26.5 60.1 7.6 415
PM Snack
2 oz. Mozzarella string cheese (low fat) 16 2 3 100
Totals: 16 2 3 100
1/2 Tbsp. Olive oil 0 0 7 65
3 oz. Top sirloin steak, lean and trimmed (stir fry) 24.67 0 8.96 186.15
4 oz. Fresh green beans, boiled 2.1 8.9 0.3 40
1/4 cup Fresh onion, chopped 0.37 4.04 0.03 16.8
1/4 cup Fresh mushrooms, pieces or slices 0.54 0.57 0.06 3.85
1 tsp. Spices, garlic powder 0.47 2.04 0.02 9.3
1 Wheat pita (serve on side with spread) 2.8 15.6 0.7 75
1 tsp. Low fat buttery spread 0 0 3 26.67
Totals: 30.95 31.15 20.07 422.77
Actual Totals for Day 12: 112.17 124.71 42.65 1326.62
Actual % of Total Calories: 33.7% 37.47% 28.83%
experience results.
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Day 13
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 pack Instant oatmeal, plain 4.4 17.6 2 95
3/4 cup Blueberries, raw (add to oatmeal) 0.8 15.76 0.36 61.99
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
Totals: 13.6 45.26 2.76 242.99
AM Snack
1/2 Medium apple with peel 0.15 10.55 0 40.5
3 Tbsp. Peanut Wonder low fat peanut butter 4.5 16.5 5.25 150
Totals: 4.65 27.05 5.25 190.5
1 Soft flour tortilla, 7” (sandwich wrap) 2 14 2 80
3 oz. Solid white tuna in water, drained 20.08 0 2.52 108.8
1/4 Tbsp. Pickle relish 0.03 1.33 0.03 5
1/4 cup Fresh spinach 0.21 0.27 0.03 1.73
3 slices Fresh tomato (1/4" thick) 0.53 2.35 0.12 10.8
1 Tbsp. Fat free mayonnaise 0 1.5 0 4
1 Medium orange 1.1 17.4 0.3 69
Totals: 23.94 36.85 5 279.33
PM Snack
6 oz. Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 7.5 13.5 0 90
Totals: 7.5 13.5 0 90
6 oz. Roasted pork tenderloin (lean only) 47.84 0 8.18 278.8
2 Tbsp. BBQ sauce 0.06 11.4 0.04 50
3/4 cup Fresh spinach (add to salad or sauté) 4.01 5.06 0.35 31.05
1/2 cup Mixed vegetables, frozen 2.6 11.9 0.1 54
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 1 0 6
Totals: 55.81 38.86 9.07 468.85
Actual Totals for Day 13: 105.5 161.52 22.08 1317.76
Actual % of Total Calories: 32.23% 49.23% 18.55%
experience results.
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Day 14
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 Honey peanut Balance Bar 14 22 6 200
4 oz. 100% pure orange juice 0 12.45 0 56
Totals: 14 34.45 6 256
AM Snack
1/2 cup Cottage cheese, 1% fat 14 3.1 1.15 82
1/2 cup Fresh peach slices (add to cottage cheese) 0.77 8.11 0.21 33.15
Totals: 14.77 11.21 1.36 115.15
1 Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine Salisbury 23 27 8 270
steak with macaroni and cheese
1 cup, Fresh watermelon balls 0.94 11.63 0.23 46.2
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
1 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 1 0 6
Totals: 25.24 49.13 8.63 371.2
PM Snack
1/2 cup Low sodium chicken vegetable soup 3 12 2 80
Totals: 3 12 2 80
4 oz. Swordfish, cooked with dry heat 28.8 0 5.84 176
1/2 cup Whole wheat angel hair pasta 4.5 20 1 105
1/4 Tbsp. Olive oil (toss with all ingredients) 0 0 3.5 32.5
1/4 cup Sun-dried tomatoes 1.9 7.53 0.4 34.83
1/2 cup Zucchini, boiled 1.3 4.01 0.15 19.15
1 oz. Grated Parmesan cheese 12 1 9 130
Totals: 48.5 32.54 19.89 497.48
Actual Totals for Day 14: 105.51 139.32 37.88 1319.83
Actual % of Total Calories: 31.97% 42.21% 25.82%
experience results.
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Grocery List for Week Two
Food Qty
Pork tenderloin (lean only) 6 oz.
Top sirloin, lean 3 oz.
Flank steak, lean 4 oz.
Beef franks, low fat 1
Deli turkey breast 4 oz.
Chicken breast/white meat 8 oz.
Atlantic salmon 3 oz.
Swordfish 4 oz.
Pasta/Grains and Accompaniments
Whole wheat angel hair 1/2 cup
Enriched spaghetti 1/2 cup
Mushroom spaghetti sauce 1/4 cup
Grated Parmesan cheese 1 oz.
Frozen Foods
Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine glazed chicken with vegetables 1
Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine Salisbury steak with macaroni and cheese 1
Frozen mixed vegetables 1/2 cup
Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 4 cups
Cottage Cheese, 1% fat 1 1/2 cup
Light yogurt, any flavor (less than 9g sugar) 18 oz.
Philly brand light cream cheese 1 oz.
2% reduced-fat cheddar cheese 5 1/4 oz.
Mozzarella string cheese (low fat) 4 oz.
Part skim mozzarella cheese 1 oz.
Egg substitute, liquid 1 cup
Eggs 1 large
Fresh Vegetables
Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 1 large
Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 5 small
Green beans 4 oz.
Asparagus 1 1/2 cup
Zucchini 1/2 cup
Medium baby carrots, raw 20
Green beans 4 oz.
Celery stalks 4
Broccoli 1/2 cup
Carrots 5 cup
Cauliflower 1 cup
Iceberg lettuce 1/4 cup
Mushrooms 3/4 cup
experience results.
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Onions 1/2 cup
Spinach 4 cup
Peppers, sweet red 1/2 cup
Fresh Fruits
Orange, medium 1
Apple, medium 1.5
Banana, medium 1
Blueberries 3/4 cup
Grapes (American) 1 1/4 cups
Cantaloupe balls 1 1/2 cups
Peaches 2 cups
Strawberries 1 cup
Tomatoes, medium 7 slice
Watermelon balls 2 cup
Instant oatmeal, plain 2 packs
Breads and Baked Goods
Wheat pita 2
Hot dog rolls, mixed-grain 1
Soft flour tortilla, 7” 2
Canned Goods
Light tuna in water 3 oz.
Solid white tuna in water 3 oz.
Low sodium chicken vegetable soup 1 1/2 cup
Tomatoes, sun-dried 1/4 cup
Olive oil 3/4 Tbsp.
Oil, sesame, soy bean, sunflower (for stir fry-optional) 1/4 Tbsp.
Fat free mayonnaise 2 Tbsp.
Prepared yellow mustard 2 tsp.
Fat free Italian dressing 11 Tbsp.
Low fat buttery spread 1 tsp.
Ready-to-serve salsa 1/2 cup
Light soy sauce 2 Tbsp.
Catsup. 5 Tbsp.
Pickle relish 5 Tbsp.
BBQ sauce 2 Tbsp.
Spices, garlic powder 1 tsp.
Snacks & Treats
Peanut Butterall natural smooth style 3 Tbsp.
Sunflower seed kernels, toasted, no salt .5 oz.
Honey peanut Balance Bar 3 each
Dry roasted peanuts, no salt 1/2 cup
experience results.
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V8 vegetable juice, no salt 34 oz.
100% pure orange juice 12 oz.
experience results.
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Week 2 Meal Planner Template
Here is another weekly planner template. Now that it’s your second week
of the program you may feel confident to “wing it”. I caution you NOT to do
that. Still plan out your meals for the week, especially if you dine out.
Follow the suggested serving sizes and you will continue being successful.
experience results.
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Week 2 Meal Tracking
Don’t think that you can slack off on your meal tracking. This is extremely
important. You haven’t built up enough of the habit of tracking to take it
easy yet.
There will be days you feel like cheating. Just remind yourself that this is
only 21 days and you can do it.
It’s just 21 days.
Remember your goals.
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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page [36]
Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Your Weekly
Week 3
experience results.
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Week 3 Meal Plan
Done For You
This third and final week meal plan is yet again a little different. We are
increasing the calories to 1500 from 1300. This is to take into account the
additional intensity of cardio you will be experiencing this week. This
should help with any issues of hunger and cravings over the last two weeks
as well.
I want to make sure you don’t binge after the 21 days is complete. So keep
following the program exactly as laid out, or create your own meal plan
using the meal planning template provided.
If you are eating the foods from Perfect Fit Meals, keep with the food which
is delivered, there is no change in your calorie range.
experience results.
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Day 15
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 cup Rice Chex 2 27 0 120
1 Banana, medium (add to cereal) 1.2 26.7 0.6 105
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
6 oz. Coffee (with caffeine) 0.2 0.7 0 6
1 Multivitamin 0 0 0 0
Totals: 11.8 66.3 1 317
AM Snack
1 Chocolate chip peanut Clif bar 12 40 6 250
1 Medium apple with peel 0.3 21 0.5 81
Totals: 12.3 61 6.5 331
4 slices Turkey breast meat (add to salad) 14.34 3.54 1.39 87.36
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
2 Tbsp. Light oil & vinegar dressing 0 4 4 40
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 16.94 27.49 6.19 230.12
PM Snack
1 bar Fruit leather snack bars 0.41 18.06 1.22 80.73
Totals: 0.41 18.06 1.22 80.73
4 oz. Shrimp, boiled or grilled 23.68 0 1.2 112
3 oz. White potato, baked 1.95 21.45 0.09 93
1 spear Broccoli 5 4 1 40
1 head Fresh endive 6.41 17.19 1.03 87.21
1 Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1.3 9.5 0.4 49
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 38.34 55.09 3.72 397.97
Evening Snack
1 cup Light microwave popcorn 0.67 2.67 1 23
Totals: 0.67 2.67 1 23
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Day 16
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/4 cup Quinoa (cooked according to package) 5.57 29.28 2.47 158.95
1 cup Frozen blueberries, unthawed 1.07 21.01 0.48 82.65
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
6 oz. Coffee (with caffeine) 0.2 0.7 0 6
1 Multivitamin 0 0 0 0
Totals: 15.24 62.89 3.34 333.6
AM Snack
1 Medium apple with peel 0.3 21 0.5 81
Totals: 0.3 21 0.5 81
6 oz. Chicken breast/white meat 39 0 2.4 186
6 oz. White potato, baked 3.9 42.9 0.18 186
2 Tbsp. Chunky medium salsa 0 0 0 4
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 45.5 64.85 3.38 490.76
PM Snack
1 Luna bar 10 26 4.5 180
Totals: 10 26 4.5 180
6 oz. Flounder, broiled 40.98 0 0 198
1 cup Fresh butterhead lettuce, chopped 0.74 1.23 0.12 7.15
1 oz. Artichoke heart, boiled 0.98 3.18 0.01 14
1 cup, Cauliflower (1" pieces), boiled, no salt 2.28 5.1 0.56 28.52
1/2 cup Sliced beets, boiled 1.43 8.47 0.15 37.4
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 46.41 20.92 0.84 289.83
Actual Totals for Day 16: 117.45 191.66 12.56 1375.19
Actual % of Total Calories: 34.81% 56.81% 8.38%
experience results.
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Day 17
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 pack Quaker instant oatmeal plus fiber 4 28 2 150
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
1 Pink or red grapefruit, 4" diameter 1.2 23.8 0.2 92
6 oz. Coffee (with caffeine) 0.2 0.7 0 6
1 Multivitamin 0 0 0 0
Totals: 13.8 64.4 2.6 337
AM Snack
1 Luna bar 10 26 4.5 180
Totals: 10 26 4.5 180
8 oz. Canned ready-to-serve lentil soup with ham 9.28 20.24 2.78 138.88
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0 8 98
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 11.88 42.19 3.58 253.64
PM Snack
1 Fresh Asian pear 0.61 12.99 0.28 51.24
Totals: 0.61 12.99 0.28 51.24
4 oz. Swordfish, cooked with dry heat 28.8 0 5.84 176
2 spears Broccoli 10 8 2 80
1/4 cup Quinoa (cooked according to package) 5.57 29.28 2.47 158.95
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 44.37 38.23 10.31 419.71
Actual Totals for Day 17: 84.75 210.42 23.16 1367.59
Actual % of Total Calories: 24.55% 60.36% 15.09%
experience results.
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Day 18
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 each Wheat free waffles, toasted 1 43 5 230
3 Egg whites, scrambled 10.5 0.9 0 51
6 oz. Coffee (with caffeine) 0.2 0.7 0 6
1 Multivitamin 0 0 0 0
Totals: 11.7 44.6 5 287
AM Snack
1 Luna bar 10 26 4.5 180
Totals: 10 26 4.5 180
3 oz. Chicken breast/white meat (shredded in ramen)19.5 0 1.2 93
1 bag Buckwheat ramen 10 60 2 280
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 29.5 60.95 3.2 377.76
PM Snack
3 Plain rice cake 2.4 21.3 0.9 105
2.8 oz. Solid white tuna in water 21 1.4 1.4 98
2 Tbsp. Fat free mayonnaise 0 6 0 16
1 box Seedless raisins (1.5 oz.) 1.32 34.05 0.2 128.57
Totals: 24.72 62.75 2.5 347.57
1 Veggie burger 11 6 0 70
1/2 cup Fresh acorn squash, cubed 0.56 7.29 0.07 28
1/2 cup Fresh radish slices 0.39 1.97 0.06 9.28
1 Medium garden salad w/tomato, onion 1.95 14.25 0.6 74
1/2 Tbsp. Fat free French dressing 0 2 0 10
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 13.9 32.47 0.73 196.04
Evening Snack
2 cup Light microwave popcorn 1.34 5.34 2 46
Totals: 1.34 5.34 2 46
Actual Totals for Day 18: 91.16 232.11 17.93 1434.37
Actual % of Total Calories: 25.07% 63.84% 11.09%
experience results.
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Day 19
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1/4 cup Quinoa (cooked according to package) 5.57 29.28 2.47 158.95
1 cup, Frozen blueberries, unthawed 1.07 21.01 0.48 82.65
1 cup Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 8.4 11.9 0.4 86
6 oz. Coffee (with caffeine) 0.2 0.7 0 6
1 Multivitamin 0 0 0 0
Totals: 15.24 62.89 3.34 333.6
AM Snack
1 Medium apple with peel 0.3 21 0.5 81
Totals: 0.3 21 0.5 81
6 oz. Chicken breast/white meat 39 0 2.4 186
6 oz. White potato, baked 3.9 42.9 0.18 186
2 Tbsp. Chunky medium salsa 0 0 0 4
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 45.5 64.85 3.38 490.76
PM Snack
1 Luna bar 10 26 4.5 180
Totals: 10 26 4.5 180
6 oz. Flounder, broiled 40.98 0 0 198
1 cup Fresh butterhead lettuce, chopped 0.74 1.23 0.12 7.15
1/2 cup Fresh beet slices, boiled 1.43 8.47 0.15 37.4
1 oz. Artichoke heart, boiled 0.98 3.18 0.01 14
1 cup, Fresh cauliflower (1” pieces), boiled, no salt 2.28 5.1 0.56 28.52
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 46.41 18.92 0.84 289.83
Actual Totals for Day 19: 117.45 191.66 12.56 1363.19
Actual % of Total Calories: 34.81% 56.81% 8.38%
experience results.
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Day 20
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 pack Quaker instant oatmeal plus fiber 4 28 2 150
1 Banana, medium (add to oatmeal) 1.2 26.7 0.6 105
6 oz. Coffee (with caffeine) 0.2 0.7 0 6
1 Multivitamin 0 0 0 0
Totals: 5.4 55.4 2.6 261
AM Snack
2 Plain rice cake 1.6 14.2 0.6 70
1 cup Grapes (American) 0.58 15.78 0.32 61.64
Totals: 2.18 29.98 0.92 131.64
1/2 cup Solid white tuna in water 30 0 2 140
2 Tbsp. Fat free mayonnaise 0 6 0 16
1 slice Avocado 0.5 2 3.75 42.5
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 33.1 29.95 6.55 313.26
PM Snack
1 Luna bar 10 26 4.5 180
Totals: 10 26 4.5 180
2 Soft corn tortilla, 7” (burrito) 2 18 2 90
1 cup Fat free shredded cheese 36 8 0 180
1/2 cup Pinto beans, boiled 7 21.8 0.4 116
3 Tbsp. Chunky medium salsa 0 0 0 6
1 Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 2.6 19 0.8 98
2 Tbsp. Fat free Italian dressing 0 2 0 12
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 47.6 69.75 3.2 506.76
Actual Totals for Day 20: 98.28 211.08 17.77 1392.66
Actual % of Total Calories: 28.46% 59.96% 11.58%
experience results.
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Day 21
Qty/Measure Description Protein Carbs Fats
1 cup Cottage cheese, 1% fat 28 6.2 2.3 164
1 slice Avocado 0.5 2 3. 75 42.5
6 oz. Coffee (with caffeine) 0.2 0.7 0 6
1 Multivitamin 0 0 0 0
Totals: 28.7 8.9 6.05 212.5
AM Snack
1 Chocolate chip peanut Clif bar 12 40 6 250
Totals: 12 40 6 250
1 cup Fresh pears, sliced 0.63 25.51 0.2 95.7
6 oz. Fruit on the bottom yogurt, any flavor 6.75 33 2.25 174
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 7.38 59.46 2.45 274.46
PM Snack
1 Fruit leather bar 0.41 18.06 1.22 80.73
Totals: 0.41 18.06 1.22 80.73
2 oz. Whole grain pasta (toss with veggies) 8 40 1.5 190
4 oz. Artichoke heart, boiled 3.9 12.7 0.02 56
1 spear Fresh broccoli 5 4 1 40
1/2 head Fresh endive 3.21 8.59 0.51 43.61
1 cup Fresh mushrooms, pieces or slices 2.16 2.3 0.24 15.4
2 cup Fresh mustard greens, chopped 3.02 5.49 0.22 29.12
8 oz. Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea 0 0.95 0 4.76
Totals: 25.29 74.03 3.5 378.89
Evening Snack
6 oz. Yoplait light yogurt, any flavor 7.5 13.5 .0 90
Totals 7.5 13.5 .0 90
Actual Totals for Day 21: 73.78 200.44 19.21 1196.58
Actual % of Total Calories: 23.24% 63.14% 13.62%
experience results.
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Grocery List for Week Three
Food Qty
Turkey breast meat (3-1/2" square; 8 per 6 oz. package) 4 slices
Chicken breast/white meat 15 oz.
Swordfish 4 oz.
Flounder 12 oz.
Shrimp 4 oz.
Pasta/Grains/Beans and Accompaniments
Whole grain pasta 2 oz.
Buckwheat ramen 1 bag
Pinto beans 1/2 cup
Quinoa 3/4 cup
Frozen Foods
Frozen blueberries 2 cup
Veggie burger 1
Nonfat skim milk or almond milk (unsweetened) 4 cup
Cottage cheese, 1% fat 1 cup
Fruit on the bottom yogurt, any flavor 6 oz.
Fat free shredded cheese 1 cup
Egg whites 3
Fresh Vegetables
Large garden salad w/tomato & onion 6
Medium garden salad w/tomato, onion 1
Small garden salad w/tomato & onion 1
White potatoes 15 oz.
Broccoli 4 spears
Artichoke heart 6 oz.
Beets 2 1/2 cups
Cauliflower 4 1/2 cups
Endive 1 1/2 heads
Butter head lettuce 2 cups
Mushrooms 1 cup
Mustard greens 2 cups
Radishes 1/2 cup
Acorn squash 1/2 cup
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Fresh Fruits
Avocado 2 slices
Asian pears, 2-1/4 in high x 2-1/2 in diameter 1
Apple, medium 3
Grapefruit, pink or red (4" diameter) 1
Banana, medium 2
Grapes (American) 1 cup
Pears 1 cup
Seedless raisins, 1 small box 1 1/2 oz.
Tomatoes, medium 7 slice
Watermelon balls 2 cup
Instant oatmeal plus fiber 2 pack
Instant oatmeal, raisin-cinnamon 1 pack
Rice Chex 1 cup
Breads and Baked Goods
Wheat free waffles 1
Soft corn tortilla, 7” 2
Canned Goods
Solid white tuna in water 1/2 cup
Solid white tuna in water 2.8 oz. can
Canned ready-to-serve lentil with ham soup 8 oz.
Fat free mayonnaise 4 Tbsp.
Chunky medium salsa 7 Tbsp.
Oil & vinegar vinaigrette light dressing 2 Tbsp.
Fat free Italian dressing 2 Tbsp.
Fat free French dressing 1/2 Tbsp.
Snacks & Treats
Light microwave popcorn 3 cups
Plain rice cakes 5
Fruit leather snack bars 2 bars
Chocolate chip peanut Clif bar 2
Luna bar 5
Unsweetened lemon-flavored instant tea powder 14 cups
Coffee (with caffeine) 42 oz.
Multivitamin 7 tablets
experience results.
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Week 3 Meal Planner Template
Here is another weekly planner template built for 1500 calories. Definitely
don’t skip this step of planning your meals, especially if you’re not following
mydone for you” program.
Keep planning your meals for the week taking into account the change in
serving sizes.
experience results.
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Week 3 Meal Tracking
Now that I’ve changed the meal plan it is extremely important to continue
following the plan.
There will be more days you feel like cheating. Just remind yourself that
this is the last week of the program and you can have a small indulgence
once the program is complete.
Remember your goals.
“The future depends on what we do in the present”
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Daily Nutrition Log
Meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6
I feel
Hungry Full Bloated Just Right
experience results.
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Mediterranean Turkey
Serves 1
1 Tbsp. Hummus
1 whole wheat English muffin
3 oz. sliced smoked Turkey
¼ medium cucumber, thinly sliced
¼ small red onion, thinly sliced
4 spinach leaves
Spread the hummus on the English muffin.
Layer turkey, cucumber, onion, and
spinach on muffin. Serve.
Turkey and Spinach Manicotti
Serves 4
8 uncooked whole wheat manicotti pasta
½ lb. lean ground turkey
1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
2 tsp. finely chopped garlic
1 cup fat free ricotta cheese
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 box frozen cut spinach, thawed,
squeezed to drain
1 ½ cups low sodium Marinara sauce
2 Tbsp. finely shredded Parmesan cheese
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray bottom
and sides of 11 x 17 inch glass baking dish
with cooking spray. Cook pasta shells as
directed on box, omitting salt. Rinse with
cool water; drain well. Spray 10 inch
nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Cook
turkey, onion, and garlic over medium heat
about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until
turkey is no longer pink. Remove from
heat. Stir in ricotta cheese, Italian
seasoning and spinach. Spoon turkey
mixture into shells; arrange in baking dish.
Spoon marinara sauce over shells. Bake
uncovered 20 to 25 minutes or until hot
and bubbly. Sprinkle with Parmesan
Low fat Granola Bars
Serves 12
1 large egg white, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp. honey
2 tsp. Canola oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
2 cups Bare Naked Granola
¼ cup raisins
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Coat a 9
inch square baking pan with cooking spray.
Whisk egg white, honey, oil, vanilla, and
cinnamon in small bowl until blended.
Combine granola and raisins in a mixing
bowl. Stir in the wet mixture until well
coated. Press granola into the prepared
pan with a wet rubber spatula. Bake until
lightly browned, 15 to 20 minutes. Cool in
the pan on a wire rack. Cut into 12 bars.
Tuna with Pear Salsa
Serves 6
Pear Salsa
1 large unpeeled pear, chopped (1 ½ cups)
1 medium hot or mild yellow chile, (2
2 medium green onions, chopped (2 Tbsp.)
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro
2 tsp. grated lemon peel
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
½ tsp. salt
6 small tuna or halibut fillets (1 ½ lb.)
In small glass or plastic bowl, mix all pear
salsa ingredients. Cover, refrigerate at
least 1 hour to blend flavors but no longer
than 24 hours. Set oven control to broil.
Spray broiler pan rack with cooking spray.
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Place fish on rack in broiler pan. Broil with
tops about 4 inches from heat about 5
minutes or until fish flakes easily with fork.
Serve tuna topped with salsa.
Mini Mushroom and Sausage
Serves 12
8 ounces turkey breakfast sausage,
removed from casing and crumbled into
small pieces
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup sliced scallions
1/4 cup shredded 2 % Swiss or 2%
mozzarella cheese
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
5 eggs
3 egg whites
1 cup skim milk
Position rack in center of oven; preheat to
325°F. Coat a nonstick muffin tin
generously with cooking spray. Heat a
large nonstick skillet over medium-high
heat. Add sausage and cook until golden
brown, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer to a bowl
to cool. Add oil to the pan. Add mushrooms
and cook, stirring often, until golden brown,
5 to 7 minutes. Transfer mushrooms to the
bowl with the sausage. Let cool for 5
minutes. Stir in scallions, cheese and
pepper. Whisk eggs, egg whites and milk
in a medium bowl. Divide the egg mixture
evenly among the prepared muffin cups.
Sprinkle a heaping tablespoon of the
sausage mixture into each cup. Bake until
the tops are just beginning to brown, 25
minutes. Let cool on a wire rack for 5
minutes. Place a rack on top of the pan, flip
it over and turn the quiches out onto the
rack. Turn upright and let cool completely.
Blueberry Smoothie
Serves 2
1 cup frozen blueberries
½ cup skim milk
6 oz. yogurt
Honey, if desired
Blend ingredients together.
Strawberry Smoothie
Serves 2
1 cup frozen strawberries
½ cup skim milk
6 oz. yogurt
Honey, if desired
Blend ingredients together.
Berry Banana Smoothie
Serves 2
1 small banana, peeled, cut up, and frozen
1/4 cup fresh or frozen assorted berries
(such as raspberries, blackberries, and/or
1 cup orange juice
3 tablespoons vanilla low-fat yogurt
Fresh mint (optional)
Fresh berries (optional)
In a blender container combine the frozen
banana pieces, desired fresh or frozen
berries, orange juice, and yogurt. Cover
and blend until smooth. To serve, pour into
glasses. If desired, garnish with fresh mint
and additional berries. Makes 2 (8-ounce)
Shrimp Caesar Salad
Serves 4
2 tablespoons light mayonnaise
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese
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1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon Sriracha (hot chile sauce,
such as Huy Fong)
1/8 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 1/2 pounds medium shrimp, cooked and
1 (10-ounce) package chopped romaine
3 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted
Chopped fresh chives (optional)
To prepare dressing, combine mayonnaise
and next 7 ingredients (through garlic),
stirring with a whisk. To prepare salad,
combine 2 tablespoons cheese, shrimp,
and lettuce in a large bowl. Add dressing;
toss well to coat. Top with pine nuts.
Garnish with chives, if desired. Serve
Spicy Parmesan Meatballs
with Angel Hair Pasta
Serves 6
3/4 cup Fiber One bran cereal
1 lb. extra lean ground beef
¼ cup shredded 2% Parmesan cheese
¾ tsp. Italian Seasoning
¼ tsp. garlic powder
1 can (8 oz) tomato sauce
1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes with green
pepper and onion, undrained
1/8 tsp ground red pepper
6 oz. uncooked whole wheat angel hair
1 to 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley, if
Place cereal in resealable food storage
plastic bag; seal bag and finely crush with
rolling pin or meat mallet (or in food
processor). In large bowl, mix cereal,
ground beef, ¼ cup cheese, Italian
seasoning, garlic powder and ¼ cup of the
tomato sauce until well blended. Shape
into meatballs. Spray 12 inch skillet
cooking spray. Cook Meatballs in skillet
over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes, turning
occasionally, until browned. Drain if
necessary. Add remaining tomato sauce,
tomatoes and red pepper to skillet; turn
meatballs to coat. Cover, cook over
medium-low heat 15 to 20 minutes, stirring
sauce and turning meatballs occasionally,
until meatballs are thoroughly cooked and
no longer pink in center. Meanwhile, cook
and drain pasta as directed on package.
Serve meatballs over pasta. Top each
serving with additional Parmesan cheese
and parsley.
Serves 2
2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted
2 Tbsp. Lime juice
1/8 tsp. Salt
¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
½ cup onions
1 cup cored chopped tomatoes
¼ tsp. Minced garlic
¼ tsp. Hot pepper sauce (optional)
In a medium bowl, mash the avocados with
the lime juice and salt. Stir in the cilantro,
onions, tomatoes, garlic, and hot-pepper
sauce. Cover with plastic wrap and
refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.
Pita chips: Cut a whole wheat pita open
and cut into triangular wedges. Bake at
350 degrees for about 7 minutes or until
Orange Beef and Broccoli Stir
Serves 4
3 Tbsp low sodium chicken broth
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½ cup orange juice
2 Tbsp. lite soy sauce
1 Tbsp. grated fresh ginger
2 tsp. cornstarch
1 tsp. toasted sesame oil
½ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
¾ lb. beef sirloin, trimmed of all fat
2 tsp. EVOO
1 large bunch broccoli, cut into florets
1 bunch scallions, cut into diagonal slices
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups cooked brown rice
In a medium bowl, combine the broth,
orange juice, soy sauce, ginger,
cornstarch, sesame oil, and red pepper
flakes. Add the beef, tossing to coat. Let
stand for 10 minutes. Heat 1 tsp. of the oil
in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add
the beef to the skillet, reserve the
marinade. Cook the beef, stirring for 3
minutes, or until browned. Remove to a
plate. Add the remaining 1 tsp. oil to the
skillet. Add the broccoli, scallions, and
garlic; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes Add the
reserved marinade and cook, stirring for 3
minutes, or until the mixture boils and
thickens slightly. Return the beef to the pan
and cook, stirring for 2 minutes or until
heated through. Serve over rice.
Grilled Greek Chicken
Serves 2
Cucumber Sauce:
¼ cup Fat free plain yogurt
1/3 cup finely chopped seeded cucumber
1 medium green onion, sliced (1 Tbsp.)
Dash salt and pepper
2 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. EVOO
¼ tsp dried oregano leaves,
Dash salt and pepper, if desired
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 whole wheat pita
1 small tomato, sliced
2 thin slices red onion
Heat gas or charcoal grill. In a small bowl,
mix sauce ingredients. Set aside (make 30
minutes or less prior to eating). In another
small bowl, mix lemon juice, oil, and
oregano. Brush lemon mixture over
chicken, coating all sides. Sprinkle with salt
and pepper. Place chicken on grill. Cover
grill; cook over medium heat 15 to 20
minutes, turning once, until juice of chicken
is clear when center of thickest part is cut.
Wrap pita halves in foil; place on grill 1 to 2
minutes or until warm. Place chicken,
tomato, and onion inside pita pockets. Top
with sauce.
Spinach Salad with Spiced
Pork with Ginger dressing
Serves 4
1 (1-pound) pork tenderloin, trimmed
1 tablespoon Sriracha (hot chile sauce,
such as Huy Fong)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cooking spray
3 cups baby spinach leaves
2 cups thinly sliced Napa cabbage
1 cup red bell pepper strips
1/4 cup low-fat sesame ginger dressing
(such as Newman's Own)
Cut pork crosswise into 1/2-inch slices;
flatten each slice slightly with hand.
Combine pork and Sriracha in a bowl,
tossing to coat. Add sugar, garlic powder,
and salt; toss well.
Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-
high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray.
Add pork mixture to pan, and cook 3
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minutes on each side or until done.
Remove from heat; keep warm. Combine
spinach, cabbage, and bell pepper in a
large bowl. Add sesame ginger dressing;
toss well. Arrange 1 1/2 cups spinach
mixture in each of 4 shallow bowls; top
each serving with 3 ounces pork.
Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins
Serves 12
1 cup fat free plain yogurt
1 cup old fashioned or quick cooking oats
1 egg or 2 egg whites, slightly beaten
¼ cup canola oil
½ cup packed brown sugar
2/3 cup all purpose flour
2/3 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
¼ tsp. salt
1 cup fresh or frozen (do not thaw)
Heat oven 400 degrees. Place paper
baking cups in 12 regular size muffin cups,
or grease bottoms only of muffin cups. In
small bowl, mix yogurt and oats. In large
bowl, mix egg, oil and brown sugar. Stir in
flours, baking soda, cinnamon, salt and
yogurt mixture (batter will be lumpy).
Gently stir in blueberries. Divide batter
evenly among muffin cups. Bake 18 to 20
minutes or until golden brown. Immediately
remove from pan.
Grilled Chicken Tacos
Serves 4
1 Tbsp. EVOO
1 Tbsp. Lime juice
2 tsp. chili powder
1/8 tsp. salt
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 can (15oz.) low sodium black beans,
1/3 cup salsa
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro
8 whole wheat tortillas
¼ cup 2 % shredded cheddar cheese
2 Tbsp. fat free sour cream
Heat grill. In shallow dish, mix oil, lime
juice, chili powder and salt. Add chicken
breasts, turning to coat. Place chicken on
grill. Cover grill; cook over medium heat
about 12 minutes, turning once, or until
juice of chicken is clear when center of
thickest part is cut. Remove from heat;
slice crosswise into strips. Meanwhile, in 2
quart saucepan, heat beans, salsa, and
cilantro over medium heat, stirring
occasionally, until thoroughly heated.
Divide chicken evenly half of each tortilla;
top with beans, cheese, and sour cream.
Fold tortilla in half over filling.
Avocado Mango Chicken
Serves 4
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons adobo sauce (from canned
chipotle chiles)
2 limes
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (4 oz
1 large mango, coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
½ teaspoon sea salt
Mix Worcestershire, soy and adobo sauces
with juice from 1 of the limes in a bowl.
Place chicken in a sealable plastic bag and
pour in marinade. Refrigerate 30 minutes.
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Combine
mango, avocado, cilantro, onion, salt and
juice from remaining lime in a bowl, then
refrigerate. Transfer chicken and marinade
to a baking dish and cook until tender and
no longer pink, approximately 20 minutes.
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Remove chicken from oven, place each
breast on a plate and top with 1/4 of salsa.
Serve with 1 tortilla each.
Beef Tenderloin Steak
Serves 4
4 (4-ounce) filet mignon steaks, trimmed
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Cooking spray
3/4 cup port or other sweet red wine
2 tablespoons jellied cranberry sauce
2 tablespoons fat-free, less-sodium beef
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 garlic clove, minced
2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese
Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium-
high heat. Sprinkle steaks with 1/4
teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper;
coat steaks with cooking spray. Add steaks
to pan; cook 4 minutes on each side or
until desired degree of doneness. Remove
steaks from pan; keep warm. Add port,
cranberry sauce, broth, 1/8 teaspoon salt,
1/8 teaspoon pepper, and garlic to pan,
scraping pan to loosen browned bits.
Reduce heat, and cook until liquid is
reduced to 1/4 cup (about 4 minutes).
Serve steaks with sauce; top with cheese.
Salsa Chicken Sandwiches
Serves 4
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
4 whole wheat burger buns, split
¼ cup black bean dip
¼ cup garlic cilantro salsa, or your favorite
½ cup shredded lettuce
Set oven control to broil. Between pieces
of plastic wrap or waxed paper, place each
chicken breast smooth side down; gently
pound with flat side of meat mallet or
rolling pin until about ¼ inch thick. Place
chicken on rack in broiler pan. Broil with
tops 4 to 6 inches from heat 15 to 20
minutes, turning once ( add buns last 3 to 4
minutes), until chicken is no longer pink in
center and buns are lightly toasted. Spread
bottom half of each bun with 1 Tbsp. dip.
Top each with chicken breast; spread with
1 Tbsp salsa. Top each with 2 Tbsp lettuce
and top of bun.
Sautéed Tilapia with Pan
Seared Peppercorn Sauce
Serves 2
3/4 cup fat-free, less-sodium chicken
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoons drained brine-packed
green peppercorns, lightly crushed
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
2 (6-ounce) tilapia or sole fillets
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons butter
Lemon wedges (optional)
Combine first 3 ingredients.
Melt 1 teaspoon of butter with oil in a large
nonstick skillet over low heat.
While butter melts, sprinkle fish fillets with
salt and black pepper. Place the flour in a
shallow dish. Dredge fillets in flour; shake
off excess flour.
Increase heat to medium-high; heat 2
minutes or until butter turns golden brown.
Add fillets to pan; sauté 3 minutes on each
side or until fish flakes easily when tested
with a fork. Remove fillets from pan. Add
broth mixture to pan, scraping to loosen
browned bits. Bring to a boil; cook until
reduced to 1/2 cup (about 3 minutes).
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Remove from heat. Stir in two teaspoons of
butter with a whisk. Serve sauce over
fillets. Garnish with lemon wedges, if
Baked Salmon with Dill
Serves 4
4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets (about 1 inch
Cooking spray
1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 lemon wedges
Preheat oven to 350°.
Place fish on a baking sheet lightly coated
with cooking spray; lightly coat fish with
cooking spray. Sprinkle fish with dill, salt,
and pepper. Bake at 350° for 10 minutes or
until fish flakes easily when tested with a
fork or until desired degree of doneness.
Serve with lemon wedges.
Fajita Turkey Burger
Serves 4
1/4 cup bottled tomatillo salsa
2 tablespoons chopped avocado
1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
2 (1-ounce) slices wheat bread
Cooking spray
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
1/2 cup finely chopped green bell pepper
2 teaspoons fajita seasoning, divided
1/4 teaspoon salt, divided
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 pound ground turkey
1 egg white
4 (1 1/2-ounce) whole wheat hamburger
buns, toasted
Combine tomatillo salsa, chopped
avocado, and cilantro; set aside.
Place bread in a food processor; pulse 10
times or until crumbs measure 1 cup.
Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-
high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray.
Add onion and bell peppers; sauté 5
minutes or until tender. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon
fajita seasoning and 1/8 teaspoon salt.
Combine breadcrumbs, onion mixture,
remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons fajita
seasoning, remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt,
tomato paste, turkey, and egg white in a
large bowl. Using damp hands, divide
turkey mixture into 4 equal portions,
shaping each into a 3/4-inch-thick patty.
Heat pan over medium heat. Recoat pan
with cooking spray. Add patties; cook 4
minutes on each side or until done. Place 1
patty on bottom half of each bun. Top each
serving with 1 1/2 tablespoons salsa
mixture; top with remaining halves of buns.
Yogurt Pops
Serves 4
1 container (6oz) Fat free flavor (any
6 oz. unsweetened fuit juice concentrate
Dash of vanilla or honey
In a medium bowl, combine yogurt, juice,
and vanilla or honey. Pour into 4 -3 oz
paper cups; freeze 1 hour or until partially
frozen. Insert wooden sticks into each cup
and freeze an additional 4 hours or until
Chicken, Cashew, and Red
Pepper Stir Fry
Serves 4
3 3/4 teaspoons cornstarch, divided
2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce,
2 teaspoons dry sherry
1 teaspoon rice wine vinegar
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3/4 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (such as
1 pound chicken breast tenders, cut
lengthwise into thin strips
1/2 cup coarsely chopped unsalted
2 tablespoons canola oil
2 cups julienne-cut red bell pepper (about
1 large)
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon minced peeled fresh ginger
3 tablespoons thinly sliced green onions
Combine 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 1
tablespoon soy sauce, and next 4
ingredients (through hot pepper sauce) in a
small bowl; stir with a whisk. Combine
remaining 2 3/4 teaspoons cornstarch,
remaining 1 tablespoon soy sauce, and
chicken in a medium bowl; toss well to
coat. Heat a large nonstick skillet over
medium-high heat. Add cashews to pan;
cook 3 minutes or until lightly toasted,
stirring frequently. Remove from pan. Add
oil to pan, swirling to coat. Add chicken
mixture to pan; sauté 2 minutes or until
lightly browned. Remove chicken from pan;
place in a bowl. Add bell pepper to pan;
sauté 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add
garlic and ginger; cook 30 seconds. Add
chicken and cornstarch mixture to pan;
cook 1 minute or until sauce is slightly
thick. Sprinkle with cashews and green
Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
Serves 2
1 lb. Cooked chicken breasts, cut into
3/4 cup vegetable broth or reduced-sodium
chicken broth
4 large cloves garlic, peeled
4 ounces whole-wheat fettuccine
1 small zucchini, cut into matchsticks
2 teaspoons cornstarch, mixed with 1
tablespoon water
2 tablespoons reduced-fat sour cream
Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper, or to
3/4 cup reduced fat grated Parmesan
cheese, divided
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil.
Combine broth and garlic cloves in a small
saucepan; bring to a boil over high heat.
Cover, reduce heat to a simmer and cook
until the garlic cloves are soft, about 15
minutes. After the garlic has simmered
about 10 minutes, cook fettuccine in the
boiling water, stirring often, for 8 minutes.
Drop in zucchini and cook until the
fettuccine is just tender, about 1 minute
more. Meanwhile, transfer the garlic and
broth to a blender. Process until the
mixture is smooth, about 1 minute. (Use
caution when blending hot liquids; see Tip.)
Return the mixture to the pot and bring to a
simmer over medium-high heat. Add
cornstarch mixture; whisk it until slightly
thickened, about 15 seconds. Remove
from the heat and whisk in sour cream,
nutmeg and pepper. Return the pot to very
low heat to keep the sauce warm. (Do not
boil.) Drain the pasta and place in a large
bowl. Add the sauce and 1/2 cup
Parmesan and chicken;toss to coat well.
Sprinkle with parsley and serve
Yogurt Parfait
Serves 4
1 ½ cups of Yogurt
2 Tbsp. Of honey
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup sliced strawberries
1 cup fresh blueberries
1 cup fresh raspberries
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4 tsp. Of low fat granola
In a mixing bowl, combine the yogurt,
honey and vanilla extract. Beat with an
electric mixer until fluffy and smooth. Place
strawberries evenly among four dishes.
Divide blueberries among 4 dishes and top
each with 3 tablespoons of yogurt. Divide
raspberries among 4 dishes and top each
with remaining yogurt mixture. Garnish with
teaspoon of the granola.
Roasted Chicken with
Peppers and Onions
Serves 4
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh
oregano or 1 teaspoon dried
2 tablespoons finely chopped pickled
jalapeno peppers
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pound boneless chicken breasts
1 red, yellow or orange bell pepper,
seeded and thinly sliced
1/2 medium onion, thinly sliced
Preheat oven to 425°F. Whisk lemon zest,
lemon juice, garlic, oregano, jalapenos, oil
and salt in a 9-by-13-inch glass baking
dish. Add tenders, bell pepper and onion;
toss to coat. Spread the mixture out
evenly; cover with foil. Bake until the
chicken is cooked through and no longer
pink in the middle, 25 to 30 minutes.
Steak Salad with Creamy
Ranch Dressing
Serves 4
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 (1-pound) boneless sirloin steak,
trimmed (about 1/2 inch thick)
Cooking spray
2 cups grape tomatoes
1 cup halved and sliced cucumber
1 cup sliced red onion
1 (16-ounce) bag classic iceberg salad
mix or chop your own
1/2 cup fat-free ranch dressing
Heat a nonstick grill pan over medium-high
Preheat broiler.
To prepare steak, combine the first 5
ingredients; rub evenly over both sides of
steak. Coat grill pan with cooking spray.
Cook steak 4 minutes on each side or until
desired degree of doneness. Remove from
pan; let stand 5 minutes. Cut steak
diagonally across grain into thin slices.
While steak stands, prepare salad.
Combine tomatoes, cucumber, onion, and
lettuce in a large bowl. Add dressing,
tossing gently to coat. Divide salad evenly
among 4 plates; top with steak.
Pepperoni Pizza
Serves 6
1 pound prepared whole-wheat pizza
dough thawed if frozen
1 cup canned unseasoned pumpkin puree
1/2 cup no-salt-added tomato sauce
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 ounces sliced turkey pepperoni (1/2 cup)
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Place oven rack in the lowest position;
preheat to 450°F. Coat a large baking
sheet with cooking spray. Roll out dough
on a lightly floured surface to the size of
the baking sheet. Transfer to the baking
sheet. Bake until puffed and lightly crisped
on the bottom, 8 to 10 minutes. Whisk
pumpkin puree, tomato sauce and garlic
powder in a small bowl until combined.
Spread sauce evenly over the baked crust.
Top with mozzarella, Parmesan and
pepperoni. Bake until the crust is crispy on
the edges and the cheeses have melted,
about 12 minutes.
Asian chicken Salad
Serves 4
2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
1 tablespoon dark sesame oil
1 teaspoon bottled ground fresh ginger
(such as Spice World)
1 teaspoon honey
6 cups gourmet salad greens
2 cups chopped cooked chicken
1 cup matchstick-cut carrots
1 cup snow peas, trimmed and cut
lengthwise into thin strips
2 tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted
Combine vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil,
ginger, and honey in a large bowl, stirring
well with a whisk. Add salad greens,
chicken, carrots, and snow peas; toss
gently to coat. Sprinkle with almonds.
Shrimp Salad
Serves 1
10 Cooked shrimp
1/3 cup avocado, sliced
1 Tbsp. slivered almonds
2 Tbsp. red onion, diced
2 Tbsp. carrot, diced
1 Tbsp. sesame dressing
2 cups of greens
Toss all ingredients together and serve.
Chicken Salad Wrap
Serves 6
4 cups mixed salad greens (about 1/2 of
10-oz. bag)
1 pkg. (6 oz.) Fresh Grilled Chicken Breast
1 medium tomato, chopped
1 medium red pepper, chopped
1/2 cup Fat Free Crumbled Feta Cheese
1/4 cup Fat Free Italian Dressing
1 pkg. (12.5 oz.) Whole Wheat Tortillas,
Toss salad greens with chicken, tomato,
peppers and cheese in large bowl.
Add dressing; mix lightly.
Place about 2/3 cup of the greens mixture
on each tortilla; roll up.
Tex Mex Beef Tacos
Serves 10
Cooking spray
1 cup chopped onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 pound ground lean beef
1 cup frozen whole-kernel corn
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 to 3 drained canned chipotle chiles in
adobo sauce, chopped
10 (8-inch) Whole Wheat tortillas
Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-
high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray.
Add onion, garlic, and beef; cook 6 minutes
or until browned, stirring to crumble beef.
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Stir in corn and next 6 ingredients (corn
through chiles). Bring to a boil; reduce
heat, and simmer 10 minutes. Warm
tortillas according to package directions.
Spoon 1/2 cup beef mixture into each
Chicken Stir Fry
Serves 4
1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut
into strips
2 Tbsp. Light Sun-Dried Tomato Dressing
1 cup small broccoli florets
1/2 cup small cauliflower florets
1/2 cup bell pepper strips
1/2 cup Light Sun-Dried Tomato Dressing
3 cups hot cooked brown rice
Stir Fry chicken in 2 Tbsp. dressing in
large skillet on medium-high heat 10
minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
Add vegetables; stir-fry an additional 10
Add 1/2 cup dressing; mix well. Cook until
heated through, stirring frequently. Serve
over rice.
Flank Steak with Shiitake
Serves 4
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 (1-pound) flank steak, trimmed
Cooking spray
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 garlic clove, minced
2 cups thinly sliced shiitake mushroom
caps (about 1/2 pound mushrooms)
1 cup less-sodium beef broth
1/3 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup minced green onions
Preheat broiler.
To prepare steak, sprinkle salt and pepper
evenly over both sides of steak. Place
steak on a broiler pan coated with cooking
spray; broil 5 minutes on each side or until
desired degree of doneness. Remove the
steak from oven; loosely cover with foil.
To prepare sauce, heat a large nonstick
skillet over medium-high heat. Coat pan
with cooking spray. Add 1/2 cup onion and
garlic; sauté 2 minutes. Add mushrooms;
sauté for 4 minutes. Add broth, wine, and
vinegar. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to
medium, and cook until reduced to 1 1/4
cups (about 6 minutes). Add green onions,
and cook for 1 minute.
Slice steak diagonally across the grain into
1/4-inch slices. Serve steak with
mushroom sauce.
Chicken Pasta Skillet
Serves 4
1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut
into bite-size pieces
1 green pepper, sliced
1 small onion, sliced
1-1/2 cups water
2 cups whole wheat rotini pasta, uncooked
1 jar (26 oz.) spaghetti sauce
1 cup 2% Milk Shredded Mozzarella
Cook and stir chicken in large skillet
sprayed with cooking spray on medium-
high heat 5 min. Add vegetables; cook and
stir 5 min. Stir in water. Bring to boil;
reduce heat to medium-low.
Stir in pasta, covering completely with
water; cover with lid. Simmer 15 min. or
until pasta is tender. Stir in sauce.
Sprinkle with cheese. Reduce heat to low;
cook, covered, 5 min. or until cheese is
melted and mixture is heated through.
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Orange Glazed Salmon
Serves 4
4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets (1 inch thick)
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Cooking spray
2 tablespoons minced shallots
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary
3/4 cup fresh orange juice (about 2
1 tablespoon light maple syrup
Sprinkle fillets evenly with salt and pepper.
Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-
high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray.
Add fillets; cook 2 minutes on each side or
until fish flakes easily when tested with a
fork or until desired degree of doneness.
Remove from pan. Recoat pan with
cooking spray. Add shallots; sauté 30
seconds. Stir in wine and rosemary; cook
30 seconds or until liquid almost
evaporates. Add juice and syrup; bring to a
boil, and cook 1 minute. Return fillets to
pan; cook 1 minute on each side or until
thoroughly heated.
Muffin Frittata
Serves 6
6 eggs
½ cup milk
¼ tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 cup 2 % shredded Cheddar Cheese
¾ cup chopped Zucchini
¼ cup chopped red bell pepper
2 Tbsp. chopped red onion
Heat oven to 350°F. Beat eggs, milk, salt
and pepper in medium bowl until blended.
Add cheese, zucchini, bell pepper and
onion; mix well. Spoon evenly into 12
greased muffin cups, about 1/4 cup each.
Bake in 350°F oven until just set, 20 to 22
minutes. Cool on rack 5 minutes. Remove
from cups; serve.
Layered Bruschetta Salad
Serves 4
4 plum tomatoes, chopped
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil
1/2 cup Light Balsamic Vinaigrette
1 pkg. (10 oz.) torn romaine lettuce
1 pkg. (6 oz.) Italian Style Chicken Breast
2 Tbsp. Reduced Fat Grated Parmesan
Combine tomatoes, basil and dressing; set
Place lettuce in medium serving bowl; top
with layers of croutons, chicken and tomato
mixture. Sprinkle with cheese. Serve
Turkey Cucumber Pita
Serves 1
1 whole wheat pita bread (6 inch)
1 Tbsp. Light Mayo
1 lettuce leaf
4 slices Fresh Shaved Smoked Turkey
2 slices tomato
1 KRAFT 2% Milk Singles
4 slices cucumber
Spread bread with dressing.
Top with lettuce, turkey, tomatoes, 2% Milk
Singles and cucumbers.
Fold in half to serve.
Chicken Quesadillas
Serves 4
2 cups shredded cooked chicken
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1/2 cup drained canned whole kernel corn
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1/2 cup drained canned low sodium black
beans, rinsed
1 cup Salsa
1 cup 2% shredded Cheddar Cheese
8 Whole Wheat Tortillas
Layer chicken, corn, onions, beans, salsa
and cheese evenly over one half of each
Fold tortillas in half to enclose filling.
Cook one or two quesadillas at a time in
large nonstick skillet on medium-high heat
3 min. on each side or until quesadillas are
lightly browned on both sides and cheese
is melted.
Fish and Fries
Serves 1
4 oz. cod
1 Tbsp. EVOO
1 large Sweet Potato
1 tsp. EVOO
Sprinkle of Salt
Sprinkle of garlic
Rub cod with EVOO and sear 2 to 3
minutes per side. Cut sweet potato
lengthwise into fries. Boil for 10 minutes.
Drain and toss potatoes, EVOO , salt, and
garlic. Heat oven to 450 and spread fries
on cookie sheet. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
Cabbage Salad
Serves 1
Cut 1 ½ cups of cabbage and toss with 2
Tbsp. of low fat dressing.
Hoisin Flank Steak with
Cucumber Salad
Serves 4
3 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 teaspoon bottled ground fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon grated orange rind
1 (1-pound) flank steak, trimmed
Cooking spray
2 cups thinly sliced seeded peeled
1/4 cup thinly vertically sliced red onion
1/4 cup matchstick-cut carrot
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 teaspoons fish sauce
1/8 teaspoon salt
Preheat broiler. Combine first 3
ingredients in a small bowl. Brush steak
with half of hoisin mixture. Place steak on a
broiler pan coated with cooking spray. Broil
6 minutes. Turn steak over; brush with
remaining hoisin mixture. Broil 6 minutes or
until desired degree of doneness. Place
steak on a cutting board; let stand 5
minutes. Combine cucumber and
remaining ingredients in a bowl; toss to
combine. Cut steak diagonally across grain
into thin slices. Serve with cucumber salad.
What Now?
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What’s Next
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on completing 21 days of nutrition, you
should be very proud of your accomplishments.
Your measurements will determine exactly how well you did. If you gave it
100% you will see 100% of the results. If you only did 80% then you will
see 80% of the results. The choice is yours.
My hope through this program is that you discovered a couple of things.
1. You can commit to something and do it for just 21 days.
2. Get You In Shape is a pretty cool place and has some great
programs to help you achieve your fitness goals.
We hope you continue your health and fitness journey with us if you have
not already joined our program.
You won’t want to quit now.