The Green Transition: Renewable Energy Technology, Climate Change Mitigation,
and the Future of Work in New Jersey
By Todd E. Vachon, PhD.
School of Management and Labor Relations
Rutgers University
Prepared for the New Jersey Governor’s Task Force on the Future of Work
January 2019
Executive Summary i
Introduction 1
The Climate Crisis and the Future of Work 2
Data and Methods 5
Climate Change, Mitigation, and Jobs 7
Major Sources of GHG Emissions and Associated Jobs 8
Plausible GHG Mitigation Strategies and Potential Jobs 11
Transportation 12
Electric Power Generation 17
Residential and Commercial 22
Discussion 26
Conclusion 29
References 31
Meeting the goals of New Jersey’s Global Warming Response Act will require a rapid transition
toward renewable energy technologies that will alter the future of work in New Jersey. This
report provides insight into the following questions: What is the magnitude and nature of the new
jobs that are likely to be created? What types of skills will be required? What magnitude of job
displacement can be expected? And what steps can be taken to ensure that efforts to address
climate change are reducing rather than exacerbating the existing problems of social and
economic inequality in the state? Given the breadth of technologies explored in this report, the
findings should be considered a preliminary analysis and an invitation to further modelling
around the likely impacts of each specific technology. Notable findings include:
Investments in renewable technologies will create tens of thousands of jobs across dozens of
occupations in New Jersey, particularly in construction and blue-collar occupations:
A transition to 100% renewable power sources will create over 80,000 construction jobs
and 50,000 operations jobs according to the Solutions Project at Stanford University. This
report finds that a 3500MW offshore wind project would create between 14,000 and
16,000 jobs and that doubling rooftop solar capacity from 3.5% to 7% would create over
3,000 additional solar jobs in the state.
A large share of jobs resulting from wind and solar projects are in the manufacturing
sectorlocal procurement requirements and other economic incentives could bring these
jobs to New Jersey.
Investments in clean vehicle infrastructure and expanding mass transit would bolster
employment in engineering, construction, installation, maintenance, repair, sales,
production, and transportation occupations.
About 31,679 New Jersey residents currently work in energy efficiency, with over 60%
in the construction trades, earning an average annual income of $60,710. Employment in
this non-outsourceable sector is expected to grow 9% this year and continue expanding.
The green transition will require investments in education and worker training:
Most new jobs will not require higher levels of education than existing energy jobs, but
the demand for new workers may outstep the capacity of existing education programs.
According to the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report, over 70% of energy
efficiency employers reported difficulty finding qualified workers, with 26% noting it
was very difficult.” The retirement of baby boomers from the workforce will further
contribute to the shortage of skilled blue-collar workers in the state.
Investments in specialized technical training at the high school and college level as well
as through trade apprenticeships and other training programs will be needed.
Transitioning to 100% renewable energy will reduce employment in fossil fuel industries:
Approximately 20,000 New Jersey residents are employed in fossil fuel industries,
including about 8,000 in oil and gas production, 1,900 in petroleum refining, 5,500 in
coal- and gas-fired power plants, and another 5,000 in related occupations.
Fossil fuel power plant jobs will be directly impacted by the transition to 100%
renewable energy. Petroleum-related jobs would likely experience a more prolonged
market-based decline resulting from the decline in demand for petroleum products. Plant
and refinery operators earn an average annual income of $72,000, a higher salary on
average than most blue-collar renewable energy jobs at this time.
Business leaders, policy-makers, and labor organizations should work together to
negotiate solutions that ensure a fair and just transition for these workers. This is not only
the right thing to do for workers who are the victims of energy policy decisions but is
also a prerequisite for ensuring the broad-based support that is needed for the enactment
and implementation of any serious climate mitigation strategy.
The green economy is already more diverse than the old energy sector, but still stratified:
28% of workers in the four biggest solar job categories in New Jersey were non-white in
2017 compared to 17% in the biggest fossil fuel occupations. About 65% were male for
both industries, reflecting the prevalence of blue-collar occupations in the energy sector.
Most of the diversity in the solar industry is found in the lower-paying rooftop solar
installation positions.
With the right policy mix, the green transition can be a vehicle for not only addressing
climate change but also many of the states existing social, economic, and environmental
inequalities. Some recommendations include:
Inclusion of historically marginalized communities that have suffered the most and
benefited the least from the existing energy system into dialogues and decision-making
processes related to climate change, including job training and recruitment programs.
Strong worker protections, including: the right to organize a union free from intimidation;
a “green prevailing wage” to ensure that new energy jobs are of similar quality as old
energy jobs and to advantage law-abiding, in-state contractors; a fair and just transition
for displaced workers; a “green new deal” to put unemployed workers to work creating
green infrastructure while simultaneously reducing unemployment at the margins of the
labor market; and clear career ladders for green jobs to ensure the retention of skilled
workers and to serve as a vehicle for spreading diversity into higher level occupations.
Humanity is facing a climate emergency. Bold and immediate solutions are required to avert the
worst impacts of climate change. Societies are also facing unprecedented levels of income and
wealth inequalityoften along the lines of race and genderwhich threaten the very
foundations of democratic governance. Previous attempts to address these two problems
separately have often erupted in conflicts of “jobs vs. the environment” and ended with losses of
both (Hyde and Vachon, 2018; Kazis and Grossman, 1982; Obach, 2002, 2004; Vachon and
Brecher, 2016). From the struggles over old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to pipeline
projects in the heartland to natural gas fracking here in the Mid-Atlantic, it is abundantly clear
that efforts to protect the environment which place the economic burden solely on workers are
both unjust and likely doomed to fail in the court of public opinion.
The motivation for the current research is derived from this historically situated knowledge
which tells us that to effectively solve either one of these grand problemsclimate change or
inequalitypolicymakers must consider both problems simultaneously (Brecher, 2014). Such
solutions will invariably alter the future of work in New Jersey. New industries will rise, old
industries will fall. Jobs will come, and jobs will go. Depending upon the information at hand
and the policies prescribed, state leaders can either: 1) protect the climate and reduce inequality;
2) protect the climate and exacerbate inequality; or 3) not protect the climate and either reduce or
exacerbate inequality. The first option not only leads to the most societally optimal outcome but
is the only one that can build the broad base of support that is required for the successful
enactment and implementation of a strong climate protection program. This report aims to
provide relevant information about the likely employment impacts of various climate change
mitigation strategies to help inform public policy that can lead to the optimal outcome.
The Climate Crisis and the Future of Work
Recent reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as well as the U.S.
Government’s Fourth National Climate Assessment warn us that ever-growing levels of fossil
fuel use are stretching planetary limits by raising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air
pollution to dangerous levels (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2018; U.S. Global
Change Research Program, 2018). The current carbon-based energy system is negatively
affecting the health and quality of life of the world’s population and is disproportionately
affecting marginalized populations, whom have contributed the least to the problem. Record
global temperatures and warmer ocean temperatures are increasing the odds of devastating
hurricanes and extreme rain events in some locations and prolonged droughts and wildfires in
New Jersey has already experienced some of the impacts of a warming planet in the form of
extreme storms, coastal and inland flooding, and extended heatwaves. Superstorm Sandy alone
caused more than $70.2 billion worth of damages in 2012. With rising and warming oceans, the
frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme weather events will only accelerate. Without
substantial reductions in our levels of GHG emissions, the state will be forced to confront a
reality where the Jersey shore is in a perpetual state of emergency, urban areas suffer frequent
deaths from pro-longed heatwaves, and inland river flooding rises to the steps of the state capitol
in Trenton.
To address the looming threat of climate change, the New Jersey state government enacted
the Global Warming Response Act (GWRA) into law in 2007. The Act seeks to limit the level of
statewide GHG emissions to 80% below the 2006 level by the year 2050. As presented in Figure
1, the state has made some moderate progress in achieving its goals, but significant work remains
to be done. The eminent decommissioning of the state’s (mostly) carbon-free nuclear power
plants in the coming decades will intensify the challenge of meeting the 2050 goals. However,
the new administration of Governor Murphy has vowed to take steps to meet the goals of the
GWRA. The Governor’s Environment and Energy Transition Advisory Committee made several
recommendations which the Governor has indicated support for, including: 1) a rapid transition
to renewable energy sources,
2) a significant reduction in statewide GHG emissions,
and 3) a
real effort to address environmental justice issues which have plagued the state for decades.
[Figure 1 about here]
The pursuit of these recommendations would trigger significant changes within the New
Jersey workforce in terms of the number of jobs, the types of jobs, and the types of workers who
get the jobs. Compared to the baseline “business-as-usual” scenario, compliance with the GWRA
will require fewer workers in extraction, oil and gas production, and non-renewable electricity
production, such as coal-and gas-burning plants. However, it will also require much larger
numbers of workers in energy efficiency programs, green infrastructure construction, and
renewable energy production. This report seeks to address the following five questions:
1. What magnitude of job displacement can be expected as a result of the technological
transition? What types of workers are likely to be impacted?
2. What is the magnitude and nature of new jobs that are likely to be created as a result of
the transition toward renewable technologies?
3. What types of skills will be required for these new jobs compared to existing energy
4. How do the wages for these new “green jobs” compare to those in the existing energy
5. What steps can be taken to ensure that efforts to address climate change are reducing
rather than exacerbating the problems of social and economic inequality in the state?
Regarding job numbers, a simple survey of the contemporary labor market offers some
insight. Currently, the solar industry accounts for upwards of 7,000 jobs in New Jersey, with
about half in installation and the other half in project development, sales, and manufacturing.
Conversely, power plant operators in traditional coal-fired, gas-fired, and nuclear power plants
account for just 690 jobs. In line with previous research, this anecdote suggests that on average,
the total number of new jobs created will outpace the total number of jobs lost. However, this
numerical fact will be of little or no comfort to the individual workers who face the loss of their
job (Dixon and Van Horn, 2003). To remedy this social cost associated with policies that are
required to protect public health and safety, a series of just transition measures could be
considered, including early retirement for workers that are nearing the end of their careers and
job training and placement programs for younger workers. Understanding who the impacted
workers are can help inform such policies.
Looking at job skills, most blue-collar jobs in the green energy sector will not require a
college degree, as was also the case for fossil fuel-related jobs. However, the level of investment
in green infrastructure that will be required to meet the emissions reduction targets laid out in the
GWRA suggests a likely need to expand apprenticeship programs in the skilled trades to prepare
workers for the construction of offshore wind farms, commercial-grade solar installations, and
electric vehicle charging stations, to name just a few of the new technologies that will be
adopted. The increased number of professional jobs in civil and environmental engineering, the
sciences, and education and training will also require an increase in the number of skilled
workers with specialized training in these fields. Taking stock of the likely occupations needed
to successfully implement the GWRA can help inform and shape educational programming at
the high school and post-secondary level as well as in professional schools and apprenticeship
Likely, one of the great challenges of the green transition will be to ensure that the new
“green jobs” are also “good jobs.” The blue-collar fossil fuel jobs of the old economy have
benefitted from generations of subsequent collective bargaining agreements which have secured
livable wages and ample employment-based fringe benefits. Many new jobs, such as those
related to the construction of offshore wind farms, will also pay livable wages and offer good
benefits if the right labor agreements are in place. However, existing green jobs in other areas,
particularly residential solar, are yet to offer such wages and benefits. For example, the median
annual salary for a solar installer in New Jersey is currently $43,620. Compare that to power
plant operators who earn a median annual salary of $80,530 and it becomes clear why some
workers are reluctant to trade in their old “dirty” job for a new green one. Some possible
solutions to the green job wage gap could be strong protections for the rights of workers to
unionize in the sector or the creation of a “green prevailing wage measure for all green
economy jobs. In sum, a closer examination of the wage composition of green economy jobs can
help to inform fair wage and labor standards governing employment in the sector.
The remainder of this report will consider in greater detail the jobs and wages associated
with the major sources of GHG emissions as well as the climate mitigation technologies that are
most likely to be deployed in New Jersey.
This report will utilize employment, wage and occupational data from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) Occupational Employment Statistics (2018a), BLS Occupational Outlook
Handbook (2018b), and the U.S. Census Current Population Survey (2018) in conjunction with
previous research on green jobs to determine occupations that are most likely to experience
growth as a result of the green transition. Energy production and greenhouse gas emissions data
from the U.S. Energy Information Administration will be used to determine the sectors that are
most likely to be targeted by technologically-driven climate mitigation strategies in New Jersey.
This report will focus solely on energy-related drivers of climate change as they are the most
relevant when considering employment impacts.
Upon identifying the most logical mitigation strategies, the study will utilize the Jobs and
Economic Development Impact (JEDI) modelling procedure developed by the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy to generate approximate job projections for some projects, particularly
wind and solar (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2018). Based on user-entered project-
specific data or default inputs (derived from industry norms), JEDI estimates the number of jobs
and economic impacts to a local area that can reasonably be supported by the project. Jobs
outputs are distributed across three categories: project development and onsite labor impacts,
local revenue and supply chain impacts, and induced impacts. JEDI model defaults are based on
interviews with industry experts and project developers. Economic multipliers contained within
the model are derived from Minnesota IMPLAN Group's IMPLAN accounting software and
state data files.
This report categorizes types of jobs that would be created using the Department of Labor’s
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. The 2018 SOC system is a federal statistical
standard used by federal agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the
purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data. All workers are classified into one of
867 detailed occupations according to their occupational definition. To facilitate classification,
detailed occupations are combined to form 459 broad occupations, 98 minor groups, and 23
major groups. Detailed occupations in the SOC with similar job duties, and in some cases skills,
education, and/or training, are grouped together.
The analytical method of this study will proceed in three stages. First, I will review the
primary sources of GHG emissions in the state of New Jersey to identify the most effective and
plausible climate mitigation strategies. I will then identify the major occupations which will
experience a decline in employment as a result of transitioning to renewable energy sources.
Finally, I will explore the occupations that will most likely experience growth as a result of these
mitigation technologies and the skills that will be needed to perform these jobs. Given the short
timeframe provided for completing this analysis and the large number of mitigation strategies
considered, the employment projections are meant to be suggestive of the types of changes that
can be expected in the state labor market. Future research should investigate the economic and
job impacts of each mitigation strategy separately and in greater detail.
Addressing the issue of climate change requires reducing the levels of GHG emissions into
the Earth’s atmosphere—our home. Fossil fuels have powered the growth of capitalist economies
since the industrial revolution. They have provided the electricity for businesses, fuel for
transportation, and heat for homes that helped to build the American middle class. History tells
us that this story was not always joyous for all involved and that the rewards and consequences
of the dual rise of fossil fuels and capitalism were not always evenly distributed. At this critical
juncture, as we stand at the precipice of a new energy world order, it is imperative that we look
to our past and build from our successes and try to avoid our mistakes. In our collective hands
we hold an opportunity to not only save the Earth’s climate for our children and grandchildren,
but to help ensure a more fair and just distribution of jobs and resources for our family members,
friends, neighbors, and ourselves.
In this section I will briefly describe the major sources of GHG emissions in New Jersey and
consider some of the occupations that are reliant on the continued extraction, production,
transportation, and consumption of the fossil fuels that emit these climate changing gases. While
they will be categorized and referred to as jobs, it is important to remember that in each job is a
living human person who has hopes and dreams and who has a family that relies on the income
from that job. If addressing climate change means eliminating jobs that are related to fossil
fuelswhich it doesthen addressing climate change also means addressing the needs of the
workers who through no fault of their own will face job loss. That is the minimum ticket price
for participating in any meaningful and morally intact discussion of climate change mitigation as
a public policy.
Major Sources of GHG Emissions and Associated Jobs
Figure 2 outlines New Jersey’s energy-related CO
emissions as reported by the U.S. Energy
Information Administration (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2018). As indicated by the
blue section of the pie, more than half of all emissions in the state are from the transportation
sector (52%). Electrical power generation contributes 16%, residential and commercial buildings
combined contribute 23.5%, and industrial processes 8.6%. The bar portion of the figure looks at
emission levels by fuel type. As indicated by the red bar, petroleum use emits 68.4 MMTCO2
into the atmosphere each year and natural gas contributes 41.3 MMTCO2.
[Figure 2 about here]
Considering transportation’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions it should be no
surprise that petroleum is the major fuel source driving emissions in the state, accounting for
61% of emissions by fuel type. The second major source of emissions, natural gas, which
accounts for 37% of emissions, is utilized for electricity generation as well as for heating,
cooking, and hot water in residential and commercial buildings. The relatively minor
contributions by coal are a testament to New Jersey’s shift away from coal to other power
sources in recent decades (McDonald, 2017).
Using BLS data, Table 1 outlines the major occupations that are related to the extraction,
production, and consumption of petroleum, natural gas, and coal in New Jersey. According to the
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), New Jersey has no crude oil reserves or
production, but the state has two operating oil refineries which produce a range of refined
products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil. Four refineries were closed in the state
between 2010 and 2017, but the northern portion of the coastline, along the New York harbor, is
still home to the largest petroleum product hub in the northeast. One third of the 1-million-barrel
federal Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve is stored at Port Reading. New Jersey is crossed by
major petroleum pipeline systems and receives petroleum product imports by tanker from all
over the world that supply northeastern markets. New Jersey also serves as the primary
distribution hub for ethanol that is blended with gasoline across the East Coast.
[Table 1 about here]
Since 2010, natural gas consumption for electricity generation has increased by more than
one-third in New Jersey, replacing several coal-fired power plants due to reduced costs as well as
environmental and health benefits. Three out of four households in the state use natural gas as
their primary home heating fuel. When it comes to natural gas production, New Jersey does not
produce any, nor does it hold any reserves. This is due largely to the opposition by state residents
to the use of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for natural gas production which can have negative
effects on local drinking water supplies. In response to public opinion, New Jersey's state
government in early 2018 supported a ban on fracking in the Delaware River Basin. Although it
does not produce any natural gas of its own, New Jersey is crossed by several interstate pipelines
that are primary carriers of natural gas. About half of the natural gas entering New Jersey is
consumed by state residents and the other half is shipped on to other states. New pipeline
sections are currently under construction in the state to transport more natural gas from
Pennsylvania through New Jersey and on to the Northeast, but many new natural gas pipeline
projects in the state have been met by public opposition.
When it comes to coal, New Jersey does not have any coal reserves or mined coal
production. The state also uses very little coal for electricity generation as most of the coal-fired
power plants have been shut down or converted to natural gas. The state's sole remaining coal-
fired electricity generating plant and two co-generation stations at industrial sites receive coal by
rail, usually from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. The last remaining coal-fired
power plant will be converted to natural gas when a fuel supply pipeline is available.
Taken together, approximately 20,000 New Jersey residents are directly employed in the
fossil fuel industry, including about 8,000 in oil and gas production, 1,900 in petroleum refining,
5,500 in coal- and gas-fired power plants, and another 5,000 in related occupations (The
Solutions Project, 2018). The demographics of workers in the five biggest occupations in the
fossil fuel industry in New Jerseyproduction workers, first line supervisors, miscellaneous
managers, chemical engineers, and plant and system operatorsare 62% male, 83% white, and
the average age is 45 years old with about 24% of workers aged 55 or older and 23% under the
age of 35.
As the state makes the shift to 100% renewable energy, jobs in natural gas and coal will
begin to phase out. The fate of jobs in oil refining and petroleum products is less clear as they are
more likely to be determined by market forces such as declining demand for petroleum products
than by public policies. However, it is not inconceivable that the state could place a restriction on
fossil fuel production as a means of addressing climate change just as the state has banned the
fracking of natural gas in order to protect water supplies. Whichever scenario comes to pass, it
will be the responsibility of the state in conjunction with employers and workers to establish a
plan for an orderly transition away from fossil fuels that protects the livelihoods of all displaced
workers. This issue will be discussed further in the concluding remarks at the end of this report.
Plausible GHG Mitigation Strategies and Potential Jobs in these Sectors
For New Jersey to reduce its GHG emissions in accordance with the targets set by the
GWRA, major changes will be needed to reduce the use of petroleum, natural gas, and coal. This
will require a transformation in the ways we commute to work and travel, heat our homes and
businesses, and how we as a state generate electricityall of which will have ramifications for
the future of work in the state. There is not one magic bullet to eliminate GHG emissions
(Pacyniak, Kaufman, Bradbury, Veysey, Macbeth, Goetz, et al., 2017). The most plausible
strategy for meeting the state’s mitigation goals will involve a combination of: 1) electrification
of vehicles and expansion of mass transit to reduce petroleum use, 2) a switch to 100%
renewable energy sources for electricity generation to reduce natural gas and coal use, and 3)
investments in energy efficiency for homes and businesses.
The jobs associated with each of
these strategies will be reviewed below.
Being the single largest contributor to GHG emissions, changes to the New Jersey transportation
system can make tremendous contributions to achieving the goals of the GWRA. There are two
primary means by which the state can reduce petroleum consumption: 1) the electrification of
public and private vehicles that are currently powered by combustion engines, and 2) the
expansion of mass transit to reduce single-passenger vehicle use.
Based upon New Jersey’s current mix of electricity sources, plug-in electric vehicles
(EVs) emit 8,991 less pounds of CO
per year
than traditional combustion engine vehicles (U.S.
Department of Energy, 2018a).
The use of mass transit in place of driving a single-passenger
combustion engine vehicle for a 20-mile round trip commute to a full-time, year-round job will
reduce CO
emissions by 4,800 pounds annually (American Public Transportation Association,
2008). The substitution of mass transit for all combustion engine vehicle use by one person can
reduce their CO
emissions by 11,435 pounds per year on average. In addition to reducing GHG
emissions, increased electric vehicle use would also reduce particulate air pollution and the
expansion of mass transit would reduce traffic on congested highways, parkways, and streets.
To switch from a transportation system that is dominated by single-passenger combustion
engine vehicles to one that is based upon EVs and the increased use of mass transit will require
significant shifts in employment in the state. Each of these strategies will be detailed below.
Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
The electrification of public and private motor vehicles will require a massive expansion of
electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the state (Herb, 2010). As of August 2018, New Jersey
had 76 publicly accessible DC Fast Charging outlets at 42 locations and 46 Tesla Supercharger
outlets at 7 locations (compatible only with Tesla car models). For most individual commuters,
the lion’s share of charging will be done with Level 1, slow chargers at home. However, Level 2
charging infrastructure at workplaces, public parks, and shopping centers will also be needed to
support the increased demand for chargers as EVs supplant combustion engine vehicles. Level 3,
fast chargers will be needed along highways and other frequently travelled roads for passengers
making longer journeys (Center for Automotive Research, 2018). Special attention will also have
to be given to multi-family living quarters such as apartment complexes and condominiums.
Public fleet vehicles will require massive fast-charging stations at their depots.
Whether directed by government agencies, private companies, electric utilities, or
individual consumers, the expansion of EV charging infrastructure will have many employment
impacts. Table 2 outlines the types of occupations that will likely experience growth (signified
with pink boxes for EV charging occupations) as a result of these investments as well as the
average entry-level education level for each occupation, the number of workers currently
employed in each occupation in the state, and the average annual income for each occupation in
New Jersey.
[Table 2 about here]
In the planning phase for larger charging stations in public spaces, various scientists,
architects, engineers, and legal occupations will be employed. These workers will require a
college education, ranging from bachelor’s degrees to PhDs and will also earn on average
upwards of $84,000 annually.
The manufacturing and construction phases will require a variety
of managerial occupations, educators, and technical trainers who will also on average hold a
bachelor’s degree. The average annual income for construction managers in New Jersey is
$138,980 and for educators and trainers it is $72,778. It is uncertain whether the manufacturing
jobs associated with EV chargers will be in New Jersey, but should there be production facilities,
these jobs would range from managerial jobs to line workers, who earn on average $39,480 and
require just a high school diploma. Many of the new jobs generated from EV charging
infrastructure will likely be in the skilled trades, including operating engineers, carpenters,
laborers, and especially electricians who will do the actual work of preparing charging station
sites, installing the equipment, and finishing the parking areas. These workers earn an average
annual income of $60,710.
Once publicly accessible charging stations are constructed, the question rises whether the
facilities will require station managers or charging attendants (as is required for gas stations in
the state). Management activities for a station or cluster of stations might include managing
driver access, billing, providing driver support, and monitoring the station. Based upon the data
for current gas station attendants in New Jersey, the annual income for these jobs is likely to be
rather low, around $18,000. Charging stations will also require maintenance on occasion as
hardware wears out and technology advances. This will create service and repair jobs which
currently pay on average, $45,530 in New Jersey and require little more than a high school
education or post-high school technical training program.
Given the variation of potential charging station styles, the unknown mix between public
and private chargers that will be needed to sustain the current 2.8 million registered vehicles in
New Jersey, and the rapidly changing technology, it is difficult to accurately project the extent of
job growth that can be expected from EV charging infrastructure. However, following current
trends, we can anticipate most chargers will be at private residences and installed by local
electrical contractors. If the installation of one in-home charger takes approximately 8 person-
hours of work, then the installation of an EV charging unit in each of the 1.8 million detached,
single-family homes in the state would create approximately 500 full-time electrician jobs for 10
These electricians will need to be trained and licensed and their final work inspected,
creating dozens of additional full-time jobs for trainers and inspectors. The sale of residential
charging units will also create jobs in the wholesale and retail sales and office and administrative
occupations which pay on average $43,438 and require at least a high school diploma with some
jobs such as accountants requiring a bachelor’s degree.
Larger scale charging stations at workplaces, shopping centers, parking garages and
along highway corridors will create short-term construction jobs. According to Sustainable
Jersey (2017), the installation cost, minus materials, for the installation of DC fast chargers
ranges from approximately $100,000-$200,00 per station. Given the average construction salary
of $60,710 in New Jersey, it can be roughly estimated that each DC fast charger station project
will support somewhere between 1.6 and 3.3 full-time, full year jobs. By this estimate, the
construction of 100 new fast charge stations would create between 160 and 330 middle class
jobs. However, it should be noted that due to the variety of site-specific issues that can be
encountered at different project locations, it is difficult to reliably estimate the number of jobs
that will be created on these projects. For example, a location with a readily available hook up
for the 240v line will require considerably less work than a site that requires trenching or boring
over a great distance to access electricity. Retrofitting existing parking spaces also requires a
different combination of workers than the development of new sites.
When it comes to preparing the workforce, EV charging infrastructure represents a new,
but relatively simple technology, with the majority of jobs requiring little training beyond high
However, the increase in demand for skilled trades workers, especially electricians, will
increase the burden on existing programs which may or may not have the capacity to accept an
influx of new pupils. Increases in demand for architects, engineers, scientists, and educators will
also result in an increased demand for college-educated workers with technical or scientific
Mass Transit
The extent of mass transit use is largely determined by the capacity and efficiency of the public
transportation system that is in place. Luring drivers away from congested highways and onto
trains and buses will require an expansion of the services offered. Such investments in mass
transit would create many construction jobs in the short run as well as long term permanent jobs
in the transportation, installation and repair, and service sectors. Table 2 outlines the types of
occupations that will likely experience growth as a result of these investments (signified by blue
boxes for mass transit).
In FY 2017, New Jersey Transit alone had over 269 million passenger trips (154 million
by bus and 115 million by rail) that transported riders over 3.4 billion miles (New Jersey Transit,
2017). This saved over 1.5 MMTCO
emissions compared to travelling the same distance with
single passenger combustion engine vehicles.
The New Jersey transportation sector currently
employs over 10,500 rail and bus transportation workers earning an average of $61,623 for rail
workers and $46,800 for bus operators. These jobs require little more than a high school diploma
and offer a clear pathway into the middle class for many workers in the state. The transportation
sector also employs thousands of other workers in vehicle maintenance and repair, infrastructure
maintenance and repair, retail sales, customer service, and office and administrative occupations.
Expanding mass transit options in the state will require the work of urban planners,
engineers, architects, and scientists during the planning phase. The construction phase will create
hundreds of jobs for construction workers from the skilled trades, including carpenters, laborers,
operating engineers, electricians, and others, working to upgrade the existing, ailing and
overburdened infrastructure and to construct new infrastructure to increase rail capacity.
Dedicated bus lanes, such as have been adopted in Connecticut and other states (see CT Fastrak
for example), will also create hundreds of construction and highway jobs. As the capacity of rail
and bus lines increase, the number of workers employed as operators, sales representative, and
back office positions will also increase proportionately. For example, doubling bus capacity
would increase the number of bus operators from 7,350 to 14,700.
Other considerations include the electrification of rail and bus systems and could likely
be implemented more quickly than the costlier and longer-term investments needed to expand
overall capacity. These technological upgrades will contribute to the growth of many of the same
occupations detailed in the electric vehicle charging infrastructure section above. It is also
unclear what impact such investments would have on manufacturing employment in the state.
Signaling a large-scale investment in such technologies coupled with the right mix of public
policies and business incentives could trigger growth in the green manufacturing sector in New
Jersey and replace some of the many thousands of manufacturing jobs the state has lost in recent
Electric Power Generation
The use of natural gas, and to a lesser extent coal, to generate electricity leads to the emissions of
17.9 MMTCO
into the atmosphere each year. Nuclear powerwhich emits very few GHGs
accounts for approximately 40% of New Jersey’s electricity generation, but the longevity of
these plants is in question as they continue to age and rely on state subsidies to operate. For a
variety of reasons that will not be elaborated here, the construction of new nuclear plants is not
likely in the state, which makes the adoption of renewable sources like wind and solar more
urgent in order to meet the GHG reduction goals of the GWRA.
[Figure 3 about here]
Based on an assessment of each state’s environmental resources, The Solutions Project at
Stanford University and the Carbon Free America project by National Geographic have
projected the likely energy mix for each state to be powered by 100% renewable sources. For
New Jersey, that mix, represented in Figure 3, includes 55% of electricity being generated from
offshore wind, 27% from solar plants, 10% from land-based wind farms, 7% from rooftop solar
(3.5% residential and 2.8% commercial and government), and 1% from tidal devices. According
to the U.S. Department of Energy’s JEDI modelling package, offshore wind generates
approximately .18 construction and .66 operations jobs per MW of electricity. Solar plants create
.90 construction and .30 operations jobs per MW. Land-based wind generates .10 construction
and .15 operations jobs per MW. And rooftop solar creates approximately 1.50 construction and
.46 operations jobs per MW. Taken together, the Solutions Project estimates that achieving the
goals laid out in Figure 3 will create 86,000 40-year construction jobs and 58,000 40-year
operations jobs in New Jersey. Each technology will be considered in greater detail below.
Wind Technology
Globally, the wind industry employed 1.2 million people in 2017, a 7% increase from 2015.
Wind employment in the U.S. increased by 28% in 2016 to 102,500 jobs (International
Renewable Energy Agency, 2015). There are currently an estimated 84,000 offshore wind jobs
across the world (Gould and Creswell, 2017). The European Union increased its number of
offshore wind jobs 12-fold, from 6,370 jobs to 75,000 jobs, between 2007-2014. The United
States has just one offshore wind farm to date, the Block Island Wind Farm off the coast of
Rhode Island, but several northeastern states have taken steps to begin harnessing the power of
wind. New Jersey has tremendous potential for offshore wind power generation as well as
moderate capacity for land-based wind power. Governor Murphy has vowed to make the state a
national leader in this sector, outlining a plan to have 3,500MW of offshore wind power up and
running by the year 2030 enough energy to power 1.5 million New Jersey homes and
businesses and avoid emissions equivalent to removing over 873,000 cars from the road.
Using the U.S. Department of Energy’s JEDI models for employment impacts, we can
estimate that the proposed 3500MW offshore wind project will create somewhere between
14,000 and 16,000 jobs directly, including 5,000-6,000 project development and construction
jobs, and another 5,000-8,000 jobs from induced impacts.
Table 3 breaks down the job growth
projections by occupational categories. Meeting the target of 55% offshore wind power would
create upwards of 17,000 project development and construction jobs.
Meeting the target of
10% land-based wind power generation would create between 3,000 and 4,000 direct jobs and
1,500-2,500 induced jobs according to the JEDI models. Among the direct jobs, roughly one
third would be in project development and construction and about two thirds would be in turbine
manufacturing and supply chain activities which may or may not take place in New Jersey
depending upon the procurement requirements that are established through public policy. In
short, local sourcing requirements would lead to more in-state jobs.
[Table 3 about here]
These numbers should be interpreted with caution as the projections will fluctuate
depending upon a variety of factors for which we currently lack sufficient information, including
turbine typewhich impacts the number of turbines. The distance to shore and depth of water
for offshore projects can influence the number of workers required. The selection of foundation-
type alone for offshore wind can have a significant impact on the number of jobs. Gravity-based
foundations would be constructed in New Jersey close to the port, creating additional local jobs,
as opposed to monopiles which would likely be built in Europe or steel jackets which are
predominantly made in the southern states along the Gulf of Mexico. The estimates above are for
steel jackets which are typically the least expensive of the alternatives.
Table 2 outlines the types of occupations that are likely to experience growth by
increased investments in wind power (signified by green boxes for wind). Previous studies of the
industry, particularly the offshore wind sector, have found that wind power projects require a
diverse technical workforce spanning over 70 occupations.
For example, the workforce
involved in the construction of the Block Island Wind Farm included cement masons,
commercial finance, dockworkers, electricians, engineers, health and safety experts, laborers,
lawyers, mechanics, machinists, operating engineers, pipefitters, plumbers, project managers,
regulatory, scientists, training professionals, truck drivers, vessel builders, vessel operators, and
welders, to name a few. The Block Island project tapped into local unions, contractors, and
businesses based in Rhode Island and, according to public statements by the plant operator,
created more than 300 local jobs during the construction of the small, 5-turbine wind farm which
generates approximately 30MW of electricity.
Solar Technology
Solar photovoltaic (PV) power was the largest renewable energy employer in 2017, with 3.1
million jobs globally, up 12% from 2015 (International Renewable Energy Agency, 2017).
According to the 2017 National Solar Jobs Census, the U.S. solar industry employed 250,271
solar workers last year, a 168% increase from the 93,000 workers employed in the industry in
2010 (The Solar Foundation, 2017). A similar report by the U.S. Department of Energy (2018b)
found that more Americans work in solar (374,000) than in natural gas or coal power plants
(187,117). The report also estimates that over 7,000 workers are currently employed in the solar
industry in New Jersey, including over 3,500 installation jobs, 650 manufacturing jobs, 800 sales
and distribution jobs, and 1,700 project development jobs. According to these estimates, solar
employment in New Jersey grew by 1,000 jobs, or approximately 17% between 2016 and
2017nearly 17 times faster than the U.S. economy in the same period.
To meet the targets of the GWRA, New Jersey will need to expand both rooftop solar (on
private homes as well as commercial and government buildings) as well as construct commercial
solar PV power plants. The types of occupations that will experience growth as a result of these
two forms of solar technologylisted in Table 5 (signified by yellow boxes)are similar,
however, the rate of pay for commercial solar construction is likely to be greater than for
residential rooftop PV.
In fact, one of the largest critiques of the rooftop solar industry by fossil
fuel workers has been its relatively low wages for installer jobs. The critique is especially
poignant considering the higher than average representation of black and Latino workers in the
rooftop solar industry (over 20% of installers are black in New Jersey according to the National
Solar Jobs Census). Commercial construction workers who would build solar PV power plants
earn on average $60,000 per year in New Jersey, whereas rooftop PV installers earn just
$43,620. The key distinction is the presence of unions in the commercial sector.
The 2,646MW of solar capacity currently installed in New Jersey accounts for about
3.3% of electricity generation in New Jersey (Solar Energy Industries Association, 2018). From
this figure we could roughly estimate that the amount currently installed needs to be doubled for
rooftop PV and increased 8-fold for commercial solar plant capacity to meet the goals of 7% and
27% respectively. Based on this estimate, the DOE’s JEDI models project that approximately
8,000 construction jobs and 2,400 operations jobs would be needed in the rooftop industry,
approximately 3,200 more jobs than currently exist in the sector. For commercial solar plants, we
could project that between 15,000-20,000 construction jobs and between 4,000-6,000 operations
jobs would be needed based upon the National Solar Survey figures.
Residential and Commercial
Most GHG emissions in the residential and commercial sectors come from energy used for
lighting and heating. As such, the primary method for reducing emissions is to increase energy
efficiency in buildings by upgrading doors, windows, insulation and heating/cooling equipment
in order to reduce energy waste and installing new smart gird technologies to reduce overall
consumption. The job impacts of these technologies will be reviewed below.
Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Energy efficiency, as defined by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (2018),
is “the use of less energy to provide the same or better products, services, or amenities.
Increasing energy efficiency allows more control over energy use, lowers costs, and provides
multiple benefits for households, businesses, and the environment. For example, adding
insulation to a private residence reduces its annual energy consumption while simultaneously
increasing its comfort. Increasing the energy efficiency of a manufacturing or industrial process
can enhance the competitiveness of a business in the marketplace. Reducing the overall energy
used by society also reduces pollution, including the emission of climate-changing GHGs.
Molina, Kiker and Nowak (2016) find that energy efficiency programs, appliance
standards, utility programs, and building codes have saved the equivalent of 313 power plants
worth of electricity since 1990. Energy saving programs in 2015 alone saved U.S. consumers an
average of $840 on energy bills per household and reduced GHG emissions by 490MMTCO
Addressing the 32% of GHG emissions that are still emitted from the residential and commercial
sectors in New Jersey will require major investments in energy efficiency in existing buildings in
addition to stricter codes for new buildings.
According to the EIA (2018), commercial buildings in the Northeast region are the
largest buildings of the 4 U.S. Census regions. Cities in the Northeast are well established and
have had very large buildings in place for many yearsthe median age for buildings in the
Northeast is 46 years, in contrast to 29 years for those in the South. In the Northeast, buildings
are, on average, 4,000 to 5,000 square feet larger than buildings in other regions also.
Unfortunately, older plus larger equals less energy efficient. The Mid-Atlantic has on average the
largest buildings among the 9 U.S. Census Divisions, averaging 22,300 square feet. Containing
just 9% of all commercial buildings in the U.S., the Mid-Atlantic accounts for 19% of the total
commercial floorspace. These buildings include offices, warehouses, stores, schools, restaurants,
hotels, hospitals, sports and concert arenas, and more.
Making New Jersey’s millions of square feet of commercial and public buildings and
private residences more energy efficient will create jobs for workers with a variety of skills.
Many of the occupations likely to experience growth are listed in Table 2 (signified by the cyan-
colored boxes on the table). According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the energy efficiency
industry already employs over 31,000 workers in New Jersey, including workers who
manufacture EnergyStar appliances and LED lighting systems (6,250 jobs), workers who design
and install more efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (15,246 jobs) and
workers who install advanced materials and insulation to reduce energy waste (2,184 jobs)
(O’Boyle and Blumenthal, 2018). Other jobs include LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) consultants and inspectors to advise energy efficiency projects and
certify buildings based upon their green building certification program (U.S. Green Building
Council, 2018). The use of tools like integrated energy and daylight modeling air management
and monitoring plans and green housekeeping protocols will also create jobs for workers from
across the skills spectrum, ranging from scientists and engineers to building and grounds
cleaning and maintenance occupations. Taken together, about 64% of energy efficiency jobs in
the state are construction jobs, earning an average of $60,710 per year (Johnson, 2018).
Nationwide employment in this sector grew by twice the national average in 2017 and is
expected to grow another 9%-11% this year (National Association of State Energy Officials,
2018). For New Jersey that would mean an additional 2,800 jobs, including more than 1,800
construction jobs. It also means an expansion in workforce development, education, and
technical training programs will likely to be needed. According to the 2018 U.S. Energy and
Employment Report, as presented to the U.S. Senate in May 2018, over 70% of employers
reported difficulty finding qualified workers, with 26% noting it was very difficult” (National
Association of State Energy Officials, 2018). While there is no equivalent data for New Jersey, it
is reasonable to assume that employers in the state are also likely to encounter a shortage of
properly trained workers in the energy efficiency sector.
Smart Grid Technology
Due to population growth, an increase in home size and air conditioning use, and the
proliferation of computers and other electronics, New Jersey’s energy needs have increased
tremendously in the last few decades. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, growth in
peak demand for electricity has outpaced growth in power transmission by almost 25% per year
since 1982. However, the current power gridthe network for transmitting and distributing
electricity from power sources to consumersevolved during the late 19th and early 20th
centuries and hasn’t changed much in more than a century.
Modernizing the system through “smart grid” technology is seen as the primary means of
improving the way we store and get power. Smart grid technology allows utilities and other
electricity suppliers to steadily monitor electricity flow and make real-time adjustments to
distribution in order to maximize efficiency. Smart grid technology also makes better use of
energy generated from alternative sources, including solar panels, wind turbines, and other
renewable energy sources, through improved storage and transmission. Many companies are
currently working on gridless or “post-grid” electricity generation technologies which can help
reduce grid congestion, cut expenses associated with peak energy demand, and strengthen the
resiliency of U.S. electricity systems by providing a backup power source when conventional
power goes down in times of crisis or natural disaster.
Updating and upgrading to a smart grid will also provide jobs in various occupations,
including engineering, construction, installation, and sales, and once the smart grid is set up,
other workers will be needed to operate and maintain it. According to research by the energy
consulting firm DNV KEMA, work related to the smart grid is expected to result in about
280,000 new jobs. A report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013) provides an overview of
employment and wages for occupations related to smart grid work, primarily in the electric
power generation, transmission, and distribution industry. These occupations and others related
to smart-grid technology are listed in Table 2 of this report (signified by the orange boxes). The
major occupational groups include computer and mathematical occupations, architecture and
engineering occupations, installation, maintenance and repair occupations, production
occupations, and other occupations including electricians, meter readers and urban planners.
To prepare for smart grid jobs, some workers already have many of the skills they need
but will require additional training to transition to the new technologies. Other workers, such as
meter readers, may need extensive retraining to gain higher level skills for new smart grid jobs.
Training for workers in computer jobs span a range of requirements, from professional
certification through a graduate degree. Engineers typically have a bachelor’s degree; however, a
significant number of employers require workers to have a master’s or doctoral degree.
Engineers are also expected to participate in continuing education to keep up with rapidly
changing technology. Installation, maintenance and repair occupations often require an associate
degree from a community college or technical school, although a high school education is
sufficient for many jobs. Workers in production occupations generally require little more than a
high school diploma, but in some settings additional training could be required, often on the job.
As this report and previous research has made clear, the green transition to address climate
change will be a huge jobs creation project. The exact number of jobs created will be shaped by
various policies and incentive programs. For example, in-state procurement requirements could
double the number of jobs associated with offshore wind technology by ensuring much of the
manufacturing takes place in New Jersey. However, the green transition will also involve job
destruction in various fossil fuel-related occupations. Depending upon the policy mix which
governs our transition, this inevitable labor market churning can either exacerbate or help to
remedy some of the existing deep economic and social inequalities within the state. This brief
discussion section will synthesize the major findings of this report and explore several policy-
related topics regarding the transition from black to green energy technologies.
First, most new green technology jobs are likely to be blue collar jobs. There will of
course be increased demand for highly trained specialists such as scientists and engineers, but
due to the labor-intensive nature of the energy transition, the majority of new jobs will be in
construction, installation, transportation, and production occupations. The growth in skilled
occupations such as electricians and wind turbine technicians are likely to strain the existing
educational and apprenticeship systems that are in place. Accompanied by the retirement of
many baby-boomers from the workforce, the demand for skilled blue-collar workers is also
likely to encounter an insufficient supply of qualified job candidates; a problem many employers
have already noted (National Association of State Energy Officials, 2018). For this reason,
workforce development is an area where pro-active planning can help to ensure that the in-state
workforce reaps the maximum benefit of the new green jobs. Apart from a skills shortage,
another likely cause for the dearth of skilled blue-collar workers is the increased pursuit of
college and white-collar employment by so many young workers. This could in part be rectified
by ensuring that the blue-collar energy jobs are of equal quality in terms of wages, benefits, and
workplace environment to their more sought-after white-collar counterparts. Direct recruitment
and jobs training programs in high unemployment areas could also reduce the labor shortage
while simultaneously increasing social mobility.
Second, early statistics on renewable energy employment suggest that the green
workforce is slightly more diverse than the workforce in the traditional energy sector. However,
looking more closely, we see that most of the diversity can be found in lower paying
occupations, such as rooftop PV installers. Ensuring that entry-level jobs have clear career
ladders can help to increase diversity in the higher paying occupations. Job training and
workforce recruitment programs can also help to ensure the growing green workforce is more
representative of the state’s population by targeting communities that have historically suffered
rather than benefitted from the energy system (Rodgers III, 2005). As the governor’s energy
transition task force has recommended, all state agencies involved in energy and environmental
matters could incorporate environmental justice issues into the core of their operations, which
could include jobs programs. Most importantly, any such programs would benefit greatly by
receiving input from and having participation by members from the effected communities.
Third, many of the entry-level positions in renewable energy, particularly in solar, pay a
much lower rate than their equivalent jobs in the fossil fuel sector. Much of the difference
between the starting wages in these new jobs and jobs with equal skill requirements in the old
energy industry can be attributed to the history of unionization and collective bargaining in the
fossil fuel sector. As was recently noted in a report by Rutgers LEARN (Merrill and Vachon,
2019), employer hostility toward unions has stymied the ability of workers in emerging
occupations in recent decades to capture a fair share of the economic growth created by their
labor. Something like a “green prevailing wage” could help to ensure that workers in new green
energy jobs are paid fair wages by protecting their right to organize if they so choose and
levelling the playing field between high-road and low-road contractors by removing wages from
competition in the bidding process.
Other means to ensure that green jobs are good jobs include increasing the state minimum
wage to a living wage or creating a state jobs guarantee for all workers in order to end
involuntary unemployment. In this vein, the idea of a “Green New Deal” has received much
attention in the media since the start of the 116
Congress. While the details of such a plan are
yet unclear, the center piece would be large-scale public investment in renewable energy
infrastructure through public entities to both address the climate crisis as well as create good-
paying jobs for workers in need. Taking this publicly-driven, as opposed to the current market-
driven approach to addressing climate change could accelerate the green transition as well as
ensure that green jobs are good jobs.
Finally, the transition away from fossil fuel-based transportation, electricity generation,
and heating will inevitably lead to a decline in many occupations that are associated with the
extraction, production, and consumption of those fuels. For the green transition to be fair and
just, policymakers should meet with employers and workers and consider measures to protect the
livelihoods of displaced workers, including early retirement programs for workers approaching
retirement age and job training and placement programs for younger workers. These types of
programs have come to be called a “just transition” and stem from an older concept once called
the “superfund for workers” (Mazzocchi, 1993).
The rationale for a just transition is the basic
principle of fairness. The burden of policies that are necessary for societylike protecting the
environment and addressing climate change—shouldn’t be borne by a small minority of the
population, who through no fault of their own happen to be victims of their side effects.
While it is true that on balance, environmental policies tend to create more jobs than they
eliminate (Goodstein, 1999), this fact is of little comfort to the workers in the fossil fuel sector
who are likely to lose their jobs as a result of climate protection policies. Protecting these
workers is not only the right thing to do for them and their families but is a prerequisite to
building the broad-based support that is required for the implementation of strong climate change
mitigation measures. Unless workers and communities have a say in policy formation and are
protected against the unintended effects of climate policies, there is likely to be a backlash that
threatens the whole effort.
When Governor Murphy signed the “Renewable Energy Bill” (A-3723) into law in May of
2018, New Jersey reclaimed its role as a national policy leader on climate change and opened the
door to a clean energy economy. The state now joins California, Hawaii, New York, and
Vermont as the only five states requiring 50% renewable energy by 2030. Together, these states
boast some of America’s largest clean energy workforces per capita—led by California’s
520,000 green jobsand all have thriving economies with annual GDP growth rates that are
higher than the U.S. average (O’Boyle and Blumenthal, 2018). Understanding the changes
currently underway in New Jersey provides valuable insight into one element of the future of
work in our state.
The adoption of climate-safe energy technologies will not only reduce GHG emissions but
will also create tens of thousands of new jobs across dozens of occupations with a variety of skill
sets. The transition will unfortunately also mean the erosion of some existing jobs in the fossil
fuel sector. Some of the new energy jobs require similar skills as current energy occupations, but
there is not likely to be a one-to-one match. Through an assortment of policy options, state
policy-makers can shape the character of the green transition to ensure that New Jersey’s
workers are taken care of and the benefits of green technology are maximized while any
unwanted side effects are minimized. By leading the way on climate mitigation, environmental
justice, and just transition, New Jersey can set a strong example for other states to follow.
While this report was able to offer some insight into the types of occupational changes
that are likely to occur by meeting the state’s commitments in the GWRA, it suffers from many
limitations. In particular, the broad scope of the report has limited the depth of the assessment.
Future research should build from this preliminary analysis by doing a deep dive into each of the
mitigation strategies in greater detail. More extensive economic modelling can provide a more
detailed picture of the jobs impacts that can be expected as well as the likely timeframe for
implementation of each mitigation strategy.
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The committee recommended jumpstarting the state’s most promising new clean energy industry, offshore
windthe governor has since called for 3,500 MW by the year 2030. Other recommendations include stabilizing
the state’s solar market, utilizing 100% of the Clean Energy Fund to advance energy efficiency and grow the clean-
energy economy, and utilizing the multi-state Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Zero Emissions Vehicles
as a springboard for the electrification of the state’s transportation system.
The committee recommended rejoining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and committing to
emissions reduction goals laid out in the Paris Climate Agreement. The committee also recommended reinstating
the DEP Office of Climate Change, advancing statewide climate literacy programs in schools, and promoting “Green
STEM” initiatives and other trainings to prepare the workforce for new climate technologies.
The committee recommended a comprehensive environmental justice initiative that includes an interagency
environmental justice task force. They recommend that every state agency should consider environmental justice
issues in all of their actions, including analyzing cumulative impacts to reduce health disparities, creating new
initiatives to improve communities’ quality of life such as the provision of open space, clean energy, walkways and
bike paths, and green jobs opportunities for historically marginalized workers.
Changes to industrial processes will also be required but are beyond the scope of this report.
Other clean vehicle technology such as fuel cell vehicles are also an option, but due to space limitations are not
evaluated in this report.
Combustion engine vehicles emit 11,435lbs of CO
per year. Based on New Jersey’s current electricity mix, EVs
emit 2444lbs of CO
per year, plug-in hybrid vehicles emit 4,841lbs of CO
per year, and hybrids emit 6,258lbs of
CO2 per year. The GHG reductions for these electric and hybrid vehicles will increase as electricity generation is
sourced more from renewable energy sources.
The European Union, Greenway, and Clean Technica have compiled a useful handbook titled Electric Vehicle
Charging Infrastructure: Guidelines for Cities, which can be accessed at:
Public planners should see Agenbroad and Holland 2014 for a detailed discussion of the various types of charging
stations and associated planning processes.
Estimate of work hours derived from Austin (2014). Estimate of number of detached homes derived from U.S.
Census Bureau (2000).
For a first-hand description of the job of electrical vehicle charging station installer, see U.S. Department of
Energy (2014a).
Based upon the estimated average that 1 mile travelled by car emits 1 lb of CO
(Megna 2016)
Direct jobs include development, manufacturing, construction, and other onsite jobs. Induced jobs are those
created by the spending that is supported by the project (for example in retail and service occupations).
These estimates are in line with previous projections by the Northeast Wind Center (2017) which utilized an
economic model developed by the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland and estimated the creation
of 36,300 full time wind jobs throughout the region, including New Jersey. Importantly, early adopters will gain the
most employment benefits.
For a detailed discussion of occupations and workforce development pertaining to offshore wind construction,
see Gould and Cresswell’s (2017) study on New York.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (2018a) offers considerably more conservative estimates of just 750 solar PV
installer jobs in New Jersey in 2017. The discrepancy likely comes from the different definition of occupations as
well as the employment of construction trades occupations in commercial solar installationa situation that
would lead the solar institute to count the job as a solar installer, but the BLS to classify it as a carpenter, laborer,
welder, etc. based on their own occupational classification system.
For a comprehensive review of occupations in the solar industry, see the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ “Careers in
Solar Report” at .
Using the more conservative BLS occupational classification for solar installers, the estimated growth in solar
installer jobs would be much greater as the starting point would be just 750 workers. However, given the number
of other occupations involved in solar installation projects, it seems more appropriate to begin with the more
liberal baseline estimate from the National Solar Survey which yields more conservative estimates for solar job
Examples of proposed just transition policies include the Clean Energy Worker Just Transition Act at the federal
level ( ) and the Climate and Community
Investment Act in New York State ( ).
Figure 1. New Jersey's Total CO
Emissions Levels, 2000-2015
million metric tons of carbon dioxide
New Jersey CO
GWRA 2050 Target
Figure 2. New Jersey's Energy-Related CO
Emissions, 2015
Figure 3. Projected Energy Mix for 100% Renewable Electricity in New Jersey
Offshore Wind Solar Plants Land-based Wind Rooftop Solar Tidal
Table 1. Occupations that Would Likely Decline as a Result of Climate Change Mitigation in New Jersey
Typical Entry-Level
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Chemical Engineers Bachelor's 1,270 111,540
Petroleum Engineers Bachelor's 190 187,370
Construction Trades
Boilermakers HS, Apprenticeship 300 64,030
Carpenters HS, Apprenticeship 16,360 61,390
Electricians HS, Apprenticeship 16,490 70,850
Pipefitters and Plumbers HS, Apprenticeship 9,070 70,680
Installation, Maintenance and Repair
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
HS, On-the-job training
30,530 45,530
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Geological and Petroleum Technicians Associate's 60 66,930
Management Occupations
General and Operations Managers Bachelor's 42,930 167,790
Miscellaneous Managers Bachelor's 19,170 140,080
Office and Administrative
Administrative Assistants HS, some college 63,420 41,470
Bookkeeping and Accounting HS, some college 43,590 46,120
Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks
HS, On-the-job training
6,810 51,330
Production Occupations
Chemical Plant and System Operators
HS, On-the-job training
630 64,390
First Line Supervisors HS, Previous Experience 12,300 69,140
Gas Plant Operators
HS, On-the-job training
160 76,030
Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, Weighers
HS, On-the-job training
12,740 41,410
Machinists HS, Apprenticeship 4,110 49,910
Petroleum Pump and Refinery Operators
HS, On-the-job training
440 69,110
Power Distributors and Dispatchers
HS, On-the-job training
260 88,770
Power Plant Operators
HS, On-the-job training
570 80,530
Welding, Soldering, and Brazing HS, Tech training 770 33,750
Other Plant System Operators
HS, On-the-job training
300 64,830
Miscellaneous Production Workers
HS, On-the-job training
5,530 31,850
Sales and Related Occupations
Sales and Related
HS, On-the-job training
406,090 45,470
Service Occupations
Gas Station Attendants On-the-job training n/a 18,720
Transportation Occupations
Drivers/Sales Workers
HS, On-the-job training
8,610 33,400
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers On-the-job training 120,110 29,810
Pumping Station Operators On-the-job training 570 51,475
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (2018b); Data USA (2018); U.S. Census, Current Population Survey (2018)
a -- this list is not exhaustive, but is rperesntative of the occupations directly employed in fossil fuels industries
b -- total includes all workers employed in this occupation in New Jersey, not just in natural gas power plants, oil refineries, etc.
Total Number of
Workers Employed
Average Annual
Income (FTE)
Table 2. Occupations that Would Likely Grow as a Result of Climate Change Mitigation in New Jersey
Typical Entry-Level
Architecture and Engineering
Architects Bachelor's 2,140 84,070
Civil Engineers Bachelor's 7,500 102,170
Electrical Engineers Bachelor's 3,630 107,370
Environmental Engineers Bachelor's 1,220 91,730
Health and Safety Engineers Bachelor's 450 104,720
Marine Engineers Bachelor's 130 85,590
Mechanical Engineers Bachelor's 5,080 93,100
Architectural and Civil Drafters Associate's 2,710 52,980
Engineering Technicians, except Drafters Associate's 880 74,800
Surveying and Mapping Technicians
HS, On-the-job training
550 48,750
Other Architecture and Engineering Occ.s
HS, On-the-job training
30,230 91,490
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media
Public Relations Specialists
4,100 69,810
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance
Building Cleaning and Maintenance
On-the job training
126,370 31,400
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Accountants and Auditors Bachelor's 37,110 91,400
Compliance Officers Bachelor's 10,800 81,440
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Computer User Support Specialists Bachelor's 13,900 64,440
Computer Systems Analysts Bachelor's 13,170 105,750
Network and Systems Administrators Bachelor's 11,850 100,220
Operations Research Analysts Bachelor's 2,580 107,270
Software Developers Bachelor's 9,110 117,080
Construction Trades
Boilermakers HS, Apprenticeship 300 64,030
Carpenters HS, Apprenticeship 16,360 61,390
Cement Masons HS, Apprenticeship 2,980 60,740
Electricians HS, Apprenticeship 16,490 70,850
Insulation Workers HS, Apprenticeship 970 57,230
Iron Workers HS, Apprenticeship 1,300 80,650
Laborers HS, Apprenticeship 23,440 52,220
Line Installers and Repairers HS, Apprenticeship 1,630 81,490
Operating Engineers HS, Apprenticeship 5,550 71,250
Pile Drivers HS, Apprenticeship 180 78,940
Plumbers and Pipefitters HS, Apprenticeship 9,070 70,680
Solar Photovoltaic Installers HS, Apprenticeship 750 43,620
HS, On-the-job training
4,430 65,890
Other Trades HS, Apprenticeship 51,460 60,710
Education and Training
Post-Secondary Teachers PhD 37,540 93,529
Technical Education Teachers Bachelor's, Masters 2,370 70,930
Other Instructors and Trainers Bachelor's 4,275 53,875
Installation, Maintenance and Repair
Electrical and Electronics Repairers HS, Technical Training 500 82,820
Electrical Power-line iIntallers, Repairers
HS, On-the-job Training
1,630 81,490
First-Line Supervisors HS, previous experience 12,250 74,140
HVAC Mechanics and Installers HS, Apprenticeship 9,680 58,770
Telecommunications Equipt Installers, Repairers HS, Technical Training 4,280 58,900
Wind Turbine Service Technicians HS, Technical Training <100 57,500
Maintenance and Repair Workers, All Other HS, Technical Training 30,530 45,530
Legal Occupations
Lawyers Juris Doctorate 20,730 140,340
Paralegals and Legal Assistants Associate's 8,060 81,650
Total Number of
Workers Employed
Average Annual
Income (FTE)
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Urban and Regional Planners Masters 410 7,890
Biological Scientists Master's, PhD 6,220 83,425
Environmental Scientists Master's, PhD 2,790 86,740
Materials Scientist Master's, PhD 200 104,340
Other Life and Physical Scientists Master's, PhD 720 91,910
Science Technicians Bachelor's 750 52,570
Management Occupations
Construction Managers Bachelor's 5,720 138,980
General and Operations Managers Bachelor's 42,930 167,790
Human Resources Managers Bachelor's 3,740 162,540
Industrial Production Managers Bachelor's 4,880 131,400
Public Relations Managers Bachelor's 1,830 161,860
Purchasing Managers Bachelor's 1,850 161,130
Miscellaneous Managers Associate's, Bachelor's 19,170 140,080
Office and Administrative
Administrative Assistants HS 63,420 41,470
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing HS, Some College 43,590 46,120
Meter Readers, Utilities
HS, On-the-job Training
1,030 43,410
Other Office and Administrative Support HS, Some College 544,990 40,690
Production Occupations
Computer Control Operators and Programmers
HS, Tech Training
3,620 53,955
Engine and Other Machine Assemblers
HS, On-the-job Training
300 41,130
First-Line Supervisors
HS, previous experience
12,300 69,140
Forming Machine Setters, Operators, Tenders HS, Tech Training 2,100 36,320
Machinists HS, Apprenticeship 4,110 49,910
Power Distributors and Dispatchers
HS, On-the-job Training
260 88,770
Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters
HS, On-the-job Training
7,120 47,180
Welding, Soldering, and Brazing High School, Tech training 770 33,750
Assemblers and Fabricators, All Other
HS, On-the-job Training
18,830 39,480
Sales and Related Occupations
Sales and Related
HS, On-the-job Training
406,090 45,470
Service Occupations
Charging Station Attendants On-the-job Training n/a 18,720
Transportation Occupations
Bus Operators HS, CDLTraining 7,350 46,800
Drivers/Sales Workers
HS, On-the-job Training
8,610 33,400
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators
HS, On-the-job Training
17,640 36,760
Laborers and Freight, Stock, Material Movers On-the-job Training 120,110 29,810
Rail Transportation Workers
HS, On-the-job Training
3,255 61,623
Water Transportation Workers HS, Credentialing 1,200 55,732
EV Charging Infrastructure
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics (2018)
Mass Transit
a -- this list is not exhaustive, but represents occupations most likely to grow
Wind Power
b -- total includes all workers employed in this occupation in New Jersey, not
Solar Power
just those employed in wind, solar, etc.
Energy Efficiency c -- this is the current salary of the over 10,000 gas station attendants who
Grid Modernization
could transition to the job of charging station attendant
Electric Power
Commercial, Industrial
Table 3. Projected Job Growth and Salaries by Occupational Group for a 3,500MW Offshore
Wind Project in New Jersey
Occupational Group
Management Occupations 2,000-2,200 149,770
Business and Financial Operations Occupations 600-800 84,950
Computer and Mathematical Occupations 100-200 100,540
Architecture and Engineering Occupations 1,200-1,400 91,490
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 40-60 95,430
Legal Occupations 40-60 112,690
Education, Training, and Library Occupations 40-60 59,840
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 80-100 60,030
Protective Services 40-60 55,700
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 80-100 26,320
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 80-100 31,400
Sales and Related Occupations 100-200 45,470
Office and Administrative Support Occupations 500-700 40,690
Construction and Extraction Occupations 400-600 60,710
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 3,800-4,200 53,170
Production Occupations 4,000-4,500 39,100
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 700-900 37,300
Total Jobs: 14,000-16,000 Average Salary: 67,329
Projections based upon the harmonization of JEDI estimates and occupational growth figures from previous offshore wind studies
Projected Number of Jobs
Created for 3,500MW Project
Average Annual Salary in
New Jersey
Table 3. Projected Job Growth and Salaries by Occupational Group for a 3,500MW Offshore Wind Project in New Jersey