Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions ii July 2023
General Information about MP ICAM Program ............................................................................................ 3
What is MP ICAM? ........................................................................................................................................ 3
What are the different portals and functions of MP ICAM?......................................................................... 3
What are the policies surrounding MP ICAM? ............................................................................................. 3
What is the overall lifecycle of credential sponsorship? .............................................................................. 4
What are the high-level steps of the sponsorship process within MP ICAM? .............................................. 4
General Information about MP ICAM Application ........................................................................................ 5
What are the URLs for the MP ICAM? .......................................................................................................... 5
How often must a Sponsor log into the Sponsorship Portal? ....................................................................... 5
Is training required to get access to MP ICAM Sponsorship Portal? ............................................................ 5
How the Sponsor requests to change an Applicant’s PII when the data is wrong in DEERS? ...................... 5
Is High Volume Data Feed (HVDF) or Batch Upload available in the Sponsorship Portal? ........................... 6
A Sponsor/Applicant received an automated email, where is there additional information? .................... 6
Where can a Sponsor go to receive additional information about how to use the Sponsorship Portal? .... 6
How does a Sponsor log in under another role in MP ICAM in the Sponsorship Portal? ............................. 6
How do Sponsors view all applications and their status in the Sponsorship Portal? ................................... 6
What are the main differences between MP ICAM and TASS applications? ................................................ 6
Training Information ..................................................................................................................................... 6
How do I get my MP ICAM certification training in JKO? ............................................................................. 6
I am an MPASM. Do I need to also be in the MPAS Audience in my JKO Profile? ....................................... 7
How will I know when training is next due? ................................................................................................. 7
Where do I get help regarding MP ICAM training in JKO? ............................................................................ 7
DoD Credential Information .......................................................................................................................... 7
What are the required steps for the Applicant? ........................................................................................... 7
What is the policy requiring Applicants to return the DoD Credential? ....................................................... 7
How many days does an Applicant have to return the DoD Credential? ..................................................... 7
Where can an Applicant find a RAPIDS Facility to get issued or return a DoD Credential? ......................... 8
What are the required steps for the Sponsor? ............................................................................................. 8
How does a Sponsor retrieve a revoked or terminated DoD credential? .................................................... 8
Types of User Roles of MP ICAM................................................................................................................... 8
What are the various roles in MP ICAM? ...................................................................................................... 8
The Applicant User Role ................................................................................................................................ 9
Frequently Asked Questions iii July 2023
Can an Applicant save their unfinished application in the Registration Portal? .......................................... 9
What should the Applicant do if the service organization is incorrect on their application? ...................... 9
What does the Applicant do if their application expires? ............................................................................ 9
What should the Applicant do if their application has been rejected? ........................................................ 9
After the Applicant’s Sponsor has approved their application for a DoD credential, how much time does
the Applicant have to obtain their DoD credential? ..................................................................................... 9
If the Applicant’s data is incorrect in DEERS, how does the Applicant change it? ..................................... 10
What should the Applicant do if their DoD credential has been revoked? ................................................ 10
An Applicant’s DoD credential has been terminated, but the Applicant still needs it. What should the
Applicant do? .............................................................................................................................................. 10
What should the Applicant do with their revoked or terminated DoD credential? ................................... 10
The MPAS User Role ................................................................................................................................... 10
How long does the Sponsor have to make a determination on an application once submitted? ............. 10
How should the Sponsor respond if an Applicant has a question regarding background checks? ............ 10
An Applicant’s DoD credential has expired because a Sponsor did not re-verify the need for continued
affiliation with the DoD. What must a Sponsor do to correct this? .......................................................... 10
What should a Sponsor do if another Sponsor is unable to re-verify the Applicant records? ................... 11
How does a Sponsor remove an Applicant who is no longer employed with their Site? ........................... 11
A Sponsor has approved an Applicant’s sponsorship for a DoD credential but the Applicant did not go to
get the credential within the 90 days. What can a Sponsor do? ............................................................... 11
What should a Sponsor do if MP ICAM automatically revoked an application? ........................................ 11
Why can a Sponsor not able to approve an application? ........................................................................... 11
How does a Sponsor update the Contract Number or Duty Location for an issued Applicant record? ..... 11
How can a Sponsor transfer Applicants to another Sponsor at a different site? ....................................... 11
How can a Sponsor transfer an Applicant to another MPAS within the same site? .................................. 12
Can I change an Applicant’s email address for MP ICAM notifications? .................................................... 12
Why does a Sponsor need to add or edit Contracts? ................................................................................. 12
The MPASM User Role ................................................................................................................................ 12
How can a Sponsor transfer Applicants to an MPAS that belongs to another site? .................................. 12
How can a Sponsor transfer an Applicant to another MPAS within the same site? .................................. 12
What should a Sponsor do if a MPAS has 100 Applicants? ........................................................................ 12
Does a Sponsor need to be provisioned in EMMA as an MPAS if the Sponsor is already a MPASM? ....... 12
Why does a Sponsor need to add or edit Mission Partners?...................................................................... 12
Why does a Sponsor need to add or edit Contracts? ................................................................................. 13
How can a Sponsor view the number of applications each MPAS(s) has updated at their Site? ............... 13
Frequently Asked Questions iv July 2023
There is a new Sponsor a MPAS needs to provision as an MPAS in EMMA. What is the EMMA URL? ...... 13
The SPOC User Role .................................................................................................................................... 13
Who does the SPOC contact for assistance with MP ICAM? ...................................................................... 13
How can a SPOC view the number of applications associated with each of my Sites? .............................. 13
Email Information ....................................................................................................................................... 13
If an Applicant receives the following types of emails: .............................................................................. 13
MP ICAM Application Created ........................................................................................................... 13
MP ICAM Additional Information ...................................................................................................... 13
New Application PIN .......................................................................................................................... 13
Reminder to Submit Application ....................................................................................................... 14
Application Submitted ....................................................................................................................... 14
By Proxy Application Submitted ........................................................................................................ 14
Application Approved ........................................................................................................................ 14
Application Rejected .......................................................................................................................... 14
Application Expired- ............................................................................................................................. 14
If a Sponsor receives the following types of emails: ................................................................................... 14
Sponsorship has Expired .................................................................................................................... 14
Sponsorship has Ended ...................................................................................................................... 14
Non-DoD Credential Sponsorship Terminated .................................................................................. 14
Affiliation Extended ........................................................................................................................... 14
MP ICAM Information Updated ......................................................................................................... 15
Application Transferred ..................................................................................................................... 15
Applicant’s DoD credential was revoked – ........................................................................................... 15
Sponsor must re-verify an Applicant ................................................................................................. 15
Application for Review ...................................................................................................................... 15
Application Terminated ..................................................................................................................... 15
Verification of Sponsorship ............................................................................................................... 15
Sponsorship Transferred ................................................................................................................... 15
Application(s) Transferred ................................................................................................................. 15
Affiliation Extended ........................................................................................................................... 15
Sponsorship Expired .......................................................................................................................... 15
Sponsorship Revoked ........................................................................................................................ 16
MP ICAM Error Messages ........................................................................................................................... 16
Frequently Asked Questions 3 July 2023
MP ICAM Support Documentation and FAQ
IMPORTANT: Close the web browser and all tabs after logging out of MP ICAM. If the user
does not close all tabs and browser, the PII may still be accessed due to individual computer
caching. This is extremely important when sharing a computer or using a public computer.
MP ICAM frequently posts important information, tips, new requirements and other messages
on the MP ICAM home page. MP ICAM frequently updates the Support Documentation and
FAQ so it is not recommended to print this document. The document is dated in the footer.
General Information about MP ICAM Program
What is MP ICAM?
MP ICAM application provides sponsorship and credential management capabilities for non-
DoD Mission Partners including the ability to sponsor the issuance of DoD credentials (e.g.,
Common Access Card (CAC)) for physical and/or logical access or use of the non-DoD
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials for DoD logical access. The MP ICAM
application allows for the initiation, sponsorship, and management of the DoD and non-DoD
credentials. The sponsorship enables Applicants to have logical and/or physical access to
DoD systems and facilities, depending on credential type and sponsorship. Mission
Partners are described as other federal agencies and industry partners who have an
affiliation with the DoD. MP ICAM replaces the Trusted Associates Sponsorship System
(TASS) functionality and creates efficiencies to the credential sponsorship lifecycle.
What are the different portals and functions of MP ICAM?
MP ICAM Registration Portal: The Registration Portal is a secure portal for Mission
Partner Applicants to submit required personal identifiable information (PII) to request
sponsorship to the DoD for logical access using their non-DoD credential or sponsorship for
a DoD credential for physical and/or logical access.
MP ICAM Sponsorship Portal: The Sponsorship Portal is a secure portal for provisioned
Sponsors or DoD Personnel to manage and sponsor a credential. The Sponsorship Portal
enables a Sponsor to initiate an application, review, revoke, reject and/or grant a
sponsorship to the Applicant. The portal also allows for verification of the continued need of
the credential. Additionally, the Sponsorship Portal provides the Mission Partner affiliation
information and contract information associated with the Applicant for the purpose of
credential sponsorship.
What are the policies surrounding MP ICAM?
POLICY: DoDM 1000.13 Volume 1 is the DoD Manual that references the implementation
regarding the DoD policy for DoD Identification (ID) card issuance to uniformed service
members, their dependents, and other eligible individuals that can be used as proof of
identity and DoD affiliation.
SPONSORSHIP AND ELIGIBILTY: Sponsorship shall incorporate the processes for
confirming the appropriate personnel vetting (e.g., background investigation) and eligibility
for DoD issued credentials. The Sponsor is the person affiliated with the DoD who is
responsible for verifying and authorizing the Applicant’s need for a DoD issued credential for
physical and/or logical access or the use of their non-DoD credential for logical access.
Applicants for a DoD issued credential shall be sponsored by a DoD Government official
and require a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprint check with favorable results
and submission of a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) to receive a CAC.
Frequently Asked Questions 4 July 2023
What is the overall lifecycle of credential sponsorship?
The credential sponsorship process includes the following required tasks. The MP ICAM
application allows for the initiation, sponsorship, and management of the DoD and non-DoD
credential lifecycle.
1. Sponsorship & Eligibility This step confirms the processes for confirming eligibility of
a DoD Credential. The Applicant for a Common Access Card (CAC) shall be sponsored
by a DoD Government official or employee. The Sponsor is the person affiliated with the
DoD or other Federal agency. This person takes responsibility for verifying and
authorizing the applicant’s need for an DoD Credential.
2. Registration & Enrollment Sponsorship and enrollment information about the DoD
Credential applicant shall be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting
System (DEERS) prior to card issuance.
3. Background Investigation A background investigation is required for those
individuals eligible for a CAC. Sponsored CAC applicants shall not be issued a CAC
without the required background investigation.
4. Identity and Eligibility Verification Identity and eligibility verification shall be
completed at a Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification Systems (RAPIDS)
workstation. Verifying Officials (VO’s) inspect identity and eligibility documentation and
RAPIDS authenticates individuals to ensure that DoD Credentials are provided only to
those who are sponsored and who have a current affiliation with DoD.
5. DoD Credential Issuance DoD Credentials are issued at the RAPIDS workstation after
all sponsorship, enrollment and registration, background investigation, and identity and
eligibility requirements have been satisfied.
6. Use & Maintenance DoD Credentials are used as proof of identify and DoD affiliation
to facilitate access to DoD facilities and systems. Additionally, DoD Credentials
represent authorization for entitled benefits and privileges in accordance with DoD
7. Revocation & DoD Credential collection DoD Credentials shall be retrieved by the
sponsor or sponsorship organization when the DoD Credential has expired, when it is
damaged or compromised, or when the card holder is no longer affiliated with the DoD
or no longer meets the eligibility requirements for the card. The active status of the card
shall be terminated within the DEERS and RAPIDS infrastructure.
What are the high-level steps of the sponsorship process within MP ICAM?
DoD Sponsorship: MP ICAM enables the Sponsor to manage the lifecycle of the DoD
issued credential sponsorship for physical and/or logical access. The Sponsor will need to
log into the Sponsorship Portal by selecting what type of sponsorship will occur, DoD
credentials or non-DoD credential registration. To sponsor a DoD issued credential the
following steps apply:
1. The MPASM enters Mission Partner information
2. The MPASM/MPAS enters the contract information
3. The MPASM/MPAS initiates a DoD Credential Application
4. The Applicant accesses the Registration Portal to complete the application and submit to
the DoD Sponsor
5. The DoD Sponsor reviews the application and adjudicates the sponsorship
Denial of Application - The DoD Sponsor may deny the application for data
discrepancies, does not meet qualifications for physical and/or logical access, or
other reasons
Approval of Application - The DoD Sponsor may approve the Applicant to be issued
a DoD credential at a RAPIDS site
Frequently Asked Questions 5 July 2023
Management of Sponsorship: The Sponsor is responsible for managing the complete
lifecycle of the credential sponsorship including:
Expiration, Renewal and Reissuance The applicant for a DoD Credential renewal or
reissuance shall be required to surrender the current DoD Credential that is up for
renewal or reissuance except as indicated for lost and stolen DoD Credentials specified
in subparagraph 5.c.(3) of DoDM 1000.13, Volume 1, DoD Identification (ID) Cards
Revocation DoD Credentials shall be returned to your sponsor or RAPIDS station
when the DoD Credential has expired, damaged, compromised, affiliation has ended
with the DoD or no longer eligible for the card. The active status of the card shall be
terminated within the DEERS and RAPIDS infrastructure
Update MP ICAM with the accurate information regarding DoD Credential collection
Non-DoD PIV Sponsorship: MP ICAM enables the Sponsor to manage non-DoD PIV
credential sponsorships for DoD logical access. To sponsor a non-DoD PIV registration, the
following steps apply:
1. Non-DoD Credential Applicant navigates to the Registration Portal and selects
“Register an approved non-DoD credential”
2. Non-DoD Credential Applicant accesses the Registration Portal to complete
application and submits to Sponsor
3. Sponsor receives an automated email notifying them of the sponsorship request.
Sponsor navigates to the Sponsorship Portal and selects “Non-DoD credential
4. The DoD Sponsor reviews the application and adjudicates a sponsorship
Denial of Application - The DoD Sponsor may deny the application for data
discrepancies, does not meet qualifications for logical access, or other reasons
Approval of Application - The DoD Sponsor may approve the Applicant to register
their non-DoD credential to be used for logical access. Sponsor will need to put
an end date no later than 6 months. Sponsor may extend sponsorship every 6
General Information about MP ICAM Application
What are the URLs for the MP ICAM?
Registration Portal:
Sponsorship Portal:
How often must a Sponsor log into the Sponsorship Portal?
You must log in every 30 days to prevent the Sponsor’s account from being suspended. If it
has been more than 30 days, the Sponsor will need to call the DMDC CCC (DSC) at 800-
372-7437 to reactivate the Sponsorship Portal account.
Is training required to get access to MP ICAM Sponsorship Portal?
Yes, training is required on an annual basis. You must pass your training classes with
100% during knowledge base testing.
Go to the Training Information section of this document for additional information.
How the Sponsor requests to change an Applicant’s PII when the data is wrong in
To change personal information in DEERS (e.g., Name, Person Identifier, DoB, Gender,
Place of Birth, Citizenship), you must download and fill in the MP ICAM DEERS Record
Change form.
Frequently Asked Questions 6 July 2023
Attach the form along with the required supporting documentation to an encrypted email,
and email it to
If the Sponsor has additional questions, call the DMDC CCC (DSC) at 1-800-361-2508.
Is High Volume Data Feed (HVDF) or Batch Upload available in the Sponsorship Portal?
There is currently no Batch Upload functionality in MP ICAM.
A Sponsor/Applicant received an automated email, where is there additional information?
Go to the Email Information section of this document for actions required and more
information on the type of emails that MP ICAM can send out.
Where can a Sponsor go to receive additional information about how to use the
Sponsorship Portal?
Review the MP ICAM Supporting Documentation first.
If the Supporting Documentation does not answer your questions, Sponsors can contact
other Sponsors at their site or their SPOCs.
For assistance with data issues, Sponsors can call the DMDC CCC (DSO) at 1-800-361-
For assistance with technical issues with the MP ICAM application, Sponsors can call the
DMDC CCC (DSC) at 1-800-372-7437.
SPOCs and the DMDC CCC can communicate the known issues with the documentation to
the MP ICAM Technical Team to get the MP ICAM Supporting Documentation updated.
How does a Sponsor log in under another role in MP ICAM in the Sponsorship Portal?
If the Sponsor is already logged into MP ICAM, the Sponsor can click on the Site and Role
information on the header at the top of the page. If the Sponsor has any other Sites and
Roles, a pop-up box will appear and the Sponsor can click the radio button next to the one
Site and Role the Sponsor wants to use.
How do Sponsors view all applications and their status in the Sponsorship Portal?
All Sponsors have the ability to filter the view on My Dashboard to be My Summary or Site
Summary. Click the Site Summary radio button to see all the applications at the site. Click
My Summary to see only those records you have updated. Sponsors can use the Quick
Filter or Custom Filters search options to view or manage applications by Sponsor, Status,
or Applicant information.
What are the main differences between MP ICAM and TASS applications?
Applicants are managed at the site level vs TA level to gain efficiencies
Contracts are managed at the site level
Applications are managed at the site level
Card eligibility is automatically maintained (e.g., manually extending eligibility is no longer
Training Information
How do I get my MP ICAM certification training in JKO?
MP ICAM courses are not available in the Course Catalog. You must join an MP ICAM
audience based on your MP ICAM role.
You can follow the steps below to get to MP ICAM training:
1. Log in to JKO at
2. Click the Profile link in the upper right corner.
3. Scroll down to the Audience Association area.
Frequently Asked Questions 7 July 2023
4. Click the Add Audience(s) link.
5. Enter MP ICAM in the Name search field.
6. You will see three options.
7. If you are an MPAS, join the DMDC MP ICAM MPAS audience.
8. If you are an MPASM, join the DMDC MP ICAM MPASM audience.
9. If you are a SPOC, join the DMDC MP ICAM SPOC audience.
10. Click the green Plus icon to the left of the Audience name. It will move to the top of
the window.
11. Select the Add Audience(s) button.
12. Click Save at the bottom of your Profile.
13. Your courses will now appear in the My Training tab in the Assigned Training area.
I am an MPASM. Do I need to also be in the MPAS Audience in my JKO Profile?
No. You only need to be in the DMDC MP ICAM MPASM audience.
If you were an MPAS and then provisioned to an MPASM, join the DMDC MP ICAM
MPASM audience and remove yourself from the DMDC MP ICAM MPAS audience in your
Profile. Select Save at the bottom of your Profile.
How will I know when training is next due?
After you complete your certification training the first time, you will automatically be
reassigned to take the training 60 days prior to your Training Expiration Date. JKO will send
an email to the email address in your JKO Profile letting you know you have new training
Where do I get help regarding MP ICAM training in JKO?
The JKO Help Desk for DMDC operations is available at COMM: 757-203-5186; DSN: 668-
5186, or JS.JKO[email protected]
DoD Credential Information
What are the required steps for the Applicant?
DoD Credential Issuance: An Applicant must make an appointment at a RAPIDS station,
take all required document (e.g., two (2) I-9 documents, name change documents, etc.) to
the appointment.
DoD Credential Upon Separation, Resignation, Firing, Termination, Revoked: All DoD
credentials are property of the U.S. Government and shall be returned upon separation,
resignation, firing, termination of contract or affiliation with the DoD, or upon any other event
in which the individual no longer requires the use of the DoD Credential.
What is the policy requiring Applicants to return the DoD Credential?
Per US Code Section 701, Title 18 policy and guidelines as relates to the return of
government issued property or penalties can be imposed which are fines and imprisonment
up to 6 months.
How many days does an Applicant have to return the DoD Credential?
It is the Applicant’s responsibility to return the DoD credential within 7 calendar days to
return the DoD Credential to the Sponsor, the nearest RAPIDS Site, which can be found
using the ID Card Office Locator, or via mail to DMDC - DSC, ATTN: CAC Returns, 2102 E
21st Street N, Wichita, Kansas 67214.
Frequently Asked Questions 8 July 2023
Where can an Applicant find a RAPIDS Facility to get issued or return a DoD Credential?
To locate a RAPIDS Issuing Facility, you can use the Site Locator & Appointment tool on the
ID Card Office Online (IDCO) site at
What are the required steps for the Sponsor?
DoD Credential Issuance: Review the high-level steps in credential management question
in this document under General Information about the MP ICAM Program above
DoD Credential Upon Separation, Resignation, Firing, Termination, Revoked of an
Coordinate with the Applicant to retrieve the DoD Credential
Return the DoD credential to the nearest RAPIDS Site, which can be found using
the ID Card Office Locator, or via mail to DMDC - DSC, ATTN: CAC Returns, 2102 E
21st Street N, Wichita, Kansas 67214.
Sponsors are required to update MP ICAM with accurate information that the
credential has been collected.
How does a Sponsor retrieve a revoked or terminated DoD credential?
Coordinate with the Applicant to ensure they are returning their revoked or terminated
credential in accordance with US government and service policies, procedures, and
If the Applicant does not return the DoD Credential, work within your agency regarding your
internal procedures for reporting
Types of User Roles of MP ICAM
What are the various roles in MP ICAM?
Applicant - The Applicant is the person applying for sponsorship for issuance of a DoD
credential for physical and/or logical access or use of a non-DoD PIV credential for logical
access. The Applicant will submit PII information via the Registration Portal to request
Mission Partner Agent (MPA) - The MPA is the industry Mission Partner point of
contact (POC) who is responsible for coordinating the application process for their
employees that are applying for credential sponsorship. The MPA will often be a Human
Resources representative involved with providing services to the DoD. This MPA can
initiate applications, automatically send the application to the Applicant to fill out, and
ensure the Applicant meets the qualifications for sponsorship. This role is a new role in
MP ICAM and did not exist in TASS.
Mission Partner Affiliation Sponsor (MPAS) - The MPAS is responsible for
sponsoring the Applicant for issuance of a DoD credential for physical and/or logical
access or non-DoD credential use for logical access. The Sponsor is responsible for
managing the complete lifecycle of credential sponsorship. There can be one or more
MPAS at a site that manages the Applicants associated with the site. MPAS
responsibilities include: establish sponsorship of Applicants; notification to other
Sponsors of MP ICAM outages; notification to DMDC of any suspected/known system
compromises within 4 hours and remain current with all training requirements. This role
is equivalent to TASS’ Trusted Agent (TA).
Mission Partner Affiliation Sponsor Manager (MPASM) - The MPASM is responsible
for all activities associated with the site to include provisioning MPAS, ensuring
Applicants are managed appropriately throughout the credential sponsorship lifecycle,
Frequently Asked Questions 9 July 2023
and ensuring all DoD policies and procedures are followed at the site regarding
credential sponsorship. The MPASM must meet the same eligibility requirements as a
MPAS and may perform the same actions as a MPAS in the management of the
credential sponsorship. In addition, MPASM can provision and manage MPAS roles and
Sponsors for their site(s) in EMMA. MPASMs are responsible for: Troubleshoot
questions and issues for their site(s); manage Sponsors at their site(s) to include
requests for additional Sponsors; provide additional training, if necessary, provide
communication their site(s). This can include but is not limited to information re
regarding MP ICAM, meetings with SPOCs and/or Sponsors, emails, newsletters, etc.;
notification to DMDC of any suspected or known system compromises within 4 hours.
This role is equivalent to TASSTrusted Agency Site Manager (TASM).
Service Point of Contact (SPOC) - The SPOC is the highest level Sponsor (parent).
Applications and Sponsorships are owned and managed at the site level (child). SPOCs
are unable to input contract and Mission Partner information. SPOC(s) handle day-to-
day MP ICAM management and operations. SPOCs are responsible for: Management of
Sponsors at their service/agency sites to include provisioning/ updating/removing of
Sponsors accounts, communication, troubleshooting, training, and coordination; act as a
Liaison between DMDC and site(s); management of MP ICAM sites to include
establishing, updating, and removing sites; ensuring that all policy, procedures and
requirements are met by all Sponsors, to include SPOCs at their site/agency; perform
any required actions with Applicants; and create policies, operating procedures, and
other supporting documentation in support of service or agency-specific implementation.
This role is equivalent to TASS’ SPOC.
The Applicant User Role
Can an Applicant save their unfinished application in the Registration Portal?
No, the Applicant must complete the application in one sitting. If the Applicant logs out and
then comes back, the Applicant will have to re-enter their information.
What should the Applicant do if the service organization is incorrect on their application?
If the organization listed on the application is incorrect, the Applicant must contact their
MPAS for assistance.
What does the Applicant do if their application expires?
If the Applicant has not logged into the system within 30 days, then their application has
expired. The Applicant will need to contact their Sponsor and request a new application.
What should the Applicant do if their application has been rejected?
MP ICAM will send the Applicant and their Sponsor(s) an email notification that their
application has been rejected. The email notification will provide the reason for rejection, if
available. The Applicant can contact their Sponsor if there are any questions.
After the Applicant’s Sponsor has approved their application for a DoD credential, how
much time does the Applicant have to obtain their DoD credential?
The Applicant has 90 days from the date the Sponsor approves their application to have a
DoD credential issued. If the Applicant does not obtain the credential after 90 days, MP
ICAM will automatically revoke the application. If the Applicant still requires a DoD
credential, the Applicant must request a new application from the Sponsor.
Frequently Asked Questions 10 July 2023
If the Applicant’s data is incorrect in DEERS, how does the Applicant change it?
The Applicant will need to contact their Sponsor and request that DEERS Change Form is
submitted to the DMDC CCC via encrypted email. The Applicant will be required to provide
two (2) forms of I-9 documents (e.g., drivers license, passport, SSN card) and a legal
document if your name on the I-9 documents does not match the Applicant’s legal name
(e.g., marriage or divorce paperwork, court ordered, etc.).
If the Applicant had their name changed, once the Applicant needs to receive confirmation
that the name has been changed in DEERS. The Sponsor will need to revoke the
Applicant’s application, collect the existing DoD credential with the old name, and create a
new application for the Applicant with the new name. The Applicant must have a new DoD
credential issued with the new name.
What should the Applicant do if their DoD credential has been revoked?
MP ICAM will send the Applicant and their Sponsor(s) an email notifying their application
has been terminated, expired, or revoked. The Applicant can contact the Sponsor if there
are any questions.
Go to Collecting DoD Credentials section of this document for the required steps that must
be taken by the Applicant and Sponsor(s).
An Applicant’s DoD credential has been terminated, but the Applicant still needs it. What
should the Applicant do?
The Applicant needs to contact their Sponsor if a DoD credential is still required. The
Sponsor will create a new application for a new DoD credential.
What should the Applicant do with their revoked or terminated DoD credential?
The Applicant must return the DoD Credential within 7 calendar days.
Go to the DoD Credential Information section for more information required by the Applicant
and Sponsor
The MPAS User Role
How long does the Sponsor have to make a determination on an application once
A Sponsor must determine if the Applicant will receive a DoD Credential within 30 days.
After 30 days, the application will automatically be rejected.
How should the Sponsor respond if an Applicant has a question regarding background
If an Applicant has a question regarding their background checks, the Applicants Facility
Security Officer or Human Resources should be able to assist.
An Applicant’s DoD credential has expired because a Sponsor did not re-verify the need
for continued affiliation with the DoD. What must a Sponsor do to correct this?
If the Applicant still requires the credential, the Sponsor must start the Application process
Go to the DoD Credential Information section for more information required by the Applicant
and Sponsor
Frequently Asked Questions 11 July 2023
What should a Sponsor do if another Sponsor is unable to re-verify the Applicant
MP ICAM is set up so any Sponsor at a site can any action (e.g., edit, re-verify, revoke) for
Applicant’s records, to include reverification. Contact another Sponsor at your site and
request the Sponsor take action on the Applicant’s record.
How does a Sponsor remove an Applicant who is no longer employed with their Site?
The Sponsor must revoke the Applicant’s sponsorship. This updates DEERS and
terminates the DoD credential.
An email notification will be sent to the Sponsor(s) and Applicants when an approved
application is expired, revoked, or terminated.
Go to the DoD Credential Information section for more information required by the Applicant
and Sponsor
A Sponsor has approved an Applicant’s sponsorship for a DoD credential but the
Applicant did not go to get the credential within the 90 days. What can a Sponsor
MP ICAM will revoke approved applications after 90 days. The Applicant will need to start
the process over with a new application if the Applicant still requires a DoD credential.
What should a Sponsor do if MP ICAM automatically revoked an application?
A Sponsor cannot reactivate a revoked application. If the Applicant still requires a
government credential, a Sponsor needs to create a new application.
Why can a Sponsor not able to approve an application?
MP ICAM may not allow a Sponsor to approve an application for one of the following
An approved application already exists in MP ICAM for the same type of
sponsorship. For example, an Applicant may be sponsored as a DoD Contractor
and a DoD Volunteer but an Applicant may not be sponsored under two (2) different
contract companies as a DoD Contractor.
A revoked application on the same day of the attempted approval
There was no match in DEERS. The Sponsor will need to confirm that the
application data is correct.
If the application data is correct and the DEERS data is incorrect, send an
encrypted email to the DMDC CCC (DSO) to dodhra.dodc-mb.dmdc.list.dso-
[email protected] with the MP ICAM DEERS Record Change Form and
supporting documentation attached to it. You will not be able to approve the
Application until the DEERS data has been updated.
If the Application Data is incorrect, the data can be corrected or the Sponsor
will need to reject the application, and submit a new application to the
Applicant for the correct data.
How does a Sponsor update the Contract Number or Duty Location for an issued
Applicant record?
A Sponsor may change an Applicant’s Contract Number or Duty Location for an approved
application by clicking Edit Sponsorship.
How can a Sponsor transfer Applicants to another Sponsor at a different site?
A Sponsor’s MPASM must contact the SPOC to request to have the Applicant transferred to
the designated MPAS at the different site. The SPOC makes the decision to transfer
Applicants from one site to a different site. A MPASM can transfer an Applicant from his or
Frequently Asked Questions 12 July 2023
her own site to another MPAS at the same site, although this is not required. Any Sponsor
can manage an Applicant at the site level.
How can a Sponsor transfer an Applicant to another MPAS within the same site?
This is no longer required unless its for a specific reason. Any Sponsor can manage any
Applicant at the site level. However, if there is a requirement to transfer the Applicant, the
site’s MPASM can use the transfer functionality to transfer Applicants to another MPAS
within the same site.
Can I change an Applicant’s email address for MP ICAM notifications?
Yes, a Sponsor can change an Applicant’s email address after the application has been
approved by clicking Edit Sponsorship button.
Why does a Sponsor need to add or edit Contracts?
MP ICAM associates a contract with a Mission Partner in the application initiation process.
If an Applicant is associated with a contract not currently entered into MP ICAM, Sponsors
are required to accurately input the contract information under the Manage Contracts tab
prior to the Applicant Sponsorship process beginning.
The MPASM User Role
How can a Sponsor transfer Applicants to an MPAS that belongs to another site?
The Sponsor must contact the SPOC to request to have the Applicant transferred to the
designated MPAS at the different site. The SPOC makes the decision to transfer Applicants
from one site to a different site.
How can a Sponsor transfer an Applicant to another MPAS within the same site?
This is no longer required unless its for a specific reason. Any Sponsor can manage any
Applicant at the site level. However, if there is a requirement to transfer the Applicant, the
MPASM can transfer an Applicant to another Sponsor at their own site by searching for an
application, checking the Transfer box, and then selecting a new MPAS to transfer the
application to.
What should a Sponsor do if a MPAS has 100 Applicants?
Per DoD Policy, DoDM 1000.13, MPAS(s) should not manage more than 100 Applicants
without SPOC justification and approval. Contact the SPOC for assistance.
Management of the Applicants are done at the site level vs the TA level as it was done in
Does a Sponsor need to be provisioned in EMMA as an MPAS if the Sponsor is already a
No, as an MPASM, the Sponsor has the same capability as an MPAS to initiate/approve
applications. Although EMMA currently allows it, it is a best practice to only be provisioned
as an MPASM.
Why does a Sponsor need to add or edit Mission Partners?
Mission Partners are organizations, agencies, and industry partners who support and
contribute to DoD’s mission. Only MPASM(s) have the ability to manage Mission Partners.
If an Applicant belongs to a Mission Partner who is not currently entered into MP ICAM, the
Sponsor will need to add the Mission Partner accurately in the Manage Mission Partners
tab. After adding the Mission Partner into MP ICAM, Sponsors are able to add contracts
associated with the Mission Partners under the Manage Contracts tab. Once both Mission
Frequently Asked Questions 13 July 2023
Partner and Contracts have been added, the application initiation process can begin for the
Why does a Sponsor need to add or edit Contracts?
MP ICAM associates a contract with a Mission Partner in the application initiation process.
If an applicant is associated with a contract not currently entered into MP ICAM, Sponsors
are required to accurately input the contract information under the Manage Contracts tab
prior to the Applicant Sponsorship process beginning.
How can a Sponsor view the number of applications each MPAS(s) has updated at their
In the Workload Summary tab, the MPAS can view all the MPAS(s) at their Site with the
number of active applications the MPAS has updated
There is a new Sponsor a MPAS needs to provision as an MPAS in EMMA. What is the
EMMA URL is and the MPAS will need the new
Sponsor’s DoD ID number to provision as a new MPAS.
The SPOC User Role
Who does the SPOC contact for assistance with MP ICAM?
Contact the DMDC CCC (DSC) at 1-800-372-7437 or email at dodhra.dodc- for assistance.
How can a SPOC view the number of applications associated with each of my Sites?
In the Applications Summary section, the default view of Applications and their Status is a
consolidation of all of your Sites. To select an individual Site, click on the Site search field
and select a Site from the dropdown menu. The counts are now specific to that Site. Use
the Quick Filter or Custom Filters search options to view or manage applications by operator
Sponsor, Status, or Applicant information. To return to a consolidated view of all of your
Sites, click the X next to the Site search field.
Email Information
If an Applicant receives the following types of emails:
MP ICAM Application Created
This email notifies the Applicant that an application for a DoD credential has been created
and includes the application number. A separate email will be sent to you with the PIN
number. Complete the application within 30 days. If there are questions, contact the
MP ICAM Additional Information
This email notifies the Applicant that an application for a DoD credential has been created
and includes the PIN number. A separate email will be sent to you with the application
number. Complete the application within 30 days. If there are questions, contact the
New Application PIN
This email notifies the Applicant of the new PIN that you requested. Complete the
application within 30 days. If there are questions, contact the Sponsor.
Frequently Asked Questions 14 July 2023
Reminder to Submit Application
This email reminds the Applicant that the sponsorship application must be completed and
submitted within 30 days after the application was initiated. If there are questions, contact
the Sponsor.
Application Submitted
This email notifies the Applicant that an application for a DoD credential sponsorship has
been submitted. You do not need to take any action. If there are questions, contact the
By Proxy Application Submitted
This email notifies the Applicant that an application for a DoD credential has been created
and submitted. You will be notified once a decision has been made regarding sponsorship.
You do not need to take any action. If there are questions, contact the Sponsor.
Application Approved
This email notifies the Applicant that the application for a DoD credential was approved.
Follow the instructions in the email to be issued your new credential. If there are questions,
contact the Sponsor.
Application Rejected
This email notifies the Applicant that an application has been reviewed and rejected. Reject
reason is provided. If there are questions, contact the Sponsor.
Application Expired-
This email notifies the Applicant that the sponsorship application has expired because it was
not submitted within 30 days after the application was initiated. If DoD sponsorship is still
necessary, a new application is required. If there are questions, contact the Sponsor.
If a Sponsor receives the following types of emails:
Sponsorship has Expired
This email notifies the Applicant that the sponsorship for a DoD credential has expired.
Contact your organization for further information.
Sponsorship has Ended
This email notifies the Applicant that the DoD sponsorship has ended. If there are questions,
contact the Sponsor.
Non-DoD Credential Sponsorship Terminated
This email notifies the Applicant that the sponsorship for a non-DoD credential has been
terminated due to you being approved for a DoD credential. If there are questions, contact
the Sponsor.
Affiliation Extended
This email notifies the Applicant that the DoD sponsorship end date has been updated.
Follow the instructions in the email to be issued your new credential if your DoD credential is
expiring soon. If there are questions, contact the Sponsor.
Frequently Asked Questions 15 July 2023
MP ICAM Information Updated
This email notifies the Applicant that the contract information, duty location, and/or primary
work email information has been updated in the MP ICAM system. If there are questions,
contact the Sponsor.
Application Transferred
This email notifies the Applicant that the Sponsor has changed. You do not need to take any
action. If there are questions, contact the Sponsor.
Applicant’s DoD credential was revoked
This email notifies the Sponsor that the sponsorship has been revoked. The Sponsor
cannot reactivate a revoked credential. Go to the DoD Credential Information section for
more information required by the Applicant and Sponsor
Sponsor must re-verify an Applicant
Any Sponsor can log into MP ICAM, click on Sponsorships Pending Reverification for a
complete list of all Applicants at your site that needs reverification. Reverification must
occur every 180 days. The Applicant’s PII, continued affiliation with the DoD, and continual
need for a DoD credential must be verified.
Application for Review
This email notifies the Sponsor that one or more application(s) are awaiting review and
determination. Follow instructions in the email.
Application Terminated
This email notifies the Sponsor that one or more application(s) have been automatically
terminated due to no determination being made for sponsorship within the past 30 days.
Follow instructions in the email.
Verification of Sponsorship
This email notifies the Sponsor that there are sponsorships that need to be verified so that
Applicants do not lose their access. Log into the MP ICAM Sponsorship Portal to review
these Applicants.
Sponsorship Transferred
This email notifies the Sponsor that one or more sponsorship(s) have been transferred to a
new site.
Application(s) Transferred
This email notifies the Sponsor that one or more application(s) and/or sponsorship(s) from a
different site have been transferred to you. Log into the MP ICAM Sponsorship Portal to
review the application(s) and/or sponsorship(s).
Affiliation Extended
This email notifies the Sponsor that one or more sponsorship(s) have been extended and
may be eligible for a new DoD credential. Follow instructions in the email.
Sponsorship Expired
This email notifies the Sponsor that there are newly expired sponsorships. Follow
instructions in the email.
Frequently Asked Questions 16 July 2023
Sponsorship Revoked
This email notifies the Sponsor that there are newly revoked sponsorships. Follow
instructions in the email.
MP ICAM Error Messages
MP ICAM error messages include information to help guide the user to a successful resolution.
Please follow the directions as appropriate.
Sponsorship Creation errors: Contact DMDC support.
MPS Logon or Access errors: Contact the MPAS or MPASM at your local site. Additional
help is available from the CCC.
MPR Access errors: Contact your sponsor for assistance in resetting your access
MPR errors: Verify that all Applicant’s information is entered correctly and free from errors.