Section E
Medication Administration March 2021
10/15-Hour Training Course for Adult Care Homes E-1
Section E
Medication Orders and
Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Section E
Medication Administration March 2021
10/15-Hour Training Course for Adult Care Homes E-2
Section E
Medication Orders and
Medication Administration Record (MAR)
At the completion of this section, the student should:
1. Transcribe orders onto the Medication Administration Record (MAR) correctly use proper
abbreviations, calculate stop dates correctly, transcribe PRN orders appropriately, copy orders
completely and legibly and/or check computer sheets against orders and apply to the MAR, and
discontinue orders.
2. Describe the responsibility of the Medication Aide in relation to FL-2, physician’s orders and
medication administration record (MAR).
Advance Preparation In General
Review curriculum
Add examples or comments
Make copies of handouts or student manual for each student
o E-1 FL-2 Blank sample
o E-2 Blank MAR sample
o E-3 Sample FL-2 for Transcription Activity
o E-4 MAR Answers for Transcription Activity
Documents used by adult care homes for medication orders and medication administration
Advance Preparation - Activity
Medication Orders and Transcription
Section E
Medication Administration March 2021
10/15-Hour Training Course for Adult Care Homes E-3
Section E Medication Orders and the Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Review the definition of a medication order
The written or oral directions that a physician or other prescribing practitioner provides
about a resident’s medication or medications
Distribute a copy of the handout to each student or locate handout in Student Manual
HANDOUT E-2: Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Distribute a copy of the handout to each student or locate handout in Student Manual
TEACHING TIP: Documentation
Locate examples of an FL-2, physician’s order sheet and other forms of documentation used by
adult care homes regarding orders and medication administration. Review the examples with
the students.
Tell students
Documentation is an important part of medication management
Forms used to document can be quite confusing to unlicensed persons who are unfamiliar
with the process
Medication aides must know how to use the MAR and other forms to ensure safe
medication management and compliance with laws and regulations
Forms Commonly Used to Document Medication Orders
Forms commonly used to document medication orders and medication administration can
be confusing to unlicensed people who are unfamiliar with the process
Examples of main forms used in most adult care homes
o FL-2
o Physician’s Order Forms
Section E
Medication Administration March 2021
10/15-Hour Training Course for Adult Care Homes E-4
Section E Medication Orders and the Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Medication Aides must know how to use these forms to ensure safe medication
management and compliance with laws and regulations
Forms Commonly Used to Document Medication Orders FL-2
FL-2 form is required for new admissions in adult care homes
Important: all information on FL-2, and any admission documents with orders is reviewed for
If any clarification is needed, contact prescribing practitioner
If FL-2 has not been signed within 24 hours of admission
o Verify orders with prescribing practitioner by fax or telephone
o Document verification in resident’s record, for example a note in the progress notes or
orders may be rewritten as telephone orders and signed by prescribing practitioner;
orders could also be faxed to prescribing practitioner for review, signature and date
Form Commonly Used to Document Medication Orders Physician’s Order Forms
Used to record prescribed medication and treatment orders
Any form used for physician’s orders and medication orders must be retained in the
resident’s record.
Forms Commonly Used to Document Medication Administration Medication Administration
Record (MAR)
Form onto which medication and treatment orders are transferred
Record of all medications and treatments ordered to be administered
Record of staff who administered medications
Record of medication not administered and the reason
Medication Orders and the MAR
A licensed person prescribes or writes a medication order in the resident’s record or medical
The medication order is then copied or transcribed onto the MAR. The MAR provides the
instructions to the Medication Aide for administering medications.
Section E
Medication Administration March 2021
10/15-Hour Training Course for Adult Care Homes E-5
Section E Medication Orders and the Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Transcription of Orders Onto MAR
Transcribe means to write down or to copy
o In medication administration it means to copy medication or treatment orders onto the
Orders are copied onto the MAR when the order is obtained or written
o Initial or sign and date orders written on the MAR
o Transcribe the order writing out any abbreviations completely; include all components of
a medication order
o Count number of dosages to be administered instead of number of days when
calculating stop dates for medication orders that have been prescribed for a specific time
period, such as antibiotics
o Do not schedule PRN orders for administration at specific times; they are administered
when resident “needs” the medication for a certain circumstance
A discontinue order must be obtained for an order to be discontinued, unless prescribing
practitioner has specified the number of days or dosages to be administered or indicates
that dosage is to be changed
Information on the MAR
All the information needed for medication administration must be clearly written on the
MARs should include:
o Resident’s name (right resident)
o Room or bed number (if applicable)
o Facility number (if applicable)
o Medication name (right medication)
o Strength of dose or amount of medications to give (right dose)
o Date and time to be given (right time)
o Route to be given (right route)
o Date the order was written
o Date the order expires (if applicable)
o Resident’s allergies (if they have any)
o Special instructions
o Reason why PRN medication is being given (for example PRN medication for headache)
o Initials of the personnel transcribing the physician’s order to the MAR
The MAR is kept current and accurate
Section E
Medication Administration March 2021
10/15-Hour Training Course for Adult Care Homes E-6
Section E Medication Orders and the Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Electronic MAR
Some adult care homes may use an electronic MAR (eMAR) that requires staff to document
information and administer medication administration on the computerized MAR. The
information on an eMAR for administration is the same information that would be found on a
paper MAR.
ACTIVITY: Medication Orders and Transcription Activity
Distribute a blank MAR (Handout E-2). Choose several drugs listed on the FL-2 for Garrett
Clayton (Handout E-3) and have students to transcribe or transfer orders onto the blank MAR.
Walk around area and assist students as needed. Discuss answers with students upon
NOTE: Initials of individual transferring the information or medication order to the MAR should
be identified with the entry. Scheduled administration time is based on the facility’s
administration time policy and the first dose is identified when to begin based on the scheduled
administration time and the time of admission of the resident and facility policy.
The MAR and the SIX Rights of Medication Administration
It should be clear to the Medication Aide from the MAR
o What is to be given (Right Medication)
o How much is to be given (Right Dose)
o Who is to get the medication (Right Resident)
o When it is to be given (Right Time)
o How it is to be given (Right Route)
o After administering the medication(s) where to document on the MAR that the
medication was given (Right Documentation)
Proceed to Section F