1. Purpose
2. Benefits of Using ICE
3. Hardware/Software Requirements
1. Word Processing Document
2. Spreadsheet Files
1. Background
2. Workbook Description
3. Outline of ICE Cost Model Schedules (Hyperlinks to Descriptions)
1. The QuickStart worksheet
2. Completing the Setup Worksheet
3 Data Needed to Prepare ICE Schedules
4. Data Files Needed for ICE Schedules
5. Flowchart
6. Introduction to Model Sample Workbook Schedules
7. Model Sample Workbook Schedules
1. Converting Accounting Data Files into Excel Files
2. Creating Worksheets
3. Copying Converted Files into New Worksheets
4. Copying Data from New Worksheets into Schedules
5. Linking Data Between Schedules
6. Creating Additional Schedules
7. Schedule H Adjustments
8. Schedule A Adjustments
1. References
2. Contract Types
3. Tips for Spreadsheets and Word Documents
Hyperlinks in Word and Excel
Vertical Lookup
4. ICE_Demo.xls Worksheets/Schedules Demo File
5. ICE_Model.xls Worksheets/Schedules User File
Section A Introduction
NOTE: Please ensure you are using the latest version of ICE when preparing your
incurred cost submittal (see www.dcaa.mil).
NOTE: The ICE Model is not protected since contractors may need to make revisions to
the model in order to properly reflect their accounting practices. However, when making
changes, please do not change the names of any existing worksheets or delete entire
columns or rows on existing worksheets.
A.1. Purpose
To provide contractors with a standard user-friendly ICE submission package that will enable
them to submit adequate incurred cost proposals in accordance with FAR 52.216-7,“Allowable
Cost and Payment” (See Appendix 1).
The ICE model contains a Setup worksheet that allows contractors to customize the workbook to
match their disclosed accounting practices. However, additional customization may be
necessary to ensure the submission follows a contractor’s disclosed practices.
When preparing the incurred cost submission a contractor should only complete
schedules that are applicable to its disclosed accounting practices.
A.2. Benefits of Using ICE
Some of the many benefits that will result from the use of the model are detailed as follows:
Includes all required schedules under FAR 52.216-7 and provides optional schedules for
the contractor’s convenience.
Provides a means to increase efficiency as evidenced by savings in both hours and
elapsed days for the contractor and the auditor.
Results in less interruption of the contractor’s work schedule.
Promotes up-front contractor and DCAA interaction and improves communications.
Provides for a better understanding of the audit requirements due to increased
involvement in the audit process.
Results in an inventory of electronic files that can easily be updated for subsequent years’
Permits updating either manually or by electronically importing data.
Serves as a useful tool for comparing historical cost data and for analyzing indirect costs.
A.3. Software/Hardware Requirements.
The ICE model was developed using Microsoft Office 2003 software (Word and Excel)
running on the Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system. However, ICE
was tested and operates properly on Microsoft Excel 2000 (or newer) software running
on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit) operating systems.
Personal computer with a Pentium or higher processor.
Section A Introduction
Hard-disk space required: 4.5 MB for empty ICE Model, Demo, and documentation;
additional space will be required depending on size of support files.
Suggested resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher.
Mouse or compatible pointing device.
Section B ICE Software
The ICE Software Package contains the following word processing document and electronic
spreadsheet files.
B.1. Word Processing Document
ICE MANUAL.doc: The ICE Instruction Manual provides the following information: general
information on submitting electronic incurred cost submissions, description of the ICE software
applications package, user instructions, and appendices.
B.2. Spreadsheet Files
a. ICE_Demo.xls (Demo File): The ICE_Demo spreadsheets are completed electronic
versions of the “Model Incurred Cost Proposal” schedules found in Chapter 6 of the Defense
Contract Audit Agency Pamphlet (DCAAP) 7641.90, Information for Contractors, dated January
2005. ICE_Demo.xls contains a Table of Contents that is linked to all schedules.
b. ICE_Model.xls (User File): The ICE_Model spreadsheets are ready-for-input
electronic versions of the “Model Incurred Cost Proposal” schedules found in Chapter 6 of the
Pamphlet 7641.90 Information for Contractors, dated January 2005. ICE_Model.xls contains a
Table of Contents that is hyperlinked to schedules where applicable. The contractor converts its
trial balance/general ledger and contract cost accounting data files into Excel files or ASCII/Text
files to be imported into Excel. Once in Excel format, the data can be copied into the appropriate
worksheets in ICE_Model.xls.
Section C ICE Model Incurred Cost Submission
C.1 Background
The "Allowable Cost and Payment" clause (FAR 52.216-7) requires that the contractor prepare a
proposal together with supporting data within 6 months after the end of its fiscal year and
identifies the schedules that should generally be included in an adequate indirect cost rate
proposal. To assist contractors in meeting this requirement, this manual presents DCAA's
electronic model incurred cost proposal.
Note: depending upon the size of the firm, complexity of the accounting system, and type of
business, some of the information contained in the schedules may not be necessary to perform
the audit. Specific requirements should be coordinated with the cognizant DCAA field audit
The ICE model can be customized to accommodate:
a G&A rate (value-added or total cost input),
up to five final overhead pools (with labor dollars as an allocation base),
a material handling pool (with material and/or subcontract dollars as an allocation base),
a fringe pool (as either an intermediate allocation or a final rate),
up to six intermediate pools (ex. Occupancy), and
up to seven cost of money rates.
The ICE model can also be customized so the contractor can provide a breakout by expense for
each department if expenses are available by department (e.g., President's Office, Marketing
Department for G&A; Fabrication, Assembly/Test for overhead). Customization is
accomplished through the Setup worksheet.
DCAA prefers that contractors include an index similar to that used in the model incurred cost
proposal for each year submitted. If certain schedules are not applicable, the contractor should
so note on the index.
In addition to the data presented in the schedules, DCAA will request the information presented
in Section C.3, Outline of ICE Cost Model Schedules, on the page entitled "Supplemental Model
Incurred Cost Proposal Information." Contractors should identify this information when
preparing the submission in order to make the process as fast and efficient as possible.
The company name and fiscal period should be included on all schedules submitted. The
electronic ICE file containing the schedules and word processing documents should be included
with the proposal.
Section C ICE Model Incurred Cost Submission
C.2. Workbook Description
The Workbook’s Table of Contents (TOC) is linked to all Schedules. Schedules A through O
are generally the required schedules for the incurred cost proposal however, depending on
your accounting practices you may not need all schedules (i.e. if your company does not have
any intermediate pools then you will not be completing Schedule D since this schedule is used to
provide details of intermediate pool costs).
Optional schedules are also included, which provide the following:
Schedule F-1 Convenient format for contractors to calculate the
average net book value (NBV) of assets for the
subsequent calculation of cost of money (COM) on
Schedule F.
Schedule G-1 Additional reconciliation between the books of
account/general ledger and the job cost-ledger.
Suppl A-1 to A-4 Comparative analysis of indirect cost pools and
direct costs from the prior period to the claimed
Supplemental B General Organizational Information and
Compensation for Certain Contractor Employees
per FAR 31.205-6(p)
Supplemental C Identification of Prime Contracts Under Which the
Contractor Performs as a Subcontractor
Supplemental O Briefing contracts
The Workbook has tabs/worksheets labeled with their functional or schedule name. The
tabs are color-coded to match various section-colors on the Setup tab (Setup is the tab where you
customize ICE to reflect your accounting system). Hyperlinks have been conveniently placed
throughout the ICE_Demo.xls and ICE_Model.xls to facilitate navigation within the Workbook.
Refer to Section D.7, Model Sample Schedules, on how to activate Hyperlinks. A brief
summary describing how to create Hyperlinks is included as Appendix 3, ICE Tips for
Spreadsheet and Word Documents. Appendix 3 also provides instructions on how to use
Vertical Lookup (VLOOKUP).
Section C ICE Model Incurred Cost Submission
C.3. The ICE Cost Model Schedules
The default ICE workbook contains the schedules listed below.
The ICE model contains a Setup worksheet that allows contractors to customize the workbook to
match its disclosed accounting practices. However, additional customization may be necessary
to ensure the submission follows a contractor’s disclosed practices.
When preparing the incurred cost submission a contractor should only complete
schedules that are applicable to its disclosed accounting practices.
The actual schedules that are displayed in the ICE workbook will depend on how the Setup
worksheet is completed
Schedule A
Summary of Claimed Indirect Expense Rates
Schedule B
General and Administrative (G&A) Expenses (Final Indirect Cost Pool)
Schedule C
Final Indirect Cost Pool
Schedule D
Intermediate Indirect Cost Pool
Fringe Expenses
Schedule E
Claimed Allocation Bases
Schedule F
Facilities Capital Cost of Money Factors Computation
Schedule G
Reconciliation of Books of Account and Claimed Direct Costs
Schedule H
Summary Schedule H of Direct Contract/Subcontract Costs
Schedule H
Schedule of Direct Costs by Contract/Subcontract and Indirect Expense Applied
at Claimed Rates
Schedule H-1
Government Participation in Indirect Expense Pools
Schedule I
Schedule of Cumulative Direct and Indirect Costs Claimed and Billed
Schedule J
Subcontract Information
Schedule K
Summary of Hours and Amounts on T&M/Labor Hour Contracts
Schedule L
Reconciliation of Total Payroll to Total Labor Distribution
Schedule M
Listing of Decisions/Agreements/Approvals and Description of
Accounting/Organizational Changes
Schedule N
Certificate of Final Indirect Costs
Schedule O
Contract Closing Information for Contracts Completed in this Fiscal Year
Section C ICE Model Incurred Cost Submission
The following Schedules and information are not required for submittal of an adequate proposal;
however, the information will be required to complete the audit. ICE contains Supplemental
Schedules A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, B, C, and O that can be utilized by the contractor to provide
information as noted below:
1. Comparative analysis of indirect expense pools detailed by account to prior fiscal
year and budgetary data can be provided on the following schedules:
a. Supplemental Schedule A-1 – Overhead
b. Supplemental Schedule A-2G&A
c. Supplemental Schedule A-3Intermediate Pool Costs
d. Supplemental Schedule A-4Direct Costs
These schedules may be used for comparison of prior year actual costs; however
comparative analysis of budgetary data will also be required by the auditor.
2. Supplemental Schedule B - Compensation for Certain Contractor Employees per FAR
3. Supplemental Schedule C - Prime Contracts Under Which the Contractor Performs as
a Subcontractor.
4. Supplemental Schedule O - Contract Briefs.
5. List of ACOs and PCOs for each flexibly priced contract.
6. Identification of and information on prime contracts under which the contractor
performs flexibly priced effort as a subcontractor.
7. List of work sites and the number of employees assigned to each site.
8. Description of accounting system.
9. Procedures for identifying and handling unallowable costs.
10. Certified financial statements or other financial data (e.g., trial balance, compilation,
review, etc.).
11. Management letter from outside CPAs concerning any internal control weaknesses.
12. Actions that have been and/or will be implemented to correct the weaknesses
described in number 11 above.
13. List of internal audits or other types of audits or studies performed by other than
DCAA in this fiscal year.
14. Annual internal audit plan of scheduled in process but not issued audits in this FY.
15. Federal and state income tax returns (Schedule R).
16. SEC 10-K report.
17. Minutes from Board of Directors meetings.
Section C ICE Model Incurred Cost Submission
18. Listing of Delay and Disruptions and Termination Claims submitted which contain
costs relating to the subject fiscal year.
19. Contract Briefings (Schedule S) Contract briefings generally include a synopsis of
all pertinent contract provisions, such as, contract type, contract amount, product or
service(s) to be provided, applicable Cost Principles, contract performance period,
rate ceilings, advance approval requirements, precontract cost allowability
limitations, contract limitations, and billing limitations. A typical format for the
briefings is shown on Schedule S. A contractor need not use the example form if the
information is already generated and available within its automated accounting or
billing systems.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
D.1. Step 1 QuickStart Instructions
The QuickStart Instructions worksheet provides a “within the workbook” overview on
how to complete the Setup worksheet. Detailed instructions on completing the Setup
worksheet are listed below.
D.2. Step 2Setup
The Setup worksheet allows contractors to customize the workbook to match its disclosed
accounting practices. However, additional customization may be necessary to ensure the
submission follows a contractor’s disclosed practices.
When preparing the incurred cost submission, a contractor should only complete
schedules that are applicable to its disclosed accounting practices.
The General Information section of the Setup worksheet is where the contractor inputs the
company name, address and the date of the fiscal year end for the incurred cost submission being
prepared. This information is then carried forward to the appropriate schedules in the ICE
The Accounting Practices section on the Setup worksheet is where a contractor is asked to select
accounting practices that reflect the contractor’s own disclosed accounting practices.
NOTE: If the option to use a final indirect pool with Material/Subcontract costs as an allocation
base is selected, and you claim Cost of Money on this base, please see the related note regarding
the setup of Cost of Money in the instructions for Sched F.
Brief descriptions of each option are provided below. For more detailed description see
Example #1 and Example #2 below.
Value-Added G&A BaseBy default ICE assumes a Total Cost Input (TCI) base. If your
accounting practices allocate G&A over a Value-Added base select this option.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Final Indirect Pools accumulated by Department ICE provides the capability to specify costs
by department when developing the G&A pool (Sched B) and Final Indirect Pools (Sched C (1)
Sched C (6) if applicable). If you accumulate costs by department (aka Cost Center) select this
option. Additional columns will then be available on the Setup tab to allow you to specify
department names. Each pool may have up to 5 departments (Note: if you use departments but
have more than 5 departments in a specific pool simply combine the least cost-significant
departments and enter their combined cost in the space provided for the 5
department on the
appropriate schedule (B or C (x)).
Final Indirect Pool with Material/Subcontract Cost as Base – Primary indirect pools in ICE are
configured to use direct labor as their allocation base however ICE does provide for one primary
pool that uses material and/or subcontract cost as the allocation base. If your accounting
structure has a pool that is allocated over material and/or subcontract costs (i.e. material handling
pool), then select this option and ICE will display a material-based pool on the setup sheet.
NOTE: If the option to use a final indirect pool with Material/Subcontract costs as an allocation
base is selected, and you claim Cost of Money on this base, please see the related note regarding
the setup of Cost of Money in the instructions for Sched F.
Separate Pool to Allocate Fringe – ICE provides support for up to one Fringe pool which may be
allocated one of two ways (i) entirely to indirect pools similar to an intermediate allocation or (ii)
direct to contracts based on direct labor dollars and indirect to pools based on indirect dollars. If
the second option is applicable you may also elect to have fringe on direct labor included in the
applicable overhead base.
The Select the Number of Pools/Rates section on the Setup worksheet is where a contractor is
asked to identify how many, if any, final indirect pools (excluding G&A which appears in ICE
by default), intermediate pools, and cost of money rates are used. NOTE: If the option to use a
final indirect pool with Material/Subcontract costs as an allocation base is selected, and you
claim Cost of Money on this base, please see the related note regarding the setup of Cost of
Money in the instructions for Sched F.
The only default pool/rate included in the ICE Model is G&A. To input the appropriate number
of pools/rates, the contractor should select the cell containing the number adjacent to the type of
pool or rate and then either select the correct number from the drop-down list or manually type
the number in the cell. The maximum number of pools/rates that the ICE Model is set up work
with is as follows:
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Pool/Rate Maximum Number
Final Indirect Pools* 5
Intermediate Pools 6
Cost of Money Rates 7
*NOTE: The allocation base for each of these five pools is direct labor dollars. Overhead pools
for Material/Subcontract and Fringe are identified in the Accounting Practices section of the
Setup worksheet and, if selected there, should not be included in the number of pools for this
section of Setup worksheet.
The number of pools/rates selected in the Select the Number of Pools/Rates section determines
how many pools/rates are displayed in the Pool Information section.
Contractors should ensure that the responses accurately reflect their disclosed
accounting practices as an incorrect response can result in erroneous
calculations and may display schedules that are not applicable.
Once the first three sections of the Setup worksheet have been completed, the contractor should
then complete the Pool Information section. Examples are provided on the following pages.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Example #1:
In the example #1, the contractor has indicated in the Accounting Practices section that:
Value-added G&A base is used instead of Total Cost Input. Checking this box affects the
computation of G&A, but does not change the display under the Pool Information
There is a final indirect pool with Material/Subcontracts costs as an allocation base.
Checking this box will display a row in the appropriate section under Pool Information
for a final indirect pool where material/subcontract costs are used as an allocation base.
Edit the pool names both long and
short -- to reflect their actual names
See Note in ICE Manual regarding Cost of Money
pool/rates when the option for a final indirect pool
with Material/Subcont as base is selected
Be sure to select appropriate option
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Option buttons are also displayed to allow the contractor to specify what costs are
included in the base (only material, only subcontracts, or both material and subcontracts).
Be sure to select the appropriate option button or calculations may be incorrect.
NOTE: If the option to use a final indirect pool with Material/Subcontract costs as an
allocation base is selected, and you claim Cost of Money on this base, please see the
related note regarding the setup of Cost of Money in the instructions for Sched F.
Also in example #1, the contractor has indicated in the Select the Number of Pools/Rates section
it has one final indirect pool with labor as the base and seven cost of money rates (actually, only
three COM rates will be used but see COM Note explaining why seven COM rates was selected
in this scenario). In the Pool Information section, rows for the final overhead pool and the cost
of money rate are displayed. The contractor should edit the default names of the pools and rates
by selecting the pool name cell in the appropriate column and typing in the correct name. Both
long and short names are used.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Example #2:
In example #2, the contractor has checked the following in the Accounting Practices section:
Final indirect costs are accumulated by department. The ICE model supports up to five
departments within G&A and within each final indirect pool. Checking this box will
display five department rows under G&A and each final indirect pool under the Pool
Information section. If the department option is selected then each final indirect pool
must have at least one department. That is why the default Dept used?” setting is set to
“Yes” for the first department under each final indirect pool. The user must change
Edit the pool and department names both long
and short -- to reflect their actual names
Be sure to select appropriate options
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Dept used?” setting from “No” to “Yes” for each additional department under G&A and
each final indirect pool if additional departments are used to accumulate costs. The user
should edit each department’s name to provide both a long and a short name. Note: If
your accounting structure has more than five departments comprising either G&A or any
final indirect pool, on the Setup sheet simply specify the four most cost significant
departments and name the 5
department “Other”. Then when inputting cost data on
Sched B, C(x), etc., combine the least cost-significant departments and enter the
combined account totals under the column for department “Other”.
There is a separate pool to allocate fringe costs. Checking this box will display a row in
the appropriate section under Pool Information for a pool to allocate Fringe costs. Option
buttons are also displayed to allow the contractor to specify whether Fringe is an
intermediate allocation or applied as a final rate. If the latter option is selected a
checkbox is displayed where the contractor can indicate whether Fringe on direct labor
should be included in the base for the applicable overhead. Be sure to select the
appropriate options or calculations may be incorrect.
Also in example #2, the contractor has indicated in the Select the Number of Pools/Rates section
it has one final indirect pool, one intermediate pool and two cost of money rates. In the Pool
Information section, rows for the final overhead pool, intermediate pool and the two cost of
money rates are displayed. The contractor can edit the default names of the pools and rates by
selecting the pool name cell in the appropriate column and typing in the correct name. Both long
and short names are used.
Click the Run Setup button after completing all applicable sections of the Setup worksheet (for
convenience there are 2 identical Run Setup buttons – 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom of the
setup sheet). The ICE model will create the appropriate number of schedules and update
formulas based the information provided on the Setup worksheet.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
D.3. Step 3 - Data Needed to Prepare ICE Schedules
General Ledger (G/L) and Trial Balance for Fiscal Year (FY) and Prior FY (Refer to
Schedules B, C, D, G, Q-1, Q-2, Q-3, Q-4).
Cost element breakdown of cost type, T&M, other flexibly priced contracts, firm
fixed price and commercial contracts (Refer to Schedule H).
Job Cost Ledger for FYs submitted should reconcile to G/L (Refer to Schedule G-1).
Hours and amounts billed on T&M contracts (Refer to Schedule K).
Financial Statements for FY and Prior FY (Refer to Schedules B, C, G, G-1, Q-1, Q-
2, Q-3, Q-4).
Form 941 Quarterly Tax Returns for FY submitted (Refer to Schedule L).
Federal Tax Returns for FY submitted (Refer to Schedule R).
Copies of information used to brief flexibly priced contracts (see Appendix 2) (Refer
to Schedule S).
Decisions, agreements, approvals, accounting and organizational changes (Refer to
Schedule M).
Written policies and procedures on identifying and segregating unallowable costs
(Refer to Accounting Manual).
If Applicable, FY and Prior FY Net Book Value of Assets for Cost of Money
computation (Refer to Schedule F and F-1).
Schedule of IR&D/B&P projects if applicable (Refer to Schedule P).
Cumulative billing and contract closing information (Refer to Schedules I & O).
Documentation to support submission adjustments.
D.4. Step 4 - Data Files Needed for ICE Schedules
Accounting system data files either in Excel format or converted to ASCII/text files:
Schedule of direct contract costs by cost element
General Ledger/Trial Balance
Section D Getting Started Instructions
D.5. Step 5 –Flowchart
Review the flowchart found in the ICE_Model.xls or ICE_Demo.xls that depicts the flow
of data into various schedules.
D.6. Step 6 – General Instructions for Preparing Schedules
The following steps provide the basic procedures for preparing the ICE Schedules. For
detailed instructions on using the ICE Model, refer to Section E - Practice Exercise, and
Appendix 3 - Tips for Spreadsheet and Word Document (provides information on linking and
other helpful tools). For descriptions of schedules, refer to D.7.
1. If data is not available in Excel format then convert ASCII accounting files into
Excel files (See Section E; Practice Exercise for instructions on converting and importing
accounting data and subsequent steps).
2. Create a folder on the C: drive and name it ICE.
3. Copy all ICE files to the ICE folder.
4. Open both ICE_Model.xls and ICE MANUAL.DOC. ICE_Model.xls is linked
to the ICE MANUAL.doc Index. The manual includes user instructions, the purpose of each
schedule, and identifies the linking among schedules in ICE_Model.xls. (NOTE: ICE_Demo.xls
can also be opened to view completed sheets and formulas while inputting into ICE_Model.xls.)
4. Insert new worksheets in ICE_Model.xls in front of Schedule B (start of indirect
cost schedules) and Schedule H (before direct costs schedule) for a place to the copy converted
files. This will facilitate copying the converted data into the appropriate schedules.
NOTE: Although the following instructions start with copying direct costs, it is optional whether
to start with direct or indirect costs.
5. Copy the direct cost converted file containing the job cost ledger data into a new
ICE_Model.xls worksheet next to Schedule H. Copy data from new worksheet into SCHEDULE
H (see Section E for detailed instructions on preparing schedules). Schedule H accumulates
direct costs by job and cost element. Sort data by contract type and total costs by cost element
(including IR&D/B&P) to arrive at base costs that will be linked to Schedules A, B, C and F.
6. Brief contracts using optional Schedule S for cost type, T&M, and other flexibly
priced contracts. For help categorizing contracts, see Appendix 2, Contract Types.
7. Select Schedule K to manually input data for T&M contracts. Input the billed
amounts on T&M contracts. Also, summarize the hours, negotiated rates, and amounts on T&M
labor hour contracts.
8. Copy the General Ledger/Trial Balance converted file into ICE_Model.xls new
worksheet next to Schedule B. Copy data from new worksheet into SCHEDULES B, C AND D
(see Section E). Review schedules for formatting. Make sure these schedules reconcile to the
general ledger, trial balance, and financial statements.
9. Select Schedule G to reconcile claimed direct costs to the general ledger, trial
balance, and financial statements. The direct costs shown in Schedule G should be imported to
Schedule G by linking from Schedule H.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
10. Optional Schedule G-1: Reconciles the claimed direct costs to the job cost
ledger. These amounts are linked from Schedule G. Importing the job cost ledger will facilitate
the copying of data into this schedule.
11. Select Schedule L to reconcile labor accounts with the Form 941 quarterly tax
returns. This schedule is based on incurred labor costs, linked from various schedules, such as B,
C, D, and H. Input any adjustments or accruals made in the labor accounts in order to reconcile
with the Form 941 quarterly tax returns.
12. Select Schedule F for calculating the Facilities Capital Cost of Money (COM)
rates. This schedule replicates the CASB Form CMF and may not be applicable depending on
contract terms. If COM is authorized by the contract then this schedule must be completed. The
allocation bases for computing COM are linked to Schedule H. The net book value (NBV)
amounts are linked from OPTIONAL SCHEDULE F-1 that computes the NBV.
13. Select Schedule A to calculate claimed rates based on pool and bases linked from
Schedules B, C, D, and H. Establish or re-establish links as necessary between Schedule A and
other Schedules to ensure rate calculations are accurate.
14. Select Schedule H-1 to calculate government participation in the indirect cost
pool bases. Establish or re-establish links as necessary to Schedule H.
15. Select Schedule J to manually input the data for subcontract information.
16. Select Schedules I & O to manually input the data for contract billings/closings
respectively. Completion of these schedules is a requirement for the contractor to qualify for the
direct billing initiative.
17. Select Schedule P if applicable for incurred cost proposals prior to FY 93 for
contractors without advance agreements for IR&D/B&P. See instructions for schedule P in
Section D.7.
18. Select Schedule M to list any decisions, agreements (e.g., Advance Agreement for
Blended Rates), approvals, accounting/organizational changes made in the FY. If this schedule
does not apply mark it “not applicable.”
19. Select Schedule N and print out the certification form. This form must be signed
by an officer of the company and must be in hard copy form.
20. Select Optional Schedule Q series for comparative analysis of direct and indirect
costs. Refer to instructions in Section D.7 for Schedules Q-1 through Q-4.
21. Select Optional Schedule R to reconcile the tax return to the financial statements,
trial balance, and general ledger.
22. Select Adequacy Checklist in ICE_Model.xls to check off sections upon
completion of the ICE Model submission to help ensure that the submittal is adequate.
23. Print out all schedules in hard copy form and submit with electronic copy.
D.7. Introduction to Model Sample Workbook Schedules
This Section contains descriptions of the ICE Model Schedules and links to other
Section D Getting Started Instructions
QuickStart Instructions
The QuickStart Instructions worksheet provides a “within the workbook” overview on how to
complete the Setup worksheet.
The Setup worksheet allows contractors to customize the ICE workbook to match its disclosed
accounting practices.
The Setup worksheet should be completed before any data is input into the
Detailed instructions on how to complete the Setup worksheet can be found in section D.2.
Table of Contents (TOC)
The Table of Contents (TOC) contains a brief description of every worksheet in the
The Schedule Name on the left-hand side of the TOC with the Black lettering and White
background in the TOC is a HYPERLINK to the indicated required schedule. The Schedule
Name on the left-hand side of the TOC with the Blue lettering and White background in the TOC
is a HYPERLINK to the indicated optional schedule. To activate the HYPERLINK, simply
point your Mouse Pointer to the HYPERLINK and the cell will activate as the pointer
approaches the cell. Left-click on the schedule to activate the worksheet selected. Details on
how to create HYPERLINKS can be found in Appendix F.3 of this manual.
Once the HYPERLINKS are activated an additional Toolbar (the WEB Toolbar) appears,
and a BRIGHT GREEN ARROW lights up on the left side of the new Toolbar. You can now
click on that arrow to return to the previous worksheet.
Color Coding
The cells with LINKS are color-coded YELLOW, the cells with FORMULAS are color-
coded LIGHT BLUE. Also cells color-coded GREY contain formulas that use links. This serves
a two-fold purpose: First, the contractor and auditor can quickly determine the source of the
data. Secondly, they know in advance that the color-coded cells should not be carelessly erased
which would reduce the functional purpose of the Worksheet.
The cells with Titles of other Schedules color-coded DARK BLUE, with WHITE
LETTERING, are Hyperlinks conveniently placed to navigate to the source worksheets.
Schedule A: Summary of Claimed Indirect Rates
Description: Schedule A is a summary of the contractor’s indirect rates:
Function From Schedule
Final Overhead Pool(s)* Schedule C
Intermediate Pool(s) * Schedule D
Fringe* Fringe
Section D Getting Started Instructions
G&A Schedule B
Cost of Money (COM) Overhead* Schedule F
Cost of Money (COM) G&A* Schedule F
Claimed Allocation Bases Schedule E
* If applicable
The pools and bases in Schedule A are linked to their respective schedules as shown above.
Which pools/rates and how many pools/rates of a given type are displayed on
Schedule A is determined by how the contractor completes the Setup worksheet.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Schedule B: General and Administrative Expenses
Description: Schedule B contains the details of the contractor’s G&A expenses.
The details of G&A expenses are account balances from the G/L Trial Balance that have been
electronically imported, and any adjustments to the total incurred and the claimed amount.
Additionally, there are notes to explain the adjustments.
Function From Schedule
Intermediate Pool(s) * Schedule D
Fringe* Fringe
Direct Costs by Contract Schedule H or Summary Schedule H
IR & D/B&P Schedule H and Schedule P
* If applicable
A breakout by expense for each department should also be provided if expenses are available by
department (e.g., President's Office, Marketing Department for G&A; Fabrication,
Assembly/Test for overhead).
The pool and bases in Schedule B are linked to their respective schedules as shown above.
Schedule C: Final Overhead Pool Expenses
Description: Schedule C contains the details of the contractor’s final overhead pool expenses if
applicable. ICE supports up to 5 Final Overhead Pools using direct labor as a base (schedules
C(1) through C(5)) plus up to 1 Final Overhead Pool (schedule C(6)) using material and/or
subcontract costs as the base. ICE will only make visible the appropriate number of schedule Cs
based on information you provide on the Setup tab.
These details include the following: account balances from the G/L Trial Balance and any
adjustments to the total incurred and the claimed amount. Additionally, there are notes to
explain the adjustments.
Function From Schedule
Intermediate Pool(s) * Schedule D
Fringe* Fringe
* If applicable
The pool costs in Schedule C are linked to their respective schedules as shown above.
The ICE model can accommodate up to five final overhead pools where labor dollars
are the allocation base. A sixth pool to allocate material handling costs using
material/subcontract costs as a base can also be added. Please refer to the Setup
worksheet instructions for details.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Schedule D: Intermediate Pool Expenses
Description: Schedule D(x) contains the details of the contractor’s intermediate pool expenses if
applicable. ICE supports up to 6 Intermediate Pools with associated schedules D(1) through
D(6). ICE will only make visible the appropriate number of schedule Ds based on information
you provide on the Setup tab.
These details include the following: account balances from the G/L Trial Balance, and any
adjustments to the total incurred and the claimed amount. Additionally, there are notes to explain
the adjustments.
Function From Schedule
Fringe* Fringe
Function To Schedule
Final Overhead Pool(s)* Schedule C
G&A Schedule B
Summary of Claimed Rates Schedule A
* If applicable
The intermediate pool allocations in Schedule D are linked to their respective schedules as
shown above.
NOTE: The Expanded ICE Model supports up to six intermediate pools. When setting up
intermediate pools please keep in mind your company’s pool hierarchy and assign intermediate
pools so the following settlement rules may be observed:
All six Intermediate Pools may allocate costs to any or all Final Pools and G&A Pool
Intermediate Pools may allocate costs to other Intermediate Pools further down the
An Intermediate Pool may not allocate costs to itself or to an Intermediate Pool that
resides higher in the hierarchy.
Intermediate Pool 1 (highest in the hierarchy) may allocate costs to any/all Final
Pools, the G&A Pool, and to Intermediate Pools 2 through 6 (if applicable).
Intermediate Pool 2 (next highest in hierarchy) may allocate costs to any/all Final
Pools, the G&A Pool, and to Intermediate Pools 3 through 6 (if applicable) but
not to Intermediate Pool 1, since it is higher up in the hierarchy and has already
settled its costs by the time Intermediate Pool 2 runs its allocations).
Intermediate Pool 6 (lowest in the hierarchy) may only allocate costs to any/all
Final Pools and the G&A Pool. Intermediate Pool 6 may not allocate to any other
Intermediate Pools.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
The ICE model can accommodate up to six intermediate pools. Please refer to the
Setup worksheet instructions for details.
Fringe Schedule: Fringe Pool Expenses
Description: The Fringe schedule contains the details of the contractor’s fringe expenses if
These details include the following: account balances from the G/L Trial Balance, and any
adjustments to the total incurred and the claimed amount. Additionally, there are notes to explain
the adjustments.
Function To Schedule
Final Overhead Pool(s)* Schedule C
G&A Schedule B
Summary of Claimed Rates Schedule A
* If applicable
The Fringe pool allocations on the Fringe schedule are linked to their respective schedules as
shown above.
The contractor can identify whether Fringe expenses are an intermediate allocation or
applied as a final rate. Please refer to the Setup worksheet instructions for details.
Schedule E: Claimed Allocation Bases
Description: Schedule E is the overhead and G&A base summary by cost elements.
This Schedule describes in detail the cost elements in the allocation bases that are used to
distribute cost as follows. Overhead Base = labor amounts and descriptions of cost elements as
stated in the general ledger, adjustments, and claimed costs. G&A Base = direct cost amounts
and description of direct cost elements, total overhead incurred including unallowable costs, less
IR&D/B&P overhead adjustments. This schedule also includes explanatory notes.
Function From Schedule
Direct Labor Base Schedule H or Summary Schedule H
Travel, Material, ODC Schedule H or Summary Schedule H
Final Overhead Pool(s)* Schedule C
Fringe* Fringe
IR&D/B&P Overhead Schedule B
* If applicable
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Schedule F (F-1): Facilities Capital Cost of Money (COM)
Description: Schedule F is a replication of the CASB Form CMF for calculating Facilities
Capital Cost of Money (COM).
NOTE: If the option to use a final overhead pool with material and/or subcontract costs as the
allocation base is selected on the Setup form AND you claim Cost of Money on this base, when
selecting the number of Cost of Money rates in the “Select Number of Pool/Rates” section of
Setup, specify 7 as the number of rates. Under the Cost of Money section of Setup, use the 7
COM category for material/subcontract COM and simply change the “Yes” in column A to “No”
for any unused COM categories.
Function From Schedule
Overhead Labor Base Schedule E
Material (Subcontracts) Base Schedule E
G &A Base Schedule E
IR&D/B&P Direct Costs Schedule H or Summary Schedule H
Net Book Value Schedule F-1
The bases in Schedule F are linked to their respective schedules as shown above.
In the lower left-hand portion of the worksheet is an additional table to calculate a composite
Treasury Rate if necessary. The results are directly transposed to the appropriate position on the
form under the Rate column.
Next, the average net book value (NBV) of assets is shown as linked from Schedule F-1, (an
optional schedule for the contractor to compute NBV). The average NBV of assets are allocated
to the allocation bases according to the contractor’s determination of where the assets are used.
These NBV $ amounts are also linked from Schedule F-1.
The remaining calculations are performed in accordance with CAS 414, and also reflect
current Agency guidance that removes the COM on IR&D/B&P labor to the COM for G&A.
The ICE model can accommodate up to seven cost of money rates. Please refer to the
Setup worksheet instructions for details.
Schedule G: Reconciliation of General Ledger/Trial Balance to Claim
Description: Schedule G is the reconciliation of direct costs to the General Ledger/Trial
This Schedule shows the amounts of various direct costs, the account numbers, the amount
accumulated in the General Ledger, any adjustments, and the amount claimed.
Function From Schedule
Schedule of Direct Costs Schedule H or Summary Schedule H
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Schedule G-1: Reconciliation between the G/L and Job-Cost-Ledger
Description: Schedule G-1 is the reconciliation of direct costs from the General Ledger to the
Job-Cost-Ledger and is linked to Schedule G.
Summary Schedule H: Summary Schedule of Direct Costs
Description: Summary Schedule H summarizes contract direct costs and IR&D/B&P costs. This
schedule can easily be adapted to accommodate multiple cost pools.
Function From Schedule
Summary of Direct/Subcontract Costs Schedule H or Summary Schedule H
Overhead on IR&D/B&P) Schedule E
IR&D/B&P Direct Costs Schedule H or Summary Schedule H
The pools and bases in Summary Schedule H are linked to their respective schedules as shown
Schedule H: Schedule of Direct Costs by Contract/Subcontract including, Direct
IR&D/B&P Costs and Claimed Rates Applied
Description: Schedule H is the schedule of claimed/not claimed direct costs by
contract/subcontract including direct IR&D/B&P and Overhead, G&A, and COM at the claimed
rates. See Appendix 2 for descriptions of the various contract types.
Function From Schedule
Summary of Final Overhead Rates Schedule A
Cost of Money (COM) Overhead Schedule F
Cost of Money (COM) G&A Schedule F
Direct Costs/IR&D/B&P Summary Schedule H
The pools and bases in Schedule H are linked to their respective schedules as shown above.
This Schedule provides all the costs discussed in the description above that were charged to each
contract during the FY by contract type. For contractors with many flexibly priced contracts, it
may be necessary to revise Schedule H accordingly (See Summary Schedule H).
For contractors that have only a few government contracts, it is practical to list all their
government contracts on this schedule. However, for contractors that have many government
contracts and/or multiple delivery orders, it will be more practical to use this schedule as a
summary of direct costs by contract type and to provide the required details in supplemental
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Schedule H-1: Government Participation in Indirect Cost Pools
Description: Schedule H-1 presents a general overview of the extent that cost type and flexibly
priced contracts participate in the absorption of indirect expenses.
Function From Schedule
Direct Costs by Contract/Subcontract Schedule H
Schedule I: Cumulative Direct & Indirect Costs Claimed and Billed
Description: Schedule I is a schedule of cumulative direct and indirect costs claimed and billed
from inception to date.
This Schedule has multiple uses. It can be used to identify contracts ready for close, etc. such as
contracts with work that has been physically completed can be identified for closing, contracts
that may require billing adjustments due to over/under billing situations, and the latest voucher
number billed on a contract is included for easy verification.
Function From Schedule
Direct Costs by Contract Schedule H
Summary of Amounts Schedule K
on T & M contracts.
Schedule J: Subcontractor Information
Description: Schedule J provides subcontractor information as follows:
Subcontract number, prime contractor number, subcontract point of contact and phone number,
subcontract value, costs incurred in FY, and award type. The schedule provides identification of
subcontracts awarded to companies where the contractor is the prime or upper-tier contractor,
including inter-divisional effort. This information is required at the pricing action level (e.g.
delivery order, CLIN) for all subcontract awards (e.g. cost-type, incentive contracts, T&M/LH,
FFP, etc.) issued under flexibly-priced and IDIQ prime contracts.
Schedule K: Summary of Hours and Amounts on Time and Material (T&M)/Labor Hour
Description: Schedule K provides a summary of hours and amounts billed on T&M and Labor
Hour contracts. It is useful for in-house verification of total amounts and hours incurred/billed
on T&M and Labor Hour contracts when processing final vouchers.
Schedule L: Reconciliation of Total Payroll to Total Labor Distributed
Description: Schedule L is a schedule which reconciles labor costs from the General Ledger to
the quarterly IRS 941 Tax Returns for the contractor’s FY. Some of the amounts found on this
Schedule are derived from the previous schedules. Reconciliation adjustments may include
bonus or vacation accruals.
Function From Schedule
Final Overhead Pool(s)* Schedule C
Section D Getting Started Instructions
G&A Schedule B
Intermediate Pool(s) * Schedule D
Direct Costs by Contract/Subcontract Schedule H
* If applicable
Schedule M: Listing of Decisions/Agreements/Approvals and Description of
Accounting/Organizational Changes
Description: Schedule M is a schedule that identifies decisions/agreements/approvals involving
memorandums issued by Administrative Contracting Officers and disclosure of any accounting
or organizational changes. Contractors using a blending of compensation caps approach to
account for compensation costs in accordance with FAR 31.205-6(p) are required to enter into an
advance agreement with the cognizant contracting officer. If an advance has not been executed,
the incurred cost proposal will be returned and contractor notified to resubmit proposal only after
executing an advanced agreement.
Schedule N: Indirect Cost Certification
Description: Schedule N represents an example of an indirect cost certificate. The contractor
should complete this form, scan the signed certificate and submit it with the Incurred Cost
Proposal. The contractor must maintain the hard copy original signed certificate for the auditor’s
examination. The certification form must be signed by an individual of the contractor’s
organization at a level no lower than a vice president or chief financial officer. A signed
Indirect Cost Certificate is required by FAR 52.242-4.
Schedule O: Contract Closing Information for Contracts Completed in this Fiscal Year
Description: Schedule O is used to identify cost type, T&M, flexibly priced, and level of effort
type contracts that will be closed after this current incurred cost submission is audited and the
final indirect rates are agreed upon. If the contract is not ready to close (e.g., a contract
modification is being pursued), the reasons should be included in a footnote to the schedule.
This Schedule provides contract information including the period of performance, overall
ceiling amount, and the contract fee. If there is a level of effort contract or flexibly priced
contract, details of fee computation should be described along with the contract modification
Schedule P: Contract Direct Costs/IRD&BP Direct/Subcontracts & Indirect Applied
Description: Schedule P is a schedule of allowable IR&D/B&P costs for contractor FYs prior to
30 September 1992.
See the cautionary note in Schedule H regarding the change in the FAR cost principle.
The change was the result of the implementation of Public Law 102-190 effective for
contractor FYs beginning after 30 September 1992.
Schedule P in the ICE_Model.xls provides the verbatim instructions from FAR 31.205-18(c)(2)
regarding the calculation of allowable IR&D/B&P costs.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Supplemental A-1: Comparative Analysis- Overhead Costs
Description: Schedule Q-1 contains the comparative analysis of the claimed overhead costs with
the prior FY if applicable. Costs can be copying into Schedule Q-1 from Schedule C. If
account numbers changed from the prior year, make adjustments. To facilitate the copying
process, if all Schedules Cs have been completed, click the Build Schedules button on Schedule
Q-1 to copy data from the Schedule Cs to Schedule Q-1.
The details in this schedule contain prior FY overhead costs claimed amounts and the claimed
amounts for the current FY shown on Schedule C of this model incurred cost proposal.
After the current FY data is input into Schedule Q-1, the formulas in the schedule automatically
calculate both the absolute dollar change and the percentage change of costs from the prior FY to
the current FY. Additionally, the built-in formulas calculate the percent that each account
balance is to the total in the pool. Explanations of significant increases in costs from one year to
the other should be provided with the submission.
Supplemental A-2: Comparative Analysis- G & A Costs
Description: Schedule Q-2 contains the comparative analysis of the claimed G&A costs with the
prior FY. Costs can be copying into Schedule Q-2 from Schedule B. If account numbers
changed from the prior year, make adjustments. To facilitate the copying process, if all
Schedules Bs have been completed, click the Build Schedules button on Schedule Q-2 to copy
data from the Schedule Bs to Schedule Q-2.
The details in this schedule contain prior FY direct costs claimed amounts and the claimed
amounts for the current FY shown on Schedule B of this model incurred cost proposal.
After the current FY data is input into Schedule Q-2, the formulas in the schedule automatically
calculate both the absolute dollar change and the percentage change of costs from the prior to the
current year. Additionally, the built-in formulas calculate the percent that each account balance
is to the total in the pool. Explanations of significant increases in costs from one year to the
other should be provided with the submission.
Supplemental A-3: Comparative Analysis- Intermediate Pool Expenses
Description: Schedule Q-3 contains the comparative analysis of the claimed intermediate pool
costs with the prior FY if applicable. Costs can be copying into Schedule Q-3 from Schedule D.
If account numbers changed from the prior year, make adjustments. To facilitate the copying
process, if all Schedules Ds have been completed, click the Build Schedules button on Schedule
Q-3 to copy data from the Schedule Bs to Schedule Q-3.
The details in this schedule contain prior FY occupancy costs claimed amounts and the claimed
amounts for the current FY shown on Schedule D of this model incurred cost proposal.
After the current FY data is input into Schedule Q-3, the formulas in the schedules automatically
calculate both the absolute dollar change and the percentage change of costs from the prior to the
current year. Additionally, the built-in formulas calculate the percent that each account balance
is to the total in the pool. Explanations of significant increases in costs from one year to the
other should be provided with the submission.
Section D Getting Started Instructions
Supplemental A-4: Comparison of Direct Costs
Description: Schedule Q-4 contains the comparative analysis of the claimed direct costs with the
prior FY. Current year summaries of direct costs can be copied into Schedule Q-4 from
Summary Schedule H.
The details in this schedule contain prior FY direct costs claimed amounts and the claimed
amounts shown on Schedule G of this model incurred cost proposal.
After the current FY data is input into Schedule Q-4, the formulas in the schedule automatically
calculate both the absolute dollar change and the percentage change of costs from the prior to the
current year. Additionally, the built-in formulas calculate the percent that each account balance
is to the total in the base. Explanations of significant increases in costs from one year to the
other should be provided with the submission.
Supplemental Schedule B: Compensation for Certain Contractor Employees per FAR
Description: Supplemental Schedule B provides general organizational information and
information on compensation for certain contractor employees, per FAR 31.205-6(p).
FAR 31.205-6(p) limits the allowability of compensation for certain employees. For contracts
awarded on or after June 24, 2014, Section 702 of the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2013
established a compensation limitation of $487,000 for all employees (both defense and civilian).
This limitation is adjusted annually to reflect the change in the Employee Cost Index for all
workers, as calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
For defense agency (DoD, NASA and Coast Guard) contracts awarded on/after December
31, 2011, and before June 24, 2014, the ceiling established by OFPP in accordance with 41
USC 1127 continues to apply to all employees.
For defense agency (DoD, NASA and Coast Guard) contracts awarded before December 31,
2011 and civilian agency contracts awarded before June 24, 2014, the ceiling established by
OFPP in accordance with 41 USC 1127 continues to apply to the top five most highly
compensated employees in management positions at each home office and at each segment.
Supplemental Schedule B includes all forms of compensation for the five most highly
compensated employees in management positions, for each year of the Incurred Cost submission.
Supplemental Schedule C: Prime Contracts under which contractor performs as Subcont.
Description: Identification of Prime Contracts Under Which the Contractor Performs as a
Supplemental Schedule O: Contract Brief
Description: Supplemental Schedule O contains the typical format for contract briefings.
A contract brief generally include a synopsis of all pertinent contract provisions, such as:
contract type, contract amount, product or service to be provided, applicable Cost Principles,
Section D Getting Started Instructions
contract performance period, rate ceilings, advance approval requirements, pre-contract cost
allowability limitations, and billing limitations. The contract brief form can be used for cost
type, T&M, and flexibly priced contracts when submitting the incurred cost proposal.
Contractors can create and maintain an electronic database for each contract by using this form.
Updates for modifications on each contract can be done electronically. The contract brief form
achieves and meets one of the FAR regulations to be on the direct billing initiative program.
Section E Practice Exercise
THE ICE PACKAGE CONTAINS A DEMO FILE (Schedules That Contain Sample Data)
E.1. Converting Accounting Data Files into Excel Files
It is advisable to maintain a backup copy of the ICE template (ICE_Model.xls) to have a historic
record of links and formats.
The following accounting system files that need to be converted to Excel files are:
Schedule of Direct Costs by Contract
General Ledger/Trial Balance
NOTE: If this data is already in Excel format, skip to section E.2.
The process for converting accounting system files is as follows:
Convert accounting system files to an ASCII/Text Delimited file taking into
consideration the ICE schedule data required and format on the ICE model schedules
(See the instructions that come with the accounting system application program for
converting accounting data into an ASCII/Text file).
Open up an ASCII/Text file in Excel as described in the following screens:
In Excel go to File, Open, from the Dialog Box entitled “Files of type,” select Text Files, and
click on Open.
Section E Practice Exercise
Review the Dialog Box on the “Text Import Wizard” screen that describes the file type for the
ASCII/Text file data. (In the following example, a tab delimited file was used.)
Text Import Wizard” (Step 1 of 3) determines that the data structure is in a Delimited
format; therefore, select Next, at the bottom of the Dialog Box.
Text Import Wizard (Step 2 of 3) selects the delimiters used in the text file (Tab was
selected in this example since the file was originally saved as a Tab delimited file.)
Section E Practice Exercise
“Text Import Wizard” (Step 3 of 3) selects the column formatting.
Select Finish (Excel defaulted to “General” for basic formatting as described in the
Dialog Box). The file will open in Excel.
Reformat converted file as necessary, e.g., setting column widths, etc. After
reformatting, save file by selecting the following from the tool bar: File, Save As,
and in the “Save as Screen” (shown above), change the Save as type to Microsoft
Excel Workbook. Save the file under an identifying name, i.e., “1997DirCost.xls”
for schedule of FY direct costs by type contract.
This completes the process of converting accounting system data from a text file to an Excel file.
Conversion of the “direct costs by type” file will be used to copy information into the ICE
Section E Practice Exercise
template for schedules that include direct costs (i.e., Schedule H in example). Repeat this
process for converting the General Ledger/Trial Balance ASCII/Text file that will be used to
copy information into the ICE template for schedules that include indirect costs (i.e., Schedule
C). Follow E.2. instructions for Creating Worksheets to continue the process of copying the
information on the Excel file into the ICE model.
E.2 Creating Worksheets
The following process is required to input the Excel versions of the Schedule of Direct Costs by
Contract and the General Ledger/Trial Balance into the ICE_Model.xls (ICE Template).
Open up ICE_Model.xls and click on TOC tab (Table of Contents) to view a directory of
worksheets. Clicking on the TOC schedule hyperlink will automatically transfer the user to the
selected schedule (see Appendix 3, Hyperlinks).
In the TOC, click on the highlighted left hand column cell for Schedule H, Schedule of
Direct Costs by Contract/Subcontract as shown below.
Clicking on the Hyperlink will automatically transfer the user to Schedule H.
Section E Practice Exercise
Select Insert, click on Worksheet and a new worksheet will automatically open up in front
of Schedule H.
This completes the process of creating new worksheets to be used in the process of
copying the converted Excel files into the ICE_Model.xls.
Creation of a new worksheet in front of Schedule H, facilitates the copying process for
copying direct costs by contract type in the Schedule of Direct Costs (converted excel
file) addressed in the next section.
Repeat the process for creating new worksheets by going to the TOC and clicking on
Schedule B (start of indirect expense accounts) and following the same instructions for
creating a new worksheet to copy indirect costs in the General Ledger/Trial Balance
converted Excel file.
Follow E.3. instructions for Copying Converted Files into New Worksheets to continue
the process of transferring accounting system data into an electronic incurred cost
Section E Practice Exercise
E.3. Copying Converted Files into New Worksheets:
The following process is required to copy all or sections of the Excel versions (i.e., Schedule of
Direct Costs by Contract and the General Ledger/Trial Balance) into the ICE_Model Workbook
to create the electronic incurred cost submission.
In order to copy an electronic spreadsheet, while retaining all essential formatting, complete the
following steps:
Open both the newly converted text file (1997DirCost.xls) and the blank worksheet that
has been inserted in front of Schedule F in the ICE_Model.xls.
Place the mouse-pointer in the blank box at the intersection of the Alpha-Column and the
Numeric-Row identifiers and click. This will highlight the entire 1997DirCost worksheet
to be copied from the 1997DirCost.xls file into the new worksheet.
Hit Control C (or other copy function) while in the converted 1997DirCost.xls file.
Click on Window and select the receiving file ICE_Model.xls, which contains the new
Go to the newly created blank worksheet (making certain that Cell A1 is the active cell)
and press the Enter Key (or use the Copy/Paste Icons on the Toolbar).
The new worksheet formatting is identical to the original schedule for column widths, formulas,
decimal places, and $, or % formatting.
Section E Practice Exercise
Re-name the new worksheet “1997 Direct Cost” by right clicking or double clicking on
the TAB and typing in the new name.
Section E Practice Exercise
Establish navigation links from the TOC to the new worksheets in ICE_Model.xls as
demonstrated below:
Go to the TOC and insert 2 rows above the Schedule H Hyperlink and establish a
Hyperlink to the new worksheet for “1997 Direct Costs”. To obtain help on creating
Hyperlinks go to Appendix_3_Hyperlinks section, Tips for Spreadsheet and Word
Documents, for Creating Hyperlinks in Excel, or use the Help Function for instructions
on creating Hyperlinks.
This completes the process of copying a converted Excel file into the ICE template worksheet.
Repeat the process for copying indirect costs in the General Ledger/Trial Balance converted
Excel file to the newly inserted worksheet in front of Schedule B (start of indirect expense
pools). Follow E.4. instructions for Copying of Data from New Worksheets into Schedules to
continue the process of transferring accounting system data into an electronic incurred cost
E.4. Copying Data from New Worksheets into Schedules
The ICE template illustration schedules in this manual contain entries from a sample submission
of Schedule C, Overhead Expenses, that contain formulas. Some formulas are linked to other
worksheets. In order to insert various sizes of data and to preserve the integrity of the linked
formulas, complete the following steps in order to copy sections of the Excel version of the
converted text file into ICE_Model.xls Incurred Cost Schedules B, C, and D as needed (if
multiple overhead pools):
Section E Practice Exercise
Open the Worksheet named “Overhead” as shown below. Review the layout of the
converted Excel file and the number of accounts to be inserted into each Schedule C
overhead pool and Schedule D intermediate overhead pool.
There are two easy methods of copying data into the schedules. Review the layout of the model
schedule (i.e., Schedule C as follows) submission. If only sections of the data are to be copied
into the Schedule, perform the following steps:
Selected Data. Insert a sufficient number of rows plus extra rows for temporary spacing into
each schedule. Use the copy and paste commands.
Using Copy/Paste commands, or Insert Copy Cells method, copy the Chart of Accounts
overhead account numbers from the converted General Ledger/Trial Balance Excel
worksheet entitled “Overhead” into Schedule C column titled Account Number. Likewise,
copy the descriptions of the General Ledger/Trial Balance accounts and the amounts in each
account into Schedule C columns titled Descriptions and Per G/L, F/S & Trial Balance. If
expenses are available by department, breakout expense for each department.
Section E Practice Exercise
Complete Data. When copying all the data (i.e., entire rows of data), the required number
of rows will automatically adjust to accommodate the copied data when the following
procedures are applied; (a) highlight the row numbers (gray area on left side of the
spreadsheet) to be copied; (b) select a Copy Command; (c) move to the spreadsheet where
the data is to be copied; and (d) select the row number where you want to insert the copied
data, and (e) use the Insert Copied Cells Command.
Delete any extra rows after completing the copying in of all the necessary data.
Review the formulas in each column and re-compute as necessary, or if each cell in the
column includes a number, simply hit the Auto Sum button on the toolbar to total the
Review and re-compute other formulas on each spreadsheet as applicable.
Review formulas and references and re-establish links to other schedules as
Update the TOC with Hyperlinks (Appendix_3_Hyperlinks) to the new schedules.
This completes the process of copying data into indirect schedules. This process may be repeated
for copying direct costs into Schedule H if the contractor only has a few flexibly priced contracts
and a single overhead pool. However, if there are too many flexibly priced contracts and
multiple overhead pools then see Section E-7. If applicable, complete E-7 at this time.
Section E Practice Exercise
Review Schedule H to ensure that all pools identified in that schedule have
corresponding schedules in Schedules B and C.
E.5. Linking Data Between Schedules
One of the advantages of using ICE is that schedules with links to other schedules are
automatically updated whenever the primary schedule is updated.
If necessary, position the schedules next to each other by following the directions in
the following Pop-Up Dialog Boxes in the next two slides, as illustrated below. (This
facilitates the linking of data between schedules.)
Right click on the worksheet Tab, and select “Move or Copy…” The next Dialog
Box will prompt for the destination of the move. For example: move Summary
Schedule H next to Schedule E to link or update formulas.
Go to the TOC and click on the Hyperlink to Schedule E.
Section E Practice Exercise
Activate the cell to receive the linked data and press [=] or Shift [+] and then click on
the Tab of Summary Schedule H.
Section E Practice Exercise
Locate the cell that contains the data and press the [Enter] Key to automatically return to
Schedule E.
This completes the process of re-establishing data links for Schedule E in the
Section E Practice Exercise
E.6. Creating Additional Schedules:
As mentioned previously, ICE is capable of handling:
a G&A rate (value-added or total cost input),
up to five final overhead pools (with labor dollars as an allocation base),
a material handling pool (with material and/or subcontract dollars as an allocation base),
a fringe pool (as either an intermediate allocation or a final rate),
up to six intermediate pools, and
up to seven cost of money rates.
In cases where this will not accommodate your accounting practices, additional schedules may
need to be created. Adding additional schedules can be complicated due to the need to create
proper links and dataflow and we recommend this only be done as a last resort. The following
process demonstrates how to create additional schedules while maintaining the formatting and
linking of the ICE_Model.xls workbook.
Insert as many new worksheets as there are additional indirect cost pools (excluding
G&A), plus an additional worksheet to import the converted Trial Balance. To insert
a new worksheet, from the Toolbar, select Insert, click on Worksheet, a new
worksheet will open up in front of the current worksheet.
Copy one of the Schedule Cs into the new worksheet by clicking the mouse-pointer in
the blank box at the intersection of the Alpha-Column and the Numeric-Row
identifiers. This will highlight the entire worksheet.
Initiate copy command and copy data into the blank worksheet from the previous
schedule that has identical formatting to the original schedule for column widths,
formulas, decimal places, and $, or % formatting.
Rename the new worksheet by either right-clicking or double clicking on the Tab and
type in the name of the new schedule.
Perform the preceding steps of copying Schedule C for each indirect cost pool, and
copying the converted trial balance file into the new worksheets.
Rename the schedules and update the TOC by creating Hyperlinks to the new
Perform additional editing as required.
Perform the copying process for copying data into the additional schedules.
Verify that the formulas in the subtotal and total rows are correct.
Re-establish links to update the new schedules. Also, the source of the data should be
copied into the ICE_Model.xls workbook so all links remain within one Excel file.
See Section E-3 for copying data into worksheets.
Section E Practice Exercise
E.7. Adjustment to Schedule H, Schedule of Direct Costs by Contract/Subcontract
including Direct IR&D/B&P, and Indirect Expense Applied at Claimed Rates:
If there are too many flexibly priced contracts and/or numerous indirect cost pools to list on one
schedule (as shown in E.3.), it may be more efficient to utilize the contractor’s Schedule of
Direct Cost. The contractor should adapt its converted ASCII/Excel schedule of direct costs into
a format similar to Schedule H by summarizing their schedule to show totals by contract type
and cost element, and establishing links to other schedules. This summary should also include a
sub total of IR&D/B&P to arrive at total base costs. The process to adapt the converted file into
Schedule H format is fairly easy (insert columns/headings, etc.). The summary base costs should
be linked to the Summary Schedule H for application of overhead, G&A, and COM.
Schedules recommended to use for varying situations are as follows:
Summary Schedule of
Sched H Sched H Direct Costs
1. Contractor has only a few flexibly priced contracts X X
and one indirect cost pool. (See E.4.)
2. Contractor has many flexibly priced contracts X X
and numerous indirect cost pools.
To summarize direct costs by contract type to complete Schedule H-1, Government
Participation in indirect pools, go to the top of the Schedule of Direct Costs by
Contract/Subcontract and activate the cell just below the Column A heading. Click on
Window and select Freeze Panes. Use the page down [PgDn] key until you get to the
direct cost summary. Link (as shown in E.5.) the direct costs to Schedules H-1 and
Summary Schedule H.
E.8 Adjustments to Schedule A (Summary of Claimed Indirect Rates):
This process can be used to adjust Schedule A to accommodate additional indirect cost pools
schedules if more are needed beyond what can be added via the Setup worksheet.
Go to Schedule A and insert rows for each additional pool and base calculation with links
to the pool and bases schedules. The pool/base calculations should be in the same order
as the schedules established in the TOC.
Section E Practice Exercise
Insert 4 new rows in-between the existing schedules for the new indirect rate calculation.
Copy an existing rate calculation to preserve formatting.
Rename the new pool (e.g.., Engineering Pool).
Establish the links by clicking on the Yellow cell (screen will show the cell as yellow)
with the pool amount and perform the following sequence of key-strokes and actions:
Shift +, click on the Tab of the new schedule and find the cell that contains the total
claimed pool amount, click on that cell and hit the Enter Key. Follow the same
procedure for the base amount. The rate should automatically recalculate.
Go to the Link Key at the top left-hand corner of Schedule A and establish a
Hyperlink to the new pool. Also, verify that the schedules identified as being linked
to Schedule A are correct.
After all the appropriate links between the various schedules and Schedule A have been
completed, Hyperlink the TOC to the new schedules and the converted direct and indirect
Section F Appendix 1
Allowable Cost and Payment Clause. FAR 52.216-7, the “Allowable Cost and Payment”
clause, requires that the contractor submit an adequate final incurred cost proposal together with
supporting data within 6 months after the end of its fiscal year. This proposal should include a
signed "Certificate of Final Indirect Costs" in accordance with FAR 42.703-2. A copy of this
certificate may be found at FAR 52.242-4 or Schedule N of the ICE incurred cost proposal.
Chapter 6 of the Guidance for Contractors, DCAAP 7641.90, presents DCAA’s model incurred
cost proposal. The ICE model includes sample schedules patterned after the schedules in
Chapter 6 that include information needed to submit an adequate proposal.
Direct Costs. FAR 31.202 defines a direct cost as any cost that can be identified specifically
with a particular final cost objective.
Facilities Capital Cost of Money. FAR 31.205-10, Facilities Capital Cost of Money (cost of
capital committed to facilities) is an imputed cost determined by applying a cost of money rate to
facilities capital employed in contract performance. It is allowable if:
(1) the contractor's capital investment is measured, allocated to contracts, and costed in
accordance with CAS 414;
(2) the contractor maintains adequate records to demonstrate compliance with this
(3) the estimated facilities capital cost of money was specifically identified or proposed
in cost proposals relating to the contract under which this cost is to be claimed; and
(4) the requirements of FAR 31.205-52, which limit the allowability of facilities capital
cost of money, are observed.
The facilities capital cost of money need not be entered on the contractor's books of
account. However, the contractor shall make a memorandum entry of the cost and
maintain, in a manner that permits audit and verification, all relevant schedules, cost data,
and other data necessary to fully support the memorandum entry. An example of a
facilities capital cost of money submission can be found in Schedule D.
There is no requirement for a contractor to propose facilities capital cost of money in pricing and
performing a contract. If it chooses not to propose this cost during contract pricing then the
contractor waives any right to claim it during contract performance. (See FAR 15.904(b) and
FAR 52.215-31 for more information.)
Indirect Costs. FAR 31.203 defines an indirect cost as any cost not directly identified with a
single, final cost objective, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or an
intermediate cost objective. It is not subject to treatment as a direct cost.
Section F Appendix 2
Detailed definitions of the following contract types can be found in FAR Part 16.
Cost Type Contracts
7-201 Cost-Reimbursement Contracts (FAR 16.301)
7-202 Cost Contracts (FAR 16.302)
7-203 Cost-Sharing Contracts (FAR 16.303)
7-204 Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF) Contracts (FAR 16.304; FAR 16.404-1)
7-205 Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF) Contracts (FAR 16.305; FAR 16.404-2)
7-206 Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) Contracts (FAR 16.306)
T&M and Labor Hour Contracts
7-305 Time and Materials Contracts (FAR 16.601)
7-306 Labor-Hour Contracts (FAR 16.602)
Other Flexibly Priced Contracts
7-104 Fixed-Price Incentive Contracts (FAR 16.204)
7-104.1 Fixed-Price Incentive (Firm Target) Contracts (FAR 16.403.1)
7-104.2 Fixed -Price Incentive (Successive Target) Contracts (FAR 16.403-2)
Fixed Price Contracts
7-101 Fixed-Price Contracts (FAR 16.201)
7-102 Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP) Contracts (FAR 16.202)
7-103 Fixed-Price Contracts with Economic Price Adjustment (FAR 16.203)
7-105 Fixed-Price Contracts with Award Fees (FAR 16.404)
7-106 Fixed-Price Contracts with Prospective Price Redetermination (FAR 16.205)
7-107 Fixed-Ceiling-Price with Retroactive Price Redetermination Contracts (FAR 16.206)
7-108 Firm-Fixed-Price, Level of Effort Term Contracts (FAR 16.207)
Section F Appendix 3
Appendix 3.A. Hyperlinks
3.A.1. WORD HYPERLINKS (Refer to 3.A.2. for Excel Hyperlinks) To establish
Hyperlinks in MS Word perform the following steps:
Step one (Create a Bookmark)
Highlight the area you want to establish a Hyper-Link to (i.e., Schedule C Description in
Click on Insert on the Toolbar.
Select Bookmark at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
Type in Bookmark name (i.e., Schedule_C).
Click on Location, then click on Add.
Step two (Create a Hyperlink)
Go to where you want to create a Hyperlink (i.e., Section C.3. list of Model Incurred Cost
Proposal Schedule.
Click on the Hyperlink Icon on the Toolbar.
Navigate, if necessary, to where the file you wish to link to is located.
Select the file.
Click the Bookmark button on the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.
Use the Select Place in Document dialog box to select the bookmark to which you want to
establish a Hyperlink, and then click OK.
Section F Appendix 3
Click OK again. Your Hyperlink is complete, format as indicted and test it.
Section F Appendix 3
3.A.2. SPREADSHEET HYPERLINKS - To establish Hyperlinks in MS Excel perform the
following steps:
Activate the cell where you want your Hyperlink to be and type in name to be hyperlinked,
i.e., if in Schedule B you want to reference a source in Schedule H, type Schedule H in cell;
Click on the Hyperlink Icon on the Toolbar that looks like a Blue Globe with a paper clip;
Navigate, if necessary, to where the file you wish to link to is located.
Select the file.
Click the Bookmark button on the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.
Use the Select Place in Document dialog box to select the worksheet or range name to which
you want to establish a Hyperlink, and then click OK.
Click OK again. You’re done. Click on Hyperlink to ensure it is working. Reformat the
Font and Cell background to conform to general formatting.
Section F Appendix 3
Appendix 3.B. VLOOKUP
VERTICAL LOOKUP is a function of the Function Wizard in Excel. This function used
by auditors to validate the accuracy of the transferred data can also be utilized by contractors to
transfer in costs from another schedule. In the following example, VLOOKUP was used to
insert the current year general ledger overhead account balance(s) into the optional ICE
Comparative Analysis of Overhead Account Schedule. If accounts numbers have not changed,
another option is to copy the account balances directly from the applicable current year ICE
Section F Appendix 3
schedule, i.e., Claimed Overhead Expenses Schedule C). VLOOKUP searches for a value in the
leftmost column of the source schedule (i.e., the Overhead Schedule account number 8405), and
then returns a value (the dollar amount of the account number) in the same row from a column in
the receiving schedule (i.e., Comparative Analysis of Overhead Cost Schedule column for
current year). Vertical Lookup is a useful function in Excel worksheets that facilitates updating
and analyzing data between worksheets. For example, if account numbers are not the same from
the prior year, there will be an error message. For ease of navigating between schedules, before
proceeding with VLOOKUP, move Schedule Q-1 next to Schedule C. Schedule Q-1 can be
moved back to its original position after the VLOOKUP is complete.
Step 1. Open up the Comparative Analysis Schedule (receiving document) and click on the
[Fx] button on the toolbar, choose Lookup and Reference from the Function Category window,
and VLOOKUP from the Function Name window.
Section F Appendix 3
Step 2. The Vertical Lookup function table asks for a “Lookup_value”, this is the first window
in the Drop-Down Dialog Box. Select the first account number on the top of the source
schedule. Clicking on Cell B-10 returns the Lookup_value “B-10”(identifies location of first
account number) There are two conditions that must be met for VLOOKUP to work.
First, the chart of accounts in both the source and the receiving schedules must be identical. (To
clarify the definition of “Source and Receiving” schedules: the source schedule is where the data
is being extracted from (i.e., Overhead Schedule C, and the receiving schedule is where we are
performing the VLOOKUP function and the data will extracted to (i.e., Overhead Comparative
Analysis Schedule Q-1.)
Second, the account numbers in both schedules must be in ascending order, and in the left-most
column in the source schedule (in the above example, the account numbers are to the left of the
amount column in Schedule Q-1).
Using the Mouse Pointer, click and drag to move the dialog box down out of the field of
view of the top several rows of data in the receiving schedule.
With a clear field of view, click on the first account number with the mouse pointer. The
first window in the dialog box should now show the cell location the account number of the
cursor. Also, notice the value in that cell is shown on the right of the active window.
Use the “TAB” key or mouse pointer to get to the next window.
Section F Appendix 3
Step 3. The VLOOKUP Function Wizard will now ask for the following:
VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup). Click on the Tab for
Schedule C (Claimed Overhead Schedule) to find the range of cells to be considered
Use the Mouse Pointer and highlight the range A9 to E30.
Section F Appendix 3
Use the TAB key to get to the next window in the dialog box and count the number of columns
from the left and input the number in the window of the source schedule (i.e., Claimed Overhead
Click on OK, the function wizard to return to the receiving schedule (i.e., Comparative Analysis
of Overhead Schedule).
Finally, TAB to Range_Lookup and type in FALSE. This specifies that an exact match of the
Lookup_value is needed. Click on OK.
Use the copy command to copy the first VLOOKUP formula to the remaining accounts in the
column. This completes the first Vertical Lookup. Analyze the process and results to gain a
better understanding.