Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Report Spreadsheet Templates
This job aide guides you through the process to prepare and submit Periodic Reports to EPA using CEDRI
Spreadsheet Templates. To submit a Periodic Report using the EPA provided spreadsheet template:
1. Download the current version of the applicable spreadsheet template from:
a. The CEDRI website
b. The CEDRI application by clicking ‘Reporting Utilities’ within CEDRI Help; or
c. Step 3 of the ‘Create a Report’ workflow within the CEDRI application
2. Prepare the spreadsheet template following the instructions provided in this job aide.
3. Following the instructions in Navigating the Create a Report Workflow job aide to upload, sign,
and submit your report to EPA.
Spreadsheet Template Standard Features
All spreadsheet templates for Periodic Reports contain the following tabs:
Welcome (Instructions) worksheet
Workbook configuration control data (version, date,
rule, etc.) and instructions to complete the template.
Company (or Facility) Information
Company / Facility name and address. May also include
reporting period, attachments, etc.
Rule Specific worksheets
One or more worksheets, depending on amount and
variety of data required by the rule.
Once you download the spreadsheet template that you want to submit to the EPA, click the ‘Enable
Editing’ button that appears at the top of the spreadsheet. This allows you to add information to the
spreadsheet (Exhibit 1).
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Exhibit 1
Welcome (Instructions) Worksheet
This worksheet contains general reporting instructions as well as regulation-specific information related
to the report (Exhibit 1).
Company (or Facility) Information Worksheet
Use this worksheet to enter information about the company/facility, such as company name, address,
city, and zip code (Exhibit 2). Rows 1-23 are either hidden or reserved for EPA use. Company/facility
information should be inputted beginning at row 24. Additional information about the requested
company/facility data points can be found in Exhibit 3.
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Exhibit 2
Site Information:
Column B - J: Reserved for Site Information (Exhibit 2). The ‘Company Record No.’ (B24) auto-generates
when you populate ‘Company Name’ (C24). (In some periodic reports ‘Company Record No.’ will be
referred to as ‘Facility Record No.’, therefore these fields are synonymous with one another for
purposes of this job aide). The ‘Company Record No.’ links the remaining worksheets to the proper
company/facility. If the ‘Company Information’ tab includes more than one company/facility, the Rule
Specific Worksheets use the ‘Company Record No.’ to link records.
Reporting Period:
Column K - M: Reserved for Reporting Period Information (Exhibit 2).
Additional Information:
Column N - O: Reserved for additional information and associated file name references (Exhibit 2) that
you are submitting along with the zip folder. This can be documents, pdfs, or text files that you need to
submit to EPA.
Note: The associated file name references must be identical to the file name (case sensitive)
provided in the spreadsheet template. Additionally, the number of files that are present in the
spreadsheet (Column O) must match the number of files that are provided within the zip folder.
Note: If entering multiple companies, be sure that ‘Company Record in ascending order, from
1-10. The entries in the ‘Company Record No.’ field will be used to populate information in other
worksheet tabs.
Note: Some Periodic Report templates may be combined with a Notification Report and will contain
an additional column at the end of the Company (or Facility) Information worksheet. The additional
column is a Yes/No question stating is the Notification Report should also be included.
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Question Group
System Validation
Field value automatically
Dropdown list of US States
and territories.
Report Date
Date format enforced in Excel
if required by applicable rule.
Numeric data type validation
enforced in Excel.
Date format enforced in Excel
if required by applicable rule.
Exhibit 3
Spreadsheet Template Rule Specific Features
The remaining worksheet tabs vary depending on the rule for which you are submitting a report.
63.4311a_Semiannual_Compliance_Report is used as an example (Exhibit 4) to illustrate the process for
completing these worksheets. The process for filling in each of the worksheet tabs is similar for other
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Exhibit 4
Data Entry:
As shown in Exhibit 4, there are several Rule Specific worksheets within this particular report. The first
such worksheet is ‘Compliance Options’ which prepopulates with the list of ‘Company Record No.(s)
that were generated for each row created in the Company Information worksheet.
Within this worksheet, the Company Record No.’ includes a dropdown prepopulated based on the list
of entries you provide in the Company Information worksheet. Choose the appropriate Company
Record No. to start the entry. For example, in Exhibit 2, the ‘Company Record No.’ for Sandhya Ltd’ is
1 (in the first row of ‘Company information).
To enter information in the Compliance Options tab regarding the company ‘Sandhya Ltd’, choose “1”
from the dropdown and fill in the remaining fields.
Note: The ‘Company Record No.’ must be filled in correctly as this field is linked to the remaining
worksheet tabs.
Note: You must populate the ‘Company Information’ tab so that the dropdown within the
‘Compliance Options’ tab can be pre-populated. For example, if you enter three records on the
‘Company Information’ tab; “1”, “2”, and “3” appear as dropdown options on the ‘Company Record
No.’ column in the ‘Compliance Options’ tab.
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Exhibit 5
There are other dropdowns that populate based on the selections from other columns in the worksheet.
For example, selecting the ‘Dyeing and Finishing’ option in the ‘Type of Operation’ Column (Exhibit 5),
triggers a set of dropdown choices in Column E (Exhibit 6). If you change your selection in Column D
(Exhibit 5), the dropdown choices change accordingly in Column E (Exhibit 6).
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Exhibit 6
Common Problems
This section details common problems you may encounter when submitting spreadsheets and actions to
take to correct the problems. For a complete listing of potential error messages related to uploading
periodic reports, please refer to Sections 2 and 3 of the CEDRI Error Messages Job Aide.
Using the Proper Version
If you upload the wrong version of the spreadsheet template, you will receive an Error (113) message
(Exhibit 7). When uploading the spreadsheet template, make sure to upload the template with the
current major version number. For example, if CEDRI expects v2.02 and you use v1.00, this error
message appears. You will not receive an error message if CEDRI expects v2.02 and you use v2.00.
The version number of the template you are using can be found on the ‘Welcome’ worksheet in cell B4.
You can download the current spreadsheet template directly from the EPA website or the ‘Reporting
Utilities’ section of CEDRI Help.
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Exhibit 7
Using the Wrong Report Template
The Error (114) displays when you attempt to upload an incorrect report template (Exhibit 8). When
uploading a template make sure you are using the template that matches the name of the template as
specified within the EPA website or the ‘Reporting Utilities’ section of ‘CEDRI Help’.
Exhibit 8
Zipping the Spreadsheet and Attachments
Make sure the spreadsheet and all applicable files (attachments) are converted to a zip format. You will
receive an Error (106) message (Exhibit 9) if you attempt to upload a file that is not zipped.
Preparing and Submitting Periodic Reports
July 28, 2021
Version 1.1
Exhibit 9
Missing State Code
If you upload a spreadsheet that is missing data in the ‘State Code’ field, you receive the following Error
(102) (Exhibit 10). A ‘State Code’ must be included prior to uploading the spreadsheet.
Exhibit 10
Additional Help
For additional help regarding rule questions contact [email protected]. For all other technical issues,
contact the CDX Help Desk at or 1-888-890-1995.
Note: If you are uploading file attachments for your report, the uploaded files may be in any format
(e.g., zip, docx, PDF). If you would like to include an Excel file(s) as an attachment, you must first zip
the excel file(s) into a separate ZIP file and include within the master ZIP file that will be uploaded
into CEDRI.
Once all data have been entered into the worksheets, combine this completed Excel workbook and
all attachment files (including any ZIP file containing separate excel file(s), if applicable) into a single
ZIP file for upload to CEDRI.