IPAWS Best Practices
Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS)
Guidance and Techniques for Sending Successful
Alerts, Warnings, and Notifications
June 2023
IPAWS Best Practices
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IPAWS Best Practices Guide
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Table of Contents
1. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Alerting Authority Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 2
2.1. IMPLEMENT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ................................................................. 2
2.2. ESTABLISH BACK-UP/CROSS-JURISDICTIONAL AWN SUPPORT ................................................ 3
2.3. DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT AN ALERT ESCALATION PROCESS (AEP) ....................................... 3
2.4. PUBLIC OUTREACH & EDUCATION ............................................................................................... 4
Crafting an IPAWS Alert, Warning or Notification .............................................................................. 5
.5. WARNING MESSAGE STYLE ............................................................................................ 5
3. IPAWS Pathways for Alert, Warning and Notification ................................................................. 7
.1. Emergency Alert System ................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1. EAS AWN CONTENT ........................................................................................................ 9
3.1.2. TEXT-TO-SPEECH VS. RECORDED AUDIO ...................................................................... 9
3.1.3. SUPPORTED LANGUAGES ............................................................................................ 11
3.1.4. EAS BROADCAST COVERAGE ....................................................................................... 11
3.1.5. EVENT CODES .............................................................................................................. 12
3.2. Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) ................................................................................ 12
3.2.1. 360- AND 90-CHARACTER MESSAGES ....................................................................... 13
3.2.2. COPYING AND PASTING AWN CONTENT ..................................................................... 15
3.2.3. UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATORS (URL) ..................................................................... 15
3.2.4. SUPPORTED LANGUAGES ............................................................................................ 16
3.2.5. POLYGONS AND CIRCLES ............................................................................................ 16
3.2.6. WEA HANDLING CODES ............................................................................................... 17
3.2.7. PERFORMING WEA TESTS ........................................................................................... 19
3.2.8. EVENT CODES .............................................................................................................. 19
3.2.9. UPDATING AND CANCELING A WEA ............................................................................ 20
3.3. Non-Weather Emergency Messages (NWEM) ............................................................. 20
3.3.1. NWEM PROCESSING .................................................................................................... 20
EVENT CODES .............................................................................................................. 20
4. AWN Redistribution ................................................................................................................. 22
5. IPAWS Technical Support Services Facility (TSSF) ................................................................. 23
5.1.1. TSSF 24/7 SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................. 23
5.1.2. MONTHLY PROFICIENCY DEMONSTRATIONS (MPD) ................................................. 23
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5.1.3. INCORPORATE IPAWS INTO TRAINING AND EXERCISES ............................................ 24
ANNEX 1 – ACRONYM LIST ........................................................................................................... i
ANNEX 2 REQUIREMENTS FOR USING IPAWS .......................................................................... i
1. Complete IPAWS Online Course ................................................................................................. i
2. Choose IPAWS Compatible Software ........................................................................................ ii
3. Maintain Active IPAWS Status ................................................................................................... ii
ANNEX 3 IPAWS RESOURCES .................................................................................................... i
1. RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................ i
1.1. IPAWS TECHNICAL SUPPORT WEBSITE ........................................................................... i
1.2. IPAWS PROGRAM PLANNING TOOLKIT ........................................................................... i
1.3. IPAWS AWN CHECKLIST ................................................................................................... i
1.4. IPAWS TIPS ...................................................................................................................... ii
1.5. EXERCISE STARTER KIT .................................................................................................. ii
1.6. ALERT VERIFICATION ....................................................................................................... ii
1.7. PUBLIC EDUCATION RESOURCES ................................................................................... ii
Annex 4 - EVENT CODES ............................................................................................................... i
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Essentials of Alerts, Warnings and Notifications........................................................................ 1
e 2: Alert Escalation Process .............................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3: Warning Message Content .......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: EAS Message Content .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5: 360-Character WEA Template .................................................................................................. 14
Figure 6: 90-Character WEA Template .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7: WEA Handling Codes Reference Table .................................................................................... 18
Handling Codes Reference Table
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
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1. Purpose
The Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) is the Federal Emergency Management
Agency’s (FEMA) national system for local alerting that provides authenticated emergency and public
safety information to the public through mobile phones using Wireless Emergency Alerts, to radio and
television via the Emergency Alert System, and on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's Weather Radio.
FEMA's IPAWS Best Practices Guide (BPG) provides guidance to IPAWS Alerting Authorities (AA) on
the effective use of Emergency Alert System (EAS), Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), and Non-
Weather Emergency Messages (NWEM) via IPAWS to issue timely and effective messages in
response to threats to public safety. Effective use of alerting systems increases public
responsiveness, reduces corrective action, and improves public trust in alerting systems and the
information communicated via those systems in response to potential threats. The IPAWS BPG will
be a living document and amended with updates, as necessary.
AAs may use IPAWS to issue alerts, warnings, and notifications (AWN) to the public. It is important to
understand the applicability of each when deciding to inform the public of potential threats. Figure 1
below should be used as a reference when issuing AWNs.
Figure 1: Essentials of Alerts, Warnings and Notifications
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Safecom/National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators, Essentials
of Alerts, Warnings, & Notifications, April 2020.
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2. Alerting Authority Responsibilities
To effectively issue AWN, AAs must ensure internal policy, procedures, protocols and enabling
technologies are in place and personnel are trained and competent to execute AWN functions.
2.1. Implement Standard Operating Procedures
Agencies should ensure SOPs and/or SOGs are in place to define AWN roles and responsibilities to
issue an IPAWS AWN and mass notification.
Policies, procedures and processes
Public safety officials should ensure that SOPs/SOGs outline when and how to send an IPAWS AWN for
the following situations:
Sudden, unforeseen or unpredictable incidents
Imminent threat to life or property
Public safety information that is relevant but not immediately threatening to the public
Updates, recovery, and reunification information
Applicable information for isolated/local situations
Ensure the following are in place
Secure and available internet access.
Access to agency email.
Identified AWN roles and responsibilities of personnel.
Update AWN plans to include IPAWS.
Understanding of your AWN software/tool(s) capabilities and functions.
Established IPAWS Standard Operating Guides (SOG), Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs), and applicable policy.
Required training and practice (e.g., Monthly Proficiency Demonstrations (MPDs)
and exercises).
Access to the IPAWS User’s Portal to maintain agency contact information.
IPAWS Technical Support Services 24/7 contact information is available (1-844-
729-7522; fema-ipaws-[email protected]).
IPAWS general inbox available for customer support issues (ipa[email protected])
is available.
Inclusion of the IPAWS email distribution list (please send inquiries to
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IPAWS Best Practices Guide
2.2. Establish back-up/cross-jurisdictional AWN support
AAs should develop relationships with other AAs at the state, local, tribal, and territorial levels to
share permissions for back-up AWN. These pre-disaster arrangements will enable AAs to alert on
behalf of AAs that are unable to AWN.
Shared permissions and cross-jurisdictional usage
Evaluate the possibility(ies) and benefit(s).
Collaborate and coordinate with neighboring jurisdictions.
Identify alerting software used by other jurisdictions. Try to secure a variety of alert
origination software tools to avoid reliance on one vendor-product (single point of failure).
Establish plans/procedures (e.g., MOUs, agreements, SOPs, and SOGs).
Update Public Alerting Application (PAA), obtain state(s) approval, provide to IPAWS.
Practice and train within the IPAWS Technical Support Services environment.
Include in functional exercise to evaluate joint agreements.
2.3. Develop and implement an Alert Escalation Process (AEP)
On occasion, an AA may be unable to issue an AWN. Implementation of an AEP with local, county and
state agencies can solve this problem before it occurs in an actual event.
Work with local, county and state agencies to establish an Alert Escalation
Process that details plans/processes for alerting on behalf:
o City/town contacts county IPAWS AA for AWN assistance.
o County agency contacts state IPAWS AA for AWN assistance.
Identify 24/7 points of contact or designated authority(s) at the state level.
Practice, train and exercise this process in the Technical Support Services
Facility (TSSF) environment to evaluate processes.
Consider establishing an AEP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
city/county/state agencies.
Developing an AEP
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Figure 2: Alert Escalation Process
2.4. Public outreach and education
It is Public Safety Officials’ and AAs’ responsibility to educate communities on AWN and to understand
communities’ requirements and needs. Through these efforts, Public Safety Officials and AAs improve
the public’s understanding of AWN and its response to an incident.
Community engagement and outreach
Know a community’s needs (e.g., local hazards, access and functional needs, and
non-English speaking communities).
Engage in community outreach efforts to explain IPAWS purpose and value. Use
media outlets and opportunities such as social media, campaigns, community
engagements, etc.
Solicit community input and requirements.
Publicize a personalized URL to provide the public with a trusted and recognizable
resource to obtain public safety information.
Update AWN procedures and processes to meet community needs.
Did you know?
The FEMA IPAWS website contains resources and information and is updated regularly. If you
have resources that may benefit other AAs, please reach out to fema-ipaws-[email protected]
for possible inclusion.
Integrated Public Alert & Warning System | FEMA.gov
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IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Crafting an IPAWS Alert, Warning or Notification
2.5. Warning Message Style
The style in which messaging is presented to the public is as important as message content. Use the
following guidance to improve your warning message style:
Use clear language: Do not include jargon, technical terms, acronyms or unfamiliar concepts.
Deliver information using plain language that is instructive.
Add certainty: Use authoritative language about the threat. Relay as much certainty about the
threat, impact and protective actions.
Be specific: Content should be specific and include details about the hazard, location at risk,
impacts, and actions people should take to be safe. Being specific offers information for
decision-making. For example, instead of stating “shelter in place” say “go to the lowest floor
of the building, interior space, crouch down, and cover your head and neck.
Be Consistent: Ensure messaging internally and externally is consistent. Do not contradict
your messaging sent through multiple sources. Consistency with hazard, location, impact
and action is important. Remember people will receive information from multiple sources.
Milling is a term used to describe what occurs when people are confused and unsure of AWN
validity. This leads to people seeking information regarding an incident through additional
outlets and thereby delaying actionable responses. Social science research has identified key
elements of message content to increase likelihood that people at risk will act and decrease
protective action delay.
Sutton and Kuligowski (2019) Alerts and Warnings on Short Messaging Channels. Guidance from an Expert Panel Process. Natural
Hazards Review. 20(2)
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
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Warning Message Contents
Message Content
Use local, familiar, trusted sources. Spell it out completely
(no acronyms).
Provide the name of the hazard for which the warning is
being sent. Be as specific as you are able to be about the
type of threat affecting the population.
Hazard Impact
Describes the impacts that may occur as a result of the
threat and the reasons that a person should take protective
Use familiar landmarks and known physical boundaries in
addition to city/county names. In some cases, location
includes w
here people should go as well as the areas
Protective Action
Tell people what they can do to protect themselves. Be
specific and instructive about how to take action. Also, tell
them when actions need to be taken.
Expiration Time
Most warnings will not include an expiration time, but some
will. If you do not include an expiration time, tell people
where to get more information
about the hazard and how
they will learn that conditions are safe.
Figure 3: Warning Message Content
Sutton and Kuligowski (2019) Alerts and Warnings on Short Messaging Channels. Guidance from an Expert Panel Process. Natural
Hazards Review. 20(2)
Did you know?
Dr. Dennis Mileti, a researcher on the effectiveness of alert, warning and notification provided a
PrepTalk that showcased his research on the public’s reaction to mass notifications. He provided
practical guidance on how to reduce milling by crafting effective messaging and using multiple
delivery methods to amplify notification.
Dr. Jeanette Sutton has performed research on effective AWN message content. Her work can be
found at The Warn Room website.
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Things to think about before pushing the “button”
Do not use IPAWS as a “super tweet!Establish criteria for sending AWN via IPAWS. Use IPAWS
when immediate notification is needed and when you want the public to respond to an incident.
An effective IPAWS AWN provides relevant, necessary, and clear information to the public.
Before sending an IPAWS AWN, ask:
o Does the situation require immediate public response?
o Is the information pertinent to public safety?
o Does the message make sense (assume that this is the only message being received by
the public)?
o Am I following best practice by geo-targeting the alert or activating county-wide out of habit?
Perform outreach campaigns to educate the public on the purpose and use of IPAWS to provide
emergency and public safety information.
3. IPAWS Pathways for Alert, Warning and Notification
3.1. Emergency Alert System
The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is used by federal, state, local, tribal and territorial (FSLTT)
authorities to deliver important public safety information to affected communities via television, radio
and cable. It is imperative that AAs understand how EAS operates and broadcasters’ responsibilities.
Did you know?
State Emergency Communications Committees (SECC) are volunteer non-governmental
organizations that assist with the development of state EAS plans and typically have relationships
with local broadcasters. They can be a valuable resource to IPAWS AAs.
Visit the SECC’s resource page to find your SECC point of contact.
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Public safety information is effective when AWN contains clear and actionable content. The following
best practices for EAS content should be followed by AAs.
Understand how EAS works
Radio and television stations participate in the Emergency Alert System voluntarily
(i.e., radio and television stations are not required to air local AWN).
Build collaborative relationships with the local radio and television stations to agree
on specific AWN to air.
Radio and television stations have EAS devices installed to preempt radio and
television broadcasts. EAS devices vary in capabilities (e.g., EAS display and text
scroll speed).
EAS’s footprint is based upon station coverage area, which often expands many
miles and past county/state boundaries. The targeted area must be clearly stated
in the message content.
EAS messages are targeted by county or county equivalents but will be delivered to
a broadcast or cable service provider’s entire service area. Although polygons
and circles may be sent with an EAS AWN, they will not restrict EAS message
distribution to the area of the polygon or circle.
State agencies should build a relationship with State Emergency Communications
Committee resources.
EAS AWN content
EAS supports up to 1,800 characters or two minutes of audio.
EAS supports up to 31 geocodes.
Avoid acronyms that will be confusing to recipients (e.g., most of the public does not
understand acronyms used by dispatch such asBOLO”).
Message content must include the following: Source, Hazard/Incident, Location,
Protective Action, and Expiration Time (if known).
Do not use special characters with Spanish text.
Avoid symbols such as #, *, $, ] ,}
The instruction field is optional and will follow the EAS description content when
aired. Do not copy EAS description content into the instruction field.
State agencies, in collaboration with state SECC and broadcasters, may issue the
Required Monthly Test (RMT) and include preparedness or other public safety
information in place of the routine RMT language.
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Figure 4: EAS
Message Content
Build AWN Templates
Build AWN templates within the alerting software (if supported) for
common/possible incidents to reduce the time needed to craft the AWN.
Avoid use of acronyms.
Do not include special characters such as { } | \ ^ ~ [ ] < >
Practice using templates during Monthly Proficiency Demonstrations (MPDs),
training, and exercises.
Most EAS devices have built-in Text-to-Speech (TTS) engines. TTS capabilities vary among
manufacturers, including the quality of spoken text and pronunciation capabilities. All EAS devices
support audio attachments, and they will air the recorded audio over TTS when included in an EAS
message (dependent upon EAS device configurations).
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Do not include special characters in an EAS description. EAS devices that are set to
TTS process special characters differently. For example, a “#” may be aired as
“pound” or “hashtag.”
Unrecognized special characters will appear incorrectly on the television or be mis-
pronounced on the radio (e.g., an empty square or upside-down question mark in
place of the special character).
o Craft the EAS description field phonetically:
Add spaces between numbers that need to be read separately (e.g.,
phone numbers such as 9 1 1 instead of 911 which is pronounced
over TTS as nine-hundred eleven or 8 4 4 7 2 9 7 5 2 2 instead of
Spell out numbers (e.g., Nine One instead of 91).
Run test messages in the TSSF training environment to preview text-to-speech.
Make corrections to alert content, as necessary.
Audio Attachments
Include recorded audio to avoid mispronunciations and misunderstanding.
Recorded audio must be in .mp3 format (required by all EAS devices).
Audio attachments cannot be longer than two minutes.
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IPAWS supports both English and Spanish content. English is required, while Spanish is optional.
Spanish Language Guidance
Spanish translation is not provided for alerts. This means that AAs must write the
alert text in Spanish.
Avoid using automatic translation services because they may not translate English
to Spanish correctly, which could confuse the public.
Work with an interpreter or Spanish speaker to craft the Spanish text.
Do not use accent marks (including tildes [~]) when crafting Spanish text since
these special characters may not be processed properly by EAS devices.
Include recorded audio to ensure proper pronunciation.
Work with local broadcasters to ensure EAS devices are configured to support
English, Spanish, or additional languages (dependent upon EAS device capability).
Consult with local broadcasters who may be able to assist with Spanish translation.
EAS messages rely upon a county code known as the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
code. These FIPS codes set the geographic boundary for the EAS alert.
EAS broadcast coverage
EAS’s footprint is based on the station’s coverage area. This means the entire county
will receive an EAS message at the minimum.
Expect bleed-over into neighboring counties/states if close to a border. Radio and
television stations in neighboring counties/states may monitor your county FIPS
code and air your AWN.
Polygons and circles can be sent with an EAS AWN, but they will not restrict the
message to the specific area of the polygon or circle.
Describe targeted area in EAS messaging to reduce confusion.
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IPAWS Best Practices Guide
EAS requires the use of an Event Code. Event codes are meant to briefly define the nature of an
incident. However, they can be very confusing to the public. IPAWS state signatories approve their
respective AAs for specific event during the IPAWS application process.
Selecting an event code
Understand event code meaning and purpose (please see Annex 4).
Be familiar with permitted event codes in case the alerting software does not restrict event
code selection to certificate permissions.
Select event code per incident and as defined by internal procedures and processes.
Create a template for each event code or type of incident.
Event code presentation
The name of the event code (e.g., Civil Danger Warning [CDW], Nuclear Power Plant Warning
[NUW], Radiological Hazard Warning [RHW], Evacuation Immediate [EVI]) will be heard and
appear to the public before any other instructional information.
Use of action Event Codes (Evacuation Immediate (EVI) and Shelter-in-Place Warning
[SPW]) is not recommended for EAS as the structure of the required EAS Message Header
will imply that the action applies to an entire county.
Use less alarming event codes (e.g., Local Area Emergency [LAE] or Civil Emergency
Message [CEM]) and clearly identify the targeted area to avoid confusion.
3.2. Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) are used by FSLTT authorities to deliver important public safety
information to affected communities via cellular phones. It is important that AAs understand how WEA
operates to use this pathway to provide effective AWN.
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WEAs can provide both 360- and 90-character messages. IPAWS requires the 90-character WEA
message to ensure all phones receive AWN regardless of model or network capability. WEA 360
character is optional but highly recommended since smart phones support it. IMPORTANT: The WEA
360-character field is NOT a continuation of the 90-character text field. Phones will display the 90-
character message, or 360 characters if capable. Most phones in use today display 360 characters.
360-character messages
Always use the 360-character message field to provide as much information about an
incident and the protective action needed.
Avoid acronyms and landmarks that only locals know.
Craft the 360-character WEA message before the 90-character WEA, and then cut the 360
to 90 (typically easier).
Include Source, Hazard, Location, Protective Action, and Expiration Time (if known).
Include a URL or directive on where to obtain additional authoritative information regarding
Understand how WEA works
All major cellular carriers and several smaller carriers support WEAs.
Since WEA relies upon broadcast technology, it does not experience network
WEA does not require recipients to sign-up or subscribe.
The public may opt-out of all WEAs other than a National Emergency Message.
WEAs are re-broadcast from activated cellular towers for the duration of the AWN
(please see Update and Cancel best practices below).
WEA is the only IPAWS pathway that constrains distribution of AWN via
Newer smart phones are equipped with Device Based Geo-Fencing (DBGF), where
the phone compares its location to coordinates of a polygon/circle and presents the
AWN if within the coordinates or 0.10 of a mile outside of the polygon or circle
(please see polygon/circle best practices below).
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5: 360-Character WEA Template
90-character messages
A 90-character message is required for non-Smart phones (e.g., older “flip phones”).
Avoid acronyms and landmarks that only locals know.
Craft 90-character message from key information contained in the 360-character message.
Include Source, Hazard, Location, Protective Action, and Expiration Time (if known).
Include a URL or place to obtain more information about the incident if there is enough
character space.
Do not dismiss the value of 90-character messages, as they can still provide relevant
information about an incident despite their reduced length.
Figure 6: 90-C
haracter WEA Template
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Message templates
Build message templates within the alerting software for permitted event codes.
Include as much content as possible add polygon(s)/circle(s), and established URLs (e.g.,
an established tiny URL or social media site) to the template.
Practice using templates during MPDs, training and exercises.
Copying and pasting message content expedites the development process and reduces errors.
However, this practice can introduce characters that cause problems with message processing.
The inclusion of a URL in a WEA provides several benefits such as the ability for recipients to obtain
additional authoritative information about an incident (e.g., zone and evacuation maps, multimedia,
and audio files).
Including a URL
Use a URL shortener (e.g., tiny URL) to save character space in your 360- and 90-character
Save additional character space by eliminating unnecessary characters such as “WWW.
Establish a personalized agency specific short URL that will be recognizable as a trusted
source for recipients that may be wary of clicking unknown links.
Before composing an AWN that includes a URL, ensure the hosting website can handle a
large influx of traffic.
Send recipients to social media platforms that can handle the traffic and increase alert
amplification by sharing and forwarding the alert message.
Copying and pasting from outside sources
Ideally, craft message content within alerting software text fields.
Do not copy and paste from Microsoft Word or an email. This content often contains
hidden formatting that can display erroneous characters in the received alert.
Craft message content in a text editor application such as Notepad and copy/paste from
the text editor.
If message content is received in Microsoft Word or an email, paste it into a text file
such as Notepad first. Next, copy/paste from the Notepad platform.
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Including a phone number
Include a phone number for recipients to obtain recorded information but be beware of
increased call volume.
Construct AWN content with clear and concise information to lessen call volume.
Avoid sending recipients to dispatch due to the risk of tying up incoming lines and
overwhelming dispatch personnel.
Work with dispatch if it is the only option for additional information.
Save additional character space by eliminating unnecessary characters such as dashes
within phone numbers. Phone numbers will remain “clickable” after performing this action.
Per FCC regulations, AWN may be presented in English and Spanish. While English is required, Spanish
is optional.
Spanish language guidance
IPAWS does not translate English into Spanish. This means the text in the Spanish text
fields must be entered as Spanish.
Avoid using automatic translation services because they may not translate English to
Spanish correctly, leading to public confusion.
Work with an interpreter or Spanish speaker to craft the Spanish text.
Do not use accent marks (including tildes [~]) when crafting Spanish text since these
special characters may not be processed correctly by cellular carriers and phones.
Include a URL in the WEA text for recipients to receive text or recorded audio in Spanish.
WEA is the only major IPAWS pathway that supports polygons and circles.
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Understanding polygons and circles
When using Geographic Information System (GIS) shape files as polygons or circles, work
with GIS analysts to ensure they do not exceed 100 vertices.
Keep polygons and circles simple (e.g., coastlines/boundaries do not need to be precisely
drawn). Practice this technique in the IPAWS demo environment.
IPAWS supports up to 10 polygons and circles up to 100 vertices.
Avoid using a “freeform” drawing tool if your software allows it. A freeform curve contains
many individual vertices.
Polygons and circles may overlap.
Lines defining each single polygon may not intersect or cross (e.g., a “bowtie”).
Keep polygons/circles within permitted boundaries. Practice drawing polygons and circles
when conducting required MPDs.
IPAWS requires WEA Handling Codes. SLTT AAs must select a WEA Handling Code based upon event
type. Most event codes can be Imminent Threat or Public Safety based upon the severity of an incident.
The selection of a WEA Handling Code determines how the WEA Banner (or header) will appear on
cellular devices. For example:
Imminent Threat – “Emergency Alert
Public Safety – “Public Safety Alert
WEA Test “WEA Test
*Note: Android devices will display the Severity threshold selected by the AA (e.g., if “Severe” is
selected, the WEA Banner will display “Severe”).
Did You Know?
WEA 3.0 introduced device-based geo-fencing (DBGF), which restricts targeted area(s) to no more than
1/10th of a mile outside of the polygon/circle. DBGF
relies on the capability of the cell device to
determine via its GPS if it is located within a polygon/circle and should present alert information to its
holder. Most cell devices support DBGF. This capability is expected to improve as more DBGF-enabled
cell phones are purchased by the public.
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WEA Handling Reference Table
Imminent Threat and Public Safety WEA handling codes can be used with most, but not all event codes.
Please see the chart below
(Figure 7) for recommendations on which WEA handling code to use:
Imminent threat vs. public safety
Use Imminent Threat (Emergency) WEA Handling Code if the public needs to act
immediately to preserve life or property (e.g., evacuation, shelter in place, missing or
endangered person).
Use Public Safety WEA Handling if the incident is non-life threatening but the public would
benefit from the receipt of the information (e.g., 911 outage or boil water).
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Figure 7: WEA Handling Codes Reference Table
WEA tests will only be received on cellular devices that have opted to receive WEA test alerts. Use
WEA Test to determine WEA effectiveness and reach. Please see Annex 3 for instructions on how to
opt-in to receive WEA Tests on iOS and Android.
WEA requires use of an event code. However, the event code is not displayed on cellular devices.
IPAWS state signatories approve their respective AAs for specific event codes during the IPAWS
application process. AAs should understand their event code permissions and select an event code
based upon internal procedures and processes.
WEA testing
Use event code Required Weekly Test (RWT) to conduct a WEA Test.
An FCC waiver is not needed when using test event codes for WEA. A FCC waiver IS
required for to send live tests - using Event Codes other than RWT - to the public
When performing a WEA Test:
o Conduct a social media or public information campaign to explain to any members
of the public that have opted to receive test messages that a test will be
performed and there is no need for action.
o Appoint test monitors in and around the alert area (polygon or circle) to collect
information and provide feedback on test receipt. Ideally, monitors will have
different phone models and cellular service providers.
o Have monitors collect information such as the manufacturer of the device, the
wireless service provider, and the time the alert was received.
Do NOT test WEA on a weekly basis. RWT is an Event Code type, not a mandate.
Do not use Required Monthly Test (RMT) to conduct WEA tests because an RMT message
will activate broadcast equipment and disrupt broadcasters’ monthly test schedules if EAS
distribution is accidentally selected.
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Selecting an Event Code
Understand event code meaning and purpose (please see Annex 4).
Be familiar with permitted event codes in case the alerting software does not restrict event
code selection to certificate permissions.
Include event code per incident and internal procedures/processes.
Create a template for each event code or type of incident.
Be aware that event codes do not display on cellular devices.
After sending an AWN via WEA, AAs should continue to monitor the incident to determine whether a
message should be updated or canceled before it expires. This is important since WEAs are
retransmitted at intervals by activated towers until expiration.
Updating and canceling a WEA
Update an AWN if new or additional information is required. Using Update will cancel the
original AWN and issue a new AWN.
When using Update, the best practice is to reference pertinent information from the original
AWN to lessen confusion for people receiving only the update and not the original AWN.
Cancel an AWN if the incident has been resolved before the intended expiration period
Cancel will stop the rebroadcast of the AWN, it will not cause an “All Clear” message to be
sent to the public.
3.3. Non-Weather Emergency Messages (NWEM)
Non-Weather AWNs are aired via NOAA Weather Radio (NWR). NWRs are configured by FIPS code and
therefore designated for an entire county like EAS. NWEMs are sent to a local NOAA Weather Forecast
Office (WFO), where an individual examines alert content (they may make minor changes) and queues
NWEM for distribution by NOAA transmitters.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Page 21
Testing NWEM Alert Capabilities with NWS
Coordinate with your SECC and local NWS WFO about doing an end-to-end demonstration using
Practice/Demonstration Warning (DMO). DMO reduces the risk of releasing a demo to the public
because most broadcasters only log receipt of a DMO.
Conduct any necessary public outreach regarding the demo.
Conduct the demo using the following procedures:
o Populate alert origination software using values. Software vendors can assist.
o Select the NWEM dissemination channel and send.
o Validate receipt of the alert on broadcaster EAS encoder/decoder equipment
Contact the local National Weather Service WFO to verify NWEM capabilities.
Visit the National Weather Service Local Offices page to find a Point of Contact for the WFO.
Crafting NWEMs with Alert Origination Software Tools
Contact alerting software vendor and ask if the <senderName> is properly configured as
“Requesting Agency” so that the agency’s name will be cited correctly when broadcast over
Select NWEM (some software tools display as “HazCollect” or “NWS”) to achieve NWR
Enter clear and concise “Description” and “Instruction” information since these two fields
are broadcast by NWR and included in NWS text products used by others.
Check punctuation and avoid use of special characters.
Place spaces between each digit of phone numbers so that the NWR text-to-speech engine
reads correctly.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Page 22
Did You Know?
NWS only receives your alert if your agency is authorized by IPAWS to send it to the NWEM
channel AND you select “NWEM” (or similar) in your alert authoring software.
Use the exact language you entered in your alert software’s “Description and “Instruction
blocks. Check punctuation. Do not use special characters. Add a space between
digits/characters in phone/license plate numbers.
For NWR only, NWS staff reviews your alert before broadcast and may edit it to improve the text-
to-speech conversion.
For AWN issued via both EAS and NWR there is potential for duplicate EAS activation when the
alert is for more than one geocode. No duplicate EAS is expected for single county alerts or single
state alerts using 000 location code.
Coordinate with your local NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist BEFORE an emergency
occurs to ensure a positive outcome and avoid any potential confusion during the adverse event
(please visit this NWS link for more information).
IPAWS requires the selection of an Event Code when sending an NWEM. Event codes define the nature
of the event at hand. Access to each individual Event Code depends on each AA’s established IPAWS
Selecting an Event Code
Familiarize yourself with permitted event codes in the event the alerting software does not
restrict event code selection based on certificate permissions.
NWEM does not support event codes: RWT and RMT.
Use DMO for testing NWEM.
Create a template for each event code or incident type.
4. AWN Redistribution
IPAWS AWN are disseminated via EAS, WEA and NWEM. They are also posted to the IPAWS All-
Hazards Feed, which is an ATOM feed where IPAWS approved redistribution service providers can
pull and redistribute IPAWS messages via applications, software tools, websites, digital signage, and
social media, among other options.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Page 23
Keep in mind
You may not know that your AWN is being redistributed through several IP-based services.
Provide clear and concise AWN content (e.g., incident type, targeted area, actionable
information, and where to obtain more information).
If you are aware of local redistribution services, work with service providers to ensure
adequate AWN content.
5. IPAWS Technical Support Services Facility (TSSF)
The IPAWS TSSF is staffed 24/7 with subject-matter experts (SMEs), who use their expertise in
emergency management, public safety communications, public works, and broadcasting to assist AAs
with IPAWS needs.
TSSF support
IPAWS encourages and supports practicing and exercising IPAWS alerting through the TSSF.
The TSSF is equipped to provide technical support for the various issues AAs may encounter
when using IPAWS. The IPAWS TSSF is available to assist with:
o Troubleshooting errant alerts
o Explanation of error codes
o MPDs
o Alerting best practices
o Webinars to support training initiatives
o Test and exercise support (at all levels)
o Other IPAWS-related initiatives
The IPAWS TSSF is always available, including holidays. The toll-free number for the facility is
1-84-IPAWSLAB or 1-844-729-7522.
AAs are required to send an IPAWS AWN monthly to the IPAWS TSSF test environment.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Page 24
Understand the importance of MPDs
IPAWS requires AAs to issue MPDs to the IPAWS TSSF to remain in good standing with
The issuance of a live AWN does not meet the the monthly IPAWS TSSF’s MPD
requirement .
AAs can send more than one MPD a month. However, at least one successful alert
must be sent to the TSSF via EAS, WEA, or NWEM to fulfill the MPD requirement.
Use this requirement to train, practice, and exercise IPAWS.
Do not use a generic template to conduct the MPD. Instead, use the scenario-based
templates on the TSSF’s website.
IPAWS can be incorporated into training and exercise initiatives. Inclusion of IPAWS is scalable and
adaptable to a wide range of exercises such as a tabletop exercise and or a functional exercise. Please
reach out to TSSF personnel to obtain more information.
Incorporate IPAWS into training and exercises
Integrate IPAWS into all discussions-based and operations-based exercises.
Schedule an IPAWS workshop with the TSSF to improve user proficiency.
Maintain MPD status.
Add IPAWS specific injects/scenarios.
Exercise the following:
o AWN trigger points
o AWN approval process, procedure, checklist
o Assess saved polygons and circles
o Clarify message templates and crafting
o Include URLs and assess effectiveness
o Review time to send message after incident notification
o Practice cross-jurisdictional/back-up alerting permissions
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 1 – Page i
Acronym Description
AWN Alert, Warning and Notification
Alerting Authority
After Action Report
Administrative Message
Alert Originator
Alert Origination Software Provider
Avalanche Watch
Avalanche Warning
Blue Alert
Child Abduction Emergency
Civil Danger Warning
Civil Emergency Message
California Highway Patrol
Commercial Mobile Alert System
Collaborative Operating Group
Device Based Geo-Fencing
Practice/Demonstration Warning
Emergency Alert System
Earthquake Warning
Evacuation Immediate
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Information Processing Standard
Fire Warning
Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Territorial
Geographic Information System
All-Hazards Emergency Message Collection System
Hazardous Materials Warning
Integrated Public Alert and Warning System
IPAWS-Open Platform for Emergency Networks
Local Area Emergency
Law Enforcement Warning
Memorandum of Agreement
Memorandum of Understanding
Monthly Proficiency Demonstration
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 1 – Page ii
Acronym Description
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Nuclear Power Plant Warning
Non-Weather Emergency Message
National Weather Service
Public Alerting Application
Public Information Officer
Program Management Office
Radiological Hazard Warning
Required Monthly Test
Specific Area Message Encoding
Standard Operating Guidance
Standard Operating Procedure
Shelter-in-Place Warning
Telephone Outage Emergency
Technical Support Services
Technical Support Services Facility
Text to Speech
Volcano Warning
Warning Alert and Response Network
Wireless Emergency Alert
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 2 - Page i
Before beginning the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) process to become an IPAWS AA, consult with
your state IPAWS representative to check eligibility.
IPAWS Portal
The IPAWS Portal explains the MOA process and requirements. Please visit this link for more
1. Complete IPAWS Online Course
All AAs are required to successfully complete the IPAWS Independent Study (IS)-247 course. This is an
online course located on FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute website. This course provides:
The benefits of using IPAWS
Skills to create appropriate, effective, and accessible AWN
The importance of training, testing and exe
rcising IPAWS
Best practices for IPAWS
the course has been completed, course certification must be uploaded to the agency’s profile
via the IPAWS User's Portal.
Additional EMI Training
FEMA EMI course IS-251 provides AAs with guidance on:
Developing effective policies, plans and procedures
Defining the approval process
Defining the importance of training, practice, and exercising IPAWS
Illustrating IPAWS best practices and effectively using it to reach the public
Refer To
Use this link to access the IPAWS IS-247 course.
Use this link to access the IPAWS IS-251 course.
Annex 2 - Page ii
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
2. Choose IPAWS Compatible Software
The only cost to AAs is acquiring IPAWS compatible software (also known as alert origination
software). IPAWS compatible software providers can be found at this link.
Choosing IPAWS Compatible software.
All the IPAWS compatible software systems perform the basic requirements to craft IPAWS AWN,
but they vary in appearance and capabilities. When choosing IPAWS compatible software systems,
you must:
Determine agency requirements.
Consider your budget.
Research and review multiple IPAWS compatible software systems.
3. Maintain Active IPAWS Status
To remain in good standing with IPAWS, all AAs are required to perform MPDs in the IPAWS
demo environment (also known as IPAWS TSSF). Issuing a live AWN does NOT fulfill this
monthly requirement.
Scenario-Based MPDs
To increase your proficiency with issuing AWN, IPAWS TSS has created Scenario-Based MPDs that
target the enhancement of AAs skills in AWN. The scenarios cover a variety of hazards and incidents.
They are created to be flexible, scalable, and adaptable, which allows you to modify the scenarios to
fit the needs of your jurisdiction(s). These scenarios include critical thinking questions to aid your
responses to the exercise. Click here for more information on Scenario-Based MPDs.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 4 - Page i
This section provides several helpful resources that will assist with preparation and execution of AWN.
The TSSF Resource Central contains resource materials such as Conducting WEA Tests, Drills,
Workshops and Exercises, IPAWS MPD Scenarios, and the IPAWS Exercise Tool Kit.
Refer To
More information and resources regarding the TSSF can be found at the
TSSF website
The Department of Homeland Security'’s Science & Technology Directorate in coordination with FEMA
developed the IPAWS Program Planning Toolkit
to assist AAs with creating comprehensive plans and
Refer To
To access the IPAWS Program Planning Toolkit, please visit IPAWS Program Planning Toolkit |
The checklist assists with reviewing and confirming that drafted EAS and WEA messages align with
best practices for AWN.
Refer To
Use this link to access the AWN checklist.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 4 - Page ii
The IPAWS PMO distributes "tips" to AAs, emergency managers, and software vendors. The tips cover
a wide range of topics, including best practices and recommendations. All distributed tips are available
on the IPAWS website.
Refer To
IPAWS Tips can be found online.
This kit provides stakeholders with ready-to-use materials and templates to develop, conduct and
evaluate an exercise of any type or scale.
Refer To
The Exercise Tool Kit can be found at
Operational Coordination and Communications - EM Toolkits - Preparedness Toolkit (fema.gov)
Public Broadcasting Service Warning, Alert, & Response Network (PBS WARN) displays live, canceled,
and expired WEA alerts throughout the nation. AAs can use it to verify that they have successfully
sent an alert to the public.
Refer To
For more information on PBS WARN, please visit this link.
Action Item
Follow FEMA on social media at: FEMA Blog on fema.gov, @FEMA or @FEMAEspanol on Twitter,
FEMA or FEMA Espanol on Facebook, @FEMA on Instagram, and via FEMA YouTube channel.
Annex 4 - Page i
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
The following Event Codes are available to state, local, tribal and territorial AAs for use with IPAWS. Use of these Event Codes by AAs
depends on established IPAWS permissions. The weather-related event codes, which are not listed here, are reserved for the NWS. The
codes shown below may be used with EAS, WEA or NWEM except where indicated.
Code Name
ADR Administrative Message EAS & NWEM
A non-emergency message that provides
updated information about an event in
progress, an event that has expired or
concluded early, pre-event preparation or
mitigation activities, post-event recovery
operations, or other administrative matters
pertaining to the Emergency Alert System.
ADR can be used to inform the
public of scheduled power
outages in specific area(s) of its
AVA Avalanche Watch EAS & NWEM
Conditions are favorable or expected but
not imminent or occurring. The purpose of
an Avalanche Watch is to warn the public
that Avalanche Warning criteria are likely
to be met in 24-48 hours.
AVA can be used when
conditions have the potential to
cause an avalanche and local
authorities need to inform
individuals to stay vigilant for
further information or to
evacuate immediately. Using
AVA instead of AVW indicates
that the avalanche is not certain
to occur.
AVW Avalanche Warning
A warning of imminent or occurring
Avalanche activity.
AVW can be used when the
avalanche is occurring, and
local authorities need to inform
those at risk to evacuate
immediately. Using AVW versus
AVA informs the public that the
avalanche is taking place and to
act quickly.
BLU Blue Alert
A message issued by state and local
authorities to warn the public when there
is actionable information related to a law
enforcement officer that is missing,
seriously injured, or killed in the line of
duty, or when there is an imminent,
credible threat to an officer. A Blue Alert
can quickly warn the public if a violent
suspect may be in the community and
provide instructions on what to do if the
suspect is spotted and how to stay safe.
BLU can be used if an armed
suspect has reportedly shot and
injured an officer and fled the
scene. Using BLU instead of LAE
indicates involvement of law
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 4 - Page ii
Code Name
Child Abduction
Based on established criteria, an
emergency message, about a missing child
believed to be abducted. A local or state
law enforcement agency investigating the
abduction will describe the missing child,
provide a description of the suspect
and/or vehicle, and ask the public to notify
the requesting agency if they have any
information on the whereabouts of the
child or suspect
Authorized officials can use CAE
to inform the public when a
child is abducted. Sending an
CAE increases awareness and
the chances of a child being
recovered. CAE is the only
recommended event code to
use in this situation.
CDW Civil Danger Warning
A warning of an event that presents a
danger to a significant civilian population.
The CDW, which usually warns of a specific
hazard and gives specific protective action,
has a higher priority than the Local Area
Emergency (LAE).
CDW can be used to inform
public of contaminated water
supply and imminent or in-
progress military or terrorist
attack. Public protective actions
could include evacuation,
shelter in place or other actions
(such as boiling contaminated
water or seeking medical
treatment). Use CDW instead of
LAE if the event is more
detrimental to the population.
Civil Emergency
An emergency message regarding an in-
progress or imminent significant threat(s)
to public safety and/or property. The CEM
is a higher priority message than the Local
Area Emergency (LAE), but the hazard is
less specific than the Civil Danger Warning
CEM can be used to describe a
change in the Homeland
Security Alert System level in
response to a terrorist threat.
Use CEM instead of LAE if the
event taking place is of greater
A demonstration or test message used for
purposes established in state, including
local, tribal, or territorial EAS plans.
Purposes may include testing of a siren
system or audio quality checks.
DMO can be used by authorized
officials to test their NWEM
capabilities or siren systems.
Use RWT instead of DMO to test
EAS/WEA and avoid disrupting
the public.
EQW Earthquake Warning
A warning of current or imminent
earthquake activity. Authorized officials
may recommend or order protective
actions according to state law or local
EQW can be used to inform the
public of affected areas and
measures to take for safety. If
road damages have occurred,
detour information can be
provided for individuals that
require or plan to travel into or
away from the affected area.
Use EQW instead of LAE to
immediately alert the public of
the exact event taking place.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 4 - Page iii
Code Name
EVI Immediate Evacuation
A warning where immediate evacuation is
recommended or ordered according to
state law or local, tribal, or territorial
EVI can be used for authorized
officials to recommend the
evacuation of affected areas
(county or statewide) due to an
approaching tropical cyclone. In
the event a flammable or
explosive gas is released,
authorized officials may
recommend the evacuation of
designated areas where
casualties or property damage
from a vapor cloud explosion or
fire may occur. Use LAE instead
of EVI if the agency does not
plan to evacuate the entire
county/state. Since the event
code will scroll before the
evacuation notification, LAE will
lessen the chance of confusion
and panic.
FRW Fire Warning
A warning that indicates a spreading
wildfire or structure fire threatens a
populated area. Evacuation of areas in the
fire’s path may be recommended by
authorized officials according to state law
or local ordinance.
FRW can be used to warn the
public that there is a fire in the
affected areas and provide
evacuation routes and shelter
locations. Use FRW instead of
LAE to convey the significance
of a fire threat to the public.
Hazardous Materials
A warning indicating the release of a non-
radioactive hazardous material (such as a
flammable gas, toxic chemical, or
biological agent) that require the public to
evacuate from the affected area (for an
explosion, fire, or oil spill hazard) or shelter
in place (for a toxic fume hazard).
HMW can be used during an oil
spill, which could lead to fire or
explosion. Authorized officials
can block off an area and
recommend the public evacuate
or shelter in place if needed.
Use HMW instead of LAE, EVI, or
SPW to inform the public about
a specific event taking place
and provide recommendations.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 4 - Page iv
Code Name
LAE Local Area Emergency
An emergency message that defines an
event that by itself does not pose a
significant threat to public safety or
property. However, the event could
escalate, contribute to other more serious
events, or disrupt critical public safety
services. Instructions, other than public
protective actions, may be provided by
authorized officials.
LAE can be used during a
disruption in water, electric or
natural gas service, road
closures due to excessive
snowfall, or a potential terrorist
threat where the public is asked
to remain alert. LAE can also be
used for a Silver Alert when an
elderly, developmentally, or
cognitively impaired person has
gone missing and is determined
to be at risk. Use LAE instead of
CDW or CEM if the situation is
not a high priority. Caveat: use
LAE instead of EVI to avoid
confusion or panic if not meant
for the entire state/county.
Law Enforcement
A warning of a bomb explosion, riot, or
other criminal event (e.g., a jailbreak). An
authorized law enforcement agency may
blockade roads, waterways, or facilities,
evacuate, or deny access to affected
areas, or arrest violators or suspicious
LEW can be used if a bomb
threat is received during an
event and local authorities are
investigating the matter and law
enforcement evacuates an area
and establishes road blockages
until “all clear” is received. Use
LEW instead of LAE to inform
the public that law enforcement
officials are heavily involved in
an ongoing situation.
Nuclear Power Plant
A warning of an event at a nuclear power
plant. Classified as a Site Area Emergency
or General Emergency by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC). A Site Area
Emergency is confined to the plant site,
and no offsite impact is expected.
Typically, a General Emergency is confined
to a less than 10-mile radius around the
NUW can be used to inform the
public that an event is occurring
at its community’s nuclear
power plant. Authorized officials
may recommend the
evacuation or medical
treatment of exposed persons
in nearby areas. Using NUW
instead of LAE, CDW or CEM
keeps the focus on the nuclear
power plant and the impacted
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 4 - Page v
Code Name
Radiological Hazard
A warning of the loss, discovery, or release
of a radiological material.
RHW can be used if there is
theft of a radioactive isotope
used for medical, seismic, or
other purposes, the discovery of
radioactive materials, a
transportation (e.g., aircraft,
truck, or rail.) accident that may
involve nuclear weapons,
nuclear fuel, or radioactive
waste. Authorized officials may
recommend protective actions
be taken if a radioactive hazard
is discovered. Use RHW instead
LAE, CDW, or CEM because it
better conveys the seriousness
of an event.
RMT Required Monthly Test EAS & WEA
A test message that is typically pre-
scheduled and coordinated state- or
region-wide on an annual basis. RMTs
generally originate from a pre-designated
local or state primary station, or a state
emergency management agency.
Broadcast stations and cable channels
must relay RMTs. They must be conducted
between 8:30 a.m. and local sunset during
odd numbered months, and between local
sunset and 8:30 a.m. during even
numbered months. Received monthly,
tests must be retransmitted within 60
minutes of receipt. Additionally, an RMT
should not be scheduled or conducted
during an event of great importance such
as a pre-announced presidential speech,
coverage of a national/local election,
major local or national news coverage
outside regularly scheduled newscast
hours, or a major national sporting event
such as the Super Bowl or World Series.
Designated RMT originating
agencies can use EAS RMT for
testing EAS Live message
capability and audio. Work with
local broadcasters prior to
sending an EAS RMT. Use RMT
instead of RWT if the agency
wishes to preempt a public
broadcast and administer future
safety protocol information.
Although RMT is available for
WEA, it is not recommended for
live testing. Rather, using RWT
for WEA testing is the best
option to avoid having to obtain
an FCC Waiver.
IPAWS Best Practices Guide
Annex 4 - Page vi
Code Name
RWT Required Weekly Test EAS & WEA
A test message that consists, at a
minimum, of the header and end-of-
message tones. Though an RWT does not
need an audio or graphic message
announcing the test, many stations
provide them as a courtesy to the public. In
addition, television stations are not
required to transmit a video message for
weekly tests. RWTs are scheduled by the
station on random days and times during
weeks when there is no Required Monthly
Test scheduled. Broadcast and cable
operators generally do not relay incoming
EAS RWTs may originate from
state and local alerting
authorities to confirm the
operational status of their
IPAWS live alerting software
configuration without
interrupting broadcast or cable
programming. Use RWT instead
of RMT if the agency does not
plan to interrupt the public. WEA
RWTs could be used to test the
WEA Live message capability
under WEA Test without a
waiver from the FCC. Individuals
must opt in to receive the RWT.
Use RWT instead of RMT to
comply with the FCC rule and
avoid obtaining a waiver.
Shelter in Place
A warning of an event where the public is
recommended to shelter in place (go
inside, close doors and windows, turn off
air conditioning or heating systems, and
turn on the radio or TV for more
SPW can be used by authorized
officials if there is a release of
hazardous materials and toxic
fumes, or radioactivity may
affect designated areas. It is
also used when evacuating from
an affected area will cause
grave danger. Use SPW instead
of LAE, CDW, or CEM to indicate
the importance of the specified
911 Telephone Outage
An emergency message that defines a
local or state 911 telephone network
outage by geographic area or telephone
Authorized officials can use TOE
to provide alternate phone
numbers to reach 911 or
dispatch personnel when 911
lines are down. Use TOE instead
of LAE to notify the public 911
telephone outage and provide
further information.
VOW Volcano Warning
A warning of current or imminent volcanic
activity. Authorized officials may
recommend or order protective actions
according to state law or local ordinance.
Authorized officials can use
VOW to inform the public of a
volcanic eruption and provide
evacuation routes and shelter
locations. Use VOW instead of
LAE to alert the public of
volcanic activity.