Storm Preparedness
The Town of Duck is surrounded by water. Therefore, buildings
along the shoreline are susceptible to wave action and high tides
associated with storm surges generated in the Atlantic Ocean and
Currituck Sound.
Properties in low-lying areas are prone to
flooding from overwash as well as
significant rainfall, particularly when the
seasonal groundwater table is high due to
consecutive rain events. When the
groundwater table is high, the soil cannot
absorb water quickly, and water stands at
the surface for longer periods of time.
The Town is also vulnerable to shoreline
erosion and sea level rise which, over a
period, will increase the vulnerability of
both ocean and soundfront structures to
these forces.
Flooding from the Atlantic Ocean occurs
when offshore storms create storm surge and wave conditions
that result in ocean overwash. As the storm passes inland,
overwash can flood oceanfront structures and can often create
ponds of water behind the primary frontal dune that can flood
low-lying areas.
The Town of Duck has seen impacts from hurricane events on
several occasions.
Hurricane Isabel hammered the Outer Banks in September
2003, with 90 mph east winds that caused significant erosion
along the oceanfront. Areas in Ocean Pines and Carolina Dunes
experienced overwash that resulted in moderate flooding behind
the primary frontal dune. The storm destroyed approximately 90
percent of the ocean walkways and dune
decks from Sanderling to the southern Town
line and flooded many ground floor
Damage to beach walkways and flooding of
ground floor enclosures also resulted from the
Thanksgiving nor’easter of 2006, the
September nor’easter of 2008, the November
nor’easter of 2009, and Hurricane Sandy in the
fall of 2012.
Hurricane Irene made landfall in North
Carolina in late August 2011. This Category
One storm produced sustained southwesterly
winds of 82 mph. It caused widespread damage to homes from
Cape Lookout northward and produced extensive power outages.
Significant storm surge damage occurred along southern portions
of Currituck Sound, including Duck. The heaviest flood damage
sustained in Duck affected the commercial buildings along the
sound in the village, and lower level residential enclosures north
of the Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility. In
addition to flooding, heavy wave action damaged almost every
(Connued on page 2)
Forecasters with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
predicted an above normal 2020 Hurricane season. As of this publication there have
been seventeen named storms with two months of the season still to go. The Atlantic
hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30. While the hurricane season
typically peaks between late August through the fall, it is important to keep in mind
that the Outer Banks is also prone to strong nor’easters over the winter months.
This publication will address some basic considerations that property owners,
residents, and vacationers should keep in mind to mitigate storm related hazards and
to stay out of harm’s way.
Hurricane Isabel 2003
“Hurricane Irene set the
new standard for severe
soundside flooding with the
highest flood heights ever
recorded since the Army
Corps of Engineers began
documenting sound water
elevations in 1979.”
(Connued from page 1)
pier and bulkhead along Duck’s Currituck Sound shoreline.
Wave action coupled with torrential rains also caused severe
erosion on the high bluffs located above the sound shoreline
near at the southern end of town. Low lying sections of the
Town of Duck Soundside Boardwalk also sustained moderate
structural damage.
Flooding along Duck’s Currituck Sound shoreline occurs when
prevailing winds gust for several days from a southerly or
westerly direction. Hurricane Irene set the new standard for
severe soundside flooding with the highest flood heights ever
recorded since the Army Corps of Engineers began
documenting sound water elevations in 1979. The flooding that
occurred during Irene topped the 1993 “Storm of the Century”
flooding by an additional four to six inches. Since Irene, we
recently saw Hurricane Michael sneak up on us in October
2018. This was a fast-moving storm with little to no rain, but it
brought with it a 2-4 foot storm surge along the soundside.
Hurricane Matthew made landfall in October 2016 and
brought with it 3-5 feet of storm surge along with 12 inches of
rainfall within a 12-hour time frame. This rainfall was preceded
by Hurricane Hermine in September that brought 6+ inches of
rainfall in an already above average year for rain. The impacts
to Duck resulted in standing water in low lying areas for nearly
a month following the storm.
While we often look at coastal named storms as the events to
concern ourselves when preparing for flooding, that is not
always the case. In July and August of 2018, when we typically
see 4 to 5 inches of rain, we saw 20 inches. Substantial
flooding and standing water were recorded as a result of this
The result in each of these storms and rain events was flooding
in the low-lying areas
These events have helped the Town better understand and
assess the vulnerabilities and risks that exist in specific areas of
Duck. They also highlight the importance of properly siting,
designing, and constructing buildings and infrastructure, as well
as taking precautions to ensure property is protected and risks
are minimized.
Hurricane Irene 2011
Severe shoreline erosion and property
damage sustained from hurricane
Tropical Storm Michael in 2018 came
up the sound damaging almost every
soundside structure in Duck.
The Saffir-Simpson wind scale was developed in the 1960s by structural
engineer Herbert Saffir to help quantify potential damaged resulting from
hurricane force winds. The scale was expanded in the 1970s by then Director
of the National Hurricane Center. Increasing in intensity the category scale
goes from 1 to 5. Storm category is determined by a range of factors
including barometric pressure, wind speed, storm surge, and damage
Wind speed is the determining factor for the storm category. The storm surge
is estimated based on the continental shelf slope in the landfall region.
Therefore, it is important to note that while the category of storm can help in
planning, the storm surge and flooding can vary, be unpredictable, and can
happen at any category.
Most emergency events that occur in
Duck are weather related. Fortunately,
several sources exist to track storms
and monitor evacuation notifications
and emergency procedures.
The Town of Duck maintains a page
on its website dedicated to Emergency
Preparedness and provides current
s t o r m - r e l a t e d i n f o r m a t i o n :
preparedness/. This page contains
useful links to track and monitor
storms, understand evacuation orders
and procedures, and assist with devel-
oping a personal storm preparedness
Hurricane Preparedness/Before the Storm
It is never too early to prepare yourself and your homes for a
hurricane. Follow these simple steps and make sure that you
are ready in the event disaster strikes.
1. Determine Your Risk Find out if your home is subject
to flooding. Evaluate what you need to protect your
home and family.
2. Develop an Evacuation Plan Plan for multiple op-
tions and destinations and be ready to execute them
when needed.
3. Assemble Disaster Supplies Make a list and stock/
restock items needed to sustain your family and your pets
to last at least three (3) days, to include:
First aid kit, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies and essen-
tial medications.
Canned food and can opener.
At least three gallons of water per person.
Protective clothing, including masks, rainwear, and bed-
Battery-powered radio, flashlight, and extra batteries.
Special items for yourself, infants, elderly, or disabled
family members including medicines and medical rec-
Items for your pet including food, water, medicines, and
medical records.
Written instructions on how to
turn off electricity, gas, and water if
authorities advise you to do so. Re-
member, you may need a professional
to turn them back on.
4. Get an Insurance Checkup
Check in with your insurance agency
well before a storm. Prepare your
home and belongings according to
your policy. Locate all insurance doc-
uments to take with you during an
5. Strengthen and Protect Your Home
Make sure it is in good repair and up to local hurricane
building code specifications.
Secure any loose items that can be tossed around by high
Install hurricane shutters or purchase precut 1/2" out-
door plywood boards, along with the screws to install
them, for each window of your home.
Install anchors for the plywood and pre-drill holes in the
plywood for quick installation.
Make trees more wind resistant by removing diseased
and damaged limbs, then strategically remove branches
so that wind can blow through.
6. Help Your Neighbor- Check in with your neighbors and
offer any help that they may need to prepare.
7. Complete a Written Plan Writing down your plan will
help you avoid mistakes when faced with an emergency
and ensure everyone in your home is prepared for the
next storm.
For more information and helpful tips on how to prepare,
visit weather.gov/wrn/hurricane-preparedness or
This mass notification system keeps you informed during
emergency situations.
While signing up for the service, you can choose which form of
communication you prefer, as well as the frequency with which you
receive the alerts and messages. You can also sign up to receive
weather alerts from NOAA and the National Weather Service.
Change your mind? Not a problem! You can change these settings
or unsubscribe at any time. Your Regroup account will still be
active and you can change your personal setting to receive alerts
Sign up now at townofduck.com/regroup/
Social Media Outlets
Dare County Social Media:
Town of Duck Social Media:
Twitter: @DuckOBX
Facebook: Town of Duck
Instagram: townofduck
National Weather Service
Social Media:
Twitter: @NWSMoreheadCity
Facebook: NWS Morehead City
1. Please do not take any chances. Follow the instructions of emergency management officials. Find Dare County
information regarding hurricanes, including evacuation routes, at darenc.com/hurricanes.
2. Identify your evacuation route.
3. Identify ahead of time where you could go if you are told to evacuate. Choose several places--a friend's home in another
town, a motel, or a shelter.
4. Remember: There are no American Red Cross approved shelters in Dare County. Inland shelter locations may be
broadcast on local radio stations, Regroup or on Charter Cable Channel 20.
5. Complete preparation activities. If you are not advised to evacuate, stay indoors and away from windows.
6. Be aware that the calm of the "eye" is deceptive; the storm is not over. The worst part of the storm happens after the eye
passes over and the winds blow from the opposite direction. Trees, shrubs, buildings, and other objects damaged by the
first winds can be broken or destroyed by the second winds.
7. Be alert for tornadoes as they can occur during a hurricane and after it passes over. Remain indoors, in the center of your
home, in a closet, or bathroom without windows.
8. Stay away from flood waters. If you come upon a flooded road, turn around and go another way. If you are caught on a
flooded road and waters are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car and climb to higher ground. FEMA maintains a
useful website with information on this topic titled: “Turn Around Don’t Drown” at weather.gov/safety/flood-turn-
1. Stay informed by listening to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio, television stations, and
local government social media outlets for up-to-date storm information. A list of other
available social media outlets are listed on this page. Have multiple ways to receive warnings.
2. Sign up for Emergency Alerts: In the Spring of 2017 Dare County, in partnership with the
towns, purchased into an agreement with Regroup Mass Notification as a means of delivering
vital information more quickly. When signing up, you can choose from email, text, and voice
alerts. To learn more about Regroup and to sign up for emergency alerts from the Town of
Duck visit townofduck.com/regroup/. To sign up for Regroup through Dare County
Emergency Management visit darecountyem.com
3. Prepare your home: Bring inside
any lawn or deck furniture,
o u t d o o r d e c o r a t i o n s o r
ornaments, trash bins, hanging
plants, and anything else that can
be picked up by the wind. Cover
all windows of your home. If
shutters have not been installed,
use precut plywood as described
earlier. Note: Tape does not
prevent windows from breaking,
so taping windows is not
4. Fill your car's gas tank.
5. Recheck manufactured home
6. Check your disaster supply kit!
Dare County Evacuation Map
1. Keep listening to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio, television stations, and local
government social media outlets for instructions.
2. If you evacuated, return home only when local officials tell you it is safe to do so.
Town personnel and public safety will be extra busy with clean-up, damage
assessment, and providing emergency services. Be smart and follow the advice of
local officials.
3. Inspect your home for damage.
4. Use flashlights in the dark; do not use candles.
Possible After Effects of
Polluted water
Severe Flooding
communications and
Store closures
No power, phone, or
Backed up or
flooding septic tanks
Severe shoreline
Roadway debris
Damage to personal
Aerial view of ooding at Georgetown Sands following twenty (20)
inches of rainfall between July 1 and August 5, 2018
Water quality and flooding are directly impacted by runoff from development and impervious surfaces, such as roofs
and driveways. Management of stormwater, both excessive quantities of water that can result in flooding and
polluted water that can impact surface water quality, is important. When possible, reduce the amount of impervious
surfaces, retain natural topography and features, and provide opportunities for water to infiltrate back into the
ground on your property.
Develop Rain Gardens and Swales - Shallow depressions with native vegetation and mulch will hold and slowly
release stormwater into the groundwater table, while the plants will aid in water uptake and can even remove some
Consider Permeable Pavements Options or the use of gravel for your driveways.
Put your rainwater to use by harvesting rainwater in barrels. You can save it to water landscaped areas and vegetable
Reroute downspouts so they direct into an area where stormwater can infiltrate directly into the soil or connect your
downspout to a rain barrel or cistern and use the water for landscaping or washing your car.
Prevent erosion by planting (native plants whenever possible) and stabilizing soil.
Consider using rain sensors or drip irrigation when irrigating to reduce excess water runoff.
Still not sure what you can or want to do to protect your property from flooding? Town staff are available to assist
you. We can talk through your flood hazard risk and potential protection measures whether they are related to existing
conditions or new development and offer recommendations for improvement. Call the office to schedule an on-site visit
with one of the staff members listed below:
Joe Heard Director of Community Development
Sandy Cross Floodplain Manager
Steve McMurray Building Inspector
Residential flooding following
Hurricane Matthew in 2016
Due to recent changes to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps
(FIRM), a significant number of structures in Duck are no
longer located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). These
are areas identified by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency’s (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) as being
particularly susceptible to flooding and wave action.
Figures provided by the NC Floodplain Mapping Program
show the number of structures located in a V flood zone
decreased from 397 to 255 (a 36% decrease). The number of
structures in an A flood zone are decreased from 882 to 187 (a
79% reduction). Based on these figures, a significant number of
property owners may benefit from reduced insurance rates and
expect lower development standards.
Property owners may perceive that the change in their flood
zone from an A or V flood zone to an X flood zone means they
have very minimal or no risk of flooding. This perception of
very low or no risk may prompt owners to drop flood
insurance. Changes in your flood zone should not be a reason
to drop your flood insurance. One in four flood losses occur in
“low-risk” or X flood zones. The Town wants to emphasize
‘low-risk” is not “no risk and strongly encourages owners to
maintain their flood insurance policies.
The Town of Duck participates in the National Flood
Insurance Program which allows property owners to purchase
federally backed flood insurance. As a primary requirement of
this program, the Town must apply and enforce regulations
within the Special Flood Hazard Area in accordance with its
Floodplain Damage Ordinance that are designed to reduce the
risk of flooding.
The National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community
Rating System (CRS) is a program administered by FEMA. This
voluntary incentive program recognizes and encourages
community floodplain management activities that exceed the
minimum NFIP requirements. The primary goals of the CRS
are to:
Reduce flood damage to insurable property;
Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the NFIP;
Encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain
Keeping in line with these goals and understanding that the risk
associated with flooding is not limited to those areas delineated
on the FIRM, the Town of Duck Town Council adopted new
FIRM maps effective June 19, 2020 to include a higher
regulatory standard. This adoption followed several years of
community outreach through the “low risk” is not “no risk
educational campaign.
A few key elements of the adopted ordinance are listed below.
Establish a minimum local elevation standard (LES) of 10
feet in X flood zones.
Require freeboard of one foot or elevation of 10 feet,
whichever is greater, in A flood zones.
Maintain free-and-clear standard of 2 feet and establish a
freeboard of 2 feet in Coastal High Hazard Areas.
Include all oceanfront properties in a Coastal High Hazard
Area subject to V-zone (high velocity) standards.
Require typical A zone standards for development below
the 10’ (LES) in X zones.
Allow enclosures below LES to be temperature controlled.
Allow remodeling or renovation of existing enclosures
below LES.
Require existing structures proposing substantial (over
50%) repairs or improvements to be brought into
compliance with current ordinance standards.
Require pre and post development elevation certificates.
Overview of Flood Zones and
properties below the 10’ LES
All properties located within the Special Flood Hazard Area
or below the local elevation standard (LES) elevation in
Duck are subject to state and local development regulations.
Before undertaking development, a builder or
homeowner must secure the necessary permits from the
Town of Duck specifically covering the proposed activity.
Development activities include but are not limited
to: Man-made changes to improved or unimproved
real estate not limited to buildings or structures;
mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving,
excavating, or drilling operations; storage of
materials; and erection of temporary structures
(including tents).
If your structure sustains damage from flooding,
you will likely need to obtain building permits from
the Town before proceeding with the repairs.
If unauthorized activities are observed, or if you
need help determining whether or not a permit is
required for a proposed activity, please contact the
Town of Duck Building Inspector, Steven McMurray at
(252) 255-1234 or smcmurray@townofduck.com. Walk-in
service will be available at 1200 Duck Road, second floor
once COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.
Illustrated explanation of typical flooding in
Dare County
If you own a structure within the Town of Duck’s Special Flood Hazard Area or below the local elevation standard (LES), and
you intend to modify or add on to this structure, please note that the value of the proposed work will determine what you will
be allowed to do prior to prompting the requirement of bringing the entire structure into compliance with the Town’s flood
damage prevention ordinance. If you are planning a project, and the dollar value of the proposed work exceeds fifty percent
(50%) of the value of the structure as determined by the Dare County Tax Assessor, or an independent appraisal, then the entire
structure will need to meet the current flood damage prevention ordinance standards. When determining the value of the work;
labor and materials must be included, even if you are doing the work yourself.
Similarly, if any habitable structure in a Special Flood Hazard Area or below the LES sustains damage that is more than fifty
percent (50%) of the value of the structure or is destroyed by any cause (not just flooding), then the repairs/reconstruction will
be required to meet all provisions of the current flood damage prevention ordinance.
Every property carries some risk of flooding, even those not
located near a known flooding source such as a river, ocean,
sound, or lake. Flooding is the most common and costly
natural disaster in the United States. Floods can cause
physical and emotional anguish and financial devastation. Just
one inch of water in an average sized home can cause more
than $25,000 in damage. It is important to know that a
standard homeowner’s insurance policy does NOT cover
flood-related losses and flood maps do not account for all
sources of flood risks. It is important to understand that flood
maps only depict those areas subject to a 1% annual chance of
flooding and do not reflect other sources of flooding such as
rainfall, elevated groundwater levels, or sea level rise.
While flood insurance is only required for properties with
federally backed mortgages, FEMA and the Town strongly
encourage all property owners to purchase flood insurance,
even if the property is not in a designated Special Flood
Hazard Area. Outside the Special Flood Hazard Area,
preferred risk policies can be purchased which carry a
relatively low premium. Please be aware that there is a 30day
waiting period before coverage goes into effect. Flood policies
generally cover up to $250,000 for flood-related damage to
single-family dwellings, with an additional $100,000 of
coverage to the contents of the building.
For additional information regarding your flood risk, you can
visit www.floodsmart.gov or fris.nc.gov/fris/ .
Town of Duck
P.O. Box 8369
Duck, NC 27949
1200 Duck Road
Phone: 252.255.1234
Fax: 252.255.1236
The Town of Duck maintains a Flood
Map Information Service as part of its
participation in the NFIP/CRS
Program. The Town maintains copies
of current and previous Flood Insurance
Rate Maps (FIRM) for areas within the
Town’s incorporated limits. We can
determine if a structure is located within
a Special Flood Hazard Area as well as
the applicable flood zone and base flood
elevation that applies to the property. In
addition to property map location, we
can provide the FIRM community
number, panel number, index date, and
elevation datum (NGVD or local
datum). This information can be
requested and provided to you directly,
or can be accessed online at
t o w n o f d u c k . c o m / c o m m u n i t y -
The Town can provide you with copies
of your FEMA Elevation Certificates
since the Town’s incorporation in
2002. Town records include some
FEMA Elevation Certificates maintained
by Dare County for the Duck area prior
to the Town’s incorporation. In addition
to elevation certificates, we can provide
property contours from recent aerial
pictometry, and we can verify local
drainage or stormwater issues, hot-spot
flooding, repetitive loss areas and coastal
erosion hot-spots.
If you have questions about our flood
maps, would like to request information
as part of this service or would like more
details regarding the new maps and the
associated flood damage prevention
ordinance, please call the Town of Duck
D e p a r t m e n t o f C o m m u n i t y
Development at 252-255-1234 or email
Sandy Cross, the Town’s Floodplain
Manager, at scross@townofduck.com.
Walk-in service will be available at 1200
Duck Road, second floor, once COVID
-19 restrictions have been lifted.
Example of FIRM