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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health 2021; 8(3): 35-37
P-ISSN: 2394-1685
E-ISSN: 2394-1693
Impact Factor (ISRA): 5.38
IJPESH 2021; 8(3): 35-37
© 2021 IJPESH
Received: 05-03-2021
Accepted: 17-04-2021
N Kodeeswaran
Ph.D., Research Scholar,
Department of Physical
Education, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu, India
A Abdul Halik
Ph.D., Research Scholar,
Department of Physical
Education, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu, India
S Senthil Kumaran
Managing Director, Unicorn
Fitness, Madurai, Tamil Nadu,
Corresponding Author:
N Kodeeswaran
Ph.D., Research Scholar,
Department of Physical
Education, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu, India
Comparative study on selected physical fitness
variables between basketball and football referees
N Kodeeswaran, A Abdul Halik and S Senthil Kumaran
A referee is an official, in a variety of sports and competition, responsible for enforcing the rules of the
sport, including sportsmanship decisions such as ejection. The official tasked with this job may be known
by a variety of other titles depending on the sport, including umpire, judge, arbiter (chess), commissaries,
or Technical Official (by the International Olympic Committee). Referees may be assisted by umpires,
linemen, timekeepers, or touch judges. To achieve the purpose of the study 40 active referees from
Coimbatore district. Their age ranged from 20 to 25years. The subjects were randomly assigned to two
equal groups. Group- I (n=20) underwent basketball referees and Group II (n=20 football referees. The
following tests were performed to measure the physical fitness parameters: 110mt test was used to
measure the speed endurance, 50 meters run test was used to measure the speed. The data collected from
the subjects were statistically analyzed using ‘t’ test to find out whether significant mean difference
existed at 0.05level of confidence. The result of the study was significant difference in the speed and
speed endurance between the football and basketball referees. The speed level is better to the basketball
referees compare with the football referees. The speed endurance level is better to the football referees
compare with the basketball referees.
Keywords: Speed endurance, speed, football referees, Basketball referees
A referee is an official, in a variety of sports and competition, responsible for enforcing
the rules of the sport, including sportsmanship decisions such as ejection. The official tasked
with this job may be known by a variety of other titles depending on the sport,
including umpire, Technical Official (by the International Olympic Committee). Referees may
be assisted by umpires, linesmen, timekeepers, or touch judges.
Football is a popular sport in India. Football has enjoyed popularity in Kerala, West Bengal,
Goa and northeaster India which consists of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. India current top domestic league, I-
League, was formed in 2007 in an attempt to professionalize domestic football. In 2013 the
Indian Super League was formed as an unrecognised professional league with 8 teams to
promote Indian football to the country and world. After three seasons, the Indian Super League
was recognised as a top tier league, running in parallel with the I-League, thus leaving India as
one of the few countries with two fully recognised top tier leagues. Also contested is Santosh
Trophy, a knock-out competition between states (provinces) and government institutions. The
current captain of the Indian national team is Sunil Chhetri. India is currently ranked 103
among the FIFA World Rankings.
In American high school and college basketball, officials wear black-and-white-striped shirts
with black side panels, black pants, and black shoes. Some state high school associations allow
officials to wear grey shirts with black pin-stripes instead of black-and-white-striped shirts.
NBA officials wear light grey shirts with black slacks and black shoes. The NBA shirt is light
grey with thin white stripes, black sleeves, a black stripe on either side, a red and blue collar,
the official's number in the center at the top on the back, and the NBA logo above the left
breast and the Nike Swoosh on the right. NBA Summer League officials wear the same light
grey shirt but with a black collar. The WNBA referee shirt is almost identical to the NBA
referee shirt except that its collar is orange and the WNBA logo takes the place of the NBA
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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health http://www.kheljournal.com
FIBA officials wear a grey (torso) and black (sleeves) shirt,
black trousers, black socks, and black shoes. Officials in
competitions organized by Euro league Basketball the Euro
League and Euro Cup wear an orange shirt. Officials in
the Israel Basketball Association wear the Euro League's
orange shirt but sometimes wear royal blue shirts for contests
between two Israeli teams. NBL officials wear green shirts
with black shoulders and stripes on the sides with black pants.
The NBL logo is atop the breast and a sponsor's name is on
the back. Shirts are V-neck, without a collar, and pants lack
belts. All officials wear a whistle that is used to stop play as a
result of a foul or a violation on the court. Hand signals are
used to indicate the nature of the infraction or to administer
the game. (Koeipakvaen, (2017).
Football referee
The term “referee" originated in association football.
Originally the team captains would consult with each other in
order to resolve any dispute on the pitch. A referee or simply
ref is the person of authority in a variety of sports who is
responsible for presiding over the game from a neutral point
of view and making on- the-fly decisions that enforce the
rules of the sport, including sportsmanship decisions such as
ejection. The official tasked with this job may be known, in
addition to referee, by a variety of other titles as well (often
depending on the sport).
The referee did not take his place on the pitch until 1891,
when the umpires became linesmen (now assistant
referees).American football officials are commonly referred
to as referees, but each has a title based on their position.
They consist of: Referee, Head Linesman, Line Judge,
Umpire, Back Judge, Side Judge, and Field Judge. A referee
or simply ref is the person of authority in a variety of sports
who is responsible for presiding over the game from a neutral
point of view and making on- the-fly decisions that enforce
the rules of the sport, including sportsmanship decisions such
as ejection They say that the men and women in black are
having a good game if you don't notice them. It's the one with
the whistle - the referee - who takes charge of a match, with
the help of two assistant referees. In professional matches, a
fourth official is also involved.
Basketball referee
In basketball, an official (usually called a referee) enforces the
rules and maintains order in the game. The title of official also
applies to the scorers and timekeepers, as well as other
personnel that have an active task in maintaining the game.
Basketball is regarded as among the most difficult sports to
officiate due to the speed of play, complexity of rules, the
case-specific interpretations of rules, and the instantaneous
decision required. There is one lead referee and one or
two umpires, depending on whether there is a two- or three-
person crew. In the NBA, the lead official is called the crew
chief with one referee and one umpire. In FIBA-sanctioned
play, two-man crews consist of a referee and an umpire, and
three-man crews contain a referee and two umpires.
Regardless, both classes of officials have equal rights to
control almost all aspects of the game. In most cases, the lead
official (in FIBA, the referee) performs the jump ball to begin
the contest, though NFHS and NCAA have allowed the
referee to designate which official (referee or umpire) shall
perform the jump ball. There are two standard methods for
officiating a basketball game, either "two-person" or "three-
person" mechanics depending on how many officials are
available to work the game. In "two-person" mechanics, each
official works either the lead or the trail position. The lead
position is normally along the baseline of the court, with the
trail position having its starting point at the free throw line
extended on the left side of the court facing the basket.
Officials change position often during the game to cover the
area in the best possible way. As the game transitions from
one end of the court to the other, the lead becomes the trail
and vice versa. Between the two positions, each is responsible
for a specific part of the court as well as two each of the side,
base or back court lines. Officials change position after
certain calls (mostly when the lead official calls a defensive
foul). This allows officials to alternate between positions to
increase the speed of play; one official will approach the
bench whilst another, usually the closest to the bench at that
time, will move to occupy his position. This also prevents one
official from always working one particular team's basket
throughout the course of the game.
To achieve the purpose of the study twenty (20) basketball
referees and twenty (20) football referees were selected from
Coimbatore District association. The age of the subjects
ranged between 20 and 25years.The following tests was
performed to measure the physical fitness parameters:-To
measure speed 50mtdash, to measure speed endurance 110mt
Statistical techniques
The data was collected and statically examined to compare
the physical fitness components variables of football referees
and players. The ‘t’ ratio was calculated to find out the
significance difference if any in all the cases to test
significance of 0.05 level of confidence was used.
Table 1: Computation of ‘t’ ratio on Speed between Football and
Basketball Referees
Football Referees
Basketball Referees
*Significant at 0.05 level 2.093(1, 19)
The table-1 reveals that the computation of ‘t’ ratio on speed
between football and basketball referees. The mean values of
football and basketball referees were 7.74sec and 7.33 sec
respectively. The observed t value of speed 3.14 was greater
than the table value of 2.093 for the degrees of freedom 1 and
19 at 0.05 level of confidence. Since, it was found to be
statistically significant.
From the result it is speculated that there is significant
difference over speed between Football and Basketball
referees. The mean values on football and basketball referees
are graphically represented in figure-1.
Fig 1: Bar diagram showing the comparison of speed means between
football and basketball referees
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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health http://www.kheljournal.com
Table 2: Computation of ‘t’ ratio on Speed Endurance between
Football and Basketball Referees
Speed Endurance
Football Referees
Basketball Referees
*Significant at 0.05 level 2.093(1, 19)
The table-2 reveals the computation of t ratio on speed
endurance between football and basketball referees. The mean
values of football and basketball referees were 13.60sec
and14.66sec respectively. The observed t value of speed
endurance 3.42 was greater than the table value of 2.093 for
the degrees of freedom 1and19 at 0.05 level of confidence.
Since, it was found to be statistically significant.
From the result it is speculated that there is significant
difference over speed endurance between Football and
Basketball referees. The mean values on football and
basketball referees are graphically represented in figure-2.
Fig 2: Bar diagram showing the comparison of speed endurance
means between football and basketball referees
Discussion on findings
The Football referees naturally need to have more speed
endurance compared to the Basketball referees. Since, during
the course of match the action playing football with referees
must be present at all the place and at right time are the see
the game up close throughout the field for entire 90 minutes
of duration of the match. Whereas the Basketball referees run
far and with ball and for poisoning the ball and players, this
requires more speed than Football referees. The observation
from the present study also established the concept after
analyzing statistically.
The results of the study indicated that there was a significant
difference over selected physical fitness components speed,
and speed endurance difference between football referees and
basketball referees. The findings of the present study had
similarity with the findings of the investigations referred in
this study.
Ogaboretal (2015) compared selected motor fitness profile of
football referees in Cross River and AkwaIbom States. Leicht
External activity demands differ between referees
and players during sub-elite, men’s basket-ball match.
Karacam, (2017)
Examining the relationship between
referee self-efficacy and general self-efficacy levels of
football, basketball and handball referees.
The result of the present study indicates that football referees
shows better performance on speed endurance when compare
to basketball referees and basketball referees shows better
performance on speed when compare to football referees.
From the results of this study, the following conclusions were
1. It was concluded that there was a significant mean
difference in speed between football and basketball
2. It was concluded that there was significant mean
difference in speed endurance between football and
basketball referees.
3. Further it was concluded that the basketball referees
possess speed better than football referees.
4. Further it was concluded that the football referees possess
speed endurance better than basketball referees.
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