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BFR0001-3590 - 01
BioFire® Respiratory Panel 2.1 (RP2.1) Testing
This procedure provides instructions for testing nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS)
collected in transport media or saline, using the BioFire® Respiratory Panel 2.1
(RP2.1) Kit (423742).
The BioFire Respiratory Panel 2.1 (RP2.1) is a PCR-based multiplexed nucleic acid
test intended for use with the BioFire® 2.0 or BioFire® Torch Systems for the
simultaneous qualitative detection and identification of multiple respiratory viral
and bacterial nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) obtained from individuals
suspected of respiratory tract infections, including COVID-19.
The following organism types and subtypes are identified using the BioFire RP2.1:
Coronavirus 229E
Coronavirus HKU1
Coronavirus NL63
Coronavirus OC43
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Human Metapneumovirus
Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus
Influenza A, including subtypes H1, H1-2009, and H3
Influenza B
Parainfluenza Virus 1
Parainfluenza Virus 2
Parainfluenza Virus 3
Parainfluenza Virus 4
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Bordetella parapertussis (IS1001)
Bordetella pertussis (ptxP)
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
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Principle of the Procedure
The BioFire RP2.1 pouch is a closed system disposable that stores all the necessary
reagents for sample preparation, reverse transcription, polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), and detection in order to isolate, amplify, and detect nucleic acid from
multiple respiratory pathogens within a single NPS specimen. After sample
collection, the user injects hydration solution and sample combined with BioFire®
Sample Buffer into the pouch, places the pouch into a BioFire® System instrument
module, and starts a run. The entire run process takes about 45 minutes. Additional
detail can be found in the appropriate BioFire System Operator’s Manual.
During a run, the BioFire system:
Lyses the sample by agitation (bead beading) in addition to chemical lysis
mediated by the Sample Buffer.
Extracts and purifies all nucleic acids from the sample using magnetic bead
Performs nested multiplex PCR by:
o First performing reverse transcription, followed by a multiplexed first
stage PCR reaction (PCR1).
o Then performing multiple simultaneous second-stage PCR reactions
(PCR2) in the array to amplify sequences within the PCR1 products
Uses endpoint melting curve data to detect target-specific amplicons and
analyses the data to generate a result for each analyte.
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Sample Requirements
The following table describes the requirements for specimen collection, preparation,
and handling that will help ensure accurate test results.
Specimen Type
Nasopharyngeal Swab (NPS) collected according to standard technique and
immediately placed in up to 3 mL of transport media or saline.
Minimum Sample Volume
0.3 mL (300 µL)
Transport and Storage
Specimens should be tested with the BioFire RP2.1 as soon as possible.
If storage is required, specimens can be held:
At room temperature for up to 4 hours (15-25 °C)
Refrigerated for up to 3 days (2-8 °C)
Frozen (-15 °C or -70°C) (for up to 30 days)
a Frozen storage for up to 30 days was evaluated for this sample type. However, longer frozen storage at -70°C or lower may be acceptable. Please follow your
institutions rules and protocols regarding sample storage validation.
NOTE: NPS specimens should not be centrifuged before testing.
NOTE: Bleach can damage organisms/nucleic acids within the specimen, potentially causing false negative
results. Contact between bleach and specimens during collection, disinfection, and testing procedures should be
Materials Provided
Materials Required But Not Provided
Each kit contains sufficient reagents to test 30
Individually packaged BioFire RP2.1 pouches
Single-use (1.0 mL) Sample Buffer ampoules
Single-use pre-filled (1.5 mL) BioFire® Hydration
Injection Vials (blue)
Single-use Sample Injection Vials (red)
Individually packaged Transfer Pipettes
BioFire RP2.1 Pouch Module Software
This software is required to run the BioFire RP2.1
and can be downloaded at if
not already installed on the BioFire 2.0 or BioFire
Torch Systems.
BioFire system including:
BioFire2.0 or BioFire
Torch Systems and
accompanying system specific core software
BioFire® Pouch Loading Station
10% bleach solution or a similar disinfectant
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Use clean gloves and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling
pouches and samples. Only prepare one BioFire RP2.1 pouch at a time and change
gloves between samples and pouches. Once sample is added to the pouch, promptly
transfer to the instrument to start the run. After the run is complete, discard the
pouch in a biohazard container.
Step 1: Prepare Pouch
Thoroughly clean the work area and the BioFire Pouch Loading Station with freshly prepared 10% bleach
(or suitable disinfectant) followed by a water rinse.
Remove the pouch from its vacuum-sealed package by tearing or cutting the notched outer packaging and
opening the protective aluminum canister.
NOTE: The pouch may still be used even if the vacuum seal of the pouch is not intact. Attempt to hydrate
the pouch using the steps in the Hydrate Pouch section. If hydration is successful, continue with the run. If
hydration fails, discard the pouch and use a new pouch to test the sample.
Check the expiration date on the pouch. Do not use expired pouches.
Insert the pouch into the Pouch Loading Station, aligning the red and blue labels on the
pouch with the red and blue arrows on the Pouch Loading Station.
Place a red-capped Sample Injection Vial into the red well of the BioFire Pouch Loading
Place a blue-capped Hydration Injection Vial into the blue well of the BioFire Pouch Loading Station.
Step 2: Hydrate Pouch
Unscrew the Hydration Injection Vial from the blue cap.
Remove the Hydration Injection Vial, leaving the blue cap in the BioFire Pouch Loading Station.
Insert the Hydration Injection Vial’s cannula tip into the pouch hydration port located directly
below the blue arrow of the BioFire Pouch Loading Station.
Forcefully push down in a firm and quick motion to puncture seal until a faint “pop” is heard and
there is an ease in resistance. Wait as the correct volume of Hydration Solution is pulled into the
pouch by vacuum.
If the hydration solution is not automatically drawn into the pouch, repeat Step 2 to verify that the
seal of the pouch hydration port was broken. If hydration solution is again not drawn into the
pouch, discard the current pouch, retrieve a new pouch, and repeat from Step 1: Prepare Pouch.
Verify that the pouch has been hydrated.
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Flip the barcode label down and check to see that fluid has entered the reagent wells (located at
the base of the rigid plastic part of the pouch). Small air bubbles may be seen.
If the pouch fails to hydrate (dry reagents appear as white pellets), repeat Step 2 to verify that the
seal of the pouch hydration port was broken. If hydration solution is still not drawn into the pouch,
discard the current pouch, retrieve a new pouch, and repeat from Step 1: Prepare Pouch.
Step 3: Prepare Sample Mix
Add Sample Buffer to the Sample Injection Vial.
Hold the Sample Buffer ampoule with the tip facing up.
NOTE: Avoid touching the ampoule tip during handling, as this may introduce
Firmly pinch at textured plastic tab on the side of the ampoule until the seal snaps.
Invert the ampoule over the red-capped Sample Injection Vial and dispense Sample Buffer
using a slow, forceful squeeze followed by a second squeeze.
NOTE: Avoid squeezing the ampoule additional times. This will generate foaming, which should be
WARNING: The Sample Buffer is harmful if swallowed and can cause serious eye damage
and skin irritation.
Thoroughly mix the NPS specimen by vortex or inversion.
Use the transfer pipette provided in the test kit to draw specimen to the third line
(approximately 0.3 mL) of the transfer pipette.
Add the specimen to the Sample Buffer in the Sample Injection Vial.
Tightly close the lid of the Sample Injection Vial and discard the transfer pipette in a biohazard
waste container.
NOTE: DO NOT use the Transfer Pipette to mix the sample once it is loaded into the Sample
Injection Vial.
Remove the Sample Injection Vial from the Pouch Loading Station and invert the vial at least
3 times to mix.
Return the Sample Injection Vial to the red well of the Pouch Loading Station.
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Step 4: Load Sample Mix
Slowly twist to unscrew the Sample Injection Vial from the red cap and wait for 5 seconds with the vial
resting in the cap.
NOTE: Waiting 5 seconds decreases the risk of dripping and contamination from the sample.
Lift the Sample Injection Vial, leaving red cap in the well of the Pouch Loading Station, and insert the Sample
Injection Vial cannula tip into the pouch sample port located directly below the red arrow of the Pouch
Loading Station.
Forcefully push down in a firm and quick motion to puncture seal (a faint “popis heard) and
sample is pulled into the pouch by vacuum.
Verify that the sample has been loaded.
Flip the barcode label down and check to see that fluid has entered the reagent well
next to the sample loading port.
If the pouch fails to pull sample from the Sample Injection Vial, the pouch should
be discarded. Retrieve a new pouch and repeat from Step 1: Prepare Pouch.
Discard the Sample Injection Vial and the Hydration Injection Vial in appropriate biohazard sharps container.
Record the Sample ID in the provided area on the pouch label (or affix a barcoded Sample ID) and remove
the pouch from the BioFire Pouch Loading Station.
Step 5: Run Pouch
The BioFire
Software includes step-by-step on-screen instructions that guide the operator through performing a
run. Brief instructions for BioFire 2.0 and BioFire Torch systems are given below. Refer to the appropriate BioFire
System Operator’s Manual for more detailed instructions.
BioFire 2.0
Ensure that the system (instrument and computer) is powered on and the software is launched.
Follow on-screen instructions and procedures described in the Operator’s Manual to place the pouch in a
module, enter pouch, sample, and operator information.
Pouch identification (Lot Number and Serial Number), Pouch Type and Protocol information will be
automatically entered when the barcode is scanned. If it is not possible to scan the barcode, the pouch Lot
Number, Serial Number, Pouch Type and Protocol can be manually entered from the information provided
on the pouch label into the appropriate fields. To reduce data entry errors, it is strongly recommended that
the pouch information be entered by scanning the barcode.
NOTE: When selecting a Pouch Type manually, ensure that the Pouch Type matches the label on the BioFire
RP2.1 pouch.
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Enter the Sample ID. The Sample ID can be entered manually or scanned in by using the barcode scanner
when a barcoded Sample ID is used.
If necessary, select and/or confirm the appropriate protocol for your sample type from the Protocol drop
down list. The BioFire RP2.1 has a single protocol available in the drop down list.
Enter a username and password in the Name and Password fields.
NOTE: The font color of the username is red until the username is recognized by the software.
Review the entered run information on the screen. If correct, select Start Run.
Once the run has started, the screen displays a list of the steps being performed by the instrument and
the number of minutes remaining in the run.
NOTE: The bead-beater apparatus can be heard as a high-pitched noise during the first minute of operation.
When the run is finished, follow the on-screen instructions to remove the pouch, then immediately discard
it in a biohazard waste container.
The run file is automatically saved in the BioFire Software database, and the test report can be viewed,
printed, and/or saved as a PDF file.
BioFire Torch
Ensure that the system is powered on.
Select an available module on the touch screen or scan the barcode on the pouch using the barcode
Pouch identification (Lot Number and Serial Number), Pouch Type and Protocol information will be
automatically entered when the barcode is scanned. If it is not possible to scan the barcode, the pouch Lot
Number, Serial Number, Pouch Type and Protocol can be manually entered from the information provided
on the pouch label into the appropriate fields. To reduce data entry errors, it is strongly recommended that
the pouch information be entered by scanning the barcode.
NOTE: When selecting a Pouch Type manually, ensure that the Pouch Type matches the label on the BioFire
RP2.1 pouch.
Enter the Sample ID. The Sample ID can be entered manually or scanned in by using the barcode scanner
when a barcoded Sample ID is used.
Insert the pouch into the available module.
Ensure that the pouch fitment label is lying flat on top of pouch and not folded over. As the pouch
is inserted, the module will grab onto the pouch and pull it into the chamber.
If necessary, select and/or confirm the appropriate protocol for your sample type from the Protocol drop
down list. The BioFire RP2.1 has a single protocol available in the drop down list.
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Enter operator username and password, then select Next.
NOTE: The font color of the username is red until the username is recognized by the software.
Review the entered run information on the screen. If correct, select Start Run.
Once the run has started, the screen displays a list of the steps being performed by the module and the
number of minutes remaining in the run.
NOTE: The bead-beater apparatus can be heard as a high-pitched noise during the first minute of operation.
At the end of the run, remove the partially ejected pouch, then immediately discard it in a biohazard waste
The run file is automatically saved in the BioFire database, and the test report can be viewed, printed,
and/or saved as a PDF file.
Assay Interpretation
When PCR2 is complete, the instrument performs a high resolution DNA melting
analysis on the PCR products and measures the fluorescence signal generated in
each well (for more information see appropriate BioFire System Operator’s
Manual). The BioFire Software then performs several analyses and assigns a final
assay result. The steps in the analyses are described below.
Analysis of melt curves. The BioFire Software evaluates the DNA melt curve for
each well of the PCR2 array to determine if a PCR product was present in that well.
If the melt profile indicates the presence of a PCR product, then the analysis
software calculates the melting temperature (Tm) of the curve and compares it
against the expected Tm range for the assay. If the software determines that the
Tm falls inside the assay-specific Tm range, the melt curve is called positive. If the
software determines that the melt curve is not in the appropriate Tm range, the
melt curve is called negative.
Analysis of replicates. Once melt curves have been identified, the software
evaluates the three replicates for each assay to determine the assay result. For an
assay to be called positive, at least two of the three associated melt curves must be
called positive, and the Tm for at least two of the three positive melt curves must be
similar (within 1°C). Assays that do not meet these criteria are called negative.
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Organism Interpretation
For most organisms detected by the BioFire RP2.1, the organism is reported as
Detected if a single corresponding assay is positive. For example, Human
Metapneumovirus will have a test report result of Human Metapneumovirus
Detected if the hMPV assay is positive (at least two of the three hMPV assay wells
on the array have similar positive melt peaks with Tm values that are within the
assay-specific Tm range). The test results for Adenovirus and Influenza A, and
SARS-CoV-2 depend on the interpretation of results from more than one assay.
Interpretation and actions for the multi-assay results are provided below.
The BioFire RP2.1 pouch contains five different assays (Adeno2, Adeno3, Adeno6,
Adeno7.1, and Adeno8) for the detection of Adenovirus. The BioFire Software
interprets each of these assays independently (as described above) and the results
are combined as a final test result for the virus. If one or any combination of assays
is positive, the test report result will be Adenovirus Detected. If all assays are
negative, the test report result will be Adenovirus Not Detected.
Influenza A
The assays in the BioFire RP2.1 are designed to both detect Influenza A and to
differentiate common hemagglutinin subtypes. To accomplish this, the BioFire
RP2.1 uses two Influenza A assays, (FluA-pan-1 and FluA-pan-2) and three
subtyping assays directed at the hemagglutinin gene (FluA-H1-2, FluA-H1-2009,
and FluA-H3). Each of the individual assays is interpreted independently (as
described above) and the test result reported for Influenza A is based on the
combined results of the five assays as outlined in Table 1. An Influenza A (or
subtyping) Equivocal result could occur when the titer of the virus in the specimen
is low and not detected by one or more required assays (Error! Reference source
not found.). An Influenza A Equivocal result could also indicate the presence of an
atypical Influenza A subtype (e.g. avian H7N9 or H5N1 types), or a novel Influenza
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A strain. Specimens with an Equivocal result or multiple Influenza A subtypes
detected should be retested once.
Table 1. Possible Assay Results for Influenza A and the Corresponding Interpretation
Influenza A Not Detected
Influenza A H1
≥1 positive
Influenza A H3
≥1 positive
Influenza A H1-2009
≥1 positive
Any result
Influenza A H1
Influenza A H3
≥1 positive
Multiple infections
are possible but
, retest ONCE
to confirm result
Influenza A H1-2009
Influenza A H3
≥1 positive
Any result
Influenza A (no subtype
2 positive
(see below)
Influenza A Equivocal
1 positive
Retest once
(see Result Summary
section below for
further instruction).
Influenza A H1
Influenza A H3
Influenza A H1-2009
Any result
The BioFire RP2.1 can simultaneously detect multiple influenza viruses contained in multivalent vaccines (see Limitations).
Repeated multiple positives should be further confirmed by other FDA cleared Influenza subtyping tests.
Influenza A (no subtype detected)
If both FluA-pan assays are positive, but none of the hemagglutinin subtyping
assays are positive, then the interpretation is Influenza A (no subtype detected).
This result could occur when the titer of the virus in the specimen is low and not
detected by the subtyping assays. This result could also indicate the presence of a
novel Influenza A strain. In both cases, the sample in question should be retested. If
the retest provides a different result, test the sample a third time to ensure the
accuracy of the result. If the retest provides the same result, then the function of
the BioFire RP2.1 pouches should be verified by testing with appropriate external
control materials (known positive samples for Influenza A H1, Influenza A H3 and
Influenza A H1-2009), and a negative control should also be run to test for PCR-
product contamination. If the BioFire RP2.1 accurately identifies the external and
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negative controls, contact the appropriate public health authorities for confirmatory
The BioFire RP2.1 pouch contains two different assays for the detection of the SARS-
CoV-2. The target of each assay is shown in Table 2 below. The BioFire Software
interprets each assay independently and if either one or both of the assays is positive,
the test report will show Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2) as Detected. If both assays are negative, the test report result will be Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Not Detected.
Table 2. Gene Targets for SARS-CoV-2 Assays on the BioFire RP2.1
Assay Name
Gene Target
Spike protein (S) gene
Membrane protein (M) gene
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BioFire RP2.1 Test Report
The BioFire RP2.1 test report is automatically displayed upon completion of a run
and can be printed or saved as a PDF file. Each report contains a Run Summary, a
Result Summary, and a Run Details section.
Run Summary
The Run Summary section of the test report provides the Sample ID, time and
date of the run, control results and an overall summary of the test results. Any
organism with a Detected result will be listed in the corresponding field of the
summary. If all of the organism assays were negative then ‘None’ will be displayed
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in the Detected field. Controls are listed as Passed, Failed, or Invalid. Table
provides additional information for each of the possible control field results.
Table 3. Interpretation of Controls Field on the BioFire RP2.1 Test Report
The run was successfully completed
Both pouch controls were successful.
Report the results provided on the test report
The run was successfully completed
At least one of the pouch controls
(RNA Process Control and/or PCR2
Control) failed.
Repeat the test using a new pouch.
If the error persists, contact Technical Support
for further instruction.
The controls are invalid because the
run did not complete.
(Typically this indicates a software or
hardware error).
Note any error codes displayed during the run
and the Run Status field in the Run Details
section of the report. Refer to the appropriate
BioFire Operator’s Manual or contact Technical
Support for further instruction.
Once the error is resolved, repeat the test or
repeat the test using another instrument.
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Results Summary
The Result Summary section of the test report lists the result for each target
tested by the panel. Possible results for each organism are Detected, Not Detected,
or Invalid (Equivocal is also a possible result for Influenza A and its subtypes).
Table 4 provides an explanation for each interpretation and any follow-up necessary
to obtain a final result.
Table 4. Reporting of Results and Required Actions
The run was successfully completed
The pouch controls were successful (Passed)
The assay(s) for the organism were POSITIVE
(i.e., met the requirements for a positive result described in the Assay
Interpretation section above)
Report results.
Not Detected
The run was successfully completed
The pouch controls were successful (Passed)
The assay(s) for the organism were NEGATIVE
(i.e., did not meet the requirements for a positive result described in the Assay
Interpretation section above)
Report results.
The run was successfully completed
The pouch controls were successful (Passed)
The combination of positive and negative assay results for Influenza A were
Retest the original
sample ONCE and
report the result of
the retest
The pouch controls were not successful (Failed)
The run was not successful
(Run Status displayed as: Aborted, Incomplete, Instrument Error or Software
See Table 4 ,
Interpretation of
Control Field on the
BioFire Test Report
for instruction.
a If four or more organisms are detected in a specimen, retesting is recommended to confirm the polymicrobial result.
b Equivocal results can occur when the titer of the virus in the specimen is low (below LoD). Equivocal results could also indicate the presence
of a novel Influenza A strain or reactivity with non-human influenza A viruses or rare human influenza A viruses that are not H1, H1-2009 or
H3. Such strains generally produce Influenza A Equivocal or Influenza A (no subtype detected) results.
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Run Details
The Run Details section provides additional information about the run including:
pouch information (type, lot number, and serial number), Run Status (Completed,
Incomplete, Aborted, Instrument Error, or Software Error), the protocol that was
used to perform the test, the identity of the operator that performed the test, and
the instrument used to perform the test.
Change Summary
It is possible to edit the Sample ID once a run has completed. If this information
has been changed, an additional section called Change Summary will be added to
the test report. This Change Summary section lists the field that was changed, the
original entry, the revised entry, the operator that made the change, and the date
that the change was made. Sample ID is the only field of the report that can be
References/Related Documents
BioFire RP2.1 De Novo Instructions for Use, (BFR0000-8579-01) BioFire
Diagnostics, LLC.