An Introduction to the Global Trade Item
Number (GTIN)
Release 2.1, July 2021
An Introduction to the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
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Table of Contents
1 What is a Global Trade Item Number? .............................................................. 4
2 Where are GTINs used? .................................................................................... 4
3 GTIN structure .................................................................................................. 5
3.1 GTIN-8 ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 GTIN-12 ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 GTIN-13 ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 GTIN-14 ...................................................................................................................... 7
4 Which GTIN is right for your product? .............................................................. 7
5 Key features of the GTIN .................................................................................. 8
6 How do GTINs support business intelligence? .................................................. 8
7 How are GTINs assigned to products? .............................................................. 9
8 Business benefits of using GTINs .................................................................... 10
9 Frequently asked questions about the GTIN ................................................... 11
10 GTIN advanced topics ............................................................................... 12
10.1 Assigning GTINs to packaging levels .............................................................................. 12
10.2 Avoiding mistakes in assigning a GTIN ........................................................................... 13
10.2.1 Mistake #1: Assigning the same GTIN to a retail unit and case .................................. 14
10.2.2 Mistake #2: Using an Indicator Digit without a hierarchy .......................................... 14
10.2.3 Mistake #3: Assigning an incorrect GTIN for a mixed case ........................................ 15
10.2.4 Mistake #4: Assigning the same trade item two different GTINs ................................. 16
11 Tools and resources .................................................................................. 16
Change Log
Release Date of Change Changed By Summary of Change
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Inclusion of Digital Link
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Mention of GS1 US GTINs
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Improved barcode graphics/addition of GTIN structure graphics
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Correction to GTIN Mistake image
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Expansion on visibility elements
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Updated terminology
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Benefits/compliance updated to reflect Sunrise 2027 elements
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Correction to invalid information/proofing and style alignment updates
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Use of Education & Training color coding, where appropriate
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Updated disclaimer and last-page footer
2.1 6/30/21 GS1 US Replaced barcode on last page with GDTI formatting
An Introduction to the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
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About GS1
is a neutral, not-for-profit, global organization that develops and maintains the most widely-used supply
chain standards system in the world. GS1 Standards improve the efficiency, safety, and visibility of supply chains
across multiple sectors.With local Member Organizations in over 110 countries, GS1 engages with communities
of trading partners, industry organizations, governments, and technology providers to understand and respond to
their business needs through the adoption and implementation of global standards.GS1 is driven by over a
million user companies, which execute more than six billion transactions daily in 150 countries using GS1
About GS1 US
, a member of GS1 global, is a not-for-profit information standards organization that facilitates industry
collaboration to help improve supply chain visibility and efficiency through the use of GS1 Standards, the most
widely-used supply chain standards system in the world. Nearly 300,000 businesses in 25 industries rely on GS1
US for trading-partner collaboration that optimizes their supply chains, drives cost performance and revenue
growth while also enabling regulatory compliance. They achieve these benefits through solutions based on GS1
global unique numbering and identification systems, barcodes, Electronic Product Code-based RFID, data
synchronization, and electronic information exchange. GS1 US also manages the United Nations Standard
Products and Services Code
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Important: This document is voluntary, not mandatory. It should be noted that use of the words
“must” and “require” throughout this document relate exclusively to technical recommendations
for the proper application of the standards to support the integrity of your implementation.
1 What is a Global Trade Item Number?
The Global Trade Item Number
) is the globally unique GS1 Identification Key used to identify
trade items and one of the main building blocks of the GS1 System. GTINs are assigned by the brand
owner of the product and are used to identify products as they move through the global supply chain.
What is a trade item? A trade item is any product or service that may be priced, ordered, or
invoiced at any point in the supply chain. Trade items include individual items as well as all other
packaging configurations offered for sale (e.g., two-pack, case, pallet, etc.). Each packaging level
is identified by a unique GTIN. For example, a brand would use a different GTIN to uniquely
identify their individual unit, four-pack unit, and their case along with any other product
configurations that will move through the supply chain.
2 Where are GTINs used?
GTINs are used anywhere that a product or service needs to be identified. This includes the internet,
business transactions, IT systems, the physical product, and more. GS1 Standards define how to format
and structure the GTIN in a wide variety of applications so that the same GTIN can be used to identify
the product for any of those needs.
Physical products: GTINs can be encoded into both barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) tags along with the serial number and affixed to products to facilitate accurate identification
as products move through the supply chain.
Business transactions: GTINs can be used in e-commerce business transactions (e.g., purchase
order, Advance Ship Notice, invoice, etc.) to support order-to-cash business processes. GTINs are
an integral data element of most Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transactions in order to reduce
errors and support machine-to-machine processing.
Internet applications: GTINs can be presented as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) using GS1
Digital Link to support internet-based applications, data sharing, and consumer engagement. GS1
Digital Link provides a standard URI syntax based on GS1 Application Identifiers against which
simple rules can then be applied so that apps, websites, and point-of-sale (POS) scanners can
translate both existing and new barcodes into web-enabled content, like promotions, shopping
experiences, and other interesting product information while also enhancing business-to-business
Databases & IT systems: GTIN provides a single product identifier that can be used in all systems
(e.g., purchasing, inventory management, logistics, analytics, reporting, etc.). This maintains the
connection between systems so they can be used collectively to enhance the quality and amount of
data available to support operational processes as well as business intelligence and analytics.
Visibility needs: The Electronic Product Code (EPC) provides representations of GTIN to support
visibility use cases. For instance, GTIN and serial number (SGTIN) are combined to produce a
globally unique identifier for an individual trade item, so trading partners can verify authenticity.
Similarly, a GTIN and batch/lot number (LGTIN) can be combined to expedite recall notification and
withdrawal. A SGTIN, expressed as an EPC, can be represented in RFID tags. It can also be shared
in system-to-system with EPCIS.
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3 GTIN structure
GTINs can be 8, 12, 13, or 14 digits in length to accommodate different application and product
constraints. These GTIN structures are known as GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, and GTIN-14 respectively.
Each GTIN is a numerical string comprised of distinct components. GTIN components include:
Indicator Digit: A number from 1-8 used in to identify packaging levels to define the packaging
hierarchy of a product. Indicator digit 9 is used exclusively with variable measure products.
Indicator digits are only used in GTIN-14.
GS1 Company Prefix: A globally unique number licensed to a company by a GS1 Member
Organization to serve as the foundation for generating GS1 Identification Keys (e.g., GTINs). GS1
Company Prefixes are assigned in varying lengths depending on the company’s needs.
For GTIN-12, a U.P.C. Company Prefix is used in place of the GS1 Company Prefix
Item Reference: A number, containing no logic, assigned by the user to identify a trade item. The
Item Reference varies in length based on GS1 Company Prefix length.
Check digit: The final digit calculated from the preceding digits of the GTIN. This digit is used to
check that the data has been correctly composed. GS1 US provides a check digit calculator to
automatically calculate check digits for you.
Note: The application and use of each component can vary depending in the GTIN structure
being used (e.g., GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, or GTIN-14). The specific rules are defined within
the GS1 General Specifications. For example, GTIN-8 only includes a GS1-8 Prefix, Item
Reference, and Check Digit.
The components and examples of each type of GTIN are provided below.
3.1 GTIN-8
The GTIN-8 is the only GTIN that can be used in EAN-8 barcodes. Components include:
Seven digits containing a GS1-8 Prefix and the Item Reference
Check digit
Figure 3-1 GTIN-8 example – EAN-8 barcode
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3.2 GTIN-12
The GTIN-12 is the only GTIN that can be used in UPC-A barcodes. Components include:
Eleven digits containing your U.P.C. Company Prefix and the Item Reference
Check digit
Figure 3-2 GTIN-12 example – UPC-A barcode
3.3 GTIN-13
The GTIN-13 is the only GTIN that can be used in EAN-13 barcodes. Components include:
Twelve digits containing your GS1 Company Prefix and the Item Reference.
A GS1 Company Prefix used to create a GTIN-13 will begin with a 1-9.
Check digit
Figure 3-3 GTIN-13 example – EAN-13 barcode
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3.4 GTIN-14
The GTIN-14 cannot be used in EAN/UPC barcodes. Components include:
The Indicator Digit to indicate packaging level (1-8) or that the product is variable measure (9).
Twelve digits containing your GS1 Company Prefix and the Item Reference
Check digit
Figure 3-4 GTIN-14 example – ITF-14 barcode
Figure 3-5 GTIN-14 example – GS1-128 barcode
Note: Any of the GTIN data structures (GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, and GTIN-14) may be
used in an ITF-14 or GS1-128, as long as they are formatted as 14 digits as seen in the
Table 4-1.
4 Which GTIN is right for your product?
A GTIN may be encoded in EAN/UPC, ITF-14, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar, and GS1 DataMatrix. The GTIN
may also be encoded in EPC scheme for RFID tags or in QR Code and Data Matrix when using GS1
Digital Link URI. The appropriate GTIN and barcode, or if applicable, the GTIN and EPC/RFID tag
combination is determined by many factors, such as the type of product, where it will be scanned, and
the printing material used for the product packaging. The following table provides examples of unique
product identification at various levels. It also demonstrates how various GS1 barcodes can be used for
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Table 4-1 Unique product identification at various levels
Description Item Level Barcode Type Encoded GTIN GTIN in Database
Product A 1 Unit Consumer UPC-A 614141000012 00614141000012
Product A 96 Unit Case Case ITF-14 00614141000029 00614141000029
Product B 1 Unit Consumer UPC-A 614141000777 00614141000777
Product B 6 Pack Consumer UPC-A 614141000883 00614141000883
Product B 12 Pack Consumer UPC-A 614141000999 00614141000999
Product B 2x12 Pack Case GS1-128 10614141000996 10614141000996
Product B 4x12 Pack Case GS1-128 30614141000990 30614141000990
Product B 8x12 Pack Case ITF-14 50614141000994 50614141000994
5 Key features of the GTIN
Global: GTINs are a global standard that can be assigned by any company anywhere and can be
used all over the world.
Multi-sector: GTINs can be used by all business sectors, enabling any product (e.g., a healthcare
product, a grocery product, a retail product, etc.) to be identified using the same standardized
Unique: The standardized structure and rules for assigning GTINs help assure that every GTIN is
globally unique.
Packaging hierarchy: GTIN-14 can be used to identify trade item packaging levels based on a
GTIN-8, GTIN-12, or GTIN-13. Use of GTIN-14 enables more products to be identified from a single
GS1 Company Prefix.
Data integrity: Inclusion of the check digit supports integrity in the GTIN structure.
6 How do GTINs support business intelligence?
GS1 Standards provide the format and structure for GTINs use across various platforms where product
identification and information are needed, including databases and systems, physical product marking,
business transactions, and internet applications. This enables trading partners to use the same identifier
to distinguish the product across all of those platforms – empowering data-driven organizations with the
information they need to optimize business intelligence and improve business processes.
A manufacturer assigns the following GTIN-12 to a product: 614141000005. The table below
illustrates the use of GS1 Standards to enable the GTIN to identify the product in the various platforms
and applications across the supply chain and consumer applications.
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Platform / Application GS1 Standard Example
Databases & Systems
14-digit fixed-length text field,
right-justified & zero-filled
Physical product marking *
GS1 DataMatrix
Internet applications
GS1 Digital Link URI in QR
Visibility event data
GTIN + Batch/lot (LGTIN) EPC
RFID tags & visibility event
Serialized GTIN (SGTIN) EPC
Business transactions * EDI 850 Purchase Order ST*850*5221004
N1*ST*John’s Club - *UL*0641131030359
N3*800 South Park Drive
N1*VN*MEDICAL SUPPLIER*UL*00312300000017
*Limited examples provided here for illustration. Additional data carriers and data sharing standards are available in the GS1
7 How are GTINs assigned to products?
Brand owners are responsible for assigning GTINs to their products. The brand owner is the
organization that owns the specifications of a trade item, regardless of where and by whom it is
manufactured. The GS1 System provides clear, structured data standards and management rules that
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manufacturers follow when allocating GTINs to assure that their GTINs are globally unique and in a
consistent format.
There are three basic steps for assigning a GTIN:
1. License a GS1 Company Prefix or a single GS1 US GTIN. GS1 US licenses a GS1 Company Prefix
that provides the foundation for generating GS1 Identification Keys. For businesses that only need
to identify a small number of products, individual GTINs can be licensed outside of a GS1 Company
a. For those who license a GS1 Company Prefix, the company assigns and generates their own
GTINs based on their GS1 Company Prefix, GS1 Standards, and GTIN Management Rules.
2. When a company assigns a GTIN, they also define a prescribed set of data which describes the
product. This product information defines core data that is consistent across all instances of the
product (e.g., size, color, brand information, etc.).
3. The GTIN and associated product information is then saved in a database and shared among supply
chain partners to support their operations and systems.
Note: GS1 US provides an online tool, known as GS1 US Data Hub
Product, to support users in
assigning GTINs, defining the associated product information, and generating barcode images.
8 Business benefits of using GTINs
As a key component of the GS1 System, the GTIN is established as the standard used worldwide for
trade items. GTINs enable trading partners to manage information efficiently and effectively about
products using a unique, global standard for product identification. This facilitates the communication of
accurate product information among trading partners to support supply chain operations and optimize
business intelligence. Simply put, using GTINs streamlines supply chain management and promotes
accuracy, speed, and efficiency for your business.
Drives e-commerce: GTIN facilitates the global flow of trade items and associated information
used in e-commerce.
Enhances compatibility: GTIN builds confidence across all business sectors to trade goods and
services with compatible product identification.
Facilitates accuracy: Capturing the GTIN at warehouse shipping and receiving, hospital, POS, etc.
is essential for accurate stock control and order replenishment.
GS1 Global Data Synchronization Network™ (GDSN
): GTIN enables users to leverage the
GDSN to manage product information. The GDSN offers a continuous, automated approach to data
management that helps ensure that product information is identical among supply chain partners,
increasing data accuracy and reducing costs.
Simplified supply chain management: GTIN strengthens business communications among
supply chain partners by accurately identifying specific products and the flow of associated
Improved data quality: GTIN improves information quality by ensuring that product information
is identical among supply chain partners. This benefits both internal and external business
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9 Frequently asked questions about the GTIN
What is a GTIN?
Global Trade Item Number, or GTIN, is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify trade items. See
section 3 for more information on GTIN structure.
Does GTIN replace the U.P.C.?
A GTIN does not replace a U.P.C. Companies that currently place a GTIN-12 (U.P.C.) on products should
continue to do so. The GTIN is the unique number used to identify trade items, whereas the U.P.C.
(known as a UPC-A) is a barcode that encodes a GTIN-12.
Is a unique GTIN required for every level of packaging?
Yes, there should be a unique GTIN identifying the consumer unit, inner pack, multi-pack, case, or
pallet. This allows trading partners order the specific product they need and to consistently retrieve
correct information.
What is GTIN compliance?
For a company to be GTIN compliant, they must be able to process and store GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-
13, and GTIN-14 across all systems in a 14-digit format. This includes point-of-sale, supply chain
applications, ERP, and other systems that are interacting with GTINs. A company must be GTIN
compliant to take full advantage of:
Unique identification of trade items
Reliable price-look-up functions
Interoperability and quality of product identification and information throughout the value chain
Data synchronization using the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN)
GS1 data carriers
Electronic Product Codes (EPC)
GS1 Digital Link
If a change is made to a product, does the GTIN need to change?
A new GTIN is required whenever any of the pre-defined characteristics of a trade item are modified in
any way that is relevant to the trading process. The GTIN Management Standard’s guiding principles
state that a new GTIN should be assigned to the updated trade item if:
The consumer and/or trading partner is expected to distinguish the changed or new product from
previous/current products
There is a regulatory/liability disclosure requirement to the consumer and/or trading partner
There is a substantial impact to the supply chain (e.g., how the product is shipped, stored, or
For more information, refer to the GTIN Management Standard.
When is a 9 used as the Indicator Digit in a GTIN-14?
An Indicator Digit of 9 is used to indicate a variable measure product, which is an item that is always
produced in the same pre-defined version (e.g., type, packaging, design) but may vary in weight,
count, or size or be traded without a pre-defined weight, size, or length. Examples of variable measure
products include meat, textiles, cheeses, seafood, and construction supplies.
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What are the correct ASC X12 EDI qualifiers for GTIN?
The correct qualifiers are as follows:
UK for GTIN-14
EN for GTIN-13
UP for GTIN-12
EO for GTIN-8
10 GTIN advanced topics
This section uses color-coded images to define the GTIN components being shown. The colors
representing each component are:
Indicator Digit
Fill Digit
GS1 Company Prefix
U.P.C. Company Prefix
Item Reference
Check Digit
10.1 Assigning GTINs to packaging levels
The following diagrams illustrate the assignment of GTINs at various item and package levels. The use
of different Indicator Digits or different Item References at the higher levels of packaging ensure
groupings of products are identified distinctly from the products contained within each grouping.
Figure 10-1 GTIN-14 for higher levels of packaging
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Figure 10-2 GTIN-12 for higher levels of packaging
Figure 10-3 Combination of GTIN-12 and GTIN-14 for higher levels of packaging
10.2 Avoiding mistakes in assigning a GTIN
When a GTIN is incorrectly assigned to a product, it results in invoice errors and delays in the product
reaching the retailer. The following are several examples that demonstrate the most common mistakes
made when assigning GTINs and how to avoid them.
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10.2.1 Mistake #1: Assigning the same GTIN to a retail unit and case
The retail unit and the case each require a unique GTIN. In this example, the assigned GTIN for the
retail unit and case is 00614141453245. The GTIN must differentiate between the two packaging
configurations. The symbol does not differentiate. A valid GTIN for the case would be
10.2.2 Mistake #2: Using an Indicator Digit without a hierarchy
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Using GTIN-14 without a hierarchy can cause confusion for your trading partners, who may believe this
is a case for a different trade item. Using an Indicator Digit without a hierarchy is not permitted in the
GS1 System. This error can be corrected in two different ways. In the first option, a GTIN-14 should be
assigned for the case level using the Indicator Digit 1. The new GTIN should retain the same Item
Reference as used in the GTIN-12, with a different check digit to form the GTIN-14 in the ITF-14,
10614141003249). Alternately, in the second option, the case can be assigned with its own Item
Reference as a part of a new GTIN-12 and include a new check digit (00614141450008).
10.2.3 Mistake #3: Assigning an incorrect GTIN for a mixed case
In the instance of a mixed case, a GTIN-14 cannot be used indicate the packaging hierarchy, as there is
more than one type of product at the case level. Instead, a unique GTIN-12 should be issued for this
mixed case containing a new Item Reference. A valid GTIN-12 would be 00614141004447.
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10.2.4 Mistake #4: Assigning the same trade item two different GTINs
Each trade item should be assigned a single unique GTIN. In this instance, two different GTINs have
been assigned to the same package hierarchy. A GTIN-14, assigned to the higher-level of packaging,
can be encoded into an ITF-14 symbol on the case while the lower-level item retains the GTIN-12
encoded into a UPC-A symbol. If different barcodes are needed based on trading partner requirements,
a new GTIN-12, assigned to the higher-level of packaging, can be encoded into an ITF-14 as well as
UPC-A barcode: 00614141453245.
11 Tools and resources
GS1 US offers a number of easily accessible online tools and resources that can help guide you through
the GS1 Standards and processes:
GS1 US GET STARTED GUIDE: Online guide to help you obtain a GS1 Company Prefix to create
GTINs, barcodes, and more.
CHECK DIGIT CALCULATOR: Helps you ensure that the GTIN components have been entered
correctly by automatically calculating the check digit.
GS1 US DATA HUB | PRODUCT: Online tool that helps companies quickly and accurately create,
manage, and share GS1-compliant barcodes, GTINs, and U.P.C.s.
GTIN MANAGEMENT STANDARD: Helps to ensure correct GTIN assignment to your products.
EPC INFORMATION SERVICES (EPCIS) STANDARD: Enables trading partners to share
information about the physical movement and status of products as they travel throughout the
supply chain.
RESOURCE LIBRARY: Documents, videos, and other information to support implementation of
standards by all trading partners in the value chain.
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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Frequently Asked Questions about GS1 Standards,
implementation, and how to get started.
For more information about GS1 US, GTINs and other GS1 Standards:
Call 937.435.3870
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