(510) 988-3153 // [email protected] // linkedin.com/in/zhangyioliverwang
Expected 12/23 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY New York, NY
The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
M.S. in Mathematics in Finance
Coursework: object-oriented programming (Java), financial modeling, risk management,
algorithmic trading, stochastic processes, Fama-French, Black-Scholes
08/18 - 05/22 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SHANGHAI Shanghai, China
B.S. in Data Science, B.A. in Economics
Coursework: deep learning, regression, causal inference, optimization, databases, linear algebra,
multivariable calculus, probability and statistics
Honors/Awards: Dean’s List for Academic Year 2020, 2021; NYU Shanghai Excellence Award;
Magna Cum Laude
05/23 - 08/23 HERMES CAPITAL ADVISORS New York, NY
Quantitative Research Intern (Python, Linux)
Constructed pipelines for capturing and preprocessing real-time millisecond order book depth,
book diff, and aggregate trade data for crypto instruments using websocket and exchange APIs
Examined ensemble methods based on deep reinforcement learning agents such as A2C, PPO,
and RainbowDQN for medium-frequency crypto trading
Updated environment for reinforcement learning with larger action spaces and trade matching
mechanism for sending limited orders, reducing transaction costs by 0.2%
06/22 - 08/22 TURING FUND MANAGEMENT Shanghai, China
Quantitative Research Intern (Python)
Replicated and examined different versions of AlphaNet (factor mining network) with Keras
Conducted single-factor IC testing and multi-layer testing using the latest daily trading data
Adjusted inner operators and layers of AlphaNet and improved rank IC by 1%
Financial Data Mining and Analysis Intern (Python, Stata)
Collected sector index data and examined potential sector linkage and rotation patterns using
Apriori algorithm for over 120 industries from 2014 to 2021
Labeled data, extracted, and categorized information contained in financial news and reports for
sentiment analysis; contributed to the development of industry mapping knowledge domain
02/22 - 05/22 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SHANGHAI Shanghai, China
Momentum Strategy with Deep Reinforcement Learning in Chinese Stock Market (Python)
Implemented risk-adjusted momentum strategies using DDPG model, based on first open-source
DRL framework, FinRL
Conducted backtesting for automatic trading with SSE 50 constituent stock portfolio
10/21 - 12/21 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SHANGHAI Shanghai, China
Online Air Ticket Reservation System (Python, MySQL, HTML)
Constructed online air ticket reservation system enabling customers, booking agents, and staff to
finish various tasks including viewing public info and buying tickets using Python and MySQL
Designed web-based application for system, using Flask framework and HTML
Programming Languages: Python, Java, Linux, MySQL, Stata, Javascript
Languages: English (fluent); Mandarin (native)