1. Purpose of the APPS
To encourage clubs to develop and retain local players, to minimise player movement
and reduce player payments, whilst maintaining a healthy community football club. Any
recruiting required should be conducted in accordance with and within the spirit and
intent of these regulations and the best interests of Australian Football.
2. Objects of the APPS
The objects of the APPS are as follows:
Encourage the development and retention of local and junior players;
Encourage the recruitment of ex local players;
Encourage the loyalty of recruited players;
Assist in the equalisation of competitions;
Assist Regulation 31 in reducing player payments to sustainable levels; and
Encourage Clubs to develop and promote the game in their local community.
3. Affiliated League Implementation & Total Points Rating
Each Affiliated League is to adopt and implement an APPS system in order to achieve
the objects.
Each Affiliated League must adopt an APPS System in accordance with clause 3.1. An
Affiliated League may apply to the Community Football Committee for an alternative
APPS system by no later than 30
November in the calendar year before the first
Season in which it is to apply to that Affiliated League.
A League must implement the following system, subject to any alternative
system approved by the Community Football Committee:
Number of wins to be calculated as a percentage of minor round games
played in the previous three (3) seasons.
A model as set out at the end of this Appendix, pursuant to clause 10.
Each Affiliated League Club will be allocated a “Total Points Rating of up to and
including 13 points” for each Season based on the circumstances listed under
Clause 3.1.
Each Affiliated League will be allocated a pool of two (2) points per Club to be
distributed for the management of local issues provided that an Affiliated League
Club must not be allocated more than 15 points without the prior approval of the
Country Zone Committee and the Community Football Committee.
A Club may request an increase in their allocated points from an Affiliated
League prior to June 30 in the current playing season. Any request under this
clause 3.4 must be in the form of the “APPS Club Application for Increased
Points” set out at the end of this Appendix and comply with the process approved
by the Community Football Committee from time to time.
Any additional points awarded by the Affiliated League under this clause will be
for the current season only.
An Affiliated League must consider any request made by a Club under clause
3.4 and may do any of the following:
If the request is for not more than 15 points, approve or reject the request
in the Affiliated League’s discretion; or
If the request is for more than 15 points: Approve a revised total of not more than 15 points; Reject the request; or Make a request under clause 3.6. If the request is approved by
the SANFL Country Zone Committee and Community Football, the
Affiliated League may subsequently approve a request for more
than 15 points.
An Affiliated League may apply to the SANFL Country Zone Committee and the
Community Football Committee for increased Total Points Rating for club/s in
excess of 15 points for exceptional circumstances. The Application must be
forwarded to SANFL Community Football seven (7) days before the first round
of matches in the relevant competition and current playing season. SANFL
Community Football may consider applications after seven (7) days before the
first round of matches in the relevant competition but only for exceptional and
compelling circumstances.
4. Affiliated League Responsibilities
Each Affiliated League:
Any system implemented by an Affiliated League must be provided along with
the allocation of points to Clubs to the Community Football League by 31
October in each year.
May adopt a Womens APPS system subject to approval by SANFL Community
Football. Systems are to be developed and should be based on:
4.2.1 A sliding scale having regard for the premiership ladder in the previous
4.2.2 Other local factors such as population, junior numbers/success, schools
4.2.3 A combination of all of the above.
Must allocate points to each Affiliated League Club for the following season and
in accordance with APPS regulations by 31 October in each year.
May allocate discretionary points in accordance with APPS regulations to
manage local issues.
Must consider all applications from Clubs for the allocation of additional points
in accordance with APPS regulations.
Must input Club and Player ratings into online player management system once
allocations have been made
Must appoint an Independent APPS Committee of no less than three (3)
members, of which no member shall hold an official role with an Affiliated Club
within that Affiliated League and provide the person’s contact details to SANFL
Community Football by 31 October in each year.
4.7.1 The APPS Officer will: Be the contact for Community Football in relation to matters
related to the APPS and its implementation within the Affiliated
League Approval the APPS system to be used by the Affiliated League Allocate APPS points to Clubs within the Affiliated League Have the authority to appoint a member from the Committee to
allocate individual player points on the Committee’s behalf.
5. Affiliated Club Responsibilities
Each Affiliated League Club:
Must ensure all player declarations in accordance with Clause 7 are completed
and lodged with the Affiliated League in accordance with the APPS regulations.
Must ensure that on match days the Senior (A Grade) Team complies with the
Total Player Points Rating (TPPR) allocated by the Affiliated League in
accordance with APPS regulations.
(NB Clubs may recruit above their allocated points in any given season but must
comply with TPPR for their Senior (A Grade) Team on match days)
May request an increase in allocated points to SANFL Country Zone Committee
and Community Football Committee in excess of 15 points provided that such
request is made to the Affiliated League seven (7) days before the current
playing season and complies with the process approved by Community Football
from time to time. SANFL Community Football may consider applications after
seven (7) days before the first round of matches in the relevant competition but
only for exceptional and compelling circumstances.
6. Basis of the APPS
The basis of the APPS is as follows:
An Affiliated League Club must not field players in its Senior (A Grade) Team in
any game which exceed the total points which have been allocated to that Club
under the Total Points Rating (Refer clause 3).
The points allocated to a player according to the APPS will only apply when
playing in Senior (A grade) Teams.
“Junior Football” means a competition in which players must be over the age of
12 years and under the age of 18 years on a prescribed date in the calendar
year in which that competition is conducted and includes the Sports Association
for Adelaide Schools (SAAS) secondary school football competition.
“Junior Player” means a player under the age of 18 years who has played a
minimum of 20 games from the year in which he turns 13 years of age with an
Affiliated League Club or school affiliate of an Affiliated League Club, with which
he is seeking registration.
Only competitions managed by the SANFL Community Football approved
competition management tool (as referred to in Regulation 25) is recognised for
the purpose of establishing a player’s APPS rating.
7. Player Points Rating
A player of an Affiliated League Club must, at the time of registration with their
new club, complete and deliver to the Club a declaration in a form approved by
the Affiliated League (“the Player Declaration”) which must:
Include complete details of the previous playing history (including games
played at Clubs, numbers of Seasons and games played) of the player;
Include an assessment by the player and the Club of the Player Points
Rating of the player calculated under the APPS which has been adopted
by the Affiliated League;
Be signed by both the player and an official of the Club and lodged with
the Club and with the Affiliated League.
For the purposes of a Player Points Rating a playing coach is classified as a
For the purposes of a Player Points Rating a players individual rating will be
determined at the time of registration and will remain throughout the duration of
the season.
For the purposes of determining a Players Points Rating a player must have
played a minimum of five (5) matches in the previous two (2) seasons to attract
a points rating greater than zero (0).
8. Player Point Allocation
Each player playing in the Senior (A grade) Team of a Club will be allocated a “Player
Points Rating” as outlined below:
Each player selected to play in the Senior Team of a Club will be given a base
rating of Zero (0) points with the exception of Junior Players who are selected in
that team who, subject to clause 8.2, will be given a minus one (-1) rating.
A maximum minus two (-2) points can be claimed by a Senior (A Grade) Team
in any Match regardless of the number of Junior Players selected in that team.
A player who is the child of a Club Life Member can be registered with that same
club and that player will attract zero (0) points provided that the life membership
of the Club by the parent has, subject to clause 8.3.1, been held for a period of
not less than two (2) calendar years.
If the Club Life Membership is not awarded to the parent of the player
referred to in Clause 8.3 at the Club’s Annual General Meeting, the
calculation of the date for the purposes of Clause 8.3, will be the date of
the Annual General Meeting following the date that Club Life Membership
was awarded to the parent.
For the purpose of this Regulation a player will only be a child of a Club
Life Member if that player is recorded as a child of that Club Life Member
on the player’s birth certificate.”
A player who is required to change their usual place of residence to attend a
Tertiary Educational Institution and is enrolled as a full time student will receive
a rating of one (1) point if they registered to play with an Affiliated League Club
that has a direct affiliation with that Tertiary Educational Institution
A player transferring from one Affiliated League Club to another Affiliated
League Club and who is under 20 years of age on the 31
December in the
previous calendar year and has played a combined total of more than twenty
(20) games at State League Under 18, Reserves and/or League Level will
attract an additional two (2) points.
Subject to clause 8.7, a registered player of an Affiliated League Club who has
played a total of 20 or more games in a Senior (A Grade) Team or Reserves (B
Grade) Team or Junior Football with that Affiliated League Club, who has
previously transferred to a club of another League within Australia and returns
to his original Affiliated League Club will have a Player Points Rating of zero (0).
A registered player of an Affiliated League Club who has played less than
a total of 20 games (the 20 game qualification Clause 8.6) in Junior
Football Team with that Affiliated League Club and subsequently returns
to that Affiliated League Club, the Player Points Rating at the start of the
season will remain for the duration of that season regardless of the
number of games played. Subject to clause 8.6.1 a registered player of an Affiliated League
Club will have a Player Points Rating of zero (0) in the following
season, regardless of whether that player has played a total of 20
or more games in a Senior (A Grade) Team or Reserves (B Grade)
Team or Junior Football with that Affiliated League Club
A registered player who achieves 20 Matches (without transferring) for the
same Affiliated League Club will reduce one (1) additional point in their
third (3) season after achieving 20 Matches.
A player transferring from one Affiliated League Club to a Club of any Australian
Football League or Association will retain the same player rating, if any, if he is
transferred back to such Affiliated League Club in the same season.
In accordance with the criteria below, each player selected in a Senior Team
who has had playing experience with another Club in Australia may be given a
further points rating (in addition to any point or points given under clause 8
above) depending on the level of the competition or competitions in which he
has previously played, the number of games played in that competition, the
period of time since he previously played in that competition and/or any other
criteria which may be approved by the Committee.
AFL Players
A player who has played a majority of matches in the AFL in the previous
two playing seasons five (5) additional points, less any deductions or
concessions as set out below: - Deduct five (5) points if the player has returned to the Club of the
Affiliated League for which he last played (including Junior
Football) before playing for an AFL Club. Deduct a further one (1) point for each full season since last
playing for an AFL Club. If a player has not played football at any level for 24 months (from
their last game to the time of registration) or more before resuming
as a player he will automatically have a Player Points Rating of
zero (0).
State League Players (SANFL, AFL VIC, North East AFL, WAFL)
A player who has played a majority of matches for the Senior team for a
Club or Clubs in any one of the above State League Competitions in the
previous two playing seasons four (4) additional points, less any
deductions or concessions as set out below: A player who is registered to play with a Club of an Affiliated
League who returns to that Club of the Affiliated League will not
attract any additional points irrespective of the number of games
played in the Senior Teams of the clubs in any of the above State
Leagues. Deduct one (1) point if the player did not play a game for the
Senior Team of a Club of any of the above State Leagues in the
previous season. If a player has not played football at any level for 24 months (from
their last game to the time of registration) or more before
registering as a player they will automatically have a Player Points
Rating of zero (0).
All Other League Players A player who has played a majority of matches for the Senior (A
Grade) Team of a Club or Clubs in any League, other than those
detailed in sub-clauses 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 above, (‘Other Leagues’)
and/or Reserves for a Team competing in the State League
Competitions referred to in clause 8.8.2 above, in the previous two
playing seasons an additional three (3) points less any
deductions or concessions as set out below. Deduct one (1) point for each full season since the
player last played for the senior team of a Club in the
Other League. If a player has not played football at any level for 24
months (from their last game to the time of registration)
or more before resuming as a player he will
automatically have a Player Points Rating of zero (0). A player who has played majority of matches for the Reserves
(B Grade) Team but has also played a minimum of five (5) A Grade
matches in the previous two seasons and is transferring between
clubs in different leagues the player will have points rating of one
(1) A player who has played a majority of matches for the Reserves
(B Grade) Team but has also played any match in the Senior (A
Grade) Team of a Club or Clubs in any Other League in the
previous two playing seasons and is transferring from one Club to
another Club within the same Affiliated League will have a Player
Points Rating of zero (0). player who has played a majority of matches for a Junior Team
for a club in any league and has also played a minimum of five (5)
A Grade matches in the previous two playing seasons will have a
points rating of two (2)
9. APPS General
In the case of a player who has played an equal number of games in two or more
categories, the highest category (points) shall apply.
In the case of a player who plays matches in a competition predominantly
conducted during the period March through until October who, in the same or
following year, plays in a competition predominantly conducted during the period
November through until the following February (the Summer Competition’),
the Summer Competition shall be disregarded for the purposes of determining
the Player Points Rating attributable to that player upon a subsequent transfer.
Any proposed amendments to the APPS must be submitted to the Community
Football Manager for referral to the Community Football Committee 30 April in
the current playing season for the Committee to consider implementing for the
following season.
Amendments to the APPS for the following season will be communicated to all
Affiliated Leagues and Clubs by no later than 31 August in the current season.
Affiliated Leagues that have divisional competitions will consider each division
as a League for the purpose of implementing the APPS.
10. APPS League Models
Pursuant to clause 3.1, each Affiliated League must adopt one of the following sliding
scale models based on the total amount of Affiliated Clubs outlined in 10a and based
The number of wins to be calculated as a percentage of minor round
games played in the previous three (3) seasons.
(For clarity, a draw equals half of a win)
An Affiliated League Clubs total points allocation that is varied in the subsequent year
due to the Affiliated League adopting one of the following sliding scale models, may
apply to the Community Football Committee for an exemption to remain on the same
total points allocation for the subsequent season only.
Any request must be sent by the Affiliated League to SANFL Community Football by
February 1
and set out the reasons for such request, including but not limited: to the
loss of players, smaller population, and geographical issues.
4 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 9 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 12 points
Total League Allocation 60 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 42 points
Discretionary Points 18 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points allocation, the Affiliated League can only use nine (9)
points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and lack of
success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining nine (9) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be used for
local considerations including transfers employment, relocation or any other reason and
must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community Football
5 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 6 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 9 points
Group 3 Teams 5 12 points
Total League Allocation 75 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 42 points
Discretionary Points 33 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points allocation the Affiliated League can only use sixteen (16)
points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and lack of
success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining seventeen (17) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be
used for local considerations including transfers, employment, relocation, or any other
reason and must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community
Football Committee.
6 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 6 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 9 points
Group 3 Teams 5 & 6 12 points
Total League Allocation 90 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 54 points
Discretionary Points 36 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points allocation, the Affiliated League can only use eighteen
(18) points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and
lack of success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining eighteen (18) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be
used for local considerations including transfers, employment, relocation, or any other
reason and must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community
Football Committee.
7 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 6 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 9 points
Group 3 Teams 5 & 6 12 points
Group 4 Teams 7 15 points
Total League Allocation 105 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 69 points
Discretionary Points 36 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points allocation, the Affiliated League can only use eighteen
(18) points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and
lack of success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining eighteen (18) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be
used for local considerations including transfers, employment, relocation, or any other
reason and must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community
Football Committee.
8 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 6 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 9 points
Group 3 Teams 5 & 6 12 points
Group 4 Teams 7 & 8 15 points
Total League Allocation 120 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 84 points
Discretionary Points 36 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points allocation, the Affiliated League can only use eighteen
(18) points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and
lack of success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining eighteen (18) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be
used for local considerations including transfers, employment, relocation, or any other
reason and must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community
Football Committee.
9 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 6 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 9 points
Group 3 Teams 5, 6 & 7 12 points
Group 4 Teams 8 & 9 15 points
Total League Allocation 135 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 96 points
Discretionary Points 39 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points, allocation the Affiliated League can only use nineteen
(19) points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and
lack of success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining twenty (20) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be used
for local considerations including transfers, employment, relocation, or any other reason
and must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community Football
10 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 6 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 9 points
Group 3 Teams 5, 6 & 7 12 points
Group 4 Teams 8, 9 & 10 15 points
Total League Allocation 150 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 111 points
Discretionary Points 39 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points allocation, the Affiliated League can only use nineteen
(19) points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and
lack of success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining twenty (20) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be used
for local considerations including transfers, employment, relocation, or any other reason
and must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community Football
11 Team League APPS Model
Group 1 Teams - 1 & 2 6 points
Group 2 Teams 3 & 4 9 points
Group 3 Teams 5, 6 & 7 12 points
Group 4 Teams 8, 9, 10 & 11 15 points
Total League Allocation 165 points
Sliding Scale Allocation 126 points
Discretionary Points 39 points
League Discretionary Points (no prior approval required unless Clubs are over fifteen
(15 total points):
Out of the discretionary points allocation, the Affiliated League can only use nineteen
(19) points which may relate to issues including smaller population, geographic and
lack of success issues.
Local Discretionary Points (requires prior approval from the Community Football
The remaining twenty (20) points of the discretionary points allocation can only be used
for local considerations including transfers, employment, relocation, or any other reason
and must be approved by the Country Zone Committee and the Community Football
11. Definitions
For the purposes of this Appendix 3 the following words shall have the following meaning unless the
context requires otherwise:
Affiliated League Club’ and ‘Club’ means a football club which is a member of, or which fields a
team in a football competition conducted by an Affiliated League.
‘Affiliated League’ means a football league which has affiliated with SANFL Community Football
under Rule 9.4 of the SANFL Community Football Constitution.
‘All Other Leagues’ means all Leagues other than State League and AFL competitions including but
not limited to all Affiliated Community Football Leagues.
‘Approved Player Points System’ means the player points system outlined in clause 3 and 10 of
this Appendix or otherwise approved by the Committee.
‘APPS Committee’ means the Committee appointed under this Appendix by an Affiliated League.
‘APPS Officer’ means the Officer appointed under this Appendix by an Affiliated League.
‘Committee’ and ‘Community Football Committee’ means the Committee of Directors of SANFL
Community Football appointed under Rule 4 of the SANFL Community Football Constitution.
‘games’ or ‘matches’ means any game played by a player for affiliated league club that they are
registered to and does not include representative or zone games.
‘Junior Football’ means a competition in which players must be over the age of 13 years and under
the age of 18 years.
‘Junior Player’ means a player who has played a minimum of 20 games from the year in which he
turns 13 years old with an Affiliated League Club or school affiliated of an Affiliated League Club.
‘Match’ or ‘Football Match’ means any game of football either played by a team of an Affiliated
League Club in a competition promoted, conducted or controlled by the SANFL Community Football
an Affiliated League or which has otherwise been approved by the SANFL Community Football an
Affiliated League.
‘player’ or Player’ means a person who is registered to play football with an Affiliated League Club.
‘SANFL Community Football’ means the South Australian National Football League Inc.
‘State League’ means SANFL, WAFL, NEAFL, AND VFL or any other State League competitions as
formed from time to time.
‘Total Points Rating’ means the total amount of allocated player points to an Affiliated League Club.