Authors: Dr.
Vincenzina Caputo, Dr. Jayson Lusk, Dr. Glynn Tonsor, and M.S. Aaron Staples
February 2023
For inquiries, please contact:
Dr. Vincenzina Caputo, Associate Professor
Michigan State University • T: 517-505-9221
Acknowledgments: The research was directed by Dr. Vincenzina Caputo from Michigan State University and conducted in collaboration with
Dr. Jayson Lusk from Purdue University and Dr. Glynn Tonsor from Kansas State University. The authors acknowledge the work of the graduate
student, Aaron Staples (Michigan State University), who assisted with the implementation of the individual interviews and surveys, as well as
with the data analysis and the assembly of the report. This report was made possible with support from the United Egg Producers, The Food
Industry Association, FMI, and the United Egg Association.
Executive Summary
State regulations, retailer pledges, and final consumer demand have contributed to a rising share
of egg-laying hens housed in cage-free systems over the past decade. Nonetheless, conversion
from conventional to cage-free housing is costly for both egg producers and final consumers. As
such, there remains uncertainty about the extent to which egg producers will be willing and able
to continue the transition to cage-free housing at a rate commensurate with retailers’ cage-free
pledges. To explore this issue, this study investigates the challenges and opportunities associated
with the transition to cage-free housing, including interviews with and a survey of egg producers,
a survey of egg consumers, and economic modeling of the sector. Key insights and implications
are as follows:
While there is a high level of stated support for retailers to make cage-free pledges among
the general public, more than half of consumers (56%) are unaware of whether their
grocery store has made such a pledge, and only 19% believe their store has made a pledge.
Consumers do not expect a full conversion to cage-free egg systems by 2026, and on
average, expect a 10-percentage point increase in cage-free laying hens from now to
January 2026.
Consumers prefer government policies to subsidize the transition to cage-free or mandatory
labels to policies that mandate producers adopt certain housing practices. Amongst the
policies to restrict housing practices, consumers prefer minimum cage size requirements to
an outright ban on conventional production.
There are segments of consumers willing to pay significant premiums for cage-free eggs,
but the largest segment (representing 55% of consumers) is primarily motivated by price
and does not discriminate between cage and cage-free eggs. If prices remain unchanged
and conventional eggs are removed from the market, the share of consumers choosing not
to buy eggs will increase by 20 percentage points.
Egg producer interviews reveal the prevalence of long-lasting contractual relationships
with retailers, the importance of retailer demand driving the evolution of the market to
cage-free, and opportunities to reset the conversation with animal advocacy organizations.
However, these interviews also reveal several barriers and unintended consequences to
further transition to cage-free, including:
o Higher costs and labor requirements associated with cage-free production;
o Challenges obtaining financing to convert or build cage-free facilities without
longer-term commitments from retailers, particularly in an environment of rising
interest rates and when existing facilities can no longer serve as collateral;
o Divergent interests of grocery and food service/egg product sectors with respect to
hen housing;
o Concerns that transition to cage-free production could facilitate consolidation given
that larger producers often have better resources and access to capital; and
o Skepticism that retailer pledges can be met by January 2026 without significant
financial incentives, particularly given the high costs of building materials and long
construction lags associated with the permitting and supply chain disruptions.
A majority of egg producers view conventional housing as superior in food affordability,
production efficiency, and environmental impact relative to cage-free production.
Producers anticipate revenue from cage-free systems to be 8% higher than conventional
systems, on average. But costs are estimated to be at least 8-19% higher, on average,
depending on the category of expense, with additional labor and capital costs anticipated
to be the categories with the largest increases.
Producers are more likely to be willing to transition to cage-free production when cost-plus
contracts are available and at higher anticipated return on investment (ROI) levels.
In aggregate, egg producers believe cage-free production will grow to 51% of total
production by January 2026.
Economic modeling focused on the shell egg marketing indicates the following:
o For every 1% reduction in the equilibrium quantity of conventional eggs produced
and sold, it takes a roughly 1.9% increase in the equilibrium quantity of cage-free
eggs produced and sold and an increase of at least $21.6 million year in total
wholesale egg spending to leave egg producer profits unharmed; and
o If the share of shell eggs sold cage-free increases by 20-percentage points, the cost
of producing cage-free is 20% higher than for conventional, and consumer demand
does not change, egg producer profits would fall $72.5 million/year in aggregate,
not counting any additional fixed costs producers would have to incur to facilitate
the transition.
Table of Contents
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ v
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. vi
Chapter 1: Motivation and Objectives ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Motivation........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2: Individual Interviews with Egg Producers ............................................................................ 5
2.1. Semi-Structured Interview Questions and Procedures ....................................................................... 5
2.2. Producer Profiles ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3. Comparing Operational Activities: Cage-Free v. Conventional......................................................... 7
2.4. Business Plan and Relations with Buyers ......................................................................................... 10
2.5. Future of the Industry: Barriers and Opportunities ........................................................................... 12
2.5.1. Barriers ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.5.2 Opportunities .............................................................................................................................. 17
2.6. Final Remarks ................................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 3: Egg Producer Survey ............................................................................................................. 21
3.1. Producer Survey Questions and Procedures ..................................................................................... 21
3.2 Transitional Situation and Views ....................................................................................................... 23
3.2.1. National, Industry-Wide Perspective ......................................................................................... 23
3.2.2. Own-Operation Perspective ....................................................................................................... 26
3.3. Laying Hen Housing Investment Decisions ..................................................................................... 31
3.4. Provided Comments.......................................................................................................................... 35
3.5 Final Remarks .................................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 4: Consumer Survey on Egg Product and Policy Preferences ............................................... 37
4.1. Consumer Survey Questions and Procedures ................................................................................... 37
4.1.1 Section 1: Sample demographics and egg purchasing habits ..................................................... 37
4.1.2 Section 2: Egg Purchasing Habits ............................................................................................... 37
4.1.3 Section 3: Word Associations ..................................................................................................... 38
4.1.4 Section 4: Consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the egg industry ...................... 38
4.1.5 Section 5: Choice Experiment on Egg Selection ........................................................................ 39
4.1.6. Section 6: Policy Preferences and Ballot Initiatives .................................................................. 42
4.2 Data Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 43
4.3 Results................................................................................................................................................ 44
4.3.1 Sample Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 44
4.3.2 Egg Purchasing Habits ................................................................................................................ 46
4.3.3 Consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the egg industry ....................................... 49
4.3.4 Word Association ....................................................................................................................... 51
4.3.5 Choice Experiment ..................................................................................................................... 52
4.3.6 Policy Preferences ...................................................................................................................... 58
4.4 Final Remarks .................................................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 5: Market and Producer Impacts of the Conversion to Cage-Free Egg Housing ................ 62
5.1. Equilibrium Displacement Model ..................................................................................................... 62
5.2. Disaggregated Egg Market Analysis ................................................................................................ 63
5.2.1 Data and Parameter Estimation .................................................................................................. 66
5.2.2 Results for Expenditure Neutral Demand Shifts ........................................................................ 71
5.2.3 Results for Egg Producer Profit Neutral Demand Shifts ............................................................ 73
5.3. Aggregate Egg Market Analysis ....................................................................................................... 74
5.3.1 Data and Parameter Estimation .................................................................................................. 75
5.3.2 Results......................................................................................................................................... 76
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Implications ................................................................................................. 78
Chapter 7: References ............................................................................................................................... 80
List of Tables
Table 2.1. Thematic areas and core questions in the qualitative interviews with producers ........................ 6
Table 2.2. Egg producer profiles ................................................................................................................... 7
Table 4.1. Labels used in the consumer choice experiment and their meaning .......................................... 41
Table 4.2. Consumer sample demographics relative to U.S. census (n = 961, % frequencies) .................. 45
Table 4.3. Egg purchasing habits of the sample ......................................................................................... 46
Table 4.4. Total and marginal WTP estimates from the LCM ($/dozen) ................................................... 52
Table 4.5. Own- and cross-price elasticities of demand ............................................................................. 55
Table 4.6. Total and marginal WTP, by market segment ........................................................................... 58
Table 4.7. Best-worst scale response frequencies ....................................................................................... 59
Table 5.1. Descriptive statistics for variables used in regression analysis ................................................. 67
Table 5.2. Estimates of demand for conventional and cage-free eggs ........................................................ 69
Table 5.3. Estimates of supply for conventional and cage-free eggs .......................................................... 70
Table 5.4. Change in producer profits from conversion to cage-free housing, varying assumptions ......... 77
List of Figures
Figure 1.1. Shell egg retail prices by region over time, Source: USDA (2022) ........................................... 3
Figure 2.1. Cage-free system operational activities discussed with producers............................................. 8
Figure 2.2. Main barriers and opportunities to cage-free adoption mentioned by producers ..................... 13
Figure 3.1. Views on national cage-free market share, now and January 2026 ......................................... 24
Figure 3.2. Views regarding laying hen housing, opportunity vs. challenge.............................................. 25
Figure 3.3. Views on which production method ranks best across different characteristics ...................... 26
Figure 3.4. Percent premium for cage-free annual expenses compared to caged, retrofit v. new .............. 28
Figure 3.5. Example laying hen investment decision question ................................................................... 31
Figure 3.6. Projected investment: Contract options and common ROI in both production settings .......... 33
Figure 3.7. Projected investment: Conventional with spot pricing and cage-free with cost-plus .............. 35
Figure 4.1. United Egg Producers certification criteria, Source: UEP (2022) ............................................ 39
Figure 4.2. Example choice experiment task .............................................................................................. 41
Figure 4.3. Example best-worst policy question ......................................................................................... 43
Figure 4.4. Attributes that are most and least important to consumers when buying eggs ........................ 47
Figure 4.5. Consumer perceptions over past and future egg prices ............................................................ 48
Figure 4.6. Consumer perceptions over why egg prices have increased over the past year (n = 766) ....... 49
Figure 4.7. Respondent estimates for percentage of cage-free laying hens, currently and Jan. 2026 ........ 50
Figure 4.8. Consumer perceptions of egg producers providing different services to laying hens .............. 51
Figure 4.9. Mean WTP to keep each egg product in the choice experiment ($/dozen) .............................. 53
Figure 4.10. Market simulation demonstrating the effects of the removal of conventional eggs............... 54
Figure 4.11. Variation in mean premiums ($/dozen) relative to conventional, by select demographics.... 57
Figure 4.12. Best-worst scaling (BWS) results, differential in voting........................................................ 60
Figure 4.13. Responses to various ballot initiatives ................................................................................... 60
Figure 5.1. Effects of decrease in demand for conventional and increase in demand for cage-free .......... 65
Figure 5.2. Expenditure neutral shifts in conventional and cage-free egg demand .................................... 71
Figure 5.3. Impacts of expenditure-neutral demand shifts on egg producer profitability .......................... 72
Figure 5.4. Increases in retailer egg spending required to hold egg producers’ profits constant ............... 74
Chapter 1: Motivation and Objectives
1.1. Motivation
The U.S. is the second largest egg producer in the world, with a total production of 113 billion
eggs in 2019 alone (FAO, 2021; Ha, 2021). Most of the egg production takes place in the Midwest,
specifically Iowa (15%), Ohio (9%), and Indiana (9%) (Ha, 2021). More than 70% of the laying
hens producing eggs are held in conventional production, 22.5% are cage-free, and 6.8% are in a
certified organic production system (UEP, 2023b). In the last several years, the number of cage-
free layers and cage-free produced eggs has increased. Between December 2020 and December
2021 alone, the number of cage-free laying flocks increased from 80 million to 94.3 million hens,
an almost 18% increase. Likewise, weekly cage-free egg production increased by 17% from the
beginning to the end of 2021 (USDA AMS, 2021a, b; USDA ERS, 2021a).
Coinciding with an increase in consumer demand for cage-free and organic, two additional
factors are driving the transition to cage-free egg production methods: (i) the recent legal
developments such as cage-free mandates, which require eggs and egg products to come from hens
raised in cage-free facilities and (ii) the widespread private sector commitments to going cage-free
in the next five years (McDougal, 2021; Shanker and Pollard, 2021). Legal developments have
occurred state-by-state through ballot measures and legislative action instead of federal efforts. To
date, ten states have passed legislation to transition to 100% cage-free eggs (USDA ERS, 2021b,
Fatka, 2021). For example, California voters passed Proposition 12 in 2018, banning the sale of
caged eggs as of January 1, 2022. States with similar mandates require the transition by January
1, 2026.
While it remains too early to conclude the economic implications of cage-free mandates,
Oh and Vukina (2021) predict that California’s implementation of Proposition 12 will result in an
annual welfare loss for California consumers and retailers of $72 million and $23 million,
respectively. Studies have also explored the economic cost of previous production mandates in the
egg industry, such as California Assembly Bill (AB) 1437, which banned the sale of eggs that did
not meet heightened minimum space requirements. Mullally and Lusk (2018) state that the
implementation of AB 1437 increased prices by 9% and cost California consumers at least $25
million per year. Carter, Schaefer, and Scheitrum (2021) suggest that AB 1437 decreased
economic surplus by $2.85 billion across the country between January 2015 December 2017,
with nearly 70% of this burden borne by out-of-state market participants.
Interestingly, citizens have voted for stricter production practices despite having
purchasing patterns that deviate from their ballot preferences.
This wedge between voting patterns
and revealed purchasing behavior creates uncertainty across the supply chain and will likely elicit
diverse responses from producers depending on individual circumstances. Even in states without
such legislation, the largest U.S. retailers, including Wal-Mart, Kroger, and Meijer, have
voluntarily pledged to 100% transition to cage-free eggs by 2025. To fulfill the pledges, around
three-quarters of all egg production will have to transition to cage-free production (see Lusk,
2019). This trend has obvious implications for egg producers and other actors along the supply
chain (including retailers and consumers) as production adjusts to these new circumstances.
A key challenge for producers is the need to make capital investments to transition to
alternative housing when there remains high uncertainty about the future. Converting from cage
to cage-free systems is costly and requires significant capital (Trejo-Pench and White, 2020).
These factors lead to increased production costs. These costs are likely to be at least partially
passed through the supply chain and onto the final consumer, particularly given the inelastic
consumer demand for eggs. This partly explains why cage-free eggs are significantly more
expensive than conventional eggs. The average market price for a dozen Grade A eggs was around
$1.17 in November 2021 (USDA ERS, 2021b) compared to $1.64 for cage-free eggs in the same
month (USDA AMS, 2021b), meaning an almost $0.50 premium is charged on average for cage-
free eggs. The extent of this premium varies significantly across regions; see Chang et al. (2010)
for a discussion and Figure 1.1 for more recent price data at a retailer level. As a result, a producer’s
willingness to adopt cage-free production is likely dependent on their location.
This diversity in generatable premiums and the existing differences in physical and
financial inventory among business operations suggest that the adaptation mechanisms of
producers are expected to be highly heterogeneous. These challenges highlight the need to better
understand conversion costs and how such costs might be transmitted through the supply chain.
Understanding these aspects is important to producers and processors to make informed production
decisions and long-term investments. Likewise, it has relevance for policymakers trying to
The phenomenon is known as the vote-buy gap (Norwood, Tonsor, and Lusk, 2019; Paul et al., 2019).
Note that conventional eggs in Figure 1.1. refers to Grade A large eggs. For the 2022 Northwest data, the USDA
only reports the price for Grade AA large eggs instead of Grade A.
evaluate how the transition and possible subsidies or incentives could impact the wider supply
chain, including consumers.
Figure 1.1. Shell egg retail prices by region over time, Source: USDA (2022)
1.2 Research Objectives
This project provides a wide-scale investigation of the U.S. egg sector, including an analysis of
necessary production adjustments, changes in consumer behavior, and market effects from a
potential conversion to cage-free. In particular, this project conducts a comprehensive economic
evaluation of the cage-free conversion to better inform industry decisions, policymakers, and
consumers. To accomplish this overall goal, the project was organized around four main
Objective 1: Evaluate producer attitudes, concerns, and adoption willingness of cage-free
production via egg producer individual interviews.
Objective 2: Determine current egg producer’s financial situation and expected transition
timing regarding hen-housing methods via an egg producer survey.
Objective 3: Determine consumer preferences and buying patterns for eggs in “cage-free
only” marketplaces via an egg consumer survey.
Objective 4: Summarize the research team’s opinions and provide economic-informed
recommendations to key stakeholders to navigate the future landscape of the egg market.
The remainder of this report is structured as follows. Chapter 2 describes the qualitative results
of semi-structured interviews with seven egg producers on their general sentiments and concerns
regarding the transition to cage-free eggs. Chapter 3 describes the results of a national producer
survey sent to UEP members, providing a more granular quantitative analysis of industry attitudes
and expectations. Chapter 4 outlines the findings from a national egg consumer survey, evaluating
consumer perceptions and preferences toward egg products and egg policy. Chapter 5 builds on
the findings from the previous chapters with an equilibrium displacement model predicting how
market shifts could affect egg producer profitability. Chapter 6 concludes with a discussion of the
implications of this report and the future outlook of the U.S. egg industry.
Chapter 2: Individual Interviews with Egg Producers
2.1. Semi-Structured Interview Questions and Procedures
We conducted semi-structured interviews with seven egg producers in June 2022. Interviews were
conducted individually via Zoom and lasted between 45-75 minutes. We followed a topic-guided
approach where each interview started with a schematic presentation of the topics. Questions were
arranged into four themes: (i) current business operations, (ii) cage-free production, (iii) business
plan and relationship with buyers, and (iv) future industry directions. For each theme, we asked
questions developed following recent debates about cage-free production and through a pilot in-
person interview with a large U.S. egg producer. Table 2.1 presents the thematic areas and core
questions, while the questionnaire is available as supplemental material accompanying this report.
Probing questions were also asked to explore issues in more detail, while closing questions were
used to gain additional egg production-related information or answer producer questions.
Individual responses were mapped to one of the survey themes, and patterns across each theme
were identified by comparing responses across participants.
In what follows, we discuss the results of each of the four survey themes. We begin with a
broad overview of the aggregate producer profile before describing the cage-free conversion and
producer insights on the difference between production systems. Then, we explore the producers’
relationships with their buyers and how these relationships influence their business plans and
financial decisions. The section concludes with a discussion of the producers’ perceptions about
The full questionnaire is available here: link.
We conducted semi-structured individual interviews with seven egg producers to evaluate their
attitudes, sentiment, and willingness to adopt cage-free production. Producers compared the
operational activities of cage and cage-free facilities, spoke to the primary barriers and
opportunities in cage-free markets, and offered their perspective on cage-free ballot initiatives
and retailer pledges. Producers indicated higher fixed and variable costs in cage-free housing
systems, with capital and labor costs being two of the central drivers of the cost increase. While
several producers indicated a willingness to adopt cage-free production once their consumer
wants cage-free egg products, most were hesitant to view the transition as an opportunity. The
most commonly cited barriers to cage-free adoption included limited consumer demand, high
capital costs, a contradiction to environmental sustainability efforts, and food insecurity.
the future of the industry, including the barriers preventing further adoption of cage-free eggs in
the United States, as well as potential opportunities.
Table 2.1. Thematic areas and core questions in the qualitative interviews with producers
Thematic Areas
Core Questions
Can you please provide a brief overview of your current production setup?
This could include your (i) role in the supply chain; (ii) number of
production plants and geographic location(s); (iii) annual production; and
(iv) variety and type of egg products.
What share of your egg production is from cage-free facilities?
How has the switch to cage-free affected your (i) labor demand; (ii) capital
requirements; (iii) feeding process; (iv) safety and quality control; (v)
disease management; and (vi) marketing strategies?
What percentage of your eggs do you sell under contracts, and how long
have you had these relationships with your buyers?
How often do you communicate with your buyer about the transition to
cage-free eggs?
Does your company have an annual business plan for the transition to
cage-free? Does this plan include strategies on what to do with the
outsourced cages?
How difficult is it to finance the new construction of cage-free facilities,
and have there been significant barriers to capital?
How do you perceive the legislative changes occurring in different states
towards going 100% cage-free?
What do you perceive as the biggest challenges to converting to cage-free?
2.2. Producer Profiles
Seven egg producers participated in the individual interviews (Table 2.2). We interviewed one
small producer, one medium producer, and five large producers. Producers covered the shell egg
and liquid egg marketplaces and supplied both grocery stores and the wider food service industry.
Current cage-free adoption rates of the seven interviewed producers varied quite significantly. Six
producers had less than 30% cage-free production, while one had more than 60% cage-free
production. Three of the seven producers have ongoing cage-free construction projects. To
maintain producer anonymity, producers’ production level, employment, exact current cage-free
adoption rates, etc., are withheld from this report.
Table 2.2. Egg producer profiles
Farm Size
% Cage-Free
Egg Types
< 30%
Grocery stores
Shell egg
< 30%
Food service companies
Liquid eggs
< 30%
Grocery stores & food
service companies
Liquid eggs &
shell eggs
< 30%
Grocery stores
Shell eggs
< 30%
Grocery stores & food
service companies
Liquid eggs &
shell eggs
< 30%
Food service companies
Liquid eggs
> 60%
Grocery stores & food
service companies
Liquid eggs &
shell eggs
2.3. Comparing Operational Activities: Cage-Free v. Conventional
To better understand the differences between systems, we asked respondents to compare and
contrast the operational activities of cage-free and caged systems. More specifically, interviewees
were asked to describe how the cage-free transition affects five interrelated factors: (i) labor
demand, (ii) capital requirements (infrastructure), (iii) feed system and associated costs, (iv)
disease management, and (v) food safety/quality. The results are summarized in Figure 2.1.
Producers were first asked to discuss the difference in capital requirements for
infrastructure investment for cage and cage-free systems. All seven producers stated that cage-free
systems require at least two times the capital of caged facilities and would require investment in
cage-free pullet houses. Producers recommended that the bird spend their entire life in a cage-free
environment to be trained to maneuver through the system. For instance, Producer A stated: Try
to get that pullet as well-trained in that [cage-free] equipment so they know where to lay the eggs,
they know how to go up and down the system to get feed and water. Once you’ve lost that training
period, you’re never going to get that back.In addition, six out of seven producers recommend
against retrofitting caged facilities into a cage-free environment. They argued that while
retrofitting can be seen as a way to reduce capital investments, it could sometimes create long-
term problems within the facility. Producer C suggested, We've done some remodels of existing
facilities. We don't really find that to be economical or in the long-term best interests from an
animal care standpoint and a total best cost standpoint.For this particular producer, greenfield
facilities are preferred.
Figure 2.1. Cage-free system operational activities discussed with producers
The second factor our producers unanimously discussed was increased labor demand.
Securing willing workers for a cage-free environment and training them requires higher wages.
Speaking of their own experiences, producers reported that the labor demand for cage-free systems
was about 2-4 times as high as that of caged production. For example, when asked about labor
demand, Producer C stated that cage-free requires much more of an animal care role where
people are actually interacting with the birds, and they have to be much more attuned to the
behaviors. It requires a lot more training, a lot more experience, and a lot more care… [and] also
a different labor rate.” Given the more specialized tasks and the enhanced need of fulfilling a
Cage-free systems require at least 2 times the capital to caged facilities
Also must consider investment in new cage-free pullet houses for training
Capital Requirements
Cage-free production houses require 2-3 times more labor than caged
Cage-free facilities also require more specialized labor
Fecal matter and poor ventilation are most commonly cited worker safety
Labor Demand and Worker Safety
Cage-free facilities require 2-3 lbs. more feed per 100 hens than caged
Slight differences in feeding schedules across systems
Feed System
Disease can be more common and widespread in cage-free systems due to the
bird's increased contact with other birds and fecal matter
Cage-free systems can require a more intense vaccine regime
Disease Management and Animal Welfare
Same level of food safety can be achieved, but the presence of floor eggs in
cage-free systems is a potential food safety concern
Cage-free facilities can have lower percentages of Grade A eggs due to
manure stains and cracks in the shell
Food Safety/Quality
more animal husbandry role” (as stated by Producer D), the pool of potential employees shrinks.
The pool further shrinks when considering the implications of the transition for worker welfare.
In addition, business operations will incur costs due to an increased need for feed. For
example, Producer E stated that “cage-free systems can require 2 lbs. more per 100 birds and can
even be as high as 3 lbs. more per 100 birds. Expanding on this point, Producer F remarked,
Conventional housing generally requires 22.5 lbs of feed per 100 birds per day while cage-free
can require two pounds more.These numbers align with calculations by Alltech (2022), who
reported a 7-8% increase in feed intake for cage-free flocks relative to caged ones.
The increased contact of the birds with feces and other birds in a cage-free environment
increases the disease risk meaning a much more intensive vaccine regime for cage-free birds,
as stated by one of the producers (Producer E), and “higher testing requirements for diseases such
as salmonella(Producer C) are needed. The disease pressure and rigorous vaccine regime present
long-term risks and costs to producers. Additionally, three producers (Producers B, D, and E)
suggested that mortality rates can be 2-3 times greater in cage-free systems compared to
conventional facilities. In their opinion, this is mainly because of the birds' interaction with their
fecal material, more cannibalistic behavior, and the birds' protective instinct to "crowd" one
another. The higher mortality rate suggested by producers aligns with findings from Alltech (2021,
2022) and Weeks, Lambton, and Williams (2016), reporting lower mortality rates in conventional
systems than in cage-free and free-range systems. However, Producer C stated that the mortality
rates were similar across systems, though they agreed that mortality rates could be higher during
the first few years as the producer adjusts to the transition. Indeed, research from Schuck-Paim,
Negro-Calduch, and Alonso (2021) support this claim, stating that producer experience plays a
role in reducing mortality rates. Their findings suggest that cage-free mortality rates have declined
over time, and there is no statistical difference between the conventional and cage-free systems.
Freire and Cowling (2013) also find no differences in laying-hen mortality rates between systems.
Thus, debate surrounds whether cage-free mortality rates are actually higher than caged systems.
The safety risks affect not only the birds but also the eggs they lay. Cage-free systems
result in floor eggs (i.e., any egg laid on the litter floor), and these floor eggs are more susceptible
to safety concerns. One issue with floor eggs is that it is difficult for workers to know how long
the egg has been on the floor. When found, there is also a higher chance that they might have been
contaminated with diseases (as stated by one of the producers).
Even more, there can be a food
quality concern. Producer D noted that a higher share of eggs in a cage-free system tend to be
undergrade due to manure stains and cracks.With poor shell appearance, Producer E reports
that conventional systems can average from 94-97% Grade A eggs, while cage-free production
generally ranges from 88-94%.” Thus, there is a potential difference in terms of overall egg
quality, which will impact the profit producers can generate.
2.4. Business Plan and Relations with Buyers
Interviewees were asked to provide a broad overview of their contractual obligations, including an
estimated number of buyers and the percentage of eggs for shell-egg and liquid-egg markets. Each
producer stated that they sell the majority of their eggs through formal contracts to a few primary
customers. Most contracts are long-lasting relationships, with some spanning multiple decades.
Three producers explicitly described some of their contractual agreements as need-based, where
the contract does not specify a specific quantity but rather an agreement to meet the need of the
customer; two of seven producers describe having informal handshake agreements with buyers.
Spot markets make up a small share of annual sales, ranging from 0 20% for our seven producers.
All producers stated that they consistently monitor the cage-free situation with their
customers, but the frequency of these conversations varied. Producer F indicated that they had
weekly discussions with their buyer, while Producer B said their conversations were annual. The
remaining producers stated that they converse with their customers about once a month or less
regarding the transition to cage-free.
One point consistently made by each producer was that their customer drives the decision
to transition to cage-free. From these discussions, there also appears to be a positive correlation
between the percentage of cage-free production and sales to shell-egg markets. For example,
Producer E stated that most of their cage-free eggs are destined for grocery stores, while Producer
B, who supplies all liquid eggs, added, We’re not marketing to retailers and consumers who are
looking at an egg as an egg. We’re marketing to big branded processed food companies where we
The anticipated share of eggs ending as floor eggs differed across producers with some of our interviewees reporting
losses up to 20% floor eggs at times (Producer D), while others indicated a share of around 5-6% (Producer A).
Nevertheless, all producers agreed that achieving 1% floor eggs was the goal, although even 1 % loss already
represents a huge loss.
are one of five to ten ingredients on a back panel, and the consumer is not as locked-in on the
choice of am I eating an egg, and where does it come from. They just want to make pancakes.
This apparent relationship may stem from the fact that the cage-free attribute is more salient
on a carton of eggs than on a processed food box for a product containing eggs. In other words,
there is likely a difference in the way consumers think about eggs as a final product versus
eggs as an ingredient. There also may be regional variation in cage-free adoption rates, where
producers whose primary customers are located in regions without cage-free mandates are less
likely to transition. For example, Producer A stated, “In the West and the Northeast, youre
probably going to continue to see a lot quicker of a transition than in other parts of the country.
Were in the Southeast, and there have not been any major legislative pushes in our areas toward
going cage-free. So, it really just depends on where youre located and where your customer base
Interviewees were also asked whether they had a business plan to transition more of their
facilities to cage-free. While three out of seven producers had ongoing projects, these were always
customer driven. Each producer stated that they would not engage in speculative building based
on the voluntary, informal pledges made by retailers. Relatedly, when asked whether federal
support would incentivize a faster transition to cage-free, all producers stated that this would not
solve the long-term issue of finding a buyer. Thus, producers will only transition to cage-free at
the request of their customers.
Regarding financing their completed or ongoing cage-free construction products, each
producer stated that securing funding through banks has not been a significant barrier. However,
they did note that loan approval required proof of a long-term commitment from the customer.
Without this contract outlining the transition timeline, banks may be hesitant to approve the loan
given the significant capital investment. Producers also suggested that while funding has been
available, it could become more difficult to acquire as more producers transition. That is, if
mandates restricting caged production are imposed, all producers will be forced to transition at
once, and funding could become more difficult to obtain. This is particularly true because cages
will lose their value. As cages lose value, producers cannot claim them as collateral, which
increases the producer’s debt-to-asset ratio and makes the bank less likely to lend. Smaller
producers are more likely to be negatively affected by this precautionary lending, which raises
concerns over industry consolidation. We discuss this concern more later in the chapter.
Most producers stated that they are not opposed to any production system, but they want
to know that the market demand is there before transitioning.We dont have a preference on the
style of production, cage-free versus conventional. But our models are predicated on
understanding the customer and delivering what they want, where they want it,” claimed Producer
F. Producers requested clear communication and firm commitments from their customers. With
producers suggesting that it takes two to three years to build new cage-free facilities and no hard
commitments made, the 2025 deadlines for the retailer pledges look infeasible.
2.5. Future of the Industry: Barriers and Opportunities
Producers were asked what, in their perspective, were the (three) largest barriers and (three)
opportunities to transitioning to 100% cage-free production. As summarized in Figure 2.2,
customer demand, capital financing, environmental sustainability, and food security were the most
commonly cited barriers. Innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities, an industry “reset” within
the animal activist community and gaining market share were listed as potential opportunities in
cage-free. In what follows, we discuss key findings that express barriers and opportunities raised
by the producers.
Figure 2.2. Main barriers and opportunities to cage-free adoption mentioned by producers
2.5.1. Barriers
Barrier 1: Customer demand and commitment
Customer demand and commitment by the retailers was one primary concern raised by producers
during the interview. Each raised similar concerns regarding the commitments made by the
retailers to transition to cage-free eggs by January 1, 2026. Producer E stated, “Retailers that did
try to make the decision when the conventional option was still present saw consumers continue
to buy the conventional option. Then, when they subsequently removed the conventional option,
they experienced a significant decline in egg sales.” This response addresses two key issues. First,
with cage-free commitments in place, retailers will find it difficult to attain cage-free goals when
consumers still have the option to purchase cage eggs. There is a disconnect between consumer
voting behavior and current purchasing behavior. Indeed, three of seven producers used the phrase
consumers vote with their wallet to demonstrate how consumers vote to impose stricter
production standards yet continue to purchase the cheaper, caged product option. Secondly,
Producer E’s quote demonstrates that in states without a cage-free mandate, no retailer has a first-
mover advantage to switch to cage-free. That is, if a retailer voluntarily removes the cage egg
alternative from their shelves, they will experience a “significant decline in egg sales” as
consumers shop at a competitor’s store for the cheaper alternative. Indeed, research indicates that
consumers compare food products/prices, shop at multiple retailers, and substitute across retail
outlets (e.g., Bonfrer, Chintagunta, and Dhar, 2022; Richards and Jura Liaukonytė, 2022). Yet,
there appears to be an agreed-upon, soft commitment to a 2025 deadline for all the major retailers
to go cage-free.
The differences in voting and purchasing behavior create uncertainty and risk in the supply
chain. In the current market, the producer is waiting for the retailer to act, and the retailer is waiting
for the producer to act. As a result, producers mentioned that the cage-free transition period would
be a tension point across the supply chain. For example, when describing the impending 2025
deadlines and the cage-free transition, Producer F stated, Most retail chains are saying, ‘Yeah, do
that for me, and I’ll buy it in 2025.’ ‘Well, what about 2023 and 2024 when I have to make that
transition?’ ‘Yeah, I’ll buy them in 2025.’ So that’s the dilemma that, as an industry, we are
perplexed with.In other words, retailers want producers to invest in cage-free facilities to be ready
for the hard switch, but retailers are hesitant to purchase cage-free eggs during the transition, given
what is known about current consumer purchasing behavior. Producers, on the other hand, will not
engage in the speculative construction of cage-free facilities. They will only invest once they have
a long-term commitment from their customers to account for the transition period.
Barrier 2: Capital, financing, and equipment
When asked about the three limiting factors to cage-free production, Producer F’s response was
Capital, capital, and capital. Producers, as a whole, agreed that cage-free capital requirements
are at least double that of caged systems, and they need a long-term contract in place with a
customer before requesting funding from a bank. Producers use this contract to demonstrate to the
bank that they have a committed buyer, increasing the probability of loan approval. As discussed
above, some producers feel like they are in the dark(Producer A) as to what their customer
wants. Producer C added, The industry is being asked to make a conversion that is an expenditure
and a commitment of time and resources orders of magnitude beyond anything we have been asked
to consider in the past. It simply is not going to happen in a vacuum; it has to be a partnership.
Even when a long-term commitment is in place, it will take approximately 2-3 years to
build cage-free facilities (Producers C, D, E, and F). Producers D and F also suggested that
permitting concerns and the construction of cage-free pullet facilities can add to this timeline.
Moreover, limited equipment supplies and ongoing supply chain constraints could present
additional hurdles. Specifically, Producers C, D, and E each mentioned that as demand for cage-
free facilities increases, firms might find it more difficult to obtain equipment because there are
only a limited number of suppliers. This could further delay the speed at which the industry can
convert to cage-free production.
While the producers interviewed here stated that they have not had trouble securing funding
to date, Producers A and D acknowledged that this could become a concern if producers were
forced to transition all at once. A bank’s decision to approve a loan will depend on the value of the
firm’s assets, and as cages lose their value, it could become more difficult for firms to secure
funding (Producer D). This is particularly true for smaller firms that have a weaker market position,
leading the bank to view the loan as riskier. If financing becomes difficult to acquire, larger
producers may view the transition to cage-free as an opportunity to buy out smaller firms and gain
market share.
Barrier 3: Environmental sustainability efforts
While cage-free production and environmental sustainability are often lumped into the same
discussion, multiple producers stated that cage-free runs against their environmental goals.
According to at least four of the seven producers, cage-free productionwhich is more expensive
than caged productionrequires more water, feed, and land while also having a higher carbon
footprint. These insights are supported by Leinonen et al. (2012), whose life-cycle assessment of
different egg production systems finds that the cage system has lower environmental impacts and
global warming potential than cage-free and organic systems.
Shepherd et al. (2015) also suggest
that cage-free systems have higher carbon dioxide emission rates than cage systems, likely driven
by increased hen activity and lower stocking densities. Producer E stated that their transition to
cage-free facilities had pushed them “further away from their goal of attaining carbon neutrality,”
while Producer D suggested that cage-free production runs “diametrically opposed” to their
environmental sustainability initiatives. There is a concern in the industry that consumers,
policymakers, and actors across the supply chain do not understand this tradeoff (Producers B, C,
D, and E). In these producers’ eyes, mandating cage-free production counters the progress in
reducing the industry’s environmental impact.
With regard to a growing population and a growing demand for protein, Producer D noted
that he believes environmental sustainability efforts need to be center stage because the need for
that production, the need for more food, the need for more farmland without destroying the
environment is going to become intense.” When speaking about the transition, Producer D added,
“It’s hard to scale it back when its time to say, all right, we got to get back to the environment.
So, I really hope we dont make too many wrong turns that are hard to undo if it does become
apparent soon that the environment is what we really need to be focused on.” As the country pivots
towards a higher cost, lower efficiency system with a higher environmental footprint, producers
suggest exercising caution over further mandates, and they encourage honest, open conversations
about cage-free production across the supply chain.
Barrier 4: Food affordability and security
With ongoing concerns about inflation and increasing food costs, the U.S. is already experiencing
issues with food security (USDA ERS, 2022). Producers B, D, E, and F see the conversion to 100%
cage-free as a food security issue. Capital and variable costs are higher in the cage-free system,
and the higher costs are typically passed down the value chain and borne by the consumer. This
difference in production costs explains the current price premium for cage-free eggs compared to
conventional caged eggs.
Specifically, Leinonen et al. (2012) find that the cage system requires less feed, water, and housing or land than non-
organic cage-free, organic cage-free, and free-range. With less input requirements, the cage system has lower
eutrophication and acidification potential, which are commonly used metrics for assessing environmental concerns in
agriculture systems. The cage system also has lower electricity use for ventilation, lighting, etc., which contributes to
the lower primary energy use and global warming potential.
If the conventional caged alternative is removed from the market, and all producers and
retailers must supply cage-free eggs, then the average cost for eggs increases. As the price
increases, the quantity demanded decreases, and fewer eggs are bought and sold in the
marketplace. The price increase will be most detrimental to the lowest income bracket, who rely
on eggs as a cheap source of protein. Forcing a transition to a more expensive product with an
identical nutritional profile while removing the cheaper alternative is likely to disproportionately
impact the most food-insecure groups. We have to think smart, or were going to have a hungry
nation,” stated Producer E.
2.5.2 Opportunities
When asked to provide three potential opportunities in cage-free production, many producers
struggled to provide a complete list. Others were skeptical of viewing the transition to cage-free
as an opportunity. Producer A stated that he sees the transition “as more of a risk than an
opportunity because of the capital requirements and the unknowns,” while Producer B said that it
comes down toeducating the consumer about what they’re signing up forWhat are we selling
to people, and do they really want it?” Producer B added that he currently sees limited opportunity
in the liquid egg marketplace but noted, “If everybody’s operating under the same rules… I think
the industry can become more efficient. The more volume and scale people have in the arena, the
better they are going to get at it.”
Opportunity 1: Innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities
Some producers were hesitant to suggest opportunities for entrepreneurship on the production side.
For instance, when asked about areas for entrepreneurship, Producer B stated, I think on the
processing side, for sure, there’s always that flexibility. How do you add value? But on the
production side, no… I think any entrepreneurship is going to get mowed down by the scale of
production.” Producer C agreed with this assessment, adding that an entrepreneur can start small
and try to build a niche brand, but by the time you look at the land and all the other resources…
the capital requirements are so enormous. It’s such a barrier.” Producer C instead suggested that
there should be an emphasis on helping the industry “solve the labor challenge.”
Producer C was not alone in assessing the need for technologies such as robotics to help
with labor. When describing the differences in labor demand and labor tasks between caged and
cage-free systems, Producer D noted that Well, I dont really need people if I could find a robot
to do some of those things. I think robotics is a big part of where were going as an industry, both
in production and in our processing plants.Producers D, F, and G also mentioned advancements
in ventilation and other technologies to provide a more sanitary environment for the hens and to
dry the manure. For example, Producer G notes that they have installed in-floor heating, a
technology that dries out the manure to a point where the robots can sweep it; it also reduces the
smell for workers. Relatedly, Producers F and G discussed ways to convert manure into fertilizer,
turning a byproduct of production into a new product line.
Opportunity 2: “Reset” with the animal activist community
Producer C stated that the conversion to cage-free presents an opportunity for the industry to have
a reset in how the consumer sees us, and how the animal welfare community perceives the
industry… I think the industry has an opportunity to prove and show how effectively and efficiently
they can do this while improving animal welfare.Over the past few decades, there has been an
increase in consumer demand for animal welfare attributes in food. At the same time, there has
been an increase in corporate responsibility for animal welfare standards. One example is Producer
G’s zero-tolerance policy for a failure to handle the bird properly. To promote animal welfare,
workers must watch a three-minute video daily on how to handle a bird, body cameras and security
cameras track behavior, and auditors monitor workers to ensure they are handling the bird
correctly. Producer C added that the transition to cage-free serves as “an opportunity to exit some
of the oldest systems and the oldest production methodologies.With the expectation that most
producers will build greenfield facilities instead of retrofitting caged facilities, producers can
model their future facilities to incorporate technologies such as recovery pens (Producers C and
Additionally, now that some producers have been producing cage-free for more than a
decade (Producers C, D, E, F, and G), there have been improvements in technologies and
production practices that have reduced some of the early challenges. For example, when first
learning about cage-free production, at least two producers (Producers E and F) consulted with
European producers that were further ahead in the cage-free transition. One issue was that the
European producers could not replicate the scale of U.S. production. Thus, while producers could
learn about some key aspects of the business, there was still a substantial learning curve.
Like anything, there is a learning curve associated with transitioning to cage-free systems.
This includes how you grow the pullets, transitioning the pullets to the layer house, and labor
training,” stated Producer A. One example of this learning curve comes from Producer C saying,
over the last ten years, we’ve gone from a situation where mortality in cage-free was significantly
higher than in convention production, to today, where it’s as good if not lower.Noting that this
has to do with bird training, a more specialized workforce, and experience, there are avenues to
improve animal welfare. With more experience, producers will continue to adjust to the cage-free
setting, and there will likely be improvements in housing and equipment design.
Opportunity 3: Gain market share
Whether cage-free is viewed as an opportunity depends on the company’s size. In general, larger
producers benefit from economies of scale, and they have larger customers that may agree to long-
term cage-free agreements making funding easier to acquire. Small producers, however, may find
it difficult to compete in this space due to high capital costs and barriers to entry. Producer F noted,
“I’m afraid that the industry is going to continue to consolidate there are a lot of producers out
there that are struggling to figure out what to do. Do we invest in cage-free? Do we sell the
business? Do we let somebody else worry about it? I think those are all valid questions that every
producer in the egg business is trying to figure out and are struggling with today.” Producer D
agreed that consolidation is likely, adding, If we’ve got money, it’s in chickens, in cages, and
trucks. Our ability to borrow money is based on the value of our assets. And when you have 10
million cages worth of farm, and all of a sudden, your customers say, Im not buying eggs from
those cages in two years.’ They’re not worth very much.” As cages lose value, and without a long-
term contract, it may be more difficult to acquire funding, and banks may view smaller producers
are more risky borrowers.
Indeed, when asked to describe the potential opportunities for cage-free production,
Producer A (a small producer) stated, I think this is going to drive consolidation. If you’re a
producer that can buy people out that might not be as good a financial shape, you know that’s
probably an opportunity to grow the business.” Producers B and D noted that small producers
would have to search for ways to supply a niche market, potentially through developing more
specialty products. Even amongst large producers, the excitement over cage-free was limited
(except for Producer G, who has already transitioned more than 60% of their facilities to cage-
free). For example, Producer E stated, there is an opportunity for additional revenue, but it also
comes at a cost. So ultimately, it could cancel out.”
2.6. Final Remarks
In interviews with seven egg producers, we heard similar experiences and perceptions regarding
the transition to cage-free production. Interviewees described the differences between cage-free
and cage production and echoed common barriers preventing the transition to cage-free
Producers indicated significantly higher fixed and variable costs in cage-free
environments. With lower stocking densities, producers estimated that cage-free capital costs are
more than double those of conventional production. This is the most commonly cited barrier to
cage-free adoption, with producers also speaking to the need for long-term commitments from
buyers to finance construction. With limited consumer demandwhere retailers are hesitant to
commit to cage-free before the pledge date, and consumers continue to purchase the cheaper
alternativethe transition period from cage to cage-free production may be a point of tension
across the supply chain. Heightened annual expenses also result from additional pullet training,
vaccinations, feed, and labor relative to cage production. These heightened costs, along with the
increased risk and variability in the cage-free system, will have ripple effects across the supply
chain and most likely translate to higher egg prices for the consumer.
With these production barriers and anticipated market shocks, producers emphasized a
need for full transparency and honest conversations surrounding cage-free systems. This includes
a better understanding of the capital investment and transition timeline and more conversations
about the potential unintended consequences of cage-free production. In the wake of current
macroeconomic conditions and supply chain constraints, producers believe the timeline for the
transition to cage-free must better reflect current market conditions, equipment constraints, and
other logistical challenges. There was a consensus amongst producers that the 100% cage-free
commitments by January 2026 made by retailers are infeasible, and additional conversations are
needed to better incentivize the investment and transition to cage-free production.
Chapter 3: Egg Producer Survey
3.1. Producer Survey Questions and Procedures
In the final week of September 2022, Chad Gregory distributed an email encouraging all UEP
members to use an enclosed link and complete a 31-question survey. By November 3, 2022, 68
UEP members had opened the survey. Among these 68 respondents, 29 (mostly) completed the
survey. To demonstrate when the other 39 respondents exited the survey, 48 answered the survey’s
first question, 38 answered the 5
question, 34 answered the 10
question, and 30 answered the
Ultimately, in this report, we focus on the 29 complete surveys such that the comparison
of responses across survey questions reflects information from the same set of UEP members.
Complete documentation of survey responses received is in the supplemental material
accompanying this text, along with a copy of the survey instrument. To assess the possible impacts
of focusing on the 29 fully complete surveys, we compare feedback from the fully available sample
with the complete surveys. This comparison indicates that both samples are very similar in their
Low response rates are becoming increasingly common in online surveys. While the small sample size may be seen
as a limitation, it is particularly important to emphasize the share of the overall industry represented in our completed
responses. As we describe later in the report, our best estimate is that the 29 completed responses represent 28-41%
of U.S. domestic egg production.
Building upon the individual producer interview feedback, the research team built a survey
inviting more comprehensive feedback on the transition to cage-free production. UEP members
were invited to complete a survey designed to gather feedback regarding the current and future
status of laying hen housing in the U.S. A total of 29 members completed the survey,
representing nearly 50% of UEP membership production. While there is diversity of opinion,
UEP members generally view the laying hen housing situation as more a challenge than an
opportunity. The majority of UEP members view conventional housing as superior in food
affordability, production efficiency, and environmental impact. Annual revenue for cage-free
systems is estimated to be 8% higher than conventional systems, but annual costs are estimated
to be 8-19% higher. On aggregate, respondents believe cage-free production will grow to 51%
of total production by January 2026. Using information from potential investment decision
environments, producers are identified to be more likely to invest when expected return on
investment (ROI) increases and when Cost-Plus contracts are available.
assessment of current cage-free prevalence in the U.S. and expectations for the number of laying
hens in January 2026 that may produce table or market-type eggs. Combined, this adds some
reassurance regarding focusing on the 29 complete surveys.
We further consider the collective production of the 29 complete respondents. The survey’s
question identified the current laying hen operation size. Consistent with the need to assure
anonymity and encourage survey participation, seven answer ranges were presented, spanning
from “Less than 500,000 laying hens” to “Over 5 million laying hens.”
We can use mid-point
levels of the presented size ranges to approximate operation size. It is important to note that 11 of
the 29 respondents selected the largest presented size of over 5 million laying hens. If we first
assume a small or conservative value of 5.5 million applies to these 11 respondents (on average),
then combined, the 29 respondents may represent about 90.5 million laying hens. Knowing that
some operations exceed 10 million laying hens, this estimate is likely too low. If we alternatively
assume 9.5 million applies to the 11 selecting the largest presented size range, then the 29
respondents may represent about 134.5 million laying hens. For context, there are approximately
300 million layers under UEP membership (UEP, 2023a; b). Given this, we are confident that the
29 complete respondents represent over 30% of UEP membership production, and our best
assessment is that about 50% of UEP membership production is represented.
As UEP members
account for 92% of U.S. egg production (UEP, 2023a), our sample represents 28-41% of all
domestic egg production.
To further classify current production practices, questions 21 and 22 asked how many
facilities (barns) are currently operating as cage-free and conventional. The most common
response for both production systems was operating six or more facilities. Consistent with
heterogeneity in the industry, three respondents (11%) indicated they do not currently have cage-
free facilities, and four respondents (14%) indicated they do not currently have conventional
Which state respondent’s laying hen businesses were based in was asked to provide
geographic insight into our sample [Q23]. Twenty-five respondents indicated their state of
The exact survey question is available in the Appendix along with response counts, both for the sample of 29
complete responses and the entire set of responses received.
For clarity note that throughout this report, simple rather than weighted-responses are reported. This reflects an
inability to confidently extrapolate the available n=29 data sample to the national level in a manner consistent with
the industry’s actual size distribution.
business, with four in California, five in Indiana, four in Iowa, three in Michigan, two each in New
York, Pennsylvania, and Utah, and one each in Maryland, North Carolina, and Oregon. Combined,
this indicates that about 28% of respondents are from the West, 24% are from the East, and 48%
are from the Central/Midwest regions.
As a final base question, we asked the duration respondents expect their laying hen business
to remain operating [Q25]. While 10% (3 respondents) indicated less than 5 years and one
respondent (3%) suggested 6-10 years, the overwhelming majority (86%, 25 respondents) reported
over 20 years.
We now sequentially provide results for various survey questions. A complete set of
response statistics is available in the Appendix. Throughout the text, we include the question
number in [.] as a guide to comparing with the Appendix resources.
3.2 Transitional Situation and Views
3.2.1. National, Industry-Wide Perspective
The beginning of the survey, Q1-Q9, focused on the national egg situation. On average,
respondents believe 29% of U.S. laying hens currently are housed in cage-free systems [Q1 mid-
points] and that by January 2026, this will be 51% [Q2 mid-points]. Figure 3.1 provides a
distributional summary of responses.
Beyond the expected increase on average, Figure 3.1 reveals varied opinions on the future
cage-free market share (wider dispersion of responses). This is not surprising given diverse
discussions and likely associated views on the industry’s future. To appreciate the diversity of
views on the industry’s future, note that two (7%) respondents expect less than 30% cage-free, 13
respondents (45%) expect 31-50% cage-free, 11 respondents (38%) expect 51-70% cage-free, and
the remaining three respondents (10%) expect 71-80% cage-free in January 2026.
In January 2026, respondents expect that 53% of cage-free eggs will be table (vs. breaker
eggs) [Q3] and that 50% of conventional eggs will be table eggs [Q4]. Combined, this indicates
minimal shifts are expected. Average expectations are for about 315 million laying in January
2026 producing table or market-type eggs, representing industry growth given a current estimate
of 303 million [Q5 mid-points]. Only four respondents (14%) expect less than 300 million
To further assure anonymity, we do not further associate state of business with facility count nor operation size
information in this report.
reflecting a shrinking industry; six respondents (21%) expect between 300 and 309 million,
reflecting little to no change; and 19 (66%) respondents expect 310 to 349 million. A key point to
appreciate here is that despite ongoing dialogue around housing practices, on balance industry
growth is expected.
Figure 3.1. Views on national cage-free market share, now and January 2026
To assess perceptions regarding productivity, respondents were first informed that the
average laying hen produced about 296 eggs per year in 2020. They were then asked, separately
by housing system, what productivity they expected in January 2026 [Q6]. On average,
respondents indicate cage-free yield will be 11 eggs per year lower, with 295 eggs per year
expected for conventional and 284 for cage-free systems. This on-average statement masks notable
variation as six (21%) respondents indicate cage-free yield will be higher, with the highest
differential being 15 eggs per year (325 cage-free vs. 310 conventional). Conversely, the majority
(19 respondents, 66%) expect conventional systems will yield more eggs, with one respondent
expecting 75 eggs per year higher (250 cage-free vs. 325 conventional). The other four respondents
(14%) suggested equivalent yields.
A qualitative question was included to broadly assess where respondents fell on an
opportunity-challenge spectrum regarding laying hen housing [Q7]. On a 5-point scale, spanning
from “enormous opportunity” to “enormous challenge,respondents were asked what best aligns
with their view for the national industry regarding a possible increase in cage-free production. As
summarized in Figure 3.2, nobody responded enormous opportunity,” 5 (18%) responded
“opportunity,” 10 (36%) responded “equally balanced opportunity & challenge,” 5 (18%)
responded “challenge,” and 8 (29%) responded “enormous challenge.” Combined, while there is
a diversity of opinion, this indicates that UEP members view the housing situation as more of a
challenge than an opportunity.
Figure 3.2. Views regarding laying hen housing, opportunity vs. challenge
To gather insight into how housing systems differ, a question asked which housing system
ranked highest or best (cage-free, conventional, or no major difference) regarding specific
categories of wide interest, including sustainability, animal welfare, production efficiency, food
affordability, and environmental impact [Q8]. Figure 3.3 provides a summary of views revealing
several key points. Overall, UEP members view conventional housing as superior in food
affordability, production efficiency, and environmental impact. A slight majority (62%) view
conventional systems as best for sustainability, with about one-fourth seeing cage-free and
conventional as equivalent. Animal welfare is the only area where more (45%) view cage-free as
superior. It is worth noting that the definitions of these terms were left to the producers’ discretion,
which presents a degree of subjectivity in the responses to Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3. Views on which production method ranks best across different characteristics
3.2.2. Own-Operation Perspective
Questions 10-25 in the survey focused on the respondent’s situation and views, rather than the
national industry perspective discussed above [Q1-Q9].
On average, respondents indicate that 38% of their laying hens currently are housed in
cage-free systems [Q10 mid-points]. Comparing back to the first survey question discussed above,
this reveals that current cage-free adoption is higher among survey respondents than what is
believed nationally (29%). However, there is wide variation in our survey sample as three
respondents (10%) indicate 0-5% of their laying hens are currently cage-free, and four respondents
(14%) state that 96-100% of their laying hens are currently cage-free.
When asked to consider the situation in January 2026, respondents believe 62% of their
laying hens will be cage-free, on average [Q11 mid-points]. This also points to our survey sample
being, on average, slightly skewed more toward cage-free adoption, as the national, industry-wide
projection was 51% (Q2).
The survey’s 12
question asked respondents to consider how annual expenses across nine
different categories would be impacted if converting an existing conventional housing facility to
cage-free. Respondents were instructed to answer this presuming they maintained the same number
of laying hens. The full set of response frequencies are available in the appendix. Here we note
very few instances where cage-free is believed to have lower expenses than conventional. In fact,
the most prevalent response in four of the nine categories is cage-free is more than 20% higher
(the highest presented difference) in annual costs than conventional. If one presumes 25%
reasonably applies to this highest presented category, then an average cost difference can be
derived from the survey responses. As shown in Figure 3.4, this leads to an average estimate of
cage-free annual costs being 19% higher for labor, 11% higher for feed, 17% higher for fixed/non-
operating capital, 14% higher for variable/operating capital, 8% higher for electrical/utilities, 14%
higher for bedding/wood chips, 10% higher for repairs/maintenance, 10% higher for mortality, and
9% higher for morbidity when compared to conventional housing.
Question 13 in the survey is intentionally very similar to question 12 but alternatively
assesses annual cost impacts when building a new cage-free facility. Figure 3.4 presents implied
average cost increases. If again one presumes 25% reasonably applies to this highest offered
category, average cost difference estimates for new construction are cage-free annual costs being
18% higher for labor, 11% higher for feed, 17% higher for fixed/non-operating capital, 16% higher
for variable/operating capital, 9% higher for electrical/utilities, 15% higher for bedding/wood
chips, 8% higher for repairs/maintenance, 11% higher for mortality, and 8% higher for morbidity
when compared to conventional housing.
Combined, this indicates that similar impacts on annual costs are anticipated, whether
converting an existing facility or building a new cage-free facility. Annual costs are estimated to
Here and in several other cases where answer options are ranges, interval-censored models are used to derive mean
be at least 8-19% higher for cage-free systems, depending on the expense category, with labor and
capital being areas of magnified expense differences.
Figure 3.4. Percent premium for cage-free annual expenses compared to caged, retrofit v. new
The estimated 8-19% higher costs for cage-free systems could be seen as a lower bound estimate of the anticipated
increase in cost. In the survey, participants were asked to state how much less/greater cage-free expenses would be
per expense category. The range of categories only went up to "20% or more." Our estimates presume that 25%
reasonably applies to this range. It is possible, however, that some producers anticipate costs for a given expense
category to be much greater than 20% or 25%. Indeed, the data from the qualitative interviews presented in Chapter
2 suggest that capital and labor can be more than double the rates of conventional. Thus, these estimates should be
seen as a lower-bound estimate of the increase in cost.
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Capital, Variable
Capital, Fixed
Bedding/Wood Chips
Building new housing Retrofitting conventional housing
It is also prudent to consider the revenue aspects of housing decisions. Accordingly, a
similarly designed question was included to assess expected differences in operational revenue,
again presuming the same number of laying hens when operating a cage-free rather than
conventional housing facility [Q14]. Three respondents (11%) anticipate more than 5% lower
revenue from cage-free, four respondents (14%) expect about the same revenue in cage-free and
conventional systems, and the remaining respondents expect cage-free revenue to be higher. Using
these responses, we derive an average implied estimate that cage-free revenue will be 8% higher
than conventional.
We then asked respondents to consider the expected return on investment (ROI) in laying
hen facilities, separately for conventional and cage-free systems with the same number of laying
hens [Q15]. The most common expected ROI for both systems was 6-10%. Taking the full set of
responses into account, we derive an average estimate of +10.3% for cage-free (with a 95%
confidence interval of 8.0% to 12.6%) and +10.6% for conventional (with a 95% confidence
interval of 8.7% to 12.4%).
A key take-home point is worth highlighting from questions 12-15. The 8% revenue impact
from question 14 is on the lower end of cost impacts, summarized in questions 12 and 13 points.
Meanwhile, a similar return on investment is expected when directly assessed, per question 15.
While this suggests some inconsistencies, combined, these points align with ongoing inner-
industry discussions around the transition in housing being complicated and varied.
We included a 5-point Likert scale question to assess views on what collateral would be
accepted to secure financing in support of expanding cage-free production [Q16]. While some
diversity of views exists, the majority anticipate lenders would utilize existing conventional
facilities, existing cage-free facilities, farmland, and other business assets as collateral.
We then turned to gather information on the share of eggs sold under different egg pricing
methods, separately by housing practice. First considering conventional eggs [Q17], 11% are sold
on the Spot/Open-Market (no contract), on average. However, this masks notable variation, with
55% (16 respondents) indicating no use of the Spot/Open-Market, two respondents (7%) selling
This reflects an interval-censored model presuming lower-end values of -10% (three over 5% lower than
conventional responses) and higher-end values of +25% (four over 20% higher than conventional responses).
This reflects interval-censored models presuming lower-end values of -4% (one cage-free response of below 1%)
and higher-end values of +25% (two cage-free and one conventional response of over 20%).
50% on the Spot/Open Market, and one respondent (3%) selling all their conventional eggs on the
Spot/Open Market.
On average, 32% of conventional eggs are sold with contracts tied to an external price (e.g.
Urner Barry report), with 45% (13 respondents) indicating no use of external price contracts and
41% (12 respondents) indicating over one-half of their conventional eggs are sold on external price
contracts. On average, 29% of conventional eggs are sold using cost-plus contracts (e.g.,
considering feed or other costs), with 52% (15 respondents) indicating no use of cost-plus contracts
and 31% (9 respondents) selling over one-half of their conventional eggs are sold on cost-plus
Respondents indicating that they sold conventional eggs under contracts either tied to
external prices or with cost-plus considerations were presented with a follow-up question [Q17
follow-up] to assess the typical length of these agreements. While there was one instance of an
external price-based contract exceeding 15 years in length, all other responses indicated durations
of five years or less, with two years being the most common.
The methods used to sell cage-free eggs were then assessed [Q18], using parallel questions
to Q17 on conventional eggs. As a summary statement based on averages, cage-free eggs are more
likely than conventional eggs to be sold using cost-plus contracts. On average, 9% of cage-free
eggs are sold on the Spot/Open-Market (no contract), with 64% (18 respondents) indicating no use
of the Spot/Open-Market and only 1 respondent (4%) indicating majority use.
On average, 14% of cage-free eggs are sold with contracts tied to an external price (e.g.,
Urner Barry report), with 66% (19 respondents) indicating no use of external price contracts and
14% (4 respondents) indicating over one-half of their cage-free eggs are sold on external price
contracts. On average, 49% of cage-free eggs are sold using cost-plus contracts (e.g., considering
feed or other costs), with 38% (11 respondents) indicating no use of cost-plus contracts and 55%
(16 respondents) selling over one-half of their cage-free eggs are sold on cost-plus contracts.
The longest duration of external price-based contracts for cage-free eggs was three years,
with two years being the most common [Q18 follow-up]. The reported duration of cost-plus based,
cage-free contracts is more varied. While two years remained the most common duration, three
respondents indicated contracts of eight or more years, and two others reported five-year contracts.
We then gathered information on the distribution of eggs to consumers. Namely, we asked
what share of produced eggs are ultimately sold through retail (grocery), food service (restaurant),
manufacturing, or export channels [Q19 & Q20]. As a summary statement, a higher share of eggs
is believed to move through retail outlets today (59% on average) than in January 2026 (52% on
average), with slight differences expected in the other three outlets.
3.3. Laying Hen Housing Investment Decisions
The final section of the survey included a set of four questions designed to examine producer
decisions under alternative laying hen facility investment situations respondents may face. The
general intent here is to examine housing investment decisions with an elevated interest in how
changes in egg pricing arrangements and expected returns on investment impact these decisions.
Specifically, a choice experiment, a widely applied approach in economics research that our team
has noted experience with, was designed where respondents were asked if they would make a
Conventional (not cage-free), Cage-Free, or Neither (would not invest) construction investment.
An example question is provided in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5. Example laying hen investment decision question
Across four presented questions to each respondent, investment situations varied in the
possible egg pricing arrangement and expected return on investment (ROI) that applied. This
variation in investment situations allows researchers to map how producer investment decisions
may be impacted by egg pricing arrangement and ROI. Survey responses indicate details on the
producer’s selection and the two options that were not selected. Combined, this information
informs models that estimate probabilities of Conventional, Cage-Free, and Neither construction
Three possible egg pricing arrangements were considered: Open/Spot Market (“cash” price
situation and no contractual agreement), Urner Barry Contract (formula contract where the
received price is tied to Urner Barry reported price), and Cost-Plus Contract (formula contract
where received price is tied to feed and/or other production costs). Three possible expected ROI
ranges were included: 1-5%, 6-10%, and 11-15%.
Ultimately, 27 respondents completed the four-question investment decision sequence.
Among these respondents, 11 (40.7%) made the same selection in all four presented cases. This
likely indicates factors besides egg pricing arrangement and ROI underlie decisions for many UEP
members. Another pragmatic implication here, combined with the limited sample size, is that we
are constrained to rather simple logistic models as more sophisticated approaches are not viable in
this application.
It is useful to summarize the frequency of selections across all respondents and presented
scenarios. Cage-free investment is selected in 44% of presented scenarios, conventional
investment in 19%, and no investment in 38%. Before analyzing how decisions may change with
alternative egg pricing arrangements and ROI situations, this reveals notable hesitation in investing
(over one-third electing neither housing investment) and particularly in making conventional
housing system investments.
We ultimately estimate multinomial logistic models that estimate how the probability of
investment changes with adjustments in egg pricing arrangements and expected ROIs. Figure 3.6
presents the estimated probability of Conventional, Cage-Free, and Neither investment option
being selected in different situations. An upfront summary statement is that producers are more
likely to invest when expected ROI increases; they prefer Cost-Plus contracts to Urner Barry
external price contracts; and they are least likely to invest when facing Spot/Open market pricing
of their eggs.
These 27 respondents ultimately reflect 324 observations in our estimated models based upon a panel-data setup
(27 respondents, 4 scenarios/respondent, and 3 options/scenario).
Panel A. Spot/Open-market pricing
Panel B. Urner Barry external pricing
Panel C. Cost-plus contract
Figure 3.6. Projected investment: Contract options and common ROI in both production settings
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Both 11-15% ROI
Both 6-10% ROI
Both 1-5% ROI
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Both 11-15% ROI
Both 6-10% ROI
Both 1-5% ROI
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Both 11-15% ROI
Both 6-10% ROI
Both 1-5% ROI
Panel A of Figure 3.6 presents the estimated probabilities of Conventional, Cage-Free, and
Neither option being selected when a common expected ROI and use of Spot/Open-market pricing
applies to both Conventional and Cage-Free investments. Considering the intermediate case of 6-
10% expected ROI, we estimate 27% would not invest, 63% would invest in Cage-Free systems,
and 10% would invest in Conventional systems. As anticipated, both the Cage-Free and
Conventional investment rates are higher if the expected ROI is 6-10% than when it is 1-5% (63%
vs. 32% for Cage-Free and 10% vs. 5% for Conventional).
Panels B and C of Figure 3.6 are similarly designed, portraying the case of laying hen
housing investments having common Urner Barry, external price and Cost-Plus contracts,
respectively. Comparing these figures to Panel A reveals producer preferences to avoid Spot/Open-
market pricing. For instance, in the intermediate 6-10% expected ROI case, Panel B indicates 72%
would invest in Cage-Free and 11% would invest in Conventional housing vs. the 63% and 10%
in Figure 3.6 reflecting a Spot/Open-market situation. Meanwhile, Panel C (also for 6-10%
expected ROI) indicates 75% would invest in Cage-Free and 11% would invest in Conventional
Combined, comparing values across Figure 3.6 reveals a strong preference, particularly in
Cage-Free investing, for Cost-Plus contracts. As a final figure to illustrate this further, Figure 3.7
presents estimated investment rates when Conventional investments are made in a Spot/Open-
market pricing environment while Cage-Free investments have Cost-Plus contracts available.
Sticking with the intermediate, 6-10% expected ROI case, Figure 3.7 indicates 81% would make
Cage-Free investments, 5% would make Conventional investments, and 14% would not invest.
This much lower rate of Conventional investing and a higher rate of Cage-Free investing is
consistent with revealed preferences for Cost-Plus contracts. This also sheds insight into how
alternative market situations may correspond with higher or lower investment rates.
Figure 3.7. Projected investment: Conventional with spot pricing and cage-free with cost-plus
3.4. Provided Comments
The survey ended with two open-ended questions, allowing respondents to provide additional
feedback [OpenEnded; Qend]. The exact typed feedback is included in the Appendix. Here we
include three comments to depict the varied views shared:
Cage-free is based on consumer demand. The consumer will ultimately decide what we
“A lot is up in the air will companies and grocery stores hold their comment
(commitment) to change over by 2026”?
“Producers will make the transition to cage-free when they can receive the right customer
commitment. Without the contracts it is too risky to make the investment. It costs $70 per
bird to build a cage-free facility today.”
3.5 Final Remarks
This chapter analyzes producer expectations, sentiment, and decision-making surrounding the
transition to cage-free production. We surveyed 29 egg producers whose annual production
accounts for approximately 50% of all UEP production. Results are largely consistent with those
from the semi-structured qualitative interviews presented in Chapter 2.
UEP members generally view the laying hen housing situation as more of a challenge than
an opportunity. Producers estimate an 8% increase in annual revenue relative to conventional
systems, but this revenue increase is coupled with an 8-19% increase in annual costs. Cost
estimates vary by expense category, with labor and capital being two areas of notable expense
increases. Food affordability, production efficiency, and environmental impact are also concerns,
where producers commonly rank conventional production as superior to cage-free production. The
results of hypothetical investment decision environments indicate that producers are more likely
to invest when the expected ROI increases and Cost-Plus contracts are available. Ultimately,
respondents believe that 51% of U.S. laying hens will be in cage-free environments by January
An Appendix is available in an online repository containing four additional resources to
provide complete documentation.
First is additional detail on the multinomial logit model
estimated using available choice experiment data. Second is the survey instrument distributed to
UEP members by email for online completion. Third is a Qualtrics standard output file, constrained
only to the respondents who completed the survey, which corresponds with the majority of the
results presented in this report. Finally, a parallel Qualtrics standard output file includes all
available responses, with the number of observations generally declining as the survey questions
The additional resources are available here: link.
Chapter 4: Consumer Survey on Egg Product and Policy Preferences
4.1. Consumer Survey Questions and Procedures
To assess consumer attitudes and preferences for egg products and related policies, we surveyed
961 U.S. egg consumers. The survey was delivered to an online consumer panel maintained by
Qualtrics. In addition to having purchased eggs in the three months before the survey, respondents
had to be above 18 years old and buy at least half of their household’s groceries to participate in
the study. The survey included six primary sections, described in greater detail below.
4.1.1 Section 1: Sample demographics and egg purchasing habits
Respondents first reported various demographic and household characteristics, enabling insights
into how egg product preferences, attitudes, and policy preferences vary by consumer
characteristics. Demographic questions included respondent gender, age, income, education, race,
and region of residence. Household questions included household size, whether they have received
(and are currently receiving) Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) benefits, and
whether they have ever worked on a farm or ranch, among others.
4.1.2 Section 2: Egg Purchasing Habits
Respondents reported their egg purchasing frequency, quantity purchased per shopping occasion,
and most frequent place of purchase to elicit general egg purchasing habits. They also identified
We conducted a national survey of 961 egg consumers in November 2022 to understand
consumer preferences and perceptions of the U.S. egg market. Using various statistical tools,
this chapter offers insights into how consumers may react to the transition to cage-free eggs.
While less than 20% of the sample was aware of retailers’ cage-free pledges, nearly 80% stated
that they would support a pledge. Additionally, results suggest that consumers prefer minimum
space requirement policies to bans on conventional production, but even the least preferred
policies are capable of passing through ballot initiatives. However, the results to a discrete
choice experiment provide conflicting evidence of what the consumer wants. While they may
state a level of support for cage-free production, the removal of conventional eggs from the
marketplace will result in a significant decline in egg purchasing behavior. Put differently, there
is a gap between the way consumers vote at the ballot versus with their wallet at a retail outlet.
the characteristics of the eggs they preferred to buy, including egg color, size, and labeling claims.
They were also asked to identify the three most and least important factors in their egg-purchasing
decisions from a list of 12 characteristics.
Given the current economic conditions, respondents were asked how egg prices have
changed over the past year and how they believe prices will compare next year. Respondents
indicating that 2022 egg prices are higher than 2021 prices were asked a follow-up question
regarding the factors driving this year-over-year increase. Specifically, they were given six factors
and asked to select all the factors that applied.
4.1.3 Section 3: Word Associations
Before providing respondents with information on the differences in egg production systems and
labels, we asked respondents word association questions. Each question was structured as follows:
“What one word or phrase comes to mind when you hear _______ eggs?The six questions include
(i) caged, (ii) conventional, (iii) USDA organic, (iv) cage-free, (v) free-range, and (vi) pasture-
raised. These questions provide an initial reaction to how respondents view different egg products.
The order in which these were presented to participants was randomized to prevent ordering
effects, and each question was presented on a separate page.
4.1.4 Section 4: Consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the egg industry
Consumer knowledge was measured through questions related to the structure and state of the egg
industry. Questions included what gender laying hens were, approximately how many laying hens
there were in the United States in 2020, and what percent of laying hens are housed in cage-free
systems, among others. Respondents were also asked whether the retail outlet they most commonly
purchase eggs from has pledged to discontinue selling conventional (caged) eggs in the near future.
Potential responses include yes, no, or I don’t know. They then stated whether they would support
or oppose such a pledge. To obtain a general perspective on how egg consumers view the industry,
respondents reported the percentage of egg producers they believe offer various amenities to their
laying hens. This list included the ten different services that factor into the UEP certification
program, as shown in Figure 4.1 (UEP, 2023c). Each characteristic had a sliding scale allowing
respondents to select a percentage between 0 100%.
Figure 4.1. United Egg Producers certification criteria, Source: UEP (2023c)
4.1.5 Section 5: Choice Experiment on Egg Selection
To elicit consumer preferences and willingness to pay for various egg products, we designed a
discrete choice experiment on egg selection. Choice experiments (see Louviere, Hensher, and
Swait, 2000 for more details about the method) have become commonplace in food economics and
marketing due to their simplicity, resemblance to real-world retail choice environments, and
external validity (Brooks and Lusk, 2010; Caputo and Scarpa, 2022). In a choice experiment,
survey respondents are presented with a collection of products that vary in multiple ways,
including price, and are asked to select the one they most prefer. For example, respondents are
presented with various food products offered at different market prices and asked to choose the
product they would purchase in an actual shopping situation.
Examples of food discrete choice
experiments designed to elicit consumer preferences and demand for eggs include Lagerkvist and
Hess (2010) and Lusk (2019).
In this study, the choice experiment was designed to mimic the U.S. egg market.
Respondents were presented with different egg alternatives, including (i) conventional, (ii) cage-
free, (iii) USDA- certified organic, (iv) free-range, (v) pasture-raised, and (vi) an alternative that
bears all four of the specialty labels. By incorporating these alternatives in the design, the study
See the review in Caputo and Scarpa (2022) for recent developments in food choice experiments.
effectively captured all production housing systems. Each product was offered at different price
levels to reflect the range of actual egg prices of eggs observed in supermarkets and supercenters.
Prices varied in $1.00 increments and ranged from $1.99 - $4.99 for conventional eggs; $3.99-
$6.99 for eggs labeled as cage-free, USDA-certified organic, free-range, and pasture-raised; and
$4.99-$7.99 for eggs reporting all labels. While eggs vary in other ways besides the housing system
used in production and price, respondents are asked to assume that all other characteristics are
similar across products and in line with their preferences. Each choice question included six
different egg alternatives of the same size (12 large eggs) and color (brown).
The prices appearing in each choice were determined by a main effects orthogonal
fractional factorial design, which resulted in 24 choice questions blocked into three sets of eight.
Each person was randomly assigned to one of the three blocks. In other words, the experimental
design required each individual to go through the choice exercise eight times, where prices varied
across the tasks. The order of the choice questions and the egg products shown to respondents in
each choice question varied randomly across respondents to avoid ordering effects. Figure 4.2
presents an example choice task.
In each choice task, respondents selected only one egg alternative or the “no-purchase”
option. In doing so, respondents were asked to answer as honestly as possible and in a manner that
would genuinely reflect how they would shop. Respondents were also provided with a table
summarizing the meaning of the labels before the choice experiment began (Table 4.1). The table
was adapted from Lusk (2019).
As shown in Figure 1.1 of this report, there is price heterogeneity across regions. To select the price levels that best
captured market prices, the research team identified prices for a dozen large eggs for each label at various grocery
stores (e.g., Walmart) across all 50 states. Additional price data were collected from the USDA (2022) and U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics. We then used these data to select the prices that incorporate the range observed in the choice
experiment on egg selection.
Figure 4.2. Example choice experiment task
Table 4.1. Labels used in the consumer choice experiment and their meaning
4.1.6. Section 6: Policy Preferences and Ballot Initiatives
To understand consumer preferences for various egg policies, we incorporated best-worst scaling
(BWS), following Caputo and Lusk (2020). In BWS, respondents are presented with a collection
of policy options, and they select the most desirable (best) and least desirable (worst) option. In
our analysis, respondents were presented with seven questions, each including three policy options
that the government could apply to shape the U.S. egg market. Each question reported three of
seven different policy options selected for this study. These included:
1. Federal ban on the production and sale of caged eggs: All eggs produced and sold in
the U.S. must be from cage-free facilities
2. Federal mandate on minimum average space requirements: All eggs produced and sold
in the U.S. must meet minimum standards related to cage size
3. State-wide ban on the production of caged eggs: Egg producers in your state cannot
house hens in conventional cages, but caged eggs can still be sold in your state
4. State-wide ban on the sale of caged eggs: All eggs produced and sold in your state must
be from cage-free facilities
5. State mandate on minimum average space requirements: All eggs produced and sold
in your state must meet minimum standards related to cage size
6. Mandatory labeling on eggs: Require all eggs produced and sold in the U.S. to have a
label indicating the housing system used in production; no restriction on production
7. Farm subsidy: Provide funding to farmers that want to convert part or all of their
operations to cage-free facilities; no restriction on production methods
Figure 4.3 shows one of the BWS questions. After responding to each of the seven questions,
respondents were asked to vote on each of the seven policies as if it were on an election ballot.
Respondents would indicate whether they would vote for or against each policy; they are also
allowed to withhold their vote. They were asked to consider each policy option independently of
one another.
Figure 4.3. Example best-worst policy question
4.2 Data Analysis
The choice experiment data were analyzed using the latent class model (LCM) (Train, 2009),
following similar procedures applied in Lusk (2019). The LCM was selected among other models,
such as the multinomial logit model, to account for heterogenous preferences among egg
consumers. Indeed, past studies document substantial differences in how consumers evaluate
poultry production practices (e.g., Lusk, 2019). In addition, the LCM was preferred to other
discrete choice models that account for random taste variation like the mixed logit model (Train,
2009) to avoid biases from making erroneous parametric assumptions regarding preference
distributions, which are often found asymmetric and bimodal (Caputo et al., 2018).
Given our experimental approach, the LCM was specified as follows:
 
 
where represents consumers in our sample, = conventional, cage-free, organic, pasture-raised,
free-range, and multi-labeled eggs and the no-purchase alternative (none); indicates the choice
questions included in the experiment (T=8);
is the estimated probability of individual being
in latent class (or segment) c; P
is a continuous variable populated with the four price
levels selected for each egg alternative.
We estimated a four-class LCM and accounted for inattentive responses by constraining
all the parameters of the fourth class to equal zero, as suggested by Malone and Lusk (2018). To
improve the quality of the consumer survey data, the individuals projected to fall into this fourth
class were removed from the subsequential analysis. In estimation, the “none” alternative is
normalized to zero for identification purposes. The estimates from the model were then used to
calculate willingness to pay (WTP), market shares, and elasticities. Following Carlsson et al.
(2011), we also implemented simulations to predict how the market will respond to changes in the
market, e.g., the removal of the conventional (caged) alternative. In addition, we used Bayesian
calculations (see Scarpa and Thiene 2005) to derive individual-level WTP estimates, which were
then used in various regression models to determine individual-level determinants of WTP for
conventional, cage-free, organic, pasture-raised, free-range, and multi-labeled eggs. These
individual-level WTP values were then used to explore variations in mean WTP premiums across
The additional consumer survey data were analyzed using various statistical and
econometric techniques. For instance, the data from the word association questions were analyzed
utilizing the word cloud generator “,” which allowed us to calculate and visualize
the frequencies of the words associated with each egg alternative. The data from the remaining
survey questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics (e.g., means, frequencies, relative
importance) and graphical representations (e.g., bar graphs).
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Sample Characteristics
Through the consumer survey, we collected 961 responses. Table 4.2 reports the demographics of
the sample (first column of table 4.2) relative to that of the U.S. Census (second column of table
4.2). The sample is representative of the U.S. population with respect to gender and region. The
sample is older and over-educated with higher relative income compared to the U.S. census.
Differences across these characteristics are common in online surveys (Caputo et al., 2020; Caputo
et al., 2022). Note, however, that we should not expect a sample that is necessarily representative
of the U.S. population as our screening criteria ensured we sampled respondents that
purchase/consumer eggs and do at least half of the grocery shopping for their household. However,
there is no existing census-level data on the demographics (gender, education, etc.) of egg
consumers. Therefore, following Lusk (2018), we weighted our sample according to the stated
number of eggs each respondent purchased. Consistent with Lusk (2018), such weighting had
relatively minor effects on sample characteristics. Therefore, in what follows, we report the results
of the responses from the respondents who purchase/consume eggs without any special weighting.
Table 4.2. Consumer sample demographics relative to U.S. census (n = 961, % frequencies)
(n = 961)
U.S. Census
Weighted by
Egg Purchase
Less than $20K
$20K - $79K
$80K and above
Less than high school
High school diploma
Some college, no degree
College degree
Advanced degree
Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone
Black or African American alone
Hispanic or Latino
SNAP recipient
Superscript * denotes statistically significant differences between the sample and the U.S. population at the 5% level.
Following the Census Bureau, Hispanic origin is asked separately from the race question. As such, the percentage
indicating Hispanic, White, and Black or African American sum to more than 100%.
The percentage of recipients currently receiving SNAP benefits is calculated as the number of households receiving
SNAP benefits (USDA-FNS, 2022) divided by the total number of households (U.S. Census, 2022).
4.3.2 Egg Purchasing Habits
Table 4.3 summarizes the sample’s egg purchasing habits. Supermarkets (38%) and supercenters
(35%) are where consumers most frequently purchase their eggs. Most consumers purchase eggs
occasionally (33.8%) (every two weeks) and often (32%) (1-4 times per week). Consumers most
commonly purchase a dozen eggs per shopping occasion (52%)
Table 4.3. Egg purchasing habits of the sample
Egg Purchasing Characteristic
% of respondents
Most frequent purchasing location
Warehouse Club
Natural or organic store
Low-price, no-frills grocery store
Ethnic store
Farmer’s market
Purchasing frequency (Frequency)
Very Often (Daily or 5-6 times per week)
Often (1-4 times per week)
Occasionally (Every two weeks
Rarely (once a month)
Eggs purchased per occasion (Volume)
Less than 6 eggs
6 eggs
12 eggs
18 eggs
24 eggs
More than 24 eggs
Figure 4.4 reports how consumers perceive the importance of various product attributes
and claims when purchasing eggs. Specifically, the figure shows the differential between the
percentage of consumers that rate an attribute as most important versus least important. Attributes
with a positive differential are more commonly selected as “most important,while those with a
negative differential are more commonly chosen as “least important.”
The results suggest that
price (+48%), taste (+41%), and safety (+36%) are the most important egg characteristics to
consumers. Amongst the least important features are novelty (-45%), color (-31%), and
environmental impact (-21%).
Figure 4.4 Attributes that are most and least important to consumers when buying eggs
Figure 4.5 reports how consumers report prices changing since November 2021 and how
they think egg prices will adapt to this time next year. The figure shows that 80% of respondents
have noticed a price increase, with nearly a third stating prices are more than 30% higher. The
respondents stating that egg prices are higher were asked what was driving the increase, amongst
a list of six different factors (select all that apply).
Respondents were asked to indicate the three egg attributes they would consider the most important and the three
egg attributes they would consider the least important. The relative importance of each attribute was then derived by
coding answers for most important as +1, answers for least important as -1, and all non-selected attributes as 0. The
average of this exercise then represents the relative importance. Thus, the score ranges from a minimum of -1 (all
respondents indicate the attribute to be among the least important ones) to +1 (all respondents indicate the egg attribute
to be among the most important ones).
Enviornmental impact
Animal welfare
+/- differential of most and least important characteristics
Figure 4.5. Consumer perceptions over past and future egg prices
Figure 4.6 summarizes these results. Inflation (85%), higher production and transportation
costs (52%), and other supply chain challenges (45%) are the most commonly indicated reason for
the higher egg prices. Just 15% of consumers perceive the higher prices to be associated with the
greed of retailers; 13% for the greed of egg producers. A notable finding from Figure 4.6 is that
only 22% of consumers report avian influenza (AI) as a reason for the price increase. This statistic
comes despite heightened media coverage of the record number of AI outbreaks, where
approximately 50 million U.S. birds have been culled from the outbreak (CDC, 2022). As for the
price consumers expect to pay one year from now compared to now, over half (56%) of
respondents predict next year’s egg prices to be higher than current egg prices, but the most
common response was that egg prices would remain the same (25% of the sample). Just 19% of
consumers believe egg prices will decline over the next year.
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
40% + lower
30% lower
20% lower
10% lower
The same
10% higher
20% higher
30% higher
40% + higher
Percentage of respondents
Compared to this time last year, egg prices today are:
Compared to today, I expect egg prices one year from now to be:
Figure 4.6. Consumer perceptions over why egg prices have increased over the past year (n = 766)
4.3.3 Consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the egg industry
Figure 4.7 presents the distribution of consumer beliefs about the current and projected future
(January 2026) share of cage-free laying hens in the United States. The average estimate is 35%
of hens currently housed in cage-free environments, with the most common response in the 20-
29% range. This answer aligns with the correct answer using the UEP (2023b) estimate of 29%.
Figure 4.7 also shows the predictions for the percentage of cage-free laying hens in January 2026.
The figure shows a shift in the distribution to the right, where the average response is 45%. In
other words, the average consumer expects a 10-percentage point increase in cage-free laying hens
from now to January 2026. Compared to the results from the producer survey, the consumers have
a lower estimate of cage-free production in January 2026. The difference likely stems from
unawareness of retailer pledges to transition to 100% cage-free.
Indeed, when asked whether the store the respondent most commonly purchases eggs at
has made a pledge, most respondents did not know (56%), and only 19% of respondents said their
store had made a cage-free pledge. However, when asked whether they would support their retailer
in making this pledge, 79% of respondents said yes.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Greediness of egg producers
Greediness of food retailers
Bird flu
Supply chain challenges
Higher production and transportation costs
Overall economic inflation
Figure 4.7. Respondent estimates for percentage of cage-free laying hens, currently and Jan. 2026
Exploring consumer perceptions of the industry, respondents were asked to report the
percentage of producers that provide various amenities to their laying hens. The list of ten
amenities comes from the UEP certification (UEP, 2022c). Figure 4.8 reports the average
responses for each characteristic. On average, amenity rates are below 70%, meaning the average
consumer believes that less than 70% of producers provide these amenities to the laying hens. The
amenities that rank highest are water 24/7 (69%), disease prevention (61%), and indoor housing
for hens protection (61%). Amongst the lowest scores are for veterinarians on staff (43%), annual
third-party audits (47%), and no added hormones (49%). We do not have statistics on the exact
percentage of producers providing each of these amenities. Thus, the purpose of reporting these
statistics is to provide industry leaders with a general overview of how consumers view the
industry and potentially generate discussion on marketing mechanisms to promote consumer
Percentage of respondents
Estimated percent cage-free
Current January 2026
Figure 4.8. Consumer perceptions of egg producers providing different services to laying hens
4.3.4 Word Association
Respondents were asked to report the first word or phrase that came to mind when hearing different
egg production systems. The figure included in this link presents word clouds for each system,
where the size of the word corresponds to the frequency it was used. There are a few interesting
takeaways from these consumer reactions. First is the difference in perceptions between
“conventional” and “caged.” Despite implying the same system, respondents attach more negative
associations when caged is used. Rather than use words like “normal,” “regular,” and “traditional,”
respondents frequently resort to terms such as inhumane,” “cruel,” and “sad.” This distinction
signals a lack of consumer awareness in production systems while demonstrating the importance
of framing, messaging, and marketing. A notable second takeaway is the health halo attached to
the labeled eggs, where “healthy” is commonly used to describe cage-free, organic, free-range,
and pasture-raised systems. Lastly, there is significant overlap in the word clouds for the cage-
free, organic, free-range, and pasture-raised systems, suggesting consumers may view these
products as substitutes for one another.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Veterinarians on staff
Annual third-party audits
No added hormones
Good air quality
Employees with proper training
Proper lighting
Balanced diet for laying hens
Indoor housing for hens protection
Disease prevention
Water 24/7
4.3.5 Choice Experiment
The results from the LCM are provided in the Appendix (see Table A1). As mentioned, we
estimated a four-class LCM and removed inattentive responses from the subsequential analysis.
This included the calculation of WTP, market share, and elasticities. In what follows, we present
aggregate-level results and then explore underlying heterogeneity in consumer segments identified
by the LCM.
Table 4.4 presents aggregate WTP estimates for each egg product. The first column reports
the mean WTP for each egg product relative to “none” (total WTP), while the second column
reports the mean WTP premium for the labeled differentiated eggs versus conventional eggs
(marginal WTP). The total WTP estimates suggest that respondents show the highest total WTP
for the eggs carrying all the labels (cage-free, organic, free-range, and pasture-raised) ($6.86)
relative to “none.” This is followed by organic ($5.90), free-range ($5.06), pasture-raised ($5.04),
and cage-free ($4.79), with conventional eggs having the lowest total WTP ($3.49). Examining
marginal WTP estimates, cage-free eggs have the lowest mean WTP premium (relative to
conventional eggs). The results also indicate a high level of substitutability between the labels: the
sum of the total WTP values consumers attach to each single-labeled egg (cage-free, organic, free-
range, or pasture-raised) is significantly higher than WTP for eggs displaying these labels
Table 4.4. Total and marginal WTP estimates from the LCM ($/Dozen)
Egg Alternative
Total WTP:
Mean WTP relative
to “none”
Marginal WTP:
Mean WTP premium vs.
The multi-labeled egg option includes eggs with the organic, cage-free, pasture-raised, and free-range labels.
The optimal number of classes to be used in the analysis was selected in accordance with the usual information
criteria such as the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), the Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) and the modified
Akaike Information Criteria (3AIC).
In addition to estimating aggregate WTP for each egg product, we also conducted
simulations to explore the effects of different market conditions and relevant policies. For instance,
Figure 4.9 reports consumer WTP to retain each egg product in the choice setting. These measures
were estimated following the procedures described in Carlsson et al. (2011), showing the amount
of money that would make consumers indifferent between two choice conditions. In our case, we
are measuring the amount of money that would make consumers indifferent between keeping each
egg product in the market versus removing it from the market. Consumers were assumed to have
the option to choose “none” or select one of the egg products included in the choice experiment:
conventional egg (priced at $2.50/dozen), organic eggs ($4.50/dozen), pasture-raised
($4.50/dozen), free-range eggs ($4.50/dozen), and multi-labeled eggs ($5.50/dozen). These price
levels were used to reflect the average actual market prices for each of the studied eggs. Results
indicate that consumers are willing to pay up to $0.60 to simply have the option of buying
conventional eggs. For the single-labeled option, consumers are willing to pay up to $0.04 to have
the option of buying cage-free eggs, but their WTP increases to $0.46 when cage-free eggs also
display organic, pasture-raised, and free-range labels.
Figure 4.9. Mean WTP to keep each egg product in the choice environment ($/dozen)
Next, we projected how removing conventional eggs might affect purchasing behavior
following Lusk (2018). The left panel (Scenario 1) of Figure 4.10 shows a market scenario when
all products are present, while the right panel shows the market shares when conventional eggs are
$0.00 $0.10 $0.20 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.70
Cage Free
Free Range
Pasture Raised
The simulation provides two key takeaways. First, market shares for the non-
conventional alternatives increase marginally, between 2-8 percentage points. Secondly, the
percentage of consumers opting out of the marketplace increases substantially, from 5% to 25%
of consumers. This increase is greater than the increase presented in Lusk (2018), who found that
the share of consumers who would refrain from buying eggs would increase from 4% to 17% if
conventional eggs were removed from the market. This may reflect the current environment of
higher egg prices and elevated inflation in the economy, leading to a large share of consumers
exiting the collective egg market if conventional eggs are no longer available.
Figure 4.10. Market simulation demonstrating the effects of the removal of conventional eggs
In addition to demonstrating the impact of removing conventional eggs from the
marketplace, we also calculated the price elasticities (see Table 4.5). The diagonal entries represent
own-price (direct) elasticities, while the off-diagonals represent cross-price elasticities. Own-price
elasticities describe the percentage change in the probability of each egg product (cage-free) being
chosen given a percentage change in its price. Cross-price elasticities measure how the probability
of choosing an egg product (cage-free) changes given a change in the price of another egg
alternative (conventional). Consistent with economic theory, all own-price elasticities are negative,
It is important to note how the elasticities play a role in determining the outcomes presented in Figure 4.10.
Elasticities measure the slope of the demand curve for each egg product. When simulating the removal of the
conventional eggs from the marketplace (Scenario 2 of Figure 4.10), new elasticities are calculated for each of the
remaining egg alternatives. Put differently, we are on new demand curves for each of the labeled alternatives, and
these new demand curves have different elasticities than the market with conventional eggs (Scenario 1 of Figure
4.10). This explains why we can observe a large jump in opt-out rates despite the inelastic own-price elasticity of
demand shown in Table 4.5.
indicating that a price increase decreases the probability of selection. However, there are varying
degrees of price sensitivity, highlighting different behavioral responses to price changes. At the
selected price levels from the aforementioned market simulation,
consumers appear less price
sensitive with conventional eggs; more price sensitive with labeled, differentiated eggs, especially
organic, cage-free, pasture-raised, and free-range eggs. For example, the model predicts that a 1%
increase in the price of conventional eggs will lead to a 0.7% reduction of conventional being
chosen, while a 1% increase in the price of cage-free eggs will lead to a 5.8% reduction of
conventional being chosen. Consumers also appear less price sensitive with multi-labeled eggs
than single-labeled eggs: organic, cage-free, pasture-raised, or free-range eggs. For example, the
model predicts that a 1% increase in the price of cage-free eggs will lead to a -5.84% reduction of
cage-free being chosen, while a 1% increase in the price of multi-labeled eggs will lead to a 2.28%
reduction of multi-labeled eggs being chosen. All cross-price elasticities are positive, suggesting
a degree of substitutability across the egg products. A custom-made Excel tool was developed to
allow the user to explore welfare estimates, market shares, and price elasticities under alternative
market price conditions. The tool can be downloaded here.
Table 4.5. Own- and cross-price elasticities of demand
Change in Quantity of …
Change in Price of
Conventional (1)
Organic (2)
Cage-free (3)
Pasture-raised (4)
Free-range (5)
Multi-labeled (6)
We now focus on heterogeneity in consumer preferences for different egg types and market
segments. We first evaluated whether consumer demographic characteristics significantly affect
WTP premiums for labeled eggs (organic, cage-free, pasture-raised, free-range, multi-labeled)
The elasticities presented in Table 4.5 are calculated by determining the proportionate change in market shares
resulting from a 1% increase in the price of each respective egg when conventional eggs are priced at $2.50/dozen;
organic, pasture-raised, and free-range eggs are priced at $4.50/dozen; and multi-labeled eggs are priced at
versus conventional eggs. We did so by following two steps. We first utilized the estimates from
the LCM to calculate the individual-level WTP values using the Bayesian procedure illustrated in
Scarpa and Thiene (2005). Then, we used these individual-level WTP to 1) evaluate variations in
WTP premiums across demographics using graphs and 2) determine the demographics associated
with significant changes in WTP using a seemingly unrelated regression model (see Zellner (1962)
for more computational details). Figure 4.11 illustrates the variation in mean WTP premiums for
cage-free and multi-labeled eggs by gender, income, education, and age. On average, age is
negatively correlated with premiums for specialty labels. Education and income, on the other hand,
are positively correlated with cage-free and multi-labeled mean premiums relative to conventional
eggs. These results are consistent across the results from the regression (see here), which suggest
that: i) Age is negatively associated with WTP for all specialty egg products, as is residing in the
southern region; ii) education is positively associated with WTP, while income was a relatively
weak predictor of WTP estimates; iii) males were less likely to pay premiums for each of the
specialty eggs than females.
Figure 4.11. Variation in mean WTP premiums for cage-free and multi-labeled eggs ($/dozen)
relative to conventional, by select demographics.
To further explore heterogeneity in consumer preferences, we also calculated total and
marginal mean WTP values ($/dozen) across three distinct consumer segments revealed by the
LCM (the class probabilities exclude the 22% who have provided inattentive responses and have
zero coefficients for all parameters). The results are reported in Table 4.6. Segment 1 (55% of our
sample) is represented by consumers who are more sensitive to price changes, resulting in fairly
low WTP values for almost all egg types, ranging from $3.82 to $4.27. Indeed, consumers who
belong in this class have a relatively low, often negative, premium for cage-free (-$0.10), organic
(-$0.01), pasture-raised (-$0.05), free-range ($0.05) and multi-labeled ($0.35) eggs. We define
Segment 1 as “Price Sensitive.” Segment 2 (19% of our sample) is more price insensitive, as they
show relatively high WTP values for all the other egg types, especially for multiple-labeled eggs
($15.71) and organic eggs ($12.48). The WTP for cage-free, pasture-raised, and free-range eggs
ranges from $7.17 to $7.99. For this reason, we call Segment 2 “Price Insensitive. Lastly, Segment
3 (26% of our sample) is the most animal welfare conscious. Compared to the other segments, this
consumer segment exhibits the lowest WTP for conventional eggs relative to none ($2.63). The
WTPs for the other products are similar in magnitude, ranging from $5.14 to $5.98. We define this
group as “Animal Welfare Oriented.”
Table 4.6. Total and marginal mean WTP values ($/dozen), by market segment
WTP by Egg Product
Segment 1:
Price Sensitive
Segment 2:
Price Insensitive
Segment 3:
Animal Welfare
Percentage of sample
Total WTP: Mean WTP relative to “none”
Marginal WTP: Mean WTP premium vs. conventional
Overall, the results from the choice experiment are robust across egg consumers; for
example, the results from the choice experiment where responses were weighed by egg purchasing
volume reported by our respondents during the survey (see here).
4.3.6 Policy Preferences
Table 4.7 and Figure 4.11 report the results of the best-worst scaling (BWS). In short, Table 4.7
shows the share in which each policy was selected as the best and the worst when presented in one
of the policy questions. Figure 4.12 graphically illustrates the percentage difference between the
best and worst responses. A positive point differential means the policy was preferred more often
than not, and vice versa for the negative point differential.
Two main takeaways come from the BWS. First, there is a clear divide between policies
banning caged production versus policies mandating minimum size requirements. Each of the three
bans on the production/sale of caged products has a negative differential, meaning consumers more
commonly vote this as the worst policy than the best one. On the other hand, both of the minimum
size requirement policies have positive differentials. The second key takeaway is that consumers
are more likely to prefer policies that do not restrict egg production systems. That is, the two
policies with the highest point differential are mandatory labeling and farm subsidies for cage-free
Table 4.7. Best-worst scale response frequencies
% selected when present
Mandatory labeling on eggs
Farm subsidy
Federal mandate on minimum average space requirements
State mandate on minimum average space requirements
Federal ban on the production and sale of caged eggs
State-wide ban on the sale of caged eggs
State-wide ban on the production of caged eggs
Following the BWS, respondents were provided with traditional ballot questions, where
they voted for or against each of the seven policies; they also had the option to withhold their vote.
Figure 4.13 reports the results of the ballot-style questions. The results are mostly in-line with
those described in the BWS, but some key differences emerge. Mandatory labeling was viewed as
the most preferred initiative, with 70% of respondents stating they would vote for the policy. Other
commonly “approved” measures include state (62%) and federal (59%) mandates on minimum
average space requirements, whereas the policies banning the production and/or sale of caged eggs
reached a 50% majority. However, when removing consumers who withhold their vote, more
people voted for the policies banning the production and/or sale of caged eggs at the state level
than against it. Comparing this result to the point differential in Figure 4.12, we see how ballot
initiatives can pass without being a preferred policy amongst the public.
Figure 4.12. Best-worst scaling (BWS) results, differential in voting
Figure 4.13. Responses to various ballot initiatives
State-wide ban on the production of caged eggs
Federal ban on the production and sale of caged eggs
State-wide ban on the sale of caged eggs
State mandate on minimum average space requirements
Federal mandate on minimum average space requirements
Farm subsidy
Mandatory labeling on eggs
+/- best-worst voting differential
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Federal ban on the production and sale of caged eggs
State-wide ban on the production of caged eggs
State-wide ban on the sale of caged eggs
Federal mandate on minimum average space requirements
Farm subsidy
State mandate on minimum average space requirements
Mandatory labeling on eggs
Percentage of respondents
Yes Withhold No
4.4 Final Remarks
We surveyed 961 U.S. consumers to assess attitudes and preferences toward egg products, the
industry, and policy options. We find that price, taste, and safety are the most important attributes
for consumers when buying eggs. About 80% of respondents have noticed an increase in egg
prices, with nearly a third stating prices are more than 30% higher. Inflation (85%), higher
production and transportation costs (52%), and supply chain challenges (45%) are the most
commonly indicated reason for the higher egg prices.
Regarding consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the egg industry, consumers
believe that less than 70% of producers provide the various amenities to the laying hens, with water
24/7 (69%), disease prevention (61%), and indoor housing for hens protection (61%) ranking
among the highest amenities.
Results from the choice experiment show that consumers are willing to pay $1.31 for cage-
free eggs over conventional eggs, but their WTP goes up to $3.37 when cage-free eggs also display
the USDA organic, pasture-raised, and free-range labels. Results from the choice experiment also
show differences in WTP across three consumer segments. More than half of consumers (55%)
have a negative WTP value (-$0.10/dozen) for cage-free eggs compared to conventional eggs.
About 26% of consumers made choices that indicate a WTP value of $2.51 for cage-free eggs over
conventional eggs, while only 19% of consumers have a WTP premium higher than $3.00
($3.74/dozen). In simulating the egg market with and without the conventional (caged) alternative,
the results suggest that removing the conventional egg alternative will result in a larger share of
consumers (25%) opting-out of the marketplace due to a high-degree of price sensitivity.
From a policy perspective and of notable importance, just 19% of consumers were aware
of retailer cage-free pledges, but nearly 80% of consumers stated they would support such a pledge.
Further, the average consumer prefers policies on minimum size requirements instead of banning
conventional production. Yet, when it comes to ballot initiatives, even the least preferred policies
have a high likelihood of passing, heightening concerns over how consumers vote versus behave
in the retail outlet.
Overall, the findings from the consumer survey provide insights for the industry to prepare
for the impending transition to cage-free.
Chapter 5: Market and Producer Impacts of the Conversion to Cage-Free Egg
5.1. Equilibrium Displacement Model
Previous sections of this report provided insights into producer and consumer preferences and
expectations regarding conventional and cage-free eggs. These insights are now brought together
to understand market-level impacts in which the aggregate actions of producers and consumers
combine and interact to affect market prices, market quantities, and egg producer profits.
These issues are studied in two ways. First, a disaggregate market for cage and cage-free
eggs is modeled, where producers supply both types of eggs to market and consumers choose
between them. In this context, we explore how demand shifts by retailers away from conventional
and toward cage-free eggs affect egg producer profitability. Second, a simple supply and demand
model of the aggregate egg market (including cage and cage-free) is constructed. In this
environment, we study how an aggregate supply shift, induced by extra costs brought about by
conversion to cage-free housing, affects egg producer profitability in an environment where
aggregate egg demand remains stable. In both the aggregate and disaggregate cases, we focus only
on shell eggs and ignore liquid eggs or other egg products; we also focus on the wholesale market
between egg producers and egg retailers rather than the final consumer market.
We construct an equilibrium displacement model to assess how changes in market conditions
could affect egg producer profits. Specifically, in this chapter, two types of shell egg market
shocks are modeled. First consider a world where retailers transition toward cage-free eggs but
hold constant their total spending on eggs. That is, the demand curve for cage-free eggs at the
retail-level has shifted but total spending on egg products remains fixed. In this scenario, the
model predicts that producer profits could fall due to fewer total eggs purchased given the
higher- average-cost cage-free systems. The second simulated market shock considers a supply
shock from the higher cage-free expenses, drawing insights from the producer survey reported
in Chapter 3, while holding demand steady. Under varying sets of assumptions, the results
suggest a decline in producer profits ranging from $27-136 million. Importantly, both scenarios
modeled here capture a single shock, meaning that the estimates may not extrapolate to market
scenarios where multiple shocks hit the system simultaneously.
In both cases, we utilize the approaches developed in Alston (1991), Lusk and Tonsor
(2021), and Wohlgenant (2011), in which an equilibrium displacement model is constructed. The
approach considers changes in prices and quantities from an initial equilibrium brought about by
an assumed exogenous supply shock, such as an increase in cost from housing conversion, or a
demand shock, such as shifts in retailer demand for conventional vs. cage-free eggs. The changes
calculated by the model may not align with changes observed in “real life” because, in reality,
there are multiple supply and demand shocks routinely hitting markets. However, what this
modeling approach permits is the ability to identify and study the market effects of a single shock
in isolation (in this case, the shocks associated with conversion from conventional to cage-free
housing), recognizing that future observed market changes would be muted or amplified as other
shocks (e.g., changes in feed prices, changes in consumer income, avian influenza) invariably hit
the system.
5.2. Disaggregated Egg Market Analysis
We begin with a model of the shell egg market in which retailers choose how many conventional
and cage-free eggs to purchase at a given set of prices. The demand-side of the model is as follows:
 
 
 
 
is the proportionate change in egg price (i.e.,
 ),
is the
proportionate change in quantity demanded, and
are the price elasticities of demand. Subscript
C represents conventional eggs, and CF represents cage-free eggs. Equation (5.1) is the change in
demand for conventional eggs, and equation (5.2) is the change in demand for cage-free eggs. One
, the own-price elasticities of demand for conventional and cage-free eggs,
respectively, to be negative: as egg prices rise, retailers are expected to buy fewer of them. It is
expected that retailer-consumers consider conventional and cage-free eggs as substitutes, and as
such, it is expected that
are demand shocks representing the proportional change in
quantity demanded; they are the magnitudes of the horizontal shift in the demand curve expressed
relative to the initial equilibrium quantity.
The supply side of the model assumes independence in production (i.e., the quantity of
cage-free eggs supplied does not depend on the price of conventional eggs and vice versa):
are own-price elasticities of supply.
Equations (5.1) through (5.4) represent a system of four equations and four unknowns.
Once elasticity values are assigned and demand shocks,
, are assumed, then the
equations can be solved for the four endogenous variables, changes in quantities and prices:
. Once these values are known, it is possible to calculate changes in total
revenue/expenditure and egg producer profitability.
We use this framework to consider a simple thought experiment. For a given reduction in
conventional egg demand,
, how much would cage-free egg demand,
, have to rise to hold
total egg expenditure constant? This “expenditure constant” calculation assumes retailers want to
continue to spend the same amount on eggs and they adjust their demands accordingly. In this
case, we identify the levels of
that force the following equality to hold:
 
  
  
  
  
  
are the initial equilibrium price and quantity levels for egg type j = conventional
© or cage-free (CF), making the left-hand side of equation (5.5) total expenditure on eggs in the
initial equilibrium and the right-hand side of equation (5.5) total expenditure on eggs in the new
equilibrium after the demand shocks. Even though total revenue/expenditure is being held constant
in this thought experiment, producer profitability is not, and one can calculate changes in producer
profitability (or producer surplus) as:
  
Producer profits can fall even as retailers spend the same amount on eggs if the switch in demand
results in more egg production coming from higher cost-of-production systems.
Figure 5.1 below shows the market effects of the offsetting demand shocks considered in
this thought experiment. The left-hand side figure shows the market for conventional eggs. The
quantity of conventional eggs demanded by retailers is assumed to fall from
. This moves
the market from the equilibrium at point A to point B, as conventional egg prices and quantity
produced both fall. The right-hand side of the figure shows the offsetting effects in the cage-free
market as retailers increase the quantity of eggs demanded from
, moving the
equilibrium from point C to point D as cage-free egg prices and quantity both rise. The changes in
conventional egg prices affect cage-free demand, creating a feedback loop between the figures on
the left and right, which is accounted for in the model in equations (5.1) and (5.2). Looking at
Figure 5.1, it is important to note that the magnitude of the horizontal quantity demand shifts (the
red arrows, which are equal to in the mathematical model) is more prominent in absolute value
than the equilibrium change in quantities. This is a result of the fact that measures how much
more/less retailers are willing to buy at constant prices. But as these shifts occur, prices change,
which affects the ultimate quantity of eggs produced and purchased.
Within this framework, we can also consider a second thought experiment. Rather than
determining the magnitudes of the two demand shocks, 
, that hold retailer
expenditures constant, we can instead determine the magnitudes of the shocks required to hold
producer profitability (equation 6) unchanged. In this setting, we can ask how much retailers would
have to spend on eggs to leave egg producers unharmed by the switch from conventional to cage-
free egg demand.
Figure 5.1. Effects of decrease in demand for conventional and increase in demand for cage-free
5.2.1 Data and Parameter Estimation
To implement the model described above, it is necessary to assign values for elasticities. To
accomplish this task, we econometrically estimate elasticities using monthly data from January
2017 to September 2022. The start date of January 2017 is chosen because this is the date at which
the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) began releasing their monthly Cage-Free Shell
Egg Report,
which contains data on wholesale contract and negotiated loose cage-free egg prices
as well as data on cage-free and organic production. The reported cage-free contract price remains
fixed for long periods of time, whereas the negotiated price is highly volatile; thus, for empirical
analysis, we average these two wholesale prices for large eggs to represent the wholesale market
price for cage-free eggs. We utilize the reported cage-free and organic flock sizes and rates of lay
from the AMS report to calculate the quantity of cage-free and organic eggs produced each month.
For conventional egg prices, we use the Urner Barry farm egg price as reported by the Iowa State
Egg Industry Center (EIC).
To determine conventional shell egg quantities, we use the quantity
of table-type eggs produced reported in the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
Chicken and Eggs monthly report. This is an overestimate of the number of conventional shell
eggs sold because it includes eggs that are ultimately broken, and it also includes cage-free and
organic eggs produced. Thus, to calculate the quantity of conventional eggs sold in shell form in a
given month, we take the total quantity of table-type eggs produced and subtract the reported
number of eggs broken and the estimated number of cage-free and organic eggs produced.
The employment rate from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is collected (for use in the
demand models), and the consumer price index is collected to deflate prices. For the supply
models, we collect data on the cost of feed for egg production reported by the EIC and data on the
number of egg-laying hens affected by avian influenza as reported by the USDA Animal Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS).
The USDA data are available at: [last
accessed December 6, 2022].
The Urner Barry data are available at: [last accessed December
6, 2022].
Table 5.1. Descriptive statistics for variables used in regression analysis
Conventional Egg Price (
Urner Barry farm price
Cage-free Egg Price (
USDA AMS Cage-free Shell Egg Report;
Average of contract and negotiated prices
Conventional Egg Quantity (
Calculated from data in USDA NASS Chicken
& Egg Report and USDA AMS Cage-free Shell
Egg Report
million eggs
Cage-free Egg Quantity (
Calculated using data from USDA AMS Cage-
free Shell Egg Report; does not include organic
million eggs
Employment Rate
Bureau of Labor Statistics; Percent of the
population employed
Calculated; equals 1 for March through June
2020; 0 otherwise
Cost of Feed
Iowa Egg Industry Center; Regional Average
Avian Influenza
USDA APHIS; cumulative number of hens
affected in 2022
million hens
Given these data, demand elasticities are estimated. We estimate log-log regressions so that
the estimated coefficients can be directly interpreted as elasticities. The basic structure of the
demand models are as follows:
 
  
  
  
 
 
  
  
 
 
 
where CPI is the consumer price index (normalized so that September 2022 is set to 1). In this
are own-and cross-price elasticities of demand equal to
in equations (5.1) and
Table 5.2 shows the estimated coefficients. Elasticities estimates are of expected sign and
of reasonable magnitude. The own-price elasticity of demand for conventional eggs is inelastic,
where a 1% increase in the price of conventional eggs results in a 0.321% reduction in the quantity
of conventional eggs demanded. Conventional and cage-free eggs are demand substitutes; a 1%
increase in cage-free egg price is associated with a 0.307% increase in the quantity of conventional
eggs demanded. Cage-free egg demand is, as expected, more elastic; a 1% increase in cage-free
egg prices is associated with a 1.065% increase in the quantity of cage-free eggs demanded by
retailers. COVID (the period from March to June 2020) was associated with a 27.1% increase in
conventional shell egg demand and a 40.5% reduction in cage-free demand. Conventional egg
demand is highest in November and December and lowest in May and June.
Supply equations take a similar form, except supply-side shifters are added to the model,
including feed prices, an overall time trend (to account for technological change), and the
cumulative number of avian influenza cases in 2022. The model also includes a one-period lagged
value of the dependent variable to account for asset fixity and partial adjustment to price changes.
Including this variable permits a calculation of both short and long-run supply elasticities.
Supply elasticities are shown in Table 5.3. The short-run supply elasticity of conventional
eggs is highly inelastic at 0.015. The longer run value is calculated using the lagged dependent
variable: 0.015/(1-0.925) = 0.19, which implies that a 1% increase in conventional egg price is
associated with a 0.2% increase in the quantity of conventional eggs supplied. Likewise, the short-
and long-run supply elasticities for cage-free eggs are 0.098 and 0.32, respectively. We utilize the
long-run elasticities in the modeling efforts that follow. The estimated price elasticities are
substituted into equations (5.1) through (5.4) to determine the effects of demand shifts.
Table 5.2. Estimates of demand for conventional and cage-free eggs
Egg Demand
Egg Demand
Conventional Egg Price, 
Cage-free Egg Price, 
Log of Employment Rate
January vs. December
February vs. December
March vs. December
April vs. December
May vs. December
June vs. December
July vs. December
August vs. December
September vs. December
October vs. December
November vs. December
Note: Each regression based on N = 69 monthly observations from January 2017 to September 2022
Numbers in parentheses are standard errors
One asterisk represents statistical significance at the 0.05 level or lower
Table 5.3. Estimates of supply for conventional and cage-free eggs
Egg Supply
Egg Supply
Conventional Egg Price, 
Cage-free Egg Price, 
Log Feed Price
January vs. December
February vs. December
March vs. December
April vs. December
May vs. December
June vs. December
July vs. December
August vs. December
September vs. December
October vs. December
November vs. December
Time trend
Cumulative Bird Flu Cases
Note: Each regression based on N = 69 monthly observations from January 2017 to September 2022
Numbers in parentheses are standard errors
One asterisk represents statistical significance at the 0.05 level or lower
5.2.2 Results for Expenditure Neutral Demand Shifts
As a first thought experiment, we consider a situation where retailers wish to hold total egg
purchase expenditures constant, in dollar terms, while converting from conventional to cage-free.
Figure 5.2 shows the offsetting demand shifts (and resulting equilibrium quantities) that would
produce this expenditure-neutral outcome.
Panel A. Changes in quantity demanded
Panel B. Changes in equilibrium quantities
Figure 5.2. Expenditure-neutral shifts in conventional and cage-free egg demand
Panel A of Figure 5.2 shows that for every 1% reduction in the quantity of conventional
eggs demanded, a roughly 2.5% increase in the quantity of cage-free eggs demanded is required
to hold total spending on eggs constant. For example, if conventional egg demand falls by 5%,
cage-free egg demand must increase by 12.7% to keep total spending constant. Panel B of Figure
5.2 shows the same outcomes but in terms of equilibrium quantity changes. As indicated when
discussing Figure 5.1, shifts in quantity demanded are larger than the changes in ultimate
equilibrium quantities (recall, shifts in quantity demanded are the extra quantities that would be
bought at the same prices, whereas the equilibrium quantities are those that result after prices
change). Panel B of Figure 5.2 shows that for every 1% reduction in the equilibrium quantity of
conventional eggs produced and sold, it takes a roughly 1.7% increase in the equilibrium quantity
of cage-free eggs produced and sold to hold total expenditures/revenue constant. For example, if
conventional egg purchases fall 2%, it takes a 3.4% increase in cage-free purchases to hold total
spending/revenue constant.
What are the impacts of these revenue-neutral demand shifts on egg producers? Using total
2021 prices and production to set initial equilibrium expenditure/revenue, Figure 5.3 shows that
these expenditure-neutral changes are harmful for egg producers. For example, if the quantity of
conventional eggs demanded by retailers falls by 5% while the quantity of cage-free eggs
demanded by retailers increases by 12.7%, retailers will spend the same total amount of money on
eggs, but egg producers’ profits will fall by $18.69 million per year. This result occurs because
fewer total eggs are produced, and those produced are at higher average costs for producers.
Figure 5.3. Impacts of expenditure-neutral demand shifts on egg producer profitability
5.2.3 Results for Egg Producer Profit Neutral Demand Shifts
Instead of determining the corresponding demand shifts that result in the same total egg spending
by retailers, we now explore how much cage-free egg demand would have to rise to leave
producers profits unharmed.
We find that for every 1% reduction in the quantity of conventional eggs demanded, a
roughly 2.6% increase in the quantity of cage-free eggs demanded is required to hold producer
profit unharmed. For example, if conventional egg demand falls by 5%, then cage-free egg demand
must increase by 13.2% to hold egg producer profits constant. As indicated previously, shifts in
quantity demanded are larger than the changes in ultimate equilibrium quantities. For every 1%
reduction in the equilibrium quantity of conventional eggs produced and sold, it takes a roughly
1.9% increase in the equilibrium quantity of cage-free eggs produced and sold to hold total egg
producer profits constant. For example, if conventional egg purchases fall 1.1%, it takes a 2.1%
increase in cage-free purchases to hold egg producer profits unharmed.
As is likely apparent from this discussion, retailers will have to spend more on eggs to hold
egg producers unharmed as they shift from conventional to cage-free eggs. Figure 5.4 below shows
how much more retailers would have to spend on eggs (in total) to leave producer profitability
unharmed as they shift from conventional to cage-free eggs. For example, if the quantity of
conventional eggs demanded falls by 5%, retailers would have to increase the quantity of cage
eggs demanded by 13.2% and spend $23.81 million/year more on eggs to leave producer
profitability unchanged. Stated in equilibrium quantity terms (rather than in terms of quantity-
demand shifts), if the quantity of conventional eggs produced and sold falls by 1.1%, retailers
would have to increase the quantity of cage-free eggs purchased by 2.15% and spend $23.81
million/year more on eggs to leave producer profitability unchanged.
Figure 5.4. Increases in retailer egg spending required to hold egg producers profits constant
5.3. Aggregate Egg Market Analysis
Rather than separately modeling supply and demand for conventional and cage-free eggs, a simple
model of the aggregate egg market is constructed to understand how housing conversions affect
overall producer profitability. Equation (5.7) shows changes in total shell egg demand, where
the total change in the quantity of eggs (both cage and cage-free) demanded, is the aggregate
demand elasticity,
is the weighted average egg price, and is the change in retailer willingness-
to-pay for eggs (it is the vertical shift in the demand curve measured relative to the initial
equilibrium price). Equation (5.8) shows changes in total shell egg supply, where is the
overall own-price supply elasticity and is the change in marginal cost of egg production.
 
 
Once values for , , , and are assigned, then equations (5.7) and (5.8) can be solved
for the equilibrium changes in quantity and price:
. In particular, the equilibrium prices
and quantities are:
   
   
Once these values are calculated, changes in producer profitability are calculated as follows:
   
What is the magnitude of the supply shift, k, induced by a conversion from conventional to
cage-free eggs? K is the change in marginal cost expressed relative to the initial equilibrium price.
In a competitive equilibrium, it is also equal to the relative change in per-unit cost, which in perfect
competition equals the change in per-unit price, again expressed relative to the initial equilibrium
price. Start by defining the initial equilibrium aggregate unit price, which in this context is a
quantity-weighted average of conventional and cage-free prices:
   
is the quantity share of cage-free eggs and superscript 0 denotes initial equilibrium
shares and prices. Now consider a change that shifts the quantity of cage-free eggs supplied,
leading to a new weighted-average unit price of:
   
. Thus, the change
in price is:
 
 
 
 
 
 
. Expressed
in relative terms,
 
 
. Thus, the size of the supply shift depends on
the change in the share of the market supplied by cage-free eggs,
 
, and the extent to
which cage-free price/cost is higher than conventional expressed relative to the initial weighted-
average price, 
 
5.3.1 Data and Parameter Estimation
To determine aggregate-level supply and demand elasticities, we utilize the conventional and cage-
free estimates already reported in Tables 5.2 and 5.3, along with the decomposition results
provided in James and Alston (2002), which relate aggregate to disaggregate elasticities.
Aggregate-level elasticities that would rationalize the disaggregate elasticities indicate
 and .
To determine the sizes of the supply shocks, one must evaluate the increase in the share of
cage-free eggs and the relative cost of producing cage-free vs. conventional eggs. In our producer
survey, respondents indicated a belief that the current cage-free share was about 0.3, and
respondents thought, on average, this would increase to 0.5 by 2026. This would suggest an
increase of 0.5 0.3 = 0.2. Given the uncertainty around this parameter, we consider values that
range from a 0.1 to a 0.3 increase in cage-free share.
The additional value that needs to be determined is the increase in cost when going from
conventional to cage-free. Survey respondents indicated that cost increases would vary by expense
category. However, they state that, on average, variable operating costs would increase by about
15% when going from conventional to cage-free; other costs, such as labor were higher, and
responses were truncated at a 20% price increase given the survey response categories, suggesting
that respondents beliefs of cost increases could be much higher than 15%. Another point of
reference is the actual price differences between conventional and cage-free. From January 2017
to September 2022, the regional average price of Large Grade A conventional eggs delivered in
cartons to warehouses was $1.07/dozen, as reported by the USDA AMS (report WA_PY001). By
contrast, the cage-free shell egg prices (to first receivers) over this period averaged $1.28/dozen
for contracted large carton cage-free eggs and $1.30/dozen for negotiated large, loose cage-free
eggs, according to the USDA AMS Cage-Free Shell Eggs Report. Thus, over this period, cage-
free eggs commanded a premium of between $0.21/dozen to $0.23/dozen, depending on which
cage-free price series is used. These represent a 20% to 22% price premium for cage-free eggs.
Given these points of reference, we consider the impacts of a “low” cost increase of 15%, a “mid”
of 20%, and a “high” cost increase of 25%.
As in the previous section, when calculating producer profit changes, we use initial revenue
values based on 2021 averages and focus only on shell-egg sales.
5.3.2 Results
Table 5.4 shows the impacts on producer profits under different assumptions about the increase in
the share of cage-free eggs and the cost of cage-free production relative to conventional. Under
the most conservative scenario (a 10% increase in the share of eggs that are produced cage-free
and a 15% higher cage-free costs of production), producer profits are projected to fall $27.22
million per year in aggregate. Under the costliest scenario (a 30% increase in the share of eggs
produced cage-free and a 25% higher cage-free costs of production), producer profits are projected
to fall $135.8 million/year in aggregate. In the middle scenario (a 20% increase in the share of
eggs produced cage-free and a 20% higher cage-free costs of production), producer profits are
projected to fall $72.51 million/year in aggregate.
An important caveat to note about the producer profit changes reported in Table 5.4 is that
they do not include changes in fixed costs of production. Costs that do not vary with the quantity
of eggs produced (e.g., fixed capital and infrastructure) that would be incurred with a conversion
to cage-free would need to be added to the figure in Table 5.4 to determine the full economic
consequences of conversion.
Table 5.4. Change in producer profits from conversion to cage-free housing, varying assumptions
Increase in Share
of Eggs from
Per-Unit Cost of Cage-
free vs. Conventional
Egg Production
Change in Egg
Producer Profits
(million $/year)
Note: Total egg demand is assumed to remain unchanged in all scenarios.
Note: Calculated changes in producer profits do not include changes in fixed costs.
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Implications
Given the pressure from animal advocacy organizations, rising consumer demand, challenges of
complying with different state regulations across multiple jurisdictions, and a desire to protect
brand image and equity, many food retailers have pledged to phase out the sale of eggs from
conventional cage production systems and move toward only selling cage-free eggs. Many retailers
have committed to fully convert to cage-free by 2026. While the share of eggs produced in cage-
free and organic systems has risen steadily over the past decade, the rate of increase is insufficient
to meet all existing pledges by the 2026 deadline. Moreover, final retail egg consumers are not
choosing to buy cage-free eggs over conventional at a rate where retailer pledges would be
automatically fulfilled by the market alone.
Higher costs are the main challenge producers face in further transitioning to cage-free
housing. These costs include greater capital and labor requirements, more feed, and potentially
higher mortality and morbidity associated with cage-free vs. conventional housing. In addition to
cost, egg producers expressed concern about environmental impact, animal welfare, food safety,
and consumer affordability when considering the further transition to cage-free housing. Producers
were also concerned about how the transition toward cage-free production might favor large vs.
small producers. There was a concern that smaller producers have less access to capital and less
ability to negotiate with retailers, which might increase consolidation alongside the transition to
cage-free production. Egg producers are sensitive to the needs of retailers and highlighted the fact
that retail demand would ultimately drive the transition to cage-free (or not).
Interviews and surveys with egg producers and consumers suggest several factors that
might facilitate the conversion to cage-free housing. To the extent there are concerns about
inequalities or consolidation, retailers could offer differential terms, including extended timelines
that vary by the size of the producer. Access to capital to build new facilities or convert existing
facilities is a major barrier to the transition to cage-free. Egg producers with long-term contracts
that ensure the volume of purchase from a retailer would be more able to secure financing from
lenders. Our survey of egg producers suggests that cost-plus pricing contracts will likely be most
attractive to egg producers in encouraging a transition.
Egg producers are skeptical that they can meet all existing pledges by 2026. Extending the
pledge deadlines would give egg producers more time to acquire financing from lenders and better
coordinate the depreciation of current housing stock with the construction of new facilities.
Extended timelines are unlikely to generate backlash from consumers, as our survey indicates
consumers do not anticipate a full conversion to cage-free by 2026. Indeed, most consumers are
unaware whether their grocers have committed to being 100% cage-free. Retailers could gain
goodwill from their customers by re-announcing commitments (that are mostly unknown to their
customers) while re-adjusting details and timelines in a way that is more advantageous for
While our survey indicates that consumers broadly support retailer commitments to go
cage-free, their buying patterns do not generally align with their stated policy preferences. More
than half of consumers are unwilling to pay any premium for cage-free eggs, and they will likely
reduce egg purchases if conventional eggs are unavailable in the marketplace. Such an outcome
would be costly for egg producers, retailers, and consumers. While it may be politically infeasible
and unpopular among producers, we note that consumers are highly suppsortive of using
government subsidies to support the transition to cage-free housing. Given the gap between
consumers stated desires and their actual purchasing behaviors, government support may well be
the only way to encourage the shift to cage-free production. Still, there is no free lunch, and
soliciting such support may invite unintended consequences.
Overall, this report provides a comprehensive investigation into the challenges associated
with the transition from conventional to cage-free housing production systems and, in doing so,
provides industry participants with joint insights to better serve investors and consumers.
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