World War II Participants and
Contemporaries: Papers
Container List
Residence: Fort Lee, New Jersey
Service: 355th Inf Regt, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers (1)(2) [record of Cannon Co., 355th Inf. Regt., 89th Inf. Div., Jan.-July 1945;
Ohrdruf Concentration Camp; clippings; maps; booklet ”The Story of the 89th Infantry
Division;” orders; song; ship’s newspaper, Jan. 1946;map with route of 89th Div.]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Pilot, 97th Bomber Group, Europe; flew DDE from Gibraltar to North Africa,
November 1942
Volume: -1"
Papers [letters; clippings]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: 5th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [copy of unit newspaper for 5th Inf. Div., May 8, 1945; program for memorial
service; statistics on service and casualties in wars and conflicts]
Residence: Jefferson City, Missouri
Service: historian
Volume: -1”
104 Inf Div (1) (2) [after action report for November 1944, describing activities of
division in southwest Holland; this is a copy of the original report at the National
Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana
Service: Veteran's organization
Volume: 13"
After the War 1943-45 [a monthly bulletin published by the Institute on Postwar
Reconstruction, Aug. 1943-April 1945]
American Legion Publications (1)-(11) [civil defense; rights and benefits of veterans;
home front; citizenship; universal draft; national defense and security program;
Americanism; employment manual; Boy Scouts-youth program; G. I. Bill of Rights;
peace and foreign relations; disaster; natural resources; law and order; UMT-universal
military training; national defense; veterans’ employment; 1946 survey of veterans;
reprint of two pages from The National Legionnaire, June 1940; instructors manual for
military drill; United Nations; junior baseball program]
Army-Navy YMCA Bulletin, 1942-44
Atlas of World Battle Fronts [1943-45]
China at War, 1939 [four issues published by the China Information Publishing Co.]
Clippings [submarine war; Alaska; U.S. enters war; defense of Philippines; Pacific war]
Defense Papers, 1940 [three booklets by American Assoc. For Adult Education]
Government Pamphlets (1)(2) [War Production Board-plant efficiency; Special Services
bulletin; Armed Forces song book; Air War report, Jan. 1944; aviation cadets; Office of
Price Adm.-wartime rationing; Fed. Security Agency-”Spare Time: A War Asset for War
Miscellaneous Pamphlets & Bulletins [guide to military insignia; Ships (periodical)-
article on Liberty Ships; booklet of games and puzzles; four issues of Industrial Press
Service, July, Sept. 1944; USO bulletin, June 1943]
Petition to FDR Sept 1941 (1)-(4) [Mothers Mobilizing Against War, April to Sept.
1941; petition forms and lists of names]
Post-War Bulletin 1943 (1)(2) [Mar.-Aug. 1943; world govt.; changes in home life;
servicemen’s benefits; internationalism; Britain-planned economy; rise of communism;
world food problem]
Report by Supreme Commander [re operations in Europe of Allied Expeditionary Force,
June 6, 1944 to May 8, 1945]
The Scrapper (1)(2) [newsletter published by the American Industries Salvage Comm.
(1942) re scrap metal and rubber drives, War Production Board, role of children, women,
and press]
Stars & Stripes 18 Apr 1947 [5th birthday edition of paper]
Westinghouse Valley News 3 Sept 1942 [contains photos of all servicemen from the
War in Pictures [photographs and drawings, 1940-1942]
War Report Conference of Sept 1943 [edited minutes of War Dept. Conference of
industry, labor, and newspaper leaders; remarks by various military leaders on all aspects
of war effort]
World War [1940 war stories]
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
Service: Shipfitter, US Navy, Pacific Theater; present at Pearl Harbor attack
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941; chronology for six years service in Navy]
Residence: Dallas, Texas
Service: National Commander, China-Burma-India Veterans Association, Inc.
Volume: 1"
Proclamation (1)-(3) [1992 proclamation and signatures of CBI veterans]
ANONYMOUS June 8, 2004
Volume: -1”
Miscellaneous Items
Newspapers [Ocean News, undated; Ramps Aweigh, May 24, 1945, aboard USS
Lejeune; Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, July 3, 1944]
Newspapers The Camp [Sept. 17 & 24, 1944; weekly paper published in Berlin for
British POWs held in Germany]
Newspapers The Oversea Kid [Aug. 13 & Nov. 26, 1944, Jan. 14 & Apr. 2, 1945;
weekly paper published in Berlin for US POWs held in Germany]
Residence: Jeannette, Pennsylvania
Service: Military intelligence, North Africa & Europe
Volume: -1”
Memoir [work in North Africa and England; importance of knowing enemy’s Order of
Battle; interrogation of prisoners]
Residence: Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania
Service: Clerk in Census Bureau, Washington, DC
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [life in Washington, D.C. during the war; drills, rationing, housing shortage,
war bonds; clipping with headline, “War is Over,” Aug. 15, 1945]
Residence: South Burlington, Vermont
Service: 283 Light Field Arty Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [tower of Millen Castle in Netherlands used as observation post, Oct. 1944]
Residence: San Antonio, Texas
Service: Sister of Capt. Charles C. Johnson III, Air Corps pilot, South Pacific
Volume: 7"
Clippings (1)-(9) [war news, 1940-1943; some clippings relate to wartime service of
Capt. Charles C. Johnson III]
Correspondence [1940-43, relating to service of Charles Johnson and death in 1943;
letters, telegrams, and V-mail; postcard with photo of BT-14]
Memorabilia (1)(2) [postcards; programs; poster; speech; transcript of meeting of
relatives and friends of POWs, civilian internees, and missing personnel-Mar. 1945;
Official Papers [orders; enlisted record; officer’s commission; diploma]
Photographs [photos of Capt. Charles Johnson and mother; postcard photos of Randolph
Field in Texas]
Printed Material [flying cadets; 1940 magazine for Randolph Field cadets; Morrison
Field Air Base weekly magazine, 1941; Air Force journal, 1943]
Scrapbook (1) (2) [clippings and letters, 1937-1940; training and testing; some articles
relate to Johnson]
201 File - Charles C. Johnson (1)-(3) [orders; promotions; awards; flight record;
commendations; corres.]
Residence: Creal Springs, Illinois
Service: Nurse, 20th Hospital Train, Europe
Volume: 4"
Memorabilia [postcard views of France, c WWI; map of Europe]
Miscellaneous Papers (1) (2) [soldier’s diary, “While Waiting,” Mar. 1945; Switzerland,
1945; Christmas Menu and roster for Gardiner General Hospital, 1943; FDR form letter;
list of personnel in 20th Hospital Train; poem, “The Invasion;” memo re indoctrination
for return to U.S. (tongue-in-cheek); 1953 Boy Scout National Jamboree; history of
hospital ship, USS Haven (Korean War)]
201 File 1943-46 (1)(2) [orders; certificates; I. D. Card; pay authorization; officer’s
qualification record; clothing requisition; physical exam; separation papers]
201 File 1947-54 (1)(2) [orders; reports; applications; questionnaires; certificates;
201 File 1954-66 (1)(2) [orders; reports; personnel data sheets; unit photo; certificates;
201 File 1966-72 (1)(2) [orders; memoranda; data sheets; certificates; retired reserve
Residence: Chanute, Kansas
Service: granddaughter of William Moore Gray III, Co K, 114 Inf Regt, 44 Div, Europe
Volume: -1”
William Gray Memoir [training at Ft Benning, GA; 9
Service Command, Ft Douglas,
Utah; 44 Inf Div in Europe; importance of training and leadership]
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: 171 FA Bn, 45 Inf. Div, Sicily & Italy
Donated by: Kevin Bahner, Pam Ferrell & Colleen Leiker
Volume: 3”
Correspondence [WWII awards; discharge papers; post-war letters from veterans
Diary (1)-(3) [service in Sicily & Italy, June 1943-April 1944; includes original diary,
electrostatic copy and typed transcript of entries]
Photos (1) (2)
Printed Material (1)-(3) [45 Inf Div newsletter July 1944; 45 Inf Div booklets; tourist
literature; German & French language booklets; Stan Bahner obituary 1996]
Residence: Cottonwood Falls, Kansas
Service: Women's Army Corps, Africa and Europe
Volume: 2"
Clippings [Stars and Stripes, Aug. 15, 1945, “Peace;” Air Transport Command; WACs]
Miscellaneous (1)(2) [WAC qualification certificate; brochure on separation center; map;
information on Switzerland; directions for passengers on over water flights; information
bulletin for WAC personnel on Enterprise; Glasgow Red Cross Service Club; USS
Enterprise; discharge papers]
Newsletters (1)(2) [G.I. Neptune and The U.S.S. Enterprise newsletters, 1946; cartoons,
news of the ships, and news from larger cities around the world (Washington,
Nuremberg, London, etc)]
Orders (1)(2) [List of orders and transfers for Caroline M. (Cahoone) Baker from April
27, 1944 to May 15, 1945]
Photos [photos of ship life, entertainment, crew members, various ships, and U.S.
Military Cemetery Chamhigneul]
Residence: Lawrence, New York
Service: 34th FA Bn, 9th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoirs (1)-(4) [draft and published copy of memoirs, Victory Road; letters regarding
book; a first hand account of a young artilleryman’s military background and training in
the United States and England, followed by his battle experiences with the US First Army
from the invasion of Normandy to the end of the war in Europe, and occupation duty in
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: step-daughter-in-law of George Youker of Kansas, US Navy, Pacific, 1943-45
Volume: 2"
George Youker Papers [letters to and from home, one of the letters has a line missing
which shows his letter had been censored]
George Youker Scrapbook [variety of memorabilia, such as train ticket that took sailor’s
wife to Detroit to see her husband for the last time before he sailed for the Pacific;
various post cards, sheet music, issuing of family allowance and the discontinuance of
family allowance, letter from the Commission for Relief in Belgium(relief from WWI),
and photo of his regiment with a listing of names]
Residence: Rapid City, South Dakota
Service: Widow of Gaylord Barber, US Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [April 20, 1945, letter from Buck Barber to his family re his travels and what he
has encountered on the ship; celebration of the 4th of July; fighting-a few small
Residence: New Orleans, Louisiana
Service: Armed Guard, US Navy
Volume: 1"
Articles [variety of articles, such as the sinking of the S.S. Black Point, the last American
Flag merchant ship sunk by a German submarine, Christmas in Murmansk, the Navy’s
Armed Guard and their mission to protect U.S. shipping from the Germans’ U-boats,
some cartoons and maps, the supremacy of the Texas and the Lakehurst; eyewitness
description of the sinking the of LaSalle and the killing of former Mayor Carl F. Zelder,
the sinking of the U-853 and its vital statistics, and the use of kamikaze pilots in the war]
The Pointer (1) (2) [veterans magazine, Navy's Armed Guard from January 1992 to
April/May 1992]
Residence: Havertown, Pennsylvania
Service: 474th AAA Bn, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoirs [ Good Luck To Him Now, a published memoir which is based on 500 letters
which Barrett sent home over a 34 month period and 60 or 70 letters that were sent to him
to describe the home front in 1943; incorporated into the book are old clippings and
magazine stories; story covers his time in the army from December 26, 1942 until his
discharge on November 8, 1945]
Papers [clippings and stories of the European Theater of Operations and members of the
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Organization; stories and newspaper clipping from
June 3, 1992, which is a D-Day retrospective]
Unit History - 474th AAA Bn [The Maverick Outfit, a book about the 474th AAA Bn
and the hardships and challenges they faced, 1942 until 1945]
Residence: Green Valley, Arizona
Service: weather officer, US Navy, Europe
Volume: 1"
Swell Forecast Section Final Report (1) [activities and investigations of the Swell
Forecast Section, Admiralty, from February to August, 1944; objects of the section were
to provide sea, swell, and surf forecasts for the Allied invasion of Europe, and to test,
apply, and develop the methods of wave forecasting]
Swell Forecast Section Final Report (2) [51 reporting stations situated along the south
and east coasts of England transmitted three daily reports of wave height and period to the
section in London; these reports provided synoptic information of existing wave
conditions which was used as a basis for forecasts and furnished data for the investigation
of wave phenomena; study concluded that North Atlantic swell, by the time it reached the
invasion beaches, would be reduced in height by more than half the height near
Cherbourg, and need only be considered when exceptionally heavy at Land’s End; wave
forecasts for the English Channel and adjoining sea areas were incorporated in the
“OVERLORD” forecasts issued by Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces
and Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Forces, before and throughout the
Swell Forecast Section Final Report (3) [contains a number of technical papers dealing
with the following subjects, the technique of forecasting sea, swell, and surf, a rapid
method of forecasting ocean swell, the accuracy of the basic forecasting data, the change
in wave height from deep to shallow water, methods of obtaining wave information,
effect of tides, tidal currents, bars, and shoals on wave heights, wave refractions]
Swell Forecast Section Final Report (4) [a number of synoptic weather episodes for
which wave computations have been worked out in detail by the methods of both
Sverdrup and Suthons and compared with observed values; in the appendix are collected
full descriptions of the reporting stations, a paper on codes, an account of a method of
measuring wave height and length with graticuled binoculars, together with diagrams and
other supplementary material; remainder of reports goes on to tell more in depth of the
investigation into the project of “OVERLORD” and the use of the sea for success in this
Residence: Shawnee, Kansas
Service: Material collected by her grandmother during 1930s
Volume: -1"
Papers [photos and clippings of troops and ships in Hawaii, 1931- 32; post cards and
small newspaper articles re the 19th Infantry]
Residence: Santa Clara, California
Service: Co C, 16 Inf Regt, 1 Inf Div, Germany
Volume: -1"
Articles [1948 magazine (BLUE BOOK) article which tells of the story of an American
Infantry unit; fought in Normandy to Huertgen Forest in Germany; heavy casualties]
Residence: Wamego, Kansas
Service: USS Electra
Volume: 2"
Clippings [news of the Valley Forge; photos of the French ship Richelieu; article on the
Mid-West “IT IS THE STEADY HEART OF A NATION AT WAR” (1942); editorial on
National Security and the Japanese surrender; Hiroshima and Nagasaki; French
newspaper from December 1942]
French Books [two books for translating French to Spanish or Spanish to French; a
handbook of English-French conversation]
Maps [French map of Casablanca; road map of Northwest Africa and the area from
Casablanca to Rabat]
Memorabilia [idea pad from the First Anniversary Ball for the crew of the U.S.S. Electra
in Ashley Park, Charleston, S.C., May 20, 1943; menu for Christmas Dinner; a menu
from a 1942 New Year’s Eve party; menu for the Big “E’s” First Anniversary March 17
1943; menu for Easter Sunday April 25th 1943; plotting coordinates on a circle; clippings
with photos of Commanders James J.Hughes, Jules James, and Dewitt W. Shumway]
Tourist Literature [photos and postcards of Casablanca]
Residence: Henrietta, New York
Service: SHAEF, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [booklet compiled from the Chansonee Reunion, Music and Morale Memories
of the European Theater of Operations, a book on the Com-Z Chansoneers the group
Beatty performed with during the war; A Chairborne Paris-Trooper’s Journey To VE-
Day : May 1945 (1995); an eyewitness account compiled from correspondence, diary, and
memory; events of April and May of 1945; being stationed in Paris prior to VE-Day]
Residence: Bedford, Pennsylvania
Service: Infantry officer, Aleutians
Volume: -1"
Papers [articles about the Battle of Attu and the Reconquest of the Aleutian Islands;
many of the articles are about Lt. Russell Beegle’s eyewitness accounts of the battle and
letters sent home to his wife]
Residence: Covington, Georgia
Service: Son of James Fred Bell, Jr, Seaman First Class, US Navy, Pacific
Volume: 7”
Letters (1)-(20) [electrostatic copies of letters James Bell wrote to his parents, March
1944 to Jan 1946; early training at Bainbridge, Maryland; life aboard ship; arrival in New
Guinea, June 1944; general comments about service in the Southwest Pacific]
Residence: Jacksonville, Florida
Service: friend of Capt. P.D. Cotes-Preedy, British officer at AFHQ
Volume: -1"
P.D. Cotes-Preedy Papers [Allied Force Headquarters Anniversary Celebration program
from August 11, 1943; sketch of Ike as well as a song about the staff at the Allied Forces
Residence: Columbus, Ohio
Service: German civilian
Volume: -1"
Memoir [story of a German woman civilian who was married to a black enlisted man;
she relates the trouble they had and how with the help of Eisenhower finally were legally
married on October 15, 1947]
Residence: Arlington, Virginia
Service: Brother-in-law of Henry J. Kelly, SHAEF, Europe
Volume: -1"
Henry J. Kelly Speech [Kelly was sent behind enemy lines in August 1944 to recover the
Siegfried Line maps; maps were to help the Allies know where the strength of the
opposing army would be; the mission went so well that Eisenhower picked Kelly as one
of the four officers to go to Oslo, Norway to represent him in accepting the surrender of
the German forces in Norway]
Residence: Quebec, Canada
Service: Public Relations Officer, US Army, Europe
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [printed book re his war experiences; life in London, England, and Reims,
France; comments on VIPs including Justus Baldwin Lawrence, Clare Booth Luce]
Residence: Unknown
Service: 12
Field Artillery; 77
Field Artillery (631
Field Artillery Battalion)
Volume: -1”
Diary [Assault on Sicily; service in Italy; fighting; daily activities, January 1943 to
August 1944]
Residence: Shawnee Mission, Kansas
Service: collector
Volume: -1”
Papers [ship newsletter, Queen Elizabeth, June 11, 1945]
Residence: Shawnee Mission, Kansas
Service: 117th & 133rd Station Hospitals, Medical Corps, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Memoirs [early medical career in US; medical service in Australia, New Guinea &
Philippines during WWII; officers and doctors with whom he worked; hospital
conditions; sanitation; diseases; abstracts of letters he wrote home to his wife]
Memorabilia [samples of Japanese government currency used during occupation of
Philippines; “I shall Return” matchbook cover; Guinea Gold newspaper for 13 Apr 1943,
15 Apr 1944 & 7 June 1944]
Residence: Silver Springs, Florida
Service: Merchant Marines
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [Paul joined the Merchant Marines when he was seventeen years old; the ship
he worked on was part of a convoy from New York that carried airplanes, tanks ,and
trucks; his ship was hit by 3 torpedoes just off the coast of New York]
Residence: West Chester, Pennsylvania
Service: 15th Air Force
Volume: -1"
Papers [post card with photo of street in Berlin; photos of wrecked WWII bombers
brought in for repair or salvage; two aerial photos taken during bombing runs]
Residence: Whiting, New Jersey
Service: WAC, 9th Bombardment Gp, 9th Air Force, Europe
Volume: 18"
Clippings (1) (2) [articles on the B-26's marauders; a soldiers prayer; Eisenhower arrives
in England Takes Over Invasion Command; trip to Washington; Nazis Reveal Surrender
To Western Allies (May 8th, 1945); the rebuilding of France; WWII battles and different
reports; one of the war’s most tragic missions, a low level B-26 attack on Ijmuiden,
Holland (not a single plane came back); D-Day Recalled ... Eisenhower’s Great
Decision; liberators; survivors remember horror of Dachau 50 years later; poem about the
Unknown Soldier; the Manhattan Project; “A Glimpse of Hell” GI’s recall liberation of
Nazi death camp; VE- Day; sailors remember the Japanese surrender on the Missouri;
Gen Patton]
Correspondence (1)-(3) [Christmas card from the South West Pacific, December 1943;
holiday cards; post cards and greeting cards; post-war letters; letters from family of Rev.
John Struyk of Belleville, NJ]
Diary [typed entries concerning her experiences in training in the US; life in England and
Memorabilia [book of stamps, postcards, and photos of scenes from Reims, France]
Notebook Nov. 16, 1942-Dec. 31, 1942 (1) (2) [notebooks are typed copies of letters she
sent to her parents regarding her experiences; also contain copies of church programs,
scattered clippings and a few original letters; 1942 notebook covers her early training at
Fort Des Moines, Iowa]
Notebook Jan. 2, 1943-Nov. 29, 1943 (1)-(4) [service at Daytona Beach, Florida; Camp
Upton, New York; Fort Devens, Mass; travel by ship to England in July 1943; life in
England; sightseeing in London]
Notebook Dec. 1, 1943-May 31, 1944 (1)-(4) [life in England]
Notebook June 3, 1944-Dec. 31, 1944 (1)-(4) [life in England; move to France in
September; life in France]
Notebook 1945 (1)-(5) [life in France; move to Namur, Belgium in April; vacation in
Nice, France, in July; return to US in October]
Orders [Restricted Orders of transfer]
Postcards (1)-(7) [a few have writing on them]
Publications (1)-(4) [Times war atlas of 1942; short stories from the Saturday Evening
Post; religious & patriotic booklets, and a magazine entitled the “Return To England
1942-1992, The Fiftieth Anniversary”]
Publications - American Legion (1)-(3) [6 copies WWII commemorative Issue, War
Ends 1945, War Years, Part one and two, and 1945 Victory]
Publications - France and England [booklet of photos, stories, and a brief history of the
Ninth Air Force]
Publications - Maps (1) (2) [US; Germany; the world]
Publications - Target: Germany [The Army Air Forces’ official story of the VIII bomber
command’s first year over Europe]
Publications - Tour Guides (1)-(6) [tour guide pamphlets from England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Essex, and a book of postcards]
Residence: West Burlington, Iowa
Service: 106th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs (1)(2) [two published memoirs; Memories has 7 chapters devoted to the war;
Trio has sections on the Ardennes, one of WWII’s greatest battles is recalled in first-hand
terms; travel tales, Europe without C-rations; Benny Goodman]
Residence: West Hartford, Connecticut
Service: US Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter telling of his duty during the Iwo Jima campaign]
Residence: Alexandria, Virginia
Service: US Army, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter that recounts his experiences during the D-Day invasion; evidence of some
sort of censorship in parts of the letter]
Residence: Caen, France
Service: Prisoner at Buchenwald Concentration Camp
Volume: -1”
Memoir (1) (2) [memoir in French with English translation describing experiences at
Buchenwald; resistance to Germans; living conditions; liberation by General Patton]
Residence: Des Moines, Iowa
Service: WAC, North Africa & Italy
Volume: -1"
Papers [experiences being a WAC in Africa and Italy; letters describe what her job was
and what was expected of her; living arrangements and the social life of a woman in the
army; description of everyday activities that would occur (lights out, chow, roll call)]
Residence: Haysville, Kansas
Service: Daughter of Ted Welch, U.S. Navy, Pacific Theater
Volume: 2"
Discharge Packet (1)(2) [honorable discharge papers for Willard Rickman]
Documents [Ted Welch’s letters re readjustment allowance in June of 1946; letter from
the secretary of the Navy wishing him luck in the civilian life; standard letter from Harry
List of Navy Battles [diary of Jay Lauren, the highlights of the Navy’s battle actions from
December 7, 1941 to February 20, 1944]
Photographs (1)(2) [crew and the ship that Ted Welch was on; village called Baten-Ko
before and after the typhoon]
VFW Cap [cap distinguished with all sorts of pins; he was Post Jr. Vice Commander in
Residence: Concordia, Missouri
Service: US Air Force
Volume: -1"
Concordia Veterans [book on war experiences of veterans who live in the area of
Concordia, MO]
Residence: Salina, Kansas
Service: US Navy, Pacific Theater
Volume: 2"
Memoir Francis Daily [1998 memoir by survivor re his service on the USS Liscome
Papers [History of the USS Liscome Bay, the first “ baby flattop” to be lost as a result of
enemy action in the Pacific; the USS Liscome Bay, was torpedoed by an enemy
submarine November 24th, 1943; newspaper clippings and articles about the sinking of
the USS Liscome Bay; a list of the ships company in alphabetical order.]
USS Liscome Bay Deck Log [copy of ship log, Aug 7-Oct 31, 1943]
USS Liscome Bay History (1) (2) [copy of scrapbook containing photos, news clippings,
reports and correspondence about the ship and post-war efforts to honor the crew]
USS Liscome Bay Muster Roll [copy of list of officers and crew]
USS Liscome Bay War Diary [copy of operational diary, Aug 7-Oct 31, 1943]
Residence: Reno, Nevada
Service: Son-in-law of Fred G. Moreston of Berkeley, CA, Counter Intelligence Corps
Volume: -1”
Fred Moreston Letters (1) (2) [transcripts of letters to his parents re language training at
University of Michigan, May 1943-May 1944; advanced training at Ft Snelling, Minn,
Aug 1944-June 1945; occupation duty in Japan, Oct 1945-Sept 1946]
Residence: Chapman, Kansas
Service: radioman, US Navy, Pacific Theater
Volume: 7"
Letters 1942-Mar. 1943
Letters Apr.-Sept. 1943
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1943 (1)(2)
Letters Jan.-Mar. 1944
Letters Apr.-June 1944 (1)(2)
Letters July-Sept. 1944
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1944 (1)(2)
Letters Jan.-Mar. 1945
Letters Apr.-June 1945 (1) (2)
Letters July-Sept. 1945 (1)(2)
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1945
Letters 1946 [letter to his father telling his dad he is dropping out of college and
enlisting in the armed forces; letters to let his parents know that he is okay; most of his
letters tell of things he needs or activities he has taken part in]
Memoirs [a 4 page composition on the life of Gene Book; early life in Chapman; college;
the armed forces; back to college; work in the field of health physics and nuclear power
plants; retirement in Chapman]
Miscellaneous Correspondence [letters and radiograms that Germany and Japan had both
surrendered; letter from a girl named Kate; Christmas card; letters from the U.S.
Employment Department]
Miscellaneous Papers [letters about mail buoys and radiomen; package slips; songs and
poems; old liberty passes]
Photos & Memorabilia (1)(2) [Japanese money; a contribution to the National Foundation
to honor General Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Armed Forces; service photos; photos of
friends; postcards and a napkin from “the Circle”; 22 photos]
Printed Material [materials received at boot camp; a booklet about U.S. Naval Armed
Guard Center in the Pacific at Treasure Island]
Residence: Breckenridge, Texas
Service: 543 Squadron, 381 Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: 2”
Note: Material donated by Joe Todd of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, who received it from Emma
Bordner, widow of Charles Bordner
Memorabilia [copies of photos & maps]
Miscellaneous Papers [lists of Bordner’s missions; crew lists; target maps; statistical data
on 381 Bomb Group printed from internet]
Mission Report, Dresden, Germany, 17 April 1945 (1) (2)
Mission Report, Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, 25 April 1945 (1) (2)
Residence: Akron, Ohio
Service: Niece of James H. Ludington of Gary, Indiana, US Navy, 1942-46
Volume: 1"
Log [log book of where and when Ludington’s ship arrived and left port; Oct. 1942-Aug.
Memorabilia [Christmas card to his mother; Father’s Day card; a certificate for crossing
the Equator, January 7th, 1943]
Papers [letters and transfer orders; service records re capturing and sinking of a German
submarine; a joke letter (Subpoena And Summons Extraordinary The Royal High Court
of The Raging Main); article about Jimmy Ludington]
Residence: Niceville, Florida
Service: 113 Evac Hospital, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memorabilia [Swastika; German Bank Notes; pass to visit cities and towns in Germany]
Residence: St. Joseph, Missouri
Service: II Corps, North Africa & Europe
Volume: 1"
Papers [article re the training of American troops; article re Stars and Stripes, and its
humble beginnings in Bloomfield, Mo; nine days of News bulletins dated July 2-11,
Stars & Stripes [4 issues of Stars & Stripes newspaper, dated May 3, 8, 9, August 25,
1945, Mediterranean edition; three May issues encapsulated in plastic; includes headline,
“Allied Victories Rock Hitler’s Axis Empire”]
Unit History - II Corps [history of II Corps is the story of all its members, living and dead,
who served under its command]
Residence: Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Service: WAC, New Guinea, Philippines
Volume: 4”
Note: Material donated by Joe Todd of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, who received it from Mrs.
Miscellaneous Papers [letters & memorabilia re Philippines]
Printed Material (1)-(3) [Papuan Campaign; guides to Australia & New Guinea; pictorial
account of WACs in the western Pacific; first aid manual]
Scrapbook (1)-(5) [clippings; memorabilia; orders; correspondence; mostly re
201 File [enlistment & discharge papers; orders; funeral arrangements]
Residence: Greensburg, Kansas
Volume: -1"
Greeting Card [made up newspaper for the boys in the service; every day camp life]
Residence: East Point, Georgia
Volume: 2"
Army Cook Books (1)(2) [two government issue cookbooks]
Residence: Tampa, Florida
Service: Wife of World War II soldier
Volume: -1"
Papers [article re segregation in the army in the 40's; map of IRTC Camp Blanding,
Florida; propaganda to buy war bonds; photographs; Ingalls News, News from Ingalls
Shipbuilding Corporation, Pascagoula, Miss., Dec. 31, 1942]
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
Service: Widow of Robert E. Briggs, Co A, 126 Inf Regt, 32 Inf Div, Pacific
Volume: 10”
Diary [brief entries, Jan 1-Feb 11, 1945, re life at Camp Fannin, Texas]
Infantry Replacement Training Center, Camp Fannin, Texas [printed booklets re Camp
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1944 (1) (2) [to family in Kansas City re processing at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas; training at Camp Fannin, Texas]
Letters Jan.-May 1945 (1) (2) [Camp Fannin; Fort Ord, Calif; arrival in Philippines]
Letters June-July 1945 (1) (2) [Philippines]
Letters Aug.-Sept. 1945 (1) (2) [Philippines; departure for Japan]
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1945 (1) (2) [occupation duty in Japan]
Letters Jan.-Mar. 1946 [occupation duty in Japan]
Letters April-June 1946 (1) (2) [Japan]
Letters July-Sept. 1946 [Japan]
Memorabilia [clippings; awards; certificates; discharge paper; funeral notice]
Photo Album #1
Photo Album #2
Documents from Photo Album #1
Documents from Photo Album #2
Terrain Handbook, Central Luzon [printed guidebook, Nov 1944]
Unit History 32 Inf Div [printed booklets]
Residence: Everest, Kansas
Service: Widow of Francois F. Brillouet, Belgian army
Volume: -1”
Papers [copy of commendation by DDE to Eleventh Belgian Fusilier Battalion, July 13,
Residence: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Service: Collector
Volume: -1”
Allied Propaganda [samples of Allied leaflets; 10 in German; 1 in Italian]
German Propaganda [samples of German leaflets; 26 in English; 1 in Polish]
Residence: San Antonio, Texas
Service: Women's Army Corps, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers (1) (2) [invitation to Fencers Ball, Nov. 16, 1945; photo of people fencing; article
from the Stars and Stripes, Dec. 23, 1945; photo of Henry Kissinger, having dinner with
donor; drafts written for a 1988 proposed book to be an account of the experiences of
three WAC officers who traveled in late May 1945, on the troop ship George
Washington; newspaper from Oct., Nov., and Dec., 1946]
Residence: Lindsborg, Kansas
Service: Daughter of Elmer Vecera, gunnery officer, US Navy, Pacific
Volume: 2”
Memorabilia (1) (2) [pocket signal disk; pocket compass trainer; Japanese money]
Miscellaneous Papers [discharge papers; obituary of Elmer Vecera; 1946 letter to
Publications (1) (2) [guides to US & Japanese ships & airplanes; Japanese phrase book;
Residence: Perris, California
Service: 230 FA Bn, 30 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoirs (1)-(5) [A Boys Story, experiences Floyd Brooks had from January 1943 to
January 1946]
Residence: Pinckney, Michigan
Service: Co F, 115 Inf Regt, 29 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1”
Papers [occupation of Bremen; German hunting laws; ship’s newsletter, Central Falls
Victory, March 1946]
Residence: Pasadena, Maryland
Service: Tank Service Battalion, Europe
Volume: 1"
Cards [cards to and from family members]
Memorabilia [Lutheran Identification tag; service prayer book; letters to his pastor; 16
photographs about the reception center at Camp Lee, Virginia]
Service Record [booklet with Brown’s service record and his transfer dates]
Residence: Brighton, Michigan
Service: son of Haskiel J. Brown, Co F, 115 Inf Regt, 29 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1”
Haskiel Brown Memoir [service in France, Belgium, Germany]
Residence: Cottonwood, Arizona
Service: 3156 Signal Service Co, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Papers [booklet on history of 3156 Signal Service Co, compiled for 1993 reunion; copies
of photos of Brown’s service in Algiers]
Residence: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Service: Co C, 35 Tank Bn, Europe
Volume: -1”
Papers [copy of discharge certificate, Dec 1945]
Residence: Yuma, Arizona
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Papers [copies of photographs and printed material concerning the World War II service
of General Simon B. Buckner who was killed on Okinawa in 1945]
Residence: Overland Park, Kansas
Service: Sister of A.T. Mosimann, B-17 navigator, 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: 1"
Correspondence [graduation announcements and birthday cards sent to his sister]
Memorabilia [basic mileage rations; prayer; poem; newspapers with headlines re the
surrender of Germany and the surrender of Japan]
V-Mail Envelopes (1)(2)[empty envelopes]
Residence: Moscow, Russia
Service: Driver for Marshal Zhukov
Volume: -1"
Papers [greeting card in Russian from Bugin to John Eisenhower; letter from Bugin to
John Eisenhower]
Residence: Denver, Colorado
Service: Airplane mechanic, Air Force
Volume: -1”
Papers [enlistment and discharge papers; awards; certificates]
Residence: Coffeyville, Kansas
Service: Historian, American Legion Post 20, Coffeyville, Kansas
Volume: -1”
Memorial Scrapbook [lists of servicemen from Montgomery County, Kansas, killed in
action in World War II, Korea and Vietnam; copies of newspaper clippings of their
obituaries; miscellaneous articles from newspapers]
Residence: Decatur, Nebraska
Service: Daughter of George R. Miles, seabee, Pacific Theater
Volume: -1"
Newsletters (1)(2) [newsletters from the Philippines, Feb. 18, to Oct. 13, 1945; a
newspaper called the Sea-Bee, a newspaper to help keep people in the service informed]
Residence: Smyrna, Georgia
Service: Grade School Teacher
Volume: -1"
Student Papers [WWII War Stories: Oral Histories From the Elders to the Young,
interviews conducted by fourth and fifth grade students on what role people of their town
played during the war]
Residence: Prudenville, Michigan
Service: Persian Gulf Command
Volume: -1"
Papers [letters sent home, 1942 to 1945, most of the letters are just small talk, but some
include simple reminders such as “IDLE GOSSIP SINKS SHIPS”; photographs;
pamphlet about serving in the Persian Gulf Command]
Residence: Derby, Kansas
Service: Son of Norman Bye, Sr, Bombing Squadron 109, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Unit History -[pictorial record of the combat duty of Bombing Squadron One Hundred
Nine in the Central Pacific, December 28, 1943 to August 14, 1944]
Residence: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Service: US Coast Guard, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [postcards; letter of appreciation; honorable discharge from the United States
Coast Guard; photos of crew from the Combat Cutter; newspaper article about
ceremonies to mark 40 years since D-Day; photographs of the crew and daily activities;
Time magazine, May 28, 1984, Forty Years After the Great Crusade]
Residence: Caen, France
Service: Archives which collects material on World War II in Normandy; this file contains
copies of letters, diaries and memoirs of individuals in Normandy regarding the German
occupation and the Allied invasion on D-Day; the material is in French.
Volume: 28"
Adam, Louis [310] [memoir from June-July 1944; Avranches is his memoir on the D-
Day invasion and the attack on schools by the Germans]
Adeline, Pierre [30] [notes taken from June 6, to Sept. 3, 1944; bombing of Caen on D-
Day; search for a safe place; school reception center for refugees; liberation of Caen by
Canadians; German will to keep fighting; reminiscences of a deaf child; diary made into a
narrative in 1986 called The Deaf School, Boys and Girls, During the Battle of Caen]
Alibert, Dr. [210] [diary of Aunt Leo re the bombing and being evacuated from
Cherbourg; exodus of the whole family]
Anonymous (1)-(8) [209, 309, 175, 189, 271, 65, 212, 143] [description of military
actions; in wait of liberation; bombing on Cherbourg area; contradictory information;
vanguard arrives June 21; German artillery; Cherbourg liberated June 26; letter found in
the ruins, a mother writes to her son and tells him his brother has just died from the
bombings, in Vire; notes taken from May to July 1944, re the living conditions of the
population; acts of sabotage on the railroad; Battle of Caen, Anglo-American and German
assaults, D-Day and bombings, organization of the population for the children; the Allies
liberate Caen, July 6, 1944; German artillery shellings go on until August 15, 1944; diary
from June and July, the daily life of the community from D-Day to liberation; letter from
Alice Dagobert, exodus of the community, evacuation of the sick, the elderly and the
young girls, including Alice; list of emergency team members; interventions; names and
events day after day; D-Day and bombings; diary with drawings; diary of D-Day
bombings of Lion-Sur Mer,Caen, and Hermanville and the wait for liberation]
Avenel, Genevieve [317] [description of the many bombings of the town and the effects
on the population]
Baduel, Mme. [224] [diary; before the landing; resistance; German requisitions and
preparations for the landing; D-Day; liberation of the village begins; occupation ends July
7, 1944; resume day to day life]
Baille, Mme. [82] [description of hard living conditions and the organization of people;
placed at the head of the nursery; took care of the injured and dead; Canadians finally
liberate them]
Beauchemin, Drougard, Lagnel (1)-(3) [4] [four people describe the same events, living
conditions, and military operations]
Beaulieu, Mme. [90] [a report written for school about the tragic events of 1944;
description of D-Day in vicinity of Mondeville, Demouville, and Mard-De-Reno; exodus,
separation from parents; father died of gangrene from a war wound; reunion with her
Beuvre, Mme. [118] [letter addressed to the Mayor, city council, and the inhabitants of
Herqueville who welcomed the U.S. in June; German repression in Vauville; Vauville
liberated June 30, 1944; letter from the Mayor of Herqueville to both villages]
Bechet, Michel [76] [diary of the daily life of town in North Magenne from D-Day to its
liberation by the American army under Patton; Gorron is liberated August 5, 1944;
photographs; R.A.F. leaflets; maps of military operations]
Betts, Madeleine [25] [diary of 1944 mixed with personal thoughts; daily life in Janville
from D-Day to liberation]
Bigeon, Mme. [207] [diary, letters, reports, and autographs; letter on food problems
during occupation; diary of daily life under German occupation (June 6 to 26); a bomb
kills her mother, June 26, 1944; letters on German and American behavior in Cherbourg;
reports on the Americans; report on D-Day in Cherbourg; autographs by Americans,1944]
Blanvillain, Jean [300] [memoir called, The Allied Landing in Normandy-What I Saw
and Felt in June 1944; D-Day and bombings of Saint-Lo; exodus to Saint Croix and
return to Saint-Lo]
Blumstein, Robert [268] [diary from June 6, to Sept. 7, 1944; daily report on his leaving
with the people from Brouy]
Bouchard, Mme. [82] [memoir, Reminiscences of Mrs. Bouchard; the reception of the
injured from Caen in Bayeux; battle of Caen and the evacuation of the people]
Bouchy, A. [214] [memoir titled Testimony on the Landing and Liberation; D-Day
bombing of Vire; leaving Vire with family to Magenne; meeting of Americans]
Bouiller, Alice [1] [biographies and letters; biographies of Miss Alice Bouillet and Miss
Eugene Simon, Alice’s sister; D-Day in Cramesnil; exodus to Louvigny]
Boulard, Marie-Christiane [321] [memoir of one day, June 14, 1944; bombing of
Vimoutiers; organization of first aid and operations by her father]
Boulvain, M. [8] [memoir titled Six Weeks in the Quarries of Maladrerie; the shelling of
the town; the quarries were a refuge for 250 to 300 people; organization of food, hygiene]
Brechoire, Mme. [205] [D-Day in St. Martin-Le- Greard; flight of family and the people
from St. Martin-Le -Greard; error of the American bombers that attacked their own
positions; the death of her husband from the bombing]
Briend, Mme. [265] [memoir with map and birth certificate; leaving Clamart, pregnant
and with a one-year old daughter; to her mother-in-laws in Vire; the bombing and D-Day
at Vire; she gives birth on 7/17/44; escapes Vire in search of shelter; Americans arrive on
August 16, 1944; back to Clamart on Sept. 10, 1944]
Broquet, Paul [106] [memoir and a map and a letter to grandson; war memories written
for his grandchildren from 1940 to 1945; arrival of Germans in Canville-La-Rocque; life
among the Germans during the occupation, bombings, and the liberation of Catteville]
Buon, Simone [279] [memoir for about ten days during July, 1944; tells about her
husband who dies in the bombings; helped the resistants (including her brother) escape
from Caen to quarries of Fleury and then to Ifs]
Cachet [313] [memoir for June 6 to 11, 1944; from bombings of Periers to evacuation;
tells about a lot of injured people and the death of a young boy]
Catherine, Jacques [45] [diary of a man from Caen during the occupation, 1940-1944;
the occupation of Calvades from 1940 to 1944; battles of the Poche de Falaise; being
forced to work as a labor conscript]
Cauderlier, Mr. [239] [memoir and a questionaire; D-Day tragedy and the panic of the
1st days; life under occupation, the bombings, in refugee centers, religion, and after
Chaperon, Dr. [42] [diary from June 6, to July 25, 1944 and following days; notes taken
during the events; helping the injured; search for a safe shelter]
Chapron, Michelle [278] [memoirs of returning to St. Lo, where she becomes a boarder
in middle school; being away from her parents for two months; D-Day and the bombings;
evacuation and organization of shelters]
Chemama, Mme. [235][memoir re D-Day and the organization of everyday life]
Chenet, Paul [93] [diary and newspaper articles from June 6, to Dec. 31, 1944; the
organization of daily life in Mondeville and the evacuation; relationships with Germans
and allied forces; life in caves]
Cirou, Marie de la Trinite [82] [memoir about taking care of the contagious people and
traveling to Carpiquet and to Bayeux; bombings and many medical details]
Coantic-Dormoy, Mme. [281] [diary; letter to the Mayor of Caen in 1944; war diary and
logbook from truck no.1 of National Assistance and French Mutual Aid; resupplying of
food and material transport; maps; list of survivors; copy of envelope sent by Cardinal
Suhard; article called “200,000km under the Bombs”]
Corbasson, Mme. [49] [memoir; a member of the resistance; deprted to Mauthausen;
relationship with the Gestapo; D-Day and bombings of Caen; relationship with
Americans and Canadians]
Corbet, Gerard [10] [memoir about D-Day and bombings; meeting Canadian soldiers in
Corbin, Melle. [66] [diary about D-Day in Lion-Sur-Mer; bombings; 2 written pieces
from nurses in Lion-Sur-Mer]
Cuche, D. [314] [memoir from June 1944, St. Hilaire Du Harcouet; D-Day and the
bombings described in detail]
Dabosville, Cecile [82] [memoir; the bombings of Caen; help to the injured at home; the
quarries of Fleury; organization of life in the quarries; work of nuns and priests;
evacuation of some people on German orders; liberation; evacuation to Villers-Le-Sec in
Canadian trucks]
Dangeard, Louis [6] [diary on notes re emotions and behaviors of people; personal
observations; list of emergency teams of the Red Cross; Swiss Help Conference]
Daure, Mme. [48] [diary(?); her husband, commissioner of education, was dismissed by
Vichy; he became prefect of Calvados; D-Day and bombings; relationships with
resistance and the Germans; escape of the family; Canadian soldiers]
David, Robert [108] [memoir; he helped American troops capture 30 German prisoners]
Debleds, Mme. [24] [letter to relative; D-Day machine gunners; escape]
de Carantilly, Mr. [46] [diary and notes made in 1944; D-Day and bombings;
organization of life within a small group of people in castle; black market; relationship
with Germans; the English liberate Rapilly; daughter’s birth]
Delaunay, Paulette [275] [diary and autographs of allied soldiers; letter to daughter
Paulette; D-Day bombings of St. Aubin-Sur-Mer; purification; everyday life; liberation]
Denquin, Alfred [78] [diary; D-Day bombings; wedding of her mother during a difficult
moment; wait for the English, Canadian soldiers; goes to St.Pierre-Eglise]
Devillard, Philippe [100] [memoir; family tree; map; 1939-1945 Gatteville (no
chronological order); reminiscences of a child; June 1940, Germans settle in their house;
very resistant family; grandfather in contact with Allies; Grand-parents take care of the
Dignet, Mr. [220] [diary of D-Day and the English; 3 month old son; evacuation to La
Carneille; English and Canadian soldiers]
Duchesne, Marin Pierre [298] [memoir about the first bombings of Isigny; evacuation of
the family; arrival and life of American soldiers; he becomes a young interpreter;
American Army logistics; departure of German prisoners; road and railroad traffic; friend
of the soldiers and every day life of the GI’s]
Dudouit-Meynard, Gilberte [299] [memoir and letter to the Memorial; D-day bombings
of Caen; refugee in St. Vincent-de-Paul; helping of nuns and taking care of babies;
refugees; serves as interpreter for an English soldier]
Duncombe, Dr. [73] [memoirs; Caen; the Battle of Normandy; life in Caen; liberation;
member of the Emergency Red Cross team of Le Bon Sauveur Hospital; reception and
care of the injured; bombings; anecdotes]
Ehly, Marcel [11] [memoir; anecdotes of a baker; relationships with the Germans under
occupation; D-Day; lack of water to make bread; Canadian and English soldiers]
Fauchier-Delavigne, Marcolle [99] [diary of the three months spent with the English; D-
Day and following days; St. Gabriel; lives with the Scottish and English]
Fortineau, Marie-Paule [82] [memoir; hospital partly occupied by Germans; D-Day
bombings; Germans take everything from the hospital with them; refugees sent to the
hospital; taking care of the contageous people; Allies arrive July 7, 1944 and fight until
August 15, 1944]
Fouquet, Mme. [64] [letter to son Jacques in Paris; description of Caen; destroyed and
the dead; worries for her family]
Gautier, Leon [195] [diary; D-Day and bombings; pillage by the Germans; working for
the French Navy; military actions]
Giet, Melle. [70] [speech; teachers and students lives during the siege]
Godet, Louise [222] [memoir; newspaper article on people from Quebec; German
Occupation; liberation; restocking; close relationship with Canadians]
Goupil, Bernard [191] [memoirs; Caen, June 6-7th, 1944; D-Day bombings; St. Gilles
and St. Jean districts]
Greves, Jeanne Francoise [56, 57] [memoir about Mondeville; life in refugee center;
evacuation to Magenne]
Guerin, Janine [319] [newspaper article about D-Day bombings; shelter in the crypt of
St. Germain church and bombing of this church; evacuation of the injured; family
members injured or killed]
Guibe, Henriette [237] [memoirs; life in basements in Caen; supplies; fires; Canadian
soldiers; rats, fleas, and bugs; money and solidarity of citizens]
Guillouet, Odile [82] [memoir; D-Day bombings of Caen; evacuation of the sick; people
alive under the rubble]
Hamel-Heteau, Mme. [277] [memoir; served as a guide and interpreter for Americans;
served as a nurse for Americans and Germans from 1940-44; maps; close relationships
with the Americans]
Hanocque, Gerard [305] [memoir; D-Day bombings on Lisieux]
Hardelay, Mr. [59] [memoir; the landings and bombings; German defenses]
Harmel, Leon Felix (1) (2) [81] [diary, October to December 1944; talks of his many
travels; participated in the battle of Normandy (distribution of supplies); life in a besieged
Caen; last day of the siege; quarries of Fleury; Calvados to the English Channel, and
Havard de la Montagne, Manuel [32] [diary; maps and documents on General Von
Schwein; the end of occupation when he lived by a Norman family; Les Moutiers-Hubert,
July to August, 1944; rapid war in this area over 60 hours; liberation came in 48 hours;
relationship with the Germans]
Hebert, Georges [12] [memoir; memories from D-Day to refuge; living in the quarries of
Mr. Andre Sainot; organization of daily life; 7/07-7/17/1944 to liberation]
Heintz, Andre [32] [memoir; D-Day, Caen; resistance; Red Cross; hospital; Organization
of Life; bombings; relationship with Germans; fires everywhere; British soldiers liberate
Hospice D'Ecouche [318] [memoir; Ecouche 6/06-8/20/1944; German occupation;
homes and towns are bombed; help to the injured]
Houet, Abbe Jean-Marie [308] [memoir; D-Day; bombings of Vire; assistance to the
injured during evacuation]
Huet-Patry, Mme. [22] [letter; Vierville-Sur-Mer liberated; relationship with Americans;
the surprising abundance of American supplies]
Jacob, Rene [233] [diary from 6/05-8/27/1944; family settled in Ste. Croix; made Fluery-
Sur-Orne into a nursery and hospital; gave assistance to the injured; Canadians and
British arrive; Antoinette dies of shellings, a member of the Armed Resistance
Organization; chronology of events in Ste. Croix]
Jehenne, Paul [53] [speech; 1939-1943, Tilly-Sur-Seulles under occupation; D-Day and
Battle of Tilly; reaction of population; liberation]
Joseph, Mr. [169] [diary; letter to Mayor of Caen; D-Day and bombing of Caen;
relationship with the Germans]
Laberthe, Mme. [74] [diary; lived in the religious community known as the Little Sisters
of the Poor; D-Day and bombings; organization of the reception center for refugees with
nuns and the nurses; liberation]
Laisney, Mr. [110] [memoir; D-Day and bombings; goes to St. Lo, Montebourg, Manche,
and Valognes to give help to the injured and search for supplies]
Lamer, Mr. [149] [diary; hand-written diary of D-Day and bombings of Caen; typed diary
re D-Day and the bombings of Caen as well as giving assistance to the injured and
organization of help; letter from the Red Cross on the death of Robert Aurray]
Langlois, Andre [97] [memoir; Canon and Mezidon, fighting, bombing, and shelling;
narration made after the testimonies of (1) soldiers of the Scottish Army (2) Mr. Thierry,
only inhabitant left after evacuation, (3) meeting of veterans on 6/15/1982]
Larue, Jean [304] [testimony about D-Day and the bombings; evacuation of the injured;
daily life]
Leber, Madelaine [82] [memoir; to Bon Sauveur for refuge; takes care of the injured and
the dead; Canadian parachutists arrive]
Lebrec, Mr. [202] [diary and memoir describes events before and during the war, 1939 to
1944; Russia; Africa; Mediterranean; Asia; Oceana; France; resistance; requisition;
forewarning of landing; what the Germans said and did; material damages and the war
scene; the results of the war, injured or dead civilians, fires, dead soldiers, destroyed
tanks and cars; planes that were shot down; the war for the farmer; life on the farm,
requisitions, resistance and restrictions]
Lebret, Roland [55] (1) (2) [letter; air-battles on Sassy after D-Day; occupation of Sassy;
evacuation; anecdotes; liberation by Canadians and Polish]
Lecerf, Mme. [137] [diary; map of Plomb; daily life in a small village; bombing;
relationship with Americans and Germans]
Lecornu, Bernard [72] [interview transcript, extracted from his book, A Prefect Under
Occupation; an active resistance member; crossed enemy lines to give information to the
Lecourtois, L'Abbe Jean [115] [memoir; the Battle of St. Jores; D-day and bombing]
LeGros, Marguerite [240] [diary; D-Day and bombings from Caen; working with
emergency teams; organization of daily life; travels to Fleury-Sur-Orne to Caen to
Lemanissier, Andre [117] [article and photographs; Andre Francois and Louise-Marie
Lemanissier are doctors; A.F. enlists in the Free French Forces; L.M. a doctor in the
French Foreign Legion; change name to ASQUINS]
LeMeilleur, Mr. [58] [diary; welcomes many refugees in his house; daily life]
Le Normand Camille [315] [report to the director of the passive defense of Saint Lo;
assists the injured; free victims from under the rubble; resupplying]
Lepelley, Rene [323] [diary and maps; high school in Paris; difficult life in wait of
liberation; liberation by Americans 7/17/1944]
Leproust, Rejane [34] [diary; bombings of Caen; her father works at the fire station;
refugees; personal worries]
LeRoux, Michelle [52] [diary; D-Day bombings of Tilly-Sur-Seulles; injured people and
people under rubble; evacuation to Fleurs]
Leroy, Cecile [82] [memoir; D-Day and bombings in Caen; help to victims; fires; victims
stuck under rubble waiting for help]
Lesage, Victor [242] [diary from the summer of 1944; report from 1984; D-Day
bombings of Caen; in search of refuge; everyday life; 8/13/1944, liberation of Chevaigne]
Letenneur, Pierre [54] [letters; a volunteer in 1939; the resistance; D-Day; almost dying
from a small bomb]
Levoy, Ferdinand [38] [memoir; military actions; preparation of Normandy by occupiers;
relationship with Germans; requisition; D-Day; battle of Normandy; liberation]
Leullier, Mme. [1] [reminiscences of a housewife; gave birth two weeks before the D-
Day bombings; search for a safe place; everyday life and worries of a mother]
Louise, Marguerite [29] [memoir; D-Day bombings of Caen; the resistance; Caen high
school; everyday life until 9/01/44]
Lucet, Louis [107] [diary; clippings and maps of Montebourg; the preparations for D-
Day and the bombings; military actions; daily life; Americans liberate Montebourg]
Lust, Jean [303] [a ten year old child during the bombings of Aunay-Sur-Odon; D-Day
and the bombings of Aunay-Sur-Odon; father was a war prisoner in Germany; mother ran
a cake shop; explosion of their shelter; sees injury or death to close friends]
Madelaine, Marcel [28] [diary; D-Day and daily life; escape from compulsory work; goes
to Aunay-Sur-Odon to Le Bon Sauver to Bayeux; liberation of Caen; critical remarks]
Magot, Mme. [234] [memoir; didn’t expect D-Day; takes refuge in a church; opinion
toward Germany; daily life; walks to Paris to find mother and sister]
Mahier, Mme. [208] [memoir; D-Day at Cherbourg; daily life during the battle;
6/26/1944, Americans arrive]
Mannevy, Yvonne [320] [memoir; D-Day in L’aigle; in search of medical equipment;
brings help to the injured]
Manoury, Mme. [82] [memoir from the former director of a nursery; D-Day and
bombings; 62 babies and 13 adults; German soldiers react to the babies; difficult transfer
to Le Bon Sauver]
Manuelle, Paul [111] [diary, 3/01 to 8/06/1944 in Valognes; D-Day bombings; takes care
of refugees; organization of everyday life; religion; Americans arrive]
Marie, Robert [230] [memoirs and diary; before the landing Germans oblige French to
build obstacles; “Evrecy” buries several members of his family; forced evacuation]
Marteau, Marcel [241] [questionaire and 2 reports; Mr Marcel Marteau, Mr Camille
Marteau, and Mr Jean Baptiste Pierre]
Martinet, Mme. [82] [report; availability of equipment and linens; care and feeding of
Massinot, M. [62] [diary; D-Day and bombings; evacuation; resupplying; daily life in
Fortenay-Le-Pesnel/St. Pierre-La-Vieille/Ceauce/Niort-La-Fontaine]
Maurin, Max [77] [memoir; military actions; D-Day bombings of Caen; daily life in
Caen; Le Bon Sauver; medical team; works at the reception of the vicitms; supplies
difficult to get (water); took refuge in St. Etierre church with family; liberation by English
and Canadians]
Moitie, Mme. [211] [memoir from 1939 to 1944; 1944 D-Day and bombings; daily life;
exodus; liberation by Americans]
Monsterleet, Mr. [39] [memoir over D-Day bombings, fires, help to victims]
Montebourg Abbey [109] [diary, May 1944; daily life; D-Day and following days in
detail; relationships with Germans; tries to find place of refuge, liberated by Americans]
Mougin, Pierre [18] [memoir; D-day in Falaise and evacuation to a farm in St.-Martin-
De-Meux; worked for national help organization; organizes a reception center for
refugees in transit; daily life; relationship with Germans; artillery attacks; Canadians
liberate 8/18/1944; returns to Falaise; worked for French mutual help organization]
Notre Dame Monastere [145] [diary; D-Day and bombings of Caen; destruction of
church; life in a shelter; fires; evacuation to Le Bon Sauver; liberation; spiritual life]
Osouf, Mme. [312] [memoir; D-Day and bombings of Caen; explosion of the house;
family under the rubble; looking for refuge; Americans arrive]
Oudinet Family [14] [letters between family members, May-Oct. 1944; the battle of
Caen; daily life (letters almost unreadable)]
Ozenne, Denise [292] [memoir; D-Day bombings of Ceaux; religion; military actions;
fires; Americans arrive; artillery]
Ozenne, Marie [216] [memoir; Germans settle at their farm; bombings of their farm;
Americans arrive July 6, 1944]
Paul, Abbe [21] [memoir; bombing of Aunay-Sur-Odon; lots of the people left buried
under the rubble; lack of equipment; worries of the population; 163 counted as dead;
questioning this total destruction; an attempt to explain; religious beliefs; a list of the
Perret, Joseph [15] [father’s diary, June 6 to July 13, 1944; 2 memoirs with father’s notes
and children’s comments; (1) D-Day bombings of Caen, various refugees, Canadian
parachutists, part of an emergency team, worries for the family, everyday life, sons avoid
compulsory work, relationship with the Germans, and finally liberation; (2) same
narration with very slight differences; (3) same story, only father’s notes]
Peschet, P. [215] [memoir reminiscences of the period from March to September 1944 in
St. Sever, Calvados; ammunition dump; requisition of men and women; D-Day bombings
in detail; pillaging; various refugees; liberation; the difficulties of life after liberation]
Petites Soeurs des Pauvres [80] [diary with extracts from the relationship of the Little
Sisters of the Poor, chronicles of the religious community, Caen 1943-1946; 1943
bombings; 1944, becoming a reception center for the victims; D-Day and the bombings;
help to the injured; leaving of the town; liberation; housing 80 children for two months]
Pezeril, Marie [82] [testimony given by one of her religious sisters on the work
performed by Sister Marquerite Marie Pezeril, Augustine Nun in Caen hospital; works at
the mortuary depot; belongs to a French-Polish resitance movement; at night lists
information of the dead and sends it to the resistance movement; many decorations after
the war]
Philippe [103] [memoir (typed, incomplete); diary of the D-Day bombings; looking for a
refuge; daily life; spirtual life; liberation]
Pinot, Pere [250] [memoir, tells of the war, 1939; life at the orphanage; the liberation; D-
Day; occupation; hospital; Allies arrive; resistance in the orphanage; map; extract from
Region Argentan re an orphanage and craft school; the liberation; the little red
handkerchief; the dialogue between two boys on the orphanage resistance; under the
Germans noses: enthusiastic march; death notice of Priest Francois Mathieu]
Pipet, Albert [19] [article and letter; thank you letter from Ms. Jules Larousse, Mayor of
Louvigny to the Mayor of Toronto; the Royal Department of Canada- the Queens
regiment; military actions]
Pouchin, Mr. [86] [memoir; runs 2 farms; Gruchy (where the farms are) isolated from the
rest of the country; D-Day, refuge in the basement of a manor; organization of daily life;
relationship with the SS; after liberation; a list of the refugees in the basement]
Priout, Mme. [47] [incomplete memoir; husband English teacher (retired)- resistance
movement follower; D-Day bombings in detail; liberation; husband gives information to
and translates for English headquarters]
Ravignon, Soeur [102] [memoir from Sister Ravignon with the end missing; religious
life; bombings; death of two nuns; exodus of the countryside; liberation]
Richer, Mme. [223] [memoir remembering Bayeux; occupation; goes to Caen; D-Day
bombings; to Bon-Sauveur; the meeting of a few English soldiers]
Roger, Jean [316] [memoir from St. Lo tells of D-Day, bombings, and being evacuated
into a shelter]
Rossignol, Mme. [163] [diary and a letter from the departmental committee of liberation;
D-Day in Caen; everyday life; supply bread all along the battle; English and Americans
Roux, Mme. [82] [memoir about the D-Day bombings of Caen; working at the
emergency room until the end of July; giving help to the injured; personal anecdotes]
Roux, Charles [26] [diary; D-Day bombings of Caen; everyday life]
Ruet, Mme. [63] [interview of Mrs. Ruet on the landings, the Americans, the Germans,
the population, and the ruins]
Rullier, Mme. [236] [memoir; D-Day and the bombings of Caen; everyday life; French-
Canadians arrive; evacuate to Bayeux; workers for civil affairs]
St. Louis Hospice [82] [article; D-Day bombings in Caen; giving help to the injured;
travel to Giel orphanage; living in the caves of Fleury]
Saint Sauveur le Vicomte [251] [extract from the Echo of St. Saurveur Le Vicomte
Abbey; D-Day bombings; evacuation of the injured and the children; liberation; daily life;
religious life]
Sainte Scolasse [57] [memoir; D-Day bombings; German and American soldiers;
Saville, Leslie [238] [letter; populations attitude toward British soldiers; British soldiers
attitudes toward French civilians; the French view of themselves; Second Army; issue of
special items; copy of personal message from General Montgomery to troops; message to
troops from Eisenhower; Second Army newsletter, July 29, 1944]
Schneider, Mme. [228] [memoir; D-Day bombings of Caen; sees Canadian soldiers
massacred and mutilated by German soldiers; taking refuge in a well in the quarries (51
people in the well for 1 month); organization of everyday life; relationship with the
Germans; the Canadians and Scottish arrive]
Seguin, Jean [311] [memoir; D-Day bombings of Avranches; help of the emergency team
by the family; fires; description of the town]
Soeur Saint Benoit [306] [memoir; D-Day bombings; exodus of the community; injured]
Speck, Nadine S. [2, 3] [memoir; D-Day bombings of Caen; exodus of the family; daily
life; personal comments]
Spengler, Mme. [198] [memoir; D-Day; refugees; resistance; hospital; daily life; arrival
of the Canadian soldiers]
Tostin, Mme. [217] [diary; D-Day bombings; refugees; exodus; American soldiers; back
Touzan, Mr. [264] [memoir; D-Day bombings of Caen; evacuation; living conditions in
the quarries; pillaging; personal anecdotes]
Touzan, Roland [263] [diary; D-Day bombing; battle; liberation; evacuation;
Travert, Mme. Retru [105] [diary; D-day bombings; daily life; relationship with the
Germans and the Americans; defense of her property against the Germans]
Tribouillard, Andree [144] [memoir; occupation; resistance; D-Day bombings of Cazel;
M. Tribouillard injured and evacuated to England; everyday life; relationship with the
English and Canadian soldiers]
Vanier, Colette [82] [memoir (last page missing); nursing school that is not occuppied by
the Germans; D-Day bombings of Caen; organization of help; deaths of many nurses;
hospital becomes a reception center for the victims; director of the nurses school dies]
Vermeer, Elmer H. [128] [memoir by Mr.Elmer “Dutch” Vermeer; born in 1920 in Iowa;
enrolls in the American Army; prepares for the landing; the landing; military information]
Villette-Saingt, Mme. [17] [memoir; battle of Caen; D-Day; people settle in the quarries;
organization of everyday life; made prisoner; liberated by the Canadians; back to Caen to
find it destroyed]
Wurmlinger, Mme. [104] [memoirs; (1) narration written May 5th to July 6th 1944; D-
Day bombings; shelter in a trench by the farm with parents; (2) narration written in 1984;
presentation of a family under German occupation; (3) end of narration written in 1984;
from shelter to shelter; everyday life; separation from the group; American soldiers;
revolt against the bombings]
Residence: Los Osos, California
Service: Scrapbooks kept by her mother Mary Ellen Gosch during 1930s
Volume: 3"
Scrapbook I (1)-(3) [political cartoons from the 1930s; most relate to the war in Europe;
some cartoons advise American public to use common sense in their daily activities;
many underlying political innuendoes in the cartoons]
Scrapbook II (1)-(5) [European trip, 1930; sailed from New York to England; Passion
Play and a tour of Europe; postcards; poems; photos; clippings; stories]
Scrapbook III (1)-(4) [US trips, 1930-39; postcards and photographs; a few photos from
Canada and Washington, D.C.]
Residence: Pratt, Kansas
Volume: -1"
Roosevelt Album [book about FDR’s life]
Residence: Hartford, Connecticut
Service: Son of Sven G. Carlson, 5th Marine Div, Iwo Jima
Volume: -1"
Diary [ten-page listing of his duties from February 19th 1945 until March 10th 1945 on
the island of Iwo Jima; battle of Iwo Jima; describes his ideas and feelings as the war
progresses on]
Residence: Brick, New Jersey
Service: son of serviceman in North Africa
Volume: -1”
Papers [3 message from DDE’s headquarters to the troops, dated 7 Oct 1943, 8 Nov 1943
and 1 Jan 1944]
Residence: Hubbard, Ohio
Volume: -1"
Newsletters [clippings & ship newspapers from Atlantic & Pacific; the surviving crew of
the U.S.S. Buckley and the survivors of a German U-Boat had a reunion near Frankfurt,
Germany; articles about American destroyers; two ships newspapers dated August 15 and
August 21, 1945; the newspapers inform the people on the ship the war is coming to an
end, and it gives the sailors news about the U.S.]
Residence: Winslow, Maine
Service: 3
Army Air Force Glider School, Artesia, New Mexico, 1942
Volume: -1”
Papers [poem]
Residence: Jefferson City, Missouri
Service: Machinist, USS Strive
Volume: -1"
Diary [day-by-day account of the actions of the U.S.S. Strive; diary starts on September
23, 1942; leaves for duty from Jefferson City, Mo., on Sept. 30, 1942; discharged
February 6, 1945; roster of the officers and crew and a brief background on the U.S.S.
Residence: Fernandina Beach, Florida
Service: USS West Point and USS Neches, Navy
Volume: -1"
Diary [day-by-day diary that starts aboard the USS West Point, Sept. 22, 1941 and ends
on the USS Neches, Dec. 25, 1945; battle commisions; crossing of the equator; Xerox
copy of photo of the crew; sketch of the ship and where it was hit; infamous Subpoena
and Summons Extraordinary sent by The Royal High Court of the Raging Main]
Residence: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Service: Son of Joseph Cella, Colonel, US Air Force, Europe
Volume: 1”
Memoirs [bound volume containing memoirs of Joseph Cella; covers early life, West
Point (Class of 1923), service in Philippines and China in 1920s, service in US to 1940;
information on World War II service completed by son Bill, includes abstracts from
letters re air force in Italy, western Europe, Market-Garden, 9th Air Force, First Allied
Airborne Army]
Residence: Manchester, New Hampshire
Service: widow of Jean J. Chenard, US Army, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers (1) (2) [mostly printed material; Army song book; a book about Paris; book on
Cote D’ Azur; postcards; letter; play book from a French play]
see R.M. Anderson
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Co. K, 413 Inf Regt, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoirs [many facts and special insights relating to his part in the war; accounts of
battles; censorship of letters]
Residence: Runford, Maine
Service: England
Volume: -1”
Papers [March 1944 letter to donors parents from English acquaintance re life in
Residence: Kissimmee, Florida
Service: 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [what it was like to be an airman during the war; story re Gen. Eisenhower and
D-Day; an internee in the Swiss Alps in 1944]
Residence: Hays, Kansas
Service: 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: -1"
Printed Material [book for officer in the Army Air Forces; handbook for Army Air Force
Officer; Reserve Officers Handbook; inconveniences of traveling by train; series of war
poster labels]
Residence: Villa Park, Illinois
Service: 181st Engr Heavy Ponton Bn, Europe
Volume: 2"
Capabilities of Heavy Ponton Equipment [report that deals with a number of experiments
conducted at the Lac de la Galeppe in Belgium; the capabilities of the Heavy Pontoon
Equipment in the transportation of troops and materials]
Lithographs [printed drawings; most show the work that goes on prior to battle; great
detail and precision]
Military Engineer (1)-(3) [magazine, December 1944 to December 1946]
Rhine River Crossings Report
Unit History - 181 Engr Heavy Ponton Bn [printed report and history of the 181st
Engineer Heavy Ponton Battalion]
Residence: Shawnee, Kansas
Service: Daughter of Kenneth Quy, 271 Inf Regt, Europe
Volume: 1"
Papers [copies of foreign money; honorable discharge papers; souvenir issue from The
U.S.S. Stevens Victory , October 17, 1945; process of being discharged; the G.I. Bill;
loans; insurance]
Tourist Literature (1)-(3) [Denmark; sights of Copenhagen; a night club called the
Kasino; German book; postcards of famous sights in and around Denmark]
Residence: Homer, Louisiana
Service: 913 Ordnance Heavy Auto Maint Co., Europe
Volume: 3"
Memoirs [hand written memoir; from basic training to war time in Germany; many
personal stories about his part in the war]
Memorabilia [certificates of appreciation from US & France, 2001; copies of clippings]
Scrapbook (1)-(5) [photos of donor and two brothers in uniform; songs; dog tags; pay
records; life insurance; transfer papers; photos of men in his unit; photos of men and
women he met while in the Army; guide booklet for troops on leave; postcards;
newspaper called the HOMERUN from the U.S.A.T. Thomas H. Barry]
Residence: Norfolk, Virginia
Service: Cousin of Bill Harrison who served in Europe
Volume: -1”
Papers [letter DDE wrote to Harrison’s mother Edna Evans regarding Harrison’s
application to return to US for illness of his grandmother]
Residence: Iola, Kansas
Service: wife of Gordon L. Collins, 467th Bombardment Group, Europe
Volume: -1"
Letters [letters from his aunt, uncle, minister, and other people back home]
Miscellaneous Papers [mission papers; promotion slip; list of places lived in from
enlistment to discharge; individual clothing and equipment turn-in slip; honorable
discharge papers]
Residence: Orange, Connecticut
Service: Collector
Volume: -1"
B-17 "General Ike" Airplane [history of the plane’s missions; autographs of crew
members who flew on the plane; photos;facts about the plane]
Histories [160 Engr Combat Bn; 81 Station Hosp; 505 Prcht Inf; story of his actions
during the war effort; 81st Station Hospitl Reunion program; 81st Station Hospital Log
Book, March 18, 1943 to February 6, 1946; military biographical sketches of Marion
Hein Burrell and Thomas Brenton Burrell; medical care and procedures instructions]
See: Allen Douglas
Residence: St. Joseph, Missouri
Service: 397th Bomb Group, 9th Air Force, Europe
Volume: 8"
Letters to Parents Feb.-Dec. 1944 [letters to his parents to let them know he is O.K.;
informed them on his location and situation in every letter; made it clear that he misses
them a lot and would like some things from home like candy or cookies]
Letters to Wife Jan.-Feb. 1943
Letters to Wife March 1943
Letters to Wife April-June 1943
Letters to Wife July 1943
Letters to Wife Nov.-Dec. 1943
Letters to Wife Feb.-Mar. 1944
Letters to Wife April 1944
Letters to Wife May 1944
Letters to Wife June 1944
Letters to Wife July 1944
Letters to Wife August 1944
Letters to Wife September 1944
Letters to Wife October 1944
Letters to Wife November 1944
Letters to Wife Dec. 1944-Jan. 1945 [letters to his wife at least every other day; he gives
a full run down of everything that happened to him every day]
Residence: Dumont, New Jersey
Service: Navy, USS Waukesha, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [dropping of the atomic bomb; the ship he served on was called the Waukesha;
President Truman and decision to drop the atomic bomb]
Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri
Service: 6th Inf Div and 184th Ord Bn, Europe
Volume: 10"
Clippings [MacArthur; article from the St.Louis -Dispatch; newspaper called News of the
World, with many sections on the war and political cartoons]
Memorabilia (1)(2) [New Testament issued by the Army; Yahoo magazine (joke book);
many reprints of paintings; (a cross refrence sheet)*; one oversized printed chart listing
members of Company K, First Infantry, at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, no date; * One
book, in German, published Leipzig, 1904, containing photos of nude women, title “Das
lebende Modell”]
Miscellaneous Papers [postcards; his resume; and an indoctrination sheet to help prevent
any dishonor to the United States Armed Forces]
Tourist Literature - Booklets (1)(2) [Folies Bergere program (a type of Burlesque); Vers
L’Armee Nouvelle in French; a booklet called “Hannover, Deutschland Bildheft” in
German; illustrated book about Paris]
Tourist Literature - Postcards (1)-(6) [no writing on any of them; most are famous
monuments of the countries he served in]
201 File 1942-53 (1)-(4)[Organized Reserve Corps Current Status Questionaire; Reserve
Officers Qualification and Availability Questionaire; inventory of personal effects;
discharge sheet from the USAR; retirement points sheet; certificate of individual
performance of reserve duty; letter from the Veterans Administration; Semiannual
Statement of Retirement Points; Missouri Military district Headquarters; travel expenses;
service school and active training school approval sheet; list of officers and civilians who
attended meeting of St. Louis Ordanance Procurement District November 30th, 1949;
recall to active duty with the Ordnance Department; assistant to the Chief of the
Engineering and Inspection Branch; letter of commendation; active reserve status;
notification of discontinuance of allotment; pay and allowance accounts; Ordnance
papers; post clearance sheet from Camp Gruber, Oklahoma; Ordnance school certificate]
Unit History - Misc.[story of Ordnance in the ETO; story of the Fighting First, the Big
Red One; history and directory of the !84th Ord BN]
Unit History - Ordnance School 1942 [Ordnance School Yearbook; Co. I from Aberdeen
Proving Ground, Maryland]
Unit History - 6th Inf Div 1941 [pictorial review of the Sixth Infantry Division from Fort
Leonard Wood, 1941]
Unit History - 745th Tank Bn [history of the 745th Tank Battalion, August 1942 to June
Residence: Monro, Michigan
Service: 162 Inf Regt, 41 Inf Div, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter to his parents; honorable discharge papers; photos of the damage to
see Charles I. Bennett
Residence: Belmont, Massachusetts
Service: Daughter of Ernestine Cotton who lived in England during World War II
Volume: 5"
Journal for Penelope #1 (1)-(6)
Journal for Penelope #2 (1)-(7) [diary or book of notes; how the war affected the
Cottons’ lives during World War II; a representation of the lives of many families who
lived in England throughout the war; harsh conditions and dangers of war]
Residence: Portland, Oregon
Service: 2nd FA Bn, North Africa & Europe
Volume: -1"
Tony Pennline Diary [printed version of Tony Pennline’s diary, Nov. 21, 1943 to Aug.
25, 1945 with additional “Tall Tales” by his associates]
Residence: North Bergen, New Jersey
Service: wife of Fred Coyle, US Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Paper [letter from the Secretary of the Navy wishing Mr. Coyle good luck in his life as a
Residence: Jetmore, Kansas
Service: 322 Squadron, 91 Bomb Group, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [Xerox copy of photos of donor and his flight crew; honorable discharge letter;
a story for his family called “The Adventures of Grandpa Joe,” re his activities during
Residence: Austin, Texas
Service: sister of William H. Herbert of Alexandria, Louisiana,
member of 111 Mobile AAA Bn in US, and 546 FA Bn in Europe
Volume: 5"
Guide to Letters
Dec. 1, 1942-Feb. 9, 1943 Camp Wallace, Texas (1) (2)
Feb. 22-May 8, 1943 Camp Davis, NC (1) (2)
May 25-July 10, 1943 Fort Bliss, Texas
July 21-Dec. 27, 1943 Camp Davis, NC (1)-(3)
Jan.-Sept. 1944 Camp Davis, NC (1)-(3)
Oct.-Nov. 1944 Camp Haan, Calif
Mar.-July 1945 Md, Europe [letters to his mother telling her where he was stationed
and what he had been doing; most contain small talk or inquiries about news at home]
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
Service: Son of Pat Cronan, 8th Air Force, England
Volume: -1"
Scrapbook & Journal [daily journal or diary of events in his life;letters and newspaper
clippings; hand-written messages]
Residence: Washington, DC
Service: unknown
Volume: -1”
Papers [DDE’s D-Day message]
Residence: St. John, Kansas
Service: Material collected by an aunt during World War II
Volume: 1"
Papers [letter to his aunt thanking her for writing to him while he was in the field; a
propaganda sheet for buying war bonds]
Religious Tracts (1)(2) [prayer guide; six religious pamphlets written by Dan Gilbert]
Residence: Kankakee, Illinois
Service: Sister of Mario Dal Canton, 518th Port Bn, Europe
Volume: 2"
Letters 1943 [letter to his sister during his first part of camp while in Boston; several
Letters 1944 (1)(2) [more letters home to tell how he is doing and what life is like in the
Army; postcards including one to a girl friend; tells about events and sights in France]
Letters 1945-47 [letter to sister re first combat action; postcard; a Valentine’s card;
honorable discharge certificate]
Letters Undated [undated postcards, hard to read]
Memorabilia [American troops on the beach of Normandy; war ration book stub; book of
facts and a guide to the Indiantown Gap Military Reservation; black and white postcards
from post at Indiantown Gap, Pa.; Salzburg; home made postcard from a girlfriend;
pamphlet on the battle record of the Third Division]
Newsletter - 3rd Inf Div [newsletter called the Front Line, May 19th, 1945; German
Defeat; Task Force Osgard; Wehrmacht Collapses in Alps; sports news]
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Service: Model for war bond poster
Volume: -1"
Papers [cover of the Magazine Popular Photography shows a small child dressed up in
Uncle Sam garb selling war bonds]
Residence: Frankfield, Colorado
Service: Marine Corps, Pacific Theater
Volume: -1"
Papers [two stories by donor; the “Ballad of Finnegay,There Were No Heroes,” and “The
Day I Performed For Ike;” first story tells about how he and his comrades secured an
island from the Japanese; how one man remembers war and the friends he lost in battle;
the second story is about the day his ROTC troops performed for Ike at the halftime show
at a Kansas State football game; six poems written by Dalton dealing with war or the
thought of dying]
Residence: Waterbury, Connecticut
Service: 184th General Hospital Unit, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [Way Back With Davis, a copy of Harold Davis memoirs as one of the
optometrists in the 184th unit in England; he worked on a variety of assignments such as
eye surgery to the delivering of a baby]
Residence: Falls Church, Virginia
Service: Historian
Volume: -1”
Yugoslavia Material [copies of Air Force documents and historical articles re
Yugoslavian pilots who flew bombing missions in support of General Mihailovich]
Residence: Mesa, Arizona
Service: Commander, WAC detachment, SHAEF, Europe
Volume: 6"
Guide to Davis Material [empty folder]
"Wandering WACs" [diary of a WAC, September 4, 1943 to October 24, 1943; day-by-
day description of a WAC’s experiences]
Photographs (1)-(3) [photographs of mainly leisure time activities; mostly informal, some
group shots]
Printed Material (1)(2) [USFET handbook; guide to Great Britain; a pamphlet for U.S.
soldiers in Geneva; postcards from Frankfurt; pamphlet on the city of Reims; article on
Paris; the shoulder sleeve insignia of the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied
Expeditionary Force; papers from WAC detatchment Headquarters in Frankfurt,
Germany, September 29, 1945, February 7, 1946, and March 13,1946]
Miscellaneous [program for third birthday of the WAC in Paris, France May 14th, 1945;
photos; clippings re WACs, Laura Loveland and Marjorie Wells; roster of WAC
personnel on duty with SHAEF; menu for a Fathers Day dinner; routine times sheet;
invitation to a party from the men of Company C]
Correspondence [letter to a former college friend; invitation to a festival in Versailles; an
invitation and an acceptance letter to attend a dinner at the Wac mess hall on Christmas
Day 1945; letters to Captain Davis from service families concerning their daughters well
being during the Christmas season; many other letters telling of the nice things she did for
all the people under her overseas- invited servicemen to WAC dinners and baked a cake
to share]
Christmas Letters (1)(2) [letters from brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers of WACs
who received the Christmas letter Captain Davis wrote 1943-46]
Letter to Relative in Service 1945 [letter to a man named Caral; what has been going on
in recent weeks with her and the other women in her WAC outfit; day-by-day account]
Daily Bulletins (1)(2) [official notices (meetings, post exchange, personnel interviews)
and unofficial notices (movies, dances, parties, bridge night]
Clippings [landing of allied forces on the beaches of Normandy; Captain Davis
Ruth Blanton Chaney - Scrapbook [black and white photographs; dog tags; article about
enlisting in the WAAC; program for religious services; article about Ruth Blanton and
VE Day; letter from Mamie Eisenhower and John Eisenhower; honorable discharge
certificate; letter from Harry Truman to his Secretary of Defense]
Ruth Blanton Chaney - Manuscript [Reminiscences of a WAC 1941-1945; Ruth Blanton
gives a total description of her time as WAC from enlisting in 1941 at Bald Knob,
Arkansas to being overseas at the end of the war in 1945]
Theresa Coppola [an account of the WAC’s perspective of working at SHAEF from
March 1943 to December 1945]
Helen M. Meyer [three articles; reunion with former SHAEF members; being one of
Eisenhower’s Sweethearts (a WAC stationed with SHAEF); a copy of Eisenhower’s
telegram signaling the end of the war]
Anna Yarnow - Newsletters [copies of post newspapers, European Theater Intelligence
School at Oberammergau, Frankfurt Military Post, and Garmisch Military Post, 1946-
1950; articles on what was going on in and around the posts]
Anna Yarnow - Programs [Christmas card from Fort King in 1948; 1948 and 1949 dining
menu for Christmas Day; program from the Garmisch Military Post Ice Revue; cocktail
list from the hotel Schneeferner-Haus; menu from the Strohhof; article called,“WACs in
Anna Yarnow - Tourist Literature [photos of the countryside of Berchtesgaden; pamphlet
on the winter sports of Garmisch; map or a guide to Garmisch; maps of Berchtesgaden
area and points of interest]
Anna Yarnow - Photographs [photographs of different points of interest in the European
theatre, mostly in Oberammergau]
Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Service: Life photographer, Southwest Pacific
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [bound volume containing recollections of his work as photographer for Life
magazine in New Guinea and Australia; includes comments on Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower & Joseph Stilwell]
Residence: Port Lavaca, Texas
Volume: -1"
Unit Diary - 377 AAA Auto Wpns Bn [Europe; diary from June 11, 1944 to January 25,
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: 501 Parachute Inf Regt, 101 Airborne Div
Volume: 1”
Documents [copy of award citation; 1944 letter; 2006 newspaper article]
Memoirs (1) (2) [training for D-Day; DDE visit to troops; D-Day activities; injury by
shell; medical treatment]
Residence: Tallahassee, Florida
Service: 31st & 165th Combat Engr Bn, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoir [bound volume of copies of letters and photographs Denny sent home while in
Europe, March 1945-July 1946; most pertain to occupation duty in Vienna, Austria, and
the social life of the soldiers]
Residence: Temple, Texas
Service: Gunner, USS Hancock, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Memoir [incidents, happenings, and events Mr. Derrick experienced in WWII; he served
with the U.S. Navy in the South Pacific and Western Pacific]
Residence: St. Louis, Missouri
Service: 97th & 108th Naval Construction Battalions, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoirs [training; social life in England; building Mulberry Harbor]
Papers [story by Bob Pintar re sinking of USS Phoenix in English Channel by German U-
boat; newsletter of 97th & 108th Seabee organization May 1999; roster of 108th
Battalion; newspaper article re Raymond Dierkes]
Photographs [copies of photos of 97th & 108th battalion personnel]
Residence: Clarkdale, Arizona
Service: 397 AAA (AW) Bn, Europe
Volume: 1”
Battalion Journal, June 1944 (1) (2) [copy of official journal describing activities during
landing in Normandy]
Memorabilia [photo of 397th members; battalion newsletter, June 1945]
Newspapers (1) (2) [miscellaneous New York City newspapers, June 1944]
Orders & Reports [list of battle honors; list of 397
members being sent home, Nov
1945; list of 397
movements, 1943-59; 1943 field order re movement in US]
Post-War Correspondence [letters from 397
vets about their experiences, mostly 1989-
92; memoir by Edward DeField re landing in Normandy after D-Day; program of 1996
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Third Army, Europe
Volume: 2"
Notebook [contains balances and entries of expenses]
Printed Material - Adolf Hitler Book [book about Hitler written in German]
Printed Material [guidebook on going back into civilian life; pamphlet on how to speak
French; postcards; Stars and Stripes, June 25, 1945 (southern Germany edition); Yank
magazine, July 22, 1945]
Third Army Material [G-2 Periodic Report; final periodic report; map showing Third
Army’s victories; letters from Kock and Patton; the back side of map autographed by the
soldiers in the unit; a pamphlet on the brief history of the Third’s unit operations in
Europe; invitation for the dedication of Patton Hall April 4th, 1946 at Fort Riley, Kansas;
Alumni letter to Patton’s staff; men of the staff that have been located and their
addresses; list of men that attended Patton Centennial Celebration November 10th-12th,
1985, Atlanta, Georgia; certificate of appreciation awarded by the U.S. committee for the
Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum]
Residence: Grandview, Missouri
Service: Marine Corps, Pacific
Volume: 13"
Letters from Betty Klein 1944 (1)-(5) [letters to her fiancé George Dinning; part of the
letters give the impression that Dinning broke up with her, later there is some indication
that the couple got back together; pages from a joke book]
Letters from Betty Klein 1945 (1)-(4) [the last letter she wrote informed him she had
decided to marry another man]
Letters from Betty Klein Miscellaneous [newspaper articles; birthday and holiday cards;
photos of Betty Klein]
Letters from Rena Wooliscroft (1)-(4) [letters re their personal relationship]
Letters from Father [short and to the point]
Letters from Mother (1)-(3) [informs him as to what is going on in his home town; mostly
family business; how everyone is getting along]
Letters - Miscellaneous (1)-(3) [request for a furlough; photos of Betty Klein; letters
from friends and relatives; shipment request of household goods in 1965; price list from
Camp Pendleton, California for uniforms and accessories]
Memorabilia (1)-(3) [notebook with message written in Japanese; postcards from all over
the U.S.; business cards; train ticket; jokes; photos; two certificates of clearance;
discharge certificate; USS Tennessee material; post-war veterans benefits]
Printed Material (1)(2) [Basic Field Manual for the U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1, 1940; a
pamphlet on Japanese morale issued by the Marine Corps; individual score book for the
rifle; newspaper clippings about American soldiers getting to wear civilian clothes while
on leave; four newspapers, the Chevron dated March 21,1946, June 14, 1946, June 28,
1946, and September 13, 1946]
Residence: Wakeeney, Kansas
Service: Hawaii
Volume: -1"
Printed Material [printed photos-Gen. Eisenhower with other officers, German surrender,
concentration camps, London-sword to city]
Residence: Grandview, Missouri
Volume: -1"
Ploesti Report [large printed report filed in oversized box at end of collection]
Service: Underwater Demolition Team #7, US Navy, Pacific Theater
Volume: 1"
Articles [Navy’s underwater demolition experts; Naval newspaper called the Sea Bea
dated September 12, 1945]
Memoir [the donor’s service as an underwater demolition expert and the men that served
with him]
Narrative History [narrative history of Underwater Demolition Team #7; brief history of
the UDT as well as a chronological look at the training periods, movements, and
operations of the UDT and the original roster of UDT#7]
Residence: Lewiston, Maine
Service: 80th Infantry Division, Europe
Volume: -1"
Unit History - 80th Inf Div [unit history of the 80th Infantry Division (copies of printed,
illustrated booklets)]
Residence: Jefferson City, Tennessee
Service: Sailor, USS Halloran; his dog also served in the War Dog program
Volume: -1"
Ship Roster [ship roster from the USS Halloran]
War Dog Program [donated his dog to the United States Coast Guard; War Department
sent Doughty a letter of appreciation for donating his dog]
Residence: Des Plaines, Illinois
Service: 46th Engineer Battalion, Pacific
Volume: 3"
Diary (1)-(6) [”Draftee” is an expanded WWII diary covering basic training in Texas,
through the Panama Canal, across the Pacific Ocean to Australia, Americans in Australia,
campaigns in New Guinea, encounters with natives, malaria, Port Morsby, “Bloody
Buna,” Milne Bay, Kiriwina, Merauke, Ora bay, Hollendia, Biak, and back home to
Residence: Manchester, Kansas
Service: Son of John C. Drake, CCC & US Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
John Drake Papers [Civilian Conservation Corps certificate of Diesel
Engines,Psychology, and Forestry; honorable discharge from the Civilian Conservation
Corps; rating description of Fireman first class in the United States Navy; information
bulletins about life insurance; letter from Harry Truman; application for Servicemen’s
Readjustment Allowance; seperation center referral sheet; honorable discharge from the
United States Navy; black and white photos of John Drake and his wife Margie]
Residence: Bozeman, Montana
Service: B-24 pilot, 826 Bombardment Squadron, 15 Air Force, Europe
Volume: 2”
Memoir (1)-(4) [training in US; crossing Atlantic to Africa; account of bombing raids
over Central Europe & Italy; copies of documents and photographs]
Residence: Omaha, Nebraska
Service: Friend of Roger Williams, US Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Letters from Roger Williams [letters To Mary Majors telling how important it is for
people back home to get behind the war effort; editing from the censors]
Male Call [112 GI comic strips featuring the war activities of Miss Lace]
Residence: Lafayette, California
Service: wife of William Dyer, HQ Sq, 9 Air Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter to his girlfriend telling of the events of the past week and recalling a huge
celebration re the news that the war was over in Europe]
Residence: Dixon, Illinois
Service: US Navy Women's Reserve
Volume: 1"
Naval Training School (1)(2) [Magazine clipping re WAVES; U.S. Naval training school
pamphlet on how to be a WAVE; prayer of a WAVE; WAVES third birthday; book on
the short history of the United States Naval Training School in the Bronx, New York]
WAVES Book [Illustrated book of the daily activities of a WAVE]
Residence: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Service: Friend of A.W. "Chick" Parry, British Navy
Volume: -1"
Papers [Letters from Parry, wireless operator; 1941-1944]
Residence: Sun City, Arizona
Service: US Army, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Miscellaneous Papers [discharge papers; letter to parents from New Guinea re living
conditions; travel orders & immunization register from 1950s military service]
Newspapers (1) (2) [scattered issues, Guinea Gold, 1943-44; Free Philippines, 2 May
1945 re death of Hitler; Stars & Stripes, 28 July 1953 re Korean armistice]
Residence: Camarillo, California
Service: Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [English-Japanese corpsman medical questionnaire; Japanese label]
Residence: Locust Grove, Georgia
Service: 3118 Signal Service Bn, SHAEF, Europe
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [training in US; service with SHAEF in Europe; account of message re German
Scrapbook [copies of photos of DDE at Reims, France]
Residence: Asheville, North Carolina
Service: home front
Volume: -1"
Newsletters [First Free Methodist Church, Seattle, Washington; 1944 newsletter for local
service people]
Residence: Pasadena, California
Service: widow of George S. Honts, medical corps and Judge Advocate General group,
European Theater
Volume: 5”
Letters Jan. 1944 [England]
Letters Feb. 1944 [England]
Letters March 1944 [England]
Letters April 1944 [England]
Letters May-June 1944 [England; France]
Letters July 1944 [France]
Letters Aug. 1944 [France]
Letters Sept. 1944 [France]
Letters Oct. 1944 [France]
Letters Nov.-Dec. 1944 [France]
Letters 1945 (1)-(3) [Germany; telegram stating Honts killed in action]
Memorabilia [biographical material; clippings; photographs]
Vignettes [abstracts of letters set to music; performed at Tanglewood Music Center,
Massachusetts by Boston Sympony, 2002]
Residence: North Newton, Kansas
Service: home front
Volume: -1"
Memoir [re Mennonite clothing drive at Newton for war relief]
Residence: Palm Desert, California
Service: Pacific Theater
Volume: 4"
Japanese Material (1)-(4) [poem; songbook; notebook with sketches; unused forms;
Philippine school songbook used during Japanese occupation 1942]
Memorabilia [Australian items picked up by soldier on leave; guidelines for what
soldiers may discuss upon returning home; overseas soldier’s application for voting
ballot; drawings of Pacific scenes in portfolio]
Newsletters [1943-1945]
Photos [Japanese subjects]
Printed Material (1)-(6) [Telephone and radio broadcasting information; naval reserve
booklet, 1942; naval officers uniform booklet, 1943; newspapers and magazines,1943-
1945; booklets on recaptured lands]
Tourist Literature (1)(2) [Pocket guides and souvenirs from China, Australia, Brisbane,
and New Guinea]
Residence: Harrison, Ohio
Service: 3103 Signal Service Bn, Europe
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [Battle of the Bulge]
Residence: Reading, Pennsylvania
Service: 3
Auxiliary Surgical Group, Bradley’s 1
Volume: -1”
20 page memoir of his experiences during WWII entitled A Birds-eye-view of World War
1 scanned photograph of the Pottstown World War II memorial
1 brochure soliciting funds for the Pottstown World War II memorial
1 photocopied newspaper clipping concerning the Pottstown World War II memorial
Residence: Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Service: 333 Inf Regt, 84 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 3"
Letters 1944 [Letters and V-mail to parents and friend]
Letters 1945 (1)-(3)[Letters and V-mail to parents from front lines in France, Germany,
and Belgium]
Letters 1946 [Letters to parents near end of stay in Europe]
Memoirs (1)-(3) [Account of Battle of the Bulge; photos of GI’s]
Memorabilia [clippings; propaganda sheet; photos of GI’s]
Propaganda Book [German language]
Unit Histories [84 Inf Div; 2nd Bn, 333 Inf Regt]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: collector
Volume: -1”
344 Engr Regt Map [oversized map showing route of Co F, 344 Engr Regt in Europe,
July 1, 1942-July 1, 1945]
Residence: Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Service: 8 Service Regt, USMC, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Unit History - 8 Service Regt, USMC
Residence: Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Service: 179 Inf Regt, Italy & France; occupation duty in Japan 1947-48; son-in-law of
Raymond Dwyer of Greenville, Kentucky, who served in France in World War I
Volume: 2”
Memoirs [transcript of interview re WWII combat experiences in Italy & France;
wounded in action and medical treatment he received]
Memorabilia [news clippings re awards, marriage, eruption of Vesuvius; photos;
programs; ship newsletters from USAT E.B. Alexander 26 May 1948, SS Marine Serpent
18 July 1946]
201 File (1) (2) [orders & memorabilia, mostly 1946-52]
World War I Memorabilia [postcards, photos, souvenirs collected by Raymond Dwyer]
World War I Postcards [postcards sent by Raymond Dwyer to his wife, 1918]
Residence: Salina, Kansas
Service: Richard Lipps in 513 Bomber Sq, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Richard Lipps Diary 1943
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Service: Seabees, Europe & Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [Letter from mother; photo with local representative,1955]
Residence: San Pedro, California
Service: Sister of Robert F. Oiler, 1104 Engr Combat Group, Europe, & David Oiler, US Navy
Volume: -1"
David Oiler Papers [Photos, group and single; letters from navy; induction paper;
communication record at time of Japanese surrender]
Robert Oiler Papers [Discharge papers; 1104 Engr Combat Group history]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: personnel clerk, 915 FA Bn, Europe
Volume: 6"
Letters (1)(2) [Telegram; letters and V-mail 1942-1945; photos of buildings, German
graves, and armaments]
Printed Material [newspaper clippings 1944-1945; Time and Newsweek, October, 1945;
magazine clipping]
Scrapbook (1) (2) [clippings, photos from beginning of military service, and personal
Service Documents (1)-(3) [Passes; ID cards; permits; ration books; patches; division
history; service record; toxic chemical poster; radio operations training records; menus;
rosters; captured equipment documents; furlough paper]
Service Documents - Agnes Fred [Civil Air Patrol ID; CAP service record; photo of 4
women; patch; ration book; CAP group photos]
Souvenirs - Currency [German, French, Italian, English, Austrian, and Czechoslovakia as
German protectorate paper currency, various denominations]
Souvenirs - England [Candy wrapper; play booklets; American guide to Great Britain
Souvenirs - France (1)-(3) [Opera ticket stubs; French religious souvenirs; bag with
recipe; English language handbooks to Paris area; French phrase book; French “state”
souvenir patches; Reims, France souvenir hanky; cathedral cards and postcards]
Souvenirs - Germany (1)-(3) [Nazi post-office card; cigarette pack; safe conduct for
surrender sheet; instructions on how to deal with Germans after war; blank checks; Nazi
workbook cover; 915th Field Artillery Battalion souvenir handkerchiefs sent to Mrs.
Agnes B. Fred; newspaper clippings 1944-1945; wartime ration stamps; photo books of
Bavarian tourist sites]
Souvenirs - US & Misc. (1)(2) [Patches; ballet playbill; “opera news” clipping 1945;
Thanksgiving dinner 1942 menu book; ticket stubs; church pamphlet 1944; maps of
Transport Ship [Assignment and meal cards; safety and regulations sheet; information on
Residence: Randolph, Massachusetts
Service: homefront
Volume: -1"
Papers [copy of handmade jokebook “The Bean Press” made by Freedman while living in
Boston during World War II and send to Boston servicemen]
Residence: Phillipsburg, Kansas
Serivce: Relative of Hugh G. Myers, crewman, USS Cleburne, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Hugh Myers Letters [copies of Hugh’s letters re his return to US after the war; his
hospitalization for his final illness, early 1946]
Residence: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Service: 391 AAA AW Bn, Europe; guard at Nuremberg war crime trials
Volume: 1"
Memorabilia [Clippings re Nuremberg trials 1945-1966; photos of departure, armanents,
camps, soldiers, and preparation for return home]
Official Papers [Pay record book; security clearance card for Palace of Justice; church
pamphlet from USS Portland 1945; orders of the day; discharge papers; address list of
men of battery “B”; Radio Press News December 1945]
Tourist Literature [Postcards; show programs 1944-1945; tourist pamphlet for southern
Germany and northern Austria]
War Criminals [Signatures of Nazi war criminals; brief autobiographies of Keitel, Von
Ribbentrop, Goering, Von Papen, Ley, Funk, Speer, Von Schirach, Frick, Frank, Schacht,
Von Neurath, Rosenberg, Stricher, and Doenitz]
Residence: Hallandale, Florida
Service: translator, OMGUS
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [re German political situation in early days of occupation, duties of translators,
and attempted search for Hitler’s remains; German 50 mark currency, 1944]
Residence: Abilene, Texas
Service: 131 FA Bn, Java; prisoner of war in Japan, 1942-45
Volume: 3"
Clippings [Clippings regarding “Lost Battallion” 1942-1957; photos of POW’s of “Lost
Correspondence [Letters to parents informing them on status of their son; letters to home
from Japan; form letter from president upon return; letters concerning whereabouts of
diary; telegrams informing parents of return home]
Diary (1)-(3) [Diaries with story of incarceration; diary with information on men he was
incarcerated with, including information on alleged traitors; bound book with all entries
from all diaries]
Memorabilia [Letters to parents following release; photos of artwork depicting scenes of
torture; map of Tokyo area; weight chart May, 1944 to October, 1945; sketches; photos of
camp and men incarcerated there; diagram of camp; aerial photos of Tokyo area with
notes showing location of camp]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Wife of Paul Furbeck, 432 Coast Arty Bn, N Africa & Italy
Volume: 7”
Letters, Paul to Margaret Furbeck 1942-43 (1)-(3) [North Africa; Sicily]
Letters, Paul to Margaret Furbeck 1944 (1)-(4) [Italy]
Letters, Paul to Margaret Furbeck 1945 (1)-(3) [Italy]
Letters, Paul Furbeck to Harold Munger
Miscellaneous Papers [War Dept pamphlet 20-6, Command of Negro Troops; Organized
Reserve Corps records management plan; artillery training notes]
Publications New Infantry Drill Regulations
Publications FM 23-45, Browning Machine Gun
Publications TM 30-450, German Forces
Publications TM 30-480, Japanese Forces
Residence: Kemah, Texas
Service: Aleutians
Volume: -1"
Papers [Program for 50th anniversary of V-J Day services from League City, TX; poem
books from service]
Residence: Aventura, Florida
Service: 5 Armd Div, Europe
Volume: 13"
Court Martial 1942 [Court papers on the court martial of Mr. Glass]
Diary - US Book I (1)-(3) [Dec 1941-Apr 1942 Xerox; re induction and early army
career; photos of soldiers]
Diary - US Book II (1) (2) [Apr-May 1942 Xerox; re stay at Ft. Knox and court martial]
Diary - US Book III (1) (2) [May-Aug 1942 Xerox; re Transfer to Camp Cooke,
Diary - US Book IV (1) (2) [Aug-Nov 1942 Xerox; re desert maneuvers to furlough;
Xeroxed letters to parents]
Diary - US Book V (1)-(3) [Nov 1942-Feb 1944 Xerox; re life in California, transfer to
Tennessee; letters to relatives; clippings re soldiers on homefront]
Diary - ETO (1)-(6) [1944-45; Nazi pin; story of time in Europe “Goldbrick in the ETO”
re stay in England, northern France campaign, into Germany, Red cross trip to Paris, and
post-surrender activities; photos of soldiers; maps; sketches; clippings re final stages of
war and surrender; souvenirs]
Letters from Home 1944 (1) (2) [V-Mail; xeroxed cover sheet with family list]
Letters from Home 1945 [V-mail]
Letters to Moe & Harriet 1942 (1)-(3) [From Ft. Devens; from Ft. Knox; from Louisville,
KY; from California; from Chicago, IL; from New York]
Letters to Moe & Harriet 1943 (1) (2) [From Los Angeles, CA; from Camp Forrest, TN;
from Nashville, TN; from Kingston, Ontario; from Indiantown Gap, PA]
Letters to Moe & Harriet 1944 [From Indiantown Gap, PA; from New York, NY; from
England; from France; from Luxembourg; from Belgium; from Germany]
Letters to Moe & Harriet 1945 [From Belgium; from Holland; from Germany; from
Letters to Parents 1942 [From California; fake joke letter from HQ, 81st Armored Reg.
Re regimental insignia change; from New York]
Letters to Parents 1943 [From New York; from Pennsylvania; from England]
Letters to Parents 1944 (1)-(3) [From England; from France; from Belgium; from
Letters to Parents 1945 (1) (2) [From Holland; from Germany; from Belgium; from
Memorabilia [Army Italian language guide; army letters; base newsletters]
News Clippings [1944-1945 re push through Europe; 1943-1945 Victory News; 1942
Victory Division News]
Unit History - 5th Armored Division
Residence: El Dorado, Kansas
Service: 789 Engineer Petroleum Distribution Company, China-Burma-India Theater
Volume: 3"
China-Burma-India Theater [Xeroxed maps; Xeroxed pass card]
Diary 1945-46 [re stay in CBITO and voyage home]
Language Dictionary [Bengali and Hindustani]
Muirmaid (1)-(4) [Ship newsletter 1945-1946]
Official Papers [Discharge papers, xerox]
Scrapbook (1)(2) [Telegram from home; clippings re India oil pipeline; last will; poem;
commendation letters; pipeline information poster; personal papers; training orders;
safety rules; camouflage procedure sheet]
789th EPD Co. [Xeroxed ship information; “Army Basic Today” 1989, xeroxed;
clippings re pipeliners, xeroxed; “Pipeline Bulletin” newsletter, xeroxed; unit history,
xeroxed; “Yank” magazine, 1945, xeroxed; pipeline map, xeroxed]
US Army Pipelines in India [History and maps, xeroxed]
Residence: Emporia, Kansas
Service: son of Paul Glennon who served in Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [postcard; Reader’s Digest advertisements; envelopes]
Residence: Riverside, California
Service: Transportation Corps, Europe
Volume: 1"
Diary (1) (2) [1945, with maps showing travels; xeroxed diary with printed photos; same,
Papers [Clipping re death of Omar Bradley; instructions for German camera; photos from
Residence: Almagordo, New Mexico
Service: Wife of Col. Henry C. Godman, Army Air Corps, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [copyrighted manuscript by Henry Godman; family background; childhood;
joined Air Corps 1936, Texas; training in B-17 planes; flight to Philippines Sept 1941;
retreat to Australia Dec 1941; evacuation of MacArthur; return to US 1944; Korean War;
post war service]
Residence: Modesto, California
Service: Widow of Merrian Herbert Goforth, 786th Tank Battalion, Europe
Volume: 3"
Army Papers - Herb Goforth [Draft papers; discharge papers; medical records; dependant
records; certificate of merit; battalion roster; insurance papers; civil service papers]
Biographical Information [Photos of Mr. Goforth; funeral bulletins; sympathy letters;
xerox photos; xerox army patches; brief biography; reference letter; xeroxed resume;
clipping re Mr. Goforth at Great Basins Petroleum 1962]
Journal of Herb Goforth [Address book pages; table of locations and dates; account of
tour in Europe]
Memorabilia [Memorial certificate from President Reagan; pocket guide to Germany; v-
mail to Grace Marquis; letter to Mrs. Goforth re death of Mr. Littlejohn, friend of Mr.
Goforth from army; clipping re Japanese surrender]
Notebook of Herb Goforth [Notebook with intelligence data and policy]
201 - Merrian H. Goforth [Army service letters and documents]
Unit History - 786 Tank Bn [”The Path of Destruction”]
Residence: Key Biscayne, Florida
Service: Niece of Otto Horne, Union Pacific railroad employee
Volume: -1"
Papers [postcard showing a train in Europe; copies of photos of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s
homecoming in Abilene, 1945]
Residence: Salina, Kansas
Service: Nephew of Sam Ray, 91 FA Bn, Italy
Volume: -1”
Papers [V-mail letter from Sam Ray]
Residence: Endicott, New York
Service: 133rd Inf Regt, 34th Inf Div, North Africa & Italy
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [With xeroxed records, home and overseas service]
Residence: Schenectady, New York
Service: SHAEF Security
Volume: -1"
Papers [Letter in French, 1947]
Residence: Atlanta, Georgia
Service: Air Force officer, Pearl Harbor
Volume: -1"
Article re Pearl Harbor [Quarterly booklet: ”Nebraska History”, 1981]
Residence: Webster Grove, Missouri
Service: 10
Marine, Iceland; 3rd Marine Div, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Memoir (1) [Iceland, 1941-1942]
Memoir (2) [Bougainville, Guam, Iwo Jima 1942-1945]
Papers [Articles re Iwo Jima, Iceland 1975; resume; map of Iwo Jima; xeroxed Marine
letters of award; xeroxed photo of “B” company, 9th bn]
Residence: Topsfield, Massachusetts
Service: Navy, Atlantic & Mediterranean
Volume: -1"
Papers [Photo of Mr. Green; memoir re battle with U-boats; memoir re “box top sailors”;
article re German surrender at Marseilles 1944]
Residence: Fort Pierce, Florida
Service: 932 Signal Bn, 19 Tactical Air Command
Volume: 1"
Communications in XIX Tactical Air Command [Communications instruction book]
Papers [Telegram from Sec of War to General Vandenberg re success of 9th Air Force;
telegrams from SHAEF re German surrender; Xeroxed photos equipment, German
POWs, soldiers, citizens and battle wreckage]
Residence: Clay Center, Kansas
Service: Material collected by his mother Mrs. Oscar Grinage of Salina, Kansas, during World
War II
Volume: 3”
Airplane Identification (1)(2) [Photos and cards describing Allied aircraft]
Letters [Personal letter to Ira and family 1947; business letter to phone company, 1944]
Miscellaneous [Scrapbook of WWII clippings 1941-1945; newspaper and magazine
clippings 1941-1945 re military activities and homefront; army classification cards;
Japanes government currency, 5 centavos; clipping re movie “House of Frankenstein”
1945; clipping re transport ship from Philippines to Japan; clipping re training and
materials production; programs for “war loan” movie, “Around the World”; safety rules
army air base in Salina, KS, 1942; letter to Salina HS from principal Owen E. Hodgson
1945 re death of Roosevelt; procedure sheet for acquiring essential telephone service;
timeline of war events 1941-1944; informational poster on GI Bill of Rights]
Printed Material (1)(2) [War map of Europe; stamp album of famous aviators; guide to
Camp Phillips; military insignia guide; booklets on General MacArthur and General
Marshall; transportation activity book; Junior Scholastic magazine 1945; air corps
propaganda photobook about the Louis Allis Messenger engine 1942]
Ration Material (1)(2) [Various ration books; meat price guide]
Residence: Haddon Heights, New Jersey
Service: 831st Engr Avn Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [Newsletter “The Bulldozer” 1943; photo of DDE, Marshall, Stinson, and
Bradley; photos of military subjects]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Navigator, 423rd Squadron, 306th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [Letter to mother 1943 re surrender of Italy and life in California; telegram 1945 re
return home; photos of Mr. Guilfoyle and comrades; letters re navigator training school
entrance; aerial photos from missions; clipping flight disasters; xerox English and French
currency; xerox record of missions flown; map of Germany; clippings re flak wound;
clipping front page of Stars and Stripes 1944; photos of DDE’s homecoming; xerox v-
mail; xerox letters to parents; xerox program for memorial plaque dedication for 306th
Bomb Group]
HAGUE, James
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Automotive Magazines (1) (2) [Tune-up manual 1943; Motor Service Magazine 1941]
Residence: Arlington, Virginia
Service: WAC, Europe
Volume: -1"
WAC Reunion Speech 1992 [Given at DDE library]
Residence: Menlo Park, California
Service: B-29 crew member, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [book re Halloran’s experiences in Japan; his B-29 was shot down over Tokyo in
Jan 1945 and he was a POW]
Residence: Maumee, Ohio
Service: Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [re early life, Navy career, attack on Philippines, invasion of Okinawa, postwar
service, family, and retirement]
Residence: San Diego, California
Service: 197 Coast Arty Anti-Aircraft Bn, Australia
Volume: -1"
Letters [V-mail from California, 1943]
Residence: Tuscon, Arizona
Service: 830th Engr Avn Bn, Europe
Volume: 1"
Unit History - 830 Engr Avn Bn (1)(2) [With photos, clippings, documents, memories,
and reunion information]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: 6th Armored Division, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [Ration book; brief history of service; photos military subjects]
Residence: St. Louis, Missouri
Service: stamp collector
Volume: -1"
Army Victory Stamp [3-cent stamp based on photo of 28 Inf Div marching in Paris;
includes information on members of the 28 Div who appear in the photo, and copies of
the stamp autographed by the soldiers; one of the soldiers, Harry Wilson, was a POW in
Germany; material collected by Robert Hannegan, father of donor, who was postmaster
general in 1946]
Residence: Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Service: 1st Canadian Armd Brigade, Italy
Volume: -1"
Papers [Letter to mother, 1944]
Residence: Lawrence, Kansas
Service: Navy, USS Cimarron, 1942-44; USS Grafton, 1944-45
Volume: 1"
Clippings [re ship refueling tankers, Doolittle bombings, Japanese invasion of Indochina;
Christmas orders, 1942]
Magazine [National Geographic, 1946]
Papers [Ship pass card; award certificates]
201 File (1)(2) [Various personnel records]
Residence: Old Greenwich, Connecticut
Service: 786 Tank Bn, Europe
Volume: 1"
Army Officers Handbook
Diary - Henry P. Morris [507 AAA Battery, Europe; participated in several tasks,
including interrogation, denazification, recon, fighting, and postwar activities]
Miscellaneous Papers [Clothing bill 1941; photos of Mr Harrington]
Unit History - 786 Tank Bn [”The Path of Destruction”]
Residence: Enterprise, Kansas
Service: collector
Volume: 2”
Correspondence [loose cards & letters found in Kenneth Sauer scrapbook; mostly
greeting & sympathy cards received by Sauer’s mother after his death]
Scrapbook (1)-(4) [clippings re military service of Kenneth Sauer of Wichita, Kansas;
early training; service as press officer to Douglas MacArthur in Philippines; capture by
Japanese; death on transport ship, Dec 1944]
Scrapbook Items [loose memorabilia found in Kenneth Sauer scrapbook]
Residence: Fresno, California
Service: member, Psywar Society
Volume: -1"
Booklet [Xerox “A Complete Index of Allied Airborne Leaflets and Magazines 1939-
1945" introduction only, no listing]
Residence: Chase, Kansas
Service: 5
Air Service Group, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [printed volume; describes his early training in US; activities in New Guinea,
Australia, Philippines & Okinawa]
Residence: Villa Park, Illinois
Service: Sister of Irene Demboski, secretary in AAF Training Aids Division, 1942-46,
Lawrence and Leo Demboski
Volume: -1"
Irene Demboski - 201 File (1) (2) [Mostly personnel records 1942-1946]
Lawrence B. Demboski Papers [discharge certificate; memorabilia; death certificate 1990;
condolence letters]
Leo L. Demboski Papers [discharge certificate; memorabilia]
Letters & Memorabilia [Letter from Bob to Lorraine 1945; letter from brother in China
1946; printed sketch of two soldiers killed in plane crash 1945; photos of soldiers, Ms.
Demboski and other secretaries, and construction of the Pentagon]
Residence: Longwood, Florida
Service: 3
Marine Division, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Papers [memoir re service on Iwo Jima, Feb 1945; copies of photos and newspaper
articles; V-Mail from a friend in New York City; press release re action on Guam]
Residence: Hildreth, Nebraska
Service: 14th Armored Division, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [Physical exam papers; military certification cards; instruction pamphlet on
German-American relations; pay slip; promotion records; furlough records; letter on time
of induction train departure 1942; pamphlet from American Legion]
Residence: New York City, NY
Service: Wife of Carl Hershfeld, US Navy, 1940-46
Volume: -1"
Papers [USS Elizabeth C Stanton orders of the day 1943; memo re captain commending
crew for participation in getting him a Legion of Merit in Sicilian campaign 1943;
discharge certificates; resume; xerox excerpt from American Vanguard 1956; xerox
excerpt from New Voices 3: American Writing Today ]
Photographs [Lists of photos and subjects]
Residence: Carmel, California
Service: Son of Richard M. Hess, 161 Airborne Engrs & 503 Prcht
Regt, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [taken from http://www.klhess.com/dad_wwii.html; training, transit,
Philippines invasion, Corrigedor invasion, wounding, reprint of newspaper articles, 1944-
Residence: Halstead, Kansas
Service: 3486 Ordnance Maintenance Co., 5th Army, North Africa and Italy
Volume: 9"
Correspondence [V-mail re Christmas greetings; postcard re shipping out 1942; change of
address notifications; telegrams home; Christmas letter; service rotation out of Europe
letter 1944; various letters to Mrs. Hess; postcard from Vancouver 1946; envelopes]
Diary [In Italy, 1943]
Memorabilia [Clipping re Mr. Hess in North Africa; funeral bulletin for Wilbur D
Robuck, KIA France 1944; unused envelopes and stationery; address cards; Army Day
program Camp Robinson, AR, 1941; schedule of informational sessions, 1945; Italian
Lire; clipping re large German artillery piece known as “Anzio Annie”; message from
FDR and DDE in French and Arabic; form letter to military personnel on embarkation;
Listing of recreational activities Hot Springs, AR 1945; “War News Summary” from
Camp Gruber, OK 1945 re V-E Day; Stars and Stripes re battle of Monte Cassino;
oversize postcard re 1941 Arkansas-Louisiana maneuvers]
Memorabilia - Insignia [Uniform patches]
Official Papers (1)-(3) [ID cards; motor cards; meal cards; pass cards; draft card; pay
record; induction record; service record; reserve call-up warning letter; transfer orders;
power of attorney authorization to wife; clothing checklist for customs; requisition for
engraving Good Conduct Medal; separation papers; decoration forms; physical record;
book to hold war bonds, tax notes, and stamps]
Photographs [Clippings re induction; photos of Mr. Hess, soldiers, trucks, bivouac,
theater, barracks, buildings in Vancouver, buildings in Britain, North African scenery,
North African Cemetery, peasants, showgirls]
Printed Material (1)-(3) [Books, “Freedom Speaks; Ideals of Democracy in Poetry and
Prose”, “The Officer’s Guide, 4th Edition”, 1940 edition of army field manual, and 1941
edition of army field manual; bus time tables; “The Messenger,” a leaflet about morality
in the military; military insignia books; guide to pastas; photobook “Great Photos of
WWII”; clippings re induction; clippings re US flying units arrive in England; clipping re
army reorganization; clipping re death notice of Cpl. Fred Williams; clippings re Mr.
Hess; class syllabus book “Political and Social Growth of the United States”; hand tool
guide; info pamphlet on life insurance; auto part service handbooks; servicemen’s rights
and benefits booklet]
Printed Material - Military (1)(2) [Engineer Recon Report book; pamphlet on disclosure
of information to civilians upon return home; pamphlet on returning to civilian life; “The
Road to Rome” book on Italian campaign; photobook of assembly of TUP motor vehicles
by New French army in North Africa]
Printed Material - Religious [New Testament for servicemen given by his mother; prayer
book and devotional guide]
Tourist Literature (1)(2) [postcard from Mountain Home, AR; hotel ad card in Italian,
German and French; pocket guide to North Africa; Italian photobook; soldier’s guides to
Rome; soldier’s guide to Florence]
Tourist Literature - Maps [map of Rome; maps of England and Wales]
Tourist Literature - Pompeii (1)(2) [Italian language tour guidebook of Pompeii; photo
cards of ruins; postcards; English language tour book]
Tourist Literature - Post Cards (1)-(3) [from Italy and North Africa; Italian language
photo book]
Tourist Literature - Vatican City [Photo guidebook]
Residence: Creve Coeur, Missouri
Service: 3156 Signal Service Co, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Papers [page from guest register with signatures of Congressmen, FCC chairman, the
navy, and General Stoner; reunion books with memoirs]
Residence: Simi Valley, California
Service: Navy, Mediterranean
Volume: 1”
Magazines (1) (2) [Life, 23 Nov 1936; Saturday Evening Post, 26 Feb 1944, containing
article on Arthur Tedder of SHAEF]
Newspapers [Stars & Stripes, Italy edition, 12 Aug 1944; Union Jack (British forces), 15
Aug 1944]
Papers [letter to parents, 31 May 1942; ration books; discharge papers; information on
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Honolulu]
USS Sheliak [deck log of USS Sheliak, 1-24 Apr 1945 during invasion of Okinawa;
Thanksgiving menu 1945; printed history of the ship]
Residence: Sarasota, Florida
Service: daughter of Walter Commander, KIA Italy
Volume: -1"
Papers [Letters to wife, 1944]
Residence: Franklin Park, Illinois
Service: 119th Inf Regt, 30 Inf Div
Volume: -1"
Publications [World War II magazine, 1993; book, “Saving the Breakout”; book, “August
1944, the Campaign for France”]
Residence: Arkport, New York
Service: 69th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
69th Inf Div Reunions [US and USSR soldiers who met at Elbe, xeroxed photos;
xeroxed booklet “Victory in Europe D-Day to V-E Day”; photos of reunions; clipping re
reunion; reunion address list; reaffirmation to peace document, xerox; clipping re design
on link-up memorial park]
HOLT, MEREDITH [donated by Mr & Mrs Walter Ernst of Enterprise, Kansas]
Residence: Tallulah, Louisiana
Service: 317 & 460 Air Service Groups, Europe
Volume: 4”
Letters 1937, 1941 [visit to White House, Christmas Eve 1941; seeing FDR]
Letters Aug.-Sept. 1942 [training at Santa Ana Army Air Base, Calif]
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1942 [training at Santa Ana; Ryan Field, Tucson, Ariz; Minter Field,
Bakersfield, Calif]
Letters Jan.-Mar. 1943 [Advanced Flying School, Marfa, Texas]
Letters April-July 1943 [Marfa, Texas]
Letters Aug.-Sept. 1943 [Marfa, Texas]
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1943 [Marfa, texas]
Letters 1944 [Marfa, Texas, Jan; Holland, Nov-Dec]
Letters 1945 [England & France]
Residence: Lawrence, Kansas
Service: 4th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 2"
Clippings (1)(2) [casualty figures; army org chart and info on soldiers; mental
breakdowns in the army; Nazi assault on Bastogne; map of sea routes from Britain to
Europe proper, 1944; “Yank” 1942; “Stars and Stripes” 1944]
Fort Benning, Georgia [OCS graduation program; photobook of Ft. Benning]
Fourth Infantry Division [Christmas card; unit histories; cover letters from Maj. Gen.
W.H. Blakeley to go with unit histories; “Ivy Leaf” division newsletter, 1945]
Memorabilia [Army patches; Nazi armband; army safety informational papers; German
propaganda; Christmas greetings, 1944]
201 File (1)(2) [Training papers; physical papers; promotion letter; activation lists;
transfer papers; leave papers; shipping tickets; regimental roster; censor certification; D-
Day landing table; notices of decoration; separation papers; pay voucher; CP lists; form to
send message of cheer to wounded soldiers; records jacket to contain these papers]
Service: 407 Medical Collecting Co, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Memoirs [Bound and titled “Doctor and Soldier in the South Pacific,” re service in New
Guinea, Philippines, and Japan, and 1994 reunion in Philipines]
Residence: Eureka, Kansas
Service: Husband was in 698 Engineer Petroleum Distribution Company, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memorabilia [Clipping “He’s in the Army Now”; address list; Deustchmarks; clipping re
fuel usage in ETO]
Unit History - 698 Engr Petrol Dist Co. (1)(2) [Book and address list]
Residence: McLean, Virginia
Service: Collector
Volume: -1”
Papers [copies of articles and letters re sparing of Rothenberg, Germany, from bombing
attacks, March-April 1945]
Residence: Austin, Texas
Service: Son of Fred E. Howell, Associated Press staff, New York
Volume: -1"
Papers [AP message announcing D-Day landings 3 days early by mistake, followed by
follow-up kill messages and explanations]
Residence: Concordia, Kansas
Service: nephew of Lloyd Bergman, photographer with 20th Air Force, Guam
Volume: -1"
Papers [booklet on Hiroshima, Japan, 1949]
Residence: Oakdale, Minnesota
Service: brother of Robert Huch, Co E, 16 Inf Regt, Normandy
Volume: 3”
After Action Report June 6, 1944 [handwritten after action report of Company E re
landing on Omaha Beach]
Letters June 1944 [June 26 letter re experiences on D-Day]
Letters July-Aug. 1944 [France]
Letters Sept.-Oct. 1944 [France, Germany]
Letters Nov.-Dec. 1944 [Germany, Belgium; Hurtgen Forest]
Letters Jan.-Feb. 1945 [Belgium, Germany]
Letters March-April 1945 [Germany]
Letters May-June 1945 [Czechoslovakia; occupation duty in Bamberg, Germany]
Letters July-Sept. 1945 [Bamberg, Germany; vacation in France]
Residence: Junction City, Kansas
Service: son of Edward Hulik, US Navy
Volume: -1”
Yank May 18,1945 [magazine announcing end of war in Europe]
Residence: Lake Quivera, Kansas
Service: historian
Volume: -1”
Papers [brief history of 79th Inf Div in Europe]
Residence: Downs, Kansas
Service: 5th Armored Division, Europe
Volume: -1"
Unit History - 5th Armored Division [Map of division’s movements in Europe; unit
history book]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: home front
Volume: -1"
Ration Books [ration books used by Humphrey family in Newton, Kansas]
Residence: Gainsville, Florida
Service: 330 Inf Regt, 83 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [printed volume dated 2001 containing account of his military service; includes
chapters on training in US; landing in Normandy after D-Day; campaigns in Normandy,
Brittany, Luxembourg, Hurtgen Forest, Battle of the Bulge, Rhineland, Central Germany;
occupation duty after the war]
Residence: Tempe, Arizona
Service: Daughter of Wade Walter Nyquist, soldier in North Africa, POW
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [memoirs of Wade Nyquist; family background; capture by Germans in North
Africa; experiences as POW in Italy & Germany]
Residence: Great Bend, Kansas
Service: Wife of Norman J. Huschka, Air Force pilot, Europe, and POW in Germany
Volume: 2”
American Ex-Prisoners of War (1)-(4) [veterans organization; 1982, 1985, 1991 & 1994
annual conventions; publicity material re POWs]
Miscellaneous Publications
Residence: Corvallis, Oregon
Service: Co M, 263 Inf Regt, 66 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1”
Newsletters (1) (2) [newsletters for veterans of Co M, 1998-2000, containing current
news and reminiscences of the war]
Residence: Lander, Wyoming
Service: 127 Abn Engr Bn, 11 Airborne Div, Philippines
Volume: 1”
Clippings [designated “Luckiest Man in Army” by Stars & Stripes]
201 File
Unit History 11 Airborne Div [pictorial history, 1944]
Residence: Lincoln, Nebraska
Service: 134th Regt, 35th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 2"
Printed Material [Unit history; news booklet “News from Belgium and the Belgian
Scrapbook [With unit history and various war-related clippings, mostly of 134th Regt]
35th Inf Div Book 1941
35th Inf Div Newspapers (1)(2) [”Shot ‘n Shell” 1943; “Santa Fe Express” from
Germany, 1945; “35th Divisionnaire” 1947, 1948; “Covered Wagon”s, 1941]
JACOBSON, Mrs. Leslie L.
Residence: Brinnon, Washington
Service: Wife of Leslie L. Jacobson, soldier in Europe
Volume: -1"
Book [copy of Nazi book on Adolf Hitler, published 1936]
Residence: Amherst, New York
Service: Army Air Corps, United States
Volume: -1"
Booklets [Basic training handbook; army and navy Catholic prayer book; Fort Dix
informational booklet; songbook]
Residence: Waterford, Michigan
Service: WAVES, 1945-46
Volume: -1"
Papers [Naval training school postcards; dinner invitation, 1946; form letter about Navy
Civil Readjustment Office; information on application to WAVES; information on
aptitude test for WAVES; XO’s memo concerning third anniversary of organization of
WAVES, 1945; “White Cap” newsletter, 1946]
Residence: Maitland, Florida
Serine: WAC secretary, SHAEF, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [All xeroxed; correspondence between Ms. Jehl and John S.D. Eisenhower, 1977,
re alleged affair with Kay Summersby and letter to Gen. Marshall; phonebooks for
SHAEF train, 1945; memo to Gen. Stoner from DDE requesting to keep stenographers on
staff upon return to Washington, 1945; wire report of decoration of DDE and staff from
Brazil; clippings re service with DDE; reference memo; letter from DDE re services to
him, 1947-1948, 1967]
Residence: San Bernardino, California
Service: Aircraft gunner/mechanic, England
Volume: -1"
Letters [V-mail and letters, 1944-1945 re FDR’s death,D-Day anniversary, misc. topics]
Propaganda Leaflets [German psywar propaganda]
Residence: Fort Scott, Kansas
Service: Radarman, U.S. Navy, Pacific Theater
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [re Okinawa campaign]
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Serine: 120th Inf Regt, 30th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoir [Army patch; memoir of 40th anniversary of liberation of Maastricht,
Letters (1)(2) [To Mother, from England, Belgium, Holland, and Germany, 1944-1945,
Residence: Evarts, Kentucky
Service: Daughter of James R. Spitzer, 6870 District Information Service Control Command,
Volume: -1”
James R. Spitzer Papers [discharge paper, Paris assignment card, drivers permit]
Residence: Omaha, Nebraska
Service: Ground Observer Corps, New York
Volume: -1"
Ground Observer Corps Material [Clippings, 1942-1943]
Residence: Pullman, Washington
Service: Niece of Donovan Vowels of Princeton, Idaho, gunner,
359th Bomb Sq, 303 Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: 1"
Donovan Vowels Letters [Bound volume, letters to and from Mr. Vowels, with printed
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: 3205 QM Service Co., Normandy
Volume: -1"
Journal [First 6 days of Normandy Invasion]
Residence: Dresden, Ohio
Service: Daughter of Rev. Louis A. Bangerter of Neward, Ohio, who collected letters
from servicemen
Volume: 1"
Letters (1)-(3) [Letters, V-mail, and postcards from ETO, PTO, and homefront 1942-
1945; photo of ornate crucifix in church]
Residence: Salina, Kansas
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Clippings (1) (2) [Articles from Hope (Kansas) Dispatch re World War II activities of
servicemen from Hope area, 1942-1945]
See: Hal Ottaway
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Surgical technician, 347th Fighter Group, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Discharge Papers [Xeroxed]
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
Service: Red Cross Clubmobile worker, Europe
Volume: -1"
Poster [Advertisement for GI Thanksgiving ball]
Publications [”Overseas Woman”, 1945; London Daily Mail, 1945, re V-E Day]
Scrapbook [Xeroxed photos of Red Cross clubmobiles and service clubs; “The Sinker”
newsletter for clubmobiles, 1944, xeroxed; Christmas card, 1945; “Lightning” newsletter
for 78th inf. div., 1946; Red Cross overseas service certificate]
Residence: Batesville, Indiana
Service: medic, 95 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoir (1) (2) [re induction, training, embarkation, service
in France and Germany; form letters from Patton, xeroxed; photo of Mr. Kelley,
xeroxed; letter home, 1942; clippings re Mr. Kelley’s division; biographical
Residence: Malibu, California
Service: 823 Tank Destroyer Bn, 30 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [Telegram; letter to friend, 1944; story of the 30th Inf Div.]
Residence: Council Grove, Kansas
Service: niece of James Soukup, Service Co, 19 Inf, Pacific
Volume: 2"
Letters 1942 (1) (2) [Letters to Ms. Keyser and Art from Camp Walters, TX, Angel
Island, CA, Hawaii; Easter card; Christmas card]
Letters 1943 (1) (2) [Letters and V-mail to Ms. Keyser an Art from Hawaii and Australia]
Letters 1944 (1) (2) [Letters and V-Mail to Ms. Keyser and Art from Australia, SW
Pacific, and New Guinea]
Letters 1945 [Letters to Ms. Keyser and Art from Philippines]
Miscellaneous Papers [Listing of other letters and brief descriptions of them; photo of Mr.
Soukup with two nieces]
Residence: Ottawa, Kansas
Service: Friend of H. Drew Stephens, 74th Naval Construction Battalion, Pacific Theatre
Volume: -1"
Papers [Book, history of 74th Naval Construction Btn.; ration stamps; Christmas card
from India/Burma, 1944; clipping re Battle of Tarawa]
Residence: Williamsville, New York
Service: Sister of Edgar F. Enea, navy pilot
Volume: 1"
Collegiate Digest [Thirty issues of “Collegiate Digest”]
Residence: Des Moines, Iowa
Service: 133 Inf Regt, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Letters [From England, 1942; letters and V-Mail from Italy, 1944]
Residence: Lawrenceburg, Indiana
Service: Daughter of Stephen Beason, World War I veteran
Volume: -1”
Poetry [copies of poems written by Stephen Beason during World War II and later years
Residence: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Service: 12th Field Arty Bn, 2nd Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [Clipping re memory of Normandy invasion, 1994; brief biography; xeroxed
thank-you letters from current and former army personnel, 1990-1991; description of
aspects of life abroad and at home during WWII; clipping re memories of WWII, 1985;
biography of Mr. Kotzur, Stalin, and story of Korean War with xeroxed statistics]
Residence: Leavenworth, Kansas
Service: Had relatives in World War I, and in Europe and Pacific in World War II
Volume: 3"
Infantry Journal [Three copies of “Infantry Journal” magazine, 1944-1945]
Intelligence Bulletins (1)(2) [Eight copies of “Intelligence Bulletin” magazine, 1944-
Miscellaneous Pamphlets (1)-(3) [Prayer books; tourist guide to Paris and Netherlands;
French language guide; guide to returning to civilian life; technical manual for army
instruction, 1943; physical conditioning pamphlet; orientation fact sheet]
Newspapers (1)(2) [KC Star and Times re awards for Guadalcanal, invasion of Mindanao,
Battle for Remagen Bridge, 1942, 1945; “Lone Star Scanner” newspaper from Ft. Worth
Army Air Field, 1946; “Timberwolf” and “Timberwolf Howl” 104th inf. Div.
Newsletters, 1944-1946]
World War I Papers [Mother’s Day letter home, 1918; postcards with photos of soldiers
in camp]
World War II Papers [Pass card; V-mail to grandmother and Easter greetings, 1944;
pamphlet on readjustment allowances for Kansas veterans; brochure on 329th medical
battalion; German propaganda; commendation letter to the battalion; 329th HQ and HQ
detachment roster; memo to personnel returning from overseas to Camp Kilmer, NJ re
procedures during stay; memoir re seeing his brother in Europe, 1992; clippings re
brothers meeting overseas]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Wife of Eugene W. Kraus, Navy medical corpsman attached to 5th Marine
Division, Pacific Theater
Volume: 3"
Biography of Eugene Kraus [Record of military service and obituary]
Correspondence & Memorabilia [Pharmacist’s mate rating description handbook; USN
Hospital Corps School Great Lakes, IL graduation program, 1942; train tag for returning
items home; VA card; letter from VA re insurance; notice of pension letters; diploma
from hospital corps school; Japanese phrase sheet]
Maps [US resources map with map of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia on reverse;
Pacific war atlas]
Printed Material (1)-(3) [Map and aerial photograph reading guide; guide to Camp Eliot
Training and Distribution Center (TADCEN); prayer book; song books; field medical
handbook; veterans pamphlets; “Time” magazine, 1945; clipping re important dates of
the war, 1942; Japanese newspaper]
Stationery [Unused air mail envelopes and stationery with folder to keep them in]
Unit History - 5th Marine Division (1)-(3) [Three versions, Camp Pendleton, Iwo Jima,
and occupation of Japan]
Residence: Hamden, Connecticut
Service: Co E, 413 Inf Regt, 104 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [Letter from Maj. Gen. Terry Allen to Mr. Krieger’s father re status of son, xerox
and original]
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Service: 1264 Engr Combat Bn, 1110 Engr Combat Group, Europe
Volume: -1"
Hodges Bridge [printed report on construction of bridge across Rhine River in April 1945
by 1110 Engineer Combat Group; the bridge was at Niederdollendorf, Germany, about 6-
7 miles downstream from the Remagen Bridge]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Granddaughter of H.H. Jones, farmer, of Abilene
Volume: -1"
Government Material [Ration cards; sheet with questions re tire rationing for farmer;
instructional pamphlet for preparing application for Certificate of War necessity; letter
from Treasury Dept. to Kansas farmers re sales of War Bonds; weekly operation report
and tire inspection record; war bond purchasing information postcards; form letter re crop
insurance; government sale ad; information for truck and bus operators; fuel ration
application; letter urging production of soybeans and flax instead of wheat; letters and
forms re 1942 winter wheat plan; notice of upcoming shortages in implement parts, 1941
Miscellaneous Material [Insecticide pamphlet; Kansas United War Fund donation
materials; postcard re invitation to school on implement maintenance; homefront
propaganda, 1943; information on farm improvements in wartime; advertisements;
clippings re death of FDR]
Residence: Whitinsville, Massachusetts
Service: Coast Artillery Corps, Newport, Ri
Volume: 1"
Coast Artillery Manuals (1)-(3) [Gunners’ instruction manual for mobile seacoast
artillery, 1940-1941]
Residence: Northhome, Minnesota
Service: 3
Marine Div, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Memoir [family background; Marine training in US; Bougainville, Guam, Iwo Jima]
Residence: Miami, Florida
Service: 179th Inf Regt, Italy
Volume: -1"
Papers [List of purple heart awardees, 1944; transfer orders; newsletter from hospital ship
“Chateau Thierry”, 1944]
Residence: Glenhaven, California
Service: Widow of Richard E. Lake, OIC Facilities Section, Signal Center, Paris
Volume: 1"
Armistice Day 1945 [Book re celebration of Armistice Day in Paris, November 1945]
Papers [Photos of Richard Lake on duty in Paris, with various types of communications
LAMAR, Betty
Residence: Shawnee Mission, Kansas
Service: civilian in Kansas City, Missouri
Volume: 3”
Correspondence William Lee [Honolulu, Hawaii, 1938]
Correspondence Marianne Mish [Nome, Alaska, 1939-40; girls school in Beaverton,
Correspondence David Smith (1) (2) [pilot in Scotland, 1938-40]
Correspondence Max Vavasseur (1) (2) [Rouen, France, 1938-40]
Correspondence Rene Zoller [Le Havre, France, 1938-39]
Correspondence Miscellaneous
Service: Navy, Camp Edwards, California, 1943
Volume: -1"
Letter [From California to friend, 1943]
Residence: Garrett, Pennsylvania
Service: Nephew of Harold Chutis who was at Pearl Harbor, 1941
Volume: -1"
Harold Chutis - Diary [ account of Pearl Harbor attack]
Residence: McPherson, Kansas
Service: 137 Infantry Regiment, Europe; also in Louisiana maneuvers, 1941
Volume: 1"
Scrapbook [Classification card; ration books; clippings re Kansans fighting in France;
French language show booklet; newsletter from 137th Inf. Reg., 1944; Deutschmark;
letter of commendation to Mr. Lattin, 1944; oversize postcard for Arkansas-Louisiana
Residence: Oxbow, Maine
Service: USS James O'Hara, Europe & Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers (1)(2) [List of lost American vessels with causes; roster of men who served on
USS James O’Hara from 1943-1946 for reunion in 1988; programs for reunion; sheets
with military biographical information, map of Pacific Theater, photo of ship, and list of
locations and dates; photos of soldiers, ships, landing craft, Mt. Vesuvius, Manila, air
battle; book “Amen! Until Tomorrow”; music from “The Glenn Miller Story”]
Residence: Lenox, Massachusetts
Service: SHAEF, Europe
Volume: 1"
Deutschland Erwacht (1)-(3) [German book on history of Nazi party, found in Frankfurt,
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: 738 Tank Battalion, Europe
Volume: 1"
Unit History - 738 Tank Battalion (1)-(4) [Xeroxed, with activation orders, photos,
equipment specs, anecdotes, and maps]
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Service: Historian (reseasrch files on use of jeep)
Volume: 17"
Curriculum Vitae [Information on Dr. Lee with list of publications]
Handwritten Notes [For history of jeep]
Manuscript #1 [For book “The Jeep: A Marvel of Yankee Ingenuity]
Manuscript #2 [Same as above, updated]
Manuscript #3 [Same as above, updated]
Photographs [Photos of Jeeps and jeep oriented cartoons]
Printed Material (1) (2) [Religious material; xeroxed diagram of battle-armed jeep;
xeroxed photo of jeep; clipping re water-motor car, 1941; clippings re jeeps, 1992-1993,
1944 and unknown dates; xeroxed copy of FTC decisions re jeeps; clipping re 1940
American Bantam Speedster, precursor of the jeep, 1981; charicaturized battle map of
Europe; xeroxed “Popular Mechanics” re “The Jeeps Baptism of Fire”, 1979; photos of
Bantams; clipping re early precursor to jeeps, 1935; clipping re War Dept. motorization
of wheeled transport vehicle, 1983; “Special-Interest Autos” magazine, 1977]
Research Correspondence (1)-(3) [Letter from publisher,1995; letters to and from
potential research facilities, 1989-1994; South Dakota State University research grant
application; project abstract; research site business cards; brochure on advertising prices
in “American Legion” magazine; clipping re professors researching war memories with
veterans; letters requesting space in letters to editor section of various publications re
requesting stories of jeeps by veterans; research notes; application for sabbatical leave]
Research Correspondence - Henry Ford Museum [Notecards with source locations in
HFM; copy and publishing rights papers; brief history of Ford jeep, 1945, xeroxed;
transcript of testimony to Truman Committee investigating national defense re
development of the jeep, 1941, xeroxed; clipping original jeep manufactured by
Minneapolis-Moline; information on army development of jeep, xeroxed; letter re
research visit]
Research Correspondence - L.D. Schmidt [Copy of speech given at 1990 SAE Truck &
Bus Historical Section; letters re research requests]
Veterans Letters A [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to Dr.
Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1990]
Veterans Letters B (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response
to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters C (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response
to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters D (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response
to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters E [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to Dr.
Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters F [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to Dr.
Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters G [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to Dr.
Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters H (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response
to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters I-J [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to Dr.
Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters K [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to Dr.
Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters L (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response
to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters M (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response
to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters N-O (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in
response to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters P-Q (1) (2) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in
response to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters R [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to Dr.
Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters S (1)-(6) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response
to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters T-V [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in response to
Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Veterans Letters W-Z (1)-(4) [Letters with memoirs and clippings from veterans in
response to Dr. Lee’s call for stories on the jeep, 1989-1994]
Residence: Belleville, Florida
Service: home front
Volume: -1"
Papers [Patch with Great Seal of US; xeroxed photo of soldiers standing in ranks;
xeroxed letter to uncle from occupied Japan, 1945; brochure for “GI for a Day” program
at Ft. Leonard Wood, 1943]
Rail Transport Booklet [”Rail Transport and the Winning of Wars”, 1956]
Residence: Riviera Beach, Florida
Service: SHAEF Hq, Europe
Volume: 3"
Memoirs (1)-(6) [Story of service in Camp Wolters, TX, England, France, Germany, and
Atlantic crossing]
Residence: Holyrood, Kansas
Service: Relative of Richard Cipra, 635 TD Bn, Europe
Volume: 3"
Letters - Richard Cipra 1941-42 [From Camp Joseph L Robinson, Little Rock, AR; from
Fort Ord, CA; from Camp San Luis Obispo, CA; from Camp Hood, TX; photo of soldiers
in field dress]
Letters - Richard Cipra 1943 [From Camp Hood, TX]
Letters - Richard Cipra 1944 [Address Change notification card; letters from Camp Polk,
LA, England, France, Belgium, and Germany; French coins, 1924, 1932]
Letters - Richard Cipra 1945 [From Belgium, Germany, and Austria; German currency,
Letters - Bernard Shanelec [From Goodfellow Field, San Angelo, TX, 1944; photos of
serviceman with airplane; postcard from Bad Blankenburg, Germany; address change
letter, 1945; Christmas Card from Austria]
Memorabilia [German Currency, 1937; Nazi propaganda; charicaturized war map of
Rationing [Ration books; ration stamps; clippings re changes in rationing]
Scrapbook [Clippings re local men enlisting and transferring; political cartoon, 1952;
clippings re news from Mr. Cipra, 1944; clippings re aircraft, 1939, unknown dates]
Residence: Des Moines, Iowa
Service: Co F, 289 Inf Regt, 75 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs (1) (2) [Account of the Battle of the Bulge; memoir of service time, 1990]
Residence: Blue Springs, Missouri
Service: Son-in-law of Charles Brock, submariner, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Japanese Photo History (1)-(3) [Japanese history of their conquest of the Philippines]
Residence: New York City, New York
Service: Mexican Border, 1916, World War I, Europe; World War II, OSS in Balkans
Volume: 3"
Mexican Border, 1916 [Postcards with photos of soldiers in camp and drilling]
World War I [Certificate of appointment to 2nd Lt.; postcards from Monaco, France, and
Britain; certificate allowing for reduced railroad fare; French language letter and
certificate, 1918; list of 101st Field Artillery servicemen who died in WWI; military
service and veterans certificates, 1918-1922]
Booklets [Marine book from Camp Lejeune, 1943; souvenir book from dedication of
General Edwards Memorial Bridge, 1936]
Clippings [ Showdown Over Trieste, 1991; Allied aid for Yugoslavia, 1944]
Correspondence re World War II Service [Commendation letter, 1944; letter notifying
Mr. Lovell of award of DSC, 1945; letter to friend, 1945; letters re award of Legion of
Merit, 1946-1947; memos re operations on MLJET, PELJESAC, FLOUNCED, NOAH’S
ARK, 1944; wide photo of Vis harbor; documents re retirement, 1955; certificate of
promotion to Lt. Col., 1947]
201 File 1944 (1)(2) [Memo re payment of per diem allowance, 1944; travel orders,
1944; extract of #2, 1944; letter to Maj. Lovell, 1944; memo re May Day celebration,
1944; memo Churchill to Boneo re prisoners; SO 28 orders, 1944; assignment orders,
1944; SO 53 orders, 1944; SO 281 orders, 1944(all previous are closed documents); pay
and allowance papers, 1944; travel expense reimbursement form,1944; air passage forms,
1944; thank you letters, 1944; travel orders, 1944; clipping re former Wellington Sears
employees serving in ETO together; promotion papers, 1944; parachutist qualification
papers; press report re Lovell’s commando unit in Balkans, 1944; reply letter re absentee
service ballot; American Veterans Assosciation Card; letter re notification of departure of
C company of 2671 Special Recon Btln from land forces Adriatic, 1944; clipping re
commando attacks in Greece before invasion; shipping ticket, 1944; memo re good
physical health of Mr. Lovell; letter from West Point Manufacturing Co. Re stockholders
mtg and return to work, 1944; General List of Capt. JW Layzell; bar menu from France;
letter re Christmas leave, 1944; letters from Wellington Sears Co. re return to work,
Residence: New Milford, Connecticut
Service: Marine Corps, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Scrapbook [With Marine Corps cover, clippings re Mr. Lovell, and photos of Mr. Lovell,
Japanese scenes, and baseball games, xeroxed; letter to Lovell’s mother re son entering
service, 1943; certificates re completion of training in AA use, 1943; promotion order,
1946; separation and discharge papers; VA letter re claim for disability pension, 1946;
telegram re homecoming; insurance papers; letter from Labor Dept. re veterans
employment; US map of Tuscon USO Travelers Aid, 1944; clipping re archaeological
find captured in Marianas, 1944; letter re information on GI Bill; clipping re military
uniform bars; clipping re victory over Japan, 1945]
Residence: Norman, Oklahoma
Service: Brother-in-law of Bruce Carson, 598 Signal AW Bn, Fort
Riley, Kansas; Fort Des Moines, Iowa; Pacific
Volume: 3"
Bruce Carson Letters 1941 (1) (2) [From Camp Grant, Ft. Riley Des Moines re daily life
and description of these places]
Bruce Carson Letters 1943 [From Kearns Field, UT and Hawaii re daily life and
description of these places]
Bruce Carson Letters 1944 (1) (2) [From Hawaii, at sea, Philippines re description of
these places and daily life]
Bruce Carson Letters 1945 (1) (2) [From Hawaii and Philippines re descriptions of these
places and daily life with personal accounts of Roosevelt’s death and V-J Day]
Bruce Carson Notebook [diary & drafts of letters, 1941]
Bruce Carson Official Papers [Certificate of military service, xeroxed; promotion order to
captain; address list; special orders from HQ of 7th fighter wing, 1945; discharge papers;
memo re disarming of some Americans on Philippines, 1944]
Residence: Modesto, California
Service: 3
Marine Division, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Memoir [Bougainville; Guam; Iwo Jima; service on USS Europa bringing troops home
from Europe; data on members of Princeton University Class of 1942 who served in the
Residence: Oklahoma [papers acquired by Joe Todd of Bartlesville, OK, who forwarded
them to the Eisenhower Library]
Service: South Pacific
Volume: 1”
Papers [notebook containing address of his friends and lists of places he visited during
WWII; drawing of a fish he caught in 1945]
Residence: South Bend, Indiana
Service: 34th Infantry Division, Italy
Volume: -1"
Papers [Brief biographical sheet, 1991, xeroxed; photo of Mr. Mackowiak; clippings re
Mr. Mackowiac wounded and awarded]
Residence: Ellis, Kansas
Volume: -1"
Interviews (1)-(4) [interviews of WWII vets living at Ellis by Madorin's high school
English class, 1991]
Residence: Bethesda, Maryland
Service: Nurse, 807 Med Air Evac Transport Sq, Italy
Volume: -1"
Papers {memoir re travel in Balkans, handwritten and printed; clipping re missing nurses
from Bowman Field; photos of nurses, xeroxed]
Residence: Leawood, Kansas
Service: Civilian in Latvia & Berlin, Germany
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [life in Latvia under Soviet occupation; life in Nazi Berlin; work for Radio
Berlin; visit to Vienna, Austria]
Residence: Akron, Ohio
Service: homefront
Volume: -1"
Clippings [chronology of WWI; “Life” magazine re prewar, wartime, and postwar events,
1941-1945; wartime ads]
MARKLE, DONALD E. See: Bernard J. O’Brien
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Fort Riley, Kansas; wife of James W. Marshbank who
served in Mediterranean Theater
Volume: -1"
Papers [ID card; poetry book; “The Missourian” newsletter re Japanese surrender, 1945;
“Sad Sack” cartoon prints; photos of hospital group, tornado at Camp Forsythe, soldiers
in ranks, Ft. Riley, Camp Whitside, and banners, xeroxed; advertisements, xeroxed]
Residence: Green Valley, Arizona
Service: Wife of Robert L. Mason, 58 FA Bn, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Papers [clippings re solidiers off to war; V-mail letter and Christmas greetings, 1943;
Christmas cards from North Africa, Germany, and elsewhere, 1944; letter home re N.
African campaign, 1943; letters from war dept. re condition of Mr. Mason; wartime
memoir re Italian campaign written by Sgt. John R Edwards]
Residence: Sequim, Washington
Service: Niece of Capt. Mary H. Fischer, Army Nurse Corps, 95th
Evacuation Hospital, Europe; daughter of RoseMary Fischer,
Ground Observer Corps, 1950s
Volume: 2"
Army Nurse Corps History [Book, “Highlights in the History of the Army Nurse Corps,”
1975; copy of press release re 75th anniversary of the ANC, 1976]
Diary Jan.-Dec. 1944 [Diary from Italy and France]
Diary Dec. 1944-June 1945 [Diary from France and Germany]
Diary Typed Copy [Same as above]
Ground Observer Corps 1957 [Advertising sheet for civilian plane spotters; certificate
for meritorious service award, 1957; photo of Mrs. Fischer]
Unit History - 95 Evac Hospital [Handwritten and typed copies; cover letter from Chief of
Military History and the Center of Military History, Medical History Div. re unit history,
1977; unit history, xeroxed; letters from Italy, 1944, xeroxed; clipping re nurse in battle
zone, 1943; brief biographical sketch]
Residence: Independence, Missouri
Service: 351 Bomb Group, Europe
Volume: 1”
Bombardiers Information File (1) (2) [training manual]
Memoirs [training in US; bombing raids over Europe]
Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana
Service: Son of Robert Mays, 1165 Engr Group, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Letter [To home from Okinawa, 1945]
McALEER, Mrs. J.D.
Residence: Primos, Pennsylvania
Service: Wife of J.C. McAleer, US Navy
Volume: -1"
Papers [V-Mail Christmas greeting; train schedule, 1944; aircraft identification guide for
American and British aircraft; information for students; “Lough Allows” newsletters re
MacArthur’s return to Philippines and Roosevelt’s reelection, 1944]
Residence: Great Bend, Kansas
Service: Biographer of William Brenner, US Army, Philippines and Japanese POW
Volume: -1”
William Brenner [account of Brenner’s service in US Army in Philippines; Japanese
invasion; surrender to Japan; Bataan death march; life in POW camps; attempts by wife
in US to learn of his fate]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Volume: -1"
Magazine [Make and Mend for Victory, re recycling clothes, 1942]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Volume: -1"
Sheet Music ["Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer", 1943]
Residence: Marysville, Washington
Service: 940 FA Bn, 193 General Hospital, 78 Field Hospital, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [oversized bound volume containing printed abstracts of WWII letters &
photos re training in US, 1944; medical work in France, Germany & Holland, 1945-46]
Residence: Lexington, Massachusetts
Service: WAVES
Volume: 4”
All Hands (1)-(3) [Bureau of Naval Personnel information bulletin; scattered issues
Class Papers [mimeographed reports on naval procedures]
Hospital Corps Quarterly [Sept 1945 issue re neuropsychiatry]
Miscellaneous Publications [booklet of navy songs; March 1949 booklet on naval
correspondence courses]
Naval Medical Bulletin [March 1946 supplement re rehabilitation at US Naval Hospital,
Navy Service [book on history of the United States Naval Training School in the Bronx,
New York]
Residence: Tucson, Arizona
Service: poet
Volume: -1”
Poem [written by McKee in 1990 re Omaha Beach]
Residence: Rapid City, South Dakota
Service: pilot, 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [re training, European tour, postwar life, 1991, xeroxed]
Residence: Fayetteville, Arkansas
Service: 168th Inf Regt, Italy
Volume: -1"
Memorabilia [Booklet on Army insignias and decorations; dog tags worn at time of
wounding; photo of Mr. McKinney, 1945; newspapers re VE and VJ Days, 1945; photo
of Mr. McKinney in hospital]
Papers [Form letter from Truman, re end of war thanks; discharge papers; telegram from
Clare Boothe Luce re recognition of outstanding service; Letters from Chief of Staff DDE
and Lt. Col. James Stack, aide to DDE, re outstanding service, 1946; letter to father from
Sen. Homer Ferguson re awarding of bronze star, 1946; letter to father from hospital re
details of son’s wounding, 1945; information cards to next of kin re status of wounds; V-
mail and telegram to parents re wounding; citation of bronze star; certificate for
completion of basic training; maps of military bases]
Residence: Lincoln, Nebraska
Service: 202 Engr Combat Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Unit History - 202 Engr Combat Bn [With xeroxed cover letter of brief biographical
Residence: San Francisco, California
Service: Friend of Lt. Howard Patrick, USS Belleau Wood, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Letters [From USS Belleau Wood, 1944; from California, 1944]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Women's Army Corps, in United States
Volume: 6"
Adjutant General's School (1)(2) [thanksgiving menu; WAC detachment; OCS class
twenty three TAGS]
Correspondence [birthday card; special orders; roster; restricted orders; correspondence;
telegram; WAC alum]
Memorabilia [patches; matchboxes; postcards; membership cards; Japanese and Italian
currency; pamphlets and newsletter]
News Clippings
Photographs [scrapbook of photos in chronological order]
Photo Album 1955 [with table of contents]
Scrapbook (1)(2) [collection of newsclippings, photos, postcards, theater programs and
military papers; booklets, pamphlets, keepsakes, patches, menus and telegrams]
Theater Playbills [programs of various New York theaters]
Residence: White Plains, New York
Service: husband Edward Meagher, US Navy, LST 449, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [photos; military papers; postcards; servicemen’s world war map;a history of USS
LST 449;xeroxed newsclipping; certificates]
Residence: San Antonio, Texas
Service: 3rd Bn, 157th Inf Regt, 45 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 1"
Letters and Poster [xeroxed correspondence mentions Ft.Sill, Ok., France, and Kissing,
Germany; V-mail; xeroxed newsclipping]
Memoirs (1)(2)[accounts of the history of WWII as written 45 years later]
Residence: Raymore, Missouri
Service: Relative of John E. Abraham, Co M, 8
Infantry Regiment, 4
Infantry Division,
Volume: 1"
Memoir [text, photos, cards, certificates, maps, and military orders]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Relative of Phil Meyer of Osborne, Kansas, G-1 Branch, GHQ, Philippines and
Tokyo, Japan
Volume: 1"
Scrapbook (1)-(4)[contains newsclippings and newsphotos of Eastern front including A-
bombs; photos; envelopes regarding location of writing; wartime cartoons]
Residence: St. Paul, Minnesota
Service: Co A, 81 Tank Bn, 5 Armd Div, Europe
Volume: 4”
Correspondence [visits to Paris; activities of his brother Charles who was also in the 5
Armd Div]
Correspondence Charles Mike [wounded in action]
Memorabilia (1) (2) [ration books; currency; medals; shoulder patches]
Photographs [members of Co A, 81 Tank Bn]
Printed Material (1)-(3) [reunions of 5 Armd Div]
201 File
Unit History 5 Armd Div
Unit History 81 Tank Bn [1947 book]
Residence: Wampum, Pennsylvania
Service: Medical battalion, occupation of Japan
Volume: -1"
Letters [written from Himeji, Japan, 1946; letter written from Hickam AF base in Hawaii,
Residence: Dewey, Oklahoma
Service: Pharmacist, US Naval Hospital, Aiea Heights, Hawaii
Volume: -1”
Papers [memoirs of naval service; 1944 & 1945 Christmas programs; H.H. “Peewee”
Reese, a famous baseball player, was stationed at the hospital]
Residence: Alexandria, Louisiana
Service: collector
Volume: -1”
Papers [roster of personnel at station hospital, Camp Livingston, Louisiana, 1945]
Residence: Estes Park, Colorado
Service: China, 1946
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [narrative of experiences beginning at the Great Salt Lakes Naval Station on
February 13,1946 to his discharge of July 23, 1946]
Residence: Lincoln, Nebraska
Service: Pacific Theater
Volume: -1"
Religious Books [song and service book; “Strength for Service to God and Country”]
Residence: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Service: Friend of William P. Oliver, POW, Philippines
Volume: -1"
William Oliver Diary[April 1942 to June 1944; published diary; a prisoner of the
Japanese in the Philippines]
Residence: Englewood, Florida
Service: daughter of Lt Cmdr Raymond Loring Atwood, US Navy, Atlantic
Volume: -1”
Poems [booklet of poems written by Cmdr Atwood while in service]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Brother of Robert Mitchell, Air Force, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs - Robert Mitchell [air operations in the South Pacific, 1942 to 1945]
Residence: Austin, Texas
Service: Artillery HQ, 27 Inf Div, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Newspapers [clippings re Moir in Hawaii, 1941; xeroxed photos and clippings]
Residence: Gibsonburg, Ohio
Service: Widow of Walter E. Moll, Co F, 22 Inf Regt, 4 Inf Div;
participant in D-Day and prisoner of war
Volume: -1"
Papers (1) (2)[diary of the war; xeroxed newspaper clippings and photos; xeroxed
certificates and awards; xeroxed magazine article; accounts of POW experience]
Residence: Springfield, Illinois
Service: Air Corps trainee in U.S.
Volume: 26"
Books - Air Navigation [instructional booklet]
Books - B-17 & B-24 Handbook [instructional booklet]
Books - B-29 Procedures
Books - B-29 Superfortress
Books - Basic Weather
Books - Codes for Cloud Forms
Books - First Aid
Books - Junior ROTC Manual
Books - Radio Facility Charts[re the Army Air Force]
Books - Soldier’s Handbook
Letters August 1943 (1) (2)[original correspondence to family]
Letters September 1943 (1) (2)[correspondence from Florida]
Letters October 1943 (1) (2)[correspondence from Minnesota; telegram; mathematics
Letters November 1943[bank slips; correspondence from Minnesota]
Letters December 1943 (1) (2)[letter on Macalester College paper; course syllabus;
correspondence from Minnesota; graduation program; Christmas cards]
Letters January 1944[additional correspondence and course materials]
Letters March 1944[military correspondence; telegrams; letters to family]
Letters April 1944 (1)-(3)[letters written from Santa Ana Air Force Base]
Letters May 1944[letters and telegram from Santa Ana]
Letters June 1944
Letters July 1944 (1) (2)
Letters August 1944 (1) (2)[letters written from Las Vegas army air field]
Letters September-October 1944[from Las Vegas and Ellington Field, Texas]
Letters November 1944
Letters December 1944
Letters January 1945
Letters February 1945[letters written on Officers Club stationary of Lincoln, NE]
Letters March-April 1945[written on Officers Club stationary of Rapid City, SD]
Letters May 1945[letters and newspaper]
Letters June 1945[letters from Rapid City and Ellington Field]
Letters July 1945[letters and telegrams from Ellington field and Lincoln, NE]
Letters August 1945[letters from Jackson, Miss and Clovis, NM]
Letters September 1945
Letters October 1945
Letters November-December 1945
Letters January 1946
Letters Undated[telegrams; letters from Camp Cooke, Ca., Lincoln, NE., and Clovis,
Magazines (1) (2)[information pamphlet on Christianity; “Flying Cadet”; log of
navigation magazines; warmap of the world; the “Evanston Review” of June 10, 1943]
News Clippings
Pilot Log 1943-44[flight recording book]
Training - Class Notes (1)-(4)[includes notes, handouts and charts]
Training - Macalester College [school assignments; physics labs; music programs; music
course syllabus]
Training Miscellaneous [protractors; topo map; technical manual for air crew trainers;
military triad]
Training - Navigators’ Information File
Training - Navigation Instrument Workbook (1)(2)
Training - Navigation Weather Workbook (1) (2)
201 File - Air Force Reserve 1946-59 (1)-(4)
201 File - Flight Record
201 File - Induction Papers
201 File - Miscellaneous (1) (2)
201 File - Orders (1)-(3)
Residence: Chanute, Kansas
Service: 246 Engr Combat Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers[magazine clipping from “Life” of March 12,1945;map of Roer River crossing at
Julich; chart of XIX Corps from Siegfried Line to Victory; maps]
Residence: Stanford, Kentucky
Service: 319 Regt, 3rd Army, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers[photograph; newsclipping re Battle of the Bulge]
Residence: Dallas, Texas
Service: WAC, SHAEF, Europe
Volume: 2"
Papers [V-mail; patch; honorable discharge papers; poems; message from Eisenhower;
xeroxed photos; Thanksgiving Day menu]
Scrapbook (1)-(4) [newsclippings; accounts of basic training and wartime missions;
rosters; correspondence with family; “V-Bag” unit newsletters, 1943; maps; xeroxed
photos; postcards; programs; poems]
Residence: Flagler Beach, Florida
Service: SHAEF, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memorabilia [membership and pass cards; wartime Christmas card with photos;
newsclipping of Farbin building in Frankfurt, Gr; xeroxed photos with index]
Post Cards (1)(2)[postcards from Frankfurt, London and Paris; photos of trip to
Residence: Osawatomie, Kansas
Service: B-17 navigator, 8th Air Force, Europe (see also Lillie May Budimlija material)
Volume: 5"
Bombing Raid Maps (1) (2)[Hull to Venice; Eniskellen to Avignon; Newcastle to Prague;
European continental map]
Clippings [clippings of “GI Jerry” cartoons]
Flight School Annuals (1)-(3)[from Eagle Field]
Flight School Class Notebook (1)-(3)[class notes and assignments]
Flight School Textbook (1)-(4)[textbooks of “Air Navigation”, “Dead Reckoning”, and
“Advanced Navigational Instruments”]
Miscellaneous [patch; flight compass with mileage; photo of supply drop in French Alps;
short biography]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: 2097 Quartermaster Truck Company, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [life insurance form; report for induction]
Photographs [photos taken at port of Bath, England in 1945; truck maneuvers in Georgia
in 1943; troops]
Residence: Kansas City, Kansas
Service: Wife of Frank Mufic, 96th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force
Volume: -1"
Papers [xeroxed photos; 96th Bomb Group newsletters; journal of British broadcasting]
Residence: Enterprise, Kansas
Service: homefront
Volume: -1"
Papers [Christmas card and letter on V-mail]
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: Collector of WWII items
Volume: -1"
Puderbaugh Letter [letter from England]
Residence: Enterprise, Kansas
Service: granddaughter of Fred Kitchener, collector
Volume: -1”
Letters [Kenneth Ellsworth re service on New Guinea]
Memorabilia [booklet re AAF Redistribution Station No. 2, Miami, FL]
Scrapbook [copies of WWII photos & clippings from scrapbook kept by Kitchener]
Residence: Orlando, Florida
Service: father served in Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [copy of 1 letter, Mar. 14, 1944 recounts experiences on a troop train traveling
from California to Colorado; copy of a diary, Oct. 27 to Nov. 13, 1944, injured veteran
describes journey home from England to U.S.]
Residence: Carthage, New York
Service: Army Signal Corps, Europe
Volume: -1"
Radio Message [by DDE announcing German surrender]
Residence: Salina, Kansas
Service: 293 Joint Assault Signal Co, Normandy
Volume: -1"
Memoir [re D-Day; transfer to Pacific Theatre, late 1944; service in Philippines]
Residence: Biloxi, Mississippi
Service: sailor, USS Hobson, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [rescue of survivors from USS Corry which was sunk by
enemy fire on D-Day]
Residence: Lincoln, Nebraska
Service: grandson of Helmut Lichtenfels, German soldier
Volume: -1"
Helmut Lichtenfels [17 June 1944 letter from Lichtenfels to his family written from
Normandy; letter from his commanding officer to widow re his death in France on 26
June 1944; death certificate and newspaper death notice; German identification booklet;
all items are in German]
Residence: Lee’s Summit, Missouri
Service: daughter of Phillip Hanson, US Navy, Pacific
Volume: 4”
Diary 1944 [listings of arrivals & departures]
Japanese Military Manuals
Map [map of Pacific Ocean, annotated to show ship routes, 1945-46]
Memorabilia [Auckland, New Zealand; Tongan language; Tutuila, Samoa; water
conservation aboard ship]
News Clippings
Publications (1)-(4) [tourist literature; Tonga; prayer book; Our Navy magazine; Carrier
War by Oliver Jensen; Navy photos]
Turbine Electric Drive [navy technical publication]
U.S.S. Berrien (1) (2) [log, July-Nov. 1945; newsletters; personnel roster; crossing the
equator; souvenirs; items dated 1945-46]
U.S.S. Solace [hospital ship; newsletters; ship history]
Residence: Elburn, Illinois
Service: unknown
Volume: -1"
Maps [showing various areas of England and France]
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Service: Sister of Berdine L. Noll, US Navy nurse, Bremerton, Wash & Australia
Volume: 2”
Menus [holiday meals at navy hospitals in Bremerton, Washington & Australia; VE Day
dinner in Australia]
Newspapers Australia (1) (2)
Newspapers Guinea Gold
Newspapers The Ship’s Log [Puget Sound Navy Yard, 1943]
Newspapers US
Unit Newsletters
Residence: Highland, Kansas
Service: High school teacher
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [interviews of veterans by high school students, 1992]
Residence: Fort Dodge, Iowa
Service: 401 Bomber Sq, 91 Bomber Gp, 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [propaganda leaflet in German with statements by DDE, FDR and Winston
Churchill; dropped over Berlin on February 4-5, 1945; English translation attached;
material donated by O’Brien’s brother-in-law Donald Markle of Gettysburg,
Residence: North Miami, Florida
Service: U.S. Merchant Marine, Atlantic
Volume: 1"
Clippings [xeroxed newsclippings and photos; xeroxed certificates and awards]
Correspondence [xeroxed letter from US Dept. of Transportation; wartime roster; notice
of medal from Soviet Union]
Memoirs [xeroxed accounts of war]
Memorabilia [official records and letters to O’Donnell; certificate of service; honorable
discharge; poem]
Residence: Sebastopol, California
Service: husband was Admiral Richard H. O’Kane, Submarine Captain in Pacific during WWII
Volume: -1"
Papers [multi-piece clipping by Samuel titled “So Many Men, So Many Wars”; prayer
and hymn; newscolumn; medal of honor notice; xeroxed photos and submarine design]
Residence: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Papers [a 1998 magazine from Belgium (in French) re World War I and World War II in
Belgium; essays on World War II written by students at Bartlesville High School, based
on interviews with World War II veterans; includes a soldier captured by Germans in
Battle of the Bulge, a soldier who landed in Normandy one day after D-Day, a soldier
who was in the invasion of Luzon in the Philippines; transcript of Oct 1993 interview
with Gene R. Haff re service in 115 Inf Regt, 29 Inf Div, in Europe, and as POW in
Germany and Czechoslovakia; this material received from Joe L. Todd, oral historian at
the Society]
Residence: South Lake Tahoe, California
Service: Marine Corps Women's Reserve, bases in US
Volume: -1"
Papers (1) (2)[army service certificate; marine corps correspondence; telegram;
intruction sheet; chemical warfare guidelines; certificates; accounts; patch; letters;
newsclippings; cards; xeroxed photos]
Residence: Maumee, Ohio
Service: Wife of Richard Thomas Mariner, USS Thatcher, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Diary[original and xerox copies, July 25, 1943 to Nov. 14, 1943, daily operations of USS
Thatcher, a destroyer, in the Pacific Theater]
Residence: Bedford, Virginia
Service: 48th Fighter Squadron, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Tobruk Mission October 1943[official history of the 48th Fighter Squadron for October
1943; other wartime accounts]
Residence: Corpus Christi, Texas
Service: 547
Field Artillery, Europe
Volume: -1”
Memoirs [training in US; Boston; Camp Hood; England; work as a forward observer in
France and Germany; shelling of German cities; work of British commandos]
Residence: Salzburg, Austria
Service: 294 Field Artillery Observation Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [accounts of the war]
Residence: Springfield, Colorado
Service: 114th Army Postal Unit, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter; poem about the APO; xeroxed award; photo of execution with account;
xeroxed photos with descriptions; official orders]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Collector of material re Jack Kammerer of Wichita, US Marine Corps, Pacific,
KIA on IWO Jima, and Jack's sister Maryon Kammerer, WAC
Volume: 5"
Clippings[original and xeroxed clippings]
Correspondence: (1)-(5)[telegrams and letters from various forts and camps]
Death of Jack Kammerer[memorial materials; letters, cards, pamphlets and other
miscellaneous materials]
Miscellaneous Papers [address book; other booklets; receipts; chemical agents
information; crew newsletter]
Official Papers
Publications (1)(2)[chronicle of Iwo Jima “Springboard to Final Victory”; the New
Testament; book of Iwo Jima written by five official marine combat writers]
WAC Material [certificates; official papers; WAC handbook; WAC news for October 7,
and September 23, 1944]
Residence: Stone Mountain, Georgia
Service: Displaced person, Europe
Volume: -1”
Memoir [DDE’s visit to Lohengrin DP camp near Munich, 17 Sept 1945]
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Service: Son of Claire K. Parcel, 3939 Signal Inspection & Maintenance Detachment, North
Africa & Italy
Volume: 10”
Correspondence (1)-(4) [letters from Claire to relatives in Coldwater, Kan, re service in
North Africa & Italy; letters to Claire from parents re life on farm in Coldwater; letters to
Claire from friends 1945-46 after his discharge; letters from Claire to his parents while
attending Kansas State University, 1947-48; letters to Claire’s family from other
Diary & Address Book [Diary kept by Claire in Italy, July-Dec 1944]
Enemy Souvenirs (1) (2) [2 diaries kept by German soldiers, Jan-Apr 1943 & Jan-Dec
1944; 1 personal letter in German, Jan 1944; Italian postcards; German booklets; map;
official document]
Personnel Material [orders, certificates]
Printed Material Booklets (1)-(3)
Printed Material Life June 26, 1944
Printed Material Maps
Printed Material Newspapers (1)-(3) [The Nickel Son, ship paper of SS Joseph
Nicholson, 11 Oct 1945; Eighth Army Weekly, 26 Dec 1943; Adriatic Breeze 11 Aug
1945; various issues of Stars and Stripes; miscellaneous clippings]
Radio Class (1)-(3) [textbooks & notes re military radio class]
Tourist Literature (1)-(3) [postcards & guidebooks from Italy]
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
Volume: -1"
Booklet [accounts of the war titled "Chronology of the War in the Southwest Pacific"]
Residence: Austin, Texas
Service: Niece of George W. Beaver, 46 Naval Constr Bn, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [2 letters, from George W. Beaver to Miss Frances Beaver 1943]
Residence: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Service: Army Air Corps, North Africa & Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [”From Biplanes to Missiles” 1941 to 1968; newspaper of 82 Airborne 1944;
experiences of a pilot in N. Africa and Europe]
Service: 7th Army Press Camp, Europe
Donated by: Karl Vogel & Kathleen Price
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter re finding bottle in Hitler's bathroom, 1945]
Residence: Independence, Missouri
Service: Daughter of Lawrence E. Helsel, US Navy, U.S.S. Bell (DD-587); U.S.S. Cread
(APD-88) January 7, 1942 December 17, 1945
Volume: 1.5"
A Navy Log: 1942 1945 by Lawrence E. Helsel and dedicated to daughters Brenda Jo,
Linda Darlene, Darla Michelle and Karen Renee [Bound and edited transcripts of
Lawrence E. Helsel’s letters home to his mother from enlistment to discharge. Photstatic
reproductions of photographs and supporting materials are included. Letters in the
volume detail his experiences in the US Navy]
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: son of C.J. Petterson, Associated Press reporter
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter account of DDE’s homecoming in Abilene, June 1945]
Service: meteorologist, England
Donated by: S. Eugene Buell
Volume: 2"
Memoirs (1)-(5)[”Of Storms and Men”; covers entire life with emphasis on forecasting
for Overlord]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Fighter Pilot, German Luftwaffe
Volume: 2”
Album 1 (1) (2) [postcards, awards, articles, photographs re service as German fighter
Album 2 (1) (2) [photographs, articles, memorabilia re service as German fighter pilot;
his post-war career in US as an airplane designer for McDonnell-Dougnas]
Miscellaneous [printed material re aircraft]
Residence: Enid, Oklahoma
Service: 36 Inf Div, France, World War I
Volume: 4”
Note: This material was donated by Joe Todd, who got it from the American Legion Post in
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, who got it from Peyton’s nephew; it is mostly letters Peyton received
from servicemen during World War II
Letters Burton Brandt [India]
Letters James Chance [406 Inf Regt, Germany]
Letters Elwood Driskell [North Africa; Italy]
Letters Marvin Foley [Pacific]
Letters Merril Foley [Camp Pickett, Virginia; Anzio, Italy]
Letters Warren K. Grots
Letters Robert A. Harper (1) (2) [Pacific; Guam]
Letters Harry R. Klopfenstein [116 Regt, France, Germany]
Letters G.M. Rhodes (1)-(4) [30 Naval Construction Bn; Norfolk, VA; Gulfport, MS;
Trinidad, British West Indies]
Letters Clarence W. Wheeler [France; Germany]
Miscellaneous Papers [Seabee newsletter & sheet music; summary of 1985 interview re
Peyton’s WWI service]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Relative of Charles R. Picking, KIA in Europe
Volume: -1"
Correspondence [MIA and KIA telegrams to mother 1944; “Britain’s Homage to 28,000
American Dead” 1952]
Residence: Washington, DC
Service: WAC, USFET, France
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter from Eisenhower to donor, 1946; photo of Eisenhower’s return home to
Washington, D.C.]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: 18 Weather Sq, 1 Air Div, 8 Air Force, Europe
Volume: 4”
Army Air Forces Guide [printed booklet, 1944]
Bomb Photos [copies of aerial photos of bomb damage]
British Publications (1)-(7) [ranks and badges of British military; cloud formations;
weather observations; meteorology for aviators; radio operations; tourist literature]
Letters (1)-(3) [conditions in England; form letter from Gen. J.H. Doolittle; roster of
weather station personnel]
Maps [Central England; North Sea]
Memorabilia [certificates; identification badge; savings bond booklet]
Unit History First Air Division
Unit History Eighth Bomber Command
Unit History USS Batfish
Unit History Walnut Ridge Army Air Field, Arkansas
Residence: Chillicothe, Ohio
Service: Daughter of Walter I. Farmer, US Army, Europe
Volume: -1’
Walter I. Farmer Memoirs [protection of art treasures in Germany at end of World War
Residence: Cheektowaga, New York
Service: 2nd Recon Squadron, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoir [xerox of B-24 photographs; B-24 mission titled “The Milk Run”, 1945]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: private, 116 Evac Hospital, Europe; stationed at Dachau
Concentration Camp
Volume: 6"
Dachau [1945 illustrated report with 1942 diary of prisoner]
[brief summaries of all letters Nov. 1944 -May 1946; member of the 7th army; letters
censored to family concerning arrival in France; letters home about daily life and
locations in France and Germany; all letters are copyrighted]
Letters Nov. 1944
Letters Dec. 1944
Letters Jan. 1945
Letters Feb.-Mar. 1945
Letters April 1945
Letters May 1945 [handwritten letters, some on German SS stationary, describe physical
plant at Dachau Concentration Camp as well as condition of inmates or patients]
Letters June-July 1945 [remaining letters from various sites in Germany, both typed and
handwritten, describe conditions and activities of his unit]
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1945
Letters Jan.-Feb. 1946
Letters March-May 1946
Letters (transcripts) (1)-(4)
Memorabilia [log of travels and stations Feb. 1944 - Sept. 1945; newspaper article re
Dachau Concentration Camp; photographs of village of Bad Mergentheim, Germany]
Residence: Council Grove, Kansas
Service: Sister of Howard Schlingloff, Army Corps of Engineers in Panama and
Philippines, and Prisoner of War in Japan; foster mother of Ralph Baird, pilot,
8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: 1"
Ralph Baird Clippings [wartime letterheads]
Ralph Baird Memorabilia [graduation programs; postcards; and photograph 1943;
Lubbock Army Airfield]
Howard Schlingloff Clippings & Memorabilia [clippings, photographs and a 1943 menu]
Howard Schlingloff Correspondence [letters and postcards from Japanese POW camp;
notice of death to family; insurance settlement claim, 1941 to 1945]
Miscellaneous [includes wartime greeting cards]
Residence: Fresno, California
Service: US Navy, USS Core, Atlantic & Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [brief chronological notes re naval training in US; service on USS Core;
comments re storms, shore leave, passage through Panama Canal]
Residence: Stockton, California
Service: 3rd Signal Co, 3rd Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 3"
Memoirs (1)-(8)[accounts range from 1942 to 1988; 1942 to 1945]
Residence: Goddard, Kansas
Service: sister of John Homer Thompson, Co A, 808 Engr Aviation
Bn, Pacific
Volume: -1"
John Homer Thompson Papers (1) (2) [1942 and 1943 letters
to family; censored letters from 1943 to 1945; notice
of honorable discharge 1945; xerox photographs]
Residence: Chatsworth, California
Service: 85th Recon Troop, 85th Division, Europe
Volume: 1"
Diary (1)(2) [photograph of Casimer; transcribed diary dated February 1943 re training
maneuvers in Mississippi; additional diary dated May 1943 to mid Feb 1945 of life in the
European Theater; brief chronological history of army life; honorable discharge papers;
xeroxed photographs of 85th Recon Troop during World War II and 1991-1993 reunions]
History [chronology of 85th Recon Troop; monthly reports, Apr 1944-July 1945, re
operations in Italy; list of members of Troop appearing in photo]
Residence: Lenexa, Kansas
Service: Clerk, GHQ, SW Pacific Theater
Volume: 10"
[Letters to family ranging from training in the states; stationed from summer 1943 to
December of 1944 in SW Pacific New Guinea and Australia; typewritten correspondence
from SW Pacific theater; scattered poems throughout; church programs; January 1945
stationed in Philippine Islands; Japanese money; concert program from February 1945;
left Philippines in December 1945 for LA; sent to Carson City, Colorado in January of
1946; postcard from Manitou Springs, and photograph of couple]
Letters Feb-June 1943
Letters July-Sept 1943 (1)-(3)
Letters Oct-Dec 1943 (1)(2)
Letters Jan-Mar 1944 (1)-(3)
Letters Apr-June 1944 (1)(2)
Letters July-Sept 1944 (1)(2)
Letters Oct-Dec 1944 (1)(2)
Letters Jan-Mar 1945 (1)(2)
Letters Apr-Sept 1945
Letters Oct-Dec 1945
Letters Jan-Feb 1946
Miscellaneous Letters 1938-49 [educational achievements from 1938; notice of shipping
orders February 1943; postcard and letters from John to family]
Miscellaneous Papers [poems; correspondence; chronological dates of military service;
Thanksgiving 1945 church service; Christmas 1943 restaurant menu; church bulletin;
Field Artillery certificates 1943; temporary duty personnel guidelines]
Official Papers [soldiers individual pay records; letter of appreciation for service from
Harry Truman; officers clearing sheet; pay rolls from officers’ reserve corps; letter
regarding rights and benefits of honorably discharged veterans from Selective Service
board; application for servicemen’s readjustment allowance; letter from VA; separation
qualification records; war savings bond; application for national service life insurance;
letter from War Shipping Administration]
Printed Material (1)(2) [pocket guide to Australia; photographs of Sydney; newspaper
clippings from KC Star 1945, 1946 and 1980; church program; Acadia newsletter;
xeroxed photograph; MacArthur brochure; 1945 foreign news newsletter; GI bill of
rights; 1945 Manila newspapers; Yank; newsmagazines of Far Eastern affairs, 1945]
QUAM, John
Residence: Northfield, Minnesota
Service: Son of Nels Quam, Red Cross worker, Egypt
Volume: -1”
Nels Quam Memoir [early life in Norway; immigration to US 1913; service in World
War I; St Olaf College; teaching career; Red Cross service in World War II: training,
sailing to North Africa 1944, German attack on ship, work in Egypt; later teaching career;
trips to Norway]
Residence: Prairie Village, Kansas
Service: 922 Engineer Aviation Regiment, Europe
Volume: 1"
Letters [V-mail from 1942 and 1944, written from Hollywood, Venice and San Francisco,
Memorabilia [war rations booklets; French play program; Christmas menu]
Printed Material [story of Corps of Engineers “Engineering the Victory”; symphonie
music; army newsletter; newsletter of USAAF of Paris, France August - September 1945;
“A Letter Home From Camp Pinedale, Fresno, California,” brochure on life at Pinedale]
Unit Histories - 2nd Armored Division
Unit Histories - 9th Engineer Command
Unit Histories - 922nd Engineer Aviation Regiment
Residence: Stuart, Oklahoma
Service: Merchant Marine
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter awarding Mr. Quirk a commemorative medal from the Russian Federation;
newsclipping; pass for Easter leave of absence]
Residence: Richland Hills, Texas
Service: Air Force, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [an autobiography of the war years 1941-1946 “Time Flies”]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Wife of Webb Ramey, ground crew and gunner with 4th Fighter Group, 8th Air
Force, England
Volume: -1"
Flak Maps - 8th Air Force
Miscellaneous Papers [newsclippings; xeroxed photographs]
Residence: Hutchinson, Kansas
Service: Lawyer for estate of E.P. Sanders, veteran of 12th Armored Division, Europe
Volume: -1"
Letters [1937 letter from Ks. governer regarding application for W.P.A.]
Newspapers [1945 wartime newspapers “The Stars and Stripes”]
Residence: Lawrence, Kansas
Service: French Ambulance Corps, 1940; RAF Bomber Command, 1940-43; US Army
Air Force, Europe, 1943-45
Volume: 4"
Diary (1)-(4)[”Diary of a Volunteer” April 1940 to July 1943; stationed in France;
member of the American Volunteer Ambulance Corps]
Log Book [pilot’s log book covering service with RAF, 1941-43]
Miscellaneous Papers [transcribed copy of family’s Christmas letter and summary of their
married life; “A Students’ Guide to Academia”; xeroxed copy of newspaper article about
donor; ration stamps; pages from Raymond’s book A Yank in Bomber Command]
Printed Material (1)-(3) [newspaper clippings; journal of “Air Force” 1944; the admiralty
account of the naval war in the eastern Mediterranean, 1939 to 1941; “Coronet”;
newsmagazine “Yank”, 1945; magazine and pamphlet]
Propaganda Leaflets
Residence: Chillicothe, Missouri
Service: Widow of Vernon Janzen, army private who accompanied DDE on return to US,
June 1945
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [three part xeroxed newsstory, “War bride tells why she ‘like’s Ike’”]
Residence: Belleville, Illinois
Service: collector
Volume: -1”
Military Police Basic Training Notes 1943 [booklet on military police procedures, Fort
Riley, Kansas]
Residence: Mayfield Heights, Ohio
Service: Lab technician in hospital in Hawaii
Volume: -1"
Papers [August 1943 letter in Spanish from Hawaii, stamps, and four envelopes from
1942-43 with handmade illustrations, including an Hawaiian girl and an eagle]
Residence: Staten Island, NY
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Printed Material [newsclipping from “Stars and Stripes”; weekly newsmagazine “The
Yank” 1943; Air Force service journal]
Residence: St. Louis, Missouri
Service: Red Cross Clubmobile worker, Europe
Volume: 10"
American Red Cross - Official Papers
Letters 1943 (1)(2)[correspondence written from Washington D.C.]
[correspondence to family and friends via military air mail]
Letters Jan.-Mar. 1944 (1)(2)
Letters April-June 1944 (1)(2)
Letters July-Sept. 1944 (1)(2)
Letters Oct.-Dec. 1944 (1)(2)
Letters Jan.-Mar. 1945 (1)(2)
Letters Apr.-June 1945 (1)(2)
Letters July-Oct. 1945 (1)(2)[letters and postcards from the French Riviera]
Letters - David Metcalfe
Maps (1)(2)
Memorabilia - Miscellaneous [money, postcards, notes]
Memorabilia - Programs & Menus
Memorabilia - Tourist Literature (1)-(3)[postcards from Europe]
Miscellaneous Correspondence [from Red Cross, newsclippings, more letters]
News Clippings (1)-(3)
Publications (1)-(5)
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: Blimp squadron, Tillamook, Oregon
Volume: -1"
Papers [newsletter of the NAST,”Naval Air Station Tillamook” Mar. 19, 1944]
Residence: Front Royal, Virginia
Service: Cousin of LTC Kimball R. Richmond, 16th Inf Regt, North Africa & Europe
Volume: -1"
Album (1) (2) [account of Kimball Russ Richmond WWII rifle company commander of
the 16th Infantry Regiment]
Residence: Warrensburg, Missouri
Service: Army Air Force, Salt Lake City, Utah & Guam
Volume: 5”
Biographies [bio of James Riddle; obit of his wife Jean Riddle, 2001; compiled by their
daughter Susan Pentlin]
Letters, March 1943 (1) (2) [Army Air Base, Salt Lake City, Utah]
Letters, April 1943 (1)-(4)
Letters, May 1943
Letters, July-Aug. 1945 [life aboard ship in the Pacific]
Letters, Sept. 1945 [Guam]
Letters, Oct.-Nov. 1945 (1) (2)
Postcards [pictures of Army Air Base, Salt Lake City, Utah]
Residence: Port Arthur, Texas
Volume: -1"
Articles [story of the “Loss of the Dorchester”; magazine article “4 Men of God”;
xeroxed photograph of Dorchester]
Residence: Fripp Island, South Caroline
Service: Air Corps meteorologist, 12 Tac Air Cmd, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [accounts of year tour in Europe; travelled from Italy to cities in France; from
Saarguemines, Fr. To Kaiserslautern,Gr; time span is July 15,1944 to July 17, 1945]
Residence: Peekskill, New York
Service: 8th Naval Construction Battalion, Aleutians
Volume: -1"
Papers [notes on the Aleutian Islands during WWII]
Residence: West Orange, New Jersey
Service: nephew of John M. Rogers, 1st Inf Div, North Africa and Europe
Volume: 1"
Clippings [various East coast newspapers from 1944; “Fortune” magazine; “Picture
Parade” portion of the Philadelphia Inquirer]
Newsletter - 69th Inf Div
Residence: Vero Beach, Florida
Service: U.S. Navy, 1948-52
Volume: -1”
U.S.S. Thompson [incomplete history of ship, 1943-45, re service in Normandy invasion
& in Mediterranean]
Residence: Belton, Missouri
Service: Sister of Ivan B. Rogers, USS Pierce, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Letters 1943[censored V-mail from overseas; letters from US Naval Training Station in
Farragut, Idaho]
Letters 1944-45[censored V-mail to family members]
Memorabilia [thank you card; war ration book; xeroxed newsclippings; xeroxed map;
Japanese surrender, “Instrument of Surrender”]
Residence: Parchment, Michigan
Service: 101st Airborne Div, Europe: POW
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [a history of his experiences while in the military, titled “American POW in
Germany”; covers training in 1943 to action in 1945]
Residence: Canyon Country, California
Service: 11 Inf Regt, 5 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Drawings [creation and history of scetches text; xeroxed photographs; sketches; and
xeroxed sketches]
Residence: Sacramento, California
Service: 289 Inf Regt, 75 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 9"
[copies of correspondence and reports on history of 289 & 290 Inf Regts and attached
units, collected by Roxburgh after the war; many re to Battle of the Bulge]
Memoirs July 1994 Version (1)-(4)
Memoirs March 1995 Version (1)-(5)
Memoirs September 1995 Additions
Memoirs December 1996 Additions
Memoirs November 1997 Additions
History Panels August 1997 Kansas City, Missouri
Inventory of Documents[290th and 289th Regimental Combat teams in action; 75th
Infantry Division; The Ardennes; Battle of the Bulge; revised and added to in March
Documents 1-3
Documents 4-5
Documents 6-8
Documents 10-13
Documents 14-15
Documents 16-17
Documents 20-21
Documents 23-27
Document 28
Documents 29-30
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: 3118 Signal Service Group, Europe
Volume: 3”
Papers, Vol. I (1)-(3) [letters re training at Ft Lewis, WA, 1943-44; Buckley Field, CO,
Feb-Mar 1944; Eastern Oregon College of Education, LaGrande, OR, Mar-Apr 1944;
Camp Crowder, MO, May-July 1944]
Papers, Vol. II (1)-(3) [letters re training at Camp Crowder, MO, Aug-Sept 1944;
transfer to Europe Oct 1944; service in France & Germany Nov 1944-Mar 1946;
discharge papers; biographical information]
Residence: Carthage, Mississippi
Service: 3rd Armored Division, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [autobiography titled “A Civilian Soldier”]
Residence: El Dorado, Kansas
Service: Widow of Emmerson Russum, U.S. Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1”
The Beachmaster [base paper, Amphibious Training Base, Solomons, Maryland, Nov
1943-Apr 1944]
Bee Lines [base paper, Naval Construction Training Center, Camp Peary, Williamsburg,
Virginia, Apr 1943-Feb 1944]
The Invader [base paper, Naval Landing Force Equipment Depot, Norfolk, Virginia,
July-Oct 1944]
Residence: Carlton, Kansas
Service: Cousin of Paul Bethe & Donald Bethe; letters donated by his daughters Barbara
Constable, Sharon Melton & Carol Rader
Volume: -1”
Letters (1)-(3) [letters from Paul Bethe, 893 Tank Destroyer Bn, re life at Camp Hood,
Texas & Camp Selby, Miss; one letter from Donald Bethe re life at boot camp near San
Diego, Calif]
Memorabilia [ration books]
Residence: Manchester, New Hampshire
Service: 1st Armored Div, N Africa & Italy
Volume: 1"
Diary [xerox copy of original diary infrequently recorded over 3 years of combat in Africa
and Italy, 1943-45]
Drawings & Sketches [xerox copies of sketches and photographs spanning 1943 to 1945]
Papers [honorable discharge paper; xeroxed map; “ghost story” re U.S. soldiers in Italy,
1945; letter regarding unit’s wartime experiences to former 1st Sgt. Jerome Lowrey 1994]
Residence: Rosemead, California
Service: Collector
Volume: -1”
Papers [meeting of Sakaida with Col. Petr Petrushin in Ulan Ude, Russia, Aug 2007;
Petrushin was member of Soviet forces that met Americans on the Elbe River in Germany
April 1945]
Residence: Temple, Texas
Service: Sister of David Green, 358 Fighter Group, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [dedication to pilots of the 358th Fighter Group who lost their lives; xeroxed
photos; xeroxed map; xeroxed newsclipping]
Residence: Wantagh, New York
Service: 638 TD Bn, 84th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [memoir re Battle of the Bulge; 977 FA Bn]
Residence: Clay Center, Kansas
Service: 666 Engr Topographic Co & Hq, XV Corps, Europe
Volume: 4"
Correspondence [Christmas cards and postcards; 666th reunion correspondence 1971]
Memorabilia [newsclipping of obituary; dogtags and patch; xeroxed photos; order to
report for induction; notice of honorable discharge]
Printed Material [Army song book; Army issued book “Going back to Civilian Life”]
Printed Material - FM 23-55
Printed Material - XV Corps Headquarters Directory
Unit History - 666 Engr Topo Co
Residence: Brooklyn, New York
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Papers [copies of documents from Public Record Office re German surrender; copy of
1970 letter by Charles Kuhl, one of the soldiers slapped by Patton in 1943, giving his
recollection of slapping incident]
Residence: Seattle, Washington
Service: 320 Engrs, 95 Inf Div, 3
Army, Europe
Volume: -1”
Papers [memoirs of his experiences in France & Germany]
Residence: Olney, Illinois
Service: 184th Ordnance Bn & 18 Ordnance Co, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [notice of promotion to technician 4th grade (temporary) of the 18th Ordinance
Company; history, headquarters 184th Battalion; unit history of 18th Ordinance MM
Company, Feb. 16, 1944 to May 19, 1945; roster of 18th Ordinance MM Company]
Residence: Arcata, California
Service: US Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1”
Papers [copy of letter received from his father in 1945 describing his reaction to news of
FDR’s death]
Residence: Hutchinson, Kansas
Service: Niece of Elevia Drummond, WAC in South Pacific
Volume: 8"
Memoirs - WACs in South Pacific [account of Eglin Field WACS in the South Pacific
MATS, Westover Air Force Base [annual]
Our Lives in Switzerland [a book complete with photos of Switzerland]
Scrapbook #1 (1)-(3)[overseas scrapbook of photos; SW Pacific Theater]
Scrapbook #2 (1)-(3)[scrapbook of original photographs and postcards]
3441 Roundup 1964-68 (1)(2) [newsbriefings of the 3341st, May to September 1964;
October 1966 to April 1967]
201 File - Elevia Drummond [official military papers and discharges of Elevia
WAC Locater 1965-67 [yearly mailing list]
Residence: Camillus, New York
Service: US Navy, Pacific
Volume: 2"
Memoirs (1)-(4)[an introspective view of certain WWII engagements in the Pacific
Theater, “Steaming as Before”]
Residence: Clinton Township, Michigan
Service: Army Air Force
Volume: 15"
Air Force 1943 [official service journals of the US Army Air Forces, February 1943 and
December 1943]
Air Force 1944 (1)-(3) [Air Force service journals]
Air Force 1945 (1)-(3) [Air Force service journals]
Air Navigation [technical manual]
Air Tech August 1944 [magazine of aircraft maintenance and operation]
Attack [magazine of American war life, covers weapons, leaders, medicine and health]
B-17F Airplane Manual (1)-(4)[pilot’s flight operating instructions; erection and
maintenance instructions; landing gear components]
Battle Talk [newsmagazine of science and technology used]
Clippings [newspaper clippings of airplanes]
Electrical Equipment [operation and adjustment of electrical power systems]
Individual Flight Record
Instrument Flying Manuals (1)(2) [basic instrument flying without radio aids; instrument
flying technique in weather]
Letters [1944 and 1945 official v-mail]
Memorabilia [keepsakes, pay record, postcard, certificate]
Miscellaneous Booklets (1)(2) [”Get that fighter”, “Military Triad”, etc.; pilot training
Newspapers [invasion extra, Las Vegas Evening Review-Journal June 6 1944]
Operations Memoranda [Las Vegas Field, Nevada]
Pilots Information File (1)(2)
Plane Facts [booklets from April and May 1945]
The Reserve Officer [informational magazines from December 1945, January and May
Salvo 1943 [newsmagazine of the Roswell Army Air Field, November and December
The 1364 Days [book by Carlton Murray from Pearl Harbor to V-J day with Michigan
Training Course Notes (1)-(11) [notes from the 326th Flexible Gunnery Training Group]
201 File (1)-(6) [military correspondence containing medical statements, rosters, notes,
insurance claims and miscellaneous]
War Planes [1942 magazine with illustrations of war planes]
Weather for Aircrew Trainees [February 1944 Air Forces manual]
Your Body in Flight [book for Aircrew, July 20, 1943]
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: Kansas National Guard; Commander, 161 FA Bn, 35 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 7”
Awards & Certificates
Correspondence (1) (2) [letters from former members of 161 FA Bn, 1946-47]
German Publications
Maps (1) (2)
Memorabilia (1) (2)
Newspapers (1)-(3)
Tourist Literature (1) (2)
201 File #1 (1) (2)
201 File #2 (1) (2)
Unit History 35 Inf Div 1941
Residence: Branchburg, NJ
Service: 424 Regt, 106th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 5"
Clippings (1) (2)
Letters 1943 (1)-(3) [life at Fort Jackson, SC]
Letters 1944 [Belgium]
Letters 1945 (1)-(3) [Belgium; Germany]
Memorabilia [424 Regt newspaper, 19 July 1945]
Tourist Literature (1)-(3)
201 File
Unit History - 106 Inf. Div.
Residence: Portland, Oregon
Service: 149th WAAC Post Headquarters Company, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Unit History - 149th WAAC Post HQ Co
Residence: Oberlin, Kansas
Service: 635 Tank Destroyer Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [original uncensored letter home; photo; xerox copy
of safe conduct pass; account of D-Day invasion; battle of
the Bulge fact sheet; xeroxed newsclipping of D-Day;
Residence: Duluth, Minnesota
Service: Cousin served in Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [typed letter to family 1945; list of needed materials for army knit turtleneck
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Son-in-law of Eugene Stomp, senior air raid warden, of Wichita, Kansas
Volume: -1"
Civil Defense Minutes 1942-43 [minutes of meetings of air raid wardens in District 1,
Precinct 4, in Wichita]
Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana
Service: Cannon Company, 289 Inf Regt, 75 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Unit History - Cannon Co, 289th Regt. [narrative history of the Company’s activites in
Europe; Belgium during Battle of the Bulge; Colmar pocket; invasion of Germany; roster
of company members]
Residence: Princeton, Indiana
Service: Daughter of William Fox, 5th Armd Div, Europe; prisoner of war, 1944-45
Volume: -1"
William Fox Memoirs [annotated copy of diary kept while POW]
Residence: Centerville, Massachusetts
Service: Material collected by her mother
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter to Priscilla from friend 1943; British postal censorship guidelines;
additional correspondence; 1942 citation to Harold Loveland and 1944 information
bulletin re service at Pearl Harbor; poems]
Catherine Smith Letters (1)-(3) [letters from pen pal in England, 1942-46]
Residence: Chapel Hill, NC.
Service: husband served in Europe
Volume: 3"
Scrapbook I (1) (2) [includes photos, postcards, correspondence, newsclippings and etc.;
covers entire life]
Scrapbook II (1) (2)
Residence: Abilene, Ks.
Volume: -1"
Papers [Japanese currency; end of the war notice signed by fellow troops]
SHYROCK, George H.R.
Residence: Englewood, Florida
Service: historian and genealogist
Volume: -1"
William Bright Interview [Bright’s service as navy gunner in North Africa; work with
LSTs in England]
John Canellis Memoir [service in Italy]
Frank Dratz Memoir [seaman on SS Sara Teasdale, a Merchant Marine liberty ship, in
Delbert Rothwell Memoirs [printed memoirs re Rothwell’s service with 188 Glider Inf
Regt, 11 Airborne Div, in New Guinea, Philippines, occupation duty in Japan]
Marion Rothwell Memoirs [printed memoirs re Rothwell’s service as naval gunner and
deep sea diver in Pacific; includes photos of equipment Rothwell used and ships on
which he served]
William H. Rothwell Biography [copies of photos & documents and brief outline by
Shyrock of Rothwell’s military service; with signal corps in India, 1943-45; with army
food service in US, 1950-52; Germany, 1953; Cambodia, 1957-58; Korea, 1961-62]
Arvel Shryock Memoirs [work as B-17 gunner and flight engineer in Italy]
George Shyrock Memoirs [postwar service in Philippines, 1946-48]
Residence: Valley Center, Ks.
Service: 610 QM Graves Registration Co; 319 Inf Regt, 80 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 3"
German Souvenirs [army goods map and pouch with compass; uniform attire including
Graves Registration [War Department’s technical manual 1941; memoir re work in
graves registration company in Europe]
Maps [Blue Ridge Path and 319th Infantry route]
Newspapers - 80th Inf Div
Newspapers - 319th Inf Regt
Newspapers - Miscellaneous
Official Papers [employee’s receipt; pay record; general orders]
Printed Material [booklets on Camp Kilmer and Camp San Luis Obispo; war dept.
pamphlet; training booklet for Army Air Forces; combat divisions of WWII]
Ship Material [safety rules; e-deck mess aft; newsletter 1946; profile of ships
compartment capacities]
Tourist Literature [postcards; short guide to Great Britain]
Woolworth Company [New Year, 1944 booklet to Woolworth employees]
Residence: Diamond Springs, California
Service: T/4 reporter, Third US Army
Volume: -1"
Papers [official press cards and passes]
Third Army Song Book
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Wife of Roscoe H. Simpson; at Fort Mills, Philippines, 1933-37; 7 Engr Bn, Europe,
World War II; Sgt, Recruiting Station, Danbury, Conn, 1950-52
Volume: 5”
Correspondence (1)-(3) [letters from friends in Korea, 1950-52]
Notebooks (1) (2)
Printed Material (1) (2) [1917 army cooking manual; 1948 directory of Masonic
Lodge at Pawling, NY; field manuals on marksmanship]
Ration Books
Scrapbook 1949-52 (1)-(3) [clippings from Danbury, Conn, newspaper re local people
in service]
201 File (1) (2) [1950-52]
Residence: Detroit, Michigan
Service: Marine Corps, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [original and xeroxed letter from D.D. Roche to Peter Sisoy March 1, 1945]
Residence: Tucson, Arizona
Service: Daughter-in-law of Richard Slocum, journalist, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Volume: -1"
Diary (1) (2) [diary kept by Richard Slocum during tour of Europe in July-August 1945]
Residence: Tampa, Florida
Service: various replacement units, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoir [account of his Pacific assignment as an Army medic, 1943-1945]
Service: Collector
Volume: 24"
Cartoons [5 scrapbooks of WWII editorial cartoons compiled by Mrs Snoddy; she gave
them to her nephew Daniel Lumley of Olathe, Kansas, who forwarded them to the
Eisenhower Library]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: 487 Bombardment Group, England
Volume: 1”
Memorabilia [printed material; reunions; records jacket]
Papers [1944 newsclippings; history of the 487th Bombardment Group, 22 September
1943 to 7 November 1945]
201 File (1) (2) [routine orders covering WWII and post-war service in Air Force
Reserve; account of bombing raid over Germany, Dec 1944]
Residence: Dodge City, Kansas
Service: Wife of John Spence, 108th Field Artillery Battalion, European Theater
Volume: 1"
Correspondence [letters, 1941-1945; telegrams; postcards; greeting cards]
Memorabilia [sugar ration stamps; postcards and snapshots]
Official Papers [identification cards; military cards; discharge papers and other
Printed Material (1)(2)[life insurance brochures; going back to civilian life booklet and
other miscellaneous]
Residence: Brooklyn New York
Service: 708 Amphibian Tank Battalion, Pacific Theater
Volume: -1"
Residence: Lincolnshire, Illinois
Service: daughter of Nelson P. Miller of Alton, Illinois, USS
President Adams & USS Laertes, Pacific
Volume: 4”
Memorabilia [dog tags]
Navigation Training
Officers Qualification Board
Scrapbook (1) (2) [photos, clippings & memorabilia re New Caledonia; New Zealand;
Solomon Islands; Australia; activities aboard USS President Adams; shore leave in New
York City, March 1945; commissioning of USS Laertes, March 1945; 1987 & 1988
Scrapbook Material (1)-(4) [loose items from scrapbook]
201 File (1)-(3)
Residence: Chicopee, Massachusetts
Service: 557 FA Bn, Europe
Volume: 1"
Papers [a war story and photos]
Unit History - 557 FA Bn
Unit History - 558 FA Bn
Residence: Lincoln City, Oregon
Service: 119th Inf Regt, 30th Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [military biography of George Stanfield; commendation; military orders; keepsake
newsletters; xeroxed certificates]
Residence: Blair, Nebraska
Service: 448 Bomber Group, 2nd Air Division, 8th Air Force
Volume: 9"
Bomb Training School 43-6 (1)-(3)
Book "Company Administration & Personnel Records"
Memoirs [account of April 21, 1944 mission attempt when Lt. S.D. Ausfresser was lost at
Miscellaneous Magazines [newsletter “Crosshairs” February 1987; magazine “The New
Scrapbook (1)(2) [official wartime documents and photos]
201 File (1)-(3) [official Army papers]
2nd Air Div Assn Journals (1)-(9)
8th Air Force [a brief history; story of the 8th air force]
98th Bomb Group [membership list]
448th Bomb Group [1993 reunion program; rosters; 1986 reunion pamphlet]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Medical Corps, North Africa
Volume: -1"
Papers [copy of discharge and service record received from Personnel Records Center]
Residence: Overland Park, Kansas
Service: Material collected by his parents, mostly letters from relatives who served in the
Volume: -1"
Letters[letters collected from 1943 to 1945; from Belgium, Colorado Springs, and Waco
Army Air Field; letters address location and events]
Map[dated events war map]
Ration Books
Residence: Indiana, Pennsylvania
Service: Daughter of H. Drew Stephens, 74th Naval Construction Battalion, Pacific
Theater (papers filed under Barry B. King)
Residence: Washington, Kansas
Service: 1st Inf Div, Europe
Volume: 1"
Memoirs (1)(2) [accounts of Normandy Invasion, Battle of the Bulge, training in US]
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Papers [sections 1 & 2 of the August 15, 1945, issue of the Los Angeles Examiner,
announcing end of war in the Pacific]
Residence: Beaufort, South Carolina
Service: Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [exerpts of wartime diary 1944 entitled “Diary of the Plague”; stories of the death
and horrors of combat]
Residence: Merriam, Kansas
Service: British civilian, worked for US Army, England
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [letter to Eisenhower Library giving the accounts of British civilians working
for the US Army, 1943-45; photo]
Residence: Sandy Hook, Connecticut
Service: LCT officer, Gulf Coast & Pacific
Volume: 3"
Logbook - LCT 161 (1)(2)
Logbook - LCT 329
Residence: Los Angeles, California
Service: Operations Officer, Air Transport Command, India
Volume: -1"
Papers [photo; copy of the act of surrender; instrument of
surrender; tour of duty; greeting card; certificate of good
standing; correspondence; enlisted record; newsclipping;
certificates and awards]
Residence: Lincoln, Illinois
Service: Daughter of James A. Stoutenborough who was at Pearl Harbor, 1941, and on
USS Biloxi, 1943-44
Volume: 1"
Clippings [original clipping from 1943 and xeroxed newsclippings]
Memorabilia [songbook; copy of discharge certificate; poem; map “Hell on Wheels, War
against the Axis”; copies of photos; service recognition certificate; certificate from White
Pearl Harbor [Christmas dinner menu; Thanksgiving menu; newsclipping of the attack on
Pearl Harbor; Japanese identification number; letter from US naval air station]
USS Biloxi (1)(2) [travel log; daily schedules; xeroxed photo of USS Biloxi; book on the
USS Biloxi]
Residence: Saginaw, Michigan
Service: 502 Parachute Inf Regt, 101 Airborne Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [xeroxed copies of infantry field manual; xeroxed maps; xeroxed copies of pins,
other misc..]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Widow of Milton M. Stromquist, Co C, 63 Inf Div, Philippines
Volume: 2”
Miguel Diary #1 [8 Dec 1941-18 Jan 1942; diary of Philippine soldier found on
battlefield in Philippines by Milton Stromquist; describes reaction to Japanese invasion]
Miguel Diary #2 [19 Jan-24 Mar 1942; Japanese invasion; news of evacuation of
MacArthur; sample of Japanese propaganda leaflet dropped on Philippine forces]
Miguel Diary #3 [25 Mar-31 July 1942; Japanese propaganda leaflet; surrender to
Japanese forces; life in prison camp]
Milton Stromquist Papers [discharge papers; brief summary of military service]
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: 447 Bombardment Group, Europe
Volume: 3"
Aircraft and Principles of Flight (1)(2) [provisional and student workbook]
Air Navigation [Army Air Forces training command]
Miscellaneous Papers [newsclippings; telegrams; letters; xeroxed copy of the officer’s
guide; 2002 award from France]
201 File [official Army papers, certificates and logs]
Residence: Ridgewood, New Jersey
Service: sailor, USS Bennington
Volume: -1"
Letters [correspondence from 1943 to 1945; personal correspondence to and from family
and friend]
Memoirs[enlisted in Navy in 1943; accounts of bootcamp; accounts of action in the
Eastern theater of the war from a carrier; fighting with the Japanese; discharged in
December of 1945]
Residence: Falls Church, Virginia
Service: 8th Inf Div and 8th Air Force, London, England
Volume: 6"
Letters 1941 [xeroxed letters to friends and family from Ft. Jackson, S.C.]
Letters 1942[xeroxed letters from Ft. Jackson, S.C.; Kelly Air Field, Tx.; Cochran Air
Field, Macon, Ga.; San Antonio, Tx.; and Grider Air Field, Pine Bluff, Ark.]
[xeroxed censored V-mail from overseas; letters on Presbyterian hospitality House of
Atlantic City, N.J.]
Letters 1943 (1)(2)
Letters 1944 (1)-(3)
Letters 1945[typed letters to family and friends from London; censored V-mail from
European Theater]
Manuscript (1)-(5) [draft of book containing edited transcripts of his World War II
Miscellaneous Papers [history of V-Mail service]
Residence: Lorain, Ohio
Service: Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Wiater of Maynard, Ohio; wife of Walter
Supinski, 358 FA Bn, 95 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Maps [road map series of Europe 1944; odyssey of the 9th
victory division]
John Waiter Papers [V-Mail received from friends & relatives in the service]
Residence: Chapman, Kansas
Service: Wife of Dr. Charles R. Svoboda, medical corps, Texas, 1946-49
Volume: 4”
Medical Field Service School (1)-(3) [class papers, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 1947]
Printed Material [Fort Sam Houston newspaper; William Beaumont General Hospital, El
Paso, Texas]
Radio Sets (1) (2) [Technical Manual 11-600, March 1943]
Tape Teletype [manuals for Morkrum-Kleinschmidt tape teletype machine, 1925-27]
201 File (1) (2)
Residence: Mercer Island, Washington
Service: 35th Engr Combat Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Unit History - 35th Engr Combat Bn
Residence: Independence, Missouri
Service: Military Police unit, Normandy
Volume: -1"
Memoir [account of D-Day invasion “Twenty Four Hours Into France”]
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: collector
Volume: 2"
Herbert Warner Letters (1)(2) [re Hawaii; Pacific Theater]
Leonard Warner Letters (1)-(3) [re Hawaii; Pacific Theater]
Miscellaneous Letter [letter from the social service department regarding deceased family
member, 1930]
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: 321 Signal Corps Air Wing, California & Okinawa
Volume: 3”
Background Information [biographical information; list of major figures mentioned in
Letters Dec. 8, 1940-Jan. 15, 1941 [letters to Teasley’s mother, describing life at March
Field, California]
Letters April 28, 1941-June 6, 1941 [March Field]
Letters June 11, 1941-July 10, 1941 [March Field; school in Chicago, Illinois]
Letters July 27, 1941-September 15, 1941 [March Field; Fresno Air Base, California]
Letters Sept. 17, 1941-Jan. 27, 1942 [Fresno Air Base; school at Fort Monmouth, New
Letters Feb. 2, 1942-Mar. 23, 1942 [Fort Monmouth; Camp Haan, California]
Letters April 1, 1942-April 27, 1942 [Camp Haan]
Letters May 4, 1942-June 25, 1942 [Camp Haan; Santa Barbara, California]
Letters July 4, 1942-Sept. 29, 1942 [Santa Barbara]
Letters Oct. 10, 1942-Dec. 23, 1942 [Santa Barbara]
Letters Jan. 11, 1943-March 11, 1943 [Santa Barbara]
Letters May 5, 1943-April 14, 1944 [Santa Barbara]
Letters Sept. 10, 1945-Sept. 16, 1945 [Okinawa]
Residence: Yates Center, Kansas
Service: WAC, Fort Dix, New Jersey
Volume: 3'
Addresses (1)(2) [envelopes and rosters with addresses]
Autograph Book 1939-43
Business - WAC [professional correspondence]
Clippings (1)-(7)[wartime and post-wartime clippings]
Correspondence 1942-43 [letters to and from family and friends 1942 and 1943; letter
from Ft. Dix, NJ; Letter from Corpus Christi, Tx; Postcards and Easter Card from 1943;
WAAC correspondence; letter re Officer candidate]
Correspondence 1944[Easter Card; letters from family; birth announcement; wedding
invitation; newsclippings; letters from friends; postcards; Christmas card]
Correspondence 1945[Valentines card; bridal shower invitation; itineraries of travel;
letters to and from family and friends; birth announcement; wedding invitation;
Christmas cards]
Correspondence 1946 (1)(2)[letters from family and friends; photo of Tebben; postard
from Oregon; WAC chain letter; professional military correspondence; Christmas card]
Correspondence 1947[letters from family and friends; Easter card; wedding
announcement; postcard from Canadian Rockies; Christmas card; clipping re WAC]
Correspondence 1948-70[Christmas Cards and Easter Cards; correspondence; letter from
the “New Yorker” magazine]
Correspondence undated[Easter cards; birth announcements; Christmas cards; greeting
Diary - Basic Training [typewritten diary of basic training 1942]
Directories & Rosters (1)(2)
Memorabilia (1)-(3)[miscellaneous keepsakes such as matchbooks, pamphlets, postcards
and poems]
Newsletters - AFRA [official Air Force recreational association newsletters from 1942]
Newsletters - Fort Dix[newsletters from Ft. Dix 1943 and 1945]
Newsletters - Camp Upton (1)-(3)[newsletters from 1944]
Newsletters - Miscellaneous
News Releases (1)(2)[
Official Papers (1)(2)[original correspondences and notices]
Printed Material[pamphlets and brochures; calenders of War Department theaters and
special service activities]
Radio Scripts (1)(2)
Scrapbooks [newsclipping; photo; card]
Special Orders [professional papers from Army Service Forces]
201 File (1)(2)[administrative papers; efficiency ratings; information for War Department
WAC Book - Correspondence [professional correspondence from Army Service Forces
and Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps recruiting station]
WAC Book - Drafts - re Adjustment[xeroxed copies of accounts of Army experiences]
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism (1)-(5)
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Alike/Different
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Causes
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Conduct of WACs
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Miscellaneous Thoughts
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Offers to Help
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Reactions
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Scandalmongers
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Transient GIs (1)-(4)
WAC Book - Drafts - re Criticism - Uniform (1)(2)
WAC Book - Drafts - GIs at Fort Dix
WAC Book - Drafts - re Inspections (1)(2)
WAC Book - Drafts - Introduction
WAC Book - Drafts - re Jobs (1)(2)
WAC Book - Drafts - Miscellaneous (1)-(5)
WAC Book - Drafts - Outline
WAC Book - Drafts - Wings of Freedom
WAC Book - Early Draft (1)-(3)
WAC Book - Galleys
WAC Book - Notes (1)-(5)
WAC Book - Orders
Residence: West Liberty, Iowa
Service: Home Front
Volume: -1"
Propaganda Leaflets [made by German POWs in the US]
Residence: Hutchinson, Kansas
Service: Midwest Procurement District, AAF, in Wichita, and reporter for Winfield
Courier; sister of Robert L. Thompson, 11 Abn Div, Pacific
Volume: 6"
Letters - World War I 1918 [original letters and newsclipping]
Letters - Camp Roberts, CA [telephone directory page with autographs on front; letters;
Letters - LA & NC (1)-(4)[postcards and original letters]
Letters - New Guinea & Philippines (1)-(4)[typewritten and handwritten letters;
Letters - Japan
Printed Material
Scrapbook - Midwest Procurement District
Scrapbook - World War II Vets (1)(2)
Yearbook - 11th Abn Div
Yearbook - 511th Prcht Inf Regt
Residence: Joppa, Maryland
Service: Merchant Marine, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [kamikaze attacks on US ships]
Residence: Gideon, Missouri
Service: Army Air Corsp, England
Volume: -1"
Material donated by his widow, Mrs. Hazel Troxell
Correspondence[letter to family involving code names he would use if sent to certain
countries 1943; telegram; letter from the War Department informing wife of the death of
Memorabilia[pamphlet for travelling in Paris titled “Paris in Three Days”; graduation
program for the advanced flying school of Moody Field, Georgia; xeroxed
newsclippings;aircraft clearance form filled out by Thornburg just before his crash]
See also: Oklahoma Historical Society
Residence: Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Service: collector
Volume: 2”
Papers [log book for lead & zinc mine operation in NE Oklahoma, Dec 1942-March
1946; one oversized map of Fort Hood area, Texas; interviews with Dale Chase re
merchant marine, H. Sam Childers re merchant marine, Bill Cox re marine service in
Aleutians, Saipan and Tarawa, Phillip Rafferty re driving supply trucks]
Scrapbooks (1)-(3) [USO scrapbooks containing pictures of pin-up girls and cartoons;
scrapbooks acquired from P.J. Epple of Dewey, Oklahoma]
Residence: Tonkawa, Oklahoma
Service: Home front
Volume: -1"
Papers [printed account of POW camp at Tonkawa; includes stories by two German
officers who were interned there (English translation of original German account);
booklet forwarded by Joe Todd of Bartlesville, Oklahoma]
Residence: Portland, Oregon
Service: 175 Engrs, North Africa & Italy
Volume: 4"
Papers (1)-(4) [oversized scrapbook & loose items; includes clippings, military orders,
sheet music, greeting cards, ration cards & books, military currency, engineering
Residence: Tigard, Oregon
Service: brother of Roger Tower, medic, Marine Corps, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [diary of Guadalcanal; xeroxed letter to family, 1945;a memorial record; xeroxed
Residence: Springhill, Kansas
Service: Daughter of Frederick Bodie of Lincoln, NE, 351 Inf Regt, 88 Div, Italy
Volume: 2”
Papers [clippings; discharge papers; ID card for Glen Webber Harvey]
Reunions [88 Div magazine Feb 1987; 351 Regt rosters 1980-82]
Small Unit Actions [1946 War Dept booklet; contains account of 351 Regt in Italy]
Unit History 5
Unit History 88 Inf Div
Unit History 351 Inf Regt
Residence: Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
Service: 938 FA Bn, Europe
Volume: 1"
Diary (1) (2)[enlisted in October 1940; member of the 166th FA; re training and time
overseas; sent overseas in August of 1943; discharged October of 1946; xeroxed photos]
Newspaper Articles [xeroxed clippings of articles written by Bill Collins Sr. titled “Heard
Under...The Spreading Maple Trees”]
Residence: Wichita, Kansas
Service: Merchant Marine
Volume: -1"
Papers [xeroxed clipping; synopsis of the US maritime service entitled “Merchant Marine
of WWII; history of the US as a maritime nation”; historical details of the birth of the
German submarine wolfpacks]
See: Maurice F. Thornberg
Residence: Cashmere, Washington
Service: Relative of Ralph Pinkerton, newspaper editor of Ferndale, Washington
Volume: -1”
Papers [letter, DDE to Ralph Pinkerton, 24 June 1946, re censorship of Daily Pacifican,
military newspaper being published at Manila, Philippines]
Residence: Roanoke, Virgina
Service: Material collected by her grandmother Fannie E. Burdiss of East Beckley, West
Volume: 1"
Arthur Fred Burdiss Material[postcards and Christmas cards; letters to family both
written and typed from the Pacific Theater; xeroxed photos]
Charles W. Burdiss Material[original correspondence from Okinawa both typed and
written; Mother’s Day card; xeroxed photos]
John Burdiss Jr. Material [official V-mail; telegram; postcard;original correspondence;
xeroxed photos]
Miscellaneous [snapshot album of Oxford; V-mail and newsclippings; Christmas card;
postcards; xeroxed photos]
News Clippings (1)(2)[xeroxed newsclippings; poems; original newspaper from June 6,
1944 “Beckley Post-Herald”]
Residence: Lemon Grove, California
Service: USS Astoria, Pacific
Volume: 1"
Diary[original WWII diary; begins Dec. 7, 1941 raid on the Hawaiian islands; force
attacks March 13,1942; Naval battle off Java Feb. 27, 1942; attack on Tulagi May 4,
1942; tribute to USS Lexington, sunk in Battle of Coral Sea; poetry]
Papers [re Battle of Coral Sea]
Residence: Rapid City, South Dakota
Volume: -1"
Newspaper [original French newspaper from May 1945]
Residence: San Antonio, Texas
Service: wife of Robert E. Turner, 3256 Signal Service Co,
Volume: -1"
Papers [letter from Bob Turner to his girlfriend of May 11, 1945]
Residence: Lathan, New York
Service: Army Band, Frankfurt Occupation, 1946
Volume: -1"
Printed Material [booklet on 500 snacks;newspaper the “Occupation Chronicle”,
September 28, 1946]
Residence: Enterprise, Kansas
Service: Brother of Victor Unruh of 371st Fighter Squadron, who was KIA in Germany
Volume: -1"
Clippings [xeroxed copy of “The Story of the 371st Fighter Group in the E.T.O; photo of
warplanes; xeroxed newsclipping]
Residence: Enterprise, Kansas
Service: Riveter, Douglas Aircraft Corp, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Volume:" 1"
Scrapbook [1992 newsclipping of Unruh re riveting during the war for the military;
newspaper of the Douglas Airview from August 17, 1945]
Residence: Eastland, Texas
Service: USS Kitkun Bay, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [accounts of wartime service,“Memories of Two Years Before the Mast”, Jan.
1944 to Jan. 1946, served in Navy on USS Kitkun in the Pacific Theater]
Residence: Avon Lake, Ohio
Service: 291 Inf Regt, 75 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [a history of the 291st Infantry of the 75
See: Laurie A. Johnson
Residence: McKeesport, Pennsylvania
Service: 273 Inf Regt, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [accounts of the US and Russian armies linking together; newspaper of the Stars
and the Stripes announcing the American-Russian linking]
Residence: Frederick Maryland
Service: married Evelyn Schmitt,niece of James R. McKeen, Sea Bees, Pacific
Volume: -1"
James R. McKeen Letters[original V-mail and original
correspondence from 1943 to 1945]
Residence: Payson, Arizona
Service: Air Rescue Squadron, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [patches; clearance cards; certificates and awards; newsclipping; air combat
Photographs [xeroxed photos of division, individuals, certificates, newsclipping]
Residence: Dallas, Texas
Service: Sister of George R. Gilbert, Marine coprs, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Papers [report of separation from the US Marine Corps; xeroxed magazine clipping;
xeroxed copy of honorable discharge papers]
Residence: Asheville, North Carolina
Service: widow of Maj. Robert Waterman, Air Force, Home Front
Volume: 4"
Papers [scrapbook of photos, documents and artifacts relating to Robert Waterman’s
Unit History - Marianna Army Air Field, 1942
Residence: North Hollywood, California
Service: U.S. Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Clipping [newsclipping entitled “Where was I on December 7"]
Residence: Merriam, Kansas
Service: US Air Force, Europe; POW in German luftwaffe stalag
Volume: -1"
POW Registration Form [original and xeroxed copy]
Residence: Bismark, North Dakota
Service: Collector
Volume: 1"
Unit History - 816 Engr Aviation Bn
Residence: Jacksonville, Florida
Service: Son of Earl Weimer, Army Air Corps, Alaska and Philippines
Volume: -1"
Diary (1)-(3)[original and retyped manuscripts of life at the Aleutians and the Philippine
Islands from October 1943 to January 1944]
Residence: Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Service: Widow(?) of Gilbert E. Weldon, Battery C, 432 AA Bn, North Africa & Italy
Volume: 1”
Diary (1)-(3) [original diary, electrostatic copy and typed transcript, covering Mar 1943-
Sept 1945; describes social activities and sight-seeing in North Africa & Italy]
Residence: Freeport, Illinois
Service: 158th Engr Combat Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [original memorandum commending troops of the 158th Engr. of January 6 1945;
commendation to the commanding officers of all companies of January 10 1945]
Residence: Manhattan, Kansas
Service: Secretary, School of Agriculture, Kansas State
Agricultural College (now Kansas State University)
Volume: 15"
[Note-papers donated by her daughters Marialyce Taylor &
Eunice Justus; they consist mostly of letters she received
from graduates of the School of Agriculture who were in the
Letters A [letters from Merrill Abrahams in N. Ireland of 1943;letter from Lieutenant
Maynard L. Abrahams of the US Army Air Forces from San Marcos, Tx. and England;
graduation announcement of John Aiken from the Luke Field Army Advance Flying
Letters B
Letters C
Letters D, E
Letters Driver, William[original correspondence from
William Driver]
Letters F, G
Letters H[letters from Donald Henderson of 1944 and 1945,
location is Camp Polk, La. and Germany; letters from Gordon
Hoath of 1943 and 1945, member of the 3715th AAF Base Unit
located at Burbank, California]
Letters Hines, Clesson Leigh[letters ranging from 1942 to 1945; member of the Navy
CC Division stationed on the USS South Dakota]
Letters I [correspondence with Lt. Don Irwin of the A-Excess Officer Co., written 1944]
Letters J, K [V-mail from Joseph Jagger of the 335
Infantry in Germany; V-mail and
additional correspondence from Sgt. WW Justus, mentions Paris;telegram from Justus;
1945 letter from Luke Kissick, member of the 74th Fighter Sqdn stationed in China; 1944
letters from Norman Kruse from Luxembourg and Belgium]
Letters L [letters from Robert Leonard from Hawaii; letters from Merlin E. Line in
Letters M [1945 letters and postcards from Russell Miller stationed in France; 1944
letters from Carol Montgomery, stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. and France]
Letters Massey, John R.[letters from Lt. Massey of Co. E, 261st Infantry; stationed in
the European Theater]
Letters N [1945 letters from O.W. Norly of the USNR stationed on the USS San Diego;
Letters O, P, Q [letter from PFC Fred Palmer, member of the Co. I 274th Inf., training at
Ft. Leonardwood Mo. and service in Europe]
Letters R [letters from Eldon Reichart]
Letters Russel, Darrell[1944 and 1945 letters from Russell, stationed in the European
Letters S [1944 letters of Paul Sanford, Med. Det. 342 Inf;1943 letters of Harold Snyder;
letters from KP Storey of USMCAS]
Letters T, U, V [personal letter from Roy Tebo, Jr.; notice of commendation]
Letters W (1) (2)[1945 letter from Sgt. C.L Wahl; newsclipping of German V-1 bomb
explosion; Christmas cards and greeting cards;1945 letter from Pfc Wayne Ward of Co. I
305th Inf]
Letters Werts, Merrill H.[1945 letters stationed in France and Germany]
Letters Winner, William H. (1)-(3)
Letters Winter, John S. 1942 (1)-(3)
Letters Winter, John S. 1943 (1)-(3)
Letters Winter, John S. 1944 (1) (2)
Letters Winter, John S. 1945
Letters Winter, John S. Undated
Letters X, Y, Z
Miscellaneous Papers [Christmas poem; list of students and
graduates who entered the draft; War Department pamphlet;
FDR pamphlet; list of military awarded shoulder patches]
Residence: Rancho Pales Verdes, California
Service: 3118 Signal Service Group, SHAEF, Europe
Volume: -1"
Circuit Service Orders [orders from April to November 1945]
Residence: Tacoma, Washington
Service: Brother of Clyde Whitt, 577 Squadron, 393 Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, Europe
Volume: -1"
Clyde G. Whitt Diary [diary running from January 6, 1943 to June 23, 1944 containing
dates, xeroxed photos and mission assignments]
Residence: Donated by son Duncan Whittier of Pittsburg, Kansas
Service: Anti-aircraft battalions, Panama, US & Europe
Volume: 3"
Certificates & Commission [certificates from Camp Davis, North Carolina and Camp
Stewart, Georgia; certificates from the Barrage Balloon school, army extension courses
and from the President of the United States; military records]
Letters [letter from the reserves office concerning active duty training; letter from the VA
pertaining to an application for outpatient treatment; notice to report for hospitalization or
domiciliary care;
Property Slips & Receipts [certificates of release from the Ft. Dix hospital; property turn-
in slips; shipping tickets]
201 File (1)-(6)[official military papers]
Residence: Menasha, Wisconsin
Service: daughter of Lawrence Ganzel, Co G, 347 Inf Regt, 87 Inf Div, Europe
Volume: -1”
Lawrence Ganzel Memoir [service in Belgium; secret crossing of Rhine at Oppenheim 5
Mar 1945; George Patton; liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp; visit to
Germany 1995]
Donated by: Mary K. Wicksten & Linda Leathley
Residence: Sun Valley, Nevada
Service: artist with 28th Air Depot, India
Volume: 40"
Album #1[certificate for crossing Equator; original and printed cartoons for Yank
magazine; original and printed sketches of military and native scenes in India;
photographs of troops in India]
Album #2[original pencil sketches of Indian people, street scenes, and countryside;
photographs of GI’s, Indian people, and Indian sites]
Album #3[cartoons and drawings, both original and printed, of Indian people and U.S.
mililtary personnel; photographs of people and scenes in India]
Album #4[printed and original sketches and articles by Wicksten for armed forces
publications, scenes of Indian people and U.S. military personnel; official military papers,
certificates, passes, and permits]
Album #5[printed illustrated articles by Wicksten entitled, “Depot Review” which
portrayed G.I.’s serving in India]
Album #6[printed illustrated articles by Wicksten entitled, “Depot Review” which
portrayed G.I ‘s serving in India]
Album #7 [”Depot Review” articles as in #5 and #6; illustrated articles entitled “Indian
Folk” and “Scene in India”, published in Army camp newspaper]
Album #8[printed copies of illustrated articles by Wicksten on “Indian Folk” published in
Army camp newspaper]
Art Work[over 200 original pencil sketches, paintings, and drawings by Wicksten on such
subjects as U.S. servicemen in India and their activities, natives of India and their
customs, and scenes of life in India]
Miscellaneous Items (1) [numerous issues of Tiger Rag, base newspaper of 28th Air
Depot at Bengal, India, 1943-46, all contain articles or cartoons by Wicksten; one
newspaper from a Mississippi ordnance plant, 1943; photographs of U.S. soldiers in India
and some Indian scenes]
Miscellaneous Items (2)[copies of articles designed by Wicksten for military publications,
including cartoons and “Depot Review”]
Residence: Gresham, Oregon
Service: Rocket ship, D-Day
Volume: -1"
Papers [accounts of the invasion of Normandy; accounts of the invasion of lower France;
quotes from the New York Herald June 22, 1944; xeroxed photos; program for the 50
year reunion of “Operation Overlord”]
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
Service: Co B, 343 Inf Regt, 86 Inf Div, Europe & Pacific
Volume: 3"
Letters Dec. 1943[mentions Ft. Leavenworth, Ks. and Camp Fannin, Tx.]
Letters Jan.-Apr. 1944 (1) (2)[mentions Ft. Benning, Ga.
Letters May-Aug. 1944 (1) (2)[mentions Camp Livingston, La.]
Letters Sept.-Dec. 1944[written from Camp Cook, Ca.; mentions Camp San Luis Obispo,
Letters Jan.-May 1945 (1) (2)[sketches; letters from Camp San Luis Obispo, Ca.; letters
from France and Germany]
Letters Aug.-Dec. 1945[from Camp Gruber, Ok.; from Ca.; Thanksgiving menu]
Letters Jan.-Mar. 1946[mentions San Jose, NE, Luzon, P.I]
Miscellaneous Papers[account of infantryman’s life related in letters he wrote, “Dirt
Behind Our Ears”; photos; honorable discharge form; daily newsletters]
Residence: Frisco, Texas
Service: Army nurse, Italy
Volume: -1"
Papers {re travel in Balkans]
Residence: Colony, Kansas
Service: Wife of Glenn Williams, 481 AAA Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [brief history of Williams; xeroxed photos; rosters; daily newsletters; newspapers
Residence: Durham, North Carolina
Service: Wife of Frank Williamson, US Navy, 1942-46
Volume: -1"
Diary [Nov. 1942 to Aug. 1945; Frank Williamson served on Navy destroyers in the
European, Mediterranean, and Pacific Theaters; reference to D-Day]
Miscellaneous Papers [obituary of Frank Williams; notice of separation from US Naval
Residence: Joplin, Missouri
Service: Marin Corps pilot, Pacific
Volume: 2"
Memoirs (1) [family background in Abilene, Kansas; ROTC at Kansas State University;
pilot training in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota & Florida; base at Newport, Arkansas;
service in Caroline and Marshall Islands, Pacific; service of other family members]
Memoirs (2) [reference material copied from internet; includes data on airplanes, aircraft
carriers, Marine Corps, military bases in US, Pacific Theater, cartoons, bombs, depth
charges and PT boats]
Residence: Hays, Kansas
Service: Daughter of Edmund Pfannenstiel of Hays, 112th Inf Regt, 28th Inf Div, Europe;
prisoner of war in Germany 1945
Volume: 1"
Papers (1) (2) [correspondence & reports concerning POW camp near Bad Orb, Germany,
where Pfannenstiel was held; also some correspondence with former prisoners and guards
in late 1940s]
Post-War Papers [biography of Pfannenstiel compiled by his daughter; articles re his
receipt of POW medal in 1980s; his trip to Bad Orb, Germany, in 1989]
A Wartime Log [copy of notebook kept by Pfannenstiel while a POW; contains drawings,
lists of fellow prisoners, and documents relating to his military service]
Residence: Wells, Kansas
Service: Instructor, Pre-Flight School, AAF Bases in Texas
Volume: 4"
Aircraft Electrical Systems [technical manual]
Aircraft Recognition (1)-(3)[aircraft spotters guide; aircraft recognition for preflight
Elementary Flight Maneuvers
Inspection Forms [booklet]
Math Textbook [booklet]
Miscellaneous Papers [memorandum report; roster; student guide to airplane engines
Naval Vessel Identification [booklet]
Physics Textbook [booklet]
Public Speaking Guide [booklet]
Training Exercises (1)(2)[aircraft electrical systems from academic department; airplanes
engines branch; aircraft mechanics’ tools branch; airplane structures branch]
Residence: Rochester, Washington
Service: 81 Armd Rcn Bn, North Africa and Italy
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [account of war entitled “One Soldiers Memories,” donor served North Africa
and Italy, 1942-1945]
Residence: Horseheads, New York
Service: soldier in England
Volume: -1"
Newspaper [copy of “The Daily Telegraph” a London paper of June 13, 1945]
Residence: Topeka, Kansas
Service: North Africa Service Command, US Army; brother of Lloyd Woellhof, US Navy,
Volume: 2"
Lloyd Woellhof Papers [travel orders; letter from department of Navy regarding Lloyd
Richard Woellhof; xerox photo of Honolulu memorial; newsletter “The Lone Sailor”]
Lloyd Woellhof Flight Log [copy of New Testament; aviator’s flight log book]
Lloyd Woellhof Letters [telegram; letter to mother; correspondence from Navy regarding
son MIA; notice of settlement claims; letters from the Veterans Administration]
Lloyd Woellhof Memorabilia [photos; news clippings; memorandums; certificates and
awards; roster]
Miscellaneous Letters
Residence: Junction City, Kansas
Service: Daughter of Leland L. Sphar, civilian employee, Manhattan Project
Volume: -1”
Articles [articles on Hanford plant from Washington State Historical Society magazine]
Leland L. Sphar Papers [photo; awards; biographical sketch; memoir by Grace Sphar re
life at Richland, Wash, Hanford plant]
Residence: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Service: 336 Engr Combat Bn, Europe
Volume: -1"
Papers [personal message note to all troops from the C-in-C; 1994 reunion program
containing rosters, xeroxed photos and accounts of Omaha Beach to the Elbe River;
Residence: Delaware, Oklahoma [donated by Joe Todd who received them from
Worthington’s niece Ms. Norma Wallace of Bartlesville, OK]
Service: Co F, 43 Engr Regt, Pacific
Volume: 3”
Financial Papers [car registration; insurance]
Letters 1941-42 (1) (2) [voyage to Australia]
Letters 1943 (1) (2) [New Guinea]
Letters 1944
Memorabilia (1) (2) [program for 1946 military parade in England; V-Mail forms]
Residence: Madison, Wisconsin
Service: 19th Special Service Co., Europe
Volume: -1"
Diary 1942-45 [xeroxed copy of memorandum calender]
German Documents [xeroxed copies of German letters and envelopes]
Photographs [xeroxed copies of photos and descriptions]
19th Special Service Co., Material [rosters]
Residence: San Jose, California
Service: Wife of Peter G. Wuss, sergeant, XVIII Corps, Europe
Volume: 4”
German Army Organization [charts showing standard organization of various types of
German army units]
Japanese Maps [class papers on how to read Japanese map symbols]
Maps & Aerial Photos Class Papers (1) (2) [class papers on how to read maps and aerial
Maps & Aerial Photos Manuals (1)-(4) [printed Army manuals]
Miscellaneous Manuals [guide to uniform insignia; Japanese military signs; Japanese air
& ground forces]
Miscellaneous Papers [ration book; orders; honorable discharge certificate]
Residence: St. Charles, Missouri
Service: home front
Volume: -1"
Poem [written by his mother during war]
Residence: Ellenton, Florida
Service: friend of Capt. Morton S. Pratt, US Navy, Pacific
Volume: -1"
Morton Pratt Papers[certification cards; newsclippings and xeroxed newsclippings;
memorandum; military correspondence; poem; xeroxed photographs]
Residence: Independence, Missouri
Service: collector
Volume: -1"
Army Song Book
Defense Postal Savings Stamp Albums[books of postal stamps]
Residence: Waucoma, Iowa
Service: U.S. Air Force, Europe
Volume: 1"
Papers (1)-(4)[xeroxed “Texans for Ike” material; flight manual; professional drawings
of military planes; newsmaps of the armed forces;aeronautical maps of Lincoln, Ne.,
Sioux City, Dubuque Ia, and Milwaukee;aeronautical charts of Lake Erie,Illinois,Wabash
and Kanawha Rivers,Wichita and Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and Estacado Plain]
Residence: Raytown, Missouri
Service: Niece of William Gregg McCready, US Marine Corps in US and Pacific
Volume: 1"
William McCready Papers (1)(2)[military keepsakes newspaper photo; cartoon; civilian
readjustment booklet; newsmagazine for forces in Guam; mentions USS California; book
entitled “Think It Over Mate”]
Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada
Service: 1 Signal Armd Bn, N Africa & Europe
Volume: -1"
Memoirs [wartime accounts of the 1st Signal Armored Battalion I Armored Corps of the
7th Army originating in Ft. Knox, Ky.]
Residence: Michigan
Service: Wife of Casimir John Zajak, U.S. Army Air Force
Volume: 2.75"
Scrapbook [autobiographical account of the life of Casimir John Zajak compiled by
Jeanette Hodges Zajac including photographs, ephemera, electrostatic copies of WWII
military documents, silk pilot’s maps and personal reminiscences of WWII]
New Donors, 2008
Residence: Abilene, Kansas
Service: Daughter of Mr & Mrs Elwain Dreyer of Ferndale, California
Volume: -1”
Papers [items the Dreyers received from Theodore Guthrie, a soldier in North Africa and
Italy; includes an e-mail message, 1943; a photograph of Guthrie; an Italian lira note]
W. Hudson Turner, Jr., Biography [192 FA Bn, 43 Inf Div; training in US; visit to New
Zealand; wounded on Guadacanal]
SHAEF Veterans Association
Residence: Veterans organization of Lakewood, NJ; disbanded Dec 2007
Service: SHAEF, Europe
Volume: 5”
Booklets [Army Song Book; French dictionary]
Correspondence [letters from SHAEF veterans, 1986-89; many contain anecdotes
regarding their recollections of SHAEF]
Miscellaneous (1) (2) [articles; menus; memorabilia; poetry; roster of Public Relations
Orders (1) (2) [copies of military orders, 1943-46]
Questionnaires (ETOUSA)
Questionnaires (SHAEF) (1)-(5)
Telephone Directory Dec. 1944