A Purim Message from an Unfunny Rabbi
Jonathan had no idea what to say. Nancy was incredulous. Rabbi Scheff put his head
in his hands and wept. I caused it all, but what could I do?
It began innocently enough with the casual announcement one Friday night at dinner
that I was going to write my Shaliach column right after Shabbat went out. No one at
that table was surprised or impressed. Every other month, another column.
But then I quietly added, “Um, it’s for the Adar Shaliach.” Nancy almost spilled the
soup. Jonathan’s jaw dropped and he stopped eating. (Yes, that was a shock!) And as I
said already, Rabbi Scheff cried. I looked from one to the other with guilty dismay.
“Yes, I am actually writing the column for the Purim Shaliach.” I added in a rush of words, “No worries. I can
be funny. I am thinking right now about how to write a funny column.”
In one voice came their reply, filled with horror. “Oh no, not that! Did you forget? You’re not funny! How
did you get into this terrible predicament?”
Yes, how indeed? Every rabbi takes his or her turn in writing meaningful columns to inform and educate the
community. But the Purim issue? One needs to actually be humorous to write something with irony, with clever
puns and wordplay. And as my closest friends and husband will quickly tell you, I am not funny.
How DID I get into this predicament? Of course it is all Rabbi Scheff’s fault . . . yes, that same rabbi who
wept into his hands. He suggested that we switch writing months for the coming year. Writing columns for
September and November instead of October and December would sharpen our minds and open channels of
And all of those months were filled with new challenges. Except now, it is time for the unfunny rabbi to
write for Adar, the month when we say, Be happy, it’s Adar!” The month when we say, “When Adar enters,
joy increases.” The month when Purim Torah, being funny, is all the rage.
So here I am, an unfunny rabbi writing for the funny month. I do not need Rabbi and Nancy or my husband
to remind me that I am not funny. I have a long and sad history of being unfunny. It began when I was a child,
where dinner time was filled with hilarious jokes told by my dad. I laughed my way through hundreds of meals.
My dad came from a long line of funny Macks. I took a deep breath and stood up on my chair with my heart in
my throat. I told my joke. What followed, I will never forget: a long minute of absolute silence. As I recall, my
mom broke the silence with, “Eat your meatloaf, Sweetheart.” As I ran sobbing from the table, my dad called
after me, “But you’re so good at math. Not everyone can tell a joke.”
I decided to conquer my fear and put that terrible moment to bed by joining the Stand-Up Comedians Club in
high school. At the second meeting, they handed me a field hockey stick and suggested I find better pathways to
use my energy.
In college I took the microphone at an Open Mike event. Friends kindly dragged me off the stage when the
fruit started flying. My roommate, as I recall, urged me to refrain from risk-taking behavior. “Next time,” she
admonished,” I might not be there to save you from yourself.”
(continued on p. 3)
Orangetown Jewish Center
The Dr. Richard and Jana Adelson
March 2019
Adar AlefAdar Bet, 5779
How to Reach Us
Synagogue Office………………………………
Phone # 845-359-5920
Fax # 845-398-1646
*Please note
NEW Extensions
Administrator …………………………….………
Krista Bohn…………………………………..
845-359-5920 ext. 2 845-359-5920 ext. 2
Bookkeeper ………………………………………
Helen Barnett………………………………..
845-359-5920 ext. 1
Office Communications/Donations…………...
Deb Klock………………………………....
845-359-5920 ext. 4
Rabbi …………………………………….………...
Craig Scheff……………………….………....
845-359-5920 ext. 3
Rabbi ……………………………………………….
Paula Mack Drill……………………………..
845-359-5920 ext. 8
Ami Hersh………………………………….....
845-359-5920 ext. 7
School/Educational Director…………………...
Sandra Borowsky……………………….…..
845-398-3982 ext. 9
Music Director
Amichai Margolis
Michael Pucci......………………………….....
Senior Vice President…………………………...
Adele Garber………………………………....
Vice President Education & Youth……..…..
Sharon Aach……………………………….
Vice President - Fundraising……………….….
Matt Schiering………………………………..
Vice President - Ritual…………………………..
Leslie Levinson……………………………….
Vice President - Finance/Treasurer……….….
Glenn Hirsh……………………………….
Financial Secretary / Special Dues …………...
Glenn Kissler…………………………………
Alan Pressman……………………………….
Book of Life Donations………………………….
Renee Price……………………………….…
Book of Remembrance…………………………
Vera Amins / Judy Cohen ………………...
845-425-8370 / 845-359-5923
and Janet Miller………………………………
Budget & Finance Chair………………….……..
Lloyd Fishman………………………………
Bulletin Editor………………………………….…
Judy Cohen…………………………………..
Krista Bohn…………………………………..
845-359-5920 ext. 2
Capital Campaign
Lloyd Fishman...………………………….....
Diane Goldstein / Mindy Zlotogura
845-623-8379 / 845-354-4652
Cemetery Co-Chairs……………………............
Jeffrey Steinberg / Gregg Brunwasser…..
201-391-8604/ 973-291-4234
Chesed Committee............................................
Adele Garber/ Madeline Roimisher………
845-358-9121 / 845-359-4846
Janet Miller…………………………………...
Facility Chair……………………………….……..
Bern Weintraub/ Eli Josephs……………..
845-358-5089 / 845-365-1563
Food Pantry Co-Chair…………………………...
Cedine Issman/ Susan Klein………………
845-359-5207 / 845-354-3653
Amy Feldman-Tollin / Merydith Raywood
201-307-6324 / 201-264-3380
Holocaust Committee.......................................
Harriett Wolf................................................
Inclusion Committee………………………...…..
TBD …………………………………………….
Israeli Affairs………………………………...…...
Leslie & Allen Levinson……………………
JCC Rockland Liaison
Jeff Lance…………………………………….
Laurie & Mitch Liner ………………………...
TBD ……………………………………………
Membership Recruitment Co-Chair………..…
Brenda Richter/TBD………………………
Men's Club President…………………………...
David Schlossberg / Alan Pressman……..
201-722-3649/ 845-268-1273
Hara Hartman / Kim Lori Sokol …………..
845-596-0750/ 845-398-2910
Ritual Co-Chair………….………………………..
Steven Richter / Ken Leff…………………..
845-558-0630 / 845-353-8668
Ritual Committee/ Bar/Bat Aliyah Lists……...
Rosina Hirsh………………………………
School Board President………………………..
Cortney Kuperman………………………..
Sisterhood Presidents......................................
Rhonda Plawner / Gail Sanders…………...
845-638-2558/ 845-634-6643
Sisterhood Gift Shop………………………..…..
Carol Baker/ Gabi Lewy…………………….
845-675-2013 / 201-825-8468
Strategic Planning……………………………….
Arthur Kupferman/ Ari Saposh……………
845-634-3205 / 201- 370-2546
Welcoming Committee.....................................
Jeff Lance…………………………………….
Lisa Sternbach………………………………
Young Family Program …………………….…..
Rabbi Ami Hersh…………………………….
845-359-5920 ext. 114
Youth Commission ..……………………………
Mitchell Brill……………………….…………
Youth Director……………….………..……….…
Sharon Rappaport…………………………..
Orangetown Jewish Center Shaliach Vol. 59, #7 March 2019
The Orangetown Jewish Center Shaliach is published monthly except for July and August.
This institution is a grant recipient of the Center for Jewish Education
of the Jewish Federation of Rockland County.
The Orangetown Jewish Center, The Dr. Richard and Jana Adelson Campus, is a full-service egalitarian
congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
(continued from p. 1)
I would have given up, honestly, but as many of you know, I was called to the rabbinate. When the dean of the
JTS Rabbinical School laid out the required six years of study, I almost quit before I started. It was not the
Talmud or the Torah study that made me nervous. It was a course listed in Year Two: Jokes and Humor 101. I
proceeded with my plans to study to be a rabbi anyway, When it came to that course, I worked hard and tried
my best. Unfortunately, I failed it three times. I was only permitted to be ordained by promising that I would
only work with a funny rabbi and would never, never tell a joke from the pulpit.
As I finish this column for your Purim enjoyment, I am chuckling to myself. Okay. I am laughing loudly.
You see, after many years of trauma from being unfunny I have discovered something amazing and healing. It
doesn’t matter if anyone else thinks I am funny. I can have a wonderful time laughing at my own jokes. My
husband, Rabbi and Nancy will never think I am funny. But they love me anyway, Hope the same goes for you!
So in the end, I decided to just be myself and not try to be funny. After all, that’s funny enough! To all—a
great Purim and to all a great night. And that’s the whole megillah!
Lots of laughs,
Rabbi Drill
You Are How You Eat—It’s All About Community, by Jessica Fisher, Rabbinic Intern
The famous idiom is that “you are what you eat.” I never really understood what that meant, but I think
we can learn a lot about ourselves by how we eat. Although Purim is more famous for its costumes,
revelry, and highly dramatic story, it also has a rich food tradition that is both delicious and teaches us
about how to be a stronger community.
Although Purim is about the fun, we actually have mitzvot that we are obligated to fulfill on Purim, too,
including a communal fast the day before (Taanit Esther), giving edible gifts to friends and neighbors
(mishloach manot), and participating in a celebratory feast. Not a single one of the mitzvot of Purim,
including giving gifts to the poor (matanot l’evyonim) and hearing the reading of the megillah, can be
done on our own. The way we use food to commemorate Purim and the way we observe the mitzvot
of Purim in general teach us about the centrality and necessity of communitythat we need each
other to get through the big dramatic moments, like in the story of Esther, and the day-to-day
moments, too. They teach us how to be together, support one another, hear each other, and, of
course, how to enjoy tasty treats together.
One of my favorite things about being part of the OJC community this year is that this is a synagogue
that knows what it means to be a community. It’s a community that takes the obligations of Purim
seriously year-round, whether it’s helping to set up for a communal event, calling fellow community
members to see how they are doing, offering one another rides, or sharing a meal together on
Shabbat. There’s something about the Purim spirit that bubbles up with the approach of the Hebrew
month of Adar, but I feel fortunate to be part of a community that is steeped in that sharing, communal
spirit all year-round.
From the Educational Director’s Desk
It’s ADAR! Let’s have FUN! So as you know, I have been the Educational Director at the OJC for
almost 17 years. Although you all think you know me well, it is time to share a little secret about
myself. I do not like to go grocery shopping. In fact, I would rather eat the Manischewitz split pea
soup mix with some mandarin oranges from my cupboard than navigate the aisles of the food store.
So, why don’t I like grocery shopping? First, I feel overwhelmed because everyone is racing down
the aisles at breakneck speed because they have to be at carpool pick-up, back to work or at a
doctor's appointment in 18 minutes. Then, there are those people who make me feel uptight because
they have lists that are organized exactly by the order the products appear in the aisles, or alphabetized lists from apples to
On my last shopping trip, I rushed over to the yogurt aisle and totally forgot what flavors to buy. Somehow “pickle
mango” just kept popping into my head. Knowing that flavor couldn’t be correct, I searched my purse for where I jotted
down the flavors needed. Instead, I found my collection of expired coupons, a gift card I haven’t used and a bracelet that
needs to be re-beaded. Aha, there were the yogurt flavors on the back of a receipt that I forgot to turn in to the OJC
bookkeeper, Helen, dated September 2011 for machbearot (notebooks) for the Religious School--the first weeks of school
are very BUSY!
I must warn you that it is extremely dangerous to pick up anyone else’s discarded shopping list in the bottom of your
cart. Discard this list immediately! DO NOT read it! On this list, in the neatest handwriting humanly possible, will be the
most impressive Shabbat menu EVER. Your fanciest cumin chicken, pineapple raisin kugel and mint green beans will
seem like nothing compared to what is found on this list! On this list there will be homemade sushi, exotic vegetables like
rutabaga and Judy’s Famous Surprise Pie (Ed. note: Not this Judy!).
How can I compete with Mrs. Perfect’s Shabbat meal list? Thank goodness, I have high self esteem. I am a very good
cook. I don’t have to compete. Life is not a competition. I decide to use this important lesson in Religious School. We
don’t have to compete. We just need to do the best we can and that’s good enough. Everyone is good at something. I
enjoyed sharing this story and the important lesson I learned with my daughter, Jamie, and she nodding respectfully, “Yes,
Ma.” But Jamie’s next sentence was, “Whose list do you think that was?” “The list with Judy’s Famous Surprise Pie?” I
replied, “Why?” My darling daughter responded, “Well if you know them maybe we can get a Shabbat invite!” :-)
As you know, I am a very organized, efficient person who writes extensive lists and always follows through with my
responsibilities. So, the important thing for us to learn is that everyone has talents and mine is NOT grocery shopping. I
will never be the woman with a two-week menu spreadsheet. But I will be the first person to thank Brenda Richter, Diane
Goldstein, our teachers and volunteers who have helped with the food shopping for our school snack shop, classroom
snacks, Oneg Shabbatot, special programs and holiday celebrations.
To conclude, please remember the four mitzvot of Purim. The first mitzvah is to come hear the Megillah
Wednesday, March 20th. The second mitzvah is sending mishloach manot (gifts of food and drink) to friends, neighbors
and family. You don’t have to grocery shop--just order from our Sisterhood. The third mitzvah is matanot l’evyonim
(giving to the poor)--remember to buy a box of pasta to use on Purim night as a grogger and for a donation to the food
pantry. The fourth mitzvah is to partake in a seudat Purim (Purim meal)--you don't have to shop--join the OJC community
on Thursday, Purim day, March 21st. Our children will have fun Purim learning in school: Bingo, Orangetown Squares, I
Know It and more. But . . . the REAL Purim FUN for ages 0-100 will be before the Megillah reading: A Pre-school Party,
Carnival, Balloon Artist, Children’s Megillah, Costume Parade, Singing, Food, Adult Megillah, John Pizzi from
“America’s Got Talent” and more.
OJC IS THE PLACE TO BE Purim Sameach, Sandy Borowsky
PS- If you are in the grocery store, would you mind buying some hamentashen for me?
****A day without a smile is like a day without sunshine!****
March 2019
Journey Group
Monday, March 4 at 11:00 a.m.
Explore Mussar, Jewish self-improvement, with The Busy Soul and Rabbi Drill as your guides.
Intermediate Hebrew
Grow your language skills with Lisa Schwartz
Tuesdays, March 5, 12, 19 and 26 at 6:30 p.m.
“The Heart of Torah” by Rabbi Shai Held
A weekly informal self-led study group
Wednesdays, March 6, 13 and 27 at 7:30 p.m.
Torah n’ Treats
Join us as we share a meal and explore “The Bible’s 50 Greatest Ideas!”
Wednesday, March 6 at 12:30 p.m.
Text and Context
Parashat hashavua (weekly Torah portion) with Rabbi Scheff
Thursdays, March 7, 14 and 28 at 10:30 a.m.
Connect to the weekly Torah portion through a literary and contextual analysis
Male Privilege and the Jewish Canon, with Rabbi Paula Drill
Thursdays, March 7, 14 and 28 at 7:30 p.m.
Pirkei Avot @ Panera
Join Rabbi Scheff for a monthly discussion of the Ethics of Our Ancestors
Sunday, March 17 at 9:45 a.m. (Panera, Route 59 in Nanuet)
An Important Request
As some of you may know, three years ago we lost Danny Klein, a beloved member of the OJC community. To
honor his memory, David and Judy Klein (Danny’s parents) started the Community of Kindness Award. This award
is presented to an individual who displays unconditional kindness and love. My name is Marty Levine and I am
fortunate enough to be the first recipient of this award. With the award comes a $1000 donation to use on Jewish
learning and education. My goal is to turn this $1000 into $5000 to open scholarship opportunities for USY Israel
Pilgrimage, a trip that transformed my Jewish identity this past summer. I want every teenager in the Jewish
community to be able to have his or her unique experience in a land to which we are so connected, yet disconnected.
Please support my campaign in honor of Danny and all of his positive characteristics. All donations are greatly
appreciated. Please copy and the link to see my fundraising page: tinyurl.com/dannykleinkindness.
Stand tall and proud
Sink your roots deeply
into the earth
Reflect the light of a greater source
Seek nourishment from the good things in life
Simple pleasures
Earth, fresh air, light
Be content with your natural beauty
Remember your roots
Enjoy the view!
Excerpts from Advice from a Tree by Ilan Shamir
Sisterhood women gathered for a Tu B’Shevat
Sedera celebration of the New Year for the
Trees. Rabbi Drill provided insight about the
meaning and rituals of the holiday, and the
participants tasted fruits and treats that are a part of this
lovely festival. Nancy Rosa led the attendees in yoga
tree poses—including the “shaking of branches”—and facilitated a group discussion on
the poem Advice from a Tree.
Community Recycling
As we recount the values symbolized by the holiday of Tu B’Shevat—environmentalism,
sustainability and connection to the land of Israelit is appropriate to remind our
congregation of the Sisterhood Community Recycling program. Cedine Issman, who
heads the program, collects gently worn shoes to be disseminated to individuals in need.
Sisterhood receives some remuneration for the donated shoes, and the funds received
bolster our fundraising efforts on behalf of our synagogue. Giving, as is so often the case,
yields a kindness in return, just as nurturing the trees helps to sustain the earth that
nurtures us.
Place shoes in the box located off the main lobby in the corridor leading to the Daily
Sisterhood Birthday Greetings
Tu B’Shevat—the holiday that celebrates the birthday of treesbrings to mind yet another ongoing and
meaningful fundraising effort implemented by Sisterhoodbirthday greetings. Each quarter we send a list of
birthday celebrants spanning a four-month period. The cost of bringing a smile to friends and fellow
congregants is only $1 for each individual selected, and the funds raised contribute to the overall well-being of
our synagogue. If you have any questions, contact Carolyn Wodar at cwodar@optonline.net.
Sisterhood wishes all a Chag Purim Sameach a joyous Purim celebration!
Regards from the Sunshine State!
Tova Adesnik
Editorial Marty Cohen
Every year, Purim time, Judy and I switch jobs for the Shaliach. She writes on Tanakh, as only she can,
and I’ve been writing editorials on long-overdue reforms presenting ideas that at first may seem
outlandish, probably because they are outlandish. To the best of my knowledge, none of my reforms
has ever gone into effect probably a good thing but that doesn’t stop me from trying. By now, I
have a lot of people believing that you don’t need ten for the daily minyan since only an average of
ten is required.
This year, I am combining my reform editorial with my usual commentary on Tanakh to propose
reforms for the way we celebrate the holiday of Purim. I am sure the proposals will be given the
attention that they deserve.
My next thought is about the use of groggers during the reading of the Megillah to drown out Haman’s
name. In my mind, groggers are child’s play. What we really need to obliterate Haman’s name are
stadium air horns. They rate up to 120 decibels and would enhance, for those who survive, the
Megillah experience.
Mordechai, who got us into all this trouble in the first place, needs to be investigated by a
Congressional Committee. What were his true motives? Who was behind him? Were the Chinese
hackers involved? And what right does he have to tell Esther what to do? Maybe Mordechai should be
removed altogether from the Megillah, which would give us more time with Gal Gadot and shorten the
reading to a tolerable amount of time.
I would like to comment here on the King, but perhaps it is best not to. In today’s political climate,
comments on a controversial head of state may cause internal dissension, which is not my intent.
Next on my agenda is the commissioning of a completely new set of songs. We are still singing the
silly ditties that I learned as a boy (150 years ago, according to my sons) and we, as the people who
produced George Gershwin, Oscar Hammerstein, and Stephen Sondheim, could certainly do better.
How about we set up a workshop, led by Amichai, our music director, to tackle this problem!
Finally, I propose finding a substitute for Hamantaschen. They’re okay, I guess, but today’s store-
bought products are mostly dough with a minute amount of jam. In deference to my wife, I think we
should substitute red velvet cake or anything made of chocolate.
It’s Purim season and that means that Marty and I exchange columns for this Shaliach issue and I have
to write something of historical significance. It was historical when my kids got out of diapers, but for
the life of me, I can’t think of anything else historical that happened to me. Oh yes, there was the time
when . . . (ed. note: not fit for a family publication). Okay, then, there was that other time when . . .
(ed. note: you can’t slip that one by me). This (ed. note) thing is starting to get on my nerves. I will
ignore any future attempts at inserting it into this article. (ed. note): Oh shut up and go away.
Okay, here’s my slant on history. I’m in favor of it. Without history, where would we be today? That is
a question that has plagued historians for millennia and will probably continue to plague them for
millennia to come. Speaking of plagues, should I mention the Black Plague or has that been done to
death? Note the feeble attempt at a pun here. It’s the best you’re gonna get.
History has a long history. That, in itself, is a comment worthy of note. Prehistory has an even longer
history but not enough has been written about it to make it the subject of Prehistory 101 at any college
worth its tuition. I’ve thought about writing a book or two about prehistory, but where do I start? With
the prehistorics? Who were they? What did they eat? Were they prehistorical or prehysterical? Did they
sing? Were they good-looking? If they were good-looking, why did they die out? Againsubjects
worth considering for maybe a thesis at one of those aforementioned colleges. Oh, so much information
and so little interest in it!
There are many good documentaries on prehistory, complete with computer-animated creatures and
voiceovers provided by James Earl Jones. Have you seen them? If you haven’t, don’t watch any before
going to bed at night because you will dream about being eaten alive by a few of them and no matter
how you thrash and throw yourself about, a sizable corner of your mattress will be gone by morning
and you will have no idea where it went. The computer-animated creatures will know. . . .
It makes no difference whether you are a child of five or a grown-up of eleven or so, the prehistoric
critters will be scary. Even the ones that smile at you with lots and lots of teeth. Do not be misled by
the smiles. Teeth are teeth and even the smiling ones take time out to eat. If you are within eating
range, even in your dreams, they are faster than you, know the terrain better than you, and will eat and
ask questions later. Actually, they may not ask any questions at all because they already know (or have
eaten) all the answers.
Prehistory has its advocates although right now I can’t name a single one. Most of them are probably
history by now (that was another feeble attempt at a pun). But, as famous historical (not prehistorical)
figures have said: don’t stop believin’! Prehistory is still being taught in some caves around the world
but attendance is sparse, especially since actual (not prehistoric) lions and tigers and bears (oh my!)
populate these caves more frequently than students of prehistory do.
I believe this column has run its courseas has prehistory. Real history is being written right now, as
we speak (or read). But is it accurate? Who is to say? Certainly not me.
Judy Cohen
The Orangetown Jewish Center Highlighted Jewish Disability Awareness,
Acceptance and Inclusion Month in February
During Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month, the Orangetown Jewish Center took its mission of
inclusion to the next level. With the addition of the renewed OJC Inclusion Committee for people with special needs, this
group of congregants brainstormed and planned a variety of activities for the congregation that included our children who
attend the Hebrew School. They used social media tools that featured personal testimonials and organizational stories
concerning disability awareness, acceptance and inclusion from a Jewish perspective, here and around the world. Please
find the list of featured links below. The Inclusion Committee’s goals will continue to be creating opportunities for
understanding and acceptance of people with different abilities. The focus is on each individual’s needs and strengths, not
on their limitations.
The culmination of our celebration will take place at the Shabbat Dinner and Dialogue. We will be welcoming the
Honorable Justice Richard H. Bernstein, the first blind person ever elected to the Michigan State Supreme Court, who will
be the guest speaker.
Justice Bernstein has been recognized as a legal scholar and an advocate
for social justice. He is also an avid marathoner and triathlete. At the age
of 37, he completed the Half-Israman Triathlon that took place in Eilat,
Israel, in January, 2011, with the assistance of a pilot from the Israeli Air
Force. The OJC community is looking forward to hearing from Justice
Bernstein, who has literally run through and broken barriers demonstrating
the abilities and possibilities for people with special needs.
For additional information about The Orangetown Jewish Center and
JDAIM month please contact Ellie Salmon at dahmommy[email protected]
or Diana Hess at dayenu22@gmail.com.
To make a reservation for the 3/1 Dinner and Dialogue program please
contact Diane Goldstein at dolphin99@optononline.net.
Golden Member Shabbat
Oh, what a morning! And what an afternoon too! On November 10
we honored 40 families who have been members of
the OJC for 50 or more years and had the opportunity to celebrate with more than 30 of them. Unfortunately, some of
them were not able to join us for the celebration, but their pictures and memories were there with us. Some, like Reva
Cohen, live in Florida, or, like Alan Breiter, already had vacations planned. (How was your cruise Alan?) At the
Orangetown Jewish Center we are very fortunate to have so many Golden Members as role models for maintaining a
thriving Jewish community with their creation of and participation in so many wonderful activities
On entering the building, congregants and guests were greeted in the lobby with balloons and sign boards celebrating our
honorees and our sponsors. Outside the sanctuary was a memory board with lots of photos of our golden members at
different ages, some from the OJC archives and some provided by families. There were photos of young men from the
Perlin and Rosen families standing before the Ark practicing for their Bar Mitzvah services; photos of Janet & Jack
Miller, Sheila & Norman Wasserman, Eileen & Barry Rogers, Reva & Seymour Cohen dressed for various celebrations;
photos of groups of men who were so instrumental in the development of OJC because they were always willing to lend a
hand: Henry Rosen, Bernie Schiffmiller, Herman Seidner, Burt Heller, Dave Kalan, Abe Barbash; photos of Lita
Mustacchi, Ruth Barbash, Lillian Kalan, Marie & Martin Getzler, Rosalie & Harold Eckstein, Evelyn & Donald Winikoff,
Morris & Leah Waitz, Judy & Marty Cohen, etc., enjoying various OJC activities. See the OJC Facebook page for a
photo of the photo board! Thank you to Janet Miller for all the time and effort she devoted to locating and having copies
made of pictures for our celebration boards.
In the lobby there was another board with articles and memories from our golden members. Thank you to Renee Rosen
Frankel for the treasury of articles from which we culled information and pictures for the board and to those who
contributed their personal memories. We saw the schedule for WOW (Women on Wednesdays) from the mid ‘60s,
created by Judy Cohen & Eileen Rogers and enjoyed by so many women. Men told us to ask their wives since they were
busy working and left their wives in charge of planning and organizing synagogue activities that they participated in! We
heard about the professional production of The Pajama Game that was performed at several different synagogues in the
county from Robert Klammer (acting & sewing), and Bennet Silver (sound & lighting), and anecdotes about 200 hard-
boiled eggs for a school seder from Barbara Klugerman. Janet Miller affectionately wrote about her sons’ adventures at
the shul, including the peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for seudah that enticed the boys away from their outdoor
activities on Saturday afternoons. Many women wrote about the evolution of Conservative Judaism and their becoming
adult b’nai mitzvah and putting on tallit and tefillin for the first time. Richard Mathis wrote about how important it was to
his wife and his daughter to give the girls the opportunity to become b’nai mitzvah and read Torah on Saturday mornings
in front of the whole congregation. Many people wrote of the difficult times and the number of rabbis and cantors who
came through the OJC doors. Bertha Adelson told us about all the places where services took place before OJC was built.
Joe Kosofsky told about the expansion, the first one, not the more recent one that so many often refer to today. Vera
Boehm talked about the Sisterhood luncheons for 200 women. The children, not technically gold members, told us about
their memories of Religious School, youth group, bar/bat mitzvah services, and holiday celebrations. Second generation
members Lisa Wasserman Jacobs, Sara Winikoff, Staci Heller Gelb, Jonathan Cohen are raising the third generation here
because they want the same experiences for their children.
Upon their arrival each of our honorees received a gold kippah and then later in the simcha room, they received an extra
dessert, a delicious chocolate-covered brownie pop provided by Signature Creations Caterers. Morris Waitz, who
traditionally is still one of the first to arrive for Shabbat morning services, was the first of our honorees called to the Torah
for aliyot.
Our OJC simcha room was decorated with balloons and filled with happy people, smiling and laughing, reminiscing over
past events. Children and grandchildren joined our golden members, some seeing friends from childhood whom they
haven’t seen in decades. We enjoyed a sumptuous Kiddush lunch with a wide array of foods from the usual bagels, cream
cheese, tuna, egg salad to whitefish, herring, and lox to eggplant parm to various types of salads, concluding with fruit, ice
cream sundae bar, and Signature Creations Caterers delicious rugalach and chocolate covered pretzels and Carousel Cakes
special occasion chocolate chocolate chip cake honoring our golden members.
Congratulations to our GOLDEN MEMBERS! We wish you all many more years of good health and
happiness and participation in OJC activities.
Bertha Adelson, Ruth Barbash, Beverly & Morton Bloom, Vera & William Boehm, Alan Breiter, Alma Brown,
Marilyn Clements, Judy & Marty Cohen, Reva Cohen, Rosalie Eckstein, Marri & Richard Faerber, Miriam Getzler,
Zelda Heller, Rhea & Murray Jacobs, Lillian Kalan, Roberta & Gary Klammer, Sandra & Herbert Klein, Barbara &
Erwin Klugerman, Joe Kosofsky, Marcia Levine, Maurice Malin, Richard Mathes, Janet & Jack Miller, Lita
Mustacchi, Gideon Panter, Rita Perlin, Rosalyn & Irwin Portnoy, Eileen Rogers, Barbara & Marvin Rosen, Sylvia &
Norman Schaumberger, Mildred Scheps, Frieda Seidner, Marilyn Shimkowitz, Marcia & Bennet Silver, Alex Sterman,
Leah & Morris Waitz, Norman Wasserman, Rita Weissberg, and Donald & Evelyn Winikoff
And a very big THANK YOU to the OJC Sisterhood and all of our sponsors:
Bertha Adelson & family
Nina & Marvin Asch
Helen Barnett
Elaine Binder
Beverly & Morton Bloom
Vera & Bill Boehm
Deanne & Jack Boris
Betsy & Donald Brenner
Barbara Brummer
Jonathan, Cindy, Yael, Daniel
Judy & Marty Cohen
Reva Cohen
Rabbi Paula & Jonathan Drill
Eckstein family
Marri & Richard Faerber
Jody & Ben Feinberg
Beth & Lloyd Fishman
Tammi, Gabriel, Zeke & Micah Fox
Dayna & Andrew Frank
Adele Garber
Marie Getzler
Barbara Goldenberg
Diane & Lenny Goldstein
Ruth & Karl Hess
Judy Josephs
Lillian Kalan
Joe Katz & Sheila Bunin
Roberta & Gary Klammer
Joe Kosofsky
Jeff Lance
Maurice Malin
Judy & Gerry Marenoff
Janet & Jack Miller
Howie, Lisa, Hannah & Zev Miller
Paul, Julia Miller, Candace Sukalski
Dolores Moscowitz
Lita Mustacchi
Mimi & Stephen Nemeroff
Bonnie Ben & Mike Pilar
Rosalyn & Irwin Portnoy
Merydith Raywood
Ellen & Jay Rifkin
Eileen Rogers
Barbara Gilman Rosen
Barbara & Marvin Rosen
Helen & Walter Sadowsky
Gail & Jeff Sanders
Sylvia & Norman Schaumberger
Maxine & David Sebolsky
Marilyn Shimkowitz
Bennet & Marcia Silver
OJC Sisterhood
Maxine & Marc Skopov
Leah & Morris Waitz
Evelyn & Donald Winikoff
Winikoff children/grandchildren/
Carolyn & Harvey Wodar
Mindy Zlotogura
Schweizer Beautiful Flowers
in Pearl River
Signature Creations Caterers
Thank you to everyone who was in shul celebrating our Golden members on November 10
And a very special THANK YOU to Judy & Marty Cohen who were the inspiration for this event!
It was truly a special occasion with so much ruach!
The Catering Committee - Alan, Aram, Arthur, Beth, Carolyn, Diane, Marlene, Mindy
The Nominating Committee is looking for a few good people! We are
seeking applicants for Board of Trustees positions commencing
July 1, 2019. If you are interested in helping define the future of our
wonderful congregation and making a difference, please contact
Lloyd Fishman, nominating committee chair, at 201-314-1861 or
Ritual, Discussion, Socializing
Inspiring Ritual, Meaningful Discussion,
Enjoyable Socializing
For women “of a certain age” (50-65)
Monthly gatherings / Mondays at 7 PM
To RSVP and receive the article we’ll be discussing, contact
Linda.Gerstley@gmail.com. Questions? Contact Rabbi Drill@theojc.org or
845-359-5920 X8.
MARCH 18the home of Linda Gerstley, 16 Rollingwood Drive,
New City, NY
APRIL 8the home of Debbie Roth, 3 Catherine Court, Suffern, NY
MAY 13the home of Holly Rosenthal, 11 Pine Glen Drive, Blauvelt, NY
would like to thank our Light Up Our School sponsors.
MenorahOJC Sisterhood
Shamas: Lauren, Justin, Sawyer and Hayden Rubenstein
Mary, Omer, Molly and Michael Barnes
Peter, Kelly, Chance and Colton Roimisher
Sheila Bunin and Joe Katz
Ira, Viki, Kobi and Isabel Steinberg
Candles: Erica, Joshua, Nathan and Aiden Kohl
Morah Hope’s Third Grade Class
Jeff Lance
Steve Bass
Shelly and Zachary Sirotowitz
Rosina and Glenn Hirsh
Todah Rabbah! Sponsorships are still being accepted.
Please make checks payable to the OJC, attn: Sandy Borowsky
Each year, several members of the OJC community are celebrated at the annual spring gala to
acknowledge their contributions and to thank them for all they do. This year, to commemorate
the OJC’s 60
anniversary, we will also pay tribute to current members of the OJC whose
families were founding members 60 years ago.
The OJC’s Diamond Jubilee, to be held on Sunday, April 14 from 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. will
include an elegant buffet dinner and entertainment by Larry Siegel Entertainment. Six
individuals who have made contributions above and beyond both inside and outside the walls
of our synagogue will be honored: Sally and Dr. Elliot Heller, Loni and Rabbi Ami Hersh, and
Leslie and Allen Levinson.
In 1977, Sally and Elliot moved to Rockland County and immediately sought membership in
their local synagogue, Pomona Jewish Center. Two years later, they enrolled their daughter in
the Solomon Schechter Day School kindergarten program (and subsequently their son as
well). They devoted their free time to the school, which later became known as Reuben
Gittelman Hebrew Day School. Ultimately Sally served as PTA President and Elliot as Board of
Trustees President. Sally would later become the school's Director of Admissions. After retiring
from RGHDS, she co-founded ClothesWorks with Barbara Kalvert and the late Susan Sobler.
ClothesWorks, which she currently co-directs with Naomi Steinberg, is a thriving, caring
organization that has helped clothe women in need for 16+ years. Sally and Elliot have been
members of the OJC since 2001 and feel blessed to be part of such a caring community. Sally
has participated in the Chesed committee in several different capacities. She is also a lifetime
member of Hadassah and is an active participant in Rabbi Drill's Journey Group. Elliot served
on the board at Pomona Jewish Center, and the local JNF Chapter. He was also an active
member of HUVPAC, a political action committee that promoted pro-Israeli policies in
Congress. He is now in his 42nd year serving the Rockland County community as a
gastroenterologist and is one of the founding partners of Digestive Disease Associates of
Rockland, practicing the highest level of GI medical care with his six partners and nurse
practitioner. He enjoys his Shabbatot at OJC, where he serves as a gabbai, occasional ba'al
koreh and Haftorah chanter. The Hellers are blessed with two children, Deborah and Joseph,
and three special grandchildren - Margot, whose Bat Mitzvah they celebrated at the Kotel this
past August, Will and Max, whose B'nai Mitzvah they look forward to celebrating in the not-so-
distant future.
Rabbi Ami and Loni Hersh have been part of the OJC family since 2010, when Ami served
as the rabbinic intern. When approached to join the professional staff of the synagogue
three years later, Ami and Loni jumped at the opportunity. They arrived in Orangeburg with
two young boys, Micah and Zev, and the family quickly grew to include Noa and Yael. As
part of the rabbinic team, Ami has touched many arms of the OJC community. Ami
introduced innovative programs such as: EKS - a monthly Friday night service for families
with very young children; Shabbaba, a redesigned Saturday morning service for young
children; and Shabbat Afternoon Tailgate in the synagogue parking lot. Ami is also a
regular teacher in Darkeinu adult education offerings and has overseen the synagogue’s
social media growth. Each summer he leads a large OJC delegation (over 70 people!)
spending time at Ramah Day Camp in Nyack, where he works as the director. Loni is also active
in many aspects of the OJC community. She has been a regular participant in the Rosh
Chodesh group and has helped to organize the recent Purim celebrations. When not
helping at the Synagogue, Loni works as a Physical Therapist at Mount Sinai-St. Luke’s
Hospital and in private practice in Rockland, as the founder of The Peaceful Pelvis, PLLC.
Loni and Ami are active in the community and can regularly be found attending programs at
the JCC or at the Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County, where Ami serves as
a trustee. Loni, Ami, Micah, Zev, Noa and Yael feel blessed to be members of the special
OJC family.
Leslie and Allen and family joined the OJC in 1999 and have enjoyed being part of the
dynamic OJC community. Allen is a retired financial executive. In 2010 he lost his vision
due to a brain tumor. You may recognize Allen as the guy wearing sunglasses in the
sanctuary. Allen and Leslie have three adult children, Jen, Jon, and Julia, all of whom are
graduates of local Hebrew day schools and are OJC B'nai Mitzvot. In 2016 we were happy
to welcome Aaron, Jen's husband, into our family. Allen holds BS and MBA degrees from
the Wharton School, where he has served on the Dean's Advisory Board. He is a former
vice-chairman and current member of the board of the Wharton Club of NY. Allen was a VP
of the OJC and continues to be a Trustee, working tirelessly for the Budget & Finance
Committee and spearheading key projects including Rodfei Torah, Ruach HaKodesh, the
Seymour Cohen Torah Fund, and the Capital Campaign. Leslie is a retired biochemist with
a BA and ScM from Johns Hopkins. She was actively involved in her children's schools
chairing and serving on various committees and as PTA co-president. In the local
community, Leslie has volunteered as an ESL tutor. At the OJC, she has been part of the
Sisterhood board, a Trustee, and currently is a VP for Ritual, Membership/Welcoming and
Israel Affairs. Leslie and Allen have enjoyed traveling with fellow OJCers on Mitzvah
Missions and the March of the Living. With Leslie's dedicated support, Allen serves on
AIPAC's National Council. Together, Leslie and Allen work fervently to encourage strong
support for the US-Israel relationship and AIPAC membership.
In addition to the honorees, founding members Bertha Adelson, Rhea and Murray Jacobs,
Rita Weissberg, and Evelyn and Donald Winikoff will be recognized, as well as Steven
Bass, Gary Dankner, and Ilisse Perlmutter, whose parents joined the OJC 60 years ago.
In recognition of our honorees and founding families, the OJC will publish a Scroll of Honor
commemorating this joyful occasion. Whether or not you attend the gala, you can help to
celebrate by making a donation to the scroll. Your generosity not only pays tribute to our
honorees, but also allows us to continue the wonderful programs that the OJC provides to
all of us.
If you haven’t already, please RSVP and/or send in your scroll donations by March 15
Tickets to the gala are $100 per person. Scroll donations received after March 15
will be
listed in the Shaliach, rather than on the scroll, due to tight printing deadlines. In addition to
the response card that was mailed with the invitation, tickets and donations can also be made
online at:
Thank you for your generosity and for your support of OJC’s biggest fundraiser. We look forward to
seeing you at the Diamond Jubilee! For additional information, contract Amy Feldman Tollin at
The OJC Religious School is expanding our
We are looking for YOU!
Who: Volunteers who read Hebrew to mentor our
students "one - on - one."
What: To teach our children- the curriculum and
professional development are provided.
Where: At the OJC
When: Thursdays 5:30- 6:00pm / now- May
Why: "It takes a village to raise a child"
Connection + Commitment = Community + Continuity
PLEASE VOLUNTEER and/or for more details, email
Sandy Borowsky at [email protected]
or call 845-398-3982, x110
The Catering Committee
We celebrated 2 Bat Mitzvahs this month and applaud the achievements of Samantha Franzese and Alora
Kuperman. Our Religious School families shared a delightful seudah with us. Sisterhood celebrated Tu
B’Shevat with the community with a meaningful seder led by Rabbi Drill and a delicious meal.
We thank the following families for their sponsorships:
Merydith Raywood and Linda & Jonathan Lesserson in honor of their birthdays
Allison & Paul Franzese in honor of Samantha becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Cortney & Craig Kuperman in honor of Alora becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Religious School in honor of our students
Sisterhood in honor of Tu B’Shevat
Thank you to the sponsors of our January February Birthday Shabbat Kiddush:
Jeffrey Adams, Mary Barnes, Helen Barnett, Eileen Bookman, Robin Brill, Les & Lorraine Brown, Vinny
Frankel, Adele Garber, Lenny Goldstein, Isaac Hashinovsky, Elliott & Sally Heller, Mitch Kayden, Arthur
Kupferman, Linda Lesserson, Lois Lesserson, Martin Levine, Lita Mustacchi, Nate Pressman, Mimi
Rosenstock, Walter Sadowsky, Avi, Rayna & Zev Schlossberg, Amy Schwartz, Lisa Schwartz, Bryna
Schoenbart, Maxine Skopov, Leah & Morris Waitz, Evelyn Winikoff, Harvey Wodar
Our January kiddushim were catered by Harold’s and 8
Day Caterers. We thank them for feeding
us so well. Please consider our caterers when you are planning your personal events. Talk to Diane Goldstein
for their contact information. Signature/Deli King Caterers closed and we are in the process of selecting a
replacement. We are looking forward to a month of caterer tastings.
Join us for our next Birthday Shabbat on March 23
when we celebrate the March & April birthdays. If
you celebrate in March or April, please join your friends in sponsoring the kiddushim. Please send your
checks for $36 or more to the OJC: attention Birthday Shabbat. It is not just one kidddush you are
sponsoring, but a way of life for Shabbat mornings over the course of the year for you and the community
you are building.
If you are celebrating a special birthday, anniversary, retirement, or other life cycle event, consider finding
others who share that milestone to share the expense of a Kiddush sponsorship and have a group celebration
with the community. The committee is happy to help you plan and do the work with you. Contact Diane
Goldstein at [email protected] .
See you at the Kiddush table.
The Catering Committee
Nettie Alevy Cary & Karen Alevy
Mildred Alpert Reva Cohen
Sonia Barnett Helen Barnett & Family
Rosalind Brindz Cary & Karen Alevy
Benjamin Evans Dorothy Ehrlich
Herbert & Roslyn Evans
Minnie Feltenstein Maxine Skopov
Dr. Neil Feuer Joe Katz
Leon Friedman Barry & Fran Friedman
Victoria Frieda Gartner Nathan Reiner
Morris Gazek Bertha Adelson
Roslyn Gittelman Roberta & Bobby Hirsch
Marie Goldberg Suzanne Hirsch
Rose Goldschein Walter Sadowsky
Berta Goldschmidt Jeffrey Katz
Edward Greenblatt Beth Fishman
Lena Handler Judith & Robert Umlas
Elenore Hazan Stuart Hazan
Frank Hess Karl & Ruth Hess
Rose Hirsch Jack Hirsch
Max Jay Lydia Katz
Zena Jay Lydia Katz
Rhoda Kaltman Sandra Stulberg
Ida Katz Lydia Katz
Lou Katz Lydia Katz
Menashe Khazoom The Barnes Family
Steven Kissler Glenn Kissler
Bertha Klein Marilyn Schwartz
Matthew Kremin Roz Kremin & Family
Ruth Kremin Fern Barak
Anne Kronberg Debra & Stan Kronberg
Natalie Langsam Erica & Joshua Kohl
Arthur Levine Eilene Siegel
Otto Lohkemper Andrea Levine
Walter Lewy Maty Lewy
Arnold Malin Maurice Malin
Frances Pasternack Staci Gelb
Louis Pasternack Staci Gelb
Norman Raines Gilbert Raines
Martha Reuben Karl & Ruth Hess
Mark Albert Helen Sadowsky
Isadore Saltzman Milton Saltzman
Sam Sanders Arthur Sanders
Nathan Saperstein Lewis & Jill Saperstein
Lena Scharf Rosalie Eckstein
Anna Schaumberger Sylvia & Norman
Sophie Schept David Schept
Sylva Schnelwar Philip Schnelwar
Ruth Schultz Renee Epstein
Lea Schwartz Dan Schwartz
Seymour Shimkowitz Marilyn Shimkowitz
Samuel Soled Gail & Jeff Sanders
Ralph Sosis Barbara & Douglas
Walter Trepp Sharon & Kenny Fried
Harry Umlas Judith & Robert Umlas
Paul Wagreich Judith & Robert Umlas
Sylvia Wagreich Judith & Robert Umlas
Harold Walerstein Ronald & Gail Walerstein
Mark Jay Walerstein
Alfred Weinberg Nathan Reiner
Israel Neiman, beloved husband of Sonia Neiman, father
of Hannah Scheff, grandfather of Rabbi Craig Scheff, Alon
Steiner and Stephen Steiner
Sheila Bunn & Joe Katz (RSDF)
Nancy & Michael Steckler (RSDF)
Judi Librot (RSDF)
Roberta & Gary Klammer (RSDF)
Helen & Stanley Blum (RSDF)
Beverly & Barry Yarkon (RSDF)
Ronald & Gail Walerstein (WEF)
Andrea & Alan Sherman (RSDF)
Marcia Levine & Family (RSDF)
Diana Avivi & Family (RSDF)
Helen Barnett & Family (RSDF)
Sandy Borowsky & Family (RS)
Harriett Wolf & Carl Roth (RSDF)
Maxine & Marc Skopov (RSDF)
Carol & Sherman Baker (RSDF)
Gabi & Maty Lewy (RSDF)
Janet & Jack Miller (RS)
Tammi & Gabriel Fox (RS)
Elaine & Jeffrey Heck (RSDF)
Maddy, Matt, Jared & Rayna Schiering (RSDF)
Sandy, Mike & Staci Ross (PIMF)
Lynne & Norbert Weissman (RSDF)
Roz Kremin & Rene Kahfif (RSDF)
Staci, Jared, Louis & Samantha Gelb (RS)
Judy & Jerry Marenoff (RSDF)
Tova & Barry Adesnik (RSDF)
Esther Schulman (RSDF)
Sherri & Tom Williger (WEF)
Sandi & Mark Jacobs (RSDF)
Barbara Brumer (RSDF)
Rita Weissberg (RSDF)
Reva Cohen (SCTF)
Ronald & Gail Walerstein (WEF)
Sandra & Joel Mayer (RSDF)
Sheila & Ben Zwerling (BSST-SLS)
Marilyn Shimkowitz & Family (RSDF)
Marie Getzler (RSDF)
Gail & Jeff Sanders (RSDF)
Laurie & Richard Zorn (RSDF)
Eileen Rogers (RSDF)
Cecile Ruby & Ron Hirsch (RSDF)
Esther & Marshall Levy (RSDF)
Rhoda Pochter (RSDF)
Susan & Steven Danow (RSDF)
Marty & Grace Marks (RSDF)
Amy & Dan Schwartz (RSDF)
Lita Mustacchi (RSDF)
Miriam Neuren (RSDF)
Nina & Marvin Asch (RSDF)
Evelyn & Donald Winikoff (RSDF)
Claudia & Barry Judelman (RSDF)
Barbara Gillman Rosen (RSDF)
Jill & Sam Beer (RSDF)
Barry & Fran Friedman (BSST-2HHM)
Bonnie Ben &Michael Pilar (RSDF)
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (RSDF)
Linda & Harold Koppel (RSDF)
Carmel Rosenthal (SLS)
Rhonda & Michael Plawner (RSDF)
Rosalie Eckstein (RSDF)
Robin, Scott, Sam & Rachel Gilman (RSDF)
Betsy & Donald Brenner (RSDF)
Wendy Levi (RSDF)
Sharon & Kenny Fried (KF)
Susan & Bernie Edelstein (RSDF)
Sally & Elliott Kagan (RSDF)
Leslie & Richard Lefkowitz (RSDF)
Robin, Scott, Sam & Rachel (RSDF)
Joni, Neil, Scott & Andrew Morris (RSDF)
Sylvia & Howard Glick (RSDF)
Brenda & Eli Jospehs (RSDF)
Linda & David Schept (RSDF)
Debbie, Dave & Jeff Sagurton (RSDF)
Debra Brenner & Nick Woodward (RSDF)
Beverly & Alan Wertheim (RSDF)
Selma Arnold (RSDF)
Carol & Andy Blau (RSDF)
Mimi & Mel Rosenstock (RSDF)
Susan & Martin Levine (RSDF)
Arlene Teller (RSDF)
Fran Lakoff (RSDF)
Sheva & Jack Steiner (RSDF)
Laurie & Mitch Liner (RSDF)
Barbara Levinson (RSDF)
Judy & Marty Cohen (RSDF)
Edward Atlas, beloved father of Mark and Toby Atlas
Reva Cohen (SCTF)
Sherri & Tom Williger (WEF)
Rosalyn & Irwin Portnoy (R)
Rita Levine, beloved mother of Bryna Schoenbart
Jack & Janet Miller and the Miller-Fox families (RS)
Andrea & Alan Sherman (RSDF)
Jill & Sam Beer (R)
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (KF)
Mimi & Bernie Gelb (R)
Robin, Scott, Sam & Rachel Gilman (MRSF)
Rita Levine, beloved aunt of Wendy Bosalavage
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (KF)
Mimi & Bernie Gelb (R)
Jules M. Price, beloved brother of Carol Jacobs
Jill & Sam Beer (R)
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (KF)
Rhonda & Michael Plawner (CF)
Judy & Marty Cohen (R)
Michael Shapiro, beloved son of Marvin Shapiro
Barbara Adams (RDDF)
Fred Lenhart, beloved stepfather of Frank Murad
Gabi & Maty Lewy (R)
Bernard Maidenberg, beloved husband of
Lynne Maidenberg
Esther & Marshall Levy (RSDF)
Barbara & Marvin Rosen upon the loss
of their beloved friend
Frieda Seidner (HSMF)
The beloved mother of Paulette Viana
Linda & Bruce Varon (RSDF)
Danielle Chason, beloved daughter
of Laura & Jan Chason
Alan Breiter (R)
Charles Tucker
Barbara & Hank Rosen (CF)
The beloved mother of Elliot Fuld
Sharon & Kenny Fried (KF)
The beloved father of Lynn Zymet
Sharon & Kenny Fried (KF)
Sanford Gervirtz, beloved husband of Ethel Gervirtz
Mimi Nemeroff (CF)
Hannah Wolff
Linda & Harold Koppel (RSDF)
David & Heidi Snyder upon the birth of their
Barbara & Hank Rosen & Kaleen Litvak (CF)
Mark & Bailey Snyder upon the birth of their
Barbara & Hank Rosen & Kaleen Litvak (CF)
Ellen & Jay Rifkin upon the birth of their granddaughter
Layla Juliette
Sharon & Kenny Fried (KF)
Cortney & Craig Kuperman upon their daughter Alora
becoming a Bat Mitzvah
The Steckler Family (RS)
Jill & Sam Beer (RS)
Carmel Rosenthal upon her granddaughter Jayden
becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Lesley & Richard Lefkowitz (RDDF)
Maxine & Marc Skopov upon their grandson becoming
a Bar Mitzvah
Rhonda & Michael Plawner (R)
Wendy & Alden Smith upon the marriage of Ben Cowen
to Lyssa Levi
Janna & Joseph Goodman & Family (BCMF)
Linda & Bruce Varon (RSDF)
Dale & Howard Fox (RSDF)
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (KF)
Helene & Mitchell Levinson upon the marriage of their
daughter Janine
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (KF)
Cecile & Ron Hirsch upon the marriage of their daughter
Stephen & Mimi Nemeroff (RSDF)
Laurie & Mitch Liner upon the marriage of their daughter
Carmel Rosenthal (RDDF)
Mimi Nemeroff (RDDF)
Evelyn & Donald Winikoff (MRSF)
Madeline & Herb Roimisher upon their 50
Frieda Seidner (HSMF)
Ruth Grupper upon her special birthday
Eileen Rogers (RSDF)
Leah & Morris Waitz upon their birthdays
Maxine & Marc Skopov (R)
Jay Rifkin upon his special birthday
Sharon & Kenny Fried (KF)
Rabbi Paula Mack Drill upon being honored by Israel
Janet & Jack Miller (RS)
Nancy & Michael Steckler (RDDF)
Tova & Barry Adesnik (RDDF)
Barbara & Hank Rosen (CF)
Gail & Jeff Sanders (RDDF)
Gabi & Maty Lewy (RDDF)
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (RDDF)
Trudy Album (RSDF)
Carmel Rosenthal (RDDF)
Carol & Andy Blau (RDDF)
Judy & Marty Cohen (RDDF)
Elaine Binder upon being honored by Israel Bonds
Nancy & Michael Steckler (RDDF)
Gabi & Maty Lewy (R)
Beth & Lloyd Fishman (KF)
Carmel Rosenthal (RSDF)
Steve Richter upon his receiving
the Earnest L. Rothschild Leadership Award
Rhonda & Michael Plawner (R)
Judy & Marty Cohen (R)
Mindy Zlotogura upon the opening of her own practice
Barbara Gillman Rosen (RSDF)
Sherman Baker
Helen Barnett & Family (WEF)
Gabi & Maty Lewy (RSDF)
Evelyn & Donald Winikoff (MRSF)
Barbara Brumer (RSDF)
Gail & Jeff Sanders (RSDF)
Judy & Jerry Marenoff (RSDF)
BonnieBen & Michael Pilar (CF)
Jack Miller
Barbara Brumer (KF)
Susan & Bernie Edelstein (R)
Gabi & Maty Lewy (R)
Judy & Jerry Marenoff (RSDF)
Judy & Marty Cohen (R)
Fran Gersten
Lita Mustacchi (MRSF)
Mili Scheps (MRSF)
Roberta Klammer
Barbara Brumer (RSDF)
Blanche Infeld (RSDF)
Rita Weissberg (RSDF)
Gail Sanders
Mimi Nemeroff (CF)
Miriam Neuren
Rita Weissberg (KF)
Mimi & Mel Rosenstock (RSDF)
Janet & Jack Miller (RS)
Judy & Jerry Marenoff (RSDF)
Miriam Getzler (RSDF)
Barbara Brumer (KF)
Rhoda Pochter (KF)
Vera Amins (KF)
Rosalie Eckstein (RS)
Lita Mustacchi (MRSF)
Gabi & Maty Lewy (R)
Beverly & Barry Yarkon (RDDF)
Michelle Kleinberger
Gabi & Maty Lewy (R)
Paul Kosofsky
Mimi & Steve Nemeroff (CF)
Laurel Ellman
Rosalie Eckstein (RS)
Margie Kuehn
Marilyn Shimkowitz, Sondra & Marcy (RSDF)
Sandy Hyman
Suzanne & Jack Hirsch (RSDF)
Donna Goldman
Rita Weissberg (R)
Barbara Brumer (RSDF)
Lita Mustacchi (MRSF)
Rabbi Craig Scheff
Marilyn & Stuart Hazan (RSDF)
Carl Roth (RSDF)
Alan & Marcy Pressman (RSDF)
Eileen Rogers (RSDF)
Miriam Schatz (RSDF)
Rabbi Paula Mack Drill
Marilyn & Stuart Hazan (RDDF)
Alan & Marcy Pressman (RDDF)
Eileen Rogers (RDDF)
Miriam Schatz (RDDF)
Rabbi Ami Hersh
Linda & David Schept (R)
Dr. Elliot Heller
Janet & Jack Miller (RS)
Jeff Lance
Judy & Jerry Marenoff (RSDF)
Sandy Hyman
Suzanne & Jack Hirsch (RSDF)
Focus on Funds
Bernard Schiffmiller Sacred Text Collection
(BSST: Provides our children with Chumashim
and other Jewish texts for the congregation
Etz Chayim / Chumash Dedication (BSST-EH)
High Holiday Mahzor Dedication (BNSST-HH)
Youth Siddur Dedication (BSST-YS)
Siddur Lev Shalem (SLS)
Bruce Cowen Memorial Fund (BCMF) Provides
for the beautification and improvement of our
Capital Campaign Fund (CC) Helps create long-
term viability to sustain the OJC for many years
Chesed Fund (CF) Provides transportation, meals
and companionship to congregants in time of need
Greenwald Scholarship Fund (GSF) Provides
stipends to our youth to attend Jewish youth
activities such as Kinnusim and Naaseh
Herman Seidner Memorial Fund
Inclusion Fund (IF) To improve accessibility,
money is used for assistive systems, programs and
special materials
Israel Scholarship Fund (ISF) Provides subsidies
to congregants to fulfill their dreams of traveling
to Israel
Kiddush Fund (KF) Pays for Shabbat morning
kiddushim when a Kiddush is not sponsored by a
Library Fund (LF) Provides access to Jewish
books and media
Mustacchi Ramah Scholarship Fund (MRSF)
Provides scholarships to our youngest members to
attend Ramah Day Camp
Rabbi Scheff Discretionary Fund (RSDF)
Rabbi Drill Discretionary Fund
Religious School (RS) Helps offset the running of
our school
Ritual (R) Provides for the general operation of the
Ruach Hakodesh (RH) Offsets clergy salaries
Seymour Cohen Torah Fund (SCTF) Dedicates
portions of our Torah
Shirley Mosner Memorial Fund (SMMF)
Styrofoam-Free Fund (SFF) Subsidizes the costs
of purchasing environmentally friendly products
at the OJC
Sustaining Membership Fund (SMF) Provides
dues assistance to congregants in financial need
Walerstein Education Fund (WEF) Provides tuition
assistance to children attending the Religious School
March Yahrzeits
1 Alvin Bodenstein
4 Marilyn Banner
10 Renia Goldstein
24 Edith Bremont
1 Max Fuld
5 Gabor Hammerman
10 Harold (Hal) Seeger
24 Henry Reuben
1 Morton Levine
5 Barbara Schindel
12 Harry Cohen
25 Marc Warren Friedman
1 Henry Rosansky
5 Hyman Sebolsky
12 Jack Sterman
25 Dorothy Klugerman
1 Eugene Siegel
5 Paul Sussman
13 Jesse M. Bernstein
26 Herman Weinstein
1 Ernestine Sweet
5 David Yager
13 Meyer Birnbaum
27 William Fener
1 Tillie Sweet
6 Nathan Goldenberg
14 Lucille Fishbein
27 Stanley Tyler
1 Leo Waretsky
6 Alfonse Katz
16 Kenny Brown
28 Beverly Blutstein Arcona
2 Morton Brozinsky
6 Israel Katz
16 Mollie Zakarin
29 Marjorie W. Luxenberg
2 Joel Langsam
6 Bertha Schiffman
17 Anne Gurton
29 Tzvika Salzhauer
2 Hyman Meyerson
8 Gail Ment
17 Edward Kotch
29 Eleanor Scolnick
2 Anne Richman
8 Joseph Soloway
17 Louis Wegodsky
29 Lillie Turner
2 Samuel Soled
9 Irving Glass
20 Mitchel Friedman
29 Harold Walerstein
2 Murray Weinstein
9 Anna Skopov
20 Gustave Steinberg
30 Arlene Rosenfeld
3 Robert Alan Alig
9 Aida Tackel
21 Martha Nefsky
31 Robert Baker
3 Dr. Samuel Barmatz
10 Larry Asch
21 Fay Pearl Weiss
31 Roberta Gerstenblatt
3 Archie Dinowitz
10 Arthur Dankner
22 Sam Hirsh
31 Erwin S. Haas
3 Lori Klingher
10 Melvin Gilman
23 Rosalyn Cassett
31 Ester Ring
For cemetery information, call
Gregg Brunwasser (973-291-4234) or
Jeffrey Steinberg (201-392-8604).
Michael Pucci, on behalf of the OJC Board of Trustees, and
Madeline Roimisher & Adele Garber, on behalf of the Chesed Committee, would like to extend their
Sonia Neiman upon the loss of her beloved husband, Israel Neiman
Hannah Scheff (Stanley) upon the loss of her beloved father, Israel Neiman
Rabbi Craig Scheff (Nancy), Alon Steiner (Michelle) and Stephen Steiner (Francie) upon the loss
of their beloved grandfather, Israel Neiman
Bryna Schoenbart upon the loss of her beloved mother, Rita Levine
Wendy Bosalavage & Beth Caplan upon the loss of their beloved aunt, Rita Levine
The family of Edward Atlas
Rebecca & Mark Cohen upon their daughter Juliet becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Aileen & Matthew Spool upon their daughter Elizabeth becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Beverly & Morton Bloom upon the engagement of their granddaughter Jessica to Mark
Laurie & Mitch Liner upon the marriage of their daughter
Cecile & Ron Hirsch upon the marriage of their daughter
Rabbi Paula Mack Drill & Elaine Binder upon being honored by Israel Bonds
Lesley & Richard Lefkowitz upon their anniversary
Adele Garber Lita Mustacchi Mimi Rosenstock Maxine Skopov Leah Waitz
Bess Koby Judy Marenoff Robert Simpson Eileen Rogers Richard Lefkowitz
Joan Frank Zeeva Greenberg Uri Hahn Jack Hirsch Barbara Goldenberg
Leah Waitz Bart Bookman Roz Portnoy Murray Jacobs Sherman Baker
Ben Lipton Gerald Marenoff Morrie Brown Beverly Bloom Morton Bloom
Sheila Bunin Robert Lesserson Lita Mustacchi Barbara Levinson Miriam Neuren
Gail Moggio Mordechai Seidner Laurel Ellman Deb Klock Barbara Gillman Rosen
Vera Boehm Thea Goldstein Fran Gersten Lauren Lefkowitz Ken Fried
Rabbi Paula Mack Drill
Kindly let us know if you have an event/occasion you will be celebrating and we’ll be most happy to print it
in our next Shaliach. Madeline Roimisher (845) 359-4846 and Adele Garber (845) 358-9121
3/20/19 Costume Capers
4/16/19 Passover Puppet Show
5/14/19 Lag B’Omer Picnic
RSVP is requested but not required. Connect with Sandy Borowsky at OJCSCHOOL@GMAIL.COM or
call 845-398-3982 X 110.
The Orangetown Jewish Center
Religious School’s
Remember Us-
The Kaddish Project
Create personal ties, a story to tell and a real link to the Holocaust.
Assume the responsibility of learning about the life of a selected individual
who perished in the Holocaust.
Perform the mitzvah of saying Kaddish
in that persons memory.
Pass your person's life "story" to future generations.
To select an individual, look through the binder of biographies labeled
Remember Us- The Kaddish Project
in the OJC' s main office.
Please read the instructions carefully.
If you would like help or have questions about the "process"
please contact Sandy Borowsky at 845-398-3982, x110
or OJCSchool@gmail.com.
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Orangetown Jewish Center
8 Independence Avenue
Orangeburg, New York 10962-
(845) 359-5920
Non-Profit Org.
Permit # 85
Monsey, NY 10952
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