Plot No: 01, Knowledge Park IV, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310
Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida - 2024
Online Application for allotment of Industrial Land for setting up Industries
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
Table of Contents
Data sheet 2
1 Section I: Instructions to the Applicants ................................................................................. 4
1.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Allotment based on Objective Criteria ............................................................................................. 5
1.3 How to Apply & Acceptance of Application ..................................................................................... 9
1.4 Language and currency...................................................................................................................11
1.5 Applicant’s responsibility ...............................................................................................................11
1.6 Documents required with Application. ..........................................................................................11
1.7 Extension of time limit for deposit of Allotment money ................................................................13
1.8 Allotment Process ...........................................................................................................................13
1.9 Payment schedule ..........................................................................................................................14
1.10 Unsuccessful applicants ..................................................................................................................15
2 Section II: Special Conditions................................................................................................ 16
2.1 Implementation & Extension ..........................................................................................................16
2.2 List of activities permissible on the plot .........................................................................................17
2.3 Development Norms: .....................................................................................................................17
2.4 Permissible Norms. .........................................................................................................................17
3 Section III: General terms and conditions ............................................................................. 18
3.1 Execution of Lease Deed ................................................................................................................18
3.2 Lease Rent ......................................................................................................................................18
3.3 Declaring unit functional ................................................................................................................19
3.4 Location charges .............................................................................................................................20
3.5 Possession of the plot .....................................................................................................................20
3.6 Variation in actual area of allotted plot .........................................................................................20
3.7 As is where basis/ Lease period......................................................................................................20
3.8 Surrender ........................................................................................................................................20
3.9 Change in Constitution (CIC) ..........................................................................................................21
3.10 Change in Shareholding (CIS) .........................................................................................................21
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.11 Transfer of Plot ...............................................................................................................................21
3.12 Role of GNIDA as per IBC 2016 .......................................................................................................22
3.13 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................23
3.14 Permission to Mortgage .................................................................................................................23
3.15 Misuse, Additions, Alterations, etc. ...............................................................................................24
3.16 Indemnity .......................................................................................................................................24
3.17 Liability to Pay Taxes ......................................................................................................................25
3.18 Overriding Power over Dormant Properties ..................................................................................25
3.19 Consequences of misrepresentation ..............................................................................................25
3.20 Cancellation of allotment/Lease Deed ...........................................................................................25
a. Restoration .....................................................................................................................................26
b. Amalgamation/Sub-division ...........................................................................................................27
c. Change/addition of product ...........................................................................................................27
d. Provision for renting unit ...............................................................................................................27
e. Other Clauses .................................................................................................................................27
4 Annexure 1: Forms............................................................................................................... 30
4.1 Application form .............................................................................................................................30
4.2 Form No. 2: Turnover Certificate ...................................................................................................32
4.3 Form No. 3: Net Worth Certificate .................................................................................................33
4.4 Form No. 4: Liquidity Certificate ....................................................................................................34
4.5 Form No. 5: Format for affidavit (Self Declaration) ........................................................................35
4.6 Form No. 6: Format for affidavit ....................................................................................................36
4.7 Form 7: Statement of Shareholders ...............................................................................................39
4.8 Form 8: Indemnity Bond .................................................................................................................40
4.9 Form 9: Brief Information about the project. ................................................................................41
4.10 Form No. 10: Format for Affidavit (Non-Defaulter Declaration) ....................................................42
4.11 Annexure A: Permitted Industries ..................................................................................................43
4.12 Annexure B ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Data sheet
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
Date of issue of the
Scheme Brochure /
Scheme Opening Date:
As per portal
Date of closure of the
scheme/last date of
submission of application
As per portal
Date of opening of
Proposals/ Applications
As per portal
Issuance of Allotment
To be communicated on a later date
Contact person,
designation and contact
details (address and
phone nos.) in the
Authority office
OSD (Industry Dept.)
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
Plot No: 01, Knowledge Park IV, Greater Noida
Uttar Pradesh 201310
Phone No: +91 120 2336015
Hard copies of the proposal are to be submitted through dispatch
addressed to OSD Industries, GNIDA by 5 pm on the day after the last
date of online submission.
Allotment method for the
Objective Criteria score + Interview for allotment of Industrial plots
Availability of scheme
brochure (GNIDA)
Can be downloaded from the Nivesh Mitra website.
Processing Fee
An amount of INR 60,180/- (Including GST)
Money/ Earnest Money
10% of the total premium of the plot shall be deposited with
application form as Registration Money. The Registration Money of
the unsuccessful applicants will be returned without interest after
rejection of application. (Adjustable or Refundable)
In case of any revision in the allotment money during the course of a
live scheme, the successful applicant shall have to pay the differential
amount of the registration money/ EMD with balance payment
within 90 days (in case of lumpsum payment payment option 1)
and first instalment within 60 days (in case of instalment payment
payment option 2), failing which the registration money/ EMD
deposited shall be forfeited and the allotment shall stand cancelled.
Payment options
Option 1: 100% (including 10% Application Money/Registration
Money) within 90 days from the date of issue of Allotment Letter. In
such case, 2% rebate will be given on the total premium of the plot.
Option 2: 40% (including 10% Application Money/Registration Money)
within 60 days from the date of issue of Allotment Letter and balance
amount i.e. 60% of the total premium of the plot in 3 years in 6 equal
The applicable interest rate for instalments shall be as per prevailing
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
interest rates of GNIDA (10% p.a. as of 9
of January 2024). This rate
will change as per interest rate revision by GNIDA.
Note: The possession of plot shall only be offered when the Allottee
has deposited minimum 40% amount of total premium of plot and
executed lease deed.
Period of lease
The allotment of plot will be made on leasehold basis for a period of
90 years from the date of execution of Lease Deed.
Location charges
As per clause no. 3.4
Allotment money
As per prevailing Sector Wise Rate List on the last date of Proposal
Submission. Prevailing policy of the Authority attached as Section V:
Annexure, Land Rates 2023-2024 + metro location charges, if
Kindly note that these rates are subject to revision in each financial
year (post 1
April of each year) and the allotment money prevailing
on the day of allotment shall be applicable.
Rate of annual Lease
2.5% of the total premium of the plot to be increased by 50% every
ten years.
Construction Period &
Functional Period
As per clause no. 2.1
Sr. No.
Area of plot in sqm
Time for completion/
Up to 4,000
36 months
4,000 to 20,000
36 months
Above 20,000
60 months
Normally, no extension for completion would be granted; However,
in exceptional circumstances, extension may be granted by the
Authority as per the prevailing policy of GNIDA at the time of
submission of extension request letter by the Allottee and after
payment of prescribed fees/charges.
Amalgamation or Sub-
No sub-division shall be allowed on the allotted plots. The Allottee
shall be solely responsible for the development/construction of all
proposed activities as approved by the Authority. Amalgamation of
two adjoining plots under certain conditions may be allowed as per
prevailing policy of the Authority.
Not allowed
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
1 Section I: Instructions to the Applicants
1.1 Definitions
The key definitions for the purpose of this scheme document are as follows:
i) “Authority” means the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
ii) “Authorised Bank” implies the bank that has been identified by the Authority.
iii) “Allotment Letter” is the letter issued by the Authority to the Allottee confirming the allotment
under a particular scheme for which application was submitted
iv) “Allotment Money” is the amount as prescribed in the scheme brochure as the price of the plot and
is expected to be deposited by the Allottee within the given time period
v) “Allottee” is the person whose allotment letter has been issued by the competent officer
vi) Screening Committee” is a committee constituted at the Authority for scrutiny of the applications
received for allotment under the advertised scheme.
vii) “Allotment Committee” is a committee constituted at the Authority for selection of Applicant(s) for
allotment under the advertised scheme.
viii) “Applicant” is the person/entity who has submitted application with requisite documents in
response to this scheme.
ix) Building Byelaws/Regulations” as notified by the Authority for development of land and
construction of buildings
x) Day” means calendar day
xi) Government” means the Government of Uttar Pradesh
xii) Net worth” from Financial Statement, where Net worth shall be calculated as below:
a. In case of a Company: Net Worth is the Paid-up share capital (excluding share application
money) plus Reserves and surpluses (excluding revaluation reserve) less Preliminary and pre-
operative expenditure; less Miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off; less
accumulated losses; less intangible assets. (Figures are to be taken from the last audited
balance sheet of the Company)
b. In case of a Partnership firm/ LLP Firm: Contribution by each partner taken together in the
capital of the firm shall be considered as Net Worth of the firm excluding intangible assets, if
c. In case of an Individual: Net Worth statement (relating to application made by proprietorship
firm) certified by the applicant’s statutory auditors/ Chartered Accountant along with certified
true copies of income tax / wealth tax returns with all its enclosures as submitted to Income
Tax Authority, should be submitted.
d. For newly established companies, the financial credentials, including net worth, and liquidity,
of the promoters will be evaluated as part of the assessment. The turnover of a new company
will be evaluated based on the turnover of other group companies affiliated with the promoter.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
A newly established company is defined as an entity that has not yet completed a financial year
since its inception or incorporation, meaning it lacks any financial history or track record.
Please note that any company incorporated after the introduction of this scheme document
will be considered as having been formed with the intent to utilize this clause and may face
xiii) Lease Rent” is the amount paid by the Lessee to the Lessor as rental against the property allocated
to the Lessee
xiv) “Lease Deed” is a contractual agreement by which Lessor conveys a property to Lessee, for a limited
period, subject to various conditions, in exchange for Lease Rent, but still retains ownership.
xv) “Lessee” is the person/entity who holds the lease of a property or tenant
xvi) “Lessor” refers to a person/entity who leases or rents a property to another; the owner which in
this case is GNIDA.
xvii) “Occupancy certificate” refers to the certificate issued by the Authority on completion of the
building construction as per provisions of Building Regulations
xviii) “Total Premium of the plot” is the total amount payable to the Authority calculated on the basis of
total area of the plot. The “Total Premium of the plot” shall mean the Price of the plot, GST and
Taxes if any is over and above this premium and are not included in the definition of Total Premium.
xix) Authorized Signatory” Officer or representative vested (explicitly, implicitly, or through conduct)
with the powers to commit the authorizing organization to a binding agreement.
xx) “P.T.M.” Permission to Mortgage.
1.2 Allotment based on Objective Criteria
Marking system would be devised for the evaluation of applications
If the proposed industrial activity falls within the definition of Sun rise sector or
Focus sector
If the capital of the applicant includes FDI marks would be given as under:
FDI up to more than 50%
FDI 20% to 50%
FDI 5% to 19%
FDI 0% TO 4%
If the total production of applicant is exported, marks would be given as under
Export up to 75% of total production
Export up to 50% of total production
If the proposed industry provides employment, marks would be given as under:
More than 400 employees
More than 200 employees
If the proposed industry is ancillary unit of an existing industry or expansion of an
existing industry, or diversification of existing industry. An applicant who claims to
run an existing industry, must fulfil the following conditions:
i) The existing industry must be a profit-making unit for the last three years
immediately preceding the date of application.
ii) The existing industry must be running at minimum of 70% installed capacity.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
iii) Copy of utility bills including electricity bill of the existing industry must be
submitted by the applicant.
iv) The existing industrial plot or any part of plot or facility must not be given on
v) The applicant shall submit certificate from its statutory auditor certifying the
turnover and net profit for the last three years immediately preceding the date
of application. The auditor will certify that turnover matches with the GST
vi) If the promoters of an existing industry propose to apply for industrial plot
then they may use the credentials of their existing industry provided that the
promoters in existing industry and proposed industry will remain the same and
shall not dilute their shareholding/ownership before the unit becomes
If the proposed industry is a start-up or incubator
Total Investment proposed in the DPR
200- 500 Crores
100 200 Crores
50-100 Crores
Up to 50 Crores
Net worth of the applicant
Net worth more than 30% of the proposed Investment in the DPR
Net worth more than 25% of the proposed Investment in the DPR
Net worth more than 20% of the proposed Investment in the DPR
Liquidity of the applicant
Liquidity more than 20% of proposed Investment in the DPR
Liquidity more than 15% of proposed Investment in the DPR
Liquidity more than 10% of proposed Investment in the DPR
Average Annual Turnover of the applicant in the last 3 years
100% of the Investment as per DPR
75% of the Investment as per DPR
If the applicant is woman/ SC/ ST/ person with disability
Interview and technical presentation
Minimum 3 marks may be given to applicant fulfilling mandatory conditions
Annexure 1
Sun rise sector
i) Green hydrogen production
ii) Capital goods including heavy electrical and power
equipment, earthmoving and mining machinery, and process
plant equipment.
iii) Aircraft and allied components manufacturing
iv) Electric Vehicle
v) Semiconductor
vi) Automobile and automotive
vii) Projects related to Circular Economy
Focus Sector
The following sectors will be included
a) Agro and food processing
b) Handloom & Textiles
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
c) Electronics Manufacturing
d) Défense & Aerospace
e) Warehousing & logistics
f) Film
g) Renewable Energy
h) Civil Aviation
i) Animation, Visual effects, Gaming and Comics (AVGC)
j) Mega multisector focused skill parks/ hubs
Existing industry
An applicant who claims to run an existing industry, must fulfil
the following conditions:
i. The existing industry must be a profit-making unit for the last
three years immediately preceding the date of application.
ii. The existing industry must be running at minimum of 70%
installed capacity.
iii. Copy of utility bills including electricity bill of the existing
industry must be submitted by the applicant.
iv. The existing industrial plot or any part of plot or facility must
not be given on rent.
v. The applicant shall submit certificate from its statutory auditor
certifying the turnover and net profit for the last three years
immediately preceding the date of application. The auditor will
certify that turnover matches with the GST returns.
vi. If the promoters of an existing industry propose to apply for
industrial plot then they may use the credentials of their
existing industry provided that the promoters in existing
industry and proposed industry will remain the same and shall
not dilute their shareholding/ownership before the unit
becomes functional
An entity shall be considered as a Startup on fulfilling the
conditions defined by Government of India, vide notification
No. G.S.R. 364(E) dated April 11, 2018 as modified vide
Gazette Notification No. G.S.R. 34(E) dated January 16, 2019
(and as may be amended from time to time).
In this notification, an entity shall be considered as a Startup:
i) Upto a period of ten years from the date of incorporation/
registration, if it is incorporated as a private limited company
(as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a
partnership firm (registered under section 59 of the
Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under
the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India.
ii) Turnover of the entity for any of the financial years since
incorporation/ registration has not exceeded one hundred
crore rupees.
iii) Entity is working towards innovation, development or
improvement of products or processes or services, or if it is a
scalable business model with a high potential of employment
generation or wealth creation.
iv) Provided that an entity formed by splitting up or
reconstruction of an existing business shall not be considered
a ‘Startup’.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
v) The entity should be a DPIIT recognized Startup.
vi) The entity should be registered under Government of India,
Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board
of Direct Taxes
The incubator shall be responsible to support startups by
providing plug and play facilities, meeting/conference.
rooms/office space and shared administrative services, high-
speed internet access etc. The Incubators shall also provide
various services to startups such as mentors, training, funding,
legal services, accountancy services, technical assistance,
networking activities, marketing assistance etc. in collaboration
with State/Central Government, as possible
Net Worth
Net worth shall be computed as under:
Aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all reserves
created out of the Profits, after deducting the aggregate value of
the accumulated losses, deferred expenditure and miscellaneous
expenditure not written off, as per the audited Balance Sheet of
year immediately preceding the date of application.
However, reserves created out of revaluation of assets, write
back of depreciation and amalgamation are not included in the
net worth.
Note: The net worth shall be certified by the statutory auditor of
the applicant computed as per above method
Liquidity shall be computed as under:
Sum total of cash, bank balance, Fixed deposits (not pledged
against bank guarantee or any other liability or contingent
liability), marketable securities (not including securities which
has not been traded on a recognised stock exchange for the last
30 days) as on the date of application.
It shall not include inventory, prepaid expenses, security deposits
given, amount receivable from statutory authorities,
loan and advances.
Note: The Liquidity shall be certified by the statutory auditor of
the applicant computed as per above method
Turnover shall be certified by the statutory auditor of the
applicant and shall match with the GST returns filed.
Turnover shall be taken as the average turnover for the last 3
years immediately preceding the date of application. Turnover
shall not include receipts/income from non -industrial activities.
Scheduled Castes means such cases, races or tribes or parts of or
groups within such castes, races or tribes as are deemed under
Article 341 to be Scheduled Castes for the purposes of this
Scheduled Tribes means such tribes or tribal communities or
parts of or groups within such tribes or tribal communities as are
deemed under Article 342 to be Scheduled Tribes for the
purposes of this Constitution
Persons with disability
“Person with disability” means a person with long term
physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which, in
interaction with barriers, hinders his full and effective
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
participation in society equally with others (as defined in The
rights of persons with disabilities Act, 2016)
1.2.1 Any Proprietor or Partnership Firm, Limited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP), Private or Public
limited company can submit Application(s)/Proposal(s) for one or more than one plot. The firms
and the companies should be registered in India.
1.2.2 Proposed Partnership/LLP/Private Ltd. Companies will not be eligible to participate, and their
application will be summarily rejected.
1.2.3 The Applicant should be competent to contract.
1.2.4 Applicant(s) which are part of the defaulters’ lists as per record of GNIDA on the last date of
Application / Proposal Submission are not eligible to participate and their Applications shall be
automatically disqualified.
1.3 How to Apply & Acceptance of Application
1.3.1 Apply online and upload Application and other statutory documents.
1.3.2 The applicants must attach a non-refundable and non-adjustable Processing Fee of Rs. 60,180/-
(including GST) which will be paid online along with Registration Money.
1.3.3 Registration Money equivalent to 10% of the total Premium of the Plot area which is either
adjustable or refundable for which application is being submitted should be deposited. In case
of any revision in the Allotment money during the course of a live scheme, the successful
applicant shall have to pay the differential amount of the registration money/ EMD with balance
payment within 90 days (in case of lumpsum payment payment option 1) and first instalment
within 60 days (in case of instalment payment payment option 2), failing which the
registration money/ EMD deposited shall be forfeited and the allotment shall stand cancelled.
1.3.4 The list of qualified and disqualified applicants will be uploaded on the website.
1.3.5 List of available plots for allotment are displayed on the Website. Number of plots may increase
or decrease depending on the availability of land at the time of allotment. CEO reserves the
right to withdraw any plot for the allotment process at any time, without assigning any reason.
1.3.6 GNIDA reserves its right to withdraw the scheme at any stage without assigning any reason
1.3.7 Successful applicants will be issued allotment letter after the approval of the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of the Authority. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed along with a refund of
the registration amount deposited. After approval of the CEO, allotment letters will be issued
within 30 days of such approval, by the OSD/General Manager/Manager (Industries) with the
condition that the allottee will submit an under-taking at the time of execution of Lease Deed
on Non judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- as under
Unit product does not come under prohibited pollution category by GNIDA or
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
NOC from U.P. Pollution Control Board / Certificate from concerned department of
U.P. Govt. will be submitted before obtaining the functional certificate.
In case of violation of above directions, GNIDA will be free to take any decision.
1.3.8 Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected.
1.4 Pre-Requisites/ Mandatory Conditions to be fulfilled by each applicant.
1. Detailed Project Report (DPR) would be submitted in a prescribed format providing all
the details about the proposed industry.
2. The applicant would provide the project implementation schedule in the DPR.
3. The project implementation schedule shall provide detailed schedule/timeline about the
Map submission, map approval timeline
Other approvals like structure approvals from IIT
Pollution clearance
Environment clearance
Building construction
Occupation certificate
Production evidence
4. The applicant must have PAN and GST Registration
5. The applicant must be registered as MSME, if it is a MSME unit as per MSME Act.
6. The applicant shall give priority to provide employment to the local persons in any of its
existing units.
7. The applicant shall give priority to procure locally from the Uttar Pradesh.
8. An applicant would be ineligible to apply if the industrial plot already allotted to it has
been rented out by it.
9. An applicant who claims to run an existing industry, must fulfil the following conditions:
The existing industry must be a profit-making unit for the last three years
immediately preceding the date of application.
The applicant shall submit GST returns for the last three years immediately.
preceding the date of application along
The existing industry must be running at minimum of 70% installed capacity.
Copy of utility bills including electricity bill of the existing industry must be submitted
by the applicant.
The existing industrial plot or any part of plot or facility must not be given on rent.
10. After allotment of industrial plot, no change in activity shall be permitted. Only
interchange in activity falling within Focus sector or Sun Rise sector (which was applied)
may be permitted.
11. Detailed Project Report (DPR) shall include the following:
Proposed product.
Land cost
Detailed Building cost
Detailed Plant & machinery cost
Detailed miscellaneous Fixed Assets cost.
Detailed cost of production including Salary & Wages
Statement of Cost of Project and means of finance.
Production particulars including quantitative details and sale pricing
Margin Money of working capital
Projected Profit & Loss Account, Projected Cash Flow statement, Projected
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
Balance sheet
Capital structure and means of finance
Implementation Schedule
Production process including technical requirements
List of proposed customers
Sensitivity analysis
12. Experience of applicant in proposed activity
13. Copy of all applicable registrations, licenses, and approvals
14. Copy of all orders in hand
1.5 Language and currency
1.5.1 The document and all related correspondence for this scheme shall be in English language. The
currency for the purpose of this scheme shall be Indian National Rupee (INR).
1.6 Applicant’s responsibility
1.6.1 It is deemed that before submitting the application, the Applicant has made complete and careful
examination of the following:
i) The eligibility criteria and other information/requirements, as set forth in the Brochure.
ii) All other matters that may affect the Applicant’s performance under the terms of this
scheme including all risks, costs, liabilities and contingencies.
1.6.2 GNIDA shall not be liable for any mistake or error or neglect by the Applicant.
1.6.3 The plot(s) are being allotted on ‘As it is where it is basis’. It is the responsibility of Applicant do all
due diligence about the location and situation of plot including personal visit to the plot(s). GNIDA
will not be responsible in any manner on this account.
1.7 Documents required with Application.
1.7.1 Following documents duly signed by the applicant and certified by Chartered Accountant on each
page, should be enclosed with the application form:
A. In case of Company (Private & Public):
i) Certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate of Commencement of
ii) Application Form as per Form No. 4.1
iii) Certified true copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association
iv) List of Directors certified by a Chartered Accountant as on date of submission of
v) List of Shareholders certified by the statutory auditors/Chartered Accountant. In case the
numbers are large, list should contain details of major shareholding i.e. of promoters,
institutions, corporates and the public as on date of submission of Application
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
vi) Board resolution authorizing the applicant (Authorized Signatory company secretary or
M.D. of the company) to sign on behalf of the company for making this application.
vii) Net Worth Statement certified by the statutory auditors/Chartered Account of the
Company as per Form 4.3
viii) Audited annual Financial reports for the last three (3) year certified by the CA as per the
last published balance sheets in accordance with Form No. 4.2.
ix) Liquidity Certificate not more than 6 months old (from the date of application) from a
nationalized/ scheduled bank in accordance with Form No. 4.4.
x) Project Report with Form No. 4.6
xi) Affidavit stating that the Applicant(s) are not part of defaulters’ lists as per record of
GNIDA on the last date of Application / Proposal Submission in accordance with
Annexure No. 4.7
xii) Affidavit (Green/Non-polluting Declaration) in accordance with Annexure No. 4.8
B. In case of Partnership/ Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Firm:
i) Attested copy of the Partnership Deed in case of Partnership firm
ii) Attested Copy of the certificate issued by Registrar of Firm.
iii) Application Form as per Form No. 4.1
iv) Board resolution authorizing the applicant to sign on behalf of the Partnership/ Limited
Liability Partnership (LLP) for making this application.
v) Net Worth Statement certified by the statutory auditors/Chartered Account of the
Partnership firm as per Form 4.3
vi) Audited annual Financial reports for the last three (3) year certified by the CA as per the
last published balance sheets in accordance with Form No. 4.2.
vii) Liquidity Certificate not more than 6 months old from a nationalized/ scheduled bank in
accordance with Form No. 4.4
viii) Project Report with Form No. 4.6
ix) Affidavit stating that the Applicant(s) are not part of defaulters’ lists as per record of
GNIDA on the last date of Application / Proposal Submission in accordance with
Annexure No. 4.7
x) Affidavit (Green/Non-polluting Declaration) in accordance with Annexure No. 4.8
C. In case of Proprietorship:
i) Application Form as per Form No. 4.1
ii) Net Worth Statement certified by the statutory auditors/ Chartered Account of the
Proprietorship concern as per Form 4.3
iii) Audited annual Financial reports for the last three (3) year certified by the CA as per the
last published balance sheets in accordance with Form No. 4.2.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
iv) Liquidity Certificate not more than 6 months old from a nationalized/ scheduled bank in
accordance with Form No. 4.4.
v) Project Report with Form No. 4.6
vi) Affidavit stating that the Applicant(s) are not part of defaulters’ lists as per record of
GNIDA on the last date of Application / Proposal Submission in accordance with
Annexure No. 4.7
vii) Affidavit (Green/Non-polluting Declaration) in accordance with Annexure No. 4.8
Apart from the above list (not exhaustive) relevant documents mentioned in any other part of
this document also needs to be submitted.
1.8 Extension of time limit for deposit of Allotment money
1.8.1 No extension regarding time period will be allowed for the deposit of Allotment Money. In case of
default in payment, the allotment letter will be cancelled, and the Registration Money will be
forfeited by the Authority.
1.9 Allotment Process
1.9.1 Screening Committee: The applications shall be scrutinized by a designated Screening Committee.
The final decision of the Authority in this regard shall be final. The “Authority” shall have the right
to accept or reject any offer without any reason.
1.9.2 Scrutiny of applications: The application along with the requisite documents will be scrutinized by
the Screening Committee. If the applications are found to be incomplete/ information is incorrect,
the authority may reject the application or may seek clarification if deemed necessary.
1.9.3 In case the Applicant is unable to submit the required information within prescribed time, the
application shall not be considered for allotment.
1.9.4 All plots shall be allotted to the highest scorer of the Objective criteria + Interview.
1.9.5 Issue of allotment cum allocation letter: The Allottee shall be informed about the allotment via an
allotment cum allocation letter with specific plot number. The Allotment Letter shall be issued
within 30 days from the date of approval of allotment.
1.9.6 Applicant has to deposit Allotment Money as mentioned in Data Sheet.
1.9.7 In case the due Allotment Money as mentioned above is not deposited within the
stipulated/extended period, the allotment of plot shall be cancelled without giving any opportunity
in this regard and Registration Money deposited shall be forfeited.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
1.9.8 In case of Mega and beyond Projects and on written instructions by Government of Uttar
Pradesh/Invest UP, Direct Allotment may be done by the GNIDA (Allotment/Screening Committee)
in respect of any vacant plot already uploaded on website/GIS platform of GNIDA. In this regard,
interested Applicants are requested to regularly visit GNIDA’s website/GIS platform and be
updated of all vacant industrial plots of the Authority. In case the Applicant is interested in a
particular vacant plot, they are advised to contact Invest UP ( for further
1.9.9 List of available plots for allotment are displayed on the Website of the Authority. Number of plots
may increase or decrease depending on the availability of land at the time of allotment. CEO
reserves the right to withdraw any plot for the allotment process at any time, without assigning
any reason.
1.10 Payment schedule
1.10.1 Option 1: Applicant/Allottee has option to make full and final payment of the total premium of the
plot within 90 days from the issue of Allotment Letter. In such case, 2% rebate will be given on the
total premium of the plot.
1.10.2 Option 2: Applicant/Allottee has option to pay 40% of the total premium of the plot (including
Earnest Money / Registration Money) within 60 days from the issue of Allotment letter. Balance
amount 60% of the total premium of the plot has to be paid by in 3 years in 6 half-yearly
instalments. The rate of interest on instalments shall be as per the prevailing interest rates of
GNIDA, from time to time (current interest rate is 10% p.a. as of 9
of January 2024). This rate will
change as per interest rate revision by GNIDA.
1.10.3 Other conditions:
i. The Applicant has to give his option for the payment plan along with the Proposal as per
Annexure No. 4.1.
ii. Payments can be made with online through the website as mentioned in the data sheet.
Authority is in the process and may soon implement end-to-end ERP system for all
processes. Hence, in future only online payments will be accepted. The Allottee will have to
abide by all such decisions of the GNIDA.
iii. The Allottee shall be liable to pay stamp duty (Stamp duty calculation should also be
verified from the concerned sub registrar, Gautam Budh Nagar) for execution of the Lease
Deed in treasury of district Gautam Budh Nagar and should produce a certificate to the
affect in relevant department at GNIDA within 180 days from the issue of allotment letter.
iv. The Allottee / Lessee alone shall be liable for any shortfall or consequence for insufficient
stamping of the Lease Deed.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
v. After depositing the installment/dues with the designated scheduled bank/ payment
gateway/online system, the Allottee shall intimate the same to GNIDA through a written
intimation along with the details of amount deposited or through an email.
vi. In case of default in payment, a penal interest @ 3% extra on State Bank of India MCLR +
1% (which shall be rounded off to upper side up to 0.5%) applicable on 1st July and 1st
January of each year.
vii. In case of default in three consecutive instalments, allotment/lease shall be cancelled by
the Authority. However, in exceptional circumstances an extension of time for payment of
instalment may be granted by the CEO for which Allottee/Lessee shall have to pay the
penal interest as mentioned in Clause 1.9.3 (6) above.
viii. The payment made by the Allottee/Lessee will be adjusted in following order- Firstly
towards the penal interest; secondly towards interest due; thirdly towards the Lease Rent
payable; then towards premium due.
ix. The Allottee/Lessee shall not claim/entitled for any benefit/ relaxation on the ground that
the contiguous land has not been made available/handed over. In such an event, the due
date of payment of instalment shall not be changed in any case and Allottee/Lessee shall
have to pay due instalment along with interest on due date.
x. In case of allotment of additional land, the payment of the premium of the additional land
shall be payable in lump sum within 30 days from the date of communication of the said
additional land as per prevailing policy of GNIDA on the rate as applicable on the date of
allotment of additional land. The rate calculated by GNIDA will be final and binding on the
xi. In case of any increase in the rate of land acquisition/land purchase cost/ex-gratia/No-
litigation incentive to the farmers by order of the Court, by the Authority or by the State
Government or by way of any settlement, the Allottee/Lessee shall be bound to pay such
additional amount proportionately as the cost of the land and all the terms and conditions
prevalent at the time of allotment shall be applicable.
xii. Applicable interest rate shall be as per Office Order, Reference No. 43476/GN/office order/
2021-22 dated 09/07/2021. This rate will change as per interest rate revision by GNIDA
from time to time.
1.11 Unsuccessful applicants
i. The Earnest Money of unsuccessful applicants shall be returned to them without
interest. However, if the period of deposit is more than one-year, simple interest @
4% p.a. shall be paid for the period of deposit exceeding 1 (one) year.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
2 Section II: Special Conditions
2.1 Implementation & Extension
2.1.1 Development Norms shall be as per the prevailing Building Regulations/ Byelaws of GNIDA on the
last day of Application /Proposal submission. In case of discrepancy between Building
Byelaws/Regulations and development norms as mentioned in this Scheme document, then
Building Byelaws/Regulations as existing on the last date of Application /Proposal Submission of
GNIDA shall prevail. It is made clear that in case there is any upward revision of FAR/GC/Set Backs
in the building byelaws/regulations after the allotment is made then the same shall not be
available to the Allottee / Lessee except, inter-alia on payment of charges, if at all under the
prevailing policy of Authority.
2.1.2 The Allottee will commence the construction after taking over physical possession of the Industrial
plot as per duly approved building plan and inform in writing to GNIDA about timely completion of
the approved project. The lease deed execution date shall be reckoned as the date of physical
2.1.3 The Allottee will adhere to the schedule of construction and completion of the project as follows
and inform the Authority in writing in the prescribed format:
It will be essential for the allottee to complete the construction and make the unit functional /
completion within the prescribed period from the date of execution of lease deed as mentioned
Sr. No.
Area of plot in sqm
Time for completion/ Functional
Up to 4,000
36 months
4,000 to 20,000
36 months
Above 20,000
60 months
2.1.4 Extension for Completion & Functional: Normally, no extension for completion/functional would be
granted; However, in exceptional circumstances, extension may be granted by the Authority as per
the prevailing policy of GNIDA at the time of submission of extension request letter by the Allottee
and after payment of prescribed fees/charges. The current extension charges applicable for
construction period for reference of the Applicant are as follows:
Time Extension
Rs. Per sq. mtr.
For 1st Year
For 2nd Year
For 3rd Year
Note: Maximum extension for completion given to Allottee shall be upto five (5) years from the date of issue
of lease deed for plots up to 20,000 sq.m. and seven (7) years for plots above 20,000 sq.m.. After this period,
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
the allotment would automatically stand cancelled. All permission of extension and penalties will be
calculated from date of execution of lease deed.
2.2 List of activities permissible on the plot
2.2.1 The list of activities permissible shall be activities as permitted in the zonal regulations and Phase I
Master Plan 2021 of GNIDA, subject to the condition that the activities considered to be a public
nuisance/ hazardous shall not be carried out.
2.3 Development Norms:
2.3.1 The Allottee can do development for as per the prevailing Building Regulations/Byelaws of the
Authority on the last day of Application Submission.
2.4 Permissible Norms.
2.4.1 All the infrastructural services within the plot area only shall have to be provided by the Allottee as
per GNIDA rules.
2.4.2 All clearances/approvals must be obtained by the Allottee from the respective competent
statutory authorities prior to the commencement of the construction work.
2.4.3 Provisions related to the fire safety/water conservation etc. shall be strictly observed and the
necessary approvals shall be obtained from the respective competent statutory Authority(ies).
2.4.4 The Area/ Dimensions of the site are subject to any change/modification as per the actual
measurements at the site.
2.4.5 All other provisions, not specified above, shall be in accordance with the Building Regulations and
directions of Greater Noida Authority and the amendments made there in from time to time.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3 Section III: General terms and conditions
3.1 Execution of Lease Deed
3.1.1 The Allottee will be required to execute the Lease Deed of the plot within 30 days from the date of
issue of check list which shall be issued soon after the acknowledgement of receipt of allotment
letter and payment of the dues in accordance with the payment plan opted by the Allottee. In case
of failure to do so, the allotment of plot may be cancelled and 30% of the premium of the plot &
any charges, interest and any other penalties may be forfeited.
3.1.2 However, in exceptional circumstances, the extension of time for the execution of the Lease Deed
and taking over possession may be permitted as per the prevailing policy of the Authority at the
time of submission of extension request letter by the Allottee and after payment of prescribed
fees/charges. The current prevailing policy of the Authority of is as follows:
First 6 Months
3% of the total original premium of the Plot
Second 6 Months
Additional 1.5% of the total original premium of the Plot
Third 6 Months
Additional 2% of the total original premium of the Plot
Fourth 6 Months
Additional 2.5% of the total original premium of the Plot
After that
Additional .5 % of total original premium of the plot per
month for a maximum of one (1) year. Therefore, the
maximum extension given will be three (3) year. After this
period the allotment would stand cancelled.
Extension of time and applicable penalties/fees/charges shall be calculated from the due
date of execution of lease deed (i.e. 30 days from date of issue of check list).
3.1.3 Documentation charges: All cost and expenses of preparation, stamping and registering of the legal
documents and its copies and all other incidental expenses will be borne by the Allottee, who will
also pay the stamp duty levied on transfer of Immovable property, or any other duty or charge that
may be levied by any Authority empowered in this behalf.
3.1.4 Period of lease: 90 years from the date of execution of Lease Deed.
3.2 Lease Rent
3.2.1 In addition to the premium of plot, the lessee shall have to pay yearly Lease Rent in the manner
given below.
i. The Lease Rent will be 2.5% of the premium of the plot per year for the first 10 year
from the date of execution of the Lease Deed.
ii. After ten years from the date of execution of the Lease Deed, the Lease Rent shall be
automatically increased by @50% and the rate will be applicable for the next ten
years and this process of enhancement will continue for future.
iii. The Lease Rent shall be payable in advance every year. First such payment shall fall
due on the date of execution of Lease Deed and thereafter, every year from the date
of execution of Lease Deed.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
iv. In case of failure to deposit the due Lease Rent by the due date, interest of 3% p.a. in
addition to the prevailing interest rate of GNIDA (10% p.a. as of 9
of January 2024 +
3% penal interest = 13% p.a.) compounded every half yearly for the entire default
period, on the defaulted amount. This rate will change as per interest rate revision by
v. The Allottee/ Lessee has the option to pay one-time Lease Rent equivalent to 11
years Lease Rent (i.e. 11 years @2.5% = 27.5% of the total premium of the plot) as
One Time Lease Rent unless the Authority decided to withdraw this facility. On
payment of one-time Lease Rent, no further annual Lease Rent would be required to
be paid for the balance lease period, this option may be exercised at any time during
the lease period, provided the Allottee has no outstanding lease rent arrears. It is
made clear that Lease Rent already paid will not be considered for adjustment in the
amount payable towards One Time Lease Rent.
3.3 Declaring unit functional
3.3.1 Industrial units will be declared functional after submitting the documents listed below: .
i. Attested copies of PMT/MSME registration/Central Excise/GST Department
Certificate (with date of commencement of production)/ Trade Tax/GST Exemption
Order/Trade Tax/GST Assessment Order.
ii. Copy of the Completion/Occupancy Certificate
iii. Lease deed/transfer sale deed, whichever is applicable, has been executed.
iv. Copy of the electricity Bill of Prescribed category as per tariff order (Bill of
construction power shall not be admissible)
v. No dues certificate from the Authority.
vi. Besides the above, additional documents may also be presented: ESI registration
certificate, PF registration, registration under the Factories Act/telephone bills (to
prove the unit is functional).
vii. The date of commencement of production indicated in PMT/ SSI Registration
Certificate/EM Part-IV Central Excise Dept./GST Certificate/Trade Tax /GST
Assessment Order would be deemed as date of production and extension charges, if
applicable, would be payable only till this date or date of completion certificate
/date of electricity bill in prescribed category whichever is later, even if he has
applied on a later date. .
viii. In the absence of the above documents, in special cases, with the previous approval
of CEO, a committee comprising the Head of industries (Industries), General
Manager (Planning) and General Manager (Projects) will inspect the unit to decide
the date of commencement of the functioning of the unit.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.4 Location charges
3.4.1 Location charges shall be as per prevailing policy of GNIDA. If the plot is
a) Situated within 1 Km of Metro Corridor, then allotment money of the plot shall be enhanced by
b) Located on 45 mtr. or above size roads, provided that the allotment is of size 5 acres and below,
then the allotment money of the plot shall be enhanced by 5% and allotment will not be
permissible below this enhanced price.
3.5 Possession of the plot
3.5.1 Date of execution of Lease Deed shall be considered as the date of possession of the Plot.
3.5.2 Execution of Lease Deed(s) can be done only after a minimum payment of Allotment Money and
one-year Lease Rent, in advance. On the date of execution of the Lease Deed there remains no
outstanding amount payable to the GNIDA whether on account of instalment towards the
premium or any account head whatsoever.
3.6 Variation in actual area of allotted plot
3.6.1 The Area of the plots stated in the Brochure is approximate. The Applicant whose Proposal is
accepted, shall have to accept any variation, up to 10% either way in the area of the plot, for which
the Proposal has been offered. The premium of the plot will accordingly be calculated due to such
variation in the area.
3.6.2 If the variation is more than 10%, on choice offered by GNIDA, the Applicant will have the option to
accept or reject the allotment. If not accepted by the Applicant, GNIDA will return the money
deposited by Applicant without any interest for first 6 months (from exercise of the option by
Applicant and 4% interest after 6 months).
3.7 As is where basis/ Lease period
3.7.1 The plots are offered for allotment on a “as is where is basis” on a lease for a period of 90 years
starting from the date of execution of the lease deed. The Allottee shall be responsible for
appropriate due diligence by visiting the plot before submitting the application. No claim
whatsoever is admissible on account of physical status of the land of the plot offered for
3.8 Surrender
3.8.1 The Allottee can surrender the allotment with an application within 30 days from the date of
allotment. In such case, earnest money deposited will be forfeited in total and the balance, if any,
deposited against the premium of plot, will be refunded without interest.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.8.2 In case the allotment is surrendered after 30 days from the date of allotment, the total deposited
amount or 20% of total premium, whichever is less, will be forfeited and the remaining amount
after adjustment of all dues of authority if any, will be refunded without interest. However, the
amount deposited towards lease rent, interest, penal interest, extension charges etc. shall not be
refundable at any stage.
3.8.3 The date of surrender in the above case shall be the date on which the application for surrender is
received through an application letter. No subsequent claim on the basis of any postal certificate
etc. will be entertained. The Allottee has to execute surrender deed, if Lease Deed/Transfer Deed
has been executed then all the original legal documents are to be surrendered unconditionally to
3.9 Change in Constitution (CIC)
3.9.1 Change in Constitution may be allowed by the GNIDA only as per the prevailing policy of the
Authority at the time of submission of CIC request letter by the Allottee and after payment of
prescribed fees/charges.
3.9.2 In case of change in constitution of the Allottee must submit the application to the Authority within
45 days of implementation of the change. In case the Allottee fails to submit the application within
45 days, penalties may be imposed as per the prevailing policy.
3.10 Change in Shareholding (CIS)
3.10.1 Change in Shareholding may be allowed by the GNIDA only as per the prevailing policy of the
Authority at the time of submission of CIS request letter by the Allottee and after payment of the
prescribed Fees/charges.
3.10.2 In case of change in shareholding of the Allottee must submit the application to the Authority
within 45 days of implementation of the change. In case the Allottee fails to submit the application
within 45 days, penalties may be imposed as per the prevailing policy.
3.11 Transfer of Plot
3.11.1 No transfer of Allotment / leased plot / Lease Deed can take place except with prior written
permission of Lessor/GNIDA.
3.11.2 Normally, no Transfer shall be allowed till Completion Certificate/ Occupancy Certificate and
Functional Certificate for the entire project has been obtained from GNIDA
3.11.3 Thereafter, Transfer of plot may be allowed by the GNIDA, if at all, as per the prevailing policy of
the Authority at the time of submission of transfer request letter (through ERP system or via email
[email protected]n”) by the Allottee and after the following:
i. payment of prescribed fees/charges,
ii. clearance of all up to date dues, and
iii. overdue instalment towards premium of land.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.11.4 In case allowed, the Allottee / lessee expressly agrees that in the event any application for transfer
is made and the Authority grants permission therefor, then the same by itself shall not result in any
extension of time for completion of the project. The approved transferee shall have to complete
the project within the time prescribed by the Lease Deed.
3.11.5 Allottee can transfer the allotted plot for industrial activities/production of the product permitted
to set up in Greater Noida Industrial Development. Area only, and not for any other
product/purposes only after declaration of unit functional by the Authority.
3.11.6 For reference of the Applicant, the current transfer charges are as follows: Transfer charges @5%
of the prevailing rate of allotment in the area, is chargeable for granting permission of transfer.
3.12 Role of GNIDA as per IBC 2016
3.12.1 Under the provisions of IBC (Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code) 2016, GNIDA will be treated a Secure
Financial Creditor and this lease deed shall be a Financial / Capital Lease Deed.
3.12.2 Under the circumstances, where the Lessee/Allottee is declared Bankrupt and the liquidation
process through CIRP (Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process) begins, Lessor will be treated as
Secure Financial Creditor and the dues (including penalties) of the Lessee/Allottee shall be
recovered through this procedure, treating Lessor/GNIDA as a Secure Financial Creditor.
3.12.3 All amounts that are payable by the Lessee/Allottee to the Lessor/GNIDA under the Lease Deed,
whether towards the outstanding premium shall constitute a financial debt within the meaning of
the IBC, 2016 AND the same shall constitute a charge on the leased property within the meaning of
T.P. Act and / or IBC, 2016.
3.12.4 The Lessee/Allottee expressly agrees that till such time all dues payable to the Lessor/GNIDA under
these presents, whether on account of unpaid premium or lease rent or any other account are duly
paid and so acknowledged by the Lessor/GNIDA, the leased premises shall remain a valuable
security in the hands of the Lessor/GNIDA so as to secure due payment under Lease Deed. The
premium and lease rent and all other amounts payable under this lease is deferred payment with
interest and constitute time value of money within the meaning of IBC, 2016. The Lessee/Allottee
agrees that possession of lease land is given, which premium and lease rent remain pending,
therefore, every amount outstanding and or raised by the Lessee/Allottee from its allottees shall
be deemed to be an amount having the same effect as that for commercial borrowing etc. within
the meaning of IBC.
3.12.5 The Lessor/GNIDA shall always have first charge over the leased premise in contrast to every
financial institution or Bank from whom the Lessee/Allottee may borrow funds for completion of
the project on the leased premise or any allottee of the Lessee/Allottee.
3.12.6 The lessee shall be bound to disclose to Allottees/buyers (If applicable), prior to confirmation of
allotment of any unit/built-up space/Industrial space to be constructed or already constructed,
about the outstanding towards the Lessor/GNIDA and that such outstanding constitute a priority
compared to the allottees in the construction or to be constructed flat space.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.13 Maintenance
3.13.1 The Allottee/Lessee at his own expense will take permission for sewerage, electricity and water
connections from the concerned departments of GNIDA or from the competent authority in this
3.13.2 No objection will be entertained on the subject of amount spent on maintenance of the buildings
and the common services, and the decision of GNIDA in this regard shall be final and binding.
3.13.3 The Allottee/Lessee/Sub-Lessee(s) shall take all necessary permissions for sewerage, electricity,
water connections etc. from the respective competent Authorities at his own expenses.
3.13.4 The Allottee/Lessee/Sub-Lessee(s) shall keep the demised premises and buildings; the available
facilities and surroundings a state of good and substantial repairs, safe neat & clean and in
good and healthy sanitary conditions to the satisfaction of the Lessor and to the convenience of
the inhabitants/occupants of the place.
3.13.5 The Allottee/Lessee/Sub-Lessee(s) shall abide by all the regulations, byelaws, directions, and
guidelines of Greater Noida industrial Development Authority framed/issued under the
U.P. Industrial Area Development Act 1976 and Rules made therein, and any other Act and Rules,
from time to time.
3.13.6 In case of non-compliance of these terms of conditions and any other directions of GNIDA, GNIDA
shall have the right to impose such penalty as it may consider just and/or expedient, including
cancellation of allotment as per rules.
3.14 Permission to Mortgage
3.14.1 Permission to mortgage may be allowed by the Lessor as per its prevailing policy, if any, as on the
date of submission of such permission by the Lessee and after payment of prescribed fees /
charges. No Permission to mortgage shall be issued in case of there are outstanding payable to the
GNIDA on the date permission is granted. Permission to Mortgage shall be only issued in the
following conditions:
1. Allottee has paid at least 40% total premium of the plot including due lease rent
(annual/one-time, as applicable).
3.14.2 In the event any Permission to mortgage is issued by the lessor, then this Lessor shall always hold
the first charge and will remain Secured Financial Creditor as per definitions of IBC (Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code), 2016 in contrast of the Bank / Financial Institution or Allottee of flat/built-up
3.14.3 The allottee can apply for collateral mortgage after procuring CC/OC and functional certificate from
GNIDA after payment of charges applicable at the time of application.
3.14.4 After procurement of permission to Mortgage, the plot/ Industrial unit cannot be attached/
auctioned/ sub-leased without the permission of GNIDA. In case it is exercised by any financial
institution without permission it shall be treated as null and void.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.15 Misuse, Additions, Alterations, etc.
3.15.1 The Allottee shall not use the plot for any purpose other than that for which it has been allotted /
leased. The Lessee shall not be entitled to divide the plot or amalgamate it with any other plot
without written permission from GNIDA as per prevailing policy of GNIDA. In case of violation of
the above conditions, allotment shall be liable to be cancelled and possession of the premises
along with structure thereon, if any shall be resumed by the Authority without any payment.
3.15.2 The Lessee/Sub-Lessee will not make any alteration or additions to the said building on the
demised premises, erect or permit to erect any new building on the demised premises without the
prior written permission of the Lessor and in case of any deviation from such terms of plan he/she
shall immediately upon receipt of notice from the Lessor requiring him to do so, correct such
deviations as aforesaid.
3.15.3 If the Lessee/Sub-Lessee fails to correct such deviations within a specified period of time after the
receipt of such notice, then it will be lawful for the Lessor to cause such deviation to be corrected
at the expense of the Lessee/Sub-Lessee who shall bound agrees to reimburse by paying to the
Lessor such amounts as may be determined and demanded by GNIDA in this regard.
3.16 Indemnity
3.16.1 The Lessee shall be wholly and solely responsible for the implementation of the Project and also
for ensuring the quality of development/construction, subsequent Operations and maintenance of
facilities and services, till such time that an alternate agency for such work is identified and legally
appointed by the Lessee. The Lessee shall execute an indemnity bond, indemnifying GNIDA and its
officers and employees against all disputes arising out of
i. The non-completion of work
ii. The quality and validity of development, construction, operations and
iii. Any dispute or claim whatsoever arising out of any accident during construction
or during maintenance or working / functioning or inhabitation of the
constructed building to any guest or sub-lessee.
iv. Any dispute or claim arising out of any allegation of infringement of any
Intellectual Property Rights etc. in the designing etc. of the building to be
constructed by the lessee.
v. Any legal dispute arising out of allotment, lease and/or sub-lease to the final
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.17 Liability to Pay Taxes
3.17.1 The Allottee will be liable to pay all rates, taxes, charges, user fee and assessment of every
description imposed by the lessor or any other Authority empowered in this behalf, in respect of
the plot, whether such charges are imposed on the plot or on the building constructed thereon,
from time to time.
3.18 Overriding Power over Dormant Properties
3.18.1 GNIDA reserves the right to all mines, minerals, coals, washing gold, earth oils, quarries in or under
the plot and full right and power at any time to do all acts and things which may be necessary or
expedient for the purpose of searching for, working and obtaining, removing and enjoying the
same without providing or leaving any vertical support for the surface of the plot(s) or for the
structure time being standing thereon, provided that, the Lessor shall make reasonable
compensation to the Allottee /Lessee for all damages directly occasioned by exercise of the rights
hereby reserved. The decision of the CEO of GNIDA on the amount of such compensation will be
final and binding on the applicant.
3.19 Consequences of misrepresentation
3.19.1 If the allotment is found to be obtained by any misrepresentation, concealment, suppression of
any material facts by the Applicant/ Allottee/ Lessee/ Sub-Lessees, the allotment of plot shall be
cancelled and/ or lease shall be determined, as the case may be. In addition, the entire money
deposited by the Applicant/ Allottee/ Lessee/ Sub-Lessees shall be forfeited and legal action for
such misrepresentation, concealment, suppression of material facts shall also be taken.
3.20 Cancellation of allotment/Lease Deed
3.20.1 Cancellation of Lease Deed shall be as per the prevailing policy of the Authority. The current
prevailing policy for reference of the Applicant is as follows:
3.20.2 In addition to the other specific clauses relating to cancellation/determination, GNIDA, will be free
to exercise its right of cancellation/ termination of the allotment/ the lease of plot in case of the
a) Allotment having been obtained through misrepresentation, by suppression of material facts, false
statement and/or fraud.
b) Any violation of the directions issued or of the rules and regulations framed by GNIDA or by any
other statutory body.
c) In case of default on the part of the Applicant/Allottee/Sub-Lessee(s) or any breach/violation of the
terms and conditions of the Scheme Document, allotment, lease and/or non-deposit of the
allotment amount, instalments or any other dues or not completing the construction or making it
functional within prescribed time
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
3.20.3 If the allotment is cancelled on the grounds mentioned in under sub-clause Clause 3.20.2 (i),above,
the entire deposits till date of cancellation shall be forfeited and possession of the plot shall be
resumed by the Authority/ Lessor with structures thereon, if any and the allotee/ lessee will have
no right to claim any compensation, thereof. Without prejudice to the aforesaid, the Authority
shall also have the liberty to initiate legal action against such allottee/ lessee.
3.20.4 If the allotment is cancelled on the grounds mentioned in Clause 3.20.2 (ii) or Clause 3.20.2 (iii)
above, 30% of the total premium of plot or total premium deposited (whichever is less) shall be
forfeited in favour of GNIDA. Balance amount after recovering the lease rent till date of
cancellation, if any, and after forfeiting the amount as indicated above, will be refunded without
interest and no separate notice shall be given in this regard. However, the amount deposited
towards lease rent, interest, penal interest, extension charges etc. shall not be refundable at any
3.20.5 After cancellation of the plot as stated above, possession of the plot will be resumed by GNIDA,
along with the structure thereupon, if any, and the Applicant/ Allottee/ Lessee/ Sub-Lessees will
have no right to claim any compensation thereon.
a. Restoration
i. GNIDA can exercise cancellation of plots for breach of Terms and Conditions of
Allotment letter /Lease Deed/Transfer Deed. However, CEO of GNIDA can restore
the plots, if at all, as per the prevailing policy of the Authority as the time of
submission of request letter after payment of applicable fees and charges. The
prevailing policy for reference of the Applicant is as follows:
ii. The application of restoration of plots to the CEO, GNIDA shall be made within 60
days from the date of cancellation.
iii. The decision about the restoration application of the plots shall be taken within a
period of 6 months after the date of application for restoration.
iv. The Allottee shall have to pay restoration charges as per prevailing policy of
GNIDA (Presently, @10% of the total premium of the plot at prevailing rate (on
date of acceptance of restoration application).
v. The Allottee will have to make up to date payment of all dues, penalties & interest
etc. as applicable.
vi. The Allottee has to pay time extension charges as per terms of allotment / lease.
vii. The Allottee has to submit Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) of timeline given in
Schedule, which shall be valid for a duration of 3 months more than the Project
Implementation Schedule and the value of PBG will be 10% of the prevailing price
of the plots.
viii. All legal expenses shall be borne by the Allottee.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
ix. The allottee will have to submit the affidavit for the implementation of the
project. The implementation period shall be as mentioned in the data sheet.
x. The cancelled plot is not already allotted to another developer.
xi. In case allotment has been cancelled due to illegal/unauthorized/non-permissible
activities the restoration of the plots shall only be considered on submission of
affidavit undertaking for non-carrying out the illegal/unauthorized/non-
permissible activities in future and closure/removal of illegal/unauthorized/non-
permissible activities.
xii. In case of restoration in prepossession cases, the Allottee shall be required to get
the occupancy/completion certificate as per terms of the Lease Deed. In such
case, they will have to comply with the clause as stated above.
b. Amalgamation/Sub-division
i. No sub-division shall be allowed on the allotted plot. Amalgamation of plots may
be allowed on payment of prescribed fees as per prevailing policy on date of
c. Change/addition of product
i. On submission of the application along with the project report, new product
change/addition of product can be allowed by depositing of any prescribed fees.
ii. Change of products will be allowed only for the products not classified in the
negative list of the Authority.
iii. Permission for the change of products will be granted by the Competent
d. Provision for renting unit
i. No renting permission shall be given by the Greater Noida Authority in the
allotted premises before the unit is formally declared functional by the Greater
Noida Authority. Greater Noida Authority may consider such application as
prevailing policy of the Greater Noida Authority on the date of receipt of such
e. Other Clauses
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
i. The Authority reserves the right to make any amendments, additions, deletions
and alterations in the terms and conditions of allotment, lease, Building
Regulations as it finds expedient and such amendments, addition, deletion and
alterations shall be binding on the Allottee.
ii. If due to unavoidable circumstances/force majeure, the Authority is unable to
allot the plot, the earnest money deposited by applicant would be refunded.
However, in case the period of deposit exceeds one year then the amount shall be
refunded along with simple interest @ 4% per Annum.
iii. In case of any dispute in the interpretation of any word or terms and conditions of
the allotment / Lease, the decision of the CEO of GNIDA shall be final and binding
on the Allottee / Lessee and his / her / their successor.
iv. In case there is any change of reserve price of allotment from any order of
honourable High Court/Supreme Court or Government/Board of Uttar Pradesh,
the Allottee/ Lessee and his / her / their successor shall be responsible to bear the
additional cost. The decision shall be final and binding on the Allottee/ Lessee and
his / her / their successor.
v. GNIDA will monitor the implementation of the project. Applicants who do not
have a firm commitment to implement the project within the time limits
prescribed are advised not to avail the allotment.
vi. The Lessee and his / her / their successors shall abide by the provisions of the U.P.
Industrial Area Development Act 1976 (U.P. Act No. 6 of 1976), and such rules,
regulations or directions as are issued there under from time to time.
vii. Any dispute between the Lessor and Lessee / Sub-Lessee shall be subject to the
territorial jurisdiction of Civil Courts at Gautam Budh Nagar or the High Court at
Allahabad (Prayagraj).
viii. The allotment will be accepted by the Allottee on “As is where is basis”. The
Allottee is advised to visit the site before applying. No claim whatsoever shall be
entertained by the Authority in regard to the situation, location of physical status
of the demised plot.
ix. Provisions related to the fire safety, environmental clearance, NGT directives hall
be observed by the Allottee. Necessary approvals shall be obtained from the
competent authority by the Allottee. Non-receipt or any delay as receipt of such
approvals shall not be a ground to claim extension in time schedule of the
implementation of project, either with or without charges.
x. In case an existing link road comes anywhere in the plot area, it shall be managed
by the Allottee /Lessee till an alternate arrangement is made by GNIDA.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
xi. All arrears towards premium, lease rent or any other dues payable to the
Authority shall constitute a charge (within the meaning of the T.P. Act) on the
leased plot and dues shall be recovered as arrears of land revenue.
xii. The Lessee/ sub-Lessee(s) shall not be allowed to assign or change his role,
otherwise the Lease may be cancelled, and entire money deposited shall be
xiii. GNIDA in larger public interest has the right to take back the possession of the
land/ building by making payment at the prevailing rate after giving the
Allottee/Lessee an opportunity of being heard. However, the decision of the CEO
of GNIDA shall be final and binding on the Allottee/Lessee, its sub-allottees /
xiv. The Allottee / Lessee shall have to make sufficient provision of parking in the plot
itself. Parking on the road will not be permitted. Any breach in this regard shall
constitute breach of the terms of the Lease Deed.
xv. The Lessee / its allottee / sub-Lessee shall follow all the rules and regulations of
RERA (if applicable) and the Rules, Regulations and Directions of Building Bye Laws
of the Lessor.
xvi. All other conditions of the Scheme Brochure shall be applicable to the Allottee,
Lessee & sub-lessee.
xvii. The Allotee/Lessee shall follow all the rules, regulation and guidelines w.r.t. Solid
Waste Management / Environment protection Act and other applicable laws
xviii. As per prevailing Sector Wise Rate List on the last date of Proposal Submission.
Prevailing policy of the Authority attached as Section V: Annexure, Land Rates
xix. All other conditions of the Scheme Brochure shall be applicable to the Allottee,
Lessee & Sub-lessee.
xx. In case of any differences or inconsistency between conditions as occurring in this
Lease Deed and Scheme Brochure, then the conditions of the Lease Deed shall
override and shall be binding on the Lessees, its allottees / sub-lessees.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4 Annexure 1: Forms
4.1 Application form
Form Sr. No. ______
The Chief Executive Officer,
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
Plot no 1, Knowledge Park-IV,
Greater Noida City-201308
Dear Sir / Madam,
We hereby submit our application form for allotment of ____________ (insert the type of plot to be allotted)
plot to establish ______________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________ on an area of
We hereby agree to pay allotment money / installments / Lease Rent etc. as per payment plan and
Rates/premium of allotment hereinafter mentioned in the Data Sheet and General Terms and Conditions.
We are enclosing herewith the following documents:
a) Online payment receipt No. _______________ dated _____________ for Rs. __________ towards
the registration money (10% of total premium).
b) Payment Plan (One time/ instalment), please specify ________________
c) Online payment receipt No. ____________________ dt. _____________ for Rs. 60,180 (including
GST) towards non-refundable / non-adjustable processing fees.
d) Board Resolution / Certificate of authorization in favour of Shri / Smt. ____________________
___________________________ S/o / D/o , W/o ________________
___________________________ ___________ as (status) ______________ which is on behalf of the
applicant /Proprietorship / Company / Pvt. Ltd. / Partnership firm i.e. M/s
_____________________________________________ constituted under
___________________________________ Act of
_____________________________________________________ Government of India / State
Government i.e. _______________________.
e) Terms and conditions of the above registration duly signed as a token of acceptance of the terms
and conditions of the allotment of Industrial land.
f) The following documents duly signed by applicant and certified by C.A. are also enclosed.
photograph of
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
Enclosed “Yes” not
Enclosed “No”
Form 1: Application Form
Form 2: Turnover Certificate
UDIN bearing CA certificate based on last three audited financial
Form 3: Net worth Certificate.
UDIN bearing CA certificate based on last three audited financial
Form 4: Liquidity certificate on Banker’s letterhead
Form 5: Affidavit (Self Declaration)
Form 6: Format of Affidavit
Form 7: Statement of Shareholders
Form 8: Indemnity Bond
Form 9: Brief Information about the project.
Form No. 10: Format for Affidavit (Non-Defaulter Declaration)
g) Payment Option: ____________ (1 or 2)
Date ____________________
Address of Applicant __________________________
Phone __________________
Fax _________________
Email ______________________________________
Signature of Authorized signatory
Stamp of Applicant with name & designation
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.2 Form No. 2: Turnover Certificate
Name of Applicant -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Description -Turnover of
the Applicant as per the
last audited annual
(as per audited
balance sheet)
(as per
(as per
Name of Applicant
Signature of Authorized signatory
Stamp of applicant with name
And Status
Certificate of the Chartered Accountant/Statutory Auditor
Based on Audited Accounts and other relevant documents, we M/s ……………………
...........................………………….., Chartered Accountants/Statutory Auditors, certify that the above
information is correct.
Signature & Seal of Statutory
Auditors / Chartered Accountant
Membership No.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.3 Form No. 3: Net Worth Certificate
Description- Net worth as on 31.3.2023
of the Applicant as per audited annual
Amount in crore
Name of Applicant
Signature of Authorized signatory
Stamp of applicant with name
And Status
Certificate of the Chartered Accountant/Statutory Auditor
Based on Audited Accounts and other relevant documents, we M/s
……………………........................................ ................................................................................................,
Chartered Accountants/Statutory Auditors, for the applicant having Net worth
Rs......................................certify that the above information is correct.
Signature & Seal of Statutory
Auditors / Chartered Accountant
Membership No.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.4 Form No. 4: Liquidity Certificate
This is to certify that M/s _________________________________ ______________maintaining
Current Account / Saving Bank Account / FDR / Other Deposit Account Nos
____________________________ ___________________________________ with us, having
Liquidity of not less than of Rs. __________________ as on ________________.
Name of Officer with designation
(With rubber stamp)
Note: Separate certificate for company / firm / society / trust / everyone to be submitted. Liquidity
Certificate should not be more than 6 months old from the date of submission of application.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.5 Form No. 5: Format for affidavit (Self Declaration)
(To be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- duly attested by notary public, by the sole
Applicant or by Each Member/Partner/Shareholder)
I ..............................S/O..........................aged about ......... years .......................................................proprietor
/ owner / director / partner / authorized signatory of ........................................................................................
............. r/ hereby solemnly affirm and state as
That I am the proprietor/owner/director/partner/authorized signatory of.......................................................,
and competent to swear and submit the following: -
1. That the unit product does not fall under polluting categories.
2. That the Company/Firm will get NOC from U.P. Pollution Control Board and SSI Certificate from
concerned Department of U.P. Govt.
3. That the deponent is aware of the fact and law of the Authority that it is mandatory to submit the
above documents to the Authority before the execution of the Lease Deed and if the Deponent fails
to submit the above documents, he will be bound to follow the instructions/punishment as imposed
by the Authority.
4. That the Deponent is also known about the fact that non submission of the above documents may
also lead to cancellation of his candidature/allotment of the land for which he has applied.
5. That the Deponent assures and declare that in case of violation of above directions, GNIDA will be
free to take any decision as it deem fit and appropriate.
I......................................., the deponent swears and declare that para 1 to 5 of the above affidavit are
true and correct to my best of knowledge and no part of it is false or concealed.
Date ………………………..
Place ………………………..
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.6 Form No. 6: Format for affidavit
(To be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- duly attested by notary public, by the
Ref.: Application of __________ (insert the type of plot to be allotted) Plot in Greater Noida
Industrial Development Authority Area.
1. I certify that all the statements made in our application, including in various Annexures & Formats,
are true and correct, and nothing has been concealed.
2. I further certify that neither our Company, [Your Company Name], nor any of its directors
/constituent partners have been debarred by the Government of Uttar Pradesh, or any other State
Government, or the Government of India, or their agencies for any work or for submitting
applications for any project.
3. I undertake to submit the hard copies of the proposal documents for this Industry scheme through
the online portal as per the stipulated terms and conditions. The hard copies of the proposal
documents shall be submitted at Dispatch, addressed to OSD Industries, on or before 5:00 pm of the
day after the last date of proposal submission.
4. The hard copies submitted offline shall be sealed securely, and I take complete responsibility to
ensure that there are no discrepancies between the documents submitted online and the
documents submitted offline. Both sets of documents shall be identical.
5. I acknowledge that submitting hard copies is an additional requirement. In the event of any
discrepancies between the hard and soft copies, the soft copies uploaded on the portal shall take
precedence and I understand that no exceptions shall be entertained in this regard.
6. Based on the documents submitted, my score based on Objective criteria set out in this scheme
document shall be as follows:
S. No.
Pg. no. of document
substantiating the
credential claimed
If the proposed industrial activity falls within the definition of Sun rise
sector or Focus sector
FDI up to more than 50%
FDI 20% to 50%
FDI 5% to 19%
FDI 0% TO 4%
Export up to 75% of total production
Export up to 50% of total production
More than 400 employees
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
S. No.
Pg. no. of document
substantiating the
credential claimed
More than 200 employees
If the proposed industry is ancillary unit of an existing industry or
expansion of an existing industry, or diversification of existing industry.
An applicant who claims to run an existing industry, must fulfil the
following conditions:
i) The existing industry must be a profit-making unit for the last
three years immediately preceding the date of application.
ii) The existing industry must be running at minimum of 70%
installed capacity.
iii) Copy of utility bills including electricity bill of the existing industry
must be submitted by the applicant.
iv) The existing industrial plot or any part of plot or facility must not
be given on rent.
v) The applicant shall submit certificate from its statutory auditor
certifying the turnover and net profit for the last three years
immediately preceding the date of application. The auditor will
certify that turnover matches with the GST returns.
vi) If the promoters of an existing industry propose to apply for
industrial plot, then they may use the credentials of their existing
industry provided that the promoters in existing industry and
proposed industry will remain the same and shall not dilute their
shareholding/ownership before the unit becomes functional.
If the proposed industry is a start-up or incubator
200- 500 Crores
100 200 Crores
50-100 Crores
Up to 50 Crores
Net worth more than 30% of the proposed Investment in the DPR
Net worth more than 25% of the proposed Investment in the DPR
Net worth more than 20% of the proposed Investment in the DPR
Liquidity more than 20% of proposed Investment in the DPR
Liquidity more than 15% of proposed Investment in the DPR
Liquidity more than 10% of proposed Investment in the DPR
100% of the Investment as per DPR
75% of the Investment as per DPR
7. The evaluation committee will conduct an independent assessment of each of the ten criteria, cross-
referencing the page numbers of the supporting documents mentioned. The scores determined by
the committee shall be deemed final and binding on the applicant.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
8. I hereby authorize and request any bank, person, firm, or corporation to furnish pertinent
information deemed necessary and requested by Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
(GNIDA) to verify this statement or regarding my (our) competence and general reputation.
9. I understand that any false statement in this affidavit and certification may lead to be construed as
misrepresentation and subsequent rejection of our application/ proposal.
Signature of Authorized signatory
Stamp of applicant with name
And Status/ designation
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.7 Form 7: Statement of Shareholders
Name of Shareholders {All shareholders with
shareholding more than 5%}
Percent Shareholding
(Note: Add as many rows as required}
Signature of Authorized signatory
Stamp of applicant with name and
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.8 Form 8: Indemnity Bond
(on Rs 100/- stamp paper duly notarized)
Ref: Application of Industrial Plot in Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I’m fully aware that if the allotted plot is not made functional
within the stipulated time as mentioned in the brochure, the plot shall be deemed to be cancelled and
possession of the plot shall vest with the Authority in accordance to the UP Industrial Area Development
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 dated 28.07.2020
Signature of Authorized signatory
Stamp of applicant with Name And Status/designation
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.9 Form 9: Brief Information about the project.
Applied Area (In Sq. Meters)
Name of Proposed Project
Total cost of the project ( Crores)
Funding from own sources ( lacs)
(Amount and nature of sources)
Funding from other sources ( lacs)
(Amount and nature of sources)
Likely expected date of start of production
Likely Employment generation
Power required
Capacity in which application is made
(individual/non individual/company etc.)
Product process flow chart
Attach as an annexure to the DPR
Signatures of the Authorised Signatory
and stamp of the Applicant with name/ status/designation
(Certified by C.A.)
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.10 Form No. 10: Format for Affidavit (Non-Defaulter Declaration)
(To be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- duly attested by notary public, by the Applicant)
Ref.: Application of __________ (insert the type of plot to be allotted) Plot in Greater Noida
Industrial Development Authority Area.
1. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that our Company/_________ M/s ____________ nor any of its
director/constituent partners are defaulter’s or are part of defaulter’s list of GNIDA (For all land
uses) on the last date of Application / Proposal Submission.
Signature of Authorized signatory
Stamp of applicant with name
And Status/ designation
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.11 Annexure A: Permitted Industries
The following is the list of industry which may be permitted in industrial area developed by
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
Name of Industry
Agarbatti and Similar Products
Agriculture appliances and
Agriculture equipment
Air conditioner(s)& its parts
Aluminum doors /windows /
fittings / furniture
Aluminum-wares, moulds of
cakes and pastry
Assembly and repair of cycles
Assembly and repairs of
electrical gadgets
Assembly and repair of sewing
Atta chakki and spices and dal
Attache, Suitcases Brief cases
& bags
Auto Parts
Auto Mobile service/repair
Workshop only on plot area of
400 sq. mtr. & above
Batik works
Battery charging
Belts and buckles
Biscuit, pappy, cakes, &
cookies making
Block making and photo
Brass fitting
Bread & Bakeries
Brushes & Brooms
Builder hardware
Bulbs (battery)
Buttons clips & hooks
Button making, fixing of
buttons & hooks
Calico and Textile products
Candies, Sweets, Rasmalai etc.
Name of Industry
Cane and Bamboo products
Canvas Bags & Hold-all
Cardboard Boxes
Terrazzo tiles, paving, jallies of
Assembly of Centrifugal pumps
& small turbines
Citrus fruit concentrate
Clay modeling
Cold storage & refrigeration
Collapsible gates railing & grill
Conduit pipes
Confectionery candies and
Copper and brass Art wares
Copper Metal parts
Copperware and utensils
Cordage, rope and twine
Cotton and silkscreen printing
Cotton ginning
Cotton/silk Printing (By Hand)
Cycle chain
Cycle locks
Dal milling
Data Processing Centers
Decorative goods
Dehydrated vegetables
Diamond cutting and polishing
Dyes for plastic mouldings
Door shutters and windows
Drugs and Medicines
Dyeing, bleaching, finishing
processing cloth
Elastic products
Electric fans
Electric fittings (switch, plug,
pin etc.)
Electric lamp shades, fixtures
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
Name of Industry
Electric Motor and parts
Electric Press assembling
Electric appliances (room
heaters, lamps etc.)
Electrical motors,
transformers and generators
Electronic goods
Enamel ware
Engineering works
Expanded metals
Fabrication (like trusses and
Firefighting equipment
Flour mills
Fluorescent light fitting
(including neon signs)
Fountain pen, Ball pen and felt
Framing of pictures and
Fruit canning
Glass work (assembly type)
Gold and Silver Thread
Grading, waxing and polishing
of fruits
Only Blending/Repacking of
Grease & Oils
Hand Press
Hats, caps turbans including
Hinges and Hardware
Household/kitchen appliances
Hydraulic Press
Ice boxes and body of the
Labels/ Stickers
Information Technology/ IT
Enabled Industries
Industrial fasteners
Ink making for fountain pens
Interlocking & buttoning
Ivory Carving
Name of Industry
Jewelry items
Juicer (only assembly)
Jute products
Key rings
Khadi and Handlooms Products
Knife making
Laboratory porcelain, dental
porcelain work
Kulfi and confectionery
Lace work and like
Lamps and burners
Lantern. Torches and flash lights
Lathe machines
Laundry & dry-cleaning
Leather and raxine made ups.
Leather footwear
Leather Upholstery and other
leather goods
Manufacturing of trunks and
metal Boxes
Marble stone items
Metal containers
Metal letter cutting
Metal polishing
Milk creams separators and
Milk testing equipment
Milling of pulses
Miscellaneous machines parts
Motor winding works
Musical instruments (including
Name plate making
Nuts/Bolts/Pulleys/Chains and
gears Oil Stoves, Pressure Lamps
and Accessories
Optical instruments
Ornamental leather goods like
purses, handbags
P.V.C. Compound
P.V.C. Products
Padlock and pressed locks
Formulation only of paints &
Pan Masala
Paper products
Paper cutting machine
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
Name of Industry
Paper making machine
Paper stationery items and book
Totally mechanized and
automatic unit for pasteurized
milk and its products
Perfumery and cosmetics
Photo Type Setting
Photographs, Printing (including
signboard painting)
Photostat and cyclostyling
Pickles, Chutneys and Murabba
Pith hat, garlands of flowers and
Plastic products
Polish work
Polishing of plastic parts
Polythene bags
Precision instruments of all kinds
Preparation of Vadi & Papad etc.
Pressure cookers
Printing, book binding embossing
and photographs etc.
Processed fruit and vegetables
Processing of condiments, spices,
groundnuts, and dal etc.
Rakhee making
Rail coupling parts
Readymade Garments
Repairs of small domestic
appliances and gadgets (like
room heater, room coolers, hot
plates, lamps etc.)
Repair of watches and clocks
Rings and eyelets
Rolling shutters
Rubber products from mixed
Rubber stamps
Safety pins
Sanitary goods machining &
Saree fall making
Scissors making
Screen printing
Screw & nails
Software, Hardware &
Name of Industry
Peripherals of Computer
Sheet metal works
Shoe making and repairing
Shoe laces
Silver foil making
Small electronic components
Small Machine & Machine tools
Spectacles optical frames
Spice grinding
Sports goods
Sprayers (hand and foot)
Stamp pads
Stapler pins
Stationery items (including
educational and school drawing
Steel Almirahs
Steel Furniture
Steel Lockers
Steel wire drawings
Steel wire products
Stone engraving
Stove pipe, safety pins and
aluminum buttons (by hand
Structural steel fabrications
Surgical bandage rolling and
Surgical goods
Surgical instruments and
T.V. Radio cassette, recorders
T.V./ Radio/transistor cabinets
Table lamps and shades
Tomato ketchup & vegetable
Containers lids
Tarpaulin & Tents including
repairs (no processing &
Telephone and its parts
Thread balls and cotton fillings
Tin box making
Tractor parts
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
Name of Industry
Transformer covers
Typewriter parts manufacturing
and assembling
Tyre retreading with cold process
Umbrella assembly
Upholstery springs and other
springs (no heat treatment)
Assembly of vacuum flasks
Velvet embroidered
Veneer of plywood
Vermicelli and macaroni
Vinegar and juice
Watches and clocks parts
Water meters
Water meters repairing
Water Tanks
Wax polishing
Weaning food
Welding works
Name of Industry
Wire drawing coating and electric
Wire knitting
Wire netting
Wood carving and decorative
wood wares
Wooden/cardboard jewelry
Wool balling and lachee making
Wool knitting (with machine)
Writing and marking ink
X-ray machines
Zari Zardozi
Zip fasteners
ITES-BPO/Call centers etc.
Audio-Video Studio, Film Studio,
Film Production, Setting up T.V.
Studio, Up linking facilities,
Broadcasting, Editing, Sound &
Visual Lab, Sound Transfer &
Kindly note that the above list of 242 permitted industries is indicative and is subject to size
of plot and applicable planning norms as per GNIDA bye laws and any relevant notification.
The following project/operation/process shall not be permitted in Greater Noida Industrial
Development Authority
1. Smelter Process
2. Distillery
3. Dyes and dyes intermediates
4. Foundries, Coupala, Arc
Furnace, Induction Furnace &
other furnaces
5. Tannery
6. Pulp & Paper
7. Bone
8. Stone Crushing
9. Nitric Acid
10. Asbestos Manufacturing
11. Cement Plant
12. Caustic Soda
13. Sulfuric Acid
14. Fertilizers
15. Oil Refinery / Petroleum
16. Pesticides Industries
17. Basic Drugs
18. Petrochemicals
19. Synthetic rubber
20. Calcium carbide
21. Coke oven
22. Composite Woolen Mills
23. Inorganic Chemicals
24. Starch and Glucose
25. Toxic Organic Chemicals
26. Industries based on water as
major raw material.
27. Any other polluting, hazardous,
obnoxious project or/and where
water is major/ substantial raw
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
The following projects may be permitted independently also on restrictive basis in all sectors of
Industrial Area
1. Dying and Bleaching
2. Paint and Adhesives
3. Electroplating/pickling/power coating/Galvanizing as intermediate Process.
4. Paints/Pesticides/Drugs formulation
5. Marble Polishing & Stone cutting
While submitting project report along with the application, applicants may apply for a different project
other than this list, provided the project has been cleared in Green Category issued by Uttar Pradesh
Pollution Control Board. Chief Executive Officer, GNIDA shall be the final authority to grant permission for
such project after due consideration.
However any of the above Unit would only be made functional subject to:-
a) Prior permission for the specific industry is obtained in writing from the GNIDA Authority.
b) Unit would comply with all the state/ central Govt. Statutory requirement, as applicable to
permitted unit.
c) The unit would obtain the NOC consent from the UP-Pollution Control Board. The main plant of the
unit would only function when the mandatory pollution control plant and equipment’s are totally
fully in operation.
d) The unit would ensure suitable arrangement for disposal of liquid and gaseous effluents/wastes and
also ensure disposal of solid industrial wastes at its risk, cost and responsibility as per governmental
e) The unit would not undertake any storage/handling of material(s) / consumable(s) / intermediate /
finished products).
f) There would be no activity in the unit, which is cause/source of nuisance to the neighbors and/or
general public and or is detrimental/prejudice to public interests/environment.
g) The noise level emanating from the industry/unit would not exceed the limit fixed as per norms.
h) No activity other than industrial activity shall be allowed in the industrial premises in the entire
industrial area in GNIDA.
i) The 209* projects listed in the G.O. No. 2164/37/AMR/97 dated 3-6-97 issued by UP Pollution
Control Board and IT and IT enables services projects will be allowed to be set up in industrial areas
of GNIDA. No prior permission of GNIDA Authority will be required for change of project to the
projects listed in the above mentioned G.O. The allottees will only be required to inform the
Authority about the change in the project, the allotee will be intimated within 30 days from the date
of receipt of such intimation.
Scheme for Allotment of Industrial Plots in Greater Noida 2024
4.12 Annexure B
Land Rates 2023-24